yugiohcardsdaily · 3 months
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Pyrotech Mech - Shiryu
"You can Tribute Summon this card with 1 Tribute. If Summoned this way, during each End Phase: You take 1000 damage. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent."
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colettesite · 1 year
Project #’1
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abysskeeper · 1 year
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There’s a theme here...
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The control room is one of the most important parts of any process industry like Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Steel, Power Generation/Distribution, Telecom, Aviation, Smart City & Surveillance, and many more. It is meant to cater to all the monitoring & controlling activities on a 24X7 basis which is necessary for hassle-free operations therefore, The Control Room is also known as the Brain of the plant/facility.
While designing an end-to-endControl Room Solutions, important parameters are kept in minds such as desired functionality, safety, ergonomics, compliance to applicable industry norms, and overall aesthetic appeal. Studies reveal that a pleasant working environment results in better efficiency & enhances the overall decision-making process. The design of the command center console makes operators more attentive by supporting normal as well as critical situations through visual & auditory alarms or signals.
At Pyrotech Workspace we design and deliver ultra-modern Control Room Solutions covering all the key elements like interiors, command & control center console,technical furniture, paraphernalia interiors. We also ensure that all of them adhere to the ergonomic standards of ISO 11064. The ultimate aim of PWS designed solutions is to help the control room operators in delivering better performance with ease, accuracy and enhance the productivity of the process.
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honeyspotpie · 3 months
Okay so I wish the Ninjago fandom made more names for platonic duos/trios :/ maybe I'm just a spoiled MonkieKidder who's used to every single character combination to ever be conceived in someone's head having a name lol... So as a gift to you all enjoy some of my Dragons Rising platonic (mostly duo) name suggestions! (I'm giving explanations for them just in case, even if most are obvious)
Arin + Sora = GrapeFruit Duo (I talked about this before but grapefruits are orange and (kinda?) pink just like them! Plus fruit themed duo names are my favorite ever :3)
Lloyd + Arin = ApplePie Duo (apples are associated green (like Lloyd!) and pies are Arin's thing! And I adore them and apple pie in general <3)
Lloyd + Arin + Sora = Hibiscus Tea Trio (this one just makes sense to me okay... The hibiscus flower is very Sora-Arin coded in my head and tea alludes to Master Wu therefore Master Lloyd blah blah you get it!!!)
Wyldfyre + Kai = Blaze Duo (speaks for itself)
Wyldfyre + Arin = Flicker Duo (just warmth, spark, light and all that... themcore... And simply calling them "Flicker" is so so cute)
Wyldfyre + Sora = PyroTech Duo (like pyrotechnics!! Kinda iffy on it I will see... Wyldcat is really cool too but it's more so their ship name^^)
Arin + Sora + Wyldfyre = Sunset Trio (I struggled with this one the most but I decided on Sunset because a) it reflects their colors (orange, pink and red are all sunset-y colors) and b) the sunset can represent the old ninja "setting" like the sun to let the new generation "shine" instead :D)
Sora + Nya = CatFish Duo (catfish are extremely silly I love them so much... cat because Sora's cat motif and fish because water/ocean so Nya!)
Arin + Nya = TidePod Duo (this was, no joke, my first thought when coming up with a name... I was thinking of orange and blue things and Tide Pods were the first thing that came to mind... Guess my humor is just forever stuck in 2019 haha)
Sora + Euphrasia = KittyKite Duo (kitty for Sora and kite because it flies in the wind so Euphrasia! This one rolls off the tongue :P)
Arin + Euphrasia = Tornado Duo (because Arin's Spinjitzu - spinjitzus are just mini tornados and tornados are air/wind disasters it just makes sense :0)
Honorable mention goes to the Geo + Sora duo (I JUST LOVE THEIR CANON INTERACTION AND THE WAY THEY PARRALEL EACH OTHER^^) I would probably call them something among the lines of "Repair Duo" or "RepairShop Duo" :]
Anyhow if you have any suggestions or ideas yourself, feel free to rb or comment!!!
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i think for next year‘s eurovision, germany should send katy karrenbauer slowly counting to three hundred in angry german with a rammstein instrumental playing in the background and so much pyrotech happening that at least one audience member dies.
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I think "junk DNA" is very aptly named. It's junk in the same way as the random shit piled up in the garage of that one outlaw offroad amateur engineer you know, who'll go "oh no, no, can't throw that away, I'll figure out a way to use it yet." And then they eventually do. All the while being the I-figured-out-I-can-use-my-own-cum-as-machine-oil kind of mad scientist of improvised infrastructure, feats of engineering and occasionally pyrotechics. All in all I'm glad I'll only live a generation because I don't want to see what they'll come up with.
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myriad-of-things · 4 months
get yourself friends who will roleplay a dnf wedding with you on the minecraft server
ft. (in order of appearance) @lightns881 (pianist, wedding planner, built the venue), @peach-oolong-tea (flower girl, pyrotech), @ischleepzzz (script and edited this video!), @dontrollthedicesideblog (hair and make up = made the armor stands), ryan (pyrotech and photographer), me (server admin and officiant) and discord text-to-speech as dream and george
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
bubble nonny's (my phone doesn't have the emoji for some reason??) ask about actor!Stone and actor!Kali doing action films together and assistant!Reader watching from backstage made my head gears rotate
Imagine Stone having to do a a scene with pyrotech involved (maybe his car needs to be blown up during a chase or maybe his building gets set on fire or whatever) and Reader and Kali absolutely fretting all over him the entire time, in talking if they scooch closer to the edge of their seat they will fall down backstage kinda stuff lmao
And after the scene is done they are all like "do you want a blanket? Do you want water? Do you wanna sit down?" And they just don't let any other staff do it cuz they wanna lol
Actor!Kali and you totally dote on Actor!Stone. You treat him well, so well that the other actors wonder what you two see in the gigantic enigmatic man.
It causes several other actors and celebrities to try and woo you two (Actor!Kali in particular because actor x actor relationships have such high approval in the media).
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miwtual · 8 months
hello kai tell us more about your miw show ☺️
the pyrotechnics of the show.......... im going insane about it!!!!!! like the venue was fairly cold (probably because we had a bunch of goths wearing all black layers and makeup sdjhbfksdf gotta keep that stuff Together) and it was also very rainy outside so like i said. quite chilly HGDJBFJS but miw's part of the show started with the song meltdown and there were a bunch of pyrotech going on and u could just FEEL the heat, even if u were like me standing towards the back, it was SO COOL
also having the different lead singers of the opening bands all on stage to perform songs with motionless!!!!! i figured that bryan from knocked loose would perform slaughterhouse on stage bc hes featured on that song as it is, but lochie from alphawolf during immaculate misconception and anthony from after the burial during reincarnate!!!!! literally LIFE CHANGINGGGGG they were all so incredible <3
SPEAKING OF SLAUGHTERHOUSE!!! seeing vinny lose his mind right before the breakdown live <33 actually seeing all of the boys live was so surreal, like ive been listening to them for real but the fact they were only a few yards away from me in the flesh is insane to think about. and i got to hear ricky sing so many times!!! during porcelain and voices and a few others <3 and justin too!!!!!!!!! AND RYAN'S SCREAM BEFORE THE BREAKDOWN IN THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS i could talk about this all day u dont understand im soooo shfsjbhdnfkmsldfsjnfksjdf
and also side note. but i was taking a lot of videos/pictures during the different songs and stuff, and at some point i was basically the only person with my phone up during one song (cant remember which one shfbkjsdf) down this one row that chris was looking down and idk if he did it on purpose but i DO know he pointed directly at me and i nearly died
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thevehszlegacy · 2 years
V'ehsz Legacy: Alliance Era, Main Eight
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Bounty Hunter: Ar'eonis'terrinxx ("Terrin")
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Grand Champion, Outlander, Commander
Chiss - she/her - bi
Powertech - Pyrotech, Shield Tech / Commando - Assault Specialist
SO: Torien Cadera (married)
Children: Atten, Araa, & Anaehr Cadera
Alignment: Gray (formerly dark)
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Jedi Consular: Synnda V'ehsz
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Lead Diplomat, Grand Paladin, Member of the Circle Synnda is, essentially, Terrin's second in command in everything but title
Zabrak - he/him - gay, ace, poly
Shadow - Serenity / Sage - Seer
SO: Koth Vortena, Chakem Vira (dating, polycule)
Children: Niveh'era (adopted)
Students: Nadia Grell & Lina Tophrik (former); Parrakh Djal, Niveh'era, Attros Finn
Alignment: Light
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Imperial Agent: Rediaex'aere'zortiea ("Xaerez")
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Alliance Intelligence Agent, AKA "Nav'erda'tten"
Chiss - he/him, they/them - nonbinary, gay
Sniper - Virulence, Engineering / Operative - Concealment
SO: Theron Shan (married)
Alignment: Gray
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Sith Inquisitor: Qizulth Verryn (Ki'zulthevrynn)
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Darth Nox, Lead Archeologist & Ancient Researcher
Twi'lek - he/him - trans man, aro, ace
Sorcerer - Madness, Lightning / Marauder - Fury
SO: Single, not interested
Children: Niveh'era (adopted)
Apprentices: Ashara Zavros, Xalek (former)
Alignment: Dark
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Sith Warrior: Aaz'n Tarnak
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Lord Wrath, Head of Security, Grand Paladin
Sith Pureblood - she/her - lesbian
Juggernaut - Immortal / Assassin - Darkness
SO: Max Tro (engaged)
Students: Jaesa Wilsaam (former); Deca Iresso
Alignment: Light (leans gray)
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Jedi Knight: Liolana "Leo" Vetiko
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Battlemaster, Grand Paladin, Member of the Circle
Cathar - she/her, they/them - demigirl, bi
Guardian - Defense / Shadow - Kinetic Combat
SO: Ytila'vena (dating)
Students: Kira Carsen (former)
Alignment: Gray (formerly light)
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Trooper: Varrich Tophrik
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist
Head of Agriculture
Mirialan - he/him - aro, ace
Vanguard - Shield Specialist / Operative - Concealment
SO: Single, not interested
Alignment: Gray (leans dark)
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Smuggler: Jendrush "Jen" Sept
Bio - Toyhou.se - Playlist / Ship Playlist
Voidhound, Privateer
Cathar - he/him - pan
Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting / Mercenary - Arsenal
SO: K'hedif (married)
Children: Jessi & Jeva Toklar-Sept (adopted), Liakige Harren (adopted), Luci & Riza Sept
Alignment: Light
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annikavelde · 1 year
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Ceylon Body: Ebody - Reborn Hair: VCO - MIAE *NEW*@ The Warehouse Sale Hands: Eliavah - Manticore Mecha Arms Wings: Sweet Thing - MegaMecha Wings Legs: REKT x TREVOR - Neo Legs *NEW* @ Neo Japan
.:CLOTHING:. Headpiece: Torment - Protocon Mask: Psycho Byts - KAY-1NEC3D Collar: Dae - Cyber Choker Shoulder Halo: SOLE - Trans Ring Upper Arms: SOLE - Armtech Mk Bodysuit: Minuit - Rei Bodysuit 
.:SCENE:. Background: MINIMAL - Pyrotech Bunker Pose: Mewsery - Sugar
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wackyart · 8 months
I haven't written about that dilf in a hot minute so here's a short something with him and new character!! I'm starting the Trooper storyline again, with a pyrotech this time and I love their banters so so much, I missed that fuzzy hunk of a man 🥹🥹🥹😭
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My swtor OC masterlist
[ Will be updated in time ]
Thanira Kallig (main)
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Other names/aliases/titles: Jia J'sari (birth name), Lord Kallig, Darth Nox, Outlander, Alliance Commander
Species: Human
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demiromantic lesbian
Class: Sith Inquisitor
First combat style: Deception assassin
Second combat style: Lightning sorcerer
Age at start of class story: 21
Love interest: Lana Beniko (married)
Rennyl Narress
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Other names/aliases/titles: Hero of Tython, Jedi Master, Jedi Battlemaster
Species: Human
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Aromantic asexual
Class: Jedi Knight
First combat style: Vigilance guardian
Second combat style: Infiltration shadow
Age at start of class story: 23
Love interest: /
Matheli Taral
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Other names/aliases/titles: Mathei, Darth Taral, Emperor's Wrath, Lord Wrath, Empire's Wrath
Species: Sith Pureblood
Gender: genderfluid
Pronouns: Zie/they/he
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Sith Warrior
First combat style: Annihilation marauder
Second combat style: Vengeance juggernaut
Age at start of class story: almost 19
Love interest: [work in progress]
Other notes: Zir ingame appearance is different than when they're supposed to look like - hairstyle is similar, but it's an undercut, and he also had top surgery
Nina Kyzavo
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I realized I don't have a character list screenshot of her in her new outfit, so this is second best (captures her character really well)
Other names/aliases/titles: Jedi Master, Barsen'thor
Species: Mirialan
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Jedi Consular
First combat style: Telekinetics sage
Second combat style: I haven't picked yet
Age at start of class story: 21
Love interest: Nadia Grell (but after Ossus - during the class story Nadia had a crush on Nina, who was fucking oblivious)
Other notes: She's my canon Jedi Consular, but she didn't accept the seat on the Jedi Council
Acklay Cadera
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Other names/aliases/titles: "Lurking Acklay" (bounty hunter alias), regual name I still have to decide, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Trans woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Bounty Hunter
First combat style: Pyrotech powertech
Second combat style: Mercenary (still need to pick the spec)
Age at start of class story: 20
Love interest: Torian Cadera (married)
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Other names/aliases/titles: Ebeth, Cipher 9
Species: Chiss
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality: Demisexual hetero
Class: Imperial Agent
First combat style: Virulence sniper
Second combat style: Lethality operative
Age at start of class story: 20
Love interest: Vector Hyllus (married)
Other notes: Kerk'ayz'muno's twin sister
Zorazh Qesrin
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Other names/aliases/titles: Comanding Officer of Havoc Squad, Major Qesrin
Species: Zabrak
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Class: Trooper
First combat style: Gunnery commando
Second combat style: Vanguard (still haven't picked the spec)
Age at start of class story: 26
Love interest: Elara Dorne
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Other names/aliases/titles: Lord Set'ia, Darth Deimos
Species: Echani
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Class: Sith Inquisitor
First combat style: Madness sorcerer
Second combat style: Vengeance juggernaut (yeah, I love DoT specs, how could you tell 😅)
Age at start of class story: 20 (when she became an apprentice)
Love interest: nothing yet
Other notes: She became Thanira's apprentice between Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan
Vladana Saarai
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Species: Sith Pureblood/human hybrid
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Class: Jedi Knight
First combat style: Focus guardian
Second combat style: Combat sentinel
Age at start of class story: 19 (when she became a Padawan)
Love interest: nothing yet
Other notes: Became Rennyl's Padawan after Shadow of Revan
Ann Doneeta
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Other names/aliases/titles: Captain Doneeta, self-proclaimed Pirate Lord
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Smuggler
First combat style: Gunslinger (still haven't picked a spec)
Second combat style: haven't picked one yet
Age at start of class story: 24
Love interest: doesn't want a relationship doesn't mean she can't change her mind, prefers hook-ups
[will add the picture when I log in on pc]
Other names/aliases/titles: Maevva, Jedi Master
Species: Chiss
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Asexual lesbian
Class: Jedi Consular
First combat style: Kinetic combat shadow
Second combat style: Defense guardian
Age at start of class story: 25
Love interest: nothing yet
Other notes: She accepted the seat on the Jedi Council instead of Nina
Gaya J'sari
[will add the picture when I log in on pc]
Species: Human
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight
Class: Smuggler
First combat style: Sawbones scoundrel
Second combat style: haven't picked yet
Age at start of class story: 16 (at the beginning of Thanira's class story)
Love interest: Corso Riggs (she met him after KOTET)
Other notes: Thanira's younger sister, after KOTET joined Ann's crew as a medic
Neith Kallig-Beniko
[will add the picture when I log in on pc]
Species: Human
Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Sith Warrior
First combat style: Immortal juggernaut
Second combat style: Darkness assassin
Love interest: nothing yet
Other notes: Thanira and Lana's daughter
[will add the picture when I log in on pc]
Other names/aliases: Kayzm, Cipher 9
Species: Chiss
Gender: Trans man
Pronouns: He/they
Sexuality: Gay
Class: Imperial Agent
First combat style: Lethality operative
Second combat style: haven't picked yet
Age at start of class story: 20
Love interest: Theron Shan
Other notes: Kerk'ebeth'dutii's twin brother
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itsallinm3 · 10 months
another certification done....im about 2 b a pyrotech 🤓
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mewaruniversity · 7 months
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Mewar_University_In_Media :: A meeting was organized between Mewar University and the Oxford Human Resources Community
An exclusive meeting of Mewar University and the Ukrainian HR community was held at Raghu Mahal Hotel, Udaipur. The meeting was based on the Stamina theme of future industrial-academic support and provided a common platform for UNESCO's humanitarian community. Several programs were discussed at this institute to link the field of entrepreneurship and education. The future university created by this company will see many important and positive results in the direction of efficiency, development, and innovation.
During the meeting, there was attendance from Training Engineers Dholhal and Malam Laishram, who coordinate training for engineers. Conversely, leaders and business executives from Secor Metres, Volkem India Limited, Issue Industries, Rama Spectra, Pyrotech Workshop Solution, Arcgate, Indica Enterprises Workshops Limited, Wonder Demand, and other companies took part in and expressed support for this university project.
Published In: Dainik Bhaskar, Rajasthan Patrika, Jannayak, Pratahkal Etc.
ZOOM IN TO READ the full news article.
#News #EducationUpdate #NewsUpdate #LatestNews #IndustrialMeeting #IndustryConference #IndustrialNetworking #IndustrialInnovation #IndustrialLeadership #HRNetworking #HRLeaders #Udaipur #TalentManagement #WorkplaceCulture #HRBestPractices #TopUniversityInRajasthan #ApplyNow #Placement #BestUniversityInRajasthan #Cuet #KnowledgeToWisdom #MewarUniversity
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