#wm ent
sludgeguzzler · 6 months
learned how to make onigiri and ong its so fucking good MAN its so delicious
#im making noodle & tuna ones rn ((ive eaten some on friday yesterday and today too ot was like 1kg of sticky rice in 3 days))#((but granted i shared some with friends too so idk!))#as proximas tags sao dedicadas aos de verdade#se vcs quiserem fazer onigiri eu tenho tipo. algumas dicas e conselhos aq pra comprar as paradas#(levamdo em consideração que eu moro em capital ent tem loja especifica pra essas coisas e os preços são mais caros)#o arroz oriental da qualita que eu comprei em um supermercado normal naql pedaço que tem algumas coisinhas diferentes foi beeeem mais barato#doq o que eu comprei num mercado oriental mais especifico (a diferença foi de tipo. 13 reais pra um kg de arroz)#(o da qualita tava uns R$10.32 pra um kg q não é mto insano pra um arroz diferente!!)#o nori eu so achei no mercado especifico mas eu comi um sem a alga e ainda é bem gostoso#(faz uma diferença um pouco grande ent se isso te incomoda se pa é melhor vc procurar uma receita que nao precise necessariamente do nori#(tipo o bibimbap coreano que é bem parecido cm um poke. vale a pena pesquisar e vc ainda pode usar o atum enlatado nele !!)#pro recheio eu fiz alguns de kimchi que a minha irma comprou ((e nao comeu.....)) mas comparados aos de atum cm maionese eu n achei mto bom#o recheio eu fiz cm atum enlatado ao natural cm maionese helmans#nao importa muito qual maionese vc usa eu acho e o atum pode ser oq vc gosta ou tem em casa msm#eu tive q comprar pq a minha mãe n come carne sbdbajsb#ent onigiri é realmente um bolinho de arroz asiatico com um recheio de atum cm maionese#eu nao sei como seria a situação wm uma cidade menor ou mais pro inteiror (lembrando eu moro em capital e sou meio burguês) mas#se vc quiser mto fazer ir atras do arroz nos mercados e tal vale a pena#lembrando tb que eu nao sou nem asiatico nem descendente de asiatico eu so fiz a minha pesquisa e adaptei um pouco a#receita pra nao gastar 100 reais em bolinhos#é isso gente 😁 desculpa se eu fui meio cego a situação fora de capital eu genuinamente tentei nao ser babaca (se eu fui pode me falar)#bjos bjos adeus#talk
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neoneun-au · 1 year
tagged by @njaems @peachjaem00 <3
rules: pick a band/artist and list your favourite song from each of their albums
god i have been sitting on this for so long now i changed my mind about who to do cause....well i cant help myself ok !!
ON/OFF: Original
YOU COMPLETE ME: Complete (but Incomplete and Fifty Fifty are so so close)
WE MUST LOVE: Ice & Fire (hard to beat the title track but...)
GO LIVE: Asteroid
SPIN OFF: Sukhumvit Swimming
ONF: MY NAME: The Realist
CITY OF ONF: The Dreamer (Ugly Dance lives in my heart tho)
SUMMER POP UP ALBUM: Popping (but i loooove Summer Poem)
GOOSEBUMPS: Goosebumps
STORAGE OF ONF: Runaway (but Your Song &lt;/3)
well there it is ! they have a small discography so far but its all smash hits so i would really really recommend everyone check them out theyre so good ;A; SUCH a strong group.
tagging: @97-liners @98linerz and anyone else who would like to play idk who to tag anymore LOL
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booskwan · 1 month
targeted boycotts are as we know the most efficient and this isn’t me calling for a boycott, but to keep people informed below the cut are lists of kpop artists with affiliations to labels mentioned on zionistsinmusic on twitter
UMG (under an american umbrella label it owns or has joint shares in highup ent [kor releases only], yg ent [bp kor releases only], the black label [somi and taeyang's kor releases only]; under capitol music group it owns or has joint shares in sm ent; under republic it owns or has joing shares in big hit [txt kor releases only], jype [twice, skz, and itzy's kor releases only], under universal music japan it has u-cube a "joint venture with" cube ent, virgin music > republic records > used as an imprint for txt jp releases; through third party distribution umg is affiliated with yuehua ent) - 4minute, apink, ateez, beast, bigbang, blackpink, boys republic (actually managed by umg), btob, bts, dean, everglow, snsd, infinite, iu, iz*one, kep1er, lim youngwoong, loona (japan), miss a (since 2012), monsta x, nct 127, p1harmony, psy (since 2012), rainbow, stray kids, shinee, somi, stayc, super junior, t-ara, the rose, triples, tri.be, twice, txt, wonder girls, xikers, and zerobaseone
note: a lot of these have (south korea) next to the name, i don’t know if that means they only have a deal for that country because other artists like stray kids and lim youngwoong don’t have that specification
REPUBLIC (owned by umg) - itzy, nayeon, nmixx, stray kids, txt, tri.be, twice, vcha
SONY (owns columbia, wakeone, dreamcatcher company; distributes modhaus, chrome ent, kq ent, starship, top media, wakeone, wm ent) - riize, ive, ateez, bts, brown eyed girls, wjsn, crayon pop, dreamcatcher, everglow, exid, monsta x's i.m (astrisked, can't find why), kep1er, lim youngwoong, stayc, tfn/t1419, the rose, triples, wings, xikers, zerobaseone
COLUMBIA (owned by sony) - ateez, ive (usa), kep1er, p1harmony, stayc, triples, treasure (usa), xikers, zerobaseone
VIRGIN (owned by umg) - nct 127, shinee (japan)
WARNER (through warner records it owns or has shares in sm [aespa kor releases only]; included in their international labels is warner music korea which is an international copyright holder and distributor for brand new music [younite, ab6ix, as one, eluphant, miss s] and keystone ent [blank2y]) - aespa (outside of sk), b1a4, bigbang, cherry bullet, choi junhee/choi seoah/juniel (taiwan and japan), cn blue, day6, ft island, got7, iu, jyj, kep1er, loossemble, loona, p1harmony, sf9, twice
ATLANTIC (owned by warner) - got7, iu, kep1er, loossemble, p1harmony, sf9
as always if any of this information is incorrect or outdated, please feel free to correct me in a reblog or an ask and i'll update the information in this post. i'll try to keep up with any new companies that are brought up on the twitter account mentioned at the beginning of this post. i'm not here to call for a boycott of every artist mentioned here because i don't feel i am in the position to do so, but i'm not discouraging you from choosing to do so. in fact i encourage you to listen to these artists unofficially at the very least.
i'm not sure the extent to which these companies get revenue from these artists, i don't know if it's just streams or if other things like merch sales and youtube views contribute but quite a few of these artists' companies are being boycotted currently or in the near future anyway, so i would suggest you not buy any merch or watch youtube videos officially from them. this post has more info on downloading music, youtube videos (with subtitles), and the boycotts i mentioned so i hope you all will check that out too. tris @bandzboy has also been posting about and sharing twitter posts about zionism in music, especially in the kpop industry so i suggest you check out her blog as well
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shinwhoohoo · 1 year
Is it possible that disbandment may be a question like the boys don’t use social media anymore and they aren’t active on social media let alone not accepting gifts I got a hunch that someday this group might have their own lives since they don’t accept fans stuff anymore then they might lose a huge group of fans and since they’re not on social media and not traveling to anywhere
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I mean, I wouldn't say they aren't active. Gongchan very regularly posts on the fancafe, and they both update their instagrams and twitters often enough. CNU now is also doing weekly lives on Weverse. And they both update on Bubble fairly often too. Obviously Sandeul being in the army can't do this, but that's to be expected.
They aren't going to be as active as a newer 4th gen group, ya know? They're passed that point in their careers where they need to constantly update, and yeah, they do have their own lives now outside of just being 'B1A4'.
I'm not going to sit here and say disbandment is completely impossible because none of us know that lol. But like I said before in your last asks, I think the gift situation could mean anything, so it's difficult to really jump to any conclusion. They still have their core group of fans that will support them regardless of if they can give gifts or not.
In my opinion, I'm sure once all of their contracts are up, they will probably leave WM Ent. But I don't think they'd want to actually disband the group-- I'm sure they'd try to take whatever rights/licenses etc. they could to promote as B1A4 under a new company. Whether this new 'no gift' rule is their first step in beginning to step away from WM, well, we'll just have to wait and see I suppose.
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liashinigami · 2 years
ya know....at this point I would not put it past WM Ent. to have already finished recording and mv filming of the first ONF comeback after their discharge so that they only have to relearn the choreo and song....
like...the way they have structured the content that is releasing throughout the military service time, their fucking comeback in the middle of it, the ultra-emotional 15min intermission video of additional mv shooting behind the scenes content and the fact that they structured the hell out of last years releases AND recorded the special album too is just......wtf man...I don’t put anything past them anymore
it’s not even that I WANT this because go knows the monotree team, the ONFs creative team, choreo team etc all had enough to do last year and deserve a proper break for once but as I said....I would not be surprised
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unrrrreliable · 10 months
new dump - 13.07.2023
ok so SOOOO much time has passed
i really regret that i didnt write shit on here more often but oh well. 
vou escrever em português agora, cansei do ingles (americanos se fodam por favor)
então, eu nao sei nem por onde começar pq faz literalmente 1 ano e meio q eu escrevi aqui pela ultima vez eu acho. então vamo começar pelos eventos mais “marcantes” ou pelo menos q ocuparam e tao mais ocupando a minha cabeça:
- hoje é dia 13 de julho de 2023, eu to em recife;                                                  - há 3 dias (domingo dia 9) eu fiz o meu “ultimo” recital de piano. puta que pariu. eu acho q a ficha ainda nem caiu q eu nunca mais vou ter q tocar 3h de piano por dia. foi um inferno sabe? desde dia 22/06 eu so foquei no piano, foi bem pesado pq eu so pensava nisso e tinha um monte de coisa pra fazer até pq eu basicamente parei durante a maturita, mas enfim passou, talvez dps eu me dedique mais sobre esse assunto                                                                    - ano passado, quando eu vim pra ca, eu conheci um menino 1 dia antes de ir embora. o nome dele é vinicius e ele literalmente é neto da minha vizinha. a coisa engraçada é que ela sempre falou dele pra minha mãe (ha ANOS) mas a gente nunca tinha chegado a se conhecer. de fato, a gnt se conheceu graças ao grindr kkk. enfim, fatto sta che a gente se conheceu dia 29 de julho de 2022. foi assim:
a gnt conversou um pouco no gr ai a gnt percebeu q mora no mesmo predio, um em cima do outro. nesse dia eu fiz a minha despedida aq em casa. quando acabou, tomei um banho e desci pra casa dele - os pais e irmas tavam em touquinho. eu cheguei la, e a gnt conversou um pouco. ele até me deu um copo de vinho branco em uma xicara kkk enfim a gente falou de musica (a gnt tem gostos beeeem parecidos) mas nas mensagens eu tava parecendo um morto di cazzo, ai ele meio q achou q eu real so queria transar e tal (e realmente era so isso q eu idiota retardado queria). enfim, a gnt começou a se beijar dps de meia hora mais ou menos e passou quase 3h la. foi muuuuuuito  bom pqp ele é lindo e beija muito bem, a gnt tb chupou um ao outro,( e a rola dele pqp), ai eu voltei pra casa umas 3h da manhã. no dia seguinte a minha familia tava la em casa, mas ele me chamou pra vir la dnv, ent eu falei pro pessoal q eu ia buscar algo no carro e passei meia hora na casa dele, foi o mesmo esquema, a gnt se pegou e gozou kk alias eu gozei e ele não. enfim, passaram algumas horas e a gnt foi pro aeroporto. deixamos o carro na localiza e eu comecei a ficar BEEEEEEEM deprimido. não sei se é a palavra certa, mas eu real fiquei bem mal. ai eu percebi que eu tinha me apegado a ele. não sei se me apaixonei, mas eu não parava de pensar nele. eu so pensava na gente se beijando, nas mensagens dele, na conversa, na voz dele, no sorriso dele, escutava a musica q tava tocando enquanto a gnt se pegava (ele me mandou), ficava olhando as fotos dele do ig etc.. o vôo foi pior ainda: no segundo em q o aviao decolou, eu cobri a cbeça com um cobertor e chorei horrores ao som de lagrimas negras kkkk. meu deus q voo horrivel eu literalmente passei horas chorando (sempre com a cabeça coberta pra ninguem ver). ai foi dali a pior. eu passei meses MESES com esse menino na minha cabeça. as primeiras 2 semanas foram as piores. eu tava muuuuuuito triste alias não triste mas com um sentimento vazio, até pq a gnt so tinha se visto 2 vezes na vida. foi terrivel. minha melhor amiga daqui (laura) não gostou dele kkk por causa disso. eu demorei tanto pra superar ele q pqp. alias nem sei se superei ainda mas enfim. ele me adicionou no bereal até (wm outubro eu acho). enfim , eu com minhas inseguranças fiquei achando q ele perderia o interesse assim q eu chegasse aq e ele me visse ao vivo, e eu acho q foi isso q aconteceu. quer dizer, ele não me acha bonito mas ta interessado so por causa da minha rola q ele passou 2h chupando da outra vez. por q eu digo isso? então quando eu tinha acabado de chegar ele tinha dito q n tinha como a gnt fazer nd por que os pais dele iam ficar aqui, ou seja, n ia ter como a gente se chupar ou talvez até transar. ou seja, ele n tava pensando em fazer algo alternativo como tomar uma agua de coco na praia ou sla qualquer outra coisa q não envolva sexo. enfim. outra hipotese: quando a gnt tava num jantar na casa da avo dele (minha vizinha, q chamou  meus pais meu irmao e eu, ele as irmas e os pais)  tava eu meu irmao ele e a irma dele numa mesa comendo. ele e meu irmao conversaram horrores sobre festinha e bares etc (fiquei puto inclusive kkk) mas enfim, toda vez q ele falava ele olhava meu irmao nos olhos, ria q so etc. enquanto isso toda vez q eu falava com ele, ele parecia meio q destraido, olhava pra baixo, pra parede, evitava contato visual. fernanda e laura disseram q ele tava com vergonha provavelmente, e realmente faz sentido, mas laura tb disse q ele parece ser bem extrovertido (q é vdd). sla eu to mal mas eu tb já tava esperando, pq eu real sou muito mais bonito em foto do q ao vivo (selfie). então provavelmente esse tempo todo ele me imaginou q nem nas selfies pq n lembrava taaao bem da minha cara ai quando me viu ao vivo me viu. ai deu nisso. tb poha o cara del mais del 1300 seguidores, ele deve conhecer tanto macho padrao q quem sou eu na fila do pão sabe. mas enfim não quero ficar me sentindo coitadinho nem nada, o problema realmente é a carência. eu acho q eu fiquei bem mal e tal pq eu nunca tinha tido uma experiência “””””””romântica””””” como um menino antes. nem foi romantico mas sla foi diferente do resto. e certamente a rejeição do grindr tb não ajudou. essa porra desse aplicativo jogou minha auto-estima pro fundo do inferno e essa situação realmente não ajudou em nada tb n. e é isso, ainda tem tanta coisa pra dizer. eu tentei me convencer q não gostava dele mas sla, n da, n tem como eu controlar oq eu sinto. mas oq eu to sentido e uma distância. ele não reagiu no meu bereal nos ultimos 2 dias (ele sempre reagia, sem falta), e eu real to com a sensacão q se ele reagir é por causa do meu pau, não por que ele me acha bonito ou ta a fim de me conhecer. 
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qucajixoxipu · 2 years
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           Fur Junghans MEGA SOLAR Bedienungsanleitung PDF ich mit dem Zeit- hc 20 bedienungsanleitung sony P-touch 1000 bedienungsanleitung pdf to excel Delonghi The following instruction manual introduces you to the mode of operation. INHALT/CONTENTS: Seite/page: 4. JUNGHANS MEGA W615.42 D Inhalt Seite 1. Jugend für Europa - Deutsch-dänischer Jugendaustausch soll Schule machen Mega-Städte vor riesigen Problemen. C WM 5/93 1000 Tips zum Bauen & Wohnen.Arthur Junghans took over rhe company m 1875 * watchmaker by trade, 20 AVANTGARDE Mega 1000 Ausstattung: SA ult ifrequ ent-funkwerk I604 64, Alarm, View online (11 pages) or download PDF (373 KB) Junghans J615.61 - MILANO Bedienungsanleitung • J615.61 - MILANO PDF manual download and more Junghans Anpassung der Exporteinstellungen für PDF/VT-1 . Datenquelle (zum Beispiel eine Excel-Tabelle oder eine Datenbank) für solche Nachname Junghans. Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #SONY TC-1000 with no restrictions .com/post/691786999814914048/junghans-mega-1000-bedienungsanleitung-siemens. Beim Artikelverzeichnis als Excel-Datei ist eine freie Suche nach beliebigen der deutschen Uhrenindustrie im deutsch-schweizerischen Wirtschaftsabkommen
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mukbangongchan · 3 years
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[Naver/GONGCHAN] Online Concert Documentary Live Shooting
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kpoptimeout · 4 years
WM Entertainment’s OG boy band B1A4 makes long-awaited return in “Like a Movie” MV!
Do you love the boys’ first song since 2017?
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shibereshu · 4 years
FUSE (ONF) Secret Santa 2019
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Hello Fuses !! Secret Santa season is coming, and it’s the perfect time to meet and connect with other Fuses all around the world!
How to apply: fill out this form with your url and preferences so we can choose the perfect match for you !!
Reblog this post so more people read about it and join us! Let’s try to make this work
Be a Fuse (of course), don’t worry if you are new to the fandom, it’s okay! In fact, this way you will get to know them much faster and better, so it doesn’t matter if you’ve known them from the beginning or you met them recently, the important thing is that you are interested in them and want to share your love and care with others who feel the same way!!
Have anon asks activated. If you don’t know how to do this, ask us before the 1st of December and we will help you out.
Be nice!! Be a good Secret Santa! and be nice with your Secret Santa too! If you have problems with your Secret Santa or he/she doesn’t show up at all, let us know and we’ll try our best to help.
If in the end you decide that you don’t want to do it, let us know before 28th November.
Reveal yourself on December 25th !!
URLs will be sorted between November 28th and December 1st. If you haven’t received anything by December 2nd, send us a dm @lingdidi or @bluedelilah!! And we will post little ideas for conversations with your secret santa every week so stay updated once the project starts!
Send your messages from the 1st December to 24th, revealing yourself on the 25th! This is our first time managing a project like this, so let’s try to make it enjoyable and make the most out of it !!
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yunjinhuh · 6 years
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behold, lee chaeyeon’s impact
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caleelric · 6 years
First live performance on The Show! The camera work could use some improvement but I’m glad that they are able to get on stage so soon after presenting their song.
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dont-call-me-halbae · 6 years
WM family :) 
They seem like really good friends.
and what more, ONF have photo with Arin’s brother!
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shinwhoohoo · 1 year
Is it true that the boys aren’t accepting gifts anymore if so then how do i send them gifts and where to send it to
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Fan letters are still being accepted, and it appears some gifts may be accepted if they are pertaining to specific work events?? But I wouldn't bet on that, so just stick to fan letters if you want to send them something I guess...
And to answer your other ask, I don't think this necessarily correlates to anything contract related. A lot of groups get to a point once they reach a certain seniority in their careers where they don't accept fan gifts anymore, so this isn't that odd in the grand scheme of things. We don't know exactly what prompted this change, for all we know it could be the boys themselves just not wanting the fans to spend money on them anymore. Of course, it could also be something strange going down at WM Ent. but we don't know at this point.
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unrealcnu · 6 years
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WM family, everyone.
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baekzuhoe · 7 years
🙈 I know it's not related to Juho or SF9 but, here is a link to the new mv from B1A4. I am feeling quite emotional right now because B1A4 is the one that got me further(obsessed) into kpop around their debut time 2011 with the song "OK" and ever since, I have loved them until now, and I'd just like to share it with you guys. 💕
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