ninfamusa · 6 months
La llegada del tren (1895) es una de las primeras películas de la historia que cuenta, además, con dos de las primeras técnicas cinematográficas efectistas de la historia: la profundidad de campo y el plano fijo. Precisamente por tratarse de una cinta pionera perteneciente a la época del precine, se trata de un metraje mudo, es decir, carente de sonido. La leyenda popular afirma que el público se apartaba asustado durante la proyección del film, por miedo a ser arrollado por el tren a su llegada. Si te gusta el turismo de cine, la animada escena fue rodada en la estación de la villa portuaria provenza La Ciotat, situada en la localidad francesa de Bocas del Ródano (Bouches-du-Rhône). Puedes pasarte por allí durante tus vacaciones. Estas imágenes son una versión restaurada y de calidad mejorada de la obra original tomada mediante el aparato cinematógrafo original.
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fidel-araujo · 2 years
“La Herencia Maldita.”
Fidel Alberto Araujo Rojas Elias.
Nace el hombre y al nacer,
marcada en su alma lleva,
la infamia que le condena,
hasta el momento de perecer.
Al conocer su destierro,
de un paraiso muy bello,
se le ha colmado el pecho,
de rencor hacia el Eterno.
Es muy triste el comprender,
que al labrar su destino,
encontrara en su camino,
el veneno del placer.
Y es que en su alma habita,
como un iman poderoso,
un afάn vil y morboso,
que a su cuerpo lo domina.
Y en el vagar de la vida,
encontraras sin sabores,
que le causaran dolores,
y que ademas lo castigan.
Labra el hombre asi la tierra,
para tomar de si el vino,
pues el vivir le es martirio,
porque su cuerpo se enferma.
Desenfrenada carrera,
por alcanzar una meta,
que aunque paresca incierta,
lo obseciona y lo envenena.
En el intento infractuoso,
de su andar por el planeta,
y en la labor que se empeña,
lo conlleva hacia una Guerra.
Nace el hombre y al nacer,
cultiva en su alma un peso,
que lo priva del derecho,
del derecho a florecer.
No percibe en su amargura,
la razón de su agonia,
ni quiere saber que un dia,
se le aclararan sus dudas.
Es tristeza y melancolia,
llevar esa marca inmunda,
que le acortara la vida,
aunque no fuė suya la culpa.
Crece el hombre ya sin fe,
no escuchó la voz de Dios,
a la ciencia se entrego,
y a creer en lo que ve.
Se precine ante su dios,
escultura de madera,
quien no le borra las penas,
sino que le va peor.
No atiende al lamento,
que en su pobre alma se agita,
se caso con la mentira,
ahogando su sentimientos.
Es la ciencia su patrón,
le enseño Filosofia,
espiritismo y Psicologia,
le dominan la razón.
Lleno su alforja de inventos,
multiplicando sus dioses,
ni al Diablo mismo conoce,
pero le ha creido sus cuentos.
Nace el hombre y en su desdėn,
se ha crecido grandemente,
a lo divino no atiende,
logró el don del poder.
De Dios no quiere saber,
pues ya probó con su esfuerzo,
que todo lleva un proceso,
y que un dios nacio en el.
Pero no ha podido ver,
la profundidad del abismo,
que le tendio su enemigo,
en el que  empezó a caer.
Se considero muy sabio,
y va a poner a prueba,
un invento que conlleva,
Llegar hasta el espacio,
Rompio la capa de Ozono,
y la tierra se calienta,
y ahora se ha dado cuenta,
se le esta quemando el lomo.
Al fin ha tocado fondo,
quedo desnudo y vacio,
su ciencia no le ha servido,
para mantenerse vivo.
tras el velo de la muerte,
se ha marchitado su cuerpo,
y se fue volviendo  viejo,
ya nada pudó hacerse.
Mirar al cielo es preciso,
de abajo no cae nada,
los rayos caen de arriba,
y el precavido se salva.
Si existe Dios ó no existe,
tu lo sabras en el mañana,
mejor estar bien seguro,
antes que venga la espada.
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thedreadpiratejames · 2 years
and, of course, he's a republican
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mirincondeventas · 5 years
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La marca Exin inició en los años 80 a much@s niñ@s en el Cine como ya lo había hecho antes CineNic o como también lo hizo Bianchi. El crecimiento de este sector procuró que otras marcas como Pactra ofrecieran también su alternativa. Si eres fan de los juguetes de cine, y aún te falta en la colección el Tele Cassete de Pactra, aprovecha la ocasión. Encontrarás esta joya y muchas cosas más en #MiRincónDeVentas 😉 https://tinyurl.com/TelePactra https://tinyurl.com/MiRinconWallapop https://tinyurl.com/MiRinconTodocoleccion #EnVenta #OnSale #WeShipWorldwide #80s #Ochentas #eigthies #Vintage #Retro #toystagram #80saesthetic #JugueteAntiguo #Cine #PreCine #Pactra #SilvestreCat #GatoSilvestre #Cinema #iloveCinema #VintageToys #Collectible #Pickers #Coleccionable #CinemaToys #Exin #CineExin #CineNic #Bianchi #ToyHunters #NibToy Si quieres más detalles pregunta sin compromiso. WhatsApp +34-693802950 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1vvO71CxwD/?igshid=bmogk082iffw
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masterrobyd67roma · 7 years
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Precine My electric Zoetrope :-)
CineGifs -Precine-->>>
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Proiettore 16mm-->>
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scorpiasuggestions · 5 years
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Rafael opened the door slowly, and sighed deeply. The house was already dark, as it had been lately on account of his coming home deep into the night. This case was heavy, as his work usually was, and he tried his best to leave it in the office. However, that meant he was in his office longer than he should’ve. Not bringing work home with him was his condition, but he missed her. She was either at work or asleep when he finally made it back. This was draining.
Rafael left his dinner in the fridge, not hungry. He opened their bedroom door and found her asleep, hugging his pillow. A small smile spread across his face, and he got ready for bed as quietly as he could. 
“Rafi?” Her small, sleepy voice called to him. The bed weighed down from where he crawled to her and he planted a kiss on her cheek.
“I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep.” His voice was gentle and almost lulled her back to sleep, but she fought it. Her hands reached up to cup his face and she kissed him. 
“Not until you come to bed with me.”
"I’m right here.” She wiggled over and Rafael got into bed. Immediately, he took her in his arms and she rested her head on his chest. “Warm enough?” He felt her fuzzy socks, sweats, and sweater. She shook her head.
“You’re gonna have to keep me warm.” She was already dozing off again. Rafael kissed her forehead, and held her close. “Tell me about your day?”
“You know I don’t like bringing home work with me.”
“I wanna hear about your day, not the case.” She kissed his chin and found stubble. It must be a heavy case if he wasn’t shaving.
“I woke up, admired you while you got ready for you shift in the hospital. You were wearing those cute scrubs.”
“Rafi, you. Not me.” Her voice was getting softer. She was drifting off.
“I went to work. Worked until lunch. Carmen got me those tacos at that place you know. God, Sonny came and wanted some.”
“And you shared, right?” She opened an eye, and Raf smiled down at her. “Right?”
“Yeah, I got him his, don’t worry. We had a good lunch, talked about guy stuff.”
“Guy stuff? Sounds serious.” She teased. “About girls and such? Did I make an appearance?”
“Yes, babe, we talked about you all day. Then we braided each other’s hair and did face masks.”
“One time.” She laughed. “I made you do it once, and don’t pretend you didn’t like it.”
“I loved it.” 
“Then what happened?”
��He chuckled. “Then Sonny took us to the precinent. We did case work, then I came home and saw the most beautiful woman laying in bed. I admired her, thinking about how lucky I was to have her in my life. Then I got into bed with her and cuddled because she’s such a weirdo and is always cold. But I guess that makes her lucky since I’m so hot-” Her breathing was shallow, her body was relaxed. Tangled around him, Rafael got comfortable and just watched her a moment longer before joining her in sleep.
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wertdifferenz · 5 years
2/23 TV Show of choice (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Honestly? Keith should have known that Lance would go all out.
When it comes to catching criminals, bets, and claiming his win, Lance tends to summon up more energy than a field of solar panels and a bunch of kids on a birthday party together. He tends to think like a kid as well, so that‘s that.
Keith didn‘t know why he expected Lance‘s proclaimed „worst date ever“ to go any different than this.
It started in the afternoon when Lance gave Keith his outfit for the night, a fire red suit with matching bow tie and a baby blue scrunchy to tie his hair in a pony tail. Meeting point was the precincts usual bar of course, and since it‘s a Friday, almost every person Keith knows was there.
Lance made his big entrance with a mariachi band and a white rose that he stuck on Keith‘s suit, greeting the rest of the precinct with his usual stupid grin before whisking Keith away in a black limo that brought them to their first stop: a cuban restaurant.
From the look of it the owners of the restaurant were in the plan as well, because they didn‘t mention Keith‘s bright red suit or the baby blue suit Lance choose for himself, and served them without any problem. Only when Lance tried to order the check and got waved off instead, Keith noticed the bright blue eyes from almost every worker in this restaurant, the same color his ‚date‘ has.
Back in the limo Lance revealed that this was his parents restaurant, and that he promised them to show them the result of the bet if he won. To say that Keith was annoyed that not only the whole precinct, but Lance‘s family saw him in this stupid get up as well is an understatement.
With his typical frown Keith even endured the next part of the date. Lance brought them to a club that was packed with old people slow dancing together. Of course, Lance even knew people in this place, greeting half of the dancers and a few, less older people at the bar with enthusiasm, and introducing Keith to almost all of them as well.
When Lance pulled him onto the dance floor to slow dance to some Elvis Presley song, Keith couldn‘t help himself but ask.
„How do you know all those people here?“
Lance laughed quietly, his eyes roaming over the dance floor. „My abuela loves this place, and since my abuelo died, I‘m the one taking her dancing every week.“
This was… actually pretty cute, if you ask Keith. He knew already that Lance loves his family even more than catching criminals or winning bets against Keith, but to learn that Lance would go out his way to take his grandmother out to dance every week sparks a few, small bubbly feelings in his chest.
He tries to ignore them, tries to keep on frowning, but when the song shifts to something latino and Lance spins them over the dance floor with loud laughs and sparkling eyes, Keith can‘t help but smile as well. Suit or not, and humiliation or not, this is actually a little bit fun.
Keith is almost disappointed when they get a call from Captain Shiro about a lead from a case Keith and Lance are working on together.
„Aw man,“ Lance pouts all the way back to the precinct, fancy limo switched for Lance‘s old Toyota, „too bad that we have to work. I still had some plants for tonight.“
„There was more?“ Keith asks incredulously.
Lance grins slyly, his eyes moving between Keith and the road. „Not much really, just watching the fireworks with some cheap booze and stale chips.“
„Stale chips?“ Keith asks instead of ‚fireworks‘, because that would have been pretty fucking nice as well. He tries to concentrate on the stupid part of this ‚date‘ instead, which will be over anyway as soon as they reach the precinct.
Lance grabs a bag from the corner store near the precinct from his back seat and holds it out for Keith. Inside are two open and very stale bags of chips and the cheapest, warm beer of Brooklyn, as well as a receipts dated to last week.
„You are a horrible person,“ Keith says with a frown, enjoying the way Lance snorts amused before they pull in on the precincts parking lot.
Turns out that Captain Shiro and the night shift guys are the only people in the office, and since no one is familiar with their case, it‘s up to Lance and Keith to do some nighttime-observations on the rooftop near a popular underground bar.
Shiro doesn‘t even let them get changed, so after grabbing their badges, guns and some equipment for the observation, they are off to the next stop.
„Who would have thought,“ Lance starts after they set up their little observation camp right at the edge of the rooftop, „that our worst-ever-date night would end like this, huh?“
Keith shrugs and takes the binoculars from Lance‘s hand, ignoring the bag of stale chips Lance insisted to take with them. „Honestly, it wasn‘t even that bad.“
Since there is no movement at the bar, Keith puts the binoculars on his lap and faces Lance instead. Lance looks utterly confused, even though the little grin is still on his lips.
„Are you saying that you had fun?“
„I mean,“ Keith starts, hoping that Lance won‘t be able to see his blush under the weak moonlight, „the food was great, the dancing was kind of fun and fireworks sound nice as well. The worst thing was the stupid limo.“
Lance laughs quietly. „I thought you would hate the suit even more.“
„The suit is stupid, but yours is even worse,“ Keith grins.
„Yeah.“ Lance looks down and plucks at the hem of his sleeve. „I had fun, too.“
„I figured,“ Keith says, and fall in with Lance‘s chuckle. „I guess we should do this again, just without the suits. And the limo. And the band!“
Lance raises an eyebrow at him. „Keith Kogane,“ he grins, „are you asking me out on a date?“
„On a normal one, yeah,“ Keith answers, trying to keep his voice light. His eyes move over the rooftops, since he‘s not able to look at Lance right now, or he might do something else like confess his stupid feelings he‘s been harboring for a while, or kiss that stupid grin of Lance‘s face.
„Wow, okay. I accept.“ Lance takes a chip from the bag and pops it into his mouth, chewing loudly while he bumps into Keith‘s shoulder. „But I expect to be wooed of my feet.“
„Yeah, yeah, whatever.“ Keith rolls his eyes and bumps Lance‘s shoulder right back. „Hand over the chips, I‘m getting hungry again.“
Overall, this evening wasn‘t so bad. And Keith really won‘t mind doing this all over again, just to spend some time together with his favorite partner and rival.
Thanks for reading! If you liked it, leave a like and follow, or visit my Ko-Fi page!
Stay tuned for the rest of the Klance AU month, and make sure to support the other artists as well!
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adaptei-me · 5 years
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Camisa feita pela @ferrrmatos (no insta). Tecido levinho, gostosa de usar, suave na pele, feito de forma linda e manual, cheia de detalhes e em várias estampas (pede pra ver as estampas pelo direct dela no insta), envia pelos Correios com frete único de 20 dilmas pra qualquer lugar do Brasil e super no precin. Aproveita, gente! 💙⚘
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paternoster1-blog1 · 2 years
The Paternoster Lift...A weird and wonderful elevator with no doors, no buttons, and no waiting...Cutting edge tech during the Interwar years now more of a 'mechanical fossil' sadly going extinct but, if you know where to look, you can still find some...I recently hunted down a functional one in Frankfurt, Germany and got a chance to ride it and put it on video to share with you...Enjoy!
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viatalium · 2 years
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conteudoanimal · 3 years
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Nao precine de nada ... So mantem os indigenas refem de governos ... Temos que liberara que eles usem a terra pra plantar e ter animais para sua sobrevivencia ... Eles tb querem isso porra https://www.instagram.com/p/CTheKWPL8Qu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iowamedia · 3 years
All-American Thompson places fifth for Duhawks
All-American Thompson places fifth for Duhawks
CORALVILLE — Loras College junior Zachary Thompson earned All-American status and finished fifth in the nation at 133 pounds Saturday at the National Wrestling Coaches Association DIII tournament. Thompson, seeded 12th, began Saturday’s action by facing top-seeded Robbie Precin of North Central of Naperville, Ill. The Cardinal standout advanced to the championship bout with a 10-1 major…
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queennarnia · 6 years
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Batido precine
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millie1098 · 3 years
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