#show me the money 4
simphic · 10 months
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Yas takes over KING Mag's socials for the day!
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fitzrove · 4 months
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todolf iceberg
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silverview · 6 months
baby charlie day's highlights from the short-lived 2003 sitcom 'luis'
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opens-up-4-nobody · 20 days
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yuuugay · 1 year
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play @heromaker-if for clear skin and for this cutie patootie and do parenting stuff that may or may not influence whther the world is saved or not
the demo do be out and i think its pretty smecsi
also on a side note, if u want me to draw ur ocs dont be shy to send it over via dms of ask box (i have zilch to do on weekends other than draw) i dont mind if i alr drew urs or we have neever talked b4, i like drawing is all <3
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capcavan · 8 months
I don't think I ever wrote this but riko is not attractive
Like he is not shaped to follow beauty standards he has chubby round face he can't slim out with diet . He does not fit western fetishistic standards of how pretty Asian person should look like and even then he is just average and normal.
He is a normal looking person who does not even care all he cares about are his exy skills often he forgets this is not how normal people judge others on first sight
He does not think of himself as good looking but it does not bother him because he sees himself as amazing striker this is worth more to him.
He does not second guesses his partners attraction to himself because he is riko and riko is great at exy. They are attracted to him because of his character and because he is devoted and obsessed with them and because he gives it all on the court.
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whilomm · 3 months
i want to order somw cute lil stickers to put on my debit cards so they look less boring someone give me ideas
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claratwelve · 5 months
i texted my mum that i bought s11-13 on dvd (i think she stopped watching around the same time as me) and she was so excited, i've literally never seen her be this excited via text but she sent several emojis and exclamation marks..... she's not even this excited about her favourite soap opera-
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kate-m-art · 7 months
Keep seeing Zelda movie news reactions and like feel like my only contribution right now is I'd much prefer live action to an illumination style animated movie...
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still thinking about shiv trying to blackmail with zero leverage (and being so shiv-ly sure she didn't need any... girl) the one person on this show sociopathic enough to live consistently by gerri's maxim (how does this serve my interests); and also, relatedly, the fact that the conversation greg and shiv had, in which he asked "what's in it for me" and she said "nothing," is essentially the same as the conversation greg and tom had at the top of the episode, and i am really wondering if tom's refusal to settle that question for greg yet is going to become relevant sometime in the final two episodes, the way that shiv's refusal to settle that question for tom became extremely relevant in the finale of season 3
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
To give credit to the last of us for its queer rep, it’s not just queer characters who have tragic/bittersweet endings. Literally everyone (siblings, parent and child, heterosexual) queer or not, has tragic endings. The older queer couple gets the best one out of all of them.
I guess? I mean, it is certainly much better than if they were the only characters to die in the storyline. But people were on tumblr talking about how theirs was a happy queer story. And I think it is the misleading discussion around these characters that bothers me even more than the writing. Like if I had watched that episode instead of looking up the plot summary, I would have had a meltdown at the end when they both died because I truly had gotten the impression that it was going to be a happy story.
But now that I've mentioned the writing:
It's nice that they live till their 70s. It's nice that they get 20 beautiful years together. And it's a bit fucked that the writers felt the need to end those 20 long years on-screen with a terminal illness and suicide in the same episode they are introduced. It would have been incredibly easy to just say that those men get to live on past the end of the episode. There are a million reasons those men could have continued living in the story.
But that's the thing about a show like this. I think there is a distinct possibility that this show is actually incapable of writing a satisfying happy ending.
Craig Maizin, the show's writer, gained acclaim recently with Chernobyl, proving that he is apparently excellent at writing a long, horrifying tragedy in which character struggle only to find there is no way out.
(His other main credits are The Hangover sequels and the Scary Movie sequels, most of which I haven't personally seen, so make of that what you will.)
But more than the writer's background, the show itself troubles me. It has this repeated mantra in it that goes, "when you're lost in the darkness, look for the light." Which is a cool phrase.
But I have reason to suspect that this writer genuinely doesn't know how to write the light. I have no reason to believe he does. I hope I am wrong.
But when you write episode after episode after episode that is an endless inescapable slog of tragedy and desperation - and then advertise it to me, a sick queer person actually living through a pandemic and trying to escape disease and poverty - well.
I think a better writer would include moments of light and hope beyond just trauma bonding. Moments that don't end in death.
When my wife writes about characters in awful situations, there are still these moments of genuine loveliness and fun and joy between the characters; these moments remind the reader what is worth actually fighting for, living for. Imagine! Entire chapters in a post-apocalyptic novel in which characters don't undergo a "hacking someone to death with a cleaver" level of trauma!
But the fact that Bill and Frank still had to die even after an earnest attempt to tell a beautiful love story....
I fear that the light the story ends with - if there is any - will be as dim and desaturated as the show itself. And personally, I am at a point in my life where I don't care to see a story like that.
It's fine if you do like it. It doesn't matter to me if you find beauty in a tragic queer love story. There are places for that in this world. But it is tragic. I am sure of that. And I wish I hadn't been seeing posts saying otherwise, ya know?
And I hope I am wrong about the writer. But I see cracks in the premise. Like in Stranger Things. There was always a promise of light that kept me watching, but it never seemed to come. Instead, the misery and trauma continued to stack and compound for the lead characters, like in TLOU. But... does the writer know how to make that worth it, for us, for the audience - for me? I don't think he does.
I think it very possible that the light isn't really coming for Ellie and Joel in a way that provides catharsis because I have noticed that on shows with no intermittent joy and hope, this is too often the case.
But I do hope I'm wrong. Because if I am right, then a lot of mentally ill fans will leave the experience more depressed than if they hadn't watched it at all.
But for my own part, I'll just continue to skim through the show for monster design ideas. And also I'll say that everyone should watch Infinity Train - ESPECIALLY season 2 of Infinity Train, if they'd like to see a story in which people actually DO find a light that makes the whole journey feel worth it.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 months
its been a while since i talked about andrew mccutchen's furry blessing on here. Please know that it is the funniest thing on the planet and i will never stop being a pirates fan because of it
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
also I KNOW that all my college and high school friends are not actually announcing pregnancies or births at a higher rate than usual I’m just more hypersensitive/attuned to this kind of news than usual but also sometimes I feel an uncontrollable rage in my heart towards these people who are 1) getting pregnant for free and 2) getting pregnant, period. I recognize this as an irrational and unfair emotional reaction! it’s not like these people can help being straight and/or having uncomplicated pregnancies! but also I can burn with suppressed rage and grief about it!!!
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biblionerd07 · 15 days
I actually am worried they’re going to do an Ian/Mickey spinoff because why is Noel’s hair dyed and why are they doing multiple cons together…knowing the producers they’re going to announce it June 1st for pride month….im Scared
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mitamicah · 3 months
A few days ago I started thinking about getting a bridge piercing. I have a feeling it might look good on me idk. Since then it is like I have a phantom piercing in my face like I can feel it there grounding me but it is not there: it is all just air.
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overbearingstruggles · 2 months
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