#yeaaaaaah totally.
sourapplesauces · 5 months
guys, I'm starting to think Apples is Gregory
Come to think of it, I've never seen Gregory and them in the same room together.
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gyunglitter · 6 months
the links
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- just you dicking around with txt college!au besties
warnings: not edited, kinda long, mentions of gym bros, bitchless behavior, drunk fighting, mentions of camp rock, cursing, prolly should’ve put that last before the other lmao, partying, suspicious tampering with drinks
tags: txtxreader (platonic), non-idol!au, college!au, txt, lag, tomorrowxtogether, lesserafim, hansohee, drabble fics!, bulletpoint fics!
notes: bro i’ve been sitting on this for a while, but since i got sick, i finally had the time to actually write this—not very drabble fic of me, but i hope yall enjoyed it :) feel free to send in asks/requests abt this au!!
⚤ masterlist
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just how did this rag tag group get together?
tbh with yall
the losers club took a while to actually get established
we’re talkin the end of the winter semester babes
to be fair tho☝️🤓
each of you were either awkward, antisocial, or autistic
but you all came around eventually
through small and simple means, the hottest friend group came to be!!
yeonjun + taehyun:
met in calc 101 in the winter semester
taehyun needed the class for his major
but yeonjun accidentally stumbled in on the first day and felt too awkward to leave
he tried to play it cool like he totally belonged
but taehyun could tell right when he sat next to him and his gigantic water bottle and protein shake
it only sealed the deal when yeonjun asked to borrow a pencil
“thanks! oh wow…i don’t think i’ve seen a pencil like this”
“it’s a mechanical..?”
“aha, yeaaaaaah…”
they really looked like 🤨 and ✌🏽🤪✌🏽
the both of them simultaneously felt transported back to their high school days
with yeonjun’s jockiness and taehyun’s brutal deadpan
the two intimidated the HELL out of each other😭
they were extremely awkward despite trying to act like they weren’t they totally were
but that hour of calc was pure torture
yeonjun made sure to stay far away from the engineering building after that lmao
it was only when they accidentally ran into each other at the gym that they bonded
after yeonjun almost dropped the bar on himself and his initial spotter got distracted
he swore he was gonna quite literally off himself at that moment
yeonjun was surprised to see the small kid from calc save him from his death with only ONE arm
an arm that was as big as HIS HEAD?!?! :O
after that, the two saw each other very often and became the ultimate Gym Bros🔥💪🏽
which took a lot of emotional work on both ends after their traumatic high school days
but taehyun STANS yeonjun and his diligence to zumba!
while yeonjun admires taehyun’s pull game when they go to the club together!
they became an unlikely platonic match made in heaven :D
soobin + hueningkai:
this friendship was DESPERATE
to be fr
soobin was LONELY :(
he’d be starting his third year of college and had yet to find his forever-friends his therapist promised he’d make once he made it to college!!
it wasn’t until he met his double at the Video and Audio Enthusiasts club meeting
a club created solely to use the conputer and projector room from 5-6pm every thursday to watch jujutsu kaisen without the faculty knowing
soobin had been apart of the club since his sophomore year when it started, but there was only so much socializing he could do with the same three people who come
at least until a very green freshman!kai walked in!!
it was kai’s first semester and first week away from home
and boy was he nervous
his older sister who had just graduated from the same college forced him to sign up for clubs in order to make good friends
she held his precious molang plushie hostage until he came back with proof of signing up for at least one club :(
all these ppl pitching why their club was so great with their bright posters, over enthusiastic campaigners, and loud music blasting from portable speakers???
kai just wanted to go back to his room and down the tub of mint choco he left in his mini fridge
but alas
the things he does for molang !! >.<
he signed up for the audio and visual enthusiasts club solely bc there was only one person manning the table
and she was knocked out
so when he signed up, he skedaddled out of there with the intention of showing up to one meeting before staging a dramatic but undeniable leave of absence
for the rest of the year >:)
little did he know his first day would bring him an adorable, lanky man who would never leave him alone!!
fr tho
soobin saw this 6’0 child who gave off “i WILL bit you” vibes and said
“he’s mine”
and the rest was history tbh
you never really see one without the other with the way they leech on to each other
the two of them honestly are complete angels together
beomgyu + you:
if soobin and kai are angels, yall are the goddamn devils💀
you guys actually met your freshman year
you shared a lot of the same generals, but didn’t interact that much
mainly bc beomgyu was typically either gaming or sleeping in
meanwhile you always showed up to class zooted
unlike your classes that focused on your major, your generals were classes you couldn’t care less about
and your grades sure did show for it😬
your parents and teachers were worried you were gonna flunk out after your first semester and lose your scholarship
it wasn’t until the two of you were thrown together for a group project that things changed
forced proximity trope🥵
but not for the reasons you’re thinking!!
instead of working together, pulling all nighters, and trauma bonding together
you guys were the only ones slacking during all of the group meetings
the both of you succeed in pissing the other members off as yall constantly showed up late, distracted each other with origami cranes/airplanes/SMASH, and once got the group kicked out of the library for trying to secretly smoke a bowl behind the stacks
but you blamed that on beomgyu and his weak lungs
safe to say, you and beomgyu did a great job of alienating yourselves from the other members in your group
(fun fact: soobin was one of them—he HATED yall)
but you two ultimately bonded after skipping one of the meetings when you bumped into each other on campus and decided to go to the arcade down the street instead LMAO
after successfully beating him at the racing games and letting him win the sharpshooter games, the two of you were inseparable!!
especially since yall flunked that class and had to take it again the next semester lmao
you almost lost your scholarship
but for the rest of your classes, beomgyu helped you cram for your exams!
turns out your stoner-gamer-boy-bestie used to be student body vice president in high school??
he helped you pass the rest of your classes your freshman and sophomore years, in exchange you let him collect all your scarabs😭
hueninkai + taehyun:
this friendship is so cute omg
this came during winter semester, after kai established a friendship with soobin and restored some of his self-confidence
and with all his new, interesting classes finally catering to his curious nature
kai had started to branch out of his shell and thrive in the college environment
he still didn’t have any friends besides soobin, but he faced everyday with a bright smile :)
and then there was taehyun
fall semester had not been kind to him, having no time for socializing quite yet :(
poor taehyun at the time was exhausted from his ridiculous workload and would show up to class half dead each morning
the two shared a life skills class and were seat mates
kai noticed taehyun’s state each morning
which wasn’t too hard since taehyun was slumped over his desk every morning and only woke up when class started
and sometimes not even then
in response, kai had kindly made a habit of bringing taehyun a coffee each morning and leaving it on his desk :(
not only that, kai was always just a natural energizer!
with his positive attitude and earnest countenance, taehyun couldn’t help but feel ready to take on the day as well !
as thanks, there never failed to be a copy of the answer key to whatever test was coming up on hueningkai’s desk the next day
taehyun really is THAT man🥵
ngl hyuka felt like he had a sugar daddy of sorts at the beginning
but the two have the sweetest friendship after that!!
they’re genuinely so grateful for each other and balance out really well
yeonjun + you + beomgyu:
a friendship that started off contractually
it was the winter semester of your sophomore year and you were in a bit of an artistic drought
the last time your work had taken off was a complete accident
you’d been high off your ass and posted a hodgepodge of the last 10 screenshots in your camera roll, smartly titled “Hell is A Teenage Girl”
it gained so much attention for its authenticity and now you had no idea how to follow THAT up :(
your bestie beomgyu constantly offered to model for you
but you could never take him seriously after he showed up to your house in lingerie so you could “picture him like your french girls”
“that’s not even how it goes, headass”
“it’s called taking ‘creative liberties’, birdbrain—and you’re supposed to be the artist?”
“please…just put some clothes on. i can’t take you seriously when your balls are in my face”
you were struggling to come up with anything after that stunt
until you saw your muse in him
the him being yeonjun, who came straight from zumba and was currently downing a bowl of ramyeon from the caf
you shared no classes, interests, or mutuals
but one thing you had in common?
you both thought he was hot!!
you had cornered him with the abrupt confession that he had the most "photograph-able" face and you needed to shoot him for a new project of yours
(with compensation, of course)
yall looked like 🫵🙂📷 and ⁉️😗🍜
yeonjun reluctantly agreed since he was broke and needed more ramyeon money
the shoot started off kind of uncomfortable since you two were incredibly awkward
but you eventually warmed up to each other with your terrible jokes that made him die laughing!
you never would've pegged him as a pun-lover, but you were certainly not disappointed :)
as the shoot finished up, you ended up going out for ice cream together
to which beomgyu crashed and ended up fighting with yeonjun about everything under the sun
it all started with yeonjun’s preference for mint choco, that everything started to go up in flames lmao
you were sure yeonjun would want nothing to do with the pair of you after that night
your work blew up once again and yeonjun got many modelling offers!!
with the newfound clout given to yeonjun, came an unlikely partnership between you two as you brought out the best in each other’s works
and with you, came beomgyu as a package deal
the two eventually ended up bonding as time went on and they discovered they shared many interests
but you were the glue to hold them together for a while since they never failed to get on each other’s nerves
tom and jerry fr🙄
after a draining week of school and his zumba class getting cancelled, yeonjun decided he wanted to go to a party
he needed a drink and a good excuse to dance since his feet were happy and his hips were in need of speaking their truth
lucky for him, there was supposed to be a CRAZY RAGER this weekend
yeonjun was told it was thrown by some uppclassmen named jackson wang or something?
but he couldn't go alone--he'd look like a loser
which he's NOT >:(
so he brought his gym bro, taehyun!
but then the two were faced with the predicament of looking like much worse
homosexuals!! :0
god forbid two men hang out in public
so taehyun brought his other bestie, kai!!
but mans hates large social gatherings and would rather drown in his toilet than watch the musclemen pull the pretty girls he was afraid of
so he brought the also bitchless soobin along to keep himself entertained :D
meanwhile you were also getting dragged to the party by beomgyu, whose band had gigged it, since he needed emotional support!
the event had started off fine!
beomgyu was killing it with his band
soobin and kai were awkwardly curbing girls' stares and suspicious drinks sent their way with queries as to a foursome
yeonjun was in the middle of a mosh pit, getting absolutely wrecked
taehyun was getting danced on by not one, but TWO girls
and you were currently crowd surfing despite having no recollection as to how you got there
you were honestly not vibing since you had a slight fear of heights
and an aversion to sweaty men in closed spaces
so when you were eventually put down, you stumbled your way back to the kitchen to get a breather
and maybe a shot while you were at it—god knows you need one to get through the rest of the night
however, your plans halted once you caught sight of your beloved ex-group partner from biochem!!
“woah hey, soobie-boobie?!” you hollered
cue soobin, who was in the middle of a heated rant about the band refusing his request of playing “meant to be” by bebe rexha, freezing with a soulless look in his eyes
it was you
you (+beomgyu, btw) were the reason he had to pull multiple all nighters to complete your part of the project you failed to do the previous year
mans nearly lost the will to live during that project
he’d hated yall with a passion and did NOT fail to snitch after the project was submitted
it was bc of him that you had to retake that class and almost get your scholarship revoked
of course, nobody knew it was him, since he was a sly motherfucker and blamed it on kim chaewon instead
but he planned on taking that secret with him to the grave, since he would rather take a nap on the freeway than deal with confrontation
but he had no reason to, by the way you were calling for him with the dopiest smile on your face
he hoped he could get away with ignoring you since it was so loud
but then you let out a screech that pierced the heavens
he closed his eyes to block out the sight of you now standing on the counter and waving your arms like crazy
if he couldn’t see you, then you didn’t exist
but, unfortunately, soobin wasn’t the only person with eyes and ears
“hey, hyung, i dunno if it’s just me, but i think that girl might know you!”
soobin opened his eyes to see kai waving back at the girl for him
soobin wanted to die when he saw you take that as confirmation to join them
“hey! long time no see!!” you greeted as you took a seat with the pair of them
hyuka easily took to you while soobin tried his best not to look utterly disgusted
“so how do you two know each other?” kai asked
“soobin and i were paired for a group project last year!”
soobin frowned at you, but you were none the wiser as you entertained the curious kai
“oh cool!! what class was that?”
“honestly, i have no clue! i was high half the school year, thank god soobin was there to help me and my other friend for that project!”
soobin scoffed at that, causing both you and kai to look at him questioningly
“was that a cough?”
“did you need a drink?” you innocently offered one of the many drinks the boys had discarded
soobin shook his head vigorously at that, making you shrug
“welp, more for me then!”
kai and soobin were too slow to stop you, and watched in horror as you finished the drink with a pinched expression
“holy shit, are you okay?!” soobin asked
but you were preoccupied with the upset feeling in your stomach
“ugh, what the hell was that?” you tried to stop yourself from burping, but you could feel yourself getting lightheaded
“ah man, i knew those drinks weren’t safe” kai winced, watching as you nearly fell out of your seat before soobin caught you
soobin groaned at the prospect of having to take care of you, but lifted you up a bit while you babbled and whisked yourself out of his hold
“hey, im fine—i actually feel great! we should go dance!”
and you were off, dragging an innocent kai with you to where the rest of the party was dancing to the band
not wanting to be left alone after you so rudely took his only friend, soobin ran after the pair of you
meanwhile kai, who had been dragged with you, felt like he was gonna have a panic attack in the face of all these people you dragged him toward
he felt like he was getting swallowed up in a sea of drunk, horny young adults
which, technically, he was
you were none the wiser to the boy’s fears as you started dancing
to hueningkai’s absolute horror, you were actually doing the camp rock stomp dance from the second movie
part of him wanted to ask you to drop a tutorial
the better part of him made him want to crawl in a hole and die
for the both of your sakes’, he blamed your behavior on the alcohol and spared you more embarrassment by turning away from you and looking for help
and his saving grace came in the form of his lord and savior, kang taehyun
mans was a lil busy with a few of the drunk and horny young adults himself
but what kai wants, kai gets!!
so when he called for his friend, taehyun came without a complaint
he also miraculously had a glass of water in hand, just in case kai got thirsty
“what’s wrong? do you need to go home?” taehyun worried, shoving the glass into his friend’s hand
kai was grateful for his friend
thank god he wasn’t too drunk to be helpful!!
kai merely shook his head at his friend’s questions, and started to drag him back to you
“there’s a girl who got roofied, and she’s doing the camp rock stomp dance—we have to help her!”
but when kai got to you, he found a mess
that mess being you and soobin squealing around while yeonjun was running away from another guy who looked drunk out of his mind and pissed as hell
how yeonjun and soobin got there? and who this other guy was?? and HOW the three of you managed to piss him off???
kai and taehyun had no clue
but they could tell things did not look good for yall
soobin was currently hiding behind a disoriented you, using your inebriated self as a shield
meanwhile yeonjun was narrowly avoiding haphazard punches thrown at him, practically dancing away from them
“what do i do?! what do i do?!?!” yeonjun screamed
“DRAG HIS ASS!” taehyun yelled, right before socking a random guy in front of him
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” kai screamed, leaping away from the new, unprovoked beatdowns taehyun was causing
“fighting my demons!”
maybe taehyun was a little too drunk to be helpful :/
kai scrambled towards you and soobin, who had backed away from the initial fighting pair
“what the hell happened? i wasn’t even gone for two minutes!!”
“i found y/n right after you left, who had saved yeonjun from the mosh pit—”
“—mans was getting his shit blended in there—”
“we were about to come find you, when y/n grabbed some random guy’s ass—”
“—to be fair, i thought he was kai—”
“and when the guy turned around to fight her, she blamed it on yeonjun!!”
“well, duh! i’m just a lil girl!!”
kai blanched at you, while you pouted up at him
you were all like 🥺 👉🏽👈🏽
you had such a sweet look on your face tbh, that kai and soobin almost cracked
before you turned around barfed into a potted plant
things literally could not get worse
it took the three of you a second to realize where that yelling had been coming from
but you finally found the source when you looked on stage and found beomgyu filming the fights going on
“fuck me, he’s here too?!” soobin whined
and while beomgyu had gotten your guys’ attention, he had also gotten a few others’ as well
“hey, you got your friend filming me? i’m here on scholarship!”
the big guy yelled, grabbing yeonjun to hold him still as he went to punch him again
“oh fuck,” yeonjun muttered
beomgyu fumbled around with his phone and guitar, going to brandish the instrument in one hand like a weapon to help out his friend
but luckily didn’t have to when a pot smashed against the attacker’s head, knocking him out cold
the partygoers watched as the big guy dropped to the floor, right in front of yeonjun
yeonjun looked in disbelief from his side of the fallen body
over to you on the other side, your hand still raised in the air from its defensive attack
“holy shit!” beomgyu gasped
“holy shit!” you gasped back
the party was silent for a second
before everyone erupted in cheers!! :D
and everyone stood up and clapped
people around you were jumping around and back to partying again
meanwhile the rest of the group came back to you
“are you guys okay??” kai asked
“i think i just shit my pants,” yeonjun breathed, clutching onto his chest
he looked as white as a ghost, but he didn’t get any injuries
luckily, the guy was too drunk to properly do any damage to yeonjun
but he was still afraid at the possibility!!
you merely nodded at kai in acknowledgment, before leaning tiredly on the person nearest to you
which happened to be taehyun, as he kept you upright with his non-bloodied hand
and then there was beomgyu, who ran over to yall with his phone in the air
“oh my god, i got the whole thing on video!!”
“did i look cool?”
you asked him tiredly from your position
“kind of, you’ve got a bit of barf on your chin, but i could probably photoshop it out later!”
“let’s gooo!! :D”
the two of you fist bumped, before yeonjun turned to you
“thanks for knocking that guy out, y/n, you saved me”
“but she was the one who got you in that mess—”
“of course, yeonjun! what are friends for?!”
you unknowingly interrupted soobin, causing everyone in the group to clap at your selfless words
"come on, let's all get out of here and get some ramyeon--on me!" yeonjun pulled out his daddy's credit card
causing the rest of the group to cheer
soobin’s eye twitched at yall SO HARD
“are you fucking with me rn?? SHE’S the reason this all happened—?!”
but soobin was drowned out by your guys' cheers as you all headed for the door
"come on soobin, before that guy wakes up and tries to go for round two!"
kai shouted, dragging soobin along and stepping over the guy that was still passed out
"oh, what the hell," soobin gave in, internally praying for the strength to tolerate you and beomgyu for the rest of the night
"woah wait a sec," beomgyu said deliriously, looking at soobin like he just realized he was there
"soobie boobie? when the fuck did you get here?"
soobin, on cue, gave the heaviest eye roll known to man
"i've BEEN here, motherfucker!"
…and the rest was history!!😅
after that, yall just kind of gravitated to each other until suddenly
your snapchat streaks were too high
you’d gone grocery shopping for each other’s favorite snacks
and your moms all knew abt each other and would constantly ask abt you
yall were in too deep and decided to just kind of stick together after that :)
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formulapookie · 11 days
Did Valentino fuck around on marc before they got together officially…more thots
yeaaaaaah i mean before becoming official they’d already done everything (except admitting it wasn’t just sex)
Vale REFUSED to admit there were feelings and Marc was just there like
🙂well it’s fine🙂it’s without feelings🙂i am ok with this and totally not completely utterly embarrassingly in love with him🙂
and Vale was like 🧐mmmm I wonder why I get this unbridled wave of jealousy whenever he speaks or gets touchy with someone that’s not me🧐
then they eventually overcame this horrible part and (thanks to some nasty angry sex after sepang and argentina) became official✌🏻
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
well now that i've actually got like ALL OF the medieval au planned out FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, i think it's time for more incorrect quotes from my plot outlines—specifically, from Paint Bombs, Pixie Cuts, And Elopement!
"he's totally dying on the inside. and on the outside. actually he's just dying. he's been shot."
"Ketsu goes back to her original plan (murder), which is, like, so valid of her"
"carthage was obviously given no respect women juice in his childhood"
"as per usual, someone kills the moment. but this time they're also trying to kill sabine, which is a first!"
"tbh the only reason that this chapter isn't the Sad Bollywood Wedding trope is that nobody is singing about it"
"*mastermind by taylor swift starts playing*"
"and sabine is like. oh. that's hot. i'm attracted to that. i'm very attracted to that. i will be repressing these feelings."
(two chapters later) "sabine fails to repress the feelings."
"you would THINK that the sometimes-deadly ritual combat on the wedding night might make it smart to NOT marry a girl who hates you and also has 32 knives hidden in her dress at all times, but carthage is kind of an idiot. rip lol"
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kinkierintheforest · 2 days
Guy you expected to be a tomboy if genderbent becomes a total princess type instead
Not to say there aren't tomboy princesses, I mean the prim types, y'know?
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🎵 Disco Elysium, Pt 1
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"Good morning."
Let's get the smallest things out of the way first.
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NOID - "Yo, man. What's on your mind?" He drops a bolt into his toolbox.
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6. [Conceptualization - Godly 16] Internalize the hard core aesthetic. Don't just nod along, really *feel* it.
+1 Hardened up your ledger. +1 Necktie is on. +1 Analysed the beat. +1 Perikarnassianism is Love.
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CONCEPTUALIZATION [Godly: Failure] - Aggressive. Monotonous... but also somehow sacral. Primitive, yet futuristic, like a machine man. Nothing exists, but the here and now. All are one, one purpose... All you've managed is a list. The parts don't form a whole.
7. "Take care, Noid." [Leave.]
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EGG HEAD - "Good morning, comrade! Yeaaaaaah!" He waves his hand in the air. "Harder core!" The words echo magnificently throughout the nave.
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7. [Interfacing - Godly 16] The audio onslaught can be tamed. Connect the dots.
+1 Andre's compression algorithm. +1 Fiddled with some knobs.
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*Side-chain*? What does it even mean?
INTERFACING - Listen, you can use the compressor to select between which track it's compressing, either the auxiliary signal or the main input from the tape. Make it alternate between the signals.
The compressor controls the gain based on the level of the signal on the aux side-chain input. It will allow maintaining a loud sound without peaks that fill up all the headspace.
"Okay. Egg, you need to start side-chaining it." (Explain the concept to him.)
EGG HEAD - "Side-chaining it, you said?" He turns down the music, his hands moving deftly across the mixer, setting up the necessary controls...
The music stops.
Then he puts on his headphones and his eyes go wide, wider than they've ever gone on drugs. He starts jumping up and down with bliss, in total silence -- still listening to his headphones.
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ACELE - "Hey..." Acele looks up from her microphone. "What did you do to Egg Head, cop-man? Did you *break* him?"
"I'm… not sure."
"Just wait and see." (Nod at Egg Head.)
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NOID - Noid straightens his back, ready for the beat...
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ANDRE - "I was born ready, Egg!"
Give him a thumbs up.
EGG HEAD - The audio assault is glorious. The speedfreak dances on the stage, intensely waving his hand in the air.
🎵 Ecstatic Vibrations, Totally Transcendent
Task complete: Make van Eyck's jam harder core
+30 XP
ACELE - "What in the world is going on?" Acele looks on, amazed at the display. "The way melody and bass flow together... it's unnatural."
PAIN THRESHOLD [Medium: Success] - Your body is taking a beating from the low frequencies crashing over you. It's making you feel... alive again.
"We have... tamed the sound. Made it our own."
"We have... tamed the sound. Made it our own."
ANDRE - "God damn it," you hear Andre say to himself over the thumping beat, "this dance club idea might just work out."
EGG HEAD - "DOLORIAN CHURCH -- THE PLACE TO BE!" Egg's losing himself in the sound. "Pump it, pump it!"
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - This is it... this is a new era. The fabric of the world has been irrevocably altered.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Who will be the innocence of hard-core anodic dance music?
7. "Alright. Goodbye, Egg Head." [Leave.]
As you might expect, finding the bassline is going to make it easier to dance. We're not *quite* ready for that yet, though. (Also that will almost certainly have to be another video.)
🎵 Polyhedrons
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NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Oh, it's you again. Are you looking for a die?"
"I came back to pick up my die."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "Very good. That will be seven reál for one custom die."
(Give her the money.) "Here you go."
"Actually, I don't have the money on me right now."
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "One universal die for *Wirrâl Untethered*," the dicemaker opens her desk drawer and hands you a die.
Item Gained: Standard Anti-Wirrâl Die
Task complete: Pick up dice from the Dicemaker
+10 XP
Look at it.
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - It feels icy. Just holding this die in your hand sends a jolt of cold down your spine. Through the dark resin, you can make out a nugget of bone hewn from an alligator's jaw.
2. "Can I order another die?"
NOVELTY DICEMAKER - "I'm sorry. I'm a bit overloaded just now so I can only produce one die per customer."
Thanks anyway, Neha.
6. [Leave.]
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This standard 24-sided role-playing die can be used to get results for several dice. It's made of alligator jawbone cast in acrylic resin and embellished with frost motifs. Looks like a minuscule blizzard is stuck in there. NOTE! Look at the MAP tab in Journal to see which White Checks have opened.
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gabrielle-writes · 27 days
Devlog 15 - 10/05/2024
Hello, everyone!
So... April. The first event for Chapter 2-Undead is also written! YEAAAAAAH It has 29k. Help xD
The second event for chapter 2, however, hasn't been started yet. Mainly because I noticed, FINALLY, that a single general guide for the chapter, with main happenings noted, isn't enough for an IF; it works wonderfully with books and novels for me, but with an IF, choices and variations and so on, it... Ends up lacking.
As a result, I'm doing a guide passage-by-passage for the rest of the chapter, noting in it which choices are made in which passage, how they can influence, what exactly I pretend to write in the passage and so on. It's not a "final" guide, during the writing some things may change for whatever reason and so on, but it will make writing in itself easier.
While I totally did intend for finishing the guide this month so I could keep going on the chapter; I was supposed to have a test for a government job May 5th, and had pretty much been going insane most of April, trying to cram more study and so on and didn't manage to focus so much on writing the guide. Key word, supposed: it is a nation-wide test (more than 2million people inscribed for the Brazilian government try and fill a bunch of vacancies in some public institutes and so on), the first of its type, and it May 3rd they made the decision to postpone it (the rains and flood in the state of Rio Grande do Sul the reason. Things are bad down there. Pray for them)
The sudden change of plans made my brain go pretty much haywire with the change; I watched the Fallout series and loved it, but hadn't really been interacting in the fandom because of the so called test; with it not as urgent... I wanted theories and to write fanfiction, so my brain could, you know... Relax. As a result, I spent three or four days writing a Norm Maclean x OC fanfiction (I LOVE THE SHORT KING, ALL RIGHT?). It's far from finished but I've exorcised most of the main ideas from my brain (it has already 12,7k words and I'm really shocked it's the most I've ever written in such a short time help), so now I'm back on track: writing the guide, still studying for the test... And occasionally writing the fanfiction. (and seeing the news about the rains and floods and feeling helpless and worried but I have just so much emotional battery so trying to not burn myself out with the worrying)
So... That's that. It had actually been ages since I had actually dedicated myself to a long fanfiction and it has been a good writing exercise, having to worry about someone's else canon for writing beyond one shots and short pure self-indulgence pieces that will probably never see the light of day lol (that I'll probably repeat eventually in another way)
WoMG keeps going, stronger than before I risk saying. And it will keep going.
(Also with the bad news of a bunch of studios from some of my favorite games being closed by Microsoft, I'm feeling more pumped to write a The Evil Within FAN-IF, because its studio is one of the closed ones, and I want to write for others too. Don't find it weird if someday still this year after a lot of planning learned from WoMG I end up announcing something for then. I still can't believe they closed the studios for The Evil Within and Prey 2017)
Love you all! Thank you for the patience and support, and stay safe!
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unisnake · 2 months
regularponyfan, that’s not a prank, this is
*puts tons and tons of cayenne peppers and ghost peppers and other extremely hot spices on a steak sandwich* here Wolf I made you dinner🥘
Wolf: Ooo~ Delish! Chows down!
Snake: Wolf... Wasn't there a thing where you shouldn't accept food from strangers?
Wolf: Hmm?
YEAAAAAAH!!! Fire seaps from his mouth as he runs around!
Shark: WOLF! MILK! Throws Wolf the milk jug!
Wolf: Glugs the milk down. Aaaaahhh... 😌
Totally worth it.
Snake: That's my line. 🙄
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I've never played Twisted Wonderland. Everything I know about it is what I saw in your blog lol. Imagine my surprise when i found out it's not an Otome game
do you want to know a funny coincidence? I've never played twisted wonderland properly either XDDDDDD
Everything I know about it I have learned from other people's writings, memes, fanwiki and YouTube
And oooh yeaaaaaah I totally remember shock when I get know it's not really a otome game...
Disney crushed my dreams LOL
Also I hope you like my writings <3
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sebsxphia · 2 years
everyone would know that hangman would take you hone after celebrating you being number 1 in the class...
especially if you were already acting like an asshole towards him about it. you n phoenix would definitely be sitting at the bar, laughing a lil too loud while the boys are playing pool and you're getting on hangman's nerves just because you're laughing with phoenix. he's definitely easily angered so just bragging about it to him would piss him off.
just to not show he's angry, he'd invite you over to play some pool but of course he'd help you, he's too close to you but you don't even mind.
orrrrr before you paid attention to him in the hard deck, all the texts he'd be sending you omllll
Okay, I think you make three wonderful points here, dear anon. This man is absolutely taking you home after celebrating with everyone that you’re number one, however the sex you could have will be dictated by the two below points.
I believe that he will either, lure you in like live fucking bait, making you think he’s all okay about it. He’s being smart about this. He brings you over to play some pool and he’d totally help you, stood behind you, hand on your hand on the stick. I mean, you’re the best in your class, you can fucking aim, but you’re not gonna complain when a six ft golden boy is grinding his hips into your ass you know? He’s playing nice, and then the sex you have when you get home is him putting you back in your place. He’s corrupted the fuck out of you.
Option two, is he’s in a grumpy mood all night, cock hard and ferral. He’s texting you all throughout the evening, “Fuck sake, you think you’re better than me?” “I’m gonna fuck the ego out of you.” “Gonna have you whining on my cock all night sweets.” And you’re getting these texts, looking up at him from across the Hard Deck and flipping him off, with a grin on your face that says otherwise. The sex you could have now is pure fucking brat!tamer Hangman.
thank you so much dear anon! 💌 i hope you enjoyed this ted talk 😌💖
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thecodeveronica · 6 months
Okay, so if I was in charge of deciding how to change things for RE remakes, by the time they got to 6, this is what I'd do if I was allowed MAJOR changes
(spoilers for both RE6 and Code Veronica... and I guess Darkside Chronicles by extension)
also warning, this is obscenely long. It's the hyperfixation talking and it compels me to spew my nonsense even if there is no audience willing to listen, I just like to talk lmao
Step #1) lay the groundwork in a Code Veronica remake beforehand to make things a little more ambiguous if Steve could live or not.
See, in Darkside Chronicles, I think it is interesting that when Steve says to Claire that that they both know he's "not gonna make it," he immediately follows up by saying that the virus is already in him. That makes it sound like THAT is what he is referring to rather than the impalement that happened moments before lol, so I'd work with that. Say T-Veronica gives some kind of enhanced healing, and take the fact that Steve reverted back to looking human as an actual plot point rather than just the way it was probably intended ("power of love" kind of thing so he could talk to Claire one more time), like he could coexist with the T-Veronica virus.
Keep the whole Wesker taking him thing since there needs to be a way to get Steve off the Antarctica base before it self-destructed, along with Wesker's taunting of Claire about it
Step #2) RE6 gets totally changed because I said so teehee. Actually, the Chris/Piers campaign can stay pretty much the same, I legit like that one a lot and I love Piers with all my heart and it has that really good ending.
Leon/Helena gets totally changed so that it is Leon/Sherry instead so Sherry gets to be partnered with her fellow government agent + Raccoon City survivor. Also because Helena isn't that important in the end lol, and I don't really think the Deborah subplot with her is all that necessary (and it only takes up like two chapters anyway and IMO it doesn't even land emotionally because you know Helena for all of an hour or two at this point and most of that was her whining to go to the cathedral). You can show that Simmons is a piece of shit in plenty of ways without needing Helena and Deborah, and Ada's campaign would remain pretty much the same so that does the heavy lifting in regard to Simmons.
Since Sherry is with Leon, I uh... admittedly don't know to do with Jake. I like Jake as a character even though I think the "Wesker's son" thing is kinda dumb, but like... ??? I'd rather the third campaign be a totally new one, and it's - you guys will never guess lmfao - Claire/Steve. Steve could be connected to Simmons somehow, related to his experiments post-Wesker death idk, and here's how I would justify bringing him back:
You know how much time is between Code Veronica and RE6? It was about 15 years IIRC. And guess how much time the T-Veronica virus in lore takes to stabilize? 15 years. Uh huh, that's where I'm going with this. Steve could've been in some kind of Alexia Ashford-esque stasis after Wesker used him to get his hands on the virus, and bam, it wouldn't be really that bad of an ass pull, right?
This would also be a convenient way to keep Claire more directly involved in the mainline games, and I think 99.999999% of RE fans would rather see Claire than Helena. And there would be opportunities for her to meet up with her brother and Leon and Sherry in the story this way, too.
Actually, maybe even just kinda transplant some of Jake's role to Steve, antibodies and all that, but for different reasons. I think that could work.
Is this just my long, roundabout reason to explain why I think you could justify Steve surviving Code Veronica? Yeaaaaaah it kind of is. But I really do think RE6 would be improved this way. Or it would at least be tailored to my specific wants and taste.
...Soooo yeah. I am completely normal and sane about this :) Normal and healthy levels of attachment to Steve and Claire :))))
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jack-kellys · 1 year
I would like to know your thoughts on Finch Cortes actually please and thank you -not a london boy
i do honestly love this crazy guy @roideny
send me a fandom/ship/character and i’ll drop down my thesis
and i thought i liked finch BEFORE uksies… man
How I feel about this character:
since the now five years old manhattan newsies hierarchy post i made, my interest in finch has always been genuine!! i think his position in the newsies is very fascinating— knowing about oscar’s strike-breaking, knowing abt the trolley workers’ conditions, still showing up to the strike (one of the initial few!) despite his concerns. like. i still stand by him as “the davey before davey”, like i think finch “was”/is the smarter, more logic-driven older newsie of the group. love him for it… but then fucking uk finch is WILD LMAO?? very energetic, snaps his gaze toward conversation, very.. bright. yeah.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
i actually. two of my fav things i’ve written have been redfinch (al and finch). (which we as a fandom might have to rename bc sky is no longer albert.) i think they contrast each other very well, they’re soft, private. mmh. somethin about them bro <3
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
SPECS BABY YEAAAAAAH!!! i don’t have much reasoning to this besides they are THE two that always show up. they r dedicated, they r older newsies in my brain, like i just think they’re best friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
i mean yeah i guess it is the position he holds within the group, like i think he’s significant. not in the show, literally, but within the manhattan kids. like. i think he’d get to go with jack to meetings, you know? he clearly knows a lot about what’s going on in the city.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
I WANT HIM IN SLACKS ALWAYS!! don’t give this boy rolled up knickers pls i don’t want him to be younger :( damon gould u slay!
Favorite friendship for this character:
since i already said specs, i’m gonna go with tommy boy because their journeys are opposite each other in… uksies at least. finch has doubts and follows thru with the strike wholeheartedly, while tommy has none and then scabs. and then totally converts to the cause by the rally. idk. they r interesting to me!
heheh thank u elliot :)
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bylerween2023 · 10 months
<3333333 hahahahahahahahaha i am soo normal about this event i am. being so nice in the google doc rn i am a sane human being about this i am nothing but truthful :))))
Yeaaaaaah, we're very normal about it too. Totally not checking the calendar and counting down the days. We are keeping it cool and aren't struggling to contain the beast that gains more control as October gets closer. We're soooo normal, folks call us Normal Things lol
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
good morning!! <3
I am awake again and before I have to go to work (funfact: I work at a daycare), I wanna answer to what you wrote!
First of all, I would have never guessed you would like Lucio, especially not with Asra also being one of your favorite, but with your explanation, it makes total sense! I honestly think Lucio is an incredibly interesting character, and I also enjoyed his story/route a lot! And just like you, have a soft spot for pathetic characters (*´-`). Asra is honestly very obvious now that you said it and you and I have very similar thoughts on asra! Portia is an absolute treasure but I can't play her route because (thanks to Julian's route) I just see her as like, a bestie and I also wouldn't want to steal her away from Nadia (´~`)
My favorites are Julian and Asra!
Funny thing is, I didn't like Asra at first because I felt like he was being too mean to Julian and the fact he made him partially responsible for what happened to MC didn't (and still doesn't) sit right with me. However, after a while, I made myself play Asras route and I absolutely fell in love with them! I love the soulmate trope so much! Asra really grew on me, I love their color palette and he just feels so soft. I also like him because, similar to you, they helped me understand my gender identity more. I knew I was probably nonbinary by the time I got into arcana but I was so unsure if I was allowed to call myself that since I still really like presenting "feminine" and somehow, seeing asra just do what they want and dress how they like helped me realize that there is not one way to "look nonbinary" ( don't know if that makes sense T^T ).
Julian is very very dear to me and he's actually the reason why I started playing arcana! I love his character design and color palette and I have a weak spot for doctor characters (*´-`). I really like his route and his journey to self-acceptance is really lovely to read! I love that he's a bit (much) of a risk taker and how he would do anything to protect the ones he loves most. I also have to say, I relate sooo much to him, I'm a bit worried (◎-◎;)
anyway, this is already so long, I'm sorry!!
to give a quick answer to the other ask I send, I really like undertale too and I quite enjoy puzzle games and cozy indie games! And please recommend me some otome games!! (*^-^)
Well hello there, that quite a tchat. I hope your day goes well at daycare !
Yeaaaaah liking Asra AND Lucio is like... Liking both end of a spectrum that respectfully hate each other yeaaaaaah.....but it's fun :D
And we have a similar experience regarding asra then ! This boi being a nb awakening for many i see ♡⁺◟(●˙▾˙●)◞⁺♡
Puzzle game are fun ! For games i gonna recomand you the classics that are a bit popular in indie game space : our life, blooming panic, error143, butterfly soup and Cinderella phenomenom
Since you liked the arcana i can more than recomand you Last legacy ( even if the route will never have an ending i truly recommand it because i adore this game with a burning passion )
I also recomand Royal alchemist.
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janiedean · 2 years
... god I love these two I'll suffer SO HARD won't I
... that's aemond isn't he yeaaaaaah right
no please no need to be training keep very far guys until it has to happen
oh god hello vaemond we totally needed your input here
uughhhhh I'm gonna hate each single second of this conversation huh
thrift shop tywin can y'all please not do it
alicent I wouldn't wanna be you but... yikes
oh hello rhaena you were missing the party so far
okay but why didn't you take them both
nice coat rhaenyra i like it
rhaenyra......... just tell her the truth
yeah that's because he's not dead maybe
rhaenyra that's a good idea now if they just... could... take it
THANKS RHAENYS SOMEONE WHO IS USING HER BRAIN - no actually she said no?? i'm not getting it but okay we'll see i guess
viserys that's looking like utter shit isn't it
no it's not alicent
yeah bruh the song of ice and fire is true and it's jon snow's but we're not ready to lay this discussion to rest again huh
... rhaenyra he's dying XD I mean I get it but he's dying sis
poor viserys wanting the family reunion dinner T__T HE'S TRYING T__T
thrift shop tywin can choke on it
also can y'all stop roose-boltoning this poor man
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Immortal Volo. But. He's Tsubaki's dad and has totally stopped caring about the whole "destroy the world" schtick. But when he sees Nobori he can't help but nudge Tsubaki into being a bit of an ass towards him, for reasons he can't quite explain.
Yeaaaaaah, I'm not really into this. Sorry!
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