#underverse hcs
howlsofbloodhounds · 8 days
I like to HC that when Killer is in Stage 4, when Determination is at its highest peak, his zero concept of self and autonomy just makes it extremely Determined to be obedient and loyal to Chara— which means Chara can order it to do something that most wouldn’t be able to—other than come back after death and mess around with time itself of course—and ST4 would be so Determined to obey it’d find a way to do it.
Like, suppressing and altering his own memories is just something Killer is able to do in Stage 4 when it’s ordered to.
Like Killer encounters something that brings up happy memories of being Sans and it trigger him into Stage 1, and all Chara has to do is say/do something to trigger him into stage four, then tell him to suppress/forget that ever happened, and then tell him to forget that interaction between them entirely. Can tell him to go lay down and sleep somewhere, forget it all ever happened, and all Chara has to say is that it was a dream if ever confronted.
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bootpoot · 1 month
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this is almost a year old but i drew this for a contest!!! underverse has my heart
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lonelylizard431 · 1 month
so, I've been thinking. Ink has his vials and everything that are named and let him feel emotions he can't naturally feel bc he is soulless. BUT. Let's remember how souls worked originally in the Undertale game. They're divided into 7 (or possibly more) categories:
Determination, patience, justice, integrity, bravery, perseverance and kindness.
And they're all divided into different colors. And it just so happens that inks vials that let him feel emotions are also colored in different colors. So, you can see what I'm leading up to. Inks vials are actually soul traits and not emotions !!
'oh, but ink has the pink vial!! What about that one?? That one doesn't have a soul trait !!' well, we may have not even seen all the types of souls in the Undertale universe. Maybe they're all different in humans. It's up to ur interpretation. It can be motivation, curiosity, composure, whatever!
Now, why would this make sense? Well, first of all ink is a soulless being so if there is no base for him to feel his emotions, (which is love and hope in the case of monsters), so he has to create this base that actually allows him to start feeling. And, this means that ink can actually form complex emotions and feelings based on these traits! He has control, but not entirely. For example, if he drinks determination (red) during a debate or conversation, that dt will form into whatever his intention is. On the contrary, if he drinks red during a fight, he'll be more prone to be determined to win the fight, for example. This is much more complex and interesting than just 'red is rage and anger (which is what most people think it is) so when he drinks it he will feel angry and attack and scream at everyone in sight'. I'm not saying it's incorrect or a bad hc, I just think that making them soul traits instead of emotions would open up a whole base for ink to be expanded on and actually form a personality in a way that makes sense. His actions will be guided by what vial he has drank but in a deeper way than just on a superficial emotional level.
So yeah, short rant about this little hc!! What do you guys think, does this make sense? Also, Here's a lil snippet I made when I hyperfixated on a sketch and forgot to get up for the entire day, and my mom was asking herself if she should get me out from my trance or not :P (but it's the star sanses instead of me)
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inkz123 · 2 years
Afterparty relaxing at the studio💕
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He took off his red contact lens, but left the scar mark on👌
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inkiest-silly · 7 months
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Epic hc design
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fluermoop · 4 months
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Ink with a mustache is my biggest headcannon
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asoullessentity · 1 year
haiii hello!! I rlly rlly love ur hcs sm and i just got into underverse lately especially with the new episode that came out me thinks, and and i wanted to ask if you could do error fluff hcs possibly?? yipeee
Fluff headcanons ! , ERROR SANS
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He has no dating experience either…
You both would have matching dolls. A doll of you and a doll of him.
He most def glitches out when he's flustered.
Yk those couples that would wrap their scarves around each other? Yea, that's you and him when it gets chilly/cold
He's surprisingly a good cooker.
He loves cuddling with you under a large blanket as you two watch movies/shows.
He's def the type to slow dance with you and then call It corny afterwards LMAO. (He doesn't mean it.)
He cannot hide his jealousy for the life of him mannn.
Yk it's bad when Ink knows Error's jealous.
He'll flirt and touch you just to make the glitchy skeleton mad.
Don't worry you guys cuddle and make out after Ink leaves ♡
He loves your chubbiness. He cuddles his face into your belly when he's upset.
He's like a cat? Or maybe a puppy.
Mans will not leave u alone…
Follows you everywhere.
He loves laying his whole body on you.
I think he would love cats. He doesn't really like loud and hyper things so, plus cats are chill and quiet and they don't like loud noises either.
If u guys get a cat together you'll probably name it ERROR Jr.
Error acts like he hates the name but he finds it really cute.
Surprise kisses ♡
You love seeing him glitch when you suddenly kiss him out of nowhere.
He loves picnic dates.
Probably libraries too lol.
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You just love him smmm !!!
copyright. ©𝑨 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑬𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 2023 ; 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅.
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toffeesbabbles · 9 days
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i also have this absurd hc that underverse swap and fell just have some way to watch underverse go on without them.
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ch0c00n · 11 months
I hc that Basil fucking LOVES Underverse
(If you haven't seen Underverse I recommend it it's good)
OH i've heard about it but i'm not that interested in aus(unless i make them giggles :3c)
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iamheretemporarly · 10 months
Question, what made you want to create Spider-man: Into the Spider-Swap? Was there a reason? Or was it more of a "why not?" By the way, if it's not a bother, could you share some headcanons you have about this au? Whether it's about the characters themselves, their relationships with others, their reactions to certain events, etc. PS: I love the au you created and how you created it (I already have it living for free in my head), I would like to see how you can continue expanding it and hopefully you continue enjoying talking and telling about it.
Ok so, I had an undertale phase back in the day, and I was obsessed with the underverse series, and my favourite undertale au was underswap
Fast forward few years later, spiderverse comes out, and I immediately see the potential of a swap au, I looked it up, no one has done it yet, so I took the leap of faith and made it, and tadaaaaa you get “Spiderman: into the spiderswap”
Everybody say thank you underswap!
As for some spiderswap hc (although they’re not headcanons given how I’m the creator of this au so that means they’re canon but shhhhh):
Gwen is a huge heroic age Spiderman fan
Peter is too
Gwen redesigned her Lyla to resemble Marlyn Monroe a bit
Gabriel is still in contact with Gwen in case she needed help in some tech stuff
Captain Stacy isn’t happy with his spot as the captain of the public eye, he knows how corrupt alchemax is but he stays for him and his daughter’s sake
Peter b Parker wasn’t so stoked about meeting gwen in person given his past with his own gwen, it took him a bit to collect himself then turn around to face her
Comic Miguel is monolingual
Miguel and noir have a frenemies relationship and actively mess with each other
Miguel actively breaks shit with hobie when he’s in the mood
Miles tried to appeal to Peter b and get his approval a lot, too bad Peter b is a closed off emotionally constipated guy
Peter b does infact enjoy spending time with Miguel’s son, he has babysat him in the past
Miguel’s son hasn’t developed full powers like his dad, he only shoots webs and has claws, venom and enhanced senses come later
Instead of bringing him an empanada, Gwen actually brought peter b a cheeseburger when she met him for the first time
Following the last fact, her best friend Peter’s favourite food was cheeseburgers, so she brought it in hopes that cheeseburgers being Peter’s fav was a multiversal thing
Thank you for the ask! I also love talking about this au a lot and I’m so happy with the asks I’ve been getting please keep em coming and never be shy to ask about anything!
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howlsofbloodhounds · 20 days
Was thinking about the things Chara and Killer could’ve done in the pursuit of the vague concept of “something new,”and started thinkin’ about Chara's exploration of various routes in the Underground, particularly during Genocide route.
How they could involve a wide array of horrific and manipulative experiments and scenarios designed to push the limits of what is possible within the game world and to indulge their curiosity, control, and sadistic tendencies.
Psychological Experiments would probably be a big one, after sucess they achieved in creating the obedient weapon in Killer. Things like;
Mind games. Chara could orchestrating scenarios designed to break the spirits of the residents of the Underground, such as pitting friends against each other, spreading false information, or creating elaborate betrayals.
Gaslighting: Chara and Killer could manipulate the environment and events to make specific characters question their sanity, creating an atmosphere of paranoia and distrust.
Memory Manipulation: Using their control over the timeline, Chara could repeatedly reset to subtly alter events, creating different memories and reactions from the residents, testing the limits of their psychological resilience.
And of course, the use of torture and control, using various methods such as;
Physical Torture. Implementing various forms of physical torture on characters, either to extract information, for punishment, or simply for sadistic pleasure.
Emotional Manipulation. Forcing characters into emotionally devastating situations, such as making them witness the death of loved ones repeatedly.
Forced Choices. Presenting characters with impossible moral choices, forcing them to choose between equally horrific outcomes to test their values and break their will.
Such as isolating someone for awhile, depriving them of food and water, then making them chose between killing a loved one for food and water (something likely also done to Killer, helped create an animal in the form of ST3), or keep starving until they dust.
They’d definitely use social manipulation to their advantage, and manipulate the use of social hierarchies. Establishing a brutal social hierarchy where characters must fight for resources, safety, or status, creating an environment of constant conflict and fear.
Orchestrating alliances between characters only to force betrayals later, shattering trust and creating an atmosphere of perpetual uncertainty.
Carrying out punishments publicly to instill fear and obedience, making examples out of dissenters to maintain control. Using Killer as the tool to do it, as a testament of what both of them are capable of.
Biological and Magical Experiments could be an interesting one, possibly even used to further discourage Killer from engaging in anything that’s too “Sans-like” for him to feel stable and safe in—no science for you little dude. Blackmailing or intimidating Alyphs into helping.
Considering what happened with Killer and Chara’s souls, monster fusion was possibly one of the first things they tried. Experimenting with fusing different monsters together to create abominations, testing the limits of their biological and magical capabilities.
Altering the magic abilities of characters, either enhancing them to dangerous levels or stripping them away entirely to observe the consequences.
Introducing new diseases, curses, or magical transformations to observe how they spread and affect the population.
Drastically altering the environments within the Underground, such as creating extreme weather conditions, altering the landscape, or introducing new hazards.
Creating time loops where characters are forced to relive the same events repeatedly, testing their responses and resilience to the repeated trauma.
Manipulating the timeline to create alternate realities with different rules, challenges, or ethical frameworks, observing how characters adapt.
Placing characters in survival scenarios where they must compete for limited resources, testing their morals and survival instincts. Like what probably often done with ST3.
Slowly corrupting characters' morals over multiple resets, turning heroes into villains or vice versa, to see how far they can be pushed from their original nature.
Giving characters opportunities for redemption only to cruelly snatch them away, testing their hope and willpower. This is likely something ST1 had been subjected to before.
Chara wants to drill in that the possibility of change or the hope of redemption is completely useless to have. They cannot change, but they can remain monsters with Chara forever. They’re the only ones who’ll have him, after all.
Manipulating characters into forming relationships (friendships, romances, rivalries) only to break them apart later, examining the emotional fallout.
Creating complicated love triangles or other relational dynamics, watching the jealousy, betrayal, and conflict that ensue.
Exploiting familial relationships, such as siblings or parent-child dynamics, to create tension and emotional distress.
By constantly resetting and manipulating these scenarios, Chara could explore the depths of their power and control over the Underground, pushing each character to their limits and beyond, all while satisfying their curiosity and sadistic desires.
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teacupwrites · 2 months
Rules for writing
I write x readers best, though some ships I will write
I can offer onshots or hcs or maybe even matchups (I'm inexperienced in that) and I will write for all characters to the best of my ability
I will write any form of writing or trope but nsfw/sexual content is not my type
Requests are Open!
Ride the Cyclone
Quietest Girl in Town
None yet
Dead By Daylight
None yet
None yet
None yet
Hollow Knight
None yet
None yet
A Hat in Time
None yet
Ghost B.C
None yet
None yet
None yet
Starstruck Sparks
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Vox, Valentino and Angel Dust with moth! S/o hcs
Angel Dust, Husk, and Alastor with Cannibal! S/o
The Vees with Android! S/o
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bluetimeletsgo · 1 year
Headcanon Time:
Cross Sans Edition!
OK SO this headcanon makes me so happy you're not allowed to judge it because if you do I'll cry. Ok anyways, I heavily headcanon Cross to be transmasc and I have decent reasons as to why and not just because I kin him. Also small most recent Underverse eps spoilers!
Anyways, lets get to it! So why do I headcanon this you may ask? Well it's all about how he presents himself. He's always wearing a lot of laters (if you disregard that newest ep) and even before he got his Royal Guard outfit he still wore a thick jacket (and I think a sweater under it). He had the option to only wear his sweater underneath all those layers yet he's never seen depicted in it in the void before the whole x event happened. As a transmasc myself, who wears layers when I'm dysphoric along with a lot of other trans people, this makes a lot of sense to hc him as the same!
That and along with just how he generally acts (idk how to explain it) it just... works in my brain and it makes me really happy. Maybe in that last episode, when he's just wearing what's left of his sweater, maybe he feels more comfortable with his body then based off how he acts! Or maybe he's just still filled with adrenaline from the battle and from xGaster taking control of his body.
By the way that battle was SO FUCKING COOL TO WATCH.
Thanks for coming to my chat.
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skysanses · 1 year
Important informations about the Comic
Ok I know nobody asked some of those questions, but i’m doing this just to not cause future confusion:
“Did Template meet Error!Sans on this universe?” - No, this happens before Unu’s comic about this event, he does not meet up with Error, and that’s why his design is still the old one
“Does this happens after Delusion imprisoned Illusion in stone?” - Nope, that’s also why his design is the same old one!
“I ship ___ x ___” or “___ and ___ are a cute couple!” [UPDATING THIS ANSWER] - So, I’m not sure from Unu’s side, but seems like AVJ is very okay with ships related to Illusion! As long as it’s not something “forced”, I guess it’s okay for yall to ship the characters! Me and my friend are also alright with ships! (even we have our own ships... 🤫)
“Is this AU related to Underverse?” - Nope, all of the stuff that we show in here aren’t related to it. (Of course, it can sometimes have some similarities, but it won't always be)
And to finish, here are some stuff that yall also need to know:
-  Most of the other characters that will appear are mine and @kona-tsuuu​ ‘s, any resemblance is just a coincidence.
- When I start the asks, it will all be my HC about the characters (especially when it’s questions to Template and Illusion), not anything will be totally correct and I know this, i’m just doing this for the fun actually
- And finally, anything that is done wrong by me or my friend, being misunderstood or meaningless information, Unu and AVJ have full right to ask us to change or stop.
anyway I think that’s it, have a good day!
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inkiest-silly · 7 months
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Ink HC design!
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poet-shimmer · 1 year
* rp rules.
undertale + alternate universes (only)
please be capable of proper grammar, punctuation, and multiple paragraphs (15+ lines). my ideal preferred length, for reference, is a message that reaches the sign limit of a discord message.
provide an rp example of yours so i can get an idea of your writing style. really, enjoying my partner's style matters more to me than the length. when i can really tell you're an eloquent, passionate writer.
be 18+. because of my own age, preference for a mature partner and dark themes. don't lie about that. please.
i have a bit of a 'funny' rule regarding ocs. i will only accept other canon characters (more about that below) *unless* you have an oc you'd like to pair up with swap!sans. even then, i won't accept just about any oc. thanks for understanding.
third person only.
be open to canon-divergence/headcanons. i very much enjoy hcs, and i tend to twist canon facts in favor of an interesting storyline.
*be active*. be capable of multiple answers a week at least.
communicate. i am very patient and forgiving with my partners, but if i constantly have to second guess if you're busy or bored with what's going on i might just cut ties for my own sake.
please, please, please don't let me carry the plot. someone who knows what they want in a plot and brings ideas would be so great.
tell me your triggers.
ooc chatter isn't a must per se, but it means a lot to me. it usually raises the fun and activity! dry ooc talk really affects my mood honestly.
playlists, moodboards and rambles/hcs based on the characters/plot? umm, yes please?? again, not a must, but *so* appreciated.
about the user:
call me rose!
above 18
CET timezone
10+ years of experience
can mirror replies with little effort
needs a plot
highly prefers discord as a platform
discomforts/pet peeves:
venting without permission
people who easily lose interest
triggers will be disclosed in private
yes men. please don't just say "i don't know" or "you choose" or "whatever you want!" all the time.
character information:
✅ will do:
✒ ink
lots of experience, lots of hcs
☀️ dream
secondary main
a bit of experience, a good bunch of hcs
🌊 swap
NOT blueberry
OC ship friendly! (only him)
🌑 nightmare
zero experience so far, but very familiar with the character and willing to try!
🗨 classic
☠ reaper
anybody who isn't on my 'won't do' list, really! especially if they're from classic undertale. toriel, alphys, undyne, papyrus... you name em!
❌ won't do:
any rps involving characters from...
(+ any alternate universes of them. the story of underverse is not at all canon to my ideas. it's totally fine to like any of those! i just don't.)
ship information:
✅ will do:
any crack- or rareship you can think about. i'm serious. whether it's romantic or platonic (and always legal ya sickos). i wanna bring characters together most people wouldn't, discover fun dynamics!!
ink and classic
nightmare and reaper
swap and swap!napstablook
(those are still kinda tame, but you get the idea!)
popular ships are fine too! they just don't tickle my fancy as much.
❌ won't do:
romantic ships involving fresh, frisk, chara, asriel or monster kid
important notes:
if you read and understood all of those, then please include this smiley [🫖] somewhere in your comment/pm.
do not comment on this post! i have a pinned message for you to interact with if interested. like it or comment and i'll contact you. (or just go ahead and contact me-)
(current) cravings:
i would give anything for a good drink (ink x dream) rp. really. so if you're an enthusiastic dream rper hmu as soon as possible, i b e g-
aside from that, i look forward to playing ink, dream or classic sans against any other possible character the most currently!
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