#when I put ‘pro lgbt’ in my blog that meant
awakefor48hours · 8 months
If you’re not inviting to the “weirder” genders and sexualities, you’re not as progressive as you think.
I literally don’t care if your gender identity is the Joker and your pronouns are why/so/serious or if your sexuality is sun you’re attracted to different people depending on where the sun is.
“But the right isn’t gonna take us seriously ” no matter what, the right will never take anything but heterosexual and two genders seriously.
“But it doesn’t make sense” so you’re saying that because you don’t understand, this person’s life experience is invalid. Sounds like right wing behavior to me.
“But then people could pretend to be queer/trans” oh no, the horror (how many shocked emojis should I add to capture this). It’s totally not like this is happening already. And pretending is totally rewarding enough to keep doing for the rest of your life.
What happened to “yes, we do have 87 genders and we’re going to create 5 more every time you complain”? Gender and sexuality is fucky, it doesn’t make sense and people shouldn’t be punished for not making sense.
You’re valid. Being mspec (whether that’s bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, etc), mspec gay/lesbian, a straight gay, a straight bi, etc, is valid.
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sweetie-bunn · 2 years
About Me!
Hey, I'm Ellie! I'm new to age regression and this is my spot where I put stuff that I enjoy and may also reblog posts that I find important about age regression!
More About Myself:
My little age is kinda all over! (Toddler to Middle age)
My pronouns are they/them, but she/her is okay too!
My big age is 21! (That being said I am an adult, however I do not post NSFW content or k!nk content nor do I want it around. That's not what this blog is meant for.)
My aesthetic is also everywhere! I like woodsy things and spooky things mostly, but I collect cool things from everywhere!
About What I Post:
I plan on sharing doodles, art, and journal entries of mine soon!
I reblog littlespace-y content that I like! Nostalgic pictures, mood/stimboards from my favorite things, animal videos, and sometimes helpful tips and reminders!
I post stuff about Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Bluey, cute comic strips, and maybe some obscure old things that just call to my inner child!
My DNI and What I Won't Allow:
Anti-lgbt, political, pro-ana, racism, sexism, MAP, all general meanie stuff! (This is meant to be an escape for a while, not an overload of what I'm escaping from)
THIS BLOG IS FOR WHEN I AM SMOL. IF I SEE CREEP CONTENT I WILL BLOCK ON SITE. (Generally, I'm very lenient about political content and shoo it away, but if that is all your blog is dedicated to I will probably block you just so it doesn't float it's way into my orbit. Even if I agree, this is not what my blog is for!)
If you're someone looking to have friends who are little, that's fine by me! I'd love friends!! However I do not have the potential to be a guardian, and I am not looking for one.
If you are someone looking to have a relationship in any sort, I am not the proper candidate!
✨🍄Welcome To My Space!!🍁✨
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your-fav-has-madd · 3 years
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Hey y’all licorice here! This is my first time making an account like this so my apologies if some things about my blog are kinda out of wack (aka I really hope my inbox isn’t broken) but welcome!
This blog is dedicated to sharing headcanons or canons (if there are characters canonically with madd, have yet to see any but it would be cool if they’re are) about characters/paras with maladaptive daydreaming disorder
My main is: @deerwingz and the flag is made by @bugsyishyperfixating
My rules are simple but go as follows:
No character submissions when inbox is closed
Yes you are allowed to submit multiple characters however if I had to give a limit keep it about 3 and under
Yes you can submit your own paras and ocs but please have a reference image I can crop (send in via dm)
Please specify what source your character is from! Even if it’s “obvious” I don’t care still do it just in case, With that being said if a character is from an obscure source just make sure the character has a good clear image I can reference from (so no poorly doodles background characters sorry it’s just really hard to work with >_<)
No submitting irl people w/o their permission
Yes you can submit yourself id just edit your account onto it
No character personas meant to represent real people (what I mean is like jaiden, odd1sout, dream smp ect.) unless they actually do have MaDD or give permission
I kindly ask for you to not interact if you fit any of the criteria:
Homophobic/transphobic/racist/ableist ect.
Proana/ed blog
You post irl s/h/gore
I don’t really care about lgbt discourse but the owner of this account uses neopronouns/xenogenders/is pro-mogai so keep that in mind ^_^
Nsfw (I’m a minor, if you have an nsfw alt that’s fine but please don’t interact on an nsfw account)
Q: “can I submit *insert source here*”
A: I made a post addressing this topic but in conclusion if you don’t know of a source is “too problematic” to be submitted there’s no harm in submitting I’ll just tell u if I won’t do it (and if ur worried about me being harsh about it dw I won’t be I want this blog to be a positive place)
Q: “can I edit ur posts (ex: add stickers, filters, ect.)”
A: of course once my posts are made feel free to do what you want with them. Credit is appreciated but if your simply putting it as like ur pfp or something idrc do what you want.
Q: can I submit things that aren’t flag related (like resources, personal experiences ect.)
A: if it’s MaDD related sure go ham
Q: “how do I know if I’m a maladaptive daydreamer?”
A: oh boy well there’s a lot to consider here, and I am no professional but @madd-information has some good posts explaining it!!!
And that’s pretty much it :)
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What is Transmedicalism?
● What is Transmedicalism?:
Here is a Transmedicalism flag made by @spill-the-gender-tea
■ Allow me to explain to the best of my ability. I have sources for everything I say. If you want to see them then, please send in an ask/anon.
○ Transmedicalism is the belief that you need some type of dysphoria, (social, gender, body, etc.), to be Transgender. This belief is backed up by studies, science, and statistics.
■ A Transmedicalist is someone who supports Transmedicalism. Transmed or Transmedic is short for Transmedicalist.
Tucutes' just call them "Truscum" or "Trumed"
:This is an explanation of Transmedicalism/Transmed beliefs below:
● What is Transgenderism/Dysphoria?:
○ Dysphoria is Neurological Mental Disorder/Illness that is defined as a disconnect, discomfort, or disstress with ones Assgined Gender At Birth, or AGAB. The severity of Dysphoria varies between person to person; It can range from very minor to very severe. Euphoria, (gender, social, body, etc.), is a side affect or result of Dysphoria. Dysphoria does not mean hating yourself or your body. You are required to be medically diagnosed with Dysphoria to be Transgender.
● Brain Sex/Gender?:
○ Brain sex/Gender is a neurological part of your brain, “brain sex”- sexual differences between men and women in the brain- definitely doesn’t extend to a length such as “lady brains like dresses and makeup, dude brains like sports and beer”, it’s more just a highly variable framework for how parts of the brain perceive itself and carry out certain tasks. Basically, gender roles are a social construct, but gender itself is neurological. When someone’s brain is disconnected from their assigned sex, that’s how we get gender dysphoria.
Gender isn't chromosomes, or genitalia. Brain Sex Studies have been known to prove this. There are only two brain sexes/genders and that is Male & Female.
● What is Gender Non-Conforming, or GNC?:
○ GNC, Is when someone, cis or trans, doesn't follow their socities "Gender Norms." Or Gender Roles. GNC is not a gender, but anyone can be GNC.
● Intersex people?:
○ Intersex people are not LGBT. Intersex is not a third sex, it is a sex disorder. If they are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender then, they are LGBT. If they are CisHet, then they aren't. Just like CisHet Ace/Aro people.
● LGBT?:
○ The full ancroym is LGBT. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender/Dysphoric. If you aren't at least one of these, then you are not LGBT.
● Cisgender & Heterosexual Asexual and/or Aromantic people, or CisHet Aces/Aros?:
○ CisHet Ace/Aro people are not inherently LGBT. Asexual isn't a sexuality. If you're Ace/Aro the only way you could be LGBT is if you're Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Dysphoric/Transgender.
● Non-Binary, or NB?:
○ Transmeds' beliefs or standings on the Non-Binary identity vary between person to person. Some are Anti-NB, Some are Pro-NB, and Some are just NB Skeptic/Neutral on the subject until more information or studies are found about it.
● Who can be a Transmedicalist?:
○ Anyone who believes in Transmedicalism. Cisgender and Transgender people. As long as you support Transmedicalism and Science, You can be one.
● Cisphobia? Transphobia?:
○ Transmedicalist don't support Transphobia or Cisphobia. Transmeds do not support the hate of all Cisgender and/or Transgender people. It's not Transphobic to be a Transmed. Most, if not all Transmeds hate Cisphobia and Transphobia. Transmeds defend and support all Cisgender and Real Transgender people.
● Sources?:
○ Most, if not all Transmedicalist have sources and citations for their beliefs. Most, if not all prove their beliefs. (If you want my sources just scroll through the blog or ask me for them.)
● MOGAI, or Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments and Intersex?:
○ Most, if not all, MOGAI people are Trans-Trenders. MOGAI is not LGBT. MOGAI is a separate community of people who use Tucute ideology to make up fake genders and sexualities. Most of these "genders and sexualities" are made, or "coined" based off of aesthetics, feelings, mental disorders/illnesses, kins, animals, objects, etc. The list goes on. These people should not be compared to, or considered the LGBT community because, the LGBT com. & the MOGAI com. are two completely separate communities. Don't confuse them.
● Trans-Trenders?:
○ A Trans-Trender, or Fake Transgender person is defined as a Cisgender person/Person without Dysphoria faking being Transgender because, they either;
1) Think it's cool, trendy, or will give them attention.
2) They were misinformed about what dysphoria/being Transgender, and GNC meant.
3) Or they took the MOGAI's fake "Genders and Sexualities" seriously and were misinformed by Tuctes/MOGAI.
■ These people are not Transgender, and shouldn't be put in the same catagory as real LGBT people. These people do not support the LGBT community nor are they a part of the LGBT community.
● Neo-Pronouns?:
○ Neo-Pronouns are not Real Pronouns. All Pronouns are gendered. There are only 3, singular use, pronouns; He, She, and They. He/Him Lesbian people & She/Her Gay people are not Valid or a Real thing; Males can not be Lesbians & Females can not be Gay, and the idea of He/Him Lesbians is Transphobic. It also erases the fact that real lesbians women used to have to say they were men to not be attacked or harassed. Gender Roles are a socail construct, But Gender is not; Gender is neurological.
● Tucutes?:
○ The polar opposite of a Transmedicalist.
○ Tucutes are people, mainly MOGAI (because most, if not all Tucutes hate Cisgender people), Who believe that you don't need some type or level of Dysphoria to be Transgender.
○ They believe that Euphoria isn't a part of Dysphoria.
○ They don't believe Trans-Trenders are not real, or a problem.
○ They think Dysphoria/being Transgender is a feeling.
○ Most make up their own "sexualities and genders" based off of feelings, objects, mental illnesses, stars, etc.
○ They view gender and gender roles as a socail construct.
○ They think pronouns aren't gendered.
○ Believe in, and use Neo-Pronouns.
○ Most, if not all are Trans-Trenders.
○ They believe GNC is a gender.
○ They support He/Him lesbians.
○ They keep expanding the LGBT community's acronym as if they can.
○ They think intersex people, and Cishet Aro/Ace are LGBT.
○ Most, if not all never have reliable sources, or citations to back their claims.
These people are not Transmedicalist.
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greatgoregalore · 5 years
John comes out!
Listen! The stories I throw on this blog aren’t happy stories. A lot of these are meant to make your blood boil in frustration. Especially the Blaze ones. You’ll probably bounce between ‘hug the poor boy plz’ and ‘can I punch him’ a lot. Well if you’re anything like me that is.
They tend to deal with a lot of heavier issues, such as discrimination, the different types of abuse, stuff like that.  
This particular story includes anti-lgbt, pro-lgbt, sexist comments,  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Blaze flops back on the couch in a huff, opposite side of the room from John. John tosses him the remote for the tv and gets back to his self-assigned homework of touching up on his Portuguese. Blaze catches the remote and fumbles for a second, nearly dropping it. When he turns on the tv, the first thing that pops up is the news, and the headline is “Rising generation of entitled children”. The newscaster says something about a child throwing a tantrum after the parents wouldn’t buy her a 5th horse. Blaze snorts and changes the channel. “Hmm?” John looks up.
“It’s bloody ridiculous what they put on the news nowadays. It’s all just small problems that shouldn’t be problems at all. A child throwing a fuckin’ tantrum isn’t a news story. News stories should be reserved as a call for action, and using it for bloody little pointless things like that just makes it… I dunno. Lose it’s oomph. And then when it is used as a call for action, it just doesn’t bloody work anymore.”
“Charged about this, huh?”
“A little bit, yeah. But I just don’t fuckin’ get it. What about the things we do? We broke up a bloody sex trafficking ring a while ago, and that story got aired. One bloody time. But then you’ll see every day, day after day, stupid fuckin’ things. Like women fighting for the right to have a hard life? I’d trade almost anything for the privilege of staying home all day, make dinner, have a doting spouse to take care of everything stressful. It sounds amazing. I’d give almost anything for a life like that. Or like those fuckin’ ‘transgender’ folk who hurt themselves and change who they are over feelings, or just want an excuse to peek at little girls in the bathroom. It’s stupider than getting plastic surgery to make yourself prettier, and it doesn’t even really change anything. But you see that all over the place, all the time. And it’s bloody ridiculous and doesn’t make sense. They’re all stupid problems that shouldn’t be problems at all.” Blaze says, while flipping through a few more channels to try and find something interesting. 
Johns expression goes flat during Blaze’s tirade. When he’s done, John takes a deep breath, sets down his Portuguese stuff, and walks out of the room. John getting up and leaving catches Blaze’s attention and he gets concerned. He sits there for a moment, trying to figure out whether or not to go after him. After a moment he turns off the tv and gets up. 
“John?” Blaze says, going through the door that John did. 
John doesn’t answer. He’s sitting back on a chair with his eyes closed and taking deep breaths. 
“What’s wrong?”
“You. Okay, sorry, that was blunt. Didn’t mean it to sound that harsh. It’s not you, per say, just what you say sometimes. Sorry. This is just the last thing I need today. Normally, I can tolerate it, and handle things rationally, but just. Not right now. Can you just. Leave me alone until I cool off please? I’ll come back in in a bit.”
Blaze looks lost and confused. “I-” he starts, and then notices something, which makes him even more confused. “I smell blood. John, what happened?” 
The whites of John’s eyes darken in color a bit to a grey-ish tone, which is usually a sign of panic or intense anxiety starting to set in. He sits up and sighs, looking at the wall behind Blaze. “You know what? Fuck it.”
John cussing. That is a really bad sign. 
John stops for a second, looking like he’s trying to figure out what to say and how to say it. “Let’s start with how ridiculous y- no, that’s a bit too harsh still. Sorry, struggling a bit. I-” John takes a deep breath and his eyes shift to a dark grey. “It’s just. Extremely hard. Here. Let me put it this way. Let’s saaaay, you had a group of friends. They all knew that you’re a vampire except for this one kid, and yet somehow you become best friends with him - let’s call him um. Grell.” 
“Despite all blatant clues and jokes, he misses them all. Now, Grell is this super awesome person in many ways, but there’s this little kicker. Grell doesn’t like vampires, doesn’t really know much about them either - makes stupid comments about ‘why can’t they just eat normal human food’ or some other bull like that. It doesn’t happen all that often - he normally keeps his opinions to himself and respectful about it, but it’s still there. And when it does come up, it’s aggravating. But you just deal with it and move on, choosing to focus more on the wonderful qualities he does have instead of just that one opinion that really bugs you. And you don’t really wanna risk ruining things with this awesome person by saying that you are a vamp and starting a ‘I’m right, you’re wrong’ argument over it. Just rather not open that can of worms at all. You can get that, right? Does that make sense at all?” John says, continuing to stare at his point on the wall right behind Blaze instead of at Blaze himself to put up the appearance of making eye contact.
Blaze looks really confused and lost still. “I-yeah? I guess? But what does this have to do with the fact you smell like blood?”
“Let’s switch things around. Instead of you, it’s me, and instead of vampire it’s trans, and you’re Grell.” 
“I- what?” 
“I’m trans, female to male. The. Blood. It’s just. My first period in years. And it doesn’t bring up pleasant memories. Now do you get it? By your logic, I should be a stay-at-home mom working in the kitchen and raising kids, instead of being one of the top spellworkers in the world and part of a hero squad. And it’s like saying that everything I’ve worked so hard to become was all pointless cause I should’ve been doing the exact opposite but I know that you had no way of possibly intending it that way and it’s just my own imagination and I just.” John says, draws his knees up to his chest, and looks off to the side. “I hate cramps.”
The concept seems to fry Blaze’s brain. You can practically see the gears turning. Blaze walks out of the room. John takes a few shuddering breaths to get himself under control. Seeing Blaze just. Leave like that without a word spikes anxiety, but he’s also relieved that Blaze didn’t yell at him or argue back, but he’s afraid he’s about to lose his best friend, but it’s a relief to finally have it out in the open, but it’s painful dragging up old memories, but it’s - 
Blaze comes back a few minutes later and tosses a heat pack and pain meds to John. “Gryphon said those help with cramps,” he says. He pauses for a moment. “Calm down John. I’m not -it’s not - I just - it’s fine. I’ll be. Back later,” he says, and leaves the room again.
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docholligay · 7 years
ok, this isn't meant to be offensive, but i get sorta downtrodden when i see people equate genji/mercy with a heterosexual mercy (or genji, but i care more about mercy, lol.) i'm bi, and i ship both genji/mercy and pharah/mercy, often within the same AUs and timelines. my mercy is bi, my pharah is gay, but i feel like people take one look at me as a gency shipper and dismiss me as hating lgbt representation, despite being lgbt myself.
I’m not sure how to put this.
 I’m not offended by genji/mercy, I just don’t care. Like…there’snothing inherently interesting to me about the ship. It’s fine that there isfor you! Especially with overwatch, where you have this BUFFET of characters,everyone is going to have different interests and takes and tastes. I just havezero interest in a relationship between a man and a woman, as that’s literallyall the media everywhere, and the writing would have to be SO TIGHT and SO WELLDONE to make me care that I’m not sure I’ll ever find it, especially since I’mnot looking. So yeah, I’d rather people get invested in a relationship I careabout, and I’m fine copping to that.
 If this is about my post that Jet would be a “pro-gay”writer who affirmed Pharah/Mercy, well, we may be at an impasse, because there’snot a way I could be talked into thinking that writing genji/mercy would be thesame level of representation as a relationship between Pharah and Mercy. Thatdoesn’t meant genji/mercy is bad evil wrong whatever, it’s just literally notthe same thing. 
 I’ve heard plenty of bisexuals complain from both sides,(and I’m not gonna @ anyone because oh my god do I not want to be ground zerofor this goddamn discourse)  some whofeel downtrodden and some who are tired being trotted out to explain het/straight/oppositesex/whatever wording pleases you pairings as representation. I’m not bi, so I’llleave bisexuals to fight over it themselves. I tend toward lesbian because a) Iam one and b) As a feminine lesbian, I get tired of seeing every femme wlwpresented as having to be available to men.
 I mean , it’s exceedingly likely genji/mercy is gonna be canon,so, I’m not sure why the approval of a very low level OW writer matters. Writewhat makes you happy, consume what makes you happy. You were not put on thisearth to please me! I do EVERYTHING I can to stay out of the tags, I don’t posthate on my blog, I’m not sure what else you want from me other than to stopexpressing my opinion and desires for content. I WANT you to enjoy whatever youenjoy. But that does not mean I have to.
 But yeah, it’s never something I’m going to write or beinterested in reading of my own volition.
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thewebofslime · 5 years
October 9, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Back in June, Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire wrote a savage column titled “Now the Left is Normalizing Pedophilia Right in Front of Our Eyes.” The growing phenomenon of so-called “drag kids,” he pointed out, is normalizing the sexualization of children, with “the ‘drag kid’ who posed with a naked man, and the ‘drag kid’ who danced at a gay bar while men tossed money at him” being two of many prominent examples. Most recently, one of the drag queens at Drag Queen Story Hour performed a stripping dance for children. Yeah, you read that right. Walsh, of course, received immediate pushback, with some progressives even accusing conservatives who had the gall to condemn this public grooming of being the weird ones. There’s nothing sexual about this at all, they lied, and thus anyone who sees something sexual about stripper dances, posing with naked adults, and gyrating in outfits modeled after sexually provocative adult clothing is the one who should be ashamed for even thinking that this is inappropriate. It doesn’t matter how obviously grotesque the displays get—progressives will defend them. They’re all in, and they’re betting the kids. It gets worse. Two days ago, I spotted a tweet from renowned radical feminist Julie Bindel, who has recently found herself a constant target of transgender activists for her refusal to cede the word “woman” to biological men (Bindel has not only received threats of physical violence, but trans activists—biological men—have swarmed her recent events). Bindel had posted an article titled “Desmond is truly amazing—and hot!” with the comment, “Here is the founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange Tom O’Carroll (who I interviewed 4 years ago—he made my blood run cold) celebrating child drag acts.” Desmond, for those of you who don’t recall, is an 11-year-old child drag queen, and his performances are all the rage in the LGBT community at the moment. Tom O’Carroll is a British pro-pedophilia advocate, who was convicted and imprisoned for distribution of child pornography as well as multiple sexual offenses against children. His 1980 book Paedophilia: The Radical Case argues that adult-child sexual relationships should be normalized, and describes his own sexual experiences with children. Pedophilia, O’Carroll says (and he has had support from GLBT pioneers like Richard Green), is an orientation like gay or straight, and thus there are no moral grounds for preventing people like him from finding sexual fulfillment. “I am not interested in why I am a paedophile,” he wrote, “any more than others are interested in why they are ‘normal.’” I’m not going to link to his disgusting blog, but here is how O’Carroll—who, again, has been advocating for the normalization of child-adult sexual relationships for decades—sees the drag kid phenomenon: Let’s face it, when a pretty young boy tells the world he is gay and dances sensuously in front of grown men, wearing vampish dresses and makeup; when “she” strips off items of clothing or goes on stage scantily clad right from the off; when dollar bills are accepted as “tips” from an audience apparently wild with excitement; when all this is going on we are getting far more than just a celebration of gender diversity or an innocent display of precocious performance talent. And that’s great. It is wonderful that a rare niche has been found in the modern, developed world within which at least a few kids can truly be themselves, in ways that deny neither their gender feelings nor their sexuality. Being a drag queen, or a drag princess if you will, puts it right out there, in the open for all to see. It says, loud and proud, “I am a sexy kid, with sexy feelings. It’s totally cool for grown-ups to get turned on by me. I love it. That’s why I do this stuff. It’s great. It’s fun. It’s me!” Panicky conservatives, needless to say, spin it differently, desperate as they are to pretend that kids have no erotic dimension, or at least none that is self-generated. In their telling, performances such as Desmond’s and those of fellow artists such as “Queen Lactacia” (Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden) are a travesty in the worst sense: these are kids, they claim, who are being “sexualised” by exploitative adults hell bent on corrupting their supposed natural innocence. It isn’t just conservatives who recognize these drag performances for what they are. Chillingly, pedophilia advocates do as well. In fact, O’Carroll goes so far as to call out those denying the sexual nature of these performances and points out why he believes they are doing so: So why all the denial? Why the coy insistence that kids’ drag performance has nothing to do with their sexuality? Hypocrisy, basically. For decades now, gay politics has revolved around respectability, and that has meant aping hetero-normativity: gay couples with committed relationships, marriage, and parenthood, have become the promoted model; the old, carefree “promiscuity” of the gay life is frowned upon (if still a reality for many) and any cross-generational sexual contact with youth is now far more taboo than it ever was in the “bad old days” when homosexuality was a discretely practised underground phenomenon. Hypocrisy is detestable for its dishonesty; but on the other hand it works. Politically, it makes sense. Denial of the sexual element in kids’ drag performances has recently resulted in them being perceived as on the “respectable” side of the gender revolution, despite all the excitable right-wing huffing and puffing. While It cannot have been much fun for the Napoles family to be subjected to official investigation for child abuse, it is now becoming clear that they have gained a measure of support from the authorities. O’Carroll’s comments don’t need much analysis. Yes, he mocks conservatives—but that’s because he thinks we’re backwards, oppressive prudes who want to shut down events with the potential of assisting him in pushing his cause to the mainstream. In fact, he is giddy that thus far, polite society appears to be willing to let Desmond’s parents get away with enabling their son in this awful fashion. He defiantly agrees with what Matt Walsh wrote in his column a couple of months ago—but says that this is a good thing. Walsh is right. Pedophilia is being normalized right in front of us—and that is being celebrated by activists who believe that this is a step in the right direction. Jonathon’s new podcast, The Van Maren Show, is dedicated to telling the stories of the pro-life and pro-family movement. In his latest episode, he interviews Fr. Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life, the largest pro-life ministry in the Catholic Church. Van Maren speaks with Fr. Pavone about his experiences as a pro-life priest and leader. Fr. Pavone shares how his dedication to the pro-life movement began in high-school and continued while he was in seminary. After he was ordained a priest, he preached about abortion almost every weekend from the pulpit, leading to a profound impact on his parish. You can subscribe here and listen to the episode below:
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graesays · 6 years
My views on this topic are irrelevant
This week, the people of Ireland went to the polls after they were given the option to repeal the country’s 8th constitutional amendment. Social media has obviously been bombarded on both sides of the argument and ultimately the people of Ireland decided overwhelmingly to repeal the 8th. I’m probably not going to elaborate on this topic beyond this blog, and you’ll find out why at the end (ooh, intrigue!)
So for those out of the loop, the 8th amendment of the Republic of Ireland constitution treats both pregnant women and their unborn foetuses equally in the eyes of the law, ultimately resulting in the country having the most restrictive anti-abortion laws in Europe (with the exception of Poland). The result is that women in Ireland have had no access to abortion in pretty much every scenario, and that has meant either facing crippling debt and other societal and economic problems to travel to the UK to get an abortion, or face the utter horror of back alley abortions. A situation that has led to a groundswell of people coming out in support of abolishing this amendment, with some travelling back to Ireland from all over the world to cast a ballot.
The debate however, as you would probably expect, has been toxic. The church as ever has come down hard on the side of retaining the amendment, and they have as always resorted to spreading false information and graphic imagery in the face of vulnerable people in the name of spreading the love of the lord our saviour. In fact, the no campaigns advertising got so graphic that Google had to step in and bad adverts from both sides, a move which the no campaign claimed was biased against them and them alone, somehow. So with Google preventing ads and traditional print being about as effective an advertising platform as putting your ad on a slurry pit, social media became the battleground for the debate and regardless of your opinion (or lack thereof) there was no escaping a debate on the matter. Not even for yours truly.
So seeing as I’m segueing into the meat and bones of this blog, I suppose I’d best nail my flag to the mast, not that any of you will be shocked. I’m firmly on the side of pro-choice activists (keep this exact wording in mind, it’ll be important later), after all, it’s not my body so who the fuck am I to tell others what to do with it. I don’t think I’ll encounter a situation where I will change my stance on this because; A) I don’t plan on being a father, and B) I don’t plan on influencing a pregnant partners decision either way if I do somehow end up in that position (I won’t, but it’s always safer to have a backup plan eh?). I don’t intend it to be this way, but the vast majority of my circle of friends also share this sentiment so I wasn’t expecting my views on this matter to be challenged, but up steps a former colleague of mine who I do consider a friend, but also is a deeply religious person, and ultimately takes the opposite view on this matter.
The debate started in earnest when I wrote something on Facebook that countered points he’d made in a post from the No campaign stating that the vote was a matter of life and death. My writing explained how that post was more of an argument for repeal rather than against it because this was a matter of life and death for women (the plight of Savita Halappanavar, who died after being refused an abortion during a septic miscarriage was a key feature of Yes campaigning). He responded to that post sharing the talking points that you would expect (hitting a particular low when I made the point that safety of women seeking abortions should be considered a valid reason to make them legal so that back alley abortions would be eradicated, and he responded by using the example of road speed limits as a law that is repeatedly broken but isn’t subject to appeal and asked on that basis why abortion should be legalised just because its something that happens despite it being illegal), and the back and forth went on before he wrapped up by saying how great it was to debate between two opposing views.
I don’t share that sentiment in this instance. He’s right on the grounds that people with opposing views should debate more often (especially if there’s a chance that people could be swayed towards the side of progress), but this particular debate was utterly irrelevant, hell, it was even less relevant than your typical Facebook debate usually gets, and do you know why? because it was two cis-gendered men talking exclusively amongst each other about an issue that will never, ever affect them personally.
You know the slogan of the disabled people’s movement that I so love and admire, “nothing about us, without us”. That is a quote that literally applies to every single minority group that exists, yet always seems to be applied the least in regards to women’s rights. Men always seem happy to wade in and share their views on matters that in every single case should be deferred to women. Abortion rights? IVF for lesbian couples? Abolishing the tampon tax? You bet your arse that 99 times out of 100, the dissenting voice will be a mans. The problem exists on the other side too though, way too many times women with unique and personal experiences of huge value to a debate will be robbed of the chance to contribute them as men hog the soapbox and the plaudits.
Women have so much more to contribute to a debate about abortion rights than any man can ever hope to have. That’s just the nature of this thing. Same goes for LGBT* people when discussing the discrimination they face. Same for BAME people. Same for Disabled people. If you belong to any of these groups and decisions are being made that affect your very livelihood then you would be rightly pissed off so stop doing it to Women. Views that seek to nullify their experiences de-legitimatises them, as does co-opting their arguments as your own, as does debating the issue without involving them. Let’s pack it in, listen to what the women who’s opinions you value have to say on the matter, and signal boost them.
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greatgoregalore · 5 years
Blaze *scolding tone*
Listen! The stories I throw on this blog aren’t happy stories. A lot of these are meant to make your blood boil in frustration. Especially the Blaze ones. You’ll probably bounce between ‘hug the poor boy plz’ and ‘can I punch him’ a lot.
They tend to deal with a lot of heavier issues, such as discrimination, the different types of abuse, stuff like that.  
This particular story includes discrimination, anti-lgbt+ and pro lgbt+, dehumanizing, and inciting the urge in the reader the need to punch someone.
A person who appeared to have been assigned male a birth wearing a dress and a purse passes John and Blaze on the sidewalk. Blaze looks at the person with distaste.
“As if he’d ever pull that off. Fuckin’ trannies,” Blaze scoffs and rolls his eyes.
John stops. “Don’t ever say that word again.”
“What, tranny?”
“Blaze, look at me. Do not say that word again.”
Blaze briefly glances back at John. “Whatever.”
“Eye contact. Blaze. I am serious.”
Blaze looks back and makes eye contact. “Alright, alright, fine. Won’t say it again.”
“No jokes, no comments, nothing.”
“Okay, okay. I got it. Why do you care so much anyway?”
“It’s an offensive, derogatory term. Say it around the wrong people and you’ll get punched in the face. Proper terms include, but are not limited to, trans-man when referring to someone who has transitioned from female to male, trans-woman when referring to someone who has transitioned from male to female, or transgender people when referring to them in general. Or you can skip adding in the ‘trans’ part, and refer to them normally. It is entirely possible that person wasn’t trans and was just cross dressing, really was assigned female at birth, or any number of other possibilities. If, in fact, that was a trans-woman, then the correct pronouns would be she/her.”
“Whatever you say, Master,” Blaze says in a dismissive tone. 
“Blaze don’t you dare pull that shit on me. This isn’t funny. This isn’t a joke.”
“It’s all just fuckin’ words why the fuck does matter so much anyway,” Blaze mutters.
“Whatever you say, bloodsucker.”
Blaze flinches and John immediately regrets saying it. “Right as always, Master John,” Blaze says, looking away from John and starts walking again.
“Stop it Blaze.”
“Is that an order?”
“No, request as a friend.”
Blaze snorts and keeps walking. “As if I haven’t heard that stupid fucking line before.”
John growls in frustration. “You know what? Fine. I order you to turn around and come back here.”
Blaze turns around and comes back, his expression flat. 
“Take off your shoes,” John says. 
Blaze brings his feet up one at a time to pull them off, dropping both of them at John’s feet. John takes his own shoes off, and puts on Blaze’s. They’re a little too small for him, but he deals with the cramped toes.
“Put my shoes on,” John says. 
Blaze does as he’s told again, a bit of confusion poking through.
“How does it feel, Master Blaze, now that you’re literally in my shoes. Do you like being called Master Blaze? Should I say it again, Master Blaze?” 
Blaze looks taken aback and opens his mouth to say something, but John just plows right through.
“How about I turn around, leave right now, and be extremely toxic about it. Make you feel like a bad person for my toxic choices,” John says and just starts walking away. 
“John wait -”
“Is that an order?” John says, stopping and making eye contact with Blaze.
“I - “
“This wasn’t even about you. This was about treating transgender people with respect and using proper terms. Get your act together and give me back my shoes.”
“John you're making a scene," Blaze says uneasily. There's one person who has already stopped, and another person approaching.
John stops and glances at them. He hadn’t noticed that before. "It's fine, people. Nothing's wrong. You can move on."
"It shouldn't be back-talking you. You shouldn't just take it. You need to reign in your fucking bloodsucker and discipline it," says the person approaching. The one who was already here pulls out their phone and starts dialing. Three quick buttons. 911. Welp. Can’t worry about that now though.
John positions himself between them and Blaze. It's illegal to use most magic in public when it's not authorized for a mission beforehand, otherwise John would just open a portal home right there. John puts a hand in his pocket and speed dials Raknu. "Blaze is a he, not an it. I said everything is fine."
"People like you are the problem. You pamper and spoil your fucking bloodsuckers and make them believe they are actually worth something more than just labor. Make them feel like they're entitled to things. It’s not human. You can’t treat it like it’s human. Calling it a ‘he’ is an insult to every male out there. If you don't keep it in line it will fucking murder people, starting with you," the person says, gesturing wildly to enunciate what they're saying.
"What I do with Blaze isn't any of your business. I am asking you politely to please leave us alone."
"It's my fucking business if I don't want to get murdered in my sleep! It doesn't just affect you in your little fantasy world, it puts everyone in danger!" 
"You don't have to worry about that," John says calmly. He can hear Blaze's breathing pick up. John reaches back to hold his hand and calm him down without thinking. It usually helps Blaze.
"John, just stop!" Blaze says, yanking his hand back. It catches John off guard.
"What are you doing?! You don't try to comfort it, you hit it!" The person strides forward, pushes John aside, and backhands Blaze. It takes John by surprise and Blaze doesn't do anything to defend himself. "Like that! Lectures and words don't work on these fucking monsters. You shouldn't have a bloodsucker if you don't have the guts to discipline it when it gets out of hand!"
“Don’t touch him,” John says with a dangerous tone, pushing the person back away from Blaze. 
“John, stop!” Blaze says, panicked.
“Don’t speak unless you’re told to,” the person says threateningly to Blaze, “And you need to stop defending the fucking thing!” they continue at John. 
The sound of police sirens becomes audible in the distance. The person confronting John and Blaze grins. John looks over his shoulder to check on Blaze. Blaze looks terrified and about to bolt. 
“Blaze calm down. It’s okay. We haven’t done anything illegal.”
The person snorts. “You’ve disrupted the peace, improperly handled your bloodsucker, and it has a non-standard collar.”
“Raknu will be here soon to help clear things up,” John says to Blaze, ignoring the other person present.
Three cop cars pull up. 
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