#rock musician. fun personality. shirtless a lot of the time
bejeweledmel · 1 year
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it’s crazy it’s party
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sardonic-the-writer · 4 months
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𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: fighting, brief mentions of injuries & alcohol. murdoc is a warning in himself to be frank
↳ song: rock the house—gorillaz
↳ notes: headcanons about murdoc & you. made to be platonic/a self insert type fic, but could be romantic too. this overall just stemmed from my infatuation and hatred for his green ass
nasterlist | commissions | carrd
• Murdoc is so self-absorbed. It's honestly beyond you how he hasn't floated away into the sun with how inflated his ego's gotten
• It doesn't help that he's regarded as the sole reason for bringing together one of the best bands ever recorded—something that he holds over the entire bands head when he feels like being an asshole
• With that giant persona of his inevitably there comes jealousy. The musician gets unreasonably grumpy if someone, especially you, is ever more excited to see a collaborator over for a recording session instead of him of all people
• "You were just gawking at 'em the entire time like an idiot! Wha', never seen a bloody live recording before?" Murdocs accent clipped his words as his gravely voice spit fire at you one afternoon. You just laughed at his annoyance, not even bothered by his attitude after years of putting up with it
• "Murdoc, it's De La Soul. Of course I'm going to be excited. It's ten times better than waking up to you rummaging around in the fridge with nothing but a thong on."
• "Get fucked you little twat." He barked, stomping off and ending the little spat. You didn't see him the rest of the day, no doubt off brooding in his Winnebago. It didn't bother you. More quiet time to hang out with Noodle for you!
• More than often, the two of you have been recorded in separate interviews talking about the other. Mostly just talking shit
• "So, what's this we've all been hearing about a certain bassist getting in a car accident?" A random reporter asked you one day from over their horn rimmed glasses. 2D, who was currently the only other person besides you that had been able to make it to the questioning, scratched his head absent-mindedly as you cackled in glee
• "Yeah yeah. I ran over Muds with my car one day. Just knocked his sorry ass right over. Pow! He recovered fine, dont worry, but the moment he did, I had to run for my life." You managed to get out through laughter. "Still have no idea how those fucking tabloids got ahold of that story."
• "Wasn't it an accident f'ough? I remember you sayin that." 2D tilted his head with a slight lisp
• You just grinned toothily and said nothing
• "It. It was an accident. Right?" He asked again, this time with more nerves
• The interview was cut off shortly after that
• On the topic of cars, Murdoc's own set of wheels was probably his only pride an joy apart from his bass. And ironically, the van was the bane of the rest of the bands existence
• The amount of times you had to bang on the Winnebago's dented door to tell him to shut up— the smell of cigarettes, sex, and too many air fresheners leaking from the cracks —should be a crime
• And each time without fail, you were always met with a shirtless Murdoc; either inviting you in for his version of a night of fun or just plain flipping you off
• You always found the latter easier to deal with
• Russel has always been the medium for any serious fights you and Murdoc would have. You both fight a lot, sure, but normally over small things like who should run out to get more booze or tune up band equipment. It was only when things got really heated that the drummer would step in
• Nine times out of ten, that just meant he'd pick you up with one arm and place you in a separate room until the two of you could stand to be around each other. It was always you he did that to, too, since the one time he'd tried that on Murdoc, Russel narrowly avoided a black eye and a week's docked pay
• It really was easy to forget that technically Murdoc is your boss. With how much shit he gives out, and vise versa from all of you, it really just felt like he was an annoying roommate. An annoying, rich, and vibrant green roomate
• At the end of the day, though, none of you really hated him. Well, the jury was still out on 2D, but you had a feeling the past few years the singer had been trying to pick himself back up
• Murdoc, however much of a prick he is, is still a key part in the band. Without him, some of the best song you'd all produced would have never happened, and some of your best drinking memories would have never happened. Hell, he even did a pretty good job raising Noodle. With plenty of help from everyone else, of course
• So no matter how many inanimate objects you all chucked at each other's head, at the end of the day you'd never trade him for another bass player
• "You lot getting soft on me now?" He grinned sharply at you, licking the outside of his teeth as you pretended to vomit at the mere thought of being nice to him
• "I'd rather die and be reincarnated as a cockroach." You grimaced dramatically. But the both of you were smiling at each other, breaking up the conversation with playful punches
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this whole time i've been like 'haha very funny, (almost) no one here knows who Mike Patton is' and....you could just...look him up...but you know what? here, have a "summary" (lol it's long) of Mike motherfucking Patton and his career:
Mike is an aquarius, fire goat, grew up in Eureka, a small city on the northern california coast
he never intended to be a musician, but loves diverse music/soundscapes, is a curious person, worked in a record store, has perfect pitch and a bonkers vocal range and had close childhood friends (Trevor Dunn and Trey Spruance) who WERE studying music, they formed a band that would be called Mr. Bungle in their teens (fans tend to ship Trevor and Mike, and if you look at footage of them...you'll know why)
a demo tape of Mr. Bungle landed in the hands of Jim Martin, the guitarist for Faith No More...at the time they had fired their original singer and were looking for a replacement. The funny thing is, the demo was pretty hard thrash/death metal and FNM is....not that...but anyway, Mike was recruited to FNM, ostensibly for his singing ability, but he also was the profile of young, fit, long-haired, and hot as all get out. (fans tend to ship Mike and Roddy, and if you hear them banter on stage....you'll know why...and shoutout to Roddy for being an out gay man in metal in the early 90s...take that bja)
somehow, Mike finagled getting Mr. Bungle signed to the Warner Bros label when he signed onto FNM, so Bungle had a budget and exposure...and very little oversight...hence the MV for Quote Unquote/Travolta
The big Faith No More hit is Epic and that song catapulted them into a two year tour, during which Mike became known for being a fucking maniac (mostly shirtless) on/off stage....there's lots of true stories, and LOTS of untrue stories, no one, probably not even Mike knows exactly which is which. Two things are relevant: teen Mike started out straight edge, and during this tour he also gained a reputation for hating on groupie-and-party-focused rock stars. But his looks and his chaotic gremlin energy landed him this "reluctant pinup boy" persona.
Meanwhile Mike was also fully with Mr. Bungle, touring in his 'off time' from FNM, and at their shows everyone was completely unhinged.
HERE'S THE CRUX: after the success of Epic and the album it's from, The Real Thing, Faith No More were expected to have another massive hit with the next album....and they didn't. BUT they produced an album that to this day is beloved by fans even more that their first album, and Mike's stage persona continued to develop in this way that is mysterious, mesmerizing, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes grotesque, sometimes just raw sexual/homoerotic/electrically-passionate energy. They're big abroad, but not as much in the US.
Through the rest of the 90s you see Mike with FNM and Bungle, but you also see him produce a baffling feat of a solo album, starting to experiment with his own band Fantômas, collaborating with avant garde musicians/artists, most notably John Zorn.
Faith No More disbands in 1998, but Mike continues with Bungle, and for many fans, his work with Mr. Bungle is considered paramount...FNM is fun, but Bungle is FUN, WEIRD, dangerous but not in a scary way, none of their four albums sound anything like each other. Their "pop" album is....not pop.
Mr. Bungle disbands officially in 2004 (both FNM and Bungle reunite later on), Mike continues to collaborate with musicians, form new bands (including my fave Tomahawk), make better and more impactful solo projects and generally work at a pace that seems the definition of workaholic....producing music that is both eclectic and instantly recognizable, but seldom (never?) hit material. (Since it's not the 90s, I won't describe in detail...but it truly is well worth looking up)
as a little extra, and as was referred to by lurkerwithabike, Mike suffered a certainly covid-times-influenced breakdown and dealt with alcoholism around 2021/2022. For someone who has kept his personal life and struggles cloaked in apocryphal stories and sarcasm, when Mike opened up about what he was dealing with at the time, for many of us it just solidified this deep, deep love for our little weirdo. Oh, and also, the entire time he's a fucking hottie and he hates it.
SO, from my perspective at least - that's why you get such fervor over some guy you've never heard of
(ps....I could have written more....that is a threat)
This is actually so fascinating. May "who the heck is Mike Patton" be no more!
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lyouna · 5 years
The story of Josh Dun
Joshua William “Josh” Dun is an American musician. Best known for being the drummer for the band Twenty One Pilots. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, on June 18, 1988. His star sign is Gemini. He has two sisters named Ashley and Abigail and a brother named Jordan.
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Since his childhood, he was always terrified by talking in front of people even if it was a small group of it. However, when he is playing drums he does not feel that way, he is not as vulnerable as that when it comes to talking.
He self-taught when he was around 12 how to play drums, and worked at the Guitar Center for 3 years. He also worked with former Twenty One Pilots drummer Chris Salih, through whom he would eventually meet Tyler Joseph.
Dun's first foray into the music industry was with an alternative/Christian rock band House of Heroes. He joined the band through their drummer, Colin Rigsby, who was taking a break to spend time with his family. Dun played alongside the band on tour from March to October 2010 when Rigsby returned to his role. 
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"I would lay in my bed every night with sticks and hit my knees trying to figure out what they were doing, like, 'Okay, now they're hitting the ride cymbal, and now it's the snare and now the crash.' I would dissect everything that I watched or listened to. Every day I would walk to the local music store and play their electronic drums until one of the workers would be like, 'Hey, we have people in here that actually want to buy stuff so you've gotta go.' I did that for about a year and that's essentially how I learned to play some basic beats."
Throughout both middle school and high school, he didn't have a lot of money and it helps him to be more creative. He even thought about finding pieces of wood and figure it out how to make them in a drum. Figure out how they would sound with different holes in it, with different types of wood... Nevertheless, at this end, he said that the best drum set he had was one of SJC Drums.
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He likes nothing more to do than to play drums; in fact, he plays the exact same way when he is in a dark room by himself and when he is in front of thousands of people. He said that he wants to be creative and just to get outside of the box even if that sounds weird.
He said that although his inspiration comes from some drummers, his greatest inspiration is his parents. Indeed, he starts playing drums in a sort of rebellious state again them and that turns into them being more than supportive.
In 2011, upon the invite of co-worker and the band's drummer Chris Salih, Dun attended a Twenty One Pilots show after listening to their original demo CD.  Josh first saw Twenty One Pilots at a club on the Ohio State campus. “I loved everything about the show except for one thing: I wasn’t onstage playing also,” he says. After the show, he met lead singer and future bandmate Tyler Joseph, and a couple of days later began to build a friendship with him. It would be another year before Joseph’s original drummer quit and Dun got the job, but they had become best friends in the meantime.
By 2012, Joseph had grown into a ferocious performer, climbing the scaffolding and diving into audiences. The duo became the biggest band in central Ohio, putting every spare penny into the band and focusing intensely on their local fans. They filmed much of the “Stressed Out” video at Dun’s childhood home, so it has become a destination for Twenty One Pilots fans.
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 The highest point of his sort of musical journey was (according to his words) when he played for a college show at Ohio University. It was full of drunken kids, one of them even tried to pee on his drums and then on their merch. They eventually played one song and after it, the police shut them down. However, he said that it was the first show that he played with Tyler Joseph. He realized during this one song that he was playing with his best friend and he will never forget that.
The duo then released the band’s second studio album, Regional at Best. It was self-released on July 8, 2011. Regional at Best is a discontinued album. It is the last album released by the band prior to signing a record deal with Fueled by Ramen, and it is the first album to feature the talents of Josh Dun.
Josh Dun was raised in conservative, religious households. Video games and most rocks or hip-hop albums were banned. "I’d hide albums like Green Day’s Dookie under my bed," Dun says. "Sometimes they’d find them and get real mad. They’d find a Christian alternative, like Relient K, and make me listen to that."
For a while, the only movies allowed in the house came from CleanFlicks, a Christian company that took Hollywood movies and edited out all the profanity, sexuality and violence. For a young Dun, it made watching movies like The Terminator quite confusing. "Some scenes they’d remove entirely," he says. "Watching those movies was an absolutely awful experience."
By the time he was a teenager, Josh was rebelling hard. "I just had this aggression," he says, noting that his parents nearly kicked him out when he was 14. "They almost sent me to a military school. They did not know what to do with me, and I was always in detention. I never got into drugs or alcohol, but I would yell at my parents and just treat them terribly. Everything was an argument. Looking back, they were trying their best."
When his parents fell asleep, he would break out his punk-pop CDs; eventually, they softened up on rock music, allowing him to assemble a drum kit in his basement piece by piece with his own money. After he said this to some interviewers, he called his parents to explain himself.
"I actually called my parents after some articles came out – I never wanted for them to be painted in a bad light.
‘I’m so thankful for the way that I was raised. Ultimately, the idea of parents being strict or having rules, looking back, I did have a really rebellious phase and did whatever I could to do the opposite of what they wanted.
‘That’s all on me. For them, I think they were trying to do their best to raise me as best they could. They were trying to make the best decisions for me, and looking back, I can see they were the right decisions.
‘As I look at the rules I had, I wasn’t allowed to play video games or watch TV, so I went outside and made up games with my neighbourhood friends or built dirt ramps and rode our bikes over them.
‘I would be out from morning to night. I look at that, and I can’t imagine it if my parents had let me sit in and watch TV all day – I’d be a different person to who I am today, it’s thanks to them saying ‘‘get out and go do something"
He did not go to college, moving in with a bunch of buddies instead and playing in local bands while scraping by working in the drum department of Guitar Center. "I was going nowhere," he says. "One day I said to my dad, ‘Are you disappointed that I’m working a minimum-wage job and I didn’t go to college?’ I’ll never forget his response. He said, ‘It’s not about how much money you make or what your job is, but it’s more about your character. For that, I’m proud of you.’ It gave me motivation."
During an interview, Josh said “We’re always questioning things,” he says, “but I guess it’s safe to say that we’re both Christians.”
Although Columbus is still very much the Pilots’ base, Josh actually moved out to L.A a couple of years ago in pursuit of more sunshine while Tyler remained there. However, he says it has not made them working together any more difficult. “I’m equally in Columbus as much as I am there. We discussed this a lot before I moved out there. I always feared talking about us being in different places because I think that can be confusing to people from an outside standpoint - like are you guys still friends? Are you still in the band? We had so many conversations about logistics, but first of all, we’re together more than we’re not together over the course of a year. We’re on the phone every day and with technology, it’s so easy to get things done.”
On January 8, 2013, Vessel was born, it was their first album after signing with Fueled By Ramen and it received mainstream exposure. On May 17, 2015, Blurryface was released and the band received international success.
In July 2017, Twenty One Pilots went on hiatus for a year whilst they worked on their next album. On October 5, 2018, Trench was released, it was also a commercial success, reaching number one in six countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Spain, and the Netherlands and number two in several countries, notably the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as selling more than a million copies worldwide.
Therefore, he needed to learn how to deals with notoriety, he had the help of Tyler Joseph (of course), his family, and Debby Ryan. Indeed, from May 2013 to September 2014, he had a relationship with her. They got back together a few years later and in December 2018, Josh posted on Instagram his engagement to Debby in New Zealand during the second leg of The Bandito Tour. He wrote, «I found a tree house in the woods in New Zealand and proposed to my girl. She my dude for life. I love you Debby".
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She also posts about it «My dude asked me on a date. I said yeah because I always want to go on dates with him. Then he asked me to be his forever dude. He does things well, and right. His timing has pressed us and never failed us. He's sincere and fun and disciplined and strong as heck and a nerd and a rockstar and a good midwestern man and a silly shirtless boy, and his family is endlessly warm and delightful and are such champions. I have two parents and a brother; they're superheroes and they're my home. They've been the only thing that moves my needle with the fierceness of deep empathy. I have never that out in the world. I guess I figured it wasn't a connection you could stumble upon, only something you could only be born into. Falling in love with joshua was discovering it in the wild. Building it with him, building in certainty, infinite in wonder. Our own lil family. Feels like growing up and moving through life is just evolving through different types of complicated. He is where all the voices narrow into one sound. My only simplicity, where the important things are clear and the other things aren't that important. He's my heart outside my body. He's a cold water awakening a warm bed; he's the place I can rest. Dudes for life. It was a really good date."
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Josh has many tattoos and every single one have a strong signification. Firstly, John Graefe tattooed his right arm and then tell the story of it. “I was tattooing in Hollywood and he came in with bandmate, Tyler. They weren’t half as big as they are today and I had no idea at first. I just asked him the whole meaning behind his tattoo and he asked me to come up with the vision.”
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 The tattoo on his right arm had a blue geometric-like image or something that looks like a galaxy. Below is the image of nature. The musician mentioned that he would share this if it’s personally asked, but he did not want it spreading all over the Internet.
Both he and Tyler have an "X" tattoo on their body symbolizing their dedication to their hometown fans in Columbus, Ohio. They received it on stage during their hometown show at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion on April 26, 2013. Dun's is located on his neck behind his right ear.
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In October 2015, Tyler and Josh asked their fans to choose one of them among themselves via a vote on Twitter. The winner should have his name on the loser on stage. For 24 hours, the two boys shot several videos parodying the presidential debates on topics such as Christmas music or their favorite drink, the Red bull. The results of the vote were equal. Therefore, Dun sports the name "Tyler" above his left knee.
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Josh has a tattoo on the inside of his left arm dedicated to his mom. A heart with "mom" written inside of it.  Which she answers on Instagram by “These past few months have been exciting seeing how far Josh and Tyler have gone. But it’s been a little hard for me as a mother to feel like I have to share my son with the world. Josh, you getting this tattoo means so much to me. I love you and now your stuck with Mom forever! <3”
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He has a drum tattoo on his left arm.
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Chantelle Thong made his last tattoo during the Bandito Tour, on December 2018. It represents an astronaut/spaceman flipping, while simultaneously being abducted or levitating into a spaceship. It might be a reference to March to the sea. Fans assumed that the spaceman is Josh Dun.
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connerawald · 6 years
How the hell did we end up here?
Here’s an extremely compact and concise version of the history of emo: First we had folk tunes. From this we developed the blues which in turn led to the creation of jazz. Rock was then directly inspired from jazz. Things got political with punk rock and then everyone decided touchy-feely was the next cool thing and thus emo was born. Simple, right?
Now this next part may shock a lot of you, but here goes nothing: I hate emo music. There, I said it. It seems like someone (a lot of someones for that matter) forgot what music was supposed to sound like and decided that any sound was good enough to be music. Spoiler: It’s not. However, the history of emo music itself is pretty fascinating, so let’s go back and see where emo can trace its roots to.
In the early 1900′s, radio had not yet become a mainstream consumer product. As such, music at the time consisted of folk tunes that had been passed on through generations. The biggest source for folk tunes and other music at this time was the African-American community in the south. During slavery, African-American communities developed songs that typically had religious meanings and these spread throughout the south, especially after slavery had ended. Because many of these African-Americans had no formal musical training, most of these songs were A Capella with no or very limited instruments. It was here that much of our current music got its start (even emo).
It was also at this time that recording and broadcasting technology began to spread, and with it came the blues. The blues genre was still heavily contained within the African-American community and it made up a large portion of the discography of the 1910′s and 20′s. The blues relied heavily on many of the same musical techniques and styles of the folk tunes that had been around for generations, but the lyrical content was a shift from folk styles. Artists now sang about themselves and problems in their everyday lives (sound familiar?), which was a shift from the religious folk songs that had been the staple of the African-American community for decades. The blues started the shift towards secular music and expression of emotion that would be seen later in the emo movement.
As the 30′s and 40′s rolled around, musicians had really started coming into their own. The music industry was up and running and a person could have a legitimate chance to make it as a musician. One of the new major genres of this time was jazz. Whereas songs before had been melodically simple and typically focused on a single performer, jazz decided to take every rule in the book and break them all. Many songs had no lyrics, the first actual bands were formed, music was harmonically advanced, and songs were typically improvised and changed all the time. I mean, just look at this chart to see all the different ways to play a single scale’s chords. Combine this with the fact that there are 12 scales in music, you have 252 chords to choose from for your songs. Sounds fun, right?
As jazz decided to break more and more rules, eventually some people decided that enough was enough and that music needed to have a little bit more structure. It was at this point that the music scene splintered in two, with one branch exploring the possibilities of jazz more whereas the other decided to take a step back and make more concrete songs. They wanted songs to have form and structure, not just be improved as the song was being played. They took many of the ideas and techniques of jazz but decided to write it down. Bands still consisted of a drummer, guitarists, a bass player, and occasionally a vocalist. This was where rock got its start. At first, jazz and rock sounded extremely similar. But as time went on, the two kept growing farther and farther apart from each other.
After rock had been around for a while, some people got really sick of it (and some other things too). They decided that they would go against everything and do everything they weren’t supposed to. The punk rocker was born. Punk rock revolved around the idea of doing everything that society told you not to. Many experimented with drugs, alcohol, sex, and a wide variety of other things. One of the things they decided to mess with was the rules of rock. Why listen to what everyone else is telling you to sound like when you can just make your own sound? Punk rockers started developing a sound that was unique to them, and that wasn’t necessarily a good thing for their musicality. Rock at this point was a well-established genre and there was a formula for how songs should be written and sound. Punk rockers took a slightly different approach.
They made everything as loud and fast as possible. Lyrics were typically over-the-top and the sound was so distorted you could barely make out what the band was singing. It was from this breeding ground that eventually someone cried and decided to write a song about how they felt, but in the same style as punk. Welcome to emo.
Emo draws on so many genres to create the - unique - sound we all know it for. It’s interesting to think that the shirtless white boys yelling about their emotional problems in the 80′s and 90′s can trace their beginnings all the way back to the pre-war American south. So even though emo may not be the best sounding music (which let’s face it, that’s being extremely generous), the history of how it came to be is fascinating in and of itself.
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The Endless Thirst of Grace Michaud
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It’s almost 11 pm, and in the four hours that I have been home from work, I’ve been reading articles about Adam Driver. Alone in my apartment, I snort to myself as I read The Cut’s “I Want to Be Adam Driver’s Baby”  and “21 Things I Would Like to Do With Adam Driver” which I relate to a little too well. I, too, want to “peruse real-estate listings” with Adam Driver. 
In my nearly 26 years of living, Adam Driver is this month’s Grace Michaud’s “It Boy.” Last month it was Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Next month? Who knows, but Henry Cavill is looking mighty fine in The Witcher. 
For anyone who has ever known me, this causes little concern. To everyone joining the Grace Michaud journey: welcome. You are about to experience an everyday occurrence.
New friends, or people who only interact with me via social media: I suffer from being infinitely thirsty. My thirst can never be quenched. Usually the thirst comes at a normal level, like any thirst, and starts out as a simple tickle in the throat. If offered a drink I wouldn’t say no. But I don’t actively do anything about it. I could go for a drink, but I’m not about to get up and get one. Then the thought becomes nagging, that maybe I really should get up and get a drink right now. I’ll crave water, a simple free drink that comes from the tap. Soon my thirst becomes more distinct. I’m craving an Arnold Palmer and I need that Arnold Palmer now. I drink and drink and still I’m thirsty, drinking like I’m in the desert, about to die unless I drink the world’s entire water supply right now. 
I am, of course, not talking about liquids. I’m talking about men.
An attractive male on a film or show catches my eye, and I make note. Soon I’m watching every movie they’ve ever made until I’m in a downward spiral of interviews in the trenches of YouTube and Google. 
I’ve been attracted to the male species since before I could form a concrete memory. The evidence is in a video of my dad teasing me at three about a crush I have on a boy named Ricardo. Wracking my memory, the name sounds familiar, and I’m aware I had crushes when I was in preschool.
How in the world did my tiny brain comprehend the very idea of crushes? That one could feel something more than just friendship with someone? That I, a mere three-year-old just learning how to not urinate my pants, was able to identify that? I’ve dated 30-year-old men who are nowhere near that level of emotionally intelligent. 
Who were you, Ricardo? Why was I fascinated with you? Was I attracted to you? Do three-year- olds recognize attraction? Where are you now Ricardo? Have you met your metaphorical Lucy?
So we begin, reader, towards an agonizing life of never-ending attraction to men. Now, I am absolutely not going to go into my dating life. That is just one long humiliating and questionable series of life decisions that even I don’t want to get into. Let’s just say, at 11, there was an entire diary entry of pictures from my yearbook of a kid named Kyle who once took a pinecone out of my hair. I shudder at the thought. And don’t get me started about junior year of high school.                                                                      
I mention Ricardo to show you that my thirst for men was always there, whether I knew it or not. To me, it seems, it was just a normal feeling that was a part of me. Nothing unusual. My karate teacher was a hottie and probably why I loved going to karate. I loved men so much that I wanted to be them. I dressed in boy’s clothes, even boy’s underwear, and occasionally asked my parents to call me Michael. Now, you’re probably thinking: “Wow there is a lot to unpack here.” But this was 1997 and my parents just went along with it, not really caring as long as I went to bed when they told me to. While others may think something entirely different, I just chalk this up to being that boy crazy. I didn’t start wearing dresses until I hit puberty….but I’m already getting off topic and I don’t want this to turn into an episode of Big Mouth. Let’s try and remain focused here: I’m an obsessive person.
This is my Kindle library as of March 20, 2020:
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There is a home movie of my two-year-old self pointing to my Tweedy Bird hat excitedly. “I have Tweedy Bird on my hat!” I repeat over and over with a lisp, clearly very excited I had something I loved on an item of clothing. Even then, when I loved something, I was all in. 
Combine my obsessive personality with my attraction to the male species? We descend into madness, my friends. From cartoon characters, to television shows, to actors, to rock stars, to actors again. I obsess most over men I don’t personally know. Think 25 years of pictures covering walls. Merchandise. Staying up till 3 am diving into the corners of the internet for every last drop of information I could get. 
And it all started with Bugs Bunny.
Bugs Bunny was my first foray into fangirl territory. It was that episode when Bugs Bunny dressed as a Viking woman that drew me into the Bugs Bunny portal of obsession. I wasn’t attracted to Bugs Bunny in drag, necessarily; I was more fascinated by the idea of Elmer Fudd falling in love with Bugs Bunny. That Bugs was a character that could be loved romantically. I know this sounds really bizarre and heavy, but I fully believe that I was fascinated by romantic love that early in my life. 
Soon I didn’t stop talking about Bugs Bunny. I had an entire Bugs Bunny tracksuit, slippers, and a doll. There’s a picture of me in my entire ensemble while holding the doll, ecstatic. For my fourth birthday my mom made me a homemade Bugs Bunny Halloween costume. Bugs Bunny was even my imaginary friend for a bit there. I must have worn out the Space Jam VHS tape.
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Note the Bugs Bunny watch. 
That’s childhood obsession for you. When I loved Pokemon all I would do was talk about it and dream about it. 
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Then it was Digimon. In twenty six years, it hasn’t stopped. Up until December of 2019, it’s been one TV show after the other, examples being Avatar the Last Airbender, Total Drama Island, The Office, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Mr. Robot, Fleabag, Frasier, and most recently, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Harry Potter has always been a love for me, and I’ve been obsessed with two different book series: the comic books The Umbrella Academy (the show is a DISASTER compared to how good the comics are), and The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod (a book series about a vampire; as a bonus, see how many vampires you can count). A common theme for all of these things was the fact that I was attracted to a singular male character and their relationship to others.
In preparing to write this I wrote about 6 pages worth of notes, all ranging in obsession. To completely write about every single one would take a novel with each of my multiple obsessions being individual chapters. For example, during the Total Drama Island years I was constantly up till 3 am on the weekends making YouTube videos for the show. If you can find them...I’d be impressed. (But actually, please don’t.) I’ll try to provide a list and a little comment, as I split my obsessions into various categories. 
At 11, I discovered the Sprouse twins and my object of desire went from cartoon characters to actors. I was known as “the Sprouse twins” girl, specifically Cole, during sixth grade. This was the first time I covered my room and locker in posters. 
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A year later, we jumped dramatically and came to my obsessive emo phase. While I listened to a lot of bands, my attention was turned mostly to Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy and Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance. (The latter I would later meet after MCR broke up when I was about 20 years old after his solo show,  and it was just as awkward as I could imagine). That’s when my room was completely covered in Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance posters. I wore a lot of black and those years were honestly my cringiest moments. Hey, we were all 13. 
I started to shift more from short, skinny, guyliner-wearing men and noticing tall, muscular, and handsome ones. I can pinpoint when I started to first feel sexually attracted to a man (at an appropriate age! I was going through puberty!) when I saw the trailer for Fantastic Four, and Chris Evans came out shirtless in a towel. Oh GOD what an ICONIC moment. Goodbye Sprouse Twins, hello six packs.
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The summer going into high school, I saw The Dark Knight 3 times because of Christian Bale as Batman. He walked in wearing that tight black shirt and my expectations for men from there on out would never match up to Batman. Gaston from Beauty and the Beast seemed hotter now (you all know what scene I’m talking about), That attraction became the strangest when I remarked to my friend that Ultron was pretty hot for a robot. 
Maybe that’s why I love Kylo Ren so much. He’s the combination of two of my great loves: a buff emo. 
The high school years followed a somewhat similar pattern, but mostly actors more so than musicians. To be fair, in high school Fall Out Boy broke up and didn’t get back together till I was in college, and My Chemical Romance only released one album in my four years. So during high school and college there weren't really any “emo” guys or musicians to lust over. 
Now in 2020 I live in Brooklyn where every man and their mother is a “musician” so the whole idea turns me off. It was fun while it lasted though, and I’ll always be an emo kid at heart. I’ve seen Fall Out Boy 7 times in the last 10 years, and I paid an insane amount of money for My Chemical Romance reunion tour tickets. 
High school was a time where everyone was entering a more mature phase of their puberty journey, and for me, that was lusting after men over the age of 30. I had a hella crush on Zachary Quinto (who I saw walk past me once in the Village and I almost pooped my pants) even though I knew he was gay. I went through a Freddie Mercury phase for a bit too, I mean, come on, that chest hair.
I had a few months lusting after Colin Farrell after seeing him in Fright Night (which I recently found out was written by my favorite Buffy writer! seventeen-year-old me foreshadowing the present). In The Phantom of the Opera I sided with the Phantom the entire time, wishing that I could be seduced through opera in a hidden Parisian cave. My mom introduced me to Ryan Gosling who became my dream man. While reading Great Gatsby I had a huge crush on Seth Meyers who I would imagine Nick Carraway as. He does sort of look like Toby McGuire? He was the first of many goofy men that would lead to John Mulaney, Rob Delaney, Nathan Fielder, Ben Wyatt, and Niles Crane. Chris Pratt still fits into that category, though he’s the perfect combination of goofy and buff. When The Avengers came out my senior year of high school, I saw it 4 times in the theater. 
The British invasion didn’t happen until my senior year and defined my college years, with posters of Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbender, Eddie Redmayne, and James Norton. My feet ache thinking about the times I waited in line at a movie premiere or a film set to get a glimpse of any of these gents. When I saw Benedict Cumberbatch on set in Boston my knees gave out. Domhnall Gleeson is also in that group of fine British men despite being Irish. It’s why I always have a moral dilemma whenever General Hux comes on screen in Star Wars. Twice I had a hardcore crush on Seth MacFarlane, going to the Ted 2 set living in Boston, waving to him as he got into his car. I would meet him again 3 years later when I worked on Harry, looking like a total disaster. But he said “hi” to me which sent me to cloud 9. I once waited in a lobby of a show to meet Lee Pace even though I didn’t see the show. 
All of these men at one point adorned my room, desktop background, dorm room (which was covered in posters, no wonder I rarely ever had a boy in there), and phone background. Today my phone background is the throne room scene of Rey and Kylo in The Last Jedi. Why do you think I had Tweedy Bird on my hat? I need my obsession with me at all times and I want the world to see. 
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(Thank God tattoos are expensive and I was too young to get them during my hardcore obsessions. Imagine if I had a giant Total Drama Island tattoo on my back? I shudder.) 
While a lot of the attraction for these men was based on personality, looks, and accents, I also have a tendency to become enamoured with villains and dark characters. In 1999 I was in the movie theater seeing The Phantom Menace. Up until that point, there were virtually no children featured in Star Wars films, so when a young Anakin Skywalker graced the screen, my five-year-old heart would not stop beating. I loved him so much, I carried a Pepsi bottle with his image on it everywhere I went. I slept with it. My comfort blanket was a Pepsi bottle with a picture of a nine-year-old boy. 
I had the famous Phantom Menace poster with young Anakin Skywalker with the shadow of Darth Vader behind him. I distinctly remember my dad telling me in the theater, “That’s Darth Vader as a little boy.” When I saw Return of the Jedi my favorite scene was when Luke took off Vader’s mask, because you got to see Vader’s real face for the first time. That Vader actually was a human and not a monster fascinated me to the point of obsession which, as you probably have figured out, still carries over to the sequel trilogy. 
Bugs Bunny established my fanaticism, but Anakin Skywalker determined my type: men presented as villains but actually are redeemed over time. Through the years I think I’ve enjoyed getting to figure out someone. Their character is presented as one dimensional, and then even the tiniest thing that strays from that is seen as fascinating. There’s a great quote from an Adam Driver profile in the New York Times that I think encapsulates it: 
“A manner so resolute that when some emotion does manage to escape - whether through a glint in his eyes or the unpredictable undulations of his voice - that transgression can’t help but take you by surprise.” 
Now my therapist says that probably comes with my need to help and fix the real boys in my life. We both joked that our favorite character in A Haunting of Hill House was the drug-addicted little brother. 
I think it is totally unfair, because I know that I can’t personally help them... though ok, she may be a little right.
While I enjoy “complicated” from afar, it does subconsciously fulfill the need for what I can’t do in reality, which is being someone’s reason to change. Mostly through love. Turns out, in real life, it is far less romantic to be dating someone with a lot of emotional issues! Who knew! 
You decide for yourself. Here are all the fictional characters I’ve obsessed over who fit this category: 
-Kylo Ren (I mean, duh)
-Prince Zuko (the original Kylo Ren)
-The Phantom of the Opera (Thank you, Leslie Knope)
-Damon from Vampire Diaries
-Hot Priest from Fleabag (ok not a villain but he’s supposed to be a holy man and you think aw he’s never gonna...AND THEN HE DOES!) 
-Mr. Darcy (again not a villain but he was to Elizabeth at first!!!!)
-Duncan from Total Drama Island
-Draco Malfoy (that bleached blonde hair attraction still hasn’t gone away, oops)
-Spock in JJ Abrams’s last good movie Star Trek
-Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (oh if my heart could beat it would break my chest, how many times have I cried over that sweet platinum blonde baby?) 
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Look, I know this is all fictional and in no way real. None of these men exist and are all a fantasy. Hey, I watch You and am extremely creeped out by Joe! I don’t root for him! I also hope I don’t stay this way forever. I really don’t want to be a Twilight mom. I’ve calmed down in my old age, ok? I don’t wait in the cold for hours at a stage door anymore, and I go on real dates now. I’ve even had a few boyfriends in my days who were nothing like the men I lusted after nor did I even compare. 
I completely agree that all these men would be horrible to date! Draco Malfoy was totally a bigot and bully. Kylo Ren killed his dad, and I have a good relationship with my dad, so I can’t really relate. And yes, Spike before he got his soul is nothing to wish for in a boyfriend, even if it was fun to watch him. Kylo Ren and Spike have killed multiple people. I’m not down to date a murderer. 
One day I’ll be able to consume something I enjoy and move on after a week. Growing up, mundane suburban life was a little more interesting when you get lost in a fantasy for a while. To be focused on something other than school, work, or even your own anxieties. If anything, I think my obsessive personality towards men in particular just pushes me to look for more and to yearn for more instead of being depressed that I don’t get to live it. I don’t just settle for the first boy to like me back. I strive to one day not to marry a celebrity, a comedian, or an anthropomorphic cartoon character, but someone who makes me feel like I’m the heroine of my own show. 
For now, I’ll just wait for the Phantom to spring me into his underground lair. 
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Taken 2 minutes before I published this. 
0 notes
pigsonthewingpdx · 5 years
Keeley  - fare thee well!
Longtime Pigs on the Wing vocalist Keeley St Clair performed her final show with the band on Jan 11th to a sold-out hometown crowd at Portland’s Revolution Hall.  We in the band will miss sharing the stage with such a talented musician and amazing person more than we can possibly express in any words.   Keeley has been deep in the rock trenches with us for many years and like any band, we’ve slowly created a mythology around our history together that in looking back can be hard to believe it actually happened.  Here’s an interview with Keeley looking at a few of her best memories.
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POTW: So, what was your favorite memory on stage with Pigs on the Wing?  Is there a specific show or moment in a show that stands out ?
Keeley: Trying to come up with a single favorite stage memory is breaking my brain. There’s so many moments that would be worthy of a re-telling, but I’ve nailed down this one to shine a small glimmer of light onto our stage life. Pete. 
Those of you who know him will immediately crack a grin and will likely have your own stories about his unique way of traversing the world. For those of you who aren’t familiar, he’s the sax player extraordinaire.There’s a running joke in the band that Pete will have his shirt off whenever there’s a peep of sunshine. Standing in line at the gas station for the bathroom? Sunnin’ dem shoulders. It’s 50 degrees outside, and the wind whips through the pines? Nips out. Hey guys, where’s Pete?…Basking atop a metal rest stop picnic table to work on that Italian tan.In my tribe of friends there is a rule. Do whatever Keeley says, and you’ll have more fun. I didn’t make this rule; it arose out of my constant promptings for people to do random shit. The tribe deemed that my suggestions were ripe with promise for endless inside jokes, and now it’s a rule. As an only child, I can’t deny that I like this rule. 
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This rule does not extend to the POTW family, but I can’t help but try. One impossibly hot night in Astoria, as we waited backstage for our announcement from the local DJ to shuffle to our places, I candidly, and casually suggested to Pete to “just come out with your shirt off for your Time solo.” I saw his face run the spectrum from initial balk to sparkle of possibility. We were all significantly loose that evening, and as we took the stage I delighted in the seed that I had planted.Sure enough, as the descending melodic line cued Pete’s time to shine, he burst onstage in all his shirtless glory sending a wave of cheers through the audience. This no doubt emboldened him and he played effusively, strutting the stage, bowing to play into the willing faces of the crowd up front, gyrating underneath the curve of his horn, showing off his freshly shorn pecs; sending the band through a wave of initial bewilderment and into fits of partially stifled laughter as we watched our brother bask in his grandeur.
I took great pleasure in my own feelings of influence, but really, this was something he had clearly been aching to do, and I had given him permission to live his dream.A few shows down the road, buoyed by my previous victory, I suggested he do the same, but in full on banana-hammock. He has yet to take me up on my suggestion, but there’s one last opportunity…*wink
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POTW: What was the funniest, most ridiculous, or most generally rock n roll thing that happened on tour with Pigs ?
Keeley: We seem to really tip things off when we’re touring around the Salish Sea. There’s some kind of magic there that tickles our sense of mischief. One of my favorite’s is from Port Townsend where we always take the opportunity to camp after the show.
One morning, we woke up to a full on civil war re-enactment happening in the field next to our tents. That’s not the story, but there it is.
After playing a gig on the smallest stage known to man (how did we even fit on that stage?), we piled out of the van around 2:30 or 3 in the morning. It was silent in the campground, and we were surrounded by sleeping families.
As we moved softly about the grass, quietly cracking beers and speaking in low tones, I got cold and decided to wear an owl onesie I had brought.
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When others noted how great it was that I could be super warm and look like a sweet ass owl, I handed out several other animal onesies I had secretly ferreted away in the van to the band. A white tiger, a seal, a flying squirrel; you get the picture. This was the band’s first experience with these little blanket sacks and after trying not to laugh loudly at each other, it wound up in an impromptu photo shoot.
There we were, a rock band dressed in ill fitting animal suits, trying to keep quiet for our neighbors sake, and snapping shitty flash photography on a phone. Perfect.
Not long after, someone noticed a power hook up in our camp site and suggested that we plug in one of the moving heads to see if the beam would reach the low clouds. The impossibly bright light shone like a beacon, twirling around on the random setting projecting anything from pink dots, to red hazmat symbols over neighbors silent RVs, and into the air.
Once again, we stifled our laughter and decided to be responsible and put the moving head inside one of our tents so it wouldn’t shine on the neighbors; and for good measure, throw the fog machine in there too. Also, let’s go ahead and keep things reasonable by giving it a soundtrack from Michael Jackson’s Off the Wall on a phone’s low volume setting.
What is now dubbed Disco Tent, we unsuccessfully aimed at quiet as we died laughing at our creation. The tiny tent shaking around a phrenetic high powered stage light, quickly filling in with increasingly dense fog from an industrial machine until we could see no light from the head.
It was beautiful. A moment of pure spontaneity and silliness. One of many many.
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POTW: If you could have talked the band into doing one song that wasn't a Floyd cover, what would it have been and why ?
Keeley: I’d probably vote for Immigrant Song and push for Welder to sing the battle cries. He’d love that! I’d also jump to sing Moonage Daydream with the band because Bowie is my forever and enduring love.
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POTW: What's your next tribute band going to be ?
Keeley: Ha. Although I don’t foresee any tribute bands in my near future, I am working on a new music project with some of my Tribe. It’s a ritually-focused project that I’m really excited about, and the genre representation seems to be somewhat lacking in the Portland area. We are inspired by the solo work of Lisa Gerrard and music by Forndom, Danheim and Wardruna. I’ll let the community know when we have more news. We’d love to share this music with all of you.
I’ve thoroughly adored my time with Pigs, and so appreciate the fans who love Floyd’s music and our interpretation of it. These people are family to me. That being said, I do look forward to being in a creative musical space rather than a re-creative musical space. It’s a different animal, and one that is needed for this Music Therapist/Tribute Band Member who seems to do a lot of other people’s music in her every day life.
I tell you what, I will miss playing to big, enthusiastic crowds. It will be an interesting experience to go from a full production project to one where we’re likely to be playing to a couple uninterested people in a dive bar somewhere. Ahh glory days.
Speaking of, thank you all for everything. That sounds so basic, but I mean it. This experience of the past seven + years has been everything, and I will miss it deeply.  See you on the Dark Side Fam.
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0 notes
punk-rock-pixie · 5 years
Y'all literally don't shut up about them, so just.... DO THEM ALL. ALL THE FUCKING QUEEN ASKS (Ps. Y'all would be cute with young Brian May and MAYBE Roger Taylor but mostly Bri. Okay bye)
Lord… Okay. I guess I did say that I would answer them all at once. I just wasn’t expecting someone to do it.
(Also aw. lmao)
I’m gonna do it all under the cut.
Who would you dance with if you got the chance?
When you say dance what do you mean? Slow, fun, or like??? Idk. Probably John Deacon
Whose voice do you like least of the 3 singing members of the band?
In your opinion what is the worst outfit any of them ever wore?
Hard Life. It’s rediculous and I love it. (Actually highkey would totally wear John or Brian’s costumes lmao)
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If you could steal one of their features what would you take? (ie. Roger’s eyes, Brian’s hair, John’s butt, Freddie’s stache etc.)
Roger’s Eyes. I don’t think I’d look good with the other two lmao
Have you ever seen Highlander or Flash Gordon?
I’ve seen Flash a couple times. It’s super bad lmao
Is there a Queen song you really don’t like? If so what is it?
Is it a cop out to say some stuff from Hot Space? I really don’t enjoy much off Hot Space other than maybe Cool Cat.
Do you know how to boil an egg?
I don’t, but I’m sure a quick google search will tell me.
Opinion of Hot Space
I guess I answered this one, but I’m not a huge fan. Given what was being done behind the scenes at the time.
If you were friends with the band who would you go to for comfort?
TRICK QUESTION. I internalize all my problems because I cannot burden people lmao
What Queen song can you absolutely not skip even if you’re not in the mood for it?
‘39 and Good ol Fashioned Lover Boy
I’m In Love with My Car. Love it or Hate it?
A jam ™ lmao
Do you play Scrabble?
Not often but my sis and I do sometimes. I love that the band did that while on tour.
Who has the best fashion sense in the band?
All? All of them… 
If you could meet any of the three living band members (including sneaky Deaky) who would you choose to meet?
Brian. He’s been such an inspiration to me and his solos were the reason I began playing in the first place.
If you had to pick an inanimate object to have a crush on would it be a car or a guitar? (Yes, I’m poking fun at Brian and Rog)
I’m already mocked for being in love with my music so defs guitar.
Have you been inspired to pursue something musical because of Queen?
Literally all of my music career.
Millionaire Waltz or Dreamer’s Ball?
If you were friends with the band who do you think would come to you for comfort or advice?
I’m not sure. I feel like John might, but it’s hard to say. People generally seem to open up a lot to me because I am a listener but?????
Do you want to be a penguin when you grow up?
Always. Slide on my belly and avoid financial problems? Hell yeah.
Who do you think is the best looking member of the band?
UH. Brian. Uhm. I haven’t had a crush on him for over half my life lmaooo Although Roger was and still is a very pretty person lmao
Opinion on Queen + Adam Lambert
It’s not Freddie, and it never will be. However, Lambert is very talented and I am so excited to see them in Concert this summer! I’m sure they will be great
F**k, Marry, Kill… go!
Fuck Rog
Marry Brian
Kill Paul lmao????
Favorite outfit worn by any of them
I love their Radio Ga Ga outfits so much, “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, and Brian’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” look. Also there’s an early look from Roger that makes me cry when I see it, but I don’t remember what tour it was
This is them respectively:
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Is there a song by Queen that you feel is overrated?
Not completely, but I feel there are some very UNDERrated songs
Have you seen Queen in any form? (With Freddie or Adam or Paul)
Nope, but seeing them in summer!!!
Do you follow any of the band on social media?
Of course I do lmao
Do you own any Queen albums and on what format are they? (Vinyl, tape, cd, etc)
I don’t actually, but I listen non stop on spotify lmao
Freddie with or without the ‘stache?
I think the stache was a very iconic look, but I love them both.
Favorite song written by Freddie?
Defs “I was Born to Love You” 
John with long hair or short?
Favorite John song?
I love “You’re my Best Friend” because he wrote it for his wife, and it makes me so happy
Do you like badgers?
They p rad
Favorite Brian written song?
Driven by You or ‘39 defs
Rog with or without sun/glasses?
Defs without. He has a nice face
Favorite Roger song?
It’s lowkey not good, but I love it so much “Future Management” Aka (You don’t need nobody else but me)
Do you think you could beat any of them at Scrabble?
Not at all
Do you think you could out drink any of them?
DEFS NOT. I am such a light drinker. One swig of (probably aged) vodka was enough to put me out lmao
Whose house would you choose to live in?
idk I never went to their houses?
Thoughts on the song 39?
I think I’ve made it clear lmao
Do you like cats?
Very much!
Do you like kids?
I just get anxious around them
Do you like space?
Do you like cars?
I was never quite able to, but my dad is and so was one of my exes which is where I get me (very minimal knowledge)
Favorite album?
Great fuckin question
Who has the nicest eyes in the band?
You already fuckin know but also they all do! Especially when they all smile. 
If you could go back in time to any concert they ever performed, which would it be?
I would love to see Wembley or Liveaid tbh, but I’d also love to see when they just start after Smile.
Do you think John Deacon will ever come out of hiding?
Not sure, and I think we should 100% respect him and his family and his privacy tbh??? Like??? Let him live.
Who do you think will outlive the rest?
Brian probably because he bikes so much.
Do you prefer pre or post synth Queen?
I’m okay with both! I think they’re both good for different reasons!
If you could tell any one band member something (including Freddie) who would it be and what would you say?
Of course Brian. I would thank him (and the rest of the band) for inspiring me so much. Probs about the story of first hearing them on the radio and listening to those solos and saying that I wanted to do that. Idk. 
Realistically, I’d probably be trying not to cry and make a fool of myself and ultimately fail…
Bohemian Rhapsody - What matters to you more than anything in the world?
My music and my friends probs?
Don’t Stop Me Now - What makes you feel unstoppable?
Hitting belt notes perfectly
Another One Bites The Dust - What one thing would you wipe off the face of the earth?
Mosquitoes and homophobes
Under Pressure - How stressed are you currently?
Not particularly. Just tired
We Will Rock You - What was the last concert you went to?
It was Anne Wilson, Rick Springfield, and (I think his name is) Jeff Beck. Went with my family over summer
Somebody To Love - Are you looking for somebody to love?
I have someone. I’m polyamorous, but I’ve very happy with the person I’m with!
We Are The Champions - What achievement are you most proud of?
Still staying passionate about my music no matter what.
Radio GaGa - What do you think of today’s popular music?
I respect the artists but I’m more into oldies.
I Want To Break Free - If you could move to any part of the world, where would you want to live?
NOT BECAUSE OF QUEEN I SWEAR. I’M NOT BEING SARCASTIC But I’d love to move to England. I was there when I was 13 and I fell in love with it. Either there or the LA area
Love Of My Life - Have you ever had your heart broken?
More times than I’d like to admit lmao
Killer Queen - What is your favourite thing about yourself?
my resilience 
The Show Must Go On - What is something you will never give up?
Music. 100%
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Name some of your favourite musicians.
You mean other than Queen? Lmao. I’m a fan of Heart, Fleetwood Mac, Cheap Trick, Beatles…. oldies lmao Also Fell in love with a ghost is really good. 
Who Wants To Live Forever - If you could be immortal, would you?
I don’t think so… I think I would get bored and like it can also get really sad yknow?
Fat Bottomed Girls - What are some traits you look for in a partner?
TREAT ME LIKE A DAMN HUMAN, make me laugh, be passionate and outspoken, COMMUNICATE…. 
Superficially, I’m generally partial to people being taller than me (even though my partner is shorter lmao) and other musicians (so long as they are humble cuz bitch I can do that too)
I Want It All - If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
To live comfortably and have good mental health.
1) Brian’s fluffy hair or Deaky’s fluffy hair?
Brian lmao
2) How do you feel about Freddie’s 1976 brushed back hair?
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What a look tm
3) Roger’s drum solos or Brian’s Guitar solos?
Of course the guitar solos. Though, I can appreciate the drums as well
4) Favourite member of Queens entourage over the years?
5) Most underrated Freddie look?
Idk that it’s underrated but oof those Harlequin days. Also that one sequin jumpsuit is such a look. 
6) would you rather work on Freddie and Rogers Kensington Market stall or go to Uni with Brian?
I think the stall because going to uni… There’s a lotta kids and the likelihood of seeing the same person twice unless your schedules match up is pretty impossible. Plus I’m a psych major not astrophysics lmao
7) Ben Hardy or Joe mazzello?
I love Joe more than I love many people.
8) Who do you think looks/acts the most like their irl counterpart in Borhap?
Definitely Gwilym. He looks so much like Brian I literally had to double take once or twice. Also if Joe does the specific pout he defs looks like Deacon
9) Which era of Roger is your favourite?
Early 70s fluffy boy
10) Who has the best shirtless look?
11) favourite cast member overall?
Definitely Joe
12) Jim and Freddie or John and Veronica?
I love them all. 
13) Whose spouse would you most like to marry?
I wouldn’t, but I wanna be best friends with Anita Dobson (Brian’s current wife)
14) Who is the bigger Thot, Roger or Freddie?
15) Live with Joe or marry Ben?
Live with Joe. I wanna be his best friend. I’m not at all into Ben actually. Cool guy though!
16) Who do you think is the most charismatic out of the cast?
They all are I think. I definitely think Joe is one of the more outspoken of the four, but????
17) Twink Roger or badass grandad Roger?
18) Brian and space or Brian and music?
Uh. Space music.
19) What is your favourite photo of the whole band?
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I FOUND IT ‘73! They all just look so happy and ughh I love them.
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Also this one. I LOVE WHEN THEY SMILE.
20) Purple rain or superfreak?
Superfreak. Purple rain was overplayed for me after Prince died I think.
21) What element of your life is most queen-esque?
I’m not sure. Probably the clothes I (can’t afford) want to wear
22) If you had to choose any year to tour with queen, which one and why?
Early to mid 70s. When they just start out. Idk Just seeing their improvement over the years would make me so happy.
23) Which John Deacon shirt in Bohemian Rhapsody is the best?
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That one. Also I love the Liveaid look because I love button ups.
24) Is I’m in love with my car a good song?
25) Which section of the ‘I want to break free’ music video is the best?
The sit com part I think
26) moustache Freddie or Stubble Freddie?
Uhm unsure
27) Bearded Bri or clean shaven Bri?
Clean shave. He looks great with a beard- don’t get me wrong. But oof. Clean shaved guys….
28) What Freddie outfit should have been in the movie?
Harlequin always
29) Brian and Gwylim or Roger and Ben?
30) Ben Hardy playing the drums whilst smoking or Roger spinning drumsticks?
Roger spinning drumsticks. “WE’RE SAVING YOUR LIFE, BEN”
31) What is your favourite aspect of John Deacons personality?
He’s such a humble person- they all can be. And also just how snarky and silly he can be.
32) Who worked the fringe best, Freddie or John?
33) Joe’s Instagram or Luke Deacons Twitter?
FUCKIN UHHHHHHHHH Both are fucking iconic. Let me be both of their best friends. When do I get to meet them.
34) Which of Roger’s kids is your favourite?
35) What was your most Freddie Mercury moment?
36) What Queen song would you most like to fall asleep to?
I’ve fallen asleep to Brian May/Kerry Ellis’s “Love of my life”
37) who has the best solo album?
Unsure… I think Brian defs but still. 
38) If you could see the cast recreate any live performance what would it be and why?
39) Who would beat a shark in a fight, Joe or Ben?
Ben probs. 
40) Which queen song would you play at your funeral?
41) Do you think the script did Freddie justice and if not what would you change?
For being  a biopic and not documentary I think it did very well! Of course it isn’t gonna be completely accurate, but I think it did a good job of showing both sides of Freddie. 
42) What is the best thing about listening to Rami talk about Freddie?
ALL. He just speaks so passionately.
43) Roger’s lime green trousers or John’s Arrow suit?
44) Does Gwylim suit a beard more than Brian?
Personally I think Gwil does, but I also like no beards on both. 
45) What Chaotic Roger story is your favourite?
“ONE AND THREE-SEVENTHS SUGAR” and also pinching Brian’s butt in an interview
46) Which one of Freddie’s cats are you most like?
47) Which BoRhap scene is most like you?
Probably them in the farm talking about the songs they wrote. 
48) Which member of queen and which cast member has the most chaotic energy?
Joe all the way
49) What is your favourite queen related memory?
The first time I saw the Bo Rhap trailor I nearly cried. I was also sobbing  the whole first watch through
50) How many times have you seen Bohemian Rhapsody?
Upwards of 5
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