#the out-of-character romance in the ferris wheel
/spy x family movie hate (IM SORRY)
...what the fuck was that 😭
fym Handler wants to REPLACE FORGERS... her? handling the operation strix to someone else instead of TWILIGHT so randomly?? and he reacted so calmly?! what?? what??? whose idea was to write this?????
why are we back to the jealousy problem. we've solved it a long time ago. im tired
there were just... so many stupid details that i can't remember anymore. i'll write what i can recall in the tags
The movie was thoughtless entertainment. I could've watched two hours of stupid youtube videos instead and feel exactly the same afterwards.
"Oh it's just a kids movie, this is enough for them" — well don't kids deserve a good movie with a thought behind it? Doesn't sxf deserve it? Don't all the people involved in the production deserve it? The manga might not be a masterpiece of the century, but it's still a good story with a thought behind it...
I didn't expect (and didn't want) to see anything plot-altering, but I expected something on the level of cruise arc, with all the characters working in secret for each others' sake and for the sake of peace. Not this mishmash that unsuccessfully tried to satisfy both those who have and haven't seen the anime. They could've written a much, much better story but decided to go with this.
upd: my opinion hasn't changed but i'm not trying to start a fight. no aggression toward people who loved the movie 🙏 peace and love on planet earth
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temis-de-leon · 9 days
Shy gn!reader goes to their first date with the Demon Brothers
Characters: Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo and Beel (x reader, separately)
Main Masterlist
Part 1 , Dateables version
Romance Anon: Could I request headcanons for Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus and Beelzebub react to shy gn s/o who asked what he would like to do for their first date because he made them happy by accepting their confession so they want to make him happy?
A/N: I asked my brain, "hey, how about we write a little bit" and it answered "how about we fucking don't"
He’s ready to turn every single one of your outings into a date, but he’s also excited to have the opportunity of organizing the best first date you’ve ever had.
He’ll make sure you won’t ever regret confessing your undying love to him.
It needs to be memorable and special, so going to the casino is a big no-no. You’ve gone together numerous times already and the image of losing every piece of gold in his pocket and his wallet in front of you on such a special occasion makes him shiver in fear and embarrassment.
A fair or a festival are good choices, but, as much as he’d love watching the city skyline on the ferris wheel or winning a plushie for you to cuddle and think of him, those aren’t available all of the time.
The idea of having dinner and a movie makes him remember the projector in his room, but his brothers could spoil that very easily and bile reaches his mouth at the possibility.
You could go shopping, but that doesn’t feel too intimate, does it?
He becomes desperate after hours of thinking and scratching his head and it’s not until he enters his car to go out for a drive and clear his mind that he realizes he has the perfect solution.
Having dinner together and watching the city skyline are romantic activities, but who says you have to do it at home or on top of a fair attraction?
It’s not even two days later when you find yourself sitting on his car’s hood with take-out ramen in your hands, patiently waiting for him to get a blanket out of the trunk.
The chirping sound of crickets and the distant city noises fill the cold night, but the only thing he can think of is the fondness of your embrace slowly warming his body and making him smile like a fool.
He’s already happy that you like him back and he kind of forgets about everything else, so your offer feels like a slap in the face. An enthusiastic reminder that you’re both now starting a relationship.
That thought makes him cry and yell in the emptiness of his room with non-contained happiness.
He fears you’re going to be disappointed with his ideas for your first date, though.
Going out of the house makes his heart pound in apprehension, anxiety quickly scratching his neck and prickling his brain with needles.
Reading through his manga collection, watching multiple shoujos and playing every otome game he has only make him feel worse and inadequate for you.
Why do you want to go out with someone like him? Reclusive, a bitter sad excuse of a demon who can’t get out of the house without an incentive or a pep-talk.
Do you still like him, despite all of that?
Or is it that… you like him including all of that?
Do you want to be seen holding hands with him? Do you want everyone to know that you like him, of all people?
He can’t set your first date in his room, that would be too pathetic; but, at the same time, going to a café like any other normie couple doesn’t feel like him at all.
What’s a place that combines the comfort and privacy of his room and the outside world?
He asks Henry and his beloved pet stares at him with unblinking eyes. Almost immediately, reality hits him like a train.
Of course! The Royal Aquarium!
The blue lights and the submarine life couldn’t be a better substitute for his room and you’d get out of the house! It’s perfect!
Plus, he gets the opportunity of showing off his knowledge of the ocean, something he hopes will impress you.
He wants to do more for you because you deserve it, but he needs time.
There’s a Ruri-chan convention in a few weeks. Maybe you could go together…
For your second date, perhaps…? No pressure, though!!
He’s a romantic at heart and he’s been picturing how your first date could go since you confessed to him, so you can’t imagine the happiness he felt when he was granted the opportunity to let all of those ideas become real.
A big gesture would feel impersonal and kill the essence of a newborn relationship, so, although he wants to impress you, Satan will not go overboard.
There are museums where he could show you his knowledge on Devildom’s art and history, but he doesn’t want to spend your first date speaking like a pedant scholar.
There are also high reviewed bookstore cafés, as well as his beloved cat cafés, where you could go to have a hot beverage in a soothing space, but that isn’t exactly what he wants.
He wants to talk to you, hear the nervous stammering in your voice while you blush and struggle to look at him in the eye, and going to a bookstore would quiet your conversations, so he keeps that idea for the future.
The cat café is his favourite, but you would expect that from him and he wants to surprise you at least a little.
He gets the perfect idea while feeding the stray cats behind the House of Lamentation.
Knowing where every single cat in the neighbourhood lives, as well as those who prefer the outskirts of town or even the countryside, shows him a part of the area that no one else has ever seen.
A few days later, Satan looks giddy and enamoured walking by your side while you both feed the cats you encounter, following a path full of flowers that lead you to an abandoned viewpoint.
You’re sitting together, surrounded only by the felines that know when to leave you alone, and, despite the beautiful scenery that displays beyond, Satan can only look at you.
His first impulse is to go all the way.
Showing you around for his fans to know that you two are dating sends a shiver of excitement down his spine, eyes glowing in delight while he ponders which outfit he should wear so he can match with you.
His plans for your first date seem generic, but a closer look into it lets you know that he has it all planned to make you both the centre of attention.
Other’s and each other’s centre of attention, that is.
You’re colour coordinated, your orders in the café are trending in social media and the weather is so good that little to no people are staying inside their homes.
The both of you are being seen just as you deserve.
Beautiful, together, happy.
Jealousy and envy surrounds you, all of his fans photographing your first date with a mixture of admiration and resentment, wishing to be you; wishing to be him more than ever.
The combination of your company, the external flattery and his own satisfaction makes him think that there couldn’t be a first date better than this one.
He couldn’t be more wrong.
You’re not truly alone until the night comes and the residents of the Devildom have no other choice but to leave you to your own devices to continue with their lifes.
You walk close to him, bumping your hips with his until you both start smiling and giggling. Your voices are almost a hush and he finds the way you lean into him to hear his words better quite addictive.
He feels your breath on his skin, your eyes on his. His hands are itching to bring you even closer and never let you go and it’s not until you kiss under a streetlamp in an empty park that he understands why your first date is so perfect.
You’re with him and he’s with you. That’s enough.
You already know what he’s thinking, although you may be misinterpreting his execution.
While, yes, he wants to take you out to his favourite dinners and restaurants, Belphie advises him to not go all the way. You don’t have the same stomach as him and ending your date feeling ill would leave a very bad impression.
He doesn’t want you to see him as a permanently hungry beast, anyways. It’s not what he wants you to think whenever he’s close to you, even if he acts like it most of the time, so it doesn’t take much convincing from his twin to agree and search for a more delicate plan of sorts.
He wants the full experience: drinks, starter, main dish, side dish and dessert, but why would you have all of that in the same establishment?
There’s a map in his head where every food related store is highlighted in bright neon colours.
A juice and smoothie bar to start the date followed by a true hamburger restaurant, not any of those fast food chains that only serve half of what is shown in the pictures. Far from there, a walk long enough for you to comfortably digest the food, is a stall specialized in fries. Made in a dozens different ways, they are the perfect last savoury treat to eat before ice cream or a pastry.
Asmo recommended him the retro ice cream parlor and Barbatos took him to the traditional bakery once.
If you don’t like burgers or fries, however, there are more places you could go, just tell him! Whichever you prefer, he’ll be fine with it!
His main goal is for you to have a good time with him, after all, and, although food is a necessity to keep his sin in track, he knows it won’t be what will make your first date perfect.
You being his date is what will make it perfect.
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makeitmingi · 3 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 25]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.1K
It was cliche but you and Yunho decided to end the day on the ferris wheel. Both your fingers were still laced as you stood in line, it seemed to have become the new normal. Your other hand was wrapped around Yuyu.
"Watch your step." Yunho cautioned as you stepped into the cabin. The operator tipped his hat at the both of you with a smile and closed the door.
"Did you have fun today?" Yunho asked as you stared out into the night sky and the ground that was slowly becoming further away.
"Yeah..." You replied, an indication that you weren't 100% paying attention to what Yunho was asking.
"(y/n)?" Yunho called softly. You finally turned your head to look at him, your eyes meeting his. Although your face didn't show it, Yunho could see the swirling emotion in your eyes.
"I know we're taking things slow. But... you can tell me anything, okay? As much or as little as you want." He said, searching your eyes seriously.
"Okay." You chewed your bottom lip, turning your head to stare back out at the rest of the lit carnival.
"I used to love the carnival... My mom made sure to bring me every year and we would spend the whole day here as a family. When she got sick, we couldn't come but she promised me that we would come back. But then she just got sicker and sicker... So I never came back." You said, in a soft voice but Yunho heard you.
"The carnival used to bring me such happiness, reminding me of all the good memories I had of my family. But at some point, it started to remind me of my mother's sickness." You confessed.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suggested coming here..." Yunho said, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
"No... don't be sorry. You wouldn't have known, Yunho. I don't blame you, it's all on me." You faced him again, tears swimming in your eyes.
"Don't cry." He reached up to wipe a stray tear off your cheek.
"I'm glad we came, you've rekindled a love of mine for the carnival, one that I thought died along with my mother a long time ago. You've rewritten the happy memory." You gulped.
"I hope to always give you happy memories." Yunho said, pulling you to his chest to hug you tightly
"I'm sorry..." You said against him.
"Listen, there's nothing for you to be sorry about." Yunho hugged you tighter. He didn't know that your mother was sick and died. Looking back, the way you spoke of her with such fondness, he should have picked up on it a lot quicker.
"Yunho, there's so much more I want to tell you... But I'm scared that I scare you away." You told him honestly. Yunho pulled away, holding your cheeks in his hands, thumbs still wiping your tears.
"I won't be scared, (y/n). Not of you and who you are. Take your time, there's no rush. You don't have to tell me everything now."
"Thank you, Yunho." You whispered.
"We have all the time in the world. Thank you for sharing that with me, I know it musn't have been easy... I'm sure your mother was a lovely person." He smiled softly.
"She was. And I know that if I introduced you, she would have loved you." You laughed.
"Why? Tell me more about her." Yunho encouraged, showing his earnest and genuine curiosity to learn about her.
"She's the reason I got into cooking and that I love food. Seeing how happy she was in the kitchen, it inspired me to be happy cooking and to make others happy with my food. She loved people who could eat, that's why she loved feeding Seonghwa. I know she would have loved to cook for you." You said.
"So you've been cooking with her since you were young?"
"I guess so. Things were different for me as a kid, it wasn't a normal childhood. Being close to her, cooking with her, gave me a sense of normalcy." You explained.
"That's nice, I can imagine little you in the kitchen, learning how to cook." He giggled.
"I could barely see over the counter top. Always needed my step stool everywhere so I pushed it to where I needed it." You chuckled.
"If you're such a good cook now, I can only imagine how amazing her food must have been." Yunho said with a big grin. You nodded in agreement.
"Until today, even though I've worked in so many restaurants, she is still the best cook I've ever met. While she didn't do all those fancy elements, she knew how to make the best dishes with the ingredients we had." You said fondly at the memory.
For the rest of the ride, Yunho tucked you under his arm. You briefly told him stories of your mother, how she was as a person up until her passing. He listened intently, not interrupting you once at all.
"Sorry, today was meant to be happy and I really wanted to end off on a happy note." You sighed, frustrated with yourself.
"There's nothing for you to apologise for. I'm grateful to have learnt more about your mother and you." He smiled.
"Come on." Yunho held you as you stepped off the ride. You were shy, your face puffy and red after crying so he let you hide your face in his jacket as you headed to the exit.
Looking back at the carnival just as you exited, a small smile formed on your face.
"I'll be back." Your words were barely audible as you closed your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you walked away with Yunho.
During the stroll back to the car, you were a bit more relaxed since it was dark and no one could see your face after you cried. But Yunho still held your hand, a silent assurance that he was there. You appreciated that, considering how shaky you felt and Yunho being there prevented you from breaking down.
"Are you hungry?" Yunho asked as you both sat in the car, he turned on the heat slightly so you wouldn't be too cold from the breeze of the beach at night. You nodded your head.
"Drive thru?" He suggested. You nodded again and he smiled excitedly, driving to the nearest fast food drive thru.
"Fried chicken burger for me, please. Change the mayo to spicy aioli and more pickles." You ordered.
"Curly fries?" Yunho confirmed. You gave a thumbs up. As Yunho pulled up to the drive thru window, he lowered his window and gave the order to the staff.
"Just hand the bags over to me as they come." You said when Yunho went to the food window.
"Good evening. Thank you." Yunho received the bags of food and the drink cups, handing them to you as he paid. Once that was done, he drove to the parking lot so you could both eat. You laid napkins over the console so the grease wouldn't get everywhere.
"This is yours." You dug through the bag and handed him his double cheeseburger. You put yours on your lap. Although, you were surprised to find another cheeseburger inside that wasn't your order.
"Whose is this?" You asked.
"In case I get hungry later..." Yunho said, clearing his throat in embarrassment. You laughed and put the burger back.
"Just give me the fries." He mumbled, putting the fries on the middle console, over the napkins, so you could share it. You unwrapped your chicken burger and began eating.
"Here. Have a bite." You held your buger out to him. Yunho stared at you for a second before taking a bite.
"The sauce is good. But you eat way too many pickles." Yunho laughed as he chewed.
"Hater." You scoffed, eating a fry.
"Hey! You were the one that taught me about how important it is to balance flavours in food, that whole flavour triangle thing." Yunho protested with a whine. You were surprised he remembered that, you had just mentioned it in passing during one of your ramblings as you were cooking.
"You remember that?" You asked.
"Yeah, of course. I remember a lot of things, especially the things that you say." He blinked as if it was the most obvious thing. You pursed your lips, looking away in embarrassment.
"Eat your sandwich." You mumbled. Yunho laughed, leaning over so he could tap your temple with her forehead.
"Yes, ma'am." He continued eating, a cheeky smile on his face. Doing this with Yunho, it was that normalcy you used to seek as a kid.
"So the others and I were discussing, we've been seeing other restaurants bring in customers by doing a theme night. But instead of outwardly themes, we were thinking food themes." You said.
"Food themes? Like pasta night?" Yunho tilted his head.
"Yeah. Pasta night, dessert night, that sort of thing. Or it can go by countries like Japanese night, Indian night." You nodded.
"That sounds interesting. It would make for good marketing. We should discuss it with the rest tomorrow after the morning shift. See what Yeosang and the others can come up with." He smiled. Yeosang and Mingi managed the restaurant's online accounts.
"But I hope doing that doesn't add on to the workload for you guys. You already have a lot to do considering how small the team is." Yunho quickly added.
"It won't, don't worry. Contrary, it might make things easier since we're centering around a theme." You assured.
After you both finished your food and cleared up, throwing the trash at a nearby trash bin, Yunho drove you home. Even if you didn't invite him into the house, he insisted on walking you to your door.
"Goodnight, (y/n). I'll see you tomorrow." Yunho wished. You nodded with a hum.
"Thank you for being patient with me." You squeezed his hand.
"There's no need to thank me, (y/n). Like I said, we have all the time in the world. There's no rush. I'd rather wait than make you feel pressured." He smiled softly as he looked down at you.
"You're too nice." You let out a small laugh.
"That's what you do for the person you like." He confessed. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes. Yunho suddenly leaned down, pressing a kiss to your forehead, wrapping his arms around you. His gesture made you close your eyes too, savouring his close proximity. You swore your heart almost jumped out of your chest.
"Goodnight, Yunho." You smiled when you pulled away. Yunho nodded, reaching out to pat Yuyu's head. He waited for you to enter the house before walking away.
Once again, Yunho told you that he liked you. There was no doubt that you liked him too. But your fears made you hesitate. It wasn't that you didn't trust him, your heart just wanted to protect itself.
"(y/n). You're back." You weren't expecting to see Seonghwa emerge from the hallway.
"Oh, you're still here. I thought you went home after I left." You said, removing your shoes and putting your bag aside.
"I did. But then I remembered that Yunho was bringing you to a carnival and came back to wait for you. Wanted to make sure you were okay." He said.
"I'm fine, Hwa. Don't worry." You smiled tiredly, knowing he was trying to approach the subject cautiously.
"I didn't tell him everything but since he already knew that she passed away, I told him more about my mother and my memories of the carnival. How she couldn't take me because she got sick and how it became a place I grew to hate. " You looked at him, slumping onto the couch.
"Hwa, it's Yunho. Of course he was nice and understanding about it. Comforted me and asked me more about my mom so he could get to know her through my memories." You sighed.
"Mmm, Yunho would be nice about it. How about you? Did you feel better after telling him?" He sat beside you.
"I think so. It was scary, not that I don't trust him or anything. I don't know." You couldn't really form the words to explain what you felt.
"You're scared of being vulnerable around him. That starting to share yourself with him means you're showing everything of you." Seonghwa said. You nodded your head.
"It's okay." He sat up, wrapping his arms around you and cradling you against his chest like you were a fragile baby bird.
"And I feel bad that he's so patient with me, everything is happening on my terms and it makes me feel so selfish. He knows all the right words to say to make me feel better but I can't do the same with him. I have to force myself to ignore his wants." You buried your face in Seonghwa's chest.
"Hey, don't say that. I know and I'm sure Yunho knows too that you're trying your best. You're already doing so much, letting him into your space. Tonight was progress." Seonghwa stroked your head.
"He made me love a carnival again. Last time, all it did was remind me of my mom. Now, a carnival reminds me of the time I spent with him."
"That's great, sweetheart." He smiled.
"Oh by the way, this is Yuyu." You pulled away from hug, settling the golden retriever stuffed toy on your lap. Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, staring at you then the stuffed dog.
"It reminds you of Yunho, no? That golden retriever like behaviour he has." You chuckled. Seonghwa laughed, nodding his head. He knew what you were referring to. Yunho's big energy and mannerisms were like a big, goofy dog.
"Seems like when I go out with him, I come back with a new animal." You noticed, remembering how you got Yunie, the manatee, from the aquarium on your first date.
"Maybe it's how he shows his affection. To have a memory from each date." He patted your head.
"Yeah, soon my bed isn't going to have enough space for you to sleep." You mocked, sticking your tongue out at him.
"I can just shove them to the floor." He shrugged.
"Don't you dare!" You gasped. You put your hands over Yuyu's floppy ears, as if he could hear, understand and comprehend Seonghwa's words. Seonghwa rolled his eyes at your childish actions.
"Alright, go to bed." Seonghwa patted your hip lovingly. You went to take a quick shower.
While you showered, Seonghwa made you and himself tea to wind down for the night. He placed your cup on your nightstand so you could have it. As he was about to get into bed to wait for you, he saw the manatee and golden retriever laying on his side of the bed. He scoffed and pushed them to your side.
"Ah, that feels so much better." You said, stepping out of the shower as you rubbed a towel in your wet hair. Sitting down at your vanity, you did your skincare and dried your hair.
"So, I spoke to Yunho about doing food themed nights at the restaurant." You started.
"Oh, you did? What did he say?" He lifted his head in interest.
"He says it could be good to market to new customers. We'll discuss it tomorrow with Yeosang and the others since they're in charge of the marketing stuff." You informed.
"That's promising, at least he's open to it. We should start coming up with theme ideas to propose." Seonghwa replied.
"Yeah, either by food category or countries. It would be fun and challenging for us." You giggled.
"Glad you're excited, sweetheart." He chuckled. You hummed, knowing what Seonghwa meant. Usually, by now, you would have become 'bored' of where you were working at and begin to look for a new kitchen with a new concept.
"You know Yunho won't expect you to stay, no matter what your relationship is." Seonghwa reminded as you climbed into bed, keeping Yunie and Yuyu by your side.
"I know. I'm just not bored yet." You said, taking your mug in your hands and sipping the tea.
"Plus the environment is good. Not just for me but for all of you too. There's no reason to leave yet." You shrugged.
"Hwa?" You called out. He hummed in acknowledgement, still scrolling on his phone.
"I miss my mom." You said softly. Seonghwa looked at you, seeing you smile with tears in your eyes, trying your best to preventing them from falling. He put his phone aside and hugged you tightly.
"I know, sweetheart." He whispered.
"After so many years, it still hurts to think about her." You cried. Seonghwa hummed again, your mother's passing was just a wound that would never close. And this was one of the instances where he didn't know how to comfort you. Because he knew nothing he said would bring her back to you.
Yunho entered his home, putting his keys in the bowl and removing his jacket, throwing it over the back of his sofa. He scratched his head, letting out a long sigh.
"There's so much more I want to tell you... But I'm scared that I scare you away."
Your words played repeatedly in his head. Yunho wasn't scared of you but he felt scared for you and what you possibly could be dealing with on your own. Maybe that's why Seonghwa is so protective of you.
"What else is there?" He wanted to know your fears and protect you from them, to tell you that you can depend on him.
But he knew he couldn't push you, it might make you distance yourself even more.
'Hey, I'm home. Thanks again for today, I had a lot of fun. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, sweet dreams. - Yunho'
After dropping you a text, he went to take a shower. He knew it was good progress, of you opening up to him and sharing with him about your late mother. You were slowly accepting Yunho into your world. He'll wait for as long as you need him to.
"You've rewritten the happy memory."
"Rewrite the memories..." Yunho said softly. Now he was more determined than ever to make sure all the memories he gives you are the good, happy ones. He'll rewrite as many memories as he can.
Series masterlist
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intynidad · 1 year
I lost the askkkkk but somebody asked me for how a relationship with the love interest of the otome au would be soooooo:
How a relationship would be with the yandere otome characters SFW
Yandere otome au part1 part2
The childhood friend
Very wholesome, you two have known each other since forever, and things haven't changed much. Your relationship would be like an extension of your deep friendship, but with the added sweetness of kisses, hugs, and, well... other things.
It's amazing how your connection has evolved over the years. You've shared countless memories, inside jokes, and moments of vulnerability. There's an unspoken understanding between you, a comfort that comes from knowing each other's quirks and flaws.
The transition from friendship to romance is smooth like it was mean to be.
Be prepared for Cute dates and lots of cuddling
The older family friend
Prepare to be immersed in a life of luxury and glamour beyond your wildest dreams! A relationship with him is like stepping into a world of opulence and extravagance.
Don’t take me wrong, you had money, after all you are the heir of the L/N corporation, but he has more…so much more
Picture yourself indulging in lavish dinners at the most exclusive restaurants, savoring exquisite cuisine prepared by renowned chefs. Every meal is a culinary masterpiece, accompanied by the finest wines and champagne (or expensive sodas and fine juices if you don’t drink). Your taste buds dance with delight as you explore a world of gastronomic delights, each bite a symphony of flavors.
But it doesn't stop there. He has a penchant for showering you with lavishing gifts, each one more extravagant than the last. Expensive jewelry, designer clothes, and luxurious accessories become a regular part of your life. The world becomes your runway as you effortlessly exude elegance and style, draped in the finest fabrics and adorned with dazzling gems.
The heroine
Exactly what you would expect with dating a diva, but hey your nails never look better!
One thing is certain: she knows how to command attention. She's the type of person who effortlessly captivates a room with her magnetic presence. Being with her means being in the spotlight, as she enjoys being the center of attention and adores having you by her side. Prepare to witness her diva moments and embrace the grandeur that comes with dating a true star.
but don't worry, it's not all about her. She genuinely enjoys spending quality time with you and cherishes the moments you share together. She understands the importance of self-care, and skin care dates become a regular part of your routine. Get ready to be pampered and treated like royalty as she devotes herself to ensuring you feel loved and cherished.
She knows all the gossip from everyone in town so she is the go-to person for all the juicy details of every rumor
So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and sit back, as she entertains you with the latest drama and spills the tea on everyone in town.
She is a mega fan of carnival dates, she just thinks the ferri wheel and the cotton candy makes for a romantic outing, she just enjoys going out in general , there is an activity for everyone after all!
The loner
It took them a solid two weeks, after you two began dating, to fully process and comprehend the reality that the two of you were indeed in a romantic relationship. It was as if their mind needed some extra time to catch up with their heart.
He is such a puppy with you,honestly he would gladly strip themself of their personality to make sure you are happy
You wanna do A? Sound fun
You wanna eat B? Please do!
You wanna use him as a stress reliever
You wanna play C? On board !
His only response to anything you ask would be “yes dear” and is not like he minds to be honest, he is happy as long as you are happy
The playboy
It was only a matter of time before you found yourself succumbing to the irresistible allure of their charms. They had an air of confidence about them that was both captivating and, dare I say, a tad cocky. But hey, that was part of their charm, right?
Being a true party animal, they knew how to bring the fun wherever they went. Get ready for a whirlwind of lively nights filled with drinks, laughter, and the pulse-pounding beats of music. With them by your side, it felt like the party never stopped. They had a knack for turning any gathering into an unforgettable event, leaving a lasting impression on the town's history, whether for the better or worse. The stories that emerged from your parties together became legendary, etching your names in the memories of those who attended.
One of their many talents included the art of mixology. They could effortlessly whip up tantalizing cocktails that tantalize your taste buds and set the mood for a delightful evening. Whether it was a classic concoction or a unique creation, their skills behind the bar were unmatched. Imagine sipping on expertly crafted drinks, each sip a flavorful journey that they meticulously curated just for you.
As your place became the epicenter of these vibrant gatherings, it transformed into a haven of excitement and celebration. The walls echoed with laughter, the music reverberated through the rooms, and your home became a sanctuary for joy and revelry. Sure, the occasional mishap may have occurred, but it only added to the colorful tapestry of memories that you shared with them.
So, brace yourself for a whirlwind of endless festivities and unforgettable moments. With them leading the charge, your nights would be filled with the clinking of glasses, the rhythm of the music, and an undeniable energy that brought people together. Get ready to raise your glass and toast to the extraordinary experiences that awaited you in the company of this charming party aficionado.
The delinquent
Why x2
To be honest, you were the one who took the first step in this relationship. It's not that they were shy or anything, but they couldn't quite comprehend the fact that you would actually want to date them
Congrats! You are an official member of the gang now, and everyone better respect you if they don’t want their teeth on the floor, on the outside he is still the leader of the criminal gang, and you would easily become his right hand in all of his plans.
Hope you aren’t afraid of a little blood!.
He would teach you how to fight and defend yourself if you didn't know already,your ego would get a boost with all the gang treating you with respect (and fear)
On close doors,baking dates are a must, you would be the designated taste taster of all his cooking!
He can make almost everything sweet!
Low carb, sugar free, gluten free, allergies, just tell them and they will accommodate all of their cooking to your taste.
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dating you
preference summary: what dating them is like.
content warnings: none
fandom: jujutsu kaisen
characters: gojo, choso, nanami
gender neutral reader
anon request
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Satoru Gojo: Dating Gojo is dating someone who's emotionally closed off initially. He's there wanting to get to know you, but it takes several months before he's emotionally available to start letting you in that way. But he's also someone who breaths a sense of adventure into your life. Whether you're someone who takes risks or not, he'll bring out some new area of risk taking you never knew you had. He pushes you out of your comfort zone slightly, taking you on date nights with the new things he'd like to do, even if it's just trying the new bakery down the street. He loves spoiling you the further into your dating life, with his love and his money. You're not in the relationship for his money, something you stressfully tell him all the time, but he always reassures you that he loves spending his money on you. He almost wishes that you were able to catch his soft smile when he spends money on something you were always excited to have, but still loving watching your face light up with happiness when he gives you the gift. You also draw out the quiet side in him, allowing him the space of another person to take deep breaths and relax, allowing the loudness in his mind to finally quiet down. Dating him is like embers in a fire, sparking with romance and thrilling love, but able to have moments of calm between those thrilling adventures.
Choso Kamo: Choso is one of the sweetest of sweetest people around, dating him is like surrounding yourself with love. He's a quiet lover, with a tendency to follow your lead with romance and dating. He puts in effort though when he gets the hang of the dating world. He treats you with the best intentions, he gives his all in making sure you feel loved by him. Dating Choso is the honeymoon phase of the relationship every day for the rest of your life. Sure, you have your rough days and arguments happen, but you'll always come back to the honeymoon phase aspect of your relationship. Choso always thinks of you whenever he's in a store. If he sees something that he thinks you'll like or enjoy, he buys it for you. He memorizes what you like to drink, and he'll pick that up for you as well on his way past a coffee shop. He loves to spend mornings with you cuddling, his favorite way to begin the day. It's his favorite way of spending time with you, curled up and warm under the blankets. It makes it hard to leave in the morning, always feeling bad when he pouts when you move him off you. Dating Choso is like seeing the distant city lights in the evening at the top of the ferris wheel. The peaceful breeze that lingers over your hair and the warm feeling of the person next to you. It's the rush of love every time you're with each other.
Kento Nanami: Oh Kento, the greenest flag of all men around. Dating him is being seen, seen in such a way that feels so intimate, intimate with only a few months into the relationship. You can feel safe around him, and he's willing to take things slow if that's what you'd like. He takes dating at your pace, listening to what you need and want in a relationship. He just asks to be treated with the same respect. Dating him feels comfortable, not in the way that's terrifying either. It's the safety that means you can see a future with him. You are both easy going lovers, meeting in the middle to figure out what to do for dates. He's someone who loves scheduling a designated day and time for every week, ensuring that date and time worked for the both of you. He loves taking you to a romantic restaurant, loving when you guys get to the point of being regulars there. (And yes, everyone swoons when the see how you treat each other, seeing the love in one another's eyes.) But he's also willing to try something new, as long as it's with you. Dating Nanami is like the fresh scent of coffee in the morning, filling your nostrils with the scent of familiarity. Comfort in the romance and love of one another, always knowing how each other takes coffee in the morning, and rushing in the morning to make the other the coffee.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
the closing scene of a marvel-produced deltarune movie
kris: i guess in the end... the REAL power... was friendship all along
(silence for like ten seconds)
noelle: uh.... that was.... REALLY corny🤣🤣🤣
susie: yeah dude cmon. what is this, some kinda dumb teen movie or something? (audience bursts out laughing at this charmingly self-aware joke)
ralsei: kris... even I'M not that corny. but... you have a point. group hug!!
(everyone scooches away from ralsei because group hugs are #lame)
kris: uh... wow. and you call ME corny.
berdly: well, corniness aside, i think we can all agree that i was the real reason we got out with our lives. although i'll admit i may have caused problems on the way by... distracting the ladies (winks at susie and noelle, he likes both of them in this movie and has had zero character development except for one tense moment in act 3 where he almost sacrificed himself for the greater good but then was saved at the last minute)
(silence, noelle and susie exchange a glance)
kris: ...uh... so, ANYWAY, you guys wanna go get pEzza?
(everyone nods excitedly, they walk off into the sunset without berdly because he is the designated incel character and must be hated by everyone)
noelle: why's it called pEzza anyway... that's so #weird lol...
susie: right?? what is this, some kids' game or something? (cue more audience laughter at this hilarious meta joke) anyway noelle... you wanna... share a pEzza with me?
noelle: o-oh! s-sure, susie! ahaha! and i-if you want, we could go to qc's later on... i-if you want to, i mean!
susie: ... yeah. i'd love to. (winks at her, audience cheers at this groundbreaking, incredibly daring lgbtq rep, the two have barely interacted this entire movie and the ferris wheel sequence in the chapter 2 movie was "cut for time" in favor of kris eating a banana in the rouxls battle and evolving into kris neo [this is a funny reference to their spinoff series "DREAMER" in which they joked briefly about this very thing])
kris, to ralsei: wow... look at THOSE lovebirds (other characters are saying susie and noelle are in love, and thus they are, and we should root for their romance)
ralsei: yeah... hey, there's something you never told me...
kris: what?
ralsei: are you a boy or a girl?
(pause as kris looks at him, they open their mouth to answer, and then the credits roll before they say anything in a hilarious and groundbreaking show of nonbinary representation after making their ambiguous gender the butt of hundreds of jokes over the course of the series. the movie receives a million oscars and chris pratt is elected king of hollywood for his performances as kris and spamton)
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Proxies with a fem reader going to a pumpkin patch so she can pick out her pumpkin? :>
Proxies and Fem!Reader going to a pumpkin patch!
obligatory toby is platonic but tbh i dont think romance ties too much into these specific hcs also i havent been to a pumpkin patch in years so im really scraping my brain trying to remeber what people do asides pick pumpkins...and google... a lot of google... i admit i had to fight myself not to make this a group thing where it's all together but im 80% sure you wanted these separate no unique gifs for each character, too eepy (its 6am rn and i couldnt sleep for the life of me SOBS)
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I feel like out of the three he's probably going to give the most resistance, he just doesn't like being around where loads of people may be; too much noise you know? But with enough coaxing and reassurance I do believe you can convince him to tag along
Most straight forward about it, wants it to be in and out, so he kinda beelines and tries to find a pair of pumpkins that'll do
"Babe... those ones are too small to carve..." "They're. Average."
Sorry I had to make that joke
Out of all the activities there you might get him to sit down for a hayride if it's not too too packed!
Overall it's an okay experience, but really this guy would prefer the pumpkin carving at home after the fact; out on a porch sitting next to one another, alone in comfortable silence! He saves the seeds to make into snacks later
A little more willing to go out! I feel like he's the easiest in terms of talking into stuff! As long as it's not anything dangerous he's more than willing to spend time with you.... all the better to keep his eye on you.. both in a cute aww he wants to protect you way and a creepy way but hey that's creepypasta for you
If they're offering shitty quickly constructed rides count him in, he's going to be the one dragging you!
While I'm not sure what rides would be there I'm sure there'd be but you're gonna be there for way longer than originally planned
Saving this for another day but Ferris Wheel trope where it gets stuck, one of y'all totally shouldn't send in a character for me to do that for wink wink nudge nudge
Probably the most emotive you see Hoodie, ever, it's actually a little jarring at first but it's cute in it's own way that he's getting all hyped up over some rides
overall? y'all forget to actually. pick pumpkins so you guys have to almost immediately return to go browse at the pumpkins that remain. Does the thing where you knock on produce to make sure it sounds right. Does he know what he's going or what he's looking for? No clue but hey there's that mental image, Hoodie kneeling down on the ground, head pressed against a pumpkin and tapping it
Ticci Toby:
Pretends to not wanna go but really he's totally fucking stoked that you wanna go somewhere with him, him? like him him? Toby? Well if you insist-
That bit sounded mean but I believe Toby feels.... I don't know how to put it but like I think it's because he used to be bullied and left out that he still gets a little surprised when you willingly invite him to hang out; not that he's complaining though
Haunted corn maze. This fucker beelines for the corn maze. You have lost your silly friend with an affinity for collecting empty snail shells (hc)
Good luck trying to find him, if it's one of those mazes with scare actors he's not going to flinch or scream so there goes your audio cue
Eventually you do find him though! So it's not totally disastrous! It just takes you upwards of fifteen minutes because you yourself got lost before looping back to the entrance, only to find this little shit sitting right by the entrance
Seriously how the fuck did he do that?
No clue
You know how sometimes pumpkins are bumpy or a lil... off looking? Leave it to this fucker to make several jokes about how they look, primarily ragging on the bumpier ones
"Hey look, it looks like you" "shut the fuck up"/j
Generally a very good time as long as you ignore the small heart attack you got when Toby disappeared! Good luck cleaning the mess after carving up your pumpkins
He probably tries to see what the guts taste like
idk what raw pumpkin guts taste like
not sure if its any good because ive only tried pre canned pumpkin puree and used it for baking so idk if it tastes good straight from the source
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to-the-stars8 · 1 year
Learning to Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3
52- Midnight Calls and Fantasies
Before the two of you started dating, Jason would spend his nights alone trying his best not to think of you. Usually, he’d be hopping and swinging from building to building as he kicked ass throughout the streets of Gotham, but he was currently on bedrest after a run-in with some lucky gangsters—Who he would now call dead men walking. Either way, Alfred had forced a compromise onto him; Jason could stay at his apartment, but if he even thought about moving, Alfred would strap him down to one of the tables in the med bay at Wayne Manor. Knowing Alfred, Jason did as he ordered. 
In the meantime, he tried to fill the void by watching shit on Netflix that you had been talking about non-stop. He’d get through half an episode before he thought about texting you, but it was getting late and you were probably in bed. In the middle of some cheesy romance show, when he was in the middle of disassociating, Jason thought about the two of you as a couple. The thought came upon him unwillingly, but he entertained it nonetheless. Perhaps out of loneliness or desire, but he wouldn’t let himself dig too deep into that. 
Jason pictured the two of you on a Ferris wheel at some stupid county fair— that he knew he would never go to unless you dragged him there—being all cutesy. You’d be holding his hand probably, pointing out at the sunset on the horizon, and he’d sit there admiring you. Jason already knew you were ten times prettier than any stupid fucking sunset. Maybe, in that delusional moment, he’d kiss you. 
The thought of kissing you snapped him back into reality and he physically cringed to the point that the wounds on his body were starting to hurt. He paused the show, groaning in pain as he thought about just how stupid he was to think that. There was just too much to Jason that he would feel bad if you ever got stuck in a relationship with him. If there was even a chance for it in the first place. 
Just like he had accidentally willed you to him, his phone finally shone with your name clear as day on it. Jason thought about declining your call so he could continue to shake the cringe off of him, but his crush on you outweighed any sense of embarrassment. 
“Hey,” He said, trying to sound casual despite the slight throbbing pain rumbling throughout his body. 
There was shuffling before you said, “Hey, Jaybeans. You free to talk?” 
“Yeah, everything okay?” 
There was a bit of worry in Jason’s chest, thinking that something or someone was bothering you, and he sat up so he could think better. You yawned before humming a no. “Nah, I just want to talk to you.”
“Oh,” Jason didn’t like how much he enjoyed being the first person you thought of calling. “Well, I’m just chilling out at home, right now. Um—” 
Jason hurriedly tried to think of something to say, letting the thick silence lay between the two of you before you quickly swooped in to save the conversation. “Just chilling?” Jason swore he could hear a bit of breathlessness on your end like you egging him on to say something he’d be too embarrassed to even bring up. 
Swallowing the nervousness, Jason casually answered, “Yeah, I’m watching one of those cheesy romance shows you recommended.”
That seemed to catch your attention because you began bombarding him with questions like; what show, did he like it, who was his favorite character, etc. He tried to answer all of your questions because half of it he was going between checking his phone and fantasizing about you. He’d watch the whole damn show over again if it made you this excited to talk to him. 
“Have you gotten to that scene, yet?” Jason could hear the fluctuation in your voice indicating whatever scene it was, it had to be something saucy. He hummed a no, and you groaned. “Jason, you have to watch it. It’s like—So fucking weird and dumb, but also super hot.”
“I’m not evening going to unpack that,” Jason chuckled, though was now going watch that scene even if it killed him to do so. 
You giggled, and then there was more shuffling. The pause on your end was longer this time, and Jason was worried for a second that you were busy with something else now. When he asked if he was keeping you from something, you were quick to answer with no. “I—I’m just trying to get comfortable.”
Jason scratched the back of his neck as you stumbled over questions about his day, which he could only answer that he hadn’t done much. “I did nothing today. It was pretty nice.”
“I love those kinds of days,” You stretched with another yawn. “Jason, I think I’m tired.”
“You don’t say.”
“Ha-ha,” You said sarcastically, not in the least bit amused by his response. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Of course. Bye, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.”
There was another pause on your end before a quiet, “Bye, honeybee.”
Before Jason could comment on the new nickname, you quickly hung up. He laid back in bed, heart fluttering, closing his eyes once again as he willingly let a little hope and fantasy play in his brain.
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lighthaunting · 1 year
DoA Imagines (GN!Reader) | Love Languages and Dates
CHARACTERS - Fyodor, Nikolai/Mykola, Sigma
A/N: yes this is definitely out of character but i love writing fluff and the most ungodly sappy romance imaginable, your honor. got me giggling and kicking my legs and shit
Likes words of affirmation and giving gifts.
Not the greatest at outwardly speaking of his feelings, at least not as much as he’d like to.
If he needs to leave early in the morning before you’ve woken up, don’t be surprised if you wake up to the most eloquently written and poetic love letter you’ve ever seen in your life.
Not the greatest talker, more of a listener, but when he writes to you, he writes.
Because he’s a good listener (not to mention his brilliant memory), he’s good at giving gifts.
If you offhandedly mention a nice ring, piece of clothing, etc? He is committing that to memory for future gift giving.
Prefers receiving more practical gifts; likes things he can use in his everyday life rather than luxury objects.
Generally prefers staying in for dates, or at least quiet, peaceful places if you do both decide to go out.
Picnics under a tree in a field in the middle of nowhere, nothing more than some wine, a charcuterie board and casual conversation to pass the time, maybe a book or two.
Not much of a touchy-feely type, prefers more subtle things, might link his pinky with yours while he reads or does a bit of paperwork.
Isn’t the greatest at initiating touch, but likes to give forehead kisses, likes the simplicity of it.
Gets noticeably more clingy in the winter, even he notices it, but he pretends he doesn’t. He gets cold easily, and your hands are probably warmer than his.
If you don’t know how to play the cello already, he’d gladly teach you about it. He makes a wonderful tutor and he’s very patient when teaching you, and he certainly won’t object to holding your hands to guide you on how to move the cello bow.
(Okay this one’s just a joke but I bet he goes to sleep with a night gown and a little night cap on his head. bet he goes snore mimimimi when he sleeps)
Nikolai (Mykola)
Likes words of affirmation and physical touch.
Expect consistent compliments, he has no shame and won’t hesitate to gush about you, whether it’s just to you or anyone else who will listen.
If you’re the one complimenting him, he may get just a tad bashful. He’s not shy by any means, but you may notice he’ll avert eye contact with a huge grin on his face.
Loves referring to you with terms of endearment, but in public he will purposely give you the most ungodly and obnoxious petnames imaginable just because he thinks it’s hilarious, especially if you get embarrassed over it.
Definitely wants to test how many times he can refer to you as ‘snookums’ in a public setting before you start swatting at him.
Loves holding hands and being close to you in general.
Likes having his hair messed with or being helped with his braid, will fall dead asleep on your lap within a few minutes if you’re not careful.
Likes going on dates in more lively places, especially if it’s somewhere he can properly explore.
Naturally pretty energetic, so expect to go to an amusement park or arcade at least once.
You bet he wants a cliche ferris wheel kiss (so long as you’re not afraid of heights, of course).
Once halloween rolls around you’re definitely getting taken to a haunted house with him (he’ll do a remarkable job at keeping you from being scared in the event you are, would 100% find ways to make you laugh throughout it).
Escape room dates !! He’d have so much fun with you, and he’s absolutely going to make sure you feel the same way.
Good luck trying to get out of bed at a reasonable time from now on, he will wrap around you like a koala to try and keep you there longer. Complains very audibly from across the room if you do manage to escape his grasp.
Unlike the other two, probably has more of a random mix of love languages, doesn’t usually stick to or prefer receiving just one kind.
Ultimately, he just likes you and spending whatever time with you he can.
Scarily observational, will pick up on your every mood and does his best to help you when you’re having a bad day.
Definitely the type to pick up on the fact you texted him slightly differently that day and gets you something from your favorite restaurant on his way back from the casino to try and cheer you up.
Loves cooking and baking with you, and he’s pretty great at it, too.
Cookie baking dates over cups of tea on a rainy day.
Adores trying new hobbies in general, especially if it’s with you. Tries to start up a little vegetable garden, or maybe even something like painting or pottery.
Absolutely lives for the super cheesy romance movie type dates. If the weather is nice, he likes to explore the outdoors and seeing what the world has to offer, so long as you’re by his side.
Driving two hours into the middle of nowhere to go stargazing with a clear view, exploring a flower meadow, finding the best spot to watch a sunset, etc.
Not very used to receiving gifts due to his situation with the book and DoA, so he’s very flattered (and maybe just a bit bashful) at any gifts you give him.
A bit hesitant to initiate physical affection at the beginning of the relationship, but as he gets more relaxed he likes being close to you. Will gladly give you a tour around the casino with your arm linked with his or his arm around your waist, if you’d like.
Very good at formal dancing. Romantic slow dancing in the middle of the night, moonlight shining down from the grand windows of his office in the casino.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Headcanons: First Date + First Kiss (Part One)
Headcanons for what I think the characters would do for a first date, and how I think the first kiss would go. - Part One
Part Two (Fanboy, Bob, Coyote and Phoenix)
Pairings: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader; Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader; Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x Reader; and Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x Reader - All GN!Readers
Warnings: Kissing, if it wasn't obvious lol. Nothing else I can think of.
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin:
First Date:
You would think Jake would be a classic romantic and go with a romantic candle lit dinner.
But actually, for your first date, you would have a nice, casual early dinner at a cute cafe at first.
The table was outside on cute deck, where you had a nice view of the beach. You'd spend the time sharing stories and talking about places you had traveled to and places you wanted to see.
Jake would hint that he had something else planned for later, but would not tell you what.
After you were done eating, the two of you walked along the beach, where he was purposefully leading you somewhere.
Surprise! Horse-riding along the beach at sunset!
If you had never ridden a horse, he helped you to mount and get comfortable with the reigns.
If you were already comfortable riding, he would bombard you with questions about how and why.
It was a slow and nice ride down the beach, the sunset casting red and oranges along the water.
The whole date would feel straight out of a romance novel.
He would often ride close beside you, and your legs would often brush lightly together (yes, this was on purpose)
When the sun was set, and the date was over, he would drive you home.
As much as he would love to kiss you after the first date, he did not. And instead settled for a kiss on the back of your hand.
First Kiss:
The first kiss came after the second date.
Which was now, the romantic candlelit dinner.
At the front door when he drops you off, you have a short conversation about how much you are enjoying your time together.
There is obvious tension between you, both of you feeling the same anticipation.
He is cocky and flirty, and slowly gets closer and closer to you the more he talks.
You are leaning against the doorway as he does this.
Finally, when he is only a couple inches away, his eyes flick down to your lips, and he slowly closes the space between you.
The first kiss is slow yet passionate, lasting about a minute, in which you had to break away to breath.
He would toy with the idea of inviting himself in, but would not. Instead promising you a third date soon, which would also trigger the beginning of your actual, long-lasting relationship.
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw:
First Date:
Bradley is not one for boring dinner dates.
So, he drives you out to a carnival/fair to spend the day having fun.
You cannot walk past a carnival game without trying it out.
Needless to say, by the end of the date you have way too many stuffed prizes.
You tried a variety of fair foods, and made bets with each other for who wins and who loses games. The losers had to eat the weirdest foods you could find. There were a lot of pickled and fried foods eaten that day.
He would try and drag you onto the scariest looking rides, and you would force him to ride the more mundane ones.
Seeing him riding the bright pink unicorn on the carousel was your favorite moment, and you definitely got a picture.
On the teacups, he purposefully spun the cups as fast as he could - no only to make you freak out and get dizzy, but mostly to make you cling on to him.
You spent the whole day laughing and having fun, and by the time the sun started to set, you were exhausted in the best possible way.
First Kiss:
As goofy and fun as he is, Bradley is a romantic, and he has always had a desire to kiss someone at the top of a Ferris Wheel.
So, the last thing the two of you did on your carnival date, was the Ferris Wheel.
He sat in the seat beside you, rather than across. He laid his arm across your shoulders, so you were close to him.
You knew about the romantic trope of a kiss at the top of the Ferris Wheel, and were anticipating whether of not it would happen, and hoping it definitley would.
When the Ferris Wheel stopped with you at the top, you admired the scene around you, all the while, Bradley's eyes were on you.
When you caught his gaze and he smiled, you felt butterflies erupt, sending a shiver through your whole body.
You knew he was going to kiss you.
When he did, he cupped your chin in his hands and leaned into you.
The kiss lasted until the Ferris Wheel started moving again.
When you broke apart, you were both smiling like idiots, foreheads still pressed together.
Bradley insisted on one more trip around on the Ferris Wheel, just so he could kiss you again.
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Pete "Maverick" Mitchell:
First Date:
For your first date with Pete, he would take you on a ride on his motorcycle, to a nice little restaurant out of town.
He had discovered it when he went on a ride, and knew you would like it.
It was a small place, very few people there, and all of them were nice, and complemented you on being a cute couple.
There was a jukebox in the corner, that he would queue up a bunch of songs on, many he knew you liked.
When you were done eating, he "forced" you to dance with him. Meaning he took your hand and lead you to the empty dance-floor, with a wide and enticing smile.
You danced to a couple of songs, talking and gazing into each others eyes the whole time.
When the sun began to set, you would leave the restaurant and drive to a nearby peak.
You sat on the edge, legs dangling over, the beach view below you paired with the sunset.
You didn't leave until the sun had disappeared. He gave you his jacket to wear during the drive back, knowing it would be a lot colder now that it was dark.
By the time you got home, it was late. He jokingly asked if you were going to invite him inside. You didn't, but he left with a quick kiss to your cheek.
First Kiss:
Your first kiss didn't happen on an official second date, but after you decided to meet up at the beach.
He told you about his day, his training, and how much he loved flying. You told him your goals, and all the places you wanted to see.
Eventually, your conversation become more playful and joking, even more so when you found an abandoned football.
You tossed it to each other a few times as you continued to talk and tease each other.
After you caught the ball, and you teased him for having a weak throw, he began to chase you.
Tackling you (softly) to the ground, you were left giggling, and he was watching you with an adoring smile.
When you locked eyes, lying in the sand, he would reach over and brush some sand off your face.
Then, quicker than you were expecting, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
When he broke away, he apologized, saying he just felt the overwhelming urge to kiss you.
You smiled and told him it was alright, you felt it too.
Pleased with this, he asked if he could kiss you again, to which you obviously said yes.
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Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
First Date:
Your first date with Tom would be at his place, where he would cook you dinner himself.
He'd allow you to help, chopping, stirring, taste-testing, but he mainly cooked the dish himself. Wanting not only to impress you, but to "sweep you off your feet".
You bonded over favorite dishes and foods, also judging (in a playful way) each others likes and dislikes of certain cuisine.
There was a small food fight at one point, which only included the remnants of vegetables as you made the salad.
The whole date felt very domestic and soft, but you were already so comfortable with Tom that there was nothing awkward about it. You could only describe it as feeling "right".
The two of you are dinner out on his deck/balcony. Sitting together well after you were done eating, and the sun had set long before.
When it got late, and it was time for you to leave, you were both silently disappointed.
You left, giving him a kiss on the cheek. And he said goodbye with a promise of another date soon.
First Kiss:
The first kiss between you and Tom did happen during your second date.
This time, you went out to eat at a fun restaurant/bar, where there was singing and dancing.
You spent a lot of time laughing and talking, eating, and playing bar games.
Later in the night, the crowd died down and the loud music turned into softer more romantic music.
You and Tom danced together for a while, heads gently touching as you swayed, eyes closed.
After a few songs, he pulled you closer and told you how much he loved being around you.
He would try to keep his eyes from flicking to your lips, but failed miserably when you noticed he did it every few seconds.
Eventually the tension was too much, and you had a moment when your eyes met, and you knew you both wanted to kiss.
He would inch slower closer, his lips brushing yours gently, before he initiated the full kiss.
It was slow and passionate, and he brought both his hands to your face as he deepened the kiss.
You were both too caught up in each other to remember you were in public.
When the song ended, you two left the dance floor and the bar, hand in hand, and happier than ever.
xx End xx
Hope you enjoyed! I already have the second part with the other characters outlined, so it should be out soon! (It will be linked at the top when it is posted)
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Top Gun Taglist: @malindacath, @hotch-meeeeeuppppp, @sarcastic-sourwolf, @stargirl-05, @persephonesportal, @springflwer07, @pockyandme
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AOT characters taking you on a date pt. 2
Hi! part one is here 
A lil spice!
Reiner: Idk, Reiner is a hungry man and I feel like he wants a place with a lot of meat lol. Takes you out for southern style barbecue. Loves the low-key vibes and the good food; orders extra corn bread and beans. He is sooooo shy when it comes to his feelings for you  I feel like he would eat so much so that he doesn’t need to talk lol. Likes taking you to his favourite restaurant and seeing you in jeans. I feel like he would love going to a sunset outdoor concert or a drive in movie. Even going to a haunted house, he’d loooove the feeling of protecting you. Wants to hold you to the music, or cuddle you in the car. Physical touch is his love language and he just wants to go somewhere where he can feel your body and make out with you for hourrrrrsss. He cant keep his hands off of you. 
Sasha: ALL YOU CAN EAT. Not sure if its a buffet or like ayce sushi but a place where you can try a ton of dishes and eat as much as you can. Would love making you laugh and playing silly get-to-know-you games. Going to a theme park or fair or anywhere with rollercoasters would be her jam. I feel like she’d love Disneyland but hate how expensive all of the food is haha. Wants to go on rides, eat mini doughnuts and enjoy the fun until you’re both exhausted. Kisses you on the Ferris wheel and buys you both matching merch, like those Toy Story aliens hats. Taking photos in a Photo Booth and end up making out. Hiding behind corners and stealing kisses from each other so no one sees. 
Levi: Every minute of the date is planned perfectly. He has high standards and wants to take you somewhere really nice for dinner, a restaurant where you get multiple courses of food and there’s matching wine paired with each course. Dimly lit with jazz music playing. Has a list of acceptable places and it has to be at one of those. He doesn’t go out to restaurants often, but when he does he goes for a five star experience. Loves seeing you all dressed up, just so he can take it off later. Touches your thighs at the dinner table and is giving you the ‘fuck me’ eyes all night. Loves teasing you and seeing you blush and get flustered. Takes you to a quiet speakeasy after to drink cocktails. My man is definitely a whisky drinker, he is getting an old fashioned or a scotch on the rocks. Whispers dirty things in your ear all night but refuses to kiss you which drives you craaazy. When he drops you off back at home he brushes your hair behind your ear. “I want all of you,” he says before he kisses you. Doesn’t stay because he wants to leave you wanting more. 
Jean: He would be sooooo nervous while planning this date lol. Probably googles ‘romantic date ideas’ because his brain was too anxious to some up with his own ideas. Would pick a nice French restaurant and give you a red rose at the beginning. He’s super blunt and throughout the night he’d say things like ‘you are so hot’ and tell you how much he likes you. Something about him just makes me think he loves classic romance tropes. Like he’d take you to the Eiffel Tower and kiss you under it when its twinkling. Getting a cartoonist to sketch both of you and then keeping it on his wall. Sooo nervous when he asks you to kiss him and he doesn’t hold back at all. Lifts up your chin and look into your eyes kind of kiss. Wants to be your Prince Charming. You tease him about how sweet he is and he gets all red and flustered.
Erwin: I feel like Erwin is a gentleman and wants to take you on a really classy night out. I feel like he’d want to dress up and go to the symphony with you or a charity event at a museum of anthropology, followed by a dinner at a boujie restaurant. Wants to talk about work and your career with him. Would love asking you tough hypothetical questions because loves having really cerebral conversations. Drinking nice Bordeaux and eating oysters and steak. Shares chocolate cake with you after. I feel like he wouldn’t try anything because he’s such a gentleman, but he’d compliment you and kiss your hand. Takes you back to his place for a night cap on his deck. He’d tell you how that he finds you beautiful inside and out and ask for a kiss. He’s slow and holds back but as soon as you say the word, he’s ready to go. Tells you to take off your clothes and loves watching you undress. Loves making your toes curl.
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metanarrates · 11 months
What do you make of the theory that the snowgrave route in deltarune is a criticism of dating sims where characters are basically pulled around by the player character ? I think it’s an interesting idea but I don’t know how much I agree, or at least I don’t know if I think that’s the main thing deltarune is trying to do with Noelle and Kris’s storyline in snowgrave
first off, I do have an utdr side blog at @a-town-called-hometown, so if you do have utdr questions for me you can direct them there in the future :] also follow me there. I don't post all that much these days but that's largely because all of my Big Thoughts are talked out in discord servers now and then I forget to crosspost. this may change if more people ask me questions that I can be autistic about
my general read is that deltarune itself doesn't actually draw very much from dating sims! i know a lot of people read certain choice trees (ie. "who do you want to ride the ferris wheel with") as being similar to dating sims, but I don't agree. that implies a romantic subtext to those choices, and apart from snowgrave, I don't read much romantic subtext in deltarune. to me, it seems like the game is simply drawing broader attention to the concept of player choice and how utterly dissonant it is with the fact that we are possessing the body of an unwilling teenager. also our choices in those moments don't seem to matter LMAO
now, i DO think snowgrave itself forces a romantic subtext onto kris and noelle, but one that is also separate from the concept of dating sims. it doesn't have the same types of player choice that a dating sim would use. dating sims tend to have rather broad action and dialogue trees, and snowgrave has comparatively little. there is simply the continual choice to continue manipulating noelle into violence or the choice to back out. very different feelings and gameplay type than most dating sims.
if I had to sum up what I think of the snowgrave route's romantic subtext, i would say that it's there to heighten the sense that we are forcing these characters into a certain mold for our own purposes. not only are we stripping away kris' agency and pushing noelle to enact violence on others, we are pressing them both into a very heterosexual-seeming* dynamic that is completely at odds with both of their identities and the actual feelings they have for each other. regardless of whether you think kris and noelle might have feelings for each other on their own, it's exceedingly fucked up to symbolically force teenagers to date!
*note that I don't say this to imply that kris is male. they're nonbinary. but the mold of romance that is forced onto them and noelle in snowgrave IS an exceedingly heteronormative one and that makes it more fucked up precisely BECAUSE that's not their gender!
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Noelle and Chara Parallels
TW: Abuse, manipulation, murder, genocide, bad romance.
Noelle and Chara are interesting characters in similar situations of being manipulated into mass murder / thinking murder is okay. Quite a chilling concept! here are a few subtle parallels between them, plus bonus sections that gets a bit more speculative. Let's get right into it.
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1: Coming When Their Name Is Called
Chara states, after you do two genocide runs, that they are "the demon that comes when people call its name." That would suit their role in Undertale (endorsing the Narrachara theory) where they begin narrating for us shortly after we name the fallen human. And Noelle seems to come when she's called as well. In the Spamton Neo fight, we call for help from Ralsei and Susie, to no avail. (The game specifically says, "You called for help...but nobody came.") Then we whisper Noelle's name and Spamton is frozen by Noelle's Ice Shock.
Bonus: We don't see Noelle do this, just like how we don't see Chara come at the beginning of the game either. Interestingly, we're able to see Noelle as soon as we meet up with her and only at the end is she out of our vision. Meanwhile in Undertale, we don't see Chara at all until the end, when we finally meet them face to face. Additionally, we meet up with Noelle fairly soon after beginning the game, but she isn't there right away. Neither is Chara, who begins narrating for us only after the first Flowey fight.
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2: Being Angels
It's no secret about Noelle that she's surrounded by angelic themes. Spamton calls her "angel," she states on the Ferris wheel that she'd like to chuck herself off the Ferris wheel and "grow angel wings and fly away," and her outfit in the Dark World resembles an angel. Many have suggested she will be the Angel whose Heaven we, according to Ralsei's prophecy, have to banish. Meanwhile, Chara was one of the candidates for the role of "Angel" in Undertale's prophecy. Since they came from the Surface, many monsters would probably have expected Chara to be the angel who would free them. The Underground, as a storyteller states, was full of hope. Of course Chara failed at freeing monsterkind, and the prophecy angel turned out to be either Asriel or Frisk, depending on who you ask, or maybe it's the both of them. (That's a topic for another post.)
Bonus: What's really, really interesting is that there is so much evidence that Noelle will be the Angel, which makes me wonder if she really will be the Angel, or if the game will pull a 1'80 and it'll be Kris or Susie or something. Or maybe the role of Angel will be shared between a couple people, like it may or may not have been in Undertale--again it's not entirely clear on who the Angel is in Undertale. If she doesn't turn out to the Angel after all, then it would line up really nicely with Chara being someone that everybody thought was the angel but turned out to not be.
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3: Twisted Romance
This one is a bit more debatable based on how you interpret Chara's lines in Undertale.
In Deltarune, our language and actions suggest Noelle as a romantic partner. We buy her a ring and convince her to "get" a ring. We pressure her into riding the Ferris wheel with us. And when asked if she and Kris are friends, we refer to her as "something else." This adds a theme of twisted romance to an already horrifying dynamic.
A lot of people are just so freaked out by Chara's unnerving encounter to analyze the lines much, which is...definitely understandable to be honest. But you'll notice that Chara refers to us as their "partner," stating that you'll be together forever. Both Frisk (who we are/are possessing, which is, again, a subject for another post) and Chara are referred to with gender-neutral terms and pronouns. "Partner" is often used gender neutrally to describe a romantic partner. Chara also has pink cheeks, which could be interpreted as either blushing or just natural color to their cheeks. Frisk and Chara both also share a (potential, in Frisk's case) mother figure and father figure, plus they are literal children. If that's not twisted romance, I don't know what is.
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4: Getting Stronger
Chara states that together, you eradicated the enemy and became strong. This is how they refer to killing monsters. Meanwhile, Noelle refers to freezing Darkners as "getting stronger." Even the narration of this game states "Noelle became stronger."
In conclusion, both Chara and Noelle are manipulated into thinking murder is okay, have links to angelicism, may or may not be in a bad romance with the player character, and view killing as gaining strength, by the time we're done with them. Some of these are a bit shaky, but I'd say at least the first one is pretty definite.
Or at least that's my undertake, reverse salutations and have a nice day.
P.S. this is my first ever theory/analysis post so try to be gentle in constructive criticism, thank you T-T
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lara635kookie · 8 months
My Ship Ranking:
Okay so a few warnings about this:
1-I added all the ships I could find. If there is any missing, let me know and I'll add later.
2-This is my opinion and it isn't meant to be offensive to anyone. You can agree or disagree and it's totally fine. If you wanna do your own rankings, I would love to read it.
3-It's a long post that I've been writing for weeks. I made revisions but if something passed through me and you guys notice, you can tell me.
1-Red Crackle:
Is that even a surprise to anyone? Red Crackle is my whole life and owns my entire soul lol. But jokes aside, these two are just so linked and have a foundation not even time and space can separate. Even when they're apart by circunstances, they meet again. They always comeback to one another. Duane Capizzi said in this interview Carmen and Gray "will definitely meet again":
And I haven't seen other interviews yet but in this specific interview the person just says Duane said Carmen doesn't see Gray in a flirty light and brushes it off asking about Carulia. Then Duane just talks more about Julia's character and then says, "if it's there, it's intentional" which indicates, from what I got, that the double meaning is there, you can choose how you see and interpret it. They could have made the carulia interactions more clear and chose not to do so on purpose. So I imagine the same thing applies to Red Crackle, Carmivy, Jeantonio, etc. The show ended so now is up to us to interpretate with what we have. Even if Duane, and the whole crew of the show overall, ship something, we can ship something different. As the show is not romance focused, we can choose from what we have. And no way there's no people who ship Red Crackle among the show staff. Michael Goldsmith(Gray's voice actor) seemed to ship. This guy seems to as well(not sure tho) considering the way he directed the holy trinity of Red Crackle episodes:
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Gray's character is fundamental for Carmen to be the person she is. Can you picture Carmen jumping from the plane with El Topo, Le Chevre or Tigress? She trusted only Gray enough to do that. Without him she wouldn't have jumped, and would not realize what V.I.L.E. truly is about. And if so, a lot later, maybe too late. And at the end, they could have chosen Devineaux, Zari, Julia, or even Ivy to save Carmen with the A.C.M.E. machine. I think it would be kinda nice if it were Ivy so she would have an interaction with evil Carmen, like Zack had at the ferris wheel, and would impress A.C.M.E. instead of just randomly joining it with Zack out of nowhere at the end. But I'm glad it was Gray and then Shadowsan finished the job. The thing that gets to me is that she looks to the crackle rod on the floor and screams:"Gray!". The person she always prioritized the safety of the most was "dead", by her. Then she asks what has she done and I think here she could have also shown some concern for Devineaux and Julia. Specially Julia. Because Devineaux was there, standing, and depending on the impact of the thing that fell on her head, she could have died. And she seemed to faint under a curtain that also could kill her by asphyxiation if she didn't wake up on time. But the only thing she cared about was Gray. She could have remembered on screen she hurt other people too by seeing the crackle rod, but she only remembered Gray and I was like:"But what about Julia? Aren't you worried about her? Carmen is not gonna care about her at all? Really?" "That's it? That's the ending?" I believe that if there was no red crackle shipper there, the show would be a lot different. Gray's character wouldn't be so important as it was if that was the case. Speaking of which, I want a red crackle week because I never participated in one and I want to write an AU about what would have happened if Gray decided do join Team Red on the train to Paris and on the Himalayans and red crackle week is the perfect excuse for that. Also one if Carmen decided to go back to V.I.L.E. on the train to Paris to destroy them from the inside. If we have a Red Crackle Week it could be in December with a Christmas-themed vibe, @redcrackle-week ? Christmas is my favorite holiday and Red Crackle is one of my favorite ships, perfect combination.
Again, no surprises. I've got nothing to say about this two that I haven't said before. They are so in love and they have my heart. I'll never understand why they are so underrated, they deserve more appreciation.
It's almost a crime that they aren't first place, but they were so close. They are like, the only ship the whole entire fandom agrees it's canon and I got mad respect for them for being able to unite the shipers because everyone likes them and wants to protect them(specially El Topo). They were clearly dating and were romantic boyfriends and I would do pretty much almost anything for them.
The same thing with Jeantonio, they are just a little bit lower because they don't have the general consent and less moments but to me they are a married couple.
I think they would be the greatest girlboss and malewife ever. Devineaux is a dumbass but he would be Zari's dumbass. The little they interacted I could tell they would be an amazing couple. I just can see it. I can picture all their interactions perfectly in my head. When Zari fell into his arms, and the way Devineaux held her. Zari telling Devineaux not to be in her way and slowly getting softer to him with time, like, they would be such a good storyline. I wanted them together so badly so they deserve this place at my top 5.
These two are a little bit lower because I'm not sure about them. At the start, they are a definite no. But after the fourth season Devineaux was prasing Julia the way she deserves to be praised and treating her better, redeeming for his past actions towards her and actually listening to her. He admited that he was wrong with Julia and did better. They are such adorable dorks together and while I love them as a platonic ship, I feel like they could also work romantically. It would be an interesting plot. I feel like most people think romance and friendship can't coexist but it can and it should. These two combined are one of the factors that make a good and healthy relationship and I feel like Devineaux and Julia have potential to be that way. I would like to know more about their Interpol days like why they were partnered together and how did they got to Carmen Sandiego, etc. So because of their wholesome platonic relationship that may or may not be affected my romance, they are a little bit lower but they are amazing and I love them.
This one, I did not expect to be this high up. First, the ship name is just as funny as "Red Crackle". Carmen and Devineaux did have quite a few number of car chases. Second, I'm aware that they have a 12 years age gap but I have a pretty high tolerance for age gaps. While I would rather not have an age gap too big for romantic relationships, 17 years age gap or less I don't mind. It bothers me a little, but it's not that big of a deal. If it's 18 years or more, it bothers me because I go like:"They could be their dad/mom." I just think they would be so funny together. The idea of them is surprisingly good. It makes me laugh when I think of Coach Brunt calling him handsome and Carmen being so done and after maybe going like:"He ain't ugly"(Carmen Sandiego is that kind of show that the animation is so pretty nothing and no one is ugly). And Carmen not wanting to see Devineaux because it's "really not a good time" and then seeying him even more to the point she doesn't mind it and even starts appreciating it. They would be a hell of enemies to friends to lovers story. They interact more than Carulia, but not as much as Chasulia so seventh place sounds about right for them. Not my favorite but I approve.
I don't know what their official ship name is but they are assigned partners and that, by V.I.L.E. standards, for me, usually means they make out. I wanted more development for both of their characters, which we don't know much about, so eighth place sounds nice. They clearly work well together and have a great harmony so I would say they are a cheaper version of Red Crackle. Like: "Kid:Mom, I want Red Crackle. Mom:We have Red Crackle at home." And they are the Red Crackle at home in question. Still, it works. Of course they are nothing compared to Red Crackle, but they still work. In the, idk three times we saw Spin Kick and Flytrap, you can tell they have the chemestry to convince people they are a romantic couple so this place is well deserved for them.
No, you haven't read wrong, it means Shadowsan and Lady Dokuso. Just hear me out:I can picture it perfectly:They meet at V.I.L.E. academy, they fall in love, they start dating. But then, Shadowsan is promoted to a member of the faculty, a position Lady Dokuso also wanted, but she was happy for her boyfriend anyway. Then, it ends up not working out a faculty member dating a mere operative and then they break up but still love each other, but their relationship was full of ups and downs and they are both bitter and salty about it. Then, Shadowsan backfires V.I.L.E. and joins Team Red and Lady Dokuso can finally have a chance as a faculty member but at the cost of destroying Shadowsan. The drama, the angst, the complexity of loving each other but being different and being in two sides that can't collide or meet in the middle. If you stop to think about it, they are basically a toxic version of Red Crackle that went wrong(Yes, I use Red Crackle as a parameter to measure other couples because they are the standard). So why are they so high up? Because a sad ending love story can also work. Representativity matters and tragic love stories deserve to have some spotlight sometimes.
It wouldn't be me if these two didn't make it to the top 10. I know Paper Star is a psycho so she can't actually feel love or empathy for anyone other then herself, but hooking up without commitment works for these two. It would also hold some drama like:Paper Star and Tigress start being passive aggressive to each other, then they start being assigned to even more and more missions together and get to know each other better, Tigress falls in love for Paper Star and Paper Star starts caring for her a little bit more than the others and they start confiding in each other and telling things about themselves they wouldn't tell anyone else, and they try a secret relationship because Tigress accepted Paper Star's condition, but they end up not working out because of the V.I.L.E. work and the missions that they put in first place other than the relationship because they aren't El Topo and Le Chevre, unlike them, Tigress and Paper Star have other priorities and other things to worry about than each other. As you can see, I really love some angst, and they had the chemestry for that. Their versatility could also hold some fluff and funny moments like:Tigress judging Jeantonio for cuddling then doing the exact same thing with Paper Star, Tigress saying Paper Star isn't that bad to them(she is bad to everyone else tho, she would only be "soft", in her strange way, for Tigress), them trying each other's clothes and weapons, them teaching each other stuff, going out on dates, they would be V.I.L.E.'s IT couple like evil Carmen and Crackle were people, there's no way around it.
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i am very late to the wip game, but if you wanted to share anything about the Beach Days & Hair Braiding universe, i would love to see it!!! (and i know it's in the abandoned fic wip list, but TBB goes to a bar sounds very intriguing too!)
Haha thank you for your interest in my WIP fics! <3
'TBB goes to a bar' is a long-abandoned work which mostly served for getting the feel of writing the characters! It never had a plot, the whole plot was just exploring how the Batch reacted in downtime with Echo new to the squad. It was a really fun way to develop the character dynamics, which ended up rolled into my fic System Upgrade about how Echo integrates with the Batch when he first joins Clone Force 99.
Beach Days & Hair Braiding started in actuality with the Febuwhump prompt 'Human Weapon' when I wrote what I affectionately refer to as 'The Birthday Cake Fic'. Off the back of that I got an ask for a fic which became Beach Days & Hair Braiding, and after looking at that askance for a month and a half I dipped a toe in the divisive world of cloneshipping with the soft CrossHunt offering All The Time In The World. That then spawned another request, this time for more softness in the form of a fairground date and holding hands on the Ferris Wheel.
So the Beach Days universe has now got several active WIPs, starting with Fairground Date, then Interlude (505), then Laundry Day, and a very disorganised planning document holding it all together. It won't all be sweetness and light; there's planned content for the after-effects of the torture the boys suffered on Tantiss, Crosshair and Hunter navigating the differences in their lives as Cross fights with the Resistance whilst Hunter raises Omega on Pabu, and an eventual Is Tech Alive? plot... but in the short term at least it's a sweet (and maybe slightly steamy...) romance.
Excerpt from Laundry Day for your amusement below the cut!
Crosshair dropped his gaze to run down and up Hunter’s body, taking in what he was wearing.
The most over-sized pair of shorts was cinched in at his waist, drawstring pulled tight in a huge bow whilst the baggy heavy grey cotton swung around his knees. A white t-shirt was similarly comically huge on his frame, tucked in at the front but hanging loose below his hips at the back. The neckline was so wide that both his collar bones were on show, and Crosshair gave a wide grin at that. His feet were clothed in ridiculously large socks, bunched around his ankles, and his bandana was missing. Hunter’s long hair was tied half-up and half-down in a way that somehow made him look younger despite his harried frown.
Crosshair couldn’t help how his grin spread, pushing the toothpick to the corner of his mouth with his tongue as his roving gaze finally settled on Hunter’s face.
“Forgot to do your laundry ‘til you ran out of clean clothes again?”
Hunter harrumphed an annoyed sigh. “No,” he said sulkily, in the face of the blatant evidence against him.
Crosshair let his gaze trawl lazily over his body again. Hunter looked comically, adorably young in the ill-fitting outfit.
“You’re wearing Wrecker’s clothes.”
“They’re clean.”
“So are yours, by the looks of it,” said Cross, with a glance at the washing lines. “Just not dry.”
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emberwood-if · 2 years
An Emberwood Halloween: 2022 Special
Halloween has rolled into the sleepy town of Emberwood in the shape of a festive carnival. You and the Dufner residents (and E) have decided to take a break from the craziness in Emberwood for some well deserved reprieve. 
Dress up in a costume (or don't) and hang out with the group or your favorite RO. Remember: be sure to have fun and enjoy the lighthearted atmosphere because it does not last :)
Go ferris-wheeling with Alex
Play a stall or two with Perry
Go on a swing ride with K
Go pumpkin carving with N
Get lost in a corn maze with Dani
Grab a bite to eat with F
Go to a haunted house with E
Or engage in a very mature and adult round of hide-and-seek with the Dufner residents, but be careful: you can lose.
(This is non-canon bonus content and isn't part of the main storyline.)
Some notes:
Though the individual routes take place in a non-canon point in time in which romantic feelings have been established, I have added options that aren't so...overtly romantic? Of course, it is still romance-coded, but for those who do not enjoy romance, I feel it can still be enjoyable in some way or the other.
The stories are short and sweet (at least for me), as well as the group route. The group route works in a way that you can make one choice and lose, or you can go through more than one scene before you lose. You may or may not interact with the characters depending on what you choose. It's really just a fun side story for those who do not want to play any individual character scenes, but for full transparency: the individual routes have a bit more meat in them, mostly because some of their backstories are sprinkled in the conversations (very briefly, but yk). The group route is pretty brief, mostly because I accidentally deleted a third of it in writing like last minute and wanted to rip my hair out.
ALSO: the mc is…slightly pre-set. I was not thinking of diverse options but more of just how to propel the story forward. In future specials, I think I’ll stick to bold/shy and different types of MCs, but as this is my first, I decided to go with my gut haha
there’s really no trigger warnings except for quite a bit of cursing (and f-bombs) and F’s route has to do with eating. So there will be mentions of food and eating ! Please be wary of that! <3
As always, as I do not have beta testers (yet) if you find errors, typos or formatting problems or any of that sort, please let me know and I'll fix them asap. This is just a fun side piece I did, so please don't take it too seriously!
Hope you enjoy <3
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