#promethus bound
nepobabyeurydice · 7 months
May love come upon my enemies is such a raw quote, and it comes from Prometheus Bound by Euripides, and flips off Zeus, so I say it's perfect
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bluemoontarot · 9 months
Not really a question but an idea cause i just saw your Hades town post and it reminded me of my thoughts after the show:
The ending made me think it was a never ending loop tbh. (Saw it 2 years ago) like something about how Hermes described the ending scene back in the café made me think that it’s a loop and that they’re bound to do that until the end of time. And with the star crossed lovers thing throughout the show, i feel that they’ll meet again and again and again, with “Eurydice” being a different person each time. Just wanted to share because your post sparked my memories on it
Thanks for taking the time to read this word vomit
Thank YOU for the word vomit! That's a really interesting way of thinking about it! And it fits with the common theme in Greek Mythos that is endless punishment...Sisyphus and Promethus being other examples. So I LOVE the idea that Hades Town is an endless time loop for Orpheus and Eurydice.
Thanks for the thoughts!!
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cowardlybean · 2 years
The trial isn't always in the Metaverse. Ex. Promethus' punishment from Zeus was to be bound to a rock and have an eagle devour his liver. Futaba already went through that trial in the form of her Palace. She was imprisoned within her own mind with the hallucinations of her mother being the eagle that would devour her liver a.k.a. her mental health. Since she already overcame that all she needs is the standard personal growth that comes from being a Phantom Thief.
Ohhhh 👀 that makes a lot more sense?? I WAS TRYING TO REMEMBER WHICH PERSONA I KNEW THE MYTHICAL LORE ABOUT BUT I FORGOT ABOUT PROMETHEUS <//3 if anything I really only know Greek lore (eheh thats part of labyrinth :)
but with futaba‘s confidant she definitely kinda unlocks more of the world?? So it makes sense how she gets Prometheus
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inthiswhisper · 3 years
alright, it’s been a while, so my whole episode... recap? analysis? commentary? thing is rusty, but 8x16 got me excited for a few reasons.
i’m focusing on prometheus’ very familiar story and character parallels. despite what dean says about sam dying like prometheus, within the context of this episode, he’s not prometheus. i think he’s actually oliver, prometheus’ son.
the real promethus is (not a shocker) dean. what first tipped me off is this moment—
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—of dean staring at the family. dean has had a history of yearning for one, image similar to ben and lisa, which is important but not anything new, so i dismissed it. then sam explained—
dean: didn’t [prometheus] steal fire or somethin’?
sam: yep. he stole the flames of olympia for us. zeus decided to revoke humanity’s ability to make fire, and in return [for prometheus’ actions], zeus decided to strap him to that mountain and make him relive death every day.
dean: damn, every day for how long? no wonder the guy’s hard drive is fried.
—which, again, is important, but defying gods and protecting humanity are already obvious elements of the show. however, what really struck me was how dean and prometheus both suffer from immortality by a higher power. one as a consequence of his actions, the other to play a pawn in god’s game. both men die over and over at the hands of a god binding them by fate, enough that it grows tiresome. like what dean says too often, at the start of the episode even prometheus says—
prometheus: all i know is all i do is die, so if you want to shoot me, shoot me. just promise me you finish the job ‘cause i can’t take this anymore.
—wishing to stay dead. and, though an eagle eating prometheus’ guts is easy to dismiss, it’s interesting when you learn what intestines symbolize (limbo or the halfway point between a beginning and an end) and what eagles symbolize (strength, courage, and immortality).
dean and prometheus are either always killed or on the brink of death, finally passing a halfway point to reach the end, until they’re revived — forced to fulfill a duty or endure a punishment. survival / protecting people via strength and courage (eagle), which once was the goal, now eats away at them, leaving them perpetually stuck in limbo (intestines) and growing tired.
but, even if they don’t want to continue, the will they have left to try is drawn from their children — oliver and sam (who i’m counting as dean’s child). sam and oliver have their commonalities, and as i’ve said before, i think dean would have stopped trying if it wasn’t for sam. similar to prometheus’ feelings about oliver—
sam: you pretty much saved the whole world.
prometheus: yeah, i guess, but none of that means anything unless i can save my son.
—protecting sam is dean’s priority. prometheus struggles with immortality and is willing to die, but knowing his son has taken on that burden means he needs to rid oliver of the curse first. likewise, though the trials were intended for dean and he made it his mission to be chosen, sam beat him and is now taking on the mantle, but dean still won’t let him die because of it.
so much so that dean is desperate enough to pray to (really, beg) cas to watch over sam—
dean: listen, you know i am not one for praying. in my book, it’s the same as begging... but this is about sam, so i need you to hear me. we are goin’ into this deal blind. i don’t know what’s ahead, or what it’s gonna bring for sam. he’s covering pretty good, but i know he is hurtin’, and this one was supposed to be on me. so, for all that we’ve been through, i’m asking you... you keep a lookout for my little brother, okay?
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dean: where the hell are you, man?
—and protect him. like how oliver rejects sam’s offer for ice cream to stay at his father’s funeral, sam is holding himself up and being braver than he is about the trials. even dean being the one to light prometheus’ funeral pyre and comfort hayley (reminding me of dean before, watching them be a family) touches on some symbolism.
however, dean’s prayer actually holds another parallel — one similar to asking cas to protect sam, except of sam convincing artemis to stop her father and protect oliver. this is where it all takes a turn. right before sam wins artemis over, he exposes her feelings for prometheus—
sam: [prometheus] was in love with you, you know. he told us.
artemis: what did he say to you?
sam: this wasn’t the first time he escaped that mountain, and that you let him go free, as long as you could hide your little tryst from [zeus]. you were afraid [to tell anyone or else your father] would find out that you fell for the person he hates the most in this world.
—claiming she is not only in love with him, but also helped him escape his banishment, where he endured never-ending punishment. at the end of the episode, she even kills her father to save prometheus and the people he loves — caring about them because of prometheus — and helps them regain their free will. 
not to state the obvious, but... unless we know of someone else who symbolizes free will and rebelled against their father-god and freed a prometheus-paralleling character from a fate-bound narrative of endless torture (or, hell), all while vowing to protect his family... i can only think of cas here. (i also obviously associate cas with prometheus — his protection of humanity, his immortality, and the emmanuel vibes — but for consistency’s sake, i’ll keep from rambling.)
however, prometheus gets caught in artemis’ crossfire and dies with zeus. she doesn’t take his body, leaving it for oliver and hayley (again, ben and lisa vibes) to keep because she’s willing to let go even if she loves him. but... i think both artemis and hayley count as his love interests. like the immortal / monstrous beings and their mortal / human partners we met this season, one half of the pair meets a tragic end, usually because the other is at fault for the death. never out of malice, always grief, because either their lives or their love couldn’t outlast their reality. and, though artemis killed prometheus, hayley freed zeus, which put him in danger. for which she apologized for and grieved over with dean.
we already know dean and cas’ end was tragic, but what’s interesting — what i’ve mentioned before — is that it wasn’t his grief that took cas. it was his happiness. it was loving dean that much. out of all of these relationships’ ends, that was the difference.
and all of this might be me talking nonsense and seeing parallels that aren’t there, that’s fair lol, but it’s hard to ignore the overlaps that exist between these characters and their mirrors.
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Character Index
All characters alphabetized by first name.
All Characters listed; Includes side characters, fey, and canon character unmentioned in writing but related. The stories the character appears in, or is mentioned in, will be indicated in brackets.
Spoiler warning. I recommend doing a ctrl+f search for characters you have questions about.
will be edited if any changes or errors are recognized
Achilles: Cerberus’s familiar. Sugar Glider. (2, 12, 13)
Airtimes Craweleoth (ravensong): Third child of Morgan and Emilia. Child of fall housed in the raven kingdom. Seer kingdom mage. (11)
Amadeus Rostharn (rosethorn): Morgan’s friend. Palladin warg mage, housed in the tree kingdom. Wargs into moon serval. Heir of Rosethorn manor in The Grand West. (2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 17)
Ametrine (Arthur O’Conner): Solo magician from Emilia’s realm who inspired her to do magic. (3)
Antuon Inktale: Mattias and Requiem’s Grandson. studying sorcerer,specializing in sleep magic, and aspiring dancer. Student of Augustine.
Aquarius: Saianne’s familiar. Blue merlin. (14)
Aries: airtimes familiar. Richen raven. (11)
Asada Fauxbit (furfang): original mage of the monkey gate. Seer beacon mage. (20, 21)
Augustine Musham (mousehutch): Orpheus’s uncle, maker of mirrors and mind. Warlock memoir le morte mage, Rat kingdom robes. (13, 15)
Aurum Bitenbellen (Briddlebell): Mage of the stag gate in the East Lands. Witch becon mage, stag kingdom robes. (16)
Bandirel “Bandie”: Fire wildling. Tasked with warming the tower, stove and hearth of Tiberius gate. (1, 2, 6, 11, 19)
Beacon “bea”: Twin terrilith tree on Tiberius gate. Roams as human in Pepperidge. (1, 2, 5, 6, 7)
Belle: Augestine’s familiar. Domestic Bunny. (13, 15)
Bassilisk “Basil” Blacksnake: Ouroboros and Sainanne’s son, in Grand Snow. twin to Leviiathin “Levi“, Cadence’s in-law. (10)
Betleguse: Fyra’s familiar. Red hamman ferrit. (1)
Bexfineth Monabellan: Youngest remain wolf prince.  Witch, kingdom mage; wolf kingdom. (0)
Blue Healing Creek: Saianne’s little sister. Studying Witch wizard, Morgans biggest fan.
Brocid “Broc”: Eldest living Fish prince. Crown Leguid Mermaid. Bound to Rah Wintersleapen. (5, 7, 9)
Buanel “boomer”: Swamp wildling in club on Tiberius gate, but resides with Helrund in the Stone Gate forest of lost children.
Cadence Bucflowen (Deerrun): First child of Morgan and Emilia. Child of spring housed in the stag kingdom. Heortemann meader mage. (10)
Calisto: Estella’s familiar. Black Caribou. (2)
Calliope Cwenfyr (Queensfire): Second child of Morgan and Emilia. Child of summer housed in dragon kingdom. Seer season mage. (17)
Castor Radcyening (redcrown): Poullux’s brother. Worlock kingdom mage,housed in tree kingdom. Warlock of light. Mage of the tree gate, and Tree Queen in waiting to Flourenceon. (15)
Celeb Locket “Cinnibar”: Emillia’s father. Magician. (3)
Celebrel: Royal white mothkin. Tasked with regency in absence of a Fairy Queen.
Cerberus Monafyra (moonflare): falsely accused criminal, Heortemann beacon mage, housed in wolf kingdom. Orpheus’s husband. (2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 21)
Cetus Dawnhill: Regina’s father and Morgan’s uncle. Seer beacon wizard, housed in dragon kingdom. (2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Celscael “chelsea”: blue midnight mothkin that lives in Pepperidge academy fairy conservatory.
Chichi Orechild: Rah’s mother. Paladin wizard, stone kingdom. (7)
Cristaline “crista”: War Hoarse. Odysseus Cyendom’s mount and friend. (6)
Corona Wintersleapen “wintersleep”: First meader mage of the fairy gate. Heortemann, meader mage. (19)
Dao Bucflowen: maker of th a jade and brace arsenal of mundane looking magic objects that do the opposite of what they should. Warlock gate mage, stag kingdom. (16, 21)
Dolly: leo’s familiar. Meincoon Cat.
Draco: Ouroboros’s familiar. Black and White Tegu. (14)
Eatheltwein Cynedom: last king of the Grand West. Mage kept secret by aunt Merium Craweleoth. Witch becon mage. (19, 20, 21)
Eaorwaeth Monabellan: youngest surviving wolf heir. Warlock Kingdom mage, Wolf Kingdom. (0)
Edmond Monabellan: Last king and peace bringer of The Far North. Palladin abyss mage, wolf kingdom. (20, 21)
Emilia Locket “rhodochrosite”: Magician who went back with Morgan to Ealden Cynedom after they fell in love. Morgan’s wife. (2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 17,18)
Eobreth: current wolf king, first fey friend to Morgan as Eldest prince Aliki wolf. (2, 0)
Entel “ent”: Mountain wilding in club on Tiberius gate. Rescued from Iron trapping in the Eastlands.
Eros: Orpheus’s familiar. European House Finch. (12,13)
Estella Celestine: Stag Queen. Previous head paladin of the Grand West, and Morgan’s first mentor. Paladin kingdom mage, stag kingdom. (2, 3, 10, 12)
Fama Fauxbit (furfang): current mage of the monkey gate, in the South Central. Witch kingdom mage, monkey kingdom. (14)
Felin Harequeen: childhood friend of Merriam (19)
Feon Seabryd: Lyra’s mother and previous mage of the Fish gate in the North Lands. Seer Stormbracker mage, fish kingdom. (20, 21)
Fleagonan”flag”: princess of dragons. Crown Cynedom Dragon. Bound to Hara. (5, 9)
Florenceon”florence”: Youngest tree princess. Crown Terralith tree. Bound to Castor. (15)
Flowen Geagwulf (greyback): Previous Wolf Queen, and mage of wolf gate in the Far North. Witch season mage,wolf kingdom. (2, 0, 19)
Freya. Cadences’s familiar. Dominion deer. (10)
Fyra Haracwen (queenhare): Tiberius’s daughter and last mage. Previous mage of Tiberius gate. Witch kingdom mage, rat kingdom. (1, 21)
Galahad: Scarlet Familiar. Dalmatian Dog. (7, 17)
Geagstearran “gray star”: ghost naga, who loved a human and decide to live through grief and remains on the stone gate.
Gemini Wintersleep: Amadeus’s father. Witch of Pepperidge Grand West. Witch beacon Wizard, fairy kingdom. (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 22)
Glendel “Glen”: Second surviving Fountain Nymph. Lives with Orpheus and Cerberus.
Gothrimel “gothrim”: River nymph and first fey Morgan saw. (2)
Grettle Beamranch: Aurums nanny and best friend. Witch wizard. (16)
Gyldsunael “gylda”: rescued sun nymph who lives on Tiberius gate.
Hapheasteus Redcrown: friend to Augustine, Father of Castor, Pollux and Promethus. (15)
Hara FyrStan (firepot): professor of fey studies and specialist at Pepperidge academy. Seer beacon mage. Dragon Queen in waiting to Fleagonan. (4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 10)
Herra beamtelghyldan: Rate queen. Seer Season mage. Infamous criminal mastermind in time of mages. (19)
Helios: Matthias’s familiar. Markhor. (12, 13)
Helrem Monafyra: Maker of wands and modern magic. Father to Murdoc and Tiberius. Warlock season mage, wolf kingdom. (1, 2, 20, 21)
Helrundel ”Helrund”: prairie wildling, and Odysseus’s Cyendom’s friend. (6)
Helvetica: Jupiter’s familiar. White Indian Giant Squirrel.
Heracles: Calliope’s familiar. Quetzalcoatl. (17)
Hilda Greenwood:  Leo’s twin sister, seer wizard, and nymph collector.
Hypocrites: Tiberius’s familiar. Andean Condor. (1, 21)
Icthya Daigandun (dawnhill): Morgan’s mother, Charmer gate mage, dragon kingdom. (2, 6, 8, 9)
Icarus: Morgan Cyendom’s Familiar. Golden Eagle. (all)
Igneus Bluegem: Witch wizard teacher at pepperidge academy. Saianne’s older brother.
Iliad: Poullux’s familiar. Silver Fox. (15)
Iolitdor “Io” blugimm: Stone Queen. Warlock gate mage. (9, 19)
Issel “Issa”: Snow wildling in club on Tiberius gate. Stolen from Grand Snow.
Jupiter Geagmann (minkmonk): Regina’s mother. Paladin kingdom mage, Rat kingdom. (2, 6, 8, 9)
Jhivettel “jhoseff”: Storm Wildling in club on Tiberius gate. Rescued from Northand traders.
Kent Summorhind (Summerpalm): Private hire paladin wizard. Currently paladin bacon mage at the monkey gate in the South Central. Monkey kingdom. (14)
Khursha Plegianstol: Monkey Queen. Paladin abyss mage. AKA Fredrick. Hehe. (29)
Laurellan ”laurel”: dragon princess. Cyendom Dragon tasked with guarded the magic treasury of The Grand West in exchange for lemon deserts. (2,5)
Lasearline ”Laser”: First domino deer born to Queen Estella after they had been wiped out. Eldest stag prince, and best friend with Cadence. (10)
Leo Greenwood: witch wizard of The Capital in the Grand West. Morgan’s councilor.
Leviathan “Levi” Healingcreek: Ouroboros and Saianne’s son in Grand Snow. twin to Bassilisk “Basel“, Cadence’s husband. (10)
Lyra Seabryd: Fish Queen. Charmer stormbracker mage, fish kingdom. (7, 19, 20)
Macatchis “matcha”: Youngest Raven prince. Griminthrope. (8, 11)
Mathilda Herocrown: Friend to Augustine, mother of Castor, Pollux, and Polaris. (15)
Matthias Hwithas (whitestead): Orpheus’s father and Augestines brother in law. A seer memoir le morte mage, Stag kingdom. Current mage of the Rat gate in the North Central. (12, 13, 15)
Melida Daigendun (dawnhill): Cerberus and Ursus’s mother. Lead paladin of The Grand West. Paladin beacon mage, dragon kingdom. (2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14)
Meriam Craweleoth: Mage Queen of the Grand West. Seer memoir de morte mage, raven kingdom. (20)
Mertyl: Melida’s familiar. Indian Cobra. (12)
Morgan Cynedom (London): king mage, lead protagonist. A seer gate mage, raven kingdom. (all)
Murdoc Monafyra: Tiberius’s best friend and the recorder of the last days of mages. Seer season mage, wolf kingdom. (1,2,14,21)
Natalia Queenhare: Augestines partner who also works at the dance studio in Fort De Lapin by the rat gate.
Netylid “nettle”: leguid mermaid. Fish princess who remains in the shadow veil to aid the Fish King.
Nightingale Autmnwind: Southern boarder officer of the Southlands, later pepperidge academy security. Paladin Wizard. (22)
Niwel “naiven”: Cave wildling in club on Tiberius gate.
Norminwe Musham: maker of the Rat gate and owner of Fort de Lapin. Uncle to Meriam, ancestor of Augustine. Warlock mage; rat kingdom. (19)
Nymphalia Barefoot: studying paladin wizard, friend of Sunaeth.
Odette Craweleoth (Ravensong): Raven Queen. Daughter of mage queen Merium of the Grand West. Charmer kingdom mage, raven kingdom. (2,8,11,19, 20)
Odysseus Cynedom(London): Morgan’s father, heortemann meader mage, raven kingdom. Mage of the stone kingdom gate in the Grand East. (2,6,8)
Okokwo Grenehilt: Tree Queen. Charmer season mage. AkA.”Debra” hehe.
Orion: patrick’s familiar. Aliki wolf. (18)
Orpheus Heofokfleagan’’oreeo” (hawkwing): ex paladin and current charmer beacon mage, raven kingdom. Cerberus’s husband, Matthias and Requiem’s son. (12, 13, 14)
Osairus: Aurum’s familiar. Shetland Pony. (16)
Ourorboros Blacneadre (blacksnake): Mage of the dragon gate in Ent snaw (Grand Snow) in The West Lands. Heortemann season mage, dragon kingdom. (14)
Pamethelon “pam”: twin Terelith tree on Tiberius gate tasked with feeding guests to the gate.(1,5,7,15)
Palladis: Richen raven, raven princess. Tasked with controlling any of her brothers/griminthropes if they enter the day veil. (8,9,11)
Patrick Daigendun (Dawnhill): Morgan’s infamous grandfather. Paladin warg mage, dragon kingdom. wargs into a hydra. (2,6,8,9)
Patrick Monabellan (moonsong): Fourth and youngest child of Morgan and Emilia. Child of winter housed in the wolf kingdom. Palladin Kingdom mage, wolf kingdom.(18)
Plumba Rosethorn: Amadeus’s Mother, and Gemini’s wife. Previous owner of Rosethorn manor in the Grand West. Paladin wizard. (7)
Polaris Mousehutch: Poullux and castor’s little sister.(15)
Poullux Eorlcyenning (herocrown): Castor’s sister. Paladin kingdom mage, wolf kingdom. Paladin of sound. (15)
Promethius QueenHare: studying historacal seer wizrard from For de Lapin. Friend of Antuan Inktale.
Quelelethan Cwenfyr “Quelella”: Dragon Queen. The eldest beast king. Witch beacon Mage, dragon kingdom. (2,5,14)
Qilyn Celestine: studying Apothocarty from the stag gate.
Ragnar Goldenscale: Ouroboros’s case manager, and social worker for the heritage site of Grand Snow and it’s magic forest. (18,29)
Rah Wintersleapen (wintersleep): Amadeus’s cousin. A charmer stormbreacker mage, fairy kingdom. Fish Queen in waiting to Brocid. (7, 9,12)
Regina Geagmann (minkmonk): Morgan’s cousin. Warlock beacon mage, housed Rat kingdom. Stone Queen in waiting to Wyverndor.(2,3,5,7,8,9)
Requiem Heofokfleagan (hawkwing): Orpheus’s mother, Mattias’s wife, and Augestine’s older sister. Witch wizard of Fort de lapin, rat gate. (13,15)
Rosael “rosa”: garden wildling in club on Tiberius gate. Patron of Morgan’s grandfather’s garden; and florist gardens in Pepperidge.
Saianne Healpenbroc (givingcreek): Sirulius’s ancestor. Charmer Gray dark mage, fish kingdom. (14)
Proff.Saturn Firpot: Professor of fey studies at Pepperidge academy. Adopted Woodwick and is Hara’s grandfather. Seer abyss wizard. (4,5)
Seiph Blugimm (Bluegem): Original mage of Io’s stone gate. Suirulius’s twin. Witch season mage; stone kingdom. (19)
Scarlet Stankild (Stonechild): Amadeus’s romantic partner. Heortmann abyss mage, stone kingdom. (7, 17)
Scorpio Knightheorte (knightheart): school friend of scarlet, rah and Amadeus. Current wolf queen. Paladin season mage, monkey kingdom and wolf kingdom. (7,0)
Schuliel “shermmie”: Storm Nymph adopted by Collector Hilda Greenwood.
Sirulius Healpenbroc: Mage causing havoc on a seaside village in the Grand East. Warlock storm breaker mage, fish kingdom robes. (7,14, 19, 21)
Stearra: Muedoc’s familiar. Panther, female. (1,21)
Suanne Locket ”Spinel”: Emilia’s mother. magi. (3)
Sunaeth “suna” Monabellen:Eldest wolf princess of previous wolf king. Seer kingdom mage. Used to be an Aliki wolf. (0)
Taurus Snowdance: Apothecary Wizard. Acadia house door boy, currently Pepperidge academy secretary. (22)
Tiberius Blacsorm (blackstorm): previous King Mage. Mage who made the gate of the same name. Father of Fyra. Warlock gate mage, raven kingdom.(all)
Ursus Monafyra (moonflare): Fairy Queen. Cerberus’s brother and melida’s son. former paladin season mage, wolf kingdom. (2, 9,12)
Viola: Eatheltwein’s familar; golden Canary (19)
Virgo Wintersleep: Rah’s father, Gemini’s twin brother, and chi chi’s husband. Estranged due to abuse. (7, 17, 22)
Woodwick, Carlhose (Wondael): Fountain nymph, rescued from a fey hoarder and raised to be human by previous professor Firepot. Head of transmutation and Morgan’s second mentor. (2,4,5)
Wyverndor “Wyvern”: Princess of stone kingdom. Crown Acrean Gimm. Bound to Regina Geagmann. (5,9)
Yavisel “yve”: Forest Wildling in club on Tiberius gate. Transferred from Stag Gate in the Eastlands, as he didn’t want to lead the club of forest wildlings there.
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ssminibang · 6 years
In honour of Day 1 of the wonderful @sailormoonreviewevent (fic recs) here is the master list for Sailor Moon Reverse Mini Bang 2017 which I was technically supposed to produce several months ago… sorrrrrrrrrrry… 
2017 AO3 Collection
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The list is vaguely divided by couple, but that doesn’t necessarily mean those fics are limited to them, many have additional characters and cool relationship dynamics! Check ‘em out, they’re below the cut and they’re all pretty awesome ^_~
Fic: Day Out at Big Egg by @xingshining​
Art: Day in the Park (see in fic) by KJ
Fic: Drinking Games by @smokingbomber​
Art: Arm Wrestle by @primalheart​
Fic: How I Became a Table by @smokingbomber​
Art: (see in fic) by @storyofthedoor
Fic: Love Lasts Forever - Four Reunions by @charliechaplin2blr​
Art: Love Lasts Forever by @astraearose93​
Fic: Love Me Chain by @irritablevowel
Art: Silver, Gold and Steel by @smokingbomber
Fic: Makoto to the Rescue!!! by KJ
Art: Makoto to the Rescue! (see in fic) by @cinnasketches
Fic: Night Out by @ree-fireparrot
Art: Night Out by @bound–to–you
Fic: Symmetry by @ladydgn
Art: (see in fic) by @jellybi
Ami / Zoisite
Fic: It Would Take a Miracle by @mercuryinthedark
Art: 1930s A/Z by @galaxylily
Fic: Jar of Blue by @luna-whiskers
Art: Don’t Come In! (see in fic) by @verfound
Fic: Submerged Hearts by ElvisVF101
Art: The Little Merman by @teamvanessacloud
Rei / Jadeite
Fic: Calming the Fire by @she-dreams-in-pink
Art: (see in fic) @silvercrystalgalleria
Fic: Kataphileo by @apsaraqueen
Art: Walk by the City by Noctej
Fic: Memorable Rain by @kagenoneko
Art: Memorable Rain by @i1976blunotte
Fic: Songs of Home by ElvisVF101
Art: (see in fic) by @storyofthedoor
Fic: Splinter by @kanadka 
Art: Comfort & Harmony by @i1976blunotte
Makoto / Nephrite
Fic: And When the Dust Falls Away by @serpentinred
Art: We Were Happy Once by @mochibuni
Fic: Standing Waves by @kanadka
Art: But We Have History by @tifaria
Fic: What If the Storm Ends by @astraearose93
Art: Mako/Nephrite Wedding(see in fic) by @galaxylily and We Can Light Up the Sky by @astarinsomebodyelsessky
Minako / Kunzite
Fic: Becoming Light Itself by @galaxylily
Art:  Cosmic Love by @minakosaino
Fic: For Every Step Will Show by @psaiki
Art: Snowball Fight by @galaxylily​
Fic: The Gift of Her Name by @apsaraqueen
Art: Taking Shelter (see in fic) by @capofolio
Fic: In My Dreams by @yournotpshipper
Art: Bubble by @galaxylily and Straight From the Heart by @astarinsomebodyelsessky
Fic: Kintsugi by @ficsandwhatall 
Art: Kintsugi by @charliechaplin2blr
Fic: Perfect by @mygeekycorner
Art: Perfect by @storyofthedoor
Fic: Stolen Moments by @fadesinthesun
Art: Endless Bliss by @bound–to–you
Fic: Temple of Promethus by @sohmamomiji
Art: An Awakening Affection by @eternal-reverie
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nepobabyeurydice · 8 months
O you bright sky of heaven, you swift-winged breezes, you river-waters, and infinite laughter of the waves of ocean, O universal mother Earth!
— Prometheus Bound, Aeschylus
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nepobabyeurydice · 11 months
trials of apollo was really rick reading prometheus bound, lines 49-50 and 146-150 and going ‘yeah i can work with this’
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nepobabyeurydice · 11 months
Prometheus Bound
Hephaestus, yours is the charge to observe the mandates laid upon you (2)
 For your own flower, flashing fire, source of all arts (6)
Such is the prize you have gained for your championship of man (27)
Every job is troublesome except to be the commander of gods; no one is free except Zeus. (49-50)
O you bright sky of heaven, you swift-winged breezes, you river-waters, and infinite laughter of the waves of ocean, O universal mother Earth! (88-89)
See what I, a god, endure from the gods. (92)
it is fated that deliverance from these sorrows shall arise. (101)
the might of Necessity permits no resistance (105)
For there are new rulers in heaven, and Zeus governs with lawless customs; that which was mighty before he now brings to nothing. (146-150)
what haven you must steer your ship to see an end of your voyage of sorrow (185-186)
Iron-hearted and made of stone (244)
Yes, to my friends indeed I am a spectacle of pity. (248)
Prometheus: Yes, I caused mortals to cease foreseeing their doom.[*] Chorus: Of what sort was the cure that you found for this affliction? Prometheus: I caused blind hopes to dwell within their breasts. Chorus: A great benefit was this you gave to mortals. 250-253)
For I want to hear the whole story of your sorrows. (285)
Lost labor and thoughtless simplicity. (385)
Lament the greatness of the glory of your time-hallowed honor (408)
Atlas, pre-eminent in mighty strength, who moans as he supports the vault of heaven on his back. (426-430)
Hear the sum of the whole matter in the compass of one brief word—every art possessed by man comes from Prometheus. (505-506)
Do not benefit mortals beyond reason and disregard your own distress (507)
Chorus: Who then is the helmsman of Necessity? (515)
I beg you, do not hide from me what I am doomed to suffer. (625)
their hearts ablaze with passion, like falcons eagerly pursuing doves (686)
May Love come upon my enemies (864)
May I be wedded to no bridegroom who descends to me from heaven (895)
For these shall not protect him from falling in ignominious and unendurable ruin. (916)
Such an adversary is he now preparing despite himself, a prodigy irresistible, even one who shall discover a flame mightier than the lightning and a deafening crash to outroar the thunder (923)
Mad I may be—if it is madness to loathe one’s enemies. (987)
Bend your will, perverse fool, oh bend your will at last to wisdom in face of your present sufferings. (999)
Therefore let the lightning’s forked curl be cast upon my head and let the sky, be convulsed with thunder and the wrack of savage winds; let the hurricane shake the earth from its rooted base, and let the waves of the sea mingle with their savage surge the courses of the stars in heaven; (1050)
 nor ever say that it was Zeus who cast you into suffering unforeseen. (1075)
Website: https://scaife.perseus.org/library/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0085.tlg003/
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