#promo honda
gojira-ekkusu · 9 months
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Behind the Scenes of Half Human (獣人雪男)
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friendly-jester · 8 months
blog promo time cuz i made a new sideblog lol
@friendly-jester - my main. most active blog. multi-fandom nonsense and where i shout most of my thoughts.
@past-the-stars - sideblog dedicated to pastel things, positivity, and pokemon!
@umbrellas-and-raincoats - sideblog for rain, fog, and other storm-y weather. helps with my anxiety :)
@hats-and-mittens - sideblog for snow cuz sometimes i just like looking at snow. active all year!
@candy-coated-apples - sideblog dedicated to my favorite holiday and season, halloween and autumn. also active all year!
@brandhoekyo - sideblog for the anime fruits basket. i made it when the reboot anime was coming out. not as active as it once was but i do try to reblog stuff when i think about it!
@barbara-roberts - ✨ NEWEST SIDEBLOG!!! ✨ for all things barbie! moives, shows, and dolls! i made it solely because the url was free lol
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
The new Court Jester of Games podcast episode is up and live guys! You can find it on Spotify, Amazon, Samsung Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Player FM and Podbean!
Today's episode goes over Chapter 7, The True Face, which is the start of Yugi and Tristans friendship, as well as the introduction of our girl Miho!
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blmpff · 1 year
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mercurygray · 2 years
TGM, cheesy 40s-themed gala fundraiser, go
Jake Seresin x OFC (Laura "Honda" Simpson)
It's like the 1940s au, but...not. This was fun.
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The dance was a family tradition.
The Navy, as Laura had been told often as a child, was big on traditions, like rum and learning knots and silly parties when you crossed the equator, and the annual Hangar Dance at the Miramar Air Museum was one of those traditions for the Simpsons. Laura couldn't remember a year when she hadn't come, except for a few times at the academy when she hadn't been able to make it home. It was just …a part of the calendar, like Fleet Week and birthdays and the 13th of October.
So when Jake asked if they had any plans the next weekend, the answer had been obvious, but it had seemed so silly, trying to explain it to him - "My father's on the board, and we go every year. It's a fundraiser. It's in one of the museum hangars; People get dressed up, and there's a band playing swing music."
"Dressed up, huh?" He'd taken that news in stride. "What time should I meet you?"
It was still light out, at seven, and the view of the setting sun across the tarmac of the museum's slightly weedy airfield was something to behold. It was like stepping back in time, somehow, staring at the dying light with a breeze blowing her dress around her legs a little and threatening to flip her skirt if she wasn't careful. Her stockings were straight, and the gardenia in her hair would probably last the whole evening, if Hank Genovesi wasn't here to try and do any fast dancing. The old hangar behind her had the doors open slightly, and there was a steady stream of guests heading inside, women in rockabilly wide skirts and men trying to look like MacArthur in aviators and leather jackets - a familiar crowd. "What, no uniform, Lieutenant Simpson?"
Laura turned towards the sound of her name and almost let her jaw drop at the sight of the man coming in from the parking lot. "Jake. You look…really good."
And he did. Hair combed just so, shirt pressed, tie neat, the edge on his trousers and the shine on his shoes ready for parade review. Even his jacket was period, as were the sunglasses he had casually tucked into the front pocket. He had gone all in, and it was …working. He looked like he'd just stepped off one of the photographs on the walls of the museum, a young man stepping off to become a naval cadet in the wake of Pearl Harbor. It was a good look -- especially on him.
Jake himself, however, seemed to think this was nothing. "What, did you expect me to half-ass this? I half-ass nothing. The Seresins take parties very seriously."
"Even costume parties?" she asked, walking inside the half- open doors so they could find a place to sit and enjoy the music. (The band was only just getting started, and there were only a few couples on the floor.)
"Especially costume parties. My sister was all over it. Sent me links for, like, an hour - found a nice vintage shop downtown. They were very excited to hear it was for this - the owner must be a fan." But Laura didn't get a chance to ask about the elusive sister before he gestured across the room. "This looks nice. Your dad looks like he ought to be in a corner office drinking a whiskey and telling them to hurry up production."
She looked over and nearly snorted. He was right. "Jake!"
"What? It looks good on him. Watch, he's going to come over here and ask if I'm going to have you home by ten."
Laura wanted to chide him, but it was no use - her father had seen them, and broke away from the conversation he was in to come and greet them, crusher cap under one arm and rank insignia absolutely gleaming under the string lights roped over the dance floor. "Lieutenant Seresin."
Both men seemed to stand up a little straighter. "Sir."
"I see you got the memo about dressing up. No dress whites?" he asked, looking the obviously civilian attire over with a careful eye, trying to find some flaw in the clothing or the man.
"Maybe we could say I'm shipping out next week, sir," Jake offered, just this side of insubordinate. "Should I have her home by ten?" he asked, and Laura nearly died, watching her father's frown quiver for a moment.
"I trust Laura can tell you when she wants to go home," Beau Simpson said, looking Jake dead in the eye and daring him to try something smart. "And that you're the kind of man who can listen. Enjoy the dance," he said, heading back to the knot of board members in an odd mix of uniform choices.
Laura waited until he was far enough away to turn on her date and hit him in the arm with her purse. "I can't believe you actually said that."
"I can't believe you would doubt me. Well, Miss Simpson, shall we find a place for your coat and handbag and find an ice cold coca cola?" he asked, exaggerating his voice just so like he was playing an especially perky date in an old-time radio show.
"You need to stop," Laura begged, so ready to laugh as she followed him into the crowd.
"I refuse," he said, more of his own voice now than before, threading in between tables looking for an empty seat. "I …didn't get a chance to tell you I think you look very pretty," he added, finding an empty space and pulling out a chair. He sounded more sincere now, less brash - and seeing him standing there, with the chair, and the table, like this really was 1940 and they really were out to dance, left her…confused. "The…flower in the hair's a nice touch."
She didn't know why, but it made her blush, a little. "Thank you. I have a lot of practice dressing for this."
"Well, I'd paint you on my plane," he declared with a grin, and she sighed. There was the old Hangman she knew too well. "So what counts as racy in this decade? Is my hand around your waist gonna turn some heads or do I have to take you out back for that?"
"Let's start with seeing if you don't step on my toes, Lieutenant Seresin, and we'll go from there," Laura compromised. "And before you feel me up in the middle of Glenn Miller, please remember most of the men in this room know my father."
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jualbelimobilmedan · 9 days
Promo Spektakuler Mobil Honda Medan
Kami siap melayani jual beli mobil secara cash atau kredit untuk seluruh wilayah sumatera utara dengan keunggulan yaitu sebagai berikut :
Harga Jual Mobil Anda Menjadi Tinggi ( Untuk anda yang ingin menjual mobil )
Harga Termurah Untuk Pembelian Mobil Baru / Second
Membantu Proses Kredit Mobil Baru / Second Dengan Pelayanan Terbaik serta Memberikan Harga Yang Terjangkau Untuk Dp & Juga Angsuran
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Jual Beli Mobil Honda Hubungi wa / telp : 082170991772
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tvpapua-blog · 17 days
Astra Motor Papua Hadirkan Promo “MeySA” untuk Pelanggan Setia
tvpapua.com, Jayapura, 24/05 Jayapura – Astra Motor Papua selaku main dealer sepeda motor Honda untuk wilayah Papua dan Papua Barat memberikan promo menarik sampai dengan akhir Mei ini. Promo yang diberikan berupa gratis oli transmisi. Bertajuk ‘MeySA’ Mei Matic Service di AHASS, pelanggan cukup menggunakan aplikasi Motorku X Booking Service sebelum datang ke AHASS terdekat.  “Pelanggan yang…
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iwan-fadila · 2 months
MPM Honda Jatim Setia Menemani Konsumen di Momen Lebaran 2024
motogokil.com – Assalamu’alaikum wa rochmatullohi wa barokatuh, semoga kita semua selamat di perjalanan sampai ke tujuan. Jelang libur bersama Idul Fitri 1445 H dan mudik lebaran 2024, PT Mitra Pinasthika Mulia (MPM Honda Jatim) setia menemani konsumen konsumen setia pecinta sepeda motor Honda dengan berbagai program dan layanan. Suwito M, Presiden Direktur MPM Honda Jatim, mengatakan : “Dengan…
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hobeeonline · 8 months
Kredit Motor Honda Surabaya: Harga Promo Diskon Angsuran DP Uang Muka dan Dealer Motor Honda di Surabaya Sidoarjo dan Gresik
Kredit Motor Honda Surabaya: Harga Promo Diskon Angsuran DP Uang Muka dan Dealer Motor Honda di Surabaya Sidoarjo dan Gresik
Kredit Motor Honda Surabaya: Harga, Promo, Diskon, Angsuran, DP, Uang Muka, dan Dealer Motor Honda di Surabaya, Sidoarjo, dan Gresik Pilihan untuk memiliki motor Honda impian Anda bisa menjadi kenyataan di Surabaya, Sidoarjo, dan Gresik. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membahas berbagai aspek terkait kredit motor Honda di wilayah ini, termasuk harga, promo, diskon, angsuran, DP (uang muka), serta…
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hargo-news · 9 months
September Ceria Bersama Honda
September Ceria Bersama Honda #SeptemberCeria #PromoSpesial #Honda #SepedaMotor #PTDayaAdiciptaWisesa
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Guna memaksimalkan penjualan Sepeda Motor Honda di Gorontalo, PT. Daya Adicipta Wisesa (DAW) bersama jaringan dealernya terus berupaya memberikan berbagai promo spesial untuk setiap pembelian Sepeda Motor Honda. Promo kali ini datang dari jajaran skutik Honda yang menjadi primadona masyarakat Sulawesi Utara. Dapatkan spesial cashback sebesar 500 ribu untuk setiap…
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iwan-fadila · 1 year
Honda Jatim Manjakan Konsumen di Awal Tahun dengan Promo Menarik
motogokil.com – Assalamu’alaikum wa rochmatullohi wa barokatuh, semoga kita semua selamat di perjalanan sampai ke tujuan. Banyak promo menarik ditawarkan PT. Mitra Pinasthika Mulia (MPM Honda Jatim) bagi pecinta motor matic Honda terbaru kepada konsumen pada bulan Januari 2023 ini mulai dari discount hingga hadiah langsung khusus pembelian Honda Matic. Suhari selaku Marketing Communication &…
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fruitsclipper · 2 years
Two signed tomoe shinohara cds. i feel love this afternoon
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dykehayleywilliams · 10 months
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now presenting.... a showdown for the most iconic hayley williams outfit of all time!
Currently in round 2!
Active Polls: Hangout Music Fest 2015 v. SXSW 2013 | House of Blues 2009 v. Paraween 2022
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Round 1 eliminations: Parahoy 2016 star jeans | Honda Civic tour promo | Fallon 2023 | MTV Music Awards 2013 | Have A Nice Day | CMTs 2011 | Warped Tour 2007 | VMAs 2008 | Still Into You MV | Told You So MV | EMAs 2010 | VMAs 2009 | Little Mermaid shirt | Warped Tour 2011 | The Smiths shirt | Security | Rock AM Ring 2013 | Riot Fest 2017 | Oversized camo jacket | SXSW press 2013 | Kimmel 2017 rehearsal | Eras Tour Night 1 | Boston 2017 | Fresno 2009 | Oklahoma City 2022 | I love Parawhores | Bakersfield 2022 | We Can Survive 2014 | GMA 2017 | MTV TRL 2007 | Empress Ballroom 2005 | BNE Tour baseball tee
Round 2 eliminations: The Forum 2018 | Leeds 2014 | Playing God MV | Wembley 2013 | ACL Weekend 1 2022 | Paramore is a BAND | The News MV | Tulsa 2023 | Daddy hat | B.O.Y | Summer Sonic 2009 | Toronto 2022 | The Fillmore 2013 | Soundwave 2013
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kingofthering · 1 year
Carc Primer : come meet the Spanish boyfriends
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Marc Marquez, MotoGP rider. Carlos Sainz, F1 driver. Two Spaniards of the same generation who were brought together by various circumstances and who are now very good friends, as demonstrated below.
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Oldest photos of them I could find are from the 17th of November 2015 when they attended the National Sports Awards in Madrid.
Marc has spent his whole carreer with Honda. Carlos was a RB junior driver and then drove for Toro Rosso up until 2017. I couldn't find more content than what you have right after (from pre-season 2016, you can see more pictures here).
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The Estrella Galicia 0,0 Youtube channel is a gift. They had Carlos and Marc in the same commercial but separately in July of 2015 (video) and June of 2016 (video).
We can see them on screen at the same time on this video from March of 2017.
In 2018, they shot this beautiful thing.
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(gifs source by @rookie-ofthe-year)
In July of 2021, they shot a video for the Artesanos del paddock series of videos.
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In November of 2021, they were both involved in some promo stuff for the 5th season of La Casa de Papel. Here you have some backstage thing.
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In December of 2022, Estrella Galicia made them visit MEGA (the EG museum) and they looked very boyfriends while doing it (video).
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(gifs source by @c2-eh)
They interviewed each other (video in English - video in Spanish). They talked about how Carlos should try a motoGP bike one day (the way Marc says "claro que te gustaria" lives rent free in my mind).
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They filmed a "this or that" video that Carlos published for Marc's Birthday (video). It has Marc saying "you guard it [my beer] and I dance" and the two of them challenging each other to a race (we're still waiting).
EG also made them pour beers (video) and we had some intense heart eyes action from Marc.
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(gifs source by @c2-eh)
You can find more pictures from that day here, the "then and now" insta reel here. They also did some VR stuff, with Marc inadvertedly grabbing Carlos' hand (pictures & video).
In January of 2023, EG released a commercial for their new 0,0 beer with them (insta reel) and you can see Marc handing the beers to Carlos saying "you're stronger" and after Carlos struggles to understand the mechanism, Marc has to take the beers from him (saying that the guys from motoGP are stronger).
In early 2022, Marc (and his brother Alex) moved to Madrid. Carlos helped him, he said : "Since I found out he was coming to live in Madrid, I tried to help him adapt himself and feel as comfortable as possible in my hometown [...] I don't live in Madrid anymore, but I go back there every weekend and try to meet him. We met twice for dinner, I have shown him the gym where I train, he is also training there now, and we have a lot of contact." (article)
They indeed trained together earlier this year, with the following photos from January 2023 (insta post).
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During the World Cup, on the 1st of December 2022, they watched the Spain - Japan game together with friends (and made a joint insta post for their selfies).
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You can find a group picture of that night here. And now, very important things to witness : Carlos feeding Marc omelet from his fork and playing the plane game with him (video) and the two of them discussing while Marc is seating at Carlos' feet in a very babygirl fashion (video). The scenes are from All In (Marc's Prime Video documentary), you can see Carlos in episode 5.
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(gifs source by me)
You can find them in each other's comments (for example here or here). Here you have Carlos filming Marc while he was sleeping in early 2017.
Also, this is Carlos wishing Marc a Happy Birthday in 2021 (here) via EG. And Marc was watching the Bahrain GP (2023) and I'm making it count as Carlos support (photo here).
I couldn't find out where this was from but have some leather jacket Carlos.
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And then, something that might be EG related but I'm not sure so we're putting it here. An event at the Barcelona Grand Prix in 2019 with Marc's brother and Carlos' dad. More photos here.
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In March of 2023, Ignacio Rivera, president of Estrella Galicia, talked about Marc & Carlos in an interview. It’s pretty interesting and I will just highlight one quote (translated to the best of my abilities) :
But it’s sure that the understanding between the two was building while they were participating to events and publicity campaigns together. There, you could see how they supported each other and competively provoked each other. It’s fantastic for us to do sponsor activities with the two because you can immediately perceive their affinity.
This is where I do promo for myself and my friends. I've written a couple of fics for them, you can find them on my AO3 (one, two, short stories). @c2-eh also wrote a very beautiful and very hot fic for them and @backwardscapcarlos makes the best moodboards.
I also made a dedicated gifset for them, which you can find here.
We're all obviously looking forward to more content so please join us in the Carc madness.
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