giantimpex · 5 days
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How to pick the best '#SmartNightLamp' for your Bed Room in your smart house? Searching smart home application to turn on and off the light in for your bed room lights automatically based on the illumination?
No more need of switching on and off your light every time you enter your home or room. you need not worry about electricity as the lights get automatically off when there is no person.
Ask for GIANT IMPEX Attractive #NightLightLamp When you connect your smart lights to Hue motion sensors, they're triggered by your body's movement. Lights switch on and off automatically as you, your family, or your guests move from room to room. We have available Smart Sensor light solutions.
Available in All eCommerce Platforms Shop Now:
Visit Our Store: Get 20% Off on Sale price. https://giantimpex.in/smart-lighting/smart-LED-night-lamp
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gizmosage · 11 days
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Embracing the Digital Wave: A Day in My Life with Smart Technology
Welcome to my digital domain, where every day is powered by the seamless integration of smart technology into my life. From the moment I wake up to the minute I drift off to sleep, modern digital marvels accompany me, making every task more efficient, enjoyable, and connected. Join me as I take you through a typical day in my tech-infused world.
Morning Routine:
As the soft glow of dawn filters through my window, my day begins with the gentle chirp of my smart alarm clock. With just a voice command, it not only wakes me up but also provides me with a personalized weather forecast and updates on my schedule for the day.
After a refreshing shower, I head to the kitchen where my smart coffee maker awaits. With a tap on my smartphone, I start brewing my favorite blend of coffee, perfectly tailored to my taste preferences. While I wait, I catch up on the latest news using my tablet, staying informed about current events from around the globe.
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Workday Efficiency:
As I settle into my home office, my laptop powers up, ready to tackle the day's tasks. With cloud-based productivity tools like Google Workspace, collaboration with colleagues is seamless, whether they're across the hall or across the world. Throughout the day, I rely on project management apps like Trello to keep track of deadlines and milestones, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.
During virtual meetings, my noise-canceling headphones ensure crystal-clear audio, while my webcam delivers high-definition video, making it feel as though we're all in the same room. With the click of a button, I can easily share my screen, presentations, or documents, facilitating smooth communication and decision-making.
Fitness and Well-being:
After a productive morning, it's time to focus on my well-being. I slip on my fitness tracker, which monitors everything from my heart rate to my sleep patterns, providing valuable insights into my overall health. Whether I'm going for a run around the neighborhood or following a yoga session at home, my smartwatch keeps me motivated with real-time feedback and personalized coaching.
Entertainment and Relaxation:
As evening approaches, it's time to unwind and indulge in some entertainment. With a few voice commands, my smart TV springs to life, ready to stream my favorite shows and movies from a variety of platforms. Whether it's a gripping drama, a laugh-out-loud comedy, or a thrilling documentary, there's always something to suit my mood.
When it's time to hit the hay, my smart home comes to life once again, adjusting the lighting and temperature to create the perfect sleep environment. As I drift off to sleep, I reflect on the day's events, grateful for the convenience and comfort that technology has brought into my life.
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doloresbarnett98th · 11 months
6 Essential Work-from-Home Amenities In Apartment
Work-from-home helps people to emphasize their personal lives over a fast-paced work-centric existence. Implementing remote work amenities now will enhance lease renewals – and may even bring you additional prospects via referrals.
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1.Reliable and high-speed internet. Technology has aided the work-from-home trend, and it is frequently the most desired work-from-home amenity for remote workers. High-speed internet is required to enable that technology.
2. Co-working spaces. Consider converting an underutilized or vacant area into a stylish co-working space! And if your apartment has an old, underutilized business center, you may already have the ideal location. Utilize this area by redesigning and renaming it as your own co-working space amenity.
3. Private conference rooms. Many remote workers spend the majority of their working hours in video-conference meetings. Convert a tiny space into a reservable conference room to accommodate these residents. Install additional lighting, cove smart security devices and paint the walls a single solid hue.
4. Enhanced concierge services. Every renter who works from home is different, but they all have one thing in common: the opportunity to be picky. Consider investing in improved concierge services to handle minor tasks for residents. This will improve resident satisfaction and make your house more appealing to potential tenants.
5. Fitness facilities. One advantage of working from home is the ability to fit in a workout during the day. Many remote employees use this benefit to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
6. Reliable phone reception. Spotty mobile service is a distraction that inhibits distant workers from concentrating and hinders productivity. To overcome this, get a cell phone signal booster, which will improve existing 3G, 4G LTE, and even 5G signals. As a result, your residents will have fewer dropped calls and unsent text messages.
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uchiuchi-universe · 11 months
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A smart home is a home that is equipped with technology that allows you to control and automate various aspects of your home, such as lighting, heating, and security. Here are 20 tips for building a smart home:
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amiraallisart · 1 year
Smart Lights Problems
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Seriously, why do my lightbulbs have a password?
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smarthomestore · 2 months
3D Moon Lamp avaiable on Amazon LED Night Light, Mood Lighting with Touch Control Brightness for Home Décor, Bedroom, Kids Birthday Moon Light Gift - White & Yellow
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techniktagebuch · 11 months
Seit 2008, andauernd
Warmwasser on demand
In dem Reihenhaus, in dem wir wohnen, gibt es diverse Wasserhähne, aus denen kaltes, aber eben auch warmes Wasser kommt, wenn man sie öffnet. Wobei das mit dem warmen Wasser nicht ganz selbstverständlich ist. Nicht nur, dass das kaltes Wasser erhitzt werden muss, es muss auf Wunsch auch am Wasserhahn anstehen.
In älteren Warmwasseranlagen muss(te) man das Wasser unter Umständen ziemlich lange laufen lassen. Das hängt unter anderem davon ab, wie lang die Leitung zwischen Warmwasserspeicher oder Wärmetauscher und Wasserhahn ist. Um diese Zeit zu verkürzen, baute man irgendwann sogenannte Ringleitungen in die Häuser ein. Das warme Wasser wird ständig in der Runde gepumpt. Die Wasserhähne sind irgendwo an diesen Ring angeschlossen. Öffnet man einen, kommt dort mehr oder weniger sofort warmes Wasser raus. Das ist natürlich super und spart im Grunde auch Wasser. Der Luxus kostet aber Geld: Die Pumpe, die das Wasser in Bewegung hält, braucht elektrische Energie (ca. 25 W bei uns) und das warme Wasser kühlt trotz Isolierung der Rohre ab, muss also ständig wieder etwas aufgeheizt werden. Ist die Pumpe nicht in Betrieb, muss das Wasser mitunter mehrere Minuten laufen, bis es warm wird. In der Küche dauert das bei uns am längsten.
Wenn man sich mal überlegt, wann man in einem Haushalt mit einigermaßen geregeltem Tagesablauf warmes Wasser braucht, kommt man schnell auf zwei typische Zeitfenster: Morgens nach dem Aufstehen und Abends vor dem Zubettgehen. Am Wochenende franst das gern mal aus, aber in der Woche kann man die Zeiträume relativ eng eingrenzen.
Nun sind die Hersteller der Umwälzpumpen auch nicht doof und bauen an die Pumpen gleich Schaltuhren an. An unserer Pumpe ist eine mechanische Schaltuhr, die man in Viertelstundenschritten programmieren kann. Das war für uns geschätzt 10 Jahre eigentlich ok. An unserer Pumpe befindet sich die Schaltuhr links unter dem Deckelchen und ist nur mit extremen Verrenkungen sichtbar. 
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Irgendwann, geschätzt so um 2018, nervte mich, dass man am Wochenende, wo wir dann doch gern mal länger liegenbleiben, das Wasser lange laufen lassen musste, bis es warm wurde. Ich schaute mir die elektrische Installation der Pumpe an und stellte fest, dass der Strom für die Pumpe aus dem Kästchen mit der elektronischen Steuerung der Heizung kommt. Ich zog den Stecker der Heizung aus der Steckdose und knippste das Kabel mittendurch. Dann versah ich die Enden mit Schukostecker und -kupplung und steckte danach eine für jeden Wochentag unterschiedliche programmierbare elektronische Schaltuhr dazwischen. Auch das Umschalten zwischen Sommer- und Winterzeit ging damit deutlich einfacher. Für die nächsten Jahre war die Wasserversorgung damit besser gelöst, jedenfalls was die Verfügbarkeit am Hahn betrifft. 
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Konkret waren die Einschaltzeiten aber länger als zuvor. Gerade mit der Forderung, zum Winter 2022/23 hin, dass man Energie sparen soll (das uns mit Fernwärme versorgende Kraftwerk Klingenberg war vor einigen Jahren von (heimischer) Braunkohle (würg) auf (russisches) Erdgas (kotz) umgestellt worden), war mir das alles nicht mehr recht. Leider bin ich mit der Idee, die Pumpe über einen Arduino anzusteuern, nicht weitergekommen. Das hatte ich mir folgendermaßen gedacht:
Wenn man den Warmwasserhahn öffnet, muss in irgendeiner Leitung an der Heizung die Temperatur ansteigen, eigentlich ja direkt an dem Ausgang vom Wärmetauscher. Wenn meine schlaue Elektronik dort einen plötzlichen Temperaturanstieg verzeichnet, sollte die Pumpe sich für eine gewisse Zeit, z. B. eine Viertelstunde einschalten. Leider hab ich keine Leitung identifiziert, an der sich die Temperatur plötzlich änderte. Also verwarf ich diese Idee. 
Stattdessen besorgte ich mir im Frühjahr 2023 eine smarte Steckdose, die ich über eine App steuern kann. Die sitzt nun an der gleichen Stelle wie zuvor die Schaltuhr. Es stellte sich dann heraus, dass für meine Steuerungswünsche auch noch ein Apple Homepod hermusste. Jetzt hoffe ich, dass sich die Standby-Ströme für die Steckdose und den Homepod die Energieersparnis nicht aufwiegen. Das kann man natürlich schlecht messen. Aber die Einschaltzeiten der Pumpe sind nun erheblich kürzer als je zuvor. Wenn man z. B. abends zum Zähneputzen Warmwasser haben will, kann man das mit “Hey Siri, schalt’ das Warmwasser ein” erledigen. Wenn man das zu Beginn des Zähneputzens macht, hat man zum Ende warmes Wasser. Vergisst man, das Warmwasser einzuschalten, nimmt man eben kaltes (bzw. wandwarmes) Wasser und spart noch mehr Energie. 
Man sollte daran denken, dass man das Warmwasser auch wieder ausschaltet, weil Siri für den Befehl “Hey Siri, schalte das Warmwasser für 5 Minuten ein” leider zu doof ist. Zur Sicherheit habe ich über den Tag verteilt diverse Abschaltpunkte in der App gesetzt. Irgendwann geht die Pumpe also auf jeden Fall wieder aus. 
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Schnappatmung bekam ich kürzlich, als wir in den Urlaub fuhren und ich die Heizung auf “Dauerhaft Absenken” gestellt hatte. Als ich aus anderen Gründen die Smarthome-App aufrief, sah ich, dass die Verbindung in der App zur der smarten Steckdose nicht mehr bestand, und ich wusste nicht, ob die Pumpe nun an oder aus war. Bei der Rückkehr aus dem Urlaub stellte sich dann heraus, dass die Heizungselektronik bei “Dauerhaft Absenken” den Strom zur Pumpe ebenfalls dauerhaft abschaltet und so auch die smarte Steckdose nicht mehr mit Strom versorgt wurde. Also, alles gut.
(Markus Winninghoff) 
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innexiasmarthome · 4 months
Innexia - Smart Home Automation Company In Ahmedabad
No need to wait for warm water. Your few taps away from a cozy home. Smart living starts with a smartphone
When Innexia Is here not to fear..!!
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giantimpex · 2 months
How to pick the best '#SmartNightLamp' for your Bed Room in your smart house?
Searching smart home application to turn on and off the light in for your bed room lights automatically based on the illumination?
No more need of switching on and off your light every time you enter your home or room. you need not worry about electricity as the lights get automatically off when there is no person.
Ask for GIANT IMPEX Attractive #NightLightLamp When you connect your smart lights to Hue motion sensors, they're triggered by your body's movement. Lights switch on and off automatically as you, your family, or your guests move from room to room. We have available Smart Sensor light solutions.
Available in All eCommerce Platforms Shop Now:
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Remote Control Manufacturer-Assembling.
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windlassrivervalley · 6 months
Discover the Epitome of Modern Living: Apartments in Dehradun with Windlass River Valley
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In the heart of the picturesque city of Dehradun lies a remarkable blend of contemporary living and natural beauty — a haven where modernity meets the tranquility of the Himalayas. Windlass River Valley, a distinguished real estate developer, has redefined the concept of luxury living with its exquisite apartments, making them an integral part of the burgeoning real estate landscape in Dehradun.
Apartments in Dehradun: A Gateway to Modern Elegance
Dehradun, nestled at the foothills of the Himalayas, has emerged as a sought-after destination for those seeking a perfect blend of urban convenience and natural serenity. The real estate market in this city has witnessed a surge in demand for apartments that offer not just a living space but an experience. Windlass River Valley has played a pivotal role in meeting this demand, presenting a range of apartments designed to cater to the discerning tastes of modern homeowners.
The Windlass River Valley Difference: Unraveling Unparalleled Luxury
Windlass River Valley stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of real estate in Dehradun. Their apartments are a testament to the commitment to providing a lifestyle that goes beyond the ordinary. The blend of thoughtful design, state-of-the-art amenities, and a commitment to environmental sustainability sets Windlass River Valley apart in the competitive real estate landscape.
Modern Architecture:
The apartments at Windlass River Valley are a showcase of modern architecture that seamlessly integrates with the natural surroundings. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer panoramic views of the Himalayas, allowing residents to wake up to the breathtaking beauty of the mountains every day.
Sustainable Living:
Windlass River Valley takes pride in promoting sustainable living. From energy-efficient lighting to water conservation initiatives, every aspect of their apartments reflects a commitment to minimizing the environmental impact without compromising on comfort.
World-Class Amenities:
Living at Windlass River Valley is not just about the apartment; it’s about the lifestyle. Residents have access to world-class amenities such as a state-of-the-art fitness center, swimming pools, landscaped gardens, and recreational spaces, providing a holistic living experience.
Why Choose Apartments in Dehradun?
Proximity to Nature:
Dehradun’s unique geographical location allows residents of these apartments to be in close proximity to nature. The city’s clean air and green surroundings contribute to a healthier and more peaceful lifestyle.
Cultural Richness:
Apart from natural beauty, Dehradun boasts a rich cultural heritage. Residents have the opportunity to explore historical landmarks, attend cultural events, and immerse themselves in the vibrant local traditions.
Educational Hub:
Dehradun is renowned as an education hub with prestigious institutions. Families choosing apartments in this city benefit from a conducive environment for their children’s education.
Investing in Windlass River Valley Apartments: A Wise Decision
Investing in real estate is a significant decision, and Windlass River Valley ensures that it’s a wise one. The value proposition of these apartments lies not only in their luxurious features but also in their potential for appreciation. Dehradun’s growing prominence makes it an attractive destination for real estate investment, and Windlass River Valley’s commitment to quality ensures a solid return on investment.
Your Path to Elevated Living
In conclusion, Windlass River Valley has etched its name as a trailblazer in the real estate sector in Dehradun, particularly in the realm of apartments. Choosing an apartment in Dehradun, especially within the Windlass River Valley development, is not just a real estate decision; it’s a lifestyle choice. It’s an embrace of modern elegance, a communion with nature, and an investment in a future where every day unfolds against the backdrop of the majestic Himalayas. Discover the epitome of modern living with Windlass River Valley and secure not just an apartment but a sanctuary where luxury meets nature in perfect harmony.
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Devlopment board
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you-shop · 10 months
Your go-to source for honest & reliable information on last products & services
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Note You may find some differences at the item specs that is because the same item specs are not available at all countries, but we are keen to put the most similar item buy link
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your-online-shop · 9 months
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Kasa Indoor Pan/Tilt Smart Security Camera : Stay Connected and Secure with HD Monitoring.
Original price : USD 34.99 Now price : USD 29.99 Featured brands | Shipped within 72 hrs.
Check the Link for more info : https://amzn.to/3qEPB37
With its high-definition 1080p resolution, the Kasa Indoor Camera ensures crystal clear video footage, allowing you to monitor your home, pets, or loved ones with exceptional clarity. Stay reassured knowing that you can easily check in on your surroundings from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet.
The pan and tilt functionality gives you the freedom to remotely control the camera's movement, providing a panoramic view of your space. Whether you want to keep an eye on an entire room or focus on a specific area, this camera allows you to adjust the viewing angle effortlessly.
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