#rio is honestly like. one of the few characters that I just can't like because of how much his fans are Like That
aonomiki · 7 months
I don't think people who weren't around when Kirapre was airing really understand just like. how bad the Pekorin hate was. And a huge chunk of it came from salty Rio fans who were upset she became a Precure over the character whose character arc in the story revolved around him not becoming a Precure. That was the point. The point was that Rio was not going to become a Precure.
His whole character arc revolved around him coming to terms with his own jealousy towards his twin sister, and realizing that she was not personally trying to hurt him by being more skilled at their shared hobby, especially since he never attempted to communicate how he was feeling. Instead of being happy for his sister's success, he let his own jealousy warp his feelings to the point of hatred... so Ciel becoming a Precure instead of Rio wasn't the writers "being mean to him" or whatever, but a way of showing Rio's character growth. They both wanted to become Precure, much like they both wanted to become patisseries... only this time, Rio has learned that his sister's success where he failed is not her trying to personally hurt him, and instead celebrates it!!!
IDK man. For all that Cure Waffle truthers say they love the character, they have an awfully shallow interpretation of his character and his arc. He was never 'owed' becoming a Precure. Ciel didn't need to apologize for never noticing something he purposefully never talked to her about.
And for fuck's sake, none of this was Pekorin's fault.
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project-sekai-facts · 5 months
Sorry if this spoils you um... TSUKASA FOCUS!! What are your thoughts on what might happen? Based on the event description and then bunny plush being w tsukasa in the untrained.. im inclined to think because he's been cast as a minor role, he's kind of. like. What if i cant cause many smiles because of where i am.. and then meikos like you silly goose. you're the brightest star in someones universe and the bunny is there to remind him . AUGHH. AUGH
dw daichan already spoiled it on the stream last month lmao. Oh this event looks so interesting and frankly!! it's perfect for tsukasa's character arc!!! sorry about the excess of exclamation marks i'm excited about the possibility that people might finally understand him after this event and finally free me from writing analysis posts about him haha.
him being a minor part is literally what he needs to improve his acting. he's always either the lead or a major character, taking a step back is like another slap of realism for him and honestly, it might even be better for him than the challenges he's faced before when he struggled with lead roles. because he can't always be the lead, that just isn't a possibility. no matter how good an actor is they will not be the lead in everything they star in. he's pushed his limits to get lead roles before (Torpe, Rio, also the secondary lead Bartlett), so i think approaching a minor role is going to be a whole new experience for him.
I'm especially interested in the fact he's tasked with making the character feel real because we all know what that means: some good old fashioned Tsukasa unpacking his emotions. we don't know yet exactly what this minor character is doing, so i can't really make any guesses as to what is meant to feel real about it since we don't know their motivations and conflicts yet, but i get the feeling it will play into the fact that Tsukasa got the minor role, like how Rio played into his weaknesses and Torpe connected to his younger self.
As I said, Tsukasa is pretty much always the lead or some significant role. In this scenario as well when what he’s trying to do is improve his acting, such a minor role could feel like nothing. I think those feelings (be it annoyance or disappointment or whatever it may be in the story) are somehow going to play a part in how he has to make such a minor character feel real.
Also I think one of the aspects Tsukasa struggles with most is understanding the characters he plays. With Torpe he couldn’t relate to him and therefore struggled to play the role because he couldn’t get his head around how the character should act. With Rio he struggled too, and tried to replicate some of the character’s struggles in real life to help him try and get into the mindset of the character. But those two were MCs, a minor character with three lines is a whole different story because they don’t have an arc. However, all characters in a good story will have some sort of motive and you will be able to tell what that is from only a few lines. Good dialogue should be able to tell you a lot about a character. I think that’s what Tsukasa is going to learn in this event. Minor characters are not irrelevant even if they don’t contribute to any major plot points. All the characters in the world of that story are real people with individual lives and thoughts and feelings.
And to steer this away from me talking too much about screenwriting I think a minor role as you pointed out could be a hit to his desire to make people smile. Because who cares about a character with three lines? The hero makes people smile, not a forgettable background guy. The forgettable background guy won’t mean anything to anyone, he won’t make anyone smile, and he’s not a star.
Also the preview and title I think will play into these insecurities and lessons. He can’t be the lead every time, he can’t always be the big star of the show. However he can make a small role into a highlight, and even if he isn’t the frontman, there will always be people who will view him as the star of the show regardless, like Saki (Usa-chan) and WxS, and he can at least make them smile.
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trillscienceofficer · 2 months
A long time ago @nebulouscoffee asked me to write the DVD commentary of “Best Left” (which is a Raffi/Seven/B'Elanna fic set between Picard S1 and 2) and now I'm finally doing that.
This is inevitably going to get long because the fic itself is much longer than anything else I've ever posted, and I still have so many feelings for a story I put a lot of effort and heart into! But first things first, here's chapter one.
Cris, I know you’re really busy these days on the Stargazer, so I’ll keep this short.
As I was coming up with ideas for “Best Left”, my main goal was to have Raffi (which I knew would be the POV character) in a very different place than where we see her first on Star Trek: Picard. I wanted her, by this point established, long-distance relationship with Seven be a part of the network in which Raffi is now deeply enmeshed (ie La Sirena's crew). That said though, both canon events (by this time Rios has been made captain) and my plot ideas were not very accommodating of having literally everyone on board the ship. It would've been too unwieldy for a project that was already shaping up to be very ambitious for my standards. But while Jurati and Picard's absence is, I think, not that big of a deal, I still very much wanted to underline Raffi and Cris' friendship, which I think is essential in order to understand Raffi and one of the few relationships she's had that didn't go sour on her. I obviated to his physical absence with both real and imaginary correspondence, from which Raffi could draw strength in difficult moments. The fic both begins and closes with Raffi writing a message to him.
Raffi hits send on the message and looks up only to find Elnor at her side, looking just as morose as he’d been a few days earlier, when she’d told him first about the road trip idea. She sighs internally; the queue to transporter hub number four advances. It’s a busy day on the new Betazed spacedock, but luckily no one among the crowd seems the wiser to a Romulan young adult carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He holds the straps of his bag and his staff with a white-knuckle grip. Raffi hooks her left arm into the crook of Elnor’s right. “What’s the matter?”
Rereading this I remembered how fun it was to write Raffi and Elnor interact. My intention here (and throughout the fic) was to have Raffi obviously care for him while also not losing her somewhat world-weary attitude because of her affection. Raffi is still a woman who analyzes everything around her, and acts accordingly—not to mention all the unacknowledged guilt she carries wrt her son Gabe. I didn't want to have Raffi be straightforwardly ‘maternal’, it didn't feel right and I think older women in fiction should be allowed to have mixed feelings about this role more often. Plus, like Raffi herself realizes later in the fic, Elnor has already had plenty of other women bossing him around all his life, he doesn't need one more.
Soji is at the navigation console, smiling and waving a little awkwardly. And finally, Seven watching them from the captain’s chair, which she occupies with ease, leaning on one armrest. The very image of the roguish pirate captain; Cris wishes he could pull it off this well. “Welcome aboard,” Seven says, the hint of a smirk on her lips, as if she’d just heard every single one of Raffi’s thoughts.
I honestly think Raffi is constantly roasting Cris in her head. Also when rereading I was surprised about this reprise of the idea of mind-reading from the previous dialogue between Raffi and Elnor, that was cool and I can't remember if I even wrote it entirely on purpose. In any case, I wanted to have both Soji and Elnor along for this story because (1) they could offer an interesting outsider perspective on the older women drama about to unfold and (2) I wanted to have them interact with each other and have an adventure that had nothing to do with their specific backstories. Writing Soji in this story was so much fun! It was a nice challenge to balance her characterization between the right amounts of deadpan honesty and genuine care, and making it obvious that she's still figuring out how she wants to live her life.
“I don’t think Cris would forgive me if I tried to take La Sirena into another Borg transwarp conduit,” Soji says. “And honestly I’m not sure the ship can take it.” “It wasn’t particularly pleasant on a Borg cube either,” Seven adds. “As I’m sure Elnor remembers.” “Crashing on the surface was worse,” he replies, and some of the gloom lifts from his face. The effect Seven has on people sometimes—but Raffi should be the last to judge, shouldn’t she? It’s not as if seeing Seven again, sitting on that chair so lazily and yet still projecting intent, isn’t reminding Raffi of the few weeks they’d spent on board La Sirena before. But it’s probably best if she revisits that particular recap reel in private.
I based this little Seven-Elnor interaction from my own feelings about my Cool Aunt, which I think are fitting lmao (ie especially as kid, if she was speaking to me I would immediately feel better no matter what)
Also while rereading I was like, damn I made this first half of the chapter so horny... but I've been in a ldr myself and this is pretty true to my own experience. Reuniting always means a mixture of attraction and awkwardness, and it's what I wanted to convey about Raffi and Seven here, especially since they both have a hard time trusting in people or believing that they're capable of being around people without fucking it up. The following misunderstanding about room assignments is part of this pattern.
She’s re-learning restraint, in the hardest way possible, in other facets of her life.
So here comes the part of this fic I agonized over the most... Raffi's history of substance abuse and her current commitment to sobriety. I thought the latter is what fit better with Raffi's actions on the second half of S1 (ie locking herself out of the replicator) and some scenes of S2—imho those are clues that she (wants to) simply quit. Now, a commitment to complete sobriety (including weed snakeleaf, like in a 12-step program) is not necessarily an effective way to treat addiction long term—actually quite the opposite, from what I could learn from the research I did, even if still the most popular recommended form of treatment today. I'm not entirely sure it would be at all recommended in the 24th century. So how to reconcile this with the hints about Raffi quitting cold-turkey? Is it even something I would want to depict in a good light? What I eventually tried to do is treat the matter strictly from a character perspective. I hinted that Raffi is seeing a counselor, and now feeling part of a network of people, and is now restored to her place in society via Starfleet (from her perspective). Sobriety is something she thinks she should do and can do now, so that's what Raffi did; it's all part of her wider commitment to live a different life. If this also has a whiff of self-punishment... I don't think you'd be entirely wrong. I tried to hint that Raffi has her own thoughts on her addiction but I don't necessarily share them myself (see the disclaimer on top of chapter 4), and those thoughts might be another way in which she's denying herself (because no one else grants it to her either) the compassion I think she deserves. It's a really complex topic and I don't know if I did it justice here. I welcome feedback if you have any.
She’d thought she’d lost any interest in making out, over the years—she was surprised to find out how much Seven enjoys it, and how much of that enjoyment is infectious.
I have this headcanon that Seven really enjoys making out (it's appeared in other fic of mine too, eg “Doing the Unstuck”) and her partners never expect this of her. I think I like the idea that Seven's approach to sex and intimacy is still about the sudden thrill of closeness she displayed when she twirled Chakotay around in order to kiss him lol. I especially like the idea it's one of the things about Seven that's not changed despite all that happened to her since said kiss, and that she could bring Raffi to enjoy making out again as well.
It’s still the same suitcase-shaped contraption that she cobbled together months earlier with Borg parts from the Artifact, as far as Raffi can tell. Some other parts Seven had replicated on La Sirena, and then had proceeded to build the device with surprising ease. She’d explained that it was a modular design she and other friends had come up with over the years. It hadn’t been the first time she’d found herself needing a regenerator without having one handy. Raffi had admired her resourcefulness then, and still does now.
I ranted a lot about Seven's regeneration last summer, and all my thoughts and headcanons ended up in this fic. Regeneration for Seven is now a bit different than what it used to be on Voyager; still a necessity but quicker, and something that doesn't tie her down to bulky machinery any longer. Something that ultimately Seven has more control over. However, it's also a necessity that now needs to be articulated explicitly to the people she's close to, and that other people have to learn to take into account about her. I also wanted Seven to determine clear boundaries around regeneration—eg, here she doesn't want other people around when she regenerates—but boundaries that she is still constantly renegotiating, as it happens in chapter two when she invites Raffi to stay. Seven isn't used to be around people much anymore, so she's still adapting to new realities (like her relationship with Raffi) and rethinking what is comfortable for her.
“I hope your other stops were less frustrating than Trill,” Raffi offers, making her presence known. Soji looks up at her, and her face breaks into a smile. “Oh hey, I didn’t realize you were here, Raffi. But yes, I can honestly say it was the worst one so far. I think, and Agnes agrees, that their academic institutions really opposed the lifting of the synth ban for some reason.”
This little piece of Trill worldbuilding came to be because in “Second Self” Una McCormack wrote that Raffi has taken part in the zhian'tara of a colleague. Which is absolutely bonkers to me!! I couldn't help myself and expand on it a bit, all the while maintaining my stance on Trill being very conservative when it comes to decide on people's personhood. I know it's maybe controversial but I really don't think Trill institutions are that enlightened on the topic. They might think they are, but in presence of someone like Soji the appearance would crumble immediately. I honestly loved revisiting my Trill feelings through Raffi and Soji, I haven't written Dax fic in a very long time, so this was a nice way for me to scratch that itch.
Raffi crosses her legs, raises an eyebrow. She’s reminded all too well of when Soji had first come aboard, the confusion of a young woman whose entire life as she knew it had been a deception. She can recall how Soji described her relationship with Narek, and how Raffi had been the one to name his behavior for what it was. Maybe some pointing out of the obvious is needed here too.
This is one of the things that caught my attention the most when I rewatched S1—Raffi has been looking out for Soji practically from the start, calling out Narek's presence for what it was (abusive). I wanted to let Raffi speak her mind here as well, about the kind of interactions Soji has had while on tour.
A scratchy, stuttering audio signal starts playing from La Sirena’s bridge speakers. ‘—damage. Propulsion systems offline. Atmospheric controls—’ More digital artifacting of the signal. ‘—predict where the subspace eddies will take the ship. I don’t know how long I still have—’ The audio signal cuts off, then the message repeats once again. ‘—damage. Propulsion systems offline. Atmospheric controls—’ “I think that’s all of it,” Soji says, soberly. “Damn,” Raffi says, at a loss. “She’s dying, if not already dead,” Elnor says, voicing what everyone is thinking. He turns to Raffi. “What do we do?”
When she read this chapter, my partner asked me about the use of pronouns for the yet unknown person in distress—here Elnor assumes it's a she, while Raffi and Soji don't. It was actually on purpose, I wanted to hint at the fact that Elnor's default assumption is that the people that do stuff out there in space are women because the Qowat Milat usually speaks in these terms as well. Maybe it's silly, I don't know, but I wrote it in anyway as a subtle wordlbuilding detail. Maybe too subtle if it leads to pronoun confusion.
“I’m not sure I could live with myself if we didn’t try to save the crew of that ship. There’s a chance they might still be alive.” “Then let’s do it,” Raffi says with a curt nod. “You’re in command of La Sirena now.”
In the rescue scene I tried very hard to let Raffi do tactical evaluation in a way that didn't come off as callous as it sometimes does for Worf on TNG or Tuvok on Voyager—she's honestly trying to give Soji, now in command, a good overview of the situation.
Raffi takes a long look at Elnor, and to his credit he looks genuinely curious, hands folded together, leaning with his elbows on his knees. She knows better than to doubt his intentions, but—when he wants, he knows exactly when and how to ask one of his blunt questions for maximum effect, doesn’t he? In this case, distraction. She idly wonders if this is a skill that everyone in the Qowat Milat picks up, along with the assassin training. Using the truth as a finely honed blade, rather than the cudgel it’s always reminded her of.
That the absolute candor tenet of the Qowat Milat may be used in more than one way and for more than one goal is something I already written about before (ie in “Policy of Truth”). I think Raffi has her own different ideas about telling the truth because she's trained in intelligence gathering and also because pursuing the truth has always been painful for her—see her quest to find out who was behind the Mars attack. So here she's surprised to find out that Elnor's honesty is not at all a weakness, which she's assumed so far, but rather a very well-honed skill.
“It is the ship we’re looking for,” Soji confirms, going through the readings with, once again, an ease that belies her actual experiences. “It is still transmitting the distress call, though it’s extremely garbled. The hull is pressurized, somehow, at least partially. Life signs—one, I think. Humanoid. Very faint” She looks at Raffi, eyes wide, and Raffi braces herself. “We have to beam them over. The subspace tug might breach the hull at any time. I know that we have no idea who we’ll find, but they’re dying.” Goddammit. They really should’ve woken Seven up before getting here. Then again, at this point it’s probably best to ask for forgiveness than permission. If they’re all still alive to do so. But they will; a boy assassin, an android with super strength, and Raffi. Risk assessment used to be her job in Starfleet, long ago.
I still really like Raffi thinking 'oh well, too late to go back now, but at least I have backup'. I thought about her characterization a lot while writing this fic, and tried to convey her dry humor at best I can. She's really funny in canon! I really enjoyed writing her constant quips, even if they're just in her head.
Down the stairs, she hears Emil grumble. “I can’t deliver proper emergency care if you rush me.” “You’ll replicate what you need, as you need it,” Soji retorts impatiently. “Just initiate the transport.”
All EMHs are the same.
She’s older now, and out of uniform, looking much worse for wear after what she just went through. But there’d been a time more than twenty years prior when her face had been on every Federation newsfeed, along with the rest of the crew of the USS Voyager. “You know her?” Raffi turns to Soji, frozen in bemusement beside Emil. “I’ve never met her but yes, I know who she is,” Raffi says. “You two stay here and keep an eye on things. Seven needs to see this.”
I really like the way this chapter ends (so much so that it's the quote I chose for the fic summary on AO3). I thought about the idea of generational difference a lot when coming up with this fic, and how Raffi has witnessed so many momentous events, like the return of Voyager, that Elnor and even Soji really have no context for. It's an interesting aspect of having older characters that weren't around in previous shows, and an opportunity for a different perspective that unfortunately I think Star Trek: Picard squandered completely (Una McCormack was more attentive in her novels, luckily). Regardless, Raffi's experience turns out to be an asset more than once in this fic—no one aboard La Sirena at this point is as intimately aware of the events of the Dominion War as she is.
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magnuficentwo · 4 months
Wanna share your fav Brazilian hcs with the rest of the class :)
- Everyone knows about famous One Piece Guy Monkey d. Luffy being brazillian, or at least inspired by the culture, but I think his whole crew should be brazillian as well (except for Sanji for comical effect). Chopper is just a caramel dog to me, If I could animate I would put Nami in a "Girl of Ipanema" pmv SO fucking fast, Zoro would fucking love football if he knew what it was, and Usopp just fits the stereotype of "malandro" (sneaky malicious guy) PERFECTLY. I've seen that kind of man at bars and he was stealing the cups everytime.
- Lagoona from Monster High is Australian-Brazillian to me. It just makes sense. I think if Monster High ever went to Brazil they could make some cool worldbuilding stuff around the flora and fauna and mythos of the place (Mula sem cabeça girl), and out of everyone in the group I feel like Lagoona would know the most about the culture. She strikes me as a girl from either Rio de Janeiro or Bahia, but honestly you could tell me she's from anywhere with a beach or even just a Big Quantity Of Water and I would believe you. Frankie would probably also have a few brazillian body parts but since they can't talk all they do is shake really hard when she says something wrong about the country /j
- I still have to draw this but Link is like a fantasy brazillian to me. I don't have much of a basis for this except for "I want him to be", but I feel like if I could I would hit all of hyrule with Brazillification beams. You think he's a gringo because of his beautiful blond hair and scary blue eyes, but then he starts speaking in the thickest accent you've ever heard in your entire life and you don't even ask him about it anymore. He even has zero self preservation, which is a trait every brazillian man has <3
- Sonic. Source ? My baby cousin saying he was like 3 years ago. And honestly it does make sense to me I think he should compete in the Copa for us.
- Goku. I don't know how to even explain this one but I'll try anyway: when I was a kid, I never knew Dragon Ball was an anime, and I only watched the portuguese-br version of it, so to me all that stuff was just happening in my state in a really weird version of the world where super sayans were real. I never knew the guy was supposed to be japanese despite the obvious names and the fact the credits were always IN JAPANESE, so in my head I was like wow 🧡 o goku é Mineiro que nem meus tios 🥰 ele também deve ser meu tio 😁. Anyway, long story short, I drew a lot of me and Goku hanging out when I was like 8-10 years old and doing typically brazillian stuff. It was awesome. He's mixed (Super Sayan/Japanese/Brazillian)
I have a lot more but I don't even know how to explain without sounding. Insane. So I will leave at that ! Thank you so mucj for asking I love this country and every character I like is from here 💚💛💙🇧🇷💥‼️
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pynkhues · 4 months
I'm the G/A shipper lol. Thank you for ur answer!! I do think it would've taken Gregg and Annie more time to come together, and even if I get what you're saying, of it could be them regressing (going back to what they'd already done), it just seemed like it was made to be. Gregg also just didn't seem like he really loved Nancy, and Nancy deserved better.
I had a related question. Why do you think it was SO hard for G to come up with what he liked about Annie? Like I wrote in my original ask, I didn't buy it for a second, and while it seemed to say much more about G to me than G and A's connection, I still hated it. It just seemed to really brush off/completely take out meaning of G and A's connection like it didn't mean anything, which even if they betrayed Nancy, and were very immature about it (with again G deceiving his wife while they were trying to conceive???? NOT OK), they clearly had a real connection, and I do think had genuine feelings for each other. Not to mention their history. What's your take?
I agree that Greg never seems like he's really in love with Nancy, but I also think it's important to remember that we only ever truly see them as a couple through Annie's POV. We're actually robbed as viewers of moments of intimacy or connection between them because at the end of the day, Annie herself doesn't really want to see it.
I do think there's a fair speculation too that Greg probably wanted the opposite of Annie when their relationship imploded and so sought a person like Nancy as a sort of marker of an 'adult' relationship, which is especially interesting because I think the show does a good job of depicting Greg as pretty immature still himself. There is the sort of vibe that Nancy probably parents Greg a bit in that relationship, but for a man who became a father himself when he was a boy, it makes a lot of sense.
Which really comes to your question of why Greg couldn't come up with anything he liked about Annie when she asked. I totally agree with you that I think he could probably list a lot of things he liked about Annie, but I tend to think there are a few things at play.
Firstly, and funnily enough, if I were to compare Greg to other characters in the show, the one I tend to think he's most like is actually Beth. He maintains a performative life that it's clear he's not happy in, he tries to be a good father but doesn't always make it work, he's prone to being selfish, finds himself backsliding into a relationship he thinks he needs to move on from, and is overall reluctant to being vulnerable or emotionally available. That's Beth! And honestly, I think it makes sense for Annie to seek that in a man given her most formative relationship in life is with her sister. (It's why I'll forever be mad too that we never got any Beth + Greg scenes!)
Of course, Annie's not that much better - she deflects with humour and he lets her, but when she circles back to vulnerability, which she usually does, he can't bring himself to be open with her about his feelings which is I think clearest in their scene together in 1.09.
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And then she deflects, again, with a joke.
I talk about it a lot in the context of Beth and Rio where I think the show does a really good job of depicting that some dynamics are really hard to change. Whether its Beth and Rio's inherit omissions of truth and their games, or hell, even Beth as the placating, mothering housewife and Dean as the philandering breadwinner, a dynamic established can sometimes feel like a dynamic immovable, and I do think a part of that is what's at fault with Annie and Greg. It's why they so often become kids when they're together again, but I think is also why the space to be honest and open with each other is often seen as a chance to joke or shrug off or make light of everything that was once, and still is, real between them.
It's not to say they don't feel it, or that they don't know. It's just easier to not say it and to not have to deal with the consequences of what it actually means.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
i am sick as fucking hell today so here's my ranking of S-Links so far
caveats: Aigis STILL hasn't fucking unlocked, i'm only halfway thru mitsuru's, and one-third thru yukari's.
Best to Worst:
The Magician, Junpei: I am still flabbergasted at how fucking good his arc is. The fact that in the penultimate slink scene he recognizes the specific way he's been disrespectful to you and meaningfully apologizes for it is not remotely what I expected out of him. Also I somehow got spoiled very early that he wasn't a romance option, and (I can't believe I'm making this comparison) just like Dorian in Dragon Age: Inquisition, it made it feel fun and safe to play-flirt and joke with him, safe in the knowledge it wouldn't go awry. Junpei is my fucking bro, my ride or die.
The Star, Akihiko: Predictable since I am currently evaluating his entire romance against my other favorite romances in video games (I don't think he beats Garrus and The Transistor, but he's top five). Slowly unraveling this boy is delightful, and honestly the way he turns as you get to know him better is very marked and obvious. He goes from relying on his one hyperfixation to communicate, to opening up and sometimes being genuinely so fucking smooth and romantic, it threw me for a loop. Least neurotypical person in the cast.
The Hermit, Saori: From the moment she said a Bad Word I was in love. I like how... careful you have to be with her, how she is very aware of her faults, of the fact she's a doormat, and the reasons she has become that way. Saying goodbye to her was genuinely very fucking sad and I miss her. Would dump Akihiko for her if I could. (Tho even more I want them to meet, could you IMAGINE.)
The Priestess, Fuuka: I love this girl so fucking much. The steel core of her underneath of the self-doubt is wonderful to see. Also the specific way she sucks at cooking and almost locks up from the failure tracks as very real. It does suck to rope someone else into helping you with something and then seeing how good that person is at the thing. Also her slink is so close to a romance, I'm mad about it. LEMME DATE HER.
The Moon, Shinjiro: Ah, the urge to help people vs the urge to be a bitch. Who can't relate to that. Especially given the inevitable end of his arc, the specific way Shinjiro is trying to keep people from relying on him or expecting anything from him... hitting facefirst into the wall of how goddamn fucking reliable he is, it's great. Glad I maxed this one out.
The Tower, Mutatsu: I really like that you're basically therapizing this old monk just by.... being a mirror to reflect his questions back at him. You do very little to help him honestly, you just exist nearby and thus inspire him to challenge himself and better himself. He just needed someone to talk to! Also its funny to imagine FemPC just hanging out in his booth for a few weeks. What a duo.
The Sun, Akinari: Did NOT like this one at first, but wow the actual final thought of it, the idea that.... death is inevitable, and you will never know your purpose, and you will never see your purpose, but you do have purpose. That was surprisingly affecting. Also WAS HE A GHOST THE WHOLE TIME? WHAT WAS WITH THAT? Wacky.
The Chariot, Rio: Oh Rio, I wish I could rank you higher, girl. I really like Rio and think she's actually an incredible example of the Chariot, but in the way I enjoyed being careful with Saori, there were times I wanted to smack Rio upside the head. Because she's making progress, she's getting there, but it's almost entirely without you. You're there to support her and that's great but you cannot fucking challenge her at all ever or she'll get upset. Just frustrating.
The Devil, Tanaka: This one was so fucking weird but enjoyable? But there's no depth here. It's just weird and fun!
Strength, Koromaru: I'm not a dog person but this is a good dog. Also while I didn't vibe with the plot around Koromaru, the way he incited conversation with other characters was great.
Justice, Ken: I'm about... 4 or 5 into this one? And the point seems to be "ah, the trauma of growing up too fast." Which yep. That's a thing. Wish this slink wasn't like pulling teeth.
The Emperor, Hidetoshi: I'm bored to tears and I'm never gonna finish this one. Hidetoshi is a tool, I'm not interested.
The Hierophant, the Old Couple: this one is straight up poorly written. It's just so fucking poorly written I don't know if something went seriously awry in localization or if it was just that bad. I maxed it out and I regret it.
Temperance, Bebe: The degree to which I failed out of this slink cannot be overstated. When Bebe calls me, I turn him down every time even if I have NOTHING else to do that day. This slink feels offensive to like five different groups of people. Nope. Not doing it. Bye.
I thiiiiiiink that's all the ones I have an opinion on. /jazzhands
Say What About:
Yukari: I bounced off her early because she gave me huge Best Friend Who Quietly Hates You vibes. She gets great development in the main story tho so I'm working on hers.
Aigis: Hasn't unlocked.
Mitsuru: IT TOOK ME UNTIL FUCKING, WHAT, NOVEMBER TO GRIND ACADEMICS? OH MY GODDDDD the stat threshold for her is literally just to fucking high.
Ryoji: Gave me the creeps so I fully skipped everything after the mandatory unlock!!!! Don't like him!
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itsana004 · 1 year
ANA I AM CURIOUS ABOUT HOW YOU THINK OF GUACHE/NISTRO I know you greatly appreciate droite but what about her partner in crime? 👁️
Omg I did realise at one point that I almost never talk about that guy as much as I should, so here lays my truest thoughts on Gauche/Nistro
•How do I feel about this character
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIS CHARACTER! He's so fun to watch and I feel deeply ashamed I used to feel differently about him at the beginning because of a stupid ship and that was such an embarrassing phase (I didn't engage in any ship drama thank god about that but my notp clouded my judgement AGHRHHH) but my taste improved luckily overtime and better late than never to make amends of my past mistakes
His upbeat personality is fun and all but SERIOUSLY GET A MAN LIKE HIM WHO CAN DO BOTH! This man can be a dork, high spirited, an idiot and be a hilarious character giving this big dumb energy muscular man while also being super skilled, intelligent in his own way and writers bothered to give a little bit of backstory and NOT be this one dimensional comic relief character like I thought he would be at the beginning??? LIKE?? I LOVE THAT??? AND FROM THE RECENT POLL HE'S A CERTIFIED MALEWIFE SO THERE'S THAT
And his interactions with Droite omg (I LOVE MY BABIES SO MUCH MUST PROTECT THEM AT ALL COSTS) WE. NEEDED. MORE. BANTER AND MORE SCENES OF THEM DOING THEIR JOB WHERE THEY JUST SQUABBLE (please why they never showed at least one frame of Droite and Gauche dueling tf, I'm not satisfied by that mind controlled Gauche tag duel only).
His design is so cool as well! I love he just discarded his work outfit as soon as he quit, like finally a character that proves me wrong about Zexal characters not having a wardrobe with the same smelly outfit in their home other than Kotori and few others (I'M LOOKING AT YOU CASWELL).
Also the Starmann costume...sorry but I can't take it seriously 😂 but I love the message behind it and how it is tied to his childhood where he and Droite lived in the streets and dueling became their star of hope.
•All the people I ship romantically with this character
Sorry but I don't ship him romantically with anyone, not even Droite and I'll explain why in a bit. For the other characters he has interactions and chemistry with they are all minors so nope.
•My non-romantic OTP for this character
This has to be Droite and Gauche. I can't see them in a romantic lens, to me they share more of a familial bond/sibling relationship more than anything, and the fact Droite found love in someone else kind of furthers my case.
The thought of Droite being the only family he ever had in a world where he was born with none feels more meaningful to me than any common romantic tropes. It also means they share a stronger bond as in family always comes first and would be there for eachother no matter what. The media lacks this kind of friendship and bond between a man and a woman who aren't related and seeing them in this light feels like a breath of fresh air and I'm here for it! Also did you guys notice the matching bracelet they share?? I would love to know the canon meaning behind it, but for now I interpret it as a symbol of their relationship which I interpret it as familial, just like Shark and Rio's rings.
•My unpopular opinion about this character
Honestly I'm not sure... I don't think I have any other than the fact I don't ship him with Droite romantically?
•One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
Oh hohoho, I guess I have only a few things to say
I just think ending up liking a side character in Zexal is just hell, period, but goodness
Umm, Zexal, when were you planning to ever show, or rather, why hide, the fact GAUCHE HAS HIS OWN NUMBER CARD???
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Also I would have loved to see more interactions between Gauche and Alito. Despite their rocky start it is clearly shown they would make good friends. There were even drawn parallels between them where past Alito was a lot like Gauche, and they share the same fighting spirit. Anyway they would be good friends... too bad them being in good terms was never shown...
Also this is not a criticism but more of a wish where they expanded more in his and Droite's past and how they became elite and how he got that scar in his face. They never explained it or even shown a flashback of it. And because of how underdeveloped and mysterious they left it out to be I'm really having a confusing time understanding the true nature of his relationship with people in the Tower - they showed him having this big rivalry with Kaito and them being pissed around each other but in Spartan City, once Kaito saw him and Droite, he was smiling to the point his eyebrows became straight?? I want to know the lore stuff basically that I'll never get to knoww
Sorry if I missed anything but here is my answer!
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mooifyourecows · 1 year
Ok I'm dead curious and I'm a thirsty nerd, please don't spare me of details. How much did you really research for Hard Times and how much did you made up? Anything from experience? Any surprises while looking up? SHOW US THE RING!!
Also, I just wanna add to the amazing and very true points Suga made the latest chapter, if you don't mind me using the spotlight: Always make sure to purchase from actual locals while travelling. My country has a huge touristic income and, just to use as an example, big events like the football world cup thay happened a few years ago should have injected a stupid amount of money in our local economies because the amount of tourists was really hitting record numbers. Only it didn't, not even one bit. Because all foreign very expensive and very valuable currency was being spent inside hotels and on international touristic companies, not even bothering to buy a snack from actual locals. This kind of exploratory business happens specially at in development places, because the local business are not considered enough to bring international costumers to (or they just can't afford to agree with the tourism companies conditions).
Good points Mel! Tourists should definitely try to support the locals over any international corporations! If you can't afford to pay the slightly higher price for local goods and food then you can't afford to vacation in those countries 🤷‍♂️
As for your research question, i do lots of research on all of my stories. It's one of the ways I acquire new interests, actually. Like for Drop in the Ocean (idk if you read it, it's daisuga + sharks) I acquired an interest and love for fish because of all the research I did for that fic. I watched hours of fish and aquarium videos on youtube and looked up fun facts and what not so that I could accurately depict a Suga who was absolutely in love with aquatic creatures. Now i love fish so much I want to get a big huge fish tank and fill it with the little bastards. if i ever want to get really into something, all i gotta do is make it an interest for one of my characters and bam, i’m a fish person now
For Hard Times specifically, I did lots of research on cruises, since I've never been on one before. I also looked up a lot about Ocho Rios and its attractions, even though I didn't wind up using much of it. I have aphantasia (the inability to visualize) and therefore need lots of visual references, so I looked up penthouse apartments and fancy cruise ship suite layouts/blueprints as well as interior decor and clothes and yada yada
I scrolled through pages and pages of Rolex watches until deciding which one Suga stole from Daichi. This is it btw (blurry pic because it’s from my old phone and has journeyed through discord and what not shhh):
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And here's the ring I had in mind for the most recent chapter:
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I honestly don't like making things up when it's based on a real thing, you know? Like if i'm trying to make a character seem well versed about italy, i'm gonsta read several wikipedia pages, you can count on that. I might not use nearly 90% of whatever i research but hey, at least i will know which countries eat horse and which ones don't in case such a thing happens to come up in casual conversation.
as for the catholic stuff... uhhhh that’s based on my own experiences. not ALL of it, ofc. I didn’t go to a fancy catholic school, but i was raised catholic. Suga’s story about keeping the priest at that convention for so long is partially true. not the neck exercises/stain on vestments part. but i did go to a catholic convention thing (Steubenville Youth Conference) in Washington state when I was a teenager and it was very weird but very amusing. and i was required to go to confession in these little tented off cubes inside this big event center and my confession took like triple the amount of time as everyone else’s because i am a silly goofy little scamp who loves to lie and just made stuff up until the priest was finally like “alright, next”. he was a nice guy though. he was very enthusiastic about giving me advice for all my confessions which was mainly why i was in there for so long. and then when i came out, the person I had been hanging out with the whole conference was like “you were in there for so long hOW MANY SINS DO YOU HAVE?” and honestly, good question because i stopped believing in god when i was like 7 and never told a priest a single truth in my life so babey we are still counting!
the research part of writing a story is honestly really fun for me. I like filling my little notes app with things i might want to incorporate somehow because it’s interesting or could potentially fit really well with the themes and what not. i’m well aware that my world experience is pretty limited. i don’t want my characters to exist only in those limitations though. thinking of a new mental disorder or cultural background to give my characters is SO FUN and EXCITING and i can’t help but dive right into all the possibilities.
but uhhh yeah the end thanks for the question babe 🖤
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s11e15 beyond the mat (w. john bring, andrew dabb)
vaguely recall maybe reading something about.. was it j2?? watching the same local wrestling in texas growing up? am i imagining this or was it other people
DEAN He was Dad's favorite. Anytime that noose would come out, Dad would be on his feet. It was one of the few times I ever saw him actually happy. SAM Yeah. I remember that.
not sad at all
DEAN Yeah, Sam. You think I don’t know that? We’ve done nothing but mainline lore for a week, okay? We’ve got jack on another hand of God and Amara, and we’ve got even less jack on how to save Cas. SAM If he wants to be saved. DEAN He does... even if he doesn’t know it yet. SAM Dean...
~personally~ i think it would be more about getting lucifer out and back in the cage/dead, what with the massive and enraging fuckup saying yes to the springing the father of lies who turns out to have been a lying liar, something you were willing to die to prevent, but i admittedly rarely understand their writing decisions when it comes to cas so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
LUCIFER You're gonna look high, look low, far and wide. Search every warehouse, every farmhouse, every hen house, outhouse, and doghouse.
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get tommy lee jones's words out of your mouth :p someone's grumpy (it's me, hi) the fugitive is one of my old favorites
like i said yesterday i can't really tolerate what's going down with crowley.
i'm glad dean's having a good time fangirling over the wrestlers but time and place, my dude. oh and another thing i've found when i'm finding something too uncomfortable to watch, i mute and read the captions. for whatever reason, i can tolerate way more awkward without sound. less of a full body experience
SAM Sorry. Uh... wrong place. It’s just y-you were my... my first crush. RIO Ah. You weren’t one of those guys that had my poster above his bed, were you? SAM What? No.
cute but what bed though exactly. did he put the poster up in every motel room.
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forever and ever, amen
DEAN Did you tell her you used to have a poster of her over your bed when you were a kid?
again what bed, i'd buy maybe like folded up in his duffel or whatever :p
DEAN Now, that hardly seems worth it. Yeah, think about that. Town after town, putting your ass on the line for next to nothing? No money. No glory. Wow. SAM You realize you just literally described our jobs.
was thinking about the continued logistics of money just recently, if they're still doing the same rackets
SPECTATOR Beer’s cheap, kid’s entertained... parenting. Remember, don’t tell Mom how many I’ve had. SAM Yeah. Now, that brings me back. DEAN You want to not try and ruin one of the nicest things Dad ever did for us, please? Thank you.
could argue both sides of that honestly but you know me and my everlasting grudge against john
this wrestling match falls into the category of let dean enjoy things but it still makes me want to hide under a rock. while i watch this (muted, again) i'm trying to pick apart why i find it so secondhand embarrassment-inducing. that he's acting like a child? that i'm worried about him making a fool of himself in front of people because i'd be mortified to in that position? the perceived embarrassment he clearly never feels about that stuff? i dunno. it would be nice if i could logic my way out of feeling it :P
(that said, i am skipping the thing with him playing around in the ring)
CROWLEY I can’t leave. SIMMONS You can. You still have friends... people who want you back... who want Lucifer gone. I don’t know what he’s done to you. I can’t imagine... but you’re... you’re not a slave, a dog. You’re Crowley, and the Devil should be afraid of you.
was thinking yesterday of game of thrones and theon/reek, where a genuinely unlikable character became somewhat sympathetic after horrendous torture. and i already liked crowley. bleh. (also bumps into personal trauma stuff)
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guess we're doin the jaws (1975) comparing scars scene now though less handsy
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let's go
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sam's face at drunk dean made me laugh
why does this rando crossroads demon want someone to kill for him in addition to the deal, man i am struggling to stay focused on this episode.
LUCIFER She, um, she hates you, B-T-Dubs. SIMMONS Yeah. I really do. LUCIFER Yeah, they all do. Like, every demon in Hell. Can’t really blame them, can you? I mean, maybe once you were the evilest evil that ever eviled... present company excluded. But now... you’re nothing but Dean Winchester’s number-one fan.
misha playing pellegrino's lucifer is a little smoother this episode i think. still don't like it. but i mean, at least misha gets to use his face for more than one expression and his regular speaking voice?
DEAN Okay. Okay. Look, you screwed up, all right? Trust me. I’ve been there. But it is never too late to do the right thing. GUNNAR You really believe that? DEAN I have to.
*cut to lucifer!cas* very subtle :p
so one lightning bolt and that hand of god was out of juice? meanwhile the one in the previous episode took out the sub and surface ship. okay. whatever, glad crowley zapped on out of there
SAM Dean, you know what? He made a bad decision. We’ve been there. DEAN Yeah, you, me, now Cas.
12:22am 4 people including 3 children upstairs sleeping. me: NOW????? are we calling this castiel's first big bad decision?? breaking sam's wall for all the hell trauma to rush in for a distraction?! sucking up all those souls from purgatory and being god for a minute and slaughtering people and angels--which led to the leviathans getting out too?? trusting metatron against all logic otherwise which led to the angels falling? i mean, sounds like trusting lucifer AGAINST ALL LOGIC OTHERWISE is par for the fucking course. by this logic, i think cas and crowley should be on pretty similar footing with the brothers 🤪
whatever, man. i had to have a come to jesus meeting with myself about cas a while back so i'd stop complaining so much about the disconnect of what's shown vs said but apparently this got me really riled up again
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Massive Picard Season 2 Spoilers Ahead
So the latest episode of The Ready Room, the Star Trek recap show hosted by Wil Wheaton, had a preview of Season 2 of Star Trek: Picard. It's interviews with all of the main actors and they explain in some detail where they're characters are at at the beginning of season 2.
It puts a lot of shots from the trailers in perspective and I have a lot of thoughts that I want to share, but because this is a very, very explicit spoilery preview, I'm putting both the video and my initial reaction under the cut.
Anyone in the US (or with a decent VPN): You can find the full Ready Room episode on the Paramount+ youtube page, but I'm not going to link it here, because, youk know, tumblr 😋
[The relevant section from the Ready Room. I will upload a transcript once I'm done transcribing the other trailers, but it might be a few more days.]
Hoooooo boy :D That is a lot of information right there.
Right off the bat: Raffi and Picard are back in Starfleet. This isn't a big surprise, we've known this since some of the earliest trailers for season 2. But it's still nice to see. Picard is apparently president of the Academy, which I think is a good role for him. He's always had a teacher-vibe about him, and I think he'll strive in the assignment.
And Raffi being a teacher is going to be very cool to see. I imagine she cares deeply about her students but can get a bit distracted on tangents 🤣
Elnor is now a cadet, which is actually pretty exciting. I'm wondering how that'll play with his issues about not fitting in. He's the first full Romulan cadet, after it came out the Zhat Vash were responsible for the Attack on Mars and had infiltrated Starfleet on really deep levels. I wonder if people are willing to differentiate enough to acknowledge that this plot by the Zhat Vash cost more Romulans than Federation citizens their lives, so the average Romulans really shouldn't be held responsible, or if Elnor is going to face more discrimination and alienation. I really hope he finds his place, the kid deserves a break!
Now, the parts I'm not super sure how to feel about are Seven as captain of La Sirena 😅 I love that she's back with the rangers and that Rios gave her his ship so she can fight pirates. But... it feels so much like Rios's ship! And she deactivated all the holos but Emmet 🙈
Like... I get it, filming Santiago Cabrera in multiples must be exhausting, and I do love me some Emmet action! He's amazing! (And I didn't expect we'd see any of the holos at all in season 2, so getting a glimpse of Emmet right at the start is GLORIOUS!) But it feels weird for Rios not to be on La Sirena somehow. They are just so joined together in my head...
And I know he'll be back as soon as we get to the Q shenanigans, but still. Not sure how I feel about this 😅
Also Seven and Raffi seem to be starting the season in a bit of a rough place... I liked they're dynamic in No Man's Land, how they're both clashing because they're very similar in a lot of ways, they're both strong and stubborn. I wonder how going on this wild adventure together will work out for them. It might be really interesting.
Soji and Agnes on a diplomatic tour sounds like fun, though! It makes sense for them (and Picard, though they might not have advertised his synth-ness?) to be building goodwill for the synths, after everything that has happened. I can't wait to see their dynamic and how they work together to convince the people of their cause.
(I also like that this explains what the Soji shots from the trailer are about. Though it's fascinating to see in the interview that Isa Briones seems to have cut her hair. That makes some things from the trailers even more intriguing XD)
And Rios is captain of the U.S.S. Stargazer. I'm... honestly torn 🙈 On the one hand: he deserves this as a form of... redemption is the wrong word, he didn't do anything wrong. But it seems like an indication that he has forgiven himself and is starting to move on (though I do hope they're not going with "getting an explanation has instantly healed him from ten years of PTSD", because boy is that not how that works 🙈 But I won't worry about that before I see it.)
And Agnes and Rios on the bridge are ADORABLE! Also: Seven and Picard are coming on board the Stargazer. This also explains where all those Starfleet scenes from the trailers are happening - which does not bode well for the ship, actually.
So. In Conclusion.
good grief, I don't know how I feel about this 😅🙈
So many cool things! Agnes and Soji being diplomats! Cadet Elnor! Picard and Raffi teaching at the academy! Emmet!!!
And so many difficult things... Sirena is no longer Rios's ship. The interviews, which I imagine were filmed recently, are staged on Sirena - and she's still painted grey. Which crushes any hope I might have had that she will actually return to her old state post-time travel, and that breaks my heart a little, I'm not going to lie. When I saw the shots of Seven having a fight on the ship and she still had her red paint, I really hoped that was indicative of a return to normal after season 2, but I think I should go back to very carefully not having any expectations...
Ah well. Nothing to do but wait and see, I suppose.
At least a lot of my trailer speculations are now confirmed and I can talk about them in a lot more concrete terms 😋
What are y'all's reactions to all of these revalations?
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argonavis-hcs · 2 years
Hello, can I request a NSFW fic for Rio with a female mc (scenario: an argument that turns really hot and steamy) please and thanks ✌
⚠ Author's note: This is gonna be the longest a/n but hear me out. In all honesty, this is my first time writing smut so detailed and actually writing 2 characters doing the intercourse (hence why the long delay). SO i'd really appreciate a feedback on this kind of writing. whether it's grammatical/plot/characterization/writing style mistakes, just anything. I know there's gonna be a lot of errors and i want you guys to point it out to me. Just send it in my inbox and i won't share it publicly. I want to improve my writing for you guys so that i won't do the same mistakes in the future for nsfw requests ;) (or any writing, honestly). Thank you so much for the anon who send this request! I apology for the long delay and if this is not like what you expected :'D. Enjoy~
Pairing: Rio Kikyo x fem!mc
Genre: fluff, smut
Word count: 2.201
Warning: fingering, unprotected sex, bloody kiss.
Minors, please stay away from this one.
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The situation couldn't get any more worse, could it?
This past month you've been avoiding any contacts with Rio as much as you could. It was never your intention to do this but after all the anonymous messages you've been receiving, you just want some time to distance yourself from him and be alone to think about the next step. It's not that hard to do anyway since he has his own stuff to do too.
The messages that reached you are filled with pictures of Rio being seen with a girl you don't recognize. There's a possibility that she's in the same faculty as him as one of the picture was him and the girl in a lecture. Sometimes the message came once or twice a week with a little message saying Rio and you should break up because he has someone new. You won't lie, it sounded really pathetic at first that someone would actually do this cheap trick.
But you just can't help it, do you? You and your overthinking tendency.
It eats you up slowly. You start to doubt yourself. What if Rio is actually tired of you now? And the fact that he's a genius makes you start comparing yourself to other girls. He could totally get a girl much better than you without effort so why is he still put up with you?
You're also angry at the same time. If he really is tired of you, can he admit it to your face and end the relationship like a man would? You're aware that a relationship won't last if both parties don't work together so what's the point on holding on?
Now he's been calling your number numerous time because you told him not to contact you for a few days, and this one is probably the 23th time you're not picking up. You've had enough with your phone keep ringing, you huffed in annoyance and pressed green but not saying any greetings.
The second you pick up he said, "If you don't tell me what's wrong, I'm coming to your place."
"No, you're not," you said.
"Tell me what's going on with you then," Rio begged.
"Don't come over." With that you hung up his call. It's unusually hurt hearing his voice.
(ARGONAVIS Share house)
Rio doesn't know what to do anymore. Did he do something wrong? This matter is surely challenging for him but not in a good way. Well, he's persistent so the only option is coming over to your house.
Rio grabbed his coat and a few stuff, in case he's not coming back to share house. Wataru who happened to be sitting in the living room noticed Rio about to go somewhere (and probably heard his conversation earlier). "You're coming to her place?" Wataru asked.
"I am," Rio replied.
Wataru chuckled. "You really love her, aren't you?"
"It's that obvious, huh?"
"Very." Wataru gobbled his caramel popcorn. "Good luck, Kikyo."
(Your place)
Great. He did come over. Should've expected this, to be honest. All of the sudden he's inside your apartment since he has your key.
"Didn't I tell you to not come over?" you groaned. "What a headache."
"I'll make you soup if you're sick," he said. "Then we can talk in the morning."
"I don't want anything." You buried your face in your pillow. "Will you just go?"
"And why should I do that?" he asked. If he couldn't do this peacefully...
We shall do this the difficult way.
"Please just go-"
"Why are you acting like a child?"
There was nothing but 5 seconds of deafening silence.
"Oh I'm acting like a child?!" you mumbled.
Got you.
"Yes, you are."
"Aren't you the one who's sick of this relationship but don't want to say it to my face?" You showed him the pictures. "But chose to go straight to other woman. Seriously Rio?" At this point you don't care with your teary-angry face anymore.
Rio didn't expect you'd say something like this. He examined the images and soon realize who the girl was. "She's not like what you think-"
"Oh she is? What about the messages that came with it?" you exclaimed, driven by anger each second. "Saying that we should end this relationship. Was that only her doing or were you also in it too?"
"I never knew any of those things, y/n," Rio cried out. "And besides I'd never betray you like that."
"Right, haha, why didn't I think of that." At this moment, the overflowing anger slowly turned into tears. The amount of pressure you're feeling won't get let you think straight. "You never know how powerless i felt knowing that I couldn't do anything to handle this situation. Maybe you're right after all, i really am a child.
"You doing your stuff, me minding my own stuff. Both of us barely had time to call each other let alone spending time together. The amount of time i wish i had the balls to ask you to spare some of your time for me... I feel like hating myself for it sometimes.
"What can I say? You look good chasing your dreams, Rio."
That was the end of him. He should've been beside you more than across the phone. Does apologizing even work now? He's at loss for words to even say anything and judging from the situation now, you're sick of him.
"God that was... embarrassing to say. I hate myself why did I say that." You massaged your temple, irritated. "Just get out and lock the door on your way, please." You said as you step out of the room, away from him.
"No. Listen to me first." Rio hugged you from behind. "I know you won't accept any spoken apology, so listen to me.
"You can do anything to me. Cuss at me, hit me, slap me, anything to let out your anger towards me. Say you hate me, but don't say you hate yourself. I can't bear hearing you say that about yourself. Please."
In his embrace, you stand still. At least he's right that you won't accept spoken apology.
"This is my apology for not giving you enough of my time," he whispered. "I'm here now. I'm yours."
You sighed. "You're always so persistent."
"I am," he said. "We'll do all the talk tomorrow. But now, let our actions do the talking."
"I hate this."
'You do."
"And I hate you for making me lose control."
You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him roughly. He wanted you to let it all out, that's what he's going to get. Nothing else matters as you bite his bottom lip, not caring if he bleeds. Rio, being challenged, will not surrender that easy. Sure, he said you can do anything to him but he never said he'll be putty in your hands. Not entirely.
Muffled groans can be heard as the fight for dominance goes on until you had to push him to breathe, leaving a string of saliva connecting the two of you. Judging by a little red tint on Rio's lips, it seemed like you went too hard earlier. Instead of saying sorry, you said, "Fuck you, Rio."
"Oh you want to have me so bad." He smirked.
You pushed him onto your bed and the make out continues. Hands roamed each other's body, one by one clothing being thrown onto the floor. The electric feeling of his bare body against your fingertips— You never get tired of it. Probably never will.
His hand tried to reach your breast. "Uh-uh..." You grabbed his wrist. "Tonight is about me. Isn't that right, Kikyo?" you whispered to his ear.
Kikyo, huh? "Of course. I'm under your command, babe," he replied. He leaned back and put his hands behind him.
Little did you know, Rio has something up his sleeve.
Rio's vision started to fade. He simply wanted to drown himself in your attention as you keep on brushing your lips along the side of his neck. Gentle stroke became kitten licks, kitten licks became kisses, kisses became bites. He swear if you keep doing that...
"Y/n..." he rasped. "C-Could you slow down a little?"
"What's wrong?"
Rio looked at you right in the eye. One look that explains everything.
Your hand starts to slither down between his legs, you found his cock rock-hard, leaking with pre-cum.
"You seriously get this hard from me playing with your neck?"
Up, down,
"...y/n" he breathed.
Rubbing the slit on the tip,
"You're not going to let me cum, are you?" he asked.
Up, down,
"Absolutely." You let your lips linger dangerously close to his. "Not."
Before you know it, Rio's hands are on your waist as his body pushed you off of him. He grabbed both of your wrist, pinning them over your head. You're trapped under his mercy, not being able to move.
"You're no fair, Kikyo."
"Oh we're going to talk about fairness?"
You tried to free your hand but it wouldn't budge even an inch. "I thought i was the one in charge."
"Ah, about that." His eyes feasted upon your body, laid under him. "I changed my mind. We're doing this my way."
Rio knew exactly what he does. Where to touch, how much pressure is enough, the pace that will get you addicted, he knew all of it by heart and has full control over all of his fingers. No surprise there, especially for a keyboardist.
His two fingers waste no time to get inside of you. Twisting and teasing your clit without preparation, sending fireworks all over your body. "Seems like i made the right call. The way it coat my fingers wet... Is it for me, baby?" he teased.
You look away, not wanting him to see how much his act and words affected you greatly. But the more he keeps doing it, the more you lose control over your body. You can even feel yourself dripping and your pussy throbbing. The sound coming out of your lips won't be so quite anytime soon. "S-stop," you mewled.
"Are you sure?" His hand picking up the pace, blissfully torturing you even more. "Look me in the eyes and say it again, y/n."
You stare into his eyes. You look so hazy, sensually seductive. You couldn't take it anymore. Who cares if you play into his plan at the end? "I want you inside. Now."
"That's what i thought." He coats the tip of his cock with your wetness, rubbing it against your clit. "y/n?"
"Don't take your eyes off of me, please." He slowly pushed himself into you, you couldn't hold your moan as you feel your walls widened. The feeling you've longed for.
"Ahh you feel so hot... and tight..." he rasped. "So tell me how you want it, y/n. I'm yours."
"I want you," you pleaded. "Do it hard and fast, please Rio, hurry."
He smirked. "Then allow me." He gripped down your hips hard (it's probably going to leave a mark) and starts pounding into you like there's no tomorrow. Every time his cock hits you inside, you could've sworn the head of his dick touched your womb.
"Rio," you whimpered, "I miss you. I wanna hug you."
"I know, baby. I know." He smiled softly and kissed you passionately. "Cum whenever you're ready, okay?"
"But what about you?"
"Like you said, tonight is about you," he panted. "Now shut up and moan my name."
He continue slamming his hips into you with such intensity. The wet noises that filled the room is so embarrassing yet arousing, combined with grunting sounds your boyfriend made from digging your nails into his back.
"Rio," you moaned, "I-i'm so close."
"Look at me, y/n." He caressed your cheek. "Who's doing this to you? Say his name. Let me hear it."
"Y-you do," you mewled, "it's always you, Rio."
"So cute..." he breathed. "Come on my cock."
His thrust goes faster. He gazed down on you hungrily. He's determined to bring you the pleasure that only he can give. A token of apology, a mark of his love to you.
The world stops, waves of pleasure crashing down on you as you came down your high. It left you drained with the evidence pooling between your leg, dripping down onto the bed.
Foreheads pressing against each other. There are only silence and each other's ragged breathing in the air. You asked him, "Why didn't you cum?"
"I can't let myself do that," he laughed, "i've left you feeling lonely. So I won't cum unless you allow me to."
You laughed at his statement. "Well, please help yourself while you're still inside me. I insist."
"I have no energy left." He nuzzled against your neck. "But i might cum if you say you love me."
"I love you, Rio Kikyo," you stated as your walls tighten around his ridiculously still-hard cock.
"Fuck, y/n.." He bites your collarbone and released his seed inside you.
"There, there." You patted his head. "All mine. For me."
"Every single drop." He kissed the palm of your hand. "I love you. Please forgive me for being a jerk."
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
Ah yes, I understand your point. Nairobi's death really helped giving Gandia some personality, that's pretty cool to also give the villain some depth. Also, a few minutes before I sent the last ask, I noticed that the alternative story I wrote for Raquel is probably what Alicia does when she tracks down Sergio by herself after she is fired for telling the truth about Rio's torture. We'll have to wait to see if her motivation is indeed revenge, though I have no idea why she would want to do that.
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion but I, for some reason, believe that the entire berlermo kiss scene was improvised by Pedro and Rodrigo. The kiss part was probably the only improvise they actually did, but I just can't imagine Alex Pina and the other writers sitting on a table and writing the dialogues, even though the mitochondria line seems to be their idea. I can see them like "Ok so there is one thing that doesn't make Berlin feel the same as Palermo feels for him but we don't know what it is" and then someone says the first thing that came up to their mind "what about a small mitochondria?"
Oh I don't think it's revenge for Alicia. With Raquel, it was different. But with Alicia, everything she lost was because of her own-self and the system she was willngly a part of. I think it's just pure determination, she wouldn't have done all of that just for nothing. She's super fixated on this case and she had already went beyond all limits with Río and Axel, she won't stop lmfao, that's just who she is. Like she also doesn't have anything else, she too lost her husband, her public place, and her job. Let her go after them lol.
HAHAHAHA this is so random and 100% fits how those writers apparently work. You know, I generally believe that Pedro has A LOT to do with the berlermo storyline in general. I think the writers initially were going for just a normal unrequited storyline, but Pedro (and Rodrigo) had a role similar to the role Pedro and Alvoro had with the hermanos storyline and made it this complex, not-truly unrequited story. Pedro, from what I've seen from his interviews, seems heavly interested in this aspect of his character, that he's not truly straight, that he did return feelings to Martín. Also from how he played him, it seems to me very intentional how Pedro played Andrés in the scenes with Martín. In the show, he had been with two women on screen and yet there was a huge difference between that acting and his acting with Martín in the scenes. How he touched him, how he looked at him etc etc. The writers seem pretty flexiable with the actors putting on their own marks as well (hence the hermanos storyline) so I just honestly give a lot of credit to Pedro generally. So I do think the kiss scene was a product of that work (and he did say he spent a lot of time working with Rodrigo on the dynamic between their characters, and what it means, how it's different from other dynamics etc.) and also the improvisation of that scene. I don't really have much of an idea of what was improvised and what wasn't. I think the script was probably already written (with probably Pedro's additions/remarks/talks with the writer beforehand) and maybe the Martín kissing him part. It might be that the part where Andrés pushes him against the wall and kisses him back in the improvised one, with the additional 'I love you, Martín' after. The mitchondria thing I believe is a product of a closed road they all put themselves in. Like let's say my guesses are right, and the berlermo storyline changed significantly from its initial concept, and yes, now we all agree that Andrés returns his feelings, so now we have a much more interesting story, but also a bunch of heavy questions on the first two seasons, if he did return his feelings, why did he leave? If he was completely in love with him, then why did the whole Ariadana and super straigtness of Berlín in the first part? If he did love and want him, then why was this character not there in the first part and first heist? Metatextually, we know. There was never any intention for a second part, Martín didn't exist until Netflix decided to buy the show and now they had to come up with something. We get it. But in narrative itself, looking at the story as a whole and revisting the first part with the second one in mind, those questions need to be answered. So the 'mitchondria' thing had to come up. You know this meme with that man trying to stop the overflow of water with this little plaster or something, lmfao.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
🔬(microscope) for four seasons in one day and while your lips are still red, 📣 (megaphone) for any of your fics, and 🔦(flashlight) for love and war
Nawwwww, thanks!! ❤️❤️
For four seasons in one day and while your lips are still red : 🔬  Was there one scene you were building up to/knew you had to get just right?
- 4 seasons:
(I'm so glad whenever someone sends me an ask about this fic because it occupies a really special place in my heart ❤️❤️)
Honestly I'm not sure... This fic was born while I was binging Graceland during the last hiatus and picked all the similarities between Rio and Johnny, but also their differences, and started thinking, "wait, what if I wrote a fic where they're just two different eras of the same character's life?". And I built the whole story from this, trying to find a way for everything to make sense, so I'm not sure I had a specific scene in mind? Except maybe the final scene? Like this whole journey from Johnny to Rio only makes sense because he's meant to meet Beth in the end? Idk. Well at least the 'spring' part was definitely building up to that 1.01 Good Girls scene, hahaha!
- While your lips:
This story was initially intended as a one-shot, and I came up later with some follow up ideas so I definitely can't say I had a whole idea of the plot when I started it. I guess the first chapter is just built around the kissing scene, since it was basically the whole point of this fic?
And then every following chapter more or less kept that structure "Rio pops up with a job/Beth spends way too much time overthinking her outfit/they go on a mission/fake-dating ensues/they reach a new step/she comes home/goodnight everyone" so I guess it always revolved around the central Beth-Rio sexy scene.
For any of your fics : 📣 -What was the best piece of encouragement you got?
Honestly I'm blessed with so many incredible readers I can't think of one best piece of encouragement!!
@sothischickshe‘s comments and encouragements every time she beta-ed chapters for me will always have a special place in my heart.
Also every time someone tells me they've been feeling emotions while reading my stuff is incredibly encouraging to me.
Getting feedback from fellow writers whose style/stories I admire also fuels me to keep going.
Ultimately, when someone reads and comments EVERYTHING I've ever written in a row is extremely rewarding and encouraging!! Thank you Rose_waterdelightful!!
For love and war : 🔦 -Did you learn anything while writing it? About yourself? Writing?
Oh wow, here comes the deep one!!
So this was my first fic. My first work of fiction in a foreign language. Uh, wait. My first work of fiction whatever the language (and no, that fairytale short story I wrote when I was 10 doesn't count!!!).
So the first thing I learned??? That I COULD. DO. IT!!! That I liked it. That all these plots and ideas that have been occupying my brain for years, all the bedtimes stories I've been telling myself my whole life, there were people somewhere interested in knowing about them. That when I write something I have this power to bring a few crumbs of happiness and feelings to total strangers I'll probably never meet, and that it's worth the effort, even if there's only one person who reads me. Hell even if nobody reads me, it makes me happy.
   Ask me emojis writing stuff!!
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sothischickshe · 4 years
21 35 45 62 please! :D
Ah these are so good!!
21. Character(s) you wish we saw more?
Amber!!!!! We were robbed of her presence in s3.
35. Which relationship do you think has had the most solid development throughout the show?
Honestly, probably beth and rio's? I feel like it's had the most development and flux, plus we've literally seen its entire trajectory. And it's always compelling, if unfortunate to look at.
45. What do you want to see in season 4?
Oh so many things!
A full season
Beth and dean's divorce
Amber, lots of Amber
Rio and mick hanging out, chatting nonsense
Annie getting a girlfriend
Annie not being kicked in the gut a million times when she's already down
Beth and stan scenes
Beth and Ben scenes
The girls actually making SOME bank, it doesn't have to be loads, I'd just like it if the plot wasn't always one step forwards two steps back in this regard, and the reason they're stuck doing this is because they're in too deep rather than fuck they've lost all their money again (or spent it on a hitman)
Ruby and stan are happy
Beth dating/banging someone who isn't dean (ew) or rio. It doesn't have to be hockey dad cop or hot coach or rhea but those are all solid options
Beth and rio developing a weary begrudging almost friendship
Mick Ruby annie friendship
More Nancy and Annie stuff
More Ruby and Diane stuff
More beth and Judith stuff
any of the girls going 'say dyou think it's strange how Turner died around the same time rio popped back up hrrm?'
Turner's reappearance (men can't die, cmon)
More flashbacks of the girls
Boomer brutalised bloody (if men can't die at least give me some gore)
Beth and rio try to play pool
Assuredly more stuff, but this was just off the top
62. Do you think we will see more of Rio’s storyline? Will we get more Marcus? We will get to see more of the people he works with besides the girls? Do you think we will see more of Rhea?
I think we'll probably get a lil more of Rio's storyline as the show progresses, yes. I think that's just natural. I know it was a lil frustrating that it felt like there was a fair bit in the first few eps of the season and then not much, but I DO think that would have picked up in the last few eps of the season. That's kind of how the seasons normally play out?
Yea there'll probably be more Marcus, and again I think there might have been more towards the end of the season had it existed. Jane and marcus' friendship was fairly significant at the start of the season so maybe that would have swung back in? Plus surely this show is desperate to claw at any child actors it can get to actually appear, lol.
I mean we've seen a fair bit of a people he works with besides the girls this season? Idk if we'll see a huge amount about the rest of his operation, but maybe if it's plot relevant, like he's bringing Beth into more of it? That'd be cool!
I would LOVE to see more rhea and I'm really hopeful about that, it would be so cool!! If the show won't write me into it so I can yell at Beth and rio, the least they could give me is rhea doing it!!!
And... I guess this wasn't exactly the q but anyway... Would I like more rio screentime? Kinda, but tbh that's for manny, rather than me thinking the show particularly demands it.
I think if you're watching the show wanting it to be any of the following:
The rio show
A romance
A comedy
You're going to be disappointed! (I think I'm particularly guilty of the last one tbh)
What pisses me off is not the screen time, and it's not the lack of rio pov scenes (although I think one or two more could be helpful, or mick ones!), it's the feeling I get that rio (and this season, rhea) are chess pieces placed on the board to move the girls' actions somewhere. It's like... I can see the bones of the story, and I should NOT be able to. Instead of getting to thoroughly enjoy rhea as a character, I can see that her purpose was in large part to provide beth with a pregnancy out, and then she was gone!
I don't know that I particularly need to see more of what's going on with rio, I just want to feel like he's written in an internally consistent way/the writers have a firm idea of what's going on with him when he's not on screen (i feel like s2 was waaaaay egregious with this re rio, and maybe they addressed that better in s3?)
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pynkhues · 5 years
As an art historian, I can't help but link all the floral closet options Beth wears to Marian attributes (Virgin Mary). She's a woman, a mother, a wife and very subservient prior to discovering Amber. It fascinates me how the floral clothing has appeared every time she's in a family situation. Because the few times she's been with Rio by herself she either complements his colors or like in the last episode, she's down to silk. Pink silk. Other attributes in art history to the Odalisque lovers(1)
I think you’re totally right and absolutely love this theory. This might be an overshare, but my sister actually works as a wardrobe supervisor for TV here in Australia, and I can tell you that that sort of thought absolutely goes into the process. Costuming is a really creative field, and designers put an intense amount of work into symbolism and fleshing out character through what they dress them in. 
Beth’s wardrobe is, on the whole, really, really feminine, and the Virgin-Mother-Mary-vibes definitely check out with her character. She’s somebody who has completely embraced her role as a mother and as a wife, and has clearly shaped her identity around it really intensely. She’s made to look so soft most of the time, becuase for so long, she has been. 
I actually found it really interesting in 2.02 how she was wearing a floral dress when she met Rio at the pool? She actually hasn’t worn a lot of dresses across the course of the show, and the one time she has with Rio was at Kenny’s birthday when she wasn’t expecting him? I think it was perhaps to tie her more to the domestic space again, but also to kind of aggressively parallel what she was saying with who she is - she’s a picture perfect mom, wearing a pretty, floral dress, watching her son swim, while lying to a gang member about murdering a man in cold blood. 
But yeah - I think the blazers this season are really interesting, especially as from the promos, it looks like she’s going to stop wearing them? I wonder if as she reclaims her sense of self, she’ll feel less need to ‘perform’ as a boss, and instead just be one? 
Honestly, she kind of makes me think of that line from Macbeth: “Llook like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it”
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