visionifyai · 2 years
Detecting Retail Out of Stock Issues- Case Study
Look how computer vision solutions provided by Visionify.ai help in detecting out-of-stock issues in retails.
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visionifyy · 6 days
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Enhancing Workplace Safety with Vision AI: Visionify's Cutting-Edge Solutions
Visionify revolutionizes Environmental, Health, and Safety standards with powerful Vision AI applications. Our comprehensive suite, designed for workplace safety, includes PPE detection, hazard identification, and accident prevention. Available on Azure Marketplace, these ready-to-use, pre-trained apps are easily accessible via CLI and web-based GUI for seamless safety and compliance.
Know More.: PPE Detection, Workplace Safety, Vision AI, Workplace Compliance Monitoring, Computer Vision Solutions, Easy to use EHs software, Workplace Safety AI solution, PPE Compliance, Machine Learning for Manufacturing, AI Safety, workplace safety, workplace safety compliance, AI in Workplace
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seddm · 5 years
What is the best emotionally intimate Starco conversation in the show to you? The list includes The Blood Moon Ball Balcony talk, The Starcrushed talk, The talk at the end of Lint Catcher + the squire vows, The Booth Buddies talk, The Dance in CotBM talk, and lastly the Knight Shift Sunset talk. How would you order these roughly? They're all good but how would you rank them?
Boy, this is hard. Some scenes were more important as far as the narrative goes, but less meaningful to the characters themselves. Gonna have to make an average between the two to make a ranking:
Booth Buddies - this is the episode that has most of both. It was very hard for both Star and Marco to admit all the things they said in the booth, and to react like that to them, but it was also the payoff to 13 episodes of tension and build up, in what’s still the most tightly knit and cohesive arc Star and Marco’s relationship went through. 
Curse of the Blood Moon - as frustrating as the fact that they forgot about this moment is, it’s an incredibly important scene, one that shows us how beautiful Starco could have been to Star and Marco if they stopped trying to run away from it for a moment. Star’s words and expressions truly convey the idea that she finally began to understand what she truly wanted, and she experienced how good that was, and knowing that they were going to lose it hurt a lot.
The Knight Shift - if only the moment hadn’t been exclusively platonic, if the idiots had even just started having the first part of an “...wait, but just how special is this person to me?” epiphany in their minds, it’d rank first by a huge margin. As things are it’s still an incredibly important moment for the narrative, being the coronation of Marco’s arc AND forever searing into the show the concept that commitment is important and that Star and Marco have oceans of it. But to the characters themselves it was a bit less of a pivotal moment: a super meaningful one, obviously, but it was just the natural conclusion of 1.5 seasons of arc for Marco, and 3.5 seasons of “our relationship is based on mutual trust” for Star and Marco, so it was more of an important payoff than a turning point.
Blood Moon Ball - not really that important a moment narratively, since little changes in Star and Marco’s relationship from that moment, but incredibly meaningful in universe, to the characters. With no prior build up, with no ongoing arc needing a payoff, Marco swallows his pride, understands his mistake, and strengthens his bond with Star with renewed understanding and emotional intimacy.
Starcrushed - this ranks second to last just because both moments are incomplete: both Marco and Star make important statements about how important they are to each other, and for the sake of their friendship they are ready to start such a potentially awkward talk (remember, they both arrived at the conclusion that they needed to do that at the same time)
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But the talk on the stairs lacks some sincerity on Star’s side - she needed on little extra push to finally cave in and realize that she just couldn’t lie to Marco, even if it would have been that much easier for both of them, and during the confession Marco doesn’t really react, doesn’t say anything, still too immature and attached to his tunnel-visionified “perfect life on Earth with Jackie” ideas. So the episode is one of the most important moments for Star, literally the official passage between her immature self, and the Star who defeated Toffee and tries to change Mewni, but if I had to grade it with the same criteria as the other moments... second to last place.
Lint Catcher - an incredibly important moment for the narrative, since Star literally tells us what kind of special role Marco fills in her life, a role no one else can fill - because she wouldn’t want anyone else, but the characters themselves lack any kind of insight, it’s going to take until Booth Buddies / Divide just for Star and Marco to fully realize what this role as a “squire” actually meant to both of them.
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generatify · 5 years
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pharawee · 8 years
visionify > rathvelus
I'm so sorry. I did it again. I just had to have a Star Wars-themed url, even if it's super obscure and people will probably be really confused (ye but canonically queer Star Wars character ... I mean, how could I not?)
I hope I'm not inconveniencing/confusing you too much. I redirected all the urls so nothing's lost, and will continue tracking visionify. I'm also keeping my icon and layout because, come on, I'm not that cruel lmao
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cerebrosbeforehoes · 9 years
for the oc questions: 2, 14, 24 & 31. :)
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Right now, it’s definitely Gelson (Gell). He’s the one character in the story I’m working on that I feel like I have a complete picture of in my head, and I know how he thinks.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Hmm Gell’s Muther (it’s a non-gender specific title held by the Bearer of the family who, in this case, happens to use she/her pronouns) Muther Emmelia Somnerale was partnered with a non-bearer from Highstone who died *mysteriously* shortly after she miscarried their first child, and she never mentally recovered from either of those tragedies which, in turn, deeply affected Gell’s upbringing, Basically, one tragic backstory lead to another... not quite as tragic, but hardly ideal.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Mera, so I could run away with her inside of Wella. Sorry, Wella.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Maybe Wella, who is Gell’s one-and-only sibling. Younger, non-bearer (as all children born after the first typically are), and uses she/her pronouns. Her blog would be an aethetic blog with lots of soft femme nsfw shit, coastal scenery, and like grungey medieval battle stuff. She wouldn’t tag, and never posts selfies.
Thank you! Send me more questions about my OCs... here!
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ccclear · 9 years
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A very messy warmup drawing of the wonderful @visionify's Faolan Lavellan~
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ladyarrowhead · 9 years
9, 18 & 22 for the dai companion meme :)
9. Where in Skyhold would they be found? (e.g. Cole is in the tavern rafters, Leliana in the top of the tower, Varric in the throne room, etc.)
Ari: in front of the blacksmith, obviously in love with her wife, Camille
Chantal: tavern, first floor, sipping some wine and eying the Chargers curiously
Emeryn: Leliana’s bird paradise, dangerously close to jumping down just to scare Solas
Jeanne: Dusty Library, more and more of the skulls turning up as the game processes. The whole room seems to sing. 
Liang: Tower Library, sitting in one of the armchairs and
18. What’s their reaction to a dragon showing up?
Chantal: Careful or-....alright, just run ahead, as you always do.
Emeryn: Hey, do you believe we could tame one. And then I could ride it? The Keeper would love me even more for this!
Jeanne: (shrieks) Look at these wings! I have to get closer!
Liang: You know what? Next time I’ll just stay home.
22. If you have another Inquisitor, how would those two get along, specifically?
As Jeanne and Liang already share a universe, I’m cheating
At first, they do not get along so well. Despite being related, Jeanne has spent the last few years in the Circle as a tranquil and before that, has done a few things hat do not make her a very respected member of the family. As she is getting her emotions back, Liang at first is very protective of her. Not even in a personal manner but out of necessity, which then again really angers Jeanne.
They pose both as non-Trevelyans and are, due to Liang’s protectiveness, seen as a couple. However, this forced privacy they get to spent with each other, helps them learning more together and getting along.
In the end, it is Jeanne who jumps immediately to Liang’s defense and Liang who lets her fight her own fights. What the Inquistion gives to even one of them, is the possibility, to let a bit of the nobility-only drama slide aside and create something new. Something ,the other one always has a place in.
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tatzelwyrm · 9 years
visionify replied to your post:Und diese Woche im ZDF:
lmao du musst das gucken und uns darüber berichten
Aber ich kenn mich so wenig aus in der Cosplay-Szene. Vielleicht ist das alles am Ende total realistisch! So wie der Videospiel-Serienkiller bei Luther!
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bluewishdust · 9 years
get to know me
Rules: Tag 10 Followers that you want to get to know better Tagged by flore-purpureo
Name: Marie Nickname: Do I have one? Idk... Star Sign: Scorpio Gender: female Fav Color: light blue (or pink) Time right now: 00:something Average hours of sleep: 6-8? Lucky Number: don’t have one, my favourite is 0 Last Google: in which episode of Criminal Minds the Patrick Rothfuss quote was mentioned Number of Blankets: one Favorite Book: The Catcher in the Rye, The Little Prince, The Kingkiller Chronicle and a lot more I think... Favorite Band: The Cure (my favourite German speaking band: Wise Guys) Last Film You Saw in Theaters: this one fairytale film? I forgot the name and i am to lazy to look it up right now sorry Dream Trip: Scottland!, Maybe Japan someday, visiting this one damn library
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snarkspawn · 9 years
visionify replied to your photo “she just really loves flowers ok”
your adaar is the prettiest!
shh don’t let Faolan hear you or he might get jealous
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taurielsilvan · 9 years
Happy birthday & and have a fantastic day!
Thank you soooo much!! :D
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hobbitbilbo · 9 years
Happy birthday! Have a fantastic day!
Thank you ❤!
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lil-cubone · 9 years
wandering-there-and-back-again replied to your post: ”my parents are...”
I’m so sorry! If you need company/conversation, please let me/the group know…
thanks sabrina, but i don't really feel comfortable telling the group. i feel like its a burden or something and honestly i hate being a downer. i’ll b fine and I'm hoping things will blow over, maybe
visionify replied to your post: ”my parents are...”
oh no, i’m so sorry. stay strong!
I'm trying my best, thank you so much!
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visionifyai · 1 year
Transforming Safety Standards with Vision AI: Workplace Safety Software
Discover how Visionify AI-powered workplace safety software is revolutionizing safety standards, enhancing risk management, and ensuring a secure work environment.
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Happy birthday & I hope you have the most wonderful of days!
thank you so much! it’s been a great day already
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