#the bisexual lighting of this part of the mv...
gayloringinplainsight · 2 months
"Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn't a straight white cisgender male," she tells Vogue, when asked about why she chose to, all of a sudden, stand up for LGBTQ+ rights. "I didn't realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I'm not a part of."
Source: https://www.out.com/news/2019/8/08/taylor-swift-says-shes-straight-despite-all-bisexual-rumors#toggle-gdpr
I was waiting for this to come through my inbox lol. (There was more then one ask about this but I'm only responding to the first.)
There's lots to unpack here but the first and foremost thing is: She doesn't actually say here, "I'm straight." It was a perfect opportunity. It was the ideal conversation. She punted. Why?
Why did she instead give this vague, circuitous, carefully couched answer?
She calls out communities encompassing sexuality, race, and gender, followed by saying, "a community that I'm not a part of." There are lots of communities that she could have been referring to, but she crafted the sentence in such a way that makes it unclear which one. She could have been talking about the trans community. She could have been talking about the poc community. She could have been talking about the ace community. She could have been talking about the gay male community. There are lots of possibilities. In this carefully worded sentence, she deliberately avoided naming the specific community she's talking about.
Another thing to consider is that many, many closeted people don't consider themselves part of the queer community. They don't feel like they belong because they're not out and proud. And even once people come out, it often still takes time before they feel like they're part of the queer community. That was certainly my personal experience. Cara Delevingne said something similar in her Hulu show when discussing her own coming out.
Let's move on. The link anon provided isn't the source. It's an article quoting the source. The actual source is the 2019 Vogue cover article. And the full article is important because there are lots of interesting things that give context to this quote.
First, there's a great deal of conversation about gay stuff and lgbtq+ rights. And the writer makes a point of saying about this subject matter that Taylor seems to enjoy that part of the conversation "as much as she’d enjoy a root canal." Wouldn't a straight ally be eager to discuss this? They would. And a closeted queer person would be uncomfortable and panicking at the thought of having to talk so blatantly about this subject. The writer also makes a point of saying that once the conversation changes to music, Taylor lights up and her demeanor and speech patterns relax dramatically.
The other important context that the Vogue article discusses is Taylor's very long history of supporting lgbtq+ rights. Everything from the Mean mv of a gay boy being bullied to the "boys and boys and girls and girls" line in WTNY to donations to lgbtq+ organizations to giving out queer awards to queer people to dedicating Dress to Loie Fuller, an openly gay artist. There are plenty of other examples of Taylor advocating for the queer community that aren't mentioned. All the way back in 2008 she participated in the LOGO queer anti-bullying PSA. In 2009 she was in Seventeen magazine taking a stand against the slaying of a teenager for being gay.
Why is this important? Because it proves that Taylor is lying in the quote in question. "I didn't realize until recently that I could advocate…" girl yes you did. You've been advocating for years and years at this point. She's lying. She's lying. She's covering herself up. She's hiding in the closet and hoping desperately that no one notices.
And this isn't the first time she's done this either. During the 1989 press tour she gave an interview where she was asked about the "And you can want who you want / Boys and boys and girls and girls" line. As the interviewer is starting to speak about this, a look of pure panic immediately takes over Taylor's face:
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And then she starts stumbling around trying to give a coherent answer. At one point she stutters out, "And also I wrote this song, um, I wrote this song, kind of, kind of following, the, uh, when gay marriage became legal in New York." This interview was in October 2014. Gay marriage had been legal in New York since June 2011. Sooo three years later is "kind of following." Right. Sure, Taylor. Nice closeting. You really nailed it.
Okay let's review. She doesn't actually say she's straight even though this was a perfect opportunity to do so. She doesn't name the actual community she's talking about, giving herself cover if she ever comes out. She's closeted and probably doesn't think she's part of the queer community anyways. She full-on lies about not knowing she can advocate for others. And the writer states Taylor seems deeply uncomfortable talking about lgbtq+ things even though the context of the article was that blondie wanted to make it clear how much of an ally she is.
None of this remotely adds up to hetero. And none of this comes even close to Taylor saying that she's straight.
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shadowetienne · 3 months
Alright, I've been compiling my thoughts about the most recent OnlyOneOf comeback, "dOpamine" from the album Things I Can't Say LOve for a few days now, since it came out 2024/01/10 (it was still the 9th my time, but still). I've got pages of notes, and I'm getting ready to start (the essay will be a different post).
I wanted to start though with some fun observations about "dOpamine" as an MV and how it's doing so far in the grand scheme of things.
Upcoming Posts: thoughts on the MV/album description, individual song posts, breakdown of themes in the album and how it connects to narrative of queer love/desire/acceptance
(Even if this isn't the essay yet, it did get long, so putting it behind a cut for the sake of the tag.)
"dOpamine" is effectively a performance video with some drama shots, and this is something that has been peppered through OnlyOneOf's MVs from the start, with "time leap" which "dOpamine" definitely visually calls back to. Other examples include "chrOme arts/hearts" (discussed further below), "zurui onna," "suit dance," and to some extent "gaslighting" and "dOra maar" (which never got an MV but has a dance/performance). I know that I was hoping for a story driven MV, and I still have some hope that we might get a second MV for this mini album that might give us that, but I've also accepted that this is a performance MV.
[Warning for flashing lights in "chrOme arts" if you've not already watched it]
Of their recent MVs this probably aligns the most with "chrOme arts" in terms of what the MV is doing. It's set in a relatively empty warehouse, there's queer lighting, it's dance focused. Unlike with "chrOme arts" where there's a few distinctive moments of touch in the dance and MV, in "dOpamine" they entirely are dancing independently. This is intriguing especially in context of the initial video teaser to "things I can't say lOve" that has several of the members touching Yoojung in a very queer desire sort of way.
Where "chrOme arts" has bisexual mood lighting, "dOpamine" has it's laser light show during parts of the dancing that is in the colors of the MLM/gay flag:
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(You can see more on stripe meanings here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:New_Gay_Pride_Flag.svg)
This jumped out at me on very first watch, and I know that I mentioned it at the time, but I found it really striking. For all that we have that bare warehouse vibes, and no touching in the MV. With the lighting and the dancing and the lyrics and the album description, it's still a very queer MV.
I do love that this MV has some really strong parallels to "time leap" in terms of presentation and setting because it's interesting to see that feeling almost of going back to the start but knowing more, being more prepared now. This is something that has been talked about a bunch in their songs and narratives, so I'm really interested to see if it will tie in to more of what they do in the upcoming weeks and months. Especially since they have talked about having had a long arc of work planned out from debut (which yes we know did get a little derailed/changed after libidO era, but did include libidO), and I wonder if this feeling of looping back to "time leap" with the narrative of queerness and then moving forward through that is something that was planned long ago. I have a lot of connections back to previous songs and MVs that I noticed as I was doing my more in depth examination of the album, so I'm having some feelings about this connection. Also, give "time leap" a little bit of love:
Something that is exciting for me with respect to how this song and MV are performing is that "dOpamine" is drawing far more attention than any of their previous performance style MVs have. It's at over 1M views on YouTube after only 4 days, and while I don't have strong feelings about YouTube views in the grand scheme of things, it's interesting in the context that a lot of the performance MVs have never broken 1M no matter how good/loved the song is among lyOn. I think that it's really telling how much undergrOund idOl and their tour and just the past few years have grown their fandom and name recognition that a performance MV without their incredible storytelling is doing this well for them.
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larryisinlove · 2 years
LATE NIGHT TALKING MV - Análisis (Español)
Este post es en colaboración con el blog @homet91​.
Aclaración inicial:
El análisis a continuación está compuesto por opiniones y pensamientos de quienes lo escribieron. Ninguna de las dos tiene la verdad absoluta, solo Harry conoce el trasfondo del video, como de la canción. Estamos totalmente abiertas a que nos expresen sus opiniones o puntos de vista por medio de ask si así lo desean.
El día 13 de Julio, Harry estrenó el segundo video musical de su tercer álbum “Late Night Talking”. Al verlo por primera vez, podemos llegar a quedar asombrados por la cantidad de cosas que suceden en los pocos minutos de duración. 
A continuación intentaremos poner en conjunto todo aquello a lo que logramos darle un significado, además de intentar explicar lo que podría ser la historia que Harry nos está intentando contar, más específicamente, SU historia.
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Los primeros 3 segundos de video son enfocados en los ronquidos de Harry, a primera vista podría parecer algo insignificante. La realidad es que en reiteradas ocasiones vimos que se hacía mención a que éste roncaba por las noches.
Sabemos que Harry comparte cama con Louis desde que son pareja, durante todo el tiempo de One Direction y hasta la fecha, pues en muchas de sus canciones hablan de esto, y es aquí cuando se encuentra la primer referencia:
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Podemos notar cómo en ambas fotos, las cuales tienen años de diferencia, el sitio en donde Harry se encuentra acostado sigue siendo el mismo.
Ahora bien, volviendo a los ronquidos, a lo largo del tiempo nos fuimos enterando que uno de los “malos hábitos” de Harry era roncar y como lo vemos en el tweet de  Louis:
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Menciona a un room mate, el cual todos sabemos que es Harry.
También tenemos un fragmento de una entrevista, Harry no asistió ese día pero la respuesta de los chicos con respecto a quién es el miembro de la banda que más ronca fue él: link a la entrevista.
Por último un artículo donde en una entrevista él habla sobre este hábito que tiene, el cual a la fecha sigue constante: link al artículo.
Lo siguiente que observamos es, por unos segundos, el título de la canción. Posteriormente el video da inicio y vemos a Harry despertando e inmediatamente buscando a una persona a su lado, lo cual nos da a entender que está tan acostumbrado a dormir con alguien que aun cuando “sólo han pasado un par de días” (“It's only been a couple of days”), como justo lo menciona esa parte de la canción, lo sigue buscando todas las mañanas al despertar, aun cuando probablemente se durmió sabiendo que esta persona no estaba.
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Un dato que podemos mencionar, es que dicha escena puede recordarnos a la primera frase de la canción de Louis “Walls”, en ella dice “Nothing wakes you up like waking up alone“ que se traduce a “Nada te despierta como despertar solo”.
Llegado el segundo 0:45, vemos a Harry en una cama como en muchas escenas posteriores rodeado por mujeres y un hombre, esto es similar a dos videos anteriores “Watermelon Sugar” y “Lights Up”. 
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Aunque para muchos, y siendo esta una opinión frecuente en el fandom, pueden llegar a pensar que el video hace referencia a que Harry es o podría ser bisexual, la realidad es que ese pensamiento está alejado a lo que nos está queriendo contar. Principalmente porque ya muchos sabemos que Harry es un hombre gay, y si tienen dudas o quieren conocer los motivos, les dejo este post X.
Otra cosa a resaltar es que, el hombre mencionado anteriormente, mientras las mujeres se muestran alegres y disfrutando, él está apartado de los demás.
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La escena que comienza en el momento 1:16, tiene muchos elementos en pocos segundos.
Nos encontramos con 3 personajes principales en el centro de la habitación: 2 hombres que están de espaldas, siendo Harry uno de ellos, y en medio hay una mujer que parece despreocupada leyendo el periódico. Si bien el otro chico también se ve concentrado en una lectura, no nos muestran toda su perspectiva.
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Mientras se despierta, al comenzar la escena, se pueden observar las miradas expectantes y juzgadoras de las personas que se encuentran dentro del cuarto a su alrededor, todos lo ven, esperando su reacción, lo que hará ante la situación. Podemos entenderlo como algo que conlleva ser una figura pública, el sentirse como pieza de exhibición, teniendo a millones de personas observando sus movimientos y juzgando, llegando a olvidar que también son personas.
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Esto es muy importante porque se ha estado mencionando el escenario que vemos en esa parte, como referencia o inspiración de la obra “My Bed” de la artista inglesa Tracey Emin, la cual tuvo su exhibición en Londres, a la que Harry asistió en 2019.
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La obra en concreto habla de la artista y su época depresiva, “esa cama es un sudario de la Pasión contemporánea, una sábana Santa del cuerpo de una mujer que es acosada y acusada por los medios y la crítica de obsesa sexual, exhibicionismo emocional y chamarilera de sus traumas juveniles. Esa cama y lo que uno no ve en ella es un puñetazo al patriarcado”
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Al ser este escenario recreación de dicha obra, podemos observar similitudes, como lo es la basura a un lado “hace referencia al verdadero protagonista de la instalación”, en este podemos observar que se repite el periódico acumulado, sin embargo, un detalle que resalta, recae en que en el video de Harry se puede reconocer el famoso medio “The Sun”.
Este es un periódico en formato tabloide publicado en el Reino Unido e Irlanda, conocido dentro del fandom por toda la polémica que ha traído, desde títulos amarillistas, hasta “premisas” planeadas.
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Cuando llegamos al minuto 1:32, tenemos una de las escenas que más revuelo logró causar y de la que más se habla.
En ella podemos ver como Harry aparece frente a un plato de pasta con albóndigas, se lo nota muy emocionado, y cuando el plano se aleja, aparece acompañado de un hombre, parece que tienen una cita o están cenando juntos. Pero, analicemos mejor todo lo que ocurre en estos segundos.
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Primero hay que resaltar que, si bien no es la primera vez que vemos a hombres en un video junto a Harry, si es la primera vez que aparece de forma un poco más íntima o con otra connotación que ser solo un extra más.
Otra cosa que puede resultar sólo una coincidencia, aunque sabemos que las coincidencias no existen, es que, como marcamos al principio, la escena comienza en el minuto 1:32, número que conocemos perfectamente. 
Harry en su canción “She” dice “Around 1:32″, alrededor de la 1:32, y si nos ponemos a ver varios videos de One Direction, notamos que quien sale exactamente en dichos minutos es Louis.
Si nos centramos en la persona junto a Harry, vemos que su ropa es celeste, en un tono bastante familiar…
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En los detalles de esta ropa vemos el 77 en las mangas de ambos brazos, lo siguiente puede sonar irreal, pero no perdemos nada al mencionarlo. Al buscar el significado del número 77 nos encontramos con este fragmento: 
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Y si recordamos bien, llegamos a este tweet:
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Otro tweet de Louis:
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Ahora hay que remontarnos al 24 de Diciembre del 2012, cuando Harry pone este tweet:
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Es una icónica escena de la película de Disney “La Dama y El Vagabundo”. En ella los dos perros, que estaban enamorados, se encuentran para cenar pasta con albóndigas. 
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Como último en este punto, tenemos algo que sucedió recientemente en la gira de Louis, específicamente en Uruguay. El personal del hotel en el que éste se hospedó hizo mención de que, uno de los requerimientos del artista, era tener como comida pasta con salsa. 
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Link al artículo.
En el cambio de escena, notamos un suceso que llama mucho la atención, en donde Harry, con unas cuantas tomas, nos expresa una parte de su vida que lo marca día a día.
La toma se presenta con una mujer y un hombre en la cama, a la expectativa de todos, observándolo y viendo que es lo que él hará. Lo vemos confundido al encontrarse en esta situación.
En cuanto los reflectores son encendidos, oímos exclamaciones de sorpresa y asombro de todos los que los rodean. Esto podríamos interpretarlo como la parte pública que vemos de él, la que nos muestran frente a los medios y el mundo, y que sabemos que viene desde que él tiene 16. Él Harry heterosexual que sale con mujeres, y que cada cierto tiempo conocemos una nueva conquista, algunas de ellas mucho mayores de edad. 
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Entonces, tenemos la “cita privada” y la “cita pública”. En donde la primera es reservada, solo ellos dos, algo íntimo y especial, las luces son oscuras y las fotos que aparecen como que fueron tomadas son solo de la comida, porque por obvias razones no pueden salir juntos. Harry se ve feliz, es él mismo fuera de cámaras y fuera de los medios. 
En la segunda, vemos reflectores, gente viéndolos, cámaras que los capturan. Vemos que entre ellos no hay cercanía, no hay contacto como pudimos notar en la otra cita, como si entre estas dos personas la relación fuera FALSA. Y ¿no es curioso que en la cita con la mujer las fotos sean de ellos dos juntos? 
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Otra cosa a mencionar es Harry cantando la canción, en ambas citas se menciona la frase “I just want to make you happier baby” (“Solo quiero hacerte más feliz bebé”). 
Cita privada: Harry le canta al chico junto a él. Minuto 1:37
Cita pública: Harry canta mirando a la cámara, a la audiencia. Minuto 1:46
Nada es coincidencia, y Harry es realmente inteligente.
Llegamos al minuto 1:52, vemos a Harry con su pijama (al igual que en el resto del video), sobre una cama andando por las calles de UK, de donde sabemos, es su hogar. Esta escena podría tener relación a su casa, a su lugar en donde creció y se formó, en donde conoció también al amor de su vida. HOME.
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Otro aspecto que queremos resaltar, aunque aparece solo un segundo en el 2:14, es en relación a Harry y el hábito de ser “Little Spoon”. Por si desconocen este término, vamos a explicarlo brevemente:
Cuando dos personas se acurrucan en la cama, la persona que sostiene a la otra por detrás se llama “big spoon”'. La persona que está siendo abrazada por detrás es “little spoon”.
Harry tiene este rol probablemente desde siempre, pues en distintas ocasiones lo ha mencionado, como lo fue en esta ocasión hablando una fan, hasta en la entrevista donde es preguntado directamente, y él responde “little spoon”. 
Podemos notar que dicho rol lo mantiene hasta la fecha, pues en las fotos donde él sale con distintas mujeres siempre es la cuchara pequeña, aun cuando por estereotipo se considere que el hombre debe ser la cuchara grande, el mantiene su lugar como lo ha hecho con su pareja Louis todo este tiempo.
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El video sigue avanzando, y llega una escena que también causó revuelo, en donde vemos a Harry siendo el que está uniendo en matrimonio a una pareja de dos mujeres.
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Sobre este fragmento podemos resaltar dos cosas:
Podríamos tomar esta escena como una clara referencia al stunt por el que está pasando Harry actualmente, con Olivia Wilde. Todos sabemos que uno de los primeros momentos en donde nos los mostraron juntos fue durante una boda. 
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En el video, cuando está finalizando, podemos observar como una gran tormenta se levanta, provocando un tornado que arrastra a Harry con él, dejando solas a las dos mujeres. Podemos unirlo con lo anterior, ya que desde la boda en donde vimos por primera vez a Harry y Olivia de una forma más cercana, las cosas no dejaron de ir de mal en peor, llegando a convertir el stunt en uno de los más ridículos y peor planeados hasta el momento.
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La otra cosa que podríamos resaltar, solo algo a mencionar, es la pareja que Harry está uniendo, y la similitud que tienen en lo físico con la pareja que vimos en el video de “Just Hold On” de Louis.
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Hablemos ahora de un tema que puede pasar desapercibido, pero que realmente puede tener un análisis interesante. Para esta parte, queremos darle créditos a una amiga de twitter @/Ssweetcaaandy , que formó parte de generar bien el concepto y la idea.
A lo largo del video, y como mencionamos en distintos párrafos, es más que claro que Harry nos está contando sobre el closeting que sufre, pero no solo eso, sino cómo es su imagen frente a los medios y la contraposición a cuando está lejos de la mirada pública. 
Uno podría creer que ciertas cosas están ahí porque sí, porque aparecieron por arte de magia o por pura coincidencia. Pero, sabemos que tanto Harry como Louis, no son de hacer cosas solo porque sí, y que a lo largo de sus canciones y de sus videos musicales, nos dejan pedazos de su historia, de quienes son, nos envían mensajes, y solo es cuestión de estar abiertos a verlos.
Durante todo el video, notamos que Harry es la única persona que usa calcetines, y lo curioso de esto son los colores y los momentos en los que aparecen.
Por un lado tenemos el color celeste. Los lleva en las primeras escenas, cuando recién se despierta. Luego de eso, desde el momento en que lo vemos aparecer sobre la cama rodeado de gente, el color cambia por rojo, manteniéndose así durante todo el resto del video, volviéndo a cambiar en los créditos (aunque no tiene importancia el último cambio).
Parece solo una prenda, pero podemos darle un significado si lo pensamos.
El color celeste por su asociación con el cielo, el azul, especialmente el azul celeste, es percibido también como símbolo de serenidad, calma, paz, orden, amplitud, confianza, honestidad y fidelidad. Y si volvemos a los momentos en donde utiliza este color de calcetín, notamos que es cuando todavía está tranquilo, en su cama, la calma antes de la tormenta. 
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Ahora, el color rojo tiene significados asociados con sombras de peligro, violencia, ira, malicia, drama, en su mayoría connotación caótica. Esto tiene relación con los momentos que siguen en el video, en donde Harry usa este color de calcetines. Cuando nos va dejando en claro escena tras escena, lo caótico que es su vida, y tener que ser alguien que no es, no poder estar frente al público con la persona que ama, que tenga que mantener una imagen que le impusieron desde su inicio en la industria.
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Inclusive se puede ver que sus uñas están pintadas de forma alternada con estos dos colores.
El único momento en donde lo vemos usar zapatos, es en la escena de la habitación blanca, cuando es observado por mucha gente a su alrededor.
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Y si lo pensamos, no es la primera vez que Harry usa el rojo y el celeste/azul para representar dos personas. Pudimos verlo en su anterior video, “As It Was”, en donde él era el color rojo y quien lo acompañaba el color azul.
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No queremos dejar de mencionar otras opiniones que leímos con respecto al video y que son totalmente válidas o posibles ya que, como mencionamos al inicio, nadie tiene la verdad absoluta, solo Harry.
Una teoría que engloba el concepto de todo el video, y que sería la justificación a porqué Harry usa pijama y lo vemos en diferentes camas, sumado al momento en que lo vemos atravesar una de ellas para arrastrarse entre un túnel de sábanas, es que todo es un sueño, Harry esta soñando. 
No solo está soñando, está teniendo una pesadilla, porque la persona con la que suele dormir al lado no está allí. Los calcetines rojos significan el sueño pesadilla, los azules son la realidad, la calma.
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Muchas otras personas creen que el video en realidad va desde el final hacia el principio, en donde vemos a Harry deambulando en su sueño pesadilla, hasta que se despierta a causa de un espasmo mioclónico (cuando sientes que caes de la cama), y ahí busca a una persona a su lado la cual ya no se encuentra con él.
El verlo en diferentes lugares a través del video puede significar que debe de viajar mucho o pasar tiempo “separado” de alguien o el ser percibido de tantas maneras por otros pero ninguna de esas es quien es en verdad. 
Hay una dualidad entre el público y lo privado.
Como conclusión de este post, podemos decir que el significado de la canción cobra sentido después de ver el video. 
Late Night Talking, habla sobre lo que es importante para él y como podemos notar en varias escenas, sobre todo en ambas citas, que las noches las pasa con la persona que ama (“cita privada”), mientras que el día, es el tiempo en donde tiene que pasear de un lado a otro para ser fotografiado junto alguna mujer con quien quieran relacionarlo, expuesto a las miradas de todos (“cita pública”).
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elektroblues · 2 years
hello!! Idk if you've already done sth like this, but your three favorite DM songs (or anything between 3 and 10 :^)) and whhyy? 
HELLO!! <3 i'll do top three bc i love talking on here and i have such a hard time articulating how much these songs mean to me so i end up rambling but then i also hate talking so much ahah so
1. Stripped
- i mean this so sincerely but this is one of the best songs ever in any genre i literally never get tired of it. STORY TIME. i was 15 and my most most most fave band at the time was rammstein and on one of my trips to wikipedia i read that the only time till sang full english on a song was for a song called "stripped. then i found out it was a cover (but at this point i knew a few dm songs, didn't think much of them though), but i also could't listen to it then and there bc i was in class lol soooo i just looked up the lyrics and my jaw dropped. at that point i didn't care much abt my music taste but when i read mart's lyrics oughhbgbghg he's just like me fr. and i guess i gotta say it reminded me of "to you" by walt whitman (and i was in my walt whitman phase i fear) so that was a bonus. then on the jeepney ride home i got to listen to it and my jaw fucking dropped. the synths just blew me away!
for a while i just listened to the og and rammstein's cover back-to-back and didn't think to delve much into dm. then about a month after i turned 16, "more than this" by roxy music was my fave song (ALSO A RLLY GOOD SONG) and i found this yt playlist with it and 'stripped" and some other 80s songs. i used to binge those vids every night so that also started my love for 80s music ig. anyway i watched he mv for "stripped" and i went that one guy's kinda cute i guess 🧍‍♀️ AND THEN THE FUCKING. SYNTH PART WITH ALAN'S HUGEASS FACE BEHIND DAVE HAPPENED and i was like ah fuck. anyway that same month i saved my first picture of a dm member, which was alan, and then i hadn't been normal abt them since sjfmsbdjhdej so stripped is the song that started it all! :D
idk i just love it so much ☹ when i go a few months not going insane over dm then come back to this song and the video, i still get butterflies in my stomach it's sick (ok that's probably mostly bc of alan but still shbfjjdhd). but it's also so comforting. i think it's one of those songs where no matter how i'll grow i'll fall in love with it again and again. it's just this song just has so many nice memories attached to it <3 wouldn't know who i'd be if i hadn't heard it
2. The Sun and The Rainfall
- this one just make me really happy i never get tired of it too <3 i listen to it on repeat literally whenever i feel extreme happiness or sadness and no in between. idk idk it's just such a cute little song??#,=,#?' i have a soft spot for it esp since ppl (the very wrong ppl on dm reddit for example SMH) usually dismiss it and abf bc alan wasn't involved but like, it's a great testament to dm's early potential and charm and anyone who dislikes tsar is WRONG AND DOESNT KNOW WHAT LOVE IS. and im gonna be so basic for this but, "you're the one i like best, you retain my interest" is my fave dm lyric 🚶‍♀️ don't tell anyone except the ppl who happen to click read more on this HDNBDNJSKHDDJ
3. The Things You Said
- first time i heard this was also the first time i watched 101. i was sitting outside our house and when i heard the melody i cried PLSDNDBSMDBMDHSJD it was nothing like i've ever heard before fr synth music was making me Emotional those days (me when i lie, it still makes me cry lol) bc before dm i mostly liked listening to rock and whatnot. it rlly was just a nice night, me listening to dm by myself outside. pretty uneventful experiece but i still look back at it fondly. plus the 101 performance —mart's DIVINE vocals, alan on the synth and bg vocals making me insane, THE BISEXUAL LIGHTING— is just UGH. CHEF'S KISS.
i didn't proofread this so 😭😭 also p sure i cried to all of these at one point lmaooooo
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
I've become a fan of Ateez and recently started to watch Kingdom (super late...but at least I can binge most of the show this weekend). This is mostly because I'm such a fan of your blog and saw some of your old reviews! I really enjoy your perspective and thoughts on set design, costumes and the overall stage presence of idols. I used to build sets for my high school plays so I'm living vicariously through people like you lol! Anyway, there are some clear flaws with Kingdom that I saw you pointed out in your reviews. I think the way the show relies on fan-based ranking system is silly but I do appreciate seeing how groups really go for it and use up the space given to them. If you were given the role as producer for a similar style show that combines girl groups and boy groups who would be your dream cast? Any specific concepts/themes you'd love to see this "cast" tackle? Thanks again for offering such insightful commentary!!
omg anon this is so cute!! i can't believe there's a whole era of people who found me after kingdom now!!
honestly and unironically i'd probably bring back half the original kingdom cast. i really liked having btob sf9 and ateez on the show, they really stuck their landings and made really good stages even if they very rarely were rewarded for it. i also really like the queendom lineup, it's for the most part very strong. so there are some repeats here but i went for groups that are good allrounders with good creative directing. i also decided on six teams per, because even though this is supposed to be a co-ed show i couldn't whittle it down to less. but that's fine, this is a fake scenario anyways.
for the boys:
and for the girls:
brave girls
purple kiss
ok yes i know forestella is not an idol group but i do not care. we all saw their lazenca stage for immortal songs, look me dead in the eyes and tell me they would not absolutely wreck a kingdom type show. also yes hyolyn is the only soloist BUT i'm implementing a guest artist round and she's bringing in junsu to do a redux of coming of age ceremony, because you know who's a messy bisexual? me. is this team-up unfair to every other group? yes but i don't care. i'm also keeping the team round because i think that we deserve literally any combination of these people doing collab stages. i also think it would be fun to do some kind of challenge round where groups have to exchange one (1) member and do a stage. like wife swap but with more singing and dancing. other challenge rounds include: remake of a FIRST GEN ONLY song, one round that has to use alternative lighting effects/be partially in darkness, and one round where the get assigned a 'theme word' and a random object they have to incorporate in some way, decided by drawing out of a hat. i'm tired of mnet softballing challenges i'm going to give them limitations whether they like it or not.
i'm not super picky all in all what concepts come out of this but i have a few that i would like to see:
ace does a cyberpunk smash of vixx's error and toppdogg's topdog
oneus does greek myth mixer, preferably based on dionysus. i think ravn could pull it off. OR second option: guest spot is for dongmyeong and cast him as apollo opposite xion as artemis.
forestella does a stage based on fritz lang's m
btob does something water based. i think we deserve to see minhyuk wet. whether or not he's a mermaid is optional
purple kiss does a stage as 80s movie high schoolers who kill monsters à la stranger things. ireh gets a baseball bat with nails.
brave girls does a stage of after we ride. they can literally just recreate the mv for all i care, i'm just pissed there are NO stages of it. bonus points for a live band and double bonus points if the band is onewe
dreamcatcher does some crazy entirely mirrored choreography for the partial darkness stage. maybe it's marionette and/or shadow puppet themed
previously mentioned hyolyn and junsu stage. they could even do a different song if they wanted, i just need them to collab again.
ateez does the concert version of take me home. they don't even have to change anything if they don't want to.
wjsn steals the comic theme from that one skz stage and goes all the way with it.
ok i gotta stop now this is making me too wistful......mnet you should hire me as a producer
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sopefactory · 3 years
are we loving the maneskin mv cinematography!! i bet you have an expert take on it so i got curious af. and: i'm so glad they're pushing into the mainstream with that material ✊our bisexual powers have become exponential now
I've barely survived this music video 🥴 I'm still trying to collect all my parts because I just exploded on the spot 🤧
No but on a serious note, this has to be one of the hottest and most aesthetically pleasing videos ever 😔
Putting the rest under read more, because I went off hahahaha
First of all, I always love a good use of a fisheye lense, idk what it is about it but that just makes my heart tingle everytime someone uses it in their art. I think I love the way it distorts a human's face whilst still keeping it recognizable. Or maybe I love it because I know how close a person has to come to the camera to get the desired distortion effect. It's almost like a step into one's personal space, but because their faces are so distorted it doesn't feel intimitating. Love it, honestly I could shoot an entire movie in that style (which would probably look very stupid, but a girl can dream hahahah)
Then second of all BI-LIGHTING OMFG 🙌🏻 in this household we love the use of a good pink, purple and blue colour scheme. First of all because I think that colour combination is so pretty and second of all B I 😔 that's it that's my second point. 🙌🏻 Bisexuality 🙌🏻
And I really loved the use of light and colour in general. I love how they used bright, colourful lights for most of the video. When they were illuminated by green light in front of the red background for example or all the shots when they were glowing red in front of the skyblue background (which by the way, amazing use of warm/cold contrast, which was very popular in Symbolism so whoever is the little art history nerd in Maneskin I see you 👀).
But then they included the parts in front of the black background with a perfectly placed portrait light. It gives the viewer a short break of the excess of colour and gives the eyes a chance at focussing on the artist at hand. This is also supported by the black background. The human eye looks for the brightest spot on a painting/photograph or in this case video automatically and by using a black background and shining the light on the artist, the eye can't help but be drawn to them.
Now most of the "kinky scenes" were shot in said portrait light, which honestly makes me smile because Maneskin bascially makes the viewer look. They don't hide their kinky selves behind colourful lights and fast camera movements, no they shine lights on the act, they want the viewer to pay attention to it almost as if they want to say "yeah we're kinky what about it?" and I think that is a very beautiful mindset.
And here I am drifting off far too much afhdshfha lisTEN I love talking about stuff like that, you can't even imagine. You just opened my Pandora's box hahfhdsh.
I also really loved the low angled shots they did, when they were standing on the glass. Now, looking up at something or someone makes the human brain feel inferior and intimitated by said object. Little story time, but we had a whole class about how angles can change the emotional affect a depicted person or object can have on the person. Let's say one has to take a portrait of a person in power. Those portraits are shot from a slight low angle most of the times as to give the person a higher, powerful standing. When used well it can make the depicted person look powerful and trustworthy to the viewer, when used poorly it can make the depicted person look arrogant and contemptuous to the viewer.
I loved how Maneskin basically looked down at us the viewers (if not even stomped all over the viewer, which again kinky fjsjdjf). No but on a serious note. While they still looked down at the viewer it never felt arrogant. I found it to be very playful actually. Dressed in soft pastel pinks they danced and had fun, bending down to the viewer occassionally to let them know that they were very aware of their voyeristic presence. They told the viewer that "yeah we're here, we're the boss right now but you know that it's all in good fun, don't you?" and I think that is something beautiful lmaooo
Also to end it off, because I can feel my fingers tingling in the need to write a 500k words essay about the MV and still have to water my plants today jsjs, I also really loved the use of retro effects. What a terrible word sjjss, effects, but I think you know what I mean. I loved how they made some of their parts of the video (the colourful ones most of the time) look like they were shot with an older camera model. I love it when videographers do that because I am a sucker for the old look, both in videography and in photography.
And now to actually end it jfjsjdf, in conclusion I fcking loved the music video. I loved the use of light and colour as well as the cleverly placed moments where the viewer could take a breather. I loved how playful and flirty they were and that you as a viewer could really feel that they had fun whilst shooting. My favourite part was Ethan and Damiano making out and Victoria spitting on Ethan jsjsjs. Also especially loved Thomas being tied up and that whole body licking montage in the yellow/pink lighting.
10/10 video and I will now yell in bisexuality 💝💜💙
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fu-yao · 3 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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oneustual-moving · 3 years
ty parting halloween ver mv for bisexual lighting
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lesbianfreyja · 4 years
ok so as someone who digs harry styles big time i really didn't like the mv??? it felt like his management team had him release a mv where he just STARES at women's bodies for 4 minutes to kill the rumors abt him bein queer. like it felt very male gazey and not his brand at all to me! (comparison: in lights up, he's also surrounded by beautiful glittery naked people and he's PART OF THE GROUP, its not voyeuristic bc he's part of it, and having him as a voyuer to the women made it creepy 2 me)
same anon: i do really like harry tho, and i love the watermelon sugar SONG, but the mv was a big turn off for me. just my opinion tho! and i think for what it's worth it's certainly a very PRETTY mv
i’ve seen that criticism about it but i feel like he’s pretty in charge of his own stuff nowadays since he IS releasing vids like lights up, i guess i just feel that the criticism comes in part with feeling like bi people owe a specific ratio to “be lgbt” and that WS being nearly totally full of woman, in a song about eating p*ssy doesn’t make him...less lgbt. it just makes sense, whereas lights up was about ~being yourself~ so having more men in it made sense there too. but i’ll digress from there because i’m not bi so they should be the ones saying more on that
i get why it might feel creepy tho, it just didn’t to me & even felt kinda respectful. just like hotties on a beach eating fruit. i mean i get why you’d feel that way but personally the video radiated bi feminist vibes like the inherent bisexuality of respecting women and wanting to pleasure women
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problematic-camren · 6 years
Strangers MV
So I saw the vid last night. Only saw it once then I went back to reading (then watched it once again today). My initial reaction was I was underwhelmed. While I was watching it I keep on checking how many minutes I got left coz all I saw for the first half was them walking, then them punching, then a lot of Solis close up. I legit said to myself, “this is what I’ve been waiting for for a year?”
But I’m still thankful I got a video. That’s better than nothing. And it’s not a bad video.
It’s just that, I didn’t feel the emotions I felt about the song. The essence of the song didn’t translate to the MV.
What it did remind me of (as if I needed reminding) is that this MV is just a part of Halsey’s entire Luna/Solis story, and Rosa was just basically a prologue to that, a distant memory (which makes sense since Rosa is Rosaline). That’s what the MV did. Lauren was simply made an eye candy here. She’s not even a plot device, she’s just there like a punching bag.
And yeah so Halsey explained the MV, I saw some of her tweets. She said that this MV symbolizes a toxic relationship – that they fight until they resort to playing dirty and in the end they just hurt each other and nobody is a winner. She said the MV was to showcase a love that didn’t work out blah blah. An MV that also symbolizes bisexuality etc etc. oh and best of all, she said she didn’t want to sexualize the whole F/F relationship and make that as the unnecessary focus.
Here are my thoughts about what she said.
First of all, she doesn’t need to sexualize her relationship with Rosa, I wasn’t expecting them to scissor in front of the camera. I didn’t expect them to make out or grope each other. They claim Strangers is a gay//lesbian/bi or whatever anthem? And yet the video didn’t provide a context of that Luna/Rosa relationship! Since the beginning of the MV they keep panning to Solis’ face – if I wasn’t aware of the background of the song I would immediately think that the said context was with Solis!
I’m not complaining that they have Solis (like I said, he’s the main character, and it’s their story), but damn can you at least give Lauren the camera pan the first time to provide the Luna/Rosa context?
They should have put a little Luna/Rosa interaction before the fight. Like maybe when Luna was in bed, maybe do a flashback thing where Rosa was sharing her bed with her, then maybe them fighting then hugging then fighting then fade Rosa away before Luna walks out of the bed with her ass hanging out. THAT’S CONTEXT! At least then we’ll know ooohhhhh so they were ex lovers!!!!! There WAS a story after all!!
Showing us scenes of walking with your clan and then you and Lauren staring and singing to each other in the ring doesn’t mean anything. You’re in a boxing match, of course you’re gonna stare at each other. That’s not context. There’s no clue you were lovers.
I’ll be okay with it if solis was dominant in the second half, pan the camera to his face all you want. But the first half should have built the entire Rosa/Luna scene. That way, when Solis approached Luna in the end, we will know that even after a toxic relationship, someone could still pick up the pieces and be the perfect one for you.
A context should have made us feel the what ifs of a lost love or a potential love or even the angst of a toxic love, which this entire MV didn’t provide.
All this is is just a backdrop to Solis/Luna and call it what it is. Don’t say it’s Luna and Rosa’s story and how “toxic” their relationship is, and that you don’t want to sexualize an F/F bi story in an MV and yet you kept the ESSENTIAL focus of an M/F bi story within the music video that’s supposed to be about f/f (however toxic the story was supposed to be).
Again, I’m not against solis and the m/f arc, I know it’s part of the HFK universe. But I expected more from a self-proclaimed LGBT anthem. I’m fine with showing both female and male love, but at least put them in equal light.
No kiss needed, no sex needed, no over sexualized fantasy sequence needed. All I wanted was a damn context in the beginning – not them walking to the ring for half the MV.
(And to make things clear – I’m bi, so I’m not against Luna/Solis. I just wanted a video that should have been as powerful as the song – and the song was about two females singing about a toxic relationship and control whether it’s sexual or emotional – and I didn’t get that from the MV. That’s all I wanted. I don’t even want them to end up together. The solis Luna ending was fine and expected. But yeah.)
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prince-jin · 6 years
Can we please talk about how LY: Tear is super bisexual??
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Look at those colors 💜💖💙
And then the stage lighting???
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And even on the screen behind them
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Have you read the lyrics to Love Maze???
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As a bisexual myself, feeling like you have to chose is an awful feeling. You can follow your true path, or you can be influenced by others around you, and go down different paths, believing that you are something you aren't. When coming to terms with my bisexuality, I really felt like I was in a maze. I had different people who meant a lot to me swaying me different ways, and it wasn't until I started focusing on my path rather than what others wanted me to be that I really felt like I was out of the darkness.
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And this is pretty straight forward here. Let them be them. Let us be us. Love is complicated. Let people love whoever they want, however they want. (also the fact that this is namjoons favorite song on the album when he has openly expressed support for the LGBT community over and over again kinda makes me feel like this was part of the meaning behind this song???)
Anyway, that's all that I have for right now. There might be more bisexual/lgbt support in other songs/in the fake love mv but I'm too tired to look through it all 😂
Also, I am in no way assuming that any of the boys are bisexual.... although Suga has given some pretty big hints towards his preferences.....
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I just think that the boys recognize how much of a voice they have, and it is possible that they are using their voice to support a group of people who really need it 💜💖💙
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
You don't think HOBI is straight? Can we have that conversation please if that's the direction you wanna take the blog discussion today? Cause I said to my sister who is a casual watcher and listener that I don't think he's straight either but she didn't believe me.
What did you see to make you think he isn't?
Hello! Yes, let's finally do a rainbow moments post for Hobi! Our sunshine!
Personally, no I don't think he is straight. But this isn't a post to prove his sexuality one way or another. This is just like all my other posts, a collection of moments that hint that he might be part of the LGBTQ+ community. Doesn't mean that he actually is, regardless all of this DOES make him an amazing ally if nothing else.
Hobi Rainbow Moments, Let's go!
To start, the way some people call him the "straightest" member baffles me sometimes. Lol there is nothing wrong with it either way, but like.... how much more rainbow do you want our boy to be?! Man literally went rainbow from my head to my toes during this fansign:
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The amount of pride clothing or merch he wears, or simply just clothes worn in the bi flag colors order. Rainbow belt worn on the first day of pride month at a concert. Bi pride colors sweatshirt. Chanel pride necklace. All love necklace. This isn't even all of it, you can Google and see even more. Lol including the sweater from above from the DNA MV.
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While we are on the topic of Bisexuality Pride Flag colors.... let's take a moment to talk about the flag colors behind him in his solo music video, Bi pride with a man sleeping in his bed. Yes I know that it's technically not what the MV is about and it's not *really* saying he has a man in his bed, but that's what it looks like. He also has bi flag colors in the smoke during Boy Meets Evil that he dances in. During his solo stage performance, he had the lights underneath him on the stage in the Bi flag colors.... I mean... come on... this HAS to be intentional at this point with how often he uses these colors in this order too! Lol
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And talking about Boy Meets Evil, his wings solo song ALSO feels very queer coded, don't know if that was intentional or not, but it is and many in the community related to the lyrics
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Back to the clothes, he has purchased and worn clothes that support LGBT causes and fashion. Hobi and Jin here are wearing items from designer Ashish Gupta who designs LGBT pro fashion. Look up his work if you haven't seen it
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Hobi and Namjoon were openly supportive and showed a lot of love to a transgender ARMY during a fansign, making them feel supported and loved and accepted. Their account over that interaction here:
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Last time ill talk about clothes here, but we know his family is very openly supportive of the community. His sister Jiwoo has this shirt she designed for her brand and wears herself.
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We have this interview on Mnet where Hobi accidently slipped up and almost said boyfriend instead of girlfriend by mistake, but quickly corrected himself. I believe the original interview ended up deleted, but the internet is forever lol
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And there are many many accounts of ARMY who talk about how hobi has noticed, pointed out, smiled huge and given thumbs up to their pride flags during concerts. He has done this quite a few times, always making sure he acknowledged them if he saw them. (Note: he is NOT holding the flag, the fan is. The angle is off I know lol. You can search for videos of these reactions online if you want want see them)
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I also want to add during his MAMA speech in 2018 when he says he learned about all the various types of love in the world and talked about appreciating that during the hard year they had. Etc. It was a moment, but a minor one overall through that whole speech, I'll link it here but if you haven't seen it yet, be prepared to cry your eyes out. They are very emotionally vulnerable through all these speeches
Ending this with the way that Hobi moans in the background during Cypher 3 during Yoongi's iconic line about sending men and women to climax with his tongue. And he does it during that line live too. Lmfao I mean, he is just illustrating the point for us....
No this isn't everything, I'm sure. I know it not including all the moments he has play acted out gay scenes with the members, play acted an almost kiss scene with V or with Jimin. Or talking about how he would get flustered by the members showing skin. Lol He again, obviously doesn't mind "looking gay" or having people have that impression of him.
Again this doesn't prove anything in either direction. There is a wide range on the sexuality spectrum that he could fall on. I'm just saying that the vibes he gives off aren't necessarily straight. Lol doesn't mean that he couldn't be. But there are also plenty of moments and times where it hints that he might not be too. In the end, no matter who he loves or when, I just hope he is happy and well loved. He deserves the best and to be surrounded by constant affection. 💜
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livinglifeonpause · 6 years
First Impressions: IMFACT
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so this is kind of cheating cause i’m familiar with them already.  But in honor of their new song coming out soon (which already sounds like a bop), here’s my first impression of IMFACT
I first saw them while i was watching Kanto on The Unit.  And i noticed Jeup (25) first, obvi. (and his Men’s Health Magazine Pics) and I was caught up in him and his looks for a minute
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and then I watched a couple old interviews of them, (with Jian with the GOOD blue hair, and Jeup with the pink hair & eyebrows)  But I fell for Taeho’s (24) sassy-pants attitude & started posting pics of him and following IMFACT blogs.
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THEN i noticed that Sang (22) is crazy fucking handsome!  Like DAMN. So i started posting a bunch of his pics.  And then today i saw a pic of Sang holding a guitar from a VLive and i HAVE to find out which one and see if he plays.
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And THEN i realized that Ungjae (20) is the bisexual prince who was macking on Jungha during The Unit and they were the cutest little couple ever.
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And Jian (24) was the one crying his eyes out when he was eliminated. (King of Emotions)
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So now I’m watching The 100 VLives and OMG, Sang is so fucking attractive.  And his laugh at like 6:45 is the cutest thing ever.  And when he just follows Taeho to the flag w/o knowing WTF was going on.  They’re too cute!
so let me watch some actual MVs now...  
The Light MV - i love the styling on all of them.  this song isn’t my jam, but i don’t dislike it.  
The Light Dance Practice - So i’m guessing Ungjae is the main dancer. Taeho is super bouncy. Jian’s part sounds so good!  (oh shit, Sang just FULLY grabbed his junk. Boy’s not shy.) yessss Jeup, you get that note baby!!
just watched a couple more “The 100″ episodes and i’m officially in love with all of them. - in Game of Thrones when they raise their hands to be leader, omg. I love them all
Feel So Good is lowkey a bop.  i STILL love the styling.  (even Ungjae’s horrible hair)  
Tension Up is not my fave. Jian’s rap sounds goood though!
Lollipop is fucking adorable.  And the video has everything you want in it.  Ungjae kissing boys, shirtless Jeup, Taeho killing the high notes...
I’ve also decided I love Taeho cause it always looks like there is so much more he wants to say but holds back cause he’s on camera. 
and this video just makes me love them all:
I’m stanning.  Officially.  They’re now one of my groups. Their music isn’t really my thing, but i have fallen in love with the members.  
MOST HANDSOME: Sang (obvi)
BIAS: Taeho - honestly, i love them all and Sang’s real close to being my bias, but Taeho wins.
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k-hiphop-trash · 7 years
DPR facts / profile
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“Dream Perfect Regime (DPR) is an independent, multigenre, music and video group. We create, direct, and edit all types of visual work as well as curate artists stemming fro a wide array of musical backgrounds and influences. Based in Seoul, our primary focus is to engage viewers by producing a unique and dynamic experience of both visual and audio output”.
DPR started with no major backing nor any financial support.
According to Chris, they all gather together to watch reaction videos.
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His Korean name is 유바롬 (Yoo Barom).
He used to be known as Rome.
His nickname is DPR +IAN.
He was born on September 6th, 1990.
He was born in Sydney, Australia.
He studied at the University of Sidney.
He is a Christian and his Christian name is Paul.
He speaks both English and Korean.
He moved to Korean when he was 18.
He is a singer, producer, director and chief editor in DPR.
He is 174cm.
He is good at B-boying. He used to be in a dance crew named Kill.U.Strate with DPR Live. He met Dabin through b-boy.
He isn’t bisexual nor gay.
He watches anime.
Small things make him happy.
He appears in CL’s “HWA” video.
He can’t watch horror movies because he is really scared of anything paranormal and thinks he is alerting it even by talking about it. However, DPR guys took him to watch Hereditary by Ari Aster and he has also watched Midsommar.
He used to be a member and the leader of the K-pop group C-Clonw. On October 5th, 2015 the group was disolved.
He debuted on July 19th, 2012.
He likes football and surf, swimming and being in the water. He also likes making music, creating and watching Netflix .
Hemade “Zombie Pop” in about 1’5 hours for Adobe Commercial.
Since he’s being living in Korea over 10 years, he started losing his Australian accent due to lack of contact with it.
He likes cooking for him and his friends and likes watching their reaction.
He always wanted to try the food Balut.
He collects professional cameras.
He plays the drums since he was young. He used to be in a band and really liked Heavy Metal. Now he listens to many different genres like jazz, acoustic and hip hop.
He wants to create short films and also a movie to show DPR’s progress.
He is the founder of DPR.
His biggest inspiration is his mother.
He doesn’t like flying.
He directed Mino’s debut MV.
He has a dog named Lori and his first dog was named Snoopy. He also has a dog named Choco.
His favourite colour is green but used to be blue, so it might change with time.
He wonders what’s like to be a zombie and thinks it can’t be different from being dead.
He is sacred of dying alone and hopes this won’t happen as it would make him very sad.
Asa kid, he would let his imagination go and think movies like Peter Pan were real.
He likes the songs “Diamonds” by Tory Lanez and “Have You Seen That Girl” by GoldLink.
He grew up surfing and likes to keep doing it when he goes to Australia.
He likes women who are passionate about what they do and doesn’t care about their height. His ideal type is and “in the moment” kind of thing. One thing he wishes about her girlfriend is that she is passionate about what she does, whatever that is. He also likes girls that are independent and strong. He doesn’t specifically look for this qualities, but he would appreciate them.
His favourite cologne is Giorgio Armani.
He is friends with BTOB’s Peniel and B.A.P’s Zelo.
He watched the anime Death Note and even has a Death Note himself.
He likes anime and also watched the animes Shingeki no Kyojin, Berserk and Fullmetal Alchemist.
He took vocal lessons with GOT7’s JB when they were trainees.
He is a homebody.
He considers DPR and their fans as a family.
He likes werewolves better than vampires.
He said he wouldn’t mind being reincarnated into a tortoise, but a human reincarnation would be ideal.
He doesn’t know why, but as a kid he was obsessed with Leprechauns.
He isn’t scared of insects or snakes.
He does a lot of Instagram lives were he answers fan questions and a lot of memes come out of this.
He watches the show Black Mirror.
He doesn’t like to upload full body pictures because he is shorter than he looks and doesn’t want to create false expectations. But he is fine with his height either way.
He likes his hair dyed black better.
His favourite foods are those that fill you up. He likes kebabs and his favourite dish is steak.
He can’t really eat spicy food.
He likes tattoos and motorbikes, because of this, people think he is abad boy but he is actually very kind and funny.
He doesn’t know what it means to be “skinny legend”.
He likes the song “Evil Woman” by Electric Lights Orchestra.
He vapes.
In 2020 he modeled for Adidas.
His life moto is “BE YOU, if you do you, you’re living life”.
He needs glasses.
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His real name is 홍다빈 (Hong DaBin).
He was born in January 1st, 1993.
He was born in Korea.
He is also known as Jelly Man.
When he was 5 years old he moved to Guam.
He is about 169cm.
He is a rapper.
He used to work at Subway.
His most popular song is “Eung Freestyle”, featuring Punchnello, Owen Ovadoz, Sik-K and Flowsik.
He usually introduces his raps with the sentence “Coming to you Live!”.
His tagline “Coming to you Live!” is much like a live broadcaster reporting at the scene of a weather event to the viewers in real-time. This is related to the meaning of his artist name.
He didn’t take music seriously until he released “Till I Die” on his YouTube channel.
He wants to do his best in order to “give off the same lasting, meaningful impression a lot of artists that he admired, had on him. This kind of reflects hand-in-hand to why I ultimately chose my artist name to be LIVE”.
He came up with the name LIVE to remind himself of two motives: 1) ”to always LIVE LIFe in the present, both through ups&downs and through success&failures”; 2) “to always remain honest and true to one’s self and one’s craft”.
He is inspired by artists that create their own sound and colour.
He considers DPR his family.
He joined DPR around March 2015 and officially debuted on March 15th.
He likes the songs “Sacrifices” by Big Sean and “Colors” by Taylor Bennet.
His favourite song from “Coming To You Live” is “Right Here Right Now”. (He said this during an IGLive and he said that it was at the moment, so it might change).
He likes Skizzy Mars.
He is right handed.
He is a dog person.
He spent half of his life in Guam and half in Korea.
He prefers rice over noodles.
He says that being told to choose between Christian or Scott is like choosing between mom and dad.
He used to listen to a lot of rock music and one of his favourite bands was Paramore.
He got the scar on his forehead when he was five years old after he banged his head on a metal thing.
When he was younger he didn’t like americano coffee, but nowadays he thinks it can give you a lot of energy.
He already did his military service.
He likes tall girls.
He said he will not make an Snapchat soon since Instagram and Twitter are overwhelming enough.
He is right-handed.
He is excited to watch SMTM6 because Dok2, Jay Park and Dean are on the show.
After coming to Korea, he worked at a Subway for a couple months.
He is fluent in both English and Korean.
In his song “To Whoever” he mentions that he was bullied at school for his skin color.
He used to be in a dance crew with Ian called Kill.U.Strate and also was part of NEWE$T CREW.
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He is a producer.
His real name is 김경모 (Kim KyungMo).
He was born on January 3rd 1988.
He is about 180 cm.
He is a member of the duo LAYBACKSOUND.
He plays the piano since he was 7.
He used to think it was important to be very good in one genre, but now he thinks it’s good to be well versed in different styles.
He can sing, and he does some vocals in LAYBACKSOUND.
He doesn’t speak English, he understands and speaks a little, but he himself has said through IGLives that he is not very good.
His favourite song from the album “Coming To You Live” is “Laputa”.
He made tracks 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 from the album “Coming To You Live”.
He likes video games.
He has a cat named Lay.
His nickname “Cream” comes from his gamer ID.
He is influenced by classical music, jazz and hiphop among others.
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He likes video games.
He was born on the 29th April.
In one of their IGLives, Cream was teasing him about an Internet girlfriend.  I did not watch this myself, I only read a transcrip, so I am not sure what this all was about).
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His name is Scott Kim.
He was born on 21st February 1992.
He is fluent in both English and Korean.
He was born and raised in the United States.
He is the production director (PD).
He is the one in charge of making the merch (according to DaBin they are currently working on it).
He gave DaBin a jacket as a present.
He likes rap and hiphop.
He met Ian through a mutual friend and they used to play basketball together.
He used to make regular videos with Amber for the YouTube channel “What The Pineapple”.
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He has a cat.
He is the assistant director.
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Has a son.
He was born on the 27th March.
Disclaimer: facts in italics are not confirmed or at least I haven’t seen any real proof. Feel free to let me know if there is any mistake.
Crds: IG@/dpr.fanpage & IG@/coolnightcrew
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
ok this took way longer than i expected because i got sidetracked looking at paintings and reading poetry and just admiring the mv, but it's finally finished!! let's talk about
i'm going to draw your attention to a few things.
firstly, these verses from rime of the ancient mariner by samuel taylor coleridge, published 1834:
The harbour-bay was clear as glass,
So smoothly it was strewn!
And on the bay the moonlight lay,
And the shadow of the Moon.
The rock shone bright, the kirk no less,
That stands above the rock:
The moonlight steeped in silentness
The steady weathercock.
And the bay was white with silent light,
Till rising from the same,
Full many shapes, that shadows were,
In crimson colours came.
A little distance from the prow
Those crimson shadows were:
I turned my eyes upon the deck—
Oh, Christ! what saw I there!
Each corse lay flat, lifeless and flat,
And, by the holy rood!
A man all light, a seraph-man,
On every corse there stood.
This seraph-band, each waved his hand:
It was a heavenly sight!
They stood as signals to the land,
Each one a lovely light;
This seraph-band, each waved his hand,
No voice did they impart—
No voice; but oh! the silence sank
Like music on my heart.
secondly, this ivan aivazovsky painting, chaos (the creation), c. 1841:
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and thirdly, the memorial of percy shelley, who drowned in a boating accident at age 29, in 1822:
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there's a common conflation between the romantic and the pastoral in the general cultural consensus because the pastoral a) has been around as an art term longer than romantic, and b) romanticism does use some similar imagery. but there is a key difference: the pastoral is specfically an idealization of 'the simple shepherding life,' often for high class and urban audiences who have no conception of the details of this life includes. one of the more famous examples is christopher marlowe's a passionate shepherd to his love, published in 1599:
Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields.
And we will sit upon the Rocks,
Seeing the Shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow Rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing Madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of Roses
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of Myrtle;
A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty Lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;
A belt of straw and Ivy buds,
With Coral clasps and Amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.
The Shepherds’ Swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May-morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me, and be my love.
whereas romanticism is a more pointedly specific movement that was active from around 1800 to 1850, primarily focused on intense emotion and catharsis as the primary experiential output of an artwork. which most prominently manifested in a deep fascination and glorification of the natural environment and historical nostalgia. the movement sprung from the german sturm und drang (literally storm and drive/stress) period of the late 1760s to early 1780s, which was a direct reaction to rationalism and enlightenment. romanticism had similar impulses; it was also a revival of medievalism and a reaction against the looming urban sprawl and mechanization of the industrial revolution. a typical romantic poem from one of the originators of the english movment william wordsworth, composed upon westminster bridge, september 3, 1802, originally published 1807:
Earth has not any thing to show more fair:
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This City now doth, like a garment, wear
The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill;
Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!
The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!
this romantic fascination with nature was underpinned by the philosophy of the sublime, generally agreed to be first treatised by edmund burke in 1756, the theory was also written about by kant and hegel. in the simplest of terms, the sublime is a quality of greatness beyond calculation, imitation, and human comprehension. the sublime is twofold; the greatness of the ocean is beautiful, but its power is also terrifying, and the experience of the sublime is to feel those two at once. to be in awe and also to be horrified of its ability to sink ships and drown a life in a tempermental change of tide.
let's take a quick detour to talk about
in the present day we have become much more lax thanks to the aesthetic movement in the late nineteenth century, but back in the early victorian period there are still highly structured rules about when and what clothing one can wear in public. and the clothing itself is also highly structured. anyone with a passing understanding of the victorian era knows about the whole flashing of the ankle thing and corsets galore, and it is true that the general day to day garments cover a lot of area. for men in particular, this manifests in no less than three layers in public at all times: shirt, waistcoat, and suit jacket, with a coat or mantle overtop in colder temperatures. this also includes a variation of a neck tie (depending on what year), hat, gloves, and any other decided upon accessories (this can also include a corset and other padded structural underpinnings). an important tangent to mention here is that this is the uniform of the upper classes, although the rules do apply to the lower classes if they wanted to appear 'sophisticated.' the working man's uniform was also shirt, waistcoat, trousers, but the difference here is in the textiles themselves; the colours tended to be much more drab, with less complicated patterns. obviously due to the price fabric itself, but also due to the labour of laundry. an indicator of class here is the white shirt itself and its pristine implications. (there is a longer conversation here about the invention of neckties and detachable collars and cuffs, but that's for another day). the silhouettes are very important to note here in the higher mv, as they are directly referential to the 'romantic poet' archetype of loose shirt and tight pants that we see in popular culture. but as i've just said, the reality is that men of the era were not dressed like this out in public. this look is essentially underwear; the implications are salacious. so where did this come from? well, we can blame it mostly on lord byron, who by all accounts was the first western 'rockstar.' notoriously called 'mad, bad and dangerous to know' by lady caroline lamb (a married women he publically had an affair with), byron was openly bisexual and deeply hedonistic with a lot of questionable habits, but his poetry was so popular that he was known to have women following him in the street and gathering in large quanities to see him at salons. and this was close to three decades before lizstomania. his close friends and contemporaries included percy and mary shelley, with whom he lived with abroad in italy for some time (this living arrangement resulted in the writing of both frankenstein and john polidori's the vampyre). byron's reputation was so eclipsing that the image of the lush poet lazing in his undergarments has become its own genre of romantic, slightly removed from the movement byron was writing in. it's also worth it to point out that there are no official portraits of byron dressed like this from the time. the visual assumption is somewhat apochryphal. now let's get into some specifics. a.c.e is not unfamiliar to this silhouette; as previously mentioned in this post i wrote about their styling, the boxy loose upper and fitted lower is their general mode for their styling because of its emphasis on legs. cactus was the most extreme example of this, and to prove my point, this specific silhouette is extremely common in classical ballet:
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1. vaslav nijinsky, giselle, 1911 2. nehemiah kish, george balanchine's ballo della regina, 2011/12
higher fits very neatly into this same category: we have an emphasis on the legs through tightly fitted garments and also through light reflective textile, as well as a secondary emphasis on arm and shoulder movements with looser fit shirts. plus, the shirts are made from fabrics that have good drape and flow, and mimic the visual effects of water:
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there are also several instances of scale patterning and wetlook hair styles, further elabourating on the siren theme. and the jewelry is the same, purposefully cut clear stones for oceanic sparkle or pearls, the gem directly born from water, as highlighting accents to specific parts of the body - namely eyes, hands, and torso:
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the body jewelry also serves a double purpose in addition to being sparkly; it gives a semblance of shape to their torsos so their movements aren't totally lost in the shroud of their shirts, and it also invokes some of that salacious element that us as a modern audience doesn't necessarily perceive in the same way when we see a man wearing only a shirt. all of these points are especially prominent in the stage costuming. concerning the veils, these are an aesthetic choice following the theme of depicting water without actually using water. the song has a very breathless quality to it, and the lyrics directly make reference to water and breathlessness, so it only makes sense to have a physical manifestation of struggling to breathe.
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now let's talk about
unlike most kpop mvs, I would argue that higher is not a spectacle in what we normally see spectacle to be. the overwhelming visual saturation of goblin (and the goblin remix) is more in line with what we expect, but how do you follow that, top it? the answer is that you don't. you aim for something with a completely different feel, which is exact what they did with higher.
the performing arts did not escape romanticism. the very start of the movement, sturm und drang, is actually named from a specific play written by friedrich maximilian klinger that premiered in 1777. the plays of the brief period are characterized by extreme and passionate emotions, and were siblings to one of the most famous genres of theatre, the melodrama. meant to appeal directly to the emotions of the audience using sensationalist plots and stock characters, the melodrama was the predominent form of entertainment in victorian england and gradually developed a specific form of its own. in this period we also start to see the development of 'stagecraft' into the recognizable form that it takes today. footlights, limelight/spotlighting, the separation of house and stage lighting, fly galleries, elevator platform mechanics, and the first (purported) western use of rear projection are all innovations of the late 18th and 19th centuries, as melodramas were known to have very intricate and spectacular stagings. and to go along with these stagecraft mechanics we see the rise in designated stage crews, which were predominantly off-duty sailors looking to make money. the rope systems that made up the fly galleries were very similar to that on ships, and much of the terminology and supersitions crossed over: this is the origin of the term 'rigging' being used for suspending set elements, and also the origin of the 'don't whistle in a theatre' superstition. as sailors communicated with whistle patterns on ships, the same system was adopted for changing scenery, and therefore whistling a random pattern could potentially drop a setpiece on an unsuspecting victim.
so with all this backstory out of the way, what is the very first full location we see? a stage, complete with forced perspective via the painted fabric legs (the side panels) and borders (the wavy upper panels). we even have a flat painted backdrop with a projection screen and hanging overhead lamps. there's also a second interior set, a desk in what looks to be a study of some kind. bit self explanatory on this one, taking the poet notion on the nose.
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the locations have a bit of an obtuse arc, but it's there when you look for it. it starts interior spaces, where the ideas of sublime attempted to be recreated for the viewer. then it moves to transitory spaces; portions of nature isolated from a whole environment, interjections of human architecture into natural spaces:
(the white hut structure in the greenhouse is reminiscent of a skene (literally hut/tent), which is the structure at the back of the stage in ancient greek theatre used for the actors to change their masks and costumes. it was originally temporary, but slowly transformed into permanent stage architecture)
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and then finally outdoors, into the sublime itself:
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jwm turner, crossing the bridge, 1815
there's a very clear lighting pattern here, primarily in light and dark. the base colour story is fairly simple complementary pairs; there's a lot of purple/red and green, and blue and yellow/amber, with everything relatively on the same tonal level. there are deliberate interjections of heavily saturated red for specific effect. there are also, most notably, a 'dark' version of all the sets. obviously as a reference to the eclipse that we see in the mv and in the concept photo series, but also as a reference to that darker undercurrent of the sublime, the upsetting, the uncanny, and the terrifying:
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And the bay was white with silent light/Till rising from the same/Full many shapes, that shadows were/In crimson colours came.
#a.c.e#ace w#kpop analysis#group analysis#me - a staunch defender of kpop as valid spectacle: actually this one is a melodrama its meant to hit different#this essay is otherwise known as the quickest and dirtiest history of romanticism ever#i really should have pointed out that when i say romantic i mean romantic with a capital r#that probably would clear up some confusion but i have an aesthetic to maintain do not @ me#this is potentially the most pretentious thing i have ever written i am so sorry if this makes no sense#some of these connections are so tenuous who let me have opinions on the internet#did i write this as an excuse to look at the percy shelley memorial because i am obsessed with it as a piece of art? maybe#anyways read tom stoppard's arcadia if you want to know more about that#you should read all this with the caveat that the sublime and romanticism need to be deconstructed through a postcolonialist lens#because these theories are super colonialist about 'unclaimed untameable natural spaces'#when in reality most natural spaces are specifically architected by indigenous peoples in order to preserve and coexist with the ecosystem#this is may be more obviously applicable to american subliminal painting than european but it still applies#since the british were notoriously good at fucking up every kind of expedition ever#because of their lack of respect for literally anything and everything#and their inability to listen to anyone other than another white british person#see: history of the northwest passage#im a bad theorist and not caught up so i didnt get that deep into it because counter to the wordcount#i am not trying to write another dissertation#this is not as well researched as it could be but also im not reading burke and kant again#also yes byron the shelleys and polidori did just bang out the foundations for all of science fiction and romantic vampire mythology#in like three days because the all got bored during a storm and want to try and 'outscare' each other#also by 1840 like every prominent romantic poet was dead either from their own stupidity or tuberculosis#with the exception of wordsworth that motherfucker started the movement and then outlived it#text
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exoggs · 7 years
KPop Tag Game
i was tagged by @xmaliciousmochi (i almost tagged your main) thank you so much, jojo 💕💕💕💕
first group you listened to? bigbang first solo artist you listened to? gdragon or hyuna (purely soloist was probably iu) first group to actually know their names? bigbang first bias ever? kwon jiyong first song to make you emotional? haru haru by bigbang (when lina showed me the mv i just burst into tears)
top 3 2 fave male groups? (i’ll do 2, so i have one more for ggs) exo and highlight(/beast) top 3 4 fave female groups? this is painful, but i’ll try to do just 4 (and only active ones rip wonder girls DDDD: now i’m sad) snsd, red velvet, girls day and apink top 3 fave solo artists? (i’ll do soloists that aren’t from groups) iu, park hyo shin and dean top 3 fave songs of all time? hahahahahahahahahahahaha i honestly can’t???? top 3 biases? i don’t have a holy trinity, but a holy quaternity (is that the word?) baekhyun, eunji, taeyeon and gikwang top 3 fandoms you’re a part of? i just realised i never really call myself by fandom names? unless i’m making a joke, so i guess i’m a bbh-l^^^^^ (but on a serious note probably exo-l and light? and also bbh-l bc i’m horribly biased towards my ult at all times) top 3 choreographies? once again there are soooooo many good ones! so i’ll do the three most recent ones i’ve been in love with! GASHINA BY SUNMI!!!!!!! (also the part switch version bc she is the queen of bisexuals wow) like this by pentagon and can’t stop by dia
ultimate bias group? exo and highlight ultimate male bias? BYUN BAEKHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!! 💕💕 the love and light of my life 💕💕 ultimate female bias? i don’t really have an ultimate bias apart from baekhyun, but it would have to be a tie between eunji and taeyeon!
tagging: @letsdothepanicagain @say-vixx-say-me i’m doing smth scary and tagging people i’ve never tagged before so feel free to ignore this obviously!! @seokjinings @dansphil @heejis
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