#she and max bond over being victims of his abuse later. max is the second person to believe her
More android!Robin thoughts:
She's charged through solar energy. She calls it "photosynthesizing". She gets sleepy during rainy days and wants to cuddle and have Nancy read to her.
She's considered highly defective according to the standard. Whenever she has a technical problem, the engineer at the repair shop tells Nancy she's better off getting a new one - there's no fixing this one. Let's say Nancy isn't very pleased to hear that.
Robin has gone through a lot of repair shops in the past, some cheaper than other, and poorly done fixes have left her with a few problems - a constant twitch on her right leg - poor motor skills from the waist down, in general, she's kind of clumsy and tends to trip over anything and everything. Her battery lasts half as much as it's supposed to (she needs to photosynthesize more often), and she's completely offline and can't access the web.
Her favorite philosophers are Descartes and Berkeley.
She's constantly haunted by the existential horror of her existance and has had more than one panic attack over the nature of her own conciousness. She repeats to herself, over and over again, that because she can think and perceive she must exist, but she tends to overthink and worry she's nothing more than a machine without self.
Harder than convincing herself, though, is convincing others. It takes ages until Nancy realizes she's concious and capable of thinking and feeling as much as any human.
Nancy is the first of her many owners to let her read and make decisions of her own. She has a plan to falsify documents and make Robin pass as a human, so she can live a normal life (Robin dreams of entering college to study linguistics).
Before that, Nancy used to treat her very poorly, because she thought she was nothing more than a machine. It makes Robin so desperate, she feels so much anguish over it.
Robin's model was initially engineered to function as an emotional support android for mentally ill and traumatized people. They're common for some therapeutical treatments, though as she is, you would think she's the patient.
Robin can cry. That's not a feauture of her model - one of her previous owners loved to emotionally and physically abuse her (one of the reasons she's been through so many repair shops), and would pretty much treat her as a punching bag, the way you'd hit a pillow - he didn't know she was concious, yeah, but he was so horribly sadistic that he took her to a clandestine repair shop to implant artificial tear ducts in her, so she would cry when he hurt her. It made it more satisfying to him.
Robin can feel pain. Due to her many technical problems, she pretty much feels a little bit of pain almost all the time.
She chose her name herself. Nancy was the first person to ever respect that.
Being a lesbian is also not a feauture of her model. She's very adamant that she is one, though.
Nancy is very careful with her. She doesn't want her to suffer any more damage.
Nancy ends up hiring her brother's friend, Dustin, alongside his girlfriend Suzie, to fix whatever technical problems Robin has, since they're the only ones willing to try instead of telling her to get a new one.
Robin has a very real fear of death.
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myfandomrambles · 5 years
El Hopper Character Analysis
Mother was experimented on while carrying el to give her the powers
Kidnapped from her mother directly after birth by Dr Brenner
Raised by Brenner to be a weapon
Only Called by the number Eleven for the first twelve years of her life
Experimented on in severely abusive ways
Was neglected not learning to speak descriptively, read, tell time etc
Due to experiments, she had access to telekinesis, forms of telepathy, access to other dimensions, and electrokinesis
Eventually escaped and was chased after by the “bad men”, having to kill them after they caught up to her and her friends
Quickly became friends with and eventually fell in love with mike wheeler
Befriended Dustin and Lucas during this attempt at freedom
Gave herself up to save her new friends
Survived and was adopted by Jim Hopper, and became a father and daughter emotionally and legally
Was given access to food, housing and compassion but was still alienated causing a rift with her father
Ran away from home to due to feeling betrayed finding her mother
Her mother was severely disabled by Brenner
Found another victim of Hawkins lab helping them in a revenge quest but was unable to kill again. Came home to protect her friends
Saved the world causing herself great pain, but was able to reconnect with her friends.
Dated mike wheeler and befriended Max Mayfield their other friend
Was still close to her father though they struggled with his overprotectiveness
Lost her powers after being severely injured by a monster from the other dimension. Also attacked by billy and watched him die
Lost her adopted father
Adopted by Joyce Byers, who had been her closest to a mother figure she had
El is a character who shows immense loyalty, lack of self and resilience, these I believe are her most prominent character traits. She also shows great compassion for others even when she was never really was taught how.  All of this formed on the base of her trauma.
El is greatly shaped by her trauma, it’s impossible for her not to be dealing with 12 years of emotional, intellectual and social neglect and physical abuse. This and the continuous danger the upsidedown and government place on her leave her disconnected from others even after being freed. El’s love her others pushes through these boundaries allowing real bonds to form with the Party, her father and Joyce.
 El struggles with communication due to her language deprivation and social struggles, this is a good way of showing her dive to learn though over the three seasons her vocabulary grows. She has a habit of becoming very connected to phrases that others use with emotional weight, sometimes adding more. Mike teaches her the word promise, one of her first non-practical word. She takes this to heart feeling deeply hurt when others don’t follow the promises even when it’s not out of deception. “friends don’t lie” also carries important weight, something that rifts her relationship early with Lucas and then later with Hopper. “mouth breather” is her main insult throughout the show after mike showed it to her, when she connected with Max she often parrots her when dealing with their boyfriends. 
El’s communication skills are an interesting aspect to her characterization, it is important because it is alienating as well as being part of why she develops some of the phrases and concepts she attaches to like “friends don’t lie” and “promise”. It’s also interesting because it relates to her early trauma, having never been taught language skills along with many basic skills like handwriting, telling time or other basic skills. 
El’s communication skills also connect to trauma in the lack of attunement, attachment and socialization. El doesn’t understand many interpersonal concepts like friendships, dating, girl/boy dynamics or promises. She also has little understanding that things like stripping in front of people being socially unacceptable. Her trust of people is also a problem showing som disinhibited behaviours like easily taking food and help from others and above mentioned stripping in front of others. But her abuse also makes trust a 0 or 100% idea and her deep need for connection is added. This makes sense because she did love her abusive “papa” even if she understood her abusers to be “bad men”.
El also seems to struggle with sensory input struggling in crowds and with loud noises. She is overall hypersensitized to things but also seems to struggle with boredom and lack of stimuli. Stimming is a compulsive way are used as a tool for self-regulation. Thoughts and concepts seem to become deeply ingrained and she ruminates until she has to act like with her mother. Similar compulsive behaviour with that idea and other behaviours like stealing the Egos she’s attached too.
El’s first important relationship is with her abusive captor. This is the background to all of her relationships later in the show. We see he terrifies her through his abuse but she still calls him Papa and seems to want him to care, this complete connection or abject distrust is seen throughout the show. She sees most people as a threat but her lack of worldly understanding eaves her dependent on others to navigate the world in season 1 and even when she strikes on her own in season 2 she still does some things that are not safe. In season 3 Max shows her how to be a kid.
The second important relationship is with mike. He’s the first person her own age she connects with in any way. They quickly become close and develop crushes on each other. Benny was the first person to show her compassion but Mike is the first person a bond built on anything but abuse is formed. He shows her the world and fun things and uses an emotionally grounded language. He protects her and she, in turn, protects him, standing up for him to bullies and monsters. They do have a romantic relationship which is very sweet, it’s Mike's first serious crush and first girlfriend. But what’s important is Mike is the second person on earth to ever be nice to her, I think this adds an extreme layer of emotion to El. Even though she clearly likes their other friends up until she develops a stronger connection to Max it seems she never was as close to others in the party.
Hopper is a guiding factor in season 2 and 3. He takes her in while she is on the run in the winter and they become close to becoming a father and daughter relationship. They bond as she needed someone to protect her, and offer parenting she never had for over a decade. She filled a hole in his heart that his own daughter's death had left and helped him find purpose. 
El being in danger and having lost his own child becomes one of their biggest problems. Hopper is hyper-protective of El when she wants to be able to interact with others and form her own identity. Hoppers own lack of communication skills causes rifts to because he doesn’t tell her what he is really doing and is scared to open up. They are able to repair their relationship though as Hopper does open up in the end usually and El really cares for him, and we know she appreciates and loves him. He’s her family, coming to see him as a father. It’s also very sweet as we know he read to her, helped her learn new words and being able to write, showing an impatient do or die kind of man sat down and gave her a “word of the day” and taught her to write, even if we can tell she is at the level of a younger child. 
El’s internal character arc is a lot about finding her own person in the aftermath of not being allowed to be her own person and develop the way a healthy child should. Learning to trust others, express herself and not be controlled is very hard when she has no bases. Mike and Hopper help her learn safety and come to love them but they are also somewhat controlling in wanting to protect her, which makes sense considering they have both lost her. Hover she finds her personhood with guidance from her past, her sister and Max. Along with time. Figuring out who her mother allows her to fill in that whole knowing he had a mamma but never having met her, I think this hurt her greatly but it also helps her learn about the degree of her psychic ability and why what happened to her did (though you can never really have a reason to abuse kids). It hurt her because she can never really connect with her mother and her aunt is not understanding. 
Kali offers us and El another version of what surviving Hawkins lab looks like. It’s important because it allows El to be a little wild for a moment and find herself a family member who knows what the trauma they went through was like. She helps El explore her powers and how they work, and Kali does the big sister thing of dressing up and causing some mayhem. It also helps El understand that Kali is right that nothing can fix her trauma, and they both fight for what they believe in, but El knows for her revenge isn’t what she needs. Also, her new power control helps her be able to know her family needs her, and El decides that’s what she is willing to fight and kill for. 
In season 3 her arc with Max is part of this journey. El has stable relationships with Mike and her father now. She seemed most comfortable and has learned more direct communication with her verbal skills being a bit better. However, El’s identity is connected with who Mike and Hopper think she is, more so Hopper in my opinion but both. She is willing to abide by the Rules Hopper has and Mike also fearing the loss goes with it too. He is infatuated with his first crush and doesn't think about how she has never had a real life. 
Max, I don’t think understands about the “Bad People” not just the supernatural threats and didn’t ever lose her. Not having this backstory makes messing around seem less dangerous. Max also has her own history of abuse by her step-father and Billy and I think this means she has her own need to be her own person not where she comes from and passes this to El. Max sees that El isn’t getting to be a normal teenager and is like fuck that let’s be friends. She helps El learn about normal teen stuff like Madonna, Wonder Woman, teen magazines and going to the mall. She tells her specifically that she can be her own person, to do what she likes, also tells her she can Dump Mike if he lies and is mean to her. El has a specific hatred based on her “friends don’t lie beliefs” bt Max gives her the confidence to dump his ass. This relationship is also very nice since Max felt she was in El’s shadow and El was scared Max would take her one peer relationship in mike and they didn’t fall into hating each other. 
The end of season 3 we see her go through another round of severe trauma. Her identity is shaken again through losing her powers, in a severely painful and traumatic attack, and then loses her father and home in one go. There is a lot of emotional aspects in the violent way the Mind Flayer and Billy physically attack her. This loss of autonomy is a huge backslide, and she has little to build back up from. Hopefully having Joyce and knowing Hopper loved her can prevent her from losing her self confidence and identity. 
El struggles with her repeated trauma making her identity I think connected to her relationships as discussed but also to her powers. Being able to fight and even have killed is important, I think only being used for her powers in her developmental years made this hard to decouple from her sense of self. I think having to use them to stop the mind flayer from killing her friends repeatedly reinforced this too. I think recognizing herself as more than just her powers and relationship to others is hard, so it was a step to view herself as a protector instead of as a monster, something we see in the first season she feels like she is. 
Joyce Byers is the closest thing to a mother El has ever had. She clearly loves and cares for El, being one to comfort her after her trip to the upside-down. Joyce is also everyone's mom though. Now though after the loss of El’s father Joyce stepped in to care for her moving forward into the future. 
The role with the rest of the party was part of the puzzle in season one, Dustin quickly wanting to her help her and understand her powers. Lucas doesn’t trust her at first but eventually realises she didn’t mean to hurt them and was willing to die for them. Will and she didn’t interact much, though they both are affected by the Upside down giving them thematic and narrative partners. None of them seems particularly close to El however they all grow to like her.  
El is loyal to her friends closing them and protecting them to her own detriment injuring and pushing herself to her utmost limits. No matter the personal loss. Her other great talent is resilience, to be able to continue living and being able to care even after everything she has been through shows El to be a survivor and stronger than anyone should ever have to be. 
ND Headcanons:
Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) & C-PTSD:
Her lack of emotional, communication and regulation skills are borne from her trauma, we can trace most of it back to the abuse and neglect she felt as a child. We also no that isolation continued with Hopper stopping some of the healing being alone with one adult. We see she deals with many panic attacks connected to the Upsidedown and has to see others pain and violence without a connection. It helps her to protect them but also forces her to witness horrors like dead bodies, monsters and a sexualized assault by Billy. 
Outbursts of destruction from her powers can be seen when she experiences breakdowns, shattering glass in her own bedroom. Dealing with her rocky relationship with her father was the case. Attachment issues are strong as mentioned before a disinhibited attachment, though again trust issues can mitigate this to some degree. We can see how others define her and the ongoing need for them to love her.  List of Signs/Symptoms:
Affectivity issues
Attachment difficulties, disinhibited and trust issues
Attention struggles
Avoids eye contact
Confused self-image
Communication struggles
Coregulation issues
Difficulty with concentration
Dysregulation of the nervous system, and attempts to self regulate via stimming
Extreme startle reactions
Feeling useful to others is used to have an identity
Heightened startle reaction
Lack of emotional self-awareness
Outbursts of anger and sadness manifested in her powers
Panic attacks
Preoccupation with her abuser (season 2)
Sensory integration issues
Strong emotional reactions to things
Struggles forming an identity of her own
Struggles with forming relationships and when she does and be codependent
Uses structures to understand things
Trusts none or 100%
For me, this might be debatable as Developmental trauma can mimic developmental and learning issues due to the way trauma alters brain and nervous system function. Childhood survivors have whole sections of their brain develop being shaped by the biological changes from trauma. 
But she does show many symptoms and it seems to be a favourite way of viewing El. 
List of Signs/Symptoms:
Partially non-verbal 
Difficulty with sensory integration 
Problems understanding and communicating emotions 
Lack of understanding of non-verbal communication
Avoids eye contact
Needs a schedule and dislikes changes to it
Hypo and Hypersensitivity to stimulation 
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musgrave322 · 5 years
My Top-Ten Prediction for SVTFOE Season 4
It's all official, Daron Nefcy announces that not only we will have a new Season with the first episode coming on March 10th, but it will also be the final season for the entire series.  Once I read the news about all Star vs. the Forces of Evil coming to an end after Season 4, I felt sad about this, but I wasn't surprised because of how Disney works with their television shows.  Despite the Season 3 finale being incredible despite leaving me torn with questionable move from Star's end and so many dark moments, I am still excited for what the final season has to offer.  Since there is a confirmed date for Season 4, now its time for me to share my predictions for what I believe might happen in the final season for the show, just as I promised.  
Instead of reviewing my predictions for Season 4 in a listed manner as I usually do with my Wrestling Pay-Per-View predictions, I decided to talk about what I believe will happen starting from number 10 up to number 1 using a countdown format.  Whatever you might see or hear should all be taken with "a pinch of salt" because they are just my ideas.
10. There will be an episode revolving around Eclipsa’s past
If “Moon the Undaunted” was able to become a full episode during the battle for Mewni, then I am pretty sure that “Eclipsa Queen of Darkness” would be a fantastic opportunity for the creative crew to take advantage of.  With a full episode revolving around Queen Eclipsa, the story of when she abandoned her kingdom to marry Globgor and gave birth to Meteora only to become kidnapped and crystallized by the Magic High Commission would make for a fantastic episode that tells its own story.  An episode like this would absolutely make sense for all Star vs. fans like me.  The best way I can see the episode ending is with the baby swap so we can determine once and for all who Festivia’s parents were before she takes the throne for Mewni at a very young age.
9. Marco’s newest sibling won’t be playing a big role throughout the series
Congratulations to Marco’s parents for welcoming a second child into their family and it looks like our favorite Earthturd will become a big brother for Marco Jr.  In a weird way, that one episode from Season 3 gives me memories for when I played with my Legos and named one of my characters Max and Max Jr. knowing those two are actually brothers.  To get back on topic, I just don’t see Marco Jr. taking part in any adventures that Marco Diaz will be enduring during his tenure on Mewni.  I say this because he will be born on Earth and will spend most of his life being raised by Angie and Raphael and probably Janna or Jackie Lynn Thomas will be spending their time volunteering to babysit the new child.  Sorry Marco Jr., maybe if Daron Nefcy decides to create a spin-off show in her future, hopefully you’ll have better luck with that more than you would on Star vs. The Forces of Evil.
8. The Magic High Commission gets their Comeuppance for their actions
After Eclipsa’s trial, this was a prediction that I will most likely have to make coming to the surprise to nobody.  After the baby-swap took place, the MHC thought they could easily get away from their fear of having a half-monster take full control of Mewni without having any worries.  Boy did Queen Moon’s deal to Eclipsa really blew their ground-breaking secret up upon their faces in a massive way.  With Eclipsa taking charge as Queen of Mewni once again, do not be surprised if we find Rhombulus, Omnitraxis, and Hekapoo going missing or becoming one of the prisoners of the Butterfly kingdom.  I have to admit, whatever punishments the MHC will suffer, I may become entertained with what Eclipsa has in store for them.  Looks like poor old Hekapoo will spend the rest of her days locked inside the dungeon completely barefoot and tickle tortured to her misery.
7. Kelly and Star get into a brief argument/feud over Marco Diaz
We all know what happened when Star and Marco were both alone in the photo booth while it was on the fritz, so there is no need to explain everything from what transpired in Booth Buddies.  From what I might be seeing, until Star and Marco’s escapade comes out into the open, Tom will be disappointed in Star leading to their inevitable break-up as Kelly would most likely be massively upset at Marco for his “out of nowhere” kiss to Star, especially when they bonded during their time at Lava Lake Beach.  Knowing Kelly and her series of emotional make-up/break-ups with her alleged ex-boyfriend Tad (Kelly’s piece of hair), I can see her being heartbroken over the confession and unleashing her frustrations on Star Butterfly.  The break-up with Kelly and Marco will definitely happen, but I could anticipate more hard feelings being made than what I might see during Tom and Star’s break-up.  I looks like Star has more things to worry about than just losing the royal wand to Eclipsa and volunteering to release her Monster lover, that’s for sure.
6. Star Butterfly and her family gets “Banished to Peasantry”
The Box of truth captures a lie created by the MHC and places Eclipsa, Queen Moon, Star, and whoever else was involved in Eclipsa’s trial in its massive prison where they will be squashed to death.  One desperate moment later, Rhombulus spills the beans and the MHC was ordered to confess about what they did to Eclipsa’s mewman/monster daughter.  It turns out that once Eclipsa and Globgor were completely crystallized, the Magic High Commission instigated a baby swap where Meteora was replaced with another child (Festivia) who they believe to come from a peasant family.
I anticipate that once Star and her father finally re-unites with Queen Moon (that is if they are able to find her), they will fall from grace and have to start a new kingdom out of nothing.  The best start I can see is where Star, Moon, and River move to an abandoned fallen-apart home in the Forest of Certain Death.  Once Eclipsa returned to relevancy, receives the royal wand from Star, and reunites with Globgor and Meteora, I clearly see Eclipsa having full possession of two homes within the Butterfly castle and the Monster Temple.  With all this said, I look at Star Butterfly from the previous two or three seasons and I think to myself, “Boy how the mighty have fallen”.
5. The monsters find themselves in full control as citizens of Mewni
Once Eclipsa has taken the throne and set a rule to never imprison monsters, I have a hunch that the Mewman peasants are gonna be in for a long haul on this prediction.  With Eclipsa taking charge, the Mewmans are going to suffer the same discrimination and torture they put the monsters through during the first three seasons of this show.  It’s not going to get terrible to the point where all the Mewmans will perish from Mewni never to return to their home dimension, but they will get their comeuppance for their actions and become miserable over Eclipsa’s reign with a mixture of monsters taking part of her kingdom.  Even though I have every reason to be upset over Star Butterfly’s decision to relinquish the wand, I still have to say the following…  Welcome to my world you filthy peasants!!!  What else is new?
4. Marco Diaz is actually a member of the Butterfly family
Let’s be honest, Marco Diaz is a type of guy that has really grown on me throughout the Star vs. series.  If Marco was able to interfere with Tom’s plan to dance with Star at the Blood Moon Ball via influence from a sailor portrait, able to use what was Star’s wand and obtaining glowing crescent moons on his cheeks by casting only one spell and with Meteora sharing the similarities with Marco by having a mole on the lower-right side on their faces, then it is clear by day that Marco’s parents have got to be mewman.  I can say this whole heartedly because I do not see any other humans, besides Janna and Starfan13, stepping foot on to Star’s home turf and enduring all the torture and grief that Marco has went through since the day he met Star Butterfly.
Once the theory of Marco being half-mewman is fully canon, I personally believe that Marco’s mother (Angie) is truly a mewman from the Butterfly heritage.  Raphel Diaz doesn’t look to be a mewman because he came from a family from Hispanic descent, so he is human and not likely dragged into this theory. Star is now able to perform wandless magic after relinquishing the wand to Eclipsa, so I can definitely see Marco Diaz having full possession of the royal wand once Eclipsa winds up relinquishing it since Meteora has no need for the wand because of the fact that she is half monster.
3. Marco Diaz turns evil from the Blood Moon Curse
All the hype for Season 4 definitely revolves around the Blood Moon and its curse and I can say this for sure. If Star Butterfly wasn’t able to turn evil in Season 3, Marco is my best bet as the new antagonist for the final season.  With all the constant abuse and annoyances, being a victim to Meteora’s rampage, and the emotional pain he endured, especially when suffering two break-ups with Jackie Lynn Thomas and inevitably Kelly, it makes sense for Marco to side with the forces of evil, even if it is fully against his will.  According to the heartbreak and joker symbol on Daron Nefcy’s tweet, the best way to approach this theory is where the sky turns blood red and Marco transforms into a dangerous unstoppable force the same size as Meteora’s Mewman/Monster beast form and Star becomes heartbroken that her best friend turns against her just to conquer all of Mewni.  If Marco goes corrupted from the Blood Moon curse, the return of the Monster arm might not be needed depending on the story’s narrative, but that is still not out of the equation.
2. Queen Moon faces ultimate death
Since Star vs. The Forces of evil is on its last limbs with Season 4 as the Final Season and Star Butterfly is around a position of power, I can clearly see Star’s own mother getting killed off coming to the season finale.  Before the Season Three finale came out, I had my concerns about Queen Moon being killed off then until we discovered what happened in the episode and with the mystery of where she went after her time in the magic realm.  With the episode list revealed, it is clear to me that Queen Moon’s time as a chef is not a long-term thing and will return to the Butterfly Castle at any given point.  The best way for Queen Moon to face her demise is if there was dark magic involved when battling a forces of evil coming the blood moon curse with Star around and unable to stop the inevitable doom Queen Moon endures.  If this theory comes true, it may be sad and depressing, but at least Star was around to say her goodbyes.
1. Star Butterfly “turns down” the role as the new queen of Mewni
That’s right everyone, Star not taking the throne for Mewni is my boldest prediction yet and for good reasons.  From the first two seasons, her heart was downright not into becoming a queen, especially when there are episodes where Star goes to therapy or Star having a private conversation with a guidance counselor about her future career.  Later on in Season 3, we all learn that Meteora (Miss Heinous as a Mewman/Monster) is the real daughter of Eclipsa and has no relationship to Star.  Once we reached the end of Season 3, we saw Star Butterfly willingly relinquish the royal wand over to Eclipsa.  Later on, we get Season 4 clips where every Mewman peasant bashing Star from the dungeon over to a scripted play over allowing Eclipsa to rule Mewni with her frozen crystallized Monster husband and for her failed attempt to bring equality to Mewni by uniting monsters and mewmans.  Boy did her ultimate goal blew up in her face…
With all these events that happened coming into Season 4, I bet my bottom dollar that the SVTFOE series comes to an end with Star Butterfly not becoming the new queen of Mewni.  I say this whole-heartedly because her heart is just not into fulfilling her mother’s footsteps and because of the events involving Meteroa being royally screwed by the MHC because they refused to allow Eclipsa and Globgor to share love with one another let along becoming King and Queen of Mewni and having a half-master hybrid take control of the royal wand.  I can see the show ending with an adult Star spending the rest of her days on Earth married to Marco Diaz and having a family of her own.  Don’t worry, as long as Eclipsa and Globgor are there to raise Meteora in the best way possible, I’m sure she could become the best queen for all of Mewni.  The four days as “Acting Queen” will go down forever as the time where Star reigned supreme on Mewni, but at least she will have a happy ending of her own once Starco becomes canon.  Starco fans, go ahead and rejoice… That is all that I wanted to share for today, feel free to comment if you have anything different to say or of you're planning to watch Season 4 of Star vs. The Forces of Evil on the Disney Channel.  Season 3 was nice and all, but I'm excited and confident for what Season 4 has to offer and I can see a lot of epic moments so comparable to what you may have seen from Gravity Falls.
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