#raon is confused
crazydaymycrazyway · 1 month
Cale: Do you have a type?
Alberu: Long red hair, red eyes, shorter than me, smart, dumb, has a lot of friends, oldest in their family but doesn't want to be the heir, can control elements, a good actor, understands me the most, wear boots and likes likes simple clothing
Cale: Wow, that's quite specific. Is it someone I know?
Alberu: Did I mention dumb?
Cale: Yeah?
Alberu: Just checking
Later that night
Cale: Oh my God, His Highness has a crush on Miss Rosalyn!
Raon: ????
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sadlynotthevoid · 5 months
The other day I had this weird dream where, in a timeline where the Soo's, somehow and for some reason, stopped the plaza terror incident— pretty much with no casualties. And then, like a week later or so, the king or Alberu (or any royalty, not sure who) gathered the nobles and other people related to the matter on the palace.
Here's when things start to... happen, I guess?
Turns out, between the people there was a really angry noblewoman who went straight to the king to ask for divorce of her husband. Not really sure what the guy did, but he was also there and he was kind of a jerk, so... Fair.
Zed, for this time in the right, tried to explain that 'yes, he can get them divorced, but right now was not the time for it'.
—It didn't worked.
The woman was really mad and indignated and the jerk of the husband wasn't helping. Obviously, the situation escalated.
The discussion turned into yells, which turned into them throwing things and a random woman (seriously, who was this? a mistress, maybe?) joining the jerk. Food was launched, Antonio Gyerre almost got a fork at the eye and, by the end of all this, Choi Han had a chicken wing on his hair (that was Choi JungSoo, actually).
After they got them separated, the jerk ended up being held by the guards for some reason (I think he threw a knife, but I'm not sure. It could had been Raon). The woman stomped off the room, being followed by a distressed maid holding a baby.
Five minutes later, Cale Henituse entered through the door, looking really confused. He glanced at all the people covered in food, at the man being picked like a naughty cat by the guards and at the spoon tangled in the king's beard. He tilted his head.
"What happened here."
And, instead of answering him, Bassen asked, "hyung-nim, what are you carrying there?"
Slowly, Cale moved the bunch in which he had his coat wrappled in his arms. He pulled off a piece of fabric a bit, showing a pair of litte hands to Bassen.
"Some crazy woman threw this baby at me at the hallway. Literally."
Then I woke up and now I don't know what happened later with og!Cale and his accidentally acquired baby. I mean, besides that he kept her, obviously.
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mytragedyperson · 9 months
Thoughts I had while reading TCF chapter 12
Deputy butler hans was one of the first people to be victimised by Cale, idc. My man is just living in confusion at this point, and every time he tries to clarify, he gets nothing exept maybe more confusion.
Cale may not seem like trash anymore but he does seem 10x more insane and unhinged than before I’d say. Love that for him.
Hans is a really good judge of character actually. He’s the first to realise Cale is/could be dangerous. Good for him.
Love that Hans seeming ruder is actually just him calling Cale out for his bullshit. You go Hans. You’re like the one person who isn’t just an enabler and occasionally thinks to ask Cale what he’s actually doing. Sorry, I may have a bias for deputy butler Hans which is only made worse by the fact that, IMO, he isn’t talked about enough. Also, really he’s just more comfortable which we love to see. It’s just too bad that now he’s going to be living a life of confusion and obliviousness, but as long as he’s happy, that’s fine.
Honestly Cale being like really? This guy is the most reliable deputy butler we have? Well, I guess I’m taking him to the capital as well. Deruth is torn between being relieved that someone who reports to him is there to keep and eye on things and being upset because his favourite deputy butler is gone. This only gets worse when Cale decides to extend his trip. Also, I feel like Hans slowly starts leaving things out of his reports. Like he’s thinking “do I tell him the young master smuggled two people into the capital? Hmm. You know what, I don’t think I will.”
Ok so I saw something recently that was talking about Dragon people and how he hoards people and the trip to the capital is proof. He brings everyone he has some sort of bond or relationship with, and along the way collects a few more. He may not be a full dragon but I feel like he’s an honorary dragon at this point. Like there’s been an adoption process, but there’s a slight disagreement over who adopted who. Cale likes to think that, because it’s his group, he adopted the dragons as family members, and most of the dragons are happy to let him think that, because they find it cute, but really, let’s face it, they’ve adopted Cale. Yes, even Raon. Eventually, they settle on, we adopted each other. But my point was part of the reason Cale attracts Dragons, is because he’s already so similar to them, and he doesn’t try to control them, that I’ve seen. If they want to join him for a plan, or something, he’ll make it work, but he’s never forced Raon or Eruhaben to do anything from what I can remember. I might be wrong though. And because of this he’s an honorary Dragon and his hoard is people, and Ancient Powers, etc. honestly he just likes hoarding things in general, wealth, resources, information, people, secrets – his and other people’s.
But Cale is so precious. He says he wants Ron away from him, but if he doesn’t see him in a while, he always remembers to ask about him. Do you think he realises Ron is already part of his small hoard? Like, he clearly doesn’t but that just makes it cuter.
I love that we can figure out the relationship between Ron, Choi Han and Beacrox just form the couple scenes they’re in. like, we don’t see every interaction they have, but from the interactions we do see, we can, not only tell that things aren’t quite as smooth sailing as Cale hopes, but also infer what their other interactions that we don’t see are like. and then it cuts to Cale lik I’m so glad they’re getting along as expected. In some ways it reminds me of the this is fine meme. You know, the one where the house is on fire and they’re just like this is fine. Only Cale actually does think this is fine, and actually is oblivious to the house burning down.
And he’s so happy that his people are getting along, but sure, it’s because “this is just like the novel”. Sure, hun, we’ll let you believe that. As long as you’re happy, we’re happy. And so is Hans
And once again Hans is confused. Every time he tells Cale something he thinks is a good thing, it’s somehow not. Someone give this man a raise, he deserves it.
Look at Hans, so happy to be complimented, completely unaware that he’s just sealed his fate by confirming he knows 3 basic martial arts. Somehow, I feel like he won’t be that put out about it, not as much as he would’ve been on day one
Also the fact that Hans has just casually been holding the kittens this entire conversation. That sounds adorable. I love that. Also, am I just forgetting or have we not gotten a description of Hans’ appearance. I only ask because I want to be able to visualise him in scenes better.
Ok so I looked it up and oh my god, he looks so cute.
Honestly, The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry sounds so relaxing.
Also, Billos is part of the hoard, but you didn’t hear that from me because he doesn’t realise it yet and Cale is in denial.
Honestly I love Billos’s approach. It’s not I’m going to make them acknowledge me because I’m their son, it’s I’m going to make them acknowledge me as their son because I’m more important/better than them. You go Billos, I’m rooting for you.
Also I want to be clear, on my first read through, I only got to about chapter 150 -160, somewhere around there, Clopeh had only just been mentioned/introduced, but I took a break and then, when I came back, I couldn’t remember a thing that was going on, so if I say something I’ve heard about this story, that happens after that point, and it’s wrong, that’s why. My knowledge of it is coming from one reaction fic, set after all these events, starting at chapter 1. So it’s probably right, but I don’t know
Anyway, that being said, Cale not liking people who don’t fight for what theirs makes so much sense with both what I’ve heard of him as Kim Rok Soo, but also in general. He doesn’t realise it but he’s constantly fighting for what’s his, his people. I think that’s why him and Billos get along so well. They’re kinda similar in that they’re both ready and willing to fight for what’s theirs and if they can make a profit off it, even better.
God, Cale is so accepting. He doesn’t care whether you’re human or another race. Can you help him? Great. If it doesn’t get in the way of how useful a person is, he doesn’t care. And, honestly, even if it does, he doesn’t necessarily dislike them. He only dislikes things that get in the way of his slacker life, and that’s so real of him.
The real reason Cale isn’t around Billos that much is because Billos can see right through him and tell when he’s just pretending to be annoyed. That must be Cale’s worst nightmare. Wdym he can’t just pretend to be annoyed to hide how he really feels? Oh my god, Cage and Taylor do this too, can tell he’s actually a kind person. It makes so much sense. Everyone he tries to push away can see right through him, that’s why it doesn’t work, but that’s also why he tries in the first place. I was gonna say I know he wasn’t trying here but I stand by this, and I still do, because this is what Cale does, tries to push away those who see him as a good person, maybe in an attempt to protect them so they don’t get hurt. If something bad has happened to everyone he’s cared about, he wouldn’t want to care, but you can’t just stop yourself from caring, and Cale is a very caring person, so he does the next best thing, he pretends, tries to convince himself and everyone else that he doesn’t care and he’s just using people, and he’s managed to convince himself, but everyone else sees him for the caring person he really is. Maybe he’s not even lying when he calls himself selfish, maybe in his head caring about others and letting them stay around him is selfish because it could lead to something bad happening to them.
I’m sorry, even Billos, who, as far as we know, had no conversations with OG Cale and if he did they were limited, has noticed that Cale has changed. The saddest part of this story is realising the reason Cale typically doesn’t do much to act like trash is because he already thinks he is trash, so considers everything he does trashy or selfish or some otherwise negative. Someone give Cale hug.
Cale: possibly accidentally convincing Billos he’s tired of being trash
Ron, overhearing: what a precious puppy young master, so cute.
Cale’s thoughts: I’m still going to do whatever I want. I’m still trash
No one knows what Cale is thinking, including Cale.
Imagine living in a world where you can ask someone if they’ve always been a tarshy young master, and it’s not even an insult. Imagine being so earnest, so genuine, that you can ask someone this as a genuine, honest question, with no insult or judgement intended.
Love how everyone can just kinda tell he prefers honesty and genuine questions and getting straight to the point and just being generally blunt instead of tiptoeing around the subject and being polite just because he’s a noble. For someone who keeps his cards close to his chest, he’s somehow also an open book to anyone who talks to him for more than five seconds, unless he doesn’t like them. Also love how even little details like this make sense and are fairly consistent. Later on we learn Violan is blunt because she grew up around merchants and stuff, and Billos is the illegitimate son of the leader of the merchant guild, and also probably spends a fair bit of time around other merchants, so it makes sense that he’d also be very blunt, because that’s just how merchants are.
And as we all know Cale is very good at figuring out ways to make money, and some of these are very creative and outside the box.
Cale might just be the perfect reversal of Deruth’s thought of there are times when the body is stronger than his mind. Like, yes, this is true, sometimes you need brawn to win battles, and that contributes to winning the war. But physical strength alone cannot win the war, and the physically strong people aren’t usually all brawn, and even the ones that are have someone smart standing next to them offering their assistance. And it’s intelligence, tactics, knowledge, that truly win a war. That and charisma, and that is what Cale has, That’s why he is the perfect leader and commander. He may not be the strongest physically, but he makes up for that in Charisma and intelligence, and more than that, he treats the people around him as equals, and he doesn’t put them in situations more dangerous than he’s willing to face himself, so he also has the morale, respect and support of his people. Sometimes the body is stronger than the mind, but Cale and his group are the perfect example of how intelligence and knowledge are really what matters.
How does one act like trash at 8 years old? Most “trashy” behaviour you can do at that age would seem bratty at wors. Also I’m sorry, but the idea of little 8 year old OG Cale, sitting there, trying to figure out how to convincingly act trashy is adorable and really funny to me. Like, him sat, with a serious expression on his face, or trying to act like trash and no one really taking it entirely serious at first.
Also I feel like, to some extent, Cale has some level of respect for OG Cale and is a little impressed and amazed by him, and I like that. Honestly, I need the fic where most of the stuff is the same, like Kim Rok Soo still goes to that world, but instead of replacing Cale, the GoD figures out a way to just send KRS there and OG Cale is still Cale, so KRS basically does everything the same, only he also befriends OG Cale. And everyone else in his crew is a little annoyed at OG Cale, except Cale who is just kind of amused by his trashy act which he sees through in 5 seconds. He also still prevents OG Cale from getting beat up by Choi Han, and just kinda drags Cale around as he goes on his adventure, and eventually Cale grows on the others and they all just end up being amused and endeared to him. The Henituse family is confused, but KRS seems to bring out a better, happier side of Cale so they’re fine with it. This features a lot of KRS teasing Cale, and later everyone else teasing him. So everything is the same only KRS and OG Cale both exist in the TBOAH world. So, if you have a fic rec, please provide. I’m sorry but you can’t tell me that KRS wouldn’t take one look at 18 year old Cale Henituse, pretending to be trash and just adopt him, because when I say Cale is a dragon, I mean KRS Cale. OG Cale would be adopted so fast.
I feel like that’s such a good message. The whole it’s okay to throw away something you’ve spent a lot of time doing. If it’s not bringing you joy anymore, or you just feel like a change is in order, go for it. My mum has mentioned a couple times going back to university or something but won’t because she sees herself as too old, and that’s bullshit. If there’s something you want to do, or a change you want to make, and it’s not going to hurt anyone, you should do it. And, even if it does hurt people, as long as it’s not illegal and it makes you happy, you should do it. It’s your life.
No wonder everyone believed him, he sounds so passionate about it.
He’s just so respectful. He acknowledges that they have different goals, but is still so supportive about it ugh.
Wait, is Cale one of the first people to believe Billos can achieve his goals, to encourage his ambitions. Maybe his uncle did but I wouldn’t imagine anyone else really does. And he wonders why he can’t get rid of people, when he’s one of the first people to believe in them, to encourage them, to support them. I feel like Alberu because he’s driving me crazy. He seems so relieved that someone believes in him, so happy.
On a different note, I remembered the scene of Cale going to kitchen 2 and casually collecting people as he went so he had like 4 people following him, and that is both a crazy powerful image to me but also just the perfect way to summarise this story. Him just going places and casually collecting people on his way until he has like, entire kingdoms and territories following him, and I think that’s so powerful of him.
He really thought Billos would still follow Choi Han instead of him after not even a proper interaction, when he’d just given Billos the encouragement he needed. Cale is a clown,
Also I’m not being funny, Billos has literally no reason to follow Choi Han. I know we don’t know what happened in the books, but here Billos knows nothing about him, except he was with Cale. He doesn’t even know how strong he is as far as we know. The interaction in the capital, I imagine, happens after the terror attack, when Choi Han manages to save some of the people, but that doesn’t happen the same way. And that is what Cale blissfully ignores/doesn’t realise.
Cale, what did you expect. To Ron, it seems like you were having a real heart-to-heart. Of course, he assumed you know him.  And then your answer is phrased like a question, as if you’re unsure if you’re close with him. How can someone so smart be so oblivious to how the things they say or do come across? I’m not even sure if Ron believes him or not. There’s every chance he thinks Cale is just embarrassed to admit it for whatever reason.
Yep, and now Choi Han thinks everything he’s heard about how trashy you are are rumours. Oh well, this is the consequences of your actions, I’d say this is a fairly good consequence all things considered. Choi Han probably feel more positive towards him than he would if the rumors were proven correct.
Yes, yes, Cale giving Ron lemon tea is funny, it’s good revenge for the lemon torture. But how did he know Ron didn’t like lemon tea? Was it in the books or just a lucky guess? Either way Cale is a little shit and we love him for it.
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fun fact: i wrote this on word first and it partially took up like 5 pages. also have the photo of Hans I found as a treat.
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slowflowa · 2 years
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They are so damn adorable!
Just a dad and his kids
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ayasenisan1713 · 8 months
Raon: What…? My grandpa actually liked me?? Then why did he behave like that?
Wrath: It’s obvious, he’s trying to use you.
Raon: Shut up.
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slackerlifewhere · 19 days
random thought #2
About Arm (don't take this post seriously)
[Mild SPOILER??? Can this be considered a spoiler? I'll just put this here to be sure. I guess I should also warn you that this post is stupid.]
Another random thought I had today that no one probably cares about but I find it funny anyways so here I go:
Without any context, the name "Arm" is absolutely confusing and hilarious.
Like if Cale is a normal person who has a bad sense of humor (like me) and saw Ron lose an arm, he'll probably be like, "They must really like arms, huh? Get it? Because their name is 'Arm'?" And Ron would proceed to give him different kinds of lemon treats, food, and drink for a month just for revenge.
But putting my bad sense of humor aside, I don't know why they thought of naming a secret organization "Arm" and think it's going to be intimidating. Like I know Cale is also bad at naming things (aside from Raon, that name is beautiful) but wtf White Star? I know you're old but at least give your organization a better name. It's like they just want to use different parts of the body as their name because they don't have creativity.
I guess he does have a point for uniqueness because I doubt anyone made an organization and called it Leg or Foot or Head so he's the first one to do it! Good for him.
It also says a lot about how utterly bored he is with his immortality if he doesn't even care about the bad name (unless he actually likes the name).
When I first read the novel, I couldn't take the name too seriously. I saw it and immediately laughed. And when Cale used it for his "Real Arm" agenda, I almost died because it's so funny without any context because one of Ron's arm is fake.
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But remember, the author also has a bad sense of humor for using the name "Bob" several times in the story so I think I can get away with this.
I suck, I know.
I'm sorry. Please ignore this post. This is just me sharing a post nobody should see but I did it anyway. Good day! I hope I didn't ruin your day with this stupid post.
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murasaki-cha · 2 months
Tcf part 2 chapter 255
Maren next to Raon stopped at the sound of Raon's heavy breathing and carefully patted his front paw. "Huh?" When Raon looked at her in confusion, Dragon Maren turned away from his gaze and muttered. “Because the blue wolf protects him, your father will be okay.” Raon paused. “Ooh, the human is not my father.”
"Oh really?" This time, Maren scratched her cheek and spoke with a puzzled look on her face. “I thought he was your dad.” “Uh, humans are humans, and I, I’m a dragon?” “Why is that a problem?” “It’s… not a problem!” "Yes?"
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teriri-sayes · 1 month
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 289
Brief summary: Cale warns Emperor Alt to choose between him or the dragons. Cale gives Clopeh the guardian knight's sword.
Emperor Alt was walking on a tightrope, balancing between Cale and the dragons. Cale thought he was sly, but also foolish, so he warned the emperor.
Alt snitched on Cale to Exion about what Cale had done, but kept his agreement with Cale a secret. Unfortunately for him, the wind elementals in the palace snitched on him to Cale. 😂 Good luck outsmarting Cale... 😂😂😂
Cale told Alt about the world's imminent destruction, and adviced Alt to make a choice. Will he used as a pawn by the dragons, and die along with the world? Or will he side with Cale and live as a hero of Aipotu? It was advice, but it was more like a threat when it came out of Cale's mouth. 😂 And Cale scared Alt without even using his DA.
Cale messaged GoD to send people from the Central Plains to Aipotu while GoB had gone crazy from GoC's antics. In exchange, he'd offer GoB information about GoC. Or not. I'm actually confused on this part because the machine translation was confusing regardless of what machine translator I used.
Anyway, I'm excited to see Heavenly Demon soon. And Cale planned to bring the Tang Clan of Sichuan too, because you know, the Dragon Lord destroyed Sichuan, their home, so they'd obviously be furious at the Dragon Lord.
The last part of the chapter was Cale meeting Clopeh to give the sword. Of course, since Clopeh was involved, this was bound to be hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣
Narrator: Cale found himself face-to-face with a very unharmed, very bright, and very much in good spirits Clopeh. Clopeh: *gets down on one knee* Cale-nim. As your guardian knight, I will devote my everything to defend this position. Cale: (Ah. Although this is the result I wanted, but ah. Ah, why are you like this...) Cale: Annoying. Cale: (Wait, did I say that aloud? Oops, let's smile brightly at him then. But seeing him liking it is annoying me.) Cale: Here, take it. *gives wooden sword to Clopeh* Clopeh: *receives wooden sword* Cale: (Now, he only needs to sprinkle some of his blood on the sword and make it recognize him as its owner.) Clopeh: *sprinkles blood and mentally talks to the sword* Clopeh: !!! *gets angry* Clopeh: How dare you compare a dragon to Cale-nim? Sword: *shaking as if trying to escape from Clopeh* Clopeh: *smiles and says with a gentle voice* You can't escape. Raon: Human, human! Clopeh has gone crazy! Cale: (Well...) Raon: He's a little scary! Cale: (...Yeah, he's indeed a little scary.) Cale, Raon, and CH: *takes a step back from Clopeh*
I think we now know why the chapter title is "Cale-nim is better than a dragon." 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks Clopeh's actions continue to amuse me. 🥰 Next chapter is... I don't know. Maybe we'll get a glimpse of Clopeh's conversation with the sword? Or we'll get a time skip to Cale meeting Exion? Or Cale will finally remember to tell DHB his new name?
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Hiiiii may I request a very obvious and everyone knows it— a simp, pining, very much in love cale? With a dense reader who doesn’t realize they’re making him flustered- dense and oblivious? :>>
Thats all u can choose how u want to write it :))
Oh, ur works are so gooooodd btw :DD
im gonna make this short as hell because i need sleep and it's three in the morning. im loopy as hell and couldnt think of how cale as a character would simp and this is the best i could do, im sorry 😭
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Alver was a bit elated, to be honest.
After the war, things finally settled down and the lives of the citizens of the Roan Kingdom settled back to normal, or perhaps even better than before.
The talk of heroes was still a warm topic amongst the nobles and commoners, especially about Cale Henituse, the most praised hero of the continent.
Despite the heavy nickname he carries, Cale Henituse continued to be himself — not that Alver was surprised — and still became that bastard guy that Alver trusts.
Cale was chosen to handle the matters a Prime Minister would handle, gaining the position as the proxy of the Prime Minister — a position that was still vacant, of course reserved for Cale himself. But if the man himself knew of it, he'd immediately run away so Alver declared him to just be a proxy to keep the man by his side with the reason that he hasn't found someone fitting for the position yet.
Of course, Cale wasn't given as much as work as an actual Prime Minister are usually given. Alver was kind to his dongsaeng, so he would make sure Cale still has enough rest to slack off for awhile.
During those times, Cale would rarely come by to visit the Royal Palace, which was absolutely understandable. Alver himself would not want to visit his workplace if he's given a day off if he wasn't the Emperor and practically living in his workplace where a political dispute is always happening.
'He's been visiting often, hasn't he?'
Alver glanced up from his paperwork to his dongsaeng who wss reclining on the couch of his study, just sitting there and munching on cookies, this time without Raon.
"Cale..." Alver sets his fountain pen down, looking at Cale with a slight frown on his handsome face. "Is there something wrong?"
"Of course not, Your Highness," Cale answered quickly. "Nothing is wrong."
Alver pursed his lips into a thin line, not believing Cale once a bit because he knows his dongsaeng and while it is probably not something particularly serious from how lax Cale was, Alver was sure it was still something that bothers the redhead.
Alver hummed, taking another sheet of paper from the piles that were on his desk. "Then, is there a reason why you're here?"
"Can I not spend time with my Hyung-nim?" Cale asked with a raised eyebrow as if he was completely serious - Alver knows that he's not because why would Cale be here and spend time with him when he had been whining the other day about how looking at Alver's face was enough to remind him of the stress of work?
Alver shook his head, deciding to just accept Cale Henituse being contradictory as usual. He wonders why he's still so confused when he should know best that Cale Henituse is a walking contradiction and everything he does is confusing.
"Well, if you're staying here, might as well know that Dame [Name] is going to be here again for a private audience."
"From the [Last Name] Household?" Cale questioned and Alver let out a chuckle, "Is there any other one?"
You were a lady from the [Last Name] household, the head family being your single mother, Baroness Charlotte and you were the eldest one out of the three daughters the baroness had. People had originally thought the daughters were going to get married off to older noblemen who were willing to pay off their dowry but due to the Baroness' competence and your clever mind, your sisters have been pried away from the clutches of older noblemen as you were both enough to help your sisters to live.
Your household was compassionate towards orphans and the poor even before the war, providing food and shelter to the ones who needed them. This gives your family very good support from the commoners and loved ones, always being helped by the commoners with the little things. Your family had been very neutral when it comes to siding with the Princes as you all only focused on yourselves and those who are in need.
During the war, Alver had you and not your mother be in charge of sending out help to those who are in need, citizens of the Roan kingdom or not, and to make sure everyone is safe. Due to seeing his thoughtfulness, your family eventually sided with Alver. You had been exceptional in carrying out your duties and earned quite the fame for being the representative of the warm and generous Roan Kingdom, so when you returned, the title Dame was given to you for your services.
Cale would know that, not only because you were an important figure in what would be Roan Kingdom's history regarding politics and international affairs, but you had always coincidentally been wherever he was during the last few years so your title was given pretty quickly and earned much more respect from the nobles.
"Right..." Cale turns away from Alver.
Alver let the conversation to sink into his brain. Why did he have to say that to Cale? The man has been present every time you had to have a private audience with Alver, which had been a frequent event because you were building an establishment to house the homeless.
A knock was heard from the other side of the door of Alver's study.
"Come in."
You stepped into the office, dressed as formally as usual with a white shirt with ruffles and a long, fitted red skirt that flares around your lower calves. There was a folder clutched close to your chest, most likely the cause of your presence here.
"Oh!" You sound elated when you saw Cale in Alver's study but then turned back to look at Alver. "Your Highness, I didn't know you were expecting a guest."
"Dame [Name]," Alver greeted you with a relieved smile. "Please tell me you've brought me good news regarding that housing property case."
Cale stood up from the couch, approaching Alver's desk as well, curious about what good news you were bringing that you were smiling so brightly.
"Of course," you say, closing the door behind you and approaching Alver's desk. "The verdict's out -- the housing property is still within its area and not Viscount Chers'. We sued Viscount Chers for destroying some of the building he claimed to have entered his estate and won, so he has to pay for the cost, damages, and also interest."
Cale has heard of the case before. Viscount Chers had thought the housing property was being built on his land and had ordered his guards to destroy some of the building. With you supervising the project, you immediately sued Viscount Chers for his actions.
"Dame [Name], have I ever told you that I love you?" Alver smiled at you as he received the folder in your hand.
Cale jolted a bit upon hearing Alver's words and glanced at you, seeing your smile as you spoke, "Flattery gets you nowhere, Your Highness."
Alver sighed. "Shame."
Cale wanted to ask since when were you and Alver gotten close enough to be joking around like that. Of course you had been close to the two of them, but it seemed you have gotten more familiar with Alver. Just in time, Alver caught his gaze and raised an eyebrow, confused why Cale looked like he had a lot on his mind.
"How's your family, Dame [Name]?"
"Oh, my, thank you for asking." You cupped your cheek and closed your eyes as you continued, "My mother is well, but my sisters have been going out to parties more than ever. I think they're starting to have people they fancy."
Cale tilted his head, interested. "You seem relaxed about that."
"It's a part of being young," you told him. "Besides, I'm so busy to the point I can't really keep them safe forever. It's like having kids of your own, I guess. What about you, Cale-nim? What would you do with your own kids?"
Cale let his mouth speak before thinking properly, stumbling out his words. "I guess if we have kids -- wait, no, I mean, I already have kids, like Raon, Ohn, and Hong."
Alver watched this with a raised eyebrow, a knowing smirk forming on his lips as he watched his sworn brother trip over his own words and overexplain things. 'Is this why he had been in my office for the last few days?'
"I'm not the type to restrict them too much from experiencing life," Cale told you. "I don't want to be someone they grew to hate because I held them back from living their lives."
You smiled softly at him and Cale grinned, patting himselfon the back for his answer. "That's actually a very good insight for parenting. I might need to remember it once I have kids of my own."
"Aw, look at you both, talking about kids," Alver teased, the shit-eating grin on his face made the alarms in Cale's head come to life.
He caught on.
"Speaking of, Dame [Name], I heard you've been getting many letters regarding marriage," Alver brought up the rumor he had picked up a few weeks ago. He didn't think that such a rumor would end up being something so useful.
"Marriage?" Cale asked, his whole body going tense.
Your cheeks are tinted red as you laughed away Alver's words. "Oh, please, all of them are only sent because they heard you were handing me one of your major projects for developing the kingdom. I'm not dumb enough to see they're simply trying to get to you and Cale-nim."
"You should tell them that you're with my sworn brother so they won't bother you," Alver said, wasting no time to immediately struck that nerve.
You laughed again. "Oh, no, I don't want Cale-nim to get entangled in weird rumors."
"I don't mind."
Cale's cheeks are red when he said that and he wanted to hide from you when you and Alver turned to look at him. He cleared his throat and continued, stuttering a bit when he spoke; "I-I mean, just use my name if they caused you trouble. I don't mind."
"Oh, my, thank you so much, Cale-nim!" You grasped his hand with both hands, the smile on your face so bright that Cale's face immediately darkened with so much blood rushing to his face.
"I might overuse it so much that no one will dare to get close to me," you say, letting go of his hands.
'Oh, please do overuse it,' thought Cale.
"I think that's what my sworn brother would like," Alver added with a grin.
Cale wanted to kick Alver in the shin.
"Do you hate the idea of me with another man that much, Cale-nim?" You asked with a playful grin.
Cale opened his mouth to defend himself but no sound came out when he saw your smile and the red flush of your skin. He closed his mouth and decided to just stand there like an idiot.
"I don't think another man could live up to my standards considering I have been spending so much time with the both of you," you continued shyly. "Perhaps I should linger with the others lest my mother will complain about my being single."
"Or you could just keep spending time with us," Cale prompted, shrugging his shoulders to appear nonchalant. "There's no harm in that. Keep all of the bugging men away."
He doesn't miss the raised blond eyebrow Alver was giving him while you weren't looking.
"Perhaps," you murmured, beginning to walk towards the door. "Talking with the both of you is wonderful but I do have to rush to handle these paperwork."
"What time do you get off work?" Cale questioned quickly.
You stopped, turning to look at the red-head. "Around four. Planning on taking me home and meeting my mother, Cale-nim?"
"She loves the cakes from that dessert shop, right?"
You laughed, shaking your head in disbelief. "Yes, Cale-nim. The strawberry shortcakes are her favorite."
Cale nodded. "Noted."
You bowed to the both of them, excusing yourself out and leaving the two brothers inside the study.
Cale let out a sigh. "Well, I'll be leaving—"
Alver grabbed a discarded paper and crumpled it into a ball, throwing it at Cale who frowns. "What?"
"I cannot believe you came here just so you could ask Dame [Name] on a date."
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transmascaraa · 3 days
HEAR ME OUT something based on NIGHT DANCER (by either Will Stetson or Raon (raon version reminds me of scara for some reason???)
multiple characters headcannons!
night dancer.
characters: lyney, wanderer, xiao x gn!reader
author's note: FINALLY decided to do this one lmfao i hope you like it😭 also yeah to everyone else since it's based off of a song ig if you don't know it i suggest listening to it cuz i personally really like it :)) ENJOYYYY (the scenario is basically dancing at midnight with your lover in the living room with nobody else there while this song is playing in the bg)
Tumblr media
♡ Lyney
-first of all, he would be really excited if you were the one who suggested the idea
-because usually he'd be the one asking something like that
-but enough of that, he's dancing with you.
-a tint of red blush on his cheeks that you can't really see in the dark, especially when his face gets close to yours.
-you— only focusing on his lips, through which soft small breaths and compliments came out of every now and then.
-here and there he would tell you he loves you, that you're his one and only, that he'd never ever leave you because you're his everything.
-the night and the whole moment is calming and peaceful, nobody is interrupting you.
-you've never seen him so calm and happy genuinely, while he was awake.
✿ Wanderer
-very hesitant at first.
-he thinks it dumb and that he won't do it at all.
-but after enough convincing, you have him slowly dancing with you in the dark.
-the only light was coming from the moon outside, shining beautifully over hus features, making him look magical.
-despite his hesitancy a while ago, he doesn't talk.
-it's clear he likes it and enjoys it, especially when closer to you, but he doesn't want to show it.
-he doesn't want to be vulnerable in your eyes.
-so please, take him by the hands and dance together with him, compliment him, smile at him.
-kiss him softly.
-he won't admit anything, but he liked it— no, loved it when you kissed the back of his hand at the end of the song.
⑅ Xiao
-xiao being xiao, he thinks it's dumb as well
-like he doesn't understand why mortals think that would be fun
-you're literally randomly moving your body around, anyone can do that anywhere
-but he agrees after you tell him that you'd teach him how to properly dance.
-so, when the moonlight seeps through the dark curtains in the room, shining over his gold eyes, you take him by his hands and lead the dance.
-confusing at first for him, but he gets the idea of how it should go soon enough.
-that's when you let go off of his hands and let him dance with you on his own, without needing your help, you're quite amazed.
-as you dance along him, he finally understands what you meant by this being "calming" and "fun".
i love how i explained everything
damn had a tiny bit of writer's block for like 2 days but i kinda motivated(forced) myself to write this and it worked🤩🤩 I DON'T REGRET IT
| @keeyisbored | @mariaace <3
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crazydaymycrazyway · 3 months
Alberu, having dinner with Cale
Raon: Cookie prince, how's food?
Alberu: It's great, Raon-nim. Send compliments to the chef
Raon: Okay
Raon, teleporting to the kitchen: You look cool when you hold your long sword
Beacrox: ...alright
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sadlynotthevoid · 7 months
So, you know how when an author is writing og!Cale and they want to give him a power, sometimes they give him fantasy spirit stuff? Well, I want elementals to have the usual 'spirit king per attribute' that you usually find in fantasy mangas, but make the water spirit king an axolotl and let og!Cale befriend them.
And when I say Axolotl Water Spirit King I mean 'non-parlant little flying axolotl' that can turn into a 'giantic, water-looking-like, could swallow a pirate ship, still non-parlant axolotl' a la Ponyo.
Just, Imagine og!Cale who was just minding his business and finds a little dorky amphibian that got trapped in a net. And the little dorky one smiles at him. He has no choice but to help it.
The little one likes him. They become friends :D!!
So, turns out his animal friend can fly. Cool.
His new friend decided to follow him— Wait, where is he going?
So, his little friend is not so little anymore.
Ey, don't— spit it out! Spit the bad woman out!
And he doesn't like his relatives.
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itsthislake · 7 months
Reposting this directly on tumblr because YT deleted my channel.
In Our Bedroom After The War. Trash of the Count's Family animatic.
Consider supporting me via Ko-Fi! I would really appreciate it!
Extra stuff i wrote down while making this under the cut:
this took me so long you can literally see me get better at art from beginning to end lol
so many artistic liberties were taken here, you've no idea
confession time: i looked at references when doing the first drafts/storyboard(?) and then didn't for the line-art so yeah. rip lock's hair lock, i forgot about it until it was too late lmao
me, storyboarding this: SO. MANY. CHARACTERS????
@heart-select's Gashan design is so freaking cool I just had to use it, so kudos to them for that
me, repeatedly, while doing the line-art: oh god i still have to COLOR ALL THIS?!?!?!
how tf do you even draw wings?????
me, drawing the DHB: haha bones go brr me, drawing raon: you're damn lucky i love you
so glad I gave up on my original idea to color EVERYTHING jfc past me sure had high hopes
upset that I can't switch sheritt and DHB's order so they fit the lyrics bc I love sheritt too much to not draw her twice and also i'm not drawing a dragon bone head again thank you very much
ohn hasn't got ears. don't ask me why, i don't know either
on that note, i headcanon that ohn is the type to either look full human or full cat at all times, while hong (and lock too) like to have animal features while in human form whenever they can get away with it
added the kids' names to their piggybanks in korean bc why not
my blind ass made the subtitles far too big for my liking but i'm too tired to go and change everything now
this is also my first time doing an animation/video using only clip studio so i'm a little confused with why some things look like they do, but whatever
(Originally posted on 21/02/2023.)
anyways, enjoy!
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taryk · 4 months
“What the fuck did this damn crown prince manage to do in a day?”
It was when Cale shouted in anger.
Beeeeeep- Beeeeeeep-
There were constant emergency calls inside the tent.
“Human! We have another call!”
Raon started to read the messages left on the video communication device.
“Cale! It’s Toonka! Are you really dead? No, right? Pick up the call!”
The black Dragon read the messages without stopping.
“Young master-nim, it’s Billos. I heard this weird rumor... You're alive right? I’m worried because I can’t reach you.”
The Whipper Kingdom's Commander Toonka and then the Flynn Merchant Guild’s Billos, who should be in the Empire.
“Young master-nim! My goodness! I threatened the God of Death and said nothing better have happened to you! You're okay, right, young master Cale? Please give me a call if you are fine. It must be a lie that you are dead!”
And even the crazy priestess Cage.
He received a few more calls after that as well. The one that Cale couldn't believe the most was the message from his father, Count Deruth Henituse.
“Pretending to be dead, huh. I will cheer you on. I will also help you.”
Cale brushed his face with both hands.
‘Why am I dead?!’
“Human! We keep getting calls!”
‘Driving me nuts.’
Cale could see Raon tilting his head in confusion.
“Our human is still alive! Why are people saying all these weird things?!”
Raon then chuckled as if it was funny. The ancient Dragon was chuckling next to him as well.
The frowning Cale finally managed to get something out.
“...The crown prince.”
‘What the fuck did he do in one day?’
Chapter 317 - Alberu spread certain news that Cale thinks was very exaggerated, and now everyone thinks he is dead lmao
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galaxygirl8880 · 1 year
I want to see an apocalyptic au where Cale gets to beat the shit out of some zombies with a bat.
Maybe it's set in the modern world. Single father Cale who's adopted a baby Raon after literally hearing him crying in a dumpster. He's In his apartment when the outbreak begins and it gets swarmed. He leaves with Raon in a front facing baby carrier through the fire escape.
With only a bat and a handgun to defend himself, it practically feels like Cale and Raon against the world.
Maybe it would be the smarter thing to leave Raon to ensure his own survival, maybe having two mouths to feed and protect could prove to be trouble in the long-run. Cale doesn't care. Raon miru is his son and there's no way in hell he's abandoning him.
Cale and Raon get stranded. Their city looks like a ghost town.
They find a survivor group camping out in a library. With a few days of quarantine to make sure they weren't infected, they're accepted with open arms.
And in that group, Cale meets someone named Choi han.
Over the years, Cale meets a lot of people. Not all of them are good people. He's had to do a few unfavorable things to guarantee his group and Raon's safety. Somewhere along the way, he begins to open up his heart and think of his group as family.
(Raon, Ohn, and Hong grow up thinking Cale is the coolest. person. ever. Actually, so does everyone else-)
I like the idea of Cale meeting Beacrox and Ron, his old caretakers back when he still lived with his parents, and all of them being surprised that the other is still alive.
they meet at the halfway point between Cale's apartment and the mansion cale grew up in.
"Young Master did you have a child and not inform me?"
"... he's adopted?"
While they have their heartfelt reunion-
Choi han, Ohn, and Hong are in the corner being confused.
I wrote this because I couldn't sleep :D
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we-stan-cale · 2 months
I have enjoyed some of the TCF reaction fics, but I feel like there's a major problem.
Namely, that it's really hard for fic writers to stay motivated for over 700+ chapters, so it feels like they all start off strong for the beginning (especially rescuing Raon) and then peter out. We never get to the really good stuff.
Never reach that flashback when Cale reads the letter from the GoD, or see reactions to Choi Han rushing over to see Kim Rok Soo after getting Choi Jung Soo's records. Never have them see the Sealed God's test, and really... Post-apocalyptic Korea horrified Alberu, for good reason. Not that it's explicitly stated, but when is it ever? He had quite the reaction when he was trying to decide what to tell everyone else.
I've had some thoughts on how I would do it, but fair warning - I'm not much of a writer, and will probably never write it. All my respect for the ones that regularly write fanfic because I have like - less than a handful? Maybe, maybe, if I haven't moved on after finishing this reread, I'll try writing it myself.
The other thing is that I've been reading part 2 - only as far as eatapplepies has translated as I find mtl more confusing than helpful - and I'm really liking the Heavenly Demon. He seems to have fallen for our Cale pretty hard, and I'm interested in seeing how that goes.
So I have been playing around with ideas.
First - Dodam is trying to find 'that terrible bastard', and is dragging around his Choi Han.
He reaches Korea. Og!Cale as KRS, specifically. He has his own attribute, one to help him track down Cale, so he can pull up visions/memories related to that.
He pulls up the dream meeting between Cale and KRS.
There are a few team 1 members present, particularly Kim Minh Ah. Cue a bit of chaos, some 'aha' moments, and the long and the short of it is Dodam is going to pull up some of just what they're team leader is up to. (And if Dodam can figure out exactly which world or dimension to to next, and OG! Cale gets the bittersweet ability to see how his deal with the God of Death prevented the destruction he'd lived through, well... That's fine too)
During that brief moment, the Henituse noticed some strange mana fluctuations and managed to get Rosalyn there. She's basically able to tap into the feed and see and hear what's going on.
And divine intervention (like perhaps a god of love) extends the feed to the Heavenly Demon.
What would follow would be an abbreviated version of the key points. Sure, it loses some of the flavor... But we don't actually need, say, the amusing anecdote where an elf mistook Cale for a dragon.
Anyways, the more I thought about it the more I thought about how team 1 would react.
Because the minute they see those monster statues you know they'll all be going 'what the fuck?!?'
They will probably also nod knowingly at some of Cale's more shocking plans. Like hey, there he goes agreeing to help the Mogoru Empire put out the fire he started with the Whipper kingdom.
Nod, nod
Just like he did when they were dealing with that one corrupt guild
And if they ever get as far as seeing the Heavenly Demon, I'm sure one team member will be like 'Is.. is he flirting with Team Leader-nim?!?'
Cue stories where Team Leader Kim Rok Soo avoided a honeypot - except now they're thinking maybe he was just too dense to notice?
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