#so its less ideal
sunflowercider · 5 months
What if Lloyd gets to stay in the Frontera fiefdom and a few years passed already until suddenly a new wave of monsters or war are happening at the far side of the kingdom and Alicia is calling all knights and soldiers would you think Javier would participate here and leave?
OHHH so many juicy thought experiments today!!
Now keep in mind that I havent gotten to the end of the novel (just read ch 370/408 today in fact), so there may be future events that may change my mind BUT WITH THAT CAVEAT OUT OF THE WAY-
Honestly? If Queen Alicia is at the point of calling up Javier for reinforcement, it must be pretty damn bad. Strategically, Javier is the equivalent of a nuclear fucking bomb.
Swordmasters were so important that the mere presence of one deterred invasions from other nations, and the presence of several even outshines the strength of a regional military.
Javier isn't a swordmaster. He's a grandmaster. If you want to use your nuke, you need to take it away from elsewhere. So the border of the Sultan kingdom would be potentially open to attacks with the biggest threat moved away. It may behoove the Queen to leave Javier behind as a giant defensive wall to cover her back as she attacks the front lines with literally everything else.
Buuuuuuut. If she thought she needed Javier... he does have a fast ride to finish things quickly - Draggy. A grandmaster and a bone dragon arriving at bullet speed would be quite the blow to any amount of monsters. And goodness, Lloyd can't just let Javier take Draggy out without him, he'd better join on the strategy side too (lol).
If the question was about Javier's loyalty, we already know that Javier will disobey the Queen to stay with the Frontera's. The struggle of the people on the other side of the kingdom may pain him, but... Javier may be an excellent and noble knight, but he's loyal to one family only, and that family is not where the peril is.
(Maybe he'd try to convince Lloyd to have the Frontera's join the cause? But he wouldn't leave without either Arcos or Lloyd telling him to, no matter what the Queen demands.)
If you're looking for juicy drama due to Javier being called away, you may want to set your scene before he becomes a grandmaster and Draggy joining. For that delicious angst about power level differences ;3c Javier has already rebuffed the Queen nearly the moment we meet her, but if the County doesn't have enough of a reputation in the story yet, the Frontera's might not have a choice but give up Javier in an emergency.
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viktoriakomova · 4 months
I love the paris medals, both Olympic and Paralympic 🫣
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oceanwithouthermoon · 3 months
ive never liked powerless saiki aus because the entire conclusion of the series is him accepting his powers as being a part of him that he cant change so like.. in aus where the power remover works, half of his development is erased..
if he had been "powerless" for longer, we wouldve gotten to see him realize this himself and im genuinely sad that we didnt.. we got to see him realize that being powerless wasnt the change he wished it would be and that its something he cant change, but its literally over a two day long period and we miss out on sooo much potential development..
and then in aus where hes born powerless, people think he would have the exact personality and development that he THOUGHT he would if he got rid of/didnt have his powers, like NO ? "without powers he would be another satou-" NO he would be a shy, borderline flamboyant, weird, awkward, genius LOSER.
he would have a more normal relationship with his brother (still probably competitive but in a way more average sibling way and kusuke wouldnt have had the motivation to become so murderous) and he would probably be even more friendless but with less trauma.. he may or may not have ever befriended akechi at all, and the classroom incident wouldnt have happened.. even some of his current friends might not be around if not for coincidences due to his powers or direct involvement from his powers.. (nendo and kaido would for sure still be there though, but this only ensures the idea that he would be the biggest fcking loser ever)
he would still be saiki, but. his powers are a key part of him. he would be totally different without them, but NOT in the way he thinks he would..
#also realistically he would be just as much of a stubborn asshole tsundere without his powers cmon#like yea his anxiety might present itself more as shyness than it does in canon him#but hes still an awkward stubborn asshole tsundere like thats just who the guy is#hes extra shy and maybe extra cute without his abilities to make people not find him cute#and is also like extremely ditzy and clumsy like he is in canon but its more visible to people because he doesnt have the powers to hide it#idk the point is his little quirks he thinks he wouldnt have would still be there but he wouldnt have the same faux justifications for them#need canon saiki to see an alternate universe him where he was born powerless#and hes like 'wow im going to see my ideal average me!'#and then au him is some super quirky ditzy clumsy kid with severe anxiety and also dysphoria#and he doesnt have powers to avoid being bullied like we see him do multiple times#this guy doesnt realize he will always be a loser no matter what#he loses key parts of himself and doesnt even realize that a lot of the parts left behind are still parts of himself that he hates#i know a lot of people think he would be much less jaded powerless which i get but#a lot of aspects of his personality that have less to do with his powers are a lot of the parts that he doesnt like and gets made fun of fo#so he would probably only be slightly less jaded and his awkwardness would just weigh it out a little more#though its hard to pinpoint exactly which aspects of him are only due to his powers#a lot of them are but i personally think those specific key personality traits would remain#anyway i would love to see what his relationship with his family would be like if he was born powerless#and i want to know who his friends would be#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#meows post
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curiosity-killed · 11 months
i know i’ve rambled about this before but I think about it a lot with the various like “can reptiles/fish/non cat/dog pets ACTUALLY love you back” posts and articles about how to tell when your cat loves you and I just sometimes think it’s a little silly to act like love is both this grand ineffable mystery in regards to pets (or people) and something to be measured and assessed
like does Baloo let me hold her paw for a long time (a Measure of Trust according to many articles)? No, she doesn’t really like having her paws touched. But when she gets her head stuck in the back of a chair or her scarf’s caught on something, she stills the moment I touch her head and lets me—a big, strange creature (who frankly often runs into furniture and doorframes)—manipulate the most fragile and vital part of her body in order to help her.
love is an action imo. your dog doesn’t need to be able to comprehend the words ‘I love you’ to feel loved, and your snake doesn’t need to purr to show that it trusts you and likes being around you. love is going to look a little different in every setting and trying to both box it in and demand it meet certain criteria is just...kind of dumb
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suntails · 1 month
job market misery
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music-orthemisery · 6 days
Listened to Saturday Night Again a few times on the way to work today (like an insane person) and it really has me thinking about p2/hiatus…
As much as they (and, sometimes, we) want to retcon shit, hiatus was really, really bad for p2/Patrick.
Imagine meeting your soulmate when you’re a young adult, and your soulmate-ism allows you to create musical magic.
Said musical magic catapults you into fame - a life that you never even imagined. Suddenly, you’re EVERYWHERE. Shuffled constantly from thing to thing, no breaks, no time to grow, media and fans constantly in your business and picking you apart.
In the face of this, said soulmate tries to protect you. Trying to keep you unscathed from this meat grinder, he ends up getting chewed up and spit out and fucked up, made even worse by his own underlying and unresolved issues.
You also have your own undiagnosed mental health issues and lack of healthy coping skills. So, obviously, this all ends up negatively impacting you, your sense of self, your identity, and your actions.
Neither of you are wrong or malicious or bad people. You genuinely love each other, but sometimes life makes love painful and unhealthy.
Toxicity and co-dependency can sneak its way into any genuinely good relationship. Painting either as the “villain” takes away from both their humanity and growth as people. In the grand walk of life, there are rarely villains - just people marching along and trying to navigate the challenges they are dealt. You’re bound to get lost sometimes, but, if you’re willing, you can always find your way back to the road.
That’s why that time apart was absolute shit, but the best thing for them. It gave them the opportunity to stand on their own and experience the growth necessary to be better people.
Then, ultimately, CHOOSE to stand together again because they realized that made them feel happiest and most complete.
Regardless of how you see their relationship, I think anyone can see how rare and beautiful this is. What many would have left shattered, they took and rebuilt even stronger than before. That’s NOT typical. It’s genuinely incredible and, damn, are we lucky to witness it.
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distant-velleity · 7 months
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A wallflower with very little regard for friendship. Some nights, he can be found singing for the customers of Mostro Lounge.
and some trivia—
Twisted from: Ursula’s golden necklace
Chrysos is a lionfish merman (don’t ask why I chose lionfish specifically, the reason has become really convoluted by now). Side effects of this include being able to open his mouth ridiculously widely should he feel the need to; he usually doesn’t. It freaks people out.
He has ties to Prince Rielle—or so the rumors go, anyway.
He has an uncanny talent for being able to mimic others’ voices upon hearing them frequently enough (and ‘frequently’ can be subjective). This can be dangerous when paired with his UM, for both others and himself.
Consistently has some of the highest grades in the freshmen year. Classmates are always asking him about it, but he stays tight-lipped; only recommending that they talk to his housewarden.
(tagging @thehollowwriter cuz i think you’d be interested)
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caitrose · 2 months
I put on the Miku expo on YouTube bc I like putting on the vocaloid/Hololive/etc concerts in the background while I draw and stuff and WOW they were not lying, even filmed from an optimal viewing angle this looks embarrassing and there’s not even an attempt to use the lighting to help make the illusion as a matter of fact every time the lights go up it looks way worse. It’s only like a quarter of the stage too.
Hatsune Miku looked better live a decade ago :|
if I paid hundreds of bucks to see real life Miku and I got what’s effectively a high production movie showing I’d be soo pissed
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
Why is writing cover letters like pulling teeth. I DONT LIKE having interviews and conversations with strangers but in this case I actually find it easier to talk myself up / talk about my abilities and experience in person, not limited to a single page of job-speak language that is ultimately meaningless
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snekdood · 5 months
im not gonna act like its as severe as hindutvas make it out to be but if you deny hinduphobia exists you're just a dumbass i think
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dreampearls · 1 year
i really do enjoy nahida sooo much conceptually shes 100% my favorite archon i just wish she wasnt the lolibait oneeeeeeeeee
#LIKE MANNNNNNN#her depiction as a child isnt even bad in of itself its actually so thematically coherent &strong given her status as the goddess of wisdom#& how it works to subvert the cultural expectation of what intelligence is expected to look like in the first place#so much of her as a character subverts what a god is ''supposed'' to be what with her existing as a counterpart to#rukkhadevata who is in essence everyone's ideal version of a god#despite the fact that rukkhadevata has long been dead & the idea of her as a god is basically no longer attainable#nahida is a god who was neglected entirely By humanity a god who was forcibly isolated for so so many years#AND LIKE OUGHHH THE THING ABOUT HER WRT ISOLATION VERSUS CONNECTION#because wisdom is all about connection & community & linking each other hand in hand#and this is emulated literally all throughout nahidas Entire character right down to how her kit functions#these unspeakable voids that exist between people the way people isolate themselves#& nahida and her entire deal basically acting as a bridge between that#a facilitator for kindness and understanding#whether its through dreams or the Very Literally Mind Reading & Mind Speaking Ability She Has#& all of this really coming back full circle to how she was isolated and trapped in a birdcage for all those years#with nothing But those fragile connections keeping her attached to this world#a world that had forsaken her from the very moment she was born#i just really love the concept of ''god'' less as an authoritative figure on a throne and more as this intangible connection between people#god is in the way we hold hands with one another in the way we try to understand each other despite it all#SORRY. MY RAMBLINGS
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mitamicah · 5 months
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falled-over · 8 months
since pepper was asking for it something that girls do that always makes me think 'cool gender' is not change their names despite it being historically masculine and re-defining the name through their identity and relationship to it.
#dylan mulvaney springs to mind. of course. along with some less famous examples.#shes a great example to give because a lot of things about her align with ideals of cishet feminine ideals and she could've changed her nam#to match. but chose to keep dylan. great gender moment#another thing that i always think is a cool gender is girls who understand femininity as non-necessary addition and arent afraid of#masculinity being a detractor in their appearance#this includes things like girls who talk openly about their dick or dont tuck or a girl i saw recently who rocked a full beard with#lashes a wig and a full beat#and donning a butch identity as a trans girl is always a 'cool gender' moment. especially if she feels little to no need to change much#about herself. the pressures to change yourself as even a cis woman are so high that cis women earn 'cool gender' points from other cis#women for openly combatting them by not performing. the same should be extended to trans sisters#i feel like the 'cool gender' moments most often live in autistic transmasc communities. who are more interested in the metaphysical.#(and there are less fun masculine compliments out there to give so cool gender exists to fill that hole)#but i agree with her. more trans girls and transfeminine people should be seen as people with 'cool genders'#not thinking of donning femininity when thinking of cool genders is indeed misogynistic. dare i say transmisogynistic#hope you guys enjoy me dickriding (so to speak) for the girls every few months. as pippa has pointed out to me many times its a core part o#who i am#what did she just send me hold on#'i prefer “niche enjoyer” to chaser actually'#(in response to me saying something about trans women being the niche in the lgbt im most drawn to. theres no way to say that without#it sounding weird. something something fetishisation often means genuine appreciation reads as predatory making uncomplicated love seem#impossible which further marginalises the fetishised community etc... im just chatting shit u get what i mean)#im like a platonic chaser. unless youre interested in doing something unlabelled with an emphasis on the psycho of psychosexual in the note#i would say that that role has already been filled but who is interested in upholding monogamy in this day and age
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daftpatience · 9 months
I just bought my first fountain pen recently (it's a Lamy, probably a safari) and I'm nearly out of replacement cartridges. I'm looking forward to going back to the stationary store and maybe messing around with a converter so I can use different inks. Trouble is I've only ever run out of ink when I'm at work, I don't want to make a mess, and I have trouble wasting the ink at the bottom of a cartridge. It's not a huge problem and I'll get over it but is there anything you would recommend to avoid either wasting ink from a half used cartridge or making a mess transporting an ink bottle?
ooh, yeah cartridges can get kinda gummy/dry/unusable at the end. you can syringe refill cartridges, and if you can get the same brand of ink in bottle form (lamy does have this) and catch them before they're too dry, then you'll be able to fill them up without rinsing them out so that you're not losing much ink until... the last time you ever refill it lol. problem there is that i don't have any ideas about how to re-seal a punctured cartridge, so it'd still be an at-home kind of job. plus you're risking a bit of the quality of the ink if there's crust and gunk in the bottom that's getting mixed in. it's an option tho! and washed cartridges are perfectly fine to refill which is great if you're on a budget and the converter for your pen is one of those pricey proprietary ones. yay recycling!
that said, the nice thing about converters is that you don't need to wait until the pen is empty to refill them. if you know you run out of ink maybe once a month or so, you can top up your pen at home every 2 weeks (or whatever your usual halfway point is) so that you'll essentially never be out of ink when you're out and about! set yourself a little reminder and make it a chill part of ur routine if you want!
also, if you really wanna bring ink out with you (i do this sometimes hehe) i find these styles of sample ink vials are great for transport. the caps seal well, the bottoms are tapered so that the pen can draw up every last bit of ink, and they're just the right size to carry enough to refill a pen like 2-4x depending on the cartridge capacity.
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just make sure you've got some paper towels too!
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kamil-a · 23 days
WHAT is hnkna you've caught my attention
heart no kuni no alice is a dating sim based on alice in wonderlamd made by quinrose!
its good its fun its funny its hot if u find an angle ur into. the worldbuilding is fascinating (endlessly revivable mechanical-run bodies swapping souls, immortal-by-terminology by considering the Job a person and the Doer Of Job not a person. and thats just a part of things!)
the cast is fun the protag is the worlds most repressed bi woman she hates herself big time shes The definition of those tumblr posts abt being a teen girl in her 20s shes kind of mean she wants to step on guys she has a massive guilt complex and she ruuuuuuuules i love her so much. the music rocks and theres a clunky but endearing turn system that lets u build a unique customized story every time if you have the imagination to see. and ace is there :) and blood is there :) and elliot :) and vivi :) and julius :) and nightmare :) and and and etc etc etc
content warnings: romance media typical dubcon, memory alteration/unreality, optional dating twin kids route, protag's previous boyfriend was her teacher and the resulting trauma of that comes up Often. Like its an 00s shoujo otome kinda thing be prepared etc etc. stay safe!
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cartoonghosts · 23 days
I have a really simple point here that is very weird and difficult to get to so hear me out please. Also this post is about America's government first and foremost given that I am american
You know how, in elementary school or younger, you're taught that violent protest is inherently evil and bad and also it doesn't ever work, and the only good and correct and functional type of protest is non violent? How people who are known for non violence are seen as more inherently good and righteous than those who have the exact same views and simply chose to do something more intense? You know how that's bullshit?
The reason education systems and by extension, the governments that fund and support them, try to drill non-violence into children, is because the government does not want to change. Yes, non violence can work, but when you're being ignored and ignored and ignored, when you are part of a minority that is murdered and abused and silenced constantly and hunger strikes and sit ins and rallies just don't fucking work, it is completely natural to lash out and IT WORKS BETTER. People pay attention. Maybe people get hurt, but non violence is not inherently better than violence just because the government wants you to be non violent.
A big reason the government wants non violence when they fund, approve of, or do nothing about police brutality, bigoted 'vigilante' killings, and school shootings, is because systems are not inherently supposed to make things better. A system's base function is to continue surviving as a system. That is what is most important to it. And yes, you can make small changes to the system, but you can't fix it because it is not broken. It is working perfectly and it needs to be torn down, burnt out, and replaced with something better. That's the only way to actually change things.
Im not telling you to go start a riot, but I'm not telling you to not do that, and if you do, I'll be in full support. Systems that aren't built to serve the people will never serve the people. We need revolution, and since the government isn't going down non violently, we need violent revolution.
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