#which changes based on just how large you want to make Skyfire
transingthoseformers · 7 months
Tfa skyfire?
Tfa Skyfire would be a STORY considering how flying in tfa is heavily associated with decepticons, and many autobots would point this out
I feel like he's likely to be either a veteran from the War who was exiled (whether officially, unofficially, or even unintentionally), or you can even go for a Netflix trilogy style situation where tfa Skyfire starts out as a decepticon but we see him defect
O O or it's a situation like Omega Supreme where he's locked in his shuttle altmode and stasis!!!!
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Starscream was late. Very late.
When he alighted on the narrow ledge and peered into the murky depths of the cliffside cave, he expected to find it empty. It wasn't. Skyfire was there, sitting with his back against the wall. His optics were closed and his head lolled to one side in a posture of sleep. Starscream edged closer, the fingers of his still-functioning hand clenching indecisively.
Part of him—a large part—was telling him to leave. The howl of the wind and the crashing of breakers against the base of the cliff would muffle his retreat. Later, he could concoct an excuse for his absence—if Skyfire even asked, though he generally didn't. It wasn't exactly a rule between them, just an unspoken agreement to keep the outside world separate from their relationship.
It was better that way. Safer.
Starscream took a backward step, then another. He reached the rim of the ledge, one heel-thruster poised above the sheer drop. When he turned, everything beyond the cave was iron-gray. The sky, the rocks, the rain-swept ocean. The sun was hidden behind a mass of stormclouds that crouched on the lightless horizon. A salt-laden wind buffeted his chest and wings, pushing him back, and that was all it took. His legs went out from under him and he sat down, hard.
Only then did he hear a quiet sound from behind. The sound of a vocalizer being cleared. Glancing back, Starscream was unsurprised to find Skyfire watching him. Not speaking. Not telling him to stay… or go. Just leaving space. Letting him decide for himself, as he always did. Starscream turned his attention back to the cheerless vista, and waited. He didn't wait long. Skyfire's steps were slow and deliberately heavy as he came to settle on Starscream's right.
Of course on his right. Skyfire had a talent for that.
Starscream tucked his hand against his chassis where Skyfire wouldn't be able to see it. For a while, neither spoke. Eventually, Skyfire drew a small repair kit from his subspace and set it on the floor between them. Starscream stared at it, feeling stupid, ridiculous, exposed. Finally he reached across himself with his good hand, snagged the kit, and dragged it onto his lap. He fumbled with the catch, but the kit slid from his lap and popped open, scattering tools across the rock floor.
"Frag!" It was the first word either of them had spoken.
Skyfire shifted closer. "Starscream—"
Starscream cut him off with a gesture. Half a gesture, because he realized mid-motion that he'd been about to use his right hand. He twisted away, blocking Skyfire's view with a wing as he groped along the floor. He found a small precision-welder and fired it up. The spark flared blue. A brilliant, electric blue which he was able to see by without use of his infrared. His hand was worse than he'd realized. Much worse.
You're either lying or stupid!
Megatron's voice echoed harshly in his thoughts, along with the remembered humiliation of his own response:
I'm stupid, I'm stupid!
He had been. Incredibly stupid, and this was the result. His fingers were shaking. The welder slipped from his grasp and skittered across the cave floor, its spark flaring inexplicably brighter just before it was doused. A hand settled on his arm.
Starscream tensed. It was automatic, a reaction programmed at the level of base-coding. To anticipate a fight because flight wasn't an option. Not for him. He wouldn't—couldn't—yield. But Skyfire wouldn't either. His hand stayed where it was until something in Starscream broke. He let his head fall to his drawn-up knees, and didn't realize how hard he was shaking until Skyfire's arms slipped around him. A soft kiss grazed the top of his head as Skyfire shaped himself around Starscream's form, great wings sweeping forward to shelter him from the gray morning light.
Skyfire said nothing. Starscream had half expected him to ask, but he didn't. Maybe he doesn't have to, an inner voice suggested, spurring a fresh surge of fury to cover his scalding humiliation. Everyone knows, everyone. Even the Autobots.
But Skyfire's knowing wasn't such a problem. Not really. In a way, it made things easier. It saved having to explain. Starscream hunched back against Skyfire's warm frame, listening to the hum of his engines and the indefinable, shimmering vibration of his life-force. His field was like the ocean. No, like space. Vast, deep and all-engulfing, but Starscream never felt he was drowning in it. Not unless he wanted to. Skyfire rocked him, big arms crossed over his chest, hands stroking his shoulders. Holding him without making him feel trapped. Starscream gradually unclenched, and Skyfire rewarded him with further kisses to his intakes and the top of his helm.
"Can I look?" came the inevitable question.
Starscream sighed.
He knew Skyfire knew, but wished he didn't have to see. Especially since Skyfire must also know, by the mere fact that Starscream was hiding it, that this wasn't simply battle-damage. Yet he didn't resist when Skyfire's hand slipped down the length of his right arm, slow and hesitant, giving Starscream plenty of warning. Plenty of chances to retreat. When Skyfire's enormous hand finally cupped his, Starscream felt the reaction. A swift tightening in Skyfire's field; a storm-flash of anger; an ache of regret; a burn of recrimination.
Starscream twisted around in Skyfire's arms. "It's not your fault!" he snapped, glaring—and Skyfire looked so sad. Starscream hated that. He wrenched free, thinking he should leave, just fly, but his spark was rooted here and he knew there was no point. He'd fly back again. That was inevitable. And he always made Skyfire sad. That, too, was inevitable.
Fingers brushed his shoulder and drifted down the length of his back. It was barely a touch, but Starscream felt Skyfire's field pull close to his body as he reached again for Starscream's hand. "Let me see."
Starscream didn't—couldn't—look as Skyfire drew the hand into his own lap. There was a clank of metal against stone as Skyfire leaned past him and picked up one of the fallen tools. Starscream didn't know which one. He kept his gaze firmly on a vein of pale quartz that cut, lightning-shaped, through the dark stone at the cave entrance, but the expected pain never arrived. Instead, the dull throbbing ache that had been with him throughout the afternoon suddenly drained from his hand. He glanced at Skyfire, startled, but looked away just as quickly when he saw Skyfire moving his broken, useless fingers, assessing damage.
"It's bad." Skyfire's tone was impassive, betraying nothing.
"Of course it's bad." As if Megatron did anything by half-measures.
Skyfire cupped the hand in both his own. He bowed forward, and Starscream felt lips brush against his palm. Part of his mind noted that if he could feel it, that meant Skyfire had disconnected the pain receptors without interfering with his tactile system overall. He suddenly remembered another time when Skyfire had repaired him. It had been so long ago, almost another lifetime, yet it had been a blustery morning like this and he'd felt, as he did now, as if they were the only two beings in the universe.
"Do you remember that planet with the pink sky?" he asked.
Skyfire was gathering the tools and arranging them in what was, Starscream knew, the precise order in which he planned to use them. He paused for a moment, thinking. "Binary star system?" he asked. "Planetary rings? High concentration of argon in the—"
"Yes, that one."
"You hated it there," Skyfire murmured,  mouth twitching into a smile.
"Well, we were stranded!" Starscream barked, then subsided with a small shrug. "It wasn't so bad."
"No?" There was humor in Skyfire's gaze, as well as affection. "I don't recall you thinking so at the time."
"I didn't know what I was talking about. Anyway, I went back."
"You did? When?"
"About a million years into the war. The place was gone."
"The whole planet was?"
"No; just the hab."
"Ah." Skyfire nodded. "I'm not surprised. The local geology would have changed, along with the atmosphere, climactic conditions—"
"There had been an ice age," Starscream interrupted. "A glacier had come through, and nothing was left but flat tundra. But I built another hab. It was like the one we made, only… smaller. I lived there for a while and it felt like you were there sometimes, and I could still—" he broke off "—still talk to you. And sometimes I thought you answered. I even thought of just… staying. There, with your ghost."
Skyfire paused his work, studying him. "But you didn't."
Starscream snorted. "The natives," he said, shaking his head. "There was this species that had evolved in the meantime. Small, furry, organic bipeds. Some with tails, some not. And these two groups, the ones with the tails and the ones without, they hated each other. They were constantly fighting and killing each other with their primitive weapons, and—Skyfire, I killed one."
Skyfire set down the welder. His hands curled around Starscream's, a thumb stroking his wrist where the damage wasn't as bad. "What happened?"
"He was going to die anyway!" Starscream snapped defensively, but Skyfire just kept stroking his wrist, waiting patiently. "He had a spear through him," Starscream continued. "Right through. In at the armpit, out just above the hip. I suppose he was looking for help when he came to my door. I…" Starscream averted his gaze.
"You shot him?"
Starscream didn't answer right away. Skyfire's hands were warm, and the unhurried glide of his thumb against Starscream's plating was oddly soothing. Not unlike the patter of rain and the rhythmic crash of breakers on the rocks below. "It was the first thing I thought of doing," Starscream admitted finally. "The only thing. I just did it, and didn't even consider anything else."
"Maybe it was the only thing you could have done."
"That isn't the point!"
"Then tell me what is." There was no trace of anger in Skyfire's tone, nor of judgment.
Starscream searched his face. "You can't go back," he said. "I'd been fighting, leading a squadron. We'd driven the Autobots underground, we were winning! And I wasn't the same anymore; that's the point."
"You left when the Decepticons were winning?"
"I had to see who I was without the war. But I couldn't hold on to the past, Sky. I couldn't be who I was then, and I couldn't hear you anymore! After the day I shot that creature, you… you stopped answering. I couldn't even remember the sound of your voice. So I went back to Cybertron. What else was I going to do?"
"And… they took you back?" Skyfire's tone was cautious, as if he was unsure of where this might be leading.
"I didn't expect them to, but Megatron was surprisingly… welcoming. Almost as if he knew where I'd been, or at least why. I fought harder than ever after that. Fought my way to the top; became his Air Commander, and then his Second-in-Command." And more. Of course there was more, but Starscream left that part unsaid.
"Did you... do you... love him?" Skyfire asked, proving that he'd read between the lines with his usual ease.
Starscream observed him in the half-light. The great, white shape of him. His big hands, clasping Starscream's damaged one so very gently. He owed this mech an honest answer, but he didn't know the truth anymore. Maybe he never had. "I don't think I can love," he said eventually. "I buried that when I left that place, that planet. The skies weren't pink anymore. They'd turned gray, like here, and… I just. Everything I ever was, with you, I left back there. And I can't go back. We can't."
He withdrew his hand and tucked it against his belly, curling around it. They sat, the hiss of rain forming a backdrop to their silence. The sky grew brighter, the iron clouds on the horizon warming to a bruised shade of copper.
"Will you at least let me finish before you leave?" Skyfire asked.
Starscream pretended to consider, but finally placed his broken hand back in Skyfire's. "You aren't going to tell me not to go back?"
"I want to," Skyfire said as he resumed, the welder's blue spark casting his face in flickering shadows. "But…" his wings sagged. "I know better."
Starscream returned his gaze to the dull sweep of ocean. As he watched, a ray of light broke through the clouds and silvered the wave-tips.
"There." Skyfire deactivated the welder. "Try making a fist."
Starscream was pleasantly surprised when his fingers moved the way they were designed to. His hand still looked nearly as bad as it had before, but it was at least functional.
"That's good," Skyfire said, satisfied. "I could repair the external damage if I had time, but at least you can use the hand now." He gathered his tools back into their kit, then rose and went to the back of the cave where he began getting his things together.
"Are you... leaving?" Starscream asked.
"I should get back," Skyfire replied without glancing up. "I'm supposed to make a run to Ganymede Station to pick up some supplies, and then—"
Starscream scrambled up. "Sky."
Skyfire lifted his head, but Starscream couldn't meet his gaze. Outside, the sun had broken through; the quartz lightning-bolt at the mouth of the cave had taken on an eerily pink glow. Red sky in the morning, sailor's warning. It was a human aphorism Starscream had picked up… somewhere. He had no idea where. But it seemed entirely appropriate for what he was about to say. "Can we stay here? For a little while longer?"
It was a bad idea. Terrible, in fact. Starscream would eventually be missed, and Skyfire had some pointless errand to run. The world expected things of them both. But Skyfire didn't point any of that out. He sank down where he'd been sleeping before, his back against the wall, and patted the ground in front of him in wordless invitation. Within moments Starscream was curled between his legs, his face pillowed against a snowy expanse of chest.
"You're right," Skyfire said at length, his deep voice vibrant beneath Starscream's cheek. "We can't go back. But maybe we'll find a way forward, if we look for one."
Outside, the rain had settled in. The fitful light of dawn had seeped away, leaving the sky a dismal shade of ash. "Not seeing one yet, Sky."
Those powerful arms gathered him closer. "Yet," Skyfire echoed, for emphasis. "But you can stay as long as you want. And I'll stay here with you."
Starscream twined his battered fingers with Skyfire's, and smiled. It was the most intimate gesture he felt capable of, and the shift in Skyfire's field told him that he was understood. Starscream closed his optics, listening to the rain, and pondered this new inevitability.
Written for SkyStarWeek 2020. This story is for Day Four: Intimacy and Vulnerability. Many thanks to @overlordraax​ for organizing this wonderful (and much needed) celebration of my OTP!
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spacecadetcity · 3 years
is it gay to call a robot gorgeous? please respond.
word count: 2,167    prompt: #33.    docs: (may be easier to read). sunny (oc)/sunstreaker
if sunny went back in time to about a year and a half ago and told himself that she was going to not only meet the giant robots he insisted existed, but that he would move in with them, and then also fall in love with one, his past self would not only believe him, but would also possibly explode.
    “..which would of course start off a chain reaction of paradoxes- paradoxes? paradoxi? a chain reaction that would cause an endless loop where because i go back in time, past me explodes, which means that i don’t go back in time to tell myself, which means that i don’t explode, which means…”
    “hey, sunstreaker. think your human broke. it just started rambling to itself.” a metallic voice called out, snapping sunny from his self-created trance. of course. he stared over at the bot that had spoken up, trying to recall the name.
    red face, white helm- two little wings that poked out over his shoulders and helped increase speed in vehicle mode, mostly blue and gray. tracks?
    “not my human, tracks. besides, you’re one to speak. how about that kid, raoul?” was the given response. 
tracks huffed, “what, and let him waste his mechanical talents elsewhere? if the kid wants a mentor, i should say i am the best suited.” tracks stormed out of the rec room, and sunny snickered.
    “what were you mumbling about anyway? more nonsense?” sunstreaker walked over to the counter where sunny stood, holding a hand out for the human to step on. sunny sat on the hand for a moment, taking care to toss her sneakers off and dump them in the backpack he carried around. the golden mech was notoriously picky about his appearance, and it had taken sunny less than a day to figure out the quickest way to gain sunstreakers favor was to make sure he would never dirty the bot.
    she swapped his socks as well, and then carefully stood on the hand with fresh socks. he was rewarded with a small smile- just a quirk upwards, really- and sunny beamed.
    “thinking about the eternal paradox that i’m guessing i escaped. where are we going?” sunny held on to a digit with one hand to keep his balance as the autobot left the room and headed down one of the halls. the other hand held tight to his red ‘visor’, special glasses that he never went without.
    “outside. i’ve got no duties, and there was…” sunstreaker continued speaking, but sunny’s mind drifted as they made their way through the halls. though he had questioned the yellow-orange color for the ship originally, sunny found that it often reflected onto the bots paint. for sunstreaker, it turned his already beautiful golden-yellow paint into a metal sunset of orange and yellow.
    a finger poked her in his side, breaking him of her thoughts.
    “hey. sunstreaker to sunny. did you hear anything i said?”
    sunny gazed up at the mech with a sheepish look on her face, “sorry. was thinking about how pretty it is when the orange reflects off your paint.”
    sunstreaker stared at her for a few moments before starting to walk again, a low whirring in the background. it took a few minutes for sunny to realize that it was the mechs’ fans, and that he wasn’t walking just because he wanted to get out faster. sunny, a simple human, had flustered sunstreaker. an autobot. the prettiest autobot, though tracks would grumble and beg to differ.
    quickly, sunny fished his phone from one of his pant pockets and opened the browser app up. she scrolled through the open tabs quickly until he found what he was looking for, quickly typing a message up and posting it before putting her phone away. they were almost outside, sunstreaker having stopped by the door to have a quick conversation with the night guard.
    white-green face, green helm, had a big missile on the side, pretty sure he was a jeep. hound, sunny mused to himself, pretty sure this one was hound. he was distracted from their conversation by the buzzing of his phone. the notification was from the post he had made earlier, and he eagerly opened it back up.
    >aliens dm me asked in cars & transportation 10 minutes ago:
        is it gay to look at a giant robot walking in the halls of an orange ship and think that it's gorgeous how the orange reflects onto his yellow paint and becomes a moving sunset or..
    >rt.66bossdriver replied 1 minute ago:
        this is a thread about car paint jobs, please stop posting here. this is the fifth time. we will ban you next time.
    sunny frowned, leaving a thumbs down on the answer and opened a messaging app instead. it opened into one of his most visited chat groups, but she spent no time in it, instead choosing to close it and scroll through his few direct contacts until he came across the one he wanted.
    sunnybunnyhoney today at 12:32 am
        york my fucking heart is broken
        york they’re going to ban me from the forum if i ask about being gay again :(
    newnewyorkyork is typing…
    newnewyorkyork today at 12:33 am
        bro that is supremely unsexy. i will thumb down them. sending u bro kisses
    sunnybunnyhoney is typing…
   sunnybunnyhoney today at 12:33 am
    york i am asking skyfire to pick you up so we can double date
    sunnybunnyhoney today at 12:34 am
        sunstreaker has a twin :flushed: 
        this base is full of single bots i promise you there is at least one dilf
        there’s also a jeep who is a total nice dude in like
        the cute college nature frat boy way
    newnewyorkyork is typing…
    newnewyorkyork today at 12:36 am
        :flushed: :flushed:
        love how u knew i would be up at three am <3 <3 <3
   sunnybunnyhoney is typing…
   sunnybunnyhoney today at 12:337am
    bold of you to think i know time zones <3 <3 <3
    oh fuck my beautiful sunstreaker is done talking to hound
    hound is the nature frat boy i’ll slip him your number
    gotta go <3 <3
    newnewyorkyork is typing…
    newnewyorkyork today at 12:39 am
        you get yor fucking robot!!!
        sending u sexy vibes!!!
    sunny grinned at the last message, and quickly pulled his backpack off and dug around until she found what she was looking for- a king-sized marker and a large cardstock sketchbook. quickly, he scribbled yorks’ number down and folded the paper into a sloppy airplane, tossing it in hounds direction. as sunstreaker turned the corner, sunny caught a glimpse of hound holding the cardstock, looking confused.
    “so what are we up to? a thrilling late night drive?” sunny asked as the two stepped away from the base, walking until the dirt road finally met with the pavement of a road that had been closed off to give the large bots some privacy and ensure they wouldn’t squish any stray humans.
    “don’t move after i put you down. i don’t want any dirt or anything like that in my interior,” sunstreaker warned, laying his hand down flat so the human could carefully get off. the ground rumbled under sunny’s feet as sunstreaker took a few steps back and transformed, rolling up close so he could get in without having to walk.
    sunny sat on the edge of the seat, carefully brushing her socks off before turning and sitting back in the seat, the door closing behind her and the seatbelt buckled her in. sunny disguised her amusement at the caution sunstreaker took by taking his special visor off for a moment, and using his shirt to pretend to clean them.
    “are you gonna tell me where we’re off to yet? or is it a surprise?”
    “it’s a surprise, so shut it. take a nap or something, we got about forty minutes of drive ahead of us, unless some cop gets pissy,” sunny could imagine sunstreaker rolling his eyes- his optics- in annoyance, “i’ll just say it’s some autobot business.”
    sunstreaker fell silent after that, and the only sound between them was the ambience of the drive. it didn’t take long for the yellow lamborghini to rise above the speed limit, but the drive stayed smooth. sunny dozed off shortly after they started, waking up for a moment when sunstreaker jerked to the side and swore something under his breath. drowsily, sunny mumbled something about cybertronian sounding cool as fuck before he fell back into a light doze.
    “we’re here, wake up,” sunny blinked awake to the sound of sunstreakers’ voice and rubbed his eyes. it was still dark out, though the area was illuminated by a set of tall street lamps. carefully putting her outside sneakers on, sunny stepped out of sunstreaker’s interior and looked around the small parking lot. it was empty apart from them, likely due to the time.
    “we’ve got a short walk before we get where i want to be. stay close, i don’t want to have to hunt you down in the dark,” sunstreaker spoke moments before he transformed. sunny watched, transfixed as always, as the brilliantly yellow vehicle shifted and changed until he was standing at around twenty feet tall- almost three times sunnys’ size. without waiting for an answer, he started off to the side, following a path that sunny hadn’t realized was there.
    she followed after him, not particularly bothered by his blunt demeanor. all it really meant was that sunstreaker didn’t want him wandering off and getting lost, at least not without the autobot having an idea of where she was. silently, the pair continued on the path until the forest started to thin out into an open field on a large hill
    the scene was breath-taking. sunny could see the shape of mount hood farther off, lit up by the moonlight. it shone brightly down on the landscape below the hill as well, lighting up the pine trees that scattered around. the sky itself though, was almost indescribable. it looked so vast and deep that sunny truly felt small for a moment, caught up in the cold dots in the sky.
    “come sit over here with me. hound was going on and on about this stargazing spot, thought maybe i’d like to take you,” sunstreaker had settled onto the grass nearby, and once sunny had come closer, the yellow bot lifted him onto his shoulder.
    both were quiet for several more moments, faces turned upwards to see the sky. having grown up in new york, it always blew sunny away at just how many stars there were, or how the pictures that one would find on the internet weren’t always doctored. places with less light pollution just looked like that. sunny turned to make a comment to sunstreaker, and found his breath taken away yet again.
    sunstreaker noticed him staring at him rather than the sky, and the autobot looked at him from the corner of his optic- sunny loved that work- silently asking what the human was looking at.
    “s-sorry it’s just.. it’s like the moon has come at the perfect time to highlight your face just right- it starts at the tip of your nose and just brings all your other features out. it’s like…” sunny struggled with his words a moment, unsure of how to phrase it for a human let alone a robot from another planet, “it’s like your face is effortlessly working with the moon?”
    it was silent between the two of them for a few moments, and sunny worried he had said something wrong, had upset the beautiful mech. instead, sunstreaker’s lip quirked upwards in a small smile, and he carefully brought up a finger to pat the human on the head.
    “well, you don’t look so bad yourself, squish. trying to boost my ego even more with these compliments?” sunstreaker replied before turning his gaze back to the sky, sunny doing the same. they stayed there for a few more hours, until the sky started to lighten and the stars faded.
    content with where he was, sunny had started to doze off. briefly, he woke to sunstreaker returning to his alt mode in the parking lot and coaxing the mostly asleep human into his interior. the ride back to base went by in a matter of seconds, and sunny only struggled back to wakefulness as sunstreaker carefully wrapped him up in a large blanket they kept for him.
    “ go back to sleep, sweetspark,” there was a tenderness in his voice that sunny didn’t often hear, and he hummed sleepily in response. he rolled over in his wrap, and felt a large metal finger ghost along his side before retreating. 
when he woke and asked if the mech had carefully placed a kiss on his face the next day, sunstreaker denied it, though the soft look in his eyes gave it away. it was a look reserved for sunny and sunny alone- not a look when any other mechs were around.
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afterspark-podcast · 5 years
G1 Episode 15: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: What the fuck is the cereal for!?!  I don't know, do you know!?!
[Intro Music]
O: Hello, and welcome to the Afterspark Podcast, an episode by episode recap of the generation 1 Transformers cartoon.  I'm Owls!
S: And I'm Specs!
O: Today we're gonna be talking about episode number 15, “A Plague of Insecticons.”  Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Yes.
O: We open in this episode on a tropical island in a mangrove forest where several people are poling their boats through the forest.
S: It's called the, “Demon Swamp.”
O: That seems racist somehow?
S: Well, it might have been the Insecticons that named it that, actually.
O: [sighs] Eh, I guess.  And loo, a giant fucking beetle rises from the water!
S: Saying welcome to, “Demon Swamp,” ergo--
O: Okay, point taken.
S: What--why--why they might have named it that.
O: Yeah.  Meet the Insecticons!  Cybertronians that are here, now, for some reason.  Uh, Shrapnel, Bombshell, and Kickback, who are a stag beetle, a boll weevil and a grasshopper respectively.
S: Bombshell is also sometimes listed as a Japanese rhinoceros beetle, interestingly enough.
O: Yeah, we'll probably keep calling him a boll weevil but we--I definitely see how it could be a rhinoceros beetle.  The people flee, leaving behind several bags of food.
S:  That for some reason just really looked like fur to me, it was--
O: They did.
S: Yeah.
O: But the Insecticons can eat this how...and why???
S: Apparently they had to adapt somehow, I don't know.  And Kickback belly flops onto the one boat the remaining people are fleeing on, and...yeah.
O: The fleeing humans stupidly mentioned a farm and the Insecticons overhear this and decide to go pay a visit.
S: They don't even finish everything they were eating.
O: They don't.
S: I guess it'll be there when they get back, but ehh.  At the Ark the Autobots get a distress call from Bali about giant robot insects.
O: Skyfire says not to worry, the Skyfire extermination service is it's way.
S: Skyfire why are you so violent now!?!
O: He just really, really hates bugs, okay?
S: Well, I guess they wouldn make an awful mess smashing against his windshield at the speed of however fast he goes.
O: Yeah, yeah.
S: There would have been a lot more bugs then than there are now.  Skyfire then just like, transforms?  In the middle of the main room of Autobot headquarters the--the Teletraan 1 room.
O: And everybody just loads up, and by everybody we mean:  Spike, Bumblebee, Windcharger and Brawn.  But yeah, you're like--can he just fly out of the Ark, easily down the hallways in his jet mode? [dissolves into laughter]
S: Scale in this cartoon makes no goddamn sense.
O: It has some problems.
S: It really does.
O: We see Laserbeak returning to the Decepticon base, radioing ahead to Megatron to inform him of the robotic insects.
S: Megatron, Soundwave, and Thundercracker decide to head to Bali, Bah-li to track down the Insecticons.  (Or maybe just to have a nice vacation.)
O: Ah, again, I've seen what Megatron has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. I don't think I’d judge him if he’s like, that’s it I'm going to Bali! [laughs]
S: So I guess they get to Bali and then Soundwave sends out Ravage to track them.
O: And Ravage just sort of hops away following the scent, it's so CUTE!?!  Help!?!
S: He just kind of bounces.
O: It’s so cute!!! [giggles]  They do find a Decepticon escape pod that was apparently launched from the Nemesis before it crash-landed on Earth.
S: So yes, this does answer at least one question I had which was--were there still Decepticons on the darn ship? And so the answer is definitely yes, but this doesn't answer how many Decepticons were on that ship.
O: The world may never know.
S: Um-hm.  This leads Thundercracker to realize that the giant robot bugs they're tracking are actually Decepticons that gained insect alts instead of vehicle alts.
O: We cut to the Insecticons who have found the before mentioned farm and they just dive into a field of grain and start chowing down!
S: Oh my god they're vegans!
O: [laughs]
S: We never see them eating meat or anything.
O: You don’t so--
S: Just like metal, and grain, and other organic, uh--crops.  Crops.  They eat crops, okay?
O: So in addition to our Skyfire group, another group of Autobots show up Bali.  This group being composed of: Optimus, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Wheeljack, Ironhide, and Trailbreaker.  They run into a religious celebration prompting them to try to take a shortcut and Sideswipe decides to take the lead, going off-roading.
S: You're a fucking Lamborghini Sideswipe you do not have enough ground clearance for this! At all!
O:  [laughs]
S: At all, at all, at all.
O: And Sunstreaker gives his bro shit, uh, because Sideswipe ultimately leads the group into a dead end.
S: Complete with a size changing hole.
O: Wheeljack also makes fun of Sideswipe’s poor pathfinding skills.
S: And back to what white Americans thought not Americans sounded like circa the 1980’s.  It's pretty racist.
O: It’s pretty racist. And yet more people are fleeing the giant vegetarian robot insects.
S: Some poor guy bails out of a combine shouting that he knew they should have sprayed the grass for bugs.
O: Not entirely sure how that would have helped you, good buddy but I mean… [laughs]
S: Hey, maybe--maybe insecticide would have warded off giant metal insects, who knows?  The Autobots show up and exit Skyfire while Skyfire’s like...half transformed?  There's a really weird pause here in the animation.
O: And he has legs while everyone just bailed out of him like, it is so bizarre looking.  I love it.
S: Yeah, but I mean you could legitimately transform his--
O: Um-hmm.
S: His toy like that, so...
O: Whirl too, I think?  You could--he could have legs, it was so funny.
S: Yeah...so a fight ensues as we were introduced to the Insecticons’ special skills. This is why you buy the toys, kids!  Why you buy the toys!
O: [laughs] Including being able to clone themselves, for some reason?
S: You gotta have some sort of cannon fodder I guess, when there's only three of ya.
O: I...well, I mean, the Insecticons actually will act as cannon fodder for the remainder of the series for [the] Decepticons like, their clones will, so I--valid point, they're basically the Veh--the Vehicons of the series.
S: Pretty much, I mean it was an easy way to explain how the Decepticons would have like, large numbers rather than just having a weird variety of alternately colored Seekers.
O: Yeah, this--I almost feel like they should have introduced these guys sooner so that they could that instead of these Seekers that we’ll never see again.
S: Yeah, eh, I don't know what the writers were thinking or the artists, it was probably a weird combination of no one was doing their job.
O: No one was thinking.  [laughs]
S: Okay, so um, so Brawn thinks these clones are optical illusions until he and Skyfire are thrown into a lake by said clones.
O: Then the Autobots flee into some weirdly large corn hoping that reinforcements are coming soon.
S: It’s really, really, really, large corn--it’s kind of amazing.
O: Yeah.  Now about those reinforcements!  Sideswipe’s brilliant plan after leading everyone to that dead-end was to tunnel their way to their destination.
S: He's really not a smart dude.
O: And yet, that doesn't explain why everyone else here went along with it. [laughs]
S: The Insecticons shoot spikes into the corn but Windcharger uses a repulsor field to keep everyone safe. Um, another nod to Windcharger’s weird magnet powers.
O: Yeah, surprise! The Decepticon tracking party has arrived and Skyfire can't transform.
S: You had one job Skyfire.  Unfortunately that job is to be taxi, never mind that you're a scientist not a warrior and you mentioned that your very first episode.
O: And now you're stuck here with Brawn and Windcharger.  Brawn and Windcharger.  Against Megatron.  Ya guys are screwed.
S: Well, also Bumblebee and Spike, if I’m remembering properly, but--
O: Okay, Spike-- without being able to steal a gun from somebody is effectively useless in this fight and Bumblebee--Bumblebee is a, supposed to be spy, obviously.
S: Yeah.  Despite being--
O: He's a terrible spy, but he's supposed to be a spy!
S: Despite being bright yellow, supposedly a spy.
O: [laughs] Right!
S:  No one’s good at their jobs.
O: Except the cassettes!
S: Yeah, and Ratchet.
O: And Ratchet!
S: I mean, Wheeljack’s also good at building things but they tend to explode--
O: I want to--I mean the cassettes and Soundwave, okay?
S: Okay.
O: He’s the most competent guy in the Decepticon army.
S: Yes, okay--also you should probably sit down Skyfire, you're significantly taller than that weird corn.
O: And then Brawn apparently has something against Rumble as he calls him a sawed-off nerd and he's glad he's not with the other Decepticons?
S: So what do you think Rumble’s nerd qualities are, exactly? Like, what kind of nerd do you think he is?
O: Video games? Weird foreign films?
S: Music, maybe?  Legos.
O: I like that!  Anyway, this is just making me like Brawn less and Rumble more.
S: Well, you already didn't much like Brawn, so it’s not--
O: No, but it’s a, it’s raising Rumble in my estimation.
S: So the Insecticons don't seem to know who Megatron is.  The conversation basically went as so:  Megatron--We're all the same!  Insecticons--Great!  Now help us kill these guys.
O: [laughs] Megatron sees absolutely no downside to this, as the Decepticons prepare to fire.
S: And back to our other group of idiots.
O: I swear in the previous scene they looked like they were underground but apparently Sideswipe’s barely made a dent into digging through this mountain, hill, whatever.
S: I'm guessing that was just some sort of wall, considering what I'm going to say next…
O: [laughs]
S: Optimus finishes this tunnel with his chest by ramming through the rest of the rock in truck mode, so obviously--
O: It wasn’t--
S:  --it's not a very thick--
O: Rock wall or something.  The other Autobots follow.  Sideswipe mysteriously turning into a clone of his brother for a few seconds.
S: And they finally arrived to help Skyfire’s group.  The twins yelling, ramping up a hill, and then transforming into--in midair to tackle the Insecticons and Megatron from above.  It was obviously the proudest moment of their lives.
O: You know it was.  Megatron comes up swinging though, getting Sideswipe an incredibly inappropriate hold and then chucking him across the field and straight into Skyfire’s arms.
S: Skyfire’s his knight in shining armor.
O: He’s everybody’s knight in shining armor.
S: He is!  And then Ironhide pretends to be Ratchet again.  Ratchet I'm assuming is--
O: Not here, I'm pretty sure he's back at base.
S: He’s--he’s sir-not-appearing-in-this-film.
O: Yes!  Well, sir-not-appearing-in-this-episode, anyway.
S: Yeah. The Autobots attack and the Decepticons take to the air and escape.  This seems like an obvious tactical solution for the Decepticons.
O: I mean, look, if they could fly in the Autobots can’t, why wouldn't they just be like--alright this isn't worth our time today? Wheeljack proceeds to fix Skyfire who takes off to keep an eye on the Decepticons, while  the rest of the Autobots follow on the ground.
S: He does.  Soundwave notices the idiot following them immediately and Megatron sends the Insecticons to take care of Skyfire.
O: Skyfire wishes for a laser powered flyswatter and the Insecticons call him a booby.
S: [sighs] Harsh words from a group of robot insects.
O: [laughs]
S: Wheeljack shoots the insecticons off Skyfire’s wings.  Actually, I don't remember was Wheeljack flying here?
O: Wheeljack has flying!  So Wheeljack takes off.
S: He's not wearing a jet pack that we can see but apparently he can fly, yeah.  So yeah, Wheeljack shoots the Insecticons off Skyfire’s wings and then Kickback kicks him to the ground.
O: Optimus then catches him with this soft metal trailer, which is definitely softer than the ground in every conceivable way.
S: Somehow.  And at a nearby oil refinery the Decepticons land amid cries of, “The monsters are back, run!”
O: Has ch--has Megatron hit this place before?  Is this from an earlier episode?  Should we recognize this place Specs!?!
S: Maybe this is where the Insecticons have been going to get--I don't know their fuel when they're not chowing down on cereal?
O: [laughing] They’re--they were just eating wheat though!
S: I don’t know?  So Soundwave does his normal job--when we get to Energon situations like this and he's the Tupperware mate again as he creates some more empty cubes.
O: And we're just dumping oil into these cubes and it’s magically Energon, ‘kay.
S: Sounds about right according to everything else they do.  Bombshell drops down and uses his, “Override wave,”--I am making quotation marks with my fingers--um, on Sunsteaker and Sideswipe.
O: Sunstreaker says, “Hey, somebody else is driving me!”  I feel like I can make a dirty joke here with..well, almost no effort really.
S: Yeah...zero effort and introducing another fancy reason to buy these even though the toys don't actually do that.
O: [Chuckling] Yes.
S: You just gotta have a representation of that character that you really love that does that thing and then you can pretend that your other toys are being mind controlled.  And uh, so Trailbreaker uses his force fields to block the override away--array.  Again, more fancy abilities.
O: Why aren't we just shooting bombshell?  Wheeljack has missiles, he used missiles earlier they seemed pretty effective.
S: Cuz you know we gotta remind the kids about the toys’ cool abilities!
O: You realize who you're talking to, right?  This is the person who has five [six, at the time of posting] Megatrons, remember.  Clearly I am not inclined to branch out.
S: I guess they're appealing to people more like me, who have a weird-ass selection.
O: [laughs] I am connoisseur, thank you!
S: You specialize, mine is a bit wider though I do have two Drifts and like, two Ratchets. Brawn requests some assistance at getting close to Bombshell, so Optimus is just like, fucking picks him up and lobs him through the air.
O: Brawn then lands on Bombshell.
S: This is, you know, the second Decepticon that Brawn has ridden.  I mean, first was Soundwave and it pretty much cemented your dislike of him.
O: Yeah, pretty much.  If you hurt Soundwave I’m not going to like you very much.  Brawn falls off, or is kicked off.  It's kind of unclear.
S: Who’s then caught by Skyfire, who is basically (as I said) everyone's knight in shining armor but Skyfire catches him right before he hits the ground.
O: Again, how was this an improvement?  That doesn't mean the force of his fall just disappears, you know.
S: That's true, that's very true!  You--if you’re a human your inside bits end up splattered against the rest of you.
O: I mean maybe, maybe robots don't have that same problem but--but definitely any time they catch the humans.
S: Yeah..so back at the oil refinery we see the Decepticons filling yet more cubes, only now Rumble’s in tow.
O: So...basically, what this means is he was probably in Soundwave’s chest compartment all along, meaning that Brawn is just wrong about everything today.
S: Yeah, the Insecticons show up and Megatron tells them to crack open an oil tanker and drink their fill.
O: Okay, so they're not vegetarian but then why were they eating all that grain earlier!?!
S: They had a craving, they wanted their cereal.
O: They're giant bugs, not pregnant women with a craving!  The Autobots show up and Megatron tells Soundwave to, “Activate the Ravage cassette!”
S: What a way to, um...dehumanize is maybe not the right word?  De-personify?  De-personify one of your most competent soldiers.
O: But we do get more cute Ravage bounding, which makes me happy.
S: He just bounce, bounce, bounce--
O: [laughs]
S: --all the way over to the Autobots. And now it's Sunstreaker that's pretending to be his brother for a shot.
O: In a tussle with Thundercracker--Optimus, Wheeljack, and Brawn end up coming up underneath the pier Thundercracker’s standing on and throwing him up and into the oily water he'd already set ablaze.
S: Thundercracker’s just not making good decisions.
O: No. [laughs]
S: And Ironhide manifests fire extinguishers out of his hands in an attempt to control the blazing oil around them and then Shrapnel uses lightning to attack the Autobots telling them to, “taste to the lightning-lightning,” maybe?  Isn’t he the one that [repeats words]...?
O: Oh, he might, I can't remember.  [He is.]  I do love that Wheeljack’s response is, “It tastes terrible!,” after he gets hit though.
S: It's a good response.  I like it.  Good on ya, Wheeljack.
O: I like Wheeljack.
S: I love--I like him too.  He’s a--he’s a good fella.  But rubber tires save the day, as Bumblebee transforms and Sharpnel’s attacks have no effect.  Oh my god, that just makes me think of the thing from the Mars Attacks! comics and Spike’s rubber boots.
O: Oh my god, that part was amazing.  I love it cause like--
S: Yeah.
O: --the solder gives him shit, but he’s like, “Ha!,” at the very end, it’s great.  Uh, this prompts Wheeljack to ride Sunstreaker into battle and shoot Shrapnel with his missiles.
S: And then Optimus rides into battle on top of Ironhide and Trailbreaker.
O: Like a foot on each one.  It's kind of great.  Seeing as the lightning has failed, Megatron shoots the oil tanker, jumps into the water and then pushes it towards the oil refinery in an effort to blow up the Autobots.
S: Optimus just kind of bear hugs the ship and sort of makes it sink…
O: Megatron takes aim at Spike and then Optimus pops out of the water holding the oil tanker above his head.
S: This is really absurd looking because Optimus is like, 1/24 the size of this oil tanker or something?  He is very small compared to the oil tanker.
O: Right!  But then Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, chucks an ENTIRE oil tanker at Megatron!!!
S: And the Insecticons proceed to say--fuck this shit--and take off with some Energon.
O: Megatron pops back up yells to stop them and then Reflector is here for some reason?
S: He had to get his paycheck somehow.
O: [laughs] Well, like where did Rumble go?  Like, Rumble I don’t think is there anymore, so I’m like, was Rumble supposed to be Reflector the entire time?  Was Reflector supposed to be Rumble?  Did Rumble say, fuck this shit, and hop back inside Soundwave?
S: Could be that, maybe he went to go do nerd stuff?
O: I'm gonna go with that.  Anyway, the Decepticons follow the Insecticons into the air and the Autobots laugh cause this day is saved once again, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!  Wait, no, that's wrong. [laughs] Anway, that’s the end of our episode, join us next time for the season 1 finale, Heavy Metal War!  Where the Constructicons are introduced and Megatron is a cheater McCheater pants.
S: And we don't actually address any of the ecological issues that happened in this episode with the oil.
O: Or any of the other terrible things that Megatron and the Decepticons have done that further affected the ecology around them.  Eh, that’s not the word I’m looking for...environment.  I’m going to go with environment.  Alright, Specs, what are our fanfics for today?
S: We have two fanfiction recommendations for today.  Our theme for both of them is Insecticons um, but so let's go forward with this--I will introduce the first one and then Owls can introduce the second one because it was her recommendation.
O: Yay!
S: Alright, so the first one is titled, “Icehopper,” by Ayngelcat, and that's angel with a “y”.  (It'll be spelled for you.)  So it's in the G1 continuity, it's rated G, uh, it's rated--its Gen, there aren't any pairings. It’s just a cute little short thing.  So characters are: Shrapnel, Bombshell and Kickback.  And so, the authors summary is, “Another fic I wrote a while back which I've hauled from an obscure place.  The time of year seems appropriate.  I confess to it being a favorite besides which, insecticons needs love.”  So this is actually set during…
O: The winter, or…?
S: Yes, it’s set during the winter.
O: Ah.
S: Originally written for the TF_speedwriting, with the prompt, “Snow White,” and summary, summary is, “Kickback has fun in the snow which does not provide quite so much fun to fellow insecticons, and there's a warning for extreme Insecta-fluff.”
O: [chuckles]
S: With a smiley face.  So ya, recommendat-- the theme or here--whatever is, “Insecticons,” lots of Insecticon cuteness.
O: And my recommendation for today is, “Unusual Subjects to Take Up in Therapy,” by Sparklight.  Continuity for this is Shattered Glass, which is one of my favourite continuities ever and um, I just happened to remember that uh, Shattered Glass Bombshell was in this and recommended it for it.  The rating is G, the--it is Gen, there are no pairings though I will admit I feel like I get some Cliffjumer, uh, Bombshell vibes in this but um, but it's not listed that way.  Characters are: Regular universe Cliffjumper, Shattered Glass Bombshell, Shattered Glass Starscream, Shattered Glass Sideswipe and Shattered Glass Megatron.
Summary, “After Megatron expresses concern over how Cliffjumper is handling his new situation and Cliffjumper insists he's doing FINE, he still ends up talking to Bombshell about alternates, the differences between his native reality and this one (and the people in it) and, just a little, about how he's dealing with it.  At first reluctantly, and later less so.”  The theme for this was Bombshell, basically (and the Insecticons).
So, some background on the Shattered Glass universe and the plot in the main Shattered Glass stuff is that the normal Cliffjumper actually ends up there and ends up a allying himself with the Shattered Glass Decepticons, who are the good guys in this universe.  I quite like this fic, I want to say it's like five or six chapters long but it is complete um, and I just enjoy getting to read anything with Shattered Glass in it but I thought characterizations in this were good and we don't actually get to see a ton of Shattered Glass Bombshell material, so it was interesting.
S: Sounds good, and we’ve got fanart today!
O: We do!  So, our fanartist for today is Red or Russet Red, I'm not entirely sure which one they go by.  We will have additional links to their stuff on our Tumblr but the stuff that we will list on at least AO3 is that Russet Red has a Tumblr, Twitter, and an Instagram.  They tend to do a lot of ID-IDW stuff, though I think there's probably more stuff on there too?  There is a variety of characters, uh, the IDW continuity as far as I can tell.  Some really cute stuff, ranging from sprite art, to sketches, and finished pieces.  They have mine--my undying gratitude for making adorable Coswave fluff, yes!
Uh, our three art recommendations for the day are, a sleepy ambulance--which is Ratchet related.  A Coswave sprite they did which is super cute, and then some Minimus fanart, where he is holding a bunch flowers, that I just thought was cute.
S: Sounds adorable.
O: I really recommend them, their art style’s pretty damn fucking cute!
S: Okay, and so that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort at Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at Afterspark Pod (all one word) and various other locations as Afterspark Podcast such as AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts Stitcher and YouTube, just to name a few.  Till next time, I'm Specs!
O: And I'm Owls!
S: Toodles!
[Outro Music]
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datingwally · 7 years
Mad Max Transformers, anyone?
Seeing that Mad Max photo set made me remember this Transformers fusion idea I got after seeing Fury Road for the first time. Based on G1 characters. (I am tampering with everyone’s ages and relationships, but this is an AU after all, so…)
Post-apocalyptic Cybertron. There is not enough energon to go by, which also means not enough energon to power space travel or space bridge technology, so everyone is basically stuck on a dying planet.
Megatron as Immortan Joe.
Technically, the Decepticons won the war (but at what cost). Megatron reigns supreme, with no one brave or stupid enough to challenge his power. His crumbling empire is built over one of the last energon deposits which he uses to control the populace.
The real tragedy here is the t-cog malfunction caused by one of the last mass murder weapons used at the end of the war (engineered by Shockwave). A techno-virus rendering the host unable to transform, one way or the other. It was only supposed to target Autobots, but something went screwy and 99% of the surviving populace ended up infected by it. Shockwave is MIA and no one else has been able to manufacture a cure.
Because of the virus, some cybertronians are stuck in their alt modes. These are the ‘Rigs’, or ALTs, used as transport vehicles. They are considered a lower caste, objectified and stuck at the mercy of their handlers. Some have been driven insane by this treatment, as well as their inability to transform into robot mode, and have lost all semblance of sentience.
There are a few big Rigs large enough to transport Megatron himself, but the average sized ones are usually partnered with minicons who can fit inside them ( = The War Boys). The minicons act as weapons (sometimes drivers) ‘cause ALTs are unable to use their in-built weaponry anymore (energy conservation, as well as inability to transform any part of their body). Together they hunt any stragglers they find in the wastelands and cannibalize them for spare parts and energon ( = blood donations).
Megatron is obsessed with breeding healthy sparklings who possess active t-cogs. But further, healthy fliers who would give anyone controlling them immense power (being able to cross great distances scouting for energon deposits, aerial combat, etc) And of course, his ultimate goal - a flier capable of spaceflight.
Which brings us to…
Aerialbots as the wives.
Healthy beautiful flier babies too good for this world, too pure. Their carrier is Skyfire/Jetfire (one of the only big flier types left alive). The Aerialbots’ t-cogs were disabled upon creation ‘cause Megatron wants to keep them as breeders for a new generation of fliers. Not even Skyfire knows that they’re capable of flight. What he does know is he doesn’t want his sparklings to live their whole life used by Megatron as he was, so smuggling them away is his last fuck you to the tyrant.
Starscream as Furiosa.
Starscream was born after the war and stolen by Megatron’s men. He grew up to be Megatron’s right hand man (luckily for him, a sparklinghood injury left him incapable of producing heirs). Starscream remembers coming from a land where energon was still plenty, populated only by fliers. It was called Vos. He’s disgusted by how fliers are treated under Megatron’s rule and believes that other Vosians are out there somewhere. So he devises a plan to steal Megatron’s biggest Rig, hide the Aerialbots in it and hightail it to Vos. (He doesn’t really care about anyone but the fliers, but that will change. Character development!)
Astrotrain as Rictus Erectus. (What a name.. xD)
He’s Megatron’s heir and a failed attempt at producing a space flier. While all the parts are there, he’s incapable of transforming. As the virus corrupts the programming rather than the t-cog itself, transplanting a working one would yield no results. No one counted on the programming transferring to the sparklings, but it does. So healthy sparklings are a very rare thing indeed.
Thundercracker and other Vosians as the Vuvalini.
I imagine that they’d be part of a group of rebels who include not only the remaining fliers but also surviving Autobots (Ratchet among them, because Ratchet is a resilient old pile of bolts who always survives). So when they all finally meet Starscream and the Aerialbots, they can teach them not only about their heritage as fliers, but of the way the world was before it went to Pit. And also Ratchet removes their t-cog blocks so they are finally able to fly. (Silverbolt is the only one remotely close to space flight, but he is terrified of flying and also would never abandon his gestalt).
And THEN as a plot twist, it’s revealed that the Rig they’ve been driving this whole time was Optimus Prime. He’s pretty much lobotomized and non-responsive. Megatron thought it would be amusing to use his old rival this way. And then, it came back to bite him in the aft. I love the irony of Optimus still protecting the future even in this state and later being sacrificed to help the ‘wives’ escape.
(Of course, some liberties would have to be taken with everyone’s sizes. Let’s just imagine alt modes are inherently larger than robot modes because of sub-spacing and blah blah blah).
The only problem with this plot bunny, is I’m not too sure who to cast as Nux or Max… xD
I’ve been thinking Soundwave as Max could work if he has TF Prime-like mannerisms (the not-talking, having lost his symbiotes and having flashbacks of them?) with a bit more self-centered survival instinct thrown in? Maybe? xD
But then I also think that Rumble or Frenzy could make a perfect Nux (if they’re not related to Soundwave in this AU).
It would also be cool if Max was one of the Autobots, but I’m not sure who would fit the profile…
Just wanted to throw this plot bunny out there, because it will never see the light of day otherwise.
It’s up for adoption, if anyone wants it!
Unless something like this has been written already and I’m not aware… xD
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