#rub yourself
underfootlover2 · 2 months
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Who wants to make a mess with me
Submitted by @princessesfeet
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bulldog-butch · 5 months
i’ll be honest i think we put way too much emphasis on ragging on people for who they’re not attracted to or don’t wanna have sex with than just making sure people are treating people they’re not attracted too with the same level of decency and respect that they give to people they are into. like i think it’s very important to deconstruct why you might not be attracted to fat people, or masculine lesbians, or trans people, or people of races that are not your own, but at the end of the day our brains are weird as hell and we ultimately have very little control over who we end up attracted to. but what you do have control over is how you interact with and treat people that you’re not interested in. this is not even to mention that being attracted to a certain feature doesn’t even necessarily mean that you’re treating those people with respect!!!!
i can only speak to my own identities, but at the end of the day i don’t care if you’re not attracted to me because i’m fat or because i’m trans or because i’m masculine. what i do absolutely care about is that you recognize that just because i’m not your cup of tea, doesn’t mean those qualities are inherently unattractive and doesn’t make me any less deserving of respect and kindness
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
"The only person who can save you is yourself, don't rely on anybody else!"
Actually, what has saved me is books and my favourite video game and my cats and my friends who I've shared late nights and too-early mornings with and the dew-covered grass I walked on on the way to a competition bus in ninth grade band and the sunburn that kept me out of school for days the month prior.
I understand the viewpoint of how you are ultimately the person who can save you, but don't discount that you aren't an island. You aren't meant to be your sole savior. Let others save you, too. You are worth the care and love the universe has for you.
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stararch4ngelqueen · 8 months
TW: Imagine the heart attack Ghost, Price an Konig will have once you introduce them to vapo rub
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The change in seasons definitely affected something in everyone. You always made one thing incredibly clear to him;
Season allergies are a bitch.
He had picked up movement from the corner of his eye at one point, unaware you had trodded out of your warm bed when he snuck off to make something hot to combat October’s chill.
By the time he turned around, you tugged off a folded comforter from the couch’s armrest and settled in on the cushions. A makeshift cocoon, a blanket consisting of oversized yarn tied into decorative knots you had bought from an overpriced store, hiding the body of his lovely person underneath.
With such a unique ability to move quietly, you’d make an incredible assassin in his book.
You didn’t respond when he asked if you wanted tea diluted with copious amounts of sweet honey, or cider. You didn’t move when he carried two steaming mugs, settling them down on the coffee table.
“Hun,” He nudged your shoulder. “Open those eyes. C’mon, you’ve got to tell me how awful I made your drink. Can’t start my day without it.”
Nothing. Not a peep.
The couch slouches with his weight as he sits, strong hands maneuvering to settle along your hip.
“Babe.” He gently shakes your arm with more effort, watching those pretty lashes flutter once you decided to open them.
“Hm?” You finally reply, like a little church mouse.
“C’mere.” His hands gently cradle along your thighs, a rumbled grunt emitting from his chest as he hauls you to sit up. Your sniffles become uneven sonnets, your body trembling like a leaf barely clinging to its dead branch on a dying autumn tree.
“Poor little thing,” he hums, a calloused hand cradling your very warm, very flushed cheek. “Why didn’t you stay in bed? Was barely gone five minutes.”
You pitifully shrug, hanging your head like a guilty child. He clicks his tongue, shaking his head in both amusement and mock disappointment.
With as little to no effort, he slips an arm under your buckled knees and torso, raising you up from the couch, in your expensive chenille blanket.
“Alright, c’mon. Back to bed. I’ll get ya some more Benadryl to help you sleep.”
Not to knock on wood, but if he gets sick after you, he knows your ciders will be heavenly. Especially with a splash of something strong to clear those airways.
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canisalbus · 24 days
Do the dogs in this universe enjoy things like being pet? Is scratching behind someone's ear or rubbing their belly a part of close friendships and relationships for them like back rubs and playing with hair are for humans irl?
I suspect many humans enjoy being petted too.
The displays of affection in the dogverse, platonic or romantic, aren't that different from our own. Ear scratches are a popular and common gesture, I guess if you're close enough to play with someone's hair you could also scratch behind their ears if they were a dog, you know? Then again ears are sensitive and used in communication, so maybe there's a slightly higher degree of trust required.
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xoxoemynn · 5 months
hey if you're going to leave replies on posts that deliberately misconstrue what a brown, Jewish man says in an attempt to get some moral superiority points and then blocking the OP immediately afterward,
you're racist
you're antisemitic
you're a coward
you're honestly just fucking stupid
you are doing literally nothing to help Palestine
Get the fuck over yourself. Stop spreading conspiracy theories and do something productive with your life. It is honestly really gross to be exploiting a devastating genocide as some sort of "gotcha" vendetta against an indigenous man who literally has NOTHING to do with it.
Go contact your representatives or go to a protest or donate to one of the organizations that's doing something to actually make a fucking difference. Because the cancellation of a goddamn TV show is not going to be what brings about peace and liberation in Palestine.
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sohaoying · 2 years
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unfinished business
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underfootlover2 · 26 days
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Are my feet dirty enough for you? Why don’t you get on your knees and clean them for me
Submitted by @princessesfeet
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Huge shoutout to my mother for the questions she'd ask me when I was buying clothes as a child and teen:
"Can you sit down in those?"
"Can you raise your arms?"
"Can you bend over comfortably?"
Really helped me build the habit of evaluating whether an item of clothing is practical enough for my day-to-day life.
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buddiebitch · 2 days
BuckTommy shippers stop calling everything you disagree with homophobia challenge
level: impossible (apparently)
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hopefull-mindset · 4 months
do you believe mori is a pedo or a lolic0n? I don't! but I just wanted to ask you about what you thought about it ><
Oh dear, this is the type of discussion I was thinking about but was too much of a shitfest to really dip my foot in. It's an incredibly loaded discussion to have, so I'll talk about this to the best of my abilities.
Let’s start with me saying that there is no good answer to this and it’s not as easy as “the grass is green”. There is no “I'm right” and “you're wrong”. I know the answer looks obvious at first glance, especially if you choose to primarily look at his relationship with Elise that way, but Asagiri makes some decisions that put this belief into question.
However, we can’t blame anyone for seeing Mori a certain way due to Asagiri’s choices in a poor tasted gag, so I don’t think I can ever say someone completely misunderstood Mori’s character (at least, in this regard) when we ask this question. We cannot chalk up this belief about Mori to be the fault of the audience misunderstanding him because of some “translation error” because it blatantly ignores the fact this is a joke Asagiri chooses to make a lot.
I am also not defending Asagiri when I call it a joke because it's obvious to me that's all he sees it as: a joke. Not a great one, but it's there. It's as serious as the Tanizaki siblings should be taken (kinda wish people knew that there's implications about them not being siblings more though, even if it won't make it much better for them).
Just needed to lay that out before I started talking so I'm not misunderstood when I talk about the questionability of labeling him this. I do think we need to talk more about Asagiri’s position in this when this is brought up, so I will be doing that as well.
Firstly, Elise is not the product of sexual desire came to life. That's something people understand the least if they keep looking at her in this point of view. I've seen many frame the connection between her and Yosano to be one where Mori “finds out his type to be younger”, which yuck! Thankfully, I can debunk this by just bringing in Beast Mori.
It's a little comical that people are insistent that they have nothing to do with each other when they have no problem doing so with any other character from Beast. As of canon right now, we have no idea about any specification on how this ability works or how he controls it. My assumption is that it has to partially do with Mori’s need for a companion while not needing to give himself up and be vulnerable with others. He tends to have that problem of looking over his shoulder, like with Dazai and presumably kicking him out because of the typical human fear of death.
I also tended to notice that in the three ways Elise shows up, she forms into someone that Mori might need at the moment and reflective of his mindset. During the Great War, she is at her most subservient and robotic when Mori’s mind was only on gaining the most optimal solution with no consideration for anyone’s feelings.
Post-Great War to the present day, she has been a bratty child and a lot like 11-year-old Yosano with a bow in the same place her butterfly was. She is human and expressive when he can't afford to be and a living reminder of the child he had broken down for the price of an optimal solution. If you were to ask me, Mori has grown in his mindset with the help of Fukuzawa. To consider more heart and comradery than he used to when navigating the Port Mafia. Like how he saw worth in learning about dead subordinates when Ango was insistent on filing them.
In BSD Beast, he is able to roam without considering the need for the optimal solution and Elise appears as a 20-year-old adult bratty as ever. He needs a fellow caretaker to take care of the orphanage he was put in charge of, and has let himself come back into touch with his humanity when caring for these children.
I can’t give you any personal answer for why Asagiri chose to name it “Vita Sexualis” or why her age changes like that. I don’t know what goes on in his mind and we haven’t been given any specifics. We should remember that Asagiri was actually hiding that she was his Ability up until Cannibalism arc, and that this name might not mean anything you think it does.
Why? I have no idea why Asagiri did this. I think he was having fun tormenting us with what this ability name could mean from.
I also hadn’t finished Vita Sexualis because I have a lot on my reading list, but even if it’s described as an “erotica” by public sources, your expectations of what that means might not actually be lived up to. I think one of the most creative answers to her age and this chosen name instead of “Dancing Girl” (the book of which she’s based on) have to do with the real Mori’s love of children as a father and the act of intercourse being what gives life.
But even without those bits of speculation, I have already made it clear why she has nothing to do with sexual influence and I wish people talked about her out of that type of context. She has not been sexualized by the narrative or by Mori himself. If you saw the scene where she was undressed and Mori was begging her to put on some clothes as it it was creepy, that was your choice. She has also never been put in a genuine romantic light by him ever in this story.
The omake where he calls Elise his wife is not definite evidence of some belief he genuinely has of her. If you actually read it and don't look at our context panels, it's obvious that he's doing it to ruffle Fukuzawa’s feathers and get a reaction out of him. Besides poking at his integrity, I would also assume he would do so because he can't just call her his daughter as he'd usually would in these situations since he doesn't tend to reveal it publically. King-in-Yellow made a good contribution in context to why Kafka Asagiri would make this joke with Mori and Elise.
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Please note that Elise is also not a real child or his daughter, but another piece of him like all abilities are. Do not separate them in a conversation and act as if she's her own person. Abilities have shown to be able to act on their own and take over their user (Shibusawa, Fukuchi potentially, Gab from 55 Minutes), but that does not mean they have become their own being. They are still restricted by the humanity of their user and these cases only happen when the user is dead or is facing backlash against their own ability’s power.
Moving on, I need to talk about Asagiri and the way he chooses to frame Mori’s fondness for cute little girls because there is no way else to talk about these jokes and not sound like an ass unless I speak about it like this.
Now, Mori has not done anything in his actions to be pedophilic currently except these very vague “maybe, maybe not” jokes. No sexualization of Elise, no praying on Yosano, and especially nothing with Dazai???? Where did that come from???
Cases of these jokes in manga:
Ending of the guild arc where he says about how he only deals with young girls under 12 in repknss to Kouyou (do not bring up the dub, I will stare at you frowning for not acknowledging the fact that Dubs tend to be very off to fit the mouth flaps)
Fukuzawa commenting how he still has his dumb facination with cute girls
Omake (already talked about that)
The first example is where he responds to Kouyou’s words of sticking around to help and protect him in the organization. This is not a joke about sexual attraction, this is a questionable joke about her age as most media does about women at times. The “lolicon” -ness of it is still there of course, but please understand the point of it. The other implies she's flirting with him, and for him to make a joke that pokes at her for somehow flirting would be incorrect. To emphasize this, the manga chooses to translate this as “I only protect young girls”.
To explain the second example, we need to talk about the disconnect between us as an audience and Asagiri’s way of using Lolicon. On a trope basis, lolicon is when the creator presents a prepubescent-looking girl of varying “ages”, but still acts like a child and is continuously sexualized by the creator to cater to the male character’s gaze. Mori… is not written like that or is Elise for the matter like I brought up earlier, but then why does Asagiri joke about it even outside the text?
If you've ever been around this crowd in anime spaces, you would know one of the first things people say to explain it is not what I said. They’d say it's a trope about “cute little girls and fawning over them”, and then everything else is left for you to figure out. I have no idea what Asagiri actually thinks about this (probably pretty indifferent), but I'm baffled by his very surface-level take on Lolicon being presented into his own work.
This is one of those times where you have to think of Asagiri as another anime fan first rather than a creator in that space. Asagiri is just a guy who became internet famous briefly for his Touhou Cthulhu TRPG series and got signed into making his own nerdy manga about literature.
For Asagiri to narratively compare it to Fukuzawa’s love for cats, it's telling to me how this supposed “lolicon” joke is supposed to be seen. I don't think Asagiri would willingly put him in charge of an orphanage of all things and then expect us to actually think of him as a Pedo.
This has had me boggled for a while on what to think, but in the end, thinking of him as one would leave me more baffled than if he wasn't. Authorial intent can't always stop us from actually seeing what looks like, but on top of everything else… well? What am I supposed to think?
So no, I don't believe that he's a pedophile and I hope it stays that way. Sorry this took a bit to write, I needed to build some semblance of my thoughts without gaining a headache. I wish this fandom had a better discussion about him half the time and created their own opinions instead of falling back on “Oh he abused Dazai” or “that he's a nasty pedophile who should be locked up for his crimes”.
Lolicon and Pedophilia are interlocked when you speak about them, so it'd be wrong of me to completely disregard these ideas on Mori. I just thought we needed to have a better conversation on this than some accusations thrown around about who's correct. This topic deserves a bit more maturity and care than I've seen some talk about.
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toy-with-eli · 10 months
You should invite people along to join you
Good girls make more good girls
Good girls edge together
hehe sure! @bunny-plaything you are in? 🙏🏻♥️
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Would be really helpfull if so 🫶🏻
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ohn-jay · 1 year
Sorry about the anon hate re:Blaze, I just wanted to say that I really admired your positivity, we should definitely call out this kind of behaviour. I reported some folks in the notes. Anyway, I hope you're having a great day! Keep doing you!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is what #truesolidarity looks like! Thank you for looking out for me. I couldn't say the same for my family or my wife and her family. Or my employer. Or my therapist. Or my landlord. I always count on good friends though (:
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Hi! Excuse my anonymity, you’re super cool and I’m super anxious
I’m an artist starting out on tumblr, do you have any advice for getting my work out there to more people?
I understand if you can’t really answer, but you’re one of my favorite Tumblr artists, so i figured I would come here!
Sorry if this caused any inconvenience-
hm... i think my best advice is to be consistent(ish), confident, and to tag accurately!
people tend to respond more to posts where the creator is positive about their own work - in the post body, and in the tags. even if it's something you're not sure you like, Someone will, and they'll be more likely to interact if the work has confidence (fake it till you make it! it) this also does wonders for mental health surrounding your own work - it's been my method for a while and it's not half bad!
with tags, make sure your search tags are within the first 20 (or they won't count) and that they're accurate. people Will get annoyed / report you as spam if you tag, say, a picture of a peach with "grapes" or "will smith". but thorough accurate tagging makes sure your work is in sight of as many people searching for the subject as possible
and another thing that can help is adding on a little "reblogs are appreciated" to the post body (or the first tag, but i'd suggest the post itself so that the phrase sticks with rb-s). it's a nice, non-pushy way of enticing people to reblog - a simple phrase like that can add a little extra delight to reblogging, & it makes rb-ers feel like they've helped out! which, yk. they have!
(and to anyone reading this who doesn't really post & is new to tumblr, reblogs do wonders - they keep tumblr running and creators creating. if you like a post, why not show it by reblogging too? it only takes a second to make someone's day!)
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satsuha · 5 days
oh i just got reminded of my loz gamelog so. i finished minish cap a while ago and link's awakening (remake) a few days ago... obviously i cannot deny that 3d loz games have a scale and quality that makes them totally different but i think there is something so quaint and nice about the 2d games 🥹 i really hope they continue to make them
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sleepyy-token · 6 days
what if i said i was rubbing my cunnie & reading ur posts? 😇
And what if I told you to give your cunnie a tight smack as an acknowledgement and continue to rub until you feel your brain turn into mush and drip out of your cunnie?
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