nyrandrea · 3 years
Soooo....The new Mystery Skulls animated video huh?
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yeah that sure was something
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Vivi going to be a mess when everything is cleaned up.
There will be a puddle of traumatized children and dog by the end of this and they should all get some cuddles and bandaids like good jeez
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dabidabidahh · 3 years
"There is so much Mirio slander and it's all UNPROVOKED" and even before 304, I NEVER understand the hate towards Mirio, like I can understand the nighteye hate for his treatment of Izuku, but Mirio had nothing to do with it.
I never understood the Mirio slander tbh. I was on Twitter trying to find the origin of it or why people were putting hate on his name. He was the one who unknowingly turned down the offer of Izuku giving his quirk to him (and I'm glad).
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taikova · 4 years
Is princess Steven gem in his forehead? Or is it just the formation of his horns? Oh! A beauty and the beast AU?
it’s all part of the diamond (and the monster) motif going on with his dress. his isolation to a princess tower has to do with the diamonds and him connecting his diamond side (and being afraid of being like white at her worst) with being monstrous and what with all the head-banging happening in SUF (esp the finale), it’s kind of appropriate to connect that to his forehead and a white diamond shape. so the crown (and the rest of his outfit’s motif) represents a warning/reminder abt the side of him he’s afraid of and has the potential to hurt people. (WD isn’t One Big Bad, but for steven she’s a very real trigger and represents a lot of his fears and threats to HIM) this is less of an au of any existing story but the show, and more like me running off with princess imagery in the show and using that to represent stifling roles and isolation and feeling shackled that steven is going through?
all this not very clear with just the drawing and i was aware of that while making it! but i liked this^ mess of ideas i thought up for the WD crown, so i didn’t really care enough to change anything about it.
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Amethyst and Steven in your AU are whip weapon buddies! Does that mean she the one who helps him learn to use his weapon?
Both Amethyst AND Pearl teach Steven to use his weapon, since it functions as both a whip and a sword.
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infriga · 4 years
I also seeing some people say Steven murder Jasper, but to me it was a " be careful what you wish for". Jasper wanted Steven to fight with all his power, and will...
I see this 100% as an accident, I don’t believe even at his lowest that Steven would even purposefully shatter someone. So technically I see it as like, manslaughter? I’m not saying he holds no fault at all for what he did, but at the same time how can we honestly expect a traumatized 16 year old who feels like he has no one he can rely on to not go off the deep end enough to do something drastic without thinking? Especially when his only companion at the time is another unstable person who desperately wants him to go bananas on her and consistently goads him into doing so? Like you said this is what she wanted, this is what she was begging him for, and he gave her what she wanted. I already made a comparison but it’s like a dog who’s been kicked repeatedly, eventually it’ll bite someone. Steven has been kicked from every angle since he was 12, and he was finally driven far enough to bite.
Who can we blame for this? The gems for raising him badly when they were suddenly left with a half human half gem baby? Greg for treating their lives like it’s a competition and saying Steven hasn’t had it that bad compared to him what Steven literally has PTSD from all the attempted murder and broken bones he’s experienced? Jasper for using Steven as another source of purpose that he doesn’t want to give her? Steven for being driven to such a low mental state that he was consumed by his power and rage? Pink for giving him that power, and that legacy, and forcing him into that life in the first place? The diamonds for abusing Pink to the point where she sought such an escape from her life? Where does this totem pole end? It’s such a tragic scenario I don’t think fingers can be pointed at any one person.
Honestly the reason why I didn’t think this would actually happen is because this is essentially going to be Steven’s breaking point, hurting someone like this, even accidentally and even if he’s able to heal them, would absolutely send Steven off the rails. And based on the promo that seems to be exactly what’s happening, he’s absolutely losing his mind.
I have no idea how he can recover from this mentally. Maybe if the show gets him and Jasper to actually talk things out? Cause it’s not gonna be easy for her either, she was essentially killed and brought back to life. If she forgives him, if they can commiserate over both of them being really fucked up and it being a tragic accident, maybe they can cope with it to some degree? But if that doesn’t happen I don’t know how else they could figure this out. I want so badly for Steven to be at least on the path to healing by the end of this series, he deserves it after everything he’s been through. If he doesn’t get some degree of a happy ending I will honestly be severely disappointed. I don’t want some bittersweet “that’s reality folks, sometimes shit sucks” ending.
And I don’t think SU is going in that direction, I do think they’ll give him some sort of closure, some path to a happy future at the very least, but I’m just so emotional about this little cartoon boy who's given so much of himself over and over to save everyone else. Let him be saved for once, please Rebecca, let him have a happily ever after.
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kingofthewilderwest · 4 years
Dipper/Mason five headcanons!
message me a character and i’ll tell you five headcanons i have about them
Dipper continues to go by “Dipper” for a few years after the events of the show. When high school starts, he transitions to “Mason.” He’ll still hear the occasional “Dipper” in high school. College is when he’s 100% shed the nickname. Everyone he meets in college knows him only by “Mason.” (You’ll notice that when I talk about him, there’s a split in how I use the name; I always say “Dipper” when it’s junior high and younger, and “Mason” when it’s high school and older. This is why).
Dipper tends to be a player, rather than a DM, for DD&MD. He will, however, take the lead when the group needs him to. In college, he gets involved in a DD&MD club, spending 8 hours on a Friday night drinking exorbitant amounts of soda, chilling inside an unused college classroom, laptop pulled out to check minor game rules between turns, as the DM scribbles things on a white board.
He plays tuba in band class through the end of high school. He’s less consistent with it in college but doesn’t drop it. The instrument does come to the dorms with him. Sometimes, if a college semester is light, he’ll go into the non-music-majors, lowest-most-casual-ensemble band. 
Mason and Pacifica end up dating when they are 17-18, during the summer between end of high school and start of college. They don’t date for longer than the summer, but that’s fine. The “break up” has no drama and is basically returning them to a good, stable, platonic relationship.
Mason and Pacifica bring out the competitive sides of each other when they play video games. Pacifica’s already a hardcore competitive gamer. When the two of them go head to head? It’s on. IT IS ON. And sometimes the competition will involve cheating like shoving each other off the couch in the middle of a round.
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artsymeeshee · 4 years
Hi. I hope you're taking care of yourself! How about a teen stan staying with an older Shermie AU? and because of that, they both show up when Ford sends the letter for help...
Oh damn. :o That would be really interesting. I'd like to see how that would play out...
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Werewolf Belle and Vampire Edward? An like there different kinds of Werewolves, like Jacob's clan are traditional wolf's, while Bella's more a lycanthrope.
Tis an interesting thing indeed. It would certainly change the dynamics... I’ll play around with it.
I imagine vampire venom would be super deadly to Bella at this point and kill her instead of changing her considering they are the true natural enemies of vampires. Her lifespan would be greatly increased in that fact. If she were born as a werewolf, that would change her home life a lot depending on who she got it from (for the sake of this we’re gonna say Charlie). After her first phase she moves to Forks to get control with Charlie who has already been through that BS (I’mma say she shifts at like... 16, same as Jake when he changed). Fragile? Fuck that. Clumsy? Hell yeah. Bella’s always tripping over herself trying not to break something (like a dog... they need a dog). Charlie has a helluva time keeping her in control by himself, but he’s good at it considering he’s been like this since he was about her age and can control himself from attacking random people (and the occasional nomadic vampire).
When the Cullens come into town stinking to high heaven and Bella’s stuck during the new school year sitting next to Edward Cullen despite everything they do to not in Biology. It’s bad enough to have their scents in the same room, let alone right next to each other. When Bella asks Charlie why the Cullens stink so bad he tells her they’re vampires and that they eat animals so to just avoid the woods when any of their eyes get dark (because he’s already talked with Carlisle).
Bella and Edward don’t get along at first, but with time after insulting each other and making fun of each other, they learn they get along pretty well. She gets along with the rest of the Cullens after getting over the smell and Jasper often sticks around her because when she’s around he’s not attacking any human when her stench is suffocating him. Eventually they grow nose blind to each other’s scents, but still make fun of each other’s smells. Charlie and Carlisle  and Esme all bond over having supernatural teenagers and eventually do the village thing where Esme’s scolding Bella for not wiping her shoes and Charlie’s telling off Emmett for dumb shit like speeding so close to town (I know you’ve got better reflexes than humans but they don’t know that!). They share kids.
After Jake turns she has a helluva time just having a good time like racing and shit (if she doesn’t pay attention she just fucking faceplants sometimes). They have the absolute best friendship and she bonds with the wolf pack pretty well. At first they’re wary because she’s friends with the Cullens, but when they see Charlie telling off Emmett one day for pranking his brothers they decide the Cullens are cool. Now Carlisle scolding Sam for not getting enough sleep, Esme and Emily are bonding making food for the pack, Charlie’s sitting here with a pack of like 16 supernatural teenagers and not near enough adults in the know about the supernatural aspects of their kids lives and wondering when the hell he got so many kids- he only signed up for Bella (and Billy’s kids should something unfortunate happen).
In this AU they just become a huge family with like 12 dogs that absolutely love everyone.
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Is Earl wearing Dimond Converse Sneakers in the last Pic? Because that's cute and clever!
She is! lol. Actually Steven’s converse also have the diamond logo on em.
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sightkeeper · 4 years
So I hear someone came into existence today (or was it yesterday?) !!! Happy Existence birthday!!!🧁🧁🎁🎂🎉🎉
It was yesterday, and thank you!!!
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l-a-l-o-u · 5 years
Hi. I want to ask what are your thoughts on Spinel? I can see the problematic relationship between Pink and her, from both sides.
I have a lot of sympathy for Spinel, cause I know what it’s like to feel unimportant to someone you love & look up to, but at the same time I think she was a bit foolish to stand there for 6000 years... it’s true gems don’t work quite like humans and she did what she was supposed to do, but then again. Spinel bro. Something was DEFINETLY wrong when she didn’t come back for years! I don’t get how she didn’t even consider to go look for her. I understand why she didn’t, but like... treat yourself better dude, the heck
And the thing with Spinel is, as much as I sympathize with her being hurt, I really don’t like that she immediately seeked revenge on a bunch of strangers (her literal words) and to go out and MURDER STEVEN?! Like dude. I still think Steven was right to try to befriend her instead of fighting her, but damn. Hurting others just because someone hurt you? big yikes... she can have her redemption arc far away from my boy Steven thanksAs for Pink, of course it was a dick move to lie to her, but I really doubt she intended to make her suffer like this. From what we know of Pink, she was already very caring before she came to Earth (as seen with the pebbles) and I think she cared about Spinel. There’s lots of theories floating around to explain why she left her behind. Maybe to protect her from being broken like her first Pearl, or because she knew Spinel would make her look bad in front of the diamonds who she was trying so hard to impress. In any case I’m convinced she meant to come back - all diamonds come back to homeworld after establishing colonies. 
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busket · 5 years
Man, Now I want an AU whereafter he and Greg escape the human zoo, and trying to sneak past the diamonds to the door, Steven accidental Un-bubbles one of the rose quartz soldiers and feeling bad and not wanting to leave it there, takes it with him where they all escape by to earth.
i wasnt even thinking an AU, i was thinking years after “change your mind”, probably in the process of changing the diamond’s oppressive regime. maybe while yellow is dismantling her military, blue and steven go to the human zoo to free the captive humans and take them back to earth where they can adjust to normal life, and then they remember, oh yeah theres like hundreds of rose quartz gems bubbled in here
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dabidabidahh · 3 years
All I can think about is how Chapter 304 has fucked up so many AUs where Izuku has a quirk and still gets OFA! X-D
That and the ones there Izuku gave OFA up for a brief moment of time... This makes me wonder if the movies are cannon or not because of the events of Heroes Rising.
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taikova · 4 years
How I need one of Connie impersonating Blue Diamond. I see her having to pull out a tear dropper for her. XD I also see Steven have to hold his sides from all the laughter.
i was thinking of that but i don’t think there is much there that steven would laugh at. steven laughing so much at the diamonds’ expense is already stretching it a bit, that’s why i’m imagining connie specifically calling out their manipulative or rude behaviour and making some amazing jokes (that i can’t make up) :’D and i don’t really remember anything blue said/did during the movie that connie could dig into to make steven laugh.
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Does Steven make any other friends while he is in school? What would his favorite and less favorite subjects be?
Steven’s pretty good at making friends, but not everyone wants to be friends.Favorite subjects are definitely art and music! Least favorite is math. I think I answered this before.. :T
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