#when will this fandom learn that suffering is not a valid teaching method or that someone being 'annoying' is not an axcuse to hurt them
mcmoth · 3 years
The fact that there are people in this fandom who wish suffering on c!Tommy solely because he's 'annoying' is frankly disgusting
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
A message to the new writers: Never be discourged
I've seen a lot of posts recently regarding the lack of reviews, hits, overall engagement, or people posting flames and troll messages on their fics. You must always remember: most of the times, when you post your first fic, you will be rejected or you won't get the attention you hoped for. A long time ago, when I was only reading fanfics, I had the notion that I could do better than some writers in the term of the plot. I had this very fantastic story in my head that I thought if I wrote it, I would put the fandom on fire. So, I composed my very first fic in 2007. I had high hopes for it, but, I didn't get the attention that I predicted. I wasn't even looking for validation. However, I thought, "My story is awesome, why only a small number of people are reading it? Why User X that in the review section of Fic X mentioned that he loved these kinds of stories is not even checking my fic?"
We give our work more value than others. When I was a master student in Business Management, in my Organizational Behavior course, they teach you about the IKEA effect. Long story short, you'll always put a lot of value on your creation than what other consumers are willing to. I'm not saying that you've written it in a wrong way, it is just reader don't perceive your work as you do. Solution: Lower your expectations. Be gentle on yourself. Let go of perfectionism and take things easy. If a lot of people don't get your ideas, doesn't mean that your story has gone wrong; it's what you should expect from the very start. Writing fanfic is precisely stems from the realization that people won't ever fully get us.
Timing Sometimes, you're late to the party. Yes, the people are gone by now or, the hype has died down or, those people that will love your story are either busy somewhere else or moved on to their other needs. Solution: Be patient, sometimes it will take weeks, months, and in one of my case, years before true followers can find time to come back.
Your fic genre/pairing is unpopular. Yes, this can happen. But again, don't let that clouds your hopes and goals. Solution You can always check and see what's more prevalent among your fandom if you want more readers. However, most the times, you'll lose the originality of what you wanted to contribute in the first place and you'll suffer compromises.
Tags, summary, and Title Yes, always check those first. It's your beginning lesson in posting fics. These three will give you more viewers and readers. Solution: There are several good subs and topics related to addressing this matter.
If you can, find a Beta Most of the times, people are used to reading a general method of writing. It feels familiar and comfortable to follow. Most of the times, people read stories when they want to relax; they don't want to pressure themselves into coping with something hard to read.
Trolls, haters, and gatekeepers yes, most of us are familiar with these people. They're considered "rite of the passage." But don't mistake them for reviewers that gave you constructive criticism, learn to differentiate. Solution Don't pay attention to them. It's the internet, and they're everywhere. You're not the only one that is dealing with them. These people used to give me more motivation to continue my story.
TLDR: I remember a quote from before: "The history of art is the record of people who couldn't find anyone in the vicinity to talk to." Sometimes, it will take time to reach your target audience. Sometimes, you're accumulating skills and experience for future stories. Nothing wrong will come out of it. Patience, reasonable expectations, and motivation to move to your end goal is what matters.
Edit: Writing a post on a mobile phone and in a moving vehicle is not advised!
submitted by /u/Cipher_DEMON_LORD [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2Hbf2zs
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