#room of swords tori’s queen
justaghostingon · 11 months
Love Me To Death Chapter 51 Reactions:
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Every universe, every time period, Tori speaks like a cosplayer and attacks the main character. At this point its just tradition.
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beeutifulbuttercup · 2 years
Alright room of swords ended here’s my hot take it went to shit after during season 2 gyrus became a mary sue and the authors got lazy and decided not to explain anything that’s going on.  I wish everyone just sided with don and gyrus fucking died why tf was tori, girlboss of the year, obsessed with him it makes no sense.  and kodya was such a static character if I knew he was just gonna be gyrus’s lapdog I think he should have died under that bolder instead because at least if he died gyrus would have lost something irreplaceable and maybe he would have changed jesus christ.  also the whole tori queen iro shit really got on my nerves iro was so fucking annoying when he had so much potential lmao.
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raizelsknights · 3 years
okay so we can all agree that this amelia person might possibly be gyrus’s mom right?
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magicalwalrus · 3 years
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Let’s go wlws
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astr0butt · 3 years
tori is in love with amelia in every timeline
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roomofshitposts · 4 years
Thoughts & Opinions on episode 122?
episode 122 came into my house, took all of my bread, and desiccated my crops ,,, what the fuck, like 50 separate things happened and all of them reveal some new shitshow that’s been happening behind the scenes
i’m gonna go over some of the bigger points & my theories around them under the cut 
don appeared in the medieval times
okay so there’s two possible ways to see this event: don appeared in tori’s era before he was imprisoned by the shadows, or he manifested there somehow after he was trapped in the ROS.
-> if this happened before his imprisonment, then i think don had started travelling around time to help others with his abilities after attempting to save his family from the anomalies, and gradually grew more corrupt as he tested the limits of his powers, or started losing his mind as things he did in the past started having butterfly-effect style impacts on the future that he had to try and fix over and over. 
this could possibly mean that don started a paradox where he himself introduced anomalies to the world by meddling in the past, which amplified the number of anomalies in the present and ultimately looped back to giving him his abilities and killing his family in his original time, though it does still leave a blank as to what exactly started this real-world cycle of anomalies in the first place (who pulled that ‘thread in the fabric of time and space’ don mentioned? how does he even know what happened?). 
anyways, don’s interference grew to a point where it had become dangerous to the fabric of reality, so the shadows imprisoned him in a realm beyond time and space, the room of swords, to contain his abilities (perhaps reducing his ability to rewrite reality to be limited to changing one day’s events) or maybe punish him, with the knowledge that by trying to help others, he’d doomed them to becoming anomalies and being imprisoned themselves.
things that point to don being in tori’s era before he got yoinked to space jail: in the flashback where he tries to save his family, he has a mustache (bigger than his current one), and he could have grown that out into a beard as he travelled. he looks pretty damn evil in tori’s memory so maybe at this point he’s pretty much lost it, and he has a full beard, similar to how it looked when he was first shown in the room of swords during the season 1 finale, so maybe this is just about when the shadows took notice and imprisoned him. 
-> if this happened after his imprisonment, unlike the above where we can probably assume he started jumping around time soon after he tried to save his family (if he succeeded maybe he felt that he could help others too, if he failed maybe the guilt drove him to try and save others from the same fate), it’s harder to pinpoint when he might’ve manifested into tori’s time. 
if we go off of the theory that the ros exists in cycles, repeating its objective with the same (or new) voyagers each time, and the constants are don, the black box holder(gyrus) and the shadows, it’s likely that don somehow got out of the room of swords in an earlier cycle. he used his powers to manipulate reality in tori’s time, and this resulted in her gaining her own abilities as an anomaly, sending her to the room of swords.
maybe don was trapped in the ros for trying to rewrite reality to save his family and was imprisoned by the shadows. thinking this was unfair, he tried to escape, but failed. he then realized that maybe he couldn’t break out, but somehow (i can’t guess what method he managed to use ghfdsjfj), he could still affect the outside world. he started out by wanting to help people and protect them from the anomalies that happened in their era, but this resulted in the people he helped becoming anomalies and they would get trapped in the room of swords as well, both because of their abilities and to remind don to Stop Doing That. this eventually resulted with don slowly losing his mind and morals, hence why he began as such a warm, friendly person, but later showed himself to be so determined to escape the room of swords that he’s willing to kill nephthys and poison hinju.
things that point to don being in tori’s time after he got yoinked to space jail: his harmonica. in the episodes that show events taking place before the main timeline, and most notably in the flashback where don explains how his family died, he’s always shown using a guitar to channel his powers. he’s only started using the harmonica to try and kill nephthys, and only in recent episodes, in the present timeline. maybe the harmonica is an item he found that can channel less power than the guitar, which makes it weaker but much more discreet so that other ‘meta’ beings (shadows and maybe gyrus) don’t notice him slipping out of the ros or using it to switch boss swords with fakes, murder people, etc, and he keeps the harmonica secret and only uses it when he’s doing shady shit.
i’m going to elaborate on this point later but like what the absolute shit happened there
gyrus is possibly queen amelia’s son (or at least, her descendant)
so like. hi this entire plot point drove the discord nuts
first off, like,,,, gyrus is descended from (presumably) european royalty? i know that toon stated that gyrus was of korean descent and he’s shown to be able to speak in korean but i mean it’s also possible that the foreign king that queen amelia married, was from east asia, and their marriage was entirely out of necessity to lift the curse on her kingdom. the king dipped tf out after the ceremony to rule his own lands. 
don took the baby (assuming the baby is gyrus) to gyrus’ era, and this displacement amplified a chain of anomalies that began to deteriorate reality, leading to the world don describes as gyrus’ in episode 109 (’catastrophic anomalies are commonplace’ ‘whole worlds destroyed without warning’). in addition, don notes in the same episode that gyrus had ‘kind relatives that [took him] in and [gave him] a life of comfort’, which means that either his parents died on his home planet, or he’d never known his parents-- which would be the case if he was a baby don sTOLE FROM ANOTHER ERA.
alternatively, the baby isn’t gyrus, but rather they were gyrus’ ancestor, who don brought to a time before gyrus’ era. that displacement started creating disastrous anomalies. gyrus’ parents died on his home planet and his relatives took him in, as per don’s words. gyrus leaves home to become an astronaut and joins captain iro’s crew. bing bang boom
don’s bottle of shadow juice
what the hell even is this. people on the discord have theorized that this is the origin of gyrus’ inner shadow or his black box, but. how did don. get a shadow. in a bottle. as far as i know, he’s unable to influence shadows directly so he can’t sing ‘get in the bottle or else with this shoe i will throttle [you]’, but also the shadows are his jailors, why would a) don help them by giving them a host or b) the shadows help him by complying. do they both think they’re being slick and using the other gfhdjgfdhgh
and if it’s the black box, how did don bottle it. why didn’t he just take it. what is going on. 
either way this might be another paradox situation where don found out the origin of gyrus’ shadow abilities/black box/event horizon breaking point and realized he had to take part in getting events to line up so this could happen. so he essentially manipulated reality to ensure that he could get a powerful ally that would hold the black box and defend it from the shadows, and who would be the second constant to appear in the ros (and first voyager), so don could try again and again to gain his trust and get a pawn for his plan against the shadows.
trouble in paradise the black box
ok rip to black box gyrus i really liked him as a character and as a design and he was fun to shitpost about but there’s no goddamn way he’s going to survive this season. he’s been weakened from losing memories and control over the black box, and i’m pretty sure the shadow dragged him off to kill him. plus kodya being yanked back to the black box and the shadows of the people lost during the incident being released means that black box gyrus has either died or lost the command room/a significant amount of control.
and even if it wasn’t for the fact that the situation is pretty much spelling out black box gyrus is doomed, his plot relevance is also wearing out. it’s the same ‘pupil must outgrow their mentor so the mentor dies’ that happened with kodya but this time black box gyrus genuinely has no more purpose to serve after this arc. 
like,,, kodya has plot threads (like nephthys and his own backstory) that exist outside of gyrus. black box gyrus does not exist separately from gyrus. anything he can offer to his reset self, can be found in the black box’s memories once he’s done training him, and they’ve unlocked all the beacon memories. just about the last thing bb!gyrus needs to do is reconcile with kodya and relinquish the black box to gyrus, and then all his story points are technically over. that doesn’t mean i don’t want him to stick around, he’s a well-written character and i am bonkers for his stupid emo outfit, but i don’t know why toon would keep him around after setting up all of the shadow-taking-control-of-the-black-box business and bringing current gyrus to this point in the story.
y’all i know this is irrelevant and i’m just going 👁👁 because it’s cib but it’s CIB and i’m hoping this means that she’ll become a more recurring background character, in shadow form or in flashbacks, since she seems to be really important to ragan and she’s the second voyager. and maybe there’ll be a way to save people from shadow death without gyrus losing all his limbs. god i hope
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bad-ros-headcanons · 4 years
If Amelia had been allowed to keep Gyrus, she would have spoiled him rotten. It would have been up to Tori to instill discipline.
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bobdrawsalasergun · 4 years
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Day 14: armour
I posted late again~~ sorry. Anyway I haven’t posted as often lately but schools started again and it’s kinda hard fitting drawing in with homework. Not to mention ink can be messy and annoying to deal with considering how much of a clutz I am.
Anyway I DID colour it in with watercolour sorry for all you sticklers for the rules but I got halfway through and went “this’d look good in colour” and I don’t really have much coloured ink so there you go. In my defense the line art was inking soooo?
Click for better quality
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zarina-z · 4 years
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A bunch of doodles
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justaghostingon · 2 years
Room of Swords Chapter 202 Reactions:
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wffsg · 3 years
As a boot was shaped to accept a foot, a dog was shaped to accept a collar
No, that she could not believe, would not believe. Jaime would be oakley m frame ice iridiumhere once he knew of her plight. I did not read every page of it, my object being to ascertain what position the slave occupied. My hall, my home, my command. A ruin.. Instead he’d buckled on a sword, mounted his favorite horse, and fled to the Disputed Lands, never to return. I think, therefore, that Mr. Fisher deserves the thanks of every good man, North and South, for thus boldly pointing out the necessity of reform.. As a boot was shaped to accept a foot, a dog was shaped to accept a collar, even a collar no human eye could see. Take stock of relationships with a change of scene, says London dating coach Hayley QuinnTake stock of relationships with a change of scene, says London dating coach Hayley QuinnTake stock of relationships with a change of scene, says London dating coach Hayley QuinnTake stock of relationships with a change of scene, says London dating coach Hayley QuinnTake stock of relationships with a change of scene, says London dating coach Hayley QuinnTake stock of relationships with a change of scene, says London dating coach Hayley QuinnAt last someone who understands how I think. I've been waiting for the organ grinder to move over so a twenty something can tell us why our elbows need wiping once a day. I bet she is university educated, 3 years at uni for this, oustanding effort.. Not all skinchangers felt the same, however. Once, when Lump was ten, Haggon had taken him to a gathering of such. She could feel the eyes. M.; she returned to her about nine o’clock; came into her chamber; Simon did not come into the chamber at any time previous to the death of Maria; deponent says Maria fell down in the chamber; deponent had her seated up by Richard, who was then in the chamber, and deponent gave Maria some asaf?tida; deponent then left the room; Richard came down and said Maria was dead; deponent says Richard did not strike Maria, nor did any one else strike her, in deponent’s chamber. “—and children, yes. Very sad.” The queen pulled her daughter
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magicalwalrus · 4 years
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Drew two of my favorite Room of Swords Ships
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lo-55 · 3 years
Revel Ch. 9
Departing Debacle                   
 The last day was too short and too long at once.
 Tori was not yet ready to leave her childhood home, her jungle gardens and the deep lagoons. The mountain peaks, just barely dusted with snow. Her bay of stars. She wasn’t ready to go back to the surreal. Talking trees, massive pieces of pastries, and people who were barely now her own.
 She didn’t have much of a choice, though.
 Tori strode through the long hallways of her home, sunlight falling through the windows to warm her skin as she went. She was tailed by her whole entourage.  All six of them followed behind her. Madelle lead them, a few steps behind her on the right. Behind her was Aelia and Varinia. On the left side was Daria, Flora, and Lapa. They matched in their light, floating pink dresses. They made for a good high light of Tori’s own blue dresses. Layers and layers of thin robbins egg blue, so pale her own eyes looked nearly as black as her hair in comparison.
 They floated through the palace until they arrived at her fathers solar. A tablinum, some called it. Her sisters soldiers, all dressed in their fatigues, stood at attention on one side of the door. Her brothers valet’s stood on the other. Three for each of them.
 Tori’s handmaidens stood across the hall, lining like a curtain pulled across the arches of the peristyle. Her father’s valet’s, only two now, opened the doors to let her inside. Gemma and Lucien were already seated at a table near the clear running fountain opposite the room of her fathers desk.
 Her father himself sat behind it, hands steeped and brow furrowed deep in thought. He watched his children as Tori joined them, smoothing her skirts before she sat beside the fine marble piece. When they had been children they had had a kitten who would sneak in at all times and drink from the fountain.
 Sir Pounce, who’s offspring now harried the kitchen staff and spent their days lazing in the sun, as their father once had.
 “I’ve come to say goodbye,” Tori told them. “Yet I fell there’s something more going on here that I’m not aware of. Father?”
 Gemma and Lucien had the faces of children who had been summoned. Indeed, Gemma was still a teenager, and Lucien only a bit older than she. Tori tilted her head, sending a sing curl falling across her cheek. The rest of pinned tightly out of the way of her face, and her dress, while fine, was fit for travel.
 “I was about to tell you brother and your sister. You might as well hear it too.  Gold Roger is dead.”
 Tori didn’t outwardly react. That was old new. It had happened before her wedding, before the ‘proposal’ from Big Mom. She still had one of the Roger Pirate jolly rogers stowed in her hopechest somewhere.
 “And?” Gemma asked impatiently.
 “And,” her father went on, shooting his youngest an unpleasant frown, “that means that the world is unstable. We stand as royalty in the New World, on our ancient island, but as the world has become more tumultuous through the rise of pirates and the struggles of the navy we find ourselves in a precarious placement. We need allies.”
 “We have allies,” Tori objected. She could already see where this was going. Lucien and Gemma sat oblivious, but the understanding dawned to her at once. They were royalty. Royalty that needed allies outside of their own people, and the best way to get those was to do as they had already done once, with her.
 “I will not have us relying solely on the Big Mom pirates. She is tempermental and unstable, as liable to turn on us as to provide us aid unless direct offense is offered to her. No. We need more than that.”
 “Lucien!” his voice raised and sharpened and her brother, her only brother, sat ramrod straight. He stood on bones of duty, weighed heavy with the crown of a prince and a legislature. He was just, he was noble.
 “There is an island that was our friend in the past. A part of the World Government. It will be your duty to secure them as our friends once more. Their king has a daughter your age.”
 “No,” Lucien shook his head as reality dawned upon him. “Father, please-”
 “Marry the girl. Princess Scarlett will bring us into the graces once more. Her country is known for peace. You won’t have many problems with ruling it in her name.”
 “I’m needed here,” Lucien argued. “The people need me!”
 “The people will find another advocate,” he said shortly. “Their lives outweigh their liberties. Remember this, if you are ever to be a king.”
 “I’m not supposed to be a king! Victoria is the eldest, she is to be Queen, and I a prince.”
 “Things have changed. Your duties have changed with them,” their father’s voice brokered no arguments. “Pack. You leave at the end of the month.”
 His gaze turned to Gemma, who up until then had looked little more than insuferably satisfied with her siblings misfortune. When she met their fathers gaze her shoulders drew together and her chin lifted.
 “      No    ,” she said viciously. “No, you can’t mean me too!”  
 “It’s necessary. You’ll do as your told, Gemma.”
 “I’m not a bitch to be sold to a stud!” she stood so fast her chair clattered to the ground. The light of the sun seemed, to Tori, to dim in the room. It cast long, dark shadows across their fathers face. No longer was he Father. He was the king, now, and family meant nothing more to him than strings to pull and tie.
 “You’re my daughter!” His voice rose, snapping like a whip that had Gemma wild eyed and tense. Tori half expected her to draw her sword.
 “You are a princess of Imperia. You will do what is best for the country.”
 “If you send me away our military with crumble! You’ll weaken us! You’re not making us stronger, you’re dividing us and making it easier to pick us off! Victoria wouldn’t be missed but Lucien and I have jobs to do.”
 Tori swallowed hard. The barb struck hard in her lungs, liks rose thorns needling into her ribs. Her fingers curled slowly into fists.
 “Your arrogance will get you killed in a real war. Before Lucien leaves, you will. Your husband waits for you in the East Blue. It’s peaceful there. Goa.”  
 Words bubbled on her tongue but bitterness killed them before she could speak.
     She’s only a child!    She wanted to say.      You can’t make her marry! That was what I was. I was to secure our future, and they were to    live      .  
 Instead she stayed silent, watching Gemma’s face turn a blotchy red and her chest heave with fast, rapid breathes. Tori could see the whites of her eyes, like a spooked horse.
 Tori stood slowly, all grace and sweet smiles and politeness. She dipped a curtsey to their father befitting the crown princess.
 “Until next time then. I’ll leave you to play your game, Father.”
 “It’s more than a game. And you had best learn to play it yourself, Victoria, before the weight of the crown breaks your neck.”
 On those cheerful words Tori made her exit, head high and fists hidden in the long folds of her gown. Lucien trailed after her, shocked, with Gemma fuming at the rear. Tori caught sight of her husband and good-sister down the hallway, waiting for her. Daria had joined them at some point and was talking softly.
 A hard hand closed around Tori’s wrist and wrenched her back wards, shoving her hard against the marble wall. Tori stared, lips parted with question, at Gemma who tried to loom at her. She was so furious there were tears now prickling her eyes red, but her lips were fixed in a snarl. A horrible silence descended across them. She could see Madelle take a step towards her.
 “Why did you say anything?!” she demanded harshly. “You could have changed his mind! I’m not going to the fucking East. He can’t make me!”
 Tori plucked her arm from Gemma in a smooth move that nearly brought the stressed younger princess tipping forwards.
 “Just where was your army when I was fit to be wed?” Tori asked, coldness settling through her. It wrapped ice around her heart, staying her hand from trying to offer her sister comfort. Tori would not be missed, and so she would not miss Gemma. “When time for tea party came, how many banners did you call?”
 She left her there, gaping like a fish, and marched to her husband with a the air of a woman who tread on top-frost.
 The trip down from Imperia’s capital was much easier than the journey up, a swift glide that took them tipping into the bay. When they arrived, however, they found that during their absence the great ship they had taken from Komugi to Imperia and her sisters had sprung a leak.
 When questioned, no one would say who’s fault it was or what it was that caused the damage, but Tori suspected it had something to do with the missing cabin boy and the fact that they were now a cask of wine and three canon balls lighter than they had been when they’d ventured in.
 Katakuri said nothing, but the slight furrowing of his brows had everyone on deck scrambling to try and repair it even quicker than before. Tori smothered a small, pitying smile at their expense. They were all so eager to please her husband. It was rather adorable.
 “They won’t finish before nightfall,” Lapa told her. She glanced as well to Katakuri, “Shall we have ourself returned to Veleia?”
 Tori thought of her sister, still a ball of fury, and tasted bitterness like a rotten peach on her tongue. She knew her anger wouldn’t hold over the night, but she still had no desire to go back yet. She couln’t imagine looking on her sisters face and not feeling the thorns in her lungs.
 Yet, it was not her who spoke.
 They both looked up at her husband. He made eye contact with neither of them, his attention on his crew.
 “We can stay here for now.”
 Tori nodded her agreement slowly. That was fine with her.
 “Perhaps we should stay in Panarea for the night?” Tori suggested. “It should be empty still. We won’t need much room.”
 Karakuri dipped his head once. They set off, to the mansion that overlooked the sea. It clung to the edge of the island, beside the underwater barrier. Once it had been home to the Serrets, but they had migrated to Aosta a half century before Tori was born. Now the villa was used as a hotel for nobility, for lack of a better word.
 By the time they walked through the tall gates the sun was halfway set. They should have been so far she could no longer see the tips of the mountains. Instead they strode in and were immediately swarmed by the manager and his staff, cotowing until Tori’s handmaidens herded them all away. Save one valet, who was happy to show them to empty rooms.
 Tori spoke kindly to him, thanking him for the help, and he left with pink resting high on his cheeks. Katakuri seemed less happy with him, shutting the door firmly after he left. Tori looked over the room. It was modest, her husband had to bend to keep his head from knocking on the roof. Tori covered her mouth to try not to giggle at the sight. Her own people were tall, but he was another story altogether. Literally.
 “It’s not the most comfortable,” Tori mused. Katakuri sat on the edge of the bed. When he bent to accommodate himself she caught the barest sight of pale teeth poking out of his lips.
     Fuck, that’s cute.  
 Tori sat beside him on the bed, looping her arm with his and leaning on his shoulder. He didn’t tense like he would have when they first began. Instead he took her hand, no longer wrapped with bandages, and turned it over to inspect her palm. The skin was still pink and sensitive, but there were no extra layers, no scar tissue to be seen.
 “Strange,” he commented, so low she wouldn’t have heard if it wasn’t said right next to her.
 A phantom smile crossed her face. “It was a ‘gift’ from our Enchantress.”
 “From whom?”
 “The Enchantress,” Tori looked up at him. “You don’t know?”
 He shook his head minutely.
 “She blesses babes at their christening. She declared that I would be beautiful, and so I am, and I always will be. I won’t callous or wrinkle, I’ve never had acne or scars and I never will.”
 “If you don’t callous or get scars, your skin won’t toughen.”
 “Mhmm. I know. My hands blister and bleed every time I do any kind of labor. It’s always been like this. I’m soft and pretty, you see,” her smile was not entirely genuine.
 Silence fell for a long moment. She didn’t know what he was thinking.
 “What were you and your sister talking about, in the hall?”
 Tori sighed sofly. She closed her eyes. Already she could feel the angry thorns start to untangle themselves from her lungs.
 “My father is marrying her and my brother off. She was upset, and she was upset that I didn’t try to force his hand or change his mind.”
 “Why didn’t you?”
 Tori traced the lines in her husbands palm. Her soft thumb brushed the hard callouses from his hard won strength. She had seen his trident at home, though she had never seen him have to use it, and for that she was grateful.
 “She’s a princess. He’s a prince. Our lives do not belong to us,” Tori said quietly. “They belong to our people. To our kingdom, to our throne, to our father and our ancestors. Somewhere along the way, they forgot that.”
 “You never did, did you?” There something in his voice. Something like respect.
 “It’s the same for you and your siblings, isn’t it? You wed at your mothers behest, to join the family and grow your power and secure your lines. It’s not so different. Still…” she shook her head, trying to dismiss the silly thoughts.
 “Still?” he prodded, looking down at her.
 Tori looked very intently at their hands.
 “Even though I know what I am, and what my life will hold, I had hoped… when I was married, I had hoped that he might be blind.”
 She could      feel    his confusion.
 “Blind.” he repeated.
 “Blind. So that if they came to love me it would be in spite of my beauty rather than because of it.”
 He sucked in a hard breath. Tori waited for him to say something, but nothing came. They sat together as the sun began to dip and the shadows chased across the floor, both lost in their own thoughts.
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roomofshitposts · 4 years
Okay but what'll happen if or when everyone is free from the room of swords? Dont they go home?? Back to their own timelines??? Whats gonna happen to all the friendships???? WHaTs GoNNa HaPpEn to STrAwBARrOw?????
i’m really hoping that the conclusion will be that, through the black box, they get sent home with the means to complete their original goals-- like how tori wants to heal her queen-- and therefore the memories they made during their time in the ros... but inevitably, yeah, if they’re free, i think they’ll go back to their original times, meaning everyone will be separated D’: 
maybe in gyrus’ time, he can invent a way to jump eras and reunite people, but i can’t think of a way to make the ros cycle end while preserving all the opportunities, abilities, and relationships the voyagers have
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tricerasox · 4 years
Thanks for the tag, @literalmomfriend :D
1. Do you make your bed? Nope. Sometimes I’ll smooth the blanket a little if I need to like, fold laundry on the bed or something, but I’m going to clamber back into it at night, so why bother? 
2. What’s your favourite number? Do folks actually have favorite numbers? I guess I like the symmetry of twelve? Very divisible.
3. What’s your job? Great question. I work for a bead shop that started out as a retail position in a brick and mortar store and became a little-bit-of-everything job when we went online. I’m the only full time employee under the owner (I sometimes have one or two part timers that I supervise) and my duties include shipping, inventory management, data entry, customer service, packaging, and organizing. I am queen of the shelves and grande dame of barcodes. Oh, and I just took over the social media. In June, I’ll have been working for my boss for 10 years. I love my job.
4. If you could go back to school, would you? I might consider an auditing situation? I’d like to sit in on lectures and participate in class discussions again, but I’d be more than happy to never write another paper. I just want a book club where I can be teacher’s pet again. 
5. Can you parallel park? When I have to, if no one is looking, messily
6. A job you had that would surprise people? I’ve only ever had the job i currently have (started right out of high school), but I used to volunteer at church CONSTANTLY. I taught one of the 4-5 year old rooms (we had several - it was a mega-church) and did puppets in the chapel. That should surprise folks, since I kinda hate kids and god now?
7. Do you think aliens are real?  I think there is definitely other life in the universe, but i don’t think it has ever visited earth. And I’m not certain we would recognize it if we found it.
8. Can you drive a manual car? absolutely the fuck not
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? Eating the ice cream that Tori leaves in my freezer (I replaced your phish food after eating it @theangrytori)
10. Tattoos? One on my left shoulder blade of a cluster of morning glory flowers and most of my lower right leg is the lampost in the woods illustration from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I want more.
11. Favourite color? I don’t really have a favorite color. I like to bead with turquoise and bronze a lot?
12. Favourite type of music? I pretty much only listen to women singer/songwriters and vocal jazz/swing. Lucy Dacus, Rosie Tucker, and Your Smith are current favorites in addition the usual Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. And I really love Motherfolk, which my husband drums in 
13. Things people do that drive you crazy? I really struggle with people who are insincere, so like, people arguing in bad faith “for fun” or just to get under the other person’s skin drive me up the fucking wall. Or those friends you have who are always teasing, so you never can tell when they’re being serious or not? I fucking hate it. 
14. Do you love doing puzzles? I don’t think I’ve done a puzzle since I was a kid. I think I’d like to! But we don’t really have a table big enough for that.
15. Any phobias? in addition to just not wanting kids, I have a pretty severe reaction to pregnancy and breastfeeding. I can’t watch the Alien movies because the reproductive horror element. I start distancing myself from people when they become really pregnant because if I hug them and feel something move, I’ll probably cry or throw up.
16. Favourite childhood sport? I still have trauma from gym class in school that keeps me from enjoying most physical activities. There were no sports.
17. Do you talk to yourself? Oh, yeah. I monologue, I sing, I talk to the cat...
18. What movie do you adore? I really love Disney movies. Sword in the Stone is one of my all time favorites.
19. Coffee or tea? Coffee, for sure. I want to like tea, but it’s gross, so?
20. First thing you wanted to be growing up? A singing ballerina for Jesus
@ladytemeraire, @theangrytori, @tippytap-extraordinaire You wanna give it a go? <3
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