#smbdy pls get her help
darladavis · 3 years
@onefinned​: (from here)
“And you think I didn’t care about you?” Nico asked. “Of course I did. You were the first girl I ever truly cared about. I thought we would go strong. But you…you were obsessive! Why did you have to track my every move? Did you not trust me? I never gave you a single reason not to.” He looks away for a moment and balls his hands into fists. “Relationships are built on trust. You clearly didn’t trust me and I don’t know why. That really hurt, Darla.” His hands relax a little bit as do his shoulders. “I don’t understand what I did wrong to make you not trust me. I thought you were better than that, but clearly I was wrong the moment I was interested in you.”
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     He was speaking with perfect sense, but by the time the words traveled through her ears and reached her heart, they were garbled into something else. They might as well have been speaking a different language for how widely Darla missed the point of what Nico had been saying. “It’s not about trust—it’s about I love you, and I was scared to lose you! If you love someone, you’re willing to do...whatever it takes to stay with them, even when they don’t see that you’re meant to be together. If that makes me obsessive or—or crazy, then fine! I’m crazy. For you.”
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bnha-imagines-hcs · 6 years
F h I for dabi and twice pls?
( i’ll assume SFW, since that’s the last one i posted and you didn’t specify. | someone’s thirsty for dabi and twice! )
| dabi; headcanons.
FEAR (what do if s/o is a feared??)    depends on the type of fear. if it’s deep-seated issues boiling over type scare, then he’ll handle it simultaneously with the kid gloves and the sledgehammer of experience; one to hold your hand and pull you through, the other to offer harsh realism to build your solutions with.
effective? depends, depends… but it’s his way. dabi’s a guy willing to try new ways to help you, if you tell him what you need. if you’re worth the effort to him, of course…
     if the issue’s you being a weenie-baby, rip in peace. he’ll either just not bother with the effort of responding to w/e you’re up to, or he’ll bite your head off with teasing snark.probably both for the price of one.
HUGS      tired, post-brain bruising sessions with shigaraki (mostly harrowing for the amount of remarks dabi must refrain from uttering), partway through one-sided staredowns with himiko (keep. your knife. out. the personal bubble.), 32 hours since the last lack of constant jittering of shitty fucking people–
–annnnd you got an adult asshole draped all over you in the dead of night. hope you don’t startle easy.
        dabi doesn’t hug much, despite being all about… having his… hands… on ur… ‘curves’. hmmm, yeah. he’s a shifty, shady, ‘allergic to conventional gestures of affection’ lil git. emotionally stunted, if you will. maybe just doesn’t wanna remember the last time smbdy hugged him was a fucking decade ago.either way.crashing beside you is a lil different, easier somehow to sling an arm over you (warm warm comfort) when he’s been awake so long everything’s gone fuzzy. dragging you out of a burning building or supporting you while you approach a dead faint - also a lil different. they’re almost hugs, halfway there, functional and therefore less threatening.
INTIMACY       uhhhhhhhhhhh never heard of her.nope.nah-ah.fuck you, quite frankly.
he’ll laugh with you and dance with you and fuck (with) you and even maybe cook with you, but his guards are armoured concrete and slathered on so thick that it’s all skindeep.does he get attached even so? yep. but it’s preemptively compartmentalised, and get fuckin rekt if you wanna change that, like ever.
so, intimacy? ahahahah. ahhhh… ask his sister.
       should he break in front of you, it’ll be wildly uncomfortable for him. and afterwards he may not thank you for consoling him, if he clung to you during. just. hmmmm.breakage is bound to come with lashing out, though. safe distances are advised, although that would also mean the end of whatever you had going on. 
dabi:  i don’t want need like long for desire crave enjoy trust commit to you.dabi:  how fucking dare you not want need like long for desire crave enjoy trust commit to me, We Are Over.you:  since when were we smth that could even be Over???dabi:  flips hair OVER.
| twice; headcanons.
FEAR     hugs? tissues? run to the dollar store and do something? cut someone? lock them up and torture a solution out of them? seriously please just give him a hint.
someone freaking out either makes him calm or freaked to the max. he’ll either be holding your wrists so you can freak without breaking your skull or he’ll be curled up somewhere or he’ll be shrieking vs talking himself down right alongside you.
either way, this bitch supportive.
HUGS      yas? yas. it’s either long and comfy and just abt finding some peace, or he’s too jittery to stay in one place that long.
mini-hugs are handholding, tho. even just fingers curled around each other – y’alls arms outstretching, bending over backwards not to break apart while still tryina reach for whatever.
i feel like this and cuddling are kinda the same though, so more on this over here.
INTIMACY      romance… he’s like a fan of the idea of romance, really excited about intimacy (tho a lil nervous ehrem), and he likes the idea of making gestures, and he would… when he has any clue and won’t attract undue attention with it… but he uh. 
kinda only seen soap operas… a few. here and there. those that were the truly mainstream ones in the 90s. y’know. the kind that says only expensive shit is great, and that bending someone over outta nowhere is a sign of romance~~ (this he doesn’t buy.) 
and unfortunately dabi knows exactly how gullible twice can get and ‘teaches’ him the ‘modern bad boy ways to woo’ - mr compress tries to save twice, but... well.
        in any case, his gestures will be,,, something. it’s always safe please don’t it’s ill-advised to just throw a shoe at dabi’s head if it fails. 
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