stargazerley · 1 month
Any Worth While Man
X-Men '97 dropped it's first two episodes this week and, as a Romy (Remy/Rogue) shipper, I have thoughts. Obvious spoilers ahead so this is your warning.
Ok, there are a few scenes of note I want to talk about. First being Gambit's intro. It was great I love his design and voice and his sass remains intact. We see him making beignets, reminding us the man can cook, and that he says "Rogue always saves Gambit." Cocky sure but sweet.
Next is a scene in a club. Gambit and Rogue are watching from above and she laments the curse of her touch while he assures her "any worth while man would suffer your touch for a dance" before offering his hand. She takes it and it's just a sweet moment. (This is important for later.)
Our following scenes are...I don't like them. Anyway this scene doesn't have Gambit but instead Magneto. She appears to have history with him and the type is implied by Magneto (Erik) attempting to remove a glove. She shies away from this and for now he lets it go.
Rogue shows up later and removes her glove showing Erik can touch her but she still seems hesitant. Later we see her leave his office and Gambit has seen her and drops the Queen of Hearts he had in his hand. Later still he rebuffs Erik, clearly jealous/envious.
So the important thing here is that Rogue seems to be more open with Remy and Remy takes her comfort in mind. He didn't trie to take her hand but offered it. He didn't go where he wasn't invited. Erik appeared to invade her space, making her uncomfortable at first.
I think this is evidence for their relationship being more physical than anything else. Erik can give her what she's always wanted, the ability to touch without risk, but she doesn't have her heart open to him. Erik noticeably shelters his touch from hers (if the theory about him using his powers is true) while Gambit would suffer her touch.
All this to say, I think this is the perfect setup for a storyline about different types of love and expression of love. The scenes with Remy feel genuine and intimate while those with Erik just do not. This isn't to say Erik is using or manipulating her, I don't doubt he cares for her. I just don't think she cares for him the way she does Remy.
I don't know if any of that makes any sense but I needed to get it out.
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maxpeaks · 3 years
New follower just saw your art reblogged by someone I follow and was like must look at all their art now. :)
Anyway I noticed a lack of Davepeta art might I request you do something with them?
welcome gamer to egbert alley! here’s davepeta for you B3
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homestuckrewrite · 3 years
What exactly does the Lore Keeper do? I was just looking at the form to see if I'd be interested in joining.
Lore keepers are sort of like researchers and librarians! They have to have a good grasp on Homestuck and it’s lore, story, plot, etc. We currently have a large document with most of the information from homestuck proper that was created by the lore keeper team previously.
Since we have this document and due to the nature of the lore keeper position, it’s recommended that you should apply for another position as well if you want to be more involved in the project :)
-Mod Fazed
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hstbc · 3 years
I would like to express my appreciation for the inclusion of one of my favorite characters. Basically thanks for the Davepeta food in that update. As well as Nyall. Just wonderful. :)
thank you sm!! davepeta is definitely a favorite among the dev team so we want to be able to give them some of the character they missed out on in homestuck proper and post-canon
-mod red
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calware · 3 years
disclaimer because i don't want to get hate for this: there is no way to 100% verify the allegations in this post, but the evidence points strongly in favor of it being true. take the information in this post with a grain of salt, and as always do not harass anyone under any circumstances. if this turns out to be false, i'll delete the post. i'll edit the post with additions/corrections if any new information surfaces
alright, now that that's out of the way,
yesterday i revieved this ask from @stargazerley:
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and then this ask a few minutes later:
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anyways, if this is true, its just another thing to add to add to Hussie's list of scummy things he's done
and since i know some of y'all are gonna come at me for this, obviously these screenshots are extremely easy to fake. however, i've done a lot of digging, and i can provide some pretty solid evidence: (under the cut)
alright, first of all, let's look at the timeline for these tweets. i asked ley (the person who sent me the screenshot) what time they took it:
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(pm & EST)
that means the 1st tweet was posted at 7:12 pm, with the 2nd at 7:14. also, if you look closely...
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someone replied to the tweet when the screenshot was taken. and, wouldn't you know it:
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before 7:47 and after 7:14.
there's another reply too:
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which confirms that the original tweet at least referenced hussie (or at least that's who i'm assuming it's referencing to). the timestamp on this checks out too, since it's not shown in the screenshot due to it being taken after 7:47.
the timestamps for the asks line up as well:
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in addition to the tweet timeline, there's also this timeline of events in regards to HS2's development:
12/??: pip is fired right before christmas
12/29: the 2nd HS2 hiatus is announced
1/15: pip tweets that they're leaving HS
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2/??: hussie rehires pip
2/28: pip tweets about being fired
again, it all lines up. pip is (or, was) a head writer/director on the HS2 team. if someone that important leaves the team, they'd have to go on hiatus to reorganize and plan. hmm, this sure sounds familiar ! i wonder why 🤨 (kate mitchell)
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simplexjadeclothing · 3 years
So I was thinking, since i would like some characters to draw other then my own I would do 16 free requests.  its first come first serve and it’ll be 4 humans and 12 troll drawings.  so DM me, send in an ask,  You’d be handing me the character to dress as I please.  I’d need some sort of reference to what they look like and there god tier.
1.  @bluesquare 
2. @shilo-morkaisin
3. @barrel-of-fantrolls
4. @stargazerley
5. @scavengers-cryptid
6. @volatileleporegina
7. @faededspyrit
8. @simon-reads
9. @rotaryspectre
1. @pinkpandagirl2
2. @agamemnon-sux
3. @justaprettylittlebumblebee
4. @aerodynamicsalsa
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stargazerley · 20 days
Remember It
I had a whole thing prepared and saved in drafts to continue after ep 5 but then I watched it and decided that particular post will have to wait. My thoughts on this episode are....well we'll get there. If you haven't watched it--Do that now because I'm not pulling any punches. Also this is very long so be warned.
As always I'm focusing on our Rogue and Remy moments. Those Jean/Maddy/Scott/Logan....that shit is not my concern. (Short answer it's messy as hell and I hate it.)
The episode starts with Rogue, Remy and Erik in the Blackbird heading to Genosha. Remy makes a comment about how long they are taking and Erik decides to remind Remy that the latter cannot fly. For what reason I don't really know, as if Rogue won't catch the Cajun. Rogue tells them to shut up and play nice. (good on her)
They arrive and Remy is unexpected again earning a comment from Erik. Soon after they are ambushed by Kurt (hell yes the fuzzy elf) who tells them that a lot has happened since they last saw him (though we are not granted the details). Kurt proceeds to show Remy and Rogue around Genosha. Here we get a glimpse of the mutant island. It's nice and everyone seems happy to which Rogue makes a comment about "him" being right. Obviously "him" is Erik.
We learn that apples apparently cost $10 to which Remy remarks on the price and Kurt brushes it off as a necessary evil (not his words). We then get more cameos of mutants (awesome btw) and eventually a long coveted Remy and Kurt scene wherein Kurt is everyone's favorite guy. He proves to be a "shipper on deck" telling Remy that Remy and Rogue belong together and they should cut the act and just get married. (Seriously I love Kurt. He rocks.)
Next up we have Rogue talking to Erik and learning that he wants her to rule Genosha with him (there's a whole scene with Moira, Emma Frost, Banshee, Sabastian Shaw, and Madylene). Rogue declines, offended that he seems to have set it up but Erik assures her that he didn't want this and that it was something Xavier would have wanted. He also proceeds to address Remy's feeling for Rogue as "you make broken men feel whole." She leaves to think about his offer.
She then goes to Remy and explains everything. She tells him of her past with Erik and how they had something special but it wasn't like Remy. Remy is understandably upset at the secrets, saying he was fine keeping things unofficial. She admits she loves Remy that he "lights up everything he touches" and that she "can't touch his heart." This leads Remy to tell her that "some things are deeper than skin."
She doesn't believe him and tells him she'll take Erik's offer despite not being in love with him anymore. Remy tells her that Erik will break her heart and that when he does, Remy will be there for her. Until then they shall remain as friends. (Seriously perfect this man.)
At the gala, where Erik is presented as the future of Genosha, Rogue makes an entrance as Remy watches. He leaves as Erik and Rogue dance, holding hands and being very physically intimate. He doesn't see that after a kiss, Rogue tells Erik that Remy was right- "Some things are deeper than skin." She leaves to find Remy.
All hell breaks loose as a massive Sentinel attacks. Rogue finds Kurt, injured and without her gloves she is unable to help her brother, Thankfully, Remy arrives and assures us Kurt is alive. Remy goes off to find the Morlocks and lead them to safety while Erik and Rogue help out where they are.
Remy and the Morlocks are attacked leading to a showdown where Erik is protecting the Morlocks and Rogue and Remy by keeping the latter two away from the fight. Erik fails and Rogue, grief-stricken, tries to attack the Sentinel, Remy stops her. The machine turns to a group of mutants, including Kurt and Remy charges in to save them.
He gets close but is impaled, at which point he says the title of the episode while charging the entire Sentinel- "The name is Gambit, mon ami. Remember it." Rogue finds him in a crater, dead- "I can't feel you."
Ok so more or less that ended up as a synopsis of the episode because the whole thing was basically about Romy. The Key notes we get are:
Kurt being a supportive brother and rooting for the relationship giving us a beautiful line "love is not without sin".
Rogue wanting to do what is best for mutant kind even if that means she cannot be with the one she loves.
Remy deciding that he can wait for her to be ready and will be her friend until that time comes.
Rogue deciding that Remy was right "some things are deeper than skin."
Erik accepting Rogue's decision and saving not only her, but Remy as well.
Remy proving that despite what he thinks of himself- he is a hero and a good man.
This episode broke my heart but handled the Erik/Rogue/Remy triangle very well. It is so mature in stark contrast to that of Scott/Jean/Maddy/Logan. Logan being the most mature person in that entire mess, knowing that Jean and Scott love each other and that he can be her friend. Cable (who was the orignial person in the series to say "My name is_. Remember it.) made an appearance confirming that he is Nathan and that he has already tried to stop the attack from occurring. We can only hope we get a chance to see him succeed and see Rogue tell Remy their love is deeper than skin.
Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to go find something to stop these tears. Until next time, "look to the stars for hope shines bright." (I know that's the wrong franchise but it works. Apparently the Watcher was visible in the sky at one point.)
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stargazerley · 13 days
Remy, Rogue and Acceptance
Let's talk about the elephant in the room. Rogue's relationship with Erik and the idea that there is a way for her to touch Remy "if she wanted to."
I've seen so many "why doesn't she just wear a collar" comments that I honestly believe some people don't understand the point of "some things are deeper than skin". Remy accepts Rogue through and through powers and all. "Any worthwhile man would suffer your touch." He told her in ep 1 of 97. Previously, he's made similar comments.
Remy wants Rogue to feel safe and "normal". He doesn't want her to suppress herself, to hide who she is, for him. Rogue's issue is with not accepting herself as she is. She struggles with this constantly, (one of many reasons she should have had the conversation with Madylene but not the point).
When Rogue wanted to go to Mur Island, Remy tried to change her mind, tried to convince her that he didn't care about her powers but she felt wrong. She's felt like she doesn't fit in and she's wrong. Remy does his best to make her feel like she belongs. He does his best to make her feel like a "normal" woman, with someone who loves her no matter what.
Remy LeBeau would never ask the love of his life, his chere, to wear a collar simply so he could touch her. She shouldn't have to wear a collar to feel accepted and express her love for the man she loves. I have thought about this (see my post about Rogue being ace for details). This is one of the reasons I hate "they can touch now" fics because the authors almost never delve into the complexities of this relationship and the importance of differentiating physical intimacy and love. The importance of "beyond skin".
{Also I might hold off posting about ep 6 of 97 until next week and group it with ep 7 because I need a bit more to talk about. I may do something about Ro and Remy and how they are a wonderful qpr but I need more Ro in 97.}
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stargazerley · 20 days
Asexuality and Rogue
I headcanon Rogue as a romantic ace. Why? Because she cannot touch anyone. But it's not that she can't that causes her to be ace. That's just the reason she doesn't know it yet.
Think about it, you cannot touch another person but watch everyone around you participate in all the conventions you have been told are expressions of love, kisses, hugs, sex. But you cannot do these things. You never take the time think about which of these things you want, if any. You simply want to be "normal." You want to fit in and feel love like everyone else.
Now here's a man who claims to love you despite the lack of touch. He says he doesn't care but you don't believe him and despite yourself you fall in love with him. You know he'll want to touch you, he teases you about it and you turn him down time after time but that love goes nowhere. And yet, the man continues to love you.
This is all I've ever wanted even before I figured out I was asexual. I wanted a man who loved me regardless of whether we could have sex or not. I relate to Rogue on this level. Relate to her feeling romantic love and not knowing how to express it and relate to the pressures of society to express love in a specific way.
So Remy telling Rogue that "some things are deeper than skin" spoke to me. It was his way of telling her that he loved her even if sex and touch weren't options. He loved her so much he didn't care that touching her could kill him. I want that. I want a man like Remy LeBeau.
I have a fanfic, one of my few completed pieces, that is about Remy and Rogue and their potential first date where I have Rogue express her thoughts about being ace. I'm waiting for an invite to ao3 and it'll probably be the first thing I post.
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stargazerley · 27 days
If You Are Taking Orders
So, once again there's some Romy content to detangle. I think I missed the stuff from episode 3 so I can go into it here.
Let's start with that actually, Ep 3 I mean.
There's not much really a few scenes but they paint a picture for us. The first is a scene without Rogue but with Morph and Wolverine. The three are standing outside the Danger Room and Morph teases Remy about Magneto and Rogue having the room booked. After that Remy sets off to find Rogue. This leads to him "seeing Rogue and Magneto" which we all learn was not real but a nightmare. The final scene in this episode is Rogue going directly to Remy after the mess (Madeline Pryor) is over.
So it seems the team is vaguely aware of Erik/Rogue enough for Morph to tease about it. Remy continues to fear not being good enough for Rogue evidenced by what the two in the illusion say to him. And finally, Rogue is concerned for his safety enough to abandon Erik instantly upon seeing Remy hurt.
Now on to episode 4.
There's really only one scene but personally I think it has quite a lot to tell us. Simply, Remy offers some coffee to Rogue who tells him that Erik already got her some upon which Remy replies "well if you're taking orders, I'll have a cappuccino." Erik retorts that he doesn't take orders he gives them and Remy doesn't respond.
Seems cut and dry until you see that Rogue responds to Erik showing off with his floating sugar spoons. She looks ashamed or guilty or just wants to vanish. Remy sees this and doesn't press Erik on their verbal sparring. In fact, he deflates the moment Rogue stops responding as if he was trying to cheer her up with the "I'll have a cappuccino" comment.
All this tells us that Remy further considers Rogues feelings and isn't trying to one up Erik. He's sassy, that's who he is. But Erik's verbal retort is not the normal as if he wants Remy to respond, as if he knows how Remy feels about Rogue spending time with him. I still don't see Erik as using Rogue but here he is clearly ignoring her feelings or at the very least is oblivious to them.
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stargazerley · 6 days
Bright Eyes- the Spiral of Pain and Grief
CW: Suicide, Death, Grief, Downward Spirals
I still don't have enough about Storm to properly cover last week's episode. I really want to do her justice so we're putting her on hold for a bit. Hopefully next week will give us some more to work with. Her absence at Remy's funeral is....disappointing.
Speaking of funerals, yup they started with Remy's and the tears did flow. Hank and Scott carried the casket and Kurt spoke with some very kind and wise words. Talking about potential and heroics and it's all very wonderful. I can't do it justice.
Notably absent from this, aside from Storm, is Rogue. Jubilee comments on this, rather insensitively to be honest. We learn that instead of grieving, as she needs to do, Rogue is on a mission of revenge. She's hunting for Gyrich and Trask while having a run-in with everyone's least favorite military stooge, Thunderbolt Ross. Ross makes a comment about the bunker being able to withstand the Hulk. Either he underestimates the Hulk's strength or Rogue is stronger, regardless she opens the place like a can of tuna.
Later she has been led to some snowy middle of nowhere where she encounters Captain America. Cap manages to calm her down for a bit long enough to investigate a cabin all while allowing her to hold his shield. When he tells Rogue that Gyrich has been moved to some place in Mexico, Rogue seeks his aid which he denies. He tells her he cannot, as he is, go with her it might send the wrong message. She, in her grief, hears this as Cap siding against mutants.
The way he words it, he's clearly concerned about causing an international incident in having a clear representative of the US, regardless of his status as a solider. She proceeds to tighten her grip on his shield, she pulls and he releases it, symbolically letting her go. She throws the shield away without conflict, giving Cap an excuse not to follow her.
She arrives, unhindered, at the compound holding Gyrich, a rather nice mansion rather than the prison he deserves. She beats her way into the building and to Gyrich who puts up little fight. Gyrich alludes to having his mind protected from Jean but Rogue uses her powers to gain the information she requires, leaving him in a short coma, and knocking her unconscious.
She wakes to the comfort of Kurt and the rest of the team. She gets a cry out but nothing has changed. The team are informed by Trask that Sinister was involved, he seems off, and tells them where to find him- clearly a trap.
Gyrich has woken from his short coma, and tells a mysterious figure that all is going according to plan. This figure kills Gyrich- on screen by the way.
When the arrive at the building, Trask has neutralized the people inside and they make their way to the hidden facility. There they see some of Sinister's experiments. They encounter Trask who is on the ledge about to jump as he laments his part in the Genosha massacre. Rogue tries to talk him down for information and catches him before he falls. He is unable to give her the information she wants and to most of the team's horror, she drops him.
Morph takes a moment to point out the crossed line while Logan condones it. Trask rises up having been turned into a Prime Sentinel and attacks the team. The team tries to stop him before Cable shows up. Scott is finally informed that Cable is his son as Cable admonishes Jean for invading his mind (good on him honestly). He tells them that there is a greater evil at hand that must be stopped.
Sinister and the mysterious figure discuss their plans and knowledge that Charles is alive. It is also revealed that the Figure has Magneto bound and powerless. The show fades as "One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater" plays in the background. Which I'm sure has some meaning but I don't know.
With the recap out of the way (mostly, I know I missed some stuff and others might be a bit out of order), let's talk about the point. This episode is about Rogue's grief fueled downward spiral. She is losing herself to her pain and loss and it culminates with her crossing a line.
It's important to note that Morph was the one to call Rouge out on this. Why? Morph was murdered by the Sentinels and was brought back by Sinister. If anyone has the right to want Trask dead it's Morph but they are more concerned by what this means for the team. Interestingly, Wolverine who lost Morph to the Sentinels sides with Rogue.
There's something visceral about watching a character you relate to spiral in such a way she risks losing herself to pain. Rogue is clearly drowning and has decided this was the right thing to do, but Remy saved her from herself before, he's not here to save her this time. This time she's likely to throw her life away just to avenge his death, both Remy and Erik knew she was capable of this.
Seeing people cheer on someone who is spiraling and full of pain is just....disappointing and a bit terrifying really.
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stargazerley · 3 years
I made up a creature. Right now it's detailed in this Google doc. Once I get a decent computer I'll get it looking less like it was made in the early 2000s lol.
Anyway they are called Anilineko. Mine is made of paint and her name is Sige. You can see her in the doc as the example and her sketch is provided but she got a minor change in the final version. ;)
If you do make your own, link this post. There are recommended tags to use in the doc. Have fun with them. I'd really like to see what you come up with.
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stargazerley · 3 years
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Today is @therealjacksepticeye 's birthday. I know he's going through a lot right now but we can still celebrate how much he's done for us. Let's give him something to remind him that we are here for him and we will wait until he's ready to come back.
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stargazerley · 3 years
Since everyone seemed to love the sketch of Davepeta, I decided to color it in.
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stargazerley · 3 years
So last night I read the update for @hstbc and decided to draw something based on a moment I loved.
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stargazerley · 3 years
Due to the recent spike in harmful spam being sent to Homestuck fans (see rebolg below for details), I am turning off my asks. They haven't really been used but knowing my luck I'll get hit if I'm not careful.
This situation pisses me off as these scumbags are using a ship I love to be absolutely despicable, cruel, and the worst kind of person. Please be careful out there Homestuck fans.
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