#will focus on replying to past threads i owe but i want to interact with new people too !!
visionkept · 1 year
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I haven’t done this in a while so here, have a brand new STARTER CALL ( one liners ) ! This one is for the mutuals I HAVEN’T INTERACTED with YET. If we don’t have a thread going on at the moment, this is your time to befriend your local ronin. NOTE: They will get QUEUED to avoid flooding the dash. 
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deadveiled · 2 years
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              𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈 𝐑𝐔𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒.
ꜱᴘᴇᴇᴅ.  as of right now, my blog runs (almost) fully on a queue, which is a decision i made earlier in the semester since i want to focus more of my time on school work, practicing, graduate school applications, and taking care of my mental and physical health, which can often involve extended breaks from the rpc. with that said, i do try and queue up at least one response every time i find myself on here, which is usually a tiny bit at the middle of the day and mostly in the late afternoon and evenings (when i’m not dicking around elsewhere or watching shows). weekends and US holidays/school breaks are a different story, where i’m around more often but still trying to focus on myself.
ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ.  i tend to draft all of the thread replies that i owe and queue up at least one response for whenever i’m online and feel like completing something from my drafts, as i mentioned in the last section. i also tend to queue these responses in the order that i receive them, but it depends on how much i’m feeling a specific thread and if i’m mains with the other or not. if it’s been around a couple weeks since you replied to a thread we’re doing, please feel free to send me a gentle poke, and it  would be helpful to provide a link to the thread since sometimes things  tend to get lost in my drafts. i don’t use banners or any fancy graphics in my responses, just still icons.
ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀꜱ.  i don’t post a ton of these, but when i do, they’re usually inspired by songs (as per usual). not very many of them tend to get a lot of notes, sometimes none at all, so if it’s been a while where i’ve had a starter and i want to write whatever that one is about, i’ll likely just reblog it again instead of making a new one. my opens are generally always open, and any of my mutuals are always welcome to respond!! c: i use banners for starter calls.
ᴀꜱᴋꜱ.  like thread responses, in-character responses to things in the inbox tend to be queued, and i also like to publish them in the order i get them, unless if it’s some prompt or starter that i’m really excited about. anon asks are currently closed at the moment due to both anxiety from a very brief harassment incident that occurred over the summer and because i get anxious about having anonymous messages, particularly with the astounding degree of hatred towards marginalized folks like trans people at the moment, of which i am. i’m also never really in the mood to see people arguing with me in my inbox about my character and my writing habits, which have happened on other blogs before. so i decided that it’s best to not have that option at all. that topic aside, if it’s been a while since you’ve sent in an ask, please feel free to give a gentle poke, and if it’s from a meme, it would be helpful to specify that as well. i use banners, dividers, and still icons in my ask posts, which i tend to just copy and paste from the ask itself into a new text post (which you all probably already know).
ᴏᴏᴄ ꜱᴛᴜꜰꜰ.  sometimes i often take more time to answer ooc stuff and chat with you guys than i do for threads or asks & other in character stuff i owe you guys, because i love to talk to y’all and get to know y’all as people since i think it makes us better writing partners. i also love getting asks for ooc stuff, like from memes. for ooc posts i use banners.
ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢɪɴɢ & ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅ.  mutuals are always welcome to dm me here on tumblr to ask questions. most ooc interactions i prefer to have on discord, where you can find me at dumb bitch energy#7000. i personally find the platform a lot more accessible and easier to use and has statistically been less fucky with me than tumblr messaging. for things like further plotting and discussion, i strongly prefer discord, but if you don’t have a discord, then tumblr messenger works just fine.
ʜɪᴀᴛᴜꜱ.  whenever i take a hiatus, i will make both a public post and mark my blog as such in the current pinned post. the only roleplay blogs of mine that are not currently on hiatus are this one (even though i’m admittedly on a semi-hiatus here), @titxxn​, & @cybermarked​. speaking of this blog being on a semi-hiatus at the moment, responses are going to come a lot slower than the responses on other blogs, and my activity will be a lot spottier. when i’m on any kind of hiatus, all rules regarding sending me messages about asks and replies that i owe you are rescinded. i’ve done all i believe is necessary to notify you regarding my absence, and i expect that you respect my decision and my space and not continuously hound me.
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʀᴘ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ.  all of my other rp blogs can be found here.
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celcstialls · 1 year
★ NAME Seelie (bo beelie) ★ PRONOUNS they/she/any ★ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION Discord~ Cause tumblr ims are fucky wucky and I can send my meme emojis on discord ★ NAME OF MUSE(S) Uh. Yes. Most active? Traveller Twins, Kujou Sara, Sandrone (Also, Mun of @kabvra-ya and @dollctten)
★ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?) Uhhhhhhhhhhhh I'd say since I was a teen so? Probably around 12 ish years?
★ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED tumblr, discord, skype, fucking dark spyro chatrooms, ---club penguin??? They were dark times.
★ BEST EXPERIENCE My best experience so far was when I was in a big OW comunity on skype, some of them I am still friends with to this day granted we don't talk much anymore. It was just a lot of fun and chaos.
★ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS Dash drama or just drama in general. Negativity or vent posts not under readmores/untagged. Not deleting tbd posts. Untrimmed posts. Ship discourse. Elitism (generally thinking that people are better than others due to writing styles, layouts, edits and graphics). Pressure to be replying constantly or at the same speed as a rp partner. People shitting on others for wanting to only write certain dynamics (eg. shipping focus or storyline focus blogs.)
★ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT ALL. Fluff/Angst > Smut tho, mainly cause I get flustered easily in regards to smut and I just enjoy writing out character interactions and dynamics a lot
★ PLOTS OR MEMES I prefer plotting first just to get a basis on how our characters may interact and vibe with one another before just.. Throwing them out into the ocean. Memes are typically more for fun/not to turn into threads or for people I have plotted with
★ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES It really depends on my mood and how much my partner writes. I feel painfully obligated to match my partners length in replies due to getting one para'd so many times when I write out long-ass stuff in the past.. It sucks! So yeah.
★ BEST TIME TO WRITE Late at night is typically when my hyperfocus/random insomnia seems to kick into gear. It's also when most people are asleep or just waking up so I don't get distracted by others chatting with me.
★ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) I have so many muses that all have very different personalities so- it's hard to say no? I'm sure I am like some of them in some ways. Though, I have been told that I am pretty much a mixture of Hu Tao and Bennett rolled into one. Mischievous, fun-loving and puppy-like.
tagged by @rosemourne ♥!! ILY GOOSE BESTIE tagging nobody; I posted this super late and feel embarrassed because of it. Cnbf tagging anyone. Please steal
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titxxn · 2 years
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               𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈 𝐑𝐔𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐒.
ꜱᴘᴇᴇᴅ.  as of right now, my blog runs (almost) fully on a queue, which is a decision i made earlier in the semester since i want to focus more of my time on school work, practicing, graduate school applications, and taking care of my mental and physical health, which can often involve extended breaks from the rpc. with that said, i do try and queue up at least one response every time i find myself on here, which is usually a tiny bit at the middle of the day and mostly in the late afternoon and evenings (when i’m not dicking around elsewhere or watching shows). weekends and US holidays/school breaks are a different story, where i’m around more often but still trying to focus on myself.
ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ.  i tend to draft all of the thread replies that i owe and queue up at least one response for whenever i’m online and feel like completing something from my drafts, as i mentioned in the last section. i also tend to queue these responses in the order that i receive them, but it depends on how much i’m feeling a specific thread and if i’m mains with the other or not. if it’s been around a couple weeks since you replied to a thread we’re doing, please feel free to send me a gentle poke, and it would be helpful to provide a link to the thread since sometimes things tend to get lost in my drafts. i don’t use banners or any fancy graphics in my responses, just still icons.
ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀꜱ.  i don’t post a ton of these, but when i do, they’re usually inspired by songs (as per usual). not very many of them tend to get a lot of notes, sometimes none at all, so if it’s been a while where i’ve had a starter and i want to write whatever that one is about, i’ll likely just reblog it again instead of making a new one. my opens are generally always open, and any of my mutuals are always welcome to respond!! c: i use banners for starter calls.
ᴀꜱᴋꜱ.  like thread responses, in-character responses to things in the inbox tend to be queued, and i also like to publish them in the order i get them, unless if it’s some prompt or starter that i’m really excited about. anon asks are currently closed at the moment due to both anxiety from a very brief harassment incident that occurred over the summer and because i get anxious about having anonymous messages, particularly with the astounding degree of hatred towards marginalized folks like trans people at the moment, of which i am. i’m also never really in the mood to see people arguing with me in my inbox about my character and my writing habits, which have happened on other blogs before. so i decided that it’s best to not have that option at all. that topic aside, if it’s been a while since you’ve sent in an ask, please feel free to give a gentle poke, and if it’s from a meme, it would be helpful to specify that as well. i use banners, dividers, and still icons in my ask posts, which i tend to just copy and paste from the ask itself into a new text post (which you all probably already know).
ᴏᴏᴄ ꜱᴛᴜꜰꜰ.  sometimes i often take more time to answer ooc stuff and chat with you guys than i do for threads or asks & other in character stuff i owe you guys, because i love to talk to y’all and get to know y’all as people since i think it makes us better writing partners. i also love getting asks for ooc stuff, like from memes. for ooc posts i use banners.
ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢɪɴɢ & ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅ.  mutuals are always welcome to dm me here on tumblr to ask questions. most ooc interactions i prefer to have on discord, where you can find me at dumb bitch energy#7000. i personally find the platform a lot more accessible and easier to use and has statistically been less fucky with me than tumblr messaging. for things like further plotting and discussion, i strongly prefer discord, but if you don’t have a discord, then tumblr messenger works just fine.
ʜɪᴀᴛᴜꜱ.  whenever i take a hiatus, i will make both a public post and mark my blog as such in the current pinned post. the only roleplay blogs of mine that are not currently on hiatus are this one, @cybermarked​, and @deadveiled​ (although it’s kind of on a semi-hiatus). when i’m on any kind of hiatus, all rules regarding sending me messages about asks and replies that i owe you are rescinded. i’ve done all i believe is necessary to notify you regarding my absence, and i expect that you respect my decision and my space and not continuously hound me.
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʀᴘ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ.  all of my other rp blogs can be found here.
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priestbit · 2 months
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I )     this is a private writing blog for an original character, donovan " donnie " watts. any headcanons, lore or npc’s that you see crop up on this blog belong to me and i ask that you do not steal or copy them. be assured that i will know if you do attempt to do this. donnie and his extended universe are being worked into a novel i’ve been working on for well over a year now, as such, my in character writing here will be scarce. my main focus on this blog is to develop donnie’s character and his setting. meta, headcanon and development posts will be far more frequent here than any writing will be. i am also in full-time work, where my job is to spend my day writing. so, this blog will be in a state of permanent low-activity. this means i will likely take a long while to get back to thread replies or meme responses on the dash, though i am always available via the tumblr messenger to plot and to keep in touch. i value my friendships here and the development of ic interactions above all else. the writing is for fun and keeping up with my writing skills, and shall be treated as such.
please note that any in character writing will be in the past tense, and will be written in the same style i use for my off-tumblr projects, as i find that sinking into the habit of writing in overly flowery prose can often harm my writing overall. so, i will be looking to unlearn this habit.
II )     this blog is highly selective, and very mutually exclusive. i will be keeping my dash small and my following count the same. i frequently clear out my following list by softblocking. i want to make this blog as stress-free and as friends-only as i possibly can. i value my friendships here, i do not engage with the 'you don't owe anybody anything' mindset that seems to be so popular, because i believe that at the very least, you owe people your kindness, your compassion, your empathy, and your respect. i would ask that if you disagree with that, don't follow me. i also ask that minors dni. basically, if you’re under the age of twenty - one, i won’t be interacting for my own comfort!
i do not interact with anybody that insights hatred of any kind: this includes racism, ableism, antisemitism, homo / trans / xeno / islamophobia and any other forms of bigotry. if you, the mun, express any republican, tory, or right-wing views then you can kindly see your way off my blog. you’re not welcome here.
i will not be engaging in vague-posting or dash drama of any kind, though i will keep my ear to the ground about harmful individuals and block them. if any callouts of an extremely harmful nature cross my dashboard, i will act accordingly. i do not agree with petty callouts or cancel culture as a whole, so keep that away from my dashboard, i don't want to see it. if you have a problem with me or something i've said then please make an effort to reach out before posting a vague or attempting to involve others. i'm all about peaceful resolutions, i promise i'm not going to hold it against you if you’ve got a problem with me or something i’ve done or said. i only ask that you come to me and discuss it privately so we can resolve the issue like adults.
 a note for if i raise an issue with anybody:  i promise you that any issue i raise with my mutuals isn't intended to be a personal attack, regardless of my tone or my emotion in that moment. it is meant to communicate and open a discussion about said issue so we can work through it and resolve it as and when we can (as i 100% understand that talking about things going wrong can be mentally taxing and that we may need to take breaks to accommodate that. i would ask that we communicate that with one another instead of leaving things hanging in silence for prolonged periods. for me, that kind of thing is triggering. i come from a very loud, turbulent household where people don't healthily communicate their feelings and resort to guilt-tripping and anger to resolve things. i come to tumblr to escape this kind of energy. say how you feel. be upfront. i promise you i'm not going to take it personally if you do.) i'm not an unreasonable person. if i ever make a mistake i will 100% own up to that mistake, apologise and adjust my behaviour accordingly. i expect the same level of respect i give to be returned regarding this, especially with friends. acting like a teenager about any of this, and ignoring any attempts i make to reach out to you, will result in a block. if you're not willing to fight for the friendship, or even make an effort to communicate with me, then i will block you.  
i will not shy away from defending myself or my friends. we should be a community that supports and uplifts one another, and as such, this is how i'll be conducting myself.
III )     general rp etiquette applies to this blog. don’t forceship, don’t godmod, don’t send anon hate. don’t be a dick. basically: treat me like an adult and with general common courtesy and respect and i’ll do the same for you in return. i’m here to have fun above all else. i'm liberal with my block button, if i get a whiff of any of this behaviour, or if you vague-post about me or my friends, or if you've proven to me that you're not a healthy influence in/on my space, or if your blog is continually involved in petty drama, you're blocked. gone. i'm too old to deal with petty drama or taking sides. and if i do block you, for whatever reason, don't circumvent that or throw a fit on the dash in the form of vagueposts. respect my boundaries and respect your followers, they don't want to see that.
IV )     nsfw content is likely to crop up from time to time, as i am of age and am completely comfortable with that kind of content. though i will be selective with who i write it with. it will always be tagged, and under a read more if it is excessively explicit. i absolutely will not be participating in anything nsfw that involves underage muses under any circumstances. my nsfw writing won't just be contained to sundays either. i will only write nsfw content with people i know well and feel comfortable with, communication is key when it comes to such topics and unless we're talking, i won't feel comfortable enough in knowing your boundaries, or your muses' boundaries to write it with you. basically, unless we're talking ooc, i won't write any nsfw content with you.
shipping is going to be highly selective on this blog too. basically, if we gel together as muns and the muses are showing chemistry together and i can see that you'd be willing to plot out dynamics with me, then i'll be more than happy to ship with you. donnie isn't here to add to your tally of ships or faceclaims, and i will not appreciate it if you attempt to collect me in that fashion. any attempts at forceshipping will result in a block, as will any weird behaviour shown towards shipping in general.
V )     i personally don’t have any triggers that would need tagging, but i would ask that people do not spring unexpected pregnancy/pregnancy plots on me or go into detail about pregnancy with me. i would also ask that if you’re looking for a plot that features lots of angst and triggering topics that you discuss it with me first. especially if we’re going to be touching on topics of unhealthy or abusive relationship dynamics ( the dynamic between a villainous character and their romantic partner, for example. ) these kinds of plots can be taxing for me mentally and i don’t want to engage with them 24/7, i am a horror writer and i love writing about the worst of humanity as much as the next guy, but i don’t want to be in that headspace all the time. so, please be mindful when talking to me about these plots.
some heavy trigger warnings apply to donnie’s story, they are as follows: religious trauma, religious horror, discussions of the catholic and baptist faith that won’t be in a strictly positive light, death, loss, grief, animal death, child neglect and abuse, homophobia typical of the time period, mentions of underage drinking, addiction, gore, mentions of postnatal depression and psychosis, and others. please be advised! i want my followers to be safe. everything will be tagged accordingly always, though i do stress that i sometimes forget and will always edit the post to add the tags the minute i notice. my tags are formatted like this ‘ trigger here // ’ for the ease of blacklisting.
a note for how i go about researching serious/triggering topics:  i am always researching the most respectful and authentic ways to talk about donnie's mental health ( most notably, his c-ptsd, ptsd, and his adhd ) and his struggles with addiction. it's a big part of his character that i've been looking into for a long time, and i strive to explore it as sensitively and as realistically as i can. my perspective on his mental health and his struggle with addiction have been informed both by strenuous research and my personal interactions with both. if anyone spots me not doing my job right with this, then please feel free to reach out, i'm always happy to learn.
VI )     i tend not to interact with "like to stay mutuals!" posts and other posts to that effect, they are anxiety inducing for me and i often miss them. my presence on the dash and online in general is next to non-existent. i would recommend not following me if this bothers you. if you have any questions or concerns about this or any of my rules or anything on my blog, then please bring them to me privately and off anon. i would also like to stress that i as the mun do not excuse the actions of any muse that i write nor of the muses of my partners. if any character i write or my partners write bothers you then please either blacklist tags, softblock me, or block me. do not stir up drama or send anons or other people into my messages over the matter of a fictional character. DO HOWEVER send messages to me off anon, or through the askbox if we're not mutuals, if you think i’ve overstepped a line in any way shape or form, i am open to adult discussion and education regarding these matters always. any attempts at guilt-tripping, vaguing and general pettiness will be blocked. no exceptions.
VII )     general faceclaim dni applies, please use your common sense, if you know your faceclaim ( or indeed your muse ) to be problematic in some way, then i will not be interacting with you. don’t follow me if you’re an eternals blog, a harry potter blog, a teen wolf blog, a supernatural blog, a stranger things blog, or an mcu - based blog (comic - based blogs are more than okay to follow me. )
VIII )     the psd used on this blog is ‘ me and my husband ’ by ariapsds, and the icon border used is ' boyfriends ' by b1gtimerush. anything else found on my blog has been sourced and edited by me unless stated otherwise. do not steal anything.
IX )     finally, if you've made it this far, thank you for reading my rules. welcome aboard! my name is bramble (bram for short), and i’m twenty - four, and i go by she/they pronouns. i'd prefer people use both sets when referring to me unless we know each other well. i am non-binary and i do not appreciate having this aspect of my person disregarded, anybody who doesn’t respect this will be blocked. i know these rules are a lot to get through and i promise i'm actually way more chilled out than how some of these rules are worded may suggest that i am. i'm just making sure i've set my boundaries in the clearest possible terms. again, thank you for reading these, it means the world, and i'm looking forward to writing with you! 💕
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aaetherius · 3 years
Get To Know The Writer!
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME: Noise
PRONOUNS: They / Them 
TAKEN OR SINGLE: I am a single parent to a gremlin cat. I also have a dog and another cat, but when do I ever talk about them sorry my fur children I should not have a favorite, but I do.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I am fairly/decently tattooed (verging on heavily tattooed, I think most would argue)? I think that’s something most people don’t know or assume about me (unless you’ve seen me, then, of course, it’s the first thing everyone notices). I have a lot of tattoos so I won’t describe/go over all of them (most of them are nerdy though). But the most obvious/largest one I have is my full sleeve (entire left arm), and that one is of Ok.ami! My favorite one, though, is on my thigh because I’m biased, and it’s a decently sized heart with a scene from K.iki’s Delivery service in it/things that reference it, but Lily and Jiji (the cats from Kiki’s) are colored/drawn as my two cats instead (their names are Elise and Bella and I love them very much gfheudhg)! And my most recent one is a pretty large Sailor Moo.n (Luna) inspired one on my calf (I got it done, unintentionally, like the day before we went into lockdown here and I still think about how that’s the last time I left my house other than to walk the dog and for the essentials, obviously dshjgjfy).  
A lot of you know this already, but I sew/know how to sew (largely self taught)! I mainly do cosplay stuff for myself now, and sometimes make cosplays for friends (if I love them enough ghufdihrudk). But there was a period of my life where I was doing it professionally/as a job. I had my own business, and used to make and sell plushies (mainly at conventions, and would do several conventions in a year. Free fun fact from that, but my best con was actually in Canada, of which I am not from nor do I live in, but because of that I have a business license/Tax number in Canada. Used to get invites to events in Canada all of the time and I had to tell them I don’t live there gfudrkugfgrfdr)! 
This is so very difficult. I’m out of facts and trying to come up with things you guys don’t already know ifdshliuf. Uhhhhh, on the more personal side/less fun side I guess, but I was on a learning plan (I honestly forget the actual term for it - basically it’s for when you struggle with a certain subject and have to take extra classes for it or are given accommodations for it because it’s difficult for you) throughout most of school/prior to college for - writing, actually (believe it or not gifdljhgkgrt)! I was often told how terrible I was at it/that I would never get better at it because the school system can be awful, but I enjoyed it, and was a very stubborn child so I kept at it anyway! Eventually I was taken off of it in high school entirely because of my own efforts. So, I just want to say: never let people tell you that you’re incapable of something/can’t do something/don’t let people bring you down! If you love something, and get enjoyment out of it, you should do it regardless of what others think/believe! And be kind/supportive to creatives (including yourself - so very much including yourself, you’re wonderful and deserving of respect and praise for doing what you do). It can take so much courage to write or draw or sew or sculpt a single thing (and you should be proud of that thing, even if it doesn’t live up to what you wanted, because what really matters is that you had the courage to do it at all)! There’s often so much going on behind the scenes that you’re not aware of, and you never know where, when, or how someone started off in something (so even if something seems easy for someone now, it likely wasn’t when they started and still might not be)!  
I can’t recall when I started role-playing exactly (I’ve been writing, in general, since I could hold a pen). It’s been years, but I started with OCs on forums and with friends (in high school I had a group of friends that I would trade around a physical notebook with where we would write replies - one time, for a friend’s birthday, I had owed them a reply for a really long time, so we wrapped it up and them put it in five or so boxes, all of which were also wrapped, and gave it to them. It was a good time haha. Gosh I’m so old). Before eventually moving to tumblr. Most of my older/oldest OCs are still around on my general multi (August being the oldest, but a decent chunk of the OCs on that blog are pretty old). The first canon character I wrote was, I believe, Steven St.one from P.okemon. As far as Lucifer is concerned, I’m a few days away from this blog being seven months old!
I’m not quite certain what my preference is to be honest! I enjoy writing both OCs and canon characters. I tend to favor characters I’m more emotionally invested in since I tend to be on the shy/more withdrawn side of things so it’s easier for me to interact with others/reach out to others when I’m more invested in a muse! A lot of it can depend on my mood as well, certain characters are easier for me to write depending on how I’m feeling ( but there are muses I find easy to write regardless of how I’m doing). And how comfortable I feel with/on my dash also plays a fairly decent role in my preference, as well! And I enjoy running both single and multi-muse blogs, though most of my blogs are multis (but having a single muse blog is so nice). As far as archetypes go, I think I don’t favor one as much as I used to, but I still write a lot of white-haired muses haha. As far as gender goes, I tend to write male identifying muses most often.        
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: I love and adore all things soft. Obviously it’s easier with certain muses than others (Lucifer lends himself well to fluff, but I have muses, like L.ucilius, who do not). I’m always down to write fluffy things, and very much enjoy it! I like and favor happy/soft content! I like seeing muses get closer, and living their lives and I’m always excited to see characters happy/finding out what they enjoy/spending time with others and learning about them/letting characters live their lives (especially in Lucifer’s case because, well, you know haha. If Cy.games won’t let him be happy I will simply have to do it myself).
ANGST: I like angst to a certain extent. I’m not into super heavy angst that has a bad/unhappy outcome, and doesn’t serve much of a purpose beyond being angsty. But angst that allows characters to develop is wonderful, and expected. And I love the recovery period. Writing muses addressing and living with their actions or learning how to cope with them - how their past or how what’s happened impacts their day to day lives and how they think/what bothers them/their actions/how it becomes a part of them, and what it takes for them to grow. Or how it deepens their relationship with another, and the comfort that comes with it. I enjoy angst that has a happy/meaningful ending. 
SMUT: It tends to be very case-by-case by with me. I may write it with certain muses (of mine) and not with others. I may be open to writing it with certain ship partners, and not with others, as well. I will/can write it, but it depends on my comfort level (and it is by no means a deal breaker if you chose to write or not write it). Generally speaking, it largely depends on how comfortable I am with the mun I’m writing with, and with my own muse that’s involved. So I might write it from time to time/it could come up, and there might be other times where I’m not comfortable/confident (and fading to black/time skipping is also a-okay with me, especially if you’re interested in exploring the aftermath/comfort that follows it, but not actually writing the smut part of that out). Though, keep in mind, when it comes to actually writing it out on my end, I’m more invested and interested in the emotional aspect that intimacy tends to bring with it/how it impacts the relationship (before, during, and after), and that does tend to be what I focus on when I write it (because I just find that part of it interesting to explore because my favorite things to write are character and relationship development). So, long story short, I’m selective with it.
PLOT / MEMES: Both are good! You’re always welcome to turn an ask or meme into a thread, and I find that it’s easier to start threads through asks/memes than it is through starters/a starter call so I very much enjoy them! But plotting is also nice, and I enjoy it! Sometimes, though, I have a million ideas, and it goes super well, and other times my head is completely empty and I have no thoughts whatsoever. But plotting also tends to make writing a starter/interacting easier, and also leads to interesting threads! So, I’m open to both!
tagged by: @cirocchio (thank you)!
tagging ( if you want to do this, but no pressure if you don’t! ): @cxffexngel, @anamnaesis, @hartblooms, @shymaidxn, @unladylikc, @whisperonn, @dcpraved, @synnthos, @caelumsaltator, @againthemartyr, @eternalwhite!
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ddaenghoney · 5 years
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chapter one
masterlist link in blog description.
As a successful songwriter, you want nothing more than the acknowledgment that the chart-topping musical pieces are your own creations. But contracts, relationships, and the difficulty of facing the stakes involved head on, keep your mouth shut until pressure builds too much.
Pairing(s): Park Jimin x Y/N, Min Yoongi x Y/N
disclaimer: any characters depicted do not represent the actual personality of the respected idol in real life.
Series warning(s)/genre(s): Chapter-based written fic, Slow-burn relationship(s), Fake-dating, Unrequited love, Songwriter/producer!oc, idol!Jimin, idol/songwriter/producer!Yoongi, friends with benefits, drama, romance, smut, angst, fluff (updated as needed)
Chapter warning(s): none.
Word count: 5013
if you enjoy please, please let me know!
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“What if this album has my name in the credits?”
Tension shifts, where idleness and chatting of the choices presented neatly on the table became a new quiet. Glances bore like bullets, burning dots onto your back, shoulders, profile--avoiding the direct stare towards the CEO. She didn’t attend meetings like this usually. Just a divergence from normalcy due to a client canceling and her deciding to check in on the upcoming record for the most famous of the idols in the company.
Jimin’s neck remains still, eyes not focusing down at the copies of songs he was given at the beginning of session. Sitting beside the lady in charge whom only allows her eyes to address your sentence when the silence drifts into awkwardness. Her expression holds elegance, yet firm conviction set within her eyes. No words for another moment, but the ambiance feels reclaimed. No longer disturbed by your interruption of usual affairs.
The table hides your hands as they compress all of the tension into formed balls on your lap. Composed, composed; you left your mouth closed to consider the phrasing. This is owed to you. Your voice wasn’t as loud when you replied, “I wrote the songs.”
You bite your tongue by choice. A way to repress more frustration.
“It’s best to keep lyrical credits to the minimum. Jimin’s name and the producers are enough mostly.” She dismisses the idea, while looking back at the papers you spent the past two months typing lines to. Her pen scribbles notes on the margins. Short ones, only a sentence of acceptance, before flipping to a new page.
At the returning conversation of concepts to fit the new album, your hands uncurl. The head stylist talks mindlessly with Jimin’s manager to go over the budgeting for the first music video’s costumes. An intern exits with an order to bring coffee from the breakroom. Your head tilts towards the dark wood, reflective only of a blurry shadow. Barely in your peripherals, Jimin’s hand settles on the table across from you.
His eyes are ready to meet yours when your head lifts back up. Face absent of a smile, but the sympathy in his eyes tells you he holds words at bay. Unspoken.
“What if it’s just one song?” Spoken for yourself.
Jimin’s eyebrows furrow at your continuation, wondering if you were truly unaware of the rolling eyes from those sat beside you. If you thought you could get a different outcome.
“It doesn’t have to be the title track, but one shouldn’t be an issue, right?”
“Your contract doesn’t require me to heed your desires.” The paper held in the CEO’s hand casts beside the stack, flurrying noise for a second. “And it states very clearly that you’re not to be credited. This is for the best interest of the idols.” She doesn’t regard your frowning, completely empty of care as she reaches for her mug.
“But hardly anyone would even notice-”
“Your name adds nothing to the credentials.”
Words evade your throat, while the air in it becomes invasive. It hitches into place, and the door reopens for the intern to walk with her heels clicking on the floor. No one speaks, but the focus on your person is apparent. Jimin’s finger taps once on the table, hesitantly, unassumingly.
You rise from the chair, ignoring the burn in your throat when he stays silent like the rest. But he does watch you exit the room, index finger leading for the others to drag into a fist on the polished table. Your sneakers make little noise as you go across the tile, frustratingly allowing you to hear the CEO thank the intern for more tea.
While you glare at nothing, the frosted glass door became closer. Reaching to pull it, you keep your jaw locked from the anger wanting to fall out, too far from reality to be prepared for the man on the other side. Your body bumps completely into him, a gasping curse whispering from your lips, followed by quick apologies when he steps back from the force. Confused eyes squint at your person as you mutter more about it being an accident, but the call behind you from someone asking what happened causes you to apologetically lower your head. A foot shift to the side of the stiffened man, then you pace down the hallway to the elevators.
“Did she get hurt?” The wheels on Jimin’s chair roll back as he starts to stand. “Or you too, I guess.”
“I’m fine.” Yoongi steps into the meeting room, regarding the CEO with a deeper bow of his head while he shuts the door behind him. “I was just going to ask about the equipment I need moved in my studio. The secretary said this meeting was finished.”
“It is.” Jimin bites his lip as the CEO ignored what just occurred. Signing her name onto the corner of the paper, like she did with the songs she was most favorable of. “Jimin has his title track chosen.” She passes the paper to the manager whose hands are prepared to take the song as though Lee Yerin was gifting him a jewel.
Jimin sits back into the cushion of the desk chair, hands fidgeting on his lap, as he wonders about following you, but he stays. You’re likely to the lobby at this point, and he wouldn’t leave without a cap and sunglasses in the very least. His phone escapes his pocket as he types the passcode, looking up at the CEO as she stands.
“Finish up here if there’s more to say. I’ll go with Yoongi to his studio.”
You groan loudly as the automated doors behind you shut. Walking swiftly to the curbside, you begin surveying for a taxi, or a truck to hop into the back of never to be seen again. The one opportunity to speak to the CEO in front of others involved in Jimin’s album and none of them said a word in your favor. Your tongue clicks, waving an arm to catch the attention of a driver. It wasn’t like you truly expected any of them to speak for you, but all the words you prepared for the circumstantial moment crossed your mind. The fluid sentences and reasonings all turned into white noise when you actually willed yourself to attempt opening the gate into the topic. A wonder lingers if you even managed to budge it. Doubtful.
In the taxi, your phone vibrates systematically, and for a moment you worry that it’s someone calling to reprimand your behavior. Taking a breath, you pulled the device from your jeans, internally cursing at the clothing you wore that day. You hadn’t assumed you’d run into Yerin, but now that you had you wished at least that you dressed like someone charismatic enough to argue the credentials. The breath releases as Jimin’s contact I.D. flashes on your screen. The picture behind the notification a memory of an overnight trip the month earlier.
“Hey,” You answer him, turning your head to look at the passing buildings and avenues. “Did anyone say anything?”
“What, no.” He quickly interjects, as he walks down the hallway towards the balcony patio. Jimin says nothing about his manager muttering to the choreographer about the scene. “Did you get hurt bumping into Yoongi?”
“No, but I bet he hates me even more now.” You recall his surprised expression as your body ricocheted off his, as well as the other sparse times you interacted with him so far the past few weeks of his company’s merger with your own. None of them felt entirely positive, but you had other things to think about than his perception-- be it likely annoyed with you or otherwise. “I don’t know what I should do.” You sigh, while your hand grips onto the center armrest during a swift turn.
“I didn’t know you’d say something like that,” Jimin admits his thoughts, while sitting on a cold, metal chair overlooking the intersection six floors below. “Took me by surprise.”
You bite your lip at his softened tone, something about it creating a worry in your stomach, but you ignore it to joke it off. “Always looking for ways to make myself look like an idiot, Jimin. My talent.”
“That’s not true.” He frowns at his boots, free hand picking a loose thread on his sweater. “I just,” Jimin’s voice trails, considering the times this month you mentioned your contract coming to an end in the upcoming summer. Half a year or so away. Or half a year left. “I don’t know what you expected from it honestly.”
The cab comes to a stop in traffic half a block from your destination. You give a payment for the ride and exit early, dodging around the hood of a parked car. His words scrape along your temples, despite their simplicity. You pacify the meaning by attributing candidness.
“Sweetie,” Jimin knows he kicked a nerve, but he feels no desire to rephrase. “Did you go home?”
“No.” You mutter, shoving a hand into your pocket where it fiddles mindless with a tangled earbud wire. “I’m gonna go to Joon’s place for a bit.” You listen to him sigh, thinking it to sound relieved. Likely Jimin worried of your temperament following the incident, but knowing you were willing to go out somewhere public longer gives him a bit of positivity.
“How late will you be there? I think I’ll be able to leave by eight tonight.” The implications of his evident desire to meet blur in your mind. A tone of gentleness leads you to believe Jimin simply wanted to be with you. In the confines of your apartment or his. Where words can be said and actions crossed without a care about the company’s opinion.
“I’ll probably be home before that,” The amounts of paper scattered around your dining table from the past week of scrambling to finish by today’s meeting crosses through your mind. Then the disarray you assuredly left your bedroom in when leaving that morning. “It’s a mess.”
“I don’t care.” Jimin giggles, the sound sweet and healing compared to the previous topics of conversation. “I don’t have a schedule tomorrow,” He pauses, smiling on his end at the thought, “Can I stay over?”
In your mind you know this is one of the situations that you shouldn’t let concoct so simply, when the two of you have time and time again avoided definitions of what goes on between you both, even though it’s evidently deep care, never properly spoken of. You don’t bring it up as you reply in an instant, “Yeah.” And you’re smiling just as warmly as he is with the affirmation.
Your slow walk compliments the energy rising in your voice as the conversation with Jimin about the songs comes up. You bite your inner cheek, listening to him recall particular lines that he especially liked from certain songs. The people moving around you in the busy intercity take no presence, instead just reason for you to absently dodge around. The air skidding blotches against your cheeks is also forgotten, more intent spent on Jimin reinstating that you worked really hard and the pieces reflect that.
“Wow,” Namjoon shifts his jaw rested on his cheek as you enter the front door. “That’s a huge smile.” The phone is already put back in your jean pocket, the jovile goodbye said before you came into his cafe. Or bar, somewhat a bookstore; you still never really understood how he classifies the establishment overall.
“My songs went over well.” You explain giddy in step as you make it to the bar stool and sit onto your spot like usual. Namjoon stands leaning over the counter across from you, letting his employees handle the slow flow of customers at this odd middle hour of the afternoon.
“Like usual?” He raises an eyebrow, voice sufficiently light-hearted, yet sarcastic as though the idea of your work being taken otherwise was alien. “You’ll end up moving to two zipcodes down by the end of the year at this rate. Lucky.”
“Like you don’t rake up practically all the after-party customers from Jin’s club every weekend on top of your always booked party rooms for business lunches.” You watch with a still present smile as Namjoon only shrugs his shoulder. Completely aware that he himself made more than enough money for satisfaction.
“Minoring in marketing was a good idea after all. What can I say?” You both laugh softly, remembering when he would call you after his minor-specific classes to rant to you about how greedy some of the other students ideas were. “So they all got accepted this time around?”
“I’m pretty sure. Maybe not all for Jimin, but they’ll probably get used by other idols too.” You watch as he steps away to listen to your answer. Namjoon fills a few glasses of water to assist an employee scrambling to get enough cups for an abnormally large group just sat down.
“And,” He brushes off the thanks from the employee as she takes the tray of eight glasses before turning back towards you, “Are you going to be credited this time?”
At the question you pause. Curl in your lips straightens out and Yerin’s incontestable, harden statements fill your ears once more. Your finger curls against the gloss of his applewood countertops. You glance down.
“No then.” Namjoon frowns sympathetically, his face now pondering how else to go about changing that fact. He dismisses the ideastorm when you sigh,
“Maybe I should just get over that, right?” You think of years gone by where you didn’t question the lack of recognition publicized for your songwriting. It felt easy to be uncaring of it when you were in college able to pay practically all fees outright because of the massive influx of revenue from the job you weren’t expecting much from to begin with.
“Your contract is up for renewal this upcoming year. Why don’t you try and change the crediting clause then?”
“It...” You know he’s going to get irritated from the completion of your sentence, but you’re unable to stop yourself, “It’s better for the idols already established if it stays this way.”
You just bite your lip, unable to view the expression Namjoon has when you could already hear an absence of warmth in his voice. He sighs, reaching to rub his jaw while glancing to the party of business people breaking into laughter at their side of the cafe. He realizes the complexity built between you and Jimin, and feels irritated because he also knows he should’ve said more earlier on to stop it from becoming what it is.
“Other idols too.” Weakly spoken. Namjoon stops a scoff from the fact. “It’s better for the company too. If they end up having to explain why their groups and soloists suddenly stop creating their own songs then it’s going to look bad.”
“Then they can just start writing their own stuff like they’re already pretending to.” Your head perks up from the quickness of his reply, and you watch him adjust his shirt as he starts walking down the bar. “I’ll be right back.”
You release a longer sigh while he goes to chat with the group of patrons. Truth of the matter exists in Namjoon’s cander. Even if you originally were okay with not being involved in the credit, the fact is that so many idols at this point had their names written into the slot instead, pretending to be self-sufficient and creative when more often than not it was all due to your own pen.
“Did you want something to eat or drink, Ms.?” The original waitress tending to the group of businessman stepped towards you with a smile.
“You really don’t have to call me that.” You say for a countless time to the girl whose been working here for more than a year at this point. She knows you’re friends with Namjoon, and granted he’s her boss, but the formality never settles for you. She only shrugs, and you dismiss the idea of changing her ways again. “Just a latte is fine, thanks, Jinsol.”
You’re left with only a few moments to contemplate the song issue before Namjoon returns with a scoff as he rolls his sleeves up his forearms.
“Sometimes I really hate having to be professional.” He mutters, taking his half-empty glass of water and drinking it while you raise an eyebrow. His eyes are still focused with an irritated gleam at the group of men somewhere behind you. You turn on the stool to look back as well, noting their posture is more rigid than you thought it would be from their earlier disposition.
“Jerks?” You ask, facing Namjoon once more. He nods,  
“Have to be creepy when Jinsol’s just trying to do her job.” Namjoon says at a normal volume, easy to hear across the room if they were trying to listen in. He doesn’t care, just places his empty dish into the bin below the counter to be cleaned later. “Anyways,” He averts his gaze back to you, flooding your perception with his determined yet soft stare, “You shouldn’t leave it like it is. You deserve credit. It’s long overdue.”
“If you heard how the CEO shut the idea down, I don’t think you’d be saying that.” You thank Jinsol when she reaches between you both only to settle the ceramic filled with just enough foam in front of you and saunter off once more to the group of businessmen with hot drinks for them as well. “She’s not going to budge.”
“Then quit.”
You laugh even though he’s somewhat meaningful in the option. You’re unable to stop from shaking your head at the incredulousness of the idea. “I’m not that loaded that I can retire already.”
“Go work somewhere else.” Namjoon then offers, watching with his lip dragging between his teeth when you begin frowning.
“Getting a job where I’m at was my lottery, Joon.” You return your eyes to the polish of the reddened wood, “I have nothing to put on my resume for experience that would get me anything great at another company, and trying to work independent sounds like asking for disaster.”
You both loiter in the following silence, Namjoon sympathetic and you annoyed about the entirety of the situation. If back when you sold the first song, disregarding the legality clauses in favor of the couple hundred dollars, you considered the implication of your casualness to the transaction, then maybe when you got a call the following month to go directly to the company for a meeting about further work you wouldn’t have been so easy to convince. Yerin was avid in her praises of the track’s success in the recording session, and you were shocked when she told you there was chart-topping anticipation from it. Of course it felt easy to sign your name on the dotted line when she told you there would undoubtedly be more with continued work.
“Namjoon!” The voice startles you, making your grip tense around the untouched latte. Namjoon huffs in his own surprise, while glaring at Seokjin walking into the establishment and disrupting the overall quiet the place had settled into. “I need to talk to you about the event happening this weekend.” Seokjin continues while you finally take the first sip into the foam atop the espresso. He sits beside you, waving his hand with a smile, “Hey, Y/N, didn’t expect to see you.”
“Just stopped in for a drink.” You smile in return, humored by his casual sweatpants and hoodie despite his position owning the popular club at the corner of the street.
“Spiked?” He raises an eyebrow, knowing the most popular sellers in Namjoon’s coffee selection where those with alcohol hidden in the flavors of vanillas and mochas.
“Maybe it should be.” You sigh, ignoring Namjoon’s rolling eyes. “Don’t let me interrupt your talk, I’m just going to finish this and get out of here.”
“No need to rush; he probably just wants to ask me if he can sleep upstairs.” Namjoon steps to lean against the counter behind him, crossing arms comfortably across his waist. Seokjin points at his statement with a finger, nodding his head,
“That.” You laugh beside him, while Namjoon just scoffs familiarly. “And I wanted to see if there was a meeting room here available that evening for a friend that’s going to be in and out of the club that night.” You gingerly drink at your warm beverage while Namjoon’s head tilts inquisitively.
“You’re not trying to get laid here are you-”
“Clearly not.” Seokjin rests his chin on his palm, “Why would I try for that on your tables anyways? People I don’t know have eaten on them.” You nodded at the fact beside him, thinking the reasoning made sense while Namjoon cut in incredulously,
“That is the only issue with it? I keep the tables clean.”
“It’s not about sex anyways!” Seokjin shuts down in a firm exclamation. You glance back at the businessmen who were evidently confused about the conversation between the two beside you. You take a larger gulp, more than halfway through with the latte at this point, and ready to skip out to avoid whatever your friends were about to discuss blatantly. “The guy just wants a place to chill in between time spent at the club.” He goes on, the motions with his hands emphasizing the need for Namjoon to accept. “I kind of owe him, and you kind of owe me--” Namjoon opens his mouth before Seokjin’s arm shoots out into the air to silence him, “Actually! Let’s all pretend we don’t owe each other anything and do things like this out of the goodness of our hearts.”
“I like that you changed the reasoning halfway through.” Namjoon laughs, rubbing his jaw, pondering the request silently until you speak up,
“I’m going to head out.” The two turn their heads towards you as your cup clacks gently against the saucer. You slide off the high chair, as Seokjin comments curiously,
“Some of the people from your work are going, you too?” You grimace which is answer enough for him as he begins laughing from your reaction. “Come on though; weekend before New Year’s should be sort of fun, right?”
Your pen makes dots in the corner of crisp paper. Feet dangling from your seat, while you think of the upcoming weekend. Jimin would more likely than not go to the club if a lot of the other employees were. Whether he actually had an interest in attending events like those or not, you weren’t entirely sure. Obligation seemed to be the word, but you doubted he hated it entirely as you recall other parties and team bonding experiences the two of you had ended up at. He was amicable with all of them, friendlier to particular people, but you’ve never known anyone to have problems with him.
Though you were never really needed at those occasions.
“Working on something?” Jimin’s voice is close, then in your vision as he leans over your shoulder to look at the unstarted piece. “Or not?” He giggles when you groan, resting your head back against his shoulder. His skin glows from the revitalization of a shower, and his locks of hair are still stuck together in their dampness.
“I was going to start something, but then I started thinking about random things.” You shrug, but smile as his lips find your cheek in a soft kiss.
“That’s fine. You should take the night off from it all anyways,” His hand tangles over yours to cause the release of the pen from your appendage. “Want to watch a movie, or something?”
“Okay,” You adjust on the chair, pecking his lips with your own, leaving them to see a smile as you continue, “Let me go take a shower too though; kind of need it.” He chuckles, kissing you again longer, his thumb rubbing gently against your knuckles,
“Should’ve took one together,” Jimin states with playful bluntness, while you get up from your chair. You eye him knowingly. He is completely aware of how far away the concept of a shower would’ve drifted if you both went in following an already lustful exchange on the mess you left your bed in. “Save water.” Innocent smile, that didn’t match the gleam in his eyes.
“Yeah, that’s why.” You pat his chest, leaving your hand there when he catches it. His stare falls over your figure: legs extending bare beneath his button-up shirt that he had entered the apartment wearing.
“You’re really beautiful, you know that?” Jimin steps closer, and you do nothing to stop gentle ministrations of his lips on yours. Followed by a scattered trail on every inch of heated, fond skin, fueled from your fingertips flexing against his abdomen and the light gasp when the plumpness of his mouth passes over an already sensitive reddened blotch on your neck. He squeezes your waist, wrinkling the fabric uncaringly while his lips remain there, only pressing a lingering kiss. You bite your lip, a sigh drifts out when he moves again, finding your collarbone, all too close to the rising beat of your heart. “Movie?” He asks then nips gingerly with his teeth to smirk as you writhe. Your nails drag against his firm muscles and he groans against you.
“Yeah,” You say in a breath, though your legs tremble slightly from his actions and the ones already transpired. “I want to spend time with you.”
“Yeah?”  Jimin’s voice comes out in grain, seeming happily surprised by your statement. Your body presses to his as he hugs you, smiling against your shoulder. “You’re adorable,” A whisper lost on your skin. The embrace tightens as your arms make it around his waist. “Movie it is then.”
In a matter of a half hour, you exit your bathroom cozily engulfed in an old shirt and sweatpants to find Jimin stretched on the bed. His fingers tap quickly against his phone, focus aiming at whatever app was open. You sit beside him, reaching over his waist for the package of cookies retrieved from the kitchen.
“One of the members of the group that just debuted over the fall,” He explains, glancing to you with a humored grin as you fit the entirety of the small sweet into your mouth. “Don’t choke.”
“Don’t eat all of my cookies.” You counter between crunches, a hand straying to glide rifts in his brightly pink hair.
“I can’t help it; the package was open, and they were there, how was I supposed to stop?” His head leans into your hand. Jimin tosses his phone beside him. “Anyways, he wanted to know if I was going to the club thing this weekend.”
“Are you?” You ask before thinking. Something about the event seemed distant from you, unspoken of by the colleagues you run into around the company. Dodged from your ears perhaps. Jimin shrugs as he moves to snake arms around your waist and puzzle himself against you.
“Yeah, because a lot of the people from the company merging with ours are going. My manager thinks it’d be a good way to get connected with them all.” His fingers are light in their strokes along your back, a yawn slipping from his lips while your nose finds purchase nuzzling peacefully against his neck. “What about you, darling? Are you going to join me?”
Your mind startles from Jimin’s inquisition, unbeknownst to him as he continues in massaging streams along your back. While time and time again you attended company and social functions where he would go, and the same vice versa, neither of you brought up events in a way that implies going as a couple. Because you and Jimin are not.
“Like go to it with you?” Your voice tests the connotation of his words in a murmur that you hope he doesn’t hear any longing in. You’re aware of the reality, you don’t hide from it or ignore it, so you wonder why your throat feels hollow in the way it did at the meeting that day when Jimin answers,
“We can meet up there.”
You smile. The same page. You read the outcome before Jimin spoke it. The relationship has always been on the blur for each other’s benefit. The emotional attachment ends at platonic, and other occasional circumstances are in the moment for fun. The way it’s always been since you made the rule to counter the shock in Jimin’s eyes more than a year ago at this point.
“Dunno if I want to go.” Less so at his offer. You believe it unfair to think in this way, but on the same list of why not attend the party you recall the blemish in your reputation currently sporting from your attempted divergence from normalcy that noon. Like you needed the stares from other employees.
“I,” Jimin says then stops, biting his inner cheek. You hear the hesitation and glance up at him to view his eyes cast aimless at your ceiling. Clouded mind. You lift yourself from his loosened hold, locking gaze when he checks to see what you’re doing. With your forearm stabilizing a small portion of your weight against his chest, you lean pecking his lips with your own. He remains quiet, watching and wondering if you possibly missed his almost sentence despite the stillness of your apartment. You kiss again, more languid and drawn out, letting time carry the word away from the present.
“Let’s watch something funny.” You bring back the movie topic, smiling as you raise yourself to search for the remote. “Or I’ve been kind of wanting to rewatch The Incredibles, is that fine?” You take his soft chuckle as affirmation before he says yes a second later, and your eyes keep focus on the television when you turn around.
Coaxing the sealed words out of him isn’t worth the argument, or worse.
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if you enjoy please, please let me know! i hope you enjoy the series, i’m working really hard on it! : )
tag list (send an ask to be added): @jaiuneamesolitaiire​​​
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chaosbcrne · 5 years
alright, here’s what’s gonna become of all my threads. every single one i owe should be listed under the cut, whether it’s in the continue or drop list, so if i owed you something that’s not listed below please let me know as that means i just missed it ! now, without further ado.
About event threads:
(this goes for asks i have yet to answer and such as well) Everything as of right now is set to be continued. I won’t actively be getting to it, but every other week i’ll try to set aside one or two writing sessions to continue those, at least until all event content has been fleshed out enough to decide if i wanna continue it all or not.
These are threads I intend to continue one way or another; if one of our threads is listed here and you aren’t interested in continuing it, please let me know so that I may focus on more promising ones.
their reunion at zero’s christmas party (i wanna get one more out but then we can leave it at that)
new years (hopefully i gather the strength to reply if not wrap it up before the next one)
icy escapade (its almost done anyway)
loose ends & new beginnings (no i havent forgotten)
the one where he ~wakes up~ at sonics place (theres something very important that i need to acknowledge there-- after that you can drop it if you want)
amends (i think theres only one or two more relevant replies to get out of this thread but its important)
sonic geeking out over satbk (maybe not past halloween tho so we’ll see how quickly this moves along)
the one where sonic finds shadow right after he’s been stabbed (it was before you moved him to this blog but i would love to continue that if you’re still down)
estranged siblings (im slow af but i fully intend to get back to this)
popcorn (popcorn)
do u know a good tailor (i will literally latch onto any interaction i can get from you)
w Biolizard. yea
you’re not escaping him
old aliens encounter
let shadow speak fondly of his definitely not dad to a genius 12yo 2k19
silence is broken
silence is broken II
he’d be ashamed of you
the starter you wrote me
the answer to the ask i sent you
the ask you just answered holy shit this is happening
just the one
These are threads I’m not actively gonna try to reply to in a timely manner, but that I don’t want to outright drop for one reason or another. If you have a special interest in one of them or on the contrary no interest at all, let me know so that I may move it to one of the two other categories.
w Chaos; Shadow’s first time meeting him (it’s an interesting meeting that I might want to come back to but I’d rather focus on stuff further down the line if I can)
the one where she asks him to train her w chaos energy (i had admittedly forgotten abt this one; i’d rather focus on more recent stuff for now but i think i’d like to go back to this at some point)
u know the one (its important to me even though i’d rather focus on more recent stuff so im leaving it here to make sure i get back to it someday)
the one where sonic tends to shadow’s injuries (i love it and wanna do it but with how much ‘time-sensitive’ stuff we have going im setting it aside for now)
that one w the flower crown (not a priority but im saving it for when we run out of fluff im sure it’ll come in handy over the winter)
These are threads I don’t intend on continuing. I’ll state the reason(s) next to it; if you don’t consider it’s a valid reason and/or really want to continue it anyway, please let me know. Despite what it may sound like, I believe all my threads had a bit of potential and 75% of the reason I’m dropping these is that I feel they’re of too little interest and/or that starting something newer would be better for both parties involved; that being said if one of these threads was important to you, chances are being told so will be motivating enough for me to continue them.
w Blaze; shes chasing Rouge and hes in her way (I don’t think you write her much nowadays ? id rather not pressure you into it when i can be focusing on other threads)
w Ava; shes infected w the zombot virus and hes immune (i was excited abt this ngl but i’d rather focus on more recent stuff when they’re more familiar w each other now)
you know the one (i think you’re on hiatus now if you ever come back hmu and we’ll start something else)
we only had the one i think (you too, hmu when you come back from hiatus if you want we can plot something a bit more relevant)
that first starter i wrote for you (its just kind of irrelevant now w how their relationship evolved since)
i think we only had the one (just lmk if you wanna start something else when you get back)
just the one (i don’t think you’re around anymore otherwise just hmu)
just the one (i honestly dont remember where i was going with this, and i think we can both benefit from removing this one from our respective plates lmao)
their little lunch date from way back when (i kinda want to move on from that time period)
the one where they were gonna talk about zero’s squad (i still want that to happen, im just really put off by the approach we took tbh - im totally down to just start that from scratch though)
the one where shadow bumps into them in westopolis (you move along pretty quickly with your muses and im slow and don’t want to be holding you back tbh. i assume this is how they meet anyway; maybe we can discuss how it could have gone ooc so we can do more up-to-date stuff)
i dont remember which of the ones with cream, amy and rouge we had decided to keep tbh, but im dropping the rest of them lmao (would rather focus on more recent stuff, specifically w cream, like event stuff)
just the one (like mog you get back to threads very quickly so i assume you have no interest in putting up w my slowness haha)
that very first starter you wrote me before we ever even talked (not that i dont have muse for it but you can guess everything else is way more promising)
both the ones where shadow meets atia and tikal (i think we can move on past that)
just the one (i dont think youre around anymore but hmu if you come back)
12 notes · View notes
oceanmastertrash · 5 years
the tides know our names- 13/?
Summary:   After losing the throne to his brother Orm is working with Arthur to try to help Atlantis move forward. A few months after this Elara, part of an ancient order of prescient Atlanteans known as Tidewatchers, has a vision of Orm’s death. Predicting and reading the future through the tides of fate has never been easy but Elara is in for the challenge of a lifetime working with her former king to save his life.
Part: 13/?
Word Count: 4,095
Warnings: none for this chapter
Read on Ao3 / start from the beginning
author’s note: I haven’t been good at updating the chapters on here so I’m playing catch up.
Elara looked to Orm, still surprised at how everything was turning out, he looked to her and saw some question in her eyes and nodded in reassurance and then they were beneath the waves, surging against the tides into the gulf beyond.
Compared to the longer journey to their safe house, the jaunt across the gulf of Mexico was not an extensive one. That being said, wary of any Atlantean surveillance and surface border disputes, their trek was still a meandering one. They mostly traveled in the deepest parts as it was always safer to stick to the ocean floor when surface dwellers were involved.
However, this journey felt a touch more pleasant owing to the level of familiarity they had developed with each other. They had a rhythm together that was more perceptible to Elara in the ocean. Then again, connections were easier to feel down where the literal tides flowed around them. Part of the challenge that motivated tidewatchers to spend time on the surface was learning to feel those tides up above so as to strengthen their awareness down below.
Elara knew it was difficult for Orm to be back under the waves but still unable to return home. She flattered herself to think that it was easier now that she was giving him something to do other than hide but she still couldn't be sure. He wasn’t as stiff and silent as he’d been on their first swim was all she could say definitively.
She was happy to let him pick course changes, as all that really mattered was that their journey was circuitous and it was more so with two different people picking the path.
She wanted to just enjoy being in the ocean with Orm but something just kept niggling at her. An off feeling in her stomach but with everything that was happening she couldn’t be sure if it was emanating from her own worry or the tides.
Something felt wrong and the feeling only grew stronger and more distracting. Elara turned most of her focus into discerning the tangled thread. She didn’t realize how distracted she was by it until Orm caught her by the arm before she could swim into a boulder planted into the ocean floor ahead of them.
He had one hand holding her steady by the wrist while the other hand was at her waist. She looked at him at the contact, feeling like she was startled from a dream.
Seeing the dazed look on her face, he frowned. Having been around her long enough to know what these things tended to mean, he asked, “Did you see something?”
Elara’s brow furrowed in concentration, “I can’t tell. There is definitely something but I can’t see it clearly enough.”
“Is it immediate?” Orm asked and Elara admired that he had skill in taking such things in stride and he’d certainly adapted to asking the right questions.
She felt another tug in her gut, “Yes.”
She then took the opportunity of the pause to close her eyes and really feel out each thread in the web they were caught in. There was a dark presence in the tides, she felt that much, but what did it mean?
She then straightened like she’d been shocked. Opening her eyes, she met Orm’s concerned blue gaze. “Someone is following us.”
She could feel Orm moving into action even as he stood still beside her, “Who is it?”
“A man,” Elara answered, working to keep what glimpses she had close at hand. “He’s wearing a black suit but I don’t recognize him. He doesn’t look Atlantean.”
“Is he from the surface?” Orm asked.
“I think so but he’s wearing a helmet so I can’t see his face.” She saw a storm brewing behind Orm’s eyes so she asked, “Do you know who it might be?”
“I can’t say for sure, but there are any number of mercenaries willing to do the dirty work of both  the land and sea.” He spoke with measured patience but she could still sense the regret behind his words and that he was thinking of his past mistakes with such mercenaries.
Trying to distract him she asked, “What should we do?”
Rather than reply, he answered her question with another question, “Is he close?”
“I can’t tell, I can only see that he is on our trail,” She answered, trying to strategize as well. “I think we should try to shake him. Better to try to lose him now than lead him to Tulum after us. What do you think?”
Orm nodded, “He probably doesn’t know we’re onto him yet so we should try to use that our advantage. We’re going to take some diversionary paths to throw him off.”
Realizing he was making the decisions like he might have when he was king, he looked to her but she was just nodding, trusting Orm to make the right call. She knew he had more experience in these things so it would make no sense for her to try to take charge in this.
“You lead and I’ll continue probing the tides for anything more about him.”
And with that they were off, moving silently through the water, skirting the ocean floor so that Orm could keep an eye on all of the sea above them. Sometimes they’d abruptly change directions without speaking. It was an erratic course and almost senseless but Elara trusted Orm’s judgment in this. The idea of their follower being a surface dweller made Elara incredibly uneasy. Not that she would have been more comfortable with an Atlantean trailing them based on the hostility that she could sense, but it added more danger and menace in her opinion.
An Atlantean’s motives were easier for Elara to decipher but she could see fewer reasons if they were from the surface. Near as she could fathom, either a surface dweller knew that Orm had been king and to blame for the attack or an Atlantean had outsourced their vengeance. She didn’t care for either option but she wasn’t seeing a better reason.
They’d been weaving and backtracking for about half an hour when the tides spoke to Elara again, though perhaps it would be more accurate to say it shouted at her.
“Stop!” Elara suddenly exclaimed. Orm, who’d been swimming slightly ahead of her, paused instantly.
“What is it?” Orm asked.
“I don’t know how but he’s still tracking us. He’s just ahead of us now. He booby trapped the canyon up ahead.”
That familiar look of concentration could be seen again on Orm’s face. “Could we swim above or around it?”
Elara shook her head, “That’s what he’s waiting for.”
“What’s the trap?”
“Near as I can tell it’s motion-triggered explosives.”
Orm clenched his jaw at that. If he’d been anyone else he might have sworn but he was typically very good at maintaining composure under pressure. “We need to find another path.”
“Should we backtrack?” She asked.
“It hasn’t done us much good so far. We need to try another plan. Something he wouldn’t expect.” he said.
Orm then stilled, causing Elara to frown in concern before looking around to see if he’d seen anything to cause a reaction like that, “What is it?”
“Different problem, but same solution as before,” he said almost bitterly. “We have to go to the surface.”
“Why?” Elara was very surprised by this suggestion.
Orm sighed, “As my brother said, it would be the last place anyone would think to look for me.”
She didn’t exactly disagree but was yet unconvinced this was the only option. “We don’t know for sure that they are after you. What if that’s exactly what they want? We have the advantage of water down here if it comes to a fight.”
“Why else would they be following us? I don’t see you having made many enemies.” He said and she couldn’t argue with that point. He went on, “Besides, what are our other options? Explosives in the canyon or capture passing over it? We should take our chances with the unexpected.”
Elara still wasn’t sure that this would be unexpected but she didn’t have a better plan, “Okay, let’s do it your way.”
In their winding and indirect path to Tulum, they’d swum past and around several islands, and they discerned that they were very near one now and they could duck back a very short distance to ascend there. From Elara’s sense of it she’d surmised that there was enough wilderness still on the island that they could get lost and lose their tail without too much human intervention or interaction.
That tug in Elara’s gut didn’t go away but it didn’t get worse either and she didn’t see any flashes like she had of the explosives in the canyon. She reasoned that Orm was likely right and there was less immediate danger in this path than in the others.
Using Elara’s tidewatching they were able to find a deserted spot of beach and jungle to safely make land. For the first time that she could remember since her very first trip to the surface, Elara felt exposed and sluggish on land. This whole situation felt wrong, even surrounded by trees she felt they were too out in the open. But as the tides remained silent, she couldn’t be sure.
It wasn’t until an explosion leveled a stand of trees to their left that Elara was certain. She’d only caught the hint of the possibility of it a second before, just enough time to shove Orm to her right, behind herself and a large tree.
Splinters of bark and charred shreds of leaves flew around them and Elara felt a sharp pain in her side and left arm. She gasped in pain as she fell to the ground beside Orm where he was looking in the direction of the explosion for any sign of their assailant. At her gasp he looked to her briefly, enough time to note the blood beginning to run down her arm and stain her shirt.
He made some sign to examine her further but she quickly diverted him, “Do you see anyone?”
He made a face but quickly launched back into the problem at hand and took in the rubble before them.
“There,” he said pointing to the beach where a man in black stood with a bulky cannon that was clearly adapted from Atlantean tech. Tech that, Orm realized with a grimace, was likely derived from the weapon he had given to the Black Manta.
“We’ve got to move,” Elara said, grunting, “get out of the open.”
Orm knew they would have to strategize and fight back but that would have to wait til they were less vulnerable- Elara, injured as she was, especially. He nodded, and moved to support her on her uninjured side. She threw her arm around Orm’s neck, hobbling and suppressing curses at the large splinter in her side as they began to hurry through the trees. There wasn’t another blast until they’d made it another ten feet. Orm was surprised at the gap in attacks but filed it away for analysis until they were in a more secure location.
The one advantage on their side was the rapid changes in the terrain at the beach where they landed. If not for the presence of boulders and the uneven nature of the jungle floor, they might have been worse off. Elara liked to think that the tides had guided them here for that reason but they didn’t exactly have time for idle speculation. What energy Elara wasn’t using to keep up their pace, despite the pain, she expended on looking for any sign from the tides for a way out of this.
More sporadic explosions followed them until Elara, guided by the tides, directed Orm through a denser cluster of trees. The trees led to an old system of open caves with holes in patches of the roof to let in natural light to guide them through the serpentine paths. It wasn’t until ten minutes without any sign of attack had passed that they finally stopped. Orm deemed this section of cave suitable enough as it would hide them from immediate view from the ground above or the way they’d come.
Each breathing heavy, Orm helped Elara down to a small ledge before kneeling before her to look at her wound. He needed the rest too but Elara was too winded to immediately argue and allowed him to examine without complaining.
While the smaller twigs and debris had been dislodged from her arm in their flight, a few larger chunks of wood stuck out from her side where blood and sweat now soaked her shirt. Orm would never pretend to be a medic but through his time in battle he’d seen and inflicted his fair share of wounds so he at least had a little knowledge of injuries and a small amount for emergency care in the case that he couldn’t see a healer right away. He was careful not to probe too deeply as he tried to assess the damage.
“How’s it look?” Elara said through clenched teeth.
“It’s not too deep so I think we can take out the splinters but I wouldn’t want to unless we had anything to dress the wound to keep you from bleeding out.” He said, trying to stay professional despite how hard his heart was beating to look at it.
“In my pack,” She breathed heavily, trying to reach with her good arm to the bag on her back, “I’ve got some bandages and salve, just in case.”
Despite the situation, Orm couldn’t keep the ghost of a smile off of his lips as he retrieved them. She always seemed to think ahead. Elara could never be called a warrior in the way that he was but he admired the way she bore his clumsy ministrations with little fuss. She was practical and cognizant of the possibility of giving away their location if she made too loud a noise. Orm respected her for that.
Getting the splinters out was extremely painful and when he extracted the first piece she reached her hand out to hold his shoulder without a word, instead sucking in breath as she tried not to shout. Orm almost stopped at that but she gave him a squeeze as if to ask him to keep going, so he did.
Despite how tight she gripped, Orm’s hands were steady and swift and he didn’t comment. Instead he focused on discarding the bloody bark, before he set about trying to clean out the wood with some water from her pack. Once most of the dirt was out of the wound, he handed her the canteen and told her to drink what was left while he applied salve. She took measured, gulps as he bandaged it as best he could.
Elara would never have believed this was actually happening if it weren’t for all the pain. She certainly never expected her former king to be dressing any injury of hers and yet, in context it wasn’t odd at all. And she couldn’t decide what was weirder: the situation itself or that the situation didn’t seem odd to her. It was just par for the course at this point. That being said, she was grateful for his help.
His task done, he finally joined her on the ledge, wiping his bloody hands on a spare shirt from his own pack. When he stowed the shirt back in his bag she handed him the last of the water and watched as he drank it. They were silent for a moment as they tried to catch their breaths and take in their new circumstances.
“What are we going to do?” Elara finally spoke, asking what they were both thinking.
It wasn’t easy but Orm said slowly, “I don’t know.”
They sat for another moment before Elara spoke again, “Do you think he’s herding us again? Why else wouldn’t he have shot at us right after the first blast?”
“I’m not sure but I have a theory,” He said carefully. “I don’t think he knows what he’s doing with this technology. It’s based on Atlantean design but it isn’t pure and so it’s less refined than the original. I can’t be sure until we know why they are after us, but I don’t think this mercenary is working alone. Whoever adapted the cannon knew enough about it but that isn't the same man we saw on the beach. He may just be a lackey who clearly wasn’t trained well enough to use it effectively. That’s to our advantage though. He seems to need more time recharging or reaiming and that’s likely why we’re still alive.”
Elara marveled at his deducing skills, he thought quickly on his feet and picked up more than she could have guessed, likely from all his training for battle. She hoped he was right, if their assailant was as inexperienced as Orm believed, they had a shot at outmaneuvering them.
Thinking over what he said, she smirked. “They’re too big for their britches.”
Orm frowned at her in confusion, “What?”
“Nevermind, just a surface expression. Madren used to say when I would try to tackle more than I was able to.” She waved her arm, lacking the energy to explain further only for the motion to send a wave of pain washing over her.
She sobered then, they were in the thick of it and unfortunately the only solution she could think of was one she was loath to consider. Someone needed to say it though.
“I think we need to separate,” She said quietly and yet his head still turned whip-quick to look at her.
“What are you talking about?” he responded with more fervor than she had expected.
As even she didn’t like the idea she’d expected some resistance so was ready with a reply, “As you said earlier, they’re after you. I’m just going to slow you down with my injury.”
“Your injury is a good reason why we should stay together. What would you do if he went after you instead of following me?” He didn’t like to think of that possibility. He sure he knew what he would do if she was wrong.
“I’m not defenseless, Orm,” She insisted, pointing to her boots where the knives they’d used against the Trench were still stowed. “And I’ve got the tides to help too.”
“The tides didn’t stop you from getting hurt,” he pointed out, more bite to his words than she had expected.
She didn’t miss a beat before replying, “It protected you, didn’t it?”
Remembering her throwing him out of the way at the last minute put a pause in his argument. She had thrown him free just in time even though it cost her. He was far from throwing himself to the mercy of those who wished him harm but he wasn’t sure that he was comfortable with his safety coming at cost to Elara. Given all of the security and soldiers who had fought to protect him as king, he realized this was perhaps hypocritical of him. He certainly wouldn’t say out loud but that didn’t stop him from feeling that way though.
“We would be stronger together,” he finally said.
She met his concentrated gaze with a determined one of her own. “Right now we’re sitting ducks together and whether you like it or not, we’re at a disadvantage with me like this.”
“I thought you just said that you could defend yourself with the tides,” he countered.
“Yes, as a defense but it’s not a solution.” She maintained.
“And splitting up on land as an unknown surface dweller with Atlantean tech hunts us down is a solution?”
Rather than respond to that, she turned to face him full on and put the hand of her good arm on his. “I know you don't like this. I don't either; but we have to do something. It's only a matter of time before he finds us. We still have no idea how he's tracking us so he's likely to catch up soon. If we split up we might be able to figure out if he’s doing it through conventional methods or if it’s one of us specifically.“
He was still very much against separating because there were too many unknowns to guarantee any success to her plan but he was a shrewd enough tactician that he could see there were strategic advantages as well.
“I’m not saying I agree but whatever we do, we need to have a plan. We can’t just walk in different directions and hope for the best.” He said gruffly, trying to convince himself he wasn’t affected by the feel of her touch on his arm.
“That would be a terrible plan,” she agreed, pleased that he was at least entertaining the idea. “You’re right, we’d need to think of something besides just running away. We have to find a way to gain the upperhand.”
“And you think we have to split up to find it?” He asked, still unconvinced.
“He had to have seen me get hit and I’ve got to think he wouldn’t expect us to separate after that,” she reasoned.
Orm fixed her with a hard expression, “Because it’s a bad plan.”
”It’s not a bad plan if it keeps us one step ahead of him,” she maintained.
“If it were to work it would be because we’re lucky, not because it’s a good idea.”
Elara sighed, “We’re not going to agree on this are we?”
He held her gaze, a muscle twitching in his neck as he answered, “No, we are not.”
They were getting nowhere and Elara knew it, knew it just like she knew that their attacker grew closer to finding them each moment they argued. She knew Orm had a point and her idea was extremely risky but she felt they needed to take a risk in order to turn this situation around.
Breaking their staring contest, she closed her eyes briefly and took a breath before meeting his stare again, asking in a steady, straightforward tone, “Do you trust me?”
There was a noticeable shift to his features at her question, he hadn’t expected that at all.
She knew she’d hit him with a curveball and so took the pressure off him answering immediately by continuing, “I know it would be dangerous and I can’t tell if this is the right call or not but it feels right. I’ve spent so long trying to hone my intuition as an asset in tidewatching and right now my gut is telling me that this is the right call. I don’t want to see anything happen to you and the longer we debate this the more likely that he’ll find us before we’re ready. I’m not asking you to like the plan, but can you trust me in this?”
Orm looked away from her. Trust was not an easy thing for him these days. In the wake of Mera’s and Vulko’s betrayals he’d found it hard to trust anyone. He believed his mother but after her long absence and assumed death, he wasn’t sure he could fully trust her. And here was Elara asking for that which he had so little of in anything. It had long been his instinct not to trust anyone, to only put his faith in himself and the resilience of Atlantis.
And yet, he’d already trusted her visions. Based on all she’d ever done in regards to him, even their contentious first encounter, she’d been steady and true. Just this week she had risked indignation and disbelief in telling Arthur, who knew little of the tides, of her vision of Orm’s death to protect him.
She’d left behind her home and people to keep him safe by coming up here with him. She would follow his lead when needed but wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and contradict him if she needed to. She had spent this whole week trying to help him and she’d yet to do anything to hurt him. She confused the hell out of him at times but she trusted him and at least minimally, seemed to care for him. He could do this one thing for her. Maybe he could trust just this one time or just this one person.
“I still don’t like this,” He finally sighed, returning her gaze once more. “But I’ll trust you to get us out of this.”
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house-gardinier · 6 years
Uluscant - First Meeting in the woods
This is a very personal memory of mine. More than you might assume it to be, since it touches on parts of my history that I have purposefully forgotten. From any perspective aside from my own, this may require more narrative than what I can offer, but I will explain to you how the event transpired, regardless.
Time has barely eroded the clarity of this memory for I have studied methods of preservation much like the relics on display here in Bisnensel. It takes care and diligence. Truth and clarity. I have many vivid memories of cherished moments from my past.
It was morilatta, the season of shifting colors and falling leaves. The southern arid winds retreat as the shadowy overcast brings rain to this land.
It was loneliness that drew me into the Viridian Woods one particular evening. An unorthodox solution to what I would have otherwise elucidated through socializing among my own. In reality, the woodland life was far more vibrant than the doldrums of the Ayleid cities. Within their societies I felt dissonant and unconventional, too young to understand the inconsolable loss that my people had endured, but old enough to know how they brought about their own contention. Many were hesitant to interact with the native Bretons for that reason, but I found myself seeking out such an encounter deep within the woods. To seek other outside the realm of my understanding.
In all my previous attempts, I only found the strained comfort of self-reflecting silence. I pondered on several subjects that brought me unease. I could see what I presumed to be my own visage in a still pool of water below my feet. Barely recognizing the being who returned my gaze. I wore clothes and used self-defining terms that were opposite what others expected, but not only did l need to convince my peers of this dysphoria, I had to convince myself that I knew it was not my own reflection gazing back at me.
I still had an inkling of doubt. A sense of guilt.
I pondered the subject more, until the sound of scraping tree limbs broke my meditation. There was a breton above me, peering like a crow observing my intrusion. Clad in black with their face partially obscured behind bark colored hair. They were about average sized for a human, but spindly and slim. As I looked up I could easily spot a pair of discerningly cold grey eyes affixed to my very location.
I spoke a greeting in Cyrodilic, but I assumed the attempt was made in vain as most humans had their own regional dialects. To my surprise, they understood and replied more clearly than I expected.
“You are familiar, what is your name?” They asked. I replied honestly; with a name I felt fondness for.
“You speak the truth, but you only vaguely appear and sound like the Uluscant I know. Is this another form you take?”
I was perplexed at this moment in time. The only other form I could wear was an owl; An alteration spell that Corvus Direnni taught me.
“I am a novice in that study of magic, this is how I have always appeared. Perhaps you have met another with my name?”
“Possible…” The ominous breton replied. “But untrue. You are the Uluscant I know, but you vaguely resemble him. I think I am starting to formulate where, and exactly ‘when' I am. The Alessian empire had driven your people from Cyrodiil a few years ago, yes?”
I could not formulate a reply as easily as I wished. One part of that sentence was confirmable but there was one single word that stood out as a possibility that I could not yet validate. I chose to accept it, as if I trusted the being before me to only speak truth. At the time this was a naive hope.
“They have, but I hold no grudge towards humanity. Our fate has followed after lineages of cruelty and I will accept and mend that.”
“You are truly a healer then, just as I've always known you.” The breton replied.
I stared up at the sturdy oaken trunk with its limbs outstretched, perplexed at the willowy figure who perched a few heads above me. I distinctly remember the rain falling softly upon yellowing leaves as the stranger formed a crooked, yet reassuring smile. Beyond the intensity of their expression, I knew they doubted themselves as equally as I did.
“I do not wish to be rude, but I am not a healer. I once found the subject to be in my interests, but such studies are not supported by the scholarly masters that I apprentice under. Perhaps if was born to a different clan in a different point of time, it may have been an option, but that is not in my fate.”
The enigmatic breton paused, contemplating what I said for reasons I could not discern.“How can you claim to know Fate?”
“I do not.” I reaffirmed.
“Exactly. You can not assume that you know where Fate guides you, Uluscant.”
At that precise moment, I vividly recall the experience of an epiphany. As if I truly aligned myself to something that felt familiar and lucid. It was a mere amalgamation of words spoken from a stranger’s mouth, yet it affected me so strangely.
“May I burden you with my concerns?” I offered, feeling the weight upon my dissonant body and mind.
“For all that you will do, and have done for me. Always.”
I might have assumed this was the mad prattling of a stranger, but they knew so much of who I was, or wanted to be. Who I would be. Perhaps I was assuming too much, but at this moment, I wished to confess a plethora of my concerns to the person before me. Anxieties and complications that I had suppressed to fit into my people’s culture.
“I must first apologize for not knowing who you are. I have not expressed my interests in the restorative magic for many years, knowing that my theories aren't conventional to most. I accepted the path of my apprenticeship, but the practices are too mundane for my tastes. I feel as if the scholarly masters of Balfiera underestimate the unexplored potential of restoration, but the priests of Merid-nunda are equally as fixed in their tradition.”
In my pause, the breton slid from their seating and gently levitated to the forest floor. They gave no reply, but their focus was unyielding.
“In many ways…” I took this cue to continue. The words that refused to manifest in front of my colleagues became easier to speak here. “I feel ungrateful to what I have been given. Am I selfish to yearn for something more? In many ways I feel as if I want more than what I am given.”
I could discern their features more clearly. Sharp angles of a mer, but the intense yet rounded eyes of a human. Despite their noble attire, their posture was slouched and disheveled.
“What do you define as ‘more'?” They replied. I had to ponder this question before carrying on. The answer was intuitively felt but beyond verbal description.
“More...is wanting something beyond what I have been given. This body, in how incorrect it looks, how improper certain words and pronouns describe me. How I wish to study the complexities of our minds and correct the wounds that exist there; to balance an understanding of the forbidden with the foundation of empathy. This balance does not exist among my people. They only dwell in the extremes and choose to feed their blind hubris. I struggle with how much I empathize with them, but I feel isolated and easily dismissed. I owe my life to the elders, but I am restricted by that same respect.”
“Their hubris has already spelled their end, and you are wrong, Uluscant. What you ask of is not ungrateful. You must realize that you are not a product of your own people. However, I know that you already understand that, but it is in your nature to disregard this concept for the sake of others well-being.”
Their advice had the figurative strike of a blunt-ended weapon. I had no window for rebuttal, so I spoke the truth.
“I care about them and I know that they too, care about me.”
“...but do they understand you?”
“I…” I paused for a moment. “No. I suppose you can express emotional attachment towards someone without understanding who they are.”
The breton's hand wove magicka like thread, as the space around their fingertips bent and warped. This alerted me, but I sensed that it was nothing more than a small conjuration spell.
“May I ask, who are you?” My inquiry was polite. “You have no bags to be traveling, and the woods are increasingly untame here.”
The stranger cast their gaze upon me. A pair of stone colored eyes affixed themselves to my location as a book manifested into the palms of their hand.
“You, like any seeker of knowledge and truth know who I am.” I watched as a black mist formed and faded to reveal what was brought into this plain of existence. An aged black covered book was offered to me. I took it into my hands and inspected the cover. My finger traced the details, feeling the foreboding magic that emanated from its core. My instincts warned against briefly ‘thumbing' through the pages, as the black cover suddenly pulsated like a heartbeat. The shape of a tendriled creature with multiple eyes served as the book’s ‘title'.  
“You are Hermaeus Mora.”
That name was uttered infrequently by the mages of Balfiera. This was long before such recognition was considered taboo, before the Dragonfires created a veil to prevent the natives of Oblivion from entering Mundus.
“If you believe that, then I suppose it’s true.” The stranger replied. I was not satisfied by this answer but I entertained it. Despite the omnipotence of their identity, their parlance was unceremoniously lax.
“Why have you offered me this item? Are you attempting to sway me into your servitude?” I did not intend to oblige the idea, but outright denying a possible deadric prince a favor felt ill advised.
“I govern over Fate, the intersecting lines that have provided our meeting. It is Fate that brought you here to me, and me to you. I want to offer you this book, but it is not the key to your potential. This Black Book is merely an instrument that you will learn to use with caution. With trust.”
“...and what do you wish from me?”
“A choice, not a demand. If you wish to become Uluscant, then make that your choice. Return to Bisnensel and do not blind yourself with the hubris of your peoples’ Fate.”
Raindrops graced the leather surface of the harrowing tome. I felt a daunting sense of responsibility placed squarely into my hands. The biblichor of worn pages wafted in the evening air alongside the sharp stench if ink. It would have been wise to decline this presumed demon of knowledge, but I was not a pious follower of Merid-nunda. In my hesitation, Hermaeus Mora spoke once again, the prince’s voice shifted into a distorted lull.
“Your Fate is greater than your restrictions. I depend on you more than anyone. One day you will know that for certain, but for once in your lifetime--consider who you are, and not what is expected of you. I come here in the displacement of time--in the moment that we have first met to give you this expression of my gratitude; to save you from circumstance.”
In my memory of this moment, I recall how silently I pondered. My gaze passed through the being before me and words dared not leave the sanctity of my mouth. A new potential outcome of my life aligned itself like the hands of a clock. I had a renewed sense of certainty.
Apart of me still remained anxious and doubtful, however. I knelt to graciously return the deadric artifact to its owner. I respected this offer, but I could not yet fully accept it for myself. I pondered my own worth and self-entitlement to such things.
...but they were gone. The distant rolling of thunder echoed through the woods. A pair of footprints gathered water as the storm picked up its pace. I covered the book in my apprentice robes, and quietly allowed the rain to wash away my regrets.
From that point forward. I was, and always would be, Uluscant.
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juun-the-aira-mun · 6 years
600 Follower Giveaway and Follower Forever!
Listen up, everyone!
It has been three long, long years since I started my journey on tumblr and I have gone an incredible way from the beginning. When I started I didn’t expect to even get a doozen followers and now look at where the blog has come to (even though it is still as deserted as back then most of the time).
SO now I want to say “Thank you, everyone.” Some people have helped me outside of this blog, in a certain sense in reallife, others have given me a lot of fun with the roleplays I have. There are a lot of followers I really owe a lot to in one way or another. And while I can’t say thank you to everyone, I can still direct certain people further below.
To that I am going to make a Giveaway that is directed at OCs in the community moreover than the people who play canon characters. While this sounds harsh on said people, I want to give OCs a bit of love or try to at least. I know how hard the community can be on them and how little some of them get no matter what so I think this gievaway will be justified. More about this will be posted relatively soon, hopefully during this very week even.
So, now to the specific thanks that I will direct at people around. Some might be a bit surprising as the people might never have interacted with me, others will very well be no surprise at all. I just will tag everyone I think I should make a note on! And while I usually see these things swamped with tags at all followers, I think I will pass on that for now!
@thecatofdarkness Hey sis :3 I mean, really, my shipping partner, my sister in soul or mind or whatever you want to call it, the one I often have to say “Donchu dare” to in all sorts of variations. If I were to not put you here first, I think I should be leaving this blog right now. I am allways happy with whatever you do for our muses, for me and whatever you message me with to tell me. I adore Ren and our conversations and am more than happy that a thread of a cheeky teasing cat evolved in a more than complicated and incredible detailed relationship. You listen to me rambling and groaning and are there when I need someone to talk to. Really, I can’t thank you enough. So thank you. Just thank you for being there.
@shukuchiisms Tales of Ice, flametales, do you remember these names? And how luna was a Skyrim muse way back? Or a fluffball that you would cuddle before the blog reset that turned her into a bloodsoaked monster that now has to deal with a Shadowlady that annoys the heck out of her and at the same time makes her melt? Holy hell, we never really got to any roleplays. All of our msues history is entirely set up in IM alone and yet it all makes sense. I love your character, I love talking to you and I allways grumble that we barely talk with each other anymore. I really, REALLY hope you come back to your bloga s an active member of the community and as the goofey idiot you sometimes are that gets bitten by his muse who definitly did not try to kill you with that. Thank you for sticking around with me.
You two were the ones who kept me in the blog. If you hadn’t been there, I would probably have abandoned the blog for real 2 years ago. Thank you. A round of applaus.
@crystals-angel Hello owo Remember me .3.? Yes, we barely talk. Yes, we had both our differences and our nice conversations. And yes, we basically talk apart from each other a good 40% of the time. But you are still a person I am happy to not have missed back when I found your blog. It is already so clouded as to how that happened that I am almost sure that it was just a random blog recommondation that caught my eye but what came of it is still incredible valuable for me. I was sad when you ahd deleted your blog back then and I was happy when I found you on skype and you reopened your blog. Your muses are diverse, Fawniss is a total goof that can sometimes just be described as adorable and at other times is just badass. I am happy for our interactions. And I really hope that we can talk more and interact more in the future.
@thecelestialchibi1 Muhahaha, I bet you weren’t even expecting me to tag you here :3c Or maybe you were. Knowing you, you weren’t and since you don’t roleplay anymore or use tumblr it wouldn’t really surprise me xD But you are still here. You are one of these people who I could just take and shake for half a minute while giving you a lecture about why you are awesome and you shouldn’t hate yourself or dislike yourself or ... whatever there is else you could think about yourself that is negative. You are an awesome person and I hope to see you again around in the future. For now there will be more patting and pouting in Discord though!
@castdeath Well, this one is actually surprising. I feel like we parted in a more negative way than I would like, but I am convinced that we can work through that ... somehow. I hope we can set these differences aside. We only did one single play so far but that one was very much important to me. I don’t get to play Aira in her AU that much. And I only that oen time got the chance to actually play her out the way she is. I hope we can return to being friends. I really do. (I also hope you are fine by now. Fucking storm sucking out all joy of the stuff we had going just from the time it forced you away).
@properbalance Boop :3 While the origin between us will remain a mystery, I have come to like you and come to like talking to you a lot. You are very hard to get a hold of though, one day ypou will be there, the next you will be gone for half a year to never be seen again. Just to pop up out of nowhere. I hope we will find the ways to do things in the future. But for now I will gladly focus on the idioticiy that we are doing anyways and will look forward to whatever idioticy we can brew up from thing air from now on xD
@staardusts You are probably the one who just jumped onto this list the most recent. You are the only Soraka-mun who ever had taken the time to show interest in my muse, the only one who bothered enough to actually think would could go on. And to add to that you are so incredibly nice as a person that I simply love talking to you in private. I hope things brighten up for you and I hope that we can continue and build up something special!
@littledesertsparrow I mean ... you and your muse are both adorable in their own ways. So far I had nothing but fun talking with you. Well, disregarding the one thing with my clinginess. Sorry for that once more, I am trying my best to change it currently. Your Taliyah is very unique and I think you play her in a one time way that noone else would be able to achieve. Even though I still don’t know how you managed to start shipping Darius and Taliyah. Then again, I managed shipping Elise and Quinn >.> Don’t ask how. I really, really hope we can make some things happen in the future between our muses and maybe between each other as a person as so far I just had a blast talking to you and sending things in for you to answer. And yes, I know this wording is weird. I am not good at social interactions :3
@rinidinger We abrely ever talked BUT you are one of the reasons I even started this entire blog xD I still have the old things I tried to make for an Ingame Model for Rin somewhere on my PC. Even though we did indeed never interact and there were only a handful of conevrsation, it is very easy for me tos ay thank you for your character and what you did for the community. You and two other blogs alone inspired me to start roleplaying here. And I made lots of friends due to that!
@asknasus-thecuratorofthesands Youuuu are probably dead. I think. I am not sure. But your blog is dead for sure. Thank you for the memories and the time our muses shared. They have helped develop my muse a lot and I am more than grateful for you to accept me just jumping in your inbox as if our muses knew each other and just going with it unlike other people who I did it back then with long before IM were even a thing and plotting was new to me. You helped my character to develop and it pulled it through the earliest stages of the blogs development. Thank you, kind sir. You helped me a lot.
@lillium-the-scout I ... think I should put you in this list as well. I have no clue what happened back then. I don’t know what the entire drama was that you were involved witha nd I honestly care little for it. I am not even sure that the mun I am tagging here is the same mun who played with Aira back in the early months’ of the blog. But for the chance that it was, disregarding every rumour and every bad reputation: Thank you for back then. You were one of the first roleplay partners I had. Even though in hindsight the entire starting ship was a terrible idea. I stilll want to thank you for the experience.
@askspiderqueen  I have to thank you for the single interaction we had with our muses. It might not make a lot of sense but it showed me a lot of things about hwo I paly my character and what she does. I really, REALLY want to interact and talk to you more, but I fear our muses just won’t work out. Elise being pissed and Aira having no real reason to ever visit the Spiderqueen. maybe I will find a way in the future. For now I thank you.A nd silently hope you might eba ctive again. Because your character is a lot of fun to read.
@noxian-rose We literally never roleplayed and we barely talked because I am shy as hell and SCARED like hell to approach you. But your character is amazing in the way you play her. I have been watchng your rolepalys in the past with excitement and am allways happy to see you on my dash. It pulled me back into roleplaying a while back. Thank you for that. Maybe things will come by in the future.
@shorthammertime And at last the mun I literally allways feel like I upset them when they suddenly stop to reply. I think of all the people on this list, you made me laugh most. Your muses are incredible, your love for them is noticeable and you yourself are just a fun person to talk with. I still hope that we might roleplay someday with each other. When I can’t tell. But I can at least hope.
Honorable mentions: These are a few people that I wanted to mention because they give me life in their roleplays or because I roleplayed or roleplay with them. Because I enjoyed our conversations or anything otherwise similar. Thank all of you for what you have given me. I will cherish it. Promise.
@ladyem-s-grimoire @verum-exsolutus @lustful-heavens @sexydeceiver @the-demacian-pariah @grabthelantern @maiden-soraka @the-everchild @ask-xayah-therebel @seliniakocharitos @sacredtempest
Thank all of you so much. Let’s hope that the future stays bright.
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toxic-rps · 6 years
Y’know what’s even more annoying than being ignored? Putting a bunch of time and effort into talking things out with someone who SEEMED happy to write with you, and THEN getting ignored once you actually try to initiate some IC interaction. So this one time I found a RP blog that looked like it’d be fun to interact with. They were a canon multimuse with some pretty hard-to-find characters, and I was an OC multimuse. They didn’t really have a clear rules page anywhere, but their description said they were OC-friendly, so I decided to IM them and ask if it would be okay to send in a meme to interact. Their response was to ask for more information about my OCs first: who they were, what universe they were based in... Fair enough request- so I told them some basics, like that my OCs were fandomless but that I had a verse for the canon their characters were from. I pointed them to my main OC, briefly summarized her character, and then linked her bio so they could read more if they wanted. They seemed sort of satisfied, and told me to send in the entire prompt if I sent a meme, not just a symbol- again, fair enough, a lot of memes use the same symbols, so I agreed and assured them I would. But then they immediately seemed skeptical again out of nowhere, told me they “still didn’t know anything about my OC” and started asking WAY more specific questions about my character- like her political alignment, and a few other specific details that I tended to keep flexible since, well, she IS fandomless, and she’s not rooted in any particular canon universe. I was kind of weirded out by what they said- after all, I HAD linked her bio, so the fact that they still didn’t know anything about her showed that either they hadn’t read her bio, or were trying to insinuate that it wasn’t detailed enough. Considering that thing is written with a focus on giving organized, detailed information, AND takes up almost 3 pages when you paste it into a word document, it kinda felt like a slap in the face to me either way. Nevertheless, I wrote it off as them just being cautious, which I totally understand, and I pressed on, answering their questions to the best of my ability. And, again, they seemed satisfied! Matter of fact, they seemed perfectly eager to interact. This entire process had taken about four days of going back and forth, and I totally understand being busy, but that is a pretty long time to sit there answering super-specific questions that probably wouldn’t even be relevant to any thread we ended up doing, and dealing with their constant mixed signals of approval and skepticism. I was happy they agreed, though- their writing was good and they had nice, individualized portrayals of these characters. I was excited to finally get to write with them. I paper-airplaned them a link to a meme I was considering sending, and asked if I could send that one, and they said yes, so I did. And that was it. I never heard anything from them again after that. They just... never answered it. I sat there getting interrogated about every last little irrelevant detail about my character for four days, all just so I could get permission to send a meme and start a RP thread, and they just... Didn’t answer the meme. And I mean, sure, they didn’t OWE me a response to the meme I sent, but MAN was it disappointing going through all that effort just to get ignored in the end. They did say they were slow at replies, which I don’t mind, but it’s been over half a year at this point and I’m pretty sure that they don’t plan to respond. Overall, I’m not necessarily angry, just disappointed. They could’ve been a really fun writing partner, but I’ll never find out now because they clearly weren’t even willing to give writing with me a chance.
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catcherisms · 4 years
heelo, everyone! hope you are all well~ even though i have 105 drafts on this account rn, i’m going to be over on @strongxsurvivors​ until about dinner time. then, i’ll be doing a mix of activity both there and here c: if i owe you threads, please forgive me. i will be putting them out there! i am just very very slow and, honestly, the past month has found my focus very not focused lololol. but i do very much enjoy writing with you all, please don’t think otherwise! i’m very grateful to be able to interact at all cccc; if you want, you can go follow or interact with me on my other account as well. it’s all fandom and oc muses, so there’s a lot more western and other fcs on there. i can make you starters or reply to your opens or whatever you wish -- just let me know! anyways, i’ll be back over here in a few hours!
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Update from the Admins
Hey everyone! This is just a note that will hopefully address most of the things that people brought up in the survey I sent around. I want to thank you guys because so many replied and we really appreciated hearing back from everyone about what was working and what we could improve upon. As always -- if an issue persists, or if you have any concerns -- our askbox is always open to you, and we want to hear about what’s been going on and provide room to make changes and provide you with a solution. Please never be afraid to reach out to us -- we are here to help you, to make you feel comfortable, to make sure your voice is heard. And if you have an issue -- the best way to fix it is by reaching out to people who want to help, because otherwise it might just persist with us unaware -- and we don’t want someone to have to suffer through that. 
AU Change
Although this roleplay is now entirely AU -- meaning that none of the canon events have to transpire as they do in the books, we do not mean for that to apply to the violence and the impact of the war. We will still focus on the tragedies that come with death, with the prejudices that are spread, with the acts people commit for the sake of saving a friend or a loved one -- and the impact it has on everyone around them and themselves. That has always been a primary focus in the roleplay, and we want to continue that, not lessen it. 
The change to AU is merely so that players do not feel pressured into a ship that they might not be feeling the chemistry for, that players do not have to rush marriages and pregnancies when their characters might not be at that point yet, that certain characters do not take the forefront and others are pushed to the side, and that we can allow the roleplay and the dynamics created within it to have an effect on the plot. 
Not everyone will get a happy ending, there will be deaths and there will be the trauma that comes with war. And we ask players not to discredit that. Think carefully before you place a character in a situation -- would they choose to get pregnant during a war that’s as brutal as this one? Would they enter into a relationship when there’s so much at stake? What would they do to protect the future they want to see? And how do the decisions they make impact their mental states?
Just another small reminder that we are a para-based, literate roleplay. Which means that you should be focusing on the replies you owe people, not replying to memes. Sometimes it’s a good way to gain some muse, or a way to keep yourself entertained when you have no more replies to do -- but this shouldn’t be your main focus. I’d like to thank everyone for toning down on this already, because since I mentioned this the first time there’s been a significant drop and more people have been focusing on replies -- you’re all amazing for doing so!
OOC Blog
We also wanted to discuss some issues that players have noted in the ooc blog, simply because it’s easy to forget some things and to get swept into some habits that might make others feel a bit uncomfortable. It’s important that we all remember to be mindful of others -- and to think before we type something.
I understand that it’s always exciting when a new ship happens -- or a potential ship comes into light. But please refrain from talking about it too predominately in the ooc. Talk about it all you want with your partner or the people involved -- but that place isn’t the ooc blog, as it generally leaves people feeling left out when too much of the ooc conversation is focused on that one ship/character. 
Also -- just a quick reminder, I know it’s very easy to get focused on ship/sex/etc. in the ooc blog, but that is not the rp’s main focus, and should therefore not be discussed predominately in the ooc blog. Not every character wants to be in a relationship, not every character wants to have sex so a focus on that makes players feel like they have to participate. So we’d like to ask everyone to branch out and explore the other relationships that might be possible for characters and the effects that the war (or just life in general) might leave on them. 
We know it’s super exciting to plan the futures of your characters -- but please avoid doing so when it involves other players and you haven’t gotten their input. Relationships, future children, where people go after the war -- it’s all still up in the air, and while it might be exciting to think about all the potential ways things can go -- please do not do so without consulting all of the players involved and being open to their opinions and the fact that they might not agree. Or simply them wanting to play things out and seeing how their character progresses naturally.
This doesn’t solely apply for future relationships, it can also apply to past relationships/ feelings a character might have had/ etc. Don’t assume something without consulting all players involved. 
It’s a form of godmodding to make decisions about things that regard certain characters without gaining their player’s approval -- and it can leave people feeling as if they aren’t in charge of their muse. 
This hasn’t been a huge issue -- but I’d like to address it before it can evolve into one, as I think we all sometimes need a reminder to reach out to others, especially in a roleplay that has been around a long time. There’s certain people we get comfortable with, or certain relationships that are already provided for us within the books -- but please don’t let that stop you from interacting and getting to know others! It makes people feel isolated and like their opinions don’t matter, and I know for a fact that’s not something any one of us wants. 
Please try and keep this roleplay as inclusive and open as possible. We’ll be keeping an eye on this, and if we see you favoring certain people/threads and ignoring others, we might send you a quick message just to remind you to branch out.
Finally, thank you all for being so amazing and sticking around and making this place last so long and still be a wonderful place to be a part of. Most of the comments we got were largely positive -- and it makes me really happy to see that people are happy here (even though -- as in any place) there’s things to improve upon. But I swear we are working on resolving continuing issues and making this a place that everyone wants to continue to be a part of!
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