#vash: Maybe :) (lying)
vash-in-the-void · 6 months
Sketches I did like half a year ago when i got consumed by this silly fic ((Tri)Gun on ao3) where trimax and ‘98 Vashes get reincarnated as teenage Stampede Vash’s headmates (I swear it makes sense, although reincarnated is probably not the right word, idc important thing is, they all share a body and the older Vashes will protect but also bully their younger self the best they can)
The first picture is a scene directly from the fic - i had a lot of fun with the body language - showing ways in which theyre the same but also different
The rest is just chaos
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Colorcoding guide: gray is trimax!vash, red is 98!vash, green is stamp!vash, blue is nai
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guideaus · 1 year
i think a kind of sad thing concerning trigun is that the narrative never gets time to wrap up vash's character arc, so vash never really gets the point of forgiving himself, and i mean concerning any guilt of his in the series, with the fall, july, other similar events, wolfwood, legato/ the story just kind of skips to the end where he's inexplicably happy bc hes doing his peace sign on the cover despite everything that just happened. at most, the story has meryl come to vash who had fainted from the trauma of killing legato, but she just says they'll support him (but he's passed out, so he cant hear that or anything), and they kinda send him back out after he has a little nightmare/dream. his little in-limbo scene isnt really good enough to address his issues, in fact, it's not even about that, he's passed out, but hears Meryl say humans are holding him back, and he gets up, ready to fight for them again, completely skipping past anything that has to do with what just happened with legato.
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orcelito · 1 year
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oh transcripts time
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ruporas · 1 year
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post-trimax vash meets stampede wolfwood
[ID: Black and white comic of Vash and Wolfwood of their Stampede versions. The comic starts with Wolfwood continuing off a conversation, saying “I didn’t mean t’say anythin’ bad to her. She just took it the wrong way. But anyway...” Wolfwood speaks with a hand gestured flippantly while Vash, who’s seated next to him, just listens. Vash thinks to himself, “Talks more about himself... Honest expressions... Immature, though he was pretty immature too.” He smiles and continues to think, “And yet...”
A panel of Vash’s eye directed now to the sky. He thinks, “Some things are bound to be the same with us...” He thinks of a memory, the version from Maximum of him and Wolfwood, back shown as they chatted underneath two moons, one moon with a hole through it. Vash continues, “Isn’t that right, W-“ His thoughts are interrupted by Wolfwood coming into a view, a close up his deadpan expression. Vash utters out “-olfwood..?” with a nervous expression. He starts to explain, “Um. Sorry if it seemed like I wasn’t listening, I was! So, let’s keep talking?”
Vash smiles and puts his hands together as he says, “okay?” Wolfwood glares at him with gritted teeth and Vash immediately remembers, “Right, he’s more short-tempered...” He continues to think, “Maybe Plan B works with him—“ before he’s grabbed by his coat collar aggressively and changes thoughts, “OK, never mind, brace for impact..!” But he’s surprised when he’s tugged instead, him and Wolfwood flops against the ground. Wolfwood puts an arm over Vash and says, “I don’t need to be entertained, blondie. If yer tired, we can go to sleep.”
Two close up panels of Wolfwood and Vash’s eyes looking at each other, Wolfwood taking off Vash’s glasses as he says, “Am I wrong?” Vash thinks to himself, “Actually... I was being genuine when I said I wanted to keep talking. I don’t feel tired at all. But, I think you know this body more than I do.”
Vash’s thoughts continue, “I can’t deny the me you’re fond of from being taken care of. And I could never deny your kindness. Even though...” Vash finally smiles and says, “You’re not wrong...” Wolfwood smiles back before tugging Vash closer and says, “Then, let’s sleep.” Vash asks, “Should we get a blanket?” Wolfwood asks, “Why?” before kissing Vash on the cheek, “I’ll keep you warm.” Vash puts his face into both his hands and flushes. Wolfwood smiles cheekily and asks, “What?” Vash responds, “I was caught off guard..” Wolfwood says, “You’ve said worse though.” Vash responds, “Did I...” The panel phases out and the dialogue returns to Vash’s thoughts. He thinks, “I want to stay a bit longer. Talk a bit longer.
You’re tired here too. The future is always going to be unfair to you. I want to protect you from it. I want to hold you close so you won’t go far.” The thoughts overlap the scene of Wolfwood now sleeping peacefully against Vash with an arm over him, Vash’s jacket draped against him as a blanket. Vash looks at him and a small thought bubble thinks, “He can fall asleep first...” His previous thoughts continue, “I know I can’t. I already had that chance.” A close up of Vash putting his hand over Wolfwood’s. He continues, “I wasn’t capable once, I can’t be sure I’d be capable a second time. And in a way...”
Vash’s thoughts continue with the back drop of the sky, Stampede’s sky of two moons without holes, “Some things are bound to be the same. But I know you’ll be loved again and again in a way I’d never know.” A split panel, one half contains the sleeping face of Wolfwood from Stampede, the other of Wolfwood from Trimax. In turn, the Vash lying down looking fondly at Wolfwood shifts to the post Trimax Vash while the other versions, Stampede and earlier Trimax, are faintly drawn next to him doing the same. Vash closes his eyes and finally drifts to sleep as the final text reads, “Goodnight, Wolfwood.”
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novasintheroom · 7 months
Silver or gold?
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 1k
♡ Warnings - none
♡ Description: Vash has something important on his mind. You intend to find out what.
Now part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3
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It would look nice in gold. Or maybe silver. With a little ruby in the middle, right there.
Vash taps your ring finger. Yes, right there would be nice.
Firelight crackles nearby, and you and Vash are lying down on your sleeping bags for the night. The small cave you’d found shields you from the whipping, sandy winds rising outside. You had long ago scooted over to lay yourself on top of him. Like his own personal blanket, he often jokes. He loves it though. Loves you. And the day’s events got him thinking…well…
It couldn’t be anything fancy. He can barely afford food on the best days. But if it had a little something…
He rubs your finger again.
You shift slightly. “That finger botherin’ you or somethin’?”
Caught, he flinches and lets go of your hand. But you hold on, intertwining fingers together. Your head scooches to rest on his chest more, and he can feel your lips move against his shirt. “You’ve been quiet tonight. What’re you thinking about, birdie?”
Your voice is heavy with fatigue. It’s been a long day, and he feels bad about waking you in any way. “Nothing. You know I overthink stuff.”
Your laugh is quiet, and it’s the best sound. “Sure. But you’re thinking about something real hard tonight. What is it?”
Vash feels his heart pick up, his stomach tickle, just at the thought. And you’re already up, looking at him now with those eyes that sparkle in the firelight. Your smile is faint – you’re still tired, but ready for him. So, with a held breath, he asks, “Did you see that old couple? In the town today, they walked together from store to store.”
You shifted to rest your chin on his chest now. “Um…what did they look like? There were a lot of people.”
They were old, frail. Their feet shuffled like they meant to collect all the dirt they could on their shoes. The man was hunched, but bowed all the lower every time he opened a door for his wife. The woman always laughed and patted his shoulder. And the man would pout, making his wife roll her eyes and go in for a peck on the lips or cheek. “They wore matching ponchos, too.” He added.
Your head rolls to the side, a mischievous glint in your eye. “Are you saying you want us to wear matching ponchos?”
He blows a laugh out his nose, his thumb rubbing the bit of skin exposed on your hip. “Only if we get them in red.”
“Mmph. Should’ve known.”
He goes quiet again, looking down at your held hands. There they were – the nerves closing his throat.
You squeeze his hand to get his attention. “What about them has you thinking so hard?”
Everything. Thinking about growing old together, opening doors for you for the rest of your days. “I don’t know, mayfly. Something about them…” He clears his throat. “It reminded me of us. Maybe. The woman…she had a pretty ring on her finger. And I…” It was like swallowing a rock. He couldn’t get it out. What if you didn’t want to? What if this scared you away? “I was just thinking of…us…”
And with a small inhale, you sit up. “Are you…? You’re talking about getting married!”
Just like that, the rock is gone, and a gust of wind blows out of his mouth. “We don’t have to if you don’t want. I-I haven’t even thought about it – I mean I have – but – I don’t…don’t know much about it besides what I’ve seen. Do you want to? How would we even do it? I mean, with a priest, obviously, but – you don’t have to. I get it. I – “
You silence him with a kiss. It’s slow, meant to feed reassurance to his speeding heart. Only once he hums and kisses back do you break it. You press your forehead to his and sigh out, “Vash, I would love to.”
The breath leaves his lungs in one big wave. Serenity. You have that effect on him. He grows shy, but his shaky smile gains confidence. “Yeah?”
You nod, and an excited little giggle escapes. “Yeah.”
And suddenly, he sits up and wraps you in the tightest hug he can. You let out a breathless laugh, catching onto his coat and pulling him closer. Glowing stripes appear on his neck, and you pull back to hold his face. It is alight with his Plant lines. He is beautiful, and so, so happy.
Nudging his nose with yours, he asks again, “Really?”
You laugh and kiss him and kiss him and kiss him.
Later, when the fire has nearly died out and you both have settled back into near-sleep, Vash perks up and says, “I gotta propose to you. Like, really propose.”
You shift and let out a long, deep breath. “You can do that another night, birdie.”
But you feel his irregular heartbeat pick up. He’s overthinking again. “I’ll have to plan it. It has to be a surprise.”
You snort and nuzzle into his neck. “Just don’t do it during a shoot-out, alright? Or publicly. I hate public proposals.”
“Well, there go my plans.” He laughs when you smack his chest.
You shift to press further into his side and settle down. “Don’t even think of it, Vash. Just go to sleep.”
He hums, runs his hand across your back and whispers, "Hey? Do you want silver or gold for the ring?"
A minute passes, and you finally fall asleep. Vash picks up your hand again, tracing your ring finger. He decides gold will look best. He’ll have to go without doughnuts for a while, maybe even some bullets, but he should be able to squirrel enough money away to get a ruby for it, too. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it. Smiles when you mutter in your sleep.
What a way to end the day.
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spooblet · 3 months
When (S/o) Take Their Jacket (Pt. 1)
I have a bit of writer's block here and there, so I'll post what I have written while I try to brainstorm the others for Pt. 2 <3
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Vash The Stampede: 
After waking up from his slumber, Vash slowly rose from the bed and yawned while stretching his arm. He sat there for a while and realized how (Y/n) wasn’t lying beside him. He wasn’t alarmed, or in a panic as they do this now and then: gathering supplies for their rounds of travel. Vash got up and walked towards the bathroom for a quick shower. Upon walking back to the bedroom to change into his clothing and attach his prosthetic arm. He noticed his signature red jacket wasn’t neatly folded on the desk he had left it last night. He looked over the chair, under the bed, the closet, and even opened the window to look down to find his jacket. 
Not a sight at all. 
He was about to panic until he remembered (Y/n).
‘Maybe they know where it is…’  He thought to himself as he put on his long-sleeved shirt and glove. The moment he tied up his lace, he got up to grab the doorknob only to have it swung open and cause him to jump in surprise. (Y/n) walked in, bringing in numerous bags as they waddled their way in.
“No, I don’t need help, I already brought everything.” (Y/n) announced as they lifted one arm with a little huff due to the extra weight. 
Regardless, Vash took some bags off from their other arm to help take some weight off them. No matter how many times they assured him that they didn’t need any help, he refused to accept that. He wants to be there for them as much as they have been there for him. As (Y/n) started to take out food from the bag, Vash then remembered what he was going to ask.
“Oh Hey, by the way. Have you seen…my…” 
At that moment, Vash spotted what he was looking for. His red jacket was nicely worn by his partner as they looked up at him, to see what he was going to ask. Then by the looks of his slightly blushed reaction, it clicked on them,
“Oh!  Sorry…I just threw in whatever that was near me.” 
As (Y/n) tried to take Vash’s jacket off he pulled the jacket back on their shoulder and smiled sweetly at them. 
“There’s no need to apologize, (Y/n). You can wear it, you know. Besides, you look adorable.” He smiled fondly while (Y/n) became a blushing mess at his sudden comment. 
His jacket was just a couple of inches off the ground when (Y/n) wore them compared to when Vash wore it. 
“You doofus.” They bluntly responded, trying to avoid Vash’s gaze when he gave them a sweet compliment. It didn’t help them at all when Vash looked at the back of their head fondly before planting a gentle kiss against their cheek.
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Knives Millions
The majority of the time (Y/n) was there, Knives hardly removed his cloak when he was near them. It was either wrapped around his hips, hooded up, or hooded down, but never off. Not once did they question him or request it off. How do you have the courage to go to a powerful entity and ask such a thing? (Y/n) refuses to overstep the boundary Knives put in and remain silent by the topic. They were just glad to be by his side…and being alive overall. 
As if it was an opportunity that was giving to (Y/n), his cloak was hanging by a chair. He was no where on sight. This was a given chance to feel the material of his cloak. (Y/n) looked around to make sure they were in the clear before grabbing it. It felt weird to the touch. It felt soft and rubbery? (Im just spitballing here…) It was tempting to put it around them and sure enough, that’s what (Y/n) did. The cloak was wrapped around their body, snugged in as it draped their body. It was rather long to the point where it dragged on the floor; though (Y/n) wasn’t paying too much attention. It was going to be a quick felt…Or so they thought. 
Knives entered the room. 
The sound of his footstep snapped (Y/n)’s attention to the point where they quickly made eye contact with Knives. His eyes slowly opened wide in shocked by the sight of a human, his human, having his coat wrapped around them. 
“...Explain yourself.” He commanded, though his tone was soft toned rather than his usual demenor. 
“...I was just curious–Sorry, I’ll take it off.” 
(Y/n) took the cloak off them before handing it back to its owner. Knives grabbed it and kept his eye contact locked on them. 
“Leave. I need some time alone.” 
(Y/n) nodded and leaves the room. They were in a panic state but didn’t want to show it. (Y/n) kept thinking how they might have ruin Knives’s trust or ruin their relationship in general by touching his stuff. Though little did they know that it was far from the truth. Knives was left alone from the room holding onto the cloak…blushing slightly from the view he had just witnessed. The sight of his partner wearing his cloak was such refreshing. He let out a sigh then decided that one day he’ll make one for his beloved when he gets the chance. For now, he stayed in the room to recover. Knives didn’t want to leave until he was no longer blushing.
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2kmps · 9 months
vash pets your head to send you to sleep, but asks you something important before he does.
notes; 1.1k, very tender vash, tristamp coded, not proofread. wrote this in my car @ 2am, freaking out every two seconds bc was that a person or just my eyes? 👁️👁️
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layers of dust reaching across entire sprawls of bedsheet was a normal thing you came across in every inn you visited. no man's land had a way of making everything inhospitable, from the unforgiving terrain of valleys of sand, stone and bleached bones, down to the crevices between slabs of wood underfoot filled with debris and the pillows under your head exacerbating dry fits of coughing while beige granules clung to your throat.
vash was far more accustomed to those conditions than you were, having lived that way for over a century—an earnest confession you still weren't sure you believed. like everyone else on this godforsaken landscape, you had learned to acclimate during your harrowing travels with him, forced to take the heat deep in your skin to your marrow, the dirt and sand into the brittle branches in your lungs.
"want me to shake out the sheets for you?" vash was always courteous, did his best to lessen the blow of suffering you endured while with him. from the beginning, he had never been comfortable with you there, tried running off more times than you could count, but you were smart and determined so he never succeeded.
he didn't wait for you to respond, finding that you were arranging your bags near the door in case of the need of a quick escape. maybe it was guilt or pity, but he slipped his fingers beneath the thin sheets and whipped them out until all the dust knocked off of them. "this place isn't as bad as the last one. you'll sleep pretty good tonight, I think. can you grab my sleeping bag?"
"there's plenty of room on the bed, vash." you didn't make a motion for his bags. in your hands now was a set of linen nightclothes. "give your back a rest. sleep on the mattress for once."
his look was almost incredulous, almost as though you had said something outrageous. "I won't make you sleep on the floor. I don't mind, really!"
"I never said I was sleeping on the floor." you said, inflectionless, eyes half-lidded from the weight of fatigue and soreness behind them. "we're gonna be out on the desert for hours tomorrow. I can't have you die out there because you wanted to sleep on wood."
certain arguments vash didn't try to win, this was one of them, namely because he wasn't actually interested in the floor. so, some thirty minutes later he laid there on the stiff, musty mattress with you, taking in all the smells of age and misuse in his dry nostrils while trying not to open his mouth too wide to suck in any sand.
"not the most comfortable." he mumbled, shifting onto his back after lying on his side for a few minutes. "you sure you want me up here with—"
"it's fine, vash." again, without betraying yourself with a change in tone, you reassured him. you said it to him with your eyes closed, facing him, your back flush to the wall to give his larger body more space. "don't worry so much. just try to sleep for once."
it didn't come easy to him, this you knew. inevitably, he'd be up and around the inn or just outside of it at some point. sleep was a mortal enemy and an elusive love affair to him, a challenging dichotomy that left him tired and worn most of the time. he felt all of it ache in his joint, drag his eyelids down, sit on his shoulders as though his sins weren't enough of a burden.
you saw it and you pitied him, though you didn't have the brashness to say so.
just then, you flinched hard enough to make the bed jerk when his hand touched your head. he apologized quietly, not removing himself from you and let the warmth of his appendages seep through your hair into your scalp, gave you time to familiarize with how it had so much weight to it.
"do you ever regret your decision?" he started stroking your head in short, smooth motions, flattening your hair against your crown. "regret traveling with me, I mean."
you weren't sure why he was asking this during bedtime, but coaxed you to crack your eyes at him, proving you were still awake. his made of brilliant azure we're looking back at you, somehow piercing through the inky night straight into you. they had an eerie, otherworldly glow to them, almost.
"I dunno." you are honest, unsure of the kind of answer he was looking for. did he want comfort, or was he going to try to bail on you again? it had been a while since he last tried. "I dunno. I don't mind it most of the time. you're a good guy, vash, you don't deserve to be all alone in this world."
his hand stopped, but his fingers splayed out a little more. the corners of his eyes started to narrow, crinkles forming in the corners. you couldn't handle how softly, so sweetly he was looking at you now.
"you gave up everything, though." he said, smoothing his hand along that same path on your head again. "you shouldn't have given up your entire life—your career just to…"
he didn't want to finish. your eyes were open fully, the whites of them glistening at him in the dim moonlight.
"you shouldn't have given it all up to be with me." it sounded so unnatural to him, like it was some unfathomable, convoluted thing he had had no business putting a voice to. "nothing—no one is worth that. I'm not worth that."
in these moments, you wished he would let you touch him. all you wanted to do was feel the warmth of your bodies meld together, wrap your arms around him so he couldn't leave you alone in that dusty, dark room, and so he knew he wasn't alone.
"don't talk like that," was all you could bring yourself to say, even though you didn't think it was amiss.
the shadows around his mouth deepened, his smile just a little higher than it usually was. his thumb moved towards your temple, callused pad stroking the skin there, tempting you to lean into his touch even more.
parts of you wanted him to kiss you, because you caught his eyes wavering at times, unsticking from your gaze to sweep lower beneath his thick lashes. you knew he was looking at your lips, and you thought that maybe you had made the mistake of looking first.
he never acted on that as much as you wished he would, but he did keep his hand on you until the gentle motions on your hair finally lulled you into slumber.
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pls comment or reblog if you enjoyed! 🫰🏻
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You know what drives me absolutely insane about Tristamp, something that is specifically emphasized in ep 8, it’s the existence of different accounts about someone or something surviving even in the wake of the most devastating of disasters, this being the Big Fall, as seen with Brad having brought back to Ship 3 the black box, and Rem’s belongings, which include a few photos of her, Vash, and Nai, and A JOURNAL, something I desperately wish that we get to see the contents of in S2, maybe in a flashback by Luida and/or Brad, or maybe in present day by Meryl, like I wonder if she wrote in code or in a different language to make it a little harder to decipher if anyone else got their hands on it, if the accounts in her journal start before she joined the SEEDS Projects and boarded Ship 5, like when her boyfriend Alex was still alive, or if they start after she boarded Ship 5 to chronicle her journey alongside what remains of humanity across the stars in search of a new planet to inhabit, or maybe if they even started when she discovered Tesla and Conrad and the rest of his group of Plant specialists began to tear her body apart in the name of science not long after that, since she was one of, or maybe the only one in Tristamp, the few who protested against the group’s treatment of Tesla only for her to be ignored, so it could have been a way for her to express and process her thoughts, feelings, and experiences throughout the whole ordeal.
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(I STILL like to think that this recording pad she used to film Vash and Nai's first birthday somehow survived the Big Fall even if it wasn't shown along with the rest of her belongings that Brad recovered from Ship 5, if only because there's quite a bit of emphasis put into it with the framing of the scene and all, though who knows maybe it was just a way for Studio Orange to make a smooth and believable transition between a flashback and present day but I still have hope.) And then there’s Vash who’s also shown writing on a journal of his own, another thing that I also desperately wish to see the contents of in S2, in his room prior to Luida coming in to give him his red coat. With Luida going off to bring Vash back to Ship 3, leaving Brad to do some much needed self-reflection on the choices he’s made and the actions he’s taken, I wonder if, since he was looking through his things in hopes of finding some sort of clue he left behind about the other Independent, he actually took a look at it, and on the off chance that Vash hadn’t written his accounts in code or in another language, maybe he would have been able to read Vash’s own thoughts, feelings, and experiences throughout his time on Ship 3, the Big Fall, his time with Rem and Nai on Ship 5, maybe even his discovery of Tesla, and everything that had gone down with Rem right after that.
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Back on the topic Ship 5’s black box Brad had recovered from the ruins, and repaired 5 years after the Big Fall, I noticed that when he and Luida were listening to the audio recording, HE MUTES THE RECORDING RIGHT AFTER NAI SAYS THAT VASH WAS HIS ACCOMPLICE SINCE HE WAS THE ONE WHO GAVE HIM THE ACCESS CODES. With how people have pointed out how Studio Orange likes to play with unreliable narrators like Vash omitting the fact that he was the one who gave Nai the access code which made Nai’s claim that he was his accomplice in the Big Fall in episode 1 more plausible for example, this has to imply that there was more to be said in that audio recording and if Brad hadn’t muted it to fixate on the fact that Vash lied to them about the other Independent being alive and come to the conclusion that he had been lying to them this entire time, that he was never on the side of humanity to begin with, then things might have gone as badly as they did, maybe Vash wouldn’t have ran away from Ship 3 to find Nai on his own, maybe he wouldn’t have had to lose his arm to keep him and the everyone else in the scene from being swallowed by his gate. @tristampparty
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galactiquest · 8 months
Hi it's 🌻anon it's been awhile!
I've mostly been working a lot and just wanting to crawl in bed to just rest for the next thousand years or so.
Which made me think of a request: Vash and/or Knives s/o that just wants to rest in cuddle all day with them.
Hope you have a wonderful day 🌻
Hi Sunflower Anon 🌻 Always here to brighten my day. I totally feel you with wanting to rest for the next thousand years, working on several projects all at once will do that to you.
I think this request is really adorable and since I feel like it, I'm gonna do both. I think they'd approach this differently and it's fun to explore how!
Vash the Stampede and Millions Knives x Reader: Whole Day Off
Content Warnings: None, we're just enjoying a super cozy day in bed. For the most part.
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I bet he wishes he could take the whole day off. A day with no fighting, no running, no bullets, nothing but gentleness and peace and quiet. This is never quite his reality, but now that you're in his life...
It'd be rude of him not to indulge you, at least once. Once you brought the idea up, perhaps half-asleep in the morning, he couldn't say no to your cute face.
He'll spread out a bit with you nestled into his arm, smiling at the gentle sunlight now spreading across the bed. It's nice to slow down when it's possible. And in these moments, there's nothing to worry about--just Vash quietly breathing next to you, sometimes the two of you adjusting to a new position, he spoons you, you spoon him, toppled over each other like wayward building blocks, whatever works.
Eventually he will get up, much to your reluctance, but he promises quietly that he'll come back. And he does--probably with something to eat and drink. Can't spend the whole day in bed without a snack!
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This man is a workaholic. Does he even sleep? I'm not entirely convinced that he does. If you can, somehow, get him to sleep with you (literally, I mean) I think he'd be leaving soon after you fell asleep to keep doing work.
I don't think there's any way he'd accept "lying around in bed all day cuddling" as a valid excuse to avoid work. I think he'd call you silly for even suggesting it! But he wouldn't force you to get up and do anything if you didn't want to (he's not that mean... at least I like to think...).
But maybe there's room for... compromise? Is that a word in his vocabulary? Maybe he'll allow you just a few minutes of his company in bed in the morning. As an apology reward for being such a good little human. And a few minutes might turn into a few more. And maybe just a little longer. And maybe he'll wait until the top of the hour, just to be exact--and, whoops, looks like it's a minute past...
If he can't stay with you, truly, maybe he'll come to check on you every so often. If you've fallen back asleep, he'll probably graze the back of his hand against your cheek, admiring how cute you look--he means, just checking to see that you're still alive. And maybe he'll make sure you're still tucked into the blanket. And maybe he'll leave a little kiss on your forehead... Maybe he'll join you when he feels he can sneak away.
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the-babygirl-polls · 6 months
Vash Stampede - Trigun, Trigun Maxima, Trigun Stampede
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He's just such a bleeding heart, has sad backstory with sad downsloped eyes and dramatic fashion sense. Loves too much and pays the price for it. Just so loveable, one determines he's babygirl on sight.
he's a blonde twunk with a slut waist and skank legs. and he's suffered more than jesus <3
He’s the most wanted man on the planet and he serves CUNT doing it, especially in the original manga. He’s also a biblically accurate angel-type-thing and an ace gunman who refuses to shoot back at the people who want his bounty :]
He's this super cool legendary gunman who terrifies everyone on the planet because he leaves destruction in his wake BUT it's not his fault because he's literally just chilling and everyone wants him dead for something he didn't do. He doesn't even like shooting people he just wants to maybe get some donuts and take a nice nap but nooo he walks into town and everyone decides "let's bullet hell this guy, cause massive property damage, and say it's his fault!" Also he's horrendously doomed by the narrative and the prettiest boy you ever did see. Look at those big ol blue eyes and tell me he's not babygirl. You'd be lying.
Other Additions:
The 2023 version is more babygirl but his manga version is also very baby and very girl. Would put both images of him together since the design is different.
pleeeeeease include a picture of maximum or 98 Vash and not just stampede Vash. theyre ALL babygirls, not just the stampede redesign. i wanna see his ugly ass broom hair on a poll too
He's simply THE baby girl, you know
Please tag both "Trigun" and "Trigun Stampede" for the fandoms!
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pancake-breakfast · 6 months
One thing I'm realizing while writing fanfiction from Vash's POV is how easily he lies.
Which is strange, because at first glance, you wouldn't expect someone so prone to wearing their emotions on their sleeve to be good at lying. But he's had to. Over the years, lying has kept him safe, and it's kept those around him safe. So while it may or may not have become second nature over time, it's definitely something he's been able to practice and perfect to the point he can do it with ease.
Which is very sad, because he shouldn't have to lie so much to stay safe. But it's also very relatable to a great number of people who grew up in environments where we, too, had to learn to lie to keep ourselves, and maybe even those around us, safe.
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silentwhispofhope · 1 year
i heard you were taking requests owo
could i request vash x reader during a lazy morning in bed? some snuggling, some hair petting, maybe some smooches? who gets up to get coffee for them both, while the other has to be woken up again to drink the coffee? =w=
A/N: Oh honey, you and I are thinking on the same wavelength. This man got me out of a three year writing block. I will gladly write for you.
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Temporary Bliss
You aren’t sure how long you’ve been lying awake, but you sure did adore the sight below you. Some time during the middle of the night, Vash had managed to climb on top of you and cling to you like a kid with their stuff animal. You let out a quiet laugh at the thought, continuing to run your hand through his hair. Vash let out low purrs as you slowly undid the knots in his blond locks. You watched, heart filled, as the dawn’s light gently wafted in.
It was rare to have moments like these: to not being chased after, having enough money to sleep inside, not constantly searching for supplies. It was pure, utter bliss, even if it rarely lasted for long.
Content with the progress you’ve made on your significant other’s head, you moved your hand down Vash’s back. As much as you appreciate the view of him sleeping on your chest, your legs were falling asleep.
“Mayfly?” A tired voice called out.
“Morning, Sunshine,” you cooed.
“Five more minutes,” Vash whined as he hugged you tighter, digging his face into your sleep shirt. You chuckled and gave him a quick peck on his beauty mark. He groaned as you slipped out of bed, the bed feeling suddenly cold without your presence.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” You told him, tucking him back under the sheets.
“Where are you going?” He rubbed his eyes.
“It’s a surprise,” you replied. “Go back to sleep.”
You knew Vash was exhausted and still needed to recover from the events of the last several days. You gave him another kiss on his forehead before shuffling out of the room with your shoes on. Taking one last look back at your lover, you saw him already back asleep. Snores emanated from him. You softly smiled before closing the door. Now, where to find that bakery the receptionist told you about?
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gaysontodd · 4 months
trimax vashwood where vash knows wolfwood is afraid of him, because its hard for him to miss. vash sees the way he only actually relaxes when he thinks vash is asleep, when wolfwood can keep eyes on him and know where he is and that he wont move. when wolfwood gets more stressed than usual vash fakes being exhausted so wolfwood will maybe chill out a little bit. doesnt work because wolfwood can smell pity and sympathy and such 20 iles away.
and this is vashwood, so obviously they cant talk about this At All. so vash tries to be goofier, because humans tend to think clumsiness is harmlessness, but wolfwood knows full fucking well what he is. so vash decides to go with old fashioned exposure therapy. moves just a little too fast when wolfwood is watching. doesnt blink a little too long. just a little too casual about his weirdass 'exercises' (i cant take them seriously. i cant okay). anyway wolfwoods getting twitchier and twitchier, in that hes going real still and staying closer to punisher than usual even in motel rooms and smoking way more.
and one day vash comes up behind him a little too quick when wolfwood wasnt expecting it and after vash stopped whining about his broken nose they managed to (mostly nonverbally) come to the understanding that vash would back the fuck off and wolfwood would chill the fuck out. both parties were lying btw
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srivera4 · 4 months
*Wolfwood opens the door to see Vash wearing one of his suits laying on the bed.*
Vash: Hello Nicholas~
Vash: What do you think of me in one of your suits does it please you my lovely-wait what are you doing?
*Wolfwood closing and locking the door then putting the punisher in front of it turning towards Vash.*
Wolfwood: It most certainly does.
*Five hours with lots of moaning and one vial used later*
Wolfwood lying on the bed completely naked smoking a cigarette: Maybe do that on special occasions angel.
Vash covered in bite marks and wearing the remains of the shredded suit: Okay.
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aubieinsanity · 1 year
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Are we gonna talk about the time a town threw Vash a going-away party and drunkenly hired prostitutes(?) for him and he pretended to be asleep so they would go away, or
(edit: yes yes, the scars xD)
[ID: Pages from chapter 4 of Trigun. Two escorts, dressed in furs and dresses, say, “It’s no good, Vonnegut.” “He’s dead to the world.” Vonnegut, a clearly drunk man, says, “I guess we overdid it a little. Sorry... You two came out here at a time like this and everything...”
The view switches to Vash, who’s beaming in his sleep and snoring with lipstick kisses across his face. The women say, “No, we’re finished. Say hi to Silvie for me, would you?” The women with a fur scarf smiles and says, “... It’s a shame, though. The chance to sleep with a man like him doesn’t come around all that often.”
The view again moves to Vash, who is actually awake and looks sad as the people say,  “See ya.” “See you.” Good night.” Vash stays lying down but props his head up, pensively saying, “.... .... Naw... That was more than I deserved... Maybe.” End ID]
ID by @princess-of-purple-prose
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You know what, I keep mulling this over and I think I'm just going to write it because I keep second guessing myself and I need to share.
SO. Back in my big, long Wolfwood post, I pointed out this scene below and how the pale eyes/use of Vash's name/etc shows actual concern here
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The next shot is of Wolfwood's shoes running, and by the time we see these two again, they're at the hospital and have to overhear from the staff what happened to the hitman - which means that Wolfwood did not run after the shooter, he ran to get medical help. That's what I stated before.
But here's the thing: leaving Vash there while he runs to get help is... kind of stupid, because even though Wolfwood shot at the hitman, he's clearly still alive and still gunning for Vash. Wolfwood refers to him in present tense - "He is obviously a hit-man" not "he was".
Immediately after, Keele, who's moved up to the roof, says the following - "I need to get a clean shot in." On it's own, that's not a strange thing to say - he needs to finish this, quickly, before he's discovered. Except... it kind of is an odd thing to say, if Vash is still just lying there. Keele is on the roof, directly above his target - I would expect a clean shot to be fairly easy to take.
You might be thinking, "oh, but maybe there's a crowd around Vash now and he can't get a clean shot with all the people"... but this makes no sense, because Vash is only as injured as he is because Keele clearly doesn't care about collateral and fired on both Vash and the civilian woman in the car. Even if you argue that there's too many people to be "justifiably collateral" in Keele's eyes, he could still easily disperse them by firing more bullets - we don't see anyone who appears to be able to fire a gun here except Wolfwood, and he should be gone to get help at this point.
So, what's with the clean shot thing? He's never seemed to care up until this point, he was just unloading all his bullets at the guy, and a grenade. The only thing I can think of is that he needs to ensure his aim is accurate. It's likely he's firing at a moving target.
Wolfwood's arm is stretched out over Vash in the second panel of the image above. Neither one of them knew what became of Keele until later at the hospital. Vash's entire body is bandaged - he was in no condition to move himself, and we only see one set of shoes in the running panel.
Tldr; "Wolfwood picks up Vash and carries him while booking it for the hospital" is not only a perfectly valid interpretation of this scene, but also, imo, one of the most rational ones. I rest my case.
...Actually I'm probably just losing my mind. Ignore me.
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