#quinn fabray propaganda
Quinn Fabray: Inconsistently Characterized?
Submissions propaganda will be here. Feel free to reblog or reply to this post with additional inconsistency in characterization, or to refute it!
See #Quinn Fabray Propaganda as a tag.
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Out of all the Glee characters her characterisation was the most erratic which is really saying something
Though probably every single character in Glee would qualify, I went with Quinn is because she's probably the most notable example of this. Because of petty vengance reasons she's consistently given plotlines that are meant to paint her in a terrible light, despite the fact that it doesn't make any sense for her character to be doing any of it. From making her be absent from both her supposed best best friends' wedding, and high school boyfriend's funeral, to making her try to steal back her baby with barely any explenation given, she's always made to do the most out of pocket and personality-wise inconsistent stuff. Perhaps one of the most grevious offenses is when she starts dating Puck again, calling him the love of her life. This is the same Puck who took advantage of her and impregnated her when she was drunk, and whom she previously has shown literally zero interest in. Everytime she shows an ounce of character growth, the writers are like, haha, what if we made her backtrack on all that, and instead subjected her to more bullshit, wouldn't that be funn, WOULDN'T IT. Also: the fact that her friendship with Mercedes completely dissipated after season one is an easy forgottan crime compared to some of the other stuff the writers put her up to, but it still hurts an awful lot. They could have been,,, so much,,,,
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Submission message for Rachel and Quinn: faberry from glee!
Submission message for Charles and Erik: Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Additional propaganda: Okay but Cherik (Spot 12) is so incredibly queer I can’t even—
Like straight up they have a kid together because Professor X siphoned off Magneto into his brain and then they did a mind meld thing and Onslaught came out of Professor X like Athena from Zeus.
There was a recent story arc where they defeated Onslaught and the guy who defeated Onslaught straight up said something like ‘Professor X and Magneto aren’t doing anything because they have a soft spot for their murderous joint kid entity’. Please bear in mind that this guy is also straight-up Professor X’s son and a telepath.
Also this comic book cover is literally the gayest thing I have ever seen.
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Magneto is a bara daddy for 0 reason and Professor X is supposed to be dead, yet looks like a twink having the absolute time of his LIFE.
Also in a marvel comic specifically for celebrating canon queer couples there’s this stunner of a panel:
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Why is this not canon again???
God, the matched Hellfire Gala outfits are making me insane in the membrane.
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For context here’s literally THEE couple of the X-men universe at the exact same party:
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They’re complimentary— even they’re not fucking MATCHING. For the love of god just let the old men kiss holy shit.
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fichascaliforni · 3 years
Mia, 18+, ela/dela. Meus triggers são racismo e zoofilia. Meu tempo disponível é maior durante a noite nos dias de semana e tarde e noite nos fins de semana.
Tentando evitar as câmeras, vem MARGOT FLEURANT, uma ATRIZ. Vinda de NOVA YORK, EUA, conta com VINTE E SETE ANOS, dos quais passou NOVE ANOS sob os holofotes. Conhecida no meio como THE PRIMADONNA, consideram-na CARISMÁTICA e MANIPULADORA. Ela se parece com EIZA GONZALEZ.
― CARMEN, by Lana Del Rey ―
Assim que Margot — e que, na época, atendia pelo nome Carla Santiago — pôs os pés nas cidades dos anjos, soube que ali era seu lugar. Não que já não soubesse, é claro, uma vez que, desde nova, sonhava com a oportunidade de sair de Hell’s Kitchen e adentrar o mundo luxuoso de Hollywood. Seu primeiro segredo é seu passado: filha de imigrantes, de ascendência pobre e que precisou casar com um homem qualquer para que conseguisse deixar o pai abusivo para trás. 
O teste do sofá é um segredo aberto em Los Angeles e Margot não precisava estar por dentro de tudo no showbusiness para saber que homens, aqueles que normalmente estão no poder, não se importam com nada, além do que sentem no meio das pernas. Trabalhando como garçonete num diner em frente à Vanderberg Management, deu um jeito de conhecer um produtor muito influente; depois de alguns botões da blusa abertos e um convite para ir ao escritório dele, Margot conseguiu seu primeiro papel.
Audaciosa e astuta, Margot teve cada passo previamente calculado até que conseguisse um lugar numa produtora. Conheceu as pessoas certas, frequentou os locais apropriados, até que conseguisse um contrato. Começou pequena, claro, com papéis secundários e pouquíssimas falas. O que não significa, decerto, que não chamou atenção; mas não pelo seu talento. O seu corpo, que desenvolveu cedo, aliás, sempre chamou atenção e ela aprendeu a usá-lo como arma para conseguir o que quer. Poderia não ter tanto talento como outras atrizes, mas tinha carisma e um belo corpo para ser exposto num biquíni. 
Pouco a pouco, conquistou um público-alvo e conseguiu outras personagens relevantes. Ainda assim, não estava satisfeita, tampouco sentia-se segura em sua vida — alguma atriz de sorriso perfeito e com sobrenome influente, conseguiria tirá-la de seu lugar no Oscar. Equilibrou vários tipos de papéis, até cair na graça do público. Em entrevistas, é carismática e até um pouco falsa: ri das piadas mais sem graça, faz mistério de sua vida pessoal e rende ótimas propagandas de seus filmes. Poucos conhecem sua verdadeira face: a de uma mulher ambiciosa e que passou por experiências o suficiente para que tenha medo de poucas coisas. No entanto, ainda é vista mais pelo corpo do que por suas personagens.
LITTLE WOMEN ― Emma Watson/filme/atuou como Meg March;
FRANQUIA AVENGERS ― Scarlett Johansson/filmes/atuou como Black Widow;
JENNIFER’S BODY ― Megan Fox/filme/atuou como Jennifer Check.
ABOUT TIME ― Rachel Mcadams/filme/atuou como Mary.
THE CROWN ― Vanessa Kirby/série/atuou como Princess Margaret.
INSPIRAÇÕES (CAMPO OPCIONAL): Evelyn Hugo, Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Quinn Fabray.
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Honestly the entire Glee cast should be in here. I don’t think the writers ever watched the show :/
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Preliminaries Part 3
 I used Wheel of Names to randomly draw the pairings/character names from our list. This is the fight for spots 11-17. The rest will be announced and then posted later. (Makes it easier for me to keep up with propaganda) Preliminary polls will all run for a week.
Please prepare and send in your propaganda (via asks) for
Fight for Spot 11
Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray (Glee)
Mobius and Loki (Loki)
Legoshi and Louis (Beastars)
Fight for Spot 12
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Ravenpaw and Barely (Warrior Cats)
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr/Professor X and Magneto (anything X-men)
Fight for Spot 13
Allison and Patti (Kevin Can F**k Himself)
Masumi Itachi (Blue Flag)
Cory and Naveed (Ackley Bridge)
Fight for Spot 14 
Batman and Joker/Bruce and John Doe (Batman Telltale)
Darling Charming and Apple White (Ever After High)
Merlin and Arthur (BBC Merlin)
Fight for Spot 15
Steve and Bucky (Captain America)
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Alix (Miraculous Ladybug)
Fight for Spot 16  
Betty and Veronica (Riverdale) 
Drs House and Wilson (House MD)
Regina Mills and Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
Fight for Spot 17
Sophie and Agatha (The School of Good and Evil)
Firestar and Greystripe (Warrior Cats)
Kanji and Naoto (Persona 4)
So I can publish the propaganda with the polls! Please also send in your favourite pictures of the pairings/characters! (I will keep all of this in my inbox as a resource!)
Voting for Preliminaries Part 3 will start Wednesday 5pm CET! The polls will be scheduled!
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Whose characterization is the most inconsistent?
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Quinn Fabray
Out of all the Glee characters her characterisation was the most erratic which is really saying something
Though probably every single character in Glee would qualify, I went with Quinn is because she's probably the most notable example of this. Because of petty vengance reasons she's consistently given plotlines that are meant to paint her in a terrible light, despite the fact that it doesn't make any sense for her character to be doing any of it. From making her be absent from both her supposed best best friends' wedding, and high school boyfriend's funeral, to making her try to steal back her baby with barely any explenation given, she's always made to do the most out of pocket and personality-wise inconsistent stuff. Perhaps one of the most grevious offenses is when she starts dating Puck again, calling him the love of her life. This is the same Puck who took advantage of her and impregnated her when she was drunk, and whom she previously has shown literally zero interest in. Everytime she shows an ounce of character growth, the writers are like, haha, what if we made her backtrack on all that, and instead subjected her to more bullshit, wouldn't that be funn, WOULDN'T IT. Also: the fact that her friendship with Mercedes completely dissipated after season one is an easy forgottan crime compared to some of the other stuff the writers put her up to, but it still hurts an awful lot. They could have been,,, so much,,,,
Princess Audrey
First movie: after being the mean girl who hates on the main character throughout the entire movie, the MC does one good deed after doing a lot of bad things and suddenly they're both cool with each other, willing to do a music number together too. Book series: she's a nice but dumb/unskilled airhead apparently Animated series: she is no longer mentally ill. has no bad beef with the main characters. they're good friends now - no explanation. Third movie: OKAY ACTUALLY SHE'S THE MAIN VILLAIN NOW. SHE'S SO UPSET (after not seeming to care for the entire second movie), SHE'S GOING TO (somehow successfully) STEAL A WEAPON AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD. wait nvm the MC just gave her a friendship speech.
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Tournament - Round 1 -Left side
If you want to add a different picture or additional propaganda, please send me an ask!!
Sylvie (Loki) vs Stiles and Derek (Teen Wolf)
Naruto and Sasuke (Naruto) vs Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Spock and Kirk (Star Trek reboot) vs Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Dean WInchester and Castiel (Supernatural) vs Klavier and Apollo (Ace Attorney)
Rei and Nagisa (Free!) vs Sherlock and Moriarty (Sherlock BBC)
Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray (Glee) vs Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (Xmen)
Allison and Patti (Kevin Can F**k Himself) vs Merlin and Arthur (BBC Merlin)
Steve and Bucky (Captain America) vs Drs House and Wilson (House MD)
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