#racial preference
Hot take or just a fact
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radkindoffeminist · 3 months
would you say not being attracted to a certain race (for example black people) is racism or a personal preference?
I really can’t be fuck explaining how different preferences should not be compared against each other, especially when they are used to determine if someone is discriminating against another person.
Short answer: Yes, they can be and often are racist
Slightly longer answer: Even if we accept that these are racist personal preferences, the answer is not to force someone with a racist preference to just get over it and date someone that they are not attracted to as that will never remove the underlying biases that they have. People’s dating pools are not places in which we should be fighting to stop people being ‘discriminated’ against - they are highly personal. And trans people are not the only people ever to be rejected for something that they can’t change (or is very hard to change) so just get the fuck over yourselves.
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thiagodasilva · 1 year
can we stop using what Vini Jr is going through as a way to say “get him to the premier league!”? you’ve gotta be fucking kidding. the racism in Spain is similar to the racism in England, in Germany, in Italy, across Europe. The racism POC athletes experience is a global issue, and has been for a long, long time. no one is free of it.
We can criticize what La Liga is doing without trying to make it some sort of competition between leagues, it’s childish and demeaning to the bigger issue at hand. It’s not about “my favorite league is better than yours” or “come to my club, it won’t happen here.” fucking grow up.
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menalez · 27 days
its ok for you to prefer woc over white women (even though you yourself said racial preferences can be racist and problematic) and yet its not ok for white women to prefer being around white men that share our culture and manners......ah yes that makes sense
And reverse racism omg there is only racism not reverse racism tf
Reverse racism implies that you can only be racist towards one group of people which obviously isnt true
Anyway glad you are showing your true colors
did u really compare me preferring to date woc to you hating immigrants
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Chart: Courtesy of The New York Times
Children from ultra-wealthy families are more than twice as likely to gain admission to Ivy League schools compared to others with comparable test scores, finds a widely shared new working paper from a group of Harvard economists who study inequality.
Why It Matters: Even as the U.S. Supreme Court just eliminated racial preference in college admissions, the data show another kind of bias — that is, toward the very wealthiest applicants (who are disproportionately white).
• "In effect, the study shows, these policies amounted to affirmative action for the children of the 1%, whose parents earn more than $611,000 a year," per the New York Times report on the paper.
Between The Lines: The schools examined — the eight Ivies plus Stanford, Duke, M.I.T. and the University of Chicago — graduate a disproportionate share of the country's business and political leaders.
• 12% of Fortune 500 CEOs went to an Ivy, as did a quarter of U.S. Senators and 13% of the top 0.1% of earners, notes the NYT.
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By: Winkfield Twyman, Jr.
Published: May 26, 2024
Every time a crusading medical school dean admits an uncompetitive, unqualified black student, said medical school dean hurts my niece. When you make crazy assumptions about the health needs of black women, you are harming my black niece. And by giving the incompetent false hope, you have made my niece’s journey in life that much harder.
Let me explain since the narrative only seems to go one way these days.
My niece is a smart pre-med student at a top university. She has several doctors in her family. Is she a privileged black person? Yes, she is. She is a graduate of a prominent private prep school. She has traveled the world. Her parents are no strangers to acclaim on the world stage. She is an Ivy League legacy daughter, the descendant of a Central American family, and wants to become a doctor.
Sadly, these are lousy times for my niece to apply to medical school.
First, there are crusading medical school deans who are not holding black applicants to the same standards as white and Asian students. Expectations for blacks have totally collapsed at some medical schools to my horror. At one local medical school and to boost diversity, standards are no more. “Standardized tests that up to 50 percent of some UCLA cohorts now fail…Nationally, only 5 percent of students fail those exams.” At this medical school, eight medical school professors, including four members of the medical school admissions committee, revealed that black applicants have a lower bar to overcome.
The first-year curriculum contains a mandatory course on “structural racism.” Structural racism. “Other units discuss the ‘sickness of policing’ and link ‘Queer liberation to liberation from the carceral state.’" Meanwhile, what are the failing medical students learning? “And the students that remain have become increasingly entitled about their ignorance with one professor reporting that he was berated by a student in the operating room who accused him of putting her on the spot when she could not identify a major artery.”
If I can help it, this incompetent student will never see me in a medical capacity.
Second, my niece deserves to be admitted in flat out competition with other applicants for admission. To do otherwise plants doubt in her mind as to her qualification and doubt in the minds of her white and asian classmates and doubt in the minds of her faculty members. Why set my niece up for the imposter syndrome, that she doesn’t belong and can’t handle the work?
Third, my niece is not marginalized. She is not oppressed. She is not suffering from structural racism. The required first-year curriculum would expose my niece to zany dogma and slogan words. She needs to learn about major arteries. Her instruction should be color indifferent.
Fourth, the longer lasting evil is the poor perception of black doctors as a group in the larger world. Who in their right mind would feel comfortable going to a doctor who has failed their first and second-year exams? I wouldn’t. It is not about race. It is about competency. My niece deserves an admissions process that allows my niece to hold her head high in medical school. One does the opposite when one erases grades and MCAT scores in favor of boosting diversity.
Let’s talk about the foreseeable consequences of throwing standards to the wind for black applicants to medical school. One doesn’t magically become a medical genius in medical school. That is magical thinking. As with all things in life, garbage in becomes garbage out.
Did you know that Michael Jackson died because his black doctor, Conrad Murray, negligently administered the drug propofol? Dr. Murray lacked specialty training. The drug was not supposed to be administered as a sleep aid. Jackson’s death was ruled a homicide by the Los Angeles’ Coroners Office. Dr. Murray graduated from Meharry Medical School where the average MCAT score is 503. For purposes of comparison, the median MCAT score at Yale Medica School is 522. The median MCAT score for black applicants is 494. There is a world of difference between 494 and 522.
Michael Jackson was a part of my growing up. I loved Michael Jackson. I cut Dr. Murray no slack.
We have been down this road before with no competitive standards for admissions to medical school. Remember the Bakke case in 1978? I do. The white male applicant Alan Bakke's MCAT score overall was 72; the average applicant to UC Davis scored a 69 and the average applicant under the special program for black applicants was a 33. The UC Davis Medical School denied Bakke admissions. Bakke had to go the U.S. Supreme Court to gain admissions to medical school. He graduated in 1982 and led a fine career as an anesthesiologist at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic.
And as for the applicant who replaced Bakke? What became of the black medical student Dr. Patrick Chavis admitted with almost non-existent MCAT scores?
Dr. Chavis left a wake of carnage in his medical career. Dr. Chavis “performed liposuction on 43-year-old Tammaria Cotton and killed her. Two other women came close to being killed at Chavis’s incompetent hands.” Note well about the character of Dr. Chavis: “Yolanda Mukhalian lost 70 percent of her blood after Chavis hid her in his home for 40 hours following a bungled liposuction; she miraculously survived.”
An incompetent doctor tends to remain a danger to the public. “In 1997, the Medical Board of California suspended Chavis’s license, citing his ‘inability to perform some of the most basic duties required of a physician.’ The board further noted Chavez’s insensitivity to patients’ pain. The board had access to a tape recording of patients screaming in agony while Chavez humiliated them.”
How did Dr. Chavis meet his end? “According to a Los Angeles County Sheriff's detective I spoke with last week, Chavis was murdered on the night of July 23 in Hawthorne, an economically depressed neighborhood on the southern edge of Los Angeles. Three unknown assailants shot him during an alleged robbery at a Foster's Freeze.”
I fault the admissions committee at UC Davis that admitted an uncompetitive and unqualified applicant to medical school for reasons of boosting diversity, not merit. Black patients like Michael Jackson and Yolanda Mukhalian deserved competent black doctors.
It is difficult to identity all instances where nominal standards for medical school admissions have caused patient harm on the back end. The internet doesn’t easily lend up stories of failed black doctors who should not have been admitted to medical school in the first place. If one can’t identify a key artery in medical school, stay away from me and my family. I don’t care about your race. I care about your competency.
I know a doctor who failed his residency boards over twenty times. He spent perhaps half of his adult life taking the boards twice a year. He never passed but he could always take the boards again, and again, and again. The medical school admissions system failed this person. He should have been encouraged to discover his real talents in life in his early 20s. Indeed, the hunger for increasing the number of black doctors sucked in this young man and the rest was a long slog through study all the time year after year after year. He grew to hate his profession and life. Would you want to be his guy’s patient? He eventually passed as a middle-aged man. It was poignant, a dream deferred.
These are the foreseeable consequences of choosing race over qualifications. Wasted lives and endangered patients.
Conclusion: My niece deserves a world where she can pursue her medical school dreams free of ideology, dogma and slogan words. She doesn’t want to become a Dr. Conrad Murray, a Dr. Patrick Chavis or a resentful young doctor who can’t pass her boards. She wants a fair and square opportunity to be admitted on good faith terms. Medical school deans do my niece no favor if they play around with identity politics and the dreams of my niece.
She wants to do no harm. And admissions committees for medical schools should do the same.
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
I'm finally back into the way of kings and like.kaladin. Kaladin. Babe. My poor little meow meow. Sad boy times only. Prime Blorbo material. I would die for him.
What a shame bsanderson is such A Worldbuilding Guy and I'm very much more a character driven person where the world mostly exists to serve the narrative & themes bc like. Ho boy is this one dragging. The dalinar chapters SHOULD be smthn I enjoy! Sad old men! Guilt! Honour! Chivalric codes! The ever encroaching fear that you're losing your sanity! And yet. Mcdying.
Love shallan and jasnah. Absolutely fascianted by scholarly, philosophical and religious infighting and implications there. But Kaladin is THEE cosmere guy of all time. He's uprooted even my mistborn era 1 faves. Guilt complex chronically depressed sometimes suicidal enslaved soldier is actually meant to be a healer and a surgeon and he is kind. And good. He doesn't want to be a miracle but for his men he will be. But he also said fuck the lighteyes class oppression all my homies hate this shit. I stood ZERO chance of him not being my fave immediately
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I like to headcanon Habit and his family as being pretty racially ambiguous, they dont exactly know their ethnic origins so much aside from having a lot of Persian, Turkish, Slavic, Siberian, and overall having a really mixed ancestry with a lot of different cultural aspects that each of them may have grew up with, but they’re overall Not White.
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ausetkmt · 8 months
A new and damning civil rights lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleges that automotive giant Tesla did nothing to stop widespread racial harassment aimed at Black employees working at a California plant.
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The plant’s supervisors and managers were also witnesses to this conduct but refused to intervene, the suit obtained by Atlanta Black Star details. To make matters worse, human resources employees and managerial personnel who were approached by workers about the “slurs, insults, graffiti, and misconduct” made no effort to address the behavior or penalize the workers responsible. Some of these employees were even terminated, transferred, or experienced a shift in their job duties for reporting the conduct.
The suit accuses the electric carmaker of violating “federal law by tolerating widespread and ongoing racial harassment of its Black employees and by subjecting some of these workers to retaliation for opposing the harassment.”
Tesla has yet to respond to requests for comment from several major outlets nor has the company released a statement on the lawsuit at this time.
This suit is just the latest in a series of civil actions taken against Musk companies over the past few years.
The Justice Department sued SpaceX for allegedly discriminating against refugees and asylum seekers in its hiring process. In 2021, the carmaker was also the target of a lawsuit filed by half a dozen women who alleged the company fostered an environment of sexual harassment. Just this year, a jury ordered Tesla to pay Owen Diaz — a Black former employee — nearly $3.2 million in damages after finding he faced racial discrimination on the job in 2015. Diaz was initially granted $137 million in 2021, but a judge tossed out that award, ruling it as excessive.
Diaz worked as an elevator operator at the Fremont facility and he sued his former employer after regularly hearing racial slurs on the factory floor and seeing racist graffiti in bathrooms.
The EEOC’s lawsuit details staggering similarities to Diaz’s case, alleging that since 2015, Black workers at the Fremont plant “have routinely endured racial abuse, pervasive stereotyping, and hostility as well as epithets such as variations of the N-word, ‘monkey,’ ‘boy,’ and ‘black b—-.’”
Managers, supervisors, line leads, and production associates engaged in this conduct, according to the legal complaint. One employee even reported that white co-workers and one supervisor’s “preferred pronoun” was the N-word.
“Every employee deserves to have their civil rights respected, and no worker should endure the kind of çracial bigotry our investigation revealed,” EEOC Chair Charlotte Burrows said. “Today’s lawsuit makes clear that no company is above the law, and the EEOC will vigorously enforce federal civil rights protections to help ensure American workplaces are free from unlawful harassment and retaliation.”
The EEOC is seeking “compensatory and punitive damages, and back pay for the affected workers, as well as injunctive relief designed to reform Tesla’s employment practices to prevent such discrimination in the future.”
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oscill4te · 8 months
sending good vibes to mixed race folk who have a very complicated relationship w their heritage or view of themselves, ily
#mentally i call myself a racially ambiguous american#i don't really connect with the word latino idk why.. like i was raised by an immigrant parent but#oddly feel no connection with the culture at all. not out of self prejudice even. i just wasnt close w my mom idk#like sure i know some spanish and have eaten the food but i just feel no connection anymore. i used too. its weird#again i just prefer to call myself slightly brown/ambiguous American or something lol it just feels more accurate#its not self hate i just legit dont connect... i feel like an outsider and thats okay. i think it was due to how i was raised really.#my white side was shitty too but they were more involved in my life so i guess thats why despite being brown-ish#i saw myself as white for 17 yrs of my life til i had a therapist (of color) say something like#“i bet you relate since you are also of color” and i was in shock and confusion like#i told her “uh no im white i dont know what you mean” and it caused some cognitive dissonancee#so i asked a few ppl what they saw me as and it shattered my view that i looked 100% white passing#its like how ducks imprint on who raised them. my white grandma and aunt raised me so i just saw myself as white?? idk#its still a weird feeling and nowadays i dont really like identifying my race or ethnicity to ppl idk#maybe this all sounds weird i dont know#but its how i genuinely feel; unfiltered and all#again i like mexican culture a lot i just often don't feel like its “my roots” it feels more like#im appreciating someone elses culture which makes sense bc i was raised as a gringo!! yk?#its not really “my roots” it's my moms roots but not mine#altho ngl i feel kinship with first/2nd gen latinos...#i think a lot of them have similar feelings like me minus the mix race stuff#well actually many of them r probably mix race too idk i mostly meet 1st gen ppl who have 2 immigrant parents tho#and yesss i know latinos can be any race. i know i.#im just rambling incoherently
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menalez · 7 months
The "i wouldnt date poc women" which is firstly grammatical incorrect (people of color women) anon is so fucking stupid because exactly what is that you dont like about women of color that includes all women of color? Eye color? There woc with lighter eyes, hair texture? There are straight haired woc, nose shape? There are button nosed woc. Skin color? Lighter skinned ones. There is not a single feature that could make one exclude entires ethnicities. Only racism
i was thinking the same thing. and her claiming not to be bait while being like “oh so you want me to FUCK ~poc women~ to prove i’m not racist?”
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when i said TO HER very clearly in reply to her prior anon here:
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like maam you were told to do the opposite of “use [your] vagina as a way to combat [your] subconscious/probable racism”! the desire to frame woc as rapists who desperately want white women to fuck us to prove they’re not racist is an intentional twisting of what is actually being criticised. i said if u only find white people attractive, that probably is rooted in racism. race isn’t this clear defined constant category where you’ll never find a white person who can pass for a person of colour or never find a person of colour who can pass for a white person, it’s not a quality that is related to sexual orientation so it’s not comparable to lesbians not wanting to date males, it’s not even constant enough for there to not be a variety of features and skin colours and eye colours and hair textures within one race.
if someone said to me “i’m only attracted to pale skin”, whatever, it’s a preference and can come about from many things (tho of course there being cultures where pale skin is prioritised and viewed as more beautiful often is rooted in white supremacist beauty standards- so it’s not above questioning). if someone said “i’m really into blue eyes” that’s also whatever, tho again it could be rooted in more questionable things. if someone said “i connect at a deeper level with people from the same cultural background as me”, also whatever and makes total sense. but then when they say “i’m only attracted to white people and my genitalia only responds if someone is A Member Of The White Race” it just gets confusing like, do u mean ur only into blondes (which non-white ppl can be)? blue eyed pale ppl (which non-white ppl can be)? ppl with thinner lips (which non-white ppl can have)? what exactly does that even mean. if they’re primarily white but have some more distant non-white ancestry is it a deal breaker? if they’re not white at all but look white is that where u draw it? like it doesn’t make sense in so many ways. is her “vagina” an aryan detector or what?
and the only way she can counter me is by insisting i want white ppl to have sex with us or to look at the dating histories of white ppl to determine whether they’re racist or not despite me explicitly saying the opposite 🤭 i would actually much rather that white ppl like that figure that stuff out far, far away from us and without even trying to touch us or go on a date with us or anything else. i’d much rather they exclusively date white ppl and just stay away from us
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manyofnine · 11 months
There is a motto about bureaucrazy that feels corrupt but which i've always been able to trust in:
"We go by the rules until you talk to us"
something something asking for help is the first things humans learn to do something something why can't we give empathy to those we don't know personally something something shouldn't everyone have to abide by the same rules... and if these rules have already been deemed unfair for all those that asked-
Why not mend then for those who never found the system as anything but unfailingly unfeeling and thus without the hope or the strength or the knowledge to ask?
It all comes back around to privilege in the end, of course the rules of the system can be bended slightly to make my life easier they tell me, but i also got the right passport and the right skintone and my accent is distinctly from nowhere in particular and my smile always kind. It's privilege, plain and simple...
And, never forget. I am an insider to the system, they expect me to learn from them.
These random acts of benevolence, that we are capable to enact, the only reason we don't get smashed by the whole apperatus too. There is a reason i fear nothing as much as a receptionist, because these women have always been able to decide my fate after the shortest of first impressions.
Something something, the animal under my skin is at war with the ticking clock in my throat whose sole purpose is to remind me of the upcoming deadlines and whose hands i put the power of decision into. So many women who put stamps on my future, each with only a margin of power but in the end, it only takes a singly stamp to put me down.
Something something, we worship what we fear and cannot comprehend something something there is a reason punctuality is a stereotype we all laugh at uncomfortably something something and nobody can say i didn't try because i always have my emails proofread by at least two witnesses before hitting send something something one day i will sell my soul for a chance at getting old without poverty and it will mean i can no longer rebel against those that make the machine worse, let alone the whole fucking system itself.
I want to fucking scream.
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bryceslahela · 2 years
the way you presch about racism and then romance all white guys on your header ….
this header?? that literally has only two white guys on it??? not you with the verdict: white mindset in 2022….
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celestial-alignment · 2 years
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When you’re having a fight with your partner and they cross the line with their racial slurs.
“Partners of the Month” Season 2, Episode 15
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moonfirebrides · 2 years
Andrew Tate is the spawn of a Black man’s self-hatred, anti-Black misogyny and ‘preferences’
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