#tag edit so i don't get accused of 'being mean'
ebbywaffle · 8 months
every time i talk my grown ass out of making an essay/video essay about Kairi, someone in the tags starts typing about how she isn't friends with/doesn't care about Riku and only ever cares about Sora only and she ~fears change~ and she never evar talks to any other character and the Real Light Is and the papou fruit and i just
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ao3topshipsbracket · 6 months
prompted by nothing in particular, things I learned that I'd pass down as advice to anyone intending to do a large multifandom bracket tournament:
Imagine your bracket inspiring wild enough discourse that someone makes a Hall of the Mountain King edit. No, really, imagine it. Imagine that going down in your activity feed. Imagine being known across the site for that. Does this prospect fill you, on some level, with delight? If not, you may not be cut out for a large multifandom bracket tournament.
Do not try to do a large multifandom bracket alone. You need a team, and the bigger your audience gets the more of a team you need. You especially need a team if you're potentially working with a bunch of things you've never heard of. For a smaller bracket with an activity feed that's more reasonable to keep track of, you don't necessarily need multiple blog admins, but you at the very least need a groupchat so you aren't making all the decisions alone.
Your guys might lose. In fact, your guys will probably lose, since there can only be one winner. The sooner you accept this the better for all involved.
You are the mod. It is your job to be impartial, no matter what. You can hate and rage against one of your options in private. In public? The things you hate are valid contenders exactly like every other. If you really can't bring yourself to be at the very least neutral about something in public, just don't include it.
This also means that you have to be evenhanded. You can reveal your personal biases once finals are set in stone but if you're perceived as making policies that favor your guys that shit gets ugly and it gets ugly fast. Remember: everyone can see the vote percentages perfectly well on the post! The winner of the vote gets highlighted! People can see these things!
Keep anon off. If it looks like it's going to get at all heated, turn blog comments off and keep them off. Don't publish any type of ask you aren't okay with getting more of.
DO NOT RESPOND TO THE TAGS. You can respond to asks, if you really want to, and you've thought through the consequences, but do not respond to the tags. This is the other reason that you need a groupchat, ideally a groupchat full of likeminded individuals who have good takes and are fairly levelheaded: bringing bad or annoying or even just funny takes to the groupchat will give you the strength to not respond to the tags, the serenity to not respond to the tags, and the wisdom to not respond to the tags.
You cannot prevent voter fraud. You can accept voter fraud, or you can have a meltdown about voter fraud. In a small bracket (votes in the triple digits) you can ask people nicely not to fraud, and this will probably even work if you're not in mcyt fandom, but once you get to the tens of thousands it does not work at all. Even if nobody actually frauds, it's easy to accuse the other side of fraud and difficult to prove innocence; people can and will abuse this. Accepting fraud is literally always going to be less stress for you and I highly recommend it. Also, it's funny.
Try to establish policies before things come up, rather than reacting in the heat of the moment. Once you have made a policy, stick to it. Relatedly, when you are making policies, ask yourself very seriously if they're policies you're willing to stick to.
Things you will likely need policies on: Do you publish propaganda? Do you reblog propaganda? What is the line for being an asshole beyond which you block? What do you do in case of a tie?
"There can't be that many fans of [whatever]" is always wrong. There can always be that many fans of whatever.
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illegiblewords · 4 months
Serious talk about meta under the cut.
I don't know who might need to hear it, but fwiw mental flexibility is a huge part of analysis (and interacting with other humans lol). You need to be able to account for multiple possibilities when examining a work, or understanding a social exchange. You need to be able to separate what is objective fact from your own subjective interpretation and judgment. The most negative interpretation is not automatically the most worthwhile or true. Someone throwing accusations around in-line with their own worst interpretations does not guarantee those accusations are warranted. You are not a bad or stupid person for disagreeing. Shit needs to withstand scrutiny. I don't always strike the right balance myself. I do the best I can but I'm definitely not perfect. Tbh I'm not beyond pettiness either--although I try to keep that out of actual analysis lol. There have been times I've griped to friends privately or blogged about how I felt (sans tags, with spoiler blocks so people can opt out). I've griped recently. I'm bound to gripe again in the future. Some level of griping is inevitable imo and I figure no one is 100% immune.
All that said, even if someone’s take isn't canon AND even if it's something I really dislike--I'd personally rather people follow their passions anyway. Hands down. I could be in the middle of a rant and my answer would still be that the subject of my frustration gets to exist. I'm not the boss and odds are we're going with different versions in our own heads. Discouraging another fan from creating due to my preferences or narrative approach would horrify me. I've seen fandoms where gatekeeping like that killed the creative community and it was fucking awful.
Not everyone is confident in their own judgment. Not everyone faced with a pissed off person trying to use lore and accusations like clubs will feel okay continuing with their own vision. Elitism and manipulation (especially through rhetoric) can be present within analysis. People are not being taught how to recognize those things properly. Analysts aren't always aware or invested enough to even be careful. It’s legit easy to get caught up in ideas or feelings to the point of forgetting about other people’s, and adjusting to account for alternate approaches takes some work. For me at least, I think having a 'no insults' policy and being super careful when it comes to absolute claims (assertions not qualified by 'I think' or 'it could be argued') helps.
Anyway. Just because a person calls something ‘meaningless’ doesn't make it meaningless. Someone pooh-poohing an observation you made doesn't make your observation less true or important. Employing a literary term doesn't mean that individual actually understands the term, how it works, or how to apply it. Which is to say nothing of romantic chemistry or whatever. I encourage readers to extrapolate on this. ‘Shallow’ could apply as much as ‘meaningless’. Denying parallels exist by itself doesn’t actually negate those parallels. Your version of a character may not be the same as the fan next to you’s and that difference doesn't have to detract. There's more I could say on the subject (I've edited out a lot) but basically--just because another fan isn't into what you're doing doesn't automatically make what you're doing wrong, immoral, shoddy, or otherwise less.
Seriously, vet shit. Question the entire premise an analyst tries to establish then decide for yourself if it holds water. Turn over word choices and assertions in your head before deciding if they're appropriate. Do it to me too. I don't care if someone is the holy goddamn emperor of analysts. Just because a person says something is good or bad, true or false, whatever the hell doesn't make it so. Just because a person uses a technical term doesn't mean they're discussing it effectively. Quality of argument matters beyond the packaging it’s wrapped in. It's important to protect yourself from people whose priority is enforcing their own preferences, including dismissing things they aren't partial to.
I just don't want anyone shamed silent man. Not even people whose takes drive me up the fucking wall. Neither I nor any other analyst is an authority here. And there are people who are absolutely ready to take advantage of other people’s insecurities to assert themselves. Might not even be malicious, just indifferent.
For me, analysis feels kind of like uncovering a dinosaur skeleton. I want to share the cool and exciting things I find with other people. Sometimes I might be sorting out what my own thoughts and feelings are. It's also possible to examine why you're uncomfortable with something, or why you love something another person hates, while making very clear what is YOUR READING and not THE READING. Offering a variety of possibilities is very different from presenting yourself as the only correct one. One note at the end when everything else was insulting and intolerant is like a band-aid over a wound.
EDIT: As a last point, that I'm throwing in just-in-case. If anyone reading this thinks they may have overreached and done stuff I've mentioned + feels shitty about it… that's still not the end of the world. It’s okay. This is hard stuff to learn and I really don't think anyone's perfect at it. Worth the effort though. Just gotta take a deep breath, acknowledge you're a fallible human same as everyone else, and do the best you can going forward. Life goes on.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
There’s something sort of patronizing and damn near infantilizing about the way stans (specifically stan twitter), will take something that isn’t that serious, or even is very serious, and will twist it as much as they possibly can, for pity and engagements.
I remember when that lie detector interview with Millie came out last year, and toxic stans of hers made it their mission to accuse the guy in the video of disrespecting Millie, when really it was all a bit? They were rushing to make posts saying, “this is so messed up! she doesn’t deserve this!!” And it’s like?? Are u guys serious rn??
And then there’s all that fucked up shit that happened with that grown ass man who groomed Millie and how a lot of hardcore stans of hers were making plot-twist edits with that horrid ig live he did??? All of that shit blew up and went beyond what it ever should have, and part of it was because a lot of those same toxic fans were out there low-key promoting a very private matter, for clicks???
Right after this happened, she deleted all of her old instagram posts (I think she’s returned recently), and still doesn't allow herself to be tagged in anything (again mostly hardcore fans there), and it’s pretty obvious to me that it's because at this point, not only does she have to watch out for people that hate her for no fucking reason and who actually mean to harm her, but she ALSO has to avoid so-called fans constantly acknowledging all the negativity surrounding her, for attention, with the guise that they support her.
Because like, do we seriously think she deleted all those sentimental posts from her past, to spite people that hate her?? No she did it to punish the so-called fans. That's the place where they could connect with her and she made a boundary that she couldn't let them into her life like that anymore.
Fans took something very serious, like as serious as it can fucking get, and were making it about stan wars. Anyone and everyone who makes one joke or one comment needs to be called out and brought down. Like it's just so obsessive and unhealthy and I get that a lot of these kinds of fans are children, and so there isn't much anyone can do. But still, it's ridiculous.
I support the notion that we should be calling out harmful behavior/language. But it eventually gets to point where it's like, what even is the point? Is there a point anymore? Or are we just speaking to speak, when no ones even saying anything? Are we seeing one negative comment and blowing it out of proportion as if everyone is saying that, to gain pity? Because it starts to get ridiculous.
In reality, people are gonna say what they want. Everyone with access to internet has the affordance of posting shit anonymously without any repercussions. That’s unavoidable. And these same people aren’t going to just be enlightened by someone calling them out. More often than not people like this want to upset others in the first place. They want a reaction. And so by constantly acknowledging their existence, and fixating on it, we're giving it to them.
And now ever since Noah has come out, we're sort of seeing something similar happening with him.
While he is getting unwavering support from a lot of people in his comments, there's undeniably a disgusting amount of homophobia being thrown at him as well.
And then somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, we have people making jokes, INCLUDING Noah.
And yet, the tag has suddenly went from unwavering support (as it should), to obsessing over any and every post/comment/joke that can be interpreted as somewhere between sarcastic, uninformed, mildly offensive and downright offensive, and we're acting like it's the end of the world.
There's no denying that all of this is overwhelming. It's a lot. And I don't blame people for speaking up when they truly feel that it's necessary. It's only natural to get defensive when you think someone is being wronged/harmed and you want to do what's right.
But again, to what point is it truly necessary to keep bringing attention to every single thing we come across that falls somewhere on that spectrum near negative?
Right now this space is filled with the negatives, even if it's coming from a good place. Do we think that Noah or Millie or any of the cast want to have to be confronted with negativity from all directions, even from the people that claim to just be fans trying to do the right thing?
It gets exhausting.
And now we're just seeing this stan twitter behavior create one big mess of delusion, with toxic Millie stans calling Noah a white sexist misogynist because he liked a TikTok referencing his coming out and the homophobic Millie meme?...
Is Noah only allowed to be open to unwavering support right now? Can he not make light of the situation, or are we just imagining that he's sitting there victimizing himself because of any and all of the negatives being thrown at him, that are never going to go away, no matter what he says or does? Because I honestly think that's the opposite of what he's doing or would even want to be doing.
And same with Millie, I don't think she sees anything and everything happening to her, and everything anyone is saying, and allows it to bother her anymore. Because how could she?? That kind of shit drains a person of their sanity.
Noah is out here not only liking TikToks joking about his coming out, he's still liking byler edits, still commenting on fans posts with a lighthearted positive attitude. He even mentioned Will in his post, so obviously he doesn't mind people making some comparisons between him and his character.
And yet here we are dwelling on everything negative we can get our hands on.
It's important to realize that the cast has seen the worst of the worst. And you can see that it's affected them. You can see they went from fairly public public figures to almost entirely private public figures, only interacting with fans when they have to, because they know a good portion of the trauma they experience comes from the fans themselves who just don't understand boundaries and common sense.
The most delusional aspect of all of this is that toxic stans are 100% convinced Millie and Noah hate each other... like they fully believe this lie they've told themself based on videos they've seen of them? Like they genuinely think they know her better than she knows herself I guess???
Now, I do want to say that I understand partly where these fans are coming from. Millie has went through absolute shit with this fandom. And it's mostly because she herself is known for saying stuff that causes people outrage. Whether it's a joke or a comment, that clearly just came off the top of her head, they'll flip it to something negative and use it as ammo to hate her. She doesn't deserve that. And I know a lot of her fans are coming from a protective place because they're so used to people hating Millie for no reason.
But even still, I don't think they realize they are a part of the problem themselves. And we are too whenever we allow ourselves to focus on the negatives, letting it practically consume us.
That sort of shit can make a person feel hopeless. 1 negative comment can outweigh 100 positive ones. And so imagine that by a scale of about a billion?
Again, I know a lot of fans mean well, but if you just take a moment to think about it, like really think about it, you'll realize that your energy would be much better directed elsewhere.
Instead of making dramatic intense posts that focus on all the negativity, BE THE POSITIVITY! Be someone that actually makes our community redeemable. Because again, we're no better than the worst of the worst if we're giving them all the attention, making the very people we're claiming to be supporting and defending, even more miserable.
And don't be surprised when s5 promo rolls around or any other event involves Millie and Noah interacting in a public forum, where they'll inevitably make jokes about all of this, arguably just as offensive as the ones we're getting worked up over right now
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ladytauria · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @zeroducks-2! thank you <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
90 total, with 8 of them for my original fiction pseud.
What’s your total A03 word count?
266,163. however, i like to subtract 2 of the original works i wrote, 'cause most of the writing is no longer canon to the project it was written for xD so, 198,925. still impressive!
What fandoms do you write for?
whatever fandom i'm obsessed with at the moment.
in the past, that's been super robot monkey team hyper force go!; how to train your dragon; ghost hunt; percy jackson & the olympians; legend of zelda; and ducktales (2017). there are a few other fandoms but those works never left my drafts xD
currently, it's DCU, & mostly bats at that <3
What are your top five fics by kudos?
in a diner at midnight (1,161 kudos) -> first story in my reverse robins series, as well as the first batfic i ever published lol. Tim catches Jason stealing the Batmobile's tires after he was sent back to the car, and does what any good Robin would: laugh his ass off and then buy him dinner.
you know just what i need (1,158 kudos) -> Tim is an omega. Jason is an alpha. Jason likes him, but he knows he blew his chances at being with Tim years ago. That changes, after he finds out that Tim has experienced a string of rejections, as he prefers to dominate alphas in bed. Jason is... entirely unopposed to this.
early confrontations (814) -> another part of the reverse robins series. When Jason finds out that Tim might be alive and operating as the Red Hood, he decides the best course of action is to break into his apartment.
inquiring minds (794) -> the only non-DC fic on this list. Ducktales (2017). Penumbra wants to know how Donald didn't burn up in Earth's atmosphere.
held together (792) -> another part of the reverse robins series. After Bruce accuses Jason of killing Garzonas, he goes to Tim for comfort.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
There for a while I was only responding if someone had a question, but now I do try to respond more, even if just to say thank you, or send back a heart emoji in return xD
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. I don't write a lot of unhappy endings xD But "empty promises" is probably the angstiest ending I've written. Maybe "twenty to one."
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Edit: I didn’t realize I forgot to finish answering this one!! Most of my fics end happily so I’m not sure which one has the happiest 🤔 I will have to look through and edit again with a proper answer lmao
Do you get hate on your fic?
Not in a while. Only once on AO3. Twice on FFN. Some people weren't very happy I wrote genderfluid Link :) And then prior to that-- I mean. It was hate, I guess, but it was more funny than anything else. Guest account was upset at the length of my oneshot collection entries and started advertising for a date, lmao. Ah, trolls.
Do you write smut?
Yes. Usually with feelings, and on occasion, with plot.
Do you write crossovers?
Hmm, I have had a conversation about crossing over my first fandom with DC, but idk if that will ever actually leave my drafts ^^;
That said, I do like the idea of writing fusions?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not in a very long time! And the two I was co-writing never did get finished, lol.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
I hop fandoms and multi-ship too much to have an "all-time" favorite ship. But currently I vibe hardest with JayTim.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
So I tend to either plod along at WIPs until they're either finished or I've moved fandoms xD Every now and then I will scrap one, but for the most part, there's a pretty good chance of me finishing the fics I start.
That said...
I don't know exactly what the problem is, but I've been having a really difficult time working on the tenderest of touches. Stray!Tim x Hood!Jason teaming up to kill the Joker, and as they're waiting for their plans to come to fruition, they end up having lots of ill-advised kinky sex... which slowly causes their feelings for each other to deepen and reveal themselves.
There are also some identity shenanigans, as Jason never learned Tim's secret ID and Tim has no idea that Hood is his dead first crush :)
What’s your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at conveying emotion. I also think I do alright with dialogue :) And, hm, metaphors / imagery?
What’s your writing weaknesses?
Character voice. Not so much in dialogue, but in the prose? I tend to stick to 3rd Person Limited, and I feel like my personal writing voice tends to come out too strong & overwhelm the character's.
Endings. Sometimes I find the right one, but other times I meander for a while, or just. Decide to stop it at a certain point, which can be a little abrupt.
Juggling more than so many characters. This one hasn't shown up so much in DC fics because I don't think I've really written much with more than 3 characters, but that's about my limit. After that I end up forgetting people / certain characters end up kind of disappearing.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
A word here or two, yes. A couple of lines, maybe. But any more than that... not likely?
First fandom you wrote for?
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go! An old Disney cartoon from the early 00s. It was... mecha-anime adjacent, centering around a human and his five cybernetic monkey teammates trying to stop their planet from being (destroyed? ruined? corrupted?) by the Skeleton King.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Okay, actually my favorite fic I've written hasn't been posted yet. I was persuaded to make it longer and--well. I had ideas, so. That's what I'm doing :)
But of the ones I have posted...
It's a toss-up. Because like... I have two that I genuinely enjoy re-reading because (at least for the moment xD) I have no complaints. And then there are two I'm just. Genuinely proud of the concept and the outcome, even if there are areas I might want to fix, I think I did a good job anyway.
And then there's one that I'm genuinely just proud of finishing bc of how much trouble I had with it xD
Anyway. Um.
I'm gonna go with the two i enjoy re-reading the most---
drape me in your warmth // patience is a virtue (rewarded by sin)
no pressure tagging... @paprikadotmp4 // @kieran-granola // @generatorcat // @disniq // @enak-s // @glaciya
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I cried already this morning.
My kid isn't eligible to go to a prom unless he's asked to go by a junior or senior, because he's just a 10th grader still. And he is unlikely to go to prom when he's eligible anyway unless one of his 3 best friends or someone he is actually dating in the next 2 years (also unlikely) almost (or actually) begs him to go. He doesn't like manufactured socializing or loudness or dressing up (Shit I wonder where this kid comes from? 😂 It's not like J and I both also hate all that shit...🙄😂). But my friend D's kids and my friend B's son are all eligible to go to their school prom and they are all kids like their dads. Social butterflies. Class clowns even, at least in D's son's case. Popular, socially in demand kids. And because of you, A, I'm half-ass back on Facebook, so I saw the prom pictures hit this morning. And it was supremely bittersweet. Because I LOVE looking at D and B and their families being happy, whether I'm blessed to do that in person like I did this winter into early spring, or in photographs. But because it's prom, it made me think about you.
You and me, man, we did not have good luck with proms. (There's a colossal understatement). Both of them kinda sucked, and even the Senior Dinner Dance wasn't great, but wow junior prom was *particularly* shitty. I should have just not gone to any of that shit, because I didn't like anything about them anyway, and it cost a lot of money I didn't have. I wore that junior prom dress twice, remember? I re-wore it to Senior Dinner Dance, and CB was like...judging me. She was so mean. How the fuck was she our homecoming queen? A mean kid would never ever win something like that at a local school now. Seriously. Now kids like D's and B's kids win that stuff. But anyway, I did go because T begged me to go. She got me to go with that guy from the private school her date went to (same private school D's and B's sons' team ceremoniously beat in basketball this spring in the regional tournament...the whole school is entitled, privileged assholes it seems, and always has been). And you went with that girl from the other snooty area school (the only high school guy I dated that I actually liked and felt safe with went there too, but in our defense, they were a brand new school and had yet to turn snooty back then), but you wanted to date T. And all of that shit blew up at prom. And then shit blew up with you and T later anyway, and it was barely even later. Before senior year started, it was over. (It was over with the guy I was seeing between prom and school starting too; we all went out together to play mini golf and he saw me talk to you after being separated most of the summer because you were doing band and Smarty Pants programs and shit and he accused me of cheating on him with you...so dumb). I always thought T was your best girlfriend. I thought that for DECADES, man. I wished you married her. I did. Years I thought this, wondered what went wrong there, because she was the only one who wouldn't cheat on you. You never told me how quietly mean she was though, and I guess I overlooked it in high school, and since I only got the Facebook edits of her life and values and personality, which everyone knows is heavily curated and usually skewed positive to project the right stuff in the right light. I bet she was mean to you, and you didn't tell me then or ever because you didn't want to wreck another friendship for me. Dude, I wish you told me. I don't like how few friendships I seem to have and how tenuous they are to keep, but I'd have burned that bridge to the ground for you. You know that. I've burned it now anyway.
When you died, T reached out to me. One of the first people. She knew we were close, mostly because of that prom. And I guess she knew we were still close even though we were never Bestie Bestie Bestie lets get matching tshirts and bracelets and shit and take lots of pictures of it and tag each other all the time so everyone knows we're besties on social media like she does and several other people from high school do with their best friends. I thought she was genuinely sad herself about you, and genuinely cared about me. But I think she just wanted an excuse to gossip about you and insult you to me in her passive aggressive way, and somehow thought you dying gave her permission to do that (finally...I almost think she was waiting for us to have a fight and not be friends anymore or even this, to give her an opening to trash you to me). First, she asked if you'd committed suicide. (I'll never know for sure sure, because I'll never look up your autopsy results, but I have to believe NO, based on all of our 30+ year friendship and everything you ever said to me and how much you loved your kid and your dogs. Like no way you'd do that to them.) T almost seemed like she wanted that answer to be yes. Like she wanted to know you were that miserable and in pain in your life. Like that would make her feel smugly good. And then when I told her I was not doing well when she asked how I was holding up, her choice of comforting thoughts was not comforting. 'We can just look back and remember the good times we had with him *and laugh about his idiotic choices.*'
That phrasing didn't land hard in the moment. I was too devastatingly sad to be angry with her or defensive about you then. But I'm mad about it now. I can't believe she'd take that opportunity to focus on what she perceived as your mistakes. I used to think when she asked me how you were doing over the years that she really cared, maybe was even still carrying a flickering torch for you, but now I think she was just jonesing to hear some bad news. She wanted schadenfreude...to take pleasure in your unhappiness. I hope I never gave her the satisfaction, because when you did share that you were unhappy with me, I never shared that with other people, particularly not her. It's not my place to do that. I hope I was always a loyal, trustworthy person in your life. I hope you always thought I was safe. I hope you always knew without a doubt you were loved and valued with me. That I didn't care about your 'mistakes.'
Anyway, I said up there ^ in this ramble that I wish I hadn't gone to any proms or whatever. Which is mostly true. But I know you'd have gone to all of that stuff anyway. And then it would have been bad for you without a buffer. So what I really wish is that we went together. You wouldn't have ever tried to be all over me like Private School Boy or judged that I wore the same dress to 2 different events. Or maybe I wish that I could have talked you somehow into not going and walking around the park or an all night grocery store or something with me instead. I think it would have saved us both a lot of grief. There's no going back though. No Monday morning quarterbacking. Hindsight and all that shit. That's why this morning I've cried already.
Still miss you every day. Wish you could see D's kid in his Prom Prince sash mugging at cameras fucking EXACTLY like D. 😂 Wish you could see B's son with his high school sweetheart in the couples shots, and he's probably going to marry her in a couple years, just like his parents. Just wish you were here. 💔😢❤️
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Alrighty, have a remade Pinned Post
Decided to go ahead and remake my old pinned post. This should have all the info about me you need lmao. Will probably have some copy-pasted info, this is mostly for formatting, adding extra information, and the like. Also should be easier for me to edit.
I don't use "Carrd" or whatever you people are calling it nowadays. I grew up in the era of “don’t give out personal information dear god wtf are you doing”, so this is basically going to be the only info you’ll know about me, most likely for a long time. You are not obliged to give out your legal information (age, living location, etc.) to self-entitled randos on the internet. The internet honestly shouldn't know anything about you lmao.
Also no real specific DNI, if somebody doesn't like my content then there's no need to bitch at me, and if I block somebody, this is my space first and foremost for me to curate. My blog, my choice as to what I reblog. Closest thing is that I don't trust people who make aggressive dumbass discourse/stupid in-fighting discourse 99% of their identity lmao, people like that could be actually learning about nuances and doing actual activism instead... And I'm going to leave that at that.
Seriously, stop in-fighting, you're just making it easier for jackasses to legislate you out of existence because you're divide-and-conquering/eating yourselves instead of having proper solidarity and respect for people's personal choices/experiences/variance/identity. It's getting extremely annoying. I guarantee that 99% of people outside of the community/microcommunities don't even know about all of these arbitrary distinctions/arguments, let alone care. You're just cannibalizing yourselves while alienating potential allies/potential members of your community. This world isn't black-and-white, stop stressing yourself into grey hairs before the age of 16, what the fuck.
Shipping/fanfiction discourse is stupid. Don't come to me about shipping/fanfiction discourse. None of the terms used in the "greater" discourse mean anything, they're vague, ephemeral, and easy to rewrite. Both "sides" are ridiculous and filled with jackasses and fools, both have serious problems with using abuse survivors as "gotchas" against the other, being racist, queerphobic, xenophobic, and literally every other prejudice under the sky, and not having any discipline, tact, or the ability to mind their own damn business. Both sides need to learn some self-awareness, proper tagging (especially if being posted in a public forum), proper blacklisting, and that 90% of the shit they're fighting about doesn't matter in non-fanfic media spaces. I don't consider myself to be on either "side" because my experience with people who get so wrapped up in it has been overwhelmingly negative and with people on both sides accusing me of being on their opposite side. There's a lot more nuance here. Some people just read things in bad faith, whether it be through ignorance, being deliberately malicious, or the story just being really badly written. It's ridiculous.
If you have no unique icon+description+content when following me, I'm probably going to report you as a bot. I know about this place's bot problem (and the forms the bots can take) and don't really like taking chances on that.
I also do not share donation posts. Those are not my wheelhouse and I can never tell if it's a scam or not.
Other than that, if I think you're annoying and/or the like, I block. I've been getting more liberal with my blocking lately.
Name: [REDACTED]. I am not giving out real names, what the fuck? Just call me Brackets, though I still respond to Ashlynnii and sometimes to Frost/Ashes (i.e. my Steam username).
Just try to figure out my pronouns lmao. I don't really give any fucks, this is the internet and again, nobody is entitled to that information. I'm honestly fine with anything that isn't neos/xenos.
Also, Asexual (I think... I've don't really recall ever having sexual attraction to anyone, real-or-fake) and [still-figuring-it-out]romantic. 👍‍
I’m all over the damn place with my fandoms, honestly. That’s for you to figure out. I also feel gender envy for unhinged middle-aged/old men lmao.
I draw and write, though I only post my writings on DeviantArt due to their… strange content. Art tag(s) here are “Brackets Draws” and “Brackets's Art”. For original text posts I use "Brackets Talks", for posting original video game-related stuff I use "Brackets Games", and if I add something to a post in a reblog (and not just ramble in the tags) I use "Brackets Adds". If I tag something “lmao” it means I’m filing it under “funny”.
...Politics has been heating up more and more lately, so if you don't want to see when I reblog stuff like that, then watch out for the "politics" and "discourse" tags.
Misc. interests include memes, being a furry (just have a fursona, not really a fursuit-er or the like. Fursona’s name is Brackets.) and Transformation content. No, not bloody Transformers, Transformation! They’re different! That’s what my “strange content” that I write about on DA is about, and I also make memes of it on Reddit/YouTube. It’s commonly just called “TF”. If you look in my TF folder on DA… be warned! Weird shit! I post it to Reddit (on a specific subreddit), but I don’t post it on Tumblr! I've seen enough people brigading against TF content exclusively on this site way too much for me to risk drawing in those asses. If you post weirdo horny comments on them you're getting cursed out lmao.
Now to list off other places you can find my content:
DeviantArt - Newgrounds - Reddit - Youtube - Art Fight - Toyhou.se - Neocities (Still huge WIP)
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iamluzgar · 14 days
Wow, you accuse me of being a Cloti when I also criticize them a lot. Those posts were tagged #anti clerith, NOT #clerith. Anti OBVIOUSLY means they are against it. Just Mute the tags: #anti clerith, #anti-clerith, #anti CA, & #anti-CA. I couldn't care less about either ship. I just want to enjoy my favorite characters in peace but ALL OF YOU toxic shippers aren't helping. Whenever Aerith or Tifa are mentioned, I can't go one second without witnessing people speaking hateful things about them.
Oh yeah they really put the "anti-cl*rith" tags, as you can see here in a screen I already put:
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I guess I'm blind and can't see the "anti-cl*rith" tag that was "obviously" put in both post but somehow I missed it (no). Being called insane and bringing long discourse in tags is ok and fine because Cl*rith should just give the other cheek and shut the fuck up in front of slander and misinformation, otherwise we get nasty anons trying to bring us back to the line. Fuck off.
If those post were really into "anti-cl*rith" tags instead of cl*rith, you wouldn't see them either since I suppose you're not browsing that tag or you blocked them, so you shouldn't even be able to see me going on about them in those posts. Be logical 5 seconds next time, this wouldn't happen if those people didn't cross-tag, which I brought proof that they do.
On top of that, there is one user that purposely put "anti cl*rith" tag so that people would see in the cl*rith tag (which is toxic as hell), but you don't go see them to ask them to politely try to find a way so that their post don't end up in the cl*rith tag, no, you go see the people who actually calls out the people cross-tagging. Biased much? I'm not the only one complaining about it either:
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Imo any FF7 or A*rith fan worth their salt who has an issue with another blogger wouldn't come into anon to bait rage people and outright lie, but would come in DMs to talk things out like a civil adult, which you didn't.
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A new example to show you. Let me know where the anti-cl*rith tag is here and why I should be supposed to just shut the fuck up when there's so many canonically wrong stuff being said there.
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azure-clockwork · 15 days
Way to tell us your groundbreaking original opinion shared by only more than half the fandom in a "better than everyone" tone despite being an extremely surface level analysis.
Like damn, I'm not arguing with you and I'm sorry for the rude sarcasm, but you gotta understand that post like yours keep popping once in a while in the characters tag ( despite having all discourse tag and discourse-prone blog blocked ) when they don't add anything to the discussion. Three Houses is such an interesting game to analyze so if you're going to do discourse, at least get a bit in depth!
Because yes, you're complaining about the discourse but your post is just... participating in the discourse, just in the average "centrist" fe3h fandom way for a lack of a better word. If you hate it so much why add your grain of salt in it? You're the same as the annoying Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude you're speaking about! I mean at least some of them at least provide interesting analysis about the game within rant.
At least tag your post the next time, because even some of the worst lord stan have the decency to do that.
Sorry you got my rant, but your post was the drop that makes the ocean of badly tagged similar takes overflow my discourse limit. Three Houses discourse sucks hard in every form it takes. Still, have a good day at least.
Okok I did say I was asking for this so, fair
First, sincerely, how would you like me to have tagged this? This is an honest question to which I don't actually know the answer, and I'll go back and edit the tags cuz I don't want to bug more people (and kinda the only reason I'm replying because otherwise I feel like engaging is kinda not what I wanna be doing with my life nor yours, but sadly my brain doesn't shut its trap once I start thinking so I feel compelled to share with the class). Actually, you can skip the rest of this if you don't wanna bother lol
Secondly, I just wanted to be funny because I think that accusing fire emblem characters of war crimes is amusing. I recognize that the Geneva Convention sorta breaks apart the moment magic or crests or dark beasts or gambits come into play, and it's also not what people mean when they say 'Dimitri did war crimes' or 'Edelgard is a war criminal', but I think its hilarious to do anyways. When I see people making arguments about characters and using the term 'war criminal', roughly half of my brain starts laughing about how teeeeechnically using that one gambit with the poison barrels counts as criminal, regardless of if I agree or disagree with the argument made. And I'm memeing on myself here too (or at least trying to): "Jay is gay for Edelgard" is a truly terrible justification to base decisions of morality on . I'd argue that picking a house/the church based on attraction to the lord/Rhea is a sillier motive than a numerical tally of official violations of the Geneva Convention.
I really didn't want this to come across as Discourse tm because I don't want it to be; I just wanted turn my own desire to make a list of every single 'technically a war crime' into something semi amusing, because nobody actually wants to sit and read far too many words about how technically if you recruit and deploy Cyril to rescue Flayn (which is before his 15th birthday by like a month) that makes you a war criminal.
If you want my actual opinion (because making you scroll back thru my blog to read the unhinged rants I came up with while deciding between crimson flower and silver snow would be kinda a dick move), fe3h is a messy, morally grey game regardless of your chosen route. You have to make rough choices, kill your friends and former students, and stand by while everyone, including your allies, does terrible things. For me, I bonded really hard with most of the cast fairly quickly because white clouds let me feel like I was doing the worlds best job teaching my kids. And then you have to kill them. You cannot save them all. It broke me a little. The first student I killed, perma-killed, with the music dropping out and all, was Hilda during the Deirdru fight against her and Claude. It was an accident; she died on enemy phase, and I was out of Divine Pulse charges. She wasn't even a requirement for victory. That was the cost of taking Deirdru; that was the cost of waging war. I lay awake that night thinking about how if I had a different sword equipped I couldn't have counterattacked her from 2 tiles away, or if I had done less damage, or tanked a hit, or--
I'm not arguing that every route is equally morally reprehensible, but I think it matters quite a bit that every route makes you complicit in some terrible things. For several reasons, I'm a big fan of crimson flower (I Do Not Like The Church and I also agree with all of the characters who would like to do away with the nobility and crest systems), but that's tempered by the weight of the actions of Those Who Slither. I am continually unsure of just how much I feel the weight of TWSitD's actions falls on Edelgard herself, and I vacillate between "she didn't really have any other options to cause any kind of change from her position, so an uneasy alliance with TWSitD was the lesser of two evils" and "she bears a significant chunk of responsibility for all of their actions, including Jeralt's death". And I have similar, albeit often less strong thoughts about the rest of the characters. Nobody is operating with the full picture, the characters are all massively blinded by their emotions, and everyone makes choices between what they think is the lesser of a few evils. While the exact number of war crimes is irrelevant because whoops, the Geneva Convention doesn't exist in Fodlan and war crimes aren't the only immoral things you can do, thinking about what means are justified by which ends and who bears the responsibility for what acts is actually a really important part of the game for me.
I guess at the end of the day, I walk away from this game believing the war should not have had to happen. But the world doesn't run on shoulds and should nots (in Fodlan or irl), so the best we can do is make choices based on what we do know, and to do our best to help people with the tools we have. I personally land on crimson flower in the end, but I think the real beauty of Three Houses is just how hard it makes that choice.
Ok, I'm done blabbing; just tell me how I ought to tag this to avoid bugging people and I'll be on my way. I mean this sincerely: have a nice day yourself, and sorry to have annoyed you!
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mxplumberry · 2 months
no one gives a shit about your shitty x reader fiction if you guys would tag properly and use read mores but unfortunately you're all entitled spoiled brat children so we're all forced to suffer and can't actually enjoy art or gifs
Hey, are you okay?
Do you think it's okay to go up to a stranger to start venting and accusing them of behaviors you think are stereotypical to a certain demographic?
Well, I regret to be the one to inform you that this message really is embarrassing on your part because it is not okay.
Seeking out posts related to topics you don't like, purely to identify and harass someone that has an opinion that is different to yours, is not okay, or frankly, healthy.
Please consider seeking professional help if you think this is okay.
First of all, your complaint about the lack of read-more's is entirely out of date. Tumblr has been forcing long posts without a read-more coded in, to be cropped short with another form of read-more button that you must manually click on in order to reveal the full post.
If you come across a post that hasn't had that formatting forced onto it, then that post is genuinely not long enough to require such outside interference. If you have a problem with that, perhaps you should take this up with Tumblr staff rather than the rest of the community that are using this site as it is.
I'll even let you in on a little secret, one that has made my time on this platform so much nicer, and I'll tell it to you free of cost!
You see, Tumblr has a fascinating feature built-in to all of the user interfaces (yes! BOTH desktop and mobile have this) to help you cope with your irritation towards the way other people interact with a public fandom space in a much healthier way than sending messages like this.
Yeah, they already considered that not everyone would be able to get along! To prevent problems like this, they gave you default access to a resource that can clear up most of the problems you seem to be facing within fandom spaces.
If someone not using a read-more bothers you
just fucking block them
And this advice applies to more than just this singular example!
If you don't like someone's art style, or the way they pick colors, or the genre of music they make, or the way they edit screenshots, or gifs, or whatever the fuck it is they're creating, you can block them, and they won't show up in the feed when you search for the tag anymore.
and I know sweaty, I know that blocking someone doesn't always stop them from showing up on your dash if someone reblogs from them. However, I will remind you that if someone you follow is reblogging content you don't like or in a way you don't find appealing, that's literally on you. You are responsible for having to curate your dashboard to your own liking.
I can't block myself for you.
It's okay if you're not following someone you consider a good friend. Maybe their blog theme isn't your jam, or they're really vocal on their feelings about (insert topic/character here), and you don't feel the same or as strongly.
That doesn't mean you aren't their friend or have to stop talking to them because you aren't mutuals. You're just curating your Tumblr experience.
You aren't being forced to do anything here.
You chose to go into the fandom tag, despite knowing that there are people in the world that might interact with it in a way you don't personally like.
You chose to act like you have no power to curate your internet experience, when in fact you have several options at your fingertips to make sure that any given blog isn't recommended to you.
You chose to act like everyone has to "correctly" tag their content in a way that suits your preferences, despite those preferences being leagues above the standards posted in the tag use guidelines.
You chose to act like someone else trying to live their life and share their art with the world is such a problem.
And right here, I am chosing to not delete this message like most of the ones I used to get when I was public with my writing.
(This is also why this message is so embarrassing for you. You decided to send this pathetic excuse of hate mail to one of the many writers that don't post everything they do online. In fact, none of my writing is posted on Tumblr, so maybe you should consider doing at least a little homework to be sure your insult is applicable enough to the target to be effective.)
I'll also be fully transparent and admit I intentionally made this post longer, without the use of a read more, to spite you, but also because I feel like the xReader community gets way more hate than reasonable. If you were constantly getting shit on for trying to share something you cared enough about to create something for, you'd get pissy with responding, too.
The internet was not built just for you.
This website was not built just for you.
Go touch some grass, you goddamn loser. <3
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toots-senpai · 2 years
How To Cleanup Your Needs vs Your Wants
author: @toots-senpai
fandom: creepypasta
pairing: jeff the killer x reader
rating: R 18+
word count: 1.8k
warning tags: tw:stalking , tw: (consensual) abuse mention , tw:murder , tw: mary jane use , tw: voyuerism , tw: mean jeff, blood kink, cunnilingus, blowjob, spit/cum kink
authors note: i have like 9 other fics in the drafts have this one, i re-edited it to the best of my ability :)
i don’t except follows from ageless blogs, you will be blocked!!
nsfw under the cut
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to be in this 'loving, healthy relationship' with jeff is key to survival. being on the same wave length made your trip back to society after being kidnapped so much easier but time away from each other was not so easy somehow, call it sherlock syndrome or even dick dazed. the last thing you said 'you don't need me jeff, you want me.' was accepted by both of you, so much so that he even let you leave permanently. it was the truth, a whole twelve days without each other proved that. no texting and no interactions made you realize how boring it is without jeff anyways.
you've gotten back your shitty apartment with your roommate who was ecstatic to see you again after you had been missing. a couple days of police looking at all the marks of what they didn't know to be consensual abuse came to your answers of 'you didn't know' or more excuses on not remembering the so called 'traumatic' event of being kidnapped the last year and half. you'll laugh silently when they leave the room over those few days, everyone looking at the bruises along your body thinking of all the worst possible things to say, society whispering around you like insects. the cops are off your case in those first few days due to your lack of response but they've suggested you therapy and what ever other 'kind' gestures to get mentally better, you shove them into your car and that night you're back in your exes bed, bored. for days, joints start piling up in the ashtray. your ex is right across from your roommate so you can easily slip between the two apartments with ease. boring parties that you went to with your roommate left you with an ache in your cunt unsatisfied. laying on couches without jeff's hands fucking with your body has you completely stirred and so unsatisfied that you can't think straight. he might not need you, but you need him. you debate texting jeff when your roommate walks in. she looks at you in awe, skimpy pajama wear and all of the plants are watered leaving a nice moisture in the air despite the smoke from your morning to afternoon smoke session.
"hun, i can smell you all the way down the hallway."
"suck it, hope you can smell my cunt too." you seethe playfully sticking your tongue through your teethe at her.
"i already smell you two fucking almost every night since you came home, is that not enough?" she'll sigh with and a playfully accusing look. she'll place the groceries down at the table like she does every day and will light up one of the pre-rolled joints when you turn on the show you two watch, jeff's chat open on you phones besides your thigh ignored.
jeff on the other hand hasn't touched his phone in days since you left. you were right he didn't need you at all, he can go through his days without you here. you were a phase, a mere fascination for a moment he had been thinking the first few days. you cared too much about him and he doesn't reciprocate the energy you want, the energy you needed. in the first days he breaks, it's true that he doesn't need you, but the real truth is that he wants you. wants you so bad that his dick has been painfully hard and his victims do nothing to help, he's unsatisfied. all he can think about is your lips slobering all over his cock and he desperately wants it so bad.
he doesn't need it, need you. he can let you live a happy life without the constant fear of demons and death with another lover that will do better than him, but when he sees it's just the ex he took you from in the first place he can't help but to fall back into his unhealthy habits. watching you ride the man who doesn't touch you the way you like and when you whisper jeff's nickname softly against the deaf ears of the man below you he can't help but palm himself through his jeans. you're putting on such a pretty show for him every single time the two of you fuck and the guy just screws his eyes shut as he silently slurs around words over how tight your cunt is. he watches you two every night until his cock cant take it, his balls wont empty and watching your cunt soak the toy when you whimpered jeff's name over and over while you tried to replace jeff's touch ever other night had him almost sneaking through your window but he accidentally got caught up with your neighbor. your stupid ex who decided to knock him out and take him back into his house.
when jeff wakes up he isn't bothered or fazed but more annoyed than anything. the restraints are nothing but flimsy and your panties are on the floor and your ex just keeps stepping over them as he attempts to lecture jeff. he taps under the chair in annoyance as the man talks shit about him being outside your window and the second he says something out of line, jeff's out of the chair and the man is dead on his bed. jeff sighs, blood covering and dripping off the bed. he thinks if he did it for you for a second when he goes to clean it up but the thought is thrown away as fast as it slipped into his head and you slipped in the apartment behind him. he grabbed the handle of his knife before his glance flipped to you fully but the knife whizzed right back your cheek, your reflexes fast from jeff's antics. the thought made his dick throb and he thought for a seond that if he never taught you those things, you'd be dead a second ago.
his dick pressed sinfully against his jeans and the sight of jeff, blood dripping off of his clothing and his jeans so strained had your panties soaked. jeff laughs from the blade and you take it out of the wall shooting him a piercing glare that shuts him up. the air is tense and sexual but you place his knife back in his palm, a quick glance.
"how are you gonna clean this up?" you'll ask but jeff isn't focused on him or the bloody mess seeping into the floor anymore, the bloodrush snapped his adrenaline awake and you presented yourself there nice and cute, daily makeup done and tight lazy wear on your skin. the tight tanktop and shorts made him want to ruin you, wipe his bloody hands all over the white of your shorts and comfy knitted knee high socks you wear around the house. you reek of weed and pussy and he wants all of you.
"i don't want to clean this up, i want you doll. come here." you pause for a second from his words, watching his breathing becoming harsher and you know his mind is running with obscene thoughts of you probably on the bloody bed and what you wouldn't do to be on your knees for jeff again but even when you walked into the room you still had his chat open, with nothing to say. boundaries were put up and him killing your fuck buddy can say alot of things about crossing those but honestly you couldn't give two shits about him.
"you.. want me."
"yes." you'll whine a bit, bratty in a sense but it's covering the sexual innuendo first as unsatisfied tears spill off your cheeks.
"i... i need you jeffery."
in a split second jeff is on you, blood smearing over your shorts and his dick pressed into the crevice of your wet pussy even through the clothing. you whine and jeff walks to the bathroom fully clothed and turns on the shower behind him as he pulls you in and pushes you into the tiles, holding you up underneath your plush thighs. the blood runs down into the drain off of his clothes and the blood smeared off yours, staining the white to almost an orange. jeff is radioactive and you're quarantined between his long arms with radiation poisoning.
water spills into both of your mouths and when the water connects both of your hair into your moving mouths, almost synchronized the both of you grab each others hair out of the way as you both pathetically grind against each other. whines leave your mouth as jeff grabs your mouth open to spit in it, smacking your cheek to make sure you keep your mouth open when he slides you down. his dick smacks your cheek before you take it into your mouth and the water drips off his clothes and onto your face but his back is blocking the stream of the water so it only comes down in fat droplets. it doesn't take too long for jeff to get to his usual pace that has snot coming out of your nose and tears streaming down your cheeks. he can be a rude asshole yet this entire time he hasn't let your head hit the tile once while you bobbed your head, even as he bruised your throat with rough strokes.
"fucking whore, taking my dick down your throat so nicely. such a nice little slut for me." he'll choke out dazed. he'll whine as he spills a fat load while keeping his dick lodged down your throat for a couple minutes after he cums while he teases and bullies you for being so messy around his cock. he'll let you get sprayed by the water even with his dick still lodged down your throat before he's nice again. the water turns off and he's kissing your thighs and dragging the soaked shorts down your body and delving his tongue into your cunt while hoisting your hips off the wet floor. the bathroom is steamed and even though your body is sticky it's nothing to jeff. he knows you can't help but writhe and whimper of overstimulation when he keeps going after making you cum two times from his fingers and tongue, while he's been eating you out starved. "n-need you too.." he'll mutter when he's balls deep in your cunt. your thighs will burn and his cum will feel like anti pain cream in between your thighs. the shower tiles are cold and cum has gathered around your hips and dripped from in between your thighs and gathered in a pool underneath your ass. your whines are airy and hoarse when jeff's finally done, settling with one last creampie before he holds you to him for a couple of minutes, straightening your back from being in that cramped position. he'll stretch your limbs softly in silence as he kisses you and massages you sore parts while you whine underneath him.
you need him. you need to be jeff's and he want's you to be his and when you lock glances, and your teary eyed from his massages, it's already agreed upon.
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stackthedeck · 2 years
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[Image ID: a screenshoot of tumblr tags reading "I will pop off about Spider-Man's relationship to 'attractiveness' and how that relates to the messaging of classism" end ID]
Oh man you have no idea the gift you have given me!!
Okay, so Raimi's have the strongest class messaging of any of the spider-man movies. Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker is really the only Peter I believe is poor. This Peter delivers pizzas, gets yelled at by his bosses, throws himself into an underground fighting ring for cash, and sells pictures of himself to a guy that hates his guts. This is the most powerful way to express Peter's poverty in my opinion because it captures the soul-sucking feeling of degrading yourself for a paycheck. Like JJ Jameson is a big part of these movies. The Daily Bugle makes Spider-man's job actively harder by destroying his reputation, but Peter needs the money to take care of aunt May and himself. Peter is a genius but he's failing out of college because he has to work to pay for school and be spider-man. Also, this Peter is deeply connected to the working people of New York. Every time he's fighting an evil billionaire, the people help him in some way (see the amazing train scene). When I say Tobey's Peter is the best Peter Parker, this is what I mean.
What most people mean when they say Tobey's Peter is the best Peter, they mean he's a total loser and that Peter Parker should be an incel. The fact of the matter is that in the Raimi movies, the universe hates Peter. Like everything that could go wrong with Peter's life, does go wrong (insert that edit of it's a hard knock life) and I'm alright with that, that's a very spider-man thing. But we are very aware of who is making his life miserable: the rich and the hot. The rich is every villain and landlord of this series (except sandman, but like that's a different essay). The hot are all the people that bully Peter. And hey listen, Tobey Maguire is a very handsome man, but objectively speaking, he's the least attractive person in these movies. Flash, his high school bully, is hotter than him and gets the girl. Harry is his rich hot best friend who steals his childhood crush. JJ Jameson's son is hotter than him and gets the girl. Eddie Brock is hotter than him and gets the well not the girl actually but the freelance job. It's really easy film language to convey that Peter is the underdog. In my personal opinion, I think it's hammered in a little too strong and distracts from the classism message. Like what if Harry did actually get MJ because he has money and can support her dreams of becoming a Broadway star and not just because he's a cute boy that can talk to girls? This doesn't apply to the women of these films, there's no petty comment about Gwen Stacy being prettier than MJ. In fact, the fact that MJ is pretty is usually brought up against her (when Norman accuses her of being after Harry's money). That being said MJ most connects with Peter when she's defying what is beautiful (Harry wants her to wear the black dress, she wears red. the upside-down kiss happens when she is soaking wet, etc). Ultimately, these films were pandering to the kind of dudes they thought liked superhero movies, nerds that can't talk to girls. It's fine, it works, but it only gets more distracting the more years go by. It's very easy to watch these films and say "Peter just can't get his life together because he's a nice guy and also spider-man" and that completely misses the point! The point is he's poor!! But it is hammered in so strongly that this Peter has a bad hand in life that it no longer feels like rich vs poor, it feels like Peter vs everyone else.
The Webb movies have a different problem. For these movies, Beauty is equated with goodness, but I honest to god don't think they knew they were doing this. The class messaging is there, but not as strong as the Raimi movies. They say this Peter is poor, but we don't see him working shit jobs. We see him unable to buy chocolate milk because he's short two cents and that is directly linked to Uncle Ben's death. Tobey's Peter's Ben dies after Peter isn't paid what he's deserved. But Andrew's Peter's Ben dies after he is refused something. It's a subtle difference, but it's like Raimi defines poverty as the presence of something and Webb defines it as a lack of something. Peter doesn't start with selling pictures of spider-man, he's selling pictures of the lizard. The cops hate Peter more than the media in these movies. This Peter doesn't fight evil billionaires as much as Tobey's Peter. He fights petty car theft and Dr. Kurtis Connor in the first film, then Electro-a worker who was hurt by a workplace accident, and Harry Osborn. The villains confuse any class messaging because sometimes he's fighting people who are just trying to get by the same as him, other times it's a billionaire or wealthy scientist. In the first movie, there's this amazing scene with all the construction workers of New York lining up their cranes for spider-man and the audience still feels the connection Peter has with the working-class people. (Personal opinion here, but I think Webb could have just shifted things a little and this could have been a spider-man vs the police movie and the theming of the movie would be so much more compelling, but it's 2012, we can't have that)
Okay but equating beauty with goodness. Andrew Garfield is beautiful, Emma Stone is beautiful, and I wouldn't recast them for the world. But all the villains spider-man fights, are not just unattractive, but disfigured in some way. Dr. Connor is missing his arm then mutants himself into a lizard. Electro looks like the perfect idea of a nerd and then he has a workplace accident that gets him fired and his superpower design is an ugly mess of CGI (no way home, thanking so much for upgrading his design). Harry Osborn has a genetic disease that disfigured him as the movie goes on. Like even the car thief that killed uncle Ben has a tattoo which wasn't a conventionally attractive thing. I don't think this was intentional, but there is this weird undercurrent of ableism in these films. The Webb movies don't have a strong message behind them, but Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone really carry the movies (and that's why a really good anti-cop movie could be there because Gwen has to choose between her father and spider-man) These movies don't say rich vs poor, they kind of say good vs evil, but it mostly reads as Peter vs whoever gets in his way.
But don't even get me started on how bad the MCU fumbles classism when it comes to Peter Parker!
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raziyekroos · 2 years
I love alec lightwood with all my heart and so much more. And I see anons talking shit about him and magnus and their beautiful relationship. And it hurts.
And I also see you guys defending alec lightwood in such elaborate way with facts and recites. And I think. I could never do that.
I have never been verbal about those I love. And I try. But I never can. And I think does this mean I love him less than all you guys? Because I know I do not.
But how do I show. How do I express.
Hello dear! I completely understand what you say about seeing anon hate on Malec and getting hurt and frustrated, like, people may not get it but for us, Malec is so much more than just a ship. They're our babies 🥺 So I completely understand the urge to defend them, specially when they're being wrongly accused. And let me tell you a sth, I don't think there is anyone who is born with the ability to being completely at ease with voicing their thoughts. Yes, there are surely some people who are just better at it, like some of the amazing writers in our fandom, but I'm sure even for them, there has been times of struggling.
But how can we do it? Well, It seems really heard at first believe me. There has been times -still is- that there were a LOT of words in my head and I just just couldn't get them out, like I felt they could never be organized in a way to make sense and I couldn't write- or say- them in a way that could be understandable. It used to make me so frustrated, cause I couldn't write them, or say them loud, but they kept going around in my head and I couldn't think of anything else either. So what I did? I picked a note book and just wrote whatever was in my mind about the topic. It wasn't in an order that made sense, it was just my random thoughts about the topic, but it helped getting them out of my head and also helped me not worry about forgetting them. And then when sometimes later, I would just add other things to it, and when I had the time, I would organize them to be more sensible. It really helped to get my thoughts out of my head and finally writing and/or saying them. I usually don't need to do this now, cause I'm more experienced, but there are still sometimes that it can help me a lot. What I'm trying to say, is that of course you can do that. It may seem difficult at first, but I'm sure you can get there eventually, you just need a bit practicing, just like most of people do before they excel at sth! And of course, even if you never defend Malec verbally, it doesn't mean you love them any less than others, remember everyone shows their love in different ways. Some may write fanfics, some may make fan arts, some may defend them, some may make edits, and some may show their love by supporting producers in fandom, sending their love and encouragements. And remember, you don't have to do anything to prove the love you have for malec, cause it will just find a way to show itself, in any way possible! Also tagging @magnus-the-maqnificent and @khaleesiofalicante because I love how they express their thoughts through words, and they might like to add something to help you!
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chaos-event-horizon · 2 years
/genq, why do you self ship with a r@pist from a r@pe s3xual @ssault fetish game by an abuser? /nm
Despite the tone tags this sounds very accusatory, but I'm tired so I'll go ahead and treat is as genuine. If you're an anti I'm going to have to ask you to leave after reading this because quite frankly I'm sick of accusations.
It's because I'm a rape and CSA survivor. I don't talk about this often, but in the past I had a significant other who had made plans to kidnap me and who very frequently manipulated and coerced me. There was a very long stretch of time when I was a teen and young adult where I was with this person. Before that when I was living with my birth mother, I was abused in ways even I don't like talking about, and I'm pretty well known around here for being open and not sugarcoating things. These experiences left me with a lot of pain and fear, and quite a bit of sexual and romantic confusion.
But Rire and the game Boyfriend To Death allow me a sense of control and autonomy. I can revisit those situations in a way that isn't dangerous. I can process my pain and confusion, and through that find peace. In all honesty, for myself personally, Rire is the least triggering of all the characters in that game, and I'm too much of a coward to visit the sequel as of yet. Rire helps me accept what happened to me in the past and... Well, move past it.
To other people this sounds strange. I know antis especially use this to say "oh so you LIKED being raped", or to tell me I deserved those levels of hell. But for me this helps to heal a wound that couldn't be stitched closed by just any little old thing. I needed to find someone who could accept those scary and hurt parts of me and find them interesting. Maybe even loveable. Even Toshinori can struggle with that sometimes, though he tries and often succeeds and is always there to help me through the nightmares. Rire on the other hand is a part of that darkness and can lead me through it without anyone getting hurt.
Edit: Also trying to figure out what you mean by "fetish game by an abuser". The games have multiple creators. Who are you referring to?
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zoobus · 2 years
Is there a piece of media that you absolutely detest? And I do mean detest, like, a movie or book or man(hu/hw/g)a (etc) that when you remember it's existence makes you go fricking ballistic (or the nearest negative emotion).
I've written this essay for at least different platforms but somehow not tumblr. Yes. One of the most popular otome isekais out there no less. And for once I'm going to put this under a cut. I know people browse the otoisekai tag for fun and aren't looking the beating I want to give this manwha. Also because this is a copy-paste-edit of something I wrote months ago on reddit and it's too long. Stale material gets the snip.
I hate The Villainess Lives Twice/Again. I hate it so much. tl;dr don't quadruple amputee your morally black heroine and have her draw a pentagram on a dirty floor with the bloody remains of her tongue in chapter 1 if you're not gonna follow through. I really felt like I was bamboozled into reading what was ultimately a generic contract marriage, saved by the hot duke romance, and I hate it. If you like this comic, don't click this.
I know TVLT is popular. I know it's well-loved and often trotted out as an ur-example of the genre. Why? I'm not really sure.
I hate it because on every single level, for any possible reason I enjoy otoisekai, it fails. All the charms of the genres it attempts end in failure. I hate it for lying about what kind of otome story it intended to be.
The concept? Great. Wonderful. I have a mighty need for writers to fill the gap on villainess characters that are actually villainous. I love otome isekai and stories where they let a girl-boss stay winning? They're the best. Let👏female👏protags👏be👏toxic👏👏👏
And here? Chapter one STARTS with our MC getting taken down for some crime she didn't commit and you know what? She can't even be mad, because what she's accused of pales in comparison to what she's actually done. Chapter one ENDS with our now limbless MC squirming across a filthy floor, dragging the remains of her sliced out tongue to form a pentagram so she can sacrifice herself and turn back time, knowing full well this alone could never atone for the crimes she committed for her own selfish gain.
The execution? oh my god, I hate this comic for hyping me up like that. Every single chapter after had me desperately searching for the potential I saw in the first. A peak into what could have been. But there's nothing. Why is there nothing.
1. Agency
Chapter 1 is essentially MC getting tortured for a wrongful accusation, with her noting the irony of this. She explicitly refuses to apologize or justify her actions. She knows there's no point in doing so. We're presented with a woman who knows there's no excuse for the innocent lives she's destroyed - no sad childhood or miserable backstory can make up for the evil she's puppeteered. She had choices and she chose evil.
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Lol jk actually she has a tragic backstory that is vewy sad :,( and we're not saying you should feel sorry for this poor little war criminal lady, but she just wanted her mamma's love!
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I can't tell you how much I despise the "cool motive, still murder" meme but it really applies here.
Chapter 2 is a slap in 1's face. After seeing her go to such lengths to own her actions, we get a frustrating and, frankly, confusing recollection of her terrible childhood (they suggest she's being starved, but that doesn't really make sense with other info given; MC doesn't have a lot of clothes but wouldn't that make her ambitious family look...bad? because nobles are always looking for weaknesses and you're intentionally sending a representative of your family name outside looking like a scrub? The emperor passed a law that only married people can have affairs - why?? What does this bizarre piece of law do besides marginalize our MC??? You think you're too good for normal concubines? These aren't spoilers, they're just weird details that add nothing or make things less coherent). Chapter 2 is a long way of saying "I know there's no excuse for what I did, BUT"
2. Dumbass's Machiavelli
Did you assume the mastermind-orchestrator MC would be equally brilliant and manipulative once she returns to the past? lol. It's a 1-2 combo of "plot conveniently happens to MC in a way she could not have planned but we'll pretend she did" and "MC does objectively dumb shit."
An example of the former -
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MC walks downstairs, gets randomly slapped for no other reason than she needs a reason to lecture the slapper "you need to get your father's attention in a different way than throwing tantrums at his mistress's house." Said slapper is in her 30/40s with two kids, so uh. If she's still throwing tantrums, I don't see this being a convincing argument.
An example of her doing objectively dumb shit - hey, if you know you're going to the poorest area in the whole empire, why would you roll up in a noble carriage and put your black cloak disguise on after you step out and the beggars have already seen your noble-exclusive golden hair?
I can't even edit this screenshot smaller, you have to see this fucking framing in its entirety:
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This fucking screenshot. This FUCKING PAGE. It throws me into fits, it turns me into an incoherent animal because there's SO MUCH bad, it throws off my numbered list format 1 2 3 4 THIS PAGE the depiction of POVERTY before a noblewoman gets PRINCESS CARRIED out of a carriage, complete with the pink glitter background because this is meant to be a ROMANTIC scene for an INTELLIGENT character by a KIND male lead AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THIS???
3. Fuck the male lead
That's him in that last pic. ML is stated to be the people's Duke, a duke who cares, a duke who is disgusted by the treatment of commoners at the hands of the aristocratic elite. Commoners should receive just as much valor for the efforts as us nobles!
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"Riches aren't important," he says that verbatim. We, the reader, should root for his ascension to the throne because he's not like the other noble boys ;^)
He displays his unrelenting commitment to justice and commoners by:
Verbally attacking and embarrassing MC's bully at a party, despite the implausibility of sherlocking enough facts to recognize the bully is in the wrong (side note, I was #teambully - she points out MC has worn the same dress to six parties in a year, not even aware that MC is wearing her filthy clothes from the day before, when she was out in the sunshine cooking up a BO-storm. I know enough about historical garments to know that those layers heat up and that she did not wash them before the party). I got off-topic, I'm just saying I would not be comfortable with a guy who jumps to conclusions like this being my political representative - we know she's a bully. He could not.
Terrifying a visibly nervous butler for giving info the ML literally just demanded, which is treated as proof the MC has an abusive life, as there's no other reason a butler would say "Oh MC's at the ball" to the scary 6'5 war hero duke glaring down at him. Again, a noble second to the king jumping to conclusions without considering how his intimidating presence might affect how less powerful people perceive him is not actually a good look. I know you have a brain cell in there somewhere, use it.
Openly hostile to beggars living in what we are explicitly told is the most poverty-stricken part of town for having the audacity to ask rich people stepping out of a noble carriage for money.
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😍 Dripping wet over being princess carried in front of the wretched poor before my boyfie whips his sword out in case one tries to touch me😍
4. "Banter"
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Yeah so if you've ever seen the actual video where this gif comes from, the context is that the smirking guy is "roasting" the other dude with these bizarre quips that either aren't clever or make no sense, but his friends are going nuts anyway.
MC cannot banter. She shares personal info unbecoming of an alleged mastermind. Her jokes suck, like booooo get off the stage boooooo. I'm not even going back to screenshot them, they're too tryhard/corny.
5. Just say you hate fashion
The fashion is hideous, anachronistic, and at points, clearly traced from something else. I don't expect all otoisekai to care about fashion - it's a perk when they do, but I can ignore it when it's not - but all the clothes are noticeably from different centuries, at times it's super obvious the artist traced a stock photo, and the stylistic inconsistency is weirdly notable. I have never cared about this kind of thing before, but I guess you could say TVLT has a special place in my heart. NONE of these clothes are from the same period which would be fine except they're UGLY. How dare you.
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tl;dr2 The Villainess Lives Twice is the worst OI I've ever read because they baited me with an MC who's literally willing to crawl in the dirt, to spill blood to get what she wants, a boss-bitch more than prepared to play 12th dimension human-chess.
And then those stakes turned out to be tripping over her own feet on prom night.
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Filip “Chibs” Telford x Reader
Anon asked: Hiya, love your writing!! I’d like to request a chibs Imagine about a him falling for a female mechanic at TM. Thank you 😊
Word Count: 3.6k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Driving the car crane, carrying a blue sedan that you were trying to seize for three days, but the owner was such a dickhead till he finally pissed you off and you had to point him with a gun. Tig told you to do it, even if you've never fired one. His face was worth the risk of being reprimanded by Hale. Danny claps at you, when getting off of the crane, you point your new acquisition with both hands and a huge smile on the corner of your lips.
“Tada!” You say with a melodic voice, jumping one time.
“Good job, rookie”. He says urging you to high-five, giving you the ‘seized’ sticker. 
Very proud of your work, you take it to stick it on the front glass, crossing your arms after it to admire your piece of art.
“Ok, let's pull down this big guy”. Danny palms your back, ready to drop the tow and park the car with the rest.
“Ya’, man, who's that lass?” Chibs steps slow down, some meters away from you, hitting Tig's chest with his palm, actually hurting him.
“What the fuck?!” He yells rubbing himself over the kutt.
“She's (Y/N), the new Teller-Morrow mechanic”. Happy comes from nowhere, scaring both men, with no gesture in his face. “She's like a Pop Tart. Sweet and crunchy”.
“Did you already fuck her?” Tig sighs staring at him.
“Then, how 'you know she's crunchy?”
“She broke Juice's nose yesterday”.
The men break in laughter, now understanding why his face looks like shit.
“Wha' happened?” Chibs tries to talk, starting to cough because of the loud laughs.
“She just got scared, 'cause he was behind her in silence”. Happy turns at them, narrowing on of his shoulder, making a move with his head to follow him.
The SOA president has been out of Charming for two weeks, taking care of the gun's business at southern Cali. For you, he was just traveling. The guys talked about him a lot in his absence of the club and you were pretty excited to meet him. At least, he's also your boss. So, when Tig shouts your new nickname making you turn, you go immediately with the same smile on your face.
“What's'ap, boss?” You say placing your hands behind your back, covered by the green jumpsuit of the workshop.
“The president”. He says pushing the man into you, with a singsong voice, making the scottish clicks his tongue.
“Just Chibs”. He adds, offering you a hand in somewhat formal greeting.
“Finally!” You say excited narrowing it, actually feeling a little nervous. “I'm (Y/N), but they call me ‘rookie’”.
���Yeah, like a prospect for the club”. You explain then, getting back your hand with the own other.
“And she likes whisky”. Happy puts a forearm on one of the president's shoulder, taking off the toothbrush of his lips. 
“Really? Ya' wan' one? So ya' can tell me where did ya' come from”. The man offers then, turning an arm to the club entrance, and you obviously can't say ‘no’ even if it's ten am and you just finished the first coffee of the day. You nod in silence. 
Tig and Happy continue their way to the workshop, whilst you're walking by the scottish side with the nerves running through your whole anatomy. Everybody knows the Sons of Anarchy, everybody knows what they do even if they didn't see it. You know you don't have to be afraid, nor scared, but you can't help feeling it anyway. In a gentle gesture, the president holds the door for you, smiling slightly coming in. The club is empty, not even music is being played and it's kinda strange. Maybe they prepared before this meeting, so no one could bother you. 
Even if you have been working for the last two weeks, if Filip decides to fire you 'cause you're not what he was looking for Teller-Morrow, he can do it without needing the support of anyone. You like your job and they pay you quite well, having a very flexible schedule, and treating you like another one of the family. So losing it, it's not an option.
You can see the man turning around towards the bar, grabbing two glasses to serve a whisky from an old bottle. You can recognize it. An special edition of Blue Label of Johnnie Walker. You have never tasted before, but you heard about it. Honey and vanilla are the first nuances you can taste having a sip. Chibs is staring at you with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an opinion. Snapping 
“It's sweet, but bitter because of the citrics”.
“Dammet', lass!” He yells excited, hitting the bar, provoking you a chill. “Its true ya' like wheske'”.
“Yea', I... do”. You nod with pursed lips, seeing him walk towards the sofa.
Sitting there, you doubt for a second carrying a chair next to him and leaving your drink on the table, looking around for a second expecting what he wants to know.
“So tel'me. Where 'ya from, where ya' worken'... All thes' thengs'”. Chibs finally says, placing his whisky above the table, leaning towards you with his forearm supported on his lap.
“I'm from Los Angeles, my father had a workshop too, so it's family business”. You explain yourself, not sure what more you can say about your life. “When he died thr—”.
“'Am sorre'bout that”. The president holds your right hand for a while, narrowing it.
“Yea', life's things, I guess”. His touch is firm, looking at both hands sideway, before continue. “Well, ah... It was three years ago. He left me the workshop, but I was alone and I couldn't do it without help, so I had to sell it. I was working with my uncle, till I decided to move on. And... a friend told me about yours and I said... Why not? So, here I am”.
“Hm...” Chibs nods thoughtful resting his back on the sofa, moving his gaze from one side to another in nowhere.
“Listen, ah... I know it took me three days to seize that sedan, and I have no excuses, but I really like this job. I mean, work here”. You look desperate licking your lips and gesticulating more than necessary, not trying to give pity, but asking for another chance.
“Relax, rooke', I'm not gonna keck'yar ass”. His loud laughter, shaking his chin, infects you chuckling. Not sure if because you want, or because you're doing it to please him. “The bike in the backyard, is yars'?”
“It was my father's. He used to run Cali with it, till he couldn't do it anymore. But it's not working. I have to fix it”.
“You wan'me to help ye'?”
The question takes you by surprise, twisting your neck as a dog would do when he's confused. Until now, you have been doing it by yourself, even though you can take her to a workshop and not worry about it. But someone offering himself to help you it's something new. Not actually ‘someone’, but the Sons of Anarchy president. And your boss.
“Yes, yes... I mean, sure. If you have time”.
“Aye! 'Course, lass. Wha' ya' have is a fuckin' gem! Wha'bout tonigh'?”
You don't say anything, but it sounds like a date. And it doesn't surprised you by the way he had to greeting you, when you two met minutes ago. His fingers were a little shaky and you can swear that even his hand was somewhat sweaty. Finally, you nod before he could start to think that you're kinda dumb, having a sip of your whiskey.
“Ya ken'? I had one simila' when I was younga'”. He comments, seeming like the man wants to continue your talk, but doesn't knows how to do it. “I toured Scotlan' whet'et'”.
“I've never been there, but I saw it in photographs. It's an amazing country”. 
“Aye! Et'e—
Some yells outside call your attention, and you recognize the voice by heart, 'cause you have been hearing it for the last three days. Rolling your eyes and getting up, down by the scottish's gaze following you, you walk towards the workshop with a serious gesture on your face and your arms crossed above your chest. The sedan' owner is there, with Hale by his side. You're fucked. 
“She was! She was!” The blonde man is pointing at you accusatory, seeing how the sheriff rubs his eyes. “That bitch pointed me with a gun!”
“Did you?” Hale asks you with a hand resting in the butt of his own gun, hanging from his belt, and the other hanging by a side of his body.
“No, sir. I did—”.
“You, fucking liar!” The man practically jumps to you, being blocked by the SOA president, hitting him straight to his face.
Everything goes so fast that you can't even react. But the scottish is putting you behind his body, after punch the sedan' owner, with a hand thrown back slightly touching your abdomen. Hale is handcuffing him, growling and cursing at you lying on the ground by the sheriff.
“If you say anything else, I'm gonna accuse you of obstruction, do you hear me?” The cop says putting him down, starting to walk next to the car so his co-worker can sit him inside the car. “Do you want to file a complaint?”
This time is coming back towards you, with a sigh on his lips rolling his eyes. You shake your head, hiding out from Chib's back, frowning at the blonde man.
“Don' worry, sir, it's ok”. You say then.
“Tel'im fi' me that he won't get his car back”.
And without saying anything else, he turns at you placing an arm on your shoulders to urge you start to walking back to the workshop.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
When your turn is already finish, you drive back home the enough time to have a shower and changing your clothes for something more comfy taking into account the plan you are going to have. You're also trying to not think that it's a date, even if it was like it sounded. And you can't help but feeling nervous parking by a side of the yard, frowning missed when you notice the fact that there's only a bike. So, your suspicions get confirmed. Actually it's not something that bothers you, after all you've heard about him. Loyalty, strength, sincerity, self-confidence, kind and polite. And an accent pretty funny. So, why not? 
“Wha' ya' thenken'?” Chibs comes from nowhere, scaring you and making you scream. 
The man starts to laugh loud, while your face becomes rude with pursed lips and a hand on your chest trying to calm your heart beat.
“Jesus Christ...”
“Dammet, rooke', it's true ya're ease' to scare!” You sigh rolling your eyes because of his words. “Com'ere, I've alrede' brought yar' bike”.
“DaMmEt, RoOkE”. You joke on him with a high-pitched tone, whilst he's laughing louder.
“Ya' amaze me, lassie. Dinnae' know you talk scottesh'”.
“What the...?” You find yourself laughing too in a relaxed way after a long time, shaking your head with a sigh, going to the workshop illuminated by some lights.
Turning over your steps you notice that the place is practically empty, guessing that Juice took off all the cars by Chibs' petition, playing fool when you find with your gaze two cardboard boxes from your favorite burger joint. Hiding your curiosity and moving your feet next to the old Harley Davidson, you let your fingers travel over the metallic handlebar. Memories crowd your head, one on top of the other, until you collapse. You still haven't driven it, because your father kept it for almost eight years on his garage, till he left. And it doesn't need a lot of fixes, but you haven't been able to get started before. You couldn't, 'cause it's the only thing you have of him.
“When was the... fers' time ya' ride't?”
Turning to the man, finding him supporting his back against the wall with a big cup of coke in his left hand, sipping from the straw. You shrugs your shoulders, taking the other drink to imitate him with your gaze on the matt black motorbike.
“I didn', yet. Alone, I mean... But by my father's back”. You say almost in a whisper. “I was five years old. We toured Cali coast”.
“Cali coast amaze me, et's a good ferst' ride”. He says then, after some seconds in silence. “Ded'ya by night?”
“Dawn, actually”. You answer with a goofy smile on your lips and your eyes on the drink between your hands, playing with the straw. “I... remember that... my father came to my room, to wake me up saying ‘let's go, bunny, adventure time’! He was very excited”.
It's the first time in years that you're talking about him and Chibs looks pretty curious about it, but you're trying not to break your voice. Smiling sideways, you stare at the scottish man, shrugging your shoulders again, not knowing how continue.
“Why ‘bunny’?”
“I like velocity”.
“Oh, realle'? Wha' bike ded'ya have before et'?”
Your cheeks turning red and your lips pursuing second by second, containing a laugh, makes him raises both eyebrows with curiosity.
“A Vespa...?” You mutters biting the straw, while Chibs laughs again. You're starting to love his laugh, no regrets. “Ah, ah, but...! I have a Mustang, so, boom!”
Your left hand imitates the typical gesture of dropping a mic, getting up from the wall to walk towards the food with innocent air, opening one of the bags with your forefinger and having a quickly look.
“Ya'hungre?” He asks then, following your steps to grab boths bags, twisting his neck in a soft gesture to tell you without words about to have a seat.
So you do, on one of the cair placed on the front yard, next to a corner.
“So, what et' needs?”
“Brakes. I need to change them. Now it has ones that are obsolete and I was thinking to put an ABS”. Leaving your drink between your feet, you take the burger Chibs is offering you to unwrap it on your lap.
“Sounds good. Do ya' have them?”
“Yea', I bought them in LA. And I think could be good change the tires, the oil and the handlebar grips, they're a little worn”.
“Tha's'ease fo' ya'”.
“Yeah, but... I didn't want to fix it, actually?”
“I'm scared to have an accident or something, and destroy it. I don' have anything of my father, but his bike”. Having a bite with your gaze on him, you cover your mouth to keep talking. “So, I just... was telling... myself that I didn't have time... to fix it”.
“But we're gonna do 'et!” Chibs exclaim excitedly, opening his arms for a second and holding the burger and the beer in each hand. “I know yar' father prefers to fac'ap his bike, than keep'et in a garage with dust on 'et”.
“Yea', I think so...”.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
First, knocks on your door. Then your bell ringing. Palming the mattress till you find your phone to watch the clock, you read all the notifications in the locked screen. There are almost eleven lost calls from Chibs and a lot of messages. And it in silence. You practically jump off of your bed, running as never before to the main door, opening it.
“Finally! Jesus Christ, I thought ya' were dead!” 
“What happened? It's everything ok? Sorry, I just fell asleep an—”. You're talking so fast that your tongue ends up making a mess.
Chibs enraptured looking at you from top to down with a goofy smile on his lips, very interested in the Black Sabbath' shirt you're wearing. Clearing his throat, while your gaze travels to the dark van parked in front of your house. Tig and Juice are taking off of it your motorbike. Pushing him away from you, with your left hand on his chest, you take some steps barefoot above the cesped. You're face shows surprise and confusion, believing for a while that you're dreaming or something like that. 
One of his hands wrap your left wrist, urging you to look at him. You're legs shaking for a second. 
“Ya're prette' with messy hair and tha' shirt, but I wanna ride with ya'”. He says then, trying to hide his excitement.
And you want to hide yours, but you can't. You hug him, but not with a normal one. You're rousing and thankful, surrounding his neck with yours arms leaning on your toes. You know he wasn't expecting by the “oh” he mutters kinda surprised, taking some seconds till he finally is able to wrap your back and your waist pushing you closer into him, resting his forehead on your shoulder. Then, Chibs understands why Happy said like you're like a Pop Tart. He knows it tooks you just one second to make him fall in love with you and that the fact of worrying about your favorite take away restaurant, it wasn't only 'cause you're ‘the rookie’. 
The scottish have a deep breathe from your hair, starting to wish he hadn't, because he's falling a little more. And he can't watch his mouth.
“Ya' smell really good”. He tells you with a husky tone on his voice that bristles the skin of your arms.
“Honey and vanilla”. You mutter with pursed lips, before the man making you a gesture to come in your house.
You nod in a hurry, running back to your room looking for the perfect clothes to drive. A comfy pair of jeans, a vaporous shirt, your boots and a leather jacket. Keeping your principal stuff in a bag and grabbing your helmet, you walk towards the main door sooner as you can. The van isn't there anymore but your bike and Chib's one, close to yours, are parked on the sidewalk. He's already waiting sitting on his, turning on the engine when you're wearing the black helmet before keep the bag under the seat, the scottish stares at you with a hug smile and a dearly gesture on his face.
It has been eight years since you heard your father's Harley roaring, and feeling how your body vibrates on it it's simply amazing. You can't even describe how you feel right now, looking at Chibs with that gesture mixing incredulity and surprise. Pressing the brake, but also the gas, the back wheel squeaks without caring if you wake up your neighbors. 
“Let's go, lass!” 
You release the brake, letting your motorbike rolls above the road with a hoarse growl flying off from the engine, being followed by the scottish. He didn't tell you where you're going, but after five days talking about your childhood in Cali, it's pretty clear that he wants to ride the coast with you after seeing the emotions that provokes you the memories doing it with your father. You know well he wants to be part of it, part of your routine and part of your life. And you're letting him come in 'cause, why not?
You know the road by heart, touring it with the fresh dawn's air hitting your face, till it turns with a salty smell after some hours driving in silence, enjoying the landscape views. You're closer to the ocean and you can feel it inside your lungs, closing your eyes for second. Time enough to make you fly back to your childhood. The sound of the engine, the seagull, the waves breaking. Everything is the same as you remember. But you're not a child anymore, you're ridding California with Filip Telford by your side, who can say that? Only you. And it's not because who he is, but because of who you want him to be for you.
It's sunrising. In the horizon, the sky is mixed with blue, orange and soft pink. It's your favorite part of the day, but now it's different. You're /living/ it, breathing it, enjoying it totally relaxed as never before, with Chibs' eyes on you for a ephemeral instant, fully spellbound. And that's what makes it special this time.
“Don'ya thenk' it's time fo' a coffee?” He asks loud enough for you to hear him. You nod laughing, 'cause you really need it after sleeping for just four hours.
Some mills away, you finally stop in a rest area on top of a small cliff. Taking off your helmet, you walk towards the wooden railings looking down. You're too close of the sea that almost some salty drops splash your face interspersed with the sea breeze. You couldn't get tired of a place like that. The smell of hot coffee pushes you into reality, turning to Chibs so you can hold the metallic mug.
“Maybe I put some Cardhu in'et”.
“Maybe?” You break in laugh, leaning your nose over it.
“When I say ‘maybe’, et's because I alrede' ded'et”.
“So... the other night, at the workshop, maybe it was a date?”
“Maybe”. He nods, blowing his drink, before taking a drink. “Maybe that's the second one”.
“Maybe you already won me, fixing my bike and bringing me here”. Giving him your most smooth smile, you drink too, turning to the ocean while he puts an arm on your shoulders letting you rest your cheek on his. “Maybe you put a lot of Cardhu”.
“Yea', maybe”. 
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