healthtips0 · 1 year
What is a healthy diet for diabetes.
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While this requires careful management, adopting a healthy diet can greatly enhance overall well-being and help control blood sugar levels. The key to managing diabetes lies in making informed dietary choices that provide essential nutrients, maintain stable blood sugar levels and support long-term health. In this article,…
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naturelandorganic · 1 year
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We are an exporter and supplier of the best quality Indian Banana. If you have requirement of Cavendish Banana then please free to contact me.
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the-deccan-hospital · 2 years
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healthmatters520 · 3 months
Include probiotic-rich foods
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Incorporate probiotic-rich foods into your daily diet to support a healthy gut. Include options like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi, which contain beneficial bacteria that promote digestion and support a strong immune system. These foods can help maintain a balanced gut microbiome and overall well-being.
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reikisthan · 1 year
We spoil the nutrition & buy it again || Is it foolishness or wisdom || Dr. NK Sharma
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Discover the truth about supplements in Dr. NK Sharma's latest YouTube video. In "Should You Consider Supplements?" he delves into the reality of protein and vitamin supplements. Learn about their benefits, potential risks, and how they fit into a balanced diet. Dr. Sharma shares expert insights and evidence-based information to help you make informed decisions about supplementation. Join the conversation and enhance your understanding of this controversial topic . . . Peanut Is King | Most Economical & Best Protein To Solve Worlds Protein Deficiency ~ . Stop Protein & Fat In Summer For '0' Infection || Best Summer Food Items ~ . . . Visit our website www.reikihealingfoundation.net & RHF exclusive PRODUCTS. Also, you can call us directly at: +919818570079 / +919990771116 or WhatsApp us on 8929077592 For any more updates regarding Workshops or any other information on Reiki Healing Foundation, . You can Follow/Join/Like us on these Social . Links: Facebook: . YouTube: youtube.com/c/ReikiHealingFoundation . Instagram: . . . Reiki healing foundation (RHF) is one of the worlds largest institutions, working in the field of Reiki, natural energy healing and holistic sciences that have trained more than 250000 students and 3600 reiki masters, worldwide. RHF conducts regular workshops across the globe in countries such as Australia, Canada, Mauritius, UAE, UK, and the USA. . . . RHF MISSION . To liberate humanity from age-old blind beliefs, fears, ignorance, a web of diseases, suffering, tantriks, superstitions, planetary fears, and fake gurus, making every individual the master of his own health, destiny, circumstances, and future thereby bringing a global transformation, saving millions of lives, leading them to Truth and Enlightenment (TOTAL AWAKENING) Thank You Warm Regards Dr. N.K. Sharma Reiki Healing Foundation . . . . . . #supplements #protein #vitamins #nutrition #healthylifestyle #protiensuppliments #bodybuilding source Read the full article
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moroccospice · 1 year
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courtneyholmbergnd · 1 year
The Best Sources of Iron-rich Foods to Incorporate Into Your Diet
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Iron is a crucial part of our daily diet and probably the most common deficiency among menstruating females. Fortunately, there are plenty of iron-rich foods that you can incorporate into your diet to improve your nutritional health, iron intake, and energy levels. This article will cover what foods are high in iron and why getting iron from food is so important read more here
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Effective Diet for Weight Loss After Pregnancy and Menopause: Proven Methods
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Pregnancy and menopause are two life events that can have a significant impact on a woman's body. During pregnancy, weight gain is natural, but after delivery, losing weight can be a challenge. Similarly, during menopause, hormonal changes can cause weight gain, and it can be difficult to shed those extra pounds. In this article, we will discuss some effective diets for weight loss after pregnancy and menopause, based on proven methods. - Post-Pregnancy Diet for Weight Loss Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also bring about significant changes to a woman's body. During pregnancy, weight gain is natural, but after delivery, many women struggle to regain their pre-pregnancy body weight. However, with the right diet and lifestyle changes, it is possible to lose weight after pregnancy and regain your pre-baby figure. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a post-pregnancy diet for weight loss, and provide tips and recommendations for a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients and low in calories. By following a healthy diet, women can achieve their weight loss goals, improve their overall health, and regain their pre-pregnancy bodies. Some of the recommended foods for post-pregnancy weight loss are: - Protein-rich foods: Protein is essential for repairing and rebuilding muscles. It also helps in maintaining a feeling of fullness, reducing hunger pangs, and preventing overeating. Protein-rich foods are an important component of a balanced diet, especially for weight loss. Protein helps to increase satiety and reduce overall calorie intake, making it an effective nutrient for weight management. Additionally, protein helps to build and repair muscle tissue, which is important for maintaining a healthy metabolism. Some good sources of protein include lean meats such as chicken, fish, and turkey, dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, and plant-based proteins such as tofu, legumes, and nuts. When incorporating protein-rich foods into your diet, it's important to choose high-quality sources that are low in unhealthy fats, such as processed meats, and high in essential nutrients. Additionally, it's recommended to aim for a moderate portion of protein at each meal, rather than overloading on protein in one meal. Including protein-rich foods in your diet can help you lose weight, maintain muscle mass, and improve overall health. It's important to note that protein should be consumed in moderation and in combination with a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, healthy fats, and a variety of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. - Fiber-rich foods: Fiber helps in maintaining digestive health, preventing constipation, and promoting satiety. Fiber-rich foods are an important component of a balanced diet, especially for weight loss. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is not digested by the body, which means it provides minimal calories but helps to increase satiety and reduce overall calorie intake. Additionally, fiber helps to regulate digestion, lower cholesterol levels, and control blood sugar levels. Good sources of fiber include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts. It's important to choose high-fiber foods that are also low in calories and processed sugars. Aim to consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day, by incorporating a variety of fiber-rich foods into your diet. Including fiber-rich foods in your diet can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing the risk of overeating and weight gain. Additionally, high-fiber foods help to regulate digestion, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve overall health. When incorporating fiber into your diet, it's important to drink plenty of water, as fiber can cause digestive discomfort if not paired with enough fluid. - Healthy fats: Healthy fats are an essential component of a balanced diet, and they play an important role in weight loss. Unlike unhealthy fats, healthy fats provide a range of benefits, including improved heart health, reduced inflammation, and increased satiety. Some of the best sources of healthy fats include avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish such as salmon. It's important to choose healthy fats that are minimally processed, and to avoid unhealthy fats such as trans fats and saturated fats. Additionally, it's important to consume healthy fats in moderation, as they are calorie-dense and can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess. Incorporating healthy fats into your diet can help to improve satiety, reduce overall calorie intake, and support weight loss. Additionally, healthy fats can improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and provide essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids. - Hydrating foods: Hydrating foods are an important part of a healthy diet, and they play a crucial role in weight loss. These foods are high in water content, which helps to keep the body hydrated and maintain proper bodily functions. Additionally, hydration can help to increase satiety and reduce overall calorie intake, making it an effective tool for weight loss. Some of the best hydration foods include water-rich fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, watermelons, berries, and lettuce, as well as broths and soups. It's important to choose hydrating foods that are low in calories and added sugars, and to limit foods that are high in salt, which can lead to dehydration. Incorporating hydration foods into your diet can help to improve overall hydration levels, increase satiety, and reduce overall calorie intake. Additionally, hydration can improve skin health, support weight loss, and enhance overall health. - Menopause Diet for Weight Loss Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman's life, and it can also bring about changes in body weight. As women approach menopause, they may find it increasingly difficult to lose weight, due to hormonal changes and decreased metabolism. However, with the right diet and lifestyle changes, it is possible to manage weight during menopause and maintain a healthy weight. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a menopause diet for weight loss, and provide tips and recommendations for a balanced diet that can help manage weight, reduce symptoms of menopause, and improve overall health. By following a healthy diet, women can overcome the challenges of weight gain during menopause, and maintain a healthy body weight for years to come. Some of the recommended foods for menopause weight loss are: - Phytoestrogens: Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that mimic the hormone estrogen in the body. These compounds are found in a variety of foods, including soy products, flaxseeds, legumes, and whole grains. Phytoestrogens have been studied for their potential health benefits, including their role in reducing the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. Additionally, some research suggests that phytoestrogens may play a role in weight management, particularly for women during menopause. During menopause, the decline in estrogen levels can lead to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area. Some studies have found that consuming phytoestrogens may help to alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause, including weight gain. However, more research is needed to fully understand the effects of phytoestrogens on weight and overall health. It's important to note that not all studies have found significant benefits from phytoestrogens, and some research has raised concerns about their safety, particularly for women with a history of breast cancer. Additionally, the effects of phytoestrogens may vary based on individual factors such as age, hormonal status, and overall health. - Calcium-rich foods: Calcium-rich foods are an important part of a balanced diet, and they play a crucial role in maintaining strong bones and teeth. Additionally, calcium may have a role in weight loss, as some studies have found a link between calcium intake and body weight. The best sources of calcium include dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, as well as leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and broccoli. It's important to choose calcium-rich foods that are low in added sugars and unhealthy fats, and to limit calcium supplements, as these can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients. Incorporating calcium-rich foods into your diet can help to meet your daily calcium needs, support strong bones and teeth, and potentially aid in weight loss. Additionally, calcium-rich foods can improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and support overall health. - Fiber-rich foods: Fiber is an important component of a healthy diet, and it plays a crucial role in weight loss. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is not digested by the body, and it helps to increase satiety, reduce overall calorie intake, and promote regularity. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance, which helps to slow digestion and increase satiety. Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, adds bulk to the diet and promotes regularity. Some of the best sources of fiber include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and nuts and seeds. It's important to choose fiber-rich foods that are minimally processed, and to limit foods that are high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates, which can interfere with weight loss. Incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet can help to increase satiety, reduce overall calorie intake, and promote regularity. Additionally, fiber-rich foods can improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and support overall health. - Healthy fats: Healthy fats are a type of fat that is essential for good health and weight management. Unlike unhealthy fats, such as trans and saturated fats, healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are beneficial for heart health, weight management, and overall health. Healthy fats can be found in a variety of foods, including avocados, nuts and seeds, fatty fish, and olive oil. It's important to choose healthy fats that are minimally processed, and to limit unhealthy fats, such as trans and saturated fats, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. Incorporating healthy fats into your diet can help to increase satiety, reduce overall calorie intake, and promote weight loss. Additionally, healthy fats can improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and support overall health. - Proven Methods for Weight Loss In addition to following a balanced diet, there are several proven methods for weight loss that can be useful for women who are trying to lose weight after pregnancy or menopause. With the right approach, it is possible to achieve weight loss goals and maintain a healthy weight. In this article, we will discuss proven methods for weight loss, including healthy diets, exercise, and lifestyle changes that have been proven effective in helping people lose weight. Whether you're looking to lose a few pounds or make a significant change, these methods can help you reach your goals, improve your health, and boost your confidence. By incorporating proven methods for weight loss into your daily routine, you can achieve your ideal weight and live a healthier, happier life. Some of these methods include: - Exercise: Regular exercise is essential for weight loss and overall health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, every day. - Sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for overall health, and it can also help in reducing stress, which can cause weight gain. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. - Stress management: Stress can cause weight gain by triggering the release of the hormone cortisol, which can increase appetite and cause fat storage. Find effective ways to manage stress, such as yoga, meditation, or exercise. - Portion control: Eating large portions can lead to overeating and weight gain. Use a food scale or measuring cups to monitor portion sizes, and use smaller plates to make portions appear larger. - Avoid processed and junk foods: Processed and junk foods are high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats, and they can lead to weight gain. Instead, focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods. - Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is important for overall health, and it can also help in reducing water retention and bloating. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day. - Support system: Having a support system can be helpful in staying on track with weight loss goals. Consider joining a weight loss support group or working with a dietitian or personal trainer. In conclusion, weight loss after pregnancy or menopause can be challenging, but with a balanced diet and effective weight loss methods, it is possible to reach your weight loss goals. Remember, it is important to be patient and not to expect immediate results. Slow and steady progress is key, and it is essential to focus on a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, rather than quick fixes or fad diets. Read the full article
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fastup · 2 years
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We are an exporter and supplier of the best quality Indian Banana. If you have requirement of Cavendish Banana then please free to contact me.
We hope to work with your prestigious organization.
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poorsoulfoody · 1 year
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famoustop10india · 3 years
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healthmatters520 · 6 months
The Dynamic Duo: Exploring the Synergy between Antioxidants and the Mediterranean Diet
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Have you ever wondered about the secret behind the Mediterranean diet's extraordinary health benefits? Join us on a journey to uncover the powerful synergy between antioxidants and this renowned dietary pattern, uncovering the science behind and the potential benefits they offer for promoting optimal health.
Understanding Antioxidants
Antioxidants are a group of compounds that help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can form as a result of natural bodily processes or exposure to external factors such as pollution, UV radiation, and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Antioxidants work by donating an electron to free radicals, thereby stabilizing them and preventing them from causing harm to our cells. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can initiate chain reactions in our cells, leading to oxidative stress. This oxidative stress can damage cellular components, including DNA, proteins, and lipids. By neutralizing free radicals, antioxidants help prevent or minimize this damage, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and slowing down the aging process. Nature has generously provided us with a wide array of antioxidant-rich foods. Fruits and vegetables, especially brightly colored ones like berries, citrus fruits, leafy greens, and bell peppers, are excellent sources of antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and various phytochemicals. Nuts and seeds, such as almonds and sunflower seeds, are also rich in antioxidants, particularly vitamin E and selenium. Additionally, herbs and spices like turmeric, cinnamon, and oregano contain potent antioxidants that can enhance the flavor and health benefits of our meals. By incorporating these antioxidant-rich foods into our diet, we can ensure a steady supply of these powerful compounds, supporting our body's defense against free radicals and promoting overall health and well-being.
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Unveiling the Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is more than just a set of guidelines for eating; it represents a way of life rooted in the traditions and cultural practices of countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, and Morocco. This dietary pattern emerged from the eating habits of people living in the Mediterranean region, where they enjoyed an abundance of fresh, locally sourced foods. The Mediterranean diet gained recognition in the 1960s when researchers observed the remarkable health outcomes of these populations, characterized by lower rates of heart disease and longer life expectancy.
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The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a balanced and varied approach to eating. Its key components include: - Abundant fruits and vegetables: Fresh, seasonal produce forms the foundation of the Mediterranean diet. Rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, fruits and vegetables contribute to overall health and disease prevention. - Whole grains: Whole grains like whole wheat, barley, quinoa, and brown rice are preferred over refined grains. They provide essential nutrients, fiber, and sustained energy. - Healthy fats: The Mediterranean diet emphasizes the consumption of healthy fats, primarily from olive oil, nuts, and seeds. These sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have been associated with heart health and inflammation reduction. - Legumes and pulses: Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes are staple foods in the Mediterranean diet. They are packed with fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a valuable component for both nutrition and sustainability. - Moderate consumption of fish and poultry: Fish, particularly fatty fish like salmon, trout, and sardines, are consumed regularly in the Mediterranean diet due to their high omega-3 fatty acid content. Poultry is also included in moderate amounts. - Limited red meat and processed foods: Red meat and processed foods are consumed sparingly in the Mediterranean diet. Instead, the focus is on whole, minimally processed foods. - Red wine in moderation: In some Mediterranean cultures, moderate consumption of red wine is a part of their dietary tradition. However, it's important to note that excessive alcohol consumption is not recommended. Numerous studies have shown the health benefits associated with the Mediterranean diet. An analysis1 by Walter C Willett suggestted that over 80% of coronary heart disease, 70% of stroke, and 90% of type 2 diabetes can be avoided by healthy food choices that are consistent with the traditional Mediterranean diet. Other researches also suggests that adhering to this dietary pattern may help manage weight2, enhance brain health3, and decrease the risk of certain cancers4. The combination of nutrient-rich foods, high fiber content, healthy fats, and antioxidants in the Mediterranean diet contributes to these positive outcomes. By embracing the Mediterranean diet, individuals can adopt a lifestyle that not only promotes optimal health but also celebrates the joy of savoring delicious, wholesome foods that have stood the test of time.
The Synergy: How Antioxidants and the Mediterranean Diet Work Together
One of the fascinating aspects of the Mediterranean diet is its inherent connection to antioxidants. The diet's emphasis on plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, naturally aligns with a rich source of antioxidants. These foods are abundant in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that possess potent antioxidant properties. By following the Mediterranean diet, individuals can effortlessly incorporate a wide array of antioxidant-rich foods into their daily meals, maximizing their intake of these health-promoting compounds. Inflammation and oxidative stress are two interconnected processes that contribute to chronic diseases. Antioxidants play a crucial role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals and minimizing the damage they can cause to our cells. The Mediterranean diet, with its emphasis on antioxidant-rich foods, helps combat these harmful processes. By consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods, individuals can enhance their antioxidant defense system, leading to a reduction in inflammation and oxidative stress, thereby promoting better overall health. The Mediterranean diet not only provides an abundance of antioxidant-rich foods but also supports their absorption and utilization in the body. The diet's inclusion of healthy fats, such as olive oil and nuts, aids in the absorption of fat-soluble antioxidants like vitamin E and carotenoids. Additionally, the presence of fiber in whole grains, legumes, and fruits and vegetables helps slow down digestion, allowing for better absorption of antioxidants and ensuring their optimal utilization by the body. The combination of these factors within the Mediterranean diet creates an environment that maximizes the benefits of antioxidants, promoting their effectiveness and bioavailability. By embracing the Mediterranean diet, individuals can harness the synergistic power of antioxidants and the dietary pattern itself. The diet's emphasis on antioxidant-rich foods, coupled with their potential to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, creates a harmonious relationship that significantly contributes to overall health and well-being.
Health Benefits of the Synergy
The synergy between antioxidants and the Mediterranean diet offers remarkable benefits for cardiovascular health5. The antioxidants found abundantly in the Mediterranean diet, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols, help protect against oxidative stress and inflammation, two key contributors to heart disease. These antioxidants work together to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, reducing the formation of plaque in arteries and lowering the risk of atherosclerosis. Moreover, the Mediterranean diet's emphasis on healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats from olive oil, and omega-3 fatty acids from fish, further supports heart health by improving cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and promoting overall cardiovascular well-being.
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The synergistic effects of antioxidants and the Mediterranean diet extend to anti-aging and longevity6. Cellular damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation accelerates the aging process. Antioxidants help combat this damage by neutralizing free radicals, reducing oxidative stress, and preserving the integrity of cells. The Mediterranean diet, rich in antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, provides a consistent supply of these protective compounds. By including these foods in our diet, we can enhance cellular health, slow down the aging process, and potentially increase longevity. The powerful synergy between antioxidants and the Mediterranean diet also holds great promise in protecting against chronic diseases. Numerous studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet, with its antioxidant-rich foods, is associated with a reduced risk of various cancers4,5, including breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that can damage DNA and promote cancer development. Furthermore, the Mediterranean diet's emphasis on whole foods, fiber, and healthy fats contributes to better blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. In addition, the Mediterranean diet's antioxidant content, combined with its anti-inflammatory properties, may also have a protective effect against neurodegenerative disorders7 such as Alzheimer's3 and Parkinson's disease. Oxidative stress and inflammation play significant roles in the progression of these conditions, and the antioxidants Read the full article
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bangladeshifoods · 4 years
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Reposted from @_adorefood_ - কোন রেস্টুরেন্টে কী খাবেন এবং রেস্টুরেন্টের পরিবেশ কেমন ইত্যাদি জানতে পারবেন আমার ফেইসবুক পেইজ ও ইন্সটাগ্রাম ব্লগ-এ 👉🏻ইন্সটাগ্রাম: @_adorefood_ (https://instagram.com/_adorefood_) 👉🏻ফেইসবুক: Adorefood (https://www.facebook.com/adorefood15/) —————— 🍛 মোরগ পোলাও 💸 ২৯৯/- টাকা 😋 ৭.৫/১০ এই মোরগ পোলাও প্ল্যাটারে মোরগ পোলাও, ২পিস চিকেন এবং সালাদ্ থাকে।রাইস টা বেশ ঝরঝরে আর ওয়েল কুকড ছিল। ২ পিস চিকেনের মধ্যে একটি লেগ পি��। মাংস গুলা মোটামোটি নরম এবং ভিতর পর্যন্ত মসলার টেস্ট পাওয়া যায়। তেল একদম পরিমিত মনে হয়েছে। মোরগ পোলাও থেকে অসাধারন জাফরানি স্মেল পেয়েছিলাম। মসলায় বেশ মাখো মাখো ছিল। সালাদের শশা,গাজর,লেবু,মরিচ সব ফ্রেশ ছিল। একজনের জন্য প্রয়োজনের তুলনায় অনেক বেশি খাবার মনে হয়েছে। ______________ কোথায় পাবেন❓ লোকেশন: সুলতানস্ ডাইন, ঢাকা ______________ 👥 সর্বমোট ২৫-৩০ জন বসার জায়গা আছে। ______________ পরিবেশ কেমন❓ দুপুরের দিকে যাওয়াতে সীট পেতে অপেক্ষা করতে হয়েছে। ইন্টেরিওর একদম সাধারন। বন্ধু বান্ধব কিংবা ফ্যামিলি নিয়ে যেতে পারেন। ওয়েটারদের ব্যবহার ও সার্ভিস ভাল।পরিবেশও বেশ পরিচ্ছন্ন ছিল। অর্ডার করার ১৫-২০মিনিট পর খাবার সার্ভ করেছিল। _____________ সংবিধিবদ্ধ সতর্কিকরণঃ ▪️ স্বাদ মানুষ ভেদে একেক রকম। খাবারের মান কখনও কখনও পরিবর্তিত হতে পারে ▪️ _____________ #morogpolao #moragpolao #chickensofinstagram #mughlaifood #polao #chicken #richfood #chickendishes #dhakaiya #dhakagraam #dhaka #dhakafood #dhakadiaries #sultansdine #sultansdinedhaka #mughlaicuisine #healthyeating #food #olddhakafood #bengalifoodie #bengalifoods #bangladeshifood #fotd #foodphototgraphy #lovefood #adorefood😋 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B9lpPpAlFo_/?igshid=18eq63llnuj35
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