#this post is about pran and guitars while pat watches
Matilda (by Harry Styles) × Bad Buddy The Series
You were riding your bike to the sound of "It's No Big Deal"
And you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels
Nothing about the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now
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So you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal
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Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright
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But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside
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You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days
It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind
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You're just in time, make your tea and your toast
You framed all your posters and dyed your clothes,
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You don't have to go
You don't have to go home
Oh, there's a long way to go
I don't believe that time will change your mind
In other words, I know they won't hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go
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You can let it go
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
You can start a family who will always show you love.
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You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
You don't have to be sorry, no
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Matilda (by Harry Styles) × Bad Buddy The Series
BadBuddy× my Playlist 9/n
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respectthepetty · 1 year
I’m new. Ok. And only just watching BAD BUDDY and erm….. colours. Obviously they have different over shirts at school anyway! Pran- red over shirt and Pat - Blue over shirt.
But before I embarrass myself with trying to do a theory - I have come to your Holy corner of the interweb for your colour expertise and knowledge because I can watch any shows without looking at colours and barriers, mirrors and windows. Like.
Help. 😅
Anon, I knew Bad Buddy would eventually come up because it was rich with colors, so I was prepared to cushion this answer with good meta before I dropped the landing:
I updated my master post of colors to add more color-coded queer shows <- Shameless Plug
@dribs-and-drabbles did an amazing job analyzing the colors in Bad Buddy, which every post can be found here -> this awesome link!
@shortpplfedup examined Bad Buddy through the lens of Romeo & Juliet and compared the common themes between the two *chef's kiss*
@miscellar wrote about the tropes Bad Buddy leaned on to tell a compelling story, but admits to being "garbage at tagging [their] own stuff," so the linked post has some links within it of their posts.
I gave you all of this beforehand because . . .
I didn't like Bad Buddy
It's not the show! It's me. I became very frustrated in the last quarter, so I zoned out and refuse to rewatch it. HOWEVER, I will give you a quick Bad (Color) Buddy post since you were brave enough to ask about this show.
In general, Pat is a Blue Boy (loyal and stable - he kept that guitar for a very long time), and Pran is a Red Rascal (stimulating and passionate - he fell first).
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Even their parents were color-coded, but the switches in colors, and the barriers gave away some of the underlying issues between the parents.
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But when Pat thought about it, the love (and the color exchange) was always there between them, right? They are sleeping on the other's color.
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Because when they met on that roof at the end of episode five, they had already exchanged colors, multiple times
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Even when they were fighting, the love (and the colors) were there. Pran is wearing Purple Pair (when Blue & Red mix), and Pat has the red name tag.
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But the second their friends found out about their love, their colors morphed into the darkest timeline versions
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But they figured it out, only for Pat to GET SHOT with his Blue Boy Squad while wearing both his and Pran's colors and love
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So Pran continued to show up at the hospital in his man's blue to give him love and support, only for Pat's family to show up trying to give him love (in red)
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It was okay though because when Pat got out of the hospital, he declared his love for Pran in front of the whole school while wearing Pran's color
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So we were all lead to believe all would be okay . . .
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But shit goes sideways outside of a Trader Joe's when Pat and Pran run into Pat's family
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They run off to the beach to live Kinn and Porsche's dream out where Pran falls even more in love with his Blue Boy
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Then they have sex on their colors because they were already sleeping on them since day one
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But they decide to BREAK UP because they realize their parents will never give them peace or relief due to the long-standing beef between them. But it's okay *cries into my pillow* because the ladies got their happy ending.
Ink is a Yellow Yal (communicative and creative) and Pa is a Green Gal (optimistic and relaxed).
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They exchange colors and love because they aren't complicated and just want to be together while not making us cry.
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We get a time jump and see Pat wake up in the . . . red? But that's Pran's color.
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Then we see Pran getting ready with his red and . . . blue comforter.
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They both attend a class reunion, but are distant with each other not speaking to the other one since they are no longer even friends
As if the colors didn't give it away before the reveal, and we find out they have been together THIS ENTIRE TIME
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So they slut it up right in front of Nong Nao's salad
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And live happily ever after having sex on every surface of their apartment like they deserve, exchanging colors for all their lives. Amen.
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Thanks for the ask, and I hope we never forget that Pat was shot ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!!!
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greenteadumplings · 8 months
What are your most heart-wrenching and heart-warming Bad Buddy moments?
Hi anon. There r many such moments for me in this show. But for the sake of this post, I'm gonna go with 5 for each.
5. Unresolved Guitar Scene
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I mean just see his face. He saved that guitar for 3 years. Probably his only physical connection to Pran during his depressingly lonely days. He saw that Guitar as a thing between him and Pran, only to find out that Pran gave that Guitar to Wai. We as audience know what happened and why Pran gave it to Wai for safekeeping. But Pat never did and he had to find out about it hiding behind a couch while Wai gets to sit on that same couch so easily. All of that and that issue never gets addressed. I was so confused when they meet of rooftop again and it's like the memory of this is erased. I waited the whole episode before I finally had to accept that it won't be resolved. Poor baby. I wish It was handled properly.
4. Hopeful Iced Milk Tea Date
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This scene hits hard for me because of the scene before it. The scene where Pran is waiting for his milk tea at the stand and Pat casually says that he will see him in music room. His fond smile while ordering another tea for Pat and his little shy expression. It may be a small thing, but when u r not allowed to even speak with someone, sharing an iced milk tea feels like a privilege. And we can exactly see the moment where his hope gets shattered. And he didn't even have the heart to drink the tea he ordered for himself either.☹️
3. Pat in pain
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My heart can't handle sunshine golden retriever Pat Napat Jindapat breaking down in pain like that. He just found out that, his father the person he's been admiring his whole life, the person he saw as his hero, is the reason for the fued. He did something so horrible which hurt Pran's mother which in turn hurt Pran. His whole life must have felt like a lie. And yet here he is, trying to stay strong for Pran's sake but silently breaking down when Pran can't see him. That single tear running down his face while he fought to keep the others haunted me for days.
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@inventedfangirling mentioned in this post that telivision peaked here, and I can't agree more. I'm a permanent resident of the rooftop sharing it with other Bad Buddy refugees. There are many moments in these five minutes where we can feel our heart getting wrecked. But what gets me every time is the difference in their expressions right after the kiss. Pat being happy, relieved. Him finally understanding many things about him and their relationship. Pran being devastated, being sure that if he doesn't stop now, then he will surely drown in his own tears. Both of them leaving the rooftop with broken hearts, broke my heart.
1. Pain in Pain
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Pran's love for Pat might have started as something small in his heart. But it grew and grew during the years until his heart felt heavy with it. So heavy to the point where it must have felt like a burden. But a burden he want to carry willing just because it's Pat. Then Pat goes on and adds more weight to his already heavy heart. But Pat didn't know it. He doesn't know he's hurting Pran and thats the worst part. He can't even be mad about it. So he suffers silently, because it's the only thing he can do, the only thing he's been doing for years. Pran softly watching Pat with eyes full of tears and shaking his head as if to wake himself from a daydream never fails to break my heart.
Before we go into this I want to say that picking just five had been one of the toughest decisions I had to make. There are many other ones that I absolutely love and wanted to include. But for the sake of this post I included these 5.
5. Forehead Kiss
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I'm a sucker for forehead kisses and this one just so soft so tender and so simple it leaves me breathless. Pran in his childhood bed room, on his own bed where he yearned for Pat all his childhood, with his guitar and Pat who is in love with him has honestly healed me a bit. This whole scene followed by the tin can conversation and the scene cutting to their childhood, it's just *chefs kiss. No wonder it won the best scene award.
4. Boyfriends holding hands on a bench
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No matter how many times I watch this it won't fail to give me butterflies. Pat offering to stage a break up for the sake of Pran. Pran gently taking away his hand to stop him. And then! And then he goes and holds Pat's hand below the table!!! Pran initiating more and more physical contact with Pat as the show progress letting himself have things he wished he did when he was in high school just makes me so happy.
3. First time on Beach
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Episode 11 is one of my favorite episode. It starts with a sad bus ride gradually lightening the mood and hits us with speeches given in pseudo wedding attires, our song and 'good luck, buddy' without giving us any time to breath. The whole episode has a underlined theme of sadness lurking just beneath the surface. In the midst of all that this scene just feels so full of love. At this moment nothing else matters but just them. Just them soaking in their love and being with each other. And what feels like freedom than being with the love of ur life and basking in each other's presence.
2. Show me your dimples
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If I had to show a person a scene from this series in order for them to watch this I will show them this particular balcony scene. Whenever I rewatch this, I will be buzzing with happiness. No but, the acting, lighting, background music makes this scene one of the best in the series. The way Pran tries to cheer up Pat and Pat laughing happily, virtual hugs and scented t shirts, cute ear phone cases and them being in love with each other and doing silly things. It can't get better than this. Whenever I watch this scene I feel like I'm somehow intruding them. It's feels so natural and realistic.
1. The Guitar Pick
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Here we not only see how Pran fell in love but we can also understand why. Simple gestures as this, done without much thought tells us so much about a person. Pat cutting his student ID for Pran, Pran's look while taking the pick, Pat's soft chuckles, Prans fond smile, the innocence of first love. It's just so simple yet I makes u feel warm from inside. I just love this moment so much. The golden lighting their gazes and the soft music everything makes it feel so warm and fuzzy.
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inventedfangirling · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
ah finally after a gazillion years i've been able to get around to doing this after being tagged by the ever sweet @fiercynn , so lemme straightaway get down to it.
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc.
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hello there, i'm a 24 year old gray-ace panromantic desi on the romance positive end of the arospec (im still undergoing the wonderful but also often difficult and long journey of discovering myself so this is subject to change :3), i prefer going by my username so i'm not sharing my name.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i watched bad buddy exactly 3 months ago on the 15th of May, 2023. i watched all the episodes all on the same day and i know the date because after finishing the show i sent a 7 minute long audio note gushing about the show to my best friend. i ADORED it that much. and that's where all of this started. i loved the show so much and the lack of people i knew irl who were interested meant i had to find other people in the fandom to freak out with. i kept posting one after another favourite bad buddy edit of mine on my twitter page, gushing about it, but i got barely any response and that's when i reminded myself that tumblr exists and i should get back on here. and that's how i made this account 2 weeks after i watched the show and voila here i am surrounded by people who are as crazy about the show as i am and i couldn't be more delighted about it :')
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa ofc
favorite character(s)
i love pat with all my heart, the man he ends up becoming along the course of the show is one of my most favorite portrayals of any man ever BUT pran is my actual favorite, he is my baby, (somehow both) my elder and younger brother and my best friend and he has my whole heart. his love, his hesitance, his anxiety, his bravery, his dimples, his FOREHEAD, his striped shirts, his precious heart i would DIE for him no questions asked.
favorite episode(s)
episode 11. each segment had something for the heart, i adored every single second of it...the sheer volume of beaut quotes from this episode is mind blowing! ("being with you already feels like freedom", "i can be anywhere as long as i have you", "we have been happier a lot too", "thankyou for trying to make a silly guy like me happy..." "i wrote this song for him", "one man can't change the world, but this world can't change me too"), and the soft loving looks of adoration making me clutch my chest, but also there was the quintessential patpran banter and bad buddy humour and wisdom i LOVE this episode with all my heart.
episode 5 is perfection. it comes second for me, but that kiss will always be number 1 <3
favorite scene(s)
rooftop kiss, balcony phone call, episode 7 ending when pat comes to save the day and the play, episode 11 red shirts commitment expression scene, and the final credits and post credits scene
one thing you would change about the show if you could
i wished the gangs didnt bully eo or anybody else even in the beginning, i get it shows growth but still i wished that was shown differently. also i wish we got a conversation where they talk about the guitar. and while we're here i wish it was somehow longer, i could have watched ohmnanon be patpran for HOOOURS.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
traffic was slow for the crash years by @fiercynn aka the creator of this meme. i absolutely adored every single second of the fic. despite it giving me a WORLD of pain. all the pain made it more beautiful and everything was worth it in the end. like i said before you took a great thing and made it even better <3
every piece of art that @hereforlou comes up with. you are a GEM!
all of nanons gorgeous gifsets!!
same page video edit that even p'aof tweeted about. SO good.
enchanted (aka patpran's official song) and other patpran edits by this same SO very talented editor
mudhal nee mudivum nee - another beautiful edit but desi so its even better <3
this super clever edit of patpran to message in a bottle. it's an instant serotonin booster for me.
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
you can hear it in the silence - bad buddy bet era fic (the only one i've written till now)
my bad buddy textposts collection
my pran and pat's growth posts
this post that took me 20 mins to write but is one of my fav things ive written about the show
my long treatise of bet era patpran that took me a week!
list of accounts (hopefully i haven't forgotten any) whose meta and analysis and brainrot i absolutely adore- @miscellar , @telomeke-bbs , @grapejuicegay , @aroceu, @dudeyuri, @dribs-and-drabbles, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @sharingfandoms, @waitmyturtles, @ranchthoughts, @lurkingteapot, @lurkingshan, @thegayneurodivergentagenda, @kenmakaashi, @absolutebl, @charthanry, @bengiyo, @mahuhumaling, @panickedbisexualwatchesbl, @jemmo, @patspran, @fiercynn, @midnightfreeway, @fierceeyesanddimples and a couple more im sure ive missed. it was {and continues to be} a pleasure reading their thoughts about the show (or any other show that we've mutually watched).
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
message in a bottle because of this edit
daylight cos of this edit
enchanted, because of the infinite edits we've got from it and if im not wrong pat ohm has acknowledged it too
and basically all other romantic songs in the history of romance i guess :3
alrighty then i think i'm done with this tag. this was a LOT of fun to compile <3
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mahuhumaling · 10 months
thoughts while watching this talk about bbs with p'aof
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a sort of liveblog? | link to video | x.
ink's origins are so interesting
it's so fun to talk about character wardrobe because it's so true how even how they dress is part of characterization. they have to be stylistically unique so you feel the extension of their personality
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aww this is so cute. i can imagine them trying to help pat's kid actor safely enter pran's room because as far as i know, he has to jump two ledges (?)
also he was sweating like crazy and panting. i don't know if it's added makeup or what but it looked real haha
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aww and now they're talking about techniques in post-prod in order to tell an effective story!
it made me think of how cool episode 7's ending sequence was, because they were essentially three scenes intercut with each other even though they happened at three different times:
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before Pat chose to lose the bet (past - audition), during (present - agreeing to be Riam), and after (future - Pran cooks curry).
or the pilot's kid flashbacks, or episode 2-5 JHS flashbacks, or the late reveal in episode 10 that Pat ran after Pran w/ his guitar.
they're all so good.
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yep. there it is.
it's really so good that we only saw Pat's xylophone part of the audition first, and cut to another scene, before we unraveled Pat's monologue part of the audition. we don't get to see it until the end.
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it's like episode 3's ending. we thought pat's attempt in persuading his gang to help pran wasn't successful because they purposely cut part of the conversation off after. but then they appeared, and we flash back again — that's when we reveal that korn, chang, and mo actually agreed.
this show thrives off of fooling its audience and/or making us wait. it's a cool recurring thing.
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ooh. look at how interesting pran's pov is in the rooftop scene.
from this talk it's canon that pran was trying to move on from pat starting the morning of the sleepover and that's why he seems "fine." (also because he's proving to be a better actor than he thinks.)
p'amp said that Our Song could work as a sad song too when she watched episode 11's ending. naurrr.
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they watched the Just Friends music video but it was muted so we can't hear the reaction of the audience. :(
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omg i knew it! there's a rerecording of Just Friend.
because in the final trailer, nanon's voice quality is different compared to the official recording that is out in the streaming platforms and in the music video.
you can hear the first recording here.
the differences! especially nanon singing "tam gan" + it's heavier on the backup vocals.
and that was part 1!
wow. it's been a year yet until now there are no english subtitles for part 2. :(
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zankie-enough · 2 years
Bad Buddy The Cursed Episode Re-Imagined
Let’s talk about the genius of P’aof and how he structured this episode cause it was kind of brilliant. I went in to it thinking there is no way there will be melodrama and a breakup because he has fought every BL trope and he wasn’t going to get lazy and perpetuate one right at the finish line. I was pretty annoyed with everyone predicting he would. So imagine my surprise when it “seemed” like that is exactly what happened. It took me a while to process but what he did was so subtle and so beautiful it was even better than just simply breaking the curse he subverted it with subtext and I am officially obsessed! I have so many thoughts. I am just going to word vomit them out LOL!
A Break Up Disguised as “Honeymoon”
From the very start this whole trip was their goodbye. They both knew how this would end. I think they knew from the moment they left that when they got home their relationship would be over. If you are asking yourself why P’aof masterfully laid it out in their first few lines
Pat: “Do you think your mom will ever forgive my dad?”
Pran: “Would you?”
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This, this is the moment that frames the episode. They know that there is no coming back for their parents. There is no quick fix for their situations. Everything is too fresh and too new. Everything but their love for each other. That’s the only thing that feels stable and real and theirs.
This is the point I believe they knew they would eventually break up. The rest of the episode is them going through the stages of grief and letting go. 
So why is P’aof a genius? Because I did not see this so clearly the first time I watched. I literally had no idea what I was watching till the ending then when I re-watched the story was there. P’aof disguised a cursed episode inside of one of the most loving episodes I have seen in any BL. He tricked us but almost like it was for our own good. He helped us embrace their love without knowing we were about to let it go. FREAKING GENIUS!!
There are so many moments if you re-watch that let you know what’s coming. I don’t think I have any revelations there. I’ve seen tons of post pointing them out. The thing I love the most is that Pat came through once again finding a way for them to process and have time to be free.
The “Honeymoon” was the “Flirt Game” 2.0
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I have always said the flirt game was Pat’s way of giving Pran space to process while allowing Pat a way to get closer to him. Pat is so smart when it comes to Pran. I never saw that “competition” as real. Remember on that trip Pat was trying to find any way of getting Pran to talk to him but Pran was so shut down. Pran has been repressed his whole life. The hold his mother’s influence has on him is strong. She sent him away for 2 yrs and made him stop playing guitar JUST to keep him away from Pat. He did it all just to keep her happy. So the only way Pat could get Pran to even acknowledge there was something there was through competition. Competing was allowed. That was Pran’s comfort zone. PAT WAS NEVER TRYING TO “WIN”. The game was all for Pran to process. The bonus was Pat could flirt with Pran openly and go as HAM as he wanted to LOL. Remember he said “I always let my lover win”. Pat will do anything to make Pran happy.
Unfortunately  for us that even means breaking up. We already know when they were outed his first go to was to tell everyone they had broken up. He was about to do it with a smile on his face. I truly believe he went into this trip knowing it was a goodbye. He just had to figure out how to get the most of it. How to get Pran out of his head and into the moment because the clock was ticking. So they took out their Sim cards, found a place to stay and he created the “honeymoon”. This was a fantasy they could live in to mentally not just physically run away. They have always been like little kids when they are together. Childish games are where they thrive. Living in the land of make believe was the perfect way to end their relationship. This whole episode was the breakup. I still can’t believe we didn’t know.
The Moment the Said Goodbye
I think we have all figured out by now the moment of the actual break up. It was so coded that I truly missed it the first time around. When Pran brings the work clothes and Pat admits he knows they must go home that is the moment Pat has decided that the make believe bubble must end. The same way he showed up for Pran at the play. This was the moment he was ready to “lose”. Only this time losing meant losing Pran. 
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The reason why this was so different from any other cursed episode is because they talked about it. They thanked each other for loving each other and caring for each other. They were on the same page. They couldn’t see a way out of their situations. Pran loved his mom too much. Pat’s whole future was wrapped up in his dad. There really was a second option in their minds. If their relationship got wrapped up in their parent’s fight it could have ruined it. It was pure and beautiful in their bubble. The let go before their parents destroyed it. In some ways the bested their parents by breaking up on their own terms. They did not allow their parents to destroy what they had and they got to be free together. Christ every time I think about it I freaking cry.
The Genius of P’aof
He broke a trope by embracing it. Instead of running from the cursed episode he turned it on it’s head. It could not have worked with out all the pieces being at the top of their game from the actors to the writers and his direction. I cried my face off on this one and I have cried during every re-watch. No matter how heartbreaking it is I notice something new each time I re-watch it. The way Pat looks at Pran. The way they say goodbye and Pat is a wreck. The way the have NEVER called each other friend till that last scene. You want to know real pain listen to Pran deliver that final blow “Goodbye, Buddy”. What a gut punch!! I am not really into to angst but beautiful tragedy is my jam and they did the damn thing with this episode. I will never stop thinking about it. I am so not ready to let this show go.
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vantaeskookies · 3 years
The Famous Rooftop Scene™ or what. what the fuck.
Well…………………………… after the masterpiece that was that episode I feel like I have to say something before I begin but I just can’t find the words to express how much I loved everything about the episode. I /might/ write something about the entire episode (or Pat’s feelings realization journey) in another moment because it definitely deserves a post of its own. But of course, the scene I have the most to say about from the episode is the famous, oh-so-teased-by-ohmnon rooftop scene. There’s no doubt they went off with this one, so I would like to dive a little bit into it. This will be nothing but praise for the actors and the writing, I don’t think I’ll be making any predictions because, really, nothing else matters right now.
Okay, let’s begin right at minute 7:15 of the fourth part of the episode, the moment Pat goes to the rooftop and sees Pran’s there.
From the get-go, you can see he hesitates, wonders if maybe it isn’t better to just walk away and maybe talk in another moment. Yet, as expected from the Pat we’ve known for 5 episodes now, he seems to just say fuck it and go for it, to talk to Pran, confess the truth. And Pran, he wants to leave when he sees him, but he’s on the way. Why did you play that song?
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Once he realized his feelings for Pran, there was no turning back. Now Pat understands how important that song is, upon thinking back to them writing it together, and the way Pran turned around to look at him while singing it back then, and even now. And this confuses Pran so much because he probably never thought Pat would think anything of it, he’d probably forgotten about it like he did with the watch. The song had to be one of those things Pat did for him out of good heart, nothing else, like keeping his guitar all those years and helping him get the sponsorship. Why did Pat suddenly care like it meant something?
Pat, being the straight-to-the-point king he is, says it: I don’t like it. I hate to see you play it with someone else.
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This breaks Pran. Pran, who has done nothing but build and rebuild walls around himself. He’s let himself out in the open too many times, let himself have hope one too many times, which was crashed just days ago when the boy he’s been in love with for years confessed to liking someone else. But Pat acts so carelessly, so carefree. He flirts with Pran and praises his dimples and that one time he said he liked to see his face, all that to break him again (unintentionally, of course) and cause Pran to have to put the walls up again. And even though a bit of that hope still shines through every time they’re together, last time was too much. Last time Pran cried himself to sleep, and it’s not fair. It’s not fair to be played like that.
Pran’s so angry, he exposes himself, crashes the wall himself without even having to directly admit that he likes him. Pat, you’ve got to stop doing this to me. We are not a thing. We are not even friends.
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That’s pretty much the last resort Pran has to make all this go back to normal. We are not friends. It’s better to keep Pat away, as far away as possible, especially if he’s not going to return the feelings and just keep getting Pran’s hopes up for nothing.
But Pat knows what he wants, he understands what he feels now, why he felt so depressingly lonely when Pran was away. It was a kind of ache so strong that he probably kept it so buried within, confused as to why it even was happening. And the speech is so devastatingly beautiful… well, I don’t really know if that’s the word I’m meant to use, but I know that it conveyed the character’s feeling perfectly. The way he finally admits how hard it was for him to be alone like that, because Pran’s that person, the one he can truly be himself with and it’s so frustrating because no one wants them to be together, they’ve been destined to hate each other and compete against one another since before they were born, and now? Now Pat wonders had this not been real, do you think we can be friends?
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The look on Pran’s face, I really don’t know how to explain it. Pat’s crying right in front of him, the boy he loves, while describing the unfair reality they got to live in. He’s so in love and he so knows no matter what happens, the ending’s not good. And there Pat is, implying that he wants more than rivalry, maybe even more.
Why? Do you want us to be friends? But both of them know, with tears streaming down their faces, that this isn’t friendship. (Pran hopes. He’s having hope again and we can see it in his face). And Pat, bless him, says it as it is.
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No, of course not. He knows he wants more, and Pran understands immediately what he means with just that single word. And is this really happening? Are they really going to kiss?
What makes a good kiss scene? I think everything subjective, really. Personally speaking, I think this one hit every single spot it had to hit.
There’s hesitation at first, both leaning in, until Pat goes for it. Their lips touch and the music, oh god the music hits like riding on the clouds right at the moment it happens. And it’s in this moment that I lose all my shit and forget how to form sentences because it leaves me thatempty minded and frozen.
My heart beats fast because I can feel everything they feel. Pat pulls back letting out a breath he had been holding since his ohmoment in the music shop, searching for something in the other’s eyes. And Pran will not settle with that. Pran has been through tough years and so many tears thinking this would never happen. So he takes the upper hand and kisses Pat the way he’s always meant to, hungry and with the weight of years of pining and unrequited love on his back, and those same tears in his face.
(pause to scream)
And they make out. The one last thing I thought would happen in the universe. I have to publicly apologize to Ohm and Nanon –especially Nanon – because I completely underestimated their professionalism by thinking they wouldn’t want to film a scene like that. I’m a fool.
But anyways, going back to the absolutely breathtaking, heart-fluttering kiss, everything about it screams years of being forced to stay away from each other, fear of letting go. The way their hands reach out and touch like they’re going lose each other right at that moment, but at the same time like this is not enough, it will never be enough, not knowing everything they have to lose.
You can see in Pran’s face that he’s still tasting the kiss when it ends, there’s no way this is happening. For Pat it’s like a breath of fresh air, because he doesn’t care what others think, not right now at least. He’s happy he figured out what he felt, and he’s happy because it feels so good to finally understand yourself and jumping into that pool. After so many years of tension within himself, of not quite getting what was missing, this kiss with Pran just gave him everything he needed and more to feel relieved.
Pran’s crying. Pran knows there’s way too much to lose if they go on. Pran sees too many possibilities, and the outcome is him getting hurt. He stays for a minute, letting it sink in, letting himself live in that moment for at least one more second because he knows this might be the last.
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I have to say that it’s probably also hard for him because after all these years of resignation and pining, for Pat to break in so easily. It’s a lot to take in. I can’t quite put in words the vibe I’m getting from Pran in that moment. Like, yes, our families are rivals and we can’t be together, but opening up after locking yourself in for so long? I don’t recommend it.
Then realization hits Pat. Pran just left him there after kissing and suddenly this won’t be as easy as confessing your feelings and becoming something. There’s so many rocks in the way, starting with Pran that will probably close off again.
But hey! At least this time Pat knows what he wants, and he won’t let Pran go just like that again.
191 notes · View notes
prongsmydeer · 2 years
Ayesha Liveblogs Bad Buddy S1
If we use 2gether from this network as a benchmark, this street brawl in this opening sequence is absolutely bonkers in comparison
These colour-coded uniforms are actually very helpful for telling who is on which side, all universities should do this
I can’t believe the first interaction between the protagonists of this show involves someone getting drop-kicked in the chest
Hahaha they keep cutting between like, very classical music, polite conversation and good table manners at Pran's house, to Pat's house with a rock guitar riff, and him eating messily and being full of sass
Pran: Good Boy™️, Architecture student, Class President, very organized, doesn't like to fight but is good at it, Strict Family 
Pat: Bad Boy™️, Engineering student, Class President, very messy, also doesn't seem to care for fighting but is known for his short temper
I think Bad Buddy is what I thought that Hook was going to be (a Montague and Capulet-esque feud romance)
“Watch your words. This is why no one cares about you.” 10/10 accurate older brother behaviour from Pat lmao 
“Since when are you this noble?” “Are you bullying your friend?” I think it's hilarious that Drake Laedeke has established himself as Man Who Loves Causing Trouble in Gay Thai Dramas, what a niche
Pat is rescuing Pran,,,, from Pat's own friends????? Whomst and wherefore
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“But if you still care about me, then leave Pran alone,” said Pat's sister Pa, not knowing that Pran and Pat were ‘not going to leave each other alone’ in an entirely different sense soon
I'm not sure what's funnier, that Pat is going to end up dating his sister's crush(?), or the fact that this imaginary ‘love triangle’ has names so close together Pat-Pran-Pa I mean come on 
Ahhhh okay the sister’s protectiveness and Pat's mixed feelings abt Pran stem from Pran saving Pat’s sister from nearly drowning as kids, that's a much more sincere connection than I thought there would be 
I would strongly like to have a word with whomever did the costuming for this show WHAT ON EARTH IS PAT WEARING WHO SIGNED OFF ON THIS
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“If you think you can end this with a sorry, you’re wrong.” No one taught the Engineering students any conflict resolution skills
HAHAHAHA to end the fighting between their two faculties, Pran and Pat agreed to having Wai, the original instigator, apologize, but then the Engineering students were still mad so now Pran and Pat are pretending to fight while their homies actually fight so no one knows they're in kahoots
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It’s funny how they both have a specific friend who gets them into fights. Pat getting pulled in by his friend Korn, and Pran getting pulled in by his friend Wai. Every family has one, I guess
Hahahah apparently Pat is no stranger to breaking into Pran's room, he did it when they were children also
The energy of Pran keeping the watch Pat retrieved for him for like 10 years and only conveying his reunion happiness through a post-it notes is certainly something 
It appears they now live right across the hall from each other at the dorms, neighbour-and-enemies-to-friends-and-lovers continues
I love the constant cutaways to their different ways of approaching life
“It’s a new era already. No more sex object jokes.” Chang is the only one of Pat’s friends with a brain
Pran and Pat are trying desperately to keep their friends apart so that they don't fight and get their faculties banned from group activities
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“Whoever fights here will be banned by seniors.” Pran and Pat are so funny when they lie to their friends
Pran’s soprano humming really took me off-guard I was like ‘who’s that’
“Sorry :( I ate your salad. These drinks are my apologies.” Gesture Juice is back in action baybeeeeeeee
Sidenote for anyone who doesn’t follow this particular form of Thai media: There is a very intentional effort to incorporate sponsors into dialogue and plot in a way that is unrivaled by any other network that I have watched. It’s fucking incredible how many plot lines centre around product placement. Which is why 1/4 of this episode is dedicated to Oishi Green Tea + Vitamin C
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Other sidenote: there is absolutely no sense in what that delivery guy did, why wouldn’t he just bring Pat a new salad instead of being like ‘your neighbour has it’ kjghkjgh you can’t give someone a salad someone else might have touched 
HAHAHA Pran and Pat keep flirting with notes and gifts on each other's doors, thinking that there is a stranger across the hall interested in them, when in fact they are flirting with each other
Pran's friends say, ‘Go for neighbour man!’ not knowing that he is also Neighbour Frenemy Pat
They keep referring to something Pat is using called a 'male particle' (which is why Pran's friends suspect it's a guy gifter and not a woman) and I have no idea what they mean but it seems it's the box he's putting desserts in??? Does Thailand have To-Go Boxes Just 4 Men?????? 
Ridiculous Rooftop Rendezvous
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“Are you bullying him?” “And are you going to stop him?” “No. I’m supporting him all the way.” I take back what I said about Chang having a brain 
Something about the mic set up for this production is not good bc whenever they yell there’s a lot of feedback jkfhkjfhgkjh
Pat’s friends really seem to be the worse of the two groups, bothering Wai at his place of work, coming up to Pran’s door and catcalling assuming it’s a woman like why do u keep them around Pat they suck LMAO
“Stop that toxic behaviour of yours.” Chang PRETENDS to have a brain
“WHERE SHOULD I HIDE?” “ANYWHERE!” How the hell does Pat’s dad NOT hear them yelling inside his dorm??
Rather than explain whatever the hell kinda frenemyship Pran and Pat have going on to Pat's dad, Pran is hiding under Pat's bed lmaoooo
“Don’t talk about them like that, Papa.” Pat’s dad is trash-talking Pran's family while Pat, knowing Pran is right there, asks him to stop
Apparently the reason Pran was suddenly transferred to boarding school in high school was because he and Pat committed the crimes of Being in a Christmas Concert Band Together and Not Hating Each Other with a Fiery Passion
[Ben Wyatt voice] Who hasn't had gay thoughts
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LMAO at these cutaways:
 Pran and Pat: Having a tickle fight in an elevator 
 Their friends: Having a street fight at their university bus stop
“Have you not had a secret crush on anyone before?” Weel weel weel
2gether 🤝 Bad Buddy 
 Cutting up objects to make guitar picks for no reason
More to the point, Pran's high school crime that got him transferred was probably Having a Leetle Gay Crush That He Has Chosen to Suppress for the Past Three Years
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Speaking of suppressing things, you can visually see Pat's brain go from 🥰 to 🚨WEE OO WEE OO WEE OO 🚨 as he looks at Pran hahaha
I don't even think Pat is making a conscious decision to flirt with Pran but he is very much doing so; he has bought Pran dinner, raced him to their rooms, and now is telling Pran he doesn't need to knock, just come over when he misses him
There are smiley faces all over Pran's apartment that they keep cutting to whenever Pran is happy about Pat, which is almost always
They are arguing about which of their friends is in the right for the bus stop fight over tin can telephone
Pran said: I'm friendship-dumping you for being an ass to my friend
Pat said: No 🥰
Presented without commentary:
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Awww Pat showing up to support Pran while he pitches his project 
Two dudes in an empty elevator, 0 feet apart bc they are gay
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Dfdskjfh did Pat come armed with an idea or did he just pull this out of his ass on the elevator ride because. Improv King LMAO
“You should learn to see what’s around. You always look at me,” said Pat, while Pran’s smile faded because this assertion was just a little too accurate to be funny to him 
[Tiktok Narrator voice] This is Pran. Pran likes his personal space. This is Pat. Pat also likes Pran's personal space.
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They're working together to fix up the bus stop that their friends destroyed —or rather, Pran is working on it and Pat is showing up where he is and going 🥰 “I'm helping” 🥰
“Let’s say we’re both hot guys and we’re boyfriends.” They're roleplaying a couple rn; Pat's overtures of friendship are becoming more and more transparent attempts to woo Pran
“Here’s a corpse flower for someone so pretty.” Pran said: Two can play at the Wooing Game
“It’s like giving up our territory.” Pat is tricking his friends into helping the Architecture boys with the bus stop repairs, this is so stupid and so funny
It's also v funny that their friends have somehow not noticed that Pat and Pran hang out with each other basically every day
Pat kept Pran's guitar when he moved away and left it behind!! 🥺 Now Pran's going to use it in the music competition they're in together
Pran 🤝 Pat 
Storing a keepsake object from the Frenemy Crush of Your Youth in your cupboard in hopes you might one day reunite
Pat arranging so both Architecture and Engineering can be in the contest without taking credit <3 A socially competent Mr. Darcy
The tricking continues: Now Pran is tricking both of their friend groups into being motivated to finish the bus stop by having them 'compete' against each other to do it
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Ah, I see Ink will finally bring some women into their friend group lol
Speaking of tropes, it seems there will also be a Faculty Sports Fight
“I thought you said you liked someone in Architecture.” I can't believe that Pat has already indirectly owned up to his feelings for Pran to his friends kgkjhgkjhg
Hahah I like that Pran is consistently a particular person while Pat is consistently sloppy, it kinda serves the point of love forcing them both out of their comfort zone
Further explanation on Ink: Pat’s high school homie/crush has popped back into their lives, and Pat is being hit by a wave of bisexual turmoil while Pran is being hit by a wave of jealousy 
“You can’t be more obvious. Anyone can tell.” How is Pa so clear on what’s going on with Pat and Ink when there is also clearly something going on with Pran that she hasn’t fully clocked yet LOL
Lmao maybe I’m biased but I don’t feel like the sports were a necessary addition to this show, they have enough going on without it 
Also it’s clear to me now I have no idea how rugby is played 
We stan a transparent visual metaphor
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It is so interesting to me how Pat and Pran are BOTH upset that Pat is developing feelings for someone else 
Pat said: Sorry for flirting with Ink, it is tender affection time ❤️
Pran said: I forgive you,,,, a little
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They’re in a very sweet stage of their relationship of leaning into what they’re feeling but not verbalizing it. Pat is very much like, “I will say all of my flirty thoughts out loud. ❤️” Whereas Pran is very much, “Hahaha ❤️ I’m in danger.”
“Are you afraid people would think I’m flirting with you?” Rugby Romance
“What the hell has gotten into you?” Some people are in love, Korn
Ink from their high school class said: Don't be jealous, Pran, you can also be included in the friendship bracelet club
Also, on a related note, I suspect that Ink is a lesbian, based on nothing but intuition and hope 
“Do you like Ink?” Pat got locked out of his apartment so it is Sleepover Talk Time
Also: Pat posits an incredibly loaded sleepover question
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Pran said: I outright refuse this attempt to get me to verbally acknowledge my feelings but god I like you so much it's killing me
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Relationship dynamic: Who’s annoying (Pat) & who is annoyed (Pran)
“There’s a lovey-dovey aura around you two.” Ink said: Pran and Pat, sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g
It should be said that Pat is claiming out loud that he likes Ink (to people other than her), but is doing everything otherwise to indicate that he likes Pran, I do not know how he expects this behaviour to land him with a significant other 
Part of the reason I think Ink will be a wlw is that I kind of think she and Pat's sister will end up together
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Unbelievable, Pat is having his sister supervise his outing with Ink to see if she likes him lmaooooooooo is this really what he would do on a date
“Sign number two, eyes don’t lie. Look in the eyes.” Pat is now trying to use his sister's Do You Like Me criteria to sort out his feelings for Pran
It has taken Pat four and a half episodes of telling Pran his dimples are cute and how good he smells and wanting to hang out with him all the time to consider that maybe, just maybe, he likes this man
I genuinely thought he knew that by now kjghkjhgg oh you sweet, stupid boy
Of all the things that have happened in this show, that Pran is currently chewing on plain, untoasted bread is the most perplexing???????????????
Pat is now investigating his feelings while interacting with Pran to see if he likes him, as if that were not apparent by everything that Pat's done for like, their entire semester so far
“But your mom doesn’t allow people inside the house.” “Come on. My mom loves Wai so much.” Fhfkjhfk Pat jealous that Pran’s mum likes his other friend better, as if their parents aren’t enemies
“It’s like you’re not sure if it will turn out good or bad. You’re afraid to feel more. You’re hesitating. You want to jump in but you’re afraid to be heartbroken. You want to step back but also to seize the chance.” High School Pran summarizes their entire romantic situation so far in this song lyric brainstorm  
“Ink isn’t like any other girls.” That’s because she’s GAYYYYYYYYY
A very accurate musical interlude:
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“I don’t feel like that’s a love confession at all. It’s like you’re getting something off of your chest.” Ink has diagnosed Pat with Avoiding Your Feelings Syndrome 
It’s funny that they completely skipped over Pat’s contest entry so they didn’t have to deal with a second song hahahaha 
“What’s your problem with this guy?” Several years of repressed love
Pat doesn't know how to deal with his emotions, so instead he picked a fight with Pran’s friend Wai, of whom he is romantically jealous
“I hate to see you play [our song] with someone else.” That was a really quick turnaround time, three minutes later and Pat’s ready to deal with his emotions
Well, they're certainly communicating their feelings now
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Ahhhhh Pat looks so relieved by the reciprocation when they pull away the second time but Pran looks even more upset 
“That night, I have nothing to say about it.” Pran said: That was enough being honest with my feelings for me. I'm going to keep my emotions right here, and then one day, I'll die
“How come your mom hates guitar so much?” Pran said: Well, you see Wai, the guitar is a symbol of all the emotions I have been burying since I was 15—
“Do you want me to say it out loud?” What the hell kind of secret are Pran and Pat’s parents hiding I swear if anyone’s related I’m gonna be so mad I can’t go through what Hook did to me again
“Is your business done here?” Pran's mum is so mean, Pat hasn't done anything except fall in love with her son
“Pran likes Ink too, doesn’t he?” Pa is so close, yet so far from the point
Pat's strategy to get Pran to talk about their kiss is to join the Architecture faculty's volunteer camp at a zero waste community; eco-friendly romance with a vague aroma of garbage
Wai has mistaken Pat's attempts to romance for attempts to provoke, which, to be fair, I think it's a bit of both
“What the hell does he want from us?” Wai, Pat wants nothing from anyone other than Pran
Pat said: My talents include refusing to read the room wherever I go
Pat is making headway against Pran's numerous emotional walls on this farmers market trip
They are gently romancing on the beach while fantasizing about what life would be like if their parents weren’t enemies
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The printer advert was well done lmao felt more organic than usual
“Someone so perfect like you won’t stay available for long.” Honestly I forget what this friend’s name is but khgjhgk what a supportive if a little surprising thing to say to your homie, Louis
Pran is getting his friends drunk so as to talk them out of beating up Pat, but because the beer company is not a sponsor, they have been blurred out kjhgkjghjg
Pat has run out of willingness to let Pran put off this conversation lol
Pat said: If we're not talking about our feelings, I think we should be able to write them in the sand
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“If you don’t say it, how will I figure it out? How can I possibly understand you?” AHHHHH PAT JUST WANTS TO COMMUNICATE 
“It’s so obvious that you like me,” said Pran, as if their make-out session the previous week had not clearly communicated that there were feelings between them already
They are now,,, competing???? To make the other person declare their feelings first,,,, what kinda sillyass approach to flirting kjghkjghghj
“Whoever falls in love first loses.” They are so stupid, and I love them so much
Pat has realized what a win-win situation this is for him
Also, how does NO ONE around them notice Pran putting Pat’s finger in his mouth wjhkkgjhg what kinda selective attention
Pls note: seaweed wins for most organic sponsor integration
“You’re wearing contacts too. How many boys hit on you?” Just one haha
“What if our son brings a boy home?” “So what? His date, not ours. If you’re happy with that person, go ahead.” Honestly I was actually expecting the mum to be homophobic what a pleasant surprise
Pran's mum said: You can date anyone; man, woman, just not the neighbours
Pran, who has been sending flirty texts to Pat this whole meal: 😅
Bold move for Pat to be airdropping his flirty pics to their professor
It's a new school year, Pa is in uni with the rest of them now, and I feel that my wlw intuition was right
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I don't know how Pat intends to keep his Neighbourly Flirtationship a secret when his sister is literally sharing a dorm room with him
“Do you like me?” Pat responded to this very casually before promptly running across the hall to scream at his pillow about how much this flirting is getting to him
“Your sophomore friend is husband material.” Hahaha Ink gets the freshman seal of approval from Pa’s friends
The fact that Pat's sister is the same actress who played Pear on 2gether and I didn't realize that until she took off her glasses and put down her hair is really challenging my sense of object permanence and facial recognition
Lmao @ their incredibly public gift exchanges and staring at each other
Pran said: These years of repressed affection weren’t for nothing, I have been waiting my whole life for this
Soda “Sponge Bath”: Creative sponsorship at its finest
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Pat and Pran are terrible at hiding their romance, they are lucky Pa does not seem that keen-eyed an observer jkghkgjhkj
“Pat, why are you shirtless?” “I’m doing my side-pack work out.” I mean come on Pa LMAO
Even if Pran weren’t technically seeing someone, Wai kissing his neck in thanks for a favour is still an odd thing to do to your friend
“When did you rehearse the xylophone?” “It’s a secret.” Honestly I don’t understand enough about the xylophone to tell who can play and who can’t
Very reasonable of Ink to get annoyed at Pat for flirting when they’ve already established they don’t have feelings for each other
“But if you can’t help, I may have to forfeit my scholarship. I need to stop playing rugby and focus on the play. And I need to work to pay for the tuition. For that reason, I might need to sleep in class. I won’t be able to complete the assignment. I might not be able to graduate with you guys. But I get you, man. You already have a lot on your hands.” Wai has been taking guilt trip lessons from my mother 
“I’m not always playing games with you. I just want to see you.” “If that guy didn’t quit the play, would you still want to see me?” Hahaha Pran called out, Pat has all the Architecture gossip
Incredibly reasonable for Pran not to want to confess his feelings in front of their entire seminar class jkhfkfh not an equal exchange for being in the Architecture play hahaha 
“Why did you come? Don’t you want to win?” “If my victory puts my boyfriend in trouble, I’d rather lose.” AWWWWWWWW PAT
“As for me, when I have a lover, I always let my lover win.” “When was I ever your lover?” They’re very cute
Now they are just being very cute trying to make the other get the door by kissing them and going ‘no u get it’
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Awwwww Pran cuddling with Pat’s Nong Nao doll as he sleeps
Fdfjkfkhsdkjhfkjhf I love this transition from friendship to romance:
Pat (sweetly): No occasion. I just want to do it for you. Do you like it?
Pran: You’re giving me chills. Just act normally.
Pat (course correcting): Asshole! Just freakin’ eat.
Pran: Too rude!
Pat (laughing): What do you want me do then?
Hahahaha them having sleepovers and holding hands behind Pa truly their efforts at hiding their relationship are dismal 
“What the hell are you doing? I told you to work!” They are also not productive at working on this play together bc all they do is flirt kjhgkjgh
“Don’t tell me you have eyes for [Pa] too?” It is funny that Wai and Pran, who are long-time BFFs, have a type that is limited to one family LMAO
Also I'm loving this little InkPa subplot, finally, some ✨women✨
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It’s totally fair that Pran is the more nervous of the two to be found out, considering his parents are stricter and have already transferred him once before
“We didn’t expect you to be courting someone in Architecture. I admire that very much!” The rivalry does not apply when it comes to imaginary hot girls apparently
All of the English slogan shirts in this show make absolutely no sense. Pat’s current shirt says, “Proud to be a Noles hater” referencing the football team from Florida State University. Who is the Republican Floridian on their wardrobe staff kjfhkfhgkhgjhkjh 
“Why does he always meddle with my life?” asked Wai, as if Pat wanted anything from him other than for him to stop being so touchy with Pran lmao 
“[A secret]’s a kind of relationship I always avoid.” LOL Pran has been waiting for an opportunity to vent about the strain of secret dating
I can’t believe Pat is essentially being lectured about being too well-rounded. Like dude helps build a bus stop, participates in music contests, has been in rugby for two years in a row and it’s disappointing to miss some practice for a short-term commitment to the play? Papa pls
“You’re not Nong Nao. But you’re Nong Noo (babygirl).” We are all become babygirl
They are arguing about Pat being a little too public about his feelings, which has resulted in this incredibly strange topless xylophone emotional confrontation
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This is the weirdest sequence in this show by far. Just two and a half minutes of staring and aggressive Thai xylophone 
“Aren’t you afraid people would find out?” “I am. But I care about you more. I’m your boyfriend. If I can’t handle this little thing, how can we make this relationship work?” They are learning to compromise ❤️
Well, so much for their classmates not knowing they were dating jhgkjhgkjgh
Conveniently, literally all of their friends were in the auditorium at this exact moment, somehow
Oh, are they going to retell this scene from the sound booth’s point of view?? PAT WHY WOULD YOU NOT TURN OFF YOUR MIC... WHERE EVEN IS IT YOUR TIDDIES ARE OUT
“If I were you, I would tell. You know why? Because you’re my best friend.” Wai’s kekkei genkai is guilt trips 
“It really hurts,” said Wai, as if it doesn’t also hurt to be outed in front of your entire faculty
“It’s me you’re talking to here. I can solve any problem for you.” Korn redemption arc for real
Pat and Pran seem both relieved to be able to show PDA and I am glad that Ink and Pa are included in the loop too
“Who knows? One day I might like girls.” “That’s good. It’s so gainful.” Ink is transparently very gay LMAO
“I don’t mind genders. I like them all.” YEAHHHH GO PAT BI ICON
Rugby’s only purpose in this show is getting Pran’s friends back LOL
HAHAHAHAHA @ Korn’s ‘y’all fuckin’?’ pause and their “NOT YET”
This white(?) man pulling a gun on Wai is wholly a departure from the level of narrative chillness we’re been witnessing thus far, what a freakshow I hope this guy shoots himself in the dick
“We found a gun at the scene. We assume it belongs to you.” WHY WOULD YOU ASSUME IT BELONGS TO THE PERSON WHO WAS SHOT????? THERE ARE SO MANY WITNESSES
First of all, there definitely shouldn’t be a security camera where there are toilets. Second of all, since Wai WAS ALSO A WITNESS TO WHO POSSESSED THE GUN WOULDN’T THAT HAVE ALSO BEEN RELEVANT, SURVEILLANCE FOOTAGE ASIDE
“They said that should be enough to get him out of charges.” But they’re not going to charge the guy who SHOT him?????????
“Get well soon. Otherwise my friend will get himself a new lover.” I hope Wai and Pat continue to make fun of each other in a friendly way for the rest of their lives
“You don’t need to call us husband and wife.” Again, I am surprised that they would address this!!! But good!! It’s always kind of raised my hackles that so much Thai media assigns strict masc-femme gender roles to same gender relationships, and I have come to just expect it. BAD BUDDY SHOWING EVERYONE THEY CAN DO BETTER!!
Incredible that this whole day no one has told Pat’s parents he was shot
This comment was made precisely one minute too soon
Smart of Pat to lead with fact that Pran stopped him from getting arrested, very good boyfriend foundation-laying
This Architecture faculty expressing their support sequence is so cute also I cannot believe they just got engaged via fistbump. UR SO STUPID AND I LOVE U SO MUCH
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“She keeps smiling when messaging that person.” “That’s okay. You still have me.” What’s more delightful here, Ink and Pa’s flourishing romance or Korn and Wai’s flourishing friendship? Both are immaculate
I seriously have no idea who Chai is like does he work for Pran’s parents? Is he a relative? It’s thus far not been made clear 
Update from very shortly after: He works for them
Not knowing why the parents hate each other is leaving me in suspense. If this is a Rufus and Lily from Gossip Girl situation I will not be happy about it
Pa’s really got her hands full with sophomores who want to date her
“So your mom and my dad went to the same school?” The Rufus and Lily vibes increase with every passing minute
Pran 🤝 Pat 🤝 Pran’s Mum
Storing a keepsake object of Repressed Memories of Your Youth in your cupboard 
Pat immediately alluding to his high school teacher that he and Pran are dating because he loves to tell people they’re in love kjhghg
“The brother couldn’t make it, but the sister can.” If there’s any trope that is silly but fun it’s siblings having the same taste in crushes hahaha for a second I thought Pat was gonna be like, ‘damn, I was relying on you to give our parents grandkids’ LOL
Ink and Pa 😭😭😭 Get you a peer mentor who will become your gf
Ink 🤝 Pran
Developing feelings for someone in Pat’s family in high school and burying it deep inside until the other person confesses their feelings 
“Can’t you just call me big bro once?” Pat’s joking is relieving some of my tension in hoping that their parents do not share a lovechild
Pat’s dad believes in the old adage: When the going gets tough, assault your child’s boyfriend in a shopping mall
Pran I think it’s a little unreasonable to be made at Pat for his outburst the boyfriend was already out of the bag at that point 
“Do you want me to stay with you?” Chai is a nice man
The soundtrack they’re playing sounds like the Lion King when Mufasa dies this is rough stuff
“Is it even my job to be responsible for your feelings?” God, that hit me hard. No, no it is not, Pran
“Your dad stole my scholarship.” I mean that’s a dick move, but is it worth like twenty years of conflict?? You run a successful business now and could definitely go back and do a degree
“From now on, don’t tell your children to hate the people next door. Because the most disgusting person here is your father.” Idk, Dissaya, you’ve both struck Pran today sooooooo
“But he can’t fix his past, and I must be the one that takes it, right?” Every parent with unprocessed trauma should be forced to watch this episode in therapy
“A zero-waste village.” “Just the place for us.” (“Because our families are garbage,” they said, in the subtext)
“Being with you already feels like freedom.” V romantic also I’m glad they did not throw their sim cards away, that would be excessive
Uncle Tong is a welcome callback, finally an adult who’s understanding
It’s okay Pran and Pat, Junior can also cook better than I can lmao
“You made up with me then. Now it’s my turn, right?” I don’t think it’s unreasonable to not abandon ur hometown for a life by seaside without ur support network
The constant blurred unsponsored beer of this specific green brand makes me think they TRIED to get a beer sponsorship and failed LOL 
“But a gangster like you always butts in people’s business and helps them.” That’s a weird way to compliment someone
“Was I good?” They definitely fucked in the beach house hahaha good for them, but unfortunate for Tong. Perils of boarding a couple I guess
“You fight alongside me. That makes me very happy.” PAT ❤️❤️❤️
This serenade and montage was already very very sweet but it’s the cutaways to the other duos that got me
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“You asked why I didn’t quit what I’m doing. What I do might not be able to change the whole world. But it surely changes my attitude towards this world.” TONGGGGGGGG ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“You even make a living out of the disaster you caused back then.” I am reeling. Seems like Pran and Pat broke up but Wai has remained besties and business partners with the Eng boys. I love that for him but oh my god 
“I need to go too. I’m picking up my sweetheart.” Wai and Korn have clearly moved on and found partners after uni but Pat seems firmly in Post Pran-dump Depression 
Shout-out to Pa and Ink for being the only couple in this show to stay together from university to working life. Bad Buddy said wlw will go the distance 
The Adult Life hair really does not suit Pran as much as it suits Pat
I feel like it IS a little funny for them to have passed four whole years and still be incredibly Not Over It hahahahah 
Hahahah I was waiting for Wai’s reaction at the fake breakup and didn’t disappoint 
Also their parents 100% know! Four years? COME ON
What is perhaps funniest about Bad Buddy is how much it highlights how Sarawat and Tine from 2gether are just like. Batshit insane. Pran and Pat deal with everything so reasonably. They manage their conflicts immediately. They go long distance for a year!!! Sarawat and Tine spend 2 weeks apart and start crying to dolls and hallucinating each other. Don’t get me wrong, I love Sarawat and Tine with all of my heart but they are CRAZY and run with their emotions on 20,000% always. Imagine watching Romeo and Juliet and then watching Big Eden. That’s the contrast here
“I waited for a year. You served me only five minutes. Do you think that’s enough?” “Stop with the insult. I just got a little excited there.” I love that we’ve got to a place where we can make fun of Pat for coming too fast
Wai and Korn even own the bar together now #BusinessBesties LOL
“It’s like we bought this place to make amends.” Wai is right, having to deal with rowdy youth is his and Korn’s karmic retribution hahaha
“Ink, you seem to have lots of work.” “A lot, Papa.” Ink is very solid with the in-laws
“Just leave it to their generation.” Hahahaha Pat’s mum and dad acknowledging what terrible secret keepers they are
The single smile that Dissaya gives is 12 episodes of character growth
I love that the conclusion to this feud is slowly warming up to their sons’ happiness in each other and pretending not to notice they’ve been in love for five years 
“The show is just so good.” YEAH IT IS ❤️❤️❤️❤️
It’s great that Pat is still so competitive. Truly great rivals to lovers 
I am totally convinced this last scene, like the balcony scenes, was unscripted and the actors were allowed to do whatever they wanted and they decided to chase each other around the apartment shouting and jumping each other would be most in-character: 
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109 notes · View notes
charthanry · 2 years
BBS: Deconstructing the Entire Series (Part 3 of 13)
Welcome to my deep dive into each episode where I break down character motives, P’Aof’s delivery, and general musings of all things BBS. Basically, a scene-by-scene recap with commentary from me, your friendly neighborhood commentator. If you missed the previous installments of this post series, you’re welcome to check them out:
Part 1  |  Part 2
Recapping the recap: We left EP2 with Pat and Pran bickering on who gets to move out of their dorm, resulting in neither moving out. We learned that their three-year separation was because of Pran’s mom and that Pran is hesistant about letting Pat into his space, preferring to keep him at a distance as a means of self-preservation. The episode ends on their idiot friends destroying the bus stop.
Episode Three: The Bus Stop, I Like Seeing Your Face, and a Long-Kept Guitar (or AKA “This is me staying away”)
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EP3 begins with one of my favorite episode openings of the series, and I can’t believe I’m saying this because Waisel plays a prominent role here, but he’s only there as a catalyst so it’s fine, I’m fine. The scene opens on Pran doodling during a free study period. He’s supposed to be working on his new song for the Freshy music contest but is suffering from writer’s block. Wai shows up and sees Pran struggling and tells him to stop using his head and instead to look inside his heart for inspiration. He then asks Pran, “Haven’t you ever had a secret crush on someone?”
We are then gifted with the cutest flashback of the world’s one and only handsome guitar pick. Where Pran is gobsmacked by Pat earnestly cutting his own ID card so that Pran won’t hurt his fingers while strumming his guitar. Pran looks at Pat incredulously and Pat just cheekily grins back at him. And we are all incredibly moved by Pat here, such a small gesture but also so very, very large and befitting of his personality. I’m pretty sure this isn’t the moment that Pran begins to fall, but it’s likely the moment he accepts that he CANNOT STOP. 
The show has been very precise with its use of flashbacks, only inserting them if it moves the story forward in some way. To include it here in the episode’s opener is BOLD, but also sneakily well done because it informs us of this episode’s main focus and that is Pran figuring out how Pat (and his feelings for him) fits into his present life. Let’s find out along with him.
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Be cool, be cool. It’s just a meal with your longtime crush. No biggie. *Pran internally screaming* AHH! THIS IS THE BIGGEST DEAL EVER!!
A late-night noodle craving finds our two boys sharing a meal while bickering with each other laced with some deeply veiled flirtation. This is the stuff we signed up for. There’s some back and forth where both accuse the other of being nosy and Pat asks are you this nosy with everyone or just me? And really, we want to know too, Pran. But evasion is the game and Pran is a championship-level player.
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The two engage in a ridiculous chopsticks duel over a stolen wonton that would make panda Po and his Shifu proud. Pat can’t resist pulling Pran’s metaphorical pigtail by stealing yet another wonton, but Pran doesn’t give Pat the satisfaction of reacting and he pouts that Pran’s no fun. He gives Pran a wonton from his own bowl stating that he’s done anyway. Pran tells Pat that he doesn’t need to wait for him, and Pat says who’s waiting, I still need to pay and ends up paying for both their meals. It’s totally a date! For those keeping count, this is their second date. Pat is dressed the part in his Tim Hortons shirt (because what screams date more than repping the iconic Canadian?), the activity is a shared meal, and Pat pays. Date! 
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Pat tells him that it’s his treat and Pran is surprised but also secretly pleased and thanks him. See? You two can be nice to each other. Pat watches intently as Pran eats and then tells him to hurry up because he’s actually waiting. Ha!
After literally walking each other home, it’s so a DATE! – they learn that their dorm elevators are out of order. Pat suggests they race to see who can get to their room first. Pran smirks and trash talks that someone like him doesn’t need to compete with Pat, but then totally negates all that big talk by making a run for the stairwell.
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The two race up the stairs taking three to four at a time. I’m amazed at both their cardio and the fact that they just ate, but also LEGS. Legs for MILES! We see Pat take advantage by pulling and yanking on Pran. Again, what is it about Pran’s waist that has your hands all over it, sir? Look at their faces though, they are both loving this. And so are we. They finally reach their doors with Pat winning by a slim margin.
Pran, unable to accept defeat, says who was even racing you? And Pat laughs asking then who ran all the way here? Making their face pale? And I love that Pran’s only rebuttal is it’s called pinkish fair skin, yeah you tell him what’s what Pran. We then get the best incorporation of a product placement I’ve ever seen in Thai BL. Pran pulls out the black inhaler and starts sniffing and turns on Pat, you’re the one who’s looking colorless, are you dying? Them fightin’ words, but also secretly laced with concern? Pat starts saying he’s fine, it’s all good but is now eyeing Pran’s inhaler and asks him to share. He comes closer for it and we are then treated to round two of their post-date frenzy.
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I’m not saying that this is Pran’s O-face, but I’m not saying that it isn’t either.
We see Pran holding the inhaler out of reach as Pat clamors for it. But also, wow, can I be crowded against a door in between those muscular arms too? I love this entire sequence filled with Pran’s expressive reactions to Pat trying to climb him. And how much do I live for this keep-away teasing Pran does with Pat? Is this foreshadowing for Pran delaying Pat’s gratification later on? (Okay, that’s a record even for me, we’re only 11-minutes into the episode and I’ve already managed to make it sexual. In my defense, they make it entirely too easy.)
I'm loving how playful it is between them, how for the briefest of moments the family rivalry is forgotten and it’s just two guys competing with barely concealed flirtation. They’re both undeniably drawn to each other and giving as good as they get. And we can all see how AMAZING IT COULD BE between them, how well they complement each other, and our hearts soar impatiently for both guys to realize it already.
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Things are getting a little too intense in the proximity department, so Pran backs Pat to his side of the hallway. And the physicality Pran displays here makes me go all in on feral kitty Pran. (Do we think Pran leaves scratch marks on Pat’s back when he really goes wild in bed? He totally does, right? I can’t be alone in thinking this!) Pat heaving and gasping for breath here doesn’t help any of us pick our minds up and out of the gutter. 
Pat moves to go into his room but turns around again to deliver his final parting shot If you want a rematch, you can knock on my door anytime. But if you miss me, don’t knock. Just come in. Thinking he’s got the last word; Pat is all sorts of smug. And God, do we want to affectionately SMACK HIM. But Pran, not one to easily surrender, holds out his fist as if in agreement, surprising both us and Pat, who reaches out to bump it with his own fist, only for Pran to give him a last-second middle finger. Pat can only stand there flipping Pran off behind his back. Look at this idiot waving his finger around.
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Please accept exhibit #743 for the evidence records. We’ll make it impossible for the defense to refute our claim that love was the cause and the reason, your honor.
Safely inside his room, Pran lets out a deep exhale and the total euphoria on his face is EVERYTHING. He can’t help but turn around and take another look through his peephole for any lingering signs of Pat. If this ain’t love. Just a peek is all he needs to tide him over. He then takes a moment to get his heartbeat under control and simply bask in the evening’s turn of events. It’s the disbelieving shake of his head that does it for me. Aww, everything about this night totally made your week didn’t it, Pran?
Later, Pat is in his room when he gets a knock on his door and the smile on his face can only mean that he thinks it’s Pran back for more. But alas, it’s his cronies bringing their beat-up selves for Pat to mend. They claim it was all a one-sided attack as if they were innocent in the whole ordeal and weren’t asking for it. 
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The next morning, Pran and his friends are awaiting the fallout of the night before. The architects’ version of Professor Pichai tells the boys they’ll have to take responsibility for the bus stop rebuild including all the expenses involved. Wai can’t take it sitting down and whines that they weren’t the only ones fighting, why are they the only ones being punished. Not-Pichai tells him you’re lucky you’re not academically suspended. You’ve made your beds, now lie in them. He then gives them the list of detailed expenses, tells them to get it done before the month is out, and leaves.
Pran gets an incoming call from “just a friend” which he lets go unanswered.
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The scene changes to Pran on a mission to gather estimates on supplies. He waits for Pa to finish with a customer and asks her if their shop has his list of items since his own shop is out of stock. She asks him what’s this all for and the look he gives her means he’s not holding back on ratting out Pat.
Pat is at home, and we see him attempting yet again to call Pran which still goes ignored. Pa comes in and gives Pat an earful. He’s let her down and she calls out his manhood for not keeping his promise to her. Pat tries to defend himself explaining that he had nothing to do with it and that it was all Korn. Pa doesn’t want to hear it and storms out, leaving Pat to do his own laundry. Oh, the horror. 
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Hello from the other side (of this tin can) I must've called a thousand times To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done (and have yet to do) But when I call, you never seem to be home (but I can literally see that you are) 
At his wit’s end, Pat decides to go old school and pulls out their old tin-can telephone and tosses one end through Pran’s window. Pran is reluctant to listen to what Pat has to say, but Pat threatens that he’ll shout across to him if he’s forced to so Pran holds up his end of the makeshift phone. 
Pat tells Pran to stop being unreasonable and that Pran’s friends were the ones that started the bus stop fight, not his. Pran defends his guys saying if Pat’s minions didn’t post the video of them bullying Wai, then his guys wouldn’t have gone crazy. Pat is confused as to what video. (I told you it was going to come back to bite you, Pat.) Pran thinks Pat is playing dumb, but Pat is truly lost in all of this. Pran calls him out saying that’s funny because Pat sure seemed to be laughing it up in the video’s background. He then tosses his end of the phone with a clang and shuts his window. Conversation effectively over.
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The face of a gangster who stubbornly doesn’t listen when he’s told to stay away. 
The next day after their shared class ends, Pat follows Pran as he’s leaving when he’s abruptly pulled into a dark hallway. Pran thinks Pat is playing games and tells him to stop, but he only wanted to let Pran know that he took care of the video and it’s now deleted. He wants to help, but Pran doesn’t care and tells Pat to stay away from him.
Pran is in the library crunching numbers for the bus stop expenses when Pat shows up refusing to stay away. Pran decides if Pat doesn’t leave then he will, which makes Pat concede that fine, he’ll leave but not without telling Pran to not miss him later. THIS GUY. Turning to go, Pat notices an ad for an ecology contest. Pat is super observant guys, he acts like he’s a himbo gangster, but the guy is very aware of his surroundings which makes his lack of awareness of his feelings for Pran such a conundrum to us. Maybe it’s one of those cases where he’s observant if it’s anyone other than himself? 
In the span of seconds, he decides this contest is exactly what Pran needs to help with the bus stop finances, he takes a flyer and turns back to Pran. But since he was just scolded to stay away, he instead sits at the table behind Pran and folds the flyer into a paper airplane and flings it in Pran’s direction. When Pran turns around to yell at him, Pat pretends to be dozing. As Chandler Bing would say, could you BE any more adorable, Pat? 
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I hereby declare my reelection for President of The-Can’t-Look-Away-From-Pran fanclub. This is my campaign poster. Vote Pat.
Pran is at an office building to present his project to the company’s bigwigs. Pat unexpectedly shows up and says he’s there to be Pran’s good luck charm. Aww. Pran says he’s more of a jinx than lucky to which Pat responds a jinx can’t be this hot. Pran shrugs but doesn’t refute Pat’s claim. Ah! You agree that Pat’s hot; you want him so bad.
They’re packed into an elevator as more people get on and Pran is squished. He nudges Pat and asks if they need to be squeezed in this close? To which Pat replies, it’s not like he wants to (yeah okayyy, we believe you) then SQUEEZES INTO PRAN EVEN MORE. They’re crowded in from all sides and we are blessed with this look from Pran thinking Pat doesn’t notice. Sorry to break it to you, buddy, but he definitely notices. Remember the whole observant thing?
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Everything I’ve ever wanted is right in front of me. Yet so out of reach.
Pran presents his bus stop project to the group of VIPs while Pat looks on proudly. He also turns to study the audience’s reaction. In addition to his observational skills, Pat has impeccable perception when it comes to reading people. I’m confident his successes in life so far have been based on 50% charm, 25% smarts, and 25% on his ability to read people. Add to that his boyish good looks and none of us ever really stood a chance, Pran included. He’s really the total package.
Pran wraps up his presentation and looks to Pat for reassurance which he gets in the form of an encouraging nod. Aww, these boys. They’re already such great partners and unconsciously look to each other for moral support. The bigwigs seem open to Pran’s ideas, but they just approved a similar project so invite him to come back and present again later in the year. Pran is understandably disappointed as Pat looks on. Before they’re dismissed, Pat speaks up and says they have another concept to pitch. Pran is shocked but Pat gives him a look that says trust me and I got you.
Pat presents them with his idea of a 100% eco-friendly bus stop, using solar power and recycled materials. Then he follows up with the kicker, if their grant is approved, they’d essentially be receiving company advertisement throughout the university campus. It’s a win-win for both sides. The VIPs are interested and Pran looks at Pat with stars in his eyes. Well done, Pat!
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Back in the elevator, Pran asks Pat how he knew they were into eco-friendly projects and Pat points out the poster on the wall. He tells Pran to be more aware of his surroundings instead of constantly looking at him all the time. (I told you he notices, Pran!) Pran feels like he’s being called out and Pat gives him an out by saying, Pran is always eyeing him as if he’s there to cause trouble, calling him a jinx. Oiii Pat, why’d you let him off so easily?
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They make a stop at the music store where Pran naturally migrates to the guitars. Pat comments that he already has one. Pran said he used to but it’s probably termite food by now. Pat suggests he look for it and that it may still be around. This seems like such a throwaway comment that doesn’t draw much to be read into, but we know better. Pran responds with no need and that this last fight probably banned them from competing in the music contest. Pat comments that when he gets to compete against him, Pran takes it very seriously.
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I can’t help that when you’re near, my face looks at you like this. It’s not something that I can control.
Pat then catches a glimpse of Chai outside the store and pulls Pran in to hide. Okay, two giant-sized boys crouching behind what looks like a guitar amp, suuure, you’re now hidden from plain sight!
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After a while, Pran says the coast is clear, but Pat doesn’t move away. He then sniffs Pran and says he smells damn good and that he likes it. Pran is all kinds of adorably flustered and doesn’t know what to do with this information, but then Pat goes and ruins it by asking him to do his laundry for him. And we all collectively face palm at the idiocy that is Pat.
Pran shoves Pat off him and says it’s not that Pran smells good, it’s that Pat smells bad. He leaves and tells Pat to shower sometime. Pfft!
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We keep this love in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves Where our eyes are never closing Hearts are never broken And time's forever frozen, still
That night at the bus stop site, Pran sits alone brainstorming ideas when Pat shows up. I guess that built-in homing beacon goes both ways because Pat knew exactly where to find Pran when his texts and calls went unanswered. Pran asks what the hell he’s doing there and Pat looks around and says nobody is around, he can drop the pretense and speak nicely to him. Aww. Pran seems taken aback that Pat would actually ask.
Pat says he’s there because Pran didn’t respond to his messages. Pran says that he does respond when Pat means business. Pat questions why they can’t just chitchat? And then avoids eye contact as he asks, are you as hard on your other friends as you are on me? Aww. He’s basically asking Pran to confirm that they’re friends now. Pran takes a beat, but then responds with I wouldn’t be as hard on my friends and a visibly disappointed Pat comments he’s sorry that they’re not friends. Aww, puppy.
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I’ve watched this scene countless of times and still managed to somehow miss that this is foreshadowing to their handshake later. 
Pran tries to get Pat to go away but the boy isn’t budging, he’s determined to help. And his earnestness is truly undeniable because Pran eventually gives in. He asks Pran why he’s been staring at the site for a while now but still hasn’t drawn anything in his sketchbook. Pran snarks that engineers have it so easy, they don’t understand how difficult it is to be creative. Pat concedes that engineers might not be as creative, but they’re very practical and they get shit done. You tell him, Pat. He gets up determined to prove it to Pran and holds out his hand to help Pran up. 
Pat says you can’t just sit and try to imagine a finished bus stop, you have to actually place people there to see what their needs are. He then suggests they role play as to the kinds of people who wait at bus stops; again, Pat is truly a reader of people. It’s crazy how it’s almost second nature to him. Pat suggests they act like they’re friends to which Pran emphatically says no. Then without pause, Pat says okay, lovers then, to which Pran is so surprised that he doesn’t even respond. Ooh, Pran, we see you sir.
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After some back and forth on who gets to be the guy and who the girl, Pat calls Pran out on being picky over an imaginary scenario and says fine they’re two hot guys and they’re boyfriends. And Pran does not put up any argument! I need to shout this again for all to hear. Pran agrees to Pat’s terms, they’re two very hot boyfriends! Pat concedes that he’ll play the role of wife to Pran’s role of husband to which Pran’s only response is you’re such a masculine wife. Uh, that’s ALL you have to say, Mr. Parakul?
Pat fully commits to his role as a pouty wife and whines that it’s raining, and they should seek shelter under the bus stop. This whole act inspires Pran with several great ideas and with Pat’s prompting, Pran gets into it and starts envisioning the entire space. He starts scribbling away in his notebook, verbalizing his ideas to a receptive Pat. They are SO GOOD together. Why can’t they see it? Gah!
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Pat says he’s thirsty from making a high-pitched girl’s voice, so Pran fishes out an Oishi bottle from his bag and Pat pouts for Pran to open it for him. Pran does and feeds him while he’s at it. But because they’re them, Pran purposely overdoes it, and the drink ends up drenching Pat all over. We are then treated to an adorable scene of Pat chasing Pran to wipe his sticky mouth on him. And God, this whole chase scene is so sickeningly wholesome and also foreshadows Pat chasing Pran later on. But just look at them. Look how disgustingly happy they are. Our dopey idiots.
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So you can keep me Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home
They’re eventually worn out and end up lying on the ground. Pran looks over at Pat and finds him already staring at him. Aww. Pat then asks Pran if he likes “it” but Pat takes enough of a pause for the “it” to be an open question in which Pran just stares at him. Pat then qualifies it by saying, the bus stop. Do you like the new bus stop? Pran says he does, but he’s not sure if others will like it, too. Pat assures him that they will, because Pat does. God, this script is just too good and OhmNanon play it so naturally. I absolutely love conversations where there’s more meaning behind the words than what we’re given.
Pat then cuts the tension by chin booping Pran and says his honey is so smart using the high-pitched voice again. Pran tells him to stop, that he’s getting goosebumps, and his girly voice doesn’t suit his giant body. Ha!
The boys are back at LogTech where they’re informed that they’ve got financial backers for the bus stop. But the expenses are too high so they can only sponsor half of their proposal. As the boys leave the office building, Pran is visibly stressed out and Pat tries to help by suggesting they can save money by using lower-grade materials for the construction. He tells Pran not to worry that they’ll figure it out. Pran says that’s easy for him to say since it’s not his friends’ academic careers on the line. He leaves with the parting shot that it wasn’t even his friends who started this whole mess. Pat responds with, then who did, me? Ah, it’s like one step forward and two steps back with these two.
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Woof. Pat in uniform is his best look on the show. I’ll fight anyone who disagrees. Also that lean. Boy can lean.
On campus, Pat sees his friends playing games on their phones without a care in the world and it pricks his nerves. Yesss, Pat! Ours too. He smacks Korn on the back of his head with his bag and asks them why they posted that video because now the architects are up shit’s creek. The morons turn it back on Pat asking why he’s so frustrated on the architects’ behalf? Need they remind him that he’s from the engineering faculty? Pat seems stumped as though this is the first time he’s asking himself, yeah why am I so upset for them?
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When words fail, actions speak. LOUDLY.
We switch to Pat alone in his room deep in thought. He opens his closet and pulls out Pran’s guitar case, shocking us all. He smiles as he recalls their conversation in the music store, unzips the bag and pulls out the guitar and we see that it is in pristine condition. Pat has taken care of this guitar for YEARS. 1,095 days more or less. For Pran. Without being asked. 
Pran is sitting with his friends discussing the bus stop reconstruction. They’re still short on funds and need to find ways to make it work. Pran suggests going to the bus site to see what can be salvaged and sold.
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Look at this gangster and his merry men rolling up in slow motion. Of course Pat would get the hero’s slo-mo entrance.
At the site, they determine there’s nothing worth selling. Wai starts counting that there’s four of them. Congratulations, you know how to count Waisel. He whines that how are the four of them supposed to rebuild the bus stop by themselves. Pran says it’s an impossible task and they’ll need to hire people to help them. Pat’s ears must be burning, because he chimes in, are you talking about us?
We get a quick flashback of Pat manipulating his friends to help the architects with the rebuild project by telling them that if they forfeit the pavilion of peace to the other faculty, they’ll have no leg to stand on going forward. Pat is either a genuis or his friends are really just that dumb. 
I read a youtube comment saying it’s a good thing Pat found these guys before a cult did. And ain’t that the truth. They remind me of the tiny green aliens from Toy Story and Pat is their Mr. Potato Head who saved them from the claw. “You’ve saved our lives; we are eternally grateful.” Wait, does this make Pran their de facto Mrs. Potato Head? LMAO. Now I can’t unsee Pran packing Pat an extra pair of his fierce eyes.
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Back at the present, Pat tells everyone that if they work together, they won’t need to hire any more people. The engineers will oversee the project and he already got everything approved by their professors. Pat did his homework. The two boys shake on it while their squads look on. I love this scene so much because you can see the stirrings of something happening with Pran. He’s trying to school his face, but it still slips through. 
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That night Pran is pacing the hallway between his and Pat’s rooms. He looks to have been at it a while working up his courage when Pat opens his door and asks him what’s up. Pran then thanks him for the bus stop and convincing his friends to help with the rebuild. Pat tells him they’re responsible too, for posting the video, so can they call it even now? Pran agrees. Pat turns to go back into his room when Pran stops him. He takes a beat where we can see him again calling on his courage, c’mon Pran, you can do this. Have you eaten? Aww. He did it and we’re all cheering for our brave boy!
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Pat takes a moment to respond, and we can see him considering whether he should lie and say no, but instead he tells Pran he ate already. Dammit Pat, this is the wrong answer. Pran turns to leave but now it’s Pat’s turn to stop him. He tells him to wait and goes inside. He comes back out with the guitar and proudly presents it to Pran. Oh, our hearts.
Pran’s joy at reuniting with his beloved guitar shows Pat that it was worth his effort of keeping it all these years. Pran’s happiness is tempered by their banishment from the music contest, and he says as much. Pat then says not so fast because they’re back in. Pran is surprised and asks Pat, how did that happen? To which Pat shrugs that he doesn’t know. But we know. Pat went to Professor Pichai, worked his charm, and got them both reinstated. The fact that he chose not to take credit for this with Pran. Oh, our hearts again.
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He then encourages Pran to do his best in the concert by telling him not to lose to him and the engineers. Pran turns Pat’s earlier words back on him, you seem happy when you get to compete against me. Pat agrees and says it’s because he likes to see his face. OH. And the moment these words are spoken, we can see Pran’s eyes light up in a way that could brighten the darkest room. Our own eyes light up with his. Together we can power an entire city. Then Pat goes and qualifies it with... when you lose. Dammit again, Pat. He laughs and boops Pran’s chin and ruffles his head, then goes back inside.
Pran sits in their hallway, quietly looks down at his watch and at the guitar. His two cherished items returned to him years apart by the same boy. Oh, we feel it too, Pran. This boy is too good and worse, he doesn’t even know what he’s done. What he’s doing to you. How are you supposed to stop these feelings from coursing through your veins? He makes it impossible. Short of taking out your own heart. Draining all your blood supply. Even then. Even then this boy would still find a way. Pran eventually gets up, goes into his room, and shuts the door. A beat later we see the door opening again and the door tag is flipped to the smiling side. 
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And that wraps up the third hour with our soft boys. And soft they truly are especially in this episode. My fear of episode three falling under the same pitfalls as the previous episode were put to rest as soon as we were treated to that opening flashback. Then it was sealed with the wonton noodles and racing up the stairs. And then further cemented by the bus stop role playing. The entirety of the returning the guitar scene will forever stay with me. Not that the show ever lost me, or ever could, but this episode thoroughly made me double down on these two boys and their trajectory towards each other. I will lay my life down and bet on their love confident that I’ll win every time.
I want to address the music selection for this series so far because it might sometimes get overlooked. The song choices made are peak level musicology, especially the instrumental background music. The soft melodies that envelope the heart, feed the soul, and serve as the last pièce de résistance needed to complete the overall mood of the show. For this recap, I wrote while the episode was playing in the background on low volume. I didn’t want to distract myself with the audio. But every so often, I would glance over to see which scene we were at, and I knew just from watching a few seconds that I had to increase the volume to listen to the background music. It’s that telling how much the music choices resonate with each scene. How the quiet seems unsettled and incomplete until you fill it in with the notes and harmony that hits just right. It truly makes you appreciate how much work goes into the production of a show. The musical composition for this series is exceptional and helps elevate the show’s title for best Thai BL.
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This episode was mostly told in a straight, linear format. Again, we are given only one flashback, but instead of revealing it towards the end to gut us in the last half, it kicks off the episode with a banger. P’Aof is out here telling us to quell our predictions, and what we think we know of his storytelling style, he instead keeps close to the vest. And how lovely is it that past Pat and Pran are wholly unique to their present selves. It’s not just the hair style or the school uniform either. There’s a certain quality that only comes with outstanding acting where you can feel the minute differences in characterizations. We’re only with them for a few precious moments, but even then, past Pat is shown as being even more carefree. Pran, while still contemplative, is less cynical. It’s so well portrayed here that we wish we had a peek at the missing three years that made them who they are now while simultaneously mourning the versions of them they were then.
Remember 5k+ words ago 😇 when I said the flashback was to set our expectations for the overall takeaway of this episode? And that was for Pran to figure out what his feelings for Pat meant in this current timeline. It’s all laid out for us if we look close enough. It’s in the considering look Pran gives Pat while shaking his hand. It’s when he thanks Pat and asks if he’s eaten yet. It’s how he sits in their shared hallway and looks at his watch and the long-kept guitar. And finally, it’s in the flipping of his door tag from frowny to happy – these are the exact moments when we learn that Pran has given in. The show wanted us to be so confident in his choice that they showed it to us four times. He’s expressing in his own Pran ways that he’s here; he’s owning these feelings, not hiding from them, not denying them. More than passively putting on the watch, he’s actively in it now. He’s no longer running. And we’re in it with him.
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There are so many conversations between these two that can’t be taken at surface level, and I am loving their layered multi-meaning. Take for example, Pran pacing in front of Pat’s door and then telling Pat thank you. It’s a thank you (for everything you did to help Wai and them with the bus stop.) And Pat’s response is we were at fault too, but you're welcome (but you do know, don't you? I didn’t do it for them. Surely you must know that I did it all for you. You don’t need me to say it, right?) And doesn’t that just make you want to go climb the nearest mountain singing at the top of your lungs that the hills are alive with the sound of music?
Pran asking Pat if he’s eaten yet may seem like a small moment but in fact it’s monumental. He wants a reason to spend time with Pat, but even beyond that, he’s showing concern for Pat, to Pat. That’s HUGE. How many times has Pat asked Pran to speak nicely to him? And how many times has Pran scoffed at him in response? We all know it’s deflection as a means to safeguard his heart, but Pat doesn’t know this. Despite his observational prowess, he’s an idiot at seeing what’s right in front of him when it involves himself. So, Pran’s have you eaten yet is equivalent to him holding up a neon sign that might very well say, if you say you haven’t, then I’ll happily feed you. Pat may have just missed out on some of Pran’s home cooking, we’ll never know. 
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On the other side, the moment Pat tells Pran that he’s already eaten may seem minor, but I saw it as the point in time where Pat decides that he was never going to lie to Pran, even about the small stuff. Pat makes the decision here to always be honest with Pran and once Pat decides something, he’s immovable and resolute in that decision. He may tease and quip, but he won’t lie, not knowingly and never intentionally, not to Pran. It’s more than an unspoken promise he’s making to Pran, it’s a pact that he’s making with himself. This is the one person I will never hide from. And this promise carries throughout the remainder of the show.
And for his part, Pran has now accepted that Pat is in his life, present tense, he’s here to stay and Pran is weak to stop tornado-Pat from happening. Nor does he want to. So come sweep him away, Pat. We’re all ready and waiting.
Thank you for reading and reliving BBS EP3 with me. Next up, the episode I’ve been looking forward to recapping for weeks now. Fun fact: I joined tumblr immediately after watching EP4 because I HAD TO to find someone to talk BBS with, it’s the episode that jumpstarted this blog. I’ve found my people in all of you. So, THANK YOU! And even now months later, I still feel like I could write an entire thesis on EP4′s ending alone. Watch me do it anyway. Until next time!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Let's talk about...Pat's shirt in episode 11
At first AND second watch, I was sad to see that none of Pat's shirts in ep 11 really struck me as particularly meaningful (unlike several I've written about before)...and initially I put this down to the fact that Pat and Pran were borrowing clothes the whole time...
But then I thought...what does that have to do with anything? 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
Then, I was going through the episode taking screenshots for my costume posts when it hit me. This one. This one is the iconic shirt of this episode (and it might just make it to my list of top ten because it's just that good). I'll explain below:
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So in part 4, in the now legendary 'red shirt' scene, Pat says "I know that sooner or later we will need to go back...but I want to stay here as long as we can." He's saying: I know we can't stay here, I just wanted to forget about our real lives and our families for a while and just be with you.
And this quest to forget is prevalent in parts 1 and 2:
On the bus, Pat says he wants to "run away to a place where there's only us" - I want to forget everyone else who can hurt us. | On the rocks, he tells Pran, "No one can bother us now" - we can forget our families and our troubles. | Responding to Pran's hesitancy about taking out the sim card, he asks, "Don't you want to be free?" - don't you want to forget our lives even for a short while? | Then they both yell, "Screw them!" to the ocean - Forget them! | Lying on the bed, when Pran brings up their families, Pat requests, "Can we not talk about this" - can we forget things for a while? | When Pran starts to reminisce about cooking with his mum, Pat distracts him with asking to be fed - forget about that just now, focus on me, on us. | And when Pran says he's quit playing the guitar, Pat tells him, "What did we agree on? We can do anything we want here" - forget about all the reasons why you can't play and just do it.
Why is this all relevant? Well what animal is renowned for having exceptionally good memory?...so much so that this idiom exists: "An elephant never forgets." 🧐
Pat is wearing a symbol of "not forgetting" at a time when all he wants to do is forget - about his family, the lies, the probability that he and Pran can't be together - as well as realising that Pran just can't forget his own family...and the irony of that juxtaposition just emphasises his desperation to shut out the real world even though it's impossible. And he tries, he tries to hold it at bay, but he eventually realises that they can't stay there, they need to go home and face reality, face the thing they can never forget.
(Edit: And here's another idiom I ironically forgot to include: there's an "elephant in the room" that Pat and Pran are absolutely not talking about...)
It's so subtle. The shirt is so innocuous. But dammit it's so full of meaning. 😭💙
And there's a little bonus feature to this shirt as well...Whilst Pat is wearing it, Junior has a t-shirt which connects back to the wonderful red 'DM' drug store style t-shirt from episode 10. As @karometeenk explained, the slogan on the shirt refers to a famous quote from a monologue Faust makes on a walk about the beauty of nature and how he can only truly be himself there, where no one is around. This absolutely was foreshadowing ep 11 where Pat and Pran run away to the beach, to nature, to somewhere where they can be truly themselves and where no one else around knows them. Now, a few people were wondering why "California" was used instead of the usual name of the store, "DM" - well maybe here's your answer -> Junior's "Malibu Beach California" t-shirt. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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snickerdoodlles · 2 years
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I’ve been trying to put my feelings about this scene into words all week, so here goes.
Because on a surface level, this conversation about deadend relationships seems to be foreshadowing a breakup between Pat & Pran. But as I mentioned in this post, Pat and Pran both chose their “deadend relationship” far longer than they’ve been boyfriends. There’s so much evidence of them choosing their secret relationship it’d have to be it’s own post, but the main point here is: they’d both chosen long ago that they weren’t going to be a part of their parents’ rivalry. Their secret relationship began when Pat returned Pran’s watch after he saved Pa. And given how tentative and wary they are around each other in the scene where Pat makes Pran a guitar chip from his ID, I’d argue they both decided not to continue the fight without any knowledge of whether or not the other felt the same
Their relationship has never been a deadend. They have always been moving forward, whether independently or together, regardless of the secrecy. They chose to bury the hatchet, they chose to become friends, they chose to love. Not to mention that right after Pran says this, Pat gives him a call and Pran goes running back to him just because Pat sounded sad on the phone. In classic Pran form, he says one thing while his actions scream another. Pat and Pran chose each other over their friends, families, and fears so often, and during times with much higher risk, that a breakup between them over the stress of their relationship seems highly unlikely. 
I think it’s going to be much more important that Pran said this to Wai.
Because it’s not Pat and Pran’s relationship that’s struggling to move forward, it’s their relationship with everyone else. Any relationship is a two-way street, and Pat and Pran are both forced to hide away parts of themselves from their friends and family due to the rivalry. And it stagnates those relationships because Pat/Pran cannot fully be themselves around the people they care about, and said people are still embroiled in petty rivalries and bitter feelings that force further hiding. It’s a vicious, endless cycle, because no matter how much Pat and Pran care about these other people in their lives, no matter how much they hope that these people they care about will love them more than their petty bitterness, they can’t be the ones to make these people change. It’s not only not their responsibility, it’s not their choice. Their family and friends will have to make the choice to let go of their past grudges on their own and grow to become better people themselves
But if they can’t grow?
Well, as Pran said it, it’s an exhausting relationship. There’s no way to turn back and ignore the pain caused. And without change, there’s no going forward. Neither he nor Pat want to lose their friends or family over their relationship, but they won’t be able to pursue those relationships with them if they do not choose to change
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transpat · 2 years
pranpat, communication (or the lack thereof) and pran's perspective thru out ep7
everyone agrees that the guitar scene being brushed aside was unsatisfying narratively and to pat's character in specific, it was unfair. we see pat cover his own hurt up the next time they meet, where pran reaches out to him for help (something pat has always wished pran would ask for) but tries to forfeit the bet and what to pat seems, their relationship, over smth unrelated to them. the bet, the confession everything was supposed to be them, about them and them only. but now pran's finally offering it and it's under the guise of deal.
we haven't been in pran's head for a while, but like it was pointed out in this post, from pran's own words (we will never reveal our feelings if nothing forces us to do so) this deal was smth he just used as a push to finally end this. he was protecting himself too, the deal would still give him an illusion of the upper hand he seeks to hold, bc this way he could tell himself he was pushed into it, that he had no other option, when the truth was, he really, really wanted to. he wanted to confess. it's in the deep breath he takes, in the grin he can't seem to contain.
pat can't read pran's brain thou. he can't tell that this is pran giving himself an excuse to finally end this and start a relationship with him, that pran's dreamt of this for nearly a decade. we watch pat's heart break and his expression falter, before he puts on a brighter smile and raises the stakes high enough, somewhere pran can't reach.
but pran isn't a mind reader either. he can't find the hurt pat's hidden, only the arrogant mask he's drawn over his face.
ik they've been seemingly setting up for the larger conflict being their parents, but this, this is the biggest problem in their relationship.
they still haven't learned to talked to each other.
yes pat's always talking about his feelings for pran, but no he never once tells pran he's scared pran isn't as serious about him. he chases pran around to get him to talk about the kiss, about them without ever telling pran how much meant to him.
that's why the set up of that scene with wai and ink in between them was so significant. it was after pat thought he'd bared his soul to him, but to pran it was still within the safety of their bet, to pran it was another instance of pat being cheeky with him, of doing those things where he thoroughly sweeps him off his feet. pran tells pat he oust him from the play and again, pat doesn't ask if that was a rejection. for all we know, pran might have done it bc he thought the only reason pat auditioned was to make a move on him and that he didn't actually want to be a part of it. you can see the way he stops when pat says he wanted to use it as a chance to flirt with him publicly. pran didn't know. he didn't know it wasn't just meant to be a one time thing, one of pat's many whims.
(plus, i really do think pran was planning on talking to him about this. about giving him his answer. it must be part of why he pushed pat out of the play, bc he felt that pat didn't have to go that far to win his heart, not when pran was finally ready to give it to him.)
and then right after that pat takes off with ink. he sees pran's discomfort and thinks it'd be funny to use it to make him jealous bc to pat, he thinks he's made himself clear enough. that pran's the only one for him. but that's not what it is to pran, not when pat returning his feelings seemed so abrupt to him, not when he hasn't had a proper vocalization of the depth of pat's feelings for him, not when he thinks he's the one that loves deeper, that he's more invested.
that's what pran's problem is. he's loved pat too long, his feelings run so deep he's scared he'll scare off pat if he truly knew. how much, how long. pran can't stand to be on the losing end of this, fumbles for an upper hand, so his feet are on stable ground and not shaky the way pat's courting makes him feel.
so he drags wai out to match pat at his game. thinks that 'oh, the confession must be part of it too' and pushes it to the back of his mind. that's why the confession is shown again in the end. bc it's only then, it's only when pat sacrifices his victory, finally tells pran the bet doesn't matter as much to him as pran does, that's when it comes back to the forefront. that 'oh. that wasn't just another flirtatious moment. oh, he really, really meant it.' and then pran's the one giving up. pran's the one who forfeits the bet, pran's the one who lost, bc he was sure enough about pat's feelings now to not worry about losing.
and this is what another major conflict is going to be. what pran said back in the beach - that he didn't know how to talk nicely to him. its going to be resolution of that. its going to be them learning they have to be vulnerable with each other and this is smth that's much more scarier for pran rn than for pat.
this is actually what's making their parents a conflict too, aside from the being found out thing. bc pran too hasn't told pat how he really feels. pran hasn't told him why he's so afraid of his parents, that its not that pat's just bolder and pran more caved in.
they need to talk about how pran's transfer made them feel. but pran will never bring that up bc that means admitting he's loved him since then. and pat has this feeling of guilt attached to that memory, he thinks the only emotion pran will feel towards him will be anger.
this is also why the guitar thing was left hanging. bc again, we're in pat pov. we know now how important pran's been to him since their school days, important enough for him to keep the guitar in perfect condition for three years. we know the significance of the guitar to pat, how like their song, it's a thing that's supposed to be only theirs.
but pran doesn't know any of that. to him pat's feelings are new, while to pat only the realization is. that's why pran doesn't go after him. he knows he's upset but he probably thinks its jealousy. how is he supposed to know that it's bc the guitar was precious to pat too, the way pran is. that pat missed him horribly when he was gone, as much as pran did.
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jemmo · 2 years
i was rewatching the music video of just friends and at this one scene of nanon's character looking at ohm's while he was asleep and with that smile, i got to think of some question about pran. do you think he had the kind of "I like him" moment, where he acknowledges his love? i don't mean the realization, i mean the peace that comes from being in touch with your feelings. and both versions or pran i mean, pre and post separation? did he allow himself that sinking realization of love or was he stopping himself? do you think that love, the feeling of being in love, was a joy to him?
everytime i think of him there's so much pain that i really wish was all that was there to his love.
god anon are you trying to break my heart making me think about this??? seriously you're making me want to cry bc thinking about this is just like... so much
i was just finishing my rewatch of ep 1 and watching the scene outside the pharmacy, and i just couldnt even take notes bc there was so much to the way pran was acting in that scene, so many thoughts and feelings i was having that it was actually too much to try and write down coherently. but now you're making me think about it all over again.
there are a lot of moments that come to mind when i think about this. outside the pharmacy in ep 1 is one of them, bc after pat has left and he's just left with that smile on his face, the joy of him winning at their little game settling in him, and i dont think in that moment is plainly him thinking 'god im in love with him'. its more him realizing that the joy pat gives him i still very much alive in him, that spark he feels is still there. do you ever watch something or do something or talk to someone, and youre so immersed, so into it, but for a single moment you realize 'wow, im feeling so happy. this is making me so happy'. i think thats what pran is experiencing. this kinda out of body realisation that pat is able to unconsciously make him smile. thats when you realize you really, truly feel something for someone or something. its not forced, its just a natural reaction. and i think it that moment, when he isnt yet letting all the painful weight of his feelings weigh him down, he really likes that. he just really likes the fact that pat makes him happy.
as for other moments, again they aren't plain him accepting and revelling in feelings of love. what popped into my mind were the scene when pat gives him his guitar and the scene where pat is sleeping on his floor. for the first scene, after pat says his line about liking to see his face when he loses then gets up and leaves, i really love that pat lets himself have a moment there, lets himself stay sat for a moment, looking at where pat just was before he closed his door and just looking. in that moment, its like the meaning of everything that just happened, the meaning of pat keeping his guitar hits him, and more than anything that just makes him fall in love. hes looking after him thinking 'god, this man is so caring, he does these caring things, and he does them for me. and that makes me fall in love with him'. there's almost disbelief in his eyes, that pat would do such a lovely thing for him, and that its able to make him fall impossibly harder in love. but that moment is also tinged with this lingering knowledge of his feelings not being reciprocated. pran falling more for pat bc of these caring actions when pat only sees them as friendly, and there's pain bc its just something he has to deal with. he can only live in that moment of love for so long before the reality of it not being returned hits him.
i see this same sentiment again when pat is sleeping on pran's floor, after the whole confession of him liking ink. bc again, pat drags up all these lovely, caring things he's done for pran, practically listing the reasons to fall in love with him. and he's saying 'come on, i do all that. how could you not love me?'. and it just rubs salt in all of pran's open and exposed wounds and it really hurts, its painful. but he still lets himself roll over and take that moment to look at pats face, and lets himself accept that yes, he loves him, of course he loves him. he watches the face of the man he loves and the man thats capable of breaking his heart until he cant bear to look any longer.
lol my ramblings are getting emotional again but in this regard, pran reminds me a bit too much of me. i feel like his mind runs a mile a minute and its hard to get it to settle. he tries to focus on good things, let himself enjoy the feeling of being in love but the difficulties and obstacles are so huge and numerous that it overwhelms that single, pure feeling of love. its only when hes so immersed in something he's doing that his brain suddenly shuts off, hes able to act without thinking and his thoughts arent intrusive bc hes so wrapped up in what hes doing. thats why i think the bet was so perfect for him, bc it prompts him to do stuff, keep doing stuff, keep immersing himself in that joyous world of him and pat that takes him away from his constant thinking, bc the longer hes there, the less time he spends with his thoughts, and that makes them affect his actions less, makes him less logical and rational about what he's doing and allows him to live in the moment, do what he really wants. in that way, i dont think he has many silent, contemplative moments where i he just thinks about his love. instead, i think its more like how i described at the start, where he's just immersed in his happiness with pat and for a moment he lets himself realize that he's just so happy and in love and happy to be in love, and before his mind brings up any of those negative thoughts, pat's doing something cute or dumb again and pran's laughing at him and his back in their world, where all those other thoughts cant reach him.
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icyspikes · 2 years
Random bad buddy rant on a thursday while waiting for friday....
... and a random Shout Out to All Bad Buddy Fanatics
I cant see myself moving on from bad buddy. Its so nice this feeling of unhealthy obsession that I haven't felt about anything in a really long time. My whole week is just pran x pat. Fan fiction. Fan theories. Fan analysis. Re-watch. I am already dreading to see it end.
I think this week went by really fast, strangely... I thought it would be slow and torturous.. But i think i have to thank all the fans who post one shots and other interpretations and extentions of scenes, unseen imaginary scenes... AU...gifs..photos.... Random POV....The random expressions I think I really enjoyed the guitar pov, Wai's pov, the friend gangs povs..
Especially because I thought we were robbed of one year of flirting because of that time skip.. Honestly wanted a lot more of that. And also why why am I getting suprised at this point ...
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Ofcourse there had to be ad placements in the flirting scenes.. Its gmmtv. But Well I have to say this was one of the well done ones.. I feel that gmmtv holds a PhD on ad placements by now.. I cant really complain about them also to be honest.. I mean we get content because of the sponsors... And previously we got special after scenes because of these sponsors..
I feel that I will never be able to get over nanons expressions in this series.. Its just...I have no words to describe them at this point.
I love the fandom interactions.. It just makes me feel like a week's journey worth waiting and agonizing over.
Can't wait for tomorrow..
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
Alright alright alright. Bad Buddy, Ep 3, Part 4/4, in which Pat learns and grows as a person and makes it Engineering’s problem (lit. and fig.).
First, due diligence: This almost definitely contains spoilers for later eps, so if you haven’t finished watching the series and want to see it unspoiled, drive through and come back when you’re finished watching.
OPEN ON: The Engineering secondary backup hobbits gaming on their phones out at the picnic tables. Korn does NOT appear to be very good at it, especially when Pat shows up and knocks him in the head with his messenger bag, which I don’t know if we’ve seen before this. Maybe he only carries it around when he needs to hit Korn in the head. Korn dies in the game, and he’s irritated now, and Pat was already irritated, and Korn wants to know wth that was about, and Pat basically tells him that he’s lucky he’s not getting worse. So, all the hobbits are baffled at this point, and Chang asks why Pat is bullying them, and I roll my eyes at this fk’n guy so hard that I catch a glimpse of grey matter, because y’all ought to know from bullying, right? Very sad that the sword you live by has come back to smack you upside the head. Now, tbf, I’m actually kind of torn about this scene, because Pat then goes on to look and sound incredulous, asking them “Do you need to ask?” like these guys should somehow know that suddenly all the rules have changed. Pat, not everyone has been on an inner journey of self-discovery while watching Pran being adorable eating his wontons, OK? This scene is set at the same place where these guys first came up with their plot to film themselves kicking the shit out of Wai and getting video of it while Pat also vowed to break Architecture’s fingers – which now that I think about it is a particularly douchebro threat to make about people who need to do drafting work with their hands, whether drawing on paper or using computer graphics – and a little bit, I have to wonder if the setting is deliberate, a sign that they’re all still back there in that mindset. But now, Pat asks why they posted the video, which come on, man, is a little bit unfair, since you were the one who insisted you would need your manly pride salved by posting the video. You’ve changed the rules on them, so I can kind of get their confusion, but on the other hand, they do still continue to be terrible: Korn’s response is “So?” and his response to learning that Architecture is footing the bill for repairs is “So?” and they all want to know why Pat cares anyway, I mean, he’s Engineering, right, so why is he acting weird? At this point, you can see on Ohm’s face that Pat is having a little “oh” moment, realizing that he is what’s changed, not the world around him. (Hold that thought for a lot of episodes.)
Quick cut to Pat in his dorm room, probably that evening, coming in the door, wandering around, unable to settle. He finally goes to the closet, where he pulls out …. Pran’s guitar. We flashback to the scene in the music store from earlier in the ep, just in case we’ve forgotten, to emphasize that when Pat asked Pran about his guitar, that was a fishing expedition, because Pat knew better than Pran what happened to the guitar. Back in present day, Pat’s smiling at the guitar, possibly contemplating what he’s gonna do with Pran’s baby, which he’s sort of kidnapped at this point.
Cut to the cafeteria, probably the next day, where Pran and the Architecture secondary backup hobbits are sitting around, talking about how much money they still need. It’s 10K, according to Pran – presumably baht, which converts to right around $300 USD, and guys. Guys, seriously. I have $300. Hit me up and I’ll get it to you. Anyway, this is apparently money that’s needed for labor, so I guess they have materials covered. Wai wants to know if they can borrow the money from the Student Union, and this is another place that I don’t know if this is deliberate or sloppy writing, because you should know that, Wai. Pran sent you to talk to the Student Union people at the beginning of the ep – what, did you get sidetracked by … well, Korn is the most likely thing for you to get sidetracked by, because we’ve already established a pattern of you two being weird about each other. At any rate, Wai says he – he, not they - could pay the SU back in installments. Pran says that no, SU needs their funds for the senior’s prom. Louis wants to know if they can ask their friends for help, and my dude, do you have any friends who aren’t sitting at this table? Wai apparently feels the same way, because he remarks somewhat bitterly that nobody cares, and anyway, they need money to pay the engineers on the project – unspoken is the follow-through that none of their friends are engineers, because none of Engineering are their friends, although Pran’s face is doing some interesting things, here. I’m beginning to have some déjà vu – this is a little reminiscent of the “Where are we going to get $500” conversation in Dirty Dancing, and for a hot minute I imagine Baby Pran trying the same thing, going to Dissaya to say he needs $300 to help a friend, but he can’t say for what, but it’s nothing bad, he promises, and then I realize that if this situation was reversed and Engineering was on the hook, Pat would probably be able to go to Ming and walk away with this money, because Ming would be so proud that Pat and his friends were involved in some ass-kicking, based on the dinner conversation they had about the first fight, in Ep 1. UGH. ANYWAY, all the hobbits are despondent, and Pran suggests they go back out to the thrashed bus stop and see if there’s anything else left in the heap of old materials that they could sell.
Cut to the bus stop, where there is nothing left to sell – certainly nothing that’s going to get them 10K baht. We do get the chance to see a pair of red/yellow trashcans make a brief appearance, though, which may be a little Easter egg or may be a sign of a limited production budget. Wai asks how long it’s going to take the four of them to build the new bus stop, and Pran nixes the idea, saying they need to hire people. From off-camera we hear the sound of footsteps and a voice: “Are you talking about us?’ We get a slo-mo shot of Pat, Korn, Chang, Mo, and a couple of tertiary backup hobbits they picked up somewhere, coming in like some cavalry to save the day. This is a hero shot, and I think it’s supposed to be ironic? Flashback to a continuation of the previous scene at the picnic tables, when everyone else wanted to know why Pat cared and why they should care, because they are legitimately The Worst: Korn is completely baffled by Pat’s suggestion that they help Architecture rebuild. Chang asks if Pat’s really an Engineering student and wants to know why they should have any sympathy for Architecture (because it proves you’re not a complete sociopathic asshole, you jerk. I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.). And Pat does something that’s kind of interesting, here – he goes into teaching mode. He lays out the situation and then leads them to the answer that he wants them to have, but he lets them come up with it for themselves so that they’ll have more buy-in: He reminds them that the previous bus stop was (supposedly, according to the lie Pran pulled out of his ass) built by both faculties, so it was common territory, but if ONLY Architecture rebuilds, then … Korn still looks baffled at this point. Oh, honey. I guess stupid babies DO need the most love. Mo, however, sits up and exclaims that this will make it completely Arch territory. Cue dramatic music. Chang breaks in that their rights and freedumb to use the bus stop may suffer. Yes, that’s right, you’re going to be oppressed by Architecture and not allowed to catch the bus. Sure, Jan. At any rate, Pat applauds them for coming to the correct conclusion and says he has an idea of how to prevent losing stake in this territory. Cut back to present day, and Pat plants a sign in the ground, naming the area the Pavilion of “Peace” built by Engineering-Architecture students, and lol. I see your scare quotes there. I’m not sure if this is deliberately incorrect, whether this is a Doylist meta-level screw-up or something that’s supposed to be incorrect within the world of the show. At any rate, it’s probably a sign that we’re not going to be seeing actual peace quite yet. Pran’s WTF face on being presented by this group and their sign is delightful. This asshole will not stop interfering with his life or joking around about this. Pat, however, explains that if Engineering helps build the bus stop, they’ll have enough workers AND someone to supervise the project without having to hire engineers – and he’s talked to their instructors about it. Pat throws a little look Korn’s way at this point and Korn nods in support (I also want to make a little note here that Korn is NOT in an engineering jacket, but in one of his windbreakers, which interestingly enough is engineering blue on top and architecture red on the bottom).
Pat is grinning, at this point – he’s proud of himself for this, and frankly he ought to be, but he’s also, I think, happy to have found a way to help Pran out. OK, FINE. You can stay, Pat. You’re still on probation, though. He holds out his hand for Pran to shake, Pran takes a step toward him … and Wai, in contrast to Korn, is NOT down with this. Let’s be fair, here: Not only has Korn had some time to process and come to terms with this new arrangement, rather than just having it sprung on him (and remember his response when Pat DID spring it on him), he’s also not the one who’s been consistently attacked, assaulted, and harassed. If I was Wai, I wouldn’t want them involved, either, and I definitely wouldn’t trust them. Given their track record, I’d have absolutely no guarantee that they wouldn’t end up stealing the materials, selling them off for beer money, and leaving me and my friends completely and totally fucked. They’ve consistently demonstrated that they’re The Worst, and this worst-case scenario would be consistent with their standard M.O. I know I keep coming back to this, but it’s a huge topic in the fandom, that Wai needs to apologize for What He Does. I want to point out that despite his treatment up until now, nobody has apologized to him. Nobody will ever apologize to him for that treatment. Even now, this ceasefire is being presented as a favor to him, which he has to accept because he’s up against the wall – Safe points out that they don’t have any other choice. Later in this ep, Pat will ask Pran if this makes everything even. He sure as shit won’t ask Wai, despite the fact that Wai is the one who’s suffered far and away the most physical and emotional violence from Pat, Korn, and the rest of Engineering. What Pat is really worried about is if this makes things between him and Pran OK, and Pran says yes like that’s all that’s necessary. It’s maybe Pran’s first betrayal of Wai, who get zero closure here, with anyone. I think it’s a big part of the reason why Wai spends the next five and a half episodes walking around like an open wound, and a ton of reaction to the character is inexplicably going to be that he’s just awful and unpleasant and needs to die in a fire. :hands: ANYWAY. We’ll get back to the issue of apologies again, I’m sure, but for now, Pat and Pran shake hands. Pat’s still smiling. Pran is almost smiling back.
Cut to that night, back at the dorm. We see Pran come out of his room and dither around in the hallway in front of Pat’s door, turning every now and then to go back into his room, a positioning of him in relation to the camera that makes it Super Obvious that he’s still wearing The Watch. He finally goes to knock on Pat’s door, but before he can, Pat pulls it open and is right up in his face, grinning and remarking that Pran’s been lurking outside his door, which leads me to the question: How long have you been standing there looking out your peephole like a creepster in order to know that, Pat? Also, UGH, your posture is awful, Pran, I constantly want to poke you between the shoulder blades and make you stand up straighter, I can’t believe Dissaya allows you to get away with that. Anyway, Pran’s super obviously trying to be casual and is absolutely failing at it. Pat is grinning in a way that might be obnoxiously smug if not for Ohm’s ridiculous charisma. These two are absolutely ridiculous, and I love them, your honor. Pran says thanks for the bus stop agreement; Pat admits that it’s Engineering’s fault, too, and asks if they can call it even now. So, having already said some things about my reaction to that, I do also want to point out that this framing means that Pat continues to use the language of competition. He wants to know if they’ve evened the score. At any rate, Pran nods. Pat nods. Pat’s like, OK then, and turns to go back in his room. Pran’s all, hey, um, have you eaten? And Pat inexplicably says yes. WHAT? Why are you passing up the chance to spend time with Pran when HE made the offer, Pat? Even if you have eaten, how hard would it be to lie? And I’ve seen you eat, I know you can manage more food if you have to sell the lie. Why are you trying to so hard to disabuse me of the notion that Korn’s the dumbass? Pran is all, well OK. Bye, then. Pat stops him and goes back in his room, to re-emerge with Pran’s guitar, FINALLY. (I have to wonder if he kept it until now, when Pran isn’t mad at him, because he didn’t want to use the guitar as a way to get back into Pran’s good graces, he wanted it to be meaningful on its own.) Pran is all, “MY BABY!” Pat explains that the high-school music-club room got cleaned out and he tried to sell the guitar on E-Bay, but nobody wanted it, so he kept it sitting around cluttering up his closet. He does not at all mention what we’ll find out later actually happened - which is that he ran after Pran to try to give the guitar to him, but that he wasn’t fast enough - because he’s not yet ready to be exposed as the gigantic sap that he actually is. Pran says thanks again, and they both sit down in the No Man’s Land of the hallway, and Pran noodles on the guitar a little bit. They’re still grinning at each other, because when they share music like this, it means they’re In Harmony, a metaphor that the show repeatedly draws out, from the discordant musical face-off they have in the music room in Ep 1, when they’re waiting to get entry forms for the music competition and are trying desperately to telepathically project how much they hate each other; through all of the confrontation involved in Pran using “Just Friend” when they’re competing against each other before Pat finally gets there and kisses Pran on the roof; to Ep 12, when we’re supposed to believe they’re estranged but the fact that they play music together at the school reunion is a clue that all is not as it seems, and they’re actually still together. Pran mentions that it’s a shame they can’t compete in the music competition since the bus stop got trashed in the fight, and Pat is all, you haven’t heard? We’re back in the competition.
Flashback to Pat in the instructor’s office, pleading for him to reconsider. He mentions that Architecture and Engineering are re-building the bus stop together and says that participating in the same activity might help better relations, which NO, PAT. I mean, yes, a collaborative activity like re-building the bus stop might indeed do that, but a competitive activity is only going to lead to more conflict. You have got to learn to speak an intimate language other than competition. On a micro-level, you’re going to discover that you and Pran function better as a team than competing, and you need to learn this on a macro-level, in the way you and your friends deal with everyone else. We get to see exactly why you are this way, though, because the next thing you say to the instructor is to talk about how much your dad is pressuring you to “bring him the trophy” (emphasis mine). Instructor is all, fine, fine, but if anything happens again, everything is off, no, really, I mean it this time, no, really. Cut back to Pat and Pran, with Pat continuing to act as if he has no clue how this has all happened. He tells Pran to practice hard, so there’s no excuse if he loses to Engineering. Pran leans forward, playfully confrontational, and remarks that Pat seems so happy to compete with him. Pat leans forward and remarks that Pran does too, and also has he mentioned, he just like to see Pran’s face … And speaking of Pran’s FACE, when he hears this, Nanon pulls out all the microexpression stops, and there’s this entire face journey going on, including this hope that’s just painful to look at, and I swear he’s looking at Pat’s mouth, he looks like this is the moment he’s lived for his entire life ... and then Pat finishes his sentence, “when you LOSE,” and cackles as he chucks Pran under the chin and ruffles his hair, and istg, it’s like the light momentarily goes out of Pran’s eyes. Pat, you need to get there faster before I put a shiv in you. He gets up and goes back in his room, but Pran keeps sitting there for a minute, coming to terms with this ridiculous repressed asshole he’s in love with. He looks at The Watch, and then up at Pat’s door, and he’s kind of rueful, because apparently this is his life now, but when he does get up and goes into his own room – with his newly returned guitar – we see the door re-open a moment later, and he sticks out his hand to flip his frowny face door sign upside down to make it a smiley face. And scene.
NEXT TIME: Tension between Architecture and Engineering, Pran sends everyone to their separate corners, and Pat’s very into Gay Chicken.
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