#shaving was a mistake
buzzitalloff · 9 months
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gotticalavera · 3 months
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Aang: Katar, I feel... hot
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Aang: I think I'm-...
Sometime in the KatAang, Aang got sick and Katar/a misunderstood his/her words, but realized due to her/his partner's symptoms.
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Continuing with the series of drawings I have of Fem!Aang x All, today it was a GB!KatAang.
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dayurno · 2 months
Do you think Kevin should have chest hair let's discuss
i dont know if he SHOULD but im pretty sure he would! although i will say in my minds eye kevin is annoying and particular about body hair the way he is about everything else so i think even though he does have periods where he doesnt shave it, most of the time he does make an effort at least in more visible areas because it doesnt fit with his media persona to grow old 🥹 but i think if there are no events he wouldn’t bother with shaving as much
thats only for upper body though i dont think hes shaving his legs or anything and actually no one should 📸
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clippy · 10 months
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oh.. apparently I finished Clockboy plush 4 years ago today so here's a side by side of how he looked right after I completed him vs how he looks right now.... This is what 4 years of being a white, homemade plush that gets cuddled every night looks like
here are some bonus WIP photos I took while putting him together:
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beansnpeets · 2 months
Absolutely frigid in my office this morning.
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there's this episode from my childhood that i think about once in a while
i've been playing basketball from 8 to 14 years old. i really loved it. i lived it. all my friends were also my teammates. i dreamed about becoming a professional sportswoman, about playing in wnba when i grow up. and i was pretty good at it too! i won't even hesitate to say that i was one of the best players in our team.
but then the puberty hit. the hair started growing on my armpits and my legs. and i think i didn't even notice at first how it affected me as a player.
the thing is, when you throw the ball into the basket you need to make sure that your arm is pointing straight up and that you hold it like this for some time even after the throw is done. my technique started worsening as i was unconsciously pulling down my hand too soon in an attempt not to reveal my armpits. when throwing, my arm looked more like a question mark when it should've been be all straightened. i started missing the basket all the time. i couldn't score from the easiest positions. our coach commented on that over and over again but i just knew i couldn't do it. i could not reveal my armpits.
mind you, it was an all girls team and our couch was female but i still felt really isolated in my anxiety. eventually, my mother approached me and told me that the coach talked to her about being concerned with all this. that she supposed it had to do with my armpit hair so maybe my mother should consider shaving it with me. and so my mother offered me to shave, to which i happily agreed.
after that, my technique improved almost immediately. i started scoring and became one of the best players again. everything came back to normal.
i left basketball after some time due to other reasons but this episode still strikes me sometimes. how i was ready to give up on my greatest passion of the time due to shame and anxiety i felt because of my armpit hair. how there was no better communication with my coach, my mother or even my fellow teammates many of whom were also going through puberty then. how the only solution was shaving.
i'm so frustrated every time i think about this.
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luckykittycolor · 1 year
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girlbob-boypants · 5 months
Shaving your downstairs GENUINELY can be good for hygiene/comfort btw. Definitely not for everyone but I'll tell you for a fact that esp for a lot of us fat bitches, shaving down there can be the only way to prevent a lot of chafing and sweat collection.
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dyslexic-mess · 7 months
Every once on I while I take a look at myself and wonder why I don't shave. Maybe it's my hormones playing tricks, maybe it's the ever-present social pressure, perhaps it's just mild curiosity, but I see myself and wonder why I never bother with it.
I am always swiftly reminded exactly why.
For one: it takes fucking forever. 40 mins and all I did where my legs and arm pits. 40 god damned minutes. I could have gotten through at least two chapters of a book in that time or baked cookies or learned a song on my ukalayle or even just taken a decent nap. I do NOT have that kind of time.
And it feels pointless, for all the effort. It's one of those things people only notice when you don't do it. I'll go about my day tomorrow, having taken the time to do it, and nothing will be different.
Not to mention afterwards. It grows out in less than two days and gets unbearably itchy. The way to fix that? Aparently, shave EVERY time you shower which, as we've established, I have neither the time nor patience for.
Sure. Having smooth legs feel kinda nice and sure, when I'm working out at the gym, tommorrow, I may feel mildly more comfortable. Having been released momentarily from the judgmental looks of those around me but fucking hell.
Its not worth it.
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seveneyesoup · 8 months
i don’t know who needs to hear this but DO NOT SHAVE YOUR BODY HAIR
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maulfucker · 8 months
Why is making starwar ocs so addictive I already have three which is more than I've had for literally any other fandom and I already want to make so many more
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jrueships · 1 year
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Diggs. can allen have One Thing for Himself... EVER??
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leolaroot · 2 years
I used to be so dysphoric about having long hair and I've finally worked through that thank God because I need long hair in winter. to keepie warm
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sewercentipede · 2 years
I don't want to shave my pubes because of dysphoria but it literally itches me so bad my autism brain starts ripping them out I am a freak but I know I'm not normal I dying im shaving my pubes and I'm dying
do u mean they itch when they grow out after shaving, or itch after years of not shaving? I also have major sensory (textural and sound) issues and when I used to shave I would have this exact problem. when I stopped and let it grow out for long enough, it turned into soft hair that doesn’t chafe or itch so i don’t notice anymore. u have to let it grow for a long enough time. like 6 months should be adequate and if not then 1 year, but really 2 years and on is *chefs kiss*. you can trim whatever parts you want, just don’t trim too close to the skin cuz u will risk that textural sensory problem again. I’ve not done anything to mine for like 5 years and it’s very downy and soft and I don’t even feel it, no razor burn, no ingrown hairs, no itch or chafe, no desire to rip the hair out etc.
you might prefer waxing and then letting it grow out but again, like shaving, it won’t be comfortable as it grows back, but you’ll avoid the immediate discomfort that shaving brings. Personally I’d just say leave it alone for as long as you can so the hair can grow out and get soft
if you mean that they itch and bother you despite being fully grown hair, then use moisturizer and conditioner on them. daily moisturize the area and condition any time you use the shower (or condition daily too if you need to). use natural products tho (I like simply divine botanicals for moisturizer, but argon oil works very well too and is cheap. and any conditioner that is gentle and has no parabens or sulfates or weird shit, just natural extracts (avoid peppermint tho), is best). do this just like you would for dry skin and dry hair, because it is both of those things. It will make a huge difference texturally and comfort-wise. and perhaps some strategic trimming may help but again do not trim too much, or it will worsen any irritation
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tooies · 2 years
honestly if you think people should shave their body hair you need to stop saying things. like just stop talking. dont say things anymore
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