#yellow roof monastery
mysterioushimachal · 4 months
Dorzong Monastic Institute Palampur: Nurturing Buddha Dharma in the Lap of Himalayan Serenity
Nestled at the base of the majestic Dhauladhar Mountain Range, the Dorzong Monastic Institute (DMI) in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, stands as a beacon of Buddhist wisdom and tradition. Established by the Eighth Kyabje Dorzong Rinpoche, this institute, located approximately 20 kilometers from Dharamshala near Gopalpur village, is a serene sanctuary for those seeking to study and practice Buddha…
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This was longer than I expected lol
Rated: M
Warnings: it angsty i guess
The idea of vampire spawn!tav curing themselves and also escaping Ascended!Astarion <3
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There you stand just a few feet away from him, after all this time he found you. Why did you run away from him? Was his love and devotion not enough? Was the gift to no longer be bound by your previous master not enough? He gave you a single drop of his blood so you would never fear anything again! How could you just walk away?
You don't see him yet nor the thralls taking position around the temple.
It took time, too much time, but he found you and of course, it is within the temple of Lathander. You are currently wearing the robes of one of the priests, such an ugly yellow and brown robe that hides the beautiful figure underneath.
Lathander, you worshiped him before and continued to worship him when you were a spawn.
Were… Kanchelsis told him a beast had escaped his pack. You, the chosen of the God of Vampires, the first of the beast clan of vampires in over a millennium. Just a precious creation the God had you kill the child of Bhaal and destroy that upstart God in his name.
You grieved when you turned into a large bat creature during the battle with the Bhaalspawn, you weren't the same after that.
Saving the world but not yourself, you told him. Then you ran away from everything… Including him.
You ran to the God who didn't save you the night when you were first turned nor the time when your master completed the rites of the beast using you as its vessel.
Astarion blends in with a small gathering crown as today in the holiday he did not bother to learn. Something about the eclipse where Sêlune and Lathander greet one another, of some nonsense the Dawnbringer says as everyone stands around gazing up at the glass ceiling to watch the eclipse.
As the darkness takes the room, slowly like a blade within the shadow creeping upon an unsuspecting prey, so do the thralls move. Usually he would have brought the spawns to make a quick mess of blood in this situation but the blessing of Lathander would burn them before they got a chance to enter here.
The chaos of screams is annoying, especially when Morninglords are quickly ready for battle. Yourself included.
When Astarion reveals himself it is with his gift of turning the room into a void of darkness, the charm spells to have the witnesses groveling in fear.
Expect you. You stand in defense with your quarterstaff ready.
Seems you kept up with the trade of sorcery.
"Little love," Your eyes widen as the pale high-elf appears before you with a dramatic flare that would make Strahd envious. "Come to me." His hand reached out to you.
When your eyes lock with him it is then he sees what Kanchelsis was so angry about.
No longer do you have the shared ruby eyes, the fangs you had are short, and he can hear your racing heartbeat.
"No." The flat and steady voice, "You should not have come here, vampire." There is a pain in your eyes, "Lathander's light shall pierce your veil of shadows."
The problem with fighting former allies is they know everything about you. In combat, you grew from supporting your teammates to casting spells be fitting of a sorcerer. Back then you would use the blood frenzy when the team was on its last legs, feasting on enemies' blood and protecting those you called family.
It hurts to fight Astarion while the other Morninglords fight and rescue the worshippers.
You know so long as Astarion is here there will be no guarantee this temple will survive.
The spell you cast is instantaneous and you flung yourself into him, throwing both of you through the dimension door.
The fight was never in your favor, he was likely more powerful than the legend of Strahd or the Pale Night, he was toying with you when you tried to battle him. A dance with him as the lead and you barely keeping up.
The dimension door drops you both on the roof of the temple. Much like Rosymorn Monastery, the wilderness is part of the outside, and many birds above scatter to the winds.
The fall of feathers surrounding you as you are pinned down by the man you once loved… Maybe still love.
"You left me," He is heartbroken, "Do you know how long I sought you out!?" His grip on both your wrists is painful, nearly bone-breaking. "I gave you everything."
"Everything!? I never wanted everything! Astarion, you were enough… That is all I needed."
He is terrifying. A creature of night hovering above you as the sun and moon are one. Darkness and Light in perfect balance.
You there is no escaping him. There is no way you can run now that he has found his heart's desire.
The argument between you both is painful, he is so far removed by his power he doesn't see how corrupt he has become. Doesn't realize you found this cure with the hope of one day freeing him from the shackles of the unholy power that enslaves.
All he knows is possession and obsession… You weep much to his dislike, he hates how tears run down those cheeks as swears to never let you go. "We will start over, my sweet. I won't ever allow doubt to cross your mind again." Delusional to the suffering you felt as his consort. "You are mine."
You scream a pitch he has never heard outside the first time you transformed during your fight with Orin. Astarion knows, you shared the memory with him, how your sire turned you. The trust you gave him before he took away the sun and life from you.
The world will return to black and grey, the beast's hunger will claw at your stomach, your mind will be broken once more. Free stolen from you by the man you love once more.
When the eclipse ends, the thralls retreat, and the Morninglords search high and low for you. The Dawnstar tries to find you, bless their kind soul, but Astarion leaves no trail to be followed.
It will not do well to have anyone attempt to steal away his beloved spawn.
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
How would Jenna or Ethan react if they met Manager Asshole Jay?
I present to you, a meme to sum it up:
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I actually wrote a little something for this, but have a small explanation before you read! (that would probably go "*poof* I don't exist" when s2 comes out)
usually, when a new intern is assigned to the reassignment department, jay ordered his little underlings to give them pins that somewhat matched his (he has his lighting pin on his suit) so he wouldn't have to check tons of paperwork just to make sure theyre actually assigned there. so here, nya went to the administration with JJ, and she had gotten lost, she got dragged by a few agents to the realm reassignment dp because of her pin, and boom, here comes jay :))
now, here's the small drabble:
Where the fuck was she?
Okay, JJ, you don't know where your mother is because you just got lost in this random cubicle place, and you don't even know where you're going.
Of course.
Just because of those random agent people that had suddenly attempted to attack them.
And for what? Boring paperwork?
Who needs a random permission paper thing just to walk around this place?
Even with how enormous it was, she swore it felt more cramped than the monastery, and it gave her a sinking feeling in her stomach.
So many halls, so many walls.
And everything is so tall.
And she swore those agents felt more robotic than Zane ever was.
She hated it.
She tried to hide the fact she was scared, but  her slight shaking had given it away.
Hugging herself, the eleven-year-old walked nervously by the many cubicles, the constant tapping against keyboards and the pens being scribbled on paper being louder than ever.
She felt some of the agent's eyes on her. Probably because of her gi, but she swore it was more at her pin somehow.
Well she was a strange kid that had suddenly appeared, of course she'd be stared at.
But what's with the whispering?
She was suprised how no agent had attacked her again, and was just left to wander along these halls until she found Nya. She didn't even have the energy to call out for her, and it would've been a bad idea anyway.
Well if this day could get any worse.
As she continued to walk, she jumped at a sudden small machine that rapidly emerged from the roof appearing infront of her. It looked like a scanner, and it darted to her pin, the blue scan scanning over it in a quick motion and then it disappeared. Her wide eyes followed the emerging machine. She stood, speechless, and blinked twice at the sudden confusion.
What was that? Why the hell was it scanning her?
And it wasn't even her, it was her pin.
Jenna facepalmed, groaning as she got even more confused. She walked away with slight hesitance, mumbling questions to herself with every step she took.
Now she really wanted to find her mother.
Or atleast get out of here.
Just walk, walk, walk.
Focus until you find anything that could help. Which is something she doubted, because Nya was the only 'anything' that could help around here.
And she didn't know where the heck she was.
This sucked.
Huffing, she crossed her arms, purposely covering her pin a little because it seemed to be a somewhat target to these people. She continued to walk with heavier steps, not even knowing where she was-
"There, there's that new kid."
"Remember that weird yellow kid? His outfit looks similar to hers."
"Yes, but you know it's probably what some outsiders wear. We don't want to waste the manager's time again, so we need to double check if she has a pin."
Oh no.
She saw how two weird agents walked up to her, a man and a woman. The woman with that black curls grabbed her arm, making Jenna yelp in response. She lifted her arm up, revealing her lightning pin.
What the fuck did they want with her?
"Yes, you're right. We need to take her to the reassignment department immediately, I'm sure boss wouldn't mind with the interruption."
What boss? What the hell was she talking about? What is this reassigment thing? What is going on?
"I mean, It's a new intern. Even Sharon wouldn't be annoyed, and she's the bitchiest there is." The man had spoke, ending with a slight chuckle. Jenna shuddered, it was not the first time she had almost gotten taken away and she did not want to repeat it again. The woman still had a grip on her arm as they walked to what she assumed was the direction of the 'assignment' department. She made a frightened sound, making the two agents snap their attention at her.
"Hey, it's okay kid, it's not like we bite or anything." The curly blonde haired man assured her, which didn't even seem assuring to her at all. "Say, what's you're name?"
Why would you wanna know, weird man?
"..Jenna." She muttered, refusing to look up at the two agents.
The woman hummed, then was the one to speak up. "What brought you here, Jenna? You're pretty young compared to our other teenage agents." She asked her. Jenna knew she couldn't tell her the actual reason why she was here, and she has to come up with a quick lie.
Think, think, think you idiot.
"Uhh- My- my p-parents wanted me to come here. A-and some agents gave me this pin, but I didn't know what it meant."
Okay, that's a good one.
She just hoped it was believeable.
"Ah, so that's why you were wandering around." The man nodded, "The pin means you were assigned to the Realm Reassignment department. Usually you would've been given forms instead, but our manager doesn't bother with checking and had told agents to give interns pins to make it easier. Specifically, ones that matched his."
"And your pin is eerily similar to his." The woman continued, "It's almost the same."
Almost the same? Did that guy have a lightning pin too?
Even weirder than she thought.
Whoever he was, she just hoped he was nice. The three stayed silent for the rest of the walk, passing by other agents at work. She didn't even know if she'd stay in cover for long, since the pin was pretty much the only thing keeping the suspicion down. The nervousness plagued her, and she just hoped that her mother would find her at some point.
At last, they arrived to this weird green door. The woman let go of her arm and opened it, leading to a dark room with a large, blue, glowing portal with a long ramp infront of it. On the left, there were metal steps that lead up to computers, some yellow rails on the sides. The man had waved to an agent that was standing at the portal, who she assumed was guarding it. They led her to a a dark door, standing infront of it.
So this was the reassignment department?
It's..gloomier than she thought.
"Manager! We have a new intern!" The man yelled, earning no response. The sounds of videogames and shouts were heard from inside the room, making both agents sigh and shake their heads.
"Manager!" He yelled again, the groan from the room signaling how he had finally heard him. Jenna tensed, her breathing fast. She was going to meet the damned manager of this place.
She was sure her cover was quickly going to break, soon enough.
She tapped her foot in both anticipation and nervousness, instinctively grabbing the woman's arm, who didn't seem to mind at all. Something she'd always do when she's afraid. Hearing the footsteps coming closer and closee to the door, she huffed.
And the door finally opened.
Revealing a ginger in a black suit and a blue tie, the lightning pin funnily contrasting with the dark themes of his suit.
"This is the third time today, Prentis. What is it?"
Jenna gasped, her eyes widening.
What. The. Hell.
Is that..who she thought she was? Was that her own father?!
"Dad?!" She exclaimed in complete shock, letting go of the woman's arm. She saw how the manag- No, her father's eyebrow raise, looking at her like he didn't even know her.
Her father that was missing for five years.
Ended up here. As a damn manager.
"Dad?"  He questioned, "Kid, I'm not your dad."
Did he really not know her?
lets just say, jenna did not take it well, and had quickly ran away after :") she didn't like his 'new' personality at all
ethan, having little memory of him, straight up called him 'ugly' and 'mean man' lmao
I plan to do more stuff with this idea later on, but here's what I have for now!
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Ninjago dragons rising trailers + breakdown
I’m gonna put all the trailers and breakdowns of them, that are currently out here, if I miss any please let me know!
Spoilers below :)
Edit: the baby dragon is called Riyu, and I’ve misspelled Imperium as Emperium. Very sorry. This post is very long so I’m not changing it now, so just keep this in mind
Asterisks mean that the trailer was after the post was made.
A storm is coming. And nothing will be the same
Ninjago’s sky is a mix of deep pinks and purples, as a rift opens
The destiny’s bounty flies through the thick of it whilst a mech zooms around
Jay appears to be piloting the mech
Close up of Cole’s face, using his super strength evidenced by his glowing rift scar. He’s carrying something, possibly people
Jay’s mech slices through more debris
Nya uses her powers, catching people in a water bubble
Kai stands on bounty and throws a fireball
Cole is carrying people and jumps from a flying rooftop
Lloyd carries child Arin off of the bounty by sliding down a chain
The bounty ascends and Nya, Lloyd, Zane, Kai and child Arin are seen on the deck
A car struggles to drive before flying into the sky
Close up of Lloyd’s face (mask on)
The merging realms explode
It’s happening
This video is one scene, and it starts with Lloyd narrating.
The visuals are glowy and yellow tinted, and given that Lloyd is narrating, this is most likely a flashback.
Lloyd is walking into Wu’s study in the monastery and his narration says that Wu sent him to gather scrolls on “Coalescence” (meaning to merge elements to form one mass).
Wu murmurs about not understanding something and that “it’s been centuries”, before telling Lloyd that he hopes Lloyd will be a better master of the monastery than he was and to remember “Family is key”.
Lloyd then starts to protest that Wu has been here for almost a 1000 years but then the room shakes. Wu says that “it’s happening” and that they “needed more time to prepare”.
They run into the training yard where all the other ninja are looking up at the sky. The camera pans to the sky to show a rift opening and other worlds become visible. Lloyds narration says: “Then I saw the beginning of the Merge”.
The last clip is shows the destiny’s bounty and a mech flying towards Ninjago and the fragmented sky
Note: all of the ninja’s outfits are from the Core sets, which were Lego sets previously unconnected to the canon
Together we will rise
This trailer features a voice over. The voice is either a new character or just a voice for the trailer (let me know if any of the new characters sound like this). The voice is low and gravelly.
The monologue is as follows: “Everything feels so familiar. And yet nothing is the same. New world have risen. And with them, grave new dangers. New heroes must rise to the challenge. Together, anything is possible. Together, we will rise!
The visuals depict quick clips of different locations which I will now list
0:00 Ninjago city, Borg tower can be seen. It’s daytime. Everything looks completely normal
0:02 the monastery and its hill. Daytime. Also normal looking. However the hill looks a little overrun by flora, and you can just see the roof is rusted and grassy
0:04 the monastery and training yard. Nighttime. Not normal looking. There are two moons in the sky, one silver and a larger red moon. Grass is growing from the roof, the training equipment is out and all the lights are on. A portrait of Wu can be seen on a wall
0:05 the Crossroads (that is what I will refer this area as). Nighttime. Looks like a market square with shops, vegetable stands, etc. There are lots of cars and vehicles as well as people. Mostly humans but a prime empire whack rat can be seen in the corner as well as maybe a serpentine and a pink person?? At the centre there is a large neon sign that reads “Cross Roads” in ninjargon text.
0:07 Postmerge Ninjago city. Nighttime. Has Ninjago city’s skyscrapers but now buildings in a noticeably different style (in this stacked like appearance, the roofing appears to be more makeshift) can be seen in the foreground.
0:08 Mech Race Course. Daytime. A neon (I don’t know what they call that thing that they put over the starting line sorry), those new houses can be seen but are much closer to the ground. The ground is sandy, and is filled with mech suits. People can also be seen in the background. Note: this area may be the same area as the cross roads area
0:10 Underground train line. A train goes very fast, and we can see warriors standing on top of it. I believe they work for Ras.
0:12 Dragon mountains. Possibly Dawn, the sky is light pink. We see the destiny’s bounty heading over to some mountains which appear to have pine trees, the ground is obscured by clouds
0:15 Blue Rocky Realm. This area is possibly the realm of Madness which was seen in season 1 when Wu ventured to find Garmadon. There are rocky creatures which bear resemblance to Craglings. We see a Cragling? which has a large crown-like formation on its head, accompanied by two other craglings?. The door appears to be opening to reveal the crowned cragling, this door being guarded by two cragguards. Everything seems to be illuminated by cyan pillars on the walls and cyan cracks on the rock surfaces as well as an orange glow from behind the crowned crag. Their eyes are also cyan which is different to the past craglings from s1.
0:17 the Cloud Kingdom. Seems to be Dawn, the sky is a lighter pink. We see presumably the destiny’s bounty fly to the cloud kingdom.
0:19 clip of young Arin watching the merge as debris flys around. The sky goes a deep pink as the merge begins over Ninjago city. This clip is seen in many trailers. Note: in one of the fragments of the sky, there is a giant dragon
0:24 Dragon Mountains. One of Ras’ warriors keeps a large dragon tied up, before Rapton rolls in on a vehicle, obscuring the shot. This area seems to be on a mountain, the ground is a brown and rocky, the sky is pink.
0:25 Dragon Mountains. possibly in the same episode as the last clip, the bounty is chased and attacked by flying vehicles, seemingly aligned with Ras and Rapton. The same mountains with pines are in the background.
0:27 tech?? Room. The room has a lot of black surfaces and neon patterns, possibly large circular designs/fans on the walls, glowing screens etc, desks. the neon colours are orange and cyan. We can see two characters facing away from us, a man with black hair in a purple suit and top hate holding a weird dodecahedron, the desk he’s at also has a screw driver. The other character is a woman with black hair in a bun (there are also grey streaks which are barely visible from this angle) (it is the same hair piece as Cole’s mother), wearing a white outfit with gold lines and a hexagonal emblem on the back (this design is also seen on a screen at the back of the room).
0:28 Postmerge Ninjago city outskirts. Ras plummets from a blue sky onto a road, wielding a hammer. The merged houses can be seen in the background. This road seems to be a bridge/highway and he has landed in between some cold guys (possibly his own warriors) and a mech (the mech is blue, white red and gold). Ras’ landing produces a shockwave that pushes the mech (containing sora), Arin (wearing Lloyds old hood) and a baby dragon back. Alongside the merged houses, we can see trees and skyscrapers in the background indicating this may be post merged Ninjago city.
0:31 possibly the Crossroads? We see the backs of Sora and Arin seemingly standing on a building looking into the distance. It’s nighttime. The buildings appear to be in a more traditionally Asian style, the building in front of the characters has cyan paper lanterns, whilst the building near it has a lot of satellite dishes. In the distance another building has a sign that I think says “3838” in ninjagargon, there are many trees, the ground seems to fade into clouds and in the distance is a city, involving a large tower that glows orange. Arin wears an orange hoodie that has his name written in ninjargon on the back, and Sora has cat girl headphones, a gold prosthetic arm and a white outfit with orange harnesses and a cat picture on the back. The cat has a mark on its head which might be a stylised ninjargon “S”
0:33 Cloud Kingdom. Appears to be morning. Two white dragons with cyan and gold detailing fly around the city (they appear to be ice dragons?). Destiny’s bounty can be seen in the background.
0:35 Dragon Mountains. Many grey dragons fly in the background as one with gold armour and green eyes lifts its head
0:38 Postmerge Ninjago city outskirts. Sora flies away from the bridge in the mech suit (the baby dragon is on its shoulder) pursued by Ras’ warriors on those flying vehicles. Rapton can be seen face down on the pavement. We can clearly see cliffs in the background as well as the merge houses, and graffiti on the bridge
0:42 Mech Race Course. Top down view of the race, we can see a crowd of watchers which include Ninjago humans, the pink person, orange and purple frog people?? Geckles and munce, a merlopian, a hypnobrai and possibly a skeleton, and a prime empire whack rat. We can see the mechs racing, and Sora is in 5th place. They race through a town not dissimilar to the clip at 0:31
0:48 some sort of junkyard at night. Dancing yellow robots. I love them. I want to be as gleeful as them
0:51 same shot area as 0:31? Continues to be night, depicts the same satellite house, we continue to see Arin and Sora’s backs, with Sora putting her arm on Arin
0:52 Dragon Mountains. The grey dragons are being pursued by Ras’ warriors, the large golden armoured dragon faces against Rapton
0:56 Blue Rocky Realm. Arin, Sora, and their baby dragon fight craglings somewhere seemingly outside. Arin also appears to be holding something
0:58 title card. Dragons Rising is written in gold text and the latter word is struck by some kind of lightning
Meet the new characters
Not this is not from Lego’s yt channel
This is a series of clips accompanied by dramatic music
I am not doing the time stamps anymore because that took a while sorry
the Crossroads. A different angle of the same market square. Still nighttime. We can see a car with a red circular drum going quite fast. Cuts to a shot of Arin and Sora walking casually through the street, Sora waving as she walks, Arin turns around as it appears the drum car is behind them. Aron’s hoodie has a dragon design as well as his initial in ninjargon, whilst it appears Sora has her name on her clothes as well as a cat key chain attached to her harness. She also has face marks and makeup
Arin bakes a pie and offers it to some sort of reptilian/amphibian guy who’s outfit includes bottles of potions. The shot with Arin seems to be in some sort of bar, as there are dart boards in the background. Lizard man seems to be in a storage room evidenced by crates. These crates have a an obscured word ending with “dy”. Aron’s pie is also blue.
Arin and Sora wheel Sora’s mech onto the mech race track. Other mechs can be seen. This is probably connected to the race. Sora seems to be doing some sort of repair/modification to the mech and the mech starts to stand up on its own. The last clip gives a more clear view of the houses
The baby dragon looks down from above, presumably on some rocks (this may also be roof tiles)
Lloyd also looks up from above a vent/trapdoor. The perspective is from inside a dark room lit by red neon lights. Lloyd carries his sword from s11. We can just make out Arin looking up to him before it cuts to Sora and Arin sitting handcuffed, whilst Arin holds Lloyd’s old ninja hood
Cuts to Lloyd grinning in the monastery training yard as he activates a button with Wu’s staff. The training equipment is activated and Arin, Sora and the baby dragon watch
Kai and Nya jump down onto the deck of the bounty. They also high five
Chasing the destiny’s bounty is Rapton on those hover vehicles
We see a smirking woman close a hologram screen of Ras. She is blonde, half her blonde hair appears to be shaved and the rest swooped to one side. She seems to be older looking judging from her eyes (or she’s tired idk) and she has gold markings on her head. She also appears to be wearing armour. She seems to be in the same tech room as the hexagonal emblem can be seen on a blue screen in the background
Sora is in her mech in the fight around the outskirts of the city when Ras jumps on her mech
A giant wolf/wolf mech, with glowing purplish bits jumps from the sky. This appears to be the village that the mech race takes place. Rapton is seen in the background
Another shot of the destiny’s bounty heading towards the dragon mountains. It cuts to Lloyd at the bounty’s helm as we see the bounty get carried by a dragon (possibly the gold armoured dragon). We can also see Arin, Sora and the baby dragon on deck
Lloyd fights one of Ras’ warriors in Sora and Arin’s prison cell. Sora and Arin are still handcuffed
Arin uses a golden coloured spinjitzu (it is also animated so that we can still see him as opposed to him just turning into a whirlwind), whilst wearing Lloyd’s mask. He kicks one of the yellow dancing robots in the face. It is nighttime and they appear to be in the same area as when the yellow robots first appeared (junkyard like)
Sora uses a pink/purple power that makes her hands and eyes glow to build her mech. She (as well as the baby dragon) are in the blue rocky realm/realm of madness
Nya jumps on the edge of the bounty as the white (ice?) dragons fly overhead (implying this is the same episode as when they are at the cloud kingdom.
The baby dragon climbs on the roof of a house, in the same area as the mech race track
Ras’ warriors capture the armoured dragon at the dragon mountains
The cloud kingdom appears the be attacked by a giant purple monster with tentacles and one big eye. Sora flies around in her mech which glows with her powers, Arin navigates the sky with a hook shot of some sort and lloyd flies using spinjitzu
The title shows and gets zapped by lightning before exploding?
It all started with the Merge
This episode features one scene narrated by Arin, as we see his backstory
“And that’s when it happened” a child Arin, in Ninjago city (or just a village near) looks on at the fragmented sky as the bounty appears to be pulled into the Merge
The realms appear to explode (as seen in A storm is coming)
“As I saw my small neighbourhood disappear and a new city show up on the horizon” Arin now stands on orange sandy ground, surrounded by patches of grass and a couple of leafless trees. We can see a different city with an orange tower in the distance (the same one from the Together We Will Rise trailer). It is daytime but two moons are visible.
“I realised I had witnessed the merge, firsthand” the screen pans around Arin and fades into a map of Ninjago
“The moment all the mysterious realms I had only heard about merged with Ninjago for reasons no one’s been able to figure out” more islands appear around Ninjago on the map
“I survived… but I was alone” Arin looks worried until a bench swing crashes from the sky behind him, startling him. Some of Ninjago city’s skyscrapers can be seen behind him
“My parents and everyone I ever knew had vanished” Arin turns to look at the swing.
Within the actual scene, young Arin calls for his mum and dad before seeing a seagull and then seeing and catching Lloyd’s hood
It then cuts to a quick clip of Sora, Lloyd, the baby dragon, Arin and Arin’s dragon (previously I thought this was kai but apparently I’m colourblind (/j) or something lol) jumping towards the screen (Sora’s powers are activated and she’s punching you). The sky is the same pink colour as when the merge happened
Title card again
Change can be scary
Rift opening clip, child Arin looks afraid as he watches the merge. Arin narrates “My neighbourhood was to be the very centre of the Merge”
A man walks down the street reading the newspaper, completely oblivious to the catastrophe. Arin’s narration continues “But back then, we didn’t know what to call it”
A bench swing flies away and Arin struggles to grip the ground and flies into the air, nearly getting hit by a flying car
Arin’s parents, struggle but seem to be grounded, his mum screams his name, Arin spins in the air
Kai throws a fireball, same clip from A storm is coming, Cole clenches his fists and activates his powers, Zane activates his (Lloyd is seen behind him) and so does Nya. Arin narrates “That’s when my heroes, the ninja, arrived”
Pans to Lloyd who says “Hey kid! You get lost?” As the music goes silent and Arin just stares at him in shock
Clip of the crossroads (the same one from Together we will rise). We hear Sora’s voice say “You wanna experience other places?”
Cuts to Sora and Arin looking around as she says “Look around!”. Due to her hand placement. This is likely the same scene as the clips from Together we will rise.
Camera pans to show Sora on one of the large building stacks (it has a sign saying 3838) as she says “why go anywhere when the best of all the realms have moved here to the crossroads” the camera pans onto a post merged Ninjago city, now known as the crossroads. This shot is also the same as together we will rise
Cuts back to Sora and Arin as she says “for example: me” before running off
Clip of young Arin catching Lloyd’s hood, as seen in It all started with the merge. The shot transitions from a close up of his child face to him in the present putting the hood on. Sora’s voice says “Change can be scary, but it’s also a chance for something better”
Arin strikes a pose on top of a mound of scrap metal garbage cubes as the music stops and dogs look at him awkwardly.
Sora, rooting around in the garbage behind him says “Arin. Not to insult the dreams of my best new friend but… you are so not a ninja”
Sora, the baby dragon and her mech fall presumably off of the cliffs where they fight Ras, and the baby dragon blasts light at Sora
In the same area Sora uses her pink powers to rebuild her mech. Sora’s voice over says “trust me. We have to stop them”. Arin is also falling alongside them
Sora’s voice over says “Arin! What would the ninja do” as we seen Arin sitting in a mech as he looks determined. It cuts to a clip of Arin trying to kick Ras whilst they’re still on the bridge. Arin starts saying “Hope is the only thing the Merge didn’t take from me”
Lloyd salutes to a past Arin whilst riding on the Bounty’s anchor as he, the bounty and Jay’s mech get sucked into the merge and we see the realms explode like the other clips
Sora says “Hold on!” As she pulls the handles of her mech and pulls off a large jump possibly in the mech race
Rapton disturbs the mech race to shoot lasers at the baby dragon
Cuts to Rapton talking to a holographic video call with Ras who tells him “Do not disappoint me”
Ras continues to say “these creatures are dangerous” as we watch a baby dragon fail to fly out of a box (they appear to be either in a train tunnel of the same facility that Sora and Arin were handcuffed in, and are surrounded by Ras’ warriors)
Same clip from Together we will rise, of Ras jumping from the sky
Arin uses spinjitzu to corkscrew from the sky (tall buildings can be briefly seen behind him)
Sora slams other mech racers in the race
Title. No lightning this time
New show… New villains!
Rapton and Ras’ warriors seem to be stationed at at some sort of underground train station. Rapton and Ras are having a video call
Ras asks “The capture was successful?”
Rapton answers “Of course! Transferral will begin first thing in the morning”
Ras: “your overconfidence is a weakness, Rapton. These creatures are dangerous”
Rapton: “trust me! This thing isn’t going anywhere, don’t worry Lord Ras”
Ras: “Do not disappoint me”
The video ends, and Rapton looks upset. One of the warriors walks up to him and says “Lord Ras doesn’t seem to have a lot of faith in us”
Rapton: “he’s too uptight! We’re the best there is at rounding up these animals”
Rapton, mimicking Ras: “Your overconfidence is a weakness”
Rapton: “ha ha! Let me tell ya! I’ve never even heard the word weakness”
Warrior: “really? It’s a pretty common word?”
Rapton: “no- I- *stutters* i mean- I just don’t know what that word means!”
Warrior: “seriously? I can explain! Weakness. Noun. The quality of”- Rapton kicks him.
Rapton says “go away” whilst walking over to one of the cargo containers. He says “This guy in here? He ain’t goin nowhere aint ya” and starts laughing
The screens show the same hexagonal emblem seen with a blonde hair gold face tattoo lady scene as well as the purple suit guy and black hair bun lady scene.
Same ending clip of Sora punching the screen and title card
The world has changed so much…
Clip of young Arin watching the merge
Sora and Arin are on top of a train in the tunnels, Lloyd and Rapton are fighting behind them
Sora, Arin and the baby dragon defeat craglings in the blue rocky realm/realm of madness
Title card
shot of the old normal Ninjago from Together we will rise. It cuts to child Arin play fighting with a broom on his fence gate as his parents watch. His parents cheer until the sky turns red as they look concerned. Arin’s voice over says “Remember when Ninjago was the only thing on the map?”
Arin watches the rift. Young Arin flies off of the ground, his mother calls his name, Lloyd salutes Arin, Arin catches Lloyd’s hood. A child’s? voice can be heard saying “the ninja risked their lives to save people during the merge. But now no one knows where they are”.
Cuts to probably Lloyd looking at a portrait of Cole, decorated with flowers
Shot of crossroad market square (same as together we will rise) and Sora and Arin make their way through. A man’s voice says “Sora! Arin! Always happy to (idk what he says here? “Beeve”??) you two”. Cuts to Sora and Arin wheeling Sora’s mech in the mech race village. The speech seems to come from a green frog/lizard guy
Lloyd looks down from a trapdoor in the neon red room(same clip as trailer 1…) where Sora and Arin are held prisoner, Arin excitedly exclaims “the green ninja!”
Clip of Lloyd’s determined eyes, Lloyd fights one of Ras’ warriors in front of handcuffed Sora and Arin (same clip as trailer 1)
Lloyd says “the world has changed so much” this appears to be the same scene as the one featuring Cole’s portrait. Candles and flowers scan also be seen in this room. Children start to walk in behind him.
Same clip of the two white ice? Dragons in cloud kingdom as together we will rise
Arin says “you were meant to train us!”. The night sky can be seen
Arin and the dragon do push ups in the monastery training yard
Sora in the junkyard says “Arin you are so not a ninja” same cutscene as Change can be scary
At the dragon mountains, Arin loses control of his powers and slams into a tree and we hear him say “Dangit!” as Lloyd looks on. We can also briefly see one of Ras’ warrior vehicles head straight for Arin
At the dragon mountains, the bounty flies over, with Lloyd, Arin, Sora and the baby dragon on it. Lloyd says “they can’t do this alone”. It then cuts to Lloyd on the mountain saying “I need your help to save the world”
Arin jumps off of a scrap metal cube as Sora skids on her motorbike (which looks like it will become her mech)
Lloyd nods and says “we have training to begin”. This is incredibly reminiscent to Wu
Sora and Arin stand on the train and look behind them at Lloyd and Rapton fighting (same clip as the start of this trailer).
Arin stands proudly at the end of the training course in the monastery yard as Sora gets got by a swinging hammer
In the blue rocky realm/realm of madness, Kai says “oh hey Lloyd! Who are the kids?”. Lloyd looks at him unimpressed and a cragling stands behind them. Arin points excitedly at the fire ninja whilst Sora looks tired of Arin
Sora’s mech flies away from the bridge (Ras’ fight, same clip as together we will rise)
Clip of Arin, Sora and the baby dragon beating up craglings. Kai says “you baby sitting or something?”
Lloyd, Sora and Arin seem to be on the inside of Raptor’s train (possibly since they were in a cell) Lloyd says “it’s supposed to be impossible to learn spinjitzu by yourself”. Arin uses spinjitzu to fight one of Ras’ warriors, whilst they are on top of the moving train
Sora uses her pink powers on her mech in the crossroads city?? (There are fairy lights). It transitions to Sora using her mech powers in the blue rock/realm of madness. Lloyd’s voice over says “you definitely have an elemental power…”
Sora uses her mech to stamp on Ras’ warriors’ hover vehicles on the road where Ras fights them
Cuts back to Lloyd, Arin, Sora inside the train. Lloyd says “…connected to this little dragon?” As he pets baby dragon who stands at his heels
Cuts back to Sora at the crossroads city with the fairy lights. The baby dragon is pouring magic into her as the now angry yellow dance robots surround her. Baby dragon is also wearing a rug.
Shot of the blonde gold face marks lady marching with these warriors (they have one eye). Cuts to what appears to be an alleyway with a poster on the wall depicted said lady. Cuts to a dragon in a room glowing (implied that it’s power is being drained). Cut to the gold armoured dragon roaring. Cut to a blue and yellow (possibly lightning) dragon in a city? scaring people. Cut to the dragon mountains where Ras’ warriors are taking down the gold armoured dragon. Meanwhile the blonde lady monologues “Soon, Emperium will have enough dragon power to rule over all the merged realms!”
Clip of Rapton falling from the sky (same as together we will rise)
Arin, Kai, Lloyd, Sora in her mech and the baby dragon stand in a sandy village similar to the mech race, braces for a fight and Lloyd yells “let’s free that dragon!” Scrap metal cubes are seen behind them
Ice, fire, lightning and earth dragons are seen roaring from cells in the same style as Rapton’s train and all other Emperium infrastructure
An Earth dragon flies through the blue rock/realm of madness dodging a boulder presumably thrown by a cragling, the bounty is seen behind it
Sora, wearing a different, darker outfit, and having more face markings, with a dragon behind her, in a dark area, says “there’s more than one way to be a ninja!” Cuts to Sora in the blue rock/realm of madness, using her powers whilst in her mech, with the baby dragon on her mech’s shoulder. Lloyd, Kai and Nya stare up (also in the blue madness) (Note: Nya is in her core outfit, whilst Kai and Lloyd are in new outfits)
Kai screams “not fair!” As he throws a fireball whilst being chased by the wolf mech thing from trailer 1. This seems to be the same area as when Lloyd yelled “let’s free that dragon”. Also a container appears to have the word “container” written on it
Lloyd is yelled at by a red headed lady with a scratch on her face who shouts “talk! Barf! Fight!”. Lloyd looks similar to Sora’s different design, with face markings and the same dark cloths. In the background appears the be the body of an ice dragon whilst there appears to be another dragon just behind Lloyd and the lady
In the blue realm of madness, in the background Arin, Kai, Lloyd, Sora and the crowned Cragling watch as Nya (in the foreground) jumps and blasts something with water
Lloyd creates a giant spinjitzu tornado and sweeps many of Ras’ warriors on the dragon mountains. A woman’s voice (probably the redhead lady) yells “attack! Spare no one!”
The bounty is chased by Ras’ warriors near the dragon mountains
A giant tentacle eyeball starfish monster attacks in the cloud kingdom
Sora falls, along with pieces of her mech and Nya, in the blue rock/realm of madness, towards some fire breathing dragons
The wolf mech thing fights a fire dragon inside an Emperium area (probably, it is neon coloured and looks similar so). Rapton rides on the the wolf mech’s back.
Title card. It gets struck by lightning and explodes
New French trailer*
More of a teaser trailer, it’s 20 seconds long with only a few unique clips
Starts by panning the camera around the desert where Arin landed in after the merge
Transitions to a new shot panning around an older Arin standing on top of the garbage dump and then a close up of his face
Then a bunch of clips from the merge, same as before other than two new clips of a man on his bicycle flying past a window and a seagull getting caught in the wind
Then it cuts to a clip of Lloyd, Arin and Sora in the dragon mountains, and Lloyd says (due to this being in french this is according to the yt translation) something like “the world has changed and it’s time to build a new future”
It then cuts to a golden poster featuring Lloyd, Sora, Arin and baby dragon, Riyu, the armoured dragon behind them, Sora’s mech and the dancing robots in the distance either side of them, and some of the crossroads houses.
We Rise (Music Video)
The official music video for the new theme song! I was gonna try to transcribe the lyrics I probably have auditory processing disorder I just replayed the start 5 times cuz I can’t understand shit sorry lol. I’m just going to move on and describe the frames. At this point we’ve seen most clips so I’m going to add (new) to every clip I recognise as being unique to this video
Shot of present time Arin donning Lloyd’s old mask while standing on a pile of scrap metal in a junkyard
Gold armoured dragon being chased by Imperium hunter vehicles in the dragon mountains
Arin and Sora walk through the crossroads, at night, amongst the crowd, two merlopians, a munce, a whack rat and a human can be seen
(New) a shot of the destiny’s bounty flying through the merge, past the gold armoured dragon, Lloyd, young Arin, Kai, Zane and Nya can be seen on deck
Sora uses her powers to to rebuild her mech whilst falling from the bridge with Arin and Riyu
(New) Riyu stands up on the moving imperium train and shoots a beam of energy giving Sora powers, as Arin and an imperium warrior watches
The merge opens
Arin and Sora watch Sora’s mech activate and stand up before the mech race
(New) Girl in the orange mech prepares herself for the race. The ninjargon on her mech spells “fast”
(New) close up on the side of Sora’s mech. From here we can see the paint is chipped, but the arm swings down with eagerness. The ninjargon on the arm reads “sora” whilst the markings on the leg appear to read “sa -mark- 01”. It is possible that SA stands for Sora and Arin, considering Arin probably had a hand in helping build the mech.
(New) Close up of a hexagonal light, which has three sections that light up, indicating the start of the race
Arin sits in a mech and pulls Lloyd’s hood on his face determinedly
(New)Sora sits in a mech (possibly Arin and Sora are in the same mech, with Arin in a lower compartment) and pulls her cat ear hood down determinedly
Close up of Lloyd’s high def face (from I believe the train episode)
The merge exploding and always, rushing towards Arin
(New)Arin dodges lasers from the dancing yellow trash robots, whilst Sora hides in the background. Arin performs spinjitzu and jumps in the air
(New) crossroads, daytime, Arin flies through the air using his grappling hook, as Sora’s mech flies by him, before Arin spinjitzus away to the ground
Lloyd carrying young Arin off the bounty via sliding down the chain
(New) Lloyd slowly blinks awake (the colours are muted just like in his flashback)
(New) the camera pans from behind Lloyd, the colours are still flash back flavoured and we can see the sky, some mountains and some dragons flying in the distance. Note: Lloyd is in his core outfit, implying this is a flashback
(New)Cole uses his elemental powers hiding the merge and runs into the camera
The mech race starts and all mechs viciously race towards the screen
Sora looks determined as she speeds up in her mech
(New) Lloyd jumps onto the camera (present day)
Ras jumps onto the road causing a shock wave
(New)An imperium warrior is thrown face first into a wall whilst on the train (probably during the fight with Lloyd whilst Sora and Arin were handcuffed)
(New) during the merge, Arin watches jay, in his mech, fall from the sky (unless it is Arin who is falling)
(New) in the dragon mountains, Lloyd creates a large spinjitzu tornado, engulfing two imperium warriors, as Rapton tries to flee
The bounty flies through the merge, jay sweeping debris in his mech, Kai throws a fireball
(New) Lloyd, jumps through the air , his fist coloured in green energy. It is dark and we can tell that he is on the bounty although the sails look ragged. This is present day as Lloyd wears his dragons rising outfit
(New)Arin, Lloyd, Riyu and Sora jump off the train as Sora’s powers cause an explosion where they left
Lloyd and an imperium warrior fight, whilst Sora and Arin watch, handcuffed
(New) on the bridge by the crossroads, Ras throws his hammer towards the camera. We can briefly see Arin ducking under the firing lasers of imperium vehicles. Rapton also stands behind Ras. It cuts to flying imperium vehicles shooting more lasers
Arin does spinjitzu on the moving train roof, where he kicks an imperium warrior, Lloyd and Sora watching him
(New) Lloyd nearly crashes the bounty into dragon mountain (man never learnt how to drive, that was Nya’s job fr)
(New) Lloyd dodged an imperium warrior on dragon mountain, and creates the giant spinjitzu. This appears to blow away a weird bug-like device off of a subdued gold armour dragon.
(New) Riyu looks up at flying adult dragons on dragon mountain
Young Arin finds he is alone right after the merge
(New) Kai blasts fire at something (this is present day as he is wearing the dragons rising outfit)
Riyu blasts Sora with power whilst they fall from the bridge
The gold armoured dragon flies up from below
(New) Rapton looks up to see the gold armoured dragon
(New) Lloyd floats in the air in a mech and turns to look at the bounty where Kai breaths heavily, exhausted. It zooms in on Kai who turns to give Lloyd a confident smile, this is present day
During the merge, we see young Arin, Lloyd, Zane and possibly another civilian on the bounty. It zooms on zane using his powers before cutting to Nya, using hers, before cutting to jay in his mech
(New?)Whilst on the moving train roof an imperium warrior unsheathes their bald at Lloyd, Sora, and Arin
(New)Lloyd explodes into his super big spinjitzu
(New) on the moving train roof, Sora grabs hold of the imperium warrior’s blade and activates her powers on it and grins. Her powers apparently work on all technology, not just her mech
Sora beats up her competition in the mech race
Arin tries to kick Ras on the bridge, Ras races his fist to block it
(New) Lloyd catches a young Arin in the merge, and swings through the sky using a rope
(New) Arin dodges the lazer beams of the trash bots in the junkyard by swing on his grappling hook
Arin watches the merge open
(New) Ras has a glock (this is again on the bridge by the crossroads)
(New) Kai and Lloyd watch as the merge opens up right over the monastery yard. This is seemingly present day as Lloyd has his new outfit, whilst Kai has his old one, implying he just joined the team
The yellow trash bots dance
(New) on the moving train roof, an imperium warrior throws his weapon at Arin, which Sora blocks with her metal arm. The two share a confident look. Lloyd is fighting Rapton in the background
(New) Lloyd descends via spinjitzu and throws Kai to the ground. Lloyd is in his new outfit whilst Kai still has his old
(New) Lloyd stands defensively in front of a dragon in dragon mountains as imperium warriors surround them
(New) Arin flies through the air with his grappling hook, on the bridge near the crossroads and makes imperium vehicles crash and burn, Rapton watching in the background
Lloyd salutes a young Arin before heading into the merge
The Sora, Arin, Lloyd, Riyu and Arin’s dragon end screen where Sora punches you
Title card gets electrocuted
Observations so far:
This series probably starts with Arin’s backstory of the merge, and then him meeting Sora at the crossroads, where they look through rubble in order to find metal to modify Sora’s bike into a mech for the mech races. (The Ras and Rapton phone call probably happens here, just before the dragon escapes Rapton.) The yellow dance robots are probably supposed to be guarding the scrap and so attack Sora and Arin, who maybe cross paths with the dragon giving them powers, such as Arin’s spinjitzu and Sora’s mech powers (the scene where the dragon gives Sora powers in the street). They evade the dance bots and take Sora’s newly built mech to enter the mech race (they have to talk to the green lizard guy?). They enter the mech race but Rapton crashes it. Sora, Arin and the dragon are chased out of the race and onto the bridge where Ras appears and they all fall. The group then awaken on Rapton’s train. Lloyd shows up (might have something to do with the dragon) but he’s on the train and breaks everyone out and they escape. Everyone finds a memorial somewhere possibly in the bounty and are informed by children that the ninja were considered dead. Lloyd wonders what he should do and Arin says Lloyd should train them and so Lloyd trains them in the monastery. They then travel using the bounty to the dragon mountains and are saved by the dragons only for the dragons to be attacked by Ras’ warriors. Rapton defeats them, maybe due to Arin’s inexperience, and Lloyd asks Arin and Sora to help him save the world, now they have a better understanding of Rapton. The group start travelling to different realms, possibly to locate, protect/save the dragons there. This takes them to the realm of madness where they find Kai and Nya (Sora also gets a better control of her powers), and then they go to the town with the wolf mech, cloud kingdom and the place with the redhead girl as there are dragons in each. The wolf mech town has a dragon which Ras has got to and they must fight for it. The cloud kingdom has two ice dragons, before the place gets attacked by an eldritch horror. And the redhead girls place has a lot of dragons, possibly for dragon fighting, and she’s part of a society that either doesn’t like strangers or have strict clothing traditions hence, Lloyd and Sora in different outfits. At some point, the team free a group of dragons from the Empirium. Speaking of them, the Empirium is a group that want to rule all the merged realms and are harnessing the power of dragons. The blonde woman may be the empress herself, Ras works for her, and Rapton works for him. The hexagonal symbol is the symbol of the Empirium. The dark haired lady and man also work for the empress and create the science needed to use the dragon power. Also the wolf mech thing is a result of dragon power and this may be a stretch, but is possibly Ras himself. Idk tho. That’s just my silly Lego theories. I might make this a post later.
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cantuscorvi · 9 days
   russian classics aesthetic.
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orthodox monasteries,  deep woods, starry nights, the sound of paper being torn, dimly lit rooms, withered roses, an unfinished letter, piles of books, the sound of shattering glass, ticking of clocks in a silent house,  heavy wooden furniture, the air before a storm, the smell of earth,  a crowd of people dressed in black,  distant murmurs,  emptied streets,  the fear of walking alone in dusk.
coldness of the skin against a blade, slender pale fingers and slightly shaking hands,  a red stain blooming on white fabric, lonely steps in a corridor,  the slow dripping of water, looking out of the window into the thickening darkness,  a single dying candle on the table,  listening to one’s breath and counting heartbeats,  too many stairs,  the desire to be invisible, a subtle memory of kind word.
classical statues,  wealth covered with dust,  a dark house tainted with inherited madness,  an unsettling feeling, long walks in a park,  useless chatter,  a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench,  a melancholic face, an unexpected spring rain,  the joy of reading one’s favorite book,  the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around, looking at cloudless sky.  
fields of crops,  flowers brought from an early morning walk,  the wind caressing a girl’s hair,  a bowl of fruit,  the smell of ripe pears,  the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea,   children’s laughter coming from the garden,  soft sunlight and white curtains,  the sensation of velvet against skin,  pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor, a sudden silence in a room full of people.
a glass of wine,  the brightness of  a crystal chandelier,  white lace,  a raging snow storm, the sound of a door being gently closed, the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ball room,  indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light,  closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing,   the sweet smell of strawberries,  a pair of gloves left on an armchair, light scent of powder.
the chaos of a lively city,  ambient jazz in expensive restaurants,  jumping on a moving tram,  the sight of Moscow from the roof of a house,  yellow flowers in a vase,  leaning out of the window,  shelves stacked with books,  a small tin box with old photographs, strange shapes in the night sky,  laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony, colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind.
a lonely mansion,  reading a book in the parlor,  faint piano melody lingering in falling silence,  long evenings,  passing seasons,  discussing french novels of the moment,  unspoken thoughts,  leaning against the door frame,  quickly averted glance, eating a peach absent-minded,  bright mornings,  footprints in snow,  a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby.
birch groves,  morning mist,  moss-covered stones near a moor, scientific books,  white roses, cheap champagne,  shabby pocket-watch, light-hearted irony, a maladroit cello sonata,  freshly mowed grass, leaving thoughts come and go, a slow yawn,  picturesque plates and bowls filled with traditional dishes,  drinking tea on the porch.
a strange feeling of loss,  writing poems in a diary,  traveling by train, the hesitation before touching someone’s hand,  the gaze of one lost in thought, the warmth of cinnamon,  a scarf brightly embellished with flowers,  a glass of water,  a threadbare jacket, the tempting void,  the evanescent serenity of yesterday.
a lone chair in an empty room, falling blossoms,  old samovar,  the unsettling need for change,  a mirror reflecting full moon,  the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance,  a piano out of tune.
tagged by @malefikant <3 tagging: @nezumivc103221 @distopea @sosordid @asinusxdomi @royaletiquette @confettiguts @malafxde and anyone who feels like doing it !
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endlss-voiid · 27 days
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RULES: bold whatever applies to your character.
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BROTHERS KARAMAZOV :  orthodox monasteries , deep woods , starry nights , the sound of paper being torn , dimly lit rooms , withered roses , an unfinished letter , piles of books , the sound of shattering glass , ticking of clocks in a silent house , heavy wooden furniture , the air before a storm , the smell of earth , a crowd of people dressed in black , distant murmurs , emptied streets , the fear of walking alone in dusk.
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: coldness of the skin against a blade , slender pale fingers  &  slightly shaking hands , a red stain blooming on white fabric , lonely steps in a corridor ,  the slow dripping of water  , looking out of the window into the thickening darkness , a single dying candle on the table  , listening to one’s breath  &  counting heartbeats ,  too many stairs  , the desire to be invisible  , a subtle memory of kind words.
THE IDIOT : classical statues , wealth covered with dust , a dark house tainted with inherited madness , an unsettling feeling , long walks in a park , useless chatter , a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench , a melancholic face , an unexpected spring rain , the joy of reading one’s favorite book , the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around , looking at cloudless sky.
ANNA KARENINA : fields of crops , flowers brought from an early morning walk , the wind caressing a girl’s hair , a bowl of fruit , the smell of ripe pears , the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea , children’s laughter coming from the garden , soft sunlight & white curtains , the sensation of velvet against skin , pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor , a sudden silence in a room full of people.
WAR AND PEACE : a glass of wine , the brightness of a crystal chandelier , white lace , a raging snowstorm , the sound of a door being gently closed , the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ballroom , indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light , closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing , the sweet smell of strawberries , a pair of gloves left on an armchair , light scent of powder.
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA : the chaos of a lively city , ambient jazz in an expensive restaurants , jumping on a moving tram , the sight of moscow from the roof of a house , yellow flowers in a vase , leaning out of the window , shelves stacked with books , a small tin box with old photographs , strange shapes in the night sky , laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony , colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind.
EUGENE ONEGIN : a lonely mansion , reading a book in the parlour , faint piano melody lingering in falling silence , long evenings , passing seasons , discussing french novels of the moment , unspoken thoughts , leaning against the door frame , quickly averted glance , eating a peach absent-minded , bright mornings , footprints in snow , a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby.
FATHERS AND SONS : birch groves , morning mist , moss-covered stones near a moor , scientific books , white roses , cheap champagne , shabby pocket - watch , light - hearted irony , a maladroit cello sonata , freshly mowed grass , letting thoughts come & go , a slow yawn , picturesque plates & bowls filled with traditional dishes , drinking tea on the porch.
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO : a strange feeling of loss , writing poems in a diary , traveling by train , the hesitation before touching someone’s hand , the gaze of one lost in thought , the warmth of cinnamon , a scarf brightly embellished with flowers , a glass of water , a threadbare jacket , the tempting void , the evanescent serenity of yesterday.
CHERRY ORCHARD : a lone chair in an empty room , falling blossoms , old samovar , the unsettling need for change , a mirror reflecting full moon , the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance , a piano out of tune.
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hunting-songs · 1 month
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Russian Classics Aesthetic!
𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐙𝐎𝐕: orthodox monasteries, deep woods, starry nights, the sound of paper being torn, dimly lit rooms, withered roses, an unfinished letter, piles of books, the sound of shattering glass, ticking of clocks in a silent house, heavy wooden furniture, the air before a storm, the smell of earth, a crowd of people dressed in black, distant murmurs, emptied streets, the fear of walking alone in dusk
𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 : coldness of the skin against a blade, slender pale fingers and slightly shaking hands, a red stain blooming on white fabric, lonely steps in a corridor, the slow dripping of water, looking out of the window into the thickening darkness, a single dying candle on the table, listening to one’s breath and counting heartbeats, too many stairs, the desire to be invisible, a subtle memory of kind words
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐓 : classical statues, wealth covered with dust, a dark house tainted with inherited madness, an unsettling feeling, long walks in a park, useless chatter, a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench, a melancholic face, an unexpected spring rain, the joy of reading one’s favorite book, the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around, looking at cloudless sky  
𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐀 : fields of crops, flowers brought from an early morning walk, the wind caressing a girl’s hair, a bowl of fruit, the smell of ripe pears, the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea, children’s laughter coming from the garden, soft sunlight and white curtains, the sensation of velvet against skin, pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor, a sudden silence in a room full of people
𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 : a glass of wine, the brightness of  a crystal chandelier, white lace, a raging snow storm, the sound of a door being gently closed, the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ball room, indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light, the sound of a saber being drawn, closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing, the sweet smell of strawberries, a pair of gloves left on an armchair, light scent of powder
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀 : the chaos of a lively city, ambient jazz in expensive restaurants, jumping on a moving tram, the sight of Moscow from the roof of a house, yellow flowers in a vase, leaning out of the window, shelves stacked with books, a small tin box with old photographs, strange shapes in the night sky, laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony, colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind
𝐄𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍 : a lonely mansion, reading a book in the parlor, faint piano melody lingering in falling silence, long evenings, passing seasons, discussing french novels of the moment, unspoken thoughts, leaning against the door frame, quickly averted glance, eating a peach absent-minded, bright mornings, footprints in snow, a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby  
𝐀 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄: byronic boredom, getting up late in the afternoon, the hidden unspeakable sadness of existence, shakespeare’s tragedy opened next to untouched breakfast, cigarette smoke, polished boots, walking with one’s coat wide open letting the night chill break through to the bone, carved wooden chair, fading warmth of the ashes late in the evening, the thought of farewell  
𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒 : birch groves, morning mist, moss covered stones near a  moor, scientific books, white roses, cheap champagne, shabby pocket-watch, light-hearted irony, a maladroit cello sonata, freshly mowed grass, leaving thoughts come and go, a slow yawn, picturesque plates and bowls filled with traditional dishes, drinking tea on the porch, longing for the future
𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐙𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐆𝐎: a strange feeling of loss, writing poems in a diary, traveling by train, the hesitation before touching someone’s hand, the gaze of one lost in thought, the warmth of cinnamon, a scarf brightly embellished with flowers, a glass of water, two people listening each on the other side of the door, a threadbare jacket, the tempting void, the evanescent serenity of yesterday  
𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒: horses in a merry gallop, delicious smells mingled, grotesque and bizarre tragedy, luxurious attire cheap soul, masks, a perfumed love letter, the triumph of sarcasm, an unattached wheel rolling down a dusty road, the atmosphere of commedia dell’ arte, puzzling speeches, a baffling caricature drawn on a handkerchief  
𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃: a lone chair in an empty room, falling blossoms, old samovar, the unsettling need for change, a mirror reflecting full moon, the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance, a piano out of tune  
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sharpsuite · 1 month
♢  — Russian Classics Aesthetics
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𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐙𝐎𝐕: orthodox monasteries, deep woods, starry nights, the sound of paper being torn, dimly lit rooms, withered roses, an unfinished letter, piles of books, the sound of shattering glass, ticking of clocks in a silent house, heavy wooden furniture, the air before a storm, the smell of earth, a crowd of people dressed in black, distant murmurs, emptied streets, the fear of walking alone in dusk
𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 : coldness of the skin against a blade, slender pale fingers and slightly shaking hands, a red stain blooming on white fabric, lonely steps in a corridor, the slow dripping of water, looking out of the window into the thickening darkness, a single dying candle on the table, listening to one’s breath and counting heartbeats, too many stairs, the desire to be invisible, a subtle memory of kind word
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐓 : classical statues, wealth covered with dust, a dark house tainted with inherited madness, an unsettling feeling, long walks in a park, useless chatter, a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench, a melancholic face, an unexpected spring rain, the joy of reading one’s favorite book, the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around, looking at cloudless sky  
𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐀 : fields of crops, flowers brought from an early morning walk, the wind caressing a girl’s hair, a bowl of fruit, the smell of ripe pears, the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea, children’s laughter coming from the garden, soft sunlight and white curtains, the sensation of velvet against skin, pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor, a sudden silence in a room full of people
𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 : a glass of wine, the brightness of  a crystal chandelier, white lace, a raging snow storm, the sound of a door being gently closed, the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ball room, indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light, the sound of a saber being drawn, closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing, the sweet smell of strawberries, a pair of gloves left on an armchair, light scent of powder
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀 : the chaos of a lively city, ambient jazz in expensive restaurants, jumping on a moving tram, the sight of Moscow from the roof of a house, yellow flowers in a vase, leaning out of the window, shelves stacked with books, a small tin box with old photographs, strange shapes in the night sky, laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony, colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind
𝐄𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍 : a lonely mansion, reading a book in the parlor, faint piano melody lingering in falling silence, long evenings, passing seasons, discussing french novels of the moment, unspoken thoughts, leaning against the door frame, quickly averted glance, eating a peach absent-minded, bright mornings, footprints in snow, a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby  
𝐀 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄: byronic boredom, getting up late in the afternoon, the hidden unspeakable sadness of existence, shakespeare’s tragedy opened next to untouched breakfast, cigarette smoke, polished boots, walking with one’s coat wide open letting the night chill break through to the bone, carved wooden chair, fading warmth of the ashes late in the evening, the thought of farewell  
𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒 : birch groves, morning mist, moss covered stones near a  moor, scientific books, white roses, cheap champagne, shabby pocket-watch, light-hearted irony, a maladroit cello sonata, freshly mowed grass, leaving thoughts come and go, a slow yawn, picturesque plates and bowls filled with traditional dishes, drinking tea on the porch, longing for the future
𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐙𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐆𝐎: a strange feeling of loss, writing poems in a diary, traveling by train, the hesitation before touching someone’s hand, the gaze of one lost in thought, the warmth of cinnamon, a scarf brightly embellished with flowers, a glass of water, two people listening each on the other side of the door, a threadbare jacket, the tempting void, the evanescent serenity of yesterday  
𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒: horses in a merry gallop, delicious smells mingled, grotesque and bizarre tragedy, luxurious attire cheap soul, masks, a perfumed love letter, the triumph of sarcasm, an unattached wheel rolling down a dusty road, the atmosphere of commedia dell’ arte, puzzling speeches, a baffling caricature drawn on a handkerchief
𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃: a lone chair in an empty room, falling blossoms, old samovar, the unsettling need for change, a mirror reflecting full moon, the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance, a piano out of tune  
tagged by: i took it <3 tagging: whoever would like to, say i tagged you!
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budgerigorous · 4 months
An excerpt from my story, introducing my favorite character.
Maria was like no city in the world. Even Chipora’s Liribe, the best of all cities, could not match it in singularity. It wasn’t that Maria had things that other cities didn’t; rather, it had the features of any other city, but managed, despite this, to distinguish itself. Even a jaded and tired traveler, hurried through Maria, remembered it: “What was that nameless city we passed through?” 
From above, as the flying clothes bunted her between dawn drafts, Chipora slowly sunk into the atmosphere of Maria. To the northeast, a small peninsula was occupied by an ancient fort, Piccula Uardina, the little rose, where the people retreated in times of siege. 
Below Piccula Uardina, the northeastern part of Maria’s coastline was given to fishing. Boats crowded the upper harbor. On the old wharf, a handful of fishmongers were beginning to set up shop.
On the northwestern outskirts of Maria, on land that was a little elevated, sat the School of Prophecy and the Prodigian monastery that governed it. A few dozen years prior, buried ruins had been discovered by accident when ground was broken for the school building. The ruins were still being excavated; work-study students, among whose numbers Chipora had once been counted, brought the workers lunch, amused them with fortune-telling, and did their laundry.
Chipora averted her eyes from the School and directed them eastward, to the south of the upper harbor. There lay the city center, the piazza. The starfish sprawl of Five Arms protruded from it: five grand avenues, each with its historical specialty and the corresponding palace, with streets spiraling off. Viewed from the air, it was stunningly labyrinthine, like the inside of an anthill—not a wasted cranny of space.
The Five Arms were as follows:
The avenue of Records, terminating in the Palace of Cartographers (where maps were evaluated and kept);
The avenue of Chance, terminating in the Palace of Hard Luck (where the destitute found lodging and light employment);
The avenue of Ashes, terminating in the Palace of Bones (walls made of bones);
The avenue of Ablutions, terminating in the Palace of Mirrors (walls lined with mirrors);
And the avenue of Oranges, terminating in the Palace of Oranges (orange).
Against her will, Chipora’s mood rose. She had missed Maria—the warm yellow sandstone of its buildings, the balconettes hung with rag-banners and charms, the flat roofs that collected rain. Despite everything, there was something so lovely about the place. She would need to keep her guard up to withstand its charms.
Chipora alighted on a roof and, with several false starts, began the process of descending the fire escape to the streets below.
The House of Ducks was just off the avenue of Ablutions, an advantage offered to no other launderer in the city. They had a lady in the back who read the future in soap scum, was why. Chipora had had a rich friend at school whose family sent her laundry there, and the friend had met the soap scum lady. She worked one day a week; the other days, it was just a normal laundry.
Sandstone buildings rose on either side of the avenue, bricks cleaved by metal-screened doorways and little alleys. Down these every manner of specialist could be found who dealt with water, currents, or reflections. As the wind shifted, it brought with it hints of incense and oleander, salt and fish-stench, and the murmuring of concealed fountains.
The street was wide enough that merchant stalls could be set up in the center. At these were stationed bubble-blowers, icemen, and interpreters of the behavior of various materials when dropped in water. Some of the proprietors had been there for centuries, and could not be persuaded to move to a brick-and-mortar building by legal or divine decree.
Càssaro Street was about halfway up the avenue, equidistant from the piazza and the sea-facing Palace of Mirrors. A little ways down it stood the House of Ducks. It was a freestanding building attended by many garish painted statues of ducks, symbolizing the industrious and amphibious nature of the laundress.
Wash houses, self-service laundries that could be accessed for free or for a pittance, were usually built on a spring to take advantage of the natural flow of water. The shelter they afforded was incomplete, with one wall or the other open, or no walls at all; and the furnishings were rustic stone. The customers were local women, who gossiped as they worked and lounged when not working, and the atmosphere was convivial or at least companionable.
Not so was the House of Ducks. The entry room of the building felt lonely and dingy, despite the painted walls and clean tile floor. The back, where laundering ostensibly took place, was too far to catch more than a whiff of soap-scented steam.
Though the place had just opened, there was another customer already there, a woman veiled in black and swathed in black skirts. Though the veil hid her face, what Chipora could make out of her was quite handsome. Even if it hadn’t been so, she carried herself with such confidence that the eye was naturally drawn to her.
At least, that was how Chipora felt. The attendant at the House of Ducks hadn’t seemed to notice the woman. She was arranging a box of sachets, and when she lifted her head, she looked only at Chipora.
“Be with you in a moment, miss,” she said to Chipora. She disappeared into the back.
“Excuse me, I know you were here first,” said Chipora to the veiled woman. “I’ll say so when she gets back.”
The woman laughed, the sound muffled by her veil. “Tonia is ignoring me on purpose.”
“We have a personal animus.”
“Then why do you do business with her?” There were plenty of other laundries in Maria, and the House of Ducks was out of the way.
“This is the only place in town”—with these words the woman’s tone gained an edge, she grit her teeth—“that will wash what I need to have washed.”
“I’m a widow,” she said, like that explained everything instead of just her dress.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Chipora.
“Not your fault. I have an artistic temperament, and grief has exacerbated my eccentricities. I’m a playwright, a director, and sometimes an actress, too.”
“My!” Chipora was famous among her sisters for her disdain of the performing arts, but such a range of capabilities impressed even her.
“You could come to the theater to see a show of mine, if you like,” said the widow. “You seem like a discerning young woman.” She looked expectant.
“Oh.” Chipora, conflicted, scrambled for an excuse. As mentioned, she didn’t like plays, and her master and Fi would be expecting her back that day; but no one had ever invited her to the theater before, let alone to see an original show. “I, um, that’s very…”
“Are they bothering you, miss?” Tonia had returned. 
“Eat shit,” said the widow sweetly, in the language of the Sea People. 
Chipora almost gasped—there was almost no one else in Schedoni who spoke it! But she kept her cool.
“This lady was here before me,” Chipora informed Tonia. “I think we’re both here to pick up laundry.”
“Mine is under ‘Vella,’ as you know,” said the widow to Tonia, who huffed with distaste.
“I’m here for Fi,” said Chipora. “Oh! For Toderina, actually. Or possibly Colombina? Holubina?” Fi had given her several aliases. “It could also be under Palomita.”
Tonia looked from one of them to the other, appearing to search for a reason that they were allied. It was a critical and involved evaluation. At last she said, “Wait here.”
She was gone longer than before. Chipora stood awkwardly beside the Widow Vella, wanting to say something interesting in the language of the Sea People—sailors’ cant, it was called, or iamisce, sea-language. 
Few sailors spoke iamisce nowadays. Among the Sea People, an interest in the sea was regarded as a warning sign of extremism, and was discouraged. Chipora’s parents hadn’t even liked that she would be living on an island. 
She couldn’t blame them, as her two sea-journeys to date had been disastrous. On the way from Liribe to Schedoni, she’d gotten very ill, and on the night voyage from Schedoni… well, being shipwrecked on Mazzini had beaten the alternative, but it hadn’t been great.
In past centuries, boatloads of Sea People had been lost to religious fervor. What happened was that a charismatic young person would come along, get very intense about knots and astronomy, and convince a village or two to sail west with them. If any of them had survived the journey, nobody had yet heard about it.
“Excuse me,” said Chipora very quietly in iamisce, “but I wondered—”
“For Fi, you said?”
Tonia was finally back with their laundry.
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sourrcandy · 1 year
russian literature aesthetic tag
tagged by — @serpentarii my beloved xx
rules — bold whichever applies to a character of your choice
yuluo from 《 until we meet again 》 aka the wtw zine submission i’m writing :D
THE BROTHER’S KARAMAZOV :: orthodox monasteries / deep woods / starry nights / the sound of paper being torn / dimly lit rooms / withered roses / an unfinished letter / piles of books / the sound of shattering glass / ticking of clocks in a silent house / heavy wooden furniture / the air before a storm / the smell of earth / a crowd of people dressed in black / distant murmurs / emptied streets / the fear of walking alone in dusk
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT :: coldness of the skin against a blade / slender pale fingers & slightly shaking hands / a red stain blooming on white fabric / lonely steps in a corridor / the slow dripping of water / looking out of the window into the thickening darkness / a single dying candle on the table / listening to one’s breath & counting heartbeats / too many stairs / the desire to be invisible / a subtle memory of kind words
THE IDIOT :: classical statues / wealth covered with dust / a dark house tainted with inherited madness / an unsettling feeling / long walks in a park / useless chatter / a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench / a melancholic face / an unexpected spring rain / the joy of reading one’s favorite book / the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around / looking at cloudless sky
ANNA KARENINA :: fields of crops / flowers brought from an early morning walk / the wind caressing a girl’s hair / a bowl of fruit / the smell of ripe pears / the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea / children’s laughter coming from the garden / soft sunlight & white curtains / the sensation of velvet against skin / pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor / a sudden silence in a room full of people
WAR AND PEACE :: a glass of wine / the brightness of a crystal chandelier / white lace / a raging snowstorm / the sound of a door being gently closed / the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ballroom / indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light / closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing / the sweet smell of strawberries / a pair of gloves left on an armchair / light scent of powder
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA :: the chaos of a lively city / ambient jazz in an expensive restaurant / jumping on a moving tram / the sight of moscow from the roof of a house / yellow flowers in a vase / leaning out of the window / shelves stacked with books / a small tin box with old photographs / strange shapes in the night sky / laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony / colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind
EUGENE ONEGIN :: a lonely mansion / reading a book in the parlor / faint piano melody lingering in falling silence / long evenings / passing seasons / discussing french novels of the moment / unspoken thoughts / leaning against the door frame / quickly averted glance / eating a peach absent-minded / bright mornings / footprints in snow / a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby
FATHERS AND SONS :: birch groves / morning mist / moss-covered stones near a moor / scientific books / white roses / cheap champagne / shabby pocket-watch / lighthearted irony / a maladroit cello sonata / freshly mowed grass / letting thoughts come & go / a slow yawn / picturesque plates / bowls filled with traditional dishes / drinking tea on the porch
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO :: a strange feeling of loss / writing poems in a diary / traveling by train / the hesitation before touching someone’s hand / the gaze of one lost in thought / the warmth of cinnamon / a scarf brightly embellished with flowers / a glass of water / a threadbare jacket / the tempting void / the evanescent serenity of yesterday
THE CHERRY ORCHARD :: a lone chair in an empty room / falling blossoms / an old samovar / the unsettling need for change / a mirror reflecting full moon / the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance / a piano out of tune 
tagging — @junypr-camus, @thatswhereiwanttobe, @helioselene, @dontjudgemeimawriter and anyone who wants to do this xx
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codexassassin · 5 months
What should I have in my assassin's bureau?
Most Bureau's function as news post and informational military base, which means you can live there. It can be a place to store weapons, food, drink and waters/wines (not to dine on but medicines and also flame lighting materials), as well as other medicines, bandages and cots for sleeping and or blanket rolls for sleeping.
A List of Needs:
Thread, twine, string, flax, needles
Cloth, bandages, sheets, linens
Glues, pitch, nap (a type of black pitch), saps, salves, ointments
Foods, nonperishables (rare), bread, cheese, wines/liamints (fruit juices)
Candles, wax, tonement (for sealing wax, clays, pottery), pottery bake (cornstarch, baking soda (medly), flour, meal
Bed rolls / blankets / mats / cots
Wood, firepots, pits, snap (kindling), fax (fat for burning/oil), and Fax is a templar word.
Fishing net / fishing cap. You could take an old shirt, and cutting small holes in it would filter water, you could "dress" the shirt onto two poles and it would be propped up in a place to let water filter through it. Or people would take a longer sleeve shirt after dressing the two poles and tie the arms together to make a net, and fish would be gathered from inside the shirt they swam into.
Brooms / rock salt for floor (kept bugs and pests at a mini), and sometimes people knew how to weave a floor mat from twine or grasses. (Not pretty things)
Cooking oil from foods gathered for lamp oil and candle making. Lasted anywhere between 35 mins to 3 hours depending how it was made. People would take red wine, and mix it with the oils, and it would last over a period of hours if the flax wix or wood wick was long enough. Only noble people had white wines.
Most bureaus are brave enough to post the assassin logo somewhere on the or about the property. In some times past, it was Illegal to have the insignia on the wall, door or roof or sign, in front or around the side of the buildiing or in the back. Bureaus then resorted to the use of the Jerusalem Cross in order to signify they were good people of the mark. Many also took to create a cross on their robe or uniform. Usually a red, or white emblem with yellow or black trim and some white.
Pope Clement III basically told bureau's they could not post signage of any logo or establishment, or they would be fined money, he feared "briganides" moving against him. This lasted until the middle of the 1200's, and in the north did new bureau's start to post signage out-front and also on their roof.
It is important to note that early bureaus were modeled after Monasteries. The idea of a home, peace, prayer and help in the monastery was greatly admired by early Assassins. If you study this article, you will see that this is true:
Rule of Saint Benedict - Wikipedia
It is also clear up from Pope Clement III's death the Catholic Church instigated most of the wars of the lands until and past Pope Gregory's IX rule.
Pope Gregory IX - Wikipedia
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rhianna · 4 months
THE “Shway Dagohn” at Rangoon, or Golden Pagoda, is one of the most ancient and venerated shrines which exists, and it certainly should hold a high place among the beautiful and artistic monuments of the world, for it is exquisite in design and form. Its proportions and height are simply magnificent; wide at the base, it shoots up 370 feet, tapering gradually away until crowned by its airy golden Htee, or umbrella-shaped roof. This delicate little structure is studded profusely with precious stones and hung round with scores of tiny gold and jewelled bells, which, when swung lightly by the soft breeze, give out the tenderest and most mystic of melodies. The Htee was the gift of King Mindohn-Min, and it is said to have cost the enormous sum of fifty thousand pounds.
The great pagoda is believed by the faithful to have been erected in 588 B. C.; but for many centuries previous to that date the spot where the pagoda now stands was held sacred, as the relics of three preceding Buddhas were discovered there when the two Talaing brothers (the founders of the Great Pagoda) brought the eight holy hairs of Buddha to the Thehngoothara Hill, the spot where the pagoda now stands. Shway Yoe (Mr. Scott) says that it also possesses93 in the Tapanahteik, or relic chamber, of the pagoda the drinking cup of Kaukkathan, the “thengan,” or robe, of Gawnagohng, and the “toungway,” or staff, of Kathapah. It is therefore so holy that pilgrims visit this shrine from far countries, such as Siam, and even the Corea. The height of the pagoda was originally only twenty-seven feet, but it has attained its present proportions by being constantly encased in bricks. It is a marvellously striking structure, raising up its delicate, glittering head from among a wondrous company of profusely carved shrines and small temples, whose colour and cunning workmanship make fit attendants to this stupendous monument.
It is always a delight to one’s eyes to gaze upon its glittering spire, always a fairy study of artistic enchantment; but perhaps if it has a moment when it seems clothed with peculiar and almost ethereal, mystic attraction, it is in the early morning light, when the air has been bathed by dewdrops and is of crystal clearness, and when that scorching Eastern sun has only just begun to send forth his burning rays. I would say go and gaze on the pagoda at the awakening hour, standing there on the last spur of the Pegu Hills, and framed by a luxuriant tropical bower of foliage. The light scintillates and glistens like a myriad of diamonds upon its golden surface, and the dreamy beauty of its glorious personality seems to strike one dumb with deep, unspoken reverence and admiration.
Nestling on one side of it are a number of Pohn-gyee Kyoung (monasteries) and rest-houses for pilgrims. All these are quaint, carved, and gilded edifices from which you see endless yellow-robed monks issuing. The monasteries94 situated at the foot of the great pagoda seem peculiarly harmonious, as if they would seek protection and shekel beneath the wing of their great mother church.
The pagoda itself is approached on four sides by long flights of steps, but the southern is the principal entrance and that most frequented. At the base of this stand two gigantic lions made of brick and plastered over, and also decorated with coloured paint; their office is to guard the sacred place from nats (evil spirits) and demons, the fear of which seems ever to haunt the Burman’s mind and be a perpetual and endless torment to him. From this entrance the steps of the pagoda rise up and are enclosed by a series of beautifully carved teak roofs, supported by wood and masonry pillars. There are several quaint frescoes of Buddha and saints depicted upon the ceiling of these roofs, but the steps which they cover are very rugged and irregular. It is, indeed, a pilgrimage to ascend them, although the foreigner is allowed to retain his shoes. The faithful, of course, leave theirs at the foot of the steps.
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Why should Providence allow so awful an affliction as leprosy to fall upon His creatures? Could any crime, however heinous, be foul enough for such a punishment? These are the thoughts that flit through your brain; and then, as you pass on, wonder takes their place at the quaint beauty of the edifice, and lastly intense and wild admiration takes entire possession of you, and all is forgotten in the glorious nearness of the great Golden Pagoda.
On either side of the rugged steps there are rows of most picturesque little stalls, at which are sold endless offerings to be made to Buddha—flowers of every shade and hue, fruit, glowing bunches of yellow plantains and pepia, candles, wondrous little paper devices and flags, and, lastly, the gold leaf, which the faithful delight to place upon the beloved pagoda. It is looked upon as a great act of merit to expend money in thus decorating the much loved and venerated shrine....
As you mount slowly up the steep uneven steps of the pagoda, turn for a moment and glance back at the scene. It is a pagoda feast, and the place is crowded with the faithful from all parts, who have come from far and near to present offerings and perform their religious observances. It is an entrancing picture, a marvel of colour and picturesqueness—see, the stalls are laid out with their brightest wares, and the crowd is becoming greater every moment. Look at that group of laughing girls, they have donned their most brilliant tamehns, and dainty shawls, and the flowers in their hair are arranged with infinite coquettishness; behind them are coming a dazzling company of young men in pasohs of every indescribable shade; perchance they are96the lovers of the girls whom they are following so eagerly, and they are bearing fruit and flowers to present to Buddha. Beyond them again are some yellow-robed Pohn-gyees; they are supposed to shade their eyes from looking upon women with their large lotus-shaped fans, but to-day they are gazing about them more than is permitted, and are casting covert glances of admiration on some of those dainty little maidens. Behind them again are a white-robed company, they are nuns, and their shroud-like garments flow around them in long graceful folds. Their hair is cut short, and they have not so joyous an expression upon their faces as the rest of the community, and they toil up the steep steps a trifle wearily. Behind them again are a little toddling group of children, with their little hands full of bright glowing flowers and fruits.
Shall we follow in the crowd and see where the steps lead? It is a wondrous study, the effects of light and shade; look at that sunbeam glinting in through the roof and laying golden fingers on the Pohn-gyees’ yellow robes, and turning the soft-hued fluttering silks into brilliant luminous spots of light.
At last we have arrived at the summit! Let us pause and take breath morally and physically before walking round the great open-paved space in the centre of which rises the great and glorious pagoda. There it stands towering up and up, as though it would fain touch the blue heaven; it is surrounded by a galaxy of smaller pagodas, which seem to be clustering lovingly near their great high priest; around these again are large carved kneeling elephants, and deep urn-shaped vessels, which are placed97there to receive the offerings of food brought to Buddha. The crows and the pariah dogs which haunt the place will soon demolish these devout offerings, and grow fat upon them as their appearance testifies; but this, curiously, does not seem in the least to annoy the giver. He has no objection to seeing a fat crow or a mangy dog gorging itself upon his offering, as the feeding of any animal is an act of merit, which is the one thing of importance to a Burman. The more acts of merit that he can accomplish in this life, the more rapid his incarnations will be in the next.
There are draped about the small golden pagodas and round the base of the large one endless quaint pieces of woven silk; these are offerings from women, and must be completed in one night without a break.
On the outer circle of this large paved space are a multitude of shrines, enclosing hundreds of images of Buddha. You behold Buddha standing, you behold him sitting, you behold him reclining; you see him large, you see him small, you see him medium size; you see him in brass, in wood, in stone, and in marble. Many of these statues are simply replicas of each other, but some differ slightly, though the cast of features is always the same, a placid, amiable, benign countenance, with very long lobes to the ears, which in Burmah are supposed to indicate the great truthfulness of the person who possesses them. Most of the images have suspended over them the royal white umbrella, which was one of the emblems of Burma, and only used in Thebaw’s time to cover Buddha, the king, and the lord white elephant.
Among Pagodas and Fair Ladies (London, 1896).
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grumpy-zane · 2 years
The clouds below rumbled and threatened rain upon the valley. She could feel it around her, the dropping pressure as the warm front pushed through, and the inevitable fall of water dropplets coating the vegetation.
Maya, in her dozing off, focused on every single one. They trickled down and bounced, some colliding with each other and some shattering into mist and cycling back up into the clouds.
It was a shame that it never rained on the monastery, what advantages would she have during training if it did, but then again the fire EMs powers would surely be dampened.
Speaking of, her mind wandered back to his odd behavor that day. During training he had excused himself claiming to be sick, in which Wu allowed, and the he didn't show up for lunch or dinner or even chores. Ray didn't allow her into his room despite how close she felt that had become as of late, which was even more odd.
Did she say something to him and made him upset? Maya made note to speak to him about it in the morning.
Falling deeper into sleep, her mind's consiousness slipped into lucidity. The dream before her she had many times before: a blue lit cave with strange markings that coiled around led her down to a gated opening. Within laid an unfathomably large serpent, its horns jutting like jagged yellow coral from its dark scaley head. Its eyes, however open, peered lifelessly towards her.
In her hand she held a stone that shimmered blue, the shape ever shifting between her fingers. Somehow she knew it belonged to the sleeping beast, and although she knew it wrong to return the stone, she felt as though it was calling for her.
Just as the thought to break in came to her, Maya felt the hairs on her neck stand up. Something was watching her, something large and unknown that loomed with an intent to attack.
Maya snapped awake fast enough to see a serpents tail twist its way into the shadowed rafters.
A serpentine, here? Wu had said anacondrai could turn invisible and despite their size, were very sneaky. If one had snuck out here and managed to get past everyone, that meant that it surely has had enough time to collect information and was on the move to get out.
"Oh no you don't," She spat and sprung up into the rafters.
The quiet nimble motions of the intruder became loud and scrambled as she skipped closer, its tail flicking around wildly as it attempted to throw her off. It dived between a beam and the roof, squirming as it squeezed its way into a small storage area.
Although being unable to see in the dark, she heared it and dropped down into the room just outside of it. Maya smirked triumphantly, knowing well that the room beyond the door was a dead end, albeit pitch black. "You're pretty dumb for a serpentine," she taunted, lighting a lamp and taking one of the sparring rods off the wall.
Confident in her combat abilities, she batted away the thought of getting backup and slid the door open. Many scrolls and boxes laid in piles amongst overflowing shelves, the yellowed paper flickering with the fire in the lamp. Maya eased her way in, eyes scanning the room as she went. This serpent could be anywhere, could be any colour, but any movement it had she was confident that the sheer amout of paper would give away its position immediately.
And then, as the lamp's glow met the far wall, she saw it: a red scaley form sat upon a crate, its body curled around in a tight ball with its hands childishly around its face as if it would help it further hide. From between its claws, a fearful eye peaked out and stared at her.
If this was a serpentine, she reasoned, it surely was an ugly one. Especially wearing such a red gi that seemed stretched and unfitting, yet somehow familiar... Maya took a step closer, eyeing over its form once more and lowering the lantern. "You're not a serpentine... you're... Ray?" She asked almost not believing her own words.
Any doubt left her mind when he squeaked out his awkward laugh and smiled his goofy smile. His hands fell to his lap and idly squeezed at the ruined fabric, "you caught me, surprise." Ray fidgeted.
"Ray what happened to you? Is this why you disappeared all day? We need to tell Wu right away, I'm sure he can undo this-" Maya turned to do so as she talked, only to spin around and approach him again. This time, in a much lower voice she asked, "Was it the fangpyre general?"
He blinked, unsure of what she meant, "N-no? Maya this isn't serpentine related, its, I'm-I'm not fully human." Well that's an odd way to put it.
"Then what are you?" Her voice became harder, "and why were you watching me sleep?"
"Well, I maybe kind of sort of am part dragon..." he squeaked, "and I-I can explain the second one! I was going to tell you about this but then- well you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up. But then you looked at me like you wanted to kill me so I got scared and ran." Ray smiled.
Maya squinted, not buying it for a second, "does Wu know?"
"No. I rather him not know... Maybe he already does... I don't know."
"Can you change back?"
"Uhh, well, no. I'm stuck sort of."
If it was a secret enough to cause him to be in hiding all day, that certainly didn't bode well for tomorrow. "How did you end up like this in the first place, maybe we can reverse walk through this." She set the lamp down and sat on a box across from him, leaning the rod against a shelf.
Ray thought about it, "I dunno. We were all sparring in the morning and then I guess I just started thinking about how to really channel my element you know? Then I started thinking about the war and what we're fighting for and I just got so worked up about it that I felt -I dunno- sick. And thats when this happened." He flicked his tail. "My dad told me a story once, about how a dragon in our family went rogue and forced a drought that wiped out villages. What if I do the same thing?? What if I lose control when we go to fight and I hurt you?"
Maya tapped her fingers on the wood, "do you feel yourself slipping away?"
"No... but what if people think I am?"
"I think you're overthinking this."
"But what if-"
"Ray," she stopped him, "So you're part dragon and you had some bad family history. That doesn't mean anything until you prove it to mean something. My mom told me when I was a little kid that all of the great feats in my bloodline mean nothing to me unless I make them meaningful, and unless you actually want to go and make farmers mad, I don't think you'll do it." She crossed a leg over the other, "You may look differen't, but you're still the dorkishly annoying blacksmith I care about."
He looked away, "you don't think the others would be scared of me if I looked like this?"
"well... no I think they would be, which is why we should tell Wu."
"I don't want anyone else to know about this." Ray muttered.
"Then we'll make him promise not to say." Maya nodded, picking up her things. "Ill be back with him shortly."))
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Russian Literature Aesthetic Tag
Rules — bold whichever applies to a character of your choice
Except these seem too broad forr me to limit it to one character. So I'm doing Syndicate as a whole.
Tagged by @sourrcandy
THE BROTHER’S KARAMAZOV :: orthodox monasteries / deep woods / starry nights / the sound of paper being torn / dimly lit rooms / withered roses / an unfinished letter / piles of books / the sound of shattering glass / ticking of clocks in a silent house / heavy wooden furniture / the air before a storm / the smell of earth / a crowd of people dressed in black / distant murmurs / emptied streets / the fear of walking alone in dusk
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT :: coldness of the skin against a blade / slender pale fingers & slightly shaking hands / a red stain blooming on white fabric / lonely steps in a corridor / the slow dripping of water / looking out of the window into the thickening darkness / a single dying candle on the table / listening to one’s breath & counting heartbeats / too many stairs / the desire to be invisible / a subtle memory of kind words
THE IDIOT :: classical statues / wealth covered with dust / a dark house tainted with inherited madness / an unsettling feeling / long walks in a park / useless chatter / a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench / a melancholic face / an unexpected spring rain / the joy of reading one’s favorite book / the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around / looking at cloudless sky
ANNA KARENINA :: fields of crops / flowers brought from an early morning walk / the wind caressing a girl’s hair / a bowl of fruit / the smell of ripe pears / the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea / children’s laughter coming from the garden / soft sunlight & white curtains / the sensation of velvet against skin / pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor / a sudden silence in a room full of people
WAR AND PEACE :: a glass of wine / the brightness of a crystal chandelier / white lace / a raging snowstorm / the sound of a door being gently closed / the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ballroom / indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light / closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing / the sweet smell of strawberries / a pair of gloves left on an armchair / light scent of powder
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA :: the chaos of a lively city / ambient jazz in an expensive restaurant / jumping on a moving tram / the sight of moscow from the roof of a house / yellow flowers in a vase / leaning out of the window / shelves stacked with books / a small tin box with old photographs / strange shapes in the night sky / laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony / colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind
EUGENE ONEGIN :: a lonely mansion / reading a book in the parlor / faint piano melody lingering in falling silence / long evenings / passing seasons / discussing french novels of the moment / unspoken thoughts / leaning against the door frame / quickly averted glance / eating a peach absent-minded / bright mornings / footprints in snow / a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby
FATHERS AND SONS :: birch groves / morning mist / moss-covered stones near a moor / scientific books / white roses / cheap champagne / shabby pocket-watch / lighthearted irony / a maladroit cello sonata / freshly mowed grass / letting thoughts come & go / a slow yawn / picturesque plates / bowls filled with traditional dishes / drinking tea on the porch
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO :: a strange feeling of loss / writing poems in a diary / traveling by train / the hesitation before touching someone’s hand / the gaze of one lost in thought / the warmth of cinnamon / a scarf brightly embellished with flowers / a glass of water / a threadbare jacket / the tempting void / the evanescent serenity of yesterday
THE CHERRY ORCHARD :: a lone chair in an empty room / falling blossoms / an old samovar / the unsettling need for change / a mirror reflecting full moon / the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance / a piano out of tune 
Tagging: @drippingmoon @sleepy-night-child @blind-the-winds absolutely anyone who wants to feel free to say I tagged you!
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serpentarii · 1 year
russian literature aesthetic tag
rules ; bold whichever applies to a character of your choice 
maude from a hymn for serpents ; 
the brother’s karamazov ; orthodox monasteries / deep woods / starry nights / the sound of paper being torn / dimly lit rooms / withered roses / an unfinished letter / piles of books / the sound of shattering glass / ticking of clocks in a silent house / heavy wooden furniture / the air before a storm / the smell of earth / a crowd of people dressed in black / distant murmurs / emptied streets / the fear of walking alone in dusk 
crime and punishment ; coldness of the skin against a blade / slender pale fingers & slightly shaking hands / a red stain blooming on white fabric / lonely steps in a corridor / the slow dripping of water / looking out of the window into the thickening darkness / a single dying candle on the table / listening to one’s breath & counting heartbeats / too many stairs / the desire to be invisible / a subtle memory of kind words 
the idiot ; classical statues / wealth covered with dust / a dark house tainted with inherited madness / an unsettling feeling / long walks in a park / useless chatter / a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench / a melancholic face / an unexpected spring rain / the joy of reading one’s favorite book / the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around / looking at cloudless sky 
anna karenina ; fields of crops / flowers brought from an early morning walk / the wind caressing a girl’s hair / a bowl of fruit / the smell of ripe pears / the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea / children’s laughter coming from the garden / soft sunlight & white curtains / the sensation of velvet against skin / pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor / a sudden silence in a room full of people 
war and peace ; a glass of wine / the brightness of a crystal chandelier / white lace / a raging snowstorm / the sound of a door being gently closed / the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ballroom / indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light / closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing / the sweet smell of strawberries / a pair of gloves left on an armchair / light scent of powder 
the master and margarita ; the chaos of a lively city / ambient jazz in an expensive restaurant / jumping on a moving tram / the sight of moscow from the roof of a house / yellow flowers in a vase / leaning out of the window / shelves stacked with books / a small tin box with old photographs / strange shapes in the night sky / laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony / colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind 
eugene onegin ; a lonely mansion / reading a book in the parlor / faint piano melody lingering in falling silence / long evenings / passing seasons / discussing french novels of the moment / unspoken thoughts / leaning against the door frame / quickly averted glance / eating a peach absent-minded / bright mornings / footprints in snow / a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby 
fathers and sons ; birch groves / morning mist / moss-covered stones near a moor / scientific books / white roses / cheap champagne / shabby pocket-watch / lighthearted irony / a maladroit cello sonata / freshly mowed grass / letting thoughts come & go / a slow yawn / picturesque plates / bowls filled with traditional dishes / drinking tea on the porch 
doctor zhivago ; a strange feeling of loss / writing poems in a diary / traveling by train / the hesitation before touching someone’s hand / the gaze of one lost in thought / the warmth of cinnamon / a scarf brightly embellished with flowers / a glass of water / a threadbare jacket / the tempting void / the evanescent serenity of yesterday 
the cherry orchard ; a lone chair in an empty room / falling blossoms / an old samovar / the unsettling need for change / a mirror reflecting full moon / the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance / a piano out of tune 
tagging ; @moariin, @helioselene, @sourrcandy, @crtalley, @kingsinking, @phantomnations 
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 25 June 1840
8 ¼
11 5/..
much bit – bad night – heated in my chelat – obliged to throw it off – did not sleep till five – fine but dullish morning and windy – breakfast over at 11 10/.. then wrote all but the first 6 lines of p.221 till now 12 10/.. the horses have been come about ½ hour but no guide – message before 9 this morning to say the horses could not be here till 1 – difficult to get them – we did very well yesterday – but we must have a guide if possible – R14 2/3° and F65° now at 12 ¼ in my bedroom – read over account of valley d’Anténi Dubois iii. p. 210 et seq. till ¼ after 1 when the guide came – several little girthing etc. arrangements – A- and myself and George and our Cossack and the Georgian guide fine horses, and a mounted Cossack besides – 6 of us – off at 1 35/.. – fine day but windy – at the river (Kour) in 10 minutes – broad dry, gravelly (small bouldery) bed, and deep rapid stream just at the foot of the hills on its right bank – unsaddled our horses held them in halters and swam them after us – over in 2 or 3 minutes in 2 long tree-like boats, but only the ends scooped out of trees – the rest 2 boards on a side and perhaps a tree bottom – two board huts on the other side and people always ready at this ferry – part of culée of one old stone bridge – over at 2 10/.. resaddled and en route in about 10 minutes or ¼ hour – we immediately turned right along the foot of the hill – evidently not a high road even for these parts – it was soon evident our guide given us by the maître de police did not know the way – had never been at Aténi – he had to inquire and we went a little out of our way – A- first we passed the Scierie of the Eristav – A- then turned up a hill at 4 to look at a little old stone (oblong, 2 gable ends) church – then forwards and alighted at 4 23/.. at the village (sâcles and 2 good little church and one old oblong 2 gable ended church) d’Aténi and set off to mount the hill to old fort finely placed on little plateau of rock high above – this not the monastery de Sion – remounted – rode thro’ the village and wound round the rock along a narrow path – the part cut out of the rock only about 5ft. wide and of this about 80 to 100 yards was water course and we rode thro’ the water alighted at the monastery de Sion at 4 50/.. finely situated on on bold promontory of rock right across the valley leaving room only for the clear, beautiful little stream (the Tana – excellent trout stream) – charming little green bottom of valley orchards and vineyards and gardens – the most picturesque little valley we have yet seen in the Caucasus – 2 green branches turn off a little beyond the monastery – the Tana runs along that to the right (as we look up the stream) and runs about 10v. farther said our guide rode thro’ hedges and bushes of jasmine, pomegranate, yellow honeysuckle, sweet gall, privet in flower and particularly pretty along the banks of the river here and there – beautiful narrow deep winding valley – the church would easily be put into repair tho’ now merely used to 1 house sheep and cattle –
Dubois and account good
the roof flags thick and cut with one lapping edge, like the edge of a tile, and one lapped over another – the river winds beautifully beyond the church in narrow gorge, all the selvage garden and vineyard and green grass – beautifully picture of from St. Sion at 6 40/.. – at the Scierie in ½ hour – alighted for a minute or 2 – wood cottages and saw mill
only 2 saws in it, and wood house neat for the Eristav himself when he is here – trotted briskly – at the ferry at 7 50/.. – sometime in arranging – unsaddled the horses and let them swim by themselves to the other side, and sent someone, or somehow somebody did catch them and prevent their trotting away home – we [?] over in 2 minutes at 8 3/.. and home at 8 18/.. the tea over at 9 55/.. and had Domna till 10 ¼ - very fine day
East front but only a yard wide walk between church and low parapet wall over the [?] .:. could not see well –
north front standing close under it – south front the same 2 arcades one on each side the door
this sketch copied from rough book at Koutais no! from loose paper Sunday 5 July 1840, and note quite sure about the top part – could not see the dome neither one sketch or other – too close – very little space about the church except from the west where is the court and entrance – had not time did not think to the west front
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