#texas tweeker
lthrcwby63 · 2 months
Coming out to the Noose
I thought I would tell you about when all this fetish started for me. I know, that many had this same fetish but were too scared to even talk about it. So, in a way this is my story on getting the idea of my entry into breath control and hangings and getting it into mainstream.
I came out late, I was around 28-29 when I decided that being gay was ok, so I dumped my girl-friend, sold off my 16 horses, moved out of the country and into the city. Being from the country I was usually wearing Levis or Wrangler’s and cowboy boots. We are talking the late 80’s and early 90’s. I started going to the dance palaces, and one guy in western gear suggested that we go over to the J&L Saloon.  Local leather bar at the time.
Well, when I walked in and saw all those guys in leather and boots, I knew I had come home. I mean being from the country, chaps, boots and leather was just what it was. In a conversation I had to one guy, his name was Larry, a little bit of a tweeker (high on drugs) we went across the street to a bath house. He got us a room and wanted to fuck. I did let him know that I had never experienced that, being new I was just getting into the scene.
He told me not to worry, he would make sure my first would not only be memorable but he would make sure he took care of me the right way. We headed up to the room, stripped but he made sure I was still wearing my tall cowboy boots. He rolled me over, and started fingering my hole, one finger then 2 then 3 and 4. He greased himself and my hole really well, then slipped his cock into my hole. Even with getting fingered it hurt like hell, but he just talked to me, told me just let the pain pass and he was very still, his hard cock just resting up in my hole. After a few minutes he started pumping his cock in and out and my cock got really hard. Yea, I was suddenly hooked and needed his cock in me. He was easy and gentle; the experience was amazing for me. All the time talking to me and making sure I was ok.  Then he asked me to tell him about my darkest fantasy. Well, ya know, his cock is buried in my ass, and I told him. I was into jacking off thinking about being hanged.  He told me he wished we could be back in Nebraska where he was from because he knew of a great barn, we could play in… Then I felt his hand go around my throat and he started choking me.  My cock exploded and then his cock, cum was everywhere.
We spent the night together in the bath house, he introduced me to the owners of the J&L saloon and they kind of took me under their wing. Made sure that I was also safe and with people they knew were kewl. Larry and I stayed friends for a while, though I didn’t get into the leather drug scene. Was just not my scene.  I did talk to Larry about my fetish and he introduced me to a magazine called ‘Drummer’. They had ads in the back pages and Larry suggested that I put in an ad to see if there were others who loved the same things that I did. So, I did…
Not 2 weeks after that ad came out, I got 4 letters in the mail. Pretty much introductions and what they were also into, their fantasies, and other stuff they liked. There were some incredible stories and great writing and 1 or 2 guys and I actually started talking on the phone. One was from California and another was from Texas. Don, from California had been hanging himself since he was a teenager, the other guy from Texas was more into just writing fantasies and not into actual physical play. But damn, these guys were story tellers. From there we started writing back and forth and at one point I mentioned that I had all these great stories from other guys who had answered my Drummer ad and then wanted to read those stories as well.
That birthed a magazine called ‘The Hangman’s Nooseletter’. Now mind you this was before the advent of the internet, so it was decided that a Nooseletter would go out quarterly, and it did for 2 and a half years. Once the chat rooms on AOL and mIRC, Googlechat and YahooChat, and Gay.Com, Gear fetish the Nooseletter went to the wayside. I mean why pay for stories when you can download them from the internet for free, right? But at the end of it’s run, I had 10 countries and 155 members I was mailing the magazine too.
Over the years, I have met many of the members of the Nooseletter, I also have lost several friends to the siren’s call to the noose including my best friend from California. But it is what it is, sometimes the fetish becomes all consuming. Some people don’t have a friend to play with so they play alone. (Danger! Will Robinson! Danger!) The Hangman’s Nooseletter was partially designed for a meeting place for like minded guys. Almost like a support group for lack of a better word.
In the next few months, I will be posting the Nooseletter’s here so that you can see some of the incredible stories were written at the time. Lord only knows how many buckets of cum were squirted while all those men read those stories and looked at the artwork.
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dupreezie · 2 years
Any ladies in the colony or close that want to smoke and chill
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thedawgsblog · 3 years
Texas woman stuffs keys into her mouth after telling police she wasn’t driving A Wichita Falls woman with numerous past arrests and convictions was arrested again after police said they found multiple IDs and debit cards belonging to other people in a car at a convenience store. An officer had stopped at Southwest Parkway and Taft Wednesday morning to investigate an unoccupied car parked…
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texan4lyfe · 3 years
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Now thats DIVERSITY!!! Yall be safe especially to my TX Fam
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duallygirl178 · 3 years
Dearest O'Malley Introduction
"My life had started on a conveyer belt at a Chevrolet manufacture in 1967. I was white as a cloud but glossy with shine. It was all at a factory in Arlington Texas united states. There are two Chevrolet factories located in the USA; one in Texas and the other in Bowling Green Kentucky. There is also one in Ingersoll Ontario, Canada and another in South Korea in current use. Usually Chevrolet Malibu cars were made in Hamtramck, Michigan and in Detroit as my ancestry goes back, but I was proudly born and raised in Texas. My mother came from Detroit and my father came from the longhorn state in Texas where the longhorn cattle roamed and nestled and also where the football team played in the kick-off at the stadium. When I was 12 months old, I was weaned, sold, and transported to Farmington New Mexico. There in that town, were some parts that reminded me of Texas...since I was born there that reminded me of my home that Farmington had so I didn't get homesick. I had one sister, and three older brothers that were shipped into different states of America that I never saw again. My lucky brother; Edgar ended up on Route 66, close to my mother's home state and he was living like a king. As again, I was rowdy and wild outside, but kind-hearted inside for a young stud from Texas. I sure didn't have the accent, but I fought like one and if they got fresh with a Texan, they'd better watch out. They were tough and bared no mercy on the sinners making fun of them.
My story had a unique pattern where it starts as fiction-like back-story and plays onto historical events and comes back to fiction again. Now, I know it sounds like an unusual autobiography, but I heard stories that were like that just like Eleanor Roosevelt before she met her husband or like President John F. Kennedy, but with a true story that it just had some parts missing and covered up because it was unbearable to put in the textbooks. it was so classified that even historians took it out so the teachers wouldn't tell their students about what those parts happened that got covered up like the happening where John was invited to an extraterrestrial space craft and the real assassination on him for sharing alien information that wasn't suppose to know. Right now, I'll lay out a summery of what's ahead in my story. First I'll start by coming from an abusive husband that would kick me, then going home to Gladas Kennedy to Joe Popplewell, to be driven around a while by Jan and Randy to bonding with Nathan and to making a match for him by meeting Natalie. There was a lot in my life that happened. I had many moments where I got attention from people in town that I was a nice car and it delighted me to see people interested in legends like myself to be out and rolling, unlike the cars made today that are made out of plastic and look nothing like the original cars like the chargers and the newest Malibu designs. When people passed me by, some of them would laugh, which could only mean one thing; they were blind and had no taste. I didn't usually give a care on the insult and I just drop it and walk away not caring to look into the bother. I did things years ago that I enjoyed and never looked back at because it was long gone that happened in the years, put behind me such as trouble with the law and moon shining in the woods and getting familiarized with marijuana laws in states that allow it like in Colorado. They call it medicine when it can make you high for days. Now, New Mexico was working on getting it legalized because hey, Colorado spreads the word that it can help cure and reduce pain. Durango had a lot of stoners that say they were impressed and why in the world does New Mexico need more tweekers? In the 60s, marijuana was a gateway into serenity rather if you were a hippie or just horsing around. It still was a thing then and will be now. There is a lot of advantages of growing up in the 1960s like dating, diners road racing, moon shining, cruising, groovy television shows that weren't terrible and the swap meets that weren't bad. I even got to see my first movie at the drive in with a female on a date called "American Graffiti" and I kissed in the back while settled in "park" so I could get a far away seat. My eyesight was far sighted and felt comfortable I the back. The love of my life which was a 67 impala treated me out for our second month anniversary of our relationship. I had remembered when I first met her at a random club where I was singing about my life just for her in 1968.
When the 1970s arrived, my friend; Impa went missing, Gonzo; my best friend, went AWOL Texas-ape crazy and we had the cops search the entire woods...nothing was found except Impa's keychain. So they gave up and I never saw Impa again but I wondered what happened to him. I went to my second home and my owner; Gladas drove me around to work, grocery stores, and church. I met some pretty bad and rotten eggs that needed the "Texas-boy treatment" and to be taught a lesson at Gladas's work which I took the honors of beating them up.
Then, I came to my third home in the 1980s where I met Joe and Carol; the grandparents of Nathan in whom I didn't meet Nathan until later right after Gladas stopped driving me. Joe took the charge of caring for me when I needed something. I'd start right up for him. I met Ian, a blue Buick under the carport which was my stall mate. Carol didn't like him, but Carol liked me because I was so big. I also had met Randy and Jan in a reunion and at the time, Jan was carrying a little bundle of joy when she came to see Joe. Unfortunately, I've never been a father because I've never met the right female that wanted ankle biters running around. When 1992 had come, Nathan was born and to get to know each other, Jan and Randy would take Nathan for a ride in me while Nathan was seated in the backseat. Jan thought I was a scary ride, but Randy thought I was pretty cool. Randy and I got along like beans and cornbread. For being borrowed until Jan got a new car, I enjoyed being the only car to be driven. So I was driven once again to work in and to the grocery stores.
When 2014 hit, Nathan was already handing out with girls. There was a basic one named Shay I didn't like her because she didn't appreciate classic cars as much as Nathan or Natalie did. She weighed 240 pounds and it was like carrying a giant boulder. I think she wasn't worth hanging around because she'd ditch Nathan to go hang out with Jerome. I had to do something to keep Nathan supported and so I kept my eyes on him. When shay was out of the picture, I had my picture taken in 2014 at a car show and again in 2015. Seeing the same brunette girl made me realize that she would be perfect for Nathan, but she seemed so shy. A few years later. I parked in the carport again and nowadays I had wished Nathan would open up and meet people like the one they used to in my day. However, it was all online. When Natalie came along, she changed everything in Nathan’s life forever. He didn't used to like watching movies, but now he does. I had never seen him so happy and it was all thanks to me who opened the door to make them a couple
Therefore, here's how my life started out as the way it is
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Nightmare, X, and the Torture House
In the summer of 2015, I was a rookie cop.  I'd been on the force for about a year, working in the worst part of my city.  There were shootings and stabbings almost nightly, and murders regularly.  Most of it was gang related incidences, people in the game killing people in the game. After a while, I learned all the basic stuff a beat cop is supposed to know.  I began to  feel more comfortable going on violent, in-progress calls.  A shooting here, a murder there, it all became routine.  Make sure the scene is safe, treat victims and have them transported to a hospital if necessary, arrest  the suspect  if probable cause exists or air their description on the radio, and interview witnesses.  If the suspect isn't arrested or detained immediately, put out a warrant if there is probable cause to do so.  I began to lose some of the empathy I had when I was brand new.  You can't dine on grief every night and not become hardened towards it.
Before each shift begins, all of the Officers on a shift have a meeting called "Line-up."  It was in line-up that I first heard about a group calling themselves, "The Lord's Chosen."  I remember my shift Sergeant leaning back in his chair talking about how two identified males, one using the moniker "Nightmare" the other "X," were the leaders in the gang.  They were believed to be abducting people around town, mostly homeless people and tweekers, and torturing them in a basement.  The Sergeant said the people coming forward with the information were very hesitant to speak about The Lord's Chosen, out of fear of being abducted.  The Sergeant informed us we didn't have enough for a search warrant, and definitely not enough to arrest either male.  All we had were suspicions, which are basically worthless.
Even after dealing with murders and the like, I was instantly very interested in the torture allegations.  Torture, to me, seems far FAR more personal and violent than just shooting and killing someone.  Torture, in the way that they appeared to be using it, was a means to dominate a group of people.  To make them act as you want them to act, and to fear acting in any other way.  Torture, in the basement of a suburban home, in America, seemed so grotesque and out of place it didn't seem real.  
A good cop takes his suspicions and tries to firm something up.  In this case, that means looking for the two males and trying to find them engaged in a criminal act.  From that, A good Officer can try to dig into their suspicions about the torture.  
The males were believed to be spending time at the pool of a nearby apartment complex, “Stanford Pines.”  The Pines, as it was commonly known, was one of the most shady places in the city.  Many murders had happened there over the years, and Officers never went to any call there alone.  As of the time of this writing, I have personally been involved in four murder investigations at The Pines.  They would typically change the name of the complex and paint it a different color after every murder.  The place was so run down the owner was forced to sell it after he had too many code violations and it was on the verge of being condemned.  All of the windows to the doors leading to the interior stairways were shattered and heroin needles littered the parking lot.  
I started going to the complex regularly with an Officer I often partnered with.  In a way, he was my mentor.  He had been a cop for nearly twenty years in a large urban city in Texas.  He then went to work at a government contractor in Afghanistan for five years.  When I say government contractor, I'm not talking about Kellogg, Brown, and Root or some construction company, I'm talking about one of the groups that made problems go away.  He was as stone cold as anyone I've ever met, but he also had no ego, and was one of the most knowledgeable Officers I have ever met.  He took me under his wing when we went to the Police Academy together.  We bonded, I think, because I had served six years in the Army Infantry, one of those years in combat, before becoming a cop, and he had served in a combat speciality before becoming a cop.  He taught me right from wrong, and he taught me how to be proactive and catch bad guys in the act instead of just responding to calls.
We began asking people in the complex if they had heard of either male, and could get nowhere.  We looked for cars associated with them and came up dry.  Eventually we got some information that X was known to carry an AK-47 with him everywhere he went, and he had been involved in a string of personal robberies, that is to say he robbed people, not businesses or banks.  Other sources provided us with information on the location of Nightmare's house and the motorcycle he frequently rode.  Try as we might, no one on the department could find a good location for X.  He seemed to move around a lot and never sleep in the same place more than a couple nights in a row.
Then it happened, the first crack in the case. A call came in stating neighbors could hear someone screaming from Nightmare's house.  This fit the profile that someone could be being tortured.  That house was well known to everyone on the shift at that point, and a large number of Officers responded to the scene.  I set up on the back side of the house with another Officer.  We waited there and watched the back door to make sure no one ran out while other Officers made contact at the front door. As we waited, it was aired over the radio Officers were having difficulty getting anyone to the door.  Nightmare had rigged a contraption on the front door where, instead of a typical doorbell, there was a string that could be pulled that would ring a bell in the basement.  After some time, Officers contacted the residents and began to get people out of the house.  
Over the radio, Officers informed us there were five people in the house, one of them a possible cartel member.  The possible cartel member had tattoos all over his person, to include his face, and he did not have any hard identification on his person.  Also inside the house was a female, two other males, and Nightmare. Due to the allegations of screaming coming from the home, a search was conducted to ensure no one inside the home was dying or severely injured.  Once the quick walk through was completed, Officers stated they found no injured persons inside the home.  We had to walk away from it.
I was sorely disappointed.  We all felt strongly that something bad was happening inside the basement of the home, but we didn't have enough to do anything about it.  Officers even had the chance to walk through based on the reported screaming, and still came up empty.  We were back to square one, and no one was happy about it.  
Calls continued to come in from concerned neighbors, and information continued to slowly leak in from people busted for drug possession about the abductions and the torture house.  Information began to suggest Nightmare had a hefty supply of meth coming in, and he used it to control others.  He was come out with lists of people he wanted abducted and brought to him.  Once he had them, he would question them in "the chair."  It was said he would lock them into the chair in some way, then torture them, sometimes for days on end.  Again it was said that anyone that went through that was too scared to talk to the police out of fear it would happen again.
About a week later, the Sergeant leading line-up informed us a warrant had been issued for X. It was just a misdemeanor warrant for Domestic Violence, but it was jailable and would give us access to some information if we were able to get him into custody.  As no one knew where he stayed, the search for X went on for weeks.  We were informed all specialized units dealing with street crimes were searching for him, and all of patrol in my division was certainly looking for him, but we came up empty again and again.  We checked acquaintances, old girlfriends, family members homes and came up dry.  It was beginning to seem like X was a ghost.  
One day I was lucky enough to be put into a two man car with my mentor.  It was a bright day, early in our shift around 4pm when we were sent to a call where a child was running amok and the family thought maybe the police could come and be the parent for a while.  We handled the call, like we always do.  Everyone was calmed down and happy when we left.  We were on a small residential side street near Nightmare's house, pulling away.  I began to type notes into my computer so the next Officer dispatched to that address would know what happened on our call.  I was focused on the computer when my partner said, "We've got to put a stop on that car." 
He began to make a three point turn on the side street.  I saw the vehicle.  It was a small 90s Honda.  As he turned the car my partner said, "He definitely did the felony nod as he passed us.  Something's going on with him."  I saw the Honda begin to speed up and it quickly took a corner.  We began to try to catch up to it. 
When we rounded the corner it was obvious the vehicle was now actively fleeing from us.  He took another turn at a high rate of speed trying to lose us.  I called out on the radio, informing dispatch and all other Officers in our division of the traffic stop.  As we came around that corner I could see the driver was driving recklessly, travelling around 60 mph on a residential street that children frequently play on.  He then rounded another corner, travelling faster than the little Honda could handle, and slammed into the back of a parked truck.  
We pulled up behind the Honda and quickly got out.  In many instances like this one, the person that brings their weapon to bear fastest is the one that lives.  The driver's door of the Honda popped open.  We already had our service pistol's out, pointed at the suspect.  He showed us his hands and got out.  Immediately, I knew the driver of the Honda was X from all the pictures I had seen of him.  He had been known to carry guns in the past, so I held him at gunpoint while my partner put him in handcuffs.  
I also noted a male was in the passenger's seat pretending to be unconscious.  I called for an ambulance and we put X in our police cruiser.  I held the male at gunpoint and gave him commands to exit the vehicle.  He dropped the unconscious act and began to comply.  He was detained in handcuffs.  At that time, many other Officers arrived on scene and the male that had been unconscious earlier, who I will identify here only as Jerry, was placed in a police cruiser.  During a search of Jerry and X, both parties had user amounts of meth in their pockets.  They also both had outstanding warrants.
I began to work the scene with my partner.  As it turned out, the Honda was stolen.  There were items from eight separate burglaries in the backseat of the vehicle, and a stolen gun was recovered under the driver's seat where X had been sitting.  While we were working the scene, Nightmare roared by on his motorcycle.  It was clear he wanted us to know he was there, watching us.   We notified our Gang Unit, and they came out to talk to X.  My partner and I took Jerry back to the substation and interviewed him.  As it turned out, Jerry was on his way to the Chair when when X crashed into the parked truck.  We had just saved him from possibly days of torture.  He was rattled and cried during our interview with him.  He knew a lot, and what he told us broke the case wide open.....
to be continued.
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Praise God Praise Allah Praise The Great spirit Praise my man Jesus Praise the angels Praise be for your servents Every where I've been a jerk lately online After the sandeigo experience.. I see now I have have compassion 😁 To you all.. I don't hate anyone anymore... I let it go... All over the us you all protected Me I live I love you all for this. Soo I'm staying out your bussiness your politics I can't help any one truly I can only offer comfort a ear and prayer So I'm here.. I apologise to world for all the mean things I said about tweekers and drug addicts.. . Your not bad 😉 I just want you all to have a good life As for the truly mentally ill I have alot of compassion I'm nut too different types I worked on my self I'm overcoming always.. A spiritual growth can be messy and you all seen it.. Online.. I'm on peace train God willing I will go Texas pay back every one soon And off to Montana This can only happen with donations my inhearitence or stimulus... Bring on the fortune I have the fame plus you all know I'm entering.. Thank you sci guys and girls Thank you christain Thank you everyone.. I'm.soo greatful I've been seeing your world and God bless you it's complicated 🙏 So if you allow me to have new journeys I'll show you purple mountains Majesty I don't really want sleep outside again unless it's in national parks like Montana Please can you make this happen ? I want take Amtrak multi passes.. I stand for you all for break and if you need prayer chappie will be there.. I'm.going to stay with my spiritual journey Time to rock ? And Lisa an Shelly I love you no matter what. Peace Love harmony I walked till my feet bleed So time for my battle the battle for my heart I also need way to renew my driving license and have it sent some where and get camping equipment.. So if you need me I'll be here word stay alive.. stand strong.. God bless you all Also please pray for me .. I pray for each and every one of you that you and your familys are safe. . Blessings all (at Temecula, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAT-kpIH7Z-/?igshid=7jievayzd6i2
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amiempyre-blog · 6 years
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Ode to Jim Carrol #poem #poetry #write #writing #junkie #addict #dope #fiend #talesfromthetrap #tweeker #diaries #jimcarrol #epiphany #hope #sobriety #recovery #poems #inspired #dellusinal #drugs #whiteout #april2016 #page44 #intheshambles #madness #staywoke #stay (at Austin, Texas)
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Part 2. My story 2005 the county closed the once rv park down because of development.. I always looked for places I could pay only $200 month so I could afford to give my ex and sin what they needed it's was my duty as a father. Next after breif stay at friends ranch I moved on to 285 aces as care taker in forest no power I thrived I took in my ex sister Gina briefly she died she was on pills from the doctors it shut all her organs down this brought police up Which brought a war of fun fire I stood them up with my Bible and my rightousness. I was celbute then..still doing my ministeing. Helping the elderly the hopeless all through out those mountains and on reservations this how this lone eagle Was born into the old ways.... I learned a different way of life... I had to leave the property because my son would not return I lost a dog. The gun battle was brought down by growers then tweekers who where scared I made a brief trip to friends ranch in the city then i had Juliet my only companion still doing God's work my Soo called friends charged me and had me working full time I stuck in till my friend Daryl who I met in the mountains a true man of God he died a Virgin at the age of 56 Found at lake Henshaw so I bought it moved in..then the 2007 wildfires came I got in the news for helping The fires took a toll on Daryl and my health in 2009 they found cancer and s putuitaruy tumor I probably had my whole life why they tagged me with a mental health dignouses it was relisinng The wrong hormones I found a balance.. In 2010 after my Cancer surgery that went wrong I was unable to eat for 4 months not have water while my my large intestines healed and my small intestines they couldn't find all the cancer remove it and I turned down kemo my family decided not to help Lisa Marie Gordon if you didn't know. My father still angery for me choosing to serve God rather than have a career .. A niehbor had a three bedroom place there decided to move like Daryl did from all the stress and constant harrashment by Samusl Taylor and other management of the disabled.so they sold me their place for 1500. I traded the only new vehicle I ever had a scooter my grandfather's bought me. (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4dqo6nHL9/?igshid=1fmku9ffnvlzo
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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For my grandson who I love with all My heart Death didn't keep me away from You Tweekers didn't Herion addicts didn't Evil land owners didn't Cancer didn't They may have destroyed our Home in the mountains Grandfather will be back in California soon To rebuild our house It's safe up there now This virus didn't harm. grandfather' Because like you my dear Grandson we are strong in Christ Soo it May been 4 years Your mother Can not Keep us seperated.... Just keep praying... And we will see each other again... She said when Grandfather made it safe from The criminals up There you can Come back we'll It's safe now I will retrieve all our stolen stuff to.give to You This is for you soon I get Home I love you Logan Eli Your old enough to go hiking now...😊 (at Spring, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xZOQZHRgU/?igshid=1msw812clm6vp
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Im going to sleep Unless someone one takes Me serouis and gives me a badge guns and handcuffs An The go ahead to take down the crime organizations in My mountains... To restore my home to me and seize. Lake Henshaw Out the hands of the crimals perverts and Terrorists there.. Yep why I left peaceful like.. I'll be camping outside My body can't take much more This is the chance we all Been waiting for to take Back our country illimating all thrreats to our children and grandchildren. Since the 1980s... Until 1980 we could leave our doors unlocked at lake Henshaw Till 5 years ago we could leave our doors unlocked... So I hope by however long it takes me to walk back there all members of those crime familys the perverts tweekers and emimies of freedom are gone.. Dead or shipped over the border along with my step mom Who has hold of my mother marebeth Gordon (Trembly) Inhearitce and seize the home in Carslbad that is owed to Lisa GORDON and myself. I do think I've been incredibly patient... Now that the president has given us The green light If you can't afford to help me get back there. To take those people into custody Retrieve mine my familys and my grandfathers and Grandparents stolen Property and reclaim my home while running every one off that mountain back to the other side of the border And either arresting the others or executing Them like they deserve.. Then I Guess I have to do it alone If anything happens to Me you all know the truth now.. Why I had to be extremely insane and careful Those people kill your whole family.. Rules have changed Now we honest God fearing Americans Have a right in California To take back our homes our streets From those types of people... Now is the time to Stand up.. Before you Die remember brothers Death before dishonor I've traveled this whole country ministering and trying to Get Justice.. None has come So like Wyatt eurp and doc holiday I want go back and get it Now.. Now I can thanks to President Trump.... And joint effort with Mexico... For now on we see any gang membersAny perverts and non American citizensAny one harming people Shoot on site.Justice for all (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-rLLkfF85k/?igshid=mag8hsmyesxk
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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She has a right To come take care of Me And share in Everything I pulled you all We did lol 😂😂😂😂 We signed paperwork What OVER two Years ago You all couldnt handle Help me Do you have any idea She got the brunt of My being left to die My crazynees Adler violence She kept me In check And helped me stay Fed And made sure I had someone checking me Medically When I was searching for plants Eating plants to Fight cancer You all left me with nothing no food I protected her from Your evil crap With my old CIA ways Hell the FBI should hire her... Tell her we win Vista irrigation Is done Henshaw is done Every one who harmed us Is done.. Soo Time for Limos And what ever Shopping clothes she wants Both her and I where treated worse Than abused dogs Oh and She helped stopped the tweekers Adler wanted to fight few times No one can Beat Xena That is my name for her When I was at death door she kneeled at my bed side sort of I want to die outside so I put up a tent What ever she prayed God heard her She more Godly than Any of you We joke about say hi to you in hell She mighty woman warrior of God Soo I hope her family treating Her like a queen I'm here Time for you and your kids to have a good life I just need one more favor Help me straighten adler back out It's God Mission.. I need you evaluate him If you want if you decide he's okay We can all get a big family home What you say Texas???? Bring her here If she in Texas she with her. Mom Near Waco.. Make this vital And viral If she like she trained I want you To join me on my urban missionary Work.. She also has medical training Come forth Daughter let me show God's country.. I'm here waiting.. You all all owe her this. . (at Comfort Inn Hwy. 290/Nw) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-FpWdjno6d/?igshid=ak4j7yswu75g
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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I would but your using old platforms Here listen https://youtu.be/G9poE-zuMf0 How I retained my mind yes I need money to Continue my genuis experience That saved my mind Restored my memories and saved me from criminals tweekers perverts at lake Henshaw the battle zone was in my home also cured my mental health. Gezz and you all still would what rather i die without telling you how Maybe NASA in TEXAS will be interested another reason I submitted to medical to prove what I did for my son my grandson my granddaughter no one taught me this infact I helped few others up there by the way there are few terrorists cells right there using Henshaw as a door way. And one America soldier up there Trying to figure out why he was attack too.. So now anyone real military intelligence or Homeland or any space program interested want help save our brother Death before dishonor another reason I couldn't tell you all what was happening.. Seriously.. I want very little I take took my oath seriously.. I guess I'll keep waiting for you all Because no way I can take real Terrorists into custody you all can. With my help fyi terriosts during 9/11 trained here at french valley my oath to God won't let me kill.. Trust me it's been month now they are comfortable.. Time to take them down yes 😕 for God sakes. Room 4125 I'm waiting. (at Temecula Valley Hospital) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7su3yyHVDX/?igshid=x63shpghifdm
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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They destroyed stole all I had I survived by eating plants Using home grown marijuana Digging in trash for food campers left while she did not listen Tweekers had me at their mercy Even people where I live did not see till I walked out to die September 16 2018. I traded and ordered stuff on Amazon to keep these theives and criminals from Harming me I Fought back saved my son. While evil slum Lord management Who hired these people moved them in to destroy our community Over charged us. Grandfather TREMBLY saved his whole life left me $9000. I didn't see a dime. They stole it From me and my sister Lisa Gordon. Hospice left me with no medication I replaced it with what plants I could find. Still they attacked me some I believe drugged me.. They tried to poison me over and over again while stealing my stuff and taking it to one person home who works for them up front in the 1st row unable to think or fight I streamed live called it a protest.. I was not let them win or take my only home by none of you Seeing the final insult they secertly illegally filed an eviction took my Home leaving me homeless It's not mental illness. I proved it over and over.. I yelled online for help for you all To arrest them ... To save what I had then I went to city of Temecula with what little I had and my heart almost failed After being assulted many times in my home Still those people walk around free And by not investigating you let them win. So now police from all over southern California not in sandeigo are... Friends of my family Want to know why?? Go see my home.. 26439 hwy 76 #95 Santa ysabel ca 92070. I am very homesick for My mountains after next Fridayi Have $50 left I will head out after Drs clear me even though I can barely walk to Arizona and back.... If they are not in Jail. I will arrest them my self... So none you want me to live with you so you burdened my Son. Who works 7 days a week for little Money. While we eat very little.. Why come may he will have The Inhertience my mother Mary Beth Saved for me and him.. I don't need much a small trailer I cannot campout in your cities With my health. I am grateful to see my son and I will bring him home He's earned it. (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B66crBMnhlo/?igshid=1ic7fda0t55bi
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ecogoth1 · 5 years
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soo everything on hold till my son flight in from texas on Thurs so ill be here till then lest I drop dead. from his stresss he gives me... we where going to buy him that truck.. nope.. you know once again The cancer has spread all throughout my body in what time i have left im.finishing my life the way i started it helping to change your world one person at a time. soo i need supplies up here food toilet paper etc... I am amazed my own niehobirs didnt know or see That for 10 years all the times no one saw me i was in gut wrenching psin suffering in here crying out to god to live through the night. Then as soon as my son was safe i told hospice i was stopping my medicine that was sept 16 2018 i walked out to die and God let me come back to you all to show you hope.. I guess none of you saw me... my time is almost over.. i did what none you could and my community is safe quiet now... because I stood up.. no more tweekers or herion addicts or criminals at all hours just nice peaceful Lake Henshaw again.. That what I said i do its accomplished.. not alot need for me to.stay only to force my son Adler to make his amends here and ill hug him say i love you Then i will move on..... where ever that may be My name will Live in history forever... as One man who still had faith in the human spirit and a villain name for change and growth. none of the people here even realize the impact of what I've done I don't think any of you do and I'm positive I bombarded your world with positive by exposing all your sins and your secrets nothing that compromise do I stood and I stood up against everyone I disagreed with I even told the police and the FEDS you know I can handle this peacefully I promised it to management I did it you around me here to die and my family so of course I'm going to rename you now it is time at I knew a long time ago that I'm not going to go all the way into the tribulation I'm here to wake you up this is your last wake up call wake up I'm slapping you in the face it's coming sooner than you think so a lot of people are going to die before that your rapture (at Lake Henshaw Campground) https://www.instagram.com/p/B35LfD4HdZJ/?igshid=ooxa14jjjb3i
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