#the random villain that was defeated with a lipstick
/spy x family movie hate (IM SORRY)
...what the fuck was that 😭
fym Handler wants to REPLACE FORGERS... her? handling the operation strix to someone else instead of TWILIGHT so randomly?? and he reacted so calmly?! what?? what??? whose idea was to write this?????
why are we back to the jealousy problem. we've solved it a long time ago. im tired
there were just... so many stupid details that i can't remember anymore. i'll write what i can recall in the tags
The movie was thoughtless entertainment. I could've watched two hours of stupid youtube videos instead and feel exactly the same afterwards.
"Oh it's just a kids movie, this is enough for them" — well don't kids deserve a good movie with a thought behind it? Doesn't sxf deserve it? Don't all the people involved in the production deserve it? The manga might not be a masterpiece of the century, but it's still a good story with a thought behind it...
I didn't expect (and didn't want) to see anything plot-altering, but I expected something on the level of cruise arc, with all the characters working in secret for each others' sake and for the sake of peace. Not this mishmash that unsuccessfully tried to satisfy both those who have and haven't seen the anime. They could've written a much, much better story but decided to go with this.
upd: my opinion hasn't changed but i'm not trying to start a fight. no aggression toward people who loved the movie 🙏 peace and love on planet earth
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
The Siyeon dies in bon voyage theory is one of the worst fan theories that came out of somnieland ngl.
Like we see Siyeon saving Bora but she never gets defeated or injured. The exploding building thing is illogical because Gahyeon was in the same location as Siyeon in the end, the location that supposedly blew up so where are all the Gahyeon is dead theories? Weren't ya'll trying to make Dami the big bad villain of the trilogy because she made one joke about it in Maison? If Siyeon is that random puff ball why was it in the same frame as her? Shouldn't it only be there after? Rarely do any of the girls ever interact outside of their designated interaction scenes. Literally all of then are alone and sad with bittersweet smiles. Siyeon is sad in her car, Jiu is sad in the rain, Dami is sad while painting, Handong is sad on a pretty box. The only people smiling a lot are Sua, Gahyeon and Yoohyeon. There is a fucking horse in the mv. So like now is Jiu the horse? Cause she was alone and sad too.
All of this because Siyeon stopped walking in the group shot? Well so did Yooh just a split second later before it cut to the next shot. So I guess she is dead too. Or maybe all of them are dead. Bora was chasing the bird that was her soul and now she's dead too.
Oh but Siyeon was walking up the stairs. And? Yoohyeon was on a HORSE, Dami had oil paints and her painting was a literal mirror with lipstick stains on it. And like the building is fine in the final shot. The buikding Siyeon was in was perfectly okay. Like fuck!
It's like that time when Siyeon smiled too early in scream cause she thought the shot was over and everyone thought she was evil.
Sometimes the director just wants pretty shots that have nothing to do with secret theories about dead members.
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euanpc · 2 years
Space Pirate Lesbians
Contents Overview 2 Characters 2 Pirate Crew 2 Eliza/Elisabeth 2 Joceline 2 Weapons expert 2 Janitor 2 Isabella 2 Others 2 First Antagonist 2 Vladimir Poutine 2 Main Antagonist 2 Rich NFT Guys 3 Enemy big brain droid 3 Space Russians 3 Cyborgs 3 Security guards 3 William K. Afton 3 Normal Captains 3 Standard freight ship crew 3 Game Play 3 Environment 3 Plot 4 I 4 II 4 III 4 Multiple planned ENDINGS 4 Risks and Mitigations 5 Timeline 5 Budget 6 Wages 6 Wages total: £1,100,000 6 Material costs 6 Material costs Total: £2,199.99 7 Sum Total: £1,102,199.99 7
Overview Starts off very tacky, standard 2D platform and visuals, and escalates after a significant character death of the main character’s girlfriend (she dies brutally, in an airlock). During the ensuing panic after the unexpected incident, the original main antagonist takes pity on the main character, seeing how she reacts to the loss of her girlfriend, and promises to help her find and defeat whoever killed MC’s girlfriend. Characters Pirate Crew So the game begins with you as the leader of a pirate crew whose members are: Eliza/Elisabeth - main character, captain of the space pirate ship. Joceline - an asexual female hacker is later revealed to have altered the main character’s memory to remove her first encounter of the first main antagonist. This is because she felt that the MC had been torn apart by guilt and grief by what she had done with the first antagonist (killed his family) pregame. Weapons expert – female who uses a lot of makeup, earrings, nose piercing, green lipstick etc. Has a lot of weapons. Janitor – male veteran, responsible for multiple war crimes, seems underpowered at first, and does not do much apart from maintenance of ship. Isabella - your girlfriend, demolitionist. Starts off as a very prominent character before going missing in the first part of the second section of the game, which involves you breaking into the first antagonists place of operations to see your girlfriend brutally murdered in an airlock. Others First Antagonist could act in a similar way to Emerald from Steven Universe in Part 1, being a stereotypical villain. Throughout the game, more is revealed regarding his past experience with MC, such as how she accidentally killed his parents. After the first part he pities and relates to MC, having also lost a loved one, and agrees to help her find and get revenge on the killer. Vladimir Poutine is bald, and always seen wearing a bulky black metallic armour covering everywhere but his head. He is arrogant, and the leader of a large space empire based off of a random moon that lost orbit with its planet. He is effectively a man-child, who gets what ever he wants by force. He tries to make a name for himself by taking credit for the murder of Isabella. Main Antagonist, killed Isabella, could be working under First Antagonist (although not for him). First Antagonist did not order the execution of Isabella.  Maybe s/he wants to please their boss, or maybe they love their boss and want to avenge their boss’s parents’ death through extreme means. In their love for the First Antagonist, they became a murderer and would kill or do anything necessary to make First Antagonist happy. Is also a threat to international security. Rich NFT Guys They own a capitalist space ship, which is shipping NFTs. You can steel the NFTs and their money, because NFTs suck. Enemy big brain droid, effectively a brain in a jar on top of a metal barrel, which has two tracks to move, and two machine guns either side of it. Space Russians wear black military uniform and work for Vladimir Poutine. Cyborgs, humans who are part robot, working for the Main Antagonist. Security guards, wear standard black security uniform (tuxedo with badge and black trousers, earpiece and a black security hat). Work for Rich NFT Guys. William K. Afton, minor easter egg character, still isn’t dead, he always comes back, whether he likes it or not. Normal Captains, run standard freight ships which you can rob. Also hire security guards in lower frequency. Standard freight ship crew, wear everyday shipping overalls (like a red bobble hat, yellow socks, green boots, blue jeans, yellow jackets etc.) act as the bulk of security for freight ships.   Game Play You operate off a main pirate spaceship, from which you can upgrade. This is partially based off Starbound, which is sometimes referred to as space Terraria. When going on missions or looting, you bring parts of the crew with you, who will be able to combat different obstacles, or help in certain situations. E.g. with certain obstacles, such as reinforced doors or defences your girlfriend Isabella will be able to use explosive to remove them. As captain you will be able to order members of your team to do certain things, such as engage in combat and you can order crew members to do things they can’t do, but this will take longer and sometimes won’t work at all. If your orders are rubbish, or you are not nice to your crew, they may avoid completing in the way you set them out or outright refuse to follow orders. Graphics: title screen will have 80s neonesque vibe. Graphics overall will be made quite similar to 80s style space fiction, except without the goldfish bowl hats, and conversation graphics will be similar to that of Stardew Valley. Bright vibrant colours like purple, yellows, to again reaffirm the 80s vibe, similar to what you see outside American diners. Environment Based after a very large, controversial war between 2 superpowers, in which multiple atrocities were committed by both sides. It is common to come across a completely abandoned planet which has been completely destroyed by chemical or biological weapons, and is completely uninhabitable. The divide between the rich a poor has neither increased nor decreased, although national debt for most countries, even those not involved, has increased. The war has also caused divides in society and increased xenophobia’s.  Shipping large quantities of goods throughout space is very common, and large space ports exist all across the universe. Multiple domains, such as the British Empire, span the universe in a large amount of different sizes and power. Although there is still a large amount of unclaimed deep space territory between them. Plot I Vibe check hostiles with explosives Vibe with GF Very GF and MC centred Space loot plunder and steal Has a thermonuclear missile for no REASON BECAUSE WHY NOT References the next villain space poutine Kill a bunch of baddies Easter egg: wii fucking gun Fight against antagonist who is originally thought to be 1d, hinted background, but he always comes back, and then develops in section 2. GF says she has something important to tell you, then goes missing II In the first part of the second section of the game, you break into the first antagonists place of operations to see your girlfriend brutally murdered in an airlock. Then you receive a transmission from the second antagonist, Space Vladimir Poutin, who claims responsibility for the murder of said girlfriend. In the next stage you fight the forces of Space Vladimir Poutin (SVP). After defeating him, SVP admits that he lied when he claimed responsibility for the incident at the start of the section. III MC and 1st antagonist are sitting in a bar, when they manage to deduce that MC’s memory has been altered to make her forget killing the 1st antagonist’s family in a hostage situation gone wrong. It is quickly deduced that Joceline had altered the MC’s memory, and the MC’s girlfriend was going to tell MC the truth. Making Joceline the prime suspect. Although she admits to her crime of altering the MC’s memory, Joceline justifies doing so by claiming that MC was distraught with guilt, and she tried to help the MC the only way she knew how, through technology. Joceline heavily denies killing the MC’s girlfriend, although she does feel guilt about Isabella, and confirms that this is what she wanted to tell MC. The killer could be connected to, but not acting under orders from the 1st
Multiple planned ENDINGS Janitor blows himself up to kill the killer of Isabella, but may not be dead, because we don’t actually see him blow himself up. We see a final transmission from the Janitor and then take control of him while he blows up the spaceship. Genocide route, where you kill your crew, fight Janitor in a sans-esque boss fight. The first antagonist will realise that grief has turned you into a monster and decide to take both him and you down in a final boss fight where loser dies, and if you win your ship explodes going too close to a black hole into which 1st antagonist was driving the ship, and both of you float off into space (alive in a space suite).
Risks and Mitigations The game might take longer to develop than expected, so trailers and advertisements should only be released once it is certain that the game will be produced b a certain time. If this fails to work, we can announce delays when development is taking longer than expected. The game could accused of queerbaiting, this could negatively impact the game’s reputation and reception. We could deal with this by denying all claims and listening to the community. We could also mitigate the risk by instead of focusing on a person’s characteristics for what they are (eg. this character is gay) for who they really are (e.g. trigger happy, nervous, shy). People might not like the name of the game and resort to violence to prevent it being published. The name will not be changed however, rather presenting the game as a certain political agenda, or neutral. We could also go overbudget. To mitigate this risk, we should try to use less than the whole budget given, to reduce the chance of going over limit, and reserving a part of the budget in case such a thing happens. The game could end up similar in quality to High Guardian Spice, to mitigate this risk we will actually pay our employees, and make sure that all content is of high enough quality to be feasibly produced.
Timeline Two teams communicating very well, one developing art assets, the other code, plus soundtrack developer and marketing person. Two artists and two programmers working in proximity for easy communication. The soundtrack developer will have to be communicating closely with both teams to get a feel for the game, so the soundtrack is of a high quality. Artist1: pixel art, in game sprites and art, graphics. Artist2: handling more in detail high-quality cut scenes. Both programmers are working on the game.
The game may take anywhere between 2 and 4 years to develop.
MONTH CONTENT MANAGEMENT 1 Plan 2 animator, 2 programmers and soundtrack composer hired. 2 Base game engine with minimal art, mostly place holders 3 Basic pixel art complete as well as 1st chapter base complete 4 More fleshed out physics and in-game mechanics 5 Completion of all of art for chapter 1 6 Basics laid out for chapter 2, start work on high quality animation of Isabella blowing up 7 Working on the explosion 8 Chapter 2 50% complete. Most base art work for Chapter 2 and the blowing up of Isabella should be complete. 9 All game play assets for Chapter 2 complete 10 All art for Chapter 2 complete. Base game for Chapter 2 complete. 11 Polish Chapter 2 and 1, begin development for Chapter 3. 12 Basic art assets for Chapter 3 complete. 13 Gameplay for Chapter 3 complete (good ending). 14 Final Boss for bad ending complete. 15 Main endings complete. 16 All endings complete. 17 Flesh out more aspects pf gameplay, e.g. more weapons, armour and enemies. Hire PR person. 18 Market game. JUnit test the game. Complete and add soundtrack. 19 Create and release demo. 20 Use feedback to fix bugs, test to find and fix more bugs. 21 Polish game. 22 Create and release second demo. 23 Polish game more, contingency 24 Release.
Target budget is a £100,000. Wages Programmers paid £80,000/annum, altogether £320,000-640,000 Animators paid £40,000/annum, altogether £160,000-£310,000 Audio paid £100,000 for the complete soundtrack. PR paid £35,000/annum, for the last 8 months of development and a further 1 year, altogether £47,500. Wages total: £1,100,000 Material costs Hardware: £1,200 (https://prorefurbished.co.uk/products/copy-of-apple-imac-21-5-desktop-intel-i5-2-50ghz-8gb-ram-1-tb-hdd-high-sierra-a-grade?variant=39903166791732&currency=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2LPT9bXr9gIVHIBQBh2gDA0nEAQYAyABEgIINPD_BwE) Software: GML or Unity £100 LogicPro £19.99 (https://softpedia.uk/product/logic-pro-x-2021-mac-only/)
Musical keyboard: £ 380 (https://store.focusrite.com/en-gb/product/launchkey-61-mk3-/NOVLKE61MK3~NOVLKE61MK3) Working from home, meetings at MacDonalds. Calls over zoom. Contingencies: £500 Material costs Total: £2,199.99
Sum Total: £1,102,199.99
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sixofpomegranates · 3 years
Rain in California - Act 1 - California
🥀Mini Series “Rain in California” Act 1 - Part 1 - California🥀
✨My Main Masterlist✨ | 18+ | AO3 | Wattpad
🥀Soundtrack🥀 | ✨Aestethic Trailer✨ |  🥀Masterlist🥀 | Words: 9.4k
A/N: The music used in this story is not owned by me (obviously) & I used it in the same style that 'Rock of ages' and 'Mamma Mia' used songs. I gave them a different meaning and context. The meaning and context are NOT representing the one that the ORIGINAL ARTIST had.
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TW: ANGST, mention of loss/death/addiction/sobriety/murder, suicidal thoughts/tendencies, depression, addiction, substance abuse, drugs, alcohol, ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, stalking, death by overdose, mentions of OD, passive aggressiveness, arguing,
Songs in this Chapter: La di die – Nessa Berrett Going to Hell | My Medicine | Heaven Knows – The Pretty Reckless
 Spencer looked up from his book.
Oh, so now he was allowed to talk with them about the case.
Since the briefing they hadn’t talked to him about anything. Spencer had to beg them, to let him work on this case.
He had really felt left out and why?
Because the stalking victim was a famous Rockstar with addiction issues. Spencer was hurt about his team not wanting him to be on the case because of this. Yes, he had struggled with addiction in the past, but he had been clean for over ten years now.
Was this unfair treatment…this distrust in his sobriety, ever going to stop?
It wasn’t like they had cared much about it when Emily had faked her death or when Maeve died, but this, for them, looked like a too high risk? Because there was a pretty girl involved?
He tried his best not to sound passive aggressive when responding.
 “Yeah, JJ?”, with success.
“I asked if everything´s okay.”
“Sure. Why should anything be wrong?”, the blonde shrugged a little, an apologetic look on her face.
“Well the case-“ “It´s just a stalking case. Nothing we haven’t already seen. I actually wonder why we even need to come. The stalker isn’t aggressive and hasn´t hurt anybody. Right now he´s just importunate. The police should be able to catch this unsub themselves.”, he had accidently let a little of his passive aggressiveness slip and Emily, who was sitting next to JJ, looked at him.
“The record label convinced the police to contact us. They seem worried about their artist.”
“From what I know…this girl can take care of herself.”, Luke snickered, earning himself a ‘Come on, really?’-look from Emily. “Sorry, but have you seen or listened to her music? She could probably beat Reid in a fist fight.”
“Just because she´s making rock music, doesn’t mean she´s tough. But we should talk a little about the case, Reid if you ever feel unco-“, he quickly interrupted her with a snappy tone.
“Why, because she´s an addict? I don’t care about that.”, Emily lifted her hands in a calming manner.
“Okay, jeez. Just the way you´re on edge, since the briefing, doesn’t look like you are okay.”, Spencer took a deep breath, trying to talk calmer this time, now almost pleading in tone.
“I-I know. But I´m clean since was twenty-six. I never touched anything again and I don’t feel the need to. I even regulate my alcohol intake, never drinking more than a beer, maybe two glasses of whiskey. Which means, that statistically all of you are at a higher risk, of becoming addicted, during this case, then I am. You guys need to trust me.”, the dark haired woman sighed and nodded.
“You´re right. I´m- We´re just worried. You´re our friend, Spencer.”, she handed him a file. “Just promise me you talk to one of us, if something changes.”
 He nodded opening the file. A picture of [y/n] looked at him. Dark heavy make-up, dark clothing and jet black hair with colorful streaks.
His younger self would´ve been as attracted as terrified of her.
He flipped through the pages. [y/n] [y/l/n]. Twenty-six years old. Stalker since approximately two years. Nothing extremely outstanding for a stalking case…which was kinda outstanding. No letters, no calls, no pictures, no break in, no threats…sometimes she would get random, expensive present delivered to her mansion, but that was it. Given that she was famous, this presents did not even have to be from a stalker.
 “Are we sure there´s even is a stalker?”, Spencer frowned at his own question, Emily shrugged as a response.
“According to the manager, Philip Schuyler, since the first time she played his concerns down, he gets these calls of a man asking for [y/n] and how she is doing. The label didn’t take it serious after he told them, but then the unsub stole the last finished album from [y/n]´s band ‘Shot Monarch’, before it could get released and distributed, also erasing every digitally existing copy. He then called the manager and send the owner of the record label a letter; typed on a computer, no fingerprints; stating that he wanted to be taken serious. Later [y/n] got the USB, containing all her songs, with a dozen white lilies, her favorite, back per mail with an apology letter; stating that she had done nothing wrong and didn’t need to worry, since he could never harm her or her carrier. That´s when the label pushed the police to contact us.”
“Because they are worried about the music…not the woman.”, JJ sighed, shaking her head.
“Well, that´s the industry. At least her manager is worried. Police states that he got himself a gun license after that and tries to be everywhere [y/n] is.”, Luke added.
“Something about that is off.”, Spencer whispered, rubbing his stubbles, before looking at JJ, Emily and Luke again. “There is nothing that indicates a stalker, but every time somebody doubts his existence, he does something noticeable. I know she is famous and that comes with the stigma of having crazed fans as stalkers, but most stalking in general is committed by someone known to the victim, such as an ex-partner or acquaintance. We should check that out.”, JJ nodded.
“It would also be smart if one of us stays by her site.”, Luke quickly raised his hand.
“I volunteer. I- Like- Really! If necessary I´ll sleep in the SUV.”, Emily raised an eyebrow.
“Can it be that you´re a fan? I heard you and Penelope freak out a little over the case earlier.”, a shy smirk appeared on his lips.
“‘Shot Monarch’ has really good music. Since my road trip a year ago, I love their stuff. Penelope actually tol-”, Spencer interrupted him determined.
“I´ll do it.”, Emily quickly shook her head.
“Reid, no.” “Why not?”, his voice got high, making him quickly cleared his throat. “Because-“ “Because she is taking drugs. Do you trust me that little, Emily?”, Spencer snapped at her and she leaned back into her seat. Sure the others from the team were older than him, but he was in his late thirties, and yet was treated like a child.
 “Fine. If you think you can handle it, do it. But stop being so sassy, I hate that.”, Emily looked at look in defeat. “Luke tell him what you know about [y/n] and the band.”, he nodded pulling out his phone.
“Okay so, [y/n] is the lead singer of ‘Shot Monarch’. She´s from a small town in Ohio and came to LA when she was eighteen, to become a singer after going viral. They are a band since five years, the name never really got explained by them, but it has something to do with the butterfly; at least that’s a fan theory I now from Penelope. Plus it makes sense, because [y/n] has a tattoo of one on the back of her hand.”, Luke flipped through some pictures of older man, reminding Spencer of bikers and insurance agents at the same time. Like middle-aged fathers that liked rock but still had a nine-to-five job.
“Hank, the guitarist, was a lawyer before and in a cover band with his high school friends Tom, the bassist, who worked for an insurance company, and Leroy, the drummer, who was history teacher and is also married to Hank. They met [y/n] at an open mic night and even though she´s twenty-six and they are in their late forties, early fifties, they got along so well, that they became a band. That´s ‘Going to Hell’ by the way. One of the more controversial songs.”, Luke pressed play on the video and already moved the lips to the lyrics.
  “Father did you miss me,
Been locked up a while.
I got caught for what I did but took it all in style.
Laid to rest all my confessions I gave way back when.
Now I'm versed in so much worse,
So I am back again, and he said
For the lives that I take, I'm going to hell!
For the love that I make, I'm going to hell!
Gettin' heavy with the devil, you can hear the wedding bells.”
  “The guitar you´re hearing is a classic Hank. That guy knows what he´s doing.”, Luke added, seemingly in his element, reminding Spencer a lot of Garcia when she was excited.
 Spencer nodded and watched the music video, the overall theme was dark and heavy. [y/n] voice was nice, a little smoky and strong, but everything just sounded so angry. Not really his style, although he preferred older, classical music in general over the ‘normal’ things ‘normal’ people liked. [y/n] wore tightfitting latex, while the men from her band mostly just wore black jeans and shirts, sometimes leather jackets. At one time, she was surrounded by snakes, only wearing white lingerie. She was really pretty, red lipstick making her look like a biting version of Snow White. Like a princess that would rather save herself, becoming the villain along the way, before letting someone else save her.
  “Father did you miss me,
Don't ask me where I've been.
You know I know, yes, I've been told I redefine a sin.
I don't know what's driving me to put this in my head.
Maybe I wish I could die, maybe I am dead!
And he said
For the lives that I fake, I'm going to hell!
For the vows that I break, I'm going to hell!
For the ways that I hurt, when I'm hiking up my skirt.
I am sitting on a throne while they're buried in the dirt.
For the man that I hate, I'm going to hell!
Gettin' heavy with the devil, you can hear the wedding bells.”
  The lyrics and symbolistic in the video mocked parts of the Christian belief system. Such as the bite Eve had taken from the apple, showing [y/n] taking a bite from the forbitten fruit. The last supper and the crucifixion were shown with a dark twist too. This could be a hint of rebellion, to cope with religious trauma, or simply be a way to cause controversy.
“Please forgive me father,
I didn't mean to bother you.
The devil's in me father.
He's inside of everything I do.
For the lives that I take, I'm going to hell!
For the laws that I break, I'm going to hell!
For the love that I hate, I'm going to hell!
For the lies that I make, I'm going to hell!
For the way I condescend and never lend a hand.
My arrogance is making this head buried in the sand.
For the souls I forsake, I'm going to hell!
Gettin' married to the devil, you can hear the wedding bells.”
As the video ended Luke took his phone and put it back into his pocket.
“Their earlier stuff had a little more emotion to it, was about heartbreak, suffering and made you feel. This is one of the more recent ones and you can hear that it´s now mostly just stuff like sex, drugs and anger. Most people think that´s because [y/n] writes all of their music and she´s…seen better days…”, Luke sighed, trying to make it sound as polite as possible.
“Because she started taking drugs?”, Spencer raised his eyebrows, but Luke shook his head. “Oh, no. She, according to many rumors and an interview with her father, has taken drugs since she was a teen. But at this point…she just simply seems to have given up, having chosen to not go deeper with her songs anymore. I mean, they still slap. They just don’t slap your heart anymore, you know?”
“Not so nice, when your father talks to the press about your addiction. Could her father be a suspect?”, JJ asked, making Luke shrug and shake his head at the same time.
“Most likely not. He said in that interview that he wishes her the best, but doesn’t want to speak to her again.”, Emily mouthed a silent ‘ouch’, the whole talk about the rockstars private life making Spencer think.
“Maybe that´s part why she´s taking drugs? Often people use them to cope with-“, Emily interrupted him, profiling [y/n] and her substance abuse, quickly.
“Reid. We´re not going there to fix her, just the stalking situation.”, he nodded, knowing that he had a savior complex, always trying to help and save everybody.
“Exes?”, Spencer asked and Luke shook his head.
“Just one is known, Dean Lennox, singer, now married with kids. He and [y/n] were together for two years and according to him it was toxic. Like, always fighting, jealousy, distrust, fear of being left but she still didn’t want him close at the same time, lying. After their last breakup, he told a gossip magazine, he just couldn’t watch her destroy herself anymore. She never commented on it.”, JJ looked at Spencer worried.
“She seems like a handful, are you sure you can handle her alone?”, he chuckled while nodding.
“I´ve been through worse. How hard can it be to watch a twenty-six year old? When she, like Luke said, really doesn’t want anyone close, I´ll just sit on her couch and let her do her thing.”
After landing in Los Angeles and checking into their hotel, the team drove to police station. There already waited a massage for them with an address. It was from the manager, he wrote that he was terribly sorry, but they needed to come to the recording studio, since the band was on a tight schedule all morning. Luke had tried his best, but Spencer could see his excitement through his tough-guy-façade. He, JJ, Luke and Emily took one of the SUV´s and drove to the address.
 The building they entered was large and with great security. Expensive, white marble flooring in the entire entrance hall. They showed their batches to the lady at the front desk and the security, she called somebody and soon a short, pudgy man, dressed in a designer suit walked out of the elevator and up to them. He smiled at them friendly and shook everyone’s hand.
 “Ah, the agents. I am so glad that you´re here. Hi. Hello. I´m Philip Schuyler, the manager of ‘Shot Monarch’.”, Emily shook his hand and pointed at the team.
“Nice to meet you. I´m unit chief SSA Prentiss, those are SSA Jareau, Alvez and that´s Dr. Spencer Reid. He will take on the job as bodyguard for Miss [y/l/n].”, the man scratched his brown hair, avoiding the bald spot on top.
“Yes, uhm, please just call her [y/n]. She really dislikes being called Miss [y/l/n]. We also already have police and security around her house, so I don’t know how important a personal bodyguard is. I really want this case solved and it would be terrible if we would hinder your work.”, Spencer lifted a finger.
“Actually, it would be better if I´m able to stay close to [y/n]. Normal police and security could probably oversee minor details about the stalker, Mr. Schuyler.”, the man waved off.
“Please, Mr. Schuyler was my father. Philip is completely fine. Everybody calls me that.”, he started walking to the elevator and the agents followed him. “Right now the band´s having a little break. After that, we need to record one more song for the ‘live in the studio’-version of their new album, that just came out. Are you familiar with their music?”, they got into the elevator and Luke already nodded.
“Yeah. Really great. Big fan.”, Emily lifted her hand, silencing Luke.
“I´m sorry. If that´s a problem we can-“, Philip laughed, interrupting her.
“Oh, no, no. [y/n] will love that. She likes meeting fans and showing off her music.”
 They got out of the elevator, walked through the little hallway and entered the large double door in front of them. There was the recording studio. A lot of technical things, Spencer didn’t know much of, and a large glass wall in front of it, showing another room.
 The recording room was large, with a black leather couch and beanbags in it and nice, warm, wooden flooring. A drum set was placed on an vintage looking, red carpet and the overall lighting was warm and inviting as well. The door to the room was open and he could hear the three men, from the band, talking and laughing inside.
 “Guys, can you come out for a bit?”, Philip asked them and they looked up, walking up to them. “Okay, uhm, guys, those are the agents from the FBI. You know? The once coming because of [y/n]´s stalker.”, the largest man, a head taller than Spencer, smiled through his long grey beard that contrasted his bald head.
“Nice to meet you then, I´m Hank. That my husband Leroy,”, they shook hands with the dark skinned, skinny man, who in contrast to his husband was cleanshaven, with short black hair and glasses, “and that´s our friend Tom.”, the chubby, white, blond waved at them friendly.
“Why would like to talk with each of you individually, later at the police station, if that is possible.”, Emily said before introducing her team again, also mentioning Spencer´s duty as bodyguard. Leroy grimaced his face.
“Uh, [y/n] will hate that. The girl does not like being babysat.” “I´m not going to babysit her.”, Spencer answered, making Leroy chuckle. “That´s not how she will see it though.”, Hank sighed and put a hand on Spencer´s shoulder.
“Our girl is going through a lot right now. So it would be nice of you, to not take everything she´s saying personally, okay?”
 Spencer raised his eyebrows. He desperately hoped [y/n] wouldn’t be a bitch the entire time, since he couldn’t promise to not give her a piece of his mind, if so.
“[y/n]´s a little belligerent…Easy to get triggered and then she blows up like a bomb.”, Tom said and JJ cocked her head. “Is the stalking getting at her?”, Leroy shook his head. “Not really. But her mother died a few months ago and since then…little rough patch. She´ll get better. We all hit rock bottom once.”
“Is she going to therapy?”, Emily asked straight forward, making Tom, the chubby one chuckle. “Not since she hit the last therapist a few years ago. We paid his medical expenses and he was nice enough to not sue her. But we are here to help her, once she´s ready to let us.” “Must be exhausting, for you.”, JJ said empathetic and all the men waved off.
“Because of the drugs? No, it´s not that bad. She´ll collect herself. I have seven kids. Four of them are going through puberty right now. Phil has a toddler and Leroy and Hank have three rescue dogs and a couple of snakes. We can handle her.”, Tom laughed and the rest of the men started too.
“And that little stalker…Imma just say, I´m gonna rip him a new one, should I ever get the chance of meeting him. Counts for all of us.”, Hank added with everyone nodding in agreement.
“[y/n]´s a really nice girl and she´s been through a lot. If you´re nice to her, chances are high she´ll warm up to you and you won´t have any problems.”, Tom said to Spencer making him nod.
“And if she doesn’t?”, the tall doctor didn’t get an answer and just witnessed the rockers share a look.
 Nice girl. Drug issues not so bad. Be nice and maybe she´s nice to you. For Spencer all of that sounded like he would have to walk around on eggshells, while she would blast through walls like a wrecking ball. The manager, Philip, checked his watch and looked around.
 “So, where´s [y/n]? One more song and we´re done. Would be great not to hold up the investigation for too long.”
“She went to the toilet thirty minutes ago. We just ate our sandwiches. She said she wasn’t hungry.”, Leroy answered and at the same moment [y/n] walked in.
 Spencer looked at her and for a moment forgot how to breathe. Short, high waisted, leather skirt, low cut, tank top and biker boots, all black, rounded off with fishnet stockings.  [y/n] looked like she had climbed out of a teenagers wet dream. The perfect, little goth-girlfriend. She stretched a little and Philip looked at her.
 “Bonjour, Philly.”, she said with a sassy undertone, while walking up to him and leaning on his shoulder. He was the same high as her, which wasn’t really tall, about 5,4, if Spencer had to guess.
“Hey, where were you?”, the pudgy man asked her.
“Took a nap in my car.”, she booped his nose and gave him a sheepish little smile. Spencer knew she was high. In fact the whole room knew it.
“You drove here?”, Tom asked shocked and [y/n] grinned sarcastically.
“I guess so, else somebody explain to me why my car´s here.”, Phillip patted her shoulder, looking worried as she took four pills out of an orange pillbox from her bag. He gave her a glass of water and she swallowed them. The men from her band looked at her concerned, making her give them a pearly white smile.
“Headache.”, she explained and they only nodded. Spencer couldn’t help but think, that she wasn’t having a headache and even if she had, it was probably a withdrawal symptom.
“You know that I don’t want you to drive when you´re…”, her manager looked at the agents and stopped talking, making her look at them as well.
“What? Why´d you stop talking? That the fun police?”, she started giggling at her own joke, making the band chuckle, since she clearly didn’t know how accurate she was with her joke.
“That´s the FBI, Princess.”, Hank told her and she made a fake shocked face and then laughed again.
“Officer- No wait, agents, right? I swear I did nothing wrong. Weed´s legal in Cali.”
 The team shared some looks and Spencer couldn’t help but roll his eyes. [y/n] was not just on weed. Most definitely not just on weed.
 “They are here because of your stalker.”, Philip explained and she shrugged almost disappointed.
“Oh, that guy. Well, then hello. Nice to meet you. I´m [y/n].”
 She shook hands with JJ and Emily as they introduced themselves. Luke couldn’t help but breathe in sharply, as he shook her hand and almost choked on his own spit as an aftereffect. She started patting his back with wide opened eyes.
 “Shit, you okay? Asthma?”, [y/n] reached into her black, designer handbag and gave him a bottle with clear liquid. Luke took a sip, quickly grimaced his face and began coughing harder.
“Vodka.”, he stated through his coughing. [y/n] quickly took the bottle from him and took a sip too, without flinching. She then started cracking up at her mistake.
“Whoops. Mixed up the bottles, the other´s probably in my car. Philly, can you bring him…?”, Philip nodded and gave Luke a fresh water bottle from the mini fridge.
 Wow. Vodka hidden in a water bottle. Spencer licked his lips, taking in the view of her bandmates looking at each other. ‘Not that bad’ looked different. ‘Not that bad’ would not have her sleeping in her car, midday, with a bottle of ‘water’ and coming back high as a kite. Luke, by now, had stopped coughing and [y/n] stepped away from him again.
 “You good?”, she asked him, watching him wipe away his tears.
“Y-Yeah. Sorry.”, the black haired girl waved him off.
“Nah, don’t worry. I had asthma till I was twelve.”, he shook his head.
“I- I- No asthma. Just a really big fan.”, she started laughing again and although the light was dimmed, Reid could clearly see Luke´s cheeks turning red.
“Oh, that´s cute. But ‘Take My Breath Away’ is by Berlin.”, that sentence actually made the whole room laugh except for Spencer, who didn’t understand the reference. “What´s your name?”
“Luke Alvez.”, she shook his hand again, this time he didn’t almost choke.
“Well, nice to meet you, Luke. What´s your favorite song of ours?”
“25, no doubt. Really amazing. Like a James Bond song.”, the bandmates chuckled.
“We said that too.”, Leroy snickered, patting Luke´s shoulder and [y/n] nodded.
“It´s also my favorite. Excited to hear one of the new songs?”, Luke nodded excited and she turned her head to Spencer. “We both don’t know each other yet. Hi, I´m [y/n] and you are?”
 She sounded quite collected. Clearly high, but able to think straight if necessary. [y/n] must´ve been doing this for a while now, seeming to have figured out, how much she could handle while working. Spencer had been at that point too once. You wanted to do your work and be good at it, but needed to be high, to make it through the day. So you just tried over a period of time, bit by bit, how much you were able to take before doing a shitty job. ‘Not that bad’ didn’t make you figuring out a system to be high all the time.
 “Dr. Spencer Reid.”, he shook her hand.
“Dr. Reid will be your bodyguard, [y/n].”, Philip explained and quickly earned an angry look, as she let go of Spencer´s hand instantly.
“What? I don’t need a bodyguard, we talked about this.”, she hissed at her manager, but then started laughing after looking Spencer up and down. “And then that guy?”, Philip nodded as she rolled her eyes at him. ‘Do not take it personally’, Spencer told himself.
“I am more than capable of protecting you.”, he stated as friendly as possible, making her giggle.
“From what? A difficult math question?”
 [y/n] mocking tone started to piss him off, but as Spencer felt Emily´s look on him, he played it cool. After all, he had to proof himself able to handle her.
 “Your stalker.”, he corrected her and she licked her lips, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, looking at Luke.
“Since you don’t have asthma, would you mind if I…?”, Luke shook his head and she smiled. “Nice.”, she looked back at Spencer, at his gun. “Philip has a gun too.” “But Philip isn’t an FBI agent.”, Hank told her, making her shake her head in protest, like a little child.
“That´s ridiculous. And all of that just because a stranger sends me stuff, people send me stuff all the time.”
“You should be more worried about this guy.”, Leroy said and Tom nodded in agreement. “Yeah, what if he´s dangerous?”
“What´s the worst that could happen, like honestly, Doctor?”, she cocked her head at Spencer, looking up at him with an almost flirty smile.
“He could kill you.”, he gave back objectively, making the rockers obviously worried. “Geez. You make that sound like it´s a bad thing.”, she snickered and looked over to Luke. “Luke, wanna hear some music?”, he nodded.
“It would be an honor.”, his sentence made her giggle as she walked past him.
“You´re really cute.”
 [y/n] walked into the recording room, Tom, Leroy and Hank following her. She put on her headphones and lit a cigarette, putting the package on the little table next to her mic. Philip closed the door and started pushing some buttons on the sound mixer in front of him. JJ whistled impressed.
 “You do the technical stuff too?”, he nodded, chuckling.
“Since the stalking started, I try having as little people near [y/n] as possible. Thought it might just be a little crush from a weirdo and when he doesn’t get to see her, he gets over it.” “We need a list of the people that worked here though.”, Emily told him and he nodded.
“Of course.”, then he pushed a button and started talking into his microphone. “You guys, ready? Last song. ‘My Medicine’, then we can go home.”
 They all approved of his words and started to playing. [y/n] relighting her cigarette and clearing her throat. Spencer couldn’t tell if that was her simply not caring or doing it for the feeling of the song. However, it seemed to fit the style.
“Somebody mixed my medicine
Somebody mixed my medicine”
“I love this already.”, Luke whispered and JJ chuckled.
“You haven’t even heard anything yet.”, she snickered.
“Doesn’t matter, the feeling is there.”, he lifted his arms, showing her his goosebumps.
“Well you hurt where you sleep and you sleep where you lie
Now you're in deep and now you're gonna cry
Got a woman to your left
And a boy to your right
You start to sweat so
Hold me tight 'cause
Somebody mixed my medicine
I don't know what I'm on
Somebody mixed my medicine
Now baby it’s all gone
Somebody mixed my medicine
And somebody's in my head again
And somebody mixed my medicine again, again”
Spencer watched [y/n] starting to move to the rhythm, swaying her hips and tapping her left foot to the beat, then looked to Philip pressing some buttons.
 “She´s gonna be happy with that one.”, he whispered almost to himself and the next time Spencer looked at the band again, it almost felt like she was attentionally singing in his direction.
“Well I drink what you leak and I smoke what you sigh
See you cross the room with that look in your eye
Got a man to his left and a girl to his right
You start to sweat so
Hold me tight 'cause
Somebody mixed my medicine
I don't know what I'm on
Somebody mixed my medicine
Now baby it’s all gone
Somebody mixed my medicine
Somebody's in my head again
And somebody mixed my medicine again, again”
She started moving her head in a way that made her long black hair fall in her face, framing her features almost delicately. While Spencer starred and earned some grins from [y/n], he could hear Luke whisper with Emily, who actually seemed to like the music too.
“There's a tiger in the room and a baby in the closet”
The room laughed and Spencer looked confused, having JJ tell him, that it was a movie reference. Sometime he felt like an alien, having such simple references fly over his head. Star Trek or Book references would´ve been easier for him…although he still didn’t know what that ‘Twilight’ book was Penelope and JJ talked about a couple of times. Or that other book all the women had talked about in their break….what was it called, ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’? They had told him it was a romance novel, so he just assumed it was like ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen.
“Pour another drink mom I don't even want it
Then I turn around and think I see someone that looks like you”
Philip pressed some buttons again, [y/n] now harmonizing with herself.
“Well you hurt where you sleep and you sleep where you lie
Now you're in deep and now you're gonna cry
Got a woman to your left
And a boy to your right
You start to sweat so
Hold me tight 'cause
Somebody mixed my medicine
I don't know what I'm on
Somebody mixed my medicine
Now baby it’s all gone
Somebody mixed my medicine
Somebody's in my head again again
And somebody mixed my medicine
Again, again, again
Again, again, again
Again, again, again”
The music started to slow down again, just like [y/n] movements, making Luke whisper words in awe.
“Somebody mixed my medicine
Somebody mixed my medicine
Somebody mixed my medicine”
Philip and the team applauded as [y/n] took her headphones off and the men put their instruments away.
 “I´m happy with that.”, she said looking at Philip. “You, Philly?”
“Sounded great to me.”, he gave back, happy to answer.
“What about my new favorite fan. Luke?”, Luke quickly pushed Spencer aside to get to the microphone.
“Loved every second of it! Like- Amazing! Really!”, she giggled, throwing her head back and came through the door.
“What about my new guard dog?”, Spencer pointed at himself, not knowing if she was talking about him. “Of course you. So, what do you think, Doctor?”
“I- I don’t really know.”, she raised her eyebrows at his answer.
“Okay? Was it the drugs or just the music in general?”, he felt himself go pale. “Ah, okay. You´re prude, get it. I mean you already have that whole tutor-thing about you, so…Bach or Chopin?”
“Pardon?” “Which one? Or is it Mozart, or the deaf bitch, Beethoven?”, she grinned snarky.
 [y/n] had a mocking tone in her voice, making Spencer feel embarrassed and like he was in school again, when the other kids in high school were making fun of him for not being cool enough. But he was too old to be bullied by a little junkie, who thought she was better than him.
 “I´m surprised somebody like you would even know them.”, her smile vanished.
“Little bitch.”, she snapped at him, stepping closer as he cocked his eyebrows at her. Philip quickly walked between the two of them and smiled.
“So, what are we doing next? The albums done. Taken care of. [y/n] have you eaten something today? You wanna go out for dinner?”
“No, I haven’t and no, I don’t want to, when THAT is around.”, with ‘that’ she clearly meant Spencer.
“Now don’t be grumpy, Princess. You started it.”, Hank told her and she started to pout, shoulders relaxing.
“Wasn’t worth my time anyways.”, she murmured and Spencer felt himself getting proud. This was the first person, trying to bully him, he had stand a chance against.
“So, we´re gonna need you at the police station, if that´s okay?”, Emily asked Leroy, Hank and Tom, who nodded. “And Spencer, you should take [y/n] home and check out her house.” “Mansion.”, [y/n] corrected Emily. “I have a mansion. Worked too hard to have it being called a house.”, Emily only nodded, not letting herself get bothered by her words. Philip nodded, completely ignoring his clients snappiness too.
“I follow you in my car.”, he told Spencer. “[y/n] give Dr. Reid your keys, please.”, she shook her head indignant.
“No. That guy is not driving my car. I´ll drive.”, the whole band now started saying no.
“[y/n], you´re not driving.”, Tom ordered and Leroy nodded. “You´ll get an DUI so quick, it´s not even funny.”, Spencer lifted his hand, waiting for the key. “Oh, come on.”, she groaned, looking at her bandmates like her childish behavior would change their mind.
 A nice sound. An annoying person, not getting what they want. Almost as beautiful as her [y/e/c] eyes, that actually were rather bloodshot, when Spencer thought about it.
 “Should the police pull you over and see that you´re high, they´ll look through your car and I don’t think you want be taking in custody for drug possession, right?”, she handed him her keys and Spencer couldn’t help it and whispered “Thank you”, in the most mocking tone he was able to.
“Fucking cunt.”, she whispered back at him and he just chuckled.
“I´ve been called worse. So your little words don’t hurt me…sorry.”, she then grinned.
“Things like Spencer?”, [y/n] asked him, spitting his name like poison.
 Spencer took a deep breath and watched her go out the door, telling himself to not answer her.
 “Hey, kid.”, Spencer looked at Hank and he just lifted his thumb.
“You held yourself better than we thought you would.”, Leroy added, Emily looking at Spencer concerned.
“You sure you can handle her?”
 He nodded, walking out the door and to the elevator which doors [y/n] was holding open for him.
 “Hurry up, bitch boy! I wanna go home.”
 Of course the rich, spoiled brat drove an imported sportscar. When Spencer got in, he firstly had to push back the seat, not having enough room for his legs and then tried getting [y/n] to tell him where she lived.
 “Try google, smart ass.”, was her answer and he sighed.
 [y/n] then rolled down her window and grabbed a joint from her glove compartment. Spencer quickly leaned over and snatched it from her hand, making her whine as she tried getting it back.
 “You´re such a bitch. Give me-“, he interrupted her whining.
“No. First tell me you´re address.”, she sat back into her seat.
“Fine. I´ll lead you there.”, [y/n] said, making grabbing motions with her hand and he handed her the joint back. She lit it and smoked out of the window.
 Spencer knew he should have questioned why she gave up and let him win so easily. After ten minutes they weren’t at her mansion, they were at a McDonald´s.
 “You´re fucking kidding me, right?”, he snapped at her and she began to giggle.
“You´re kina hot when you´re angry.”, her flirty grin and the way she bit her lip made him furious, because it was hot.
“What is wrong with you?”, Spencer almost yelled and she leaned back and pointed somewhere. “I´m hungry. Drive-Through. Over there.”
“No.” “Come on. Don’t be a bitch, dog.”, she snickered, resting her feet on the dashboard.
 He looked at her, for a second thinking about simply getting out of the car and leaving, before he could hurt her. Maybe she was really too much for him to handle, the drugs were manageable, but it was her personality that drove him mad, yet he wasn’t someone to give up easily. Cars started to honk behind them.
 “You´re holding up the traffic. I just wanted something to eat.”, [y/n] said, now almost annoyed because she wasn’t getting what she wanted. Spencer took a deep breath.
“Okay.”, she looked at him confused.
“Okay?”, he nodded, pulling into the Drive-Through. He was above this. ‘Give her what she wants, so she´s at least quiet.’
“You win.”
 She started clapping and hugged him, smelling like marijuana and something he couldn’t quite make out. When they came up to the microphone box, [y/n] crawled over Spencer´s lap, forcing him to look and think respectfully. She ordering a bunch of stuff and then looked at him.
 “What do you want? I only have booze at home, so…”, he looked at her a little startled. Was she trying to be nice to him?
“You wanna buy me something?”, she nodded like this behavior was normal to her. “Sure.”
“Surprise me. I never eat fast food, I don’t know what´s good.”
 She nodded and then told the voice from the box to double her order. Sitting back into her seat, [y/n] took out a hundred dollar bill from her purse, handing it to Spencer. When they pulled up by the window, taking their things, the woman in the window nearly lost it when she saw the rockstar, starting to cry. [y/n] was really nice to her and asked her if she wanted to take a photo in the parking lot. Of course the woman said yes and after paying, where [y/n] had left almost fifty bucks as a tip, Spencer had to park and wait till they had made the photo and given an autograph.
 “Okay, now drive before it goes viral. I wanna eat that stuff before it gets cold.”, she told him, taking a sip of one of the milkshakes.
“That was nice.”, she shrugged and then told him her address, telling him she´d scream when they reached it.
 Lo and behold, no twenty minutes later they parked in front of [y/n] mansion, next to another, more run down car, belonging to Philip. The mansion would´ve made Rossi´s mansion cry. At least twice as big and the property was enormous. In contrast to [y/n], it was very light and minimalistic from the outside and the inside.
 “Most rooms are empty. Too big.”, she explained walking straight into the open living area, that had a large terrace with pool and a view over the Hollywood hills. She put the paper bags filled with food on the large kitchen island and sat on a barstool.
“You could sell it and buy a smaller one.”, [y/n] shrugged and took out a burger, starting to eat it.
“Philip says I´m gonna grow into it.”, she answered, mocking the tone of voice her manager had probably had.
 Spencer watched her type something on her phone and a minute later Philip came into the room.
 “Hey, where were you? I got worried.”, he asked them and [y/n] handed him a salad.
“It´s the one you always have.”, he smiled at her.
“Thank you. You´re so nice.”, she shrugged at his words, not really caring.
“Yours is in here too, dog.”, she now told spencer.
 Ah, yes. She was being bitchy again. Spencer had only waited for it to happen. He said nothing, but walked up to the white kitchen isle and took the bag she pointed at.
 “Milkshake, burger, fries. Fast food essentials.”, she stated, finishing her small cheeseburger and getting up to her fridge, taking out a beer. She held it to Spencer who declined and then to Philip who did the same. “Lame asses.”, she chuckled, opening it and standing at the counter, watching Spencer eat. “So you´re here for…?”
“Technically it would be the easiest for all of us, if I just stayed.”, she raised her brows.
“Staying like, in my house staying?”, he nodded and she shook her head. “No chance. I enjoy my solitude.”
“[y/n]. If it´s easier for the agent and better for you…”, she sighed, opening a drawer and taking out some pills, swallowing them with her beer. “Fucking hell. But don´t expect me to be considerate of you.”, the rockstar told him.
“Should you consume them with alcohol?”, Spencer asked, taking a bite of his burger and she shrugged.
“I´m going to sleep…you guys…do what you want, I don’t care…”
“Do you need me to do your laundry?”, Philip asked and [y/n] shrugged again, it seemed to be her favorite motion. As she walked down the hallways and Phillip yelled after her. “Don’t forget that you have a gig tonight, [y/n]!”
“THAT`S WHY I`M GOING TO SLEEP NOW, DUMB ASS! WAKE ME UP WHEN WE NEED TO GO!”, she yelled back, followed by the smashing of a door.
 “She´s a nice girl.”, Philip said in the middle of the silence, as Spencer took place on one of the barstools.
“Like a car crash.”, the man in his fifties chuckled.
“I know she´s difficult, but in here she´s good.”, he pointed at his heart. “She has suffered a lot of losses in her life.”
“Then, just as a random thought, you should get into therapy before she OD´s.”, Spencer answered sassy.
“I know what you mean. But as long as she doesn’t want help or overdoes it…she has a system.”, Spencer let his head fall back and groaned.
“You know about that fucking thing?” “You too?”, Philip asked back in surprise. “Profiler. Took me no longer than the nap in her car, to figure that out.”
 Yes, a small lie from Spencer, but it sounded better then: Oh yes, I was addicted to dilaudid once. I had a system too!
 “Tell me, how does that train wreck of a system work?”, Philip leaned back from his salad.
“Well, she takes her painkillers in the morning and smokes some cannabis to get out of bed. When we´re touring or she has to be at shootings, interviews or anything else that needs her to focus, she only smokes and takes the pills all day, alcohol in water bottles is a new one though.”, Spencer sighed and thought if he even wanted to know more.
“And when she´s alone or not busy?” “Then she does the harder stuff.” “Harder stuff like cocaine, LSD…?”, Philip nodded. “Nothing with needles though…she´s scared of them.”
“She will not always be, if she continues like that.” “I know. That´s why I do my best to keep her busy. She even has her own recording studio here, knows how to handle everything herself. I thought it might make her spend more time making music than getting high. I also go out with her a lot, to a point where my wife starts to get jealous.”, he laughed bittersweetly. “Have you ever been to Disney World, agent?”, Spencer shook his head. “I take [y/n] there once a week, because she likes it there. I spend more time with her there then with my own daughter.”, [y/n] was famous, no chance people wouldn’t notice her.
“Does she even get to do anything there?”
“Not often. She mostly meets her fans there, but she loves that a lot. She is really sweet to them too, they mean everything to her.”
 That was the first time Philip had said something that was true about [y/n]. She had, not once been mean to a fan. The complete opposite actually. She had been nice and thoughtful, going out of her way to make the woman at the Drive-Through happy and was nice to Luke.
 “I know she was a little mean to you today, but she also bought us food, seeing it as a matter of course. There are two sides to every person, like a coin.”, Like a coin, just that [y/n] sides flipped as quickly like one too. Philip sighed and got up from his barstool. “I´ll show you around a little, if you want to.”
 Spencer nodded, getting up, following the short man around the house.
 [y/n] had been right.
It was way too big and many of the rooms were empty. When Spencer asked Philip about the necessity of such a big mansion, he told him, that he had hoped to motivate [y/n] to have a family one day. But now the only rooms in use were her bedroom, one of the five guest bedrooms, which Spencer got to stay in, the open living area with kitchen and living room, the recording studio and a little library. The latter made Spencer a little jealous. In the middle of the room even stood a white piano with notes on it. [y/n] also had a lot of books, all dusty, because she never read anymore. He would´ve killed to have his own library…she probably didn’t even value what she had.
 When they returned into the living area, Philip gave Spencer some spare keys, beginning to clean up a little and putting the food in the fridge. [y/n] didn’t lie, when she said, she only had alcohol at home. JJ came over and brought Spencer his go bag, asking him how it was going. Of course he said he was doing great, but couldn’t help but rant to her about [y/n]´s behavior.
 “Well, she is an addict, Spence. You know how erratic some drugs can make you.”, he nodded.
“Yeah, but she really tries pushing me and then, one second to the other, she´s nice and polite. Have you talked to her bandmates?”, JJ laughed.
“Way too long. We had interviews with them and then Luke just couldn’t stop talking to them, he has also taken about a million pictures with them and facetimed Penelope so she could meet them too.”, Spencer chuckled.
“Sounds like they had a good time. Anything else happened? Found out something?”
“[y/n]´s mother was an addict and left the family when she was younger. When she found out her daughter was famous, she got back in touch with her, to borrow money. [y/n] didn’t care and even got her to live with her, in one of the guest bedrooms. She overdosed a few months ago, since then [y/n]´s addiction got worse.”, Spencer´s eyes got wide.
“She didn’t die in the guest bedroom though, right?”
 Just as JJ wanted to answer, [y/n] walked in. Philip walking behind her with a duffle bag.
 “She died in the bathroom and she didn’t overdose perse, she drowned after falling unconscious in the bathtub, while being high.”, she answered cold, seeming to have overheard their conversation. [y/n] grabbed a beer from the fridge and continued calmly while taking some colorful pills. “I found her. The bathroom that it happened in is always locked. Don´t worry.”, Philip fidgeted a little with his hands, looking for his keys.
“Uh-Uhm. Agents? We need to go. The concert…”
“You coming too?”, [y/n] asked, looking at JJ and she shrugged. “We could also invite the cute one…Luke. It´s about 20.000 people so two more won´t hurt…right Philly?”, Phillip nodded.
“You´re all invited. SSA Prentiss as well.”, he said and JJ smiled at them.
“Thank you. That´s very nice, but I´ll have to talk to them first.”, [y/n] shrugged at that and drank her beer.
“You have my number, just call when you know. We start half past eight.”, Philip then took the empty beer bottle from [y/n] and threw it away. “Show time.”
 Half an hour into the concert Luke had shown up, completely hyped.
 “What did I miss? We had some ex-staff members to talk to. Did they already play ‘Going to Hell’?”, Spencer nodded. “Argh, dammit. Doesn’t matter, that song´s amazing too.”
 During the whole concert Spencer watched [y/n]. The music wasn’t that bad, a little harsh, but it was mix of hard and alternative rock after all. At least that´s what Penelope said, when Luke started facetiming her. After the last costume change, Spencer pulled [y/n] aside. He asked her to not be so ‘touchy’ with her fans. Since she would kneel down and hold their hands. He tried telling her about the risks of having the unsub in the audience, but she only laughed.
 “I´ll be as touchy as I want, bitch.”, he started to frown.
“At least don’t stagedive. Luke says you always do that and the risk of the unsub use-“, she interrupted him, wanting to go on stage.
“Fuck off, dog.”, he held her arm, trying to reason with her.
“Can you ple-“, she tried pulling away, like an angry child.
“No.” “Stop being so fuck-“, [y/n] interrupted him again.
“Stop trying to fucking babysit me.”
“I just want to hel-“, she ripped her arm away. “Yeah, fuck you too.”, the rockstar answered, not letting him finish and walked back on stage.
 Philip walked up to Spencer, having seem the ordeal of him trying to talk to [y/n] and him now  driving the heel of his palm into his eyes. This girl gave him migraines.
 “What happened?”, Philip asked and Luke answered for Spencer.
“He told her not to stagedive.”, Philip laughed a little and shook his head.
“Oh yeah. Never tell her what to do. She hates that and then does it out of spite.”
“You don’t say?”, Spencer answered sarcastically.
 On stage [y/n] took her microphone, saying something to her bandmates and then smiling sweetly, while talking to her fans.
 “This next song is for my lovely new babysitter, who thinks he can tell me what to do.”, the crowd started booing and she laughed. “I know, I know. But it looks like he doesn’t know how things work around here…So I think we have to help him out a little.”
 The music started to play and Luke patted Spencer´s arm.
“She dedicates ‘Heaven Knows’ to you! Penny have you heard? She sings ‘Heaven Knows’ for Reid!”
“NO! SHUT UP!”, the blonde on the phone squeaked.
 He and Garcia started to freak out while Spencer watched [y/n] clapping her thigh and stomping to the beat.
“Jimmy's in the back with a pocket of high
If you listen close, you can hear him cry
Oh Lord, heaven knows, we belong way down below
Sing it!”
She lifted the mic to her audience she started to sing for her.
Oh Lord, heaven knows, we belong way down below, way down below, way down below
“Judy's in the front seat picking up trash
Livin' on the dole, gotta make that cash
Won't be pretty, won't be sweet
She's just sittin' here on her feet singin'
Oh, Lord, heaven knows, we belong way down below
Again her fans obeyed her, Luke and Penelope freaking out next to Spencer. If it wouldn’t have been a moment, were he had to fear which move she had planned next to unnerve him, he might have even enjoyed this song and the involvement of her fans in it.
Oh Lord, heaven knows, we belong way down below
“Sing, oh Lord, tell us so, we belong way down below”
She now looked at him for a moment, while her audience sang. Before, again, walking around the stage, touching her fans hands.
Oh Lord, tell us so, we belong way down below
Way down below, way down below, way down below, way down below
“I've had better days, man, I've seen better days
I've had better ways, man, I know better ways
One, two, three and four, the devil's knocking at your door
Caught in the eye of a dead man's lie
Show your life with your head held high
Now you're on your knees with a head on low
Big man tells you where to go
Tell them it's good, tell 'em ok
Don't do a goddamn thing they say”
Spencer was surprised how well her fans knew her lyrics. She would just have to point at them or lift her mic and they would instantly sing were she stopped. Not missing a beat.
Oh Lord, heaven knows, we belong way down below
Oh Lord, tell us so, we belong way down below
Way down below, way down below, way down below, way down below
“I've seen better ways, and I know better ways
I've seen better days, man, I've got better days”
[y/n] now stood at the edge of the stage, back turned to her audience. She smiled directly at Spencer, fingers held like a gun to her head.
“Gina's in the back with a pocket of high
If you listen close you can hear the cryin'”
At the last word she mimicked shooting herself and let herself fall back into the crowd. Her fans got wild and continued her song, while Spencer certainly not in a long time, if ever, felt so much spite and frustration against a woman, other than Cat Adams.
Oh Lord, heaven knows, we belong way down below
Oh Lord, tell us so, we belong way down below
Singin' oh, Lord, heaven knows, we belong way down below
Oh, Lord, tell us so, we belong way down below
The crown placed [y/n] back on her stage, where she walked up to her bandmates again, waving at Spencer and Luke with the sweetest smile.
Way down below, way down below, way down below, way down below, way down below
Way down below, way down below, way down below, way down below, way down below
 After the concert and the encores she and the band got behind stage, where Spencer for the least thirty minutes had waited to give her a piece of his mind. As [y/n] giggled and walked up to him and Luke. He grabbed her arm, a little harsher than planned.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”, she blinked at his yelling, answering with her innocent eyes blinking and a mocking tone.
“What´s the prob, dog?”
“What´s- Do you really care so little for your own safety?”, Hank came up to them, having seen Spencer´s grip on the girls arm.
“Hey! What´s going on here? [y/n], are you okay?”, Spencer quickly let go of her.
“Yeah, the dog is just pissing himself because I stage dived.”, he quickly took a deep breath.
“I´m not pissing myself, [y/n], but I told you not to do it. What would you have done when your stalker would´ve been in the crowd and lost it? Nobody would´ve been able to get to you fast enough and help!”, Hank looked at her in disappointed shock.
“Is that true, [y/n]?”, the black haired girl ignored her friend and just continued arguing with Spencer.
“Well, maybe I don’t want anybody’s help!”, she hissed at Spencer.
“Then why are we even here?”, Spencer hissed back. “BECAUSE I BRING MONEY! Else the label would let me rot in a fucking corner! GOD! You are ruining my after-show-high. I hate you!”, [y/n] yelled and Spencer tried not to yell back, tried to be the bigger person, only hissing back at her.
“Oh, trust me. That feeling is mutual.”, she swallowed hard and then turned around, stomping away.
After half an hour waiting, Spencer got a call from Philip, telling him that [y/n] refused to see him again and would be sleeping at his house tonight. He told him, that he should just let himself into the mansion and eat what´s in the fridge. It wasn’t from use, to try talking to [y/n], when she was that angry. Tomorrow Philip would call him and bring her back into Spencer´s care.
Spencer did as told, Luke driving him to the mansion, telling him that it wasn’t his fault. He then got into the large, empty mansion and grabbed himself a well-deserved beer. Being alone in this big house was depressing. After his third beer he stopped, walking into his room.
He pulled his blue and gold sobriety token, he had gotten for being clean ten years, out of his bag. Thumb rubbing over the golden X in the middle of it. He actually had deserved a twelve year token by now, but since prison didn’t actively attended the meetings anymore, having grown past it. Yet, he still kept the tokens he had, close to him.
They reminded him of his achievement, reminded him to be proud at himself.
Spencer never wanted to fall back into the dark hole he was in, when he was addicted, and even when [y/n] would throw tantrum after childish tantrum, she wouldn’t cause him to relapse. He was stronger than this. Stronger than her.
To be continued...
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ivyglow · 3 years
when i was younger, i used to scooter pantless around my house with a hannah montana wig underneath a bratz bike helmet, with bangles and bracelets covering both my arms, necklaces stacked on necklaces around my neck, my mums heels, and makeup she didnt hide good enough from me smeared all over my face (im talking green eyeshadow as blush and red lipstick as eyeshadow) and i can just imagine barzys daughter matching that energy but being so much more because she after all is half of mat who was, as we all know, a chaotic kid. so when you leave her at home with him for a few hours, i can just imagine that you come back to find mat sprawled out in the middle of the living room, with disheveled hair and lipstick & eyeshadow smudged all over his face because apparently she wanted to make him even prettier, with a mess of toys and costumes surrounding him, and you see a stray wig there too somewhere, blankly staring up at the ceiling and looking like he just got back from wrestling with an alligator because he’s just DONE and cant match her energy. you’re like wtf is going on, what happened, why are you barely alive and just as you ask him where she is, she comes biking into the room in yet another costume, probably a superhero one (but really its just a random sheet she probably pulled off a bed and wrapped around her neck), with your jewelry hanging from her (pairs of earrings are hanging from the necklaces because she wanted to wear all of them at once and bracelets around her ankles (which are covered with mats socks. i know you’re wondering why but... dont question it) because she couldn’t fit them on her wrists) screaming about how she’s gonna have to destroy mat because apparently, and unbeknownst to him, mat’s the villain she has to defeat to save the world. mat just has a petrified look on his face and turns to you with pleading eyes before he musters up enough energy to run away to another room and save himself. while he’s exhausted & spent and his body is hurting more than it does during a rough hockey game and he’s complaining about how sore he’s gonna be tomorrow and how much work your kid is, at the end of the day you know deep down he loves that he gets to put that big of a smile on her face when he lets her do his makeup and nails, when he joins her tea parties, when he allows her to defeat him in whatever game they’re playing, and when he goes along with whatever make believe world they’re pretending to be in, because his little girl’s happiness is his number one priority, and he knows soon enough she won’t be so little anymore and moments like those are ones she’s gonna remember forever
<3 anon
He would def her win every time and that’s how much he loves her because we all know he’s competitive. It would be fun watching it all unfold tho jajaja can you imagine him calling his mom to ask for helpful tips with an energetic kid and she goes “good to know she’s just like you when you were a kid, now you get to see what I had to go through with your chaotic ass” you’re beside him listening to the conversation and you can’t help but to laugh because damn if she doesn’t have a point
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Penny in her summer outfit, yes it’s completely inspired by Cynthia’s summer regular wear and I was in love with it, it’s still a wip and I have some changes like fixing her toes and coloring her in like her ombre pink to purple hair and shirt cause I can’t do that yet. Yes her pose is like Cynthia’s and her concept art pose
*Her two buns are held by scrunchies covered in mini diamonds and pearls (Hah pun 😅😂), are fake but people don’t believe her, her accessories are still the same (added a pearl bracelet and diamond ring) but her mini skull necklace has her keystone to Mega evolve her metagross, same color as it, make up wears pink lipstick and purple eyeshadow, being a summer goth
Gray striped bell bottom with fuzz trims and Pants have a Arceus ring design at as well an wavy curls plus dots at the end above her fuzzy trims, Arceus ring for her belt buckle cause she’s a goddess even though she insists she isn’t but like Marinette and Marianne, has befriended every mythical and legendary pokemon, including having dreams about Arceus and the creation trio who end up adopting Penny and her found champion family, so no surprise if Giratina pops up to say hello
Yes I gave her braided dreadlocks and long hair (box braids while her fellow champion and friend Camilla Hombee has the waist length twists hairstyle) cause I want to give a bit of homage towards her inspiration and is it bad that I want more hair representation that isn’t seen as ugly? This is still practicing hairstyles so forgive if it’s messy and yes her eye is covered on purpose cause of an incident I’ll talk about later
Hair and shirt are ombre color fading from light pink to hot/dark pink to magenta to purple/violet(Hair) while being reverse with her sleeveless shirt with a golden teardrop ornament on her shirt, the same goes with her hair buns, huge earrings and mini belt. Has multiple mini piercings in her ears which she covers in jewelry inspire by her mom and grandma’s home regions
Her hair is base off the bi flag colors which she dyed from her natural dark purple hair as an act/sign of rebellion and lets it loose since she use to wear it in a bun or ponytail as she got older, her child hair was shoulder length in braids, same with her diamond and pearl jewels like her diamond ring, pearl bracelet and her pearl/diamond earrings. Heck, even her scrunchies are of the bi colors with pink pearls and purple diamonds plus a Giratina tattoo on her back 
Anywho here are my random hcs about Penny’s personality and personal life down below, cause it long:
Her’s name is short for Pandeia, a moon goddess who was the daughter of Selene or another name for Selene, fits her role with being exceeding lovely amongst the deathless gods and is the polar opposite of Phoibos (PV Gabriel), her villain of her region, and her former first childhood best friend who slowly losing his sanity over time and jealous of her, much to her shock and devastation since she as a kid had low self esteem in her childhood and teen years, she’s was nerdy and a huge geek in history and legends, having a soft-spoken voice leading her to become a historian and archeologist maybe teacher on world history (in this au, she’s not Jagged’s assistant) very professional, helpful and hardworking champion, trying very hard to make her region a better and safer place, thus earning the respect of many including her people and the rest of her fellow champions.
Penny is known as the most strongest and “toughest” champion as not only does she become serious in battle, there is since very few has even managed to defeat her but even then they can’t take her title from her and has a tendency to strike fear into other’s heart without even knowing her just by hearing her name. Despite this, Penny is great problem solver and tries her best to look at both sides. While nice though, don’t get on her bad side or make her mad as she can take on a curt and confrontational persona who rips people to shreds that can even rival Felix! Despite her often taking more than she can chew and has hidden anxiety which she tends to study it off and work to the point of overwhelming herself and passing out in exhaustion or not sleeping at all drinking coffee, trying to make her region a better and safe place though she hides this part of her well.
She is on the spectrum, and mild OCD stemming from her perfectionism leaning towards the mild side but she tend to hide her anxieties and flaws cause to her eyes, she didn’t want to be taken as a failure even though she’s still a very well respected leader. Is neurotic, prone to anxiety, and quite socially awkward but more as child/teen, she’d rather read books and talk to pokemon and would rather hang out in a library or museum for hours till closing time, the one who has all straight A’s and would do the work early and be ahead of all of her classes who has a fear of disappointing others and trouble saying no plus was often teased by her classmates for being a recluse and her height leading her to be wary of meeting new people and thinks she would mess up her relationships. Still she as she is older, often suffering with workaholic tendencies and a strive for perfection but has hidden them quite well
Penny bonds with Marinette due to them being quiet worry anxoiety prone but still caring for others, would put their lives for them and being a fellow aspie. Often falls asleep on her textbooks even as she got older as she tends to lose herself in her research and can read for days, often having her fellow champion friends text her or call her or have her pokemon look after her as she literally buries herself in books. Despite her inseurcites, thanks to her friends and pokemon, becomes more confident, proud and cares for herself She is incredibly smart, can speaks 7 languages including Kalosian, Pokenish, Pokeugese, Japanese along with reading ancient language in Unown, Braille, Morse Code, sign language and is still considered to be a famous liked icon.
Penny is very interested in mythology, often spends her time researching and exploring various sites associated with Legendary pokemon of the Sinnoh region. Same goes with legends of other places as she loves very story of pokemon but enjoys the dark side of legendary pokemon tales like Darkari, Yveltal, Necrozma, Eterneaus,often wishing to befriend these pokemon with horrible reputations and reading those for a bedtime story or begging her parents or grandma to tell her, often being secretly gleeful on learning about them. Ironically she hates being spooked or surprised as she fights back and hates horror movies that don’t involve pokemon but enjoys listening to the Pokedex’s entries and debunking or supporting the terrifying theories and has many scary looking pokemon, a love for them plus a hidden love for macabre and the dark arts.
Use to be easily overwhelmed and cracked under pressure but doesn’t show it and hides it behind a profession calm face. Reason why was they went on their journeys together. Penny was a natural throughout the challenge (much to her surpisie, while Phoibos was a powerful trainer but not as efficient at earning badges and was.. less “approachable” than Penny. She just woke up one day and foinds out he packed everything and left from the Pokemon Center without saying goodbye, didn’t answer his phone, doesn’t know why he disappeared after she got her final badge, but suspects it might have something to do with people calling him “Penny’s sidekick” and saying that he was “slowing her down.” She’d love to reach out and reconnect, but hasn’t seen him since they were kids, well she’s get the angst/tearjerker of her life once she finds out who’s behind Team Kosmos’s antics (there’s much pain and tears)
She regrets not doing much to defend him as tried to help but she sucked at defending herself and was shocked and flattered at the attention and rise of popularity. First met him at the library as they both reached for a book at the same time, ended up giving it to him and offered him which chapters and what other books he would like he should read cause she’d them all, massive bookworm and despite his deadpan look, end up bonding and talking over time, like introducing themselves and info dumping on one another. It felt nice to have someone to listen to and not be told to shut up, was the more confident and happy one in their duo, gushed over Phoïbos mechanical creations and getting close to his face, nose touching and smiling widely as she excitedly asked which tale he liked
Needless to say, they became friends (Phoïbos was rather awkward in expressing it) and her grandma, would be so happy that she has a friend and immediately find out about his horrible sad home life and would’ve adopted him (his granfather wanted to do it as Penny looks like a simple, yet highly organized woman, perhaps even handing a bit of OCD or perfectionism when it comes to doing things for the man she works for. Penny is on top of things, often times multitasking throughout the day and always getting the job done. Although it’s a working relationship and Penny is paid for her work, Everyone is very appreciative of her
But he left on his journey with Penny as they also bonded over being seen as “weridos” or “freaks” as she has her left eye being lighter than her right one, living in Celestic Town with people attached to traditions and old ways, a lots of them fell under the superstitious trope too, and little Penny had heard many times about her heterochromia being associated with bad luck. One of the kids one day managed to hurt her hard enough to leave a scar over her eyebrow and she has covered it up since. She prefers covering her eye anyways, as she considers it to be less noticeable. Phoibos stated with a straight face (and.. was that a faint trace of a smile?!) after she told him her story on why she has this “mysterious goth vibe” that they were the most beautiful color he seen
She, his grandfather and her family was the only one who cared for him, giving him gifts on his birthday, showing up on special important events, the one he fondly remembered her making him  friendship bracelet for his 10th birthday as they were sit in a meadow of flowers (moonflowers and sunflowers)which Penny said inspired by her mother’s side of the family who wore tribal jewelry  to represent their status and color symbolism, red for him and a white bracelet for her, plus it reminded her of him as she quietly apologizes for being the only who came to his birthday before her family planned them and states that they aren’t good (it’s the only thing he kept during their falling out). He internally regretted injuring her again on her covered eye, making a more visible scar on her face and was the more logic of the duo, sucked at comforting Penny but tried 
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the-desolated-quill · 6 years
Death In Heaven - Doctor Who blog (Fuck You Moffat)
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this episode yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Remember when I said The Name Of The Doctor was the worst series finale in New Who. Turns out I was wrong. This is the worst series finale in New Who. And I do hope Moffat isn’t interpreting this as a challenge, trying to come up with finales worse than the previous year’s. How about writing some good shit for once in your career?
Dark Water was an incredibly bad episode, but Death In Heaven takes it to new, insulting extremes. It’s utter bollocks from start to finish. It’s a mountain of bullshit so rock hard, not even diamond tipped drills could penetrate it. It’s an entire hurricane of piss. It’s... It’s... I didn’t like it.
Having fucked up the Daleks back in the previous series, it seems Moffat is now determined to ruin the second most popular monsters in the show the Cybermen, and he succeeds with flying colours. Is there anything the Cybermen can’t do now? They can fly, they can convert the dead, they can create clouds of Cyber-pollen, and apparently every atom of a Cyber body contains a program to upgrade the human race. At this stage the Cybermen have become so over-powered that they’ve just become utterly boring, evading anything the Doctor throws at them by pulling another random superpower out of their arses.
Also, like I said in my previous review, why are they converting the dead? Why not convert the living like they usually do? And why, once they’ve been converted, do they just stand around doing bugger all? It’s a bit hard to find Cybermen threatening when they pose no fucking threat whatsoever.
And then, as if you couldn’t undermine the Cybermen anymore than he already has, Moffat decides to go in for the kill with Danny Pink. I’m sorry, but Danny the droopy Cyberman has got to be one of the most pathetic sights I’ve ever seen. He wants to erase his emotions because of Clara (which seems like an overreaction to me) and asks Clara to do it for him even though there’s no reason why he can’t just do it himself. It must be out of spite. That’s the only reason I can think of. Oh, but Moffat still wants us to think that Danny and Clara are the perfect couple as opposed to a highly dysfunctional and toxic pairing that would seem more at home on The Jeremy Kyle Show than Doctor Who. 
Also, even in Cyber form, Danny can’t resist chastising the Doctor even though he’s actually trying to help the ungrateful bastard. In fact there’s a lot of Doctor-blaming going on in this episode and I really don’t get why because, as far as I can see, he hasn’t actually done anything wrong. At this stage I wanted nothing more than for Danny to fuck off and die, and I thankfully got my wish, except it had to take the form of a stupid, heroic self sacrifice. This isn’t the first time the Cybermen have been defeated by the power of love, and it’s always been really stupid every time, but this has got to be the most nonsensical. Danny’s love for Clara reverses the Cyber conditioning? Are you seriously telling me that Danny is the only person in the entire world who has loved someone enough to want to save the world? And if that’s not bad enough, Danny gets not one, but TWO stupid self sacrifices when it’s revealed the Master’s teleport randomly only has enough power for one trip (bit fucking convenient) and so he chooses to save that kid that died in that war zone. A series worth of buildup for this cliched pile of shit? Cheers Moffat!
Since I’ve mentioned the Master (I categorically refuse to call her Missy), let’s talk about her. I didn’t think it was possible to be more annoying than John Simm, but Michelle Gomez somehow managed to pull it off. I utterly detested her in this. I’ve never really liked the Master anyway, but I swear the character never used to be this fucking childish. She’s weird, obnoxious and goofy for no other reason other than she’s ker-RAYzay. (seriously, is that the only way Moffat knows how to write villains? She’s basically Andrew Scott’s shitty version of Moriaty in a dress). What’s worse is that the only way to make her come across as even remotely threatening is by making the characters around her act like fucking morons. UNIT have met the Master before. They know how dangerous she is. Why do the soldiers guarding her not react when she very visibly activates her bracelet, breaks out of her restraints and puts on her lipstick? Why does Osgood, who has apparently read all the dossiers about the Master, get so close to her to listen to her whisper and not scarper when the Master threatens to kill her?
Also, what is the Master’s plan exactly? Why Cybermen? Considering these Cybermen have pretty much nothing in common with actual Cybermen, I can only assume they’re there for rubbish fanservice and that Moffat is too fucking lazy to come up with his own ideas.
Apparently the Master wants to give the Doctor his own army to prove the two aren’t so different. It appears Moffat is going for a Killing Joke vibe, but it doesn’t work because while Batman and the Joker are two sides of the same coin, the Doctor and the Master are so diametrically opposed that this whole plot point becomes fucking laughable. It has the same whiff of bullshit that Journey’s End had with Davros chastising the Doctor for ‘taking ordinary people and fashioning them into weapons.’ Like I said about that episode, there’s a world of difference between turning people into weapons and encouraging people to defend themselves. The Doctor is very much the latter, so spare me the ‘we’re not so different, you and I’ crap. Is the Doctor better than the Master? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY!
Yes, once again, it turns out this episode is all about the Doctor. That’s all this bastard series has been about. Characters talking relentlessly about whether the Doctor is a good man or not. It’s utterly tedious to sit through because we all already know the bloody answer. Hopefully the Doctor’s speech about how he’s just an idiot in a box with a screwdriver will finally put it to rest. Not that I’m praising the speech mind. Peter Capaldi does his best, but it’s badly written and stupidly over the top, plus it’s hard to really feel the emotional weight of this speech when all it does is state the fucking obvious. The Doctor isn’t a soldier or a hero. He’s just some guy. Yeah. We know. What, have you only just worked that out Moffat? Why are you boring us to death with shit everyone and their mums already fucking know? Can we move on?
If there’s one thing I hate more than Moffat trying to spin the bleeding obvious as surprising revelations, it’s the bullshit lies and fake outs. Why are the Doctor and Clara lying to each other at the end? What purpose does it serve? (Also trust Moffat for coming up with a pretentious bullshit reason why hugs are bad. It couldn’t possibly be as simple as this Doctor just doesn’t like hugs). What was the point of Clara pretending to be the Doctor to trick the Cybermen? That never goes anywhere. Oh no! Danny is going to be Cyberfied... oh wait. He’s okay. Oh no, Kate Stewart has fallen out of the aeroplane... oh wait, she’s fine. OMG, the Doctor is actually going to kill the Master... oh wait, that wasn’t an orange light. It was a blue light, which means she’s teleported, so she’s probably okay. Wow, the Doctor is finally going to find Gallifrey... oh wait. No. The Master was lying.
Like I said in my previous review, keep wrong-footing the audience and eventually we’ll get sick of the bullshit and stop trusting what we see. I mean look at Osgood’s death. That should have been shocking, but not only is she a one dimensional character that I don’t give even a sub-atomic particle of shit about and is clearly too stupid to live, the fact is none of Moffat’s characters ever actually stay dead, do they? Rory. River Song. Strax. Jenny. Clara. Nobody really dies in the Moffat era, so why bother getting upset about Osgood? She’s probably going to come back in the next series.
But the thing that angered me the most about Death In Heaven is the utter contempt and disrespect Moffat shows to classic series fans. And don’t pretend you don’t know what scene I’m referring to.
Cybermen are converting the dead. The Brigadier is dead. Moffat is an insecure, egocentric hack who desperately wants to stand out from the Who rabble. Take a random guess what happens.
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I’ve seen bad Doctor Who episodes before. I’ve been pissed off by Doctor Who before. But never before has an episode filled me with such utter rage. Not even Kill The Moon managed that, and you all know how much I despised that load of garbage. I didn’t take the idea of the Brigadier being a Cyberman particularly well, and I’m not exactly proud to say this, but my reaction was quite extreme. I basically had a full blown screaming fit. I was so angry and so upset by this. I couldn’t believe Moffat would do something so fucking crass and so fucking disrespectful. Yes it’s just a TV show, but the Brigadier was one of my favourite characters in Classic Who and indeed one of the most beloved characters in the entire show. And when a talentless, arrogant smartarse like Moffat comes along and tramples all over those happy, nostalgic memories, I think you have every right to take it personally. This has got to be the most insulting thing Moffat has ever done, and if I wasn’t committed to reviewing the rest of these episodes, I think I can safely say I wouldn’t be watching this show anymore after that.
Death In Heaven is a fucking terrible finale to what has been a fucking terrible series. Yes some episodes had decent elements in them, but it’s largely been awful. Series 8′s only saving grace has been Peter Capaldi, who has done an amazing job in the role despite the material he’s had to work with.
Moffat, go flush your head down the fucking toilet.
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