#they're insufferable like that whole foods couple
sushiisiu · 4 months
Any scollace relationship headcanons? I love the way you portray them :)
thank you! i have a lot so here's a dump of some of them lmao
scott definitely matures from being in a relationship with wallace, since it re-contextualizes the care-taking and financing and he would want to return the favor.
also re-contextualizes what living together means for him - starts missing wallace a whole lot more whenever he's away at work. calls him from their landline pretty often just to talk about nothing.
wallace still cooks more often, but scott starts putting in effort for making meals and setting up at home date nights for them every week.
scott /loves/ fidgeting with wallace's hands, especially when they're watching a movie together or something. he doesn't even realize he's doing it until he's called out for it. (audhd thing)
insufferable amounts of PDA and flirting. like what they have in canon but 10x worse since neither hold back anymore and are both touchy people. practically feeding each other during their lunch dates ("this is really good. you should try it" *nyam*) everyone is sick of them.
wallace brags about scott to his friends a lot. more than he realizes. there's not much to brag about at all he's just that fond of him.
wallace starts inviting scott to hang out with the friends that he previously weren't allowed to meet. scott is intimidated by wallace's older friend group at first but quickly becomes a staple in their outings. (since wallace is the only person in the main cast with a stable adult job his friends would be on that maturity level too imo)
wallace also integrates with scotts friend group more. which scott is mortified about since kim and stephen both figured they had something fruity going on from the get go. neil doesn't really care (St: i like men S: i also like men N: is there anyone in this band that likes women? K: me) but knives is really shocked.
wallace is willing to go exclusive for scott but that doesn't mean he stops trying to propose 3somes to him.
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feralsteddie · 2 years
So i need to hear about you Steve & Argyle friendship thoughts because I keep seeing them in your tags and I think they’re such an underrated duo that would probably get along so well together?????
ohmygod THANK YOU I’ve been waiting for an excuse to go off about them. Fics always leave out Argyle or have Steve just think he’s Jonathan’s weird friend and like, I get it, but we could do so much better guys
Like okay I have a couple of different ideas for them. One is nearly canon compliant (aka Hawkins still splits open so we still gotta wait on a boss fight, but Eddie lives, bc I said so) and the other is au where Vecna bites it, Eddie just got a lil nibbled, the charges got dropped, and everything is in the realm of fine. Gunna talk about the first one. This is definitely a bit of a mess of rambles. Enjoy.
It takes a while for them to actually have their first conversation, given everything.
Argyle is with Jon most of the time, who’s with his siblings in the cabin they’re fixing up, all hyperfocused on the impending return of Vecna and the town cracking open. Steve is running around the hospital between Max and Eddie’s room and threatening doctors if they even look at Eddie sideways or if he thinks Max isn't getting proper treatment.
So they just… don’t really cross paths. Argyle’s heard some of the stories about Steve from Jon, so he’s not too quick to go seek him out and Steve just could not care less about the other new guy along for the ride, he's too busy. Doesn’t even learn his name until about two weeks after they get to town and Robin dragged him by his ear to the cabin bc it was the only other place he'd relent to being at the moment.
Their first full conversation is actually about Argyle's daily foraging. He sees Argyle walking around, avoiding the traps and occassionally stopping to pick something and drop it in his bag. So, he's curious, and Steve's been friends with genius children and Robin long enough to be a good listener for things he doesn't quite get, but unlike the fifteen year old assholes Argyle seems cool with answering his questions.
With the ground kind of rotting out from the cracks in Hawkins, and the increasing likelihood the gov is gunna put up a quarantine any day now, they talk about how to best dry and keep things. Medicinal vs Food, how they can sub out ingredients in recipes for what they can find because it turned out they were both pretty damn good cooks.
From then on it just kind of turns into a Thing.
They both see how the other isn't really taken seriously by anyone in the group. Like, their respective best friends love them and don't look down on them, but there's always this kind of air that whenever they open their mouths they're gunna get some eyerolls. Argyle is the guy who can drive, Steve is the guy that gets hit a lot. They're not really necessary for planning.
So they help as much as they can in other places, together.
They make sure the group is fed, and sleeps, and doesn't do anything that raises their potential of being killed any more than necessary. (Joyce and Hop try, they really do, but they're busy harrassing government officials)
Jon hates how they get along, like, don’t get him wrong he knows Steve’s changed, is a good guy and all that, but come on Argyle is his best friend thanks and with how weird everything had been with Nancy he’d really like custody of Argyle back thanks.
Robin thinks it’s nice Steve has another friend their age, and knows how much easier having him around made getting used to the whole Monsters Are Real thing. (That being said, they require a certain amount of Robin-Steve one on one time or they WILL die. Or at the very least be insufferable to everyone around them)
Argyle got Steve into pineapple on pizza.
Steve braids Argyle’s hair whenever he needs to get it out of the way.
They talk to each other about their parental situations, about feeling like they’d never be what their parents wanted them to be. Argyle’s parents worked hard, wanted him to go to university and find a well-paying career; didn’t like that he was perfectly content with community college and kind of just wanted to open up his own restaurant one day. Steve's pretty sure his parents were disappointed the day he was born, and completely gave up by the time he only got back rejection letters. Argyle misses his, they were so worried when he’d gone missing for a few days, and their worry didn’t get any less when he finally called and told them where he was, but they’re not going to force him back. Steve’s parents still haven’t called, and he wonders if they remember that he’s still in Hawkins at all.
They don't hang out all the time. They've each got their respective best friends, and Argyle and Jon are usually the only two who manage to wrangle Mike, Will, and El. Who are constantly trying to sneak away to enact some half-baked plan they're sure will end it this time. Steve's got Dustin and Erica by the scruffs of their necks half the time, and his hands still full at the hospital the other.
They find out the two of them make a really good monster hunting pair though. Rob, Steve and Argyle end up on the same Team during scraps with the Upside Down Monsters. They've both got the most insane observation skills. Each quick on their feet and are really good with improvised weaponry. (Robin's able to fill in the pieces based on things they point out, is kind of the only one who really takes what they say seriously enough to utilise it.)
Argyle becomes the second person to come out to him on a bathroom floor while bloody. Argyle doesn't even really think anything of it, didn't even realise Steve hadn't known about his gigantic crush on Jonathan, just made an offhand joke about hoping his best friend thought the new gash on the side of his arm was as cool as the matching one he had with Nancy. They apent about an hour just talking about how he'd liked Jon from the moment he met him. Thought the awkward loner was cute and sweet and even after he found out he had a girlfriend back home he'd still wanted to be around him. Was content to be his best friend as long as he was happy, and did his best to move on with other people he could see himself caring for.
About a month after Eddie's back, Steve makes the third coming out to happen while bleeding on a bathroom floor. He'd kind of already known that he liked guys, but hadn't ever really thought too hard about it before. But he was having a bit of a freak out and Argyle and Rob both just squeezed into the dry bathtub with him. Let him have a full panic about liking a guy he'd kind of hated before spring break, a most likely straight guy who'd bodied a demodog that'd tried to sneak up on him and- hey did he mention just how hot that had been after they'd both calmed down from a mutual panic attack?
After that Rob, Argyle, and Steve will occassionally just get together to scream about their crushes. Robin still not sure what's happening with Vickie but they held hands guys, girls hold their friend's hands alll the time though right???
They smoke about it, a lot.py
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griefpersevering · 1 year
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the ripples they cause
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Chapter Nineteen: You Know Where to Find Me
Hii everyone!! I hope you're having a lovely tuesday <33 This chapter includes the brilliant Jen from She-Hulk! There's very minor spoilers for the series if you haven't had a chance to watch it yet (you absolutely should, it's so good!) but I mostly wanted to say that we're sticking to all the canon of the show, except for her and Matt being a couple. They're cute, but unfortunately for canon, Matt and Foggy are cuter :D
Sneak peek:
Peter has only been sitting in a cell for twenty-two hours and he already regrets his decision.
He's made the right choice — he would sacrifice himself a thousand times to save his friends — but he didn't realise how boring prison would be. All the movies make it look dangerous and exciting, but when you're the only superhero in a block of cells designed for enhanced people, there isn't anyone to chat to.
If there wasn't a power dampening collar around his neck, he would literally be climbing the walls by now.
Peter will be the first to admit that he's never been the best at sitting with his thoughts for extended periods of time. But after explaining the plot and production history of all twelve Star Wars films to a brick wall, he's losing his mind.
When the metal door at the end of the corridor screeches open and Matt steps through, relief courses through him.
"Mr. Murdock!" he exclaims, walking up to the reinforced glass at the front of his cell. "I'm so happy you're here. I'm so bored."
Matt chuckles, but his expression quickly turns serious. "Are you alright?"
Peter sits down on the edge of his metal bunk. "I'm fine. They took the suit, but only a handful of people know my identity. The food's kinda gross."
"They've announced a trial date for you," Matt says, dragging a plastic chair over and taking a seat. "Monday."
Time has lost all meaning for him, but... "That's less than a week away!"
Matt folds up his cane. "I know. I imagine it's not the only thing they'll rig against you, but Foggy and Karen and I are doing everything we can to help."
"I know," Peter says. Foggy must be somewhere important if he isn't here with Matt, because the two are attached at the hip.
"Your friends are helping as well," Matt adds. "MJ has set up a campaign, and she has someone else your age financing the whole thing. He even offered to pay us."
"Ned?" Peter guesses. He has no idea how much a lawyer costs, but he's pretty sure Ned doesn't have that kind of money. The only thing he saves for is buying new LEGO sets.
"I believe his name was something ridiculous, like Flash," Matt says.
Peter groans. Of course Flash is inserting himself in this whole catastrophe. After finding out that his hero and the nerd he bullied were one and the same, he'd been insufferable. How on Earth he'd published his book so quickly is beyond him.
"I don't have much time," Matt says. "I need you to tell me every detail of what happened with Mysterio, if that's okay."
"I've been thinking about it, but I can't figure out the hole in his plan," Peter says. "The guy was clever. Even though he lost, he still managed to get his revenge."
"We're smarter. All we need is one piece of evidence, and the entire case starts to unravel." Matt rifles through his bag, pulling out a sheaf of papers covered in braille and a small recording device. "Remember, this is confidential. You need to tell me everything, even if it paints you in a bad light."
Matt insists on talking him through the entire school trip twice, including all the embarrassing moments. Peter lies a few times to omit MJ and Ned from the story, but tells Matt every other detail that he can remember.
"One more time," Matt says, pressing the button on his recording device again.
"Do we have to?" Peter groans. "There's nothing new to say." And he'd rather not keep relieving one of the worst few weeks of his life.
Matt lowers his voice. "Peter, I can tell when you're lying."
"So either tell me what really happened, or we can sit here in silence until someone throws me out."
Peter swallows. He trusts Matt, and he understands why he's frustrated that he isn't telling him the whole truth. But how does he begin to explain what really happened? 'Oh, sorry for lying to you, but you see, Mysterio revealed my identity and then I nearly broke the multiverse. By the way, we've met before.'
Matt folds his arms and Peter sighs.
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mha-quotes-and-such · 3 years
Hey! I caught a cold (I'm mostly fine, just a bit tired and got an annoying running nose), so I made some sick!LoV headcanons to cheer me up! Hope you like.
(Wish I could put it under a cut for you. It's looooooong)
Everyone thought Shigaraki would be insufferable when sick, but he's surprisingly chill. Sure, he doesn't like being sick and can and will try to claim he's better just to go back to work, but it just takes one of Kurogiri's glares for him to go back to bed (mumbling and dragging his feet, but still).
You know he's sick when he's too tired to play videogames or bicker with Dabi. Kurogiri just keeps him comfortable in bed, makes him soup and reads some bedtime stories if he wants. No medicine unless super necessary because you'll have to fight him to make him take some.
(If Kurogiri's not around, though, it's a million times harder, because no one else can make him go back to bed and rest without wrestling him or putting a knife on his neck)
Dabi is the insufferable one. He'll deny he's sick until he collapses on the floor or something. He hates showing weakness. And don't even try to coddle him or you'll end up burned (he secretly likes it, but deep deep down).
You wouldn't know he's sick until it gets really bad. He's good at pretending. And getting him to rest will either be super easy ("go to bed" "fine, but just because I want to") or hell ("go to bed" "no" *fighting noises*).
Twice and Toga can and will milk every minor sickness for what it's worth. Scratchy throat? Minor headache? Running nose? Doesn't matter, they will make it seem like they're dying and even write their will to prove it (their will is updated every five minutes with things like "I leave nothing for Dabi because he refused to believe I was sick" or "I leave everything to Magne for the lovely breakfast in bed. AT LEAST SOMEONE HERE KNOWS HOW TO CARE FOR PEOPLE!!! And yes, they will scream as they write). You'd better spoil them rotten if you don't want to be annoyed the whole week.
If they're too low in energy for the theatrics (or lose their appetite), though, it's serious. Time for blankets, bland food and some more coddling because why not?
Magne is chill and independent. She'll rest when she has to and mostly keep to herself, but she isn't one to refuse some extra blankets and extra attention. Just check on her every couple hours and it's fine. Spinner tries to keep it down and act independent too, but he's a tad too paranoid for it (is it really just a cold? What if it's something worse? I shouldn't have googled my symptoms) so it's better if someone can keep him company at all times to distract him with games and mindless chat.
Mr. Compress is an adult and keeps reminding it to everyone who even tries to take care of him. He's not one to whine a lot or complain either, but everybody keeps an close eye on him because he's a bit too enthusiastic with over-the-counter medicine. It's not that he doesn't know how to take them, he just doesn't care (anything to get rid of annoying symptoms). So people have to practically snatch pills off his hands and say "you just took one. Now you wait six hours at least" or "you can't just mix up pills like that" or even "what the hell did you just take? And how many? I swear I'm dragging you to the hospital if you end up poisoning yourself again".
Kurogiri always keeps an eye on all of them for the slightest signs of sickness, because one of them caught something contagious once and he ended up taking care of the whole League for a week. He doesn't get paid enough for it and it's not happening again!
Hey anon, I hope you’re feeling better by now!
Here’s some thoughts I had while reading:
Shigaraki would make blanket cocoons once he finally went to bed. Even if he’s walking around the house, it’s more like crawling around with blankets
Dabi will lay on the floor to make everyone else’s life harder. And he WILL fall asleep face down on the ground as well
Toga and Twice would absolutely whine the whole time. Those two would demand coddling if they do much as stubbed their toe
Magne is the only good patient out of these guys. Kurogiri pampers her a little extra when she’s sick as thanks. Not that either of them would tell anyone that
Can Kurogiri even get sick? The others better pray he can’t cause they’ll be in a world of hurt
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nevermore117 · 3 years
Slips under your door once again with another note but this time i leave you kiss before I go :3c Florence 1 and 12. Cornelius 20 and 22. Afus 8. Vaughn 20 and FINALLY 25 for Buck (what's your favourite kind of food to work with?)
ohh my god you bastard THAT'S SO FUCKING MANY
1. Who makes up your family?  How close are you to them?
Uh... well, I- I guess the Admiral- Alexandra. She's family. Of course she is, she's my- my wife. Kinda comes with the whole marriage thing.
I guess technically that makes Quill family too. I'm- like, her mom is my wife, but that doesn't mean I'm also her mom. I'm not. Quill's not my kid. And she'd say the same damn thing! That's just... not how it works with us. I care about her a'course, it's just not like that.
I guess there's also my family from back when I was a kid. I've got one brother who's... he's okay, his name's Everett. We've run into eachother a couple times since back then, he's cleaned himself up a bit. He's got a wife now, she's a charmer.
12. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (on vacation or permanently!)
Mn. I think I'd like to see the mountains up north. Some places you can still see the sea from 'em, that'd be nice. I'd like a change'a scenery though, an' that'd be a good place to stay for a bit I think. Probably a little too cold for the Admiral, but I bet I could get her t' humor me for a little while.
20. Describe your biggest pet peeve.
People who don't listen. Especially when it's your area of expertise. I'm a doctor, but I can't begin to tell you how many stubborn sailors will absolutely stake their own lives on old wives' tales over real, practical healing. You don't need to let burn scars sit there and "breathe", you'll just wind up with a goddamn infection!
Even in things outside of medicine, I've had to listen to the most inane idiots trying to sound like they know what they're talking about when they're the least educated person in the room on whatever the subject is. It's funny sometimes, but mostly just insufferable. I don't know a damn thing about how to work a boat, put a knife to my throat and I couldn't tell you what a skysail is for. So when someone's talking about sailing, I keep my mouth shut. You know what I mean?
22. What’s the easiest way to flirt with you?
You want to know? Hah! Have a good sense of humor, and be able to keep up with a conversation. It really doesn't take much more than that.
8. What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Hoo boy, I guess the first time I was actually able to help somebody? I was still working in a team, since I wasn't finished with my training yet, and we got word of some archaeologists getting stuck down in some old cave. We showed up, and there were some absolutely disgusting bug things that were trying to get into the camp. Good thing they were able to actually cause a partial cave-in of one of their tunnels, keep the bugs out long enough for us to get down there.
Anyways, it was the first time I actually, like... felt like what I was doing was worth something? I'd trained my whole life to be able to fight, and it'd always been like... well, why am I not out hunting scary dragons, or whatever? Wouldn't that be more useful?
But the thing is, there's already people who hunt dragons and monsters, all the high-profile things that get you lots of fame and recognition. Not as many people do the little things, clearing rats and chasing off giant snakes and punching ugly bugs. That doesn't get you written about in adventure stories. But it might just save some archaeologists who weren't so lucky, y'know?
20. Describe your biggest pet peeve.
Oh, jeez, okay, let me think. I suppose... I do not like being interrupted very much. I know sometimes I can be, ehh, a little talkative, and I do not get to the point very quickly, but I just find it very rude when someone interrupts me because I am not speaking quickly enough for them. It is just, eh, you know, it bothers me more than I think it does other people.
25. What's your favourite kind of food to work with?
Oh, now that's a good question, eh! Lemme think about that one f'r a moment. Rice is easy to use and easy to store, that's a good one f'r travellin'. Get some dried chili powder, now that'll give a good kick t' any meal, even somethin' bland as all hell. Anythin' that's got a strong taste even after bein' dried or salted is a blessing t' be honest. Tryin' to make regular rations somethin' worth eatin' is a hell of a hassle. It's the little things that'll make roughin' it a bit easier, though, an' good food'll do wonders f'r your group's morale. Investin' in spices an' bringin' proper tools is what you need if you're lookin' to take to the roads with a group, the more folks you've got the more worth it makin' a nice meal is, you'll be surprised how much less tetchy folks get when their bellies are full'a somethin' good.
........ What was the question again?
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fisididrosa · 7 years
You were waiting for it... I know they're not your favourite ship, but I'd like if you give it a try. Bambi/Guille.
Gives nose/forehead kisses
Guille, he loves to smother Alex with affection at every available opportunity. He figures the more he does it the sooner the day will come where Alex will believe he is worthy of it.
Gets jealous the most
Guille, he doesn’t blame the girls (and guys) for flocking around Alex, but boooooy does he feel inferior next to them. 
(Alex is utterly oblivious to their ultimate intentions, which helps. A bit.)
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
Alex. He doesn’t mind, Guille get’s handsy and care free when he has a few beers in him and he reaps the rewards of that once they get home (sometimes they don’t even make it home but that is a whole other story)
Takes care of on sick days
Guille. Though when Alex is being especially insufferable he does get tempted to just dump him on the doorstep in Cervera and leave him for Mama Roser to deal with.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
Alex. Guille is very much “this is my day off and I will do as little as physically possible” 
He also very much enjoys the view of a wet Alex...
Gives unprompted massages
Guille. And if he’s chatted to the team physio’s about the right amount of pressure/places well that is no body’s business but his own thank-you-very-much. 
Drives/rides shotgun
Guille treasures his life too much to be driven by Alex too much... 
Although it was not as bad as that one time he got into a car piloted by Marc...
Brings the other lunch at work
Alex always tries to smuggle something tasty to the garage for Guille. Especially if something has gone a bit wrong over the weekend and he and the boys are working hard to fix it. He brings everyone food, but the most special bits are for Guille.
Has the better parental relationship
Alex, Guille tries not to envy him for it but the unwavering support does make him a little jealous. It’s not that his parent’s don’t care, they just, well, don’t.
Tries to start role-playing in bed
Guille. It was worth the embarrassment to see Alex blushing THAT red... never again though. 
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
Alex, he loses all control over his ever growing limbs and closely resembles an electrocuted octopus. No one in the vicinity is safe. 
Still cries watching Titanic
Guille. Alex makes sure to wind him up about this as much as possible.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Neither of them. They both agree on a shared theme, but that is their limit.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Alex. He can’t help it.
Makes the other eat breakfast
Guille, it usually earns him a glare, for Alex being up at breakfast time is a chore let alone eating. He would much rather still be asleep.
Remembers anniversaries
They are both utterly useless. UTTERLY. 
Brings up having kids
Alex, for a long while Guille thinks he is joking when he goes “I want one” when they pass children in the paddock/out and about. 
Hope these were ok :)
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