#this was already a discussion on the discord
venomous-qwille · 13 hours
I've mentioned this in Misutamojis before, but just realised there was nothing about it here so:
Please don't create public lore docs or wikis for GITM.
I totally understand that the story is already sprawling and there are a lot of characters to keep track of, but here is my reasoning behind this request:
GITM is still in its very early stages, there is so little that you concretely know about any of the characters/story that it is likely that any character bios people write will be fundamentally incorrect. Same goes for lore about the worldbuilding and the Sight. It's much easier to spread misinfo than fact, and certain stuff in fic is kept deliberately misleading/vague for fun story purposes.
GITM is not a TV show and I am not a showrunner. I am just another DCA fan on the internet who wants to chat about their OCs, I should be allowed to do that without having my every word indexed. To be clear, as I have said many many many many times in the past: people quoting what I say in discord, analysing my casual art/magmas/drabbles, or screencapping casual convos and jokes to pull them apart to dissect details from it makes me really really uncomfortable. If people started screencapping what I say to stick it on a doc for proof of XYZ thing about a character you guys haven't even met yet... I would probably stop interacting on this server point blank. Please imagine how you would feel if people were screenshotting your desktop background to read your filenames so they could theorycraft. That has happened in this server. More than once. Please stop. Your FOMO is not more important than my boundaries.
The intended reading experience for GITM is... reading GITM. Yes sometimes I share my personal headcanons and tidbits for characters, but I promise that all of this stuff will be discovered in fic. I don't want people to learn about Fool's favourite songs from a google doc. I want you to learn about it from GITM. That is why I am writing GITM: to tell you about these characters.
I would like the opportunity to make a GITM wiki myself at some point in the future.
I understand this might be frustrating, I know the lore is overwhelming as it stands. As always, if you have questions about the characters, you are welcome to ask in one of the discussion channels- I don't mind people @ ing me for that- I love talking about GITM! I am always happy to answer new FAQs at length.
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carlyraejepsans · 3 days
Fuck it, I’m extremely curious bc I’m getting back into a ravenous Undertale kick and I’m desperate for more. Where do you find people to talk to about it? I’ve tried a couple Discord groups (mainly the one from the undertale subreddit) and it definitely seems like most of the people there are….kids? I just wish I could find others interested in undertale discourse like this
couldn't begin to tell you, sister. I don't really go out of my way to find fan communities, most of the people i met and became friends with came along because they followed me for art (or i followed them for the same reason) and we got chatting. i also tried the discord approach a couple of times and noped out/muted almost immediately. I'm just. not built for wide fandom spaces lol.
i will give you one rec though! andrew cunningham's server. you might know the guy from uhhh 80% of all the good UTDR video essays on youtube to this day (seriously, check him out if you haven't already. the guy's got some good analysis).
it's basically the only "public" fandom server I'm active in, due to the fact that they allow forums. i don't interact with the main channels (WAY too chaotic, way too many people), but i like the option to have smaller circles of people to talk to. like a gaggle of introverts meeting in the corner at a party lol.
I can't speak for the entire server, but the folks who joined my forum are quite canon/analysis oriented, as well as really fun to talk to! even andrew pops his head in from time to time to say his piece on whatever discussion we're having. it rules. also, it's a hater friendly zone over there. as long as you don't stoop to personal attacks/insinuations/insults, media criticism and negative opinions on stuff are pretty standard, if you're capable of defending your argument. just be ready for people to also disagree with you and push right back. many a friendly word spar I've had over there, it's super fun
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johnslittlespoon · 15 hours
lowkey been thinking about making a discord server for mota writers (or readers who wanna contribute ideas/just have fun reading brainrot), ik there are existing mota servers but i feel like having one geared towards queer fic/writing specifically would be nice to have, since there are a lot for rp/x reader/general fandom already? open for more info if you're curious! vv
i'd love to have a personal space for everyone in there, like maybe having a specific channel for each writer (if they want it) so if anyone's keen on seeking out fic updates or reading ab wips and stuff from certain authors, it's easy to navigate. but then general channels too for brainrot, writing help, drabbles, collab seeking, requests/prompt fills, chatting, music recs, etc!
+ tag lists to choose from, like selecting whether you're a writer or reader or both, selecting what pairings you write for, basic things like age/pronouns, whether you want nsfw channels to be visible to you or not, all that sorta stuff. maybe fun monthly events too, like themed writing challenges, fic swaps, that kinda vibe? but also very casual and easygoing bc ik some servers can get overwhelming <3
i wouldn't post the link publicly, not to be exclusive tbc!! but bc i'd like to sus people out first to make sure there are no minors (personal preference since i'm sure there would be ample nsfw discussion for smut writing and headcanons lmaoo) or weirdos/trolls.
anyway! just been thinking ab this for a hot minute now, but with the summer approaching and probs a bit of a mota drought what with lots of the cast busy with other projects/promo, it feels like this might be a fun time to do smth like this. would love to know if there's any interest so ik whether it's worth putting the time into! and very open to brainstorming/suggestions/etc just lmk <3
– if this ends up being smth enough of us vibe with, i'll make another post once the server is made, but feel free to reply to this post or shoot me a message anyway if it's smth you'd like to be added to just so i can gauge interest. :)
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Consider Kaz with long hair. Discuss.
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totallyaces · 1 month
do all ghosts have ghost jobs to earn ghosts money to pay ghost landlords?
honestly, I have sooooo many questions about how the ghost/supernatural society works in dbd. Like do they have an economy????
because no one is shocked at the boys asking to be paid however most of the other ghosts arent exactly shown doing jobs? From them mentioning the powers of the little girl ghost in ep1 and the fact they seem pretty happy with the magic 8 ball as payment might mean that they normally are happy for like weird trades and only take actual money because Crystal needs it for rent?
But.... if thats the case then what's up with their London office? are they renting it? if so how - from a ghost landlord??? because it still has electricity and no living people live there? also, do the other ghosts just kind of vibe around where they died and Charles and Edwin are weird for having their own place? or is there a housing shortage caused by ghosts that most of the living don't know about??
will it be impossible for me to ever buy a house and should I blame it on ghosts??????
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dormont · 5 months
palworld being praised for being pokemon but edgy is so funny. as if that isn't the most boring and overdone thing within the pokemon fangame community. in what world is this a revolutionary concept. just go play pokemon reborn or something it's about the same quality (bad) but it's actually free
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SPEAKING OF WHICH are there like any chill wizard101 discord servers or group chats that I could join. Or if anyone just wanna add me on discord shoot me a tumblr DM because I'm lonely and I like you guys :)
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disdaidal · 7 days
I'm already starting to regret that I joined yet another Discord server.
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autobotmedic · 10 days
[ I should probably clarify that most references to earth pronouns/romantic terms/sexuality are just a loose parallel for simplicity sake or intended for humorous purposes, depending on the situation
ratch himself does not care what you assume about him (although he will claim a.sexual if harassed about it because he grasps it's the Lack Of S.exual Attraction one), what pronouns or 'gendered' terms you call him, nor plans to thoroughly research humanity's complex topics about this unless it becomes medically relevant to a human he grows close to, because he isn't human
he will also call you whatever you want especially if his initial assumption is Corrected and then won't think about it again without a reason
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catmaidetho · 24 days
personally, i really love the mail system this season for the immersion of it. sure, you could send your fellow hermit a discord message, but where's the fun in that? how about sending them a LETTER. it also provides a sort of like, business email/personal email split, where the mail system can be used for in-game requests/conversations and other channels can be used for out-of-game conversations. its delightful and the best thing theyve done i think
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is anyone else interested in joining my server? not quite ready to invite people yet but should be soon. just gauging interest right now. “like” or reply to this post and when i’m ready i’ll send you an invite.
server will probably be dual purpose. 
there will be (1) a semi-public side oriented toward general discussion (topics like politics, books, history, philosophy, religion, media, science, tech, etc) and community building (nothing is set in stone yet but i am imagining activities like book club, movie watching, playing games, contests and giveaways, etc). and there will be (2) a private side dedicated to more focused discussions and internal cult matters.
the server won’t be a “safe space” -- i’m fine with a bit of edge (within ToS. not trying to get terminated.) -- but i do want this server (at least the semi-public side) to be /relatively/ welcoming and civil. so if you’re egregiously toxic or vulgar or prone to shitflinging or sperging out you won’t be welcome here. neither will you be welcome if you’re overly sensitive.
otherwise, as long as you follow the rules, you will be fine. though i always reserve the right to executively veto your presence for any reason.
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xenonmoon · 1 year
A Very Important Thing happening in the 2006 run, as I recorded it on my liveblogging notes.
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Me: oh hey he's gone to meet his old bestie Frenchie who apparently how owns a restaurant with a partner
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Aw that's cute, Frenchie taking care of his bestiest bestie
Yeah but sure they meant business partner but let me play on its ambiguity.
let me believe.
[context: "Frenchie is gay and he's secretly in love with Marc, who is completely clueless" has been my most beloved headcanon since the first issues of the original run. And I've been going through all the MK comics almost blind]
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It's not me being devia- ahem suffering from professional bias for being into fandom stuff
if he also had a crush on Marc I'm screaming
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well of course Marc's clueless
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aoiraincoat · 1 year
A Yoshiki kin feature: being constantly told "oh look, those moles/freckles are just like your father's, you're literally like his reflection- ugh, this alcoholic bastard" and getting traumatized into self-loathing as a result
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sweetcobaltblue · 1 year
A blog drop? as i work on everything on that blog next few days you see nothing--
Yugioh Focused: Original Characters.
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my old person trait is that any time I see a livestream / seminar where the only places to join or watch are on twitch or discord I’m like. ok well I Simply am not going to do that
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mantabanter · 1 year
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I’ve decided to do the colour wheel challenge! Which red-themed characters should I start with? :D
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