#saemi answers
saemi-the-writer · 11 months
If you're still doing the pairing meme: Tikki/Plagg, Alyanette, Felinette, Adrinino and Lukanino?
Oh wow, that's quite the list. *cracks knuckle* Here I go!!
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Screw canon with "Kwami don't understand love or human's feelings", Tikki and Plagg are the oldest married couple ever around!!! The balance, opposite attracts, fun bickering, sweet nickname Plagg only has for Tikki? They're married, your Honour!
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Best friends to lovers is a go!! It's a shame the show is so inconstant with Alya's characterization, but let's forget it for a moment: Alya is the one who openly stood up to Chloé for Marinette when they didn't know one another, Alya keeps rooting for Marinette in everything she does and helps whenever she can, is her confident and keeps giving her pep talk... what's not to love? Sure, Alya isn't perfect, and she's still a teen learning subtility among other things. And I don't think I need to expand on what Marinette does for Alya and everyone else, the poor girl even needs a long vacation! Burn whatever Lila is doing to Alya's brain whenever she appears on screen, Alya is a good friend and potential GF for Marinette!
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I am glad Felix was replaced by Adrien, I don't care if the quality of the show dropped or is imitating a roller-coaster ride. I've seen enough "girl is infatuated with a (selfish) boy who's acting like an asshole to her, whilst drooling all over a persona of hers", and I am glad they went for the "classmates-friends-to-lovers" route. Felix isn't "a jerk with a heart of gold", that's fanon Felix, and while some creators have very good AUs for the pairing (some I even follow!), it got tarnished in my eyes by the too many salt fics where Felix comes around to "save Marinette from EvUlanDsTOopiD classmates and Adrien". UGH. I despise how they made Felix an asshole only to try and make me feel sorry for him afterwards, there are two kinds of assholes, and Felix in his first apparitions wasn't in the "likeable" one.
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Underrated, underdeveloped, wasted potential, WHY?! They would make a very cute couple!! Also, gimme more of their friendship on screen goddamnit!!!!! They would be so fun to follow, example: Nino is usually being chill and smiling yet he (internally or not) completely freak out when Adrien makes a social faux pas due to his upbringing or casually buys him some expensive stuff "DUDE PLEASE DON'T 😨" "Did I do something wrong?? Are you mad? 😢" "Nonononono I'm not mad but... next time, just follow my lead and keep your money, please??" (still he lets Adrien give him gifts though because it's one of his love languages)
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Anon, either you've been through my main blog (respect, for it's so chaotic and mostly untagged) or you're a mind-reader because it's a rare pair that I'd love to see more!! I admit that the idea crossed my mind kind of randomly, mostly when I was working on my Miraculous Team AU, but then I couldn't stop thinking about it. With good development, these two could work well! They'd make a fun, cute and chill couple, both music lovers and artists in different fields. Nino could be the shoulder Luka could lean on, he who is so often the one to dry people's tears, the two would support each other in a calm, steady way. Nino's perseverance would inspire Luka, and Luka's hidden sneakiness would come in handy for Nino... so much potential!
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saemi-the-dreamer · 5 months
For unpopular opinions: franmaya (Ace Attorney) is an annoyingly overrrated ship and fans willfully ignore the few potentially interesting aspects of it in favor of creating a generic soft, uwu cutesy ship that seems ooc for both characters.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Same Anon, same!! I never really got how it became so popular and while I can see why it can be liked - there is some potential for a good slow burn! - it seems more like they paired up the 2 most popular and same age female characters of the franchise to avoid " GASP! AGE GAP?! No, there it's not problematic! :D " (as if there is nothing that could turn sour between them or make them toxic for each other....)
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 5 months
If I may ask: how would you have written/rewritten Sumire's confident story? 😊 Unless it's too close to what you did in code violet, sorry 😂 Personnally, I thought the first half wasn't THAT boring, she was endearing but I felt like she was either in denial or hiding her grief about her sister's death - and then I got the truth 😂 I've become a shusumi fan quickly but I still think there's *something* lacking for it to click. And the last scene we see Sumire was underwhelming imho 🥲
yeah! there are a lot of similarities to what i do in code violet, but it's not identical, since I have a lot more freedom in my fic than there is in the game.
i wouldn't change much if anything about the first half. i agree it isn't that boring, what really makes it seem that way are (1) high expectations for the New Special Girl to be exceptional since she wasn't in the original game and (2) comparing her to the other team members who you're already invested in, her conflict just isn't as interesting (at least to me). basically, you start out every other thief confidant already knowing the core of their conflict because of their palace, so you're already invested in their arcs, while with sumire that is reversed, where you don't learn what's actually going on with her later. so, the "boringness" of the confidant is really exaggerated by that. if you didn't like the way they inserted her into the opening sequence (i never had an issue with it, but royal was my first experience, though i did know the stuff with her was added in the rerelease) so she made a bad impression on you, then it's understandable why people wouldn't like her (at first, anyway)
but let's get to the point. my issues with her confidant. they can basically be summed up in 2 points, and the two of them intersect quite a bit (1) the way she idolizes both kasumi and joker and rely on them for her self worth is not properly unpacked and (2) her role as the waifu REALLY impedes her arc.
basically, sumire idolizes joker. her outfit mirrors his exactly, and her arc in third sem is all about...learning that since joker loves her, she wants to both rise to his expectations and can learn to value herself. and that's not bad, but certain lines about how she wants joker to see her really rub me the wrong way. specifically in her rank when they go to the mall and she picks an outfit for herself. i like the part about her wanting to be seen as herself, and the part about joker's reaction ultimately being irrelevant to whether she likes the outfit, and i would emphasize those points more strongly. but the parts about her wanting joker to see her feel a little like she's trying to be a person he will like? rather than being the person that she is. some of the dialogue is pretty meh, and it feels like she's getting her self worth from joker.
the bones of the confidant are good. great, even. but there's just subtleties in the execution that make it not quite land for me. choosing the romance route ends up feeling unhealthy for both of them, where sumire is putting too much of her worth in someone else and joker is entering an unequal relationship where sumire doesn't give him as much as he gives her because he just isn't in a place to. and i think that's a shame.
for me to get behind shusumi, sumire needs to be on equal ground with akira, and she just isn't. and the game is even aware of this--sumire says on white day that she isn't, but that she wants to be someday. and like, it could be her being self deprecating, but either way it's not what either of them deserve. i wish we could get a moment where she's there for akira like he's there for her, but atlus is allergic to joker's friends being there for him so we never get that.
so honestly, i really wouldn't change much. i'd leave the first half how it is, tweak some dialogue in the second half so it seems less like sumire is getting her self worth from joker, and add a moment where sumire explicitly says she's there for joker and wants to be there for him as much as he's been there for her, so they're on emotionally equal ground with each other.
finally, i do wish we got to see more of her journey, since she really is just at the very beginning of her arc of recovery at the end of the game. but i think it's okay that we don't. there is only so much time allotted to watch her grow, and we see her grow a lot in that time. there's questions she could ask herself that she doesn't have the time to get to, like if she really wants to be a gymnast for herself, or if she's just doing it for her sister. that sort of thing. but again, i think it's okay we don't get to that. i might add a line or two where she says she wants to be a gymnast for herself because she enjoys it, though.
and i guess that's it? i'm sorry for how disorganized this answer is. i haven't really thought in depth about what i'd change if restricted by the confines of the game, and so it's kind of difficult to do a rewrite when that's different than just having problems with what exists. a lot of what i would change can be found in code violet, like how i emphasize that it's "joker makes me want to be seen for who i am, and see him in return" rather than the one-way dynamic of "joker makes me want to be seen and so i will try to be a person he likes" which some of her lines really come across as sometimes. honestly, i think the entire confidant could have been improved by leaning more into the rivalry dynamic. sumire and akechi already have plenty of similarities/parallels, and joker kind of inherits kasumi's role as sumire's rival. so i think it'd have been really powerful if they leaned into that and made it clear that this time, sumire and her rival are equals.
but yeah! sorry this is so rambly. i'm going to end the post now
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calimera62 · 9 months
1, 9 et 10 pour le Disneyland ask meme stp 😄🐭
Merci pour l'ask ;)
How many times have you been to Disneyland?
Au moins trois fois, mais j'étais si petite la première fois que je n'en ai plus aucun souvenirs, la seconde fois j'étais toujours enfant mais un peu plus âgée et je n'avais que de vagues souvenirs de quelques attractions. La troisième fois était hier ! Je parlais de cette journée depuis au moins un an avec la famille, et après quelques petits aléas, le séjour a enfin pu se faire \o/ Nous avons été accueillis par de la pluie dans la matinée mais le temps a été plus chaud et ensoleillé l'après-midi ^^
9. The character you always have to see?
Je suis beaucoup trop timide pour aller à la rencontre des personnages et pas photogénique pour oser me photographier avec eux, mais sans hésiter, c'est Belle. Mes deux princesses Disney préférées sont Belle et Ariel mais Belle remporte la première place dans mon coeur.
10. Most memorable Disney moment?
Ouch, choix assez difficile. J'ai été très émue et j'ai hurlé intérieurement quand j'ai vu le château de La Belle au Bois Dormant, et si elle ne m'intéressait pas au départ j'ai beaucoup aimé voir la parade des personnages, j'ai même failli verser ma petite larme sur la fin, mais si je devais choisir... ce serait sûrement l'attraction des poupées, It's a Small World. C'est l'attraction que je voulais faire depuis le début et la chanson m'a rendu nostalgique, elle a fait éveiller l'enfant en moi et j'ai été émue jusqu'à verser une petite larme ^^;
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(photos by me, montage par Myposter)
Put a Disneyland question in my ask!
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" nodding off... " - saemi & Hyunki
send in " nodding off… " for the exhausted sender to fall asleep against the receiver's shoulder, and for the receiver's response to this. | status: closed | @graphitecrystals
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Hyunki was working too hard - and he did it all for his family. Saemi began to feel bad asking him to be home more often and take care of the babies as well; giving birth to two children took a toll on the young mother. And yet, she often forgot that Hyunki did his part, too. She let him rest, carefully placing the blanket over his torso.
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istadris · 1 year
Pardon mais rien que d'imaginer Mario kidnapper Bowser, je suis morte de rire xDDD Je vois bien Bowser rester abasourdi, du genre "attends, attends, qu'est-ce qu'il vient de se passer là ?!" et Luigi "Mais, hé ?? Mario ?? Pas de blagues, hein ? MARIO !!!"
(En référence à ce post)
Bowser enfermé dans une mini cage après s'être fait nourrir un mini champignon de force alors que Mario s'enfuit en courant avec la cage sous le bras : "Que-quoi-qu'est-ce qui se passe ???"
"Tu te fais kidnapper, tiens!"
"....Mais c'est pas comme ça que ça marche d'habitude !!!"
Pendant ce temps, une fois l'effet de surprise passé, l'instinct de Caïn va ressurgir de plein fouet chez Luigi.
Mario une fois planqué avec DK et la cage de Bowser : "Bon, DK, merci beaucoup pour ton aide, je m'en souviendrai à ton enterrement si tu y passes avant moi."
DK : "De quoi tu parles, mec?"
"Woputain, c'est ton frère qui a fait ça ???"
Mario est le seul qui n'est pas surpris quand Luigi saccage tout sur son chemin en les poursuivant.
[Translation :
Saemi's ask : Sorry but just imagining Mario kidnapping, I'm laughing my ass off XD I can see Bowser being flabbergasted, like "wait wait what just happened ?!" and Luigi "Hey, wait ?? Mario ?? It's a joke right ? MARIO !!"
My answer : Bowser locked in a tiny cage after being force-fed a mini mushroom as Mario runs away with the cage under one arm : "Who-what-where-what's happening ??"
"You're getting kidnapped, duh!"
"...But that's not how it's supposed to go!!"
Meanwhile once surprise has passed, Luigi's Cain instinct is going to flare up big time.
Mario once he's hidden with DK and Bowser's cage : "Well, DK, thanks a lot for your help, I'll remember it at your funeral if you die before me."
Dk: "What're you talking about, man?"
"Holyshit, did your brother do that ???"
Mario is the only one not surprised when Luigi goes on a rampage chasing after them.]
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cornus27florida · 11 months
I am curious about your theory about the Clam, the price for informations if you have green eyes, I don't remember rezdibg about it before and it's fascinating!😯🤔 Can you tell more about it please? 😀
Thanks Saemi for reaching out there, Saemi!
TBH kinda easier to search from the 'electric' icon on Tumblr, that theory is part of my answer for 'favorite CPC theory'
For now I am not really feel the theory gonna be true as I feel I am actually overthinking/analyzing the theory.. but in short (before I forwarded the theory as a whole) - the theory elements are simply 'Frederick is the iconic green eyed CPC character, might need to ask the Omniscient Clam for resolving things' -> 'Leelathea, the only confirmed so far of the Clam asker has green spectrum eyes (even thou dark)' = It's coincides that the panel about the Clam has green eyes?
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^ this panel of Ep 127 make me theorizing of the possibility that the Omniscient Clam is actually a cursed artifact, that in exchange for the knowledge it bestow after being asked - it will suck out the life force of the asker - which seems the limitation of the asker is being green eyed person (also notice that the color shade is similar with Frederick's). I feel this sinister info of the Clam is hidden in the remaining part of Lilyth's diary that Aurelia hasn't read, and as Lilyth is the only confirmed person that asking the clam-having green grey eyes-and passed away due to some mysterious cause.. I feel her death and being the asker of the Clam is deeply related, and the Clam is ready for it's next victim - Frederick - with the color that it loves for. + Also in long run, I feel the fact of Frederick 'nearly' asked the cursed artifact when he join the CPC in the future - it kinda neat for him disagree that he not deserving to joins the CPC but then the members will say something along the line : Even though you technically not cursed, but you nearly cursed by using that cursed artifact ! ~ which another theory/HC, the Clam could help the CPC members to find answers/cures for their curses
🎸Favorite fan theory: -> it never left my head, so I make it
Frederick will attempting to sacrifice himself to asking the Omniscient Clam (that actually a cursed artifact) about how to awakes Gwen -> but the very same moment he gonna do it, Gwen will awakes by herself and stop him + Lilyth's soul is trapped in the item that Leland stole and later on she will protects her children from the Plaid troop army
Remember the early arc when Frederick is a selfish person?
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I theorized that in this final season we have ultimate chara Frederick's development from used to being selfish thinking "I can't give you anything you need" to being selfless at the final season with "I will offer my whole life to save you" -> as he'll ask the Clam (forced by Leland, that thinks finally his 'worthless' son now has value to becomes a sacrificial lamb), knowingly it will suck his life force like Lilyth - as he becomes self-less (doing so to saves Gwen so she'll awakes, and protecting people around her espc CPC that been exposed by Plaid troop) and thought that he better not exist in Gwen's life
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-> like the panel in episode 145, Frederick thought could likely be "I am the worst, so if I am leaving Gwen's life in order to saves her and people that she cares about (CPC+Pastel folks) then it will be okay to accept this devil bargain" - never thinks that he also integral part of Gwen's life and shouldn't be gone
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P.S: rereading, I realized that Leelathae's eyes more of grey instead green - and the necessary element which is the Omniscient Clam (that supposed to be brought on by the Pastel King, Jack) not in the story aspect yet which make me discourage this theory more. In the present, I am still stickig with Frederick's ultimate character development from used to be selfish to become selfless in this final episode - but how he do it still a big mystery that we'll let LambCat take how it goes (although from AIPT interview it likely related like this)
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xhxnne · 8 months
"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." (Liuxian and Saemi!)
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To be completely comfortable with someone, Liuxian needed time, plenty of time, therefore, most people would give up before he could get to know them, and because of that, he cherished those who stayed despite his struggles. Saemi was persistent, he hadn't met many people like her, and the way she understood how to deal with him was impressive. His confidence had increased even though he was still shy when she was around him.
There were many concepts that he still didn't understand, but he didn't worry about it most of the time, there was nothing that the internet couldn't answer, however, when it came to emotions or feelings, he couldn't even explain them in the search engine, and that was starting to happen when it came to her. Liuxian removed his jacket and tossed it on the couch, turning to look at her when she called him. "Mm?" The man tilted his head to the side, watching her walk toward him.
When she got too close, Liuxian unconsciously stepped back until his back touched the wall. There was nowhere else to go. Her smile was contagious, but her question threw him off base. "A k-kiss?" He smiled softly, bringing a hand to the back of his neck as he dropped his sight. "How are you going to give it back…?" How innocent. "Uh… oh!" He finally understood and chuckled sheepishly once again. The man didn't say anything else, he only observed her and gathered his courage to peck her lips. It was all he could do, for now.
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crazyinlvv · 5 years
“I declare you husband and wife.”
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The ceremony seemed to be really small, she didn’t have much friends. Most of those were his. But nothing mattered. The way she could feel her heart skip a beat after hearing the sentece. The way her arms threw around his neck and how their lips met. Their first kiss as a married couple. Pulling her head away she could see his face, that charming smile spreading on his lips while her eyes were just to small lines in her expression. “I love y--”
Suddenly her eyes opened, revealing not that cozy place but rather a cold room where she was alone that night. Gladly probably because it would be embarassing having someone on her side. To have him on her side. “it was just a dream.” She sighed rubbing her face while sitting on that large back, her fingertips brushing over her eyelids. “Just a weird dream. A very weird one.” Saemi let her body fall on the bed again and pulled the covers up on her shoulder hoping some extra hours of sleep would help her forget about all of that.
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saemi-the-writer · 11 months
Like Disney Hunchback of Notre Dame? Then: Phoebus/Esme, Quasi/Esme, FrEsme please?
Oho, ohohoho? 😃 HERE I GO!!!
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Since it's Disney version we're talking about, HECK YES!! I loved them as a kid and I still love them as an adult. The two work very well together and have an excellent chemistry. I never agreed with the "Phoebus gets the girl only because he's handsome" and I get annoyed each time I hear/read a similar comment (especially when it's from a guy, incel much?).
The second movie did them dirty and a disservice so I'll ignore it because if these two had to face struggles as a married couple, there were more interesting things to work with like Phoebus struggling with PTSD or any sign/reminder that he's a war veteran and needs time to adjust, how would they live, what about their families, etc. That would have made them less bland and not made a fool out of Phoebus or Esmeralda accusing him unfairly of being judgemental when him not being was the whole reason she felt attracted to him to start with!
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So far, I've only read two fanfics that had a characterization that made them work for me. Otherwise, I see them as platonic soulmates💞 I get why Quasimodo falls for Esmeralda (who doesn't? 😳) but let's not forget she's the first person/woman to show him compassion and to treat him with kindness and respect, and he idealises her, so it's more infatuation than true romantic love. Because yes, I do think and agree that they love each other deeply, just not romantically and that makes it even more touching in my eyes. I believe Quasimodo might find someone that will want to share their life with him as a spouse when he's ready too.
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Now, I'm in a "divise subject" territory 😆
I understand why the pairing is popular, but too many fanfictions/art show Esmeralda as resigned and becoming submissive to Frollo's authority and sometimes cruelty for my taste. Sometimes, I feel like Esmeralda serves as a self-insert for some authors (which I don't mean as an insult btw) who are fond of the dominant man/submissive woman dynamic. To each their own, I guess, definitely not mine.
I'd like it a lot more if Esmeralda was the dominant one - and not just because I like femdom or out of spite or anything! Esmeralda is feisty, courageous and wouldn't just bow her head silently in my opinion; plus I am a big fan of the heroine/hero catching the villain off-guard and getting the upper hand (y'know, like they do in most stories but not to win/kill the villain here, see where I am going?) Show me Esmeralda getting things (cough) into her hands and making Frollo kneel!! It's a pairing I have difficulty seeing them have a happy ending without changing the characters quite drastically (not impossible though), so unless it's like canon: the one-sided and tragic end, I see it more as "it's complicated", star-crossed lovers at best or bittersweet, borderline or obviously toxic for the two of them.
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saemi-the-dreamer · 5 months
For the character ask thing, Apollo Justice -- 1, 8, 12,15, 25?
Thanks, Elves!! <3 <3 <3
Just a reminder: I haven't played AA5-6, I got some glimpses of spoilers, but not much. So reader(s), please, take this into account and don't spoil me! :'D
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1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I think Apollo has a lot of potential both with his backstory and what he can become. I really like his dynamic with a lot of characters (Kristoph, Trucy, Phoenix and Klavier mostly), it shows that he isn't a carbon copy/discount Phoenix. I appreciate that, while he did admire Phoenix, he became a lawyer because he felt it was his calling and that he's truly committed to what he believed in. No matter how much he admired his mentor Kristoph, and was grateful towards him, he didn't hide the truth nor tried to justify what he did.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Hmm... I guess it's when Apollo suffers from the "uke syndrome", y'know, when the writers reduce a male character to a poor little fragile thing who needs to be rescued by his manly top boyfriend? (like a lot of other male characters, and ironically the female characters get hatred for that but I'll stop here).
But the worst is how, in some stories, I saw Apollo becoming so petty! Carrying an act of cruel revenge and/or manipulating for some things that... okay, weren't okay, but not that bad?! And if they wanted him to get back at the other, he didn't need to go that far? Seriously?!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Apollo is very good with a skateboard and rollerblades. When he uses them, he can easily go as fast, even faster than some people who are on a bike. He knows some tricks, most he learnt out of pragmatism or spontaneously and not to impress (but he still likes the praises!). He'd like to have a motorbike someday instead of a car.
15. What's your favourite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Klapollo! Not the most original, I admit, and for once I really like a popular pairing <3 ... even if it's not always easy to find the characterization I love most x'D
I think it's a pairing that has a lot of potential and where a lot of genres can get mixed in it (another reason to love it): fluff, angst, fun, complex, dark, sexy...
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
As stated in the first question, before playing the game, I was a bit afraid to get a less good version of Phoenix. So I was pleasantly surprised to see that Apollo truly had his own personality. Back then, he striked me as a clumsy, well-meaning young man who had a temper and a very good sense of observation. Now, I see a righteous young man, who tries hard (a bit too hard sometimes) to be more "adult" and to do his job properly, and who (ironically or not) wears his heart on his sleeves.
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thelargefrye · 3 years
MR. HOUSEDAD. when their kids crash their vlive.
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── summary. how ateez reacts to their kids crashing their vlive.
── roles. dad!ateez + the ateez kids
── genre. parent + slice of life + idol + fluff + humor
── warnings. tiny bit of language (like one word)
── early access. @yunderland​
── producer’s note. sorry if some are a little longer than others! i’m working on dad!ateez writing skills lol.​
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saemi (four) and narae (one).
hongjoong was doing his usually vlive in his studio, just talking to atiny when his door suddenly opens. he turns around not expecting to see any visits from the members, but instead of the members it’s saemi slipping through the door with narae holding her hand. 
“what are you two doing?”
“narae wanted to see you.” 
hongjoong turns to pick up narae and sets her in his lap before letting saemi do the same. the three of them now sitting together as hongjoong turns back to look at the camera.
“looks like we have some surprise guests, atiny,” the comments would explode with how cute his daughters were. “ah, atiny are saying you guys are cute.” 
“i know,” saemi replied back as she held her father’s hand. meanwhile, narae would try to figure out why she can see the three of them on hongjoong’s phone. 
“saemi what’s your favorite song?” hongjoong had read out loud when he saw the comment go by. 
“fancy!” saemi said with a smile before she asked her dad to play it. hongjoong did as she asked before she hoped off his lap once the music began. hongjoong scooted his chair back a little in order to give his daughter room to dance. 
the whole time saemi danced, hongjoong had a smile on his face as narae laughed as well. the one year old do her best to dance in her dad’s lap as she tried mimic her sister’s actions.
when the chorus hit, saemi not only danced but sung the best she could and very loudly. this caused narae to laugh and clap as saemi danced passionately. when the song was over, hongjoong saw how tired saemi was and pulled back into his lap so she could cool off. 
“you danced very well,” hongjoong complimented before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“i know.”
hongjoong would eventually just carry on with his vlive, talking to both atiny and his girls before noticing narae slowly dosing off in his lap. 
“ah, well i guess we should go. bye atiny!” hongjoong said, waving with a smile to the camera as saemi leaned forward as far as she could without falling off of hongjoong’s lap.
“bye atiny!” saemi would say waving her tiny hand in the front of the camera before hongjoong ended the live.
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hyemi and hyewon (three) and jihoon (two).
seonghwa would be in the middle of talking with hongjoong when hyemi would come in rather loudly. seonghwa would watch her make her way over to him, standing between her father and hongjoong.
“what are you doing, baby?”
“jihoon’s crying.”
“what? why?”
“uncle woo scared him when we were playing,” the practice room door opened again and the three watched as wooyoung came in holding a wailing jihoon with hyewon following behind him. 
seonghwa got up immediately and took his son into his arms, cooing at his son to get him to stop crying. 
“is uncle woo gonna get in trouble?” hyemi asked looking at hongjoong as hyewon walked into view of the camera to join her uncle and sister.
“i think appa’s going to beat uncle woo up,” seonghwa would quickly tell atiny he would be right back leaving his twins with hongjoong as he stepped outside the practice room. 
“what are you doing?”
“we’re doing a vlive, talking to atiny.”
“how come we can’t see them?” hongjoong did his best to explain vlive to the three year olds before realizing that everything was just going in one ear and out the other. after a few minutes, seonghwa came back with jihoon, who had stopped crying. 
“jihoon! are you okay?” jihoon only nodded as seonghwa came to sit back down after grabbing another chair as his daughters took over his previous one. 
“appa, did you beat uncle woo up?” hyewon asked looking at her dad with curious eyes as hyemi did the same thing. 
“no, he didn’t mean to make jihoon cry. did he buddy?” seonghwa asked, looking down at jihoon who shook his head. seonghwa smiled before patting his son’s head.
the five, or actually four since jihoon doesn’t talk all that, continue the vlive until it’s time to end it and they all say bye.
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taeyong (five) and taerim (eight months).
yunho was just talking to atiny when the practice room door opened. like with hongjoong, he thought it was another member, but was happy to see taeyong walking into the room with a smile. 
“what are you doing, buddy? did you escape from mom and taerim?”  
“taerim fell asleep, so i wanted to come hangout with you. what are you doing?” 
“i’m talking to atiny, come say hi.” 
taeyong would peak around the camera, super close up to it causing to yunho to laugh. “hi atiny!” rip all headphone users.
“taeyong don’t be too loud okay.”
“okay,” taeyong would come to sit with yunho on his lap and the two would begin talking before taeyong began talking about dinosaurs. 
yunho allowed taeyong to tell atiny about dinosaurs even if most of them might not understand what exactly the five year old was talking about. of course, yunho did notice that a lot of the comments were just calling taeyong cute and how similar he looked to yunho. 
“taeyongie,” yunho said, putting his hand on said boys head, catching his attention, “are you gonna talk about dinosaurs the whole time?”
“yes,” yunho couldn’t help but laugh at how blunt his answer was. the door then opened which caught both male’s attention as taeyong’s face quickly brightened up.
“taerim!” he said, causing yunho to smile as he watched you come into the practice room with your daughter in your arms. “taerim is my little sister!” taeyong said rather proudly as you handed the eight month old to her dad. taeyong got off of yunho’s lap in order to stand next this dad and sister. 
yunho had noticed the staff wanting him to wrap the live up and he smiled before he spoke, “atiny! i hope you enjoyed watching and learning about dinosaurs. taeyong do you want to tell them bye?”
taeyong nodded excitedly before going up to the camera like he did when he showed up, “BYE!” rip headphone users.
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aeri (five months).
yeosang was actually at home when he did his vlive. aeri was resting in her little swing when yeosang turned the live on.
“hi, atiny. i’m home right now watching aeri.” the comments immediately went crazy asking yeosang if they could see her because this would be the first time the fans would see the youngest ateez baby. 
it was a big moment in ateez history. yeosang would find the comments funny and would eventually show her to the camera when she began to whine a little bit. 
atiny would probably cry as they watched yeosang hold her and talk to her in order to calm her down just a little bit. when aeri did settle back down, she eventually feel asleep in yeosang’s arms. 
“thankfully, since she’s still young, all aeri wants to do is eat and sleep,” yeosang begins as he carefully places her back in her little swing. 
yeosang then begins talking to atiny who are still commenting about how cute yeosang looked as a dad now making him blush a little, “at first i was nervous about becoming a dad, but now, finally having her with me, i know that i’ll be okay and that i’m learning new things just like she is.” 
yeosang then starts to talk about other things, but mostly about aeri as atiny notice his eyes continuously going back to her, who was still asleep next to him. 
yeosang only decided to end the vlive once you got home, waving and saying goodbye as he promises to bring aeri back on when she’s a little bigger.
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raim (four).
raim crashed the vlive before it was even live. she loved being with her dad while he was at work, so he often brought her to the company when he could. and today was when san was planning to go on vlive, which raim decided to be a part of.
“raim, what are we doing right now?” san asked when the vlive started and atiny from all over started to pour in to watch.
“uhh, talk to atiny!” raim said excitedly with a smile.
“yes! and what else?”
“eat ice cream!” raim said and san looked at her confused by what she said. 
“ice cream?”
“you eat ice cream with uncles all the time, so you have to eat it with me!” she said with a pout. san couldn’t help but coo at how cute his daughter looked. 
“i guess we can go get ice cream,” san says as he fixes raim’s pigtails, “atiny, do you want to go on a field trip with us?”
all the comments said yes which immediately made raim happy as she noticed a bunch of smiley faces appear in the comments. hoping off of san’s lap, she tugged on his hand to get him to come with her. 
her and san then traveled downstairs to the 7/11 below the company and walked around till they got to the ice cream. san allowed raim to pick out all the ice cream before buying it and headed back up to the practice room. 
“better?” san asked as they sat back down and began eating their ice cream. raim smiled cutely, letting out a laugh as she nodded her head. 
the two began eating the ice cream while one of the members, wooyoung, appeared and tried to steal some of the ice cream before raim scolded him.
a lot of the comments talked about how cute raim while also commenting on how cute san looked as well. 
“raim,” san said earning his daughter’s attention. san laughed as he wiped off the ice cream that was on her face. “let’s make hearts for atiny, yeah?”
“yes!” the two then made several different size hearts, smiling brightly to the camera before they made an attempt to make one heart together. although while it wasn’t perfect, it was the thought that counted. 
“bye, atiny! see you later!!” san said with him and raim waving before the live ended.
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moongyu (two).
mingi actually brought moongyu into the vlive with him. atiny had asked mingi to show off his outfit, which prompted the rapper to want to show off his son’s own outfit. 
“moongyu, come here, please,” mingi would call and everyone could hear the sound of loud footsteps hitting the floor before the top of moongyu’s head was seen. “me and moongyu are wearing matching outfits today,” he would add before picking his son up. 
comments flooded in talking about how cute both mingi and moongyu looked causing mingi to smile as he sat back down. now with moongyu in the chair next to him.
“he’s my little fashion buddy,” he said, softly caressing his son cheek causing the two year old to let out a small giggle. 
mingi would then go to read comments, reading out all the ones that commented on his and moongyu’s outfits and ones the called moongyu a fashionista.
“moongyu’s going to grow up being a fashionista,” mingi read out loud before agreeing with the comment. 
like father, like son! both are fashionistas!! 
mingi couldn’t help but laugh at the comment he saw, scratching the back of his neck, “actually... y/n was the one who picked our outfits out today. y/n, love, thank you!” mingi said while making a heart with his arms. 
moongyu looked up at his dad before quickly trying to copy what mingi was doing. 
“do you know who we’re making hearts for?”
“eomma!!” mingi nodded as the two continued to act cute and make hearts.
“and atiny!” mingi added after remembering thousands of atiny were watching. “moongyu, say something to atiny.”
“atiny...” moongyu pauses for a moment before looking at his dad, “appa, what’s atiny?”
“atiny are the ones who are watching us right now and support appa and your uncles.”
“oooh,” mingi then watched as his son hoped out of his chair before moving closer to the camera, his face overtaking most of the screen. “bye, atiny!”
mingi looked at his son in shocked before––
the broadcast has ended!
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mikyung and mihyeon (three).
wooyoung was doing some dance covers was in the middle of finding a different song to dance to when mihyeon came in. wooyoung didn’t that she had entered the room, but fans did. they immediately started commenting about how cute mihyeon.
“mihyeon?” wooyoung was confused before turning around to see his youngest standing not too far from him. “what’s wrong, mihyeonie?” 
he watched as mihyeon walked towards her dad which allowed wooyoung to take her into his arms. 
“i saw you dancing and i want to dance too,” she said making wooyoung smile and brush some stray hairs out of her face. 
“what song do you want to dance to?”
“ponytail!” wooyoung sigh at his daughter’s answer. sometimes he regrets letting yeosang show his girls the ponytail song, as that’s all he’s been listening to for months now. the humanoid penguins now haunting his dreams even. 
but, wooyoung doesn’t want to make his daughter sad, so he agrees before searching for the song as mihyeon cheers. when the song begins to play, wooyoung moves him and mihyeon away from the camera so they can dance.
they were only a few seconds into the song before the door swung open with mikyung running in and immediately began dancing beside her sister. wooyoung couldn’t help but laugh as he stopped dancing to watch his daughters dance.
when the song was over both girls wanted to dance to it again, “appa! play it again!” mikyung said with her sister agreeing next to her.
“don’t you two want to dance to something else? how about i teach you one of my songs?”
“no! you’re songs are hard! ponytail!” mikyung said, stomping her foot on the ground. atiny could honestly only watch in amusement as wooyoung was soon defeated by his daughters and he played the song again. 
“yah! atiny, don’t laugh at me it only encourages them more!”
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jaehwa (one).
jaehwa was originally with yunho while jongho did his vlive, but then he heard his dad start to sing and immediately escaped to go find him. 
he would waddle down the hallway until yunho eventually picked him which would cause him to start crying. 
he wants his papa bear, damnit, not his golden retriever uncle. 
“oh, jaehwa, what’s wrong? do you want to see appa?” yunho asked before going to take the young boy to his dad. 
jongho was singing a song only half-serious when the practice door opening caught his attention. he immediately smiled as he continued to sing, his phone being placed down as he held his arms out. 
when jaehwa was brought into view for atiny to see, the comments exploded with how cute the maknae’s son was. yunho quickly waved to their fans before leaving the father son duo alone plus the staff. jongho continued to sing as he looked at his son, who in turned looked at his dad.
“you like when appa sings, don’t you?” jongho laughed as he spoke to his son cutely. he then turned jaehwa towards the camera for atiny to see as jongho took his son’s hand to wave at the camera. “hi, atiny!” jongho says as if jaehwa was the one talking. “i’m choi jaehwa, the gummy bear!”
jongho laughed as he sat jaehwa down in his lap before going back to talking to atiny about different things. mostly answering small questions they had about jaehwa. 
“lately, jaehwa has been drinking his milk by himself, which i’m really proud of. he’s been trying to do it for a while now, so the fact that he finally achieved it... just makes me proud.”
after a little more time of jongho talking to atiny and playing with jaehwa, jongho decided to end the vlive. “bye-bye!”
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calimera62 · 2 years
En regardant dans mes vieux dossiers, je suis tombée sur une idée pour une intrigue de fanfic de Kaamelott, et ça donnait ça : "Guenièvre rencontre un Dragon et cherche à l'apprivoiser. Elle trouve de l'aide auprès de Perceval, arriveront-ils à garder le secret et protéger leur nouvel ami" . J'en suis restée un instant comme ça : 😳 . Ça date de 2010, je n'ai rien écrit de plus et je ne sais pas si je regrette et veut m'y mettre ou si je dois laisser tel quel 🤣
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J'aime déjà les histoires où des personnages doivent s'occuper d'un animal, surtout si c'est en secret car ça rend la chose plus drôle. Alors en plus si l'animal en question est un animal fantastique surtout un DRAGON.
Ensuite, je suis ouverte au duo Guenièvre/Perceval qui a beaucoup de potentiel, je pense sincèrement qu'ils peuvent s'entendre !
Arthur n'a même pas le temps de redire quoique ce soit sur cette amitié inattendue parce que... un dragon ? vraiment ?
Yvain est mortifié. C'est pire que les guêpes.
Merlin demande à ce qu'on ne touche pas la bête, c'est un animal sacré chez les druides (imaginons)
Perceval qui demande à Arthur de les aider à trouver un nom pour le dragon, parce que lui et Guenièvre n'arrivent pas à se décider.
Bref, c'est une idée qui a beaucoup de potentiel et qui peut donner plein de scènes cocasses. J'approuve ! Et si tu continues cette fic un jour, je serais très intéressée de la lire et t'encourage fort :)
(désolée pour le retard de ma réponse, je ne vérifie pas souvent du côté de mes asks Dx)
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♥ - Hyunki to Saemi
"I love you for who you are and everything you do for me. Your laugh and sweet touch.....well pretty much everything about you and I seem to fall more and more in love with you as well"
Send ♥ if your muse is in love with mine and tell them why. | status: closed | @graphitecrystals
Saemi felt overwhelmed yet this time, it was in a positive way. She should not have doubted his love and genuine heart and while the young mother never blamed him, she struggled with her own worries. But just as easily, Hyunki put a smile on her face.
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istadris · 7 months
@isamajor @scribeprotra @saemi-the-dreamer @cloudydaysomewhere since you liked that post, come read about my druid with zero social skills!
Context: my Moon druid Ailes du Sud (=Wings of the South) is a Tabaxi who loves birds, wandering, and doing as he pleases. A bit unhinged, very perceptive but as blunt as a barbarian's club.
Act I : Making friends with kids thanks to hags
We are relatively early in the campaign. Our party wandered into a cursed forest (as one does) and at some point we got captured by a hag coven who locked us into cages.
Ailes woke up first, and among many things, he noticed in another cage a little grey-skinned, golden-eyed tiefling girl.
Now, Ailes is a bit of a dick, but he doesn't like seeing ANYONE into cages. So as our group manages to escape, he gets the kid out and makes her flee outside while we fight; we survive, and we take the kid with us as we leave. Ailes bonds with the kid, and while his methods are slightly questionable, he starts mentoring her in survival (climbing trees, etc).
Oh, and tiefling girl suddenly used magical fire at some point. Nothing to worry about I'm sure. All in all, Ailes and the kid have a good relationship.
Act II : meeting the (mafia) Family
After a while, we reach Tiefling Girl's hometown: a wretched hive torn apart by cinflicting gangs, with four Families ruling most of the business.
We find out the girl is closely related to the boss of one of these Families (she's the daughter of the boss's cousin). We bring her home, and Mafia Boss (also a grey-skinned tiefling with golden eyes) is very glad to see her niece again. She provides us with some favors, answers our questions, all in all is pretty grateful.
While we stay here, Ailes comes back to see the kid once or twice, and learns that her mom is on a away mission for the Family (as an assassin), and of course her daughter misses her, especially with the nightmares she's having since the hag incident.
Ailes then promises her to look for her mom and to keep in touch.
...incidentally, right before leaving town, we attacked, robbed and torched down a huge warehouse belonging to a rival Family, and we might have angered several other factions.
We still good with Tiefling Mafia Boss and her niece, though.
Act III : How I Found Your Mother
Fast forward to much later in the campaign.
We have traveled to the neighbouring kingdom and we're currently on our way to another one : we stop by a town to resupply and get intel. As both kingdoms are currently at war, tensions are high, crime is on the rise and guards are plentiful and vigilant.
Ailes wanders in town and amuses himself spotting and following suspicious people, which leads him to a hide-out. On a whim, he comes back with the party's rogue in tow, both as help and back-up.
Turning into a bug, Ailes sneaks into the hide out, only occupied by what the DM describes as "a female tiefling with grey skin and golden eyes, cleaning a rifle."
There's still a slight chance it might not be the right person though, so Ailes and the rogue decide to pick the lock and confront politely the person.
And here's where things get funny.
Picking the lock : critical failure. A guard gets suspicious, we waste time convincing him we mean no harm, and in the end when we enter, the tiefling is hiding, and we both fail to check AND convince her we're not a threat.
And then she runs away.
And the rogue.
Shoots at her.
"Just to scare her into stopping, not to hurt her!"
It doesn't work.
And that's where we ended the session : chasing after an assassin we tried to befriend in the middle of a city full of tense guards and criminal activity.
Ailes would say "2 out of 3 ! I had worse hunting days !"
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caretaker-au · 7 years
reaction compilation #103
Chara’s old injury was much worse than many expected! Here are the reactions the beginning of Chara’s story on page 67.
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While not on board with the plan, a few sympathize with Chara’s injury.
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To clarify for everyone, Chara’s leg is not broken, and they do not have hemophilia. However, they do have some serious tissue damage and swelling. It will take a while to heal!
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