#thank youuu random TikTok person
tgmrooster · 11 months
Okay WHO did this? 🥵🥵🥵
The direct link so we can give thanks: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2XJApeo/
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xjustakay · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers;;
thank youuu lovelies for tagging me @grimjobs and @pinkthekla <33
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
too many lmfao. 56 all together now, one of them is on the microfics pseud
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
391,215 words. and counting. god help me lmfao.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
presently, just jegulus/the marauders now. on my ao3 from writing i’ve done in the past; golden trio era hp, star wars sequels (my single reylo fic lmao), and dc’s titans (yes the crappy hbo max show, we don’t need to talk about it)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Far Too Young to Die — black brothers centric, canon-divergence two shot; reg ends up running away with sirius. ft. jegulus & wolfstar (first marauders fic i ever wrote surprise lol, my actual firstborn child)
Better to Burn Than to Fade Away — reg got picked on at quidditch practice and his bf and brother are mad about it (technically pt.3 to the ftytd series started from above fic)
Stardust In My Eyes — jeggy summer stargazing fluff, that’s it that’s the whole fic (pt.2 of the ftytd series lol)
Pumpkin Pasties and Broom Polish — little microfic thing where sirius found out reg smells james in amortentia lmao
put your love on me — the last time i’ll write a very specific triad bc a lot of their shippers ruined it for me :) plus i like other ships for them all more anyway in case that wasn’t obvious (it’s jegulily, spare yourself the click if needed lmao)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yesss, i like to thank people for being there at all lmao<3
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i wrote an angsty little black brothers thing of sirius leaving/getting kicked out and the two of them fighting and saying some not exactly great things to each other that was inspired by a tiktok edit i saw of regulus to you’re on your own kid by taylor swift so that was a little rough lol also back when i was writing a lot in the fremione section of fandom i wrote a oneshot where fred was dead and hermione and george essentially ended up using each other to cope with his loss bc they both knew and loved him the most and were having a rough time without him so :) that was a time
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mm i’m kind of a sucker for happy endings and very very few of my fics have sad ones. the majority of my fics have happy endings (or will end up having them once they’re finished lol) so this is a tough answer lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thankfully! i’ve only ever gotten like one or two comments that came off a little snarky or judgy but i just snarked back lmao. and then there was one fic i caught someone being lame bc they rated it in their bookmark tag for it but it wasn’t hateful. still blocked the person though lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
shockingly to a past!kay somewhere in the multiverse, yes lol. i used to be like deeply intimidated by it but now we wild out a little bit from time to time on it. it varies.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no not really. i’ve half-jokingly had convos with a couple friends about random crossover ideas but not like in a legitimate “i’m gonna write that” way. love au’s but crossovers are not really for me
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope! or certainly not that i’m aware of anyway lmao
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, actually! an old drabble of mine is translated into spanish, and my jegulus specific oneshot in the far too young to die series was translated into russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but hopefully in a not yet sort of way, because i’m not opposed
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
all time feels like SUCH a hard question to answer agksjdjfndlslk like obviously jeggy is The Fave rn but all time?? suddenly blanking on everything i’ve ever shipped. maybe everlark? never ever getting over them tbh.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
honestly there’s like a wip graveyard at this point lol. like things that came to me super randomly and i thought were great for like a day and then either forgot about entirely or looked back on them and went mmm actually no. for multiple ships and fandoms too, like not even just jegulus lol. most wips that aren’t jegulus (or tangentially related in the case of the ongoing coast universe) are full stop at this point bc jegulus is the street i live on
16. What are your writing strengths?
i like to think i’m pretty good with dialogue and showcasing characterizations through the way they interact with people around them. also character internal monologues, i really like to dive into those little dudes’ brains and spit it all out for everyone who reads it to see even if other characters in the story don’t necessarily know. a couple people have told me that i also have a way of sneaking in individual stand alone lines that pack a punch in between otherwise unsuspecting and innocent things, so i guess maybe that too??
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i’m very wordy sometimes and i’m aware of it, like sometimes i just lose all ability to shut up and suddenly i have an exorbitant word count i didn’t initially plan for. in that same vein, run-on sentences and i are bff’s. i’ll have a friggin semicolon, four commas, AND an em dash all in one sentence. and for WHAT?? also sometimes i feel like i could be better with my descriptive writing because i focus a lot more on character depth or interactions and such, much more character stuff than setting stuff bc i’m just like -gestures vaguely- here they are.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have so much respect for writers that speak other languages and then include it in their works. i, personally, only speak english so i don’t tempt fate by google translating my way through something that’s potentially wrong in the end anyway
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i dabbled in some one direction back in the day, i won’t lie
20. Favourite fic you've written?
it’s like, one of the newest but honestly coast —baby, all i wanna do is coast (with you). if you haven’t seen me shorten it before lol— is it. it’s one of the works that i’m most proud of and consistently excited about. there’s so much TO it, so much more than it seems, and a lot of it isn’t even there yet because it’s not finished, and because i know there’s spin-offs/sequels to come to bring even more layers of the story all together, but honestly that fic is so fucking special to me and i have so much love for all the characters and their relationships in it that it being the favorite just fits<3
no pressure taaaags: @messerflower, @residentrookie, @regscupid, @pretentiouswreckingball mwah<3
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Mutuals appreciation post because I love them very much;
Okay, I don’t know about other bloggers but like I talk to my mutuals almost everyday, whether it is through sending them random TikTok’s, or through telling them head-cannons about our favourite character or just simply checking up on our crippling mental healths. And recently I’ve expanded from talking to only like two mutuals of mine (yes, I’m looking at you; @bussyslayer333 and @roostersrooster ).
but the newly found mutuals of mine who don’t know, every month or so, I do this mutual appreciation post because I just love you guys to the moon and back. So first up;
@blue-aconite, Fe, baby I ABSOLUTLY adore you, your fics make me so happy and let me drown has me knee deep in its plot. I love you so so much for being there and supporting me. If it weren’t you, I was going to abandon Antidores and Poisons but you encouraged me to keep going and I love you so much for that<33
@birdy-bat-writes, Riya, my lovely 2nd wife, I don’t know how to even begin describing how much happiness you bring me. Your love and excitement that you bring to our dms is absolutely phenomenal. I love writing with you so so much and nothing could ever beat the feeling of posting “Tu maan meri jaan” with you and many more to come!!!
@whoreforseresin Sofi, my darling sofi, I am running out of words, and that’s kinda bad cause I’m meant to be a writer but hey ho! You are just so PERFECT and your writing make me cry because I’m lonely and touch starved but it’s so cute. Thank you for everything, you literally were the person who I finished “Oh, sweetheart” for and it’s the best smut I’ve ever written. So I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU SO SO MUCH, BESITOS.
Last but not least, my besties, my wives, my lifelines that have been there since I started writing; @roostersrooster and @bussyslayer333 you two are, will you believe me if I said I’m tearing up?? Like I’m sorry but like you guys pulled me out of a really bad time and I love you for that. You talked me into things and I’ve shared many great nights talking about the top gun cast and just basically anything with both of you. I love you to the next galaxy and forever because nothing could ever compare to the feeling you guys give me when you post of text me. I LOVE YOUUU *SMOOCHES* <33333❤️❤️
And then some honourable mentions go to; @arson-tm, @startrekfangirl2233 @roosterbruiser @dhwanishah09 and @rooster-84 there is so much I wanna say to you guys but I’m running out of English words so just know I love you all the same IF NOT MORE AND THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR BEING SUCH AN AMAZING PERSON TO ME and idk what else to say so goodbye I LOVE YOUU 💕💕💕
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
hey girlllll
okay first- the chap was SO GOODDDDD and i’m so excited for your nct reactions and texts!
also your tattoo with your mom is so cute 🥰🥰 and the designs for your seventeen ones are adorable so i’m sure your nct dream ones will be super cute as well <333
i want to get a tattoo but let’s be so fr i’m so scared of needles 💀 kao (bf) has a bunch of tattoos and they’re so cute but i personally would never - your so brave for thiss
also mother in law apologized thankfully so so more problems there :)
my life has been pretty boring tbhhh i’m living with kao rn but he’s pretty busy with his med school things rn so i barely see him 😢
i really need friends 😭
BUT ITS NOT LIKE I DONT HAVE FRIENDS my two ride or dies (yes we are a trio but we’ve known eachother since 2nd grade and there has been 1 argument that lasted 30 mins 💀) are literally so far away 🥲 missing them 24/7 but we have our weekly group facetime soon so 😋🤞
ugh life has been so boring recently fr i need a hobby asap
i feel like i’ve lost all my interests because i’m high school i would lterally do math for fun and that’s the last thing i need to do rn 😭 like sure i did. volleyball but where in nyc am i going to okay volleyball like be so fr rnnn
i have an obsession with these emojis i find them so funny
also my niece/cousin idk but she’s so like… IDKKK- she’s middle school high school age but i feel like i’m just on a whole different planet bc she’s so into everything like i need to keep up frrr
make sure to drink lots of water and eat lots of good foodss- i love youuu 😜💓💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️
also congrats on your blog growth! you deserve it fr
I got a bunch of nct random texts that I'm gonna post soon 🤪 but I gotta make some enhypen ones too cause my master list is lookin a little biased 😅
ahh thank you! i gotta hurry and get more kpop tattoos because my mom has more than me (she has two bts tattoos and wants a txt one)
i was terrified of needles but i had to get a bunch of blood work done when i was younger, so i’m a pro now 😤😤
if my partner had and tattoos i would color them in with markers if they had black and white ones
life’s been pretty boring for me too that’s actually why i made this account cause i used to have a tumblr way back and post on it but it became too hectic with my schedule…so i deleted it. but now i’m not really doing anything i love how hectic i post!! it gives me something to do and look forward to
i’m also in a friend group of 3 💀 but mine is kinda rocky because the other two always fight and im in the middle sometimes… but i love both of them and one of them might read this 🤪🤪
i still have lunch with them every other day in school but one of them is going to a different school and im gonna make sure we don’t drift apart 😤😤
most of my hobbies involve technology lol…
i like to make random webpages and of course video games, mostly sims or acnh.
But i love scrapbooking and i know a lot of people do it online now but nothing beats cutting up pictures and gluing it to a cute notebook or having a pen pal and decorating my letters
also photocard trading is fun and helps keep me busy
i’m glad the mil apologized because no one wants bad blood in a new marriage!!
i love using emoji’s because i don’t wanna sound boring when i’m writing and i can only use “T^T” so much
SAME! my cousin is younger than me and she makes me feel so old even tho i’m young! but she talks about tiktokers and celebrities i have no clue who they are nd half of the words she says, i’m like what?
tysm!! i’m surprised on how well my blog is doing, I love how many people have reach out to talk to me! It means a lot 😩❣️
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don’t skip a meal!! 🥰🫶
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to-anyas · 1 year
this is gonna be another long one
hello.. this is taking me forever to finally write you again after my drunk text last year.. i keep thinking about the right time to read your messages and catch up on you.. but i couldn't muster up the courage. i missed every right moment-slash excuse-to reach out to you, new years day, valentines day, dreams day, and i think i didn't even message you on eid? aduh gimana ya nyas.. this might sound like a total bullshit but there's not a single day where i didn't think about you. pls jgn muntah tp ini bnrn hhhh.. bahkan sampe sekarang i still dream about you. i know this is my fault, gw jg gatau kenapa i pulled myself from you, despite me feeling guilty for being a helpless friend for you, i feel like i just did that because i'm a shitty person. kalo ngomongin yang dulu2, gw bener2 kangen bgt sm lu nyas. to say it, i was longing for you. kayak, things between us could have been the same kalo gw gak gengsi ngechat lu, takut ngechat lu, atau yaa just ngobrol kayak biasa. tapi i can't get away from the guilt. sampe sekarang pun, gw belom bisa baca imess lu dari lu ngucapin gw ultah hhh. perhaps my regrets are; not being there by your side. not being there to witness you thrive. kayak.. wow. i think we missed out a lot on each others' important events in life. from graduating, getting a job, living in jambi, seeing dreamies, and all the ones i only got to see from your tweets or instagram. i know it's still the same, but i hope it's not getting worse. everyday i pray that you're doing well. the fact that you made it until now, is a concrete example of why you are strong. maybe strong is an understatement. or maybe you don't think of yourself as like that at all. tapi i just want to appreciate you for making it till this day. you're tough. even when you think you aren't. i don't know if you're happy to live up to this day tapii. i'm happy. i'm always so happy for your existence. i'm happy to see you grow. i'm happy to know you. i'm happy you were there for me. i'm happy i met you in this life. i just cherish whatever bond we have right now, or had. i want to start things again with youuu, if we could. maybe it'd feel weird idk.... but i hope we'd start talking again. hhh. i wanted to talk abt singles inferno with you, i wanted to talk about how our days went, our unfortunate events, and all. I want to send you memes, relatable and funny tiktoks, kpop tweets?! just random stuffs. i think my feelings for you is stronger than any of my friendships i have. you have such a big impact in my life.. so thank you for existing. happy birthday. i love you and miss you lots nyas. i only wish you happiness. i hope you achieve your dreamsssss and only good things await for you. <3
yaAllah. pas gw baca lg lesbi bgt ya kedengerannya......SORRY...... tapi i just have this emotional attachment towards you HHH :" semoga lu gak muntah ya bacanya. i meant everything i said T_T
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choihaiyun · 3 years
hello!! hope you’re having an okay day! could i kindly ask for a ship request for enhypen, stray kidz, and txt please? thank youuu 🥺
well i’m now 19 years old, i think i’m 5’2 or 5’3 im not so sure anymore and im an infp!! i wouldn’t necessarily call it a hobby but i like singing a lot and i tend to have random cover sessions every now and thenn, i used to play the ukulele but slowly grew less fond of it bc idk whyy zzz i really like food and i tend to watch a lot of mukbangs or cooking videos on tiktok (which i eventually try because i want to taste what i see) and i may not be an expert in the kitchen, its somewhat decent! uhh my approach in life would be live for myself and do everything i do with my whole heart on it? like dont do anything half-assed just bc you want it done or whatever i guess anddd that i should appreciate and embrace my bad days because i wouldnt be loving my good days. i know my mbti says im introverted and i’d like to think that i am but when i am comfortable with a person, i tend to step out of my comfort zone and become more talkative i guess?? honestly speaking, when it comes to first impressions, i really try to make a good one so im nervous and an overthinker bc i really wanna leave a good impression and im a people’s pleaser sooo 🥴
okay so as transparent as i can be, i dream more than i put it into action. i always tell myself that i’ll do better tomorrow but it’s always harder for me to put it to life? but to be frank, i am also really impulsive so if i think of an action that is careless and could either harm me in the future, i’d immediately do it without hesitation(?) i guess i find it hard to commit to what could benefit me in the long run because im so used to taking the easy way out that i seem to give up easily(?) andddd my type... honestly i dont have one? as long as you’re a decent human being with strong values (that are at least the same as mine) i think you and i will get along great. i identify myself as bisexual and im a female, i do want to get married someday but the idea of tying the knot still kind of scares me bc i dont have much commitment issues (other than improving myself bc thats gonna take a lot of time and effort) i easily get attached to people but the thought of getting attached but slowly losing the person you grew attached to is what scares me,,, soooo yea
to start off i love sushi and mint choco ice cream aaaa like they bring so much joy to my life anddd i really enjoy chocolate milk oh and cheese!! i loveeee cheese hehe 🤩 i love dogs (and cats but im kinda scared of them) and ive always wanted a dog as a pet but my mom is TERRIFIED of them so when i got to visit dog cafes just to cry with the dogs bc i wanted one so bad was a ✨great✨ experience. i used to dislike my curly hair but after having it rebonded for 3-4 consecutive years, i finally learned to love my curls bc i am pretty just the way i am and no one can tell me otherwise 🥰 i dislike rude people like REALLY REALLY rude people like i dont get it how someone can be raised with no manners like its my BIGGEST PET PEEVE especially when it comes to people who treat servers/waiters/cashiers poorly like??? they’re doing their job and their job isnt tolerating your awful personality!!! such a turn off i swear 🤢 uhh the first thing i would notice in a person is their body language and how they talk about themselves? idk its just that i can feel it if the person genuinely wants to get to know me or they’re just there for the sake of it i guess, ive always read people and observed them before fulling getting to know them so their body language kinda speaks loudly sometimes??? idk if that made sense but yea hdidbdidj lastlyy idk how to answer that but i guess people would describe me as someone who is ill tempered (i only show that side to people REALLY REALLY close to me) and i may somewhat come off as bitchy or demanding but i do it with good intentions (solely bc only those who really know me know how much of a crybaby i am and that i literally cry over every single thing...) i used to be a bad listener but lately i guess i listen to others more and somehow it helps me get to understand things in another perspective? so before i get overly emotional over a dilemma, i think about the other person or other people involved and try to understand where they’re coming from and try to understand why they’re acting the way they are anddd yea, that’s me?? i guess aaa hope it helped and hope you didnt get a headache while reading this, i hope you’ll get enough rest and stay safe and hydrated!! -🌞
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HIIII, well so from Enhypen I ship you with Jake!
I think your differences in personalities would blend so greatly and he would be able to bring out the best in you. He’s quite dominant as a person and is good at being ”pushy”, which I think would suit you. He could be able to help you when you’re shy and he drinks his respect people juice every day SO HE WOULD NEVER JUDGE YOU.
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From Stray Kids I pair you with Hyunjin. I think the similarities would fit you two and he’s very good at understanding people so he would definitely try his best to meet your standards. And while he can seem all cuddly and cute bleugh blah, he’s dominant and can lead the way if needed. Although he isn’t one to want to lead a whole group he can if needed, he doesn’t have a problem with that AND I THINK THAT’S WHAT YOU MIGHT NEED. Someone who’s not afraid to be themselves regardless of where or who they are with.
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From TXT I pair you with Taehyun! Okay I just gotta say, TXT is the most polite group I’ve ever seen. Have you seen To Do, for example? They never hesitate to clean up after themselves and- WELL YOU GET WHAT I MEAN. ANYWAYS, Taehyun is good at mostly everything. To me he doesn’t seem like the type to get attached easily but I believe if he finds the right one he would do anything to keep the love alive. I think his cold demeanour could be rubbed away by you and you’d be like a power couple (sounds cheesy but yeah) who bicker-fight and compete a lot (you can’t tell me Taehyun isn’t competitive, ight?).
Thanks for requesting!
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maxyrussell · 3 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 💖
thank youuu :3 
1. This is my fave playlist on spotify atm (found it on tiktok)
2. I wanted to be a police when I was a kid 
3. I was screaming today when Finland’s pair in nordic combined got third place  
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