#starbound extended story
nedayisonline · 1 year
From my understanding Skybound isn't glitch and originated on earth, so... How was their reaction to the destruction of Earth?
It's quite nice seeing more asks recently I love replying to them, as for the question oh boy it's loaded. Yes, SkyBound isn't a true glitch, they were a human sent off on some of the first interstellar exploration missions about 100 years before the founding of the Terrene Protectorate. They lost their physical form using magic to bring back Kaiya after being attacked by cultists, and then assumed the body of a glitch to keep protecting the galaxy. (yes, that means they are now 600 years old and counting!)
That aside, this is probably their reaction from their point of view.
"The radio turned on by itself, must have been the ship's AI. The radio message was repeating the same message. "Earth is under attack by an unidentified organism, destruction is imminent. Evacuation is impossible with no major settlements off planet. If you are a human receiving this broadcast, we are now an endangered species. The future of the Terrene Protectorate is now in your hands"
When it cut off after about 5 minutes it was safe to assume that earth was gone... I had heard of an ancient being capable of destruction on this scale, but it was locked away, sealed by the cultivator's great sacrifice. So how did it come back? I guess the ancients planned for this with their vaults, filled with the life they could scrounge up and protected by ancient elemental gods created by their fine craftsmanship.
Then I... cried? I haven't had much reason to cry in a few centuries, but the realization that everything the human race has endured, wars, being divided, their, no, MY unending curiosity had stemmed from them. They took thousands of years to come together, then united the galaxy on a scale nobody saw coming, and now it is all gone. Every single memory made, love shared, families made... All of it was for nothing. A universal-sized dream ended in just a few minutes, it wasn't fair. And why couldn't I have done anything? I'm supposed to be the guardian of the galaxy and the universe, and I couldn't save the one planet that mattered most. I spent the next few months traveling to study other planets showing signs of the Destroyer's touch to decide if I needed to do it.
Lost in thought, it didn't hit me that Kaiya was to attend graduation that day until much later when it hit me that I had missed the graduation ceremony. I had no idea if she was okay, let alone if she had survived... I was used to her being away on missions for a few weeks at a time, and it had slipped me by completely. I wouldn't know my answer for a few months until my scanners picked up a massive collection of celestial energy in one spot, on a small asteroid colony near the Ark which had been where the cultivator sealed the Destroyer inside another dimension. I had heard of a lone warrior taking on insane tasks to collect the ancient artifacts, could it have been her? With the burning desire to know I rushed to the "Outpost" as the locals called it, where I found a collection of members from all races, including the old Grand Protector Esther Bright, and the lone familiar orange glow of Kaiya. In just a few months she had managed to unite all the artifacts and killed the Destroyer's Heart while I was off sealing the ancient vaults.
I guess it makes sense, the Novakids are the remnants of the Cultivator, born of their great generosity. It's almost fitting that one of its descendants would be the one to annihilate the Destroyer, as it is now called. I'm just glad I didn't have to use the ultimate weapon stored in the Core of our Galaxy that I had forged all those years ago for an event like the Destroyer's emergence.
Hopefully... it stays that way."
I hope it wasn't too cringe! I mention the Destroyer because Skybound never heard about its name, not until Kaiya tells them about her adventure, and why Skybound no longer feels the cultivator's presence in the universe.
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cyberpunkonline · 6 months
The Cyberpunk Genre: From Fiction to Reality
The Real-World Cyberpunk Narrative
In the realm of science fiction, the cyberpunk genre has long captivated audiences with its vision of a high-tech, low-life future. Cyberpunk, a subgenre that emerged in the early 1980s, combines advanced technology with a layer of dystopian elements, often exploring themes of artificial intelligence, cybernetics, corporate hegemony, and social decay. However, what once seemed a distant future is now becoming a striking reflection of our present reality.
The Cyberpunk Reality of Modern Corporations
As we delve into the corporate world, the parallels between cyberpunk narratives and current events become strikingly clear. This article examines the activities of major corporations like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, SpaceX, and OpenAI, highlighting instances that resonate with cyberpunk themes.
"Google: The Digital Panopticon"
Google, with its vast array of services, has created a digital ecosystem that closely resembles the omnipresent corporations in cyberpunk lore. The company's foray into various sectors, from search engines to smart home devices, has raised concerns about privacy invasion and data control, reminiscent of cyberpunk's surveillance-heavy societies.
"Microsoft: The Silicon Overlord"
Microsoft's dominance in the software industry, particularly with its Windows operating system and Office suite, mirrors the cyberpunk trope of a corporation wielding enormous power over everyday technology. The company's expansion into cloud computing and AI further cements its status as a tech giant with a reach that extends into the very fabric of digital life.
"Amazon: The Corporate Colossus"
Amazon's transformation from an online bookstore to a retail and technology behemoth aligns with cyberpunk's portrayal of mega-corporations that transcend traditional industry boundaries. The company's ventures into cloud computing, AI, and even space travel through its Blue Origin subsidiary evoke images of a corporation with almost limitless ambition and resources.
"SpaceX: Architects of the Starbound Future"
SpaceX, under the leadership of Elon Musk, brings to life the cyberpunk fascination with space exploration and privatization. The company's ambitious projects, including the colonization of Mars and satellite internet services, embody the cyberpunk vision of pushing humanity's boundaries, both technologically and geographically.
"OpenAI: The AI Enigma"
OpenAI, known for its groundbreaking work in AI, reflects cyberpunk's preoccupation with the potential and dangers of artificial intelligence. The development of advanced AI models and their applications in various fields raise questions about the future of human-AI interaction, a central theme in many cyberpunk narratives.
Industrial Espionage: A Cyberpunk Reality
The world of industrial espionage, a staple in cyberpunk plots, is no stranger to these tech giants. The competitive nature of the technology industry, driven by the race for innovation and market dominance, has led to numerous instances of data breaches, intellectual property theft, and corporate spying. These incidents underscore the darker aspects of the corporate world, mirroring the intrigue and deception often found in cyberpunk stories.
Cyberpunk Tropes in the Modern World
Several broad tropes characteristic of the cyberpunk genre are increasingly relevant today:
Technological Advancements vs. Societal Decay: The stark contrast between cutting-edge technology and societal challenges, such as income inequality and privacy concerns, is a recurring theme in both cyberpunk fiction and the modern world.
Corporate Power and Influence: The immense power wielded by mega-corporations, often at the expense of individual freedoms and government authority, is a reality in both the cyberpunk genre and today's corporate landscape.
Ethical Dilemmas of AI and Cybernetics: The ethical and philosophical questions surrounding artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and human enhancement are as pertinent in real life as they are in cyberpunk narratives.
Conclusion: Cyberpunk as a Now Genre
As we examine these parallels, it becomes evident that cyberpunk is no longer a genre fixated on a near future. The themes, concerns, and narratives central to cyberpunk are increasingly manifesting in our current reality. The once speculative fiction has transformed into a lens through which we can view and understand the complexities and challenges of our high-tech, corporate-dominated world. Cyber is no longer a near future genre. It's a now genre.
- Raz
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bsdyumejoshi · 6 days
Takane No Hana │ 高値 の 花
Summary: (n.) someone or something one desires but is far away or unattainable; lit. "flower on a high peak” If you love long, drawn out stories and other people’s BSD OCs you’ve come to the right place.
Rating: T (will probably change in later chapters)
Relationships: Osamu Dazai & original female character, Chuuya Nakahara & original female character
Other AO3 Tags: Developing Friendships, Platonic Relationships, Friends to Lovers, Lovers to Enemies, Slow Burn, the romance is a lot later on when I say slow burn I mean slow burn, you get to find out which relationships develop which way(s), Pre-Fifteen Light Novel
AN: If any corrections need to be made to my chapter titles please tell me, I don't speak Japanese and I'm relying on phrases found online + an online translator (not Google). Thank you for reading!
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Chapter Four
Sono Shunkan Wa Watashi No Kioku Ni Yakitsuite Iru | その瞬間は私の記憶に焼き付いている
“That moment is burned into my memory.”
The Saturday after the next weekend Layla went to the Mafia headquarters again. Dazai wasn’t there.
She spent the days training to have better control over her special ability. While she kept Starbound’s true power a secret from all, the portion that she did allow others to know about was still difficult. When it came to manipulating nearby plasma, she thrived. As long as she had no emotions, there was no reason for it to get out of control. But when it came time to create plasma, the difficulties set in.
It ended up being a correct assessment to say that there was a time limit on her power to create. As long as she had been manipulating nearby plasma for a few minutes, no matter how small it was, she could create her own. The only exception to this, and she knew of this possibility before, was if she created it using her emotions. Layla could work with the time limit though. It was also a lot of effort to control the created plasma. As she created it, she had to focus and think of what she knew about her ability. Sometimes she had to read from science journals to understand its full capabilities. It wasn’t like other special abilities that just came naturally, she had to be aware of the very nature that surrounded her. It was its own scientific process.
After seven minutes of playing with a spark of electricity from an open wire, she was finally able to use Starbound to create a much larger and entirely different strand of purple electricity which went from one hand to the next, back and forth, getting more powerful with each charge she put in it. She stood on the roof of YYRGK’s hideout. With one push of her right hand, Layla pulled it all into one and then thrust it out, a zap a lot similar to a lightning strike shot out across the rooftops. It went past two nearby buildings before dropping to the ground and making a cracking sound as it impacted the concrete. Immediately afterward she shot out another purple bolt. If she went more than a few seconds without creating or controlling some type of plasma, the time limit would come back.
When Layla first discovered she was gifted, the time limit was one of the most puzzling aspects about it. Why did she have to warm up her ability in order to unlock the next level of it, every single time she used it? In time she understood what the kind old lady said was true, it was a sort of defense mechanism to protect herself. While controlling plasma around her didn’t have any negative effects, creating it did. It’s impossible to create something from nothing. Energy and matter cannot be destroyed, just change form. And Starbound used her own energy.
She tried again and again, shooting off lightning into the air. Layla did it with kicks and punches as if she was in a fight, imagining how it would be to trick opponents into thinking they only had to dodge her fist and then flinging fifty volts at them instead. There was a pause as she tried to create fire. Too slow. The change from creating one to the other needed to be quicker. Now she was out and had to wait to recharge.
Even though she was now hungry, Layla walked over to the other side of the roof and picked up a lighter she swiped from the convenience store. She wanted to always have one on her so she was never again in a situation like a few weeks ago near the docks. Electricity was everywhere so she had thought she would always have some form of defense. In the blindspots of the world where there was no electricity, she needed to carry her own fire with her.
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There were dark clouds in the sky that foretold heavy rain. Living so close to the ocean meant storms were more likely even in months that were not in the rainy season. But the clouds made the alleyway darker, creating a better hiding spot for Layla.
This was her first real mission. She did not think she was ready. She hadn’t trained enough with her ability, and she hadn’t trained with another ability user in years.
Her job was to reclaim money from an opposing gang. A year ago, when the city was still in bloodshed because of the constant wars started by the Port Mafia, this group had stolen items worth three million yen from YYRGK. They had been too weak to retaliate at the time. But today, a courier was taking that much money and more from one of their hideouts to the headquarters. Layla was sent to ambush and take the money back.
Four armed lackeys. None of them with special abilities, to her boss's knowledge. If the information was accurate, it would be easy pickings. If not, today could be the day she died. It wasn’t as if there were scores of Gifteds running around in all the gangs, so there was a good chance it was nothing. She kept quiet in her little nook seven feet off the ground, not even playing with the lighter which would only give away her position.
If a half trained twelve year old can take out four grown men with guns, that’s something to be proud of and celebrate. Layla had to tell herself these things. Sometimes she liked to think about what emotions others would feel in certain situations and pretend that that’s what she felt too. It helped her from being tempted to stop suppressing them.
There were footsteps to the right of her. She turned her head slowly and crouched even lower, hiding most of her face in the collar of her black shirt. This was a precarious ledge she was on, too much movement was risky. Five men cut through the alleyway, three already with pistols drawn. Layla waited until they were directly underneath her to make her move. She hoped the extra man wasn’t an ability user, flicked her lighter on and threw it to her left, in the direction they were walking. The alleyway lit up in a blaze. She had doused gasoline yards away as part of the ambush.
Since she threw the lighter at an angle, when it dropped, it looked like it dropped from straight above. The three men with their pistols drawn were looking up and ahead, the one who looked like he had a satchel under his coat stood still, and the fifth one spun around, seemingly ready to fight whoever was going to come from behind with his bare hands.
A skill user? Layla thought before reaching her left arm in the direction of the wall of fire and swiping it across herself like she was swatting a mosquito. The fire came flying at the men, burning the ones with pistols; she stopped the fire from getting too close to the man with the satchel, not wanting to burn the money. As it was, the fire was growing too fast. She had used too much gasoline.
The alleyway was filled with their screams as they attempted to put themselves out. She quickly called some fire to her and then aimed a blast at the man in the back. His eyes had been searching for the assailant but didn’t see the fire until it had already hit him. With no defenses, he too was left to burn and try to put himself out. It seemed he wasn’t an ability user after all, but had been calling for back-up.
With that she had given away her position so Layla knew she had to act fast. She launched herself off the ledge, ready to use the man with the satchel to break her fall. But in the commotion he had drawn a gun without her noticing. After he saw where the fire blast had come from, he aimed his gun in her direction.
They made eye contact as she fell.
Everything in her body told her to react and she managed to turn as shots rang out. The bullets went through the air where her chest had just been. But there wasn’t enough time to do much else and she landed with nothing to break her fall.
There was a jolt of intense pain, a scramble to keep her emotions from appearing, and a blur of black shooting through the air. Layla’s mind didn’t process the third thing at first. She was still waiting for the final shot that would kill her while reaching for the fire that would burn the bastard even after she was dead.
It didn’t happen. Instead she heard the sound of a body colliding into a brick wall. She turned her head to the direction the blur had disappeared. Standing over the man with the satchel, who was crumpled into the ground unconscious, was a boy her age. His hands were in the pockets of his dark green biker jacket. Her vision was blurry with pain, her left leg most likely broken, but she could still make out some of his face against the backdrop of the wall of fire.
Like an avenging angel, she thought in a daze.
“You shoulda never stolen from The Sheep,” the boy said as he bent down and picked up the satchel. He opened it and checked the contents.
Layla was trying to discreetly get away by scooting. One of the burnt men was passed out on the ground, possibly dead. Another had run off instead of stopping, dropping, and rolling. The other two were severely burnt but trying to reach their comrade whom the boy was standing on.
“Wow. This is twenty times the amount you took from us.” The boy laughed, not seeming to care at all that two men were trying to pick up scraps in the alley to use as weapons, their guns still too hot to touch.
Because most of that is our money, Layla thought. Nobody was paying attention to her, the other gang members probably thought it was the boy who had lit everything on fire. But how would she get the money from this red-haired boy? Maybe if she pretended to be a little injured kid, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, he would feel bad and give her what he didn’t need.
Didn’t he just say he was a member of The Sheep? Maybe I should approach and plead to join.
“If you ever try to retaliate for this,” he said, finally acknowledging the two injured men, “remember what The Sheep does to those who harm them.” And suddenly the man underneath his shoe began sinking into the ground.
Layla was confused for a moment before realizing who was in front of her. This was the gravity manipulator, the one called the King of the Sheep.
Another dark blur flew by and he was gone. She had managed to get behind a trash can to hide until the men went away. One was calling off the back-up and instead saying they’d need to kidnap a doctor to fix them up. The burnt man on the ground was still alive, as was the man the Sheep King pushed into the ground. But he was under the cement with serious injuries from being slammed around. He seemed to be stuck.
She decided then was as good a time as any to sneak away. As she continued to crawl behind trash piled up on the side of the alleyway, she heard sirens in the distance. The fire was growing. Once she was near the street entrance, she stood needing to get out of the area quickly. It hurt, but if she was able to stand, she doubted her leg was broken. Last time, she hadn’t been able to put any weight on it.
As she painfully limped down the street, she heard a gunshot ring out from the alley behind her.
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Nothing was broken but Layla’s left ankle and knee were sprained, the ligaments inside very damaged. And somehow her hip bone was bruised. It didn’t take her out of work for even a full day, but she was on office duty only until she was completely healed.
With a brace on her ankle and knee, and her leg elevated on a nearby chair she typed away on the office’s computer. She had one tab open to help her because she still sometimes she made mistakes when writing. And mistakes were not a thing she could afford to make in this line of work.
As it was she had failed the mission. She didn’t get even a part of their money back. It wasn’t her fault, nobody had planned on a third party busting in and taking it all. True, if it wasn’t for him doing that she would still have failed and also been killed, but she didn’t tell that to her superiors. The pain wasn’t as intense when she had made it back so she had been able to explain herself and lie so as to not be severely punished. There had been a hard backhand across her face which sent her off balance and collapsing to the floor, but the sting of it was blurred with the pain medication she had received not long after for her sprains. And because her injuries already took her out of physical labor, she wasn’t punished– corporally– further. They needed her skill back in commission too badly to injure her more.
Layla refused to stop for meal breaks, wanting to make up for her failure. It had put her in a precarious spot, even if her special skill was desired. Lunchtime was two hours ago but she was still writing up documents and making sure everything was translated properly. Her mind kept wandering away from her job and towards the boy she saw two days ago.
The rumors of The Sheep having a gifted who could manipulate the gravity of the things he touched seemed a little outlandish that even she almost doubted them. How could someone have a skill that gave him control over one of the four fundamental forces? Her ability was almost like that and she had already thought herself a freak amongst freaks. The idea that it would be better to leave YYRGK and join them kept making more and more sense.
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bananahotels · 2 years
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Thousands of items – construction equipment, armor, weapons, furniture, etc.
Three modes of games – casual (not to eat), survival (to survive), and hardcore (permadeath).
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icryyoumercy · 4 years
elucubrare replied to your post “so starbound is great fun as mining/jump’n’run games go, especially...”
I don't know how far you got, but I found that the first dungeon was very unpleasantly punishing so despite liking it overall, I'm stuck there :(
yeah, the boss fights/dungeons/story quests are a lot of trouble. i got through the first after... ten? fifteen? tries, because i was simply too damn stubborn to give up, and i’m slowly working my way through the others by leveling up my equipment to utterly ridiculously overpowered, getting as many insta-heal items as i can, and then just hoping for the best
i think the bosses are supposed to have attack patterns which makes it somewhat easier to get past them, but i can never properly remember those, so that’s not much help... (also, the third story quest had a glitchy elevator, and i died at least ten times because it just randomly dropped me, so *shrugs widely* i supposed it’s just a test of sheer stubbornness)
nimblermortal replied to your post “so starbound is great fun as mining/jump’n’run games go, especially...”
We've been very much enjoying Ori and the Blind Forest!
oooh, that looks gorgeous! sadly enough, tho, it also looks like a lot more jump’n’run that i can manage... like, that is the reason i prefer that stuff combined with mining, because then i can just extend all of the platforms and stuff after failing to jump on them for the billionth time...
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doc-alister · 5 years
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Alright so last night I got about 2 hours of sleep before I was ripped back to reality by a night terror. With my body in full blown fight/flight mode I couldn't get back to sleep because of all the adrenaline I was burning.
I ended up playing Starbound from 1:30am to 7:30am (the time I leave for school) at approximately 4:00am I beat The Ruin and completed the main storyline. Then spent the rest of my morning grinding items in preparation for the Extended Story Mod.
So now I am sick, sleep deprived, and very VERY grumpy...
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rutledgefanning78 · 5 years
Are You Able To Downloud Maps In Minecraft When You've Got Windows 7
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If you want to see a cool village in general although, try the other seeds under. What Would You Give It Out Of 5? To be able to counter this you will must be extremity effectively prepared in Starbound by working in the direction of the most effective weapons, armours and different pieces of gear that offer you an edge. What is the very best pc for minecraft? Minecraft might be probably the most well-known and popular indie sport. The depth of Junk Jack actually blew me away for a recreation that you may play in your cellphone. And with an enormous variety of mods to download, the sport can become much more versatile. I really preferred this function because it signifies that at the very begin of the game you can get around easily, it also offers you an extra extension of your self to improve all through the sport adding extra depth. Where are Minecraft Underwater to obtain Minecraft pluggins?
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Government Assigned PokeSona #29
@astroellipse​, your government assigned PokeSona is Porygon!
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Want to know more about getting a Government Assigned PokeSona? Click here!
Want to know how I picked this PokeSona? Read on…
Here are the answers I was given:
Zodiac Sign: Sun: Capricorn / Moon: Scorpio / Rising: Leo
Personality: I'm a very quiet person; I have trouble with conversation, though that's not to say I don't enjoy it. I become jealous easily. I am super anxious; I carry a book around with me at all times while I'm at school, or most places, I guess, so I can escape conversation and get out of uncomfortable situations mentally. I am tired a lot, and am generally slow in speech, movement, and thinking, though I'm not really dull. A good example of this is how I do in things like Kahoot vs an exam; I always do awful in Kahoot. I might start out on top, but even if I get all the answers right I'll never win because of how long it takes me to answer. On the other hand, I tend to do very well on tests, as evidenced by my scoring in the top 10 in the regional mathlegue. I'm also pretty modest... excluding right now, I guess? 
Ok since that whole paragraph made me sound like kind of a stuck up tool I'll also talk about my hobbies. I play video games any time I have free-time, usually things revolving around making your own story, like Skyrim, or Starbound (it's how I justify never writing to myself.) I'm actually, like, the biggest nerd I know (that... hurt to type, but it's true :/), I just have no one to talk to about stuff. I have so many useless facts in my head I could write a book if only I had the motivation.
Aesthetic: I don't really... care how things look? I'm pretty blind to things that 'look good', so I usually keep things simple. For example, every outfit I have is either a hoodie and jeans or a flannel and jeans. My room is also a mess; the wall behind my bed is bright green, I have a teal body pillow on my bed, with a lavender comforter, all on top of a stone grey sheet. The rest of the walls are unpainted and stripey  white/grey. I have two blue polkadotted drawers. Opposite to my bed is a very formal looking dark grey desk/cabinet combo. Oh, and my nightstand is covered in zebra print. Everyone else who sees my room says it's a mess but I don't really get it. I guess I just prefer function over aesthetic in literally every case.
Why did I pick Porygon?
I’m pretty sure the answers accidentally got cut off, but as far as I can tell, astroellipse didn’t tell me their favorite types so they wouldn’t affect what I picked. That was an interesting change of pace. Basically, because of the focus of simplicity, a no frills type like normal felt like a fitting choice
Also, since Porygon was manmade, “function > aesthetic” makes sense
Porygon’s color scheme is almost a little clashing, fitting in with the mish mash of colors astroellipse described in their room
Also, blue was a color they liked and there’s some blue on the design
“Very quiet” feels accurate for Porygon (it’s hard to visualize its personality, but still)
Porygon can freely travel through cyberspace, and it’d make sense if that extended to virtual reality (I made the connection when video games were brought up)
Since Porygon is made of coding and technology, I think that works well for someone who admits to being “the biggest nerd [they] know”
Porygon is far from dull, but it is slow. Its base speed isn’t very high (40), but also, Porygon’s hidden ability is analytic. This increases the power of a move by 30% if the Pokemon using it moves second. This works perfectly with the description of being not so great at things that require quick thinking/acting, but much better at tests that give more time to think. Usually I don’t manage to incorporate a Pokemon’s ability in like this so I’m pretty proud of myself ngl
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fadelikeaflower · 6 years
Valve has leaked player counts
Before Valve was able to plug the hole these numbers escaped:
The following table represents a small selection of the top games with Achievements on Steam, as ranked by number of total unique players (i.e. the number of Steam users who have played the game at least once) as of July 1, 2018 and as collected by Steam Spy's Sergey Galyonkin. The data was extrapolated from the Achievement percentage data provided by Steam's API, so games that do not have developer-set Achievements are not represented. Please see the description on the previous page for important caveats about usage of this data, and download this CSV file for player data from over 13,000 Steam games.
Title Player Estimate Steam App ID Team Fortress 2 50,191,347 440 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 46,305,966 730 PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS 36,604,134 578080 Unturned 27,381,399 304930 Left 4 Dead 2 23,143,723 550 PAYDAY 2 18,643,807 218620 Garry's Mod 18,576,379 4000 Warframe 16,332,217 230410 Counter-Strike: Source 15,001,876 240 Paladins 14,371,946 444090 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 13,235,488 72850 Terraria 13,132,545 105600 Portal 2 13,062,700 620 Sid Meier's Civilization V 12,701,498 8930 Grand Theft Auto V 12,604,123 271590 Borderlands 2 11,218,936 49520 Robocraft 10,145,493 301520 Rocket League 10,110,342 252950 Portal 9,971,481 400 War Thunder 9,536,732 236390 Rust 9,147,240 252490 ARK: Survival Evolved 9,103,947 346110 Half-Life 2 8,877,286 220 Brawlhalla 8,646,824 291550 Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 8,260,157 219640 Trove 7,700,319 304050 Path of Exile 7,634,137 238960 Killing Floor 7,395,545 1250 The Binding of Isaac 7,172,818 113200 No More Room in Hell 7,144,320 224260 Alien Swarm 6,667,813 630 Warface 6,656,284 291480 Fallout 4 6,601,188 377160 Arma 3 6,404,450 107410 Cities: Skylines 6,132,366 255710 Insurgency 6,007,744 222880 Euro Truck Simulator 2 5,982,548 227300 APB Reloaded 5,874,946 113400 Age of Empires II HD 5,824,316 221380 Dirty Bomb 5,760,753 333930 Dead by Daylight 5,757,369 381210 SMITE 5,751,466 386360 Castle Crashers 5,555,066 204360 The Forest 5,552,274 242760 Tomb Raider 5,495,033 203160 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 5,479,626 292030 Wallpaper Engine 5,279,723 431960 Saints Row IV 5,275,914 206420 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 5,267,226 10180 Spiral Knights 5,226,655 99900 Loadout 5,224,448 208090 Black Squad 5,223,468 550650 Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies 5,222,958 273110 Fallout: New Vegas 5,222,533 22380 Saints Row: The Third 5,143,189 55230 Magicka 4,976,290 42910 Torchlight II 4,963,949 200710 PAYDAY The Heist 4,944,712 24240 Stardew Valley 4,913,541 413150 Evolve Stage 2 4,826,928 273350 Company of Heroes 2 4,654,955 231430 Left 4 Dead 4,604,963 500 The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition 4,585,616 20920 BioShock Infinite 4,563,627 8870 Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead 4,514,397 33930 Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 4,468,234 241930 ORION: Prelude 4,419,554 104900 Day of Defeat: Source 4,419,447 300 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition 4,398,897 489830 Clicker Heroes 4,338,397 363970 Starbound 4,309,358 211820 Blacklight: Retribution 4,268,464 209870 Mount & Blade: Warband 4,219,791 48700 Space Engineers 4,204,751 244850 7 Days to Die 4,184,553 251570 Dead Island 4,182,465 91310 Just Cause 2 4,161,156 8190 Magic Duels 4,109,602 316010 Borderlands 4,079,485 8980 Goat Simulator 4,065,978 265930 Life is Strange - Episode 1 4,017,852 319630 Killing Floor 2 3,980,635 232090 theHunter Classic 3,979,429 253710 Half-Life 2: Episode One 3,917,529 380 Infestation: The New Z 3,888,922 555570 AdVenture Capitalist 3,759,378 346900 Call of Duty: Black Ops 3,759,377 42700 Realm of the Mad God 3,757,613 200210 Dishonored 3,700,352 205100 Sid Meier’s Civilization VI 3,680,328 289070 BattleBlock Theater 3,605,148 238460 Undertale 3,581,310 391540 Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm 3,501,161 35450 Just Survive 3,491,666 295110 Empire: Total War 3,491,439 10500 Dying Light 3,467,531 239140 Fallout Shelter 3,371,793 588430 Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 3,350,407 214950 DARK SOULS III 3,294,533 374320 DARK SOULS: Prepare To Die Edition 3,289,250 211420 Half-Life 2: Episode Two 3,281,382 420 LIMBO 3,207,480 48000 DOOM 3,197,626 379720 Crusader Kings II 3,170,312 203770 Human: Fall Flat 3,097,845 477160 Call of Duty: Black Ops III 3,021,623 311210 America's Army 3 3,014,457 13140 Call of Duty: Black Ops II 2,998,561 202970 Gotham City Impostors Free to Play 2,982,059 206210 Fistful of Frags 2,973,385 265630 Super Meat Boy 2,970,487 40800 Sniper Elite V2 2,946,959 63380 A.V.A. Alliance of Valiant Arms 2,876,701 102700 Subnautica 2,866,791 264710 DC Universe Online 2,863,993 24200 Prison Architect 2,856,218 233450 The Walking Dead 2,846,244 207610 This War of Mine 2,817,954 282070 Outlast 2,813,619 238320 Hitman: Absolution 2,805,822 203140 Trine 2: Complete Story 2,791,654 35720 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 2,756,509 250900 SpeedRunners 2,753,552 207140 Ace of Spades: Battle Builder 2,699,933 224540 Dungeon Defenders II 2,642,504 236110 Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod 2,625,503 259080 Amnesia: The Dark Descent 2,609,222 57300 Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth 2,606,575 65980 Deceit 2,604,178 466240 Sanctum 2 2,602,292 210770 Hotline Miami 2,584,720 219150 Bastion 2,577,876 107100 Zombie Panic! Source 2,573,292 17500 South Park: The Stick of Truth 2,533,584 213670 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II 2,492,053 15620 Rise of the Tomb Raider 2,491,210 391220 Dustforce DX 2,490,746 65300 Dungeon Defenders 2,483,252 65800 Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition 2,467,996 200260 Block N Load 2,434,754 299360 Guns of Icarus Online 2,424,726 209080 Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior 2,418,851 255520 Toribash 2,371,160 248570 World of Guns: Gun Disassembly 2,367,076 262410 Dino D-Day 2,364,083 70000 Just Cause 3 2,345,094 225540 Survarium 2,337,644 355840 Mafia II 2,312,872 50130 Papers, Please 2,306,775 239030 Dead Island Riptide 2,299,047 216250 Tabletop Simulator 2,297,649 286160 ARK: Survival Of The Fittest 2,284,297 407530 Golf With Your Friends 2,271,522 431240 Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition 2,240,464 35140 XCOM 2 2,222,475 268500 Darkest Dungeon 2,214,527 262060 Napoleon: Total War 2,178,916 34030 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 2,176,285 261640 Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine 2,153,213 113020 How to Survive 2 2,150,505 360170 Banished 2,147,445 242920 Fallen Earth Free2Play 2,139,999 113420 Sanctum 2,088,528 91600 Total War: WARHAMMER 2,085,605 364360 Transformice 2,070,157 335240 Codename CURE 2,044,268 355180 Serious Sam 3: BFE 2,029,621 41070 Metro 2033 Redux 2,025,648 286690 Stick Fight: The Game 2,007,237 674940 Plague Inc: Evolved 2,002,770 246620 Tropico 4 2,000,449 57690 Natural Selection 2 1,993,899 4920 Europa Universalis IV 1,983,657 236850 Stellaris 1,967,015 281990 Star Conflict 1,960,641 212070 Gear Up 1,922,501 214420 POSTAL 2 1,911,217 223470 GunZ 2: The Second Duel 1,895,812 242720 ArcheBlade 1,886,025 207230 Surgeon Simulator 1,879,150 233720 The Long Dark 1,875,963 305620 Broforce 1,863,667 274190 Depth 1,853,782 274940 Line of Sight 1,853,533 436520 Source Filmmaker 1,852,569 1840 Batman: Arkham Origins 1,851,868 209000 Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 1,843,514 235540 Risk of Rain 1,825,993 248820 AirMech Strike 1,823,483 206500 America's Army: Proving Grounds 1,823,295 203290 Wolfenstein: The New Order 1,819,928 201810 Sniper Elite 3 1,810,081 238090 Alan Wake 1,804,210 108710 Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop 1,788,990 563560 Mad Max 1,775,140 234140 METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN 1,750,593 287700 Max Payne 3 1,740,909 204100 Cuphead 1,735,419 268910 Worms Revolution 1,730,275 200170 Crossout 1,727,005 386180 Tropico 5 1,718,552 245620 Factorio 1,706,659 427520 BRINK 1,700,604 22350 Game Dev Tycoon 1,696,896 239820 Champions Online 1,691,316 9880 Gang Beasts 1,689,567 285900 Emily is Away 1,689,541 417860 Divinity: Original Sin 2 1,688,895 435150 Darksiders 1,683,431 50620 Planet Coaster 1,682,734 493340 Shadow Warrior 1,648,323 233130 Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition 1,647,028 3590 Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 1,631,855 320300 Skullgirls 1,621,794 245170 Contagion 1,616,994 238430 Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag 1,616,095 242050 Trine Enchanted Edition 1,604,101 35700 Squad 1,602,466 393380 L.A. Noire 1,596,369 110800 AudioSurf 1,561,882 12900 Mark of the Ninja 1,559,947 214560 BioShock 2 1,558,279 8850 Endless Space - Collection 1,549,005 208140 HITMAN 1,534,824 236870 ShellShock Live 1,529,238 326460 STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords 1,529,038 208580 Endless Legend 1,516,227 289130 SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics 1,514,485 34270 How to Survive 1,514,177 250400 Hero Siege 1,502,327 269210 Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition 1,501,547 373420 GRID 2 1,498,449 44350 Metro: Last Light Redux 1,492,907 287390 Fractured Space 1,489,602 310380 SNOW 1,487,372 244930 Rogue Legacy 1,479,581 241600 Grim Dawn 1,464,229 219990 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links 1,461,356 601510 Business Tour - Online Multiplayer Board Game 1,457,596 397900 Mortal Kombat X 1,455,905 307780 DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin 1,453,157 335300 Quake Live 1,444,119 282440 Sleeping Dogs 1,432,733 202170 Call of Duty: Ghosts 1,424,741 209160 Black Desert Online 1,413,060 582660 Bloons TD Battles 1,410,438 444640 Batman: Arkham Knight 1,396,715 208650 No Man's Sky 1,396,577 275850 SPINTIRES 1,392,564 263280 Age of Mythology: Extended Edition 1,369,504 266840 Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut 1,358,070 238010 Hearts of Iron IV 1,352,834 394360 Total War: ATTILA 1,331,963 325610 Transistor 1,329,184 237930 Altitude 1,321,782 41300 Geometry Dash 1,317,156 322170 Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6 1,317,100 221040 Thief 1,313,521 239160 Ultra Street Fighter IV 1,306,698 45760 Who's Your Daddy 1,305,248 427730 The Escapists 1,296,849 298630 Scribblenauts Unlimited 1,296,525 218680 Double Action: Boogaloo 1,293,392 317360 BioShock Remastered 1,289,273 409710 Worms Reloaded 1,289,109 22600 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Chaos Rising 1,285,276 20570 Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition 1,279,176 242700 FEZ 1,276,275 224760 Pillars of Eternity 1,275,530 291650 DARK SOULS II 1,266,678 236430 Warhammer: Vermintide 2 1,252,257 552500 Brutal Legend 1,235,714 225260 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection 1,232,451 212480 Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword 1,231,509 48720 Aliens vs. Predator 1,231,126 10680 Slime Rancher 1,216,760 433340 Yet Another Zombie Defense 1,208,380 270550 Divinity: Original Sin (Classic) 1,208,170 230230 Psychonauts 1,207,186 3830 Layers of Fear 1,203,631 391720 Hand Simulator 1,199,631 657200 Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 1,186,829 237110 Duck Game 1,183,631 312530 Homefront 1,182,312 55100 NieR:Automata 1,175,123 524220 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 1,155,405 337000 Iron Snout 1,154,435 424280 Stranded Deep 1,154,025 313120 Verdun 1,149,077 242860 Quake Champions 1,146,284 611500 The Darkness II 1,145,131 67370 Enter the Gungeon 1,144,928 311690 Conan Exiles 1,140,205 440900 Interstellar Marines 1,140,120 236370 FINAL FANTASY VII 1,136,100 39140 Dishonored 2 1,127,089 403640 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition 1,123,642 209650 Miscreated 1,123,426 299740 Crypt of the NecroDancer 1,122,748 247080 Slay the Spire 1,122,489 646570 Kingdom: Classic 1,120,501 368230 Orcs Must Die! Unchained 1,115,355 427270 Planetary Annihilation 1,108,262 233250 Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West 1,107,457 42120 Orcs Must Die! 1,105,153 102600 PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ 1,102,937 236450 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 1,099,682 55150 Everlasting Summer 1,097,391 331470 F.E.A.R. 3 1,096,875 21100 Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion 1,092,043 204880 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 1,089,080 34870 To the Moon 1,086,773 206440 State of Decay 1,083,514 241540 Dungeon of the Endless 1,080,885 249050 Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II 1,077,057 17570 DiRT Rally 1,073,123 310560 Frozen Synapse 1,065,406 98200 Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons 1,056,557 225080 The Walking Dead: Season 2 1,054,661 261030 Day of Infamy 1,052,510 447820 Supreme Commander 2 1,048,307 40100 Super Hexagon 1,045,138 221640 Titan Quest Anniversary Edition 1,041,965 475150 Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number 1,037,686 274170 WAKFU 1,036,289 215080 Assassin's Creed Origins 1,030,581 582160 Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter 1,025,064 41000 F1 2015 1,022,816 286570 Jotun: Valhalla Edition 1,022,556 323580 Men of War: Assault Squad 2 1,019,383 244450 World of Warships 1,015,572 552990 Braid 1,012,406 26800 The Wolf Among Us 1,011,210 250320 Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition 1,010,775 20500 Resident Evil 5/ Biohazard 5 1,005,089 21690 Gauntlet Slayer Edition 999,905 258970 Hollow Knight 999,648 367520 Ori and the Blind Forest 997,767 261570 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 991,243 249130 DmC: Devil May Cry 987,543 220440 World of Goo 986,510 22000 Ryse: Son of Rome 984,278 302510 Project CARS 974,136 234630 SCP: Secret Laboratory 973,512 700330 HELLDIVERS 972,013 394510 Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen 970,603 367500 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 965,482 349040 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 963,308 102500 Firewatch 959,053 383870 Hammerwatch 957,659 239070 Total War: WARHAMMER II 955,731 594570 Football Manager 2018 955,508 624090 Move or Die 952,680 323850 Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 952,431 418460 Poker Night at the Inventory 952,378 31280 Middle-earth: Shadow of War 952,284 356190 Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy 948,332 240720 Magic 2014 â€" Duels of the Planeswalkers 945,492 213850 Dust: An Elysian Tail 943,681 236090 Mount Your Friends 942,809 296470 Zombie Army Trilogy 939,676 301640 8BitMMO 934,749 250420 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 934,745 34830 Zula Europe 931,624 513650 Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition 930,591 307690 The Talos Principle 927,932 257510 Farming Simulator 15 916,206 313160 Portal Knights 914,016 374040 Spelunky 906,689 239350 Unreal Tournament 3 Black 902,895 13210 Reus 897,320 222730 Call of Duty: WWII 891,381 476600 METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES 890,926 311340 Duke Nukem Forever 886,514 57900 Strife 884,685 339280 Relic Hunters Zero 884,002 382490 Nation Red 877,968 39800 Hacknet 877,129 365450 Dragons and Titans 870,310 263500 Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 869,560 292730 Lost Castle 864,412 434650 BRAIN / OUT 860,262 578310 Rise of Nations: Extended Edition 859,562 287450 Magicka 2 857,543 238370 WildStar 857,109 376570 HuniePop 855,769 339800 Mafia III 855,604 360430 Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 849,053 1200 Town of Salem 847,565 334230 The Culling 843,301 437220 SUPERHOT 842,122 322500 Blood and Bacon 842,105 434570 Cortex Command 841,552 209670 Worms Clan Wars 840,770 233840 Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 836,026 341800 Dead Cells 834,231 588650 Stronghold Crusader 2 828,019 232890 Kingdom Come: Deliverance 827,988 379430 Time Clickers 826,505 385770 Assetto Corsa 826,288 244210 DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 824,682 323470 theHunter: Call of the Wild 815,169 518790 Raft 810,826 648800 We Were Here 810,432 582500 Poly Bridge 806,360 367450 BeamNG.drive 804,022 284160 Farming Simulator 17 796,543 447020 Deadlight 795,749 211400 Zero Gear 795,021 18820 Nidhogg 787,983 94400 Northgard 787,294 466560 MechWarrior Online Solaris 7 787,170 342200 Red Faction: Armageddon 785,298 55110 School of Dragons 781,378 332070 CS2D 780,433 666220 MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY 777,318 536930 BrainBread 2 774,021 346330 Ultimate Chicken Horse 770,483 386940 E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 768,052 91700 Valkyria Chronicles 767,675 294860 Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition 764,826 387290 Age of Wonders III 764,290 226840 VVVVVV 763,558 70300 Legend of Grimrock 762,137 207170 They Are Billions 755,147 644930 Defy Gravity Extended 754,043 96100 Space Pirates and Zombies 753,148 107200 LEGO Worlds 752,946 332310 Universe Sandbox 752,402 72200 Endless Space 2 750,761 392110 The Banner Saga 747,734 237990 Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition 745,407 228280 Deponia 743,347 214340 Lords Of The Fallen 742,534 265300 SUNLESS SEA 740,790 304650 The Evil Within 740,543 268050 Primal Carnage 731,052 215470 EVGA Precision XOC 730,012 268850 Homeworld Remastered Collection 728,091 244160 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 726,646 215530 Bendy and the Ink Machine 721,168 622650 Dwarfs - F2P 720,104 213650 Sniper Elite 4 715,583 312660 Youtubers Life 714,623 428690 Lethal League 714,007 261180 Risen 2: Dark Waters 713,807 40390 DEFCON 708,655 1520 Monday Night Combat 708,500 63200 Atlas Reactor 707,718 402570 FINAL FANTASY XIII 707,712 292120 resident evil 4 / biohazard 4 704,953 254700 Prey 704,179 480490 Two Worlds II HD 703,263 7520 Gunpoint 702,654 206190 Viscera Cleanup Detail 701,439 246900 METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE 691,324 235460 Fallout: New Vegas 690,496 22490 Democracy 3 688,243 245470 Card Hunter 688,214 293260 SpaceChem 682,706 92800 Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III 680,572 285190 Frostpunk 679,334 323190 LawBreakers 674,335 350280 One Finger Death Punch 673,342 264200 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HD 671,888 234670 Poker Night 2 671,540 234710 Boring Man - Online Tactical Stickman Combat 670,347 346120 INSIDE 669,904 304430 The Red Solstice 668,962 265590 RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard / BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil 668,829 418370 Steel Ocean 661,286 390670 Stories: The Path of Destinies 660,285 439190 Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2 658,030 287290 Minion Masters 656,913 489520 METAL SLUG 3 651,482 250180 Sonic Generations Collection 647,871 71340 BIT.TRIP RUNNER 647,721 63710 Outland 646,962 305050 Nuclear Dawn 640,448 17710 Dungeon Siege III 638,566 39160 Rock of Ages 636,120 22230 The Descendant 633,209 351940 Friday the 13th: The Game 629,644 438740 Dead Rising 2 627,795 45740 Wasteland 2: Director's Cut 626,811 240760 Painkiller Hell & Damnation 625,428 214870 Transmissions: Element 120 625,220 365300 Hand of Fate 624,982 266510 Wargame: European Escalation 621,393 58610 Pixel Piracy 618,061 264140 Race The Sun 615,654 253030 Only If 614,140 298260 Blade Symphony 610,347 225600 Machinarium 609,675 40700 Doom 3: BFG Edition 604,250 208200 FORCED: Slightly Better Edition 603,718 249990 Woodle Tree Adventures 603,408 299460 Beat Hazard 601,573 49600 Talisman: Digital Edition 601,352 247000 Homefront: The Revolution 600,976 223100 Wolfenstein: The Old Blood 600,610 350080 Overcooked 600,140 448510 Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series 598,965 330840 Lucius 596,725 218640 Darksiders Warmastered Edition 596,551 462780 Black Mesa 595,780 362890 Eador. Masters of the Broken World 595,663 232050 Hyper Light Drifter 595,090 257850 Modern Combat Versus 594,344 723780 Satellite Reign 592,993 268870 Tales from the Borderlands 592,856 330830 Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition 591,573 297000 Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition 590,518 220260 Cave Story+ 590,104 200900 FaceRig 589,693 274920 Viridi 587,504 375950 Remember Me 587,213 228300 Guns and Robots 587,059 293540 Starpoint Gemini 2 586,707 236150 Dungeons 2 584,679 262280 Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove 583,872 250760 GRID Autosport 583,602 255220 Fable Anniversary 582,271 288470 LEGO The Lord of the Rings 582,228 214510 Thomas Was Alone 581,719 220780 FINAL FANTASY VIII 581,505 39150 Octodad: Dadliest Catch 581,181 224480 I am Bread 579,156 327890 60 Seconds! 578,493 368360 NEKOPARA Vol. 1 578,066 333600 ABZU 577,340 384190 Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 577,105 227100 TOXIKK 575,390 324810 Planetary Annihilation: TITANS 569,681 386070 FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster 568,989 359870 Fortified 568,944 334210 Anomaly: Warzone Earth 567,765 91200 Armello 565,864 290340 NEKOPARA Vol. 0 565,127 385800 Kingdoms and Castles 563,737 569480 Tyranny 562,631 362960 The Flame in the Flood 561,716 318600 Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition 560,050 388410 Defense Grid: The Awakening 558,114 18500 Pinball Arcade 555,716 238260 Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 555,426 265210 Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs 554,955 239200 Dungeons of Dredmor 554,550 98800 BlackShot: Mercenary Warfare FPS 553,384 433350 Soldier Front 2 552,866 239660 Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 550,882 35130 Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus 549,457 612880 Door Kickers 549,148 248610 Mini Metro 547,876 287980 Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition 546,981 261110 Blackwake 546,456 420290 TEKKEN 7 541,238 389730 Punch Club 541,121 394310 Duelyst 538,747 291410 Gone Home 538,219 232430 Guacamelee! Gold Edition 538,061 214770 NBA 2K18 537,845 577800 Golf It! 537,751 571740 Saints Row: Gat out of Hell 536,513 301910 Crush Crush 535,661 459820 DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 535,273 454650 Turbo Pug DX 534,698 513780 Life is Feudal: Your Own 534,443 290080 Jet Set Radio 533,153 205950 Dungeon Fighter Online 531,876 495910 Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut 530,607 300550 You Have to Win the Game 530,340 286100 Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition 527,228 228400 Out There Somewhere 521,927 263980 Alan Wake's American Nightmare 521,355 202750 Grim Fandango Remastered 516,584 316790 3DMark 515,275 223850 Murdered: Soul Suspect 514,458 233290 Craft The World 509,631 248390 Kingdom: New Lands 509,466 496300 Bold New World 505,953 581620 Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations 503,330 222480 Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade 502,562 375230 NBA 2K17 501,303 385760 Offworld Trading Company 499,550 271240 Blockstorm 499,027 263060 100% Orange Juice 498,987 282800 Soda Dungeon 497,334 564710 Learn to Fly 3 496,965 589870 Reigns 496,869 474750 The Witness 494,237 210970 Nuclear Throne 492,848 242680 Battleborn 492,052 394230 Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 491,057 645630 SOMA 490,677 282140 TerraTech 489,971 285920 FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION 489,872 637650 The Escapists 2 489,056 641990 Of Guards And Thieves 488,098 302590 Worms Ultimate Mayhem 486,841 70600 Realm Grinder 486,185 610080 Styx: Master of Shadows 485,922 242640 Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 485,909 247910 The Swapper 484,015 231160 Forts 483,174 410900 X3: Terran Conflict 482,728 2820 Jurassic World Evolution 481,240 648350 Governor of Poker 3 479,096 436150 Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge 476,787 34900 Galactic Civilizations III 476,035 226860 NBA 2K16 469,791 370240 Puzzle Pirates 469,196 99910 RUNNING WITH RIFLES 468,632 270150 Life is Strange: Before the Storm 467,572 554620 Pixel Puzzles Ultimate 461,488 351030 Mirror 456,954 644560 Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection 456,851 49540 THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII STEAM EDITION 456,361 222940 GUNS UP! 455,442 446150 Victor Vran ARPG 453,908 345180 Teleglitch: Die More Edition 453,247 234390 Turmoil 452,658 361280 Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 452,484 97330 CastleMiner Z 451,422 253430 Cities in Motion 2 451,407 225420 Prismata 451,302 490220 Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days 448,371 28000 UnEpic 446,738 233980 ibb & obb 446,523 95400 Batla 445,267 338180 DRAGON BALL FighterZ 444,795 678950 Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP 439,828 204060 ICEY 437,615 553640 Call to Arms 436,655 302670 Ball 3D: Soccer Online 434,225 485610 A Story About My Uncle 433,874 278360 Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant 433,639 347560 Written in the Sky 433,025 416130 Evoland 431,669 233470 Piercing Blow 428,413 382850 DLC Quest 425,947 230050 Bayonetta 424,901 460790 Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 422,733 414340 Murder Miners 421,780 274900 Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle 420,843 795100 Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition 420,031 257350 Broken Age 419,666 232790 My Summer Car 416,575 516750 Construction Simulator 2015 416,518 289950 Sonic Adventure 2 416,375 213610 Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit 415,904 205230 Resident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTER 415,885 304240 Heaven Island - VR MMO 413,860 400250 Osmos 413,551 29180 Jamestown 413,206 94200 Loading Screen Simulator 412,731 652980 Freebie 411,391 487220 Dystopia 410,346 17580 Tales of Zestiria 410,109 351970 Men of War: Assault Squad 409,681 64000 Turn Around 407,501 595340 Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun 405,980 418240 Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 / è¶...次次å...ƒã‚²ã‚¤ãƒ  ネプテューヌRe;Birth1 / è¶...次次å...ƒéŠæˆ²æˆ°æ©Ÿå°'女重ç"Ÿ1 405,416 282900 Sol Survivor 405,082 45000 Nexuiz 404,730 96800 Skyforge 404,721 414530 State of Decay: YOSE 403,911 329430 Time of Dragons 402,752 353130 Turbo Dismount 402,549 263760 Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad 401,903 359050 Salt and Sanctuary 400,674 283640 LEGO The Hobbit 400,545 285160 Savage Lands 399,316 307880 Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball 396,373 270450 The Culling Of The Cows 396,159 297020 Back to Bed 394,370 308040 Tower Wars 393,962 214360 Invisible, Inc. 393,703 243970 Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power 392,900 319910 Polarity 392,114 315430 SAMOLIOTIK 388,554 449680 Outlast 2 387,821 414700 Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist 387,663 409160 RWBY: Grimm Eclipse 387,405 418340 F1 2017 386,242 515220 Cook, Serve, Delicious! 384,598 247020 DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round: Core Fighters 383,476 311730 Hide and Shriek 382,313 480430 Bloody Trapland 380,476 257750 Crusaders of the Lost Idols 379,611 402840 The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 379,237 258520 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow â€" Ultimate Edition 379,043 234080 Rebel Galaxy 378,307 290300 Cogs 377,806 26500 Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 377,401 49470 This Is the Police 376,582 443810 Genital Jousting 375,882 469820 Mountain 375,718 313340 Nomad 371,579 378370 Revolution Ace 371,346 274560 AI War: Fleet Command 371,287 40400 Streets of Rogue 371,171 512900 Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) 370,263 295790 Death Rally 370,163 108700 Long Live The Queen 369,384 251990 Planet Explorers 369,351 237870 Clustertruck 368,787 397950 RPG MO 368,618 372800 Party Hard 367,745 356570 SteamWorld Dig 367,286 252410 Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again 365,728 414290 Grey Goo 364,090 290790 DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition / 真・三國無双7 with 猛将伝 363,817 278080 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution 363,459 272510 F1 2012 363,358 208500 War for the Overworld 363,113 230190 Galactic Junk League 362,859 562590 Planetbase 361,192 403190 Cossacks 3 360,956 333420 No Time To Explain Remastered 360,564 368730 Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers 360,126 205910 Organ Trail: Director's Cut 359,935 233740 Kingdom Wars 359,640 227180 The Last Hope 359,502 522570 VEGA Conflict 359,362 339600 BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien 358,624 218060 Windward 355,878 326410 Really Big Sky 355,611 201570 Anarchy Arcade 355,332 266430 Slender: The Arrival 354,224 252330 Bloons TD 5 354,027 306020 Halo: Spartan Assault 352,861 277430 Timberman 352,371 398710 Toki Tori 352,195 38700 House Flipper 351,645 613100 Sniper Fury 351,470 591740 Titan Souls 350,359 297130 Morphopolis 349,778 314020 Catch a Falling Star 349,290 451880 DARK SOULS: REMASTERED 348,944 570940 King Arthur's Gold 348,064 219830 Nioh: Complete Edition / 仁王 Complete Edition 347,803 485510 Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series 346,763 376870 Guild Quest 346,627 547680 The Banner Saga: Factions 346,032 219340 One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 345,720 331600 LEGO Jurassic World 343,167 352400 X Rebirth 343,046 2870 Risen 3 - Titan Lords 342,772 249230 The Tower Of Elements 342,253 377310 Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition 342,008 231740 Costume Quest 341,308 115100 DETOUR 341,194 92100 Revenge of the Titans 340,794 93200 State of Anarchy 340,127 463210 Solar 2 339,780 97000 Battle Islands 338,532 305260 Transport Fever 337,931 446800 SAS: Zombie Assault 4 337,896 678800 Damned 337,285 251170 Space Beret 337,145 547960 The LEGO Movie - Videogame 336,631 267530 Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams 335,909 223220 Dead Island Definitive Edition 335,791 383150 Hard Reset Extended Edition 335,265 98400 Pony Island 334,799 405640 FINAL FANTASY IX 333,922 377840 Mordheim: City of the Damned 332,983 276810 AX:EL - Air XenoDawn 332,904 319830 Epigenesis 332,826 244590 Dead Realm 331,065 352460 Botanicula 330,330 207690 Grow Home 330,240 323320 Motorsport Manager 330,158 415200 LEGO Batman3: Beyond Gotham 330,037 313690 Squishy the Suicidal Pig 328,982 318430 Data Hacker: Reboot 328,357 331790 The Room 327,417 288160 Simply Chess 327,332 312280 MANDAGON 326,618 461560 Escape This 326,346 467370 Planets Under Attack 325,744 218510 Supraball 325,150 321400 Eternal Card Game 324,938 531640 Dead Maze 324,662 667890 Audiosurf 2 324,405 235800 Ratz Instagib 324,272 338170 And Yet It Moves 324,236 18700 Trashville 323,864 589390 Invasion: Brain Craving 323,181 423710 God Mode 322,132 227480 Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 321,637 363680 The Bridge 320,817 204240 The Hat Man: Shadow Ward 320,602 291010 Zeno Clash 320,458 22200 South Park: The Fractured But Whole 320,160 488790 HunieCam Studio 320,028 426000 The Jackbox Party Pack 3 319,411 434170 Gems of War - Puzzle RPG 319,394 329110 Spintires: MudRunner 319,213 675010 F1 2016 318,467 391040 NEKOPARA Vol. 2 318,426 420110 Elements: Soul of Fire 318,054 340650 Mortal Online 316,391 287920 Atom Zombie Smasher 316,352 55040 Rec Room 316,036 471710 One Way Heroics 315,869 266210 SimplePlanes 314,932 397340 LUFTRAUSERS 314,885 233150 Pool Nation FX Lite 314,286 314000 Tricky Towers 314,191 437920 Shank 312,665 6120 Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant 311,967 383330 Atonement: Scourge of Time 310,592 385070 Yellow: The Yellow Artifact 310,339 486820 Project Starship 310,160 454890 Insanity Clicker 310,042 393530 Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy 309,617 214830 Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes 309,591 61700 Abyss Odyssey 308,646 255070 Dungeon of Zolthan 307,976 463220 MX vs. ATV Reflex 307,610 55140 Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition 307,315 218820 The Jackbox Party Pack 307,175 331670 Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator 306,906 654880 Make it indie! 306,739 357900 Binary Domain 306,463 203750 Blackguards 305,941 249650 Her Story 305,686 368370 METRO CONFLICT: THE ORIGIN 304,620 662320 Magic 2015 - Duels of the Planeswalkers 303,768 255420 Viking: Battle for Asgard 300,593 211160 Tooth and Tail 300,539 286000 City of Chains 300,130 412170 Stronghold 2: Steam Edition 300,020 40960 Kingdom Rush 299,922 246420 The Jackbox Party Pack 2 299,913 397460 Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition 299,184 329050 Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta) 298,645 564310 LYNE 298,463 266010 LISA 297,947 335670 Renegade Ops 297,463 99300 The District 296,190 357770 Star Saviors 295,982 314450 Pit People 295,630 291860 Dark and Light 295,606 529180 Bejeweled 3 295,211 78000 Ticket to Ride 295,151 108200 There's Poop In My Soup 294,984 449540 Blood Bowl 2 294,476 236690 Elements II: Hearts of Light 293,115 448640 STRIDER / ストライダー飛竜 292,888 235210 Sonic Adventure DX 291,205 71250 VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action 290,658 447530 EVERSPACE 290,326 396750 Street Warriors Online 290,227 417910 BATTLETECH 289,619 637090 Tricolour Lovestory 289,264 668630 Montaro 288,782 495890 Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge 288,297 32460 Aragami 287,729 280160 Downwell 287,413 360740 Outrage 287,010 457820 Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken 286,849 215510 Worms W.M.D 286,591 327030 Drayt Empire 286,567 502140 Rivals of Aether 286,514 383980 For The King 285,696 527230 Space Farmers 285,436 271570 Turbo Pug 3D 285,208 528510 Tales of Berseria 284,444 429660 Missing Translation 284,121 395520 Fall of Civilization 283,367 467010 Hatoful Boyfriend 283,021 310080 Half Dead 282,077 434730 Dungetris 281,912 462200 Incitement 3 281,562 391660 Madballs in Babo:Invasion 281,079 25700 Oxenfree 280,771 388880 Retro City Rampage DX 280,667 204630 Little Nightmares 280,612 424840 HellAngel 280,536 524340 Stigmat 280,103 403570 LOST PLANET 3 279,675 226720 PIGMENTUM 279,593 582280 Pid 278,689 218740 Shadow Warrior Classic Redux 278,226 225160 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier 278,042 536220 Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair 277,061 533820 Domina 276,003 535230 Guardians of Orion 275,847 407840 Omerta - City of Gangsters 275,454 208520 Castle Story 275,014 227860 Trouble In The Manor 274,955 338530 Nuclear Contingency 274,316 540900 Rise of the Triad 272,986 217140 CPUCores :: Maximize Your FPS 272,887 384300 Batman - The Telltale Series 272,720 498240 Cat Goes Platform 272,633 567250 Game of Thrones 272,599 208730 The Cave 271,663 221810 DiRT 4 270,550 421020 Trolley Gold 270,525 498320 Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder 270,427 434460 Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition 268,438 346940 Orbital Gear 267,763 298520 Desolate Wastes: Vendor Chronicles 267,723 563120 Germ Wars 267,647 557680 hack_me 267,561 526740 BIT.TRIP BEAT 267,116 63700 Home Behind 267,054 467960 METAL SLUG DEFENSE 266,981 356310 Divinity: Dragon Commander 265,816 243950 Fluffy Creatures VS The World 265,237 619400 Day of the Tentacle Remastered 265,169 388210 Project CARS 2 264,945 378860 Camera Obscura 264,412 341500 Take Thy Throne 264,026 491260 Road Madness 263,944 457710 Tabletopia 263,899 402560 Dead Rising 2: Off the Record 263,656 45770 Bit Blaster XL 263,361 433950 Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones 261,792 329380 Unalive 261,546 574640 Wizard of Legend 261,463 445980 Next Day: Survival 260,661 519190 Legend of Grimrock 2 260,443 251730 Deep Space Dash 260,100 493650 OLDTV 259,813 643270 Grind Zones 259,441 327680 Labyronia RPG 259,225 391260 POSTAL 258,861 232770 Hyper color ball 258,593 515470 Age of Conquest IV 257,484 314970 Rampage Knights 257,372 314410 Battle Royale Trainer 257,046 772540 Final Quest II 256,959 540020 Greyfox RPG 256,746 341310 The Four Kings Casino and Slots 256,424 260430 PixARK 256,179 593600 DuckTales: Remastered 255,766 237630 Pool Nation 255,171 254440 Shatter 255,073 20820 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II 254,601 272470 ELEX 254,457 411300 Legend of Mysteria RPG 254,231 407230 The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 254,152 251150 Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition 253,538 216890 Grand Pigeon's Duty 253,400 449530 Deadfall Adventures 252,514 231330 Owlboy 251,798 115800 Pixel Puzzles: Japan 250,430 284950 Streamline 249,845 252850 Chaos on Deponia 249,600 220740 My Time At Portia 249,441 666140 Spikit 248,909 509110 Run Away 248,496 629280 Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition 248,308 40980 SOS 248,224 619080 RUSH 248,133 38720 Stacking 248,039 115110 Prominence Poker 247,520 384180 Bridge Constructor 247,455 250460 Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms 247,248 627690 Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight 246,833 428550 The Basement Collection 246,622 214790 Project Highrise 246,461 423580 Drop Alive 246,280 513450 Capsized 246,235 95300 LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens 245,948 438640 FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 244,770 292140 Detention 244,747 555220 RADical ROACH Remastered 244,616 301750 The Land of Dasthir 244,539 545700 Reset 1-1 244,440 491650 The Typing of The Dead: Overkill 244,364 246580 Under Zero 243,413 454930 Master of Orion 243,222 298050 GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst 243,065 438490 Sleeping Valley 243,018 538590 Warriors of Vilvatikta 242,938 515690 ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition 242,618 245280 Ziggurat 242,342 308420 Minimum 242,221 214190 Iron Sky: Invasion 241,819 224900 Gunscape 241,759 342480 Crawl 241,677 293780 Sonic CD 241,011 200940 Royal Quest 240,272 295550 Hatred 240,088 341940 Shelter 2 239,901 275100 Shake Your Money Simulator 2016 239,823 448660 Data Hacker: Initiation 239,817 311860 HOARD 239,813 63000 Jazzpunk: Director's Cut 239,119 250260 Energy Cycle 238,706 415960 Mad Hunter 238,654 558610 Jet Racing Extreme: The First Encounter 238,249 385270 Cities in Motion 237,970 73010 SolForge 237,212 232450
Source: Ars Technica
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gabbypiperyr2fmp · 4 years
Project ideas based on name generators
To help me think of more initial ideas for this project, I used some name generators to come up with story and game titles. For each one, i’ve listed some possible ideas for a project based around that title. 
Most of these ideas are for narratives for the project - i’m very interested in world-building and find that the easiest way to decide what to make/design is to first come up with a story/world that the concepts would fit into. 
Overflow - something to do with water, overpopulation, or like an excess of magic or power, perhaps a character has too much strength/energy or something. 
Rainflow - Reminds me of a city environment, possibly dystopian, with glowing lights and dark skies- and wet streets. 
Starbound - A fantasy title which could be the name of a planet, or magical ability relating to stars or space.
Prisoner Zero - a mixture of ‘patient zero’ and ‘prisoner’ - possibly a character that becomes infected with something or has a mutation that makes them dangerous to the rest of the population and get locked up. They have to escape from this prison to be free. 
Carnivore - this title reminds me of beasts or dangerous animals.
Absolution - reminds me of something Sci-fi , but could also be used in its official meaning of ‘release from guilt’ - this could then be extended to a character who is trying to make things right that were wrong, or even to destroy something that makes them feel guilty. 
Strangers of Earth - This could be a narrative involving alien characters who have to come to earth for various reasons.
0 notes
diversegaminglists · 7 years
Eldrich/Cosmic Horror/Lovecraftian Themed Games
Still a WIP and not everything has been sorted yet.
Major Theme (Serious/Horror):
Alan Wake
Alone in the Dark Franchise
Alpha Polaris : A Horror Adventure Game
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Arcane Mystery Serial (Link goes to the first episode, the rest of the series can be found in the sidebar)
Arkham Nightmares
At the Mountains of Madness (Early Access)
Ayumi: Enhanced Edition
Bayonetta (The creator the angels keep going on about isn’t an Abrahamic god...)
Blackbay Asylum
Bloodrayne 1 & 2
The Breach
Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game (Upcoming game due 2018)
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (Basically an adaptation of the Shadow Over Insmouth with slightly less racism, the PC port is very buggy because it was made by literally one person after studio closures, but there are fan patches to help.)
Call of Cthulhu: Prisoner of Ice
Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet
Cards of Cthulhu
Cata Cthulhu
Chronicle of Innsmouth
Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross
Chzo Mythos (Yahtzee’s adventure series)
Clive Barker’s Jerico
Clive Barker’s The Undying
Clockwork Express
The Consuming Shadow
Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason
Crysis Franchise
cthulhu fhtagn
Cthulhu Realms
Cult of Cthulhu (Mod for Plague Inc. Evolved)
Daily Chthonical
Dark Scavenger
Darkwood (Early Access)
The Dark Stone from Mebara
Darkest Dungeon
The Darkness Within Franchise
Dark Souls Franchise
Dawn of War
Dead Space Franchise
Deadly Premonition
Demon’s Souls
Dead by Daylight
Demonbane Franchise
Demon’s Souls
Discworld: Noir
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Earnest Evans Franchise (Hastur)
The Elder Scrolls Franchise (Most obviously with House Dagoth in Morrowind and Skyrim’s Dragonborn DLC)
Elder Sign: Omens
Elder Sign: Portents
Eldrich (Roguelike where you explore a library and enter worlds inside several Lovecraft books)
Eldritch Hunter
Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem
The Evil Within
Fallen London
Fallout 3: Point Lookout (DLC)
FEAR Franchise (Alma herself)
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Gloom (2017, not to be confused with the 90s Amiga Doom clone)
Green Mirror
Grim Dawn
Half-Life Franchise
Haunted Hotel 4
The Hound of Shadow (Text Adventure)
The Hunt for the Red Cthulhu
The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker
Inner Voices
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
The King of Shreds and Patches (Text Adventure)
Kingdom Hearts (The Heartless, The Nobodies and Kingdom Hearts itself)
Kingdom of Loathing
The Last Door Franchise
Layers of Fear (This is really up to interpretation of the game’s plot but it uses many of the traditional story devices associated with “lovecraftian” horror and there are rats in the walls.)
Lobotomy Corporation (Early Access)
Lost Souls (MUD)
The Lurking Horror (Text Adventure)
Lusternia (free 2 play MMO)
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
The Majesty of Colors
Mansions of Madness (free steam version of the board game)
Marathon Franchise
The Moaning Words
Monria (MMO)
Mystery Of Mortlake Mansion
Mystery Stories: Mountains of Madness
Mythos: The Beginning
Muv-Luv Franchise
Nasuverse Franchise (This includes games like Fate/stay night and Tsukihime)
Necronomicon (An old Japanese game, haven’t found an English translation yet, but including for completeness)
Necronomicon: The Dawning of Darkness
The Necronomicon & Necronomicon - Book of Dead Names
Nexus War (defunct) & Nexus Clash
Nightmare on Azathoth
The Nightmare from Beyond
Oracle of Tao
Pandora's Tower
Parasite Eve Franchise
The Park (Set in the same universe as The Secret World)
Path of Exile
Pathways into Darkness
Penumbra Franchise (From the same developer as Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
Phantasmal: Survival Horror Roguelike aka Phantasmal: City of Darkness
Phoenix Point (Upcoming 2018)
Pony Island (It’s the Devil rather than a Lovecraftian style monster, but it features many of the usual devices)
Prey (2006)
Prey (2017)
Prototype Franchise
Quake (Shub-Niggurath)
Quest Fantasy
Red Haze
Resident Evil 4 (others in the franchise may qualify but 4 is the most obvious)
Reveal the Deep
The Rise of Cthulhu: Demo
Robert D. Anderson and the Legacy of Cthulhu
Rogue Stormers
Sanity: Aiken's Artifact
Saya no Uta (A man has an accident that makes him perceive normal people as horrendous eldrich monstrosities and then he meets a girl who... looks like a pretty girl. Rape and sexual assault warnings.)
SCP Foundation Games
The Secret World (MMO)
Secret World Legends
Shadow Hearts Franchise
Shadow Over Isolation
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
Shikkoku No Sharnoth (Looking at screenshots I think this one might involve tentacles. Possible sexual assault warning.)
Shin Megami Tensei Franchise (including Persona 1, 2, and 3)
Shoggoth Rising
Shrouded In Sanity
The Shrouded Isle
Silent Hill Franchise (The town itself is alive even before you consider all the other thingies)
The Sinking City (upcoming game)
Siren (aka Forbiden Siren) Franchise
Sons of Uruzime
South of Real
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Franchise
The Suffering Franchise
Sunless Sea
System Shock 2 (The Many)
Tales From the Void
The Terrible Old Man
They Bleed Pixels
They Breathe
This Book Is A Dungeon
Tormentum - Dark Sorrow
Twisted Lands: Shadow Town
Utawarerumono Franchise
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Wait - Extended
We Need to Go Deeper
The Whisperer in Darkness
The Worry of Newport (Mod for Crysis 1)
X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Themed but Comedy/Non-Horror:
Army of Tentacles Franchise
Baobabs Mausoleum Ep. 1 Ovnifagos Don´t Eat Flamingos
The Bizarre Adventures Of Woodruff And The Schnibble
Cthulhu Saves the World
Flappy Monsters of Lovecraft
Hearthstone: Whispers Of The Old Gods
Howard Phillips Lovecar (Early Access)
Leave Cthulhu Alone
Lovecraft Word Search
Magicka: The Stars Are Left (DLC)
Mormonoids from the Deep
Pray For Death (Playable Cthulhu)
Project Starship
The Rapture Is Here And You Will Be Forcibly Removed From Your Home
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
Tesla vs Lovecraft
Where is the Lovecraft?
Wynken, Blynken, Cthulhu, and Nod
Minor appearances:
Age of Decadence
Ancient Domains of Mystery aka ADOM
Baldur’s Gate 2 (Planar travel, the Demogorgon, and probably the final boss)
Beyond Good and Evil
The Binding of Isaac Franchise
Blood Franchise
Borderlands Franchise (Some of the vaults have big nasties in them, some of the raid bosses also qualify)
Bravely Default
Breath of Fire IV
Castlevania Franchise
Cookie Clicker
Copy Kitty
Crusader Kings II (Yes, really)
Cultist Simulator
Deadly Rooms of Death aka DROD Franchise
Destiny (The Vex and The Darkness)
Destiny: The Taken King (Raid bosses)
Dishonored Franchise
Defense of the Ancients aka DotA Franchise
Dragon Age Franchise
Drakengard Franchise
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun
Dwarf Fortress
Pikmin Franchise (Final bosses)
Epic Mickey
Etrian Odyssey Franchise
Fable (Jack of All Blades)
Fable III (The Crawler)
Fable: The Journey
Fatal Frame 2 (An optional boss in Survival Mode is the malice from the hellgates made manifest, rather than a ghost)
Final Fantasy Franchise (It would be easier to list which games don’t have some kind of cosmic horror eldritch abomination things in them. The most obvious ones are Jenova, Sin, and The Cloud of Darkness)
Five Nights At Freddy’s Franchise
Grey Goo
Guild Wars Franchise
Half-Life Franchise
Halo Franchise
Hatoful Boyfriend Franchise
Homeworld: Cataclysm
Immortal Defense
Jak 3: Wastelander
Knights and Dragons
Legacy of Kain Franchise
League of Legends
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn Of The Dragon
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
LittleBigPlanet 2
Lunar: Eternal Blue aka Lunar 2
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
Mass Effect Franchise
Metroid Franchise
Minecraft: Story Mode
Mother Franchise
Mugen Souls Franchise
NeverWinter Nights 2
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Pokemon Platinum
Return to Krondor (The God of Evil)
Rift (MMO)
SaGa 3 aka Final Fantasy Legend III
Scribblenauts Franchise (You can summon Cthulhu and Shogoths)
Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator
Shadow of the Colossus (becomes more and more obvious towards the end of the game)
Slash Em Extended
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
SoulCalibur Franchise (The Soul Edge and SoulCalibur themselves)
Stories Untold
Thief: The Dark Project & Thief: Deadly Shadows
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Warcraft 3
The Witcher (Dagon)
World of Warcraft
Xenosaga Franchise
Easter Eggs only:
Civilisation VI (A steam achievement)
PAYDAY 2 (A Cthulhu mask)
Dating Eldrich Monsters (both serious and non-serious):
Cthulhu Saves the World
Demonbane Franchise
Saya no Uta (A man has an accident that makes him perceive normal people as horrendous eldrich monstrosities and then he meets a girl who... looks like a pretty girl. Rape and sexual assault warnings.)
Sonic Adventure
Sonic: Unleashed
Space Station 13
Spectrobes Franchise
The Stanley Parable
Star Control Franchise
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Sword of the Stars Franchise
Tales of Vesperia
Turok Franchise
Touhou Franchise
UFO Afterblank
Warcraft Franchise
Warriors Orochi
We Know the Devil
Ys Franchise
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nedayisonline · 1 year
Add a random anon to the pile of people who're curious to read your fanfic ideas! Your theories sound very interesting and Big Ape (Apex in general) don't get enough attention.
Prepare for a journey to the days of Enraged Koala, Back then the story was a bit more mysterious, with 3 individuals mentioned several times in codexes in on a grand conspiracy. The original Big Ape was actually just a bigger apex than normal that brute-forced his way into power, the next one was a floran scientist called Greenfinger, which eventually became the name of the floran tribe leaders that can encourage plant growth. And the final one is a bit more mysterious I can't find anything on, Thornwing. An avian I've only seen referenced as a big business guy lmao.
Anyways, in the Extended Universe Story that I've been trying to write for Skybound, I wanted the Apex to play a decent role and I wanted to include those 3 into the story working with a 4th person who at the time of writing this nobody will know about for a while. Big Ape after being confronted and beaten would upload his consciousness into a computer and begin a plan to try and take over the galaxy with robotized apex soldiers that he can control but it ultimately gets shut down when they pull the plug on his power supply on the main Miniknog base planet shutting him offline for good ending the reign of Big Ape.
Anyways, this will lead into the next part with Greenfinger and a mysterious Agaran threat... (yes I mean the mushroom people)
I can make a post about the Agaran threat or the little I can scrape together that's left on the long history of the internet if you would all like to see that. In the complete story I am taking ideas from Frackin Universe, Beta Starbound, the Official release, and Return to Earth because all of them have amazing ideas I'd like to share in some way or another!
This is all also very dumbed down and doesn't go in-depth on a lot of details, it's just a rough summary of what I have planned! I was thinking about making it a tumblr web comic if I could find a way to keep all the pages in one place for people to read lmao. Might make a new account specifically for it
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nyotasaimiri · 7 years
So what are you writing now (if anything at all)? Can I look forward to more adventures with Nyota Saimiri and co. or is that over? And if that amazing story is over, where can I find other stuff you'll hopefully be writing?
Amazing? Thanks, anon~
I am indeed currently working on Nyota and her crew! I’ve got a few projects in the works with her. First, though on a bit of a back burner right now, I’ve been developing an “arc two” for her. I already have a clear outline and a handful of scenes from it. There’s still the Miniknog to tackle, after all! Not to mention whatever else comes their way. I’m keeping a close eye on every Starbound update to make sure I at least mention the lore. (That new stuff with the USCM in 1.3 was excellent~)Second, I’ve been writing new scenes throughout the original story. I uploaded one a while back, that letter found in the captain’s belongings. Most are unfinished, but I have an extended scene in the Hylotl city, more conversations with Lumen before he joins up, and hopefully Hadley’s encounter with an erchius ghost. I might post a few once I figure out how to do so without confusing everyone in the lack of context.Last and probably most important is tied to the second reason… I’m editing the whole story, working consistency, filling in those scenes, and building details to make it a better read overall, because I intend to publish it. I contacted Chucklefish back in July for permission, and got at least a general go-ahead to make As Long as We Remember an unofficial Starbound novel. Hopefully I hear back with an official permission soon, but I’ve been editing ever since.
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game-refraction · 7 years
SXSW Gaming Awards emcees and Nominees Announced - OMGitsfirefoxx & WWE Superstar Xavier Woods are Announced as Hosts - Awards Voting now Live on IGN
SXSW® Gaming Conference and Festival has announced WWE Superstar Xavier Woods and popular gaming broadcaster OMGitsfirefoxx as hosts for the fourth annual 2017 SXSW Gaming Awards sponsored by IGN and Imaginary Forces, which will take place Saturday, March 18, at 8pm at the Hilton in downtown Austin.
OMGitsfirefoxx aka Sonja Reid, the self-proclaimed “full-time dragon slayer, part-time sniper,” holds the Guinness World Record as the most popular female broadcaster, boasting just under 800,000 followers on Twitch.
WWE Superstar Xavier Woods is a two-time WWE Tag Team Champion alongside fellow New Day members Big E and Kofi Kingston. An avid gamer, Woods is also the host of his own
YouTube gaming channel, UpUpDownDown, where he’s known by his gamer tag Austin
Creed. The channel, which has secured nearly 1 million subscribers since launching last June,
is the home to popular shows like Gamer Gauntlet and Superstar Savepoint, and continues to
be a must-watch channel for gamers around the world.
The 2017 SXSW Gaming Awards will celebrate 100 nominees in 23 different categories.
In addition to old favorites Video Game of the Year, Tabletop Game of the Year, and Mobile Game of the Year, new categories this year include Trending Game of the Year, Fan Creation of the Year, and Esports Game of the Year.
The Gamer’s Voice award categories are dedicated to independent video, mobile, and tabletop games. With 44 nominees in total, these categories are voted on exclusively by SXSW Gaming Expo attendees, with the winners revealed during the Gaming Awards ceremony.
The SXSW Gaming Awards are open to 3-day and Saturday SXSW Gaming wristbands, with complimentary access extended to all SXSW badgeholders. Voting results will be broadcast on IGN and livestreamed on Twitch, where over 135,000 gaming fans watched last year. Video entertainment during the show includes content from SMOSH Games, Corridor Digital, and Brotherhood Workshop.
The SXSW Gaming Conference & Festival is a unique combination of geek and gaming culture featuring Expos, Awards, and Programming over three days. New for 2017 we are pleased to present the Pitch Competition, which pairs new game ideas with industry veterans; the Student Showcase, with 10 innovative student projects on show; and the Nintendo Switch exhibition featuring the latest launch titles and accessories for Nintendo’s next generation console.
Online voting takes place from Wednesday, Jan. 25 through Friday, Feb. 10. To vote, please visit studios.ign.com/sxswgamingawards/. Winners are determined by an equal combination of public vote and the SXSW Gaming Advisory Board.
Video Game of the Year
Awarded to the game that exemplifies overall excellence and creates a distinct gaming experience across all platforms and genres.
Dishonored 2 – Bethesda Softworks / Arkane Studios
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Titanfall 2 – Electronic Arts / Respawn Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Mobile Game of the Year
Awarded to the game that exemplifies overall excellence and creates a unique gaming experience on any handheld device.
Clash Royale – Supercell
Pokémon GO – Niantic
Pokémon Sun and Moon – The Pokémon Company / Game Freak
Reigns – Devolver Digital / Nerial
Severed – DrinkBox Studios
Tabletop Game of the Year
Awarded to the game that exemplifies overall excellence and ingenuity of any tabletop game in any genre.
Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Fantasy Flight Games
Captain Sonar – Asmodee North America
Inis – Asmodee North America
Mechs vs Minions – Riot Games
The Others – CMON Inc.
Esports Game of the Year
Awarded to the online game with the best competitive scene, growth, and entertainment value.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Activision / Infinity Ward
Gears of War 4 – Microsoft Studios / The Coalition
Killer Instinct: Season 3 – Microsoft Studios / Iron Galaxy Studios
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Street Fighter V – Capcom
Trending Game of the Year
Awarded to the game that consistently entertained and kept us watching on social platforms with its humor, stories, and more.
Dead by Daylight – Starbreeze Studios / Behaviour Digital Inc.
Job Simulator – Owlchemy Labs
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Who’s Your Daddy – Evil Tortilla Games
Fan Creation of the Year
Awarded to the most compelling fan-made piece of work across all games and platforms. This includes, but isn’t limited to, artwork, writing, videography, special effects, and more.
Brutal Doom 64 – Sergeant_Mark_IV
Enderal – The Shards of Order – SureAI Team
Fallout 1.5: Resurrection – Resurrection Team
Fallout: Revelation – MechanicalCakeTV
Jack – A Stanley Parable Short Film – Vesio Productions
Matthew Crump Cultural Innovation
Awarded to the game that best challenges the “norm” of everyday gaming and offers a culturally innovative view of a game world, character, or gameplay.
1979 Revolution: Black Friday – INK Stories
Fragments of Him – Sassybot
Orwell – Surprise Attack / Osmotic Studios
Quadrilateral Cowboy – Blendo Games
That Dragon, Cancer – Numinous Games
Excellence in Narrative
Awarded to the game with the best storyline and dialogue.
Firewatch – Panic Inc. / Campo Santo
The Last Guardian – Sony Interactive Entertainment / SIE Japan Studio
Oxenfree – Night School Studio
That Dragon, Cancer – Numinous Games
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Excellence in Design
Awarded to the game with the best overall design concept and best execution.
Dishonored 2 – Bethesda Softworks / Arkane Studios
INSIDE – Playdead
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
The Witness – Thekla, Inc.
Excellence in Gameplay
Awarded to the game with the best gameplay mechanics.
Dark Souls III – BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment / FromSoftware, Inc.
Dishonored 2 – Bethesda Softworks / Arkane Studios
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
Firewatch – Panic Inc. / Campo Santo
I Expect You To Die – Schell Games
Most Fulfilling Community-Funded Game
Awarded to the game that was primarily produced via crowdfunding platforms and had excelled beyond the expectations set before it.
Darkest Dungeon – Red Hook Studios
Hyper Light Drifter – Heart Machine
Starbound – Chucklefish Games
That Dragon, Cancer – Numinous Games
Most Promising New Intellectual Property
Awarded to a new property that risked creating something fresh and that excelled within its genre or category for the year.
Firewatch – Panic Inc. / Campo Santo
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Stardew Valley – Chucklefish Games / ConcernedApe
Tom Clancy’s The Division – Ubisoft / Ubisoft Massive
Most Memorable Character
Awarded to the best game character that left an overwhelming impression.
Firewatch – Henry & Delilah
The Last Guardian – Trico
Overwatch – Tracer
Titanfall 2 – BT-7274
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Nathan Drake
Excellence in Multiplayer
Awarded to the game with the best player-to-player interaction experience.
Battlefield 1 – Electronic Arts / EA DICE
Gears of War 4 – Microsoft Studios / The Coalition
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
SpeedRunners – tinyBuild / DoubleDutch Games
Titanfall 2 – Electronic Arts / Respawn Entertainment
Excellence in Convergence
Awarded to the game that excels in crossover to other entertainment mediums such as film, music, toys, animation, sports and more.
Batman: Arkham VR – Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment / Rocksteady Studios
Batman: The Telltale Series – Telltale Games
FIFA 17 – EA Sports / EA Canada
NBA 2K17 – 2K Sports / Visual Concepts
Total War: WARHAMMER – SEGA / Creative Assembly
Excellence in Art
Awarded to the game with the most expressive and creative artistic style.
ABZÛ – 505 Games / Giant Squid
Firewatch – Panic Inc. / Campo Santo
INSIDE – Playdead
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
The Witness – Thekla, Inc.
Excellence in Animation
Awarded to the game with the most outstanding animation effects and graphics.
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
INSIDE – Playdead
The Last Guardian – Sony Interactive Entertainment / SIE Japan Studio
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Excellence in Visual Achievement
Awarded to the game with the most well-designed and stunning visuals.
Battlefield 1 – Electronic Arts / EA DICE
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
Final Fantasy XV – Square Enix
Titanfall 2 – Electronic Arts / Respawn Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Excellence in Technical Achievement
Awarded to the game that pushed the capabilities of technology and programming.
Battlefield 1 – Electronic Arts / EA DICE
No Man’s Sky – Sony Interactive Entertainment / Hello Games
Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment
Pokémon GO – Niantic
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Excellence in Musical Score
Awarded to the game that best exemplifies artistic excellence in musical score and how it progresses the narrative of the game.
DOOM – Bethesda Softworks / id Software
Final Fantasy XV – Square Enix
Hyper Light Drifter – Heart Machine
The Last Guardian – Sony Interactive Entertainment / SIE Japan Studio
Thumper – Drool
Excellence in SFX
Awarded to the game with the most outstanding and impactful sound effects.
Battlefield 1 – Electronic Arts / EA DICE
Dishonored 2 – Bethesda Softworks / Arkane Studios
INSIDE – Playdead
Titanfall 2 – Electronic Arts / Respawn Entertainment
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Sony Computer Entertainment / Naughty Dog
Gamer’s Voice: Single Player and Multiplayer Awards
Awarded to the top fan-favorite indie games found in the Indie Corner, as chosen by Gaming Expo attendees.
Gamer’s Voice Single Player
Ape Out – Gabe Cuzzillo
Asura – Ogre Head Studio
Bootleg Systems – NEONABLE
CHKN – Katapult
Circles – Illusive Games
Code 7 – Episode 0: Allocation – Goodwolf Studio
Cryptark – Alientrap
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor – Sundae Month
Event [0] – Ocelot Society
Far From Noise – George Batchelor
Haimrik – Below the Game
Hollow Knight – Team Cherry
Katana Zero – Askiisoft
MachiaVillain – Wild Factor
Mages of Mystralia – Borealys Games
Night in the Woods – Infinite Fall
No Truce With The Furies – ZAUM STUDIO OÜ
Obduction – Cyan
Owlboy – D-Pad Studio
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun – Mimimi Productions
She Remembered Caterpillars – jumpsuit entertainment
Sundered – Thunder Lotus Games
The Hex – Daniel Mullins Games
The Metronomicon – Puuba
The Pedestrian – Skookum Arts
The Shrouded Isle – Kitfox Games
Tumbleseed – AEIOWU
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine – Dim Bulb Games
Gamer’s Voice Multiplayer
Akuto: Mad World – Hut 90
Antihero – Tim Conkling
ARENA GODS – Supertype
Beasts of Balance – Sensible Object
Flat Heroes – Parallel Circles
Friday Night Bullet Arena – Red Nexus Games
Human: Fall Flat – No Brakes Games
Invisigun Heroes – Sombr Studio
Overcooked – Ghost Town Games
Schlicht – Team Schlicht
Red Rope: Don’t Fall Behind – Yonder
Saltlands – Antler Games
Sky Noon – Lunar Rooster
Strikers Edge – Fun Punch Games
Tooth and Tail – Pocketwatch Games
Vast: The Crystal Caverns – Leder Games
SXSW Gaming Awards emcees and Nominees Announced – OMGitsfirefoxx & WWE Superstar Xavier Woods are Announced as Hosts – Awards Voting now Live on IGN was originally published on Game-Refraction
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nedayisonline · 1 year
So I’ve been digging.
I’ve been digging into starbound lore to build a more cohesive extended universe story for Skybound and Kaiya, that universe’s last member of the Protectorate. (I classify it as a separate universe because I think starbound takes place over several different universes where a different protectorate candidate was late to the meeting, and it makes my story canon to something outside of the base gameplay other people experience)
I've discovered a lot of things such as, The original big ape, greenfinger, and thornwing. I've also discovered the truth behind the Agaran race from the beta. So many wonderful ideas I want to throw into the story but I have classified 4 seperate story arcs, possibly a 5th but damn I am so invested in this.
Let me know if y’all are interested in hearing the ideas I have come up with, I’d be willing to share the first story arc involving the Apex and Big Apes return lol
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nedayisonline · 1 year
New Starbound OC to take the place of Skybound.
Oxy is a bounty hunter who is known for working with the protector in taking down the occasus cult, and several branches of the USCM by themselves.
They are basically going to take the place of Skybound in the Extended Universe Story, since I wanted a character that doesn't have anything to do with the cultivator. This also means I gotta rewrite some story behind weapons and the story but I'll make it work. No art ATM but I'll draw some sketches soon!
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