onenicebugperday · 4 months
Do you have any advice on controlling sugar ants without pesticides? I've removed all reachable food from my room, made sure to keep my desk clean, change trash bag whenever I throw food trash in there... But despite having nothing left to eat in my room, the ants keep coming back!
We've used the borax terro before for a severe infestation, but I'm hesitant to use it again because I don't know if it's ethical/bad for the local ecosystem (east TN, near the smokies). Do you have any advice?
I'm afraid I don't have any advice as I've never had to deal with ants! But I know in the past when people have asked this, some of my followers have had some advice to offer, so hopefully someone can give you some ideas for things that have worked!
I would not recommend using the borax terro baits for a number of reasons, though.
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spoopy-but-safe · 2 years
I think I've solidly made the decision that my Untitled Bat Dream AU story will be almost 100% visual, as a comic, with a few text-only segments. I want to do a full text-only version as well, for greater clarity and so people who need a screen reader can enjoy the whole story as well.
So, guess what that means?
When I get around to it, you all get to see me draw noms scenes and internals! I guess I need to practice now, then.
Obviously, I'll share my finished practice drawings if there's interest! Non-noms drawings will be up on my main blog (@ttngummybear), ones of noms and friendly monsters will go here, and any horror ones will go to my horror blog (@ttngummyshark).
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ej-artyarts · 3 years
Slowpoke for @ttngummybear
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I love these dudes UGH 💕
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todaysbat · 2 years
@ttngummybear said: "My dad is one of those people who claims zoonosis is not real, while also telling me I’m stupid for wanting a pet rat or snake because they’d “give me a disease”."
I'm guessing he's one of those people who don't believe in covid either, huh?
You have my sympathies, I know how difficult it can be.
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ttngummybear · 4 years
Started drawing a new profile pic. I'm unreasonably tired now.
Why? I like to draw! I enjoy it! Why does it tire me out so bad?
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revretch · 4 years
ttngummybear replied to your photo: trashzy: Leptopoma sp.
Wait, is this a snail eith eyes that aren’t on stalks?
Yep, that’s the case with both some land snails and some aquatic snails!
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sharped0 · 5 years
ttngummybear replied to your post: tilthat: TIL that humans do to horseshoe crabs...
Don’t they kill the crabs? Someone told me they release them, then showed me an image of the crabs literally chopped in half with blood being siphoned out.
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they arent chopped in half, they’re kinda bent in half, like a book. This is slightly uncomfortable but harmless. You can see their tails pointing forwards.
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realparanormal · 5 years
ttngummybear replied to your photo
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endcrman · 5 years
ttngummybear replied to your post “I don't know of any hello kitty mods, but there is an addon for...”
Oh, addons are super easy to use on Pocket edition, if you have that.
ah! unfortunate
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postsforposting · 3 years
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Text reads: 
Maybe I am stupid, but I'm also dumb.Tentatively active. I will not respond to hate messages. MAJOR WARNING! There is 100% clean, safe (non-fatal) vore and G/t on this blog. Neither of these are a kink for me. Really, for real, I genuinely just find it cute and/or interesting. Although I still like the concept, I no longer consider myself part of the vore community for multiple reasons. I tag properly now, but my old posts are mostly untagged, so watch out if you decide to look way back through my blog. Don't ask to rp. She/they, 22. Demi-pan, and happily taken. Pro-MOGAI and anti-exclusionist. Pedos can and should choke.
*tee hee* “hate messages are just the worst, hyuk hyuk hyuk! i love abusing people! i’m a porn blog and i love to shove that into other people’s faces without any shame or acknowledgement of how that’s absolutely the same as flashing, kink in public, and sexual violence! it’s super cute! as long as i have the right labels, anything i do is totes coolio and nothing i do is ever wrong! nooooo, my desire to sexually violate and harass everyone else is basic justice! anyone with an opinion different from mine deserves to suffer in all the ways i claim are morally repugnant! i get to be a cunt but nobody else does, that would be oppression!”
calling yourself stupid and acting like this is an insult to disabled people, you bigoted fuck. it’s not your intelligence that’s the problem here, it’s your medieval value system, what little of it exists.
queer women are the least self aware pigs in the world when it comes to their own behavior. the straights at least justify themselves and know full well what they’re doing, but anyone who’s learned the words “minority” and “oppression”? good god. they’ll tell you how “yt christian women” cry to sell a lie, then turn around and invoke the very same “i’m a fragile innocent pure little baby” rhetoric to justify the same bullshit they just called unconscionable for “yt” and “str8s” and whoever else that isn’t them to do. people really think that, just like the kings of old had the proper titles, if they too claim the right labels then that confers divine right and manifest destiny, and that means they’re inherently above everyone else, answerable to no one but their own selfishness.
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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@ttngummybear​ submitted: Bgu :)
Oooooooooooooobh bgu....effervescent
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kyra45 · 3 years
@ttngummybear , I’m going to explain to you what me and dragon cat have been dealing with for nearly a month now.
(This is the ‘mod blog’ of SFS, a hardly used blog where I yell into the void and nearly anyone over here are long gone. Mainly to keep main free of clutter)
Essentially, I posted a normal selfie of my face. Nothing sexual, nothing lewd, it was literally half my face with the main focus to be my purple hair. After blocking some sugar babe seeking bots, an anon asked me for nudes. I declined, telling them I’m not selling my body. Anon took offense and told me it was ‘hard to find good nudes, it’s like art’. I made it clear my thoughts regarding such things was not like their own. You’d think they bugger off, right?
Anon now thinks I’m their soul mate, that I want to go to England with them, and even asked lewd questions and suggested sexual acts. They use a VPN to avoid any and every block I inflict, and apparently is 27 years old. They think their being ‘flattering’ and that I’m going to marry them.
But oh no, they won’t reveal themselves because I’ll ~Fall in love at first sight~ because that’s a thing in the twisted mind now. I’m fairly certain it’s just a troll, I have no interest in their love and I find them quite pathetic. They even bugged a complete stranger who didn’t even know who I was! Honestly, their life must be so boring if their still harassing me and at this point I’m just blocking every ask they send my way. I’m sure they’ll go bug you now just because I spoke of you.
x8 blocks and counting against them 😉
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ttngummybear · 5 years
So. So so so.
I'm rewriting an old story of mine that involves a werewolf.
I did some research on old werewolf legends when I was writing the first time, and one of the things I found was info on how the curse was lifted. Apparently, it was believed that a werewolf had to consume blood to lift the curse.
Being who I am, I threw that concept in the garbage and decided to make up some shit about my werewolf accepting his curse and stuff, giving him control of his power.
I got a new idea to add onto that concept.
Becoming a werewolf in my written universe takes so much energy that you become impossibly, ravenously hungry. Because of how fast this energy burns, the werewolf doesn't gain any weight (and may even lose some). If you don't somehow find out externally that you're a werewolf, you won't know that you're going apeshit and eating every piece of food in one of your neighbors' houses every night.
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revretch · 5 years
ttngummybear replied to your post “What if you were allowed to inhabit the world of your favorite media...”
What if my favorite media right now is my own writing, where I'm the main character?
Then you are no longer you
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spiderspawnegg · 5 years
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@ttngummybear / he doesn't have a name yet! tho i am open to suggestions :]
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
@ttngummybear​ submitted: The best pictures I could manage to take of the whopping EIGHT (8) cellar spiders living around our disused emergency exit at work.
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That’s so many pals!!! Please tell them all that I love them :)
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