#sorry I’m having a moment
mistoffeleesisawitch · 2 months
The total eclipse was very genuinely the most magical thing I’ve ever seen holy shit
Even knowing it’s the rotation of the earth and moon it’s still feels so ethereal and divine
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spirker · 3 months
I’ve been getting emotional thinking about this fandom. So many of us have been in fandoms before, spending our time searching for any scraps of representation we could find, any sign of a happy ending, of a tiny bit of queer joy.
And we got used to being held in distain by the creators of those things. They made fun of us, they treated the characters we loved badly, they shut down relationships we were invested in.
But with OFMD so many of us have finally found a home. A place we are respected, where we are represented, where we can find joy.
And I love that for us.
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hazelnut-u-out · 3 months
Rick and Morty does an awesome job at highlighting generational trauma cycles. The fact that Beth adopted Rick’s parenting style and approach to marriage (and even IDOLIZED him/the abuse) without realizing that her biggest character flaws come directly from him is super interesting.
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I honestly think splitting her into two different versions of herself— one who chooses to be more like her mother and one more like her father; one who stays and one who leaves— was a good choice. As someone who relates a lot to sentiments like ‘my parent idolizes their parents/I’m angry with my parents for what their parents did to them/when I’m angry with my mother, but then I remember she’s just a girl’, the Beths are a powerful representation of not only what I see in myself, but also an experience of motherhood I have little insight into on my own.
With all of their parallels, I like to think Beth has moments where she— like her father— says to herself, ‘Holy shit… I’m a terrible mother.’
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I’ve never thought about it before, but Beth truly resents feeling ‘trapped’ in motherhood. She views it as something Jerry did to her instead of something she also partook in. I’m not saying that Jerry didn’t do that intentionally, but I am saying that Beth made choices there, too, and it’s unfair of her to hold contempt for her children (mainly Morty) because of that.
It makes me wonder what her relationship with Diane was like. Diane might have felt like Rick trapped her into motherhood and then took a backseat, too. Did Diane resent Beth for taking away what her life could’ve been? Did Diane blame Beth for her decision to be a mother?
On the other side of the coin, we have Morty. He’s like his dad in a lot of innocent ways, but that concept terrifies him because he’s seen the malice behind that harmless facade.
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Part of him hates his mom for never wanting him— for never caring for him or protecting him— but that’s a part of himself he buries. He knows, at the end of the day, his mom is just a girl who desperately wanted her dad to love her.
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‘I love Daddy!’
People talk about how much Morty is like Jerry all the time, but I’ve NEVER seen a post about how similar he is to Beth. (Please tag me if you have, so I can hype it up!) He spends all day everyday cripplingly aware of just how little his parents want him. He feels their rejection and neglect. He buries those feelings to protect them; or maybe because he’s so aware of their disdain for him that he believes they just might discard him if he’s too much work.
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…Sound familiar?
Sometimes I wonder how much of Morty’s efforts to protect Beth from Rick’s actions and people pleasing to make Beth and Rick’s relationship just a bit easier comes from a certain relatedness he feels to his mother’s experience of rejection/abandonment.
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‘Rick, I can handle it if you go, but you’ll break Mom’s heart, and I won’t forgive you for that.’
He loves who some may consider unlovable.
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But, holy shit, is that kid angry.
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Angry at people he can’t justify holding accountable because… Fuck, they’ve been through a lot, too, haven’t they? How could he possibly justify hating someone he could so easily become?
I can only hope we get some more of Rick’s relationship with his parents. I’m dying to know about it.
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cowboylikesel · 12 days
sooo with gerrard being reinstated as the captain of the station he was fired from because of his bigotry mere days after they awarded several firefighters of said station (including at least one that filed those complains) - does tommy’s „enjoy it while it lasts“ comment make sense to you now or should i spell it out for you?
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gumdefense · 2 months
I love you so much gumshoe I miss you gumshoe when will you be back gumshoe what are you up to now gumshoe what is the watsonian explanation as to why we haven’t seen you at all post 7yg gumshoe
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fever-project · 2 months
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art from @/linkeduniverse from shady escape pt 1
He's a phantom! Danny Phantom! Danny Phantom! Danny Phantom! Young Danny Fenton, he was just 14,[1] When his parents built a very strange machine. It was designed to view, a world unseen. He's gonna catch em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom! When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit, But then Danny took a look inside of it, There was a great big flash, everything just changed, His molecules got all rearranged! Phantom! Phantom! When he first woke up, he realized, He had snow white hair, and glowin' green eyes. He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly, He was much more unique than the other guys.
And it was then that he knew what he had to do, He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through, He's here to fight, for me and you!l He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's Danny Phantom, Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's Danny Phantom, Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's Danny Phantom!
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the-river-rix · 2 months
Do you think Curt has scars from getting tortured by DMA/Owen? Do you think he fixates on them on bad days? Do you think anyone, whether it’s his mom or a friend, or someone he’s sleeping with, notices and asks about them? Do you think sometimes they cause flashbacks and panic attacks?
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sharktistic · 3 months
I’m convinced tiktok until dawn fans played the game with their eyes closed. What the fuck do you mean “why didn’t Hannah just walk out the mines? Emily did so easily” MAYBE BECAUSE SHE HAD A BROKEN LEG. OH OH AND ALSO EMILY HAD A FUCKING TORCH AND (BASED ON YOUR CHOICES) A FLARE GUN. STOP FUCKING VICTIM BLAMING HANNAH OH MY GOD
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daylighteclipsed · 5 months
Where is RIKU!!!!!!!
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yaoigoddess9158 · 1 month
“If only he really were Shen Jiu.
If only that person could really hear these words.”
(Scum Villain Self-Saving System, book 3, page 337)
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transfemoliorionsound · 11 months
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how do we feel about this
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insectwmn · 8 months
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i now understand why natsume is constantly trying to punch tsumugi’s lights out. if i was natsume i’d probably try to eat tsumugi’s face.
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little-bumblebeeee · 1 month
what if what if heheheehhe what if Eddie comes back and and and after seeing that Steve is a good dude he feels bad for not postponing Hellfire and and and and he goes to Lucas and hehehehehehehehehehehhe
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luguangluvr · 9 months
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sturnioloshacker · 5 months
nobody talk to me, i’m gonna need 5-10 business days to recover
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hellworldprincess · 2 months
i NEED a boymoder to bite/attack as a sex thing
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