#the other thing is merel loves the netherlands
vogelmeister · 1 year
yes its all cool and fun and games when an oc calls you out but have you considered oc being so unlike you in every possible aspect
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siilvan · 7 months
OC File: Mylène "Petra" Scholten de Ridder
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gorgeous renders by the amazing wonderful phenomenal lovely @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot <33
finally posting my oc to cope with mw3... i've had her since november '22, didn't even mention her name to anyone until august lol. i've never had the confidence (or skill) to do this, so i'm thanking all of my mutuals with their wonderful ocs for giving me the strength to do it, even if they don't know it <3
note: despite petra being reader's callsign in bloodsport, it is not intended to be my oc. so far, the only fics that petra properly appears in are desideria and fortuna redux. i know it's confusing and i'm sorry 😭 more of her (and others) in the future!
very long post BTC...
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edit: completely forgot to include this— credit to cptnprice for the file!!
Name: Mylène "Petra" Scholten de Ridder
Nicknames/Aliases: Petra, Doc, Bravo 0-5, MEDINT 5, Leni (by friends/family)
Rank: Lieutenant (since 2015)
Gender: Female
Birth Date: June 29, 1990
Nationality: Dutch
Affiliations: Royal Netherlands Army, Korps Commandotroepen, Task Force 141, Coalition (Warcom), SpecGru
Birthplace: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Current Residence: The Hague, Netherlands
Hair Color: Golden Brown
Eye Color: Blue (right), Green (left)
Height: 5'7" (1.70 m)
Weight: 160 lbs (72 kg)
Build: Athletic, hourglass (hips. That's all.)
Blood Type: O-
Marks: Various tattoos (pictured below), scar on cheek
Faceclaim: Rianne Haspels (Carlotta Champagne for body)
Sexuality: Unlabeled (prefers men)
Languages: Dutch (native), English (C2), Spanish (A2), French (B2), German (C1), Danish (C1), Russian (B2), Arabic (B1)
Education: Biochemistry BS from the University of Amsterdam, Biochemistry MSc from the University of Copenhagen
Preferred Hairstyles: Low bun or Dutch braid for missions, 3-strand braid or loose for everyday
Preferred Mission Attire: Anything from jeans and a turtleneck, to slim cargos and a tank top, to proper combat fatigues. Dresses for the weather, but hates anything baggy. Prefers to wear black and green, occasionally wears white, tan, or blue. Very athletic style.
Preferred Civilian Attire: Usually dresses fairly casual. Jeans, cargos, leather pants, leggings. Plain t-shirts, henleys, turtlenecks, off-shoulder tops. Wears bomber jackets or hoodies. Mostly wears black, green, or white. Likes feeling comfortable but cute when she's off the clock.
Favorite Color: Evergreen
Favorite Flower: Magnolia
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFJ-T. Extraverted, intuitive, feeling, judging, and turbulent. Petra prioritizes the better of the group over personal benefit and strives to have a positive impact on the world and the people around her. Happy to lead or follow, but preferring to guide others, she is a self-identified humanitarian with a pipe dream of world peace. Reliability, tolerance, passion, and altruism ultimately conflict with overthinking, stubbornness, perfectionism, and indecisiveness – Petra is both helped and hindered by the idea of what things can be or could have been.
Father: Colonel Hendrik "Chimera" Scholten de Ridder. Former KCT commander and military legend-turned terrorist. (deceased)
Mother: Johanna Scholten de Ridder (née van den Bos). Former MEDINT analyst for the BVD and MID. (deceased)
Brother: Sergeant Emiel "Nightfall" Scholten de Ridder. KCT operative and specialist in anything covert; never misses a shot. Ally of TF141, rarely stays in any one place for long due to the nature of his assignments.
Uncle: Unnamed paternal uncle. Father's younger brother, civilian military engineer. Lost his life in a terrorist attack in the mid-1990s. (deceased)
Aunt: Special Agent Merel "Songbird" van den Bos. Mother's older sister, former agent for the BVD and MID. Specialist in foreign relations and espionage. May or may not be living in the USA and married to Frank Woods (spoiler: she is).
Grandfather: General Emiel Scholten de Ridder. Paternal grandfather, former commander of the Royal Netherlands Army. Yes, her brother is named after him. (deceased)
Fighting Style: Adaptable, but prefers to keep her distance. Studied kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Krav Maga in her youth – CQC is influenced by these.
Weapons: Can use whatever is available. Is oddly talented with a quarterstaff despite none of her training involving it.
Preferred Weapons: M4 (Hightower 20" Barrel, Schlager PEQ Box IV laser, Cronen Mini Pro optic, Corio Precio Factory stock), X12, Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife, karambit, throwing knives
Special Skills: Specializes in MEDINT analysis, trauma/medical care, chemical warfare, hostage rescue, asset protection, and foreign military assistance. Can act as a translator. Has received training in sniping, espionage, and stealth combat from allies. Is notorious for her strong fortitude. Very versatile.
Hobbies: Art, cooking, baking, reading, sports (baseball, climbing, kickboxing, swimming, ice skating), music (drums), studying languages
Former Hobbies: Did ballet and gymnastics in her youth. Still enjoys both, doesn't have the time to practice either. Has decent equilibrium thanks to them.
The name Mylène can mean "merciful", Scholten refers to a schout (government official that handled administration of justice), and de Ridder means "the knight".
Her callsign Petra means "rock, stone" and is not implying that she's a stony person! She earned her callsign due to her high tolerance and endurance; she's also uniquely durable, often recovering from or withstanding injuries that would leave others in worse condition. It's a bit supernatural, don't worry about it.
Was introduced to drumming by her Uncle Frank when she was little. It's canon to me.
Mylène looks like a carbon copy of her aunt, sans some details like hair and eye color. She's also more well-built than her aunt thanks to being in the military.
Has a bunch of small rituals, habits, and very specific ways of doing things thanks to her OCD – nothing too crazy (she has no choice but to manage these thanks to her career), but you'll start to notice them if you're around her enough.
Has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). She's learned ways to lessen the symptoms and has an IUD that helps immensely, but it's why she still has a decent amount of fat on her body despite working out religiously. (Not projecting my issues shh)
Doesn't date often due to her career and personal reservations. Prefers someone older, though. (I'm not projecting shh x2)
Keeps a journal on her at almost all times. Inside of it is anything from basic medical info for her allies, random drawings, important notes, etc. Likes to pretend it's organized, but it's not. At all.
Skipped a year in primary school, hence why she graduated at 17 instead of 18 despite attending a VWO school.
It was painfully obvious that she learned her Russian in school before she met Nikolai. After he laughed at her, he taught her how to sound more "natural" – AKA, he taught her almost exclusively profanity.
Bouncing off that, she's Mrs. Worldwide. Petra's unintentionally picked up so much slang from her coworkers.
Her favorite genres of literature are romance and philosophy. She can read outrageous smut with a straight face, but blushes and grins over fluffy stuff. Tries to read books in other languages to practice, too!
Will not touch any drug with a 10-foot pole. Same goes for tobacco, she's the type to dramatically cough if the team smokes around her. She's very health-conscious!!
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Tattoo One (Hands) I'm not going to lie... originally gave Petra the tattoo (two, actually – she has it on both hands) because I loved Freya's tattoos in GOW and the design is inspired by those. From an in-universe standpoint, it was her first tattoo (age 17) and she just wanted something simple that could be hidden under her gloves to prevent fading. Has to get them touched up every now and then.
Tattoo Two (Right Arm) Full sleeve of willow branches, florals, and butterflies. There's a lot of symbolism in this one. The butterflies represent transformation, hope, and rebirth; the willow branches symbolize a new life, protection, flexibility, and adaptability; the flowers embody anything from growth, joy, transience, hope, love, and death.
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Tattoo Three (Left Bicep) Two-headed snake with flowers! I don't think I need to rhapsodize about the florals again, so I'll skip to the snake. Depending on the culture, a two-headed serpent can represent wildly different things. It's a symbol of rebirth and resurrection, with each head representing earth and the underworld. It can symbolize indecision and conflicting ideas. Duality, balance, power, healing, insight, and deeper awareness; snakes were often seen as a spiritual messenger, and the dual nature of a two-headed serpent represents learning from both positive and negative experiences. (if I see any "heehoo konni" comments, I will blow up the sun, this ain't about him babygirls 😔)
Tattoo Four (Left Inner Forearm) Compass with an arrow! The symbolism is pretty obvious, I think... Direction, guidance, and navigation; the compass arrow combines the arrow's representation of direction and forward movement and the compass' symbolism of finding your way and staying on course. Together, it represents the idea that, no matter how far away you are, your arrow will always hit its target – even when losing your way, you'll always be able to overcome adversity and find your way back.
⋆ CW: themes of child abuse, violence, SA (marked with ***) and overall mary sue levels of tragedy
Born on June 29, 1990 in the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands, to Hendrik Scholten de Ridder and Johanna Scholten de Ridder, Mylène had a normal – if not privileged, thanks to her family's prominent histories – early childhood. At the age of 3, her brother, Emiel, was born. Known to be a clever, compassionate girl, Mylène took to the "big sister" role with ease.
Her father was a captain from a distinguished military family with the callsign "Chimera", who ascended to the rank of colonel and commanded the Royal Netherlands Army’s special forces unit, the Korps Commandotroepen. Her mother was a medical intelligence analyst for the AIVD and MIVD (then-known as the BVD and MID) with a family history in government and politics.
In the late fall of 1999, when Mylène was only 9 years old, she came home from school and discovered her mother's corpse, having been killed by enemies of her father originally seeking to hold the family for ransom. This event, paired with the traumas he sustained over his years in the military, drove her father to "near insanity" as he became consumed with paranoia and grief. The rest of her and her brother's adolescence was defined by the trauma of her father's abuse; he subjected the siblings to rigorous physical and psychological training in order to mold them into "perfect soldiers" and prevent any further loss.
Despite this, her father was publicly viewed as a war hero. He would often leave the two alone when he was on deployment, forcing Mylène to care for herself and her brother with nothing more than a roof over their heads and grocery money provided. The siblings developed an unbreakable bond during this time that would extend into their adulthoods, rendering them a synergic duo both at home and in the field.
After finishing secondary school at 17, Mylène enlisted in the Royal Netherlands Army. She also studied at the University of Amsterdam – taking online classes – and eventually graduated with a BS in Biochemistry. She spent 3 years serving in various military hospitals, clinics, and field units under the 400 Medical Battalion, until she joined selection for the KCT in 2011. She was swiftly recognized for her high tolerance, natural interpersonal skills, and advanced aptitude for MEDINT analysis; she passed selection with top marks, setting several records during the infamous "hell week" exercise.
Mylène operated as a combat medic until August 2013, when she worked with the British SAS's Unit Bravo under the command of Captain John Price. Despite the joint team being greatly reduced in number and separated after a series of heavy artillery attacks from enemy forces, Mylène managed to provide emergency medical care and calm leadership as her party made its way to the rendezvous point that Price's group was defending.
After the joint operation concluded, Price took an interest in her, deciding to train her as a sniper and teach her how to better use her skills in combat. The two quickly developed a close relationship built upon mutual trust and a desire to fight for what's right, regardless of rules or orders. At some point after this, her unflappable nature and composure when faced with challenging conditions earned her the callsign "Petra".
*** By 2014, Mylène was in a several year-long relationship with a National Reserve Corps (NATRES) NCO named Florian Van Aller. On February 14 of that year, he suddenly came to her with an idea that left her speechless: "sharing" her with his unit. Despite his insistence and attempt to pressure her into it, Mylène refused, ending the relationship. They met on base the next day after Florian messaged her claiming to want to apologize – when she came face-to-face with him and his mentor, Captain Jozef Daalmans, she realized what she had been told was a lie.
*** Although the captain's only involvement was restraining her and watching, Mylène felt violated by both men. She was left at the scene, battered and ashamed, until the last person she expected to help found her – Colonel Hendrik Scholten de Ridder. In a rare act that she now describes as "the last time she ever saw her real father," he comforted her and took her to the hospital, where Mylène received treatment for the injuries she sustained in the assault. She never spoke of the incident afterwards, leaving herself, her father, and her attackers as the only people privy to it.
In early 2015, an assault team led by Chimera and Petra on an enemy submarine revealed that there was a traitor within the unit. The entire team, save for Chimera and Petra themselves, was killed onboard the vessel. The traitor was eventually discovered to be Chimera himself, with Petra as the only witness to his admission and subsequent attempt to bury her, and any incriminating evidence, at sea. With her father in the wind and knowing that her word alone wouldn't be enough to implicate him for his crimes, Petra contacted Captain Price, telling him: "You're the only person I can trust."
An unsanctioned operation to capture or kill Chimera was planned by the two, with the help of her brother – now a KCT operative nicknamed "Nightfall" – and Nikolai, a trusted contact of Price's. The small team managed to track the Colonel and his supporters to a base deep in the Alps, where they successfully wiped out the entire group and killed Chimera. After this mission, Petra felt indebted to Price and Nikolai, considering them two of the few people she could trust implicitly.
From then on, Petra lent her services to various humanitarian groups in an effort to provide protection and medical care on missions around the globe. With expertise in frontline trauma and medical care, hostage rescue, asset protection, medical intelligence analysis, chemical warfare, and the training and advising of foreign military units, Petra proved to be an elite operative capable of remaining calm in even the most dire scenarios. She’s been awarded the Military William Order, the Bronze Lion, the Bronze Cross, and the Cross of Merit for both covert and overt operations, establishing herself as a minor legend within the elite commando corps.
However, a little over a year after the unsanctioned operation in the Alps, Petra was captured and imprisoned by Ultranationalist forces. She was regularly tortured during her captivity, often by Vladimir Makarov, whom she now sarcastically describes as "a lovely man."
Sometime in mid-2017, Petra was yet-again assigned to a unit led by Price, tasked with infiltrating and securing an Al-Qatala base located in Kastovia. Another member of the unit was Nightfall, serving as the team's scout sniper. During the mission, while providing overwatch, Nightfall's radio was suddenly cut off. When the rest of the team finally reached his location to investigate, several IEDs planted in the area went off and forced the group to retreat. Petra attempted a rescue, but was prevented from doing so by Price, as it was too dangerous. Demolition teams cleared the area the following day. Once it was safe to extract Nightfall, however, the recovery team found nothing.
With her brother declared dead in absentia, Petra chose to abandon the special forces. She went back to school and earned an MSc in Biochemistry at the University of Copenhagen, refusing to contact any of her former allies so as to avoid being dragged back into the military.
In April 2019, Petra was tracked down in Denmark by Price, who informed her of Vladimir Makarov's plans in Verdansk and urged her to join the SAS team being sent to stop him. After thorough convincing, she agreed to come back for one more mission, seeking revenge against the man that tortured her years ago.
Petra was later handpicked for the task force Price established alongside CIA Station Chief Kate Laswell following the death of General Roman Barkov in November 2019. She was once again sought out by Price – and Nikolai, who was the "final nail in the coffin," according to Price – and convinced to join the team as a commanding officer.
About a month later, Laswell pinpointed the location of a prison in Georgia believed to be used by Al-Qatala to hold POWs. Reconnaissance of the prison confirmed this and the identity of several of the prisoners; Nightfall was identified as one of the POWs. Petra, leading an elite KCT unit, raided the location shortly thereafter, securing the captives, Nightfall, and intel about Al-Qatala's plans.
Between the invasion of Verdansk, Las Almas, and a burgeoning war with Konni group... Petra has fully committed herself to Task Force 141, willing to save the world or die trying.
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On World Cup Kisses
Women's World Cups are notorious for their sporting excellence, the unmatchable atmosphere within women's sports that they create, the rivalries, their solidarity, their badassery, their skill, their dedication, their sacrifice... and their kisses.
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Abby Wambach and Canadian goalkeeper Erin McLeod's set the precedent in 2015. The latter had kissed her soon to be wife during a round of sixteen match, the moment famously being dubbed McLeod going over to celebrate “with a fan” by getty images. Abby, then went over to the stands and kissed her then wife, Sarah Huffman, after having helped the US to their third world cup title. She did it as any other couple would, with all the normalcy and assuredness that a player who has just won a world cup and wants to celebrate with their partner would. But this kiss wasnt like any other, it was a kiss that reverberated around the world. It was riding off the back of the passing of Supreme Court legislation a few days earlier over the legalisation of same-sex marriages in the US, making the moment all the more poignant and groundbreaking.
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Such moments of symbolic importance were also present at the world cup 4 years later. Norway's Isabell Herlovsen was the first to kiss her wife last summer - not even after a match but in fact half way through one. After scoring a penalty she raced over to celebrate with her wife by kissing her in the stands, a celebration does not get more iconic than this. This kiss didnt get as much coverage as some of the later ones did, maybe because she and her wife are not as well known, maybe because no big photographer properly captured the moment, but that is a moment that wholly reveals the culture of normality and acceptance within women's football - both of themselves and each other.
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The next of world renowned impact was the one shared between Magdalena Eriksson and Pernille Harder after Sweden knocked out Germany in the round of 16. The photo made waves around the world not only because two women were kissing but also because of the fact that Pernille is Danish and was decked out in a swedish kit, swedish flag nails included, to support her girlfriend. This transcended gender barriers and became a photo of love and pride. A kiss also followed at the 3rd place play off, solidifying their place on the kiss wall of fame. In this case, it's not only about the kiss, it's also about the impact they've had afterwards, they took the power and visibility of the kiss to join common goal, to speak openly about their sexuality and become the ultimate role models for so many people
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Also from Sweden was Lina Hurtig, who again kissed her wife in the stands after the match. With less of a wide reaching impact than her teammate's kiss, it still goes a long way to show the visibility and normalcy in such small yet powerful actions. Nilla Fischer, one of the greatest pioneers and advocators for lgbtq rights in itself, went one further than a stadium kiss and kissed her wife in front of the thousands of Swedes who had gathered to celebrate their team's world cup success.
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The aftermath of the final was also filled with kisses, Netherland's captain Sherida Spitse still went up to kiss her wife - although out of consolation rather than celebration. Adriana Franch also went over to nonchalantly kiss her soon to be wife after winning the world cup for the first time resulting in a moment of elation which although in the moment would not have held much weight meant so many things to so many people watching on.
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Next is Megan Rapinoe, the outspoken, strong willed, skilled purple haired warrior who had stood up to Trump and won not only the world cup but also the battle he'd begun to wage against her. There was no better way to seal her victory than to kiss her basketball superstar girlfriend Sue Bird. A momentous snapshot on all fronts. Another post-world cup kiss starred Dutch player Merel Van Dongen and her Spanish girlfriend Ana Romero who hadn't been able to go and watch her play as she'd been commentating all the Netherlands' matches on Spanish television. Ana surprising Merel and then kissing on camera without a care in the world is iconic behaviour, and is another important example of acceptance and normalisation.
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The last one of the bunch is none other than Kelley O'Hara's. Not only was this moment meaningful for the kiss itself, it was revolutionary as it doubled up as her public 'coming out' moment. To be able to do something so big with such a small gesture is truly powerful. Publicly coming out with an interview or a statement is important, but moments like this which appear to be just a matter-of-fact action are equally essential in moving past the idea that all lgbtq people owe society a big coming out moment. It is the simplicity of the action which makes it so monumental. Plus, she not only won the World Cup and 'came out' by kissing her girlfriend that day, she also went on to party like a maniac despite a probable concussion - something which I thought deserved a mention
Woso Pride Month 2020 [Day 7/30]
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musikfurfreiheit · 6 years
Touch In The Night - Part 14 (The End)
And here it is, the final chapter!
There was something about flying at night that made it magical. They were too high to see what was happening on earth and they were closer to the stars than ever. It truly was a wonderful sight. And yet, the only thing Merel had eyes for was the sleeping form next to her.
Charlotte’s head was resting against the window, her eyes closed and her lips almost curled up into a smile. They looked so inviting, as if they dared Merel to kiss them. But she knew better. It was a long flight after a long and exhausting tour. Charlotte needed all the rest she could get, and Merel knew she should probably try to get some sleep as well.
As careful as possible, the blonde tried to rest her head on Charlotte’s shoulder. A single butterfly in her stomach woke up when she inhaled the singer’s scent and she couldn’t fight back the smile that formed on her lips. For a second she couldn’t be happier. Then the other woman stirred. Cursing herself for waking Charlotte, Merel sat up again and sheepishly smiled. Charlotte didn’t say anything. She just looked at Merel, and eventually smiled when she spotted the goosebumps covering the girl’s arm.
‘Were you trying to steal my warmth while I was asleep?’
‘Ehm… Maybe?’
Merel did her best to look innocent, but there was something in Charlotte’s eyes. The girl wasn’t sure if it was the haze of sleep, or if the singer was brewing up some kind of dark plan. A smirk slowly grew on Charlotte’s face. A dark plan it was.
‘What time is it?’
‘Around 4:30, I guess.’
With the smirk still in place, Charlotte got up from her seat. Merel got up as well so the singer could go wherever she wanted, but was surprised when Charlotte grabbed her arm and dragged her along to the back of the plane. Everyone around them seemed to be asleep. The other musicians, the crew members, the strangers who happened to be on the same plane. No one noticed them when they passed them and Merel was very happy about that.
A smirk on Charlotte’s face usually didn’t mean anything good, and neither did it this time. Merel’s heart started racing when she was pushed into the small toilet cabin. Charlotte quickly joined her and locked the door, her grin even wider now. Oh no…
‘Ever heard of the Mile High Club?’
Exactly what Merel thought. Before she could say anything, Charlotte already had her pinned against the wall, her lips firmly pressed against Merel’s. This was wrong, this was so, so wrong. They could be discovered at any moment. It was so wrong, but also so exciting. There just was no way Merel could say no to those lips and she easily gave in to them once they kissed her neck. A moan escaped and almost immediately Charlotte looked her in the eye.
‘You have to be quiet.’ Charlotte whispered. ‘And I have to be quick.’
Without hesitation the singer’s hand slipped into the sweatpants Merel was wearing before making its way into her underwear. Merel gasped, but was quickly silenced by Charlotte’s lips again. The singer kissed her hard and didn’t waste any time inside the blonde’s pants either. Her finger easily found Merel’s clit and pushed down on it.
Merel’s knees got weak at the touch. She buried her fingers in Charlotte’s shirt, holding on to it as she felt the singer’s hand move to her entrance. Two fingers thrusted into her, Charlotte’s palm pushing against the girl’s clit. There was no time for teasing now. Charlotte didn’t give Merel any time to enjoy the feeling of her fingers inside her, but started thrusting at a fast rhythm right away. It was driving her insane, to the point where she no longer knew how to control her body. Luckily, Charlotte knew exactly how to do just that.
Every thrust touched Merel in exactly the right spot and Charlotte’s palm never lost contact with her clit. Her lips where still pressed against Merel’s, keeping her quiet and making it harder for her to breathe. Charlotte’s free hand kept the girl pinned against the wall, leaving her nowhere to go but straight to her orgasm.
Merel knew she wouldn’t last long, especially not when she felt Charlotte’s fingers digging in deeper and harder. Desperately she held on to the singer’s shirt as if her life depended on it, her knees completely giving in when her orgasm hit her hard.
Charlotte managed to keep her up and finally gave her time to breathe. A small moan escaped when the singer pulled her fingers out and Merel missed them immediately. Those fingers knew Merel so well, knew exactly what her weak spots were, and were maybe even more talented than her own skilled fingers.
Without looking away from the girl in front of her, Charlotte brought her hand to her lips and licked her fingers clean. It definitely was one of the most arousing things Merel had ever seen. Still out of breath, she leaned up and kissed Charlotte, tasting herself on the singer’s lips.
‘Get yourself together.’ Charlotte grinned when she suddenly pulled back. ‘We have to go back before it gets suspicious.’
Without another word, Charlotte unlocked the door and left, leaving Merel behind. The girl smiled while she tried to catch her breath. She’d never expected to find herself having sex on an airplane, but here she was, the newest member of the Mile High Club. And it was all because of Charlotte. The singer was full of surprises and Merel couldn’t wait to get back to her.
Once her heart had slowed down, Merel opened the door and carefully peeked out. Everyone still seemed to be asleep, and with a sigh of relief Merel made her way back to her seat. Charlotte was already waiting for her and smiled when Merel sat down. She opened her arms and Merel happily leaned into them. Resting her head against Charlotte’s chest and listening to her heartbeat, the girl closed her eyes before dozing off to sleep.
 Merel could barely believe it was over. No more concerts, no more stress, no more waiting, and no more travelling. They were in Netherlands, luggage in their hands and on their way out of the airport. The tour was officially over.
Everyone was quiet while they pushed their suitcases towards to exit. It had been a long flight, the jetlag was already noticeable on everyone’s faces and they were all tired. Merel was so looking forward to get home and crash down on her own bed, but secretly she was looking even more forward to what could happen after that. Spending more time with Charlotte without anyone else around. No stress, no tour, just them. Just the thought of it warmed Merel’s heart, and she was surprised when she found herself actually saying the singer’s name out loud.
‘Do you want to go out for a drink this evening?’
Charlotte suddenly stood still and the rest of the bad followed. All eyes were set on them, and Merel mentally kicked herself for not waiting until they were alone.
‘Are you asking me out on a date?’ Charlotte laughed ‘Oh Merel, we’re not going to do that.’
‘Why… not?’
‘Look, I had a lot of fun, and we can do it again some time, but I don’t want to date you. It was just sex.’
Disbelieve settled in Merel’s heart. No, this could not be true. Charlotte had been so nice to her, so sweet, this couldn’t just be about sex. She’d felt a connection between them! This wasn’t just sex!
‘I thought you loved me!’
‘I never said that.’ Charlotte said, her voice cold as ice. ‘I said I liked you, but I never said I loved you, because I don’t. All of it was just sex.’
And with that, Charlotte put her hands on the cart again and left.
Merel couldn’t believe it. She was right, Charlotte had never said the word love. Merel had said it, but Charlotte hadn’t said it back. How could she have been so blind? So deaf to Otto’s warnings? What was she supposed to do now? Never before had she felt so lost and looked at her band mates in need of help. They all just stood there, watching her as she slowly fell apart. Her heart sank when Otto’s voice sounded.
‘I told you so. I warned you, but you wouldn’t listen.’
With those words he turned around, and the others followed his example. They all left her behind with her broken heart, and it all was her own fault.
 Stepping into her room felt like stepping into another world. The sun greeted her through the window next to her bed, the colors surrounding her were light and calm. It was silent, not a single noise was to be heard. It felt so unreal.
Slowly Merel took another step into the room, hitting her toe on her suitcase in the process. And that’s when tears formed in her eyes, and a single one managed to escape. The pain was real, so the rest had to be as well. This was reality. No hectic tour schedule, no other people around, no fans waiting around every corner. No longer living during the darkest hours of the days, but being met by the sun in the morning. Everything she’d known in the last weeks had been fake, Charlotte’s love being the most painful of all. It had all been a lie, and Merel had been too blind to see it. They tried to warn her, but she wouldn’t listen. She was a victim of her own desire.
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riverflowsthroughit · 7 years
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Biologist, Paraglider, Annecy, France
Esther took an advanced paragliding SIV course in Annecy, France. I was the impostor who was there by accident, observing and taking a regular course. SIV stands for Simulated Incidence in Vol/Flight, covering training for controlling the paraglider in extreme circumstances. Exercises involve completely stalling the flying wing, plunging down and re-inflating the paraglider, spinning/spiraling and regaining control, and other magnificent and exhausting maneuvers. Esther completed the course, and was always asking the right questions, reviewing the videos diligently and thoroughly. She is a biologist in Holland, but paragliding is her passion. I thought WOW, here is a kick ass chick sitting in a group of 15 guys, full stalling her glider. I need to get more information. That's how this post came about, I followed her on a typical flying day. 1. Name. Iris Esther Dielissen. 2. Where is your hometown? Zwolle, a medium sized Dutch city with a nice historic centre. For paraglider pilots: It is situated between our beautiful soarable dunes on the coast and the best towing spot for cross country paragliding in the Netherlands. 3. What is your profession/career/title/self-label/designation? Biologist and paraglider pilot. 4. What was the journey like to get where you are (career wise)? When was the mental shift to start the journey? As long as I can remember I've been fascinated by the natural world around me. I am fortunate to have parents who love to travel and introduced me to other countries and cultures at an early age (for example Venezuela, South Africa, Namibia). My dad is a bird watcher so he taught me how to spot wildlife and notice the difference between species. So I am a biologist at heart, although it took me some time to discover that. I actually applied to study psychobiology at first (study close to neuroscience), but when I was hiking in the Azores, I decided that I wanted a study that had to do more with my natural surroundings, instead of doing research on rat brains in a lab. That moment's decision was very important and I have never regretted it. I now work for the regional government as a consultant in ecology and management of the nature reserves within my province. Before this I worked for a travelling agency for hiking & cycling tours. Paragliding is a (very important!!) hobby now, I don't know where I will end up one day, maybe again in the travelling business. 5. What did you study in school? Biology with a specialization in ecology and natural resource management. 6. How is your life different from what you pictured at 20? I didn't picture myself spending so much time in an office, and actually like what I do. My brain is challenged in this job and I can use my skills as a biologist in a way that has impact, which is great. However I still think it should be temporary, say for a few years. The trade off is that my body doesn't get as much activity as it actually requires and majority of the time I am not exploring my surroundings but sitting at my desk. I hope in the future I can do work that is more balanced in both or I just go full force on paragliding and travelling for a while. 7. Biggest accomplishment since making the (physical/mental) move? Getting a permanent contract on my current job as a biologist and to learn how to pilot a wing and fly my first cross country distances. 8. What was biggest disappointment and plan to overcome it? No huge disappointments.... yet! Only small ones, not one in particular that stands out. 9. Advice for other women? Fear less, don't think things are not for you because you are a woman, take a leap of faith now and then, trust your own judgement and go with your gut. 10. Knowing what we know now in current political climate, can women be "all that we can be" in today's world? What is the way forward, as you see it for "feminist values"? I think there is still a lot of pressure on what women should be, especially when it comes to appearance. Prettiness gives a women certain privileges and power over men, however I think for good looking women it is harder to gain respect in a professional career and to get opportunities to lead, especially in male dominated sectors. If you are a good looking you for example may have more chances to get hired, but there is less chance you are hired as a 'boss'. The way forward? I think women should help each other up more. There is too much competition between women, and too little empowerment. This is one of the ways forward, another one is to acknowledge discrimination on gender and on race still exists in modern western societies. 11. Where in the world do you feel “tallest” (i.e. where is your happy place)? In extreme natural environments. This can be in the air, flying but also deep jungles, an arctic tundra, on top of a volcano. The raw beauty of our world in these places is very overwhelming, making me feel very tall and very small at the same time. 12. What extra-curricular activities/hobbies are you most proud of? Why? Paragliding for sure. Because it is very mentally challenging, but also graceful and explorative. Before I started paragliding (2015) I tried diving, surfing and was following yoga classes. But nothing has been as amazing as flying a paraglider. It is very rewarding in terms of experiences and I like the mental challenge a lot. 13. What do you want to be when you grow up? Future goals/challenges? I think I haven't found my ideal job jet, or haven't found a way to make my current job my ideal job. 14. What fears are you still hoping to overcome? I would like to learn to trust my own decisions more. I find it very hard sometimes not to be in doubt, and just go for one way or the other especially in my job. In flying it can be hard to see the difference between 'true fear' and just making yourself crazy with scary thoughts that are not rational nor are your gut feeling. This is something that can be trained if you pay closer attention to your thoughts and feelings while making decisions. I hope that by training this while paragliding and being aware of the parallel with other situations in life will help me to grow more self-confident and be more decisive in my work as well. 15. Anything you'd do differently (if you had another go at life)? Not really, I have very few regrets and am still behind the choices I made in the past because I honestly think they where the best I could do at the time. If I would have a second life to live I would maybe be single for a longer time to see how that feels and how that would influence my self development (I have been in a relationship since 17, 12 years now), but I don't regret any of the choices I made to live the life I have now. 16. What inspires you? Nature, flying and people that are bright-eyed, enjoying life and create positive impact with their job. 17. What are you hopeful about? About the fact I still see myself growing as a person even if I don't always know which way I'm going. 18. What are some ingredients to a good life? Flying, good food, sex, warm relationships and having a job that means something to you and has a positive effect on others. 19. What are you reading now? (what books do you gift most and what are your favourite reads?) I have just started reading Paul Auster's 4321, recommended to me by a friend. And I read Classic Routes a beautiful paragliding book with descriptions and pictures some of the most epic and best known cross country paragliding routes in the world. 20. Who is a “WOW Woman” in your life who inspires you (and why)? One of my best friends Merel, who a professional scientist in tropical ecology and recently moved to Switzerland for a post-doc. I really admire her take on life, she's very relaxed but not in a lazy way. She works very hard on her scientific projects and has a lot of ambition, still she always finds time to climb (she loves rock climbing), travel and invest in relationships. Bèta science is very male dominated, which makes it less attractive to women, but she is definitely holding ground there. 21. Where can others find you/your work (links to websites, blogs, etc.)? facebook linkedin
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Masterpost of all the openly gay & bi women at the World Cup (and their girlfriends/wives)
Well before I begin this epically long post I just want to say that this list is in no way fully complete. I’ll probably hit myself later for forgetting some of the big names, so if there’s anyone else that needs adding please add them on. I have only included those who have confirmed their sexuality/ relationships themselves though. Okay so without further ado and in no particular order let us begin!
Rachel Daly (England, Houston Dash): out and very proud with her girlfriend and teammate Kristie Mewis. Mewis’ sister is currently playing at the world cup too for the US so I’d like to see who Kristie would support if England and the US end up playing against each other. 
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Sam Kerr (Australia, Chicago Red Stars): the mini-documentary she has made with Nike recounts how her girlfriend Nikki Stanton, who also plays for the Red Stars, was the one who got her through her injury and if that isn’t the power of gay I don’t know what is.  
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Vivianne Miedema (Netherlands, Arsenal) and Lisa Evans (Scotland, Arsenal): the love and support these two give each other is crazy. They have both been very vocal about the importance of out and proud role models in the football world, as well as never shying away from talking about their relationship. Also, maybe it’s just me but Miedema always seems to go pretty red when talking about Evans in interviews which is adorable. Probably one of my favourite (if not my favourite) couples at the world cup.  
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Magdalena Erikson (Sweden, Chelsea): one of the most known out players, she’s in a long-term, long-distance relationship with the captain of the Danish team Pernille Harder. After not getting to the world cup (beaten by Sweden themselves in the qualifiers), Harder has still travelled to France proudly sporting the Swedish jersey. And no, what you’ve just read isn’t just an excerpt from a fanfic. 
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Tierna Davidson (US, Chicago Red Stars): at the age of 20 she’s an up and coming football star as well as a gay icon. She met her girlfriend Alison Jahansouz whilst they were playing together at Stanford University and now their Instagrams are practically just fanpages of each other. 
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Merel Van Dongen (Netherlands, Real Betis): having met her girlfriend Ana Romero whilst they were both playing for Ajax, they then got a double transfer to Spain where they are now playing in Romero’s home city. Romero has been commentating the Dutch games so far on Spanish TV and really I can’t ask for anything more than her trying to keep a neutral voice when talking about Van Dongen. They also comment the cutest things on each others insta posts, a very underrated couple in my opinion. 
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Megan Rapinoe (US, Reign FC): I mean what is there to say about this woman and her fight for equality that people don’t already know? Becoming the first publicly out player on the team was only the first of many of the barriers she has spent years trying to tear down. Currently in a relationship with basketball player Sue Bird, they are one of the biggest power couples in the sporting world. 
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Mapi León (Spain, Barcelona): She is one of my personal favourites. On top of her insane football skills, she is known for never apologising for being herself, making her a reference for many Spanish girls and, as her fame spreads, women all over the world. She has inaugurated Pride in Madrid and in general has just been active in the lgbt community since she came out a couple of years ago. As far as I can tell she’s not currently in a publicly known relationship so here’s just a picture of her and her abs 
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Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris (US, Orlando Pride): if I said Rapinoe and Bird were one of the biggest power couples, these two are definitely strong contenders as well. Having recently announced their engagement they received an outpouring of love from all corners of the celebrity world, as well as a lot of jealousy from all those loners like me out there. Nah but their story is really inspiring, sharing so much together and now legally sharing their lives. 
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Ingrid Engen (Norway, LSK Kvinner FK): from what I have seen she hasn’t been too outspoken in interviews about her sexuality but that does not mean she shies away from posting pics with her girlfriend and rival in the Norwegian league Marie Dølvik. One of my personal favourite couples due to photos like the one below. 
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Karen Bardsley (England, Manchester City): as England’s most-capped goalie she has always been very vocal about her advocacy for equality, especially gender equality. She seems to like to keep her personal life under wraps so I couldn’t find out that much else about her, but here’s a photo of her being a smol bean.
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Jodie Taylor (England, Reign FC) and Emma Kete (New Zealand, Reign FC): another couple who are usually teammates but are set out as opponents during the World Cup. These two got secretly married a couple of years ago and have been showing their support of each other through social media- Kete’s caption “same dream, different team. I get to play at a world cup with my wife” is about as cute as it gets.
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Leah Williamson (England, Arsenal): is an icon who’s dating Jordan Nobbs, fellow Arsenal and England teammate who is currently injured but has been in France supporting the team and Leah regardless. There’s a heartbreaking video of Leah not leaving her side before they take her away on a stretcher when she got injured in November. It must be extra tough for her seeing her girlfriend do and enjoy what she would love to be doing right now so go her. Nobbs has also said some really sweet things about her gf in interviews, stuff like “even in training I knew she was going to be something special” and “hopefully she keeps improving and I can play next to her as well”. If all this and the photo below doesn’t make you fall in love with them you must be very cold hearted. 
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Nilla Fisher (Sweden, Wolfsburg): never one to shy away from standing up for equality whether it be about gender right or lgbt advocacy, she even has a statue (although currently defaced) she’s such a legend. She is also married to Mariah-Michaela Fisher with whom she has a little boy.  
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Katie Duncan (New Zealand, Onehunga sports): she has been married to Priscilla Duncan, a former footballer, for years now but they have recently announced that they are expecting a baby girl by the end of July- just to add to the World Cup drama! 
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Isabell Herlovsen (Norway, Kolbotn): she is married to Christine Porsmyr Olssen and, after a tragic miscarriage, they managed to have a child. After she scored against South Korea she went to the stands and kissed Christine and if that isn’t the cutest thing you’ve ever heard you must have some high standards 
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Hedvig Lindahl (Sweden, Chelsea): another woman who is happily married, this time to Sabine Willms since 2011, and has a child in tow. 
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Caroline Seger (Sweden, Rosengård): in an interview she said that she used to conceal her sexuality but decided to speak out circa 2014 to help other young people who may be struggling. She has also done a lot for gender equality in the sport, especially making sure that more younger girls get into the sport. She has had so much of an impact that she was one of five of her teammates to be honoured with their own statue. 
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Beth Mead (England, Arsenal) and Danielle Van De Donk (Netherlands, Arsenal): I don’t know how I have been able to put off these two until now because they are one of my absolute favourites. I kinda want a England-Netherlands match at the World Cup just to watch how these two interact. 
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Lorena Benítez (Argentina, Boca): yes she’s the one who works at a shopping centre from 2am to 2pm each day on top of training and looking after the twins she has just had with her wife Veronica Rivero. They were due to be born whilst she was in France but were instead born a few weeks earlier than expected allowing them to meet both their mums. She has had to fight against many waves of discrimination to get to where she is now and, for that alone, she is an undeniable icon. 
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Annouk Dekker (Netherlands, Montpellier): she met her girlfriend and (you guessed it) teammate at her current club, Genessee Daughtee who is actually one of those rare Americans who play for a European team. 
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Adrianna Franch (US, Portland Thorns): is engaged to Emily Boscacci and has never kicked up much of a fuss about her sexuality, she just is period. 
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Stephanie Labbé (Canada, North Carolina Courage): She is most notorious for her attempt to play for a mens team, which she was denied to join not because of her talent but because of her gender, it takes some damn guts and determination to do that. She is also a part of another sport power couple as she is with Georgia Simmerling, a track cyclist olympic medallist. 
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Chloe Logarzo (Australia, Washington): She has said some really powerful, eloquent stuff about coming out: “There are still a few people scared that it is going to tarnish their image, but for me, if it was going to tarnish my image then it’s not the image I want because I’m not telling the truth.” She used to go out with softball player Jasmine Peters but is now with Kate Macca. 
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Fernanda Pinilla (Chile, Córdoba): she has given a couple of interviews speaking openly about being gay in Chile, and the struggle she went through when she was younger even going as far as saying that she sometimes felt like distancing herself from football in case that was the cause of her sexuality. But over time she found acceptance both within her and with those surrounding her whom she was able to reeducate. She doesn’t lose sight of the struggle she and so many people like her continue to face in her home country as she says that “being a woman in Chile is hard, and being a lesbian is harder.” The interview in question is here for any Spanish speakers. She is in a long-distance relationship with fellow Chilean Paloma Bermudez. 
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Sherida Spitse (Netherlands, Vålerenga Damer): she had a kid with Jolien van der Tuin before getting married the following year, with Van de Sanden as their witness. They seem like one of those very homely couples where love radiates through their entire house. 
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Shanice Van de Sanden (Netherlands, Olympique Lyonnaise): another one who has never hidden from her sexuality, she has also been a very strong advocate for gender equality in football especially by being an ambassador for UEFA’s We Play Strong campaign. She’s definitely a lioness.  
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Hannah Wilkinson (New Zealand, Vittsjö GIK): she gave a great interview here where she talked about being part of the lgbt+ community as an athlete, and this line in particular of what the experience is like in women’s football particularly stood out: “Coming out is an incredibly sensitive and vulnerable experience, and when supportive and reassuring people that have been through that same experience surround you, it makes a huge difference.” She is in a relationship with Swedish teammate Clara Markstedt who is currently being a supportive gf in France. 
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Janine van Wyk (South Africa, Houston Dash): from fighting from the age of six for her sport to grow in her country, to becoming the first South African to play professionally in the US, to coming out at the age of 16 she has always been a pioneer and continues to be a reference for people all over the world. 
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Tameka Yallop (Australia, Klepp): formerly Tameka Butt (any guesses for as to why she changed her surname?!), she married ex-Ferns footballer Kirsty Yallop earlier this year after their on-pitch connection playing for Klepp turned into an off-pitch romance. They’re up there as contenders for one of the cutest couples based on their wedding pics alone. 
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Fran Kirby (England, Chelsea) and Maren Mjelde (Norway, Chelsea): Maren seems to have only recently got out of a long term injury after which Fran posted a really cute photo on instagram with a caption narrating how she had to “physically pull you off the sofa because you were in too much pain to move.” I mean, if this isn’t love I don’t know what is. 
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Jill Scott (England, Manchester City): I’ll be honest here, I can’t find much info about her and her girlfriend Shelly Unitt, but if their photo-sets from their trip to Spain are anything to go by I’m going to need some more content. 
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Nicola Docherty (Scotland, Glasgow): her wife, Stephanie Docherty, is a ScotRail driver so I’m really curious to know how they met. Her ex is also playing for Scotland at the World Cup- Fiona Brown (Scotland, Rosengård) but she doesn’t seem to be dating anyone else at the moment. I have a feeling that after Fiona went to Sweden the long distance thing wasn’t able to last. Wow I feel like a gossip columnist by this point.
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From when her and Fiona were together: 
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Dolores “Lola” Gallardo (Spain, Atlético de Madrid): she was one of the first footballers to come out as gay in Spain but has never made much of a deal about it. She’s dating Atleti teammate Carmen Menayo. Here’s an image of the only time you’ll see her holding two balls. 
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Lucy Staniforth (England, Birmingham): she is playing at her first World Cup, making the news for wearing the number 23 as tribute to her brother who died at the age of 20 in 2001. Her girlfriend Laura Wilson has become her own groupie travelling around with the team in France. 
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Mackenzie Arnold (Australia, Brisbane Bears): she met her girlfriend Carson Pickett whilst she was on loan to Brisbane in 2017, before Carson moved back to the US to play for Orlando Pride. But if their respective instagrams are anything to go by, they’re clearly making the whole long-distance thing work.
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Shannon Lynn (Scotland, Vittsjö): her girlfriend and teammate Sandra Adolfsson just missed out on representing Sweden at the World Cup. They got engaged in 2015 and are now married. Fun fact, Shannon arrived in Vittsjö on a three month contract, three months that have turned into five years. 
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Carly Telford (England, Chelsea): her coming out story is about as low key as it gets in the media world, she just casually dropped into a BBC Sports interview in 2017 that she hoped her girlfriend Georgia Elwiss would end up a Cricket World Cup winner with her squad, at Lord’s- and so she did. Now it is being Georgia’s turn to be a supportive gf groupie in France.
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Emily Gielnik (Australia, Melbourne Victory): her girlfriend Temica Sayer is also on the France tour this summer, we love ourselves supportive gfs.
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Marta (Brazil, Orlando Pride): one of the most iconic footballers of all time both on the female and male stage, now doubly iconic for being part of one of those couples who adopt animals together. Her and her girlfriend, who also plays for Orlando Pride, Toni Pressley are proud owners of two dogs. 
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Lucy Bronze (England, Olympique Lyonnais) and Keira Walsh (England, Manchester City): they also have dogs which is always a win for me, and well they don’t live together any more because of the whole long-distance thing but playing for the same national team is a bonus for them and for us who get to see their chemistry on the pitch. 
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Abbie McManus (England, Manchester United): since 2017 she has been dating Holly Lam-Moores who is an Olympic handball player and they’ve always been very open about it online. Honestly these couples need to stop being so successful, it’s very demoralising. 
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Jade Moore (England, Reading): what seems to have bonded her with her girlfriend and Reading teammate Jo Potter is unusual medical issues- Jade had two holes in her heart and Jo just had to get face surgery for a fractured eye socket! But all jokes aside they seem to have had a great and close relationship so far, from previously playing together in the national team and moving together from Birmingham in 2016, they haven’t got many couple things left to tick off. 
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Quinn (Canada, Paris FC): never one to shy away from who they are, they have also been part of projects aiming to help the lgbt+ community such as Playing for Pride and Athlete Ally. Look at them gooo 
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Katrina Gorry (Australia, Brisbane Roar): her girlfriend Nanda Stoltz is a personal trainer so no wonder she has those guns and abs. Another supportive gf who is dedicating the month to being the leader of Team Gorry all around France. 
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Elise Kellond-Knight (Australia, Reign FC): she used to be going out with the German player Felicitas Rauch but recently seems to be enjoying the single life. Here’s an appreciation pic of her eyes because damn 
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Teagan Micah (Australia, UCLA Bruins): I’m not sure if she has ever talked about it in interviews but she is most definitely Instagram out- she is one of my contenders for favourite coupe feed because if she’s not posting about football it’s safe to say it will be about her unnamed girlfriend. 
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Emily Van Egmond (Australia, Orlando Pride): she is out and proud, and a proud girlfriend sporting her jersey is what Rachel Hill has been over the past few weeks half a world away. They play together in Orlando and they’ve already been to Australia over Christmas. 
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Kailen Sheridan (Canada, Sky Blue FC): she’s dating Dominique Nicole Dorris who is being a very supportive girlfriend in France after having not seen each other for over a month beforehand. Also Kailen gives off some Lexa vibes and I am not okay with that. 
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Kathellen Sousa (Brasil, Girondins de Bourdeaux): fun fact she used to date Kailen when they played for UCF Knights in 2017 but have since then obviously gone their separate ways. 
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Debinha Miri (Brazil, North Carolina Courage): another one who has been dating her club teammate Meredith Speck for a couple of years now. Is there anything more powerful than two proud girlfriends holding up a trophy they’ve just won together? 
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Lina Hurtig (Sweden, Linköpings FC): any guesses where her girlfriend Lisa Lantz plays? Arsenal! No just kidding she also plays for Linköpings, and they have been named several times as the team’s star players. They seem to have been together for a good four or five years now and they’re still looking this cute 
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Kadeisha Buchanan (Canada, Olympique Lyonnaise): you know you’re in a power couple when both of you have been at the Olympics. She is with Crystal Emmanuel, a Canadian sprinter and current holder of Canada’s faster woman, and on top of that they post photos with as much gay energy as the one below 
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Manuela Giugliano (Italy, A.C. Milan): all the Italians seem to keep themselves to themselves quite a lot on social media, with Manuela being an exception as her insta is dotted with posts about her soon to be wife Ambra Capotosto, an ex-footballer and currently a coach. Her caption on the following pic was "I have chosen you. And I'll choose you again, again and again. Without pauses, without doubts, in the blink of an eye. I will continue to choose you!" 
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Alanna Kennedy (Australia, Orlando Pride): is social media is anything to go by, she was in an on/off relationship for quite a while with Kyah Simon, another Australian player who just missed out on making the world cup team. Although there’s not much to point to them still being in a relationship now, here’s a recent pic with Kyah in the background to keep the possibility half alive 
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Hayley Raso (Australia, Portland Thorns on loan to Brisbane Bear): her and Jenna McCormick’s instagram history goes way back, with a cute comment almost guaranteed on every post and periodic equally cute photos together like the one below 
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Cristiane Rozeira (Brazil, São Paulo): she hasn’t been with her girlfriend Ana Garcia for too long, but since they started dating earlier this year they seem to have moulded together perfectly. Ana has even travelled all the way from Brazil to come and watch Cristiane play.  
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Barbara (Brazil, Sociedade Esportiva Kindermann): until recently she seems to have always been very private with her personal life. But a very sweet post alongside a very heartfelt caption (from what I gathered with my limited understanding of Portuguese!) was posted not long ago about her girlfriend Ilidiane Santos who wrote an equally heartfelt comment back. 
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Abby Erceg (New Zealand, North Carolina Courage): she has been dating her Carolina teammate Kristen Hamilton for years, and I think one of her captions in particular sums it up: “love what you do and who you do it with.” 
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Vicky Losada (Spain, Barcelona): she has been dating Emma Byrne, an ex-goalie for Ireland, for years now. There’s a few cute interviews they’ve given together which are recommendable watching, but most of the cuteness overload comes from their instagram posts like the one below 
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Lauren Silver (Jamaica, SK Trondheims-Ørn): she used to be dating Savannah Jordan after they met at the University of Florida but have since then gone their separate ways. She either has decided to keep her private life rather guarded or just hasn’t been with anyone since then. That tongue tho 
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Andrea Pereira (Spain, Barcelona): she met her girlfriend Viola Calligrais, who plays for the Swiss national team, whilst they were both playing for Atlético de Madrid and now they flirt with each other in Spanish over instagram comments so what more do you want? 
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Milagros “Mili” Menéndez (Argentina, UAI Urquiza): her instagram has posts and cute comments about her girlfriend Rochi Barletta. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how matter-of-fact and normalised practically all of these relationships are on their respective social media, it makes me very happy. 
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Vanesa Santana (Argentina, EDF Logroño): despite the fact that her girlfriend Vanessa Castro has kept playing in Colombia for Atlético de Cali after Santana left to pursue her career in Spain they have been able to keep their relationship very much alive. 
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Virginia Gómez (Argentina, Rosario Central): she’s another of those fortunate enough to have such a supportive girlfriend that her entire insta is practically a fanpage. Her and Ne Orono have clearly had to fight through the problems that come with long distance relationships, but their posts from 2017 are equally as sweet as the ones from 2019. 
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Mariela Coronel (Argentina, Granada CF): a pretty unique sporting couple is made up of her and her girlfriend Rocío Saucedo who has won the title of Spanish fencing champion. They clearly support each other wholeheartedly in their individual sporting ventures, the last example being Rocío accompanying Mariela during Argentina’s run at the World Cup. 
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Kelley O’Hara (US, Utah Royals FC): althoough having never specified one way or another, most people found out about her non-straight status during the celebration that ensued after winning the World Cup where her kissing her girlfriend for all the world to see will go down in lgbt history. 
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And with that I can confirm that the Women’s World Cup is a 
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