#w some flowers and was like ‘i think i’m gonna ask out mia’ ?? who is mia?? to this day i do not know
drowsyanddazed · 1 year
happy valentine’s day ! happy pink hearts day !
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iluvsexyvoltageguys · 5 years
Bad Romance - Part 9
Fandom: Scandal in the Spotlight (Love 365)
The days following your fight with Iori sucked. There was no other way around it. You felt so stupid, wondering how you ever let yourself believe that Iori actually cared about you. Most of all, it hurt. It really fucking hurt.
To make matters worse, Kyohei was suspicious. You went totally MIA for a few days, needing time for yourself. As much as you loved the guys, they were tied to Iori and you just didn’t want that reminder. Eventually, however, you answered their calls because they were getting worried and you didn’t want to totally freak them out.
“Did something happen between you and Iori?” Kyohei asked. You were grateful this was happening over the phone so you didn’t have to regulate your facial expressions.
“No, why would this have anything to do with Iori,” you lied, curious if Iori had told him what was going on. If he did he was going to fucking hear it from you.
“I don’t know, I thought things were getting better with you two and now…” his voice trailed off.
“No Kyohei it’s not like that,” you sighed.
You were trying not to get annoyed, but these were exactly the questions you didn’t want to answer right now. You knew that Kyohei was coming from a good place, and you appreciated his concern, so that kept you from snapping at him.
“It’s just I- it was a guy I was talking to. I thought we were on the same page but we weren’t and he’s a total ass. Just kinda been nursing a broken heart I guess.”
That was kind of true, you supposed.
“Do I know this dude? Because I’ll kick his ass for you,” Kyohei replied, making you laugh.
Yeah he’s your fucking roommate, you thought bitterly.
“No,” you replied, “Just some idiot I met through a friend.”
“Well shit I’m sorry _____,” Kyohei said, “You deserve better than some shitty guy. It’s his loss.”
“Yeah that’s what I keep telling myself.”
“Good because it’s true,” Kyohei affirmed, “I’m not a broken heart expert, but I think a night out with friends could help. What do you say? Come out with us tonight?”
“I don’t know Kyohei,” you replied.
If he was going out, Iori was coming with him and you were not ready for that.
“Come on _____,” Kyohei playfully whined, “Iori’s out of town this weekend and I’m going stir crazy over here.”
Iori wasn’t going to be there? That made things different, and a night out would be fun…
“So it would just be us?” you confirmed.
“Well I was gonna invite Nagito too, if that’s okay?” Kyohei asked.
“More than okay, it will be good to see Nagito again,” you replied, as a smile found your lips for the first time in a while. Leave it to Kyohei to make you feel better even after the shittiest of times.
Later that evening you met Kyohei and Nagito outside a club they frequent. You were feeling better - getting dressed up did wonders for your self esteem. You looked good and for the first time in awhile you felt good. Plus, the way Nagito was looking at you didn’t hurt either.
You got a drink inside, vowing to yourself it would be your only one. The last thing you needed right now was to get hammered and word vomit what’s been going on the last few weeks to Kyohei and Nagito.
“Man whatever guy hurt you is a dumbass,” Nagito said, joining you at the bar. He looked you up and down, in the least weird way possible. It didn’t feel creepy or anything, it was nice to have someone openly compliment you.
“You could say that again,” you muttered into your drink.
“Seriously though,” Nagito said, slinging his arm around your shoulder, “I’m really sorry some guy was a total dick to you. You don’t deserve that. I’m sure Kyohei already offered but I will totally beat him up for you if you want.”
You chuckled, if only Nagito and Kyohei knew the person they were so eager to beat up was their friend.
“It’s all good,” you replied, “He’s not worth the time or energy. I appreciate the sentiment though.”
“Of course,” Nagito flashed a goofy, but adorable smile, “So would you wanna dance with me or is it too soon?”
“Definitely not too soon,” You smiled.
However, just as the words left your mouth, a familiar face caught your eye.
Nagito followed your eye, smiling brightly at his friend. “Iori!” he exclaimed, grabbing his attention. You wished you could run away, but it was too late. He’d already seen you and you were wedged between Nagito and the bar.
“Hey Nagi, _____,” he greeted casually.
You rolled your eyes, not bothering with a response.
“I thought you were gone for the weekend?” Nagito asked.
Iori shrugged. “My brother wasn’t feeling good. Didn’t wanna risk getting sick,” he explained.
That was a lie, you just knew it. It was something about his dad, but that wasn’t any of your business. Nagito nodded though, either buying the story or knowing better than to question it.
“Kyohei was looking for you Nagi,” Iori said, his eyes on you.
“Did he say what he wanted?” Nagito asked.
You got a sense he didn’t wanna leave your side and you weren’t too keen on that either.
Iori shrugged, “Didn’t say, but he’s back there somewhere.” He pointed back to the crowded part of the club.
Nagito sighed, “I’ll be right back ____.” His hand lingered on your arm before heading off.
Iori stepped over in his place, trapping you.
“You and Nagito?” he asked, trying to sound casual, but he was tense.
“Are friends. Not that it is any of your business,” you answered, taking a sip of your drink. You were gonna need that to deal with him.
“Listen I know I w-”
“Save it Iori,” you cut him off, “I have no interest in what you have to say. You know, I really convinced myself you weren’t that bad of a guy, but boy was I wrong. You’re the asshole I always knew you were.”
Iori’s face shifted as you spoke. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so aggressive, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You’ve felt like absolute shit the past few days all because of him, so his feelings weren’t your top priority at the moment.
“So that’s how it’s going to be?” he asked through gritted teeth.
“What? You thought you could treat me like a punching bag and come back and fuck me again? You’re fucking delusional. Do me a favor and fuck off,” you spat, returning your attention to your drink.
“You don’t know me. You have no idea wh- you know what never mind. You don’t give a fuck and neither do I.” He must have stormed off because the talking stopped.
Thank god. Just moments later, Nagito returned.
“Where’s Iori?” he asked.
“Who knows, who cares,” you mumbled.
“Kyohei didn’t even wanna see me, what a little shit,” Nagito joked.
“You could say that again,” you said under your breath. Then you remembered what Nagito had asked you before. “I’m ready for that dance Nagi.”
“Yeah, okay,” he smirked as you grabbed his hand dragging him to the dance floor. Dancing with Nagito was fun, he wasn’t afraid to be a little goofy with it and the way he smiled at you made your heart skip. You almost forgot about Iori… until you saw him chatting up another girl.
His eyes met yours and you looked away quickly, but it was too late. He knew you saw him and now he was going to make a show of it to piss you off. Well two could play that game. As he wrapped his arms around the girl, you pulled Nagito closer to you. Iori’s hands ghosted over her boobs, you tilted your head back letting Nagito kiss your neck. You were each trying to one up each other by getting more and more intimate with your partner.
Finally Iori went in for the kill, kissing the girl. He kept his eyes opened, locked right on you. You weren’t about to lose, you grabbed Nagito, pressing your lips to his. So there you were, in a stare down with Iori across a crowded club as you both made out with someone else.
Wait what the hell am I doing?
You suddenly snapped back to reality. It was hitting you how much it sucked to see Iori kiss another girl even though you wanted so badly not to care. On top of that, you felt like a total ass for kind of using Nagito.
You jumped back abruptly, “I have to go.”
“Wait I’m sorry I didn’t me-”
“No it’s not you I-” you were struggling to find the right words, “Fuck I’m sorry I just have to go.”
You ran out without another word, refusing to look at Iori again. You didn’t know what would be worse to see: his cocky triumphant grin or him still kissing that girl.
That night you didn’t sleep well. You kept seeing Iori kissing her every time you closed your eyes. It was torture. You just wanted to forget everything that ever happened with him. Of course, it couldn’t be that easy.
A knock at the door pulled you from your sulking the next morning. You wondered who could possibly be at your door that early in the morning. Okay it wasn’t that early, but early enough that it seemed bizarre. Part of you wondered if it was Iori trying to pull some shit after last night, so you braced for the worst.
You were met with a surprise, however, and a nice one at that. It was Nagito, and he brought flowers.
“Hey,” he said shyly.
“Hey,” you replied, relaxing against the door, “I wasn’t expecting you.”
“I know I’m sorry. I don’t know, I just kinda felt bad about last night,” Nagito explained.
“Nagi, I should be the one apologizing to you. I ran out on you like a crazy person,” you replied.
Nagito shook his head, “I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. With everything that happened with that guy. I pushed you too fast.”
“I’m pretty sure I kissed you,” you teased, “But seriously, you have nothing to be sorry for. You probably won’t believe me, but I did enjoy it.” It wasn’t a lie, Nagito was a good kisser.
“I’m happy about that,” he flashed a soft smile, “I guess I just wanted to make sure we were going to be okay… I meant if there even is a we I don’t mean to b-”
“Kiss me,” you cut him off.
“Yeah Nagito, kiss me. I won’t run this time, I promise,” you replied.
You needed to know if there was anything between you two or if that was just a one time thing. Nagito didn’t need anymore convincing. He stepped into your place, dropping the flowers to wrap his arms around you and pull you in.
Okay, it definitely wasn’t a fluke. Kissing Nagito was nice. It was easy for things to escalate. One minute his hand was sliding in your hair in the door way and the next he was sliding down your pants on your bed. It all happened so quickly, yet you kind of felt like you were moving in slow motion.
Is this really happening? Am I really sleeping with Iori’s friend.
The answers to both those questions were yes. And it was good, Nagito was really good. He made you cum three times before letting himself get off. God and the fucking smile he gave you after. Like he liked you, really liked you. It was certainly different from your hook ups with Iori.
But a good different? You didn’t really know. Yeah, it was great sex, but… something was missing. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it but it just wasn’t the same. Maybe it was because you were just so used to the hate sex that anything else was throwing you off. It was a good enough excuse for yourself now.
It was nice enough that you were interested in more. It could take a little time to get Iori fully out of your system, but you thought Nagito could help with that. He was always so sweet to you, giving him a chance couldn’t hurt.
“You know I didn’t just come over here for sex,” Nagito nudged you, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Could have fooled me,” you teased, nudging him back.
“I know we did this a little backwards, but I’d love to take you on a date. If you want to that is,” Nagito replied, nerves peaking through in his voice. It was sweet.
“I’d like that a lot,” you smiled, giving him a quick kiss.
“Awesome,” he beamed, “I gotta run to the studio, but I’ll text you.” You nodded, walking Nagito to the door.
You picked up the flowers he had dropped, thanking him again for them, before saying goodbye. You pressed your back against the door, breathing in the sweet scent of the flowers and desperately trying to ignore the mess you surely just created.
SITS Masterlist
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numba99 · 5 years
Hate to Love You Part 9
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Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Playlist for shits and gigs if you care
Summary:  You and Jimmy have never gotten along. To say you hated each other would be an understatement. But when a night at a party takes an unexpected turn, things between the two of you change forever. Word Count: 2,240
Warnings:alcohol, like smut adjacent lmao 
The days following your fight with Jimmy sucked. There was no other way around it. You felt so stupid, wondering how you ever let yourself believe that Jimmy actually cared about you. Most of all, it hurt. It really fucking hurt. 
To make matters worse, Brady was suspicious. You went totally MIA for a little over a week, needing time for yourself. As much as you loved Brady, he was tied to Jimmy and you just didn’t want that reminder. Eventually, however, you answered his calls because he was getting worried and you didn’t want to totally freak him out. 
“Did something happen between you and Jimmy?” Brady asked. You were grateful this was happening over the phone so you didn’t have to regulate your facial expressions.
“No why would this have anything to do with Jimmy,” you lied, curious if Jimmy had told him what was going on. If he did he was going to fucking hear it from you.
“I don’t know, I thought things were getting better with you two and now...” his voice trailed off.
“No Brady it’s not like that,” you sighed. You were trying not to get annoyed, but these were exactly the questions you didn’t want to answer right now. You knew that Brady was coming from a good place, and you appreciated his concern, so that kept you from snapping at him. “It’s just I- it was a guy I was talking to. I thought we were on the same page but we weren’t and he’s a total ass. Just kinda been nursing a broken heart I guess.” That was kind of true, you supposed.
“Do I know this dude? Because I’ll kick his ass for you,” Brady replied, making you laugh. Yeah he’s your fucking roommate, you thought bitterly. 
“No,” you replied, “Just some idiot I met through Tinder.” 
“Well shit I’m sorry y/n,” Brady said, “You deserve better than some shitty Tinder guy. It’s his loss.”
“Yeah that’s what I keep telling myself.”
“Good because it’s true,” Brady affirmed, “I’m not a broken heart expert, but I think a night out with friends could help. What do you say? Come out with me tonight?”
“I don’t know Brady,” you replied. If he was going out, Jimmy was coming with him and you were not ready for that.
“Come on y/n,” Brady playfully whined, “Jimmy’s back home for the weekend and Gracia’s still in Minnesota. I’m going stir crazy over here.” Jimmy wasn’t going to be there? That made things different, and a night out would be fun...
“So it would just be us?” you confirmed.
“Well I was gonna invite Kevin too, if that okay?” Brady asked.
“More than okay, it will be good to see Kevin again,” you replied, as a smile found your lips for the first time in a while. Leave it to Brady to make you feel better even after the shittiest of times. 
Later that evening you met Brady and Kevin outside a club they frequent. You were feeling better - getting dressed up did wonders for your self esteem. You looked good and for the first in awhile you felt good. Plus, the way Kevin was looking at you didn’t hurt either.
You got a drink inside, vowing to yourself it would be your only one. The last thing you needed right now was to get hammered and word vomit what’s been going on the last few weeks to Brady and Kevin.
“Man whatever guy hurt you is a dumbass,” Kevin said, joining you at the bar. He looked you up and down, in the least weird way possible. It didn’t feel creepy or anything, it was nice to have someone openly compliment you.
“You could say that again,” you muttered into your drink.
“Seriously though,” Kevin said, slinging his around your shoulder, “I’m really sorry some guy was a total dick to you. You don’t deserve that. I’m sure Brady already offered but I will totally beat him up for you if you want.”
You chuckled, if only Kevin and Brady knew the person they were so eager to beat up was their best friend. “It’s all good,” you replied, “He’s not worth the time or energy. I appreciate the sentiment though.”
“Course,” Kevin flashed a goofy, but adorable smile, “So would you wanna dance with me or is it too soon?”
“Definitely not too soon,” You smiled. However, just as the words left your mouth, a familiar face caught your eye. Jimmy.
Kevin followed your eye, smiling brightly at his friend. “Jimmy!” he exclaimed, grabbing his attention. You wished you could run away, but it was too late. He’d already seen you and you were wedged between Kevin and the bar.
“Hey Kevin, y/n,” he greeted casually. You rolled your eyes, not bothering with a response.
“I thought you were in Boston for the weekend?” Kevin asked.
Jimmy shrugged. “Sister wasn’t feeling good. Didn’t wanna risk getting sick,” he explained. That was a lie, you just knew it. It was something about his dad, but that wasn’t any of your business. Kevin nodded though, either buying the story or knowing better than to question it.
“Brady was looking for you Kev,” Jimmy said, his eyes on you.
“Did he say what he wanted?” Kevin asked. You got a sense he didn’t wanna leave your side and you were too keen on that either.
Jimmy shrugged, “Didn’t say, but he’s back there somewhere.” He pointed back to the crowded part of the club.
Kevin sighed, “I’ll be right back y/n.” His hand lingered on your arm before heading off. Jimmy stepped over in his place, trapping you.
“You and Kevin?” he asked, trying to sound casual, but he was tense.
“Are friends. Not that it is any of your business,” you answered, taking a sip of your drink. You were gonna need that to deal with him.
“Listen I know I w-”
“Save it Jimmy,” you cut him off, “I have no interest in what you have to say. You know, I really convinced myself you weren’t that bad of a guy, but boy was I wrong. You’re the asshole I always knew you were.”
Jimmy’s face shifted as you spoke. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so aggressive, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You’ve felt like absolute shit the past few days all because of him, so his feelings weren’t your top priority at the moment.
“So that’s how it’s going to be?” he asked through gritted teeth.
“What you thought you could treat me like a punching bag and come back and fuck me again? You’re fucking delusional. Do me a favor and fuck off,” you spat, returning your attention to your drink.
“You don’t know me. You have no idea wh- you know what never mind. You don’t give a fuck and neither do I.” He must have stormed off because the talking stopped. Thank god. Just moments later, Kevin returned.
“Where’s Jimmy?” he asked.
“Who knows, who cares,” you mumbled. 
“Brady didn’t even wanna see what me, what a little shit,” Kevin joked.
“You could say that again,” you said under your breath. Then you remembered what Kevin had asked you before. “I’m ready for that dance Kev.”
“Yeah, okay,” he smirked as you grabbed his hand dragging him to the dance floor. Dancing with Kevin was fun, he was afraid to be a little goofy with it and the way he smiled at you made your heart skip. You almost forgot about Jimmy... until you say him chatting up another girl.
His eyes met yours and you looked away quickly, but it was too late. He knew you saw him and now he was going to make a show of it to piss you off. Well two could play that game. As he wrapped his arms around the girl, you pulled Kevin closer you. Jimmy’s hands ghosted over her boobs, you tilted your head back letting Kevin kiss your neck. You were each trying to one up each other by getting more and more intimate with your partner. 
Finally Jimmy went in for the kill, kissing the girl. He kept his eyes opened, locked right on you. You weren’t about to lose, you grabbed Kevin, pressing your lips to his. So there you were, in a stare down with Jimmy across a crowded club as you both made out with someone else.
Wait what the hell am I doing?
You suddenly snapped back to reality. It was hitting you how much it sucked to see Jimmy kiss another girl even though you wanted so badly not to care. On top of that, you felt like a total dick for kind of using Kevin. 
You jumped back abruptly, “I have to go.”
“Wait I’m sorry I didn’t me-”
“No it’s not you I-” you were struggling to find the right words, “Fuck I’m sorry I just have to go.” You ran out without another word, refusing to look at Jimmy again. You didn’t know what would be worse to see: his cocky triumphant grin or him still kissing that girl.
That night you didn’t sleep well. You kept seeing Jimmy kissing her every time you closed your eyes. It was torture. You just wanted to forget everything that ever happened with him.Of course, it couldn’t be that easy.
A knock at the door pulled you from your sulking the next morning. You wondered who could possibly be at your door that early in the morning. Okay it wasn’t that early, but early enough that it seemed bizarre. Part of you wondered if it was Jimmy trying to pull some shit after last night, so you braced for the worst.
You were met with a surprise, however, and a nice one at that. It was Kevin, and he brought flowers.
“Hey,” he said shyly.
“Hey,” you replied, relaxing against the door, “I wasn’t expecting you.”
“I know I’m sorry. I don’t know, I just kinda felt bad about last night,” Kevin explained.
“Kev, I should be the one apologizing to you. I ran out on you like a crazy person,” you replied.
Kevin shook his head, “I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. With everything that happened with that guy. I pushed you too fast.”
“I’m pretty sure I kissed you,” you teased, “But seriously, you have nothing to be sorry for. You probably won’t believe me, but I did enjoy it.” It wasn’t a lie, Kevin was a good kisser.
“I’m happy about that,” he flashed a soft smile, “I guess I just wanted to make sure we were going to be okay... I meant if there even is a we I don’t mean to b-”
“Kiss me,” you cut him off.
“Yeah Kevin, kiss me. I won’t run this time, I promise,” you replied. You needed to know if there was anything between you two or if that was just a one time thing. Kevin didn’t need anymore convincing. He stepped into your place, dropping the flowers to wrap his arms around you and pull you in.
Okay, it definitely wasn’t a fluke. Kissing Kevin was nice. It was easy for things to escalate. One minute his hand was sliding in your hair in the door way and the next he was sliding down your pants on your bed. It all happened so quickly, yet you kind of felt like you were moving in slow motion. 
Is this really happening? Am I really sleeping with Jimmy’s best friend.
The answers to both those questions were yes. And it was good, Kevin was really good. He was somehow bigger than Jimmy, but he was good enough with his mouth that it was a pretty easy fit. He made you cum three times before letting himself get off. God and the fucking smile he gave you after. Like he liked you, really liked you. It was certainly different from your hook ups with Jimmy.
But a good different? You didn’t really know. Yeah, it was great sex, but... something was missing. You couldn’t quite but your finger on it but it just wasn’t the same. Maybe it was because you were just so used to the hate sex that anything else was throwing you off. It was a good enough excuse for yourself now. 
It was nice enough that you were interested in more. It could take a little time to get Jimmy fully out of your system, but you thought Kevin could help with that. He was always so sweet to you, giving him a chance couldn’t hurt.
“You know I didn’t just come over here for sex,” Kevin nudged you, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Could have fooled me,” you teased, nudging him back. 
“I know we did this a little backwards, but I’d love to take you on a date. If you want to that is,” Kevin replied, nerves peaking through in his voice. It was sweet.
“I’d like that a lot,” you smiled, giving him a quick kiss.
“Awesome,” he beamed, “I gotta run to practice, but I’ll text you.” You nodded, walking Kevin to the door. You picked up the flowers he had dropped, thanking him again for them, before saying goodbye. You pressed your back against the door, breathing in the sweet scent of the flower and desperately trying to ignore the mess you surely just created.
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writerachel · 6 years
2, 3, 8
thank you!!!
i answered 2 here 
3.  have you ever been physically compared to someone? who? when i think physical i think body and no my body hasn’t been compared to anyone. BUT once or twice i was told i look like laura prepon (i disagree) but i like to say i look like a mix of mia tyler, kat dennings and patrick stump....... like if mia tyler and kat dennings were one person and they had a baby with patrick stump it would be me 
8. describe one of your favorite outfits? omg this is fun!! i’m gonna describe two ok soooooo i have a green bomber jacket that i like to wear with this purple shirt that has a manatee and some flowers on it that i got from a thrift store like your image of it is probably correct and then just a pair of ripped blue jeans and my rlly worn out black high top converse AND THEN a yellow and black and white flannel w my white fall out boy boys of zummer tour t-shirt and black jeans on my converse........ i also have a leather jacket i wear like every day during the winter thanks for coming to my ted talk 
send me some “irl” asks!!!
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neganandblake · 6 years
I think I liked you better when you didn’t have a knife in your hand, Peaches... Chapter 139 - Seeing red
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When Blake finds herself sold out to the Saviours by her abusive fiancé, she realises that she’s certainly not on her own anymore and finds an unlikely friend in Negan. And Negan does NOT like men who beat their girlfriends, one tiny bit….
Chapter 139 - Seeing red
[Searching the rooms of the abandoned house, Blake’s primal instincts kick in when a sudden figure shows up...]
Blake followed Negan swiftly back into the living room, gazing about.
Negan was right, the place did indeed look pretty looted. With all that was left being a few items of rickety furniture and the dusty old decor of a family long since departed one way or another.
The blonde woman gave a small sigh, picking up a well-out-of date trashy magazine showing pictures of z-list celebrities Blake barely cared to remember, before flinging it back down again, making her way over to the door on the far side of the hallway, which Negan had checked just a few short minutes ago.
It looked like a bedroom, dark and gloomy with a small twin bed sat in the centre and the drapes drawn tightly.
It smelled of dried blood in here and Blake didn't care to linger on thoughts of what might have happened here long ago.
From behind her she could hear Negan still shuffling about in the living room, from the sounds of it, flicking through a stack of CDs which she had noticed had been sat on a shelf near to the fireplace.
Blake tried the next room, the large family bathroom with a pretty, if not a little dated, shell-shaped tub which filled one corner, next to a washbasin and toilet.
She checked the small mirrored medicine cabinet which hung over the sink, but found it empty, much like the rest of the house, save for a couple of pink-fairy-covered band-aids. But Blake pocketed these nonetheless, thinking of Mia, before heading into the room just across the small hallway.
The door was slightly ajar and Blake gave it a sharp shove open to see that inside was a small child's bedroom. With soccer balls painted onto the light green walls and a small twin bed squashed into the corner beside a nightstand adorned with a star-shaped nightlight.
Blake hovered here for a long moment, her digits tensed around the door handle, but she didn't venture in, giving a small gulp, before pulling the door shut-to once more.
But as she turned around she noticed a door just to her right which she hadn't noticed when she had first entered the small shadowy hallway.
Had Negan?
The door was indeed closed, unlike the other rooms that Negan had searched.
She turned her head, still hearing the sound of Negan flicking through CDs and records in the other room.
"Baby, you tried this room?" she called through to him gently.
But before he could answer she had moved tentatively over to the door, shuffling along the small windowless corridor, her fingers tensing around the brass door knob.
"What you say, Darlin'?" he said suddenly, his head appearing around the doorway that led into the living room, just as Blake tried the door handle, feeling it twist beneath her grasp.
It was obvious that Negan hadn't noticed this room either, the handle stiff beneath her grasp, like it hadn't been opened in years.
He was at her side in a flash, pulling his knife from his belt swiftly.
But as the door relented and swung open, to both of their relief, they found the room to be devoid of any walkers…
….but instead, Blake gave a small blink, staring around, her lips parting gently.
This was the reason she had been right to search this place...
...her eyes widening.
She took a step inside to see a small room painted all in white, with beautiful pink and purple vine-covered flowers hand-painted onto the walls.
And inside the very centre of the room sat a small white, empty crib.
Blake stared at it, as did Negan, both of them silent for a very, very long moment.
After a long few second had passed, Blake silently moved over to it, peering down inside to find a gorgeous hand crocheted comforter and a small brown teddy bear.
The woman who lived here, part of that family, had been pregnant….
...or perhaps she had had the baby before the world went to shit, but Blake doubted it...
The entire room looked unused and undisturbed, like a shrine to a child, unborn.
There was a closet and a changing table on the far side of the small white space, with at least two boxes of what looked like diapers and other baby supplies in baskets stored underneath.
And beneath the the large net-covered window, sat a small rocking chair made of wicker, with a fleecy blanket draped over it.
Blake felt tears welling in her green eyes, unsure of whether this was happiness or sadness now, as she stared around.
But she didn't get the chance for any tears to fall, as she felt Negan's sudden strong arms wrap around her waist from behind, angling Lucille away from her as his stubbly chin dropped down onto Blake's shoulder.
"You alaright, Peaches…" he muttered in a low and serious voice, as always, reading her like a book.
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But she nodded.
"Yeah," she replied gently, moving her hand over his, as his calloused digits skimmed over her abdomen
And she was.
She was here, alive and so was Mia and the baby growing inside her.
She had a chance here that few others had. A chance to love something brand new in this dead and decaying old world.
She felt Negan press a scratchy kiss to the place just below her ear before he pulled gently away, letting out a hot sigh against her skin.
"You think we should take some of this shit back with us?" he uttered with a hum. "Shit looks like its fresh from the store."
Blake pondered this for a lengthy few moments before nodding again.
"Yeah I think that would be good," she murmured back in reply.
It was time for her to start thinking about this sort of thing.
It had taken them long enough to get Mia's room in order, and the baby currently growing inside her belly would be here in a few months and they would indeed need things for him or her...like any other healthy baby outside of this damn apocalypse would have had.
So they might as well start somewhere.
"You think we can get all this in the truck," Blake asked, placing her hands to the side of the white painted crib.
"No fuckin' problem," said Negan pushing himself off of her with a huff and arching his spine, marvelling at the piece of furniture, before standing up once again and pointing a finger towards her. "But I'm doin' all the heavy liftin', no arguments."
Blake gave a smile, lifting her palms up to either side of her shoulders in a gesture of defeat, rolling her eyes.
"Fiiine," she said in a happy, teasing voice, making to open her mouth again to speak.
But before she could do so there came a sudden creak of floorboards behind the pair of them.
Instantaneously both Negan and Blake swung around, with Negan lifting his barbed wire- covered baseball bat, just as the click of a gun was heard.
And Blake's eyes seemed to widen in their sockets as her gaze fell on the figure of a man with long brown hair and a dirty brown beard.
Neither of them recognized him for a moment, until a stark realisation suddenly washed over Blake.
For she saw that it was the man from the photograph, now sitting on the mantelpiece above the fireplace back in that living room in there.
But he looked a lot different that he had done back then that was for sure.
Now his hair was far longer, a unkempt matted mess, his clothes were filthy and torn and coated in sweat and grime. And to Blake it looked as though he had long stopped taking care of himself. Surviving out here alone for years.
He stood there now, pointing a gun at them with one hand, holding a knife, blackened with crusty blood, in the other. But there was no sign of the rest of the family that Blake had seen in the picture. With her realising it was likely that they had died a long, long time ago. The house still left like a shrine of sorts, a tell-tale sign of that sorry fact.
"You're trespassing," the man suddenly barked, his eyes wild and staring.
He looked completely unstable at this very moment swaying back and forth on his tall, stocky legs.
Blake gave a gulp, placing a hand protectively to her stomach, as Negan took a sudden step forwards.
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"Whoh now look. at. you, big guy," Negan snarled, a hint of a narrowed-eyed grin etching its way across his face, cocking his tanned head to the side. "With your big, weighty fuckin' balls steppin' up to me an' my-"
But the man cut across him suddenly, before Negan could finish.
"This is my house!" the brown haired-man shouted. "Y-You come into MY house and y-you think you can touch my things...my wife's things...my kid's things….."
Blake gave a worried frown, as she saw Negan lower his chin darkly.
"We weren't-" she began in a soothing voice, but the man cut her down taking a sudden and unpredicted step forwards, staring at her with wide, blown eyes.
"You were trespassing!" shouted the man again, sounding as though he was close to tears, dragging his sleeve across his sweaty brow. "O-On my property...y-you're both gonna die for that."
At her side, she heard Negan let-out an angry growl.
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"Only one fuckin' fucker is gonna die today," said the dark-haired Saviour furiously. "An' that's gonna be you, asshole."
Negan took another step forward, sliding in front of Blake and shielding her from harm's way.
But Blake had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, worried not only for herself and the safety of her unborn baby, but for Negan too.
This man looked unstable and it seemed almost impossible to predict what he would do next.
The man stared to Negan suddenly, pointing his gun square between the Saviour's eyes.
Blake felt her blood run cold. And before she could stop herself, she took took a quick step towards the man.
"Your wife and son," she said suddenly. "W-Where are they now?"
She noticed he still hand his gold wedding band on one finger, as his wild eyes shot her way.
But the man faltered for a second, his gun trained on Negan.
"M-My wife and son?" he repeated, gaping at the air a moment, before blinking several times in quick succession.
He hovered for a lengthy moment, shifting his weight back and forth between his feet.
"They're…." he began, frowning slightly. "...well, they're…"
But he stopped, blinking again in confusion, before suddenly and without warning turning the gun on Blake.
"Shut up!" he yelled suddenly, his hand shaking. "Shut up!"
Beside her, Blake saw Negan tighten his grip on Lucille suddenly, his hackles raising.
"Don't you dare speak to me," shouted the man again, his finger tensing around the trigger. "Don't you dare stand in my house, touching my things, OUR things."
And it was in that second that Blake felt her heart stop, fear coursing suddenly through her, terrified now of dying and not being able to see the baby that was growing inside her. Realising just how much love she felt for the child she had never ever met yet.
Suddenly Negan let out a roar, lifting Lucille above his head and swinging it back down.
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But the man was quicker than either of them thought he would be, and dodged out of the way as the bat swished through the air.
Negan staggered for a moment, teeth gritted and wild-looking himself, just as the man gave a yell of his own and made to lunge knife-first at Blake.
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But the blonde woman saw red quicker than she had ever done before in her life.
There was no logic here.
No time to be sensible or think this through.
So she did what her instinct told her, tugging the gun suddenly from her belt…
….and shooting.
The gunshot rang through the small house, ringing through Blake's ears.
Negan gazed up as the man stared up at her too….
….blood flowing on his sweat stained shirt, as he dropped suddenly to his knees, lips mouthing pointlessly at the air.
But Blake watched and kept watching as he slumped sideways, falling to the floor, his gun and knife tumbling from each of his hands.
But Blake felt no remorse now as she watched him die.
For no one was ever going to threaten their unborn baby. Not ever.
Negan stood up straight, placing his hand to her arm and lowering it, sliding the gun gently from her fingers, his other arm wrapping around her.
"I ain't even gonna bother askin' you if you're alright, cause I know what the damn answer is gonna be, Darlin'," he said with a heavy sigh.
But Blake's eyes found his, as she frowned slightly and shook her head.
"I'm good," he said in firm voice, gazing at him reassuringly. "Really I am."
And she was.
She was the queen to his king. And nothing, NOTHING was going to get in the way of that.
They were a family now. And the baby growing inside her only served as a reminder that the two of them would go to the ends of the earth to protect, not only each other, but the life growing inside Blake.
Their life.
Her hand slid to Negan's leather-clad sleeve, her fingers tightening around the stiff material.
"Come on," she said giving his arm a squeeze. "Let's pack this stuff up and get out of here."
And with a nod, Negan brushed his own coarse fingers gently over her cheek affectionately.
"Mhmmm," he agreed "...lets go home, Peaches."
(Gif credit belongs to the owners.)
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dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
What a Day(14 pt1)
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I was in my chemistry class working on a big project when I’m called to the main office. Of course the imitate kids oh and ah like I’m in trouble.
On the way I see Julian coming from the stair halls. As I start to call out his name a small hand grabs his.
“Hey wait up….would you show me to the gym I’m new and still learning where everything thing is.”
“Yeah sure I was headed there anyway. Julian.”
“Joan. I’ve seen you around a lot you must be pretty popular.” They walked ahead of me together.
I shouldn’t think to much into this. We know how each other feel. Then again he’s a single guy just like I’m a single girl. We’re both young still in school with the rest of our lives to worry about something like dating.
Who am I kidding my little bit of self esteem just shrieked up a bit. Rather ready or not I should’ve just made us officially. But that would just be like setting myself up for possible failure. He’s a big red target in this school. All the girls throw themselves at him constantly…I’m gonna lose him before I can even really have him.
My walk slowed down the closer I got to the main office. Eventually I did and find my dad standing.
“Um hi?”
“Hey princess-”
“Please don’t do that. What are you doing here?”
“To pick you up for your eye exam.” He smiled winking coming closer. “I know I’ve been a little MIA but I’m back.” He pulls a little stuffed kitten.
“Eric look I’m done with you. I can’t have you in my life if you only want to be around for half of it. I’m growing up quickly and the last thing I need is an unstable father.”
“W-what? Stanley I’m sorry for not being here like I should but-”
I put my hand up stopping him. “I got my last name changed. I won’t be anymore of a burden for you.”
I’ve had enough thought on this. The moment he missed my birthday after being gone for months was the day I let all hope in him go. In a way I’m glad I have him the chance because now I know for sure it wasn’t just my mom being bitter or Chris and Camila not wanting to share me. He’s not a good father I now see it for myself and don’t want that in my life.
I walked out before he could try to sweet talk me. I did keep the little kitten I guess as a reminder. Now that I’ve dealt with him I kinda miss my mom. She and I talk here and there but not a lot.
After she got out of prison then rehab she moved to Washington and became a rehab nurse. She helps people not to the point she reaches and I couldn’t be more proud of her. Maybe I can visit her.
Instead of going back to class I went to the library. A good book will bring my spirits back up.
“Oh hey Stanley.” The librarian says looking up from her computer.
I waved heading for an isle. While looking for something to read I saw someone creeping by. I knew heard the back door open and close since I was close to the back exit and got curious. I probably should just mind my business. But then again I’m sure whoever that was would prefer to be caught by a student rather than the librarian. I flipped a mental coin and just went for it.
What can I say I’m a curious girl. I snuck over slowly opening the back door.
“I’m glad you came to see me.”
“You know I couldn’t go to much longer without seeing my baby. Imma still pick you up tonight tho so be ready.”
I gasp getting their attention. This guy looked at lease by the most twenty maybe eighteen. Frowning I storm over snatching her up.
“You know she’s fourteen right?” I asked mugging this pervert.
He chuckled deep digging in his pocket pulling out a cigarette. “Yeah but it’s all good she’s mature for her age plus that shit ain’t nothing but a number.”
“Oh really is that what your gonna tell the judge. The amount of years you spend behind bars is just a number?” He rolled his eyes. “And you!”
“Stanley relax it’s not that big a deal. We just friends.”
“Please don’t insult my brain. Why are you doing this you have a boyfriend already and it’s his brother!”
“Their not serious…he can’t handle her like I can.”
“Oh really but I bet Big Ben will be able to handle you in the showers.” He smirked looking me up and down. Disgusting! “This has to end how can you do this to Sam?”
“Sometimes you need something else. Shawn is that something else for me we don’t focuse on ages either it’s not a big deal to us. He’s really good company and don’t worry he’s a gentlemen to me at all times.”
“But he got you skipping classes and probably sneaking out the house. Mona please just stop this now no good is gonna come from this guys like him….older but prey on younger are no good and most of the time are just looking for a quick thrill until he finds a woman.”
“I am a woman.” She frowned.
“No you are a fourteen year old girl you can’t even drive yet what could you two possibly have in command. How old are you anyway?”
“I just turned twenty one I got so wasted that night shit was lit as hell! Look I came to spend my break with my girl you taking up time I could be putting to better use.” He came up wrapping her arm around Mona.
“You gave him your flower?”
“No Stanley he just means making out and…some other stuff. I know your just looking out for me and I appreciate it but I’m good. Just don’t tell anyone you’ll be the only person who knows about us.”
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At the food court we both share a Cinnabon with the girls. They ended up with frosting all on their faces.
“They eat like you.” I wipe Mylan face with a baby wipe.
“True I’m a messy eater. You would know that best.” Chris winked wiping Morgan face. “We done shopping or you wanna go somewhere else?”
“I think I’m-” my phone rang cutting me off. It was Maliki pre school. “Hello?”
“Yes Mrs Washington I’m calling about a slight problem that happened with Maliki and another child.”
Damn my bad ass kids!
“Ok we’ll be there shortly.”
“Well the other parent is threatening to call the police.”
By now I had already got up taking the twins with me. Somebody gotta die today.
“Why would the police need to be involved because of some tussle between four year olds!?”
“I’m trying to talk her out of it but it would help a lot for you and your husband to be here.”
Chris was running behind me with all the shopping bags and the rest of his Cinnabon hanging out his mouth.
“Camila Rose Washington if you don’t help me with these damn bags!”
After strapping in the twins and folding up the stroller. “Man up and just stuff that shit in the trunk somebody trynna put my baby in jail!”
“Damn what Mona do now?”
To save time I’ll hit him later. I sped up to that school thanking everything and everybody when I didn’t see any cop cars. I got one of the twins while Chris got the other and followed me to the main office.
“Ki come here.”
He pouted running up hugging my leg. “Look.” He showed me his arms that had a bite mark in both.
I noticed a lady sitting with a little girl looking upset but I can guarantee she not on my level. Chris still looked confused but sat with me. Maliki teacher was next to the principle.
“Mr and Mrs Washington this is sally and her mother Ms May. During recess the altercation happened.”
“So what happen.”
“I noticed them playing then Maliki pushed her and she pushed back then leaned over bitting him on his arms and he pushed her again.” The teacher said.
I sigh pinching my nose. “Ki-”
“Come here boy.” Chris hands Morgan. “Is that true did you push that girl?”
He looked at me. “Mommy?”
Chris grabbed his shirt pulling him in front. “I’m talking to you….did you push that girl?”
“Why and don’t you lie to me.”
“She…she.” He started tearing up.
Catching me off his scream made me jump. Now I’m not for hitting the kids but Chris on the other hand. “Baby-”
“I got this….you have no reason to be crying I just asked you a question. Don’t you ever put your hands on a female like that again. I don’t care what she does you man up and walk up ass away and tell your teacher what happen. Only weak boys with no home training pick on girls and you are neither. Get over there and say sorry to that young lady.”
Maliki sniffed turning. “I so-OW!”
“Talk like you four not two we stopping that shit right now.”
“I’m sorry Sally.”
“For what?”
“For pushing you.” He came back over wiping his face. “She called me stupid for not wanting to play with her.”
“That doesn’t mean you push her. Sit down.” Chris sighed sitting back.
“Uh ok….well since sally did bite Maliki I think it’s only right for her to apologize as well.” The teacher broke the silence that fell.
The other mom nods. “Go ahead sally.”
“I’m sorry for calling you stupid and bitting you Maliki.”
The teacher said both kids would go without recesss for two days. After getting his things we walk out back to the car.
“When we get home go straight to your room you hear me Maliki?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Chris did you really have to punch him?” I’m still mentality flinching.
“Yes Camila I told you we be to soft on him. He’ll be fine I didn’t even hit him hard.”
“I know I just hate when you hit any of them.”
“I know mama but one of us gotta be giving them the ass whopping that’ll help them become the next president.” He smirked.
“Whatever. Max and Isabel want us to come to dinner with them and the Willis couple tonight.” I grab his hand sitting back as he drives us home. “You talk to Carlton by the way?”
“Nah not much lately he’s been working with Robin for her album.”
“I heard Rebecca told me he’s been coming in really late. You don’t think he’s cheating do you?”
He turned up his face. “No way my boy ain’t dumb but I’ll see what’s up with him. I might try to convince him to get another producer for Robin. Honestly I told him not to take her on alone cause I knew she’s a little flirty.”
“Oh she is? Has she tried you?”
“Yeah but I put that to a end as quick as it started. You know I ain’t with no easy woman I hate when a female is so eager to be seen or be with a man where she has no standards. She knows we’re both married with kids but she don’t give a damn.”
“You told her all of that?”
“Yes Camila I did don’t worry about her you all the woman I need.” He kisses my hand. “Come on let’s get in those two are looking sleepy.”
In the house Maurice and Elias were playing his game. Maliki slowly walked up the stairs to his room like he was told. Chris was behind him with the sleeping girls. I had the boys go get all the shopping bags out the car from earlier.
“Aunt C!” Julian came out the kitchen with a sand which.
“Hey where the girls?”
“In their rooms I think.”
Going up I check on Mona first. She was sitting on doing homework while on face time on her iPad.
“I do not have a big head…ok yeah my forehead is kinda big but it’s not like out this world…shut up…boy bye I look just as good as my parents and they a fly ass couple. They ain’t make no ugly babies.”
“True who you talking to?” She jumped.
“Knocking helps.”
“My house my room. Who you talking to?”
“Sam a little privacy please?”
“Don’t get hurt little girl. We going out tonight I want you and Stanley to keep a eye on the twins and don’t just leave them in their room.”
“Ok ok I got it bye.”
Cutting my eyes I point. I swear that girl is gonna be the death of me.
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sarahgirl1998 · 5 years
Lumpy’s Sneezy Birthday
Lumpy sighed to himself in bliss as he listened to his friends laughing, talking and having fun. He could tell they were all enjoying themselves, and he was enjoying himself as well.
It was Lumpy’s birthday, and everyone in Multimedia had come to his birthday party, which was taking place at the Multimedia park. Mario was there, along with SpongeBob, Tootie, Unikitty, Yin, Yang, Kit, Kate and Gumball (Meowth, King Dedede and Escargoon weren’t at the party because they weren’t invited). And they had brought gifts that Lumpy was looking forward to opening, much more than he was looking forward to eating some of the cake.
But before any of his desires could be fulfilled, something got in the way.
While Lumpy was smiling to himself that he was having a great birthday, a massive and strong tickle made its way into his nostrils. They flared up massively, and he noticed. But before he could say anything, his breath began to hitch. He had to sneeze.
“Aaaaah... Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...” Lumpy tilted his neck back as his nose twitched. He then gave a final inhale and exploded with a gigantic sneeze. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-- CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!”
Everybody - yes, everybody at the party - cringed as Lumpy released the sneeze. They could all see a good amount of spray being released from Lumpy’s mouth.
“EEEEEK!!!” Tootie cried in fear as she jumped.
“Whoa!!” SpongeBob said as he winced, caught off guard.
“Mama Mia!” said Mario.
“Oh, my goodness!” Unikitty said.
“Oh, my!” Yin said in surprise, while Yang simply looked on in amazement.
And Kit and Kate hugged in fear as soon as they heard Lumpy’s sneeze. Gumball, meanwhile, covered his ears with his hands as his eyes went wide with disbelief.
Lumpy recovered from his sneeze, sniffled and rubbed his nose with his forefinger.
“L-Lumpy! Are you alright?” Yin asked.
“That was awesome in more ways than one,” said Yang.
“Yeah, sorry.” Lumpy continued to rub his nose. “I don’t know how it happened.”
“I hope you’re not coming down with something,” Kit said.
“Don’t worry, guys, I’m fine,” Lumpy replied.
After Lumpy had finished saying that, however, his nose twitched again. He tilted his upper body back, gave a large inhale and released another sneeze.
Everybody winced again in shock and surprise when Lumpy sneezed. Once he recovered, he rubbed his nose with his forefinger again.
“Maybe throwing this party at the park wasn’t such a good idea,” SpongeBob stated. “Not with this pollen in the air.”
“You sure about that?” Yin asked. “If Lumpy was sneezing from the pollen, I would be, too. And I don’t smell any pollen around here.”
“Yeah, that’s probably the case,” Yang said. “Of course, I can’t tell because I don’t have a lot of allergies.”
“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh-CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Lumpy released two more sneezes, the first uncovered, the second into both of his hands. He then groaned as he pulled his hands away and rubbed his nose with his forefinger.
“I think we should figure out what’s making him sneeze so much,” said Tootie.
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” SpongeBob replied. “But how are we gonna know for sure?”
“Besides, he sneezes from lotsa things!” Mario added.
“I’ll help!” Out of nowhere, Unikitty pulled out a box that had the words “Sneeze Things” written on it. She went up to Lumpy and showed him the box.
“This box is full of things that can make you sneeze. Some of us are gonna use a different sneeze-causer on that nosey of yours and see which one’s making you sneeze so much!”
Lumpy nodded in understanding once she was finished explaining that. Tootie went up to the box, reached into it and pulled out a flower. She showed it to Lumpy, who held the head of the flower toward his nose and gave it a deep sniff. Almost immediately, his nostrils flared up.
After he released this sneeze, Lumpy sniffled and rubbed his nose with his forefinger.
“Hmm, that only made him sneeze once. And it wasn’t as strong as his other sneezes, either,” said Tootie.
“Maybe if I tickle his nose, it’ll make him sneeze even stronger,” said Unikitty.
Once Lumpy was finished rubbing his nose, Unikitty grabbed a feather from the box and tickled Lumpy’s nostrils with it. Lumpy’s nose started to twitch again as his breath hitched.
Lumpy rubbed his nose vigorously with his forefinger, sniffling constantly as he did so.
“That doesn’t really work, either,” Unikitty commented. “That’s weird. The last time I tickled his nose, he sneezed so loudly you could hear it for miles!”
“How about this?” Yang asked as he picked up a pepper shaker.
Yin gasped and shook her head, trying to convince Yang not to do what she thought he was going to do. But Yang shook one puff of pepper into Lumpy’s face. Lumpy gasped, and then sneezed loudly, but not powerfully.
“Ugh!” Lumpy rubbed his nose with his forefinger, then pulled out his white handkerchief and wiped his nose with it.
“Oh, my! Bless you, Lumpy!” said Yin.
“Thank you...” Lumpy replied as he continued to wipe his nose.
“I could’ve sworn you’d be sneezing more than you are now,” Mario stated.
“Yeah, don’t you have a super sensitive nose?” Gumball asked. “And isn’t it super easy to make you sneeze a lot?”
“Yes, but I don’t know what’s going on, guys...” Lumpy shrugged. He put away his handkerchief. “But I wouldn’t worry too much.”
Lumpy went over to the table, which not only had the birthday cake on it, but a variety of snacks that his friends brought. Lumpy looked at what was available and saw a plate of chocolate chip brownies that Kit and Kate had made and brought. He picked up one of the brownies and bit into it. He smiled as he chewed and then swallowed the portion of the brownie he had bitten, and then took the rest of the brownie into his mouth.
By the time every part of the brownie had made its way into Lumpy’s stomach, Lumpy was feeling happy and satisfied. He licked the chocolate crumbs off his fingers.
“Mmm, that was so good...” Lumpy said.
Just then, however, Lumpy’s nose started to twitch, and his nostrils started to flare up again. Lumpy tilted his neck back as he was going to sneeze again.
“Aaaaah... Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh...!”
Everybody gasped in fear as they heard his inhales.
“Here we go again...!” Kit said to himself in fear, which almost sounded like dismay. Everyone quickly braced themselves, with Kate hugging Kit in fear, Mario backing up and trying to protect SpongeBob from being sprayed, Yin and Yang plugging their ears, and Gumball ducking and covering his eyes.
A final inhale later, Lumpy sent his upper body as far back as it could go, and then exploded with a loud triple.
“Ugh, phew!” Lumpy enjoyed the relief he received as he sniffled and rubbed his nose with his forefinger.
“Oh, no...” Kate whimpered as she got a terrible idea. “Lumpy’s allergic to the chocolate brownies we made him for his birthday.”
“What?” Lumpy asked as he heard that. He then chuckled to himself. “No, I’m not allergic, you silly little kitty.”
“Then why’d you sneeze?” Kit asked.
Lumpy thought for a moment and then sweated a little. “I guess those brownies are a little too delicious...”
Suddenly an idea came to Unikitty. “Wait a minute!” she announced.
“What is it, Unikitty?” Lumpy wanted to know.
“I think I’ve figured it out!” said Unikitty. “Just one of those brownies must have made you so happy, you sneezed. The reason you were sneezing so much was because you were happy!”
Everyone else was in disbelief.
“W-What?! No way!” Yang said.
“That’s possible?!” Yin‘s eyes were wide and her pupils were shrunken with shock.
“Really?!” SpongeBob asked.
“Is it true, Lumpy?” Tootie wanted to confirm. “Were you really sneezing just because you were happy?”
“Um...” Lumpy rubbed the back of his neck as he blushed and sweated. “Yeah. I sneeze when I’m happy.”
“Wow...” Gumball couldn’t believe it, but then again, neither could anyone else.
“It makes sense now,” Mario said. “I never heard of that, though...”
“I know, it’s kinda weird when you think about it,” said Lumpy. “But what matters is that I’m not sick or anything, I’m just happy!”
As soon as he finished saying that, Unikitty flew up to him and cuddled his neck with her head. Everyone giggled as they witnessed the cute moment.
A few minutes later, everyone had decided it was time for some cake. Lumpy’s Friends were waiting around the table, gesturing him to make a wish and blow out the candles on the cake. As Lumpy was thinking, however, some sunlight got into his eyes, making his nose twitch. Another sneeze was on the way.
“No, wait! I haven’t made my--“ Lumpy couldn’t finish his sentence before his breath had started to hitch. He desperately covered his nostrils with his forefinger, but it didn’t work. He was going to sneeze.
“Aaah... Aaaaaaaaah...” Lumpy pulled his forefinger away from his nose, gave a final inhale and sneezed right onto the candles, blowing all of them out. “HAAAAAAAAH-- CHOO!!!”
Lumpy immediately put his forefinger under his nose again as he blushed a deep red. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Everybody was looking at him, eyes wide and pupils shrunken with surprise. For the longest time, Lumpy felt embarrassed, but then they all laughed in amusement.
“Oh, Lumpy! That was so funny and SO CUTE!” Unikitty commented.
“Actually, it was!” Mario agreed. “I’m not into cute things, but... Mama Mia!”
“Aww! Lumpy, you silly moose, you!” SpongeBob said as he was enamored and amused at the same time. “I hope you do that again next year!”
“Bless you, Lumpy,” Tootie said as she giggled cutely.
“Thanks...” Lumpy felt better as he rubbed his nose adorably.
Once Lumpy had recovered from his sneeze, the cake was cut. Everyone had some cake, including Lumpy. Lumpy had taken only one piece, however, because he had mentioned that eating cake made him sneeze as well.
“You think it’s just the flour? Or is it too yummy for you to take?” SpongeBob asked jokingly.
“Probably both.” Lumpy took a single bite of his piece of cake and swallowed just before he felt a tickle in his nose. “H-here it c-comes...” Lumpy announced, and he began to inhale.
“Aaaaah... Haaaaaaah...” Lumpy put down his fork, pulled out his handkerchief and covered his nose with it. He gave a final inhale that caused everybody to look at him in surprise. “HAAAAAAAAAAAAH...” But then he released three quick but loud sneezes. “AH-CHOO, HAH-CHOO, AAAAAAH-CHOO!!”
Lumpy could hear all of his friends giggling as he wiped his nose with his handkerchief. “Um, excuse me...” he apologized, cutely.
“Lumpy, why do you have to be so cute?!” Gumball asked. It was rare for him to ever call anyone cute, no matter what they did, but when he did, you could tell he wasn’t lying.
“I... I don’t know,” Lumpy replied as he blushed.
“It’s okay, Lumpy, you can be as cute as you want to be,” Yin said with a smile. “I gotta say, even though I don’t like when most people sneeze, your sneezes can be really adorable!”
Lumpy smiled as he continued to eat his slice of cake. He kept sneezing as he did so, but he kept covering his nose with his handkerchief and rubbing his nose afterward. Once his plate had been cleaned, Lumpy put away his used handkerchief and rubbed his nose with his forefinger.
“How was it, Lumpy?” Mario asked.
“It was really good,” Lumpy said. “Even though it kept making me sneeze... I just couldn’t help myself.”
Mario chuckled. “It’s alright, Lumpy. You are a unique guy, and I like that.”
When Lumpy got up and went to open his presents, Unikitty went over to him, holding a pink and blue gift bag.
“Hey, Lumpy!” Unikitty showed him the bag. “Interested?”
“Oh, thank you,” said Lumpy as he smiled appreciatively.
He took the bag and looked through the wrapping paper to see what was inside. Once most of it was out of the way, he saw something. He reached his arm into it and pulled it out.
It was a light blue tissue box, with lots of tissues inside. The box was covered in pink hearts and bits of black text on it.
“Oh, Unikitty, it’s very cute!” Lumpy said. “Thank you so much... But what are these words on it?” He pointed to some of the text.
“As crazy as this might sound, I had everyone sign it and write blessings onto it!” Unikitty said. “By the way, Meowth signed it, too.”
“Really?!” Lumpy couldn’t believe it, but as he let it sink in, he smiled. The idea of his friends writing him blessings as opposed to simple birthday wishes did seem a little silly, but at the same time, it sounded absolutely adorable - especially given how much he sneezed every day.
Lumpy was going to say something, but before he could, he suddenly sneezed again. This time, it was much quieter in comparison to his normal sneeze, and more high-pitched. It almost sounded like a girl sneezing.
“Awwwwww!!!” Unikitty cooed, hearts and sparkles filling her eyes as Lumpy rubbed his nose with his forefinger. That sneeze was absolutely adorable, but then again, Unikitty found many things adorable.
Lumpy took a tissue from the box and blew his nose for one second. He didn’t need to do it twice, or even for any longer than that; one quick little blow was just the right amount of relief. He smiled as he wiped his nose with the tissue and read the text that his friends had written on the box. Indeed, there were phrases of blessing along with the signatures of everybody who had written them.
“Bless you~! Have a great birthday! Love, Tootie.”
“Salute! Bless you! -Mario.”
“May Neptune bless you today, tomorrow and forever! In other words, bless you~! -SpongeBob.”
“Bless you, Lumpy~!!! -Love, Unikitty.” Unikitty had drawn a little heart next to her signature.
“Bless you, Lumpy! -Kit and Kate.”
“Bless ya!” -Gumball.”
“Bless you and Happy Birthday, Lumpy. -Yin.”
“Gesundheit, Lumpy! Your sneezes are awesome! -Yang.”
“Gesundheit. Also, Happy Birthday. -From Meowth.”
Lumpy smiled to himself, as well as at Unikitty, as he kept wiping his nose with his tissue.
“Thank you so much, Unikitty,” said Lumpy. “This is the best and sweetest birthday gift I’ve ever gotten! Oh, and don't forget to tell all my friends I said thank you!”
He threw out his tissue, put his tissue box aside and gave Unikitty a hug. Unikitty quickly returned the favor and hugged him as well. Lumpy soon let go of her and went to open the rest of his presents.
0 notes
mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 8x21: “The Great Escapist”
THEN: Cas takes the angel tablet and runs. Naomi. The three trials to close the Gates of Hell. After each completed trial, Sam seems to be doing worse. Kevin’s convinced Crowley knows where he is. Now he’s in the wind.
Back at Fizzles Folly??
Ahh, ok, HERE are demon Sam and Dean.
“You forgot the knock. What's the point of a secret knock if you don't use it?” And that’s when Kevin knew...but he played along.
Why that face thoo.
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“We got a tip that Crowley was moving his earth-side operations, so we, uh, laid ourselves an awesome trap.”
“So, uh, Special K, you keep your nose to the God-stone, we're gonna drive out and make a lotta noise a long way from here, keep the safeboat safe for you.”
Yeah, this is definitely not Sam and Dean.
“You. Fake Sam. If you're gonna tip our hand, I'll have to scrub Kevin's short-term memory again. And that's risky, so watch the patois in there.”
“Your slang. Special K, nose to the God-stone, that's the way Dean speaks. Sam is... more basic, more sincere.”
Crowley has a good read on Sam and Dean tho.
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“Alright, here we go. John Winchester's famous cure-all kitchen sink stew. There you go. Enough cayenne pepper in there to burn your lips off, just like Dad used to make.”
Nurse Dean.
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“The bloody handkerchiefs, the fever, the shaky legs... this is not good.”
“Well, I'm not good. And I'm not going to be good until we can start moving again. Until I can start the third trial.”
Was that supposed to make Dean feel better?
So Crowley definitely sent this message, right?
“Sam, Dean. I've set up this message with some software on a remote server so it'd send itself to you if I didn't reset it with a command once a week. Which means I didn't reset it this week. And there's only one reason I wouldn't. Which means if you're watching this, then I... then I— I'm dead. I'm dead, you bastards! So screw you, screw God and everybody in between!...Crowley must've gotten to me. And the one thing I know is that I won't break this time. Not sure how I know, but— but I do. I've been uploading all my notes, the translations, I'm sending you the links so you can get all of it. You guys are gonna have to try to figure out the rest. I'm sorry. I know it was my job, but I— but I couldn't...I'm sorry.”
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That’s about as well as Dean takes Kevin’s real death.
“Garth still MIA?”
Garth is officially MIA aka officially a werewolf. 
“How about the other prophets in line? I mean if Kevin is, uh... is dead, then won't one of them be activated?”
“Nothing, no, not a peep.”
There's your clueee.
“We should've moved him here.” Yeah, that’s a great idea! Do it when you get him back.
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Cas looks so strung out.
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“Uh, I'm sorry, mister, but you're gonna have to order more than coffee if you wanna keep the table.”
“Of— of course, um. I'll have the smart-heart beer-battered tempura tempters.”
That actually sounds good.
“They're getting closer.” Time to go.
Ion. An interesting name.
Palm Bay, Florida. Denver, Colorado. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Portland, Oregon. St. Louis, Missouri...so on and so forth.
“He's using a clever tactic. It's a restaurant called Biggerson's. The humans have built hundreds of them, almost exactly alike....Castiel is using it against us. Now, we try to orient ourselves, but it's as if we're in every Biggerson's at once— Trapped in a quantum superposition. Now, he chooses which to go to next—That's what's giving him the edge.”
That’s an amazing strategy.
“Very well. You say he can't be caught? Then we will simply have to make him stop.”
Sam took a humanities course at Stanford.
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“This one belonged to a tiny tribe in Colorado, more of a— a clan, really. It says here they held on to their scrap of mountains when all the other tribes fell to the white men. So this glyph was a territorial marker—closest translation: ‘messenger of God’.” Sam’s got it.
“Messenger of God—Dean, we have to go there!....I'm only gonna get worse. I mean, until we get back to the real job, until we find the third trial—we're out of prophets! We're not gonna figure out what Kevin couldn't! I'd say we go to this messenger of God who wrote it in the first place!” I know he’s right, but Sam looks and sounds off his rocker.
“And you think this Metatron is hiding out in the mountains with a bunch of Indians.”
“Yeah! Yeah, I do....You're not— you're not really supposed to say Indians, it's... We should go.”
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This is one of the worst things Naomi has done, and that’s saying something.
RIP people at Biggerson’s. Killed by angels.
Cas wanted to heal her. :(
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Route 34, Colorado.
Sam can hear something Dean can not.
RIP Kara, Cas’ waitress. Killed by Naomi.
“How— how many times have you torn into my head and washed it clean?”
“Frankly? Too damn many.”
Oh yeah sure, brag about your brainwashing. That’ll make you look good.
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“Honestly, I think you came off the line with a crack in your chassis. You have never done what you were told. Not completely. You don't even die right, do you?”
“Where is the angel tablet, Castiel?”
“In the words of a— good friend... bite me.”
“Go. Search all these Biggerson's. He must have hidden it along the way.” DId he now?
“I can barely see. I need food.”
“Alright, uh, barbecue ribs, mashed potatoes...”
“Garlic mashed potatoes.”
“Garlic mashed potatoes, mixed greens with... baby lettuce, cornbread, and, uh, Pad Thai?”
“Garth says there's a good little place on the other side of town.”
Kevin took complete advantage of these demons, bless his heart. 
“If I wasn't running everything, I could've played Dean myself.”
“Oh, you would've made a great Dean, sir.”
I actually agree.
Winchester stories!
“Hey, you remember when uh... when Dad took us to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, on that pack-mule ride?”
“The what?”
“And you're, uh... your mule kept farting, just— l-letting go, like, gale force?”
“Dude, you were like, four years old. I barely remember that.”
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“I'm gonna— I'm gonna, uh. I'm gonna follow the hotel manager, D-Dr. Scowley-scowl. He's like a villain from Scooby-Doo.” Why are you so precious, Sammy?
“No, hey, uh, little big man? You should get some rest.”
“Yeah, I can do that too.”
“What did the great spirit's sacred messenger ask for?”
“Stories. He asked the people to tell him stories.”
Sam finds the boxes of books...then passes out trying to call Dean. 
“I'm just going to have to pull you apart, aren't I?” That would’ve worked.
RIP angel. Killed by Crowley.
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“Found you on the floor, passed out, your temperature was a 107. I had to force it down or you were toast.”
Metatron is definitely there.
“I had my R&D people melt down one of your angel blades, cast it into bullets. Seems to do the trick.” Huh, AU!Bobby discovers that little trick too.
“That's right, Cas. I got me an angel on the payroll.” Wow, Ion.
“You guys were right, I— I do need the other half of the tablet to get the trial. It's not too far from here.”
“Awesome. Uh, what's the 10-20?”
Fake!Dean got the lingo right, at least.
“I've been getting regular updates from my expensive friend here.” What did it take to buy Ion out?
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“Spanish Flea” by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass.  
“The kid told us where the other half was, but it... wasn't. Dab of crap tricked us, sent us into some kind of Hunter mousetrap.”
Kevin has style.
Dean used to read to Sam! I’m telling you, I love learning the smallest details about characters.
“Knights of the Round Table. Had all of King Arthur's knights, and they were all on the quest for the Holy Grail. And I remember looking at this picture of Sir Galahad, and, and, and he was kneeling, and— and light streaming over his face, and— I remember... thinking, uh, I could never go on a quest like that. Because I'm not clean. I mean, I w— I was just a little kid. You think... maybe I knew? I mean, deep down, that— I had... demon blood in me, and about the evil of it, and that I'm— wasn't pure?”
H O W could a young child ever think that?????
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Again, I know he’s right but he doesn’t come off as convincing.
Look at all those books! What a dream room.
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Hello Metatron, you fcikgn worm.
“What, you really haven't heard of us? What kind of angel are you, we're— we're the freaking Winchesters.” lmao Sam.
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Cas swallowed the damn angel tablet AND pulled a bullet out of him. My hero.
“You little prat. Having fun yet?”
“Screw you.”
Fuck yeah, Kevin!
“It started when they forgot the secret knock. But really, it— it was the way they acted.”
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“So... my demons were too polite?”
“What about Gabriel? And Raphael?”
Half right at the time.
(Irrelevant-ish question, but what happened to the Words of God in the Apocalypse AU?)
“You soldiers, down in the garrison, at least they let you believe the lie. Upstairs, working for Naomi, working in intelligence, we had no option but to live in the dirt. She never reset me completely. I always knew too much, I had to— I had to do my job.” Ion’s last words.
“Ion...shut up.”
RIP Ion. Killed by Cas.
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“That is the true flower of free will. At least as you've mastered it so far. When you create stories, you become gods, of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves. So many worlds!”
One thing I have in common with Metatron: our love of storytelling.
“You know what? Pull the frigging trigger.”
“Pull the freaking trigger, you cowardly piece of garbage.”
Okay, Sam, hold on.
“You want a story? Try Kevin Tran's story. He was just a kid. He was a good, straight-A kid, and then he got sucked in to all of this— this angel crap. He became a prophet, of the Word of God. Your prophet. Now, you should've been looking out for him, but no! Instead, you're here, holed up, reading books.”
“He’s dead now. Because of you.”
I don't know about that. At least, not yet.
“You have no idea what's on this demon tablet. Right, the power you could have gotten with this, if you weren't running around like a chicken with his head cut off.”
“You think I can't make you tell?”
“I know you can’t. And you do too.”
Kevin was so resilient when he wanted to be.
The power of Metatron compels you!
Metatron saved and healed Kevin.
“You really intend on closing the doors of Hell?”
“Seems like the thing to do, don't it?”
“It's your choice. And that's what this has all been about, the choices your kind make. But you're gonna have to weigh that choice. Ask yourself: what is it going to take to do this, and what will the world be like after it's done?”
Oh boy.
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Trial #3. Cure a demon.
Holy mother of god.
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“A little help here?”
Team Free Will reunion.
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mimiceon · 7 years
answer all of them
When I said I would block you,,,, There’s a lot more than one way to get blocked. Anyway, I’m putting this under a read more bc I hate you and it’s long. If you want to know more about me than strictly necessary then click read more, rip in pieces to those on mobile.
Also: I W I N
200: My crush’s name is:No one,,, or is it (lol it’s no one)199: I was born in: Ireland, 1998198: I am really: Annoying, probably197: My cellphone company is: 3 mobile196: My eye color is: Blue195: My shoe size is: 5194: My ring size is: IDK?? I have my Cladddagh ring but I don’t remember193: My height is: 5′‘2192: I am allergic to: nothing191: My 1st car was: I can’t drive190: My 1st job was: babysitter189: Last book you read: Foster (it’s shit)188: My bed is: A double bed?? really comfy?? I have no parameters here187: My pet: I don’t have one186: My best friend: Emma, a certified Dork185: My favorite shampoo is: Elvive, it has glitter184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox183: Piggy banks are: Cool??182: In my pockets: I’m in pajamas181: On my calendar: nothing all week save Graduation on Thursday180: Marriage is: Coolio 179: Spongebob can: be happy, levae him be178: My mom: is coolio177: The last three songs I bought were? Decpacito, Issues, and Horns176: Last YouTube video watched: Vine compilations, sue me175: How many cousins do you have? Too Many, family reunions are wild174: Do you have any siblings? 4 bothers and one sister173: Are your parents divorced? Yes172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes171: Do you play an instrument? *Flashbacks to recorder practice* It’s required in Ireland so yeah170: What did you do yesterday? Went shopping and bought my graduation outfit[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: yes (I’m a mushy person don’t drag me)168: Luck: yes, Luck of The Irish, I’ve never had it, but it’s there167: Fate: Yes, it’s fate I’m gonna kick ur ass166: Yourself: N O165: Aliens: yes, I wanna fuck superman, I have to believe164: Heaven: ??163: Hell:???162: God:?????161: Horoscopes: yeah I’m a Leo (August 19th, mark your calender)160: Soul mates: Yes 159: Ghosts: Fuck yeah, my firends house is haunted158: Gay Marriage: I’m a bisexual,,,, so Y E S157: War: No (?)156: Orbs: *flashbacks to fanfics* … don’t…155: Magic: Y E S[ This or That ]  (I’m bisexual,,,,, why u asking me to choose) 154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses!153: Drunk or High: Drunk152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Black hair 150: Blondes or Brunettes: blondes149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: Night144: Oranges or Apples: Apples143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight142: McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald’s141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heels: High Heels138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Buried, I’m taking part in the skeleton war134: Singing or Dancing: Singing133: Coach or Chanel: Coach132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who (???)131: Small town or Big city: big city130: Wal-Mart or Target: I’m Irish129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure127: East Coast or West Coast:I’m Irish126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: Cocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney (tf is six flags??)123: Yankees or Red Sox: I’m Irish[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: My brothers are all in the army, this is v Yikes121: George Bush: Did 9/11120: Gay Marriage: Let us marry!!119: The presidential election: Stupid118: Abortion: Let them have it, it’s not my decision117: MySpace: Oldie but goodie116: Reality TV: Stupid, but entertaining115: Parents: Love my step dad, I’m a daddy’s girl lmao114: Back stabbers: [eye emojis]113: Ebay: Don’t use it much112: Facebook: Good, I guess111: Work: I’m a lazy binch110: My Neighbors: Nosy!! They look in our windows when we’re out109: Gas Prices: I don’t drive108: Designer Clothes: Look fancy107: College: I plan on going to one106: Sports: Quidditch I love, not so sure on everything else105: My family: OK, a little nasty sometimes, v petty, esp my brothers104: The future: The what???[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Like this morning?102: Last time you ate: I’m eating an apple rn101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Last week I saw my aunt100: Cried in front of someone: Last Thursday 99: Went to a movie theater: Lke a week ago98: Took a vacation: way too long ago97: Swam in a pool: Years96: Changed a diaper: Not long enough ago95: Got my nails done: Ages ago94: Went to a wedding: Last year93: Broke a bone: 5 years ago (my school shaded me, another story for another time)92: Got a peircing: 3 years ago91: Broke the law: I downloaded music illegally yesterday90: Texted: yesterday[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: My friend Molly88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My Coffee machine87: The last movie I saw: Gaurdians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (I was forced)86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: The end of my exams85: The thing im not looking forward to: My exams84: People call me: Abbey, Abbs, Dabbey Hufflepuff (100% real)83: The most difficult thing to do is: Study82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: I don’t drive81: My zodiac sign is: Leo80: The first person i talked to today was: My mum79: First time you had a crush: I was like 8, he was my brothers best friend, he gave me a valentines card and I told him to go away bc I couldn’t handle it78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: My mum77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Idk??76: Right now I am talking to: The GC75: What are you going to do when you grow up: something stupid, probably74: I have/will get a job: IDK??73: Tomorrow: School72: Today: Study71: Next Summer: Exams, then England for a while70: Next Weekend: Dying slowly, from a hangover69: I have these pets: None68: The worst sound in the world: ‘moist’67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself binch66: People that make you happy:my mutuals (yes even u you shitstain)65: Last time I cried: last Thursday64: My friends are: a little mean, v condescending63: My computer is: HP62: My School: Is becoming a gaelscoil and I can’t deal lmao61: My Car: I don’t have one60: I lose all respect for people who: Shout at me/fake ask ppl out59: The movie I cried at was: Lion King, Marley and Me58: Your hair color is: Brown with some blonde57: TV shows you watch: Shadowhunters, Avatar, Legend of Korra + many more56: Favorite web site: This blue hell, or youtube55: Your dream vacation: America54: The worst pain I was ever in was: When I broke my arm, that shit hurt53: How do you like your steak cooked: Well Done52: My room is: Messy, kind of51: My favorite celebrity is: I can’t choose don’t do me dirt like this50: Where would you like to be: America!49: Do you want children: IDK48: Ever been in love: Hah nooooo47: Who’s your best friend: Emma46: More guy friends or girl friends: Girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Sleeping44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My niece, Ella43: Do you have a 5 year plan: No, I don’t even know what I’m doing in 5 mins42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No41: Have you pre-named your children: No40: Last person I got mad at: Myself, my friend Mia 39: I would like to move to: America38: I wish I was a professional: Sleeper[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Chocolate36: Vehicle: IDK35: President: Mary, she was good34: State visited: i’M iRISH33: Cellphone provider: 332: Athlete: N O31: Actor: NO30: Actress:also no29: Singer: again no28: Band: I HAVE NO TALENTS OKAY27: Clothing store: Penneys26: Grocery store: Tesco25: TV show: Shadowhunters24: Movie: I don’t have a fave, don’t do me dirt23: Website: This blue hell, or youtube22: Animal: A Sugar Glider21: Theme park: ???20: Holiday: I’d like to go to America19: Sport to watch: Quidditch18: Sport to play: none lol17: Magazine: none16: Book: Harry Potter15: Day of the week: Saturday14: Beach: Loch Luch13: Concert attended: none12: Thing to cook: Pasta Bake11: Food: Curry10: Restaurant: Blue Ocean9: Radio station: Today FM8: Yankee candle scent: Lavender7: Perfume: Princess- Vera Wang6: Flower: Violet5: Color: Purple4: Talk show host:Ryan Tubridy3: Comedian: Darragh O’Brien2: Dog breed: A Newfie!! We used to breed Newfoundlands!!1: Did you answer all these truthfully?  Yes (kind of)
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