#young Johnny Lawrence x reader
hauntedfictionland · 7 months
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justfangirlingsstuff · 3 months
Cobra Kai/Karate kid Master list:
Robby Keene-
-robby keene headcanon
Hawk/Eli moskowitz-
-hawk/Eli moskowitz headcanon
Anthony LaRusso-
-Anthony LaRusso Headcanon
Young Johnny Lawrence-
-Johnny Lawrence Headcanons
Young Daniel LaRusso-
-Daniel LaRusso headcanons
Young Bobby Brown-
None yet
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happy74827 · 2 months
He’s Got The Fire
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[Johnny Lawrence x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: To your surprise, Johnny shows up at your window unannounced, but it doesn’t take long to realize it’s not for kicks {GIF Creds: pilvimarja}.
WC: 2076
Category: Slight Hurt/Comfort, Slight Fluff, Introverted(ish)!Reader
Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t started writing this franchise earlier given how it’s about equal with my love for BTTF
The sun had already gone down a while ago, the air was crisp, and the sky was starry. It was the perfect evening to watch the moon rise. The wind carried a chill, and the trees were almost bare, swaying in the breeze.
With a sigh, you closed the book you had been reading and stretched your legs, looking out the window of your room. By now, everyone had been asleep for a few hours, and you worked on upcoming assignments to pass the time. But when you had gotten to your last one, you just couldn't be bothered anymore, so you set it aside.
The quietness was nice, and the light from the moon cast a blue-ish glow on everything around you. You were so calm, but there was still something that had you feeling off.
He was never around much lately. It wasn't surprising, but it was disheartening. Ever since that championship loss a while back, he had been training even harder, and when he wasn't training, he was out doing god-knows-what.
You understood how important Cobra Kai was to him, but the fact that he was putting everything else on the back burner really had you worried. He had a tendency to go down the wrong path and not think about the consequences until after the fact. You hoped that wasn't what was happening this time.
Pulling your knees up, you rested your head on them and looked out at the night. There was a full moon, and you wondered if Johnny had noticed. He used to love taking walks at night just to see the moon and look up at the stars.
He had changed so much since then. That fire inside of him burned so brightly that sometimes you wondered if it would burn him, too.
Sitting like that for a while, you lost track of time. It was easy to get distracted and drift away from reality when your mind wandered. It was something you were trying to work on, and you were actually doing pretty well.
Until you heard a pang on your window.
Sitting up, you looked around, wondering if a bird had flown into it, but you saw nothing. Your mind immediately went to a branch falling or something like that, and you were ready to dismiss the strange noise and go back to daydreaming.
But the pang came again, and your heart leaped in your throat. You stood and cautiously moved toward the window. At the same time, a face popped up from below, and you shrieked.
He motioned for you to open the window, along with attempts to hush you. It was a very frantic gesture, and you felt your heart rate rise. You quickly opened the window and stuck your head out.
"Johnny?!" You whispered-yelled, and he was pulling himself up. "What are you doing?"
"Shhh!" He held a finger to his lips and looked behind him, and your eyebrows furrowed.
"Do you want the whole neighborhood to know I'm here? Let me in!"
You stared at him for a moment longer before helping him through the window. It didn’t go as smoothly as one would expect, like the movies, but he managed to tumble in. You stood there, arms folded, as he dusted himself off.
You haven’t seen him in so long, and the day you choose to miss him, he shows up out of nowhere. You would’ve called yourself psychic if it weren’t for the fact that Johnny always did the unexpected.
He looked… good, to say the least. The red jacket still fit him perfectly; his blonde hair was combed and fluffy, and his eyes were still focused and alert, even if his body language seemed a little sluggish.
To be honest, Johnny was the most beautiful person you had ever laid eyes on. His sharp jawline, his toned muscles, and that cocky smile of his. The way his eyes crinkled when he laughed and the way he always looked at you like you were the only girl in the world.
For a while, you didn’t understand why he chose to pursue you, of all people. He could have anyone he wanted. You weren't exactly a social butterfly, and you always got nervous and shy in the presence of others.
Johnny was the opposite of you. He was outgoing, and his charisma attracted everyone to him. And the way his voice was so smooth and deep. He could be the most annoying person on the planet, but when he said your name, you would melt.
So when he asked you out, you thought it was some sort of joke. I mean, he was the hottest guy in school. And you were just… you.
But then you realized there was more to him than just the bad boy exterior. He had a sensitive side, and his vulnerability was endearing. His family was… well, a lot. His mom was nice, but she had her fair share of issues, and his stepfather was a piece of work.
It only took one date to realize the Johnny you were accustomed to wasn’t the real him. The real him was like you… except he could kick ass and had some pent-up anger issues.
And yet, here you were.
"Johnny-" You began, but he stepped toward you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head. You stood stiffly, arms at your sides.
"God, I've missed you."
That was the last thing you expected him to say. You felt your face heat up, your chest warm up, and your shoulders slumped. You melted into his embrace, wrapping your arms around him.
"I've missed you too."
You could feel him grin against the top of your head, and he squeezed you a little tighter. He was so warm, and it made you forget the fact that he was literally climbing through your window at almost midnight.
After a minute or so, he pulled away and held your face in his hands. You were looking into those piercing blue eyes, and you could feel butterflies in your stomach.
"Why are you here?" You asked, your voice a little above a whisper.
He hesitated, and that was the moment you knew something was wrong. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I, uh… I needed to see you."
You raised an eyebrow, but you didn't say anything. You were waiting for him to elaborate, but when he didn't, you sighed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the bed. You sat on the edge, and he followed.
"Johnny," You said, turning toward him and placing a hand on his knee. "Talk to me. What's going on?"
"Nothing, I just… wanted to see you."
You didn't say anything. You knew better than that. So you waited.
"Okay, okay," He sighed. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, but I can’t tell you why."
"That's reassuring."
"It's just… things are… well, I just needed to get away. It's nothing, I'm fine, don't worry."
You were silent. You didn't really know what to say. There was so much going on, and it was hard for you to believe him when he told you not to worry.
"Is it… Is it Sid? Your mom?"
"Just…” He shook his head and stood, rubbing the back of his neck. He started pacing, and that was when you knew he was really upset. “Just drop it, alright? Everything's fine."
“You ignored me for the past two weeks, Johnny. Something is wrong."
He stopped and glared at you, and you froze. You were taken aback by the expression on his face. He seemed frustrated and almost angry.
The look… you knew it wasn’t directed at you, but you couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. He was always so hot-headed and stubborn, and when his mood shifted, you had a hard time knowing what to do.
He seemed to realize his expression and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh.
"Sorry, God, I'm sorry, it's not you. I'm just-" He sighed and plopped back down on the bed next to you, running his hands over his face. "I'm a fucking mess, okay? Just forget I came."
It was weird how, in certain situations, you could completely shift into a different person. You’ve seen it in movies and TV, and it was a cliche. You didn’t think it would ever happen to you.
And yet, the second you heard the words come out of his mouth, you were hit with an overwhelming urge to turn his head towards yours, grab his face in your hands, and kiss him.
So you did.
You couldn’t really tell him why you did it. It just felt like the right thing to do, and it was an impulse. You figured it was the best way to let him know that you were here and he wasn’t alone.
The second your lips met, he was leaning into you, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. You could feel the passion and desperation behind the kiss, and it took you a moment to match his energy.
He was rough and intense, and he pulled away after a few moments, moving to your neck. You gasped and gripped the collar of his jacket, feeling the heat of his lips on your skin.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say. And it was true. You had missed him more than you had thought. You had almost forgotten how much of a force he was to be reckoned with.
You let out a shaky breath, trying to form words, but failing. Instead, you tugged on his jacket and pulled him towards you, hoping he would get the message.
And he did.
His lips found yours again, and he was pushing you back, holding himself above you with one hand. His other was moving up your shirt, his fingers grazing your stomach, causing goosebumps to rise.
Your breath hitched in your throat as his fingers danced across your ribs. His lips were rough, but they moved with such grace and delicacy it was hard to keep up.
He pulled away for a moment, and you looked up at him, catching your breath. His blonde hair was messy, and his eyes were a little hooded. He looked like a mess, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
You reached up and brushed his hair back, giving him a soft smile.
“Is that…” His eyes peered away from you, and you raised an eyebrow. "Do you still have that damn elephant?"
Your eyes followed his, and you spotted the elephant in question. It was a gift Johnny had given you back when things were different. Come to think of it, you weren’t even sure you were together at that point.
"Why wouldn't I?" You asked, and he chuckled. “Ozzy's special."
"You named it? What are you, ten?"
You swatted his arm, and he laughed again. His eyes found yours, and you couldn’t help but smile at him. It felt like old times.
"Don't make fun of him. You gave him to me."
"Yeah, whatever," He rolled his eyes, but his smile remained. "Can't believe you kept him."
"I keep a lot of stuff, Johnny. Especially when they're meaningful."
He was silent for a moment, his eyes still focused on you. The moonlight was shining through the window and casting a shadow on his face.
"I keep a lot of things, too."
Before you could say anything, he was leaning down and kissing you again. You could tell this one was different, more meaningful, like he was pouring his heart and soul into the kiss.
And he was.
He wanted you to know how he felt about you without actually saying it. And although you weren’t really sure what was going on, you had a feeling this was what it was.
The fire inside of him was burning again, but finally, after so long, he realized that he needed to take a breather every now and then. Add some water to the flames.
It was a delicate balance. And although he may be bad at showing his feelings, talking about them, or acknowledging them, you were there to make sure he didn't lose himself in the heat.
And maybe, just maybe, the flame was a little more subdued, and the burn a little less harsh.
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johnnysbl0ndehair · 6 months
more jealous Johnny please <3
You have no idea what this means to me♥️🐍
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who can't stand others looking at what's his
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who always has to hold your hand when you're out so others get the hint
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who only trusts the other Cobras to be alone with you
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who once got in a fight with your lab partner just because he asked if he could go over to your house to study
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who lets you know that he doesn't want you around Daniel
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who's just really hurt and scared you'll leave him
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who was so happy when he found out you were coming to the tournament because you got to see him fight
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who makes it very clear that you two are dating..and since he told them all of the other boys seem too scared to talk to you
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who has Bobby or Jimmy sit next to you in any classes you don't have together
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who gets so pissed off knowing all the other boys look at you
Jealous! Johnny Lawrence who knows they won't try anything though because they're too scared♥️
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Cobra Kai 7 Minutes In Heaven: Johnny Lawrence
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(Unedited) (Size Difference, Sloppy Makeout, Squint for Nose Kink, Soft Johnny, Johnny knows he's an ass.) (Link to Intro along with other Characters)
,The tip of the bottle pointed out at…..
The pricing blue-eyed blond who was currently smirking at her from across the way.
Johnny Lawrence, one of the teens from the Cobra Kai dojo and the all-valley champion from the year before. Reader knew him from school because of his loud group of friends and popular charm. By no means was he actually popular, he just had a way of getting under people's skin.
She remembers hearing that he dated the Ali girl who was on the cheer team. They broke up a while ago and apparently it was a really bad breakup, for Johnny at least. He basically went on a rampage of causing mischief all around town for a while until he worked it out of his system.
Now he just walked around school with his little group of delinquents being loud and disorderly.
Reader couldn't deny that he was handsome. Even if he did have that underline bad boy thing going on. Or maybe that just made him hotter? Was she into bad boys? Was this a thing? She never really thought about it before until this very moment.
“Hey we going or not? I left my beer with the guys and I already know their going to chug that thing of I don’t go in there.“ Johnny clicked his at her as he now stood over her, at some point he stood up and walked over to her. She quickly nodded before standing up along side him. He was around her age yet he was so much taller, pushing six foot already. She had to look to actually meet his eye. Her face suddenly felt a little to hit for normal.
He put a hand on her back as he lead her down the hallway and towards the closet in the back. He had a firm and strong hand on her lower back as they finally got to the open door of the closet. They both shimmied into the closet before the door was closed behind them.
Johnny was huge and it was only made more aware when they where both jammed into the small space. His broad shoulders almost caught against the sides of the walls. His head nearly nudged the low ceiling. It looked uncomfortable even in the dark.
Suddenly she felt even more nervous than before as she looked at the tall blond. She felt bad for making get stuck in a closet with her out of all people.
The tall blond hunk stuffed into a small closet with her because of some stupid kissing game. She couldn't tell who should feel more dumb in this situation. Her or him.
“Nice dress, didn't see you as the type to be into that stuff.”
Well that was bound to happen, is course the hot, beefy jacked karate kid had to make a borderline fat comment. Why did she even think he wouldn't try and make a passive-aggressive comment? She was basically wide open now.
She slowly moved a bit to try and cover herself. It did little to actually do anything. She was still wearing a very tight dress that left little to the imagination and she knew it.
“Thanks I guess...”
Johnny could tell by her voice that he probably fucked a little, maybe that wasn't the best way to try and compliment her. He was never good at this kind of stuff in the first place. He wasn't that great at giving good complements and his nature tone always seemed to mud up his true intentions.
He knew he couldn't lie about the fact that he had started to have a one-sided thing for the chubby girl since the minute he laid eyes on her. He remembered seeing her in homeroom, the one class he never skipped. He was late almost every day but on that day, they both were, her first day.
He remembers seeing her in the empty hall all flustered as she stood in-front of the home room door. She slowly opens the door and walked in, a few minutes later Johnny walked in to the room and sat down in the row next to her a few seats back.
He just stared at her just like he was now.
Her eyes didn’t meet his as she looked down at herself. He crept closer to her, shuffling forward in the tight space.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I just mean you usually dress so modest. I think this is the first time I have even seen your ankles. You should dress up more it suites you.”
“Yeah, you know most guys would be begging at your feet for looking like this. Your curve in all the right reasons. I can't believe no one has asked you out yet, here or at school. Your hot and smart...”
Her cheeks flushed as he inches closer to her. His lips where inches away from hers. In the light of the door cracks she could see his face, his chiseled jaw, high cheekbones and the light blush that went up to his ears. But those blue eyes stuck to her like he was trying to look into her soul. Looking for something but she had no idea what.
His large hands grabbed at her waist, hard and fast and it made her gasp out in surprise. His hands locked onto the fat of her hips and pulled her closer until they touched. She could smell his thick body spray, it was warm and spicy and filled her nose. It almost tickled.
She didn’t have time to think about it for long because soon his lips where clashing against hers.
It was hard and fast, his teeth slightly bumped against hers at first before they fell into a deep rhythm of push and pull. Then he was slipping his tongue into her mouth. He seemed to know what he was doing as he messaged her own tongue with his. It felt weird but good all at once. His nose bumped against her own and it felt amazing. It was like it was made to slot with her own. She could feel how warm his face was, the way his blond locks brushed against her forehead and cheek.
She couldn’t help but moan into his mouth and grip at his jacket.
The red leather was hard and stiff and gave her little to know leverage. But she held onto it like a lifeline.
She felt his hands run over her rolls in her dress and it made her shiver in a good way. Her whole body felt like it was on a cloud. With the way his thick fingers worked against her like he knew what exact spot made her see stars. She full body shivered at his work. She could feel him smirk into their kiss as he started to suck at her tongue harder. She felt his fingers move from her belly and waist to her soft thighs. The rough pads of his fingers slowly dig into her soft flesh and it made her eyes roll. Slowly she felt them creep up into the middle of her waist and move higher up, threating to go into more untouched territory.
But that was short lived.
It felt like forever until the closet door swings open. Both of them slowly open their eyes but don't pull apart right away. Johnny slows his kiss and gently pulls away but only by a few inches, his eyes locked on hers half-lidded. His nose softly brushes against hers. It's short and sweet.
“Dude come on won't hog the closet all night! Some of us still want to try and bag a chick at this lame party, oh and Dutch finished off your beer. Now come on and get out.”
Johnny rolled how eyes at Jimmy who was the one to interrupt their fun in the closet. Johnny pulled Reader from the closet and slowly made his way with her back to the main party. His arm wrapped around her waist the whole time. She couldn't stop the way she curled up into his side as they walked. Dutch and Tommy whistled and whooped at the two as they came into their view.
“How about I take you home later on my bike? I can take you for a joyride.”
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sylvanian-cat · 5 months
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
PAIRING - Daniel Larusso x Reader
TAGS: Friend to lovers, kissing, violence but only hitting and punching, karate kid, angst, fluff, characters fall in love, heartbreak, characters break up, happy ending, slow burn
SUMMARY: When A frazzled, and quite handsome boy from New Jersey slams a door in your face on the last day of summer vacation, you quickly take in interest in him after his magnanimous apology.
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The hot and glorious sun shone upon your skin and the tall pine trees swayed, dancing in the light California breeze. You could feel the uncomfortable pile of sweat that hanged in the back of your shirt due to the simmering heat and you became aware of the strain the trash bag was starting to cause on your muscles.
The trash can wasn’t far, only right after the apartments’ wooden entrance then finally, after this tedious task was finally done, the rest of your evening could be spent doing whatever your teenaged heart pleased-
“HEEYAH-“ a loud and quick noise, so sudden, came from the front of the entrance and almost at the exact same time, your body slammed into the rough solid pavement.
Before you could even properly acknowledge your scratched up arms and the abandoned trash bag laying on the pavement you quickly sat up on your elbows ready to body slam whoever thought it was okay in their crazy mind to karate kick an apartment entrance as such.
You registered the feeling of a solid object hitting the ground, like a suitcase, and suddenly, a rushed and panicked but soft voice came before you could let out a whine of pain “Are you okay? Let me help you up yah!?”
Just from his voice alone, you could tell he was not from around here. His accent was unfamiliar, almost New-Jersey like, it was soft but gruff.
His voice wasn’t the only thing that was attractive too, his skin was tan and his jet black hair was fashionably parted; reminding you of those boys you and your friend would squeal and gush over when flipping through those 99¢ teen magazines .
The boy’s large brown eyes darted worriedly over your face, as if wanting to check for any sign of injury he might’ve caused.
“Oh god that was stupid, I shouldn’t have kicked the door like that. Are you alright miss….” His voice trailed off and his face was still covered with an expression of worryness.
His hands grabbed the ends of your elbows and your hands instinctively held onto his shoulders. Softly, as if he was handling glass, lifted you back onto your feet.
Stunned from the boldness of his actions, your voice came out quick and splurged replying with a nervous “Oh sorry! I’m Y/N, I live in apartment 15. You must be the new residents right?”
He flashed a nice smile with his bright teeth and replied with a friendly “Oh yeah! I just got here. I was just about to head up with my stuff but ya know…” he trailed off again and this time, glanced at the ground nervously and almost so quickly it could be easily missed.
Suddenly, the pounding of feet came from behind you and the handsome boy turned his gaze to behind your shoulder. You turned your head around and saw that it was the neighborhood boy, Freddy, who was your age and went to the same school as you.
“Hey Y/N, you alright down here? I heard the commotion and wanted to check what was up”
The new boy quickly, so quickly it could almost be missed if you weren’t focusing so hard on his handsome face, glanced worriedly in your direction and you realized he must have thought that Freddy was probably more than just a neighbor who lived in the same apartment complex as you and probably was coming down in order to defend your honor. Once Freddy descended down the stairs, he greeted the handsome boy with a friendly handshake and contently said
“Hey, you must be the new people in apartment 20 right? Freddy Fernandez apartment 17.”
The tan boy in return, did a small nod to show respect and replied back contently, “Daniel Larusso”
Freddy offered to take his bike upstairs, however, Daniel seemed hostile and instead you offered to take his suitcase in which he agreed with a small, satisfactory smile.
The two boys continued conversing on random topics most boys their age would do. However, you noticed Daniel seemed more stiff with his shoulders tense and his eyebrows pulled into a small wrinkle that could be unnoticed by the normal eye.
As you reached the last staircase, the neighboring hostile old woman was sitting in her chair with her pup, as usual. It was quite sweet seeing the way Daniel shoulders pulled back into a relaxed position and how his lips pulled into a small smile when interacting with the usually grumpy old woman. As you three continued up the stairs, you noticed his apartment was coming near and the number 20 on the front blue door was coming into view. You felt a small pang of sadness but quickly washed it over and instead, handed Daniel his suitcase back in which he quietly thanked you for.
Freddy interrupted your thoughts of Daniel with an outgoing invite of, “Hey you know Daniel, we’re gonna be throwing a party at the beach later tonight if you wanna come? It’ll be a way to put yourself out there and see what Reseda is like.”
As if he was thinking, Daniel’s eye darted to the corner and his face went blank; his polished brows slightly deepened. His gaze flickered back to Freddy and he replied quite calmly “Yeah, sure why not?”
His eyes side eyed you for a brief second until he twisted his whole body to face you
“Hey Y/N, you going too? I’m not really sure I wanna go if you ain’t there with me.
Again, his bold actions towards you were definitely shocking. No boy in this California town treated you like this random new kid from New Jersey did. You felt a bit ashamed by the delusions you were feeding yourself. He’s only being friendly because he doesn’t want you to be mad about the whole karate kick thing. Or maybe, that’s how boys from Jersey were, cute and bold.
“Oh yeah, umm definitely I’ll be there” you gave him a small smile in return so he could be shyed away from the overthinking thought of you not showing up.
Daniel softly took the suitcase from your hands and began rolling his bike towards the entrance of the building 20 and as he stood beside the door, he looked behind his shoulder facing you two as he talked, “Okay cool, I’ll meet you both there then yeah?”
Freddy replied back nonchalantly“Yeah definitely man, see ya there” and as Freddy continued towards his doorway, you decided it was best to continue back to your apartment and forget the delusional thoughts of the cute New Jersey kid who was just a hallway down from you. Maybe these beach hangouts won’t be as boring as they usually are now that there is somewhere more interesting, and definitely much more cuter in town…
Next Chapter (2)
My Wattpad is sylvanian_cat
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lady-ashfade · 6 months
Karate Kid Masterlist
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Request for this fandom: Open
Angst: Red
Fluff: Pink
Both: Orange
Comfort: Purple
A little bit of everything or nothing: Green
Yandere: Red & Green.
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Daniel Larusso
<Nothing yet>
Johnny Lawrence
<Nothing yet>
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gemini-sensei · 6 months
Baby | Hawk Moskowitz x Teen Mom!Reader, Part 2
Ft. Johnny Lawrence ● Part One ●
Tagged: @devilslittlebabyxx, @imjustme-n
A/N: here it is. I did this instead of filming myself giving a speech so yeah. Might do a part 3 if people wanna see that. lmk ok bye <3
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The next time Hawk came to training, it was oddly quiet. His friends were acting weird and his senseis were tense. Though it wasn't unusual for Mr. LaRusso to glare at the back of Sensei Lawrence's head, Hawk knew that his friends were being strange. They were giving each other looks and whispering to each other. At one point he was sure he heard Demetri seething at Robby about how "your dad has gotten into your head!"
For the most part, Hawk ignored them. He had too much on his mind to pay attention to their weird antics anyway. Besides, his birthday was coming up, so he brushed it off as something having to do with that.
His mind was occupied with thoughts of his girlfriend. He'd been helping her much more lately now that she had finally moved into her own place with her baby daughter. He'd helped her stock the fridge and pantry, watched her daughter while she showered and got ready in the morning, and helped her unpack her new place. It was a lot to adjust to and he didn't like that she was trying to do it all on her own, so he was there. She didn't have to do it alone anymore.
Part of him was still amazed by her strength and determination; it wasn't easy being a single, young mom to an infant, especially in today's economy. And her daughter, who was the most adorable baby ever, was still struggling to sleep through the night now that they had moved. He stayed the night to help out because to be so strong, Mama needed her rest too. Plus, he wanted to be there for her because he loved her so much. He also loved her daughter.
As they finished up their round of drills, he took a seat and drank some water. Their next course of action would be sparring and then he could go to Reader's apartment to spend the evening with her.
It was at this time he noticed his friends flocked together, whispering again. The more they did it, the more he didn't like it. However, before anything could be said or done, his phone rang.
It was Reader. Her caller ID popped up, a picture of her and her baby showing up and making him smile.
He answered immediately. "Hey, babe."
"Eli," her worried voice came through the phone and he was put on high alert. "My car won't start. I need you to come jump-start it, please."
If he had been holding anything else, he would have literally dropped it and left. He was on his feet in a flash and grabbing his bag. "Okay, don't worry, I'm on my way."
He didn't notice the way his friends and senseis were looking at him. How they made note of his sudden desire to leave. They weren't his concern though.
"Oh my gosh, thank you," Reader said. He heard the relief in her voice and it helped him, but she was still stranded somewhere. Then she started talking to her baby, who was likely on her hip. "You hear that, baby girl? Eli's gonna come help us."
At hearing his name, Reader's daughter squealed and clapped her hands. She loved him and knew him by name already, always excited when she heard he was coming over. It melted his heart.
"Where are you two?"
"Doctor's office," Reader said. "No one has any jumper cables, can you believe that?"
"Well, no one has as old a car as you do," he lightly joked.
She gasped playfully. "Old Reliable isn't that old."
He hummed. "Yeah, that's what you said last time when you told me that was your mom's car in high school, and yet here we are."
He dug through his duffle bag for his keys.
"I'll be there soon, okay?"
He heard her smile as she spoke. "Okay. Love you. Mwah!"
"Mwah!" her daughter did in the background.
"Love you, too," Hawk said and hung up the phone. He slipped it into his pocket, still looking for his keys. "Dammit, where'd they go?"
Mr. LaRusso walked up to him curiously. "Something wrong, Hawk?"
He looked up, a little apprehensive to share. "Uh, yeah. I gotta go. Now if only I could find my keys."
"Everything okay? Anything we can help you with?" Sam asked as she walked over. She looked all too curious for his liking and he cursed the LaRussos for being so kind and helpful because it made them snoop into everyone else's business.
"No, I don't need any help," he said, throwing his bag down to look inside of it. However, instead of anything helpful happening, it turned over and his change of clothes fell out with several other items.
Including Baby Girl's rattle.
It rolled across the patio loudly.
"I knew it!" Sensei Lawrence shouted.
Daniel turned to the man, who was pointing an accusatory finger at Hawk. "Johnny, please!"
"No, man, I was right!" He looked so smug and Hawk was so confused. "Now you have to admit that I was right, LaRusso."
"I can't believe this," Miguel said. Demetri was standing beside him with a look of disbelief. "How could you not tell us?"
"What are you talking about?" Hawk asked, grabbing the rattle and tossing it back into his bag. Reader's daughter loved throwing her toys into his bags, probably a ploy to make him have to come over and return them. At the bottom of the bag, he found his keys. "Aha."
"We're talking your baby," Sam said, using that tone that said 'obviously.'
Robby added, "And the girlfriend you didn't tell us about. At all."
Hawk turned to look at them with a furrowed brow, then closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and collected his thoughts. "Okay, I think I know the problem all of you have had all day now." He looked at his friends and senseis with a slightly annoyed look but tried to keep a level head. "Yes, I have a girlfriend I didn't tell you about. I didn't tell you about her because she has a baby. Not my baby but I do help take care of her when Reader gets overwhelmed."
Johnny visibly deflated at this news. Then he stupidly asked, "You sure it's not your kid?"
"I met her after she had her daughter," Hawk nearly shouted. She grabbed his bag, held onto his keys tightly, and huffed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go jump-start Reader's car. Ask me all your questions later and let me go."
He walked to the front of Miyagi-Do without another word, leaving his closest friends, his other teammates, and Sensei Lawrence in a stupor. Then Miguel and Demetri shared a smile.
"I knew he wouldn't keep something like that from us," Miguel said.
Johnny looked at them. "Oh yeah? Then why didn't he tell us to begin with?"
Tory groaned. "Oh my god. You're all big idiots, letting something like this blind you to the truth. He didn't tell us because that's none of his business to tell! Grow a brain why don't you."
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mdpplgtz03 · 1 year
OMG WE HAVE THE SAME NAME! LIKE ITS SPELLED THE SAME AS MINE😭😭 Sooooo I was wondering if you could another Johnny L. Story? Nothing to fancy but could you do one where young Johnny and y/n are having trouble with there relationship but ultimately having it sorting out? OK THANK YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY:)
Silly arguments lead to foot massage-Johnny Lawrence
Pairing: Young!Johnny Lawrence x young!reader
Warnings: mentions of blowjob (just the word)
Author's note: Hi! And same name! oh my god! Ahh! 🥰 Hahaha. Thank you for requesting! Even though I don't take requests for Johnny at the moment, yours was sweet I couldn't say no. I decided to not add too much angst about it but instead make it short but also a silly but fluffy situation. I hope you like and enjoy this!
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"Oh c´mon baby, I was joking, you know?” Johnny, my boyfriend tries to hug me but I don’t let him.
“Are you serious?” he asks concerned, “I was just joking Y/N…Baby. I only have eyes for you and you know it" but still, I don't answer and instead I turn around, looking at the sea.
We are currently on the beach, far from the party that happens every weekend. Johnny and I always come together to these parties but today I couldn't since I had to work late and so I told him that I will see him there.
When I got there, I saw him watching a girl, a beautiful girl from class, and he was agreeing with his friends about how hot she was.
Only has eyes for me? My ass!
"Y/n… c'mon, I'm telling the truth, okay?" He sighs when he sees that I don't have any intention of talking to him. He catches me off guard when he hugs me from behind, moving my hair to plant a sweet kiss on my neck. Those kisses are my weakness, and he knows it.
"That's not going to work, Johnny."
"C'mon… yeah, I said she was hot, okay? I admit it. But she is not my type. I don't like those kinds of girls," he pauses to turn me around so I can look him in the eyes. "You are my only type y/n I want you, and only you. Besides… you give the best blowjo–"
But before he finishes I smack him on the chest.
"Shut up!"
He smirks "I'm serious!"
Johnny takes my face with his hands and kisses me. "But aside from that, you are funny, intelligent, and way more hotter than anyone else. You are real, you don't fake, and I love that."
You can't help but melt at his words, fuck, that's why you love him. Everytime you get mad you solve it.
Johnny sees the smile that it's appearing on your face.
"You owe me a foot massage for what you did. Okay?"
Johnny laughs and nods with his head. "What about a movie night, followed by a pizza and a sleepover at my house? Of course the massage will be included. And don't worry, we will have all the house for ourselves"
"Okay, deal" you giggle.
He raises an eyebrow, "what? No kiss to seal the deal?"
You put on your tiptoes, your arms resting behind his head, as you lean in to kiss him."
"Deal sealed".
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
More Than a Trophy (Johnny Lawrence x F!Reader)
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Requested by anon: ok this request is inspired off of one of the other ones i saw someone ask you. it’s young johnny lawrence x female reader. in this one, instead of the reader being drunk, he’s the drunk one at the party and the reader has to take care of him and i just think it’d be so cute
Author's Note: Thank you so much for the request! I think this went a little differently than fluff (there's still some in it) but I definitely think it's more of a whump type deal. Anyways, enjoy!!!
Warnings: underage drinking, drunk Johnny, mention of Kreese being the horrible person that he is, Johnny having a bruise
Main Master List Cobra Kai Master List
You sit on the couch in a silent rage as you watch Johnny drink can after can with the rest of the gang with only one goal on the mind, to get as drunk as possible. You suppose you can understand why Johnny is wanting to get drunk, after all, it’s not everyday where you lose the biggest tournament of the town to a start-up only for your sensei to then beat your ass in front of everybody. But regardless of the scenario, seeing him drink himself into a coma isn’t a pleasant sight. Sighing, you set your drink down and stalk over to where Johnny has an arm thrown around Jimmy who stumbles beneath his weight. When you get into their line of sight, you can see the relief on Jimmy’s face as he all but dumps Johnny into your arms.
“Here, take him home or something, he’s a mess,” Johnny chuckles in your arms, pressing a kiss against your skin as he looks up at you through blonde lashes.
“Have I ever told you how pretty you are? You’re like an angel,” the comment makes you blush as you resituate him to where he’s leaning on you for support.
“Alright baby, it’s time for bed.”
“But I don’t want to go to bed. I wanna stay up and party,” he raises his bottle of beer in the air but Dutch snatches it away causing you to give him a nod in thanks.
“No, Johnny. We need to get you to bed. Look, if you go to bed, I’ll stay the night.” His blue eyes twinkle with mischief.
Dealing with a child is one thing, but dealing with a grown child who had some liquor is completely different. You let out a huff in frustration as you eye Johnny from the side, the latter sitting in the passenger seat and singing along horribly to whatever 80s song was playing. 
“Johnny can you please shut up?” You groan as he rolls his eyes, turning the music up louder. If Johnny doesn’t want to do anything, he doesn’t do it. Giving up, you pull into your driveway and park the car, immediately going to the other side and helping your 6ft boyfriend to exit the car. 
“Why are we at your place? Mine was closer.” He questions as he stumbles into the bushes, laughing while you wait patiently for him. It’s not that you mind him drinking, but when he gets drunk, he’s either like this, a child, or he sulks for hours on end. 
“Do you really want Sid to see you drunk? He would kill you,” Johnny straightens up and ponders for a minute before looking back at you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder, dragging you into his side.
“You’re right. He’s probably glad I lost. Just another failure in his eyes,” Johnny sobers up really quickly, letting his thoughts get the best of him. A sign that you need to cheer him up, and quickly.
“How about we get you showered up and put some ice on your head. You’re going to have a massive hangover and headache tomorrow.” He nods but winces, causing you to cringe. Kreese should have never done what he did, but somehow, that fucker is not in jail for beating up on a minor. 
Guiding him in the house is somehow easy, because despite his inebriated state, he still has your house layout memorized. Getting him past your parents was another feat in itself. They don’t dislike Johnny, but they don’t like him. Sitting him on your bed, you rush to your bathroom and draw the water, occasionally looking back and watching the way he pads around your room, fiddling with various trinkets and picking up different photos. “Johnny, come on, your bath is waiting.”
“Bath?” He questions with a chuckle as he sets down a photo and makes his way into the bathroom. “What are you, my mom?”
“You’re acting like a child, so yes. Now let me take care of you okay?” Nodding his head, he strips his clothes off of him and sinks down into the warm water while you look through your cabinets for ibuprofen. Pouring out some pills, you hand them to Johnny, who eyes them in speculation. “Just take them. You’re going to need it.” Begrudgingly, he swallows them with ease as he watches you gently clean his body with soap, scrubbing all the sweat off his body. 
“How did I get someone like you?” Your eyes meet his blue ones before you press a kiss to his lips. 
“Just by being yourself. Look, Johnny, I know you’re beating yourself up about losing that tournament, but don’t. You tried your hardest, you did your best, and it just didn’t work out,” you comment, rinsing away the suds as he sniffles, wiping away a single tear with the back of his hand.
“Well in either case, I’m done with karate. It was a waste of time and I wish I would’ve stuck to football like Sid told me.”
“You’re not going to quit karate. You’re going to train and train and train until you can beat that smirk off that stupid Italian’s ass,” his head whips towards you in shock at your words.
“You don’t like LaRusso?” 
“Like LaRusso? I despise his guts. No one embarasses my baby except for me, ok? If I could punch that smug son of a bitch I would,” Johnny laughs at the notion of you punching anyone, let alone someone who obviously knows how to defend themselves. Noticing that he’s starting to sober up, you offer him a small smile before handing him a towel. “Now how about we go to sleep. You’re gonna need all the sleep tomorrow.” His brows furrow in confusion.
“You don’t know how much you really drank tonight. So come on, let’s get to bed.”
He rolls his eyes but steps out of the tub nonetheless while your eyes rake down his body. “See something you like?”
“Boy do I," you tug your bottom lip between your teeth before smacking his ass. "Now you get your ass to bed, Lawrence.”
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie @11thstreetvigilante
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80s4life · 2 years
Johnny Lawrence With An Egocentric Reader Headcanon
Word Count: 666 (oh shit, we’re summoning a devil)
Status: Requested!
Ask: im sorry that youre going through hard times ;( idk if its easier for you to write headcanons or drabbles but do what makes you feel comfortable. also, didnt ask you if you write for johnny lawrence, but if thats not the im sorry to bother! i wanted to ask you some hc or drabble, its same for me, of johnny x egocentric reader? sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, english is not my native language
@: a cute bilingual anon! (so talented by the way, I have trouble speaking any other language)
Fandom: Karate Kid Series - Cobra Kai
Relationship: Johnny Lawrence x Egocentric!Reader
Warnings: strong language, fluff
Key: All of Johnny’s words are bolded, while Reader’s is left in italics!
Masterlist Karate Kid Masterlist Cobra Kai Masterlist
{gifs are not mine, credits go to @kyrixxx​ & @filmgifs​ & @ewan-mcgregor​}
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So hot, I’m frothing at the mouth
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Young Johnny Lawrence:
You met at school, well, he saw you at school, you were too busy fighting the girls and their normal antics.
You were playing soccer with others while Johnny was too busy trying to catch the eyes of various other females as he stripped his shirt.
He tried to find every chance to get to you, and it wasn’t until he purposely slammed right into you with the claim of not seeing you while going to catch a football, did he finally accomplish his goal.
Knocking you to the ground, you easily got pissed and to his dismay, called him out on his bullshit:
“You did that on purpose, you Ass!”
“I didn’t do anything! It was a simple mistake, here let me help you up?”
“No, I got it myself, and stay the hell out of my way!”
From that day on, he was hooked. He didn’t know if it was your dominance and strength or your cutting edge demeanor; either way, he wanted you. BAD.
It was his duty to keep up on this game of cat and mouse, and each time, the blame was pinned on him (rightfully so) and turned away.
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Go torture someone else who’s more into you.”
“Leave me alone!”
It didn’t seem to matter what you did, he would always come back with these huge puppy dog eyes and a grin that could cut glass.
Maybe that’s what made you start to give into his charms?
When you finally allow him into your life, take you on dates and such, he often tries to pester you just to get you fired up. He thinks it’s hot, you think it’s utterly annoying and misleading.
“You’re trying too hard, Lawrence.”
“You’re pushing on the line of clingy.”
“Can I take a breather?”
Either way, you guys soon find a dynamic. Although you may seem self-centered and cruel to most, Johnny knows it’s just a perk that comes with the territory.
Whether this behavior was learned at home or by the way the world works, Johnny loves it and basically basks in it. It makes you tough, and like Sensei Kreese taught him, that’s what you need to survive; a skill Johnny has yet to master.
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Older Johnny Lawrence:
As Johnny had aged, he learned the skill of having to fend for one’s self before tending to anyone else. This asset had instantly peaked his interest upon meeting you.
You, getting the job rather easily, tended to the children in the Cobra Kai dojo when class was in session, helping to guide and help instruct every motion the senseis provided.
Like younger Johnny, older version of him also found this very endearing and headstrong, allowing him to feel safe and comfortable around you, knowing you could handle yourself in most situations.
Yes, being egocentric is very selfish or self-regarding, but it works in his world. In a world where John Kreese and Terry Silver reside in, hell, even Daniel Larusso.
However, catch Johnny on a bad day, and that’s his favorite topic to target:
“You always so damn full of yourself?”
“Only when it means warding off self-centered pricks like you. You have stereotypes written all over your forehead!”
“You’re one to talk!”
“Like you have much to say in defense?”
In light of the topic, you’re both egocentric but don’t like to admit it (much to our dismay)
Besides your personalities constantly crashing, they also mesh well, having similar attributes that make you work.
ESPECIALLY when it comes to going head-to-head with Kreese and Silver. 
Johnny loves to step back and watch you fire on them, knowing that in the end, you’re seeking comfort for yourself of all things. You don’t let them corrupt you, which keeps making them come back, but Johnny knows where you stand. 
You’re loyal, and he couldn’t ask for anything better than a Bad Bitch like you.
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oncasette · 2 years
✷ here’s a list of characters i currently write for + some common themes / tropes i tend to enjoy !
✷ favs, requests open, requests closed, *sfw only
in terms of requests! my ask box is always open but i reserve to write or not write anything that comes in. i keep everything in the bin in case one day it sparks something!
✷ links lead to fan castings!
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BALDUR’S GATE III. astarion ancunin, gale dekarios, karlach, shadowheart
DC. barry allen, adrien chase, rick flag, dick grayson, harley quinn, jaime reyes, tdk!bruce wayne
EIGHTIES. ferris bueller*, darry curtis, charlie dalton*, jason dean, kevin dolenz, cameron frye*, daniel larusso, johnny lawrence, blane mcdonough, ronald miller*
HARRY POTTER. regulus black, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, theseus scamander, fred weasley, george weasley, oliver wood
TED LASSO. roy kent, ted lasso, jamie tartt
MARVEL. druig, eddie brock, frank castle, scott lang, matt murdock, mcu!peter parker, tasm!peter parker, steve rogers, peter quill, helmut zemo
MILES TELLER. willard hewitt, andrew neiman
OBX. rafe cameron, jj maybank, topper thornton
PEDRO PASCAL. jack daniels, frankie morales, javier peña, marcus pike
SCREAM. ethan landry, stu macher, charlie walker
STRANGER THINGS. steve harrington, jim hopper, eddie munson
TOP GUN. bradley bradshaw, nick bradshaw, tom kazansky, jake seresin, beau simpson
MISC. art donaldson, carlisle cullen, walt finnegan, mark grayson, logan huntzberger, percy jackson, peeta mellark, benny miller, eric northman, kai parker, harvey specter, stiles stilinski, jesse swanson, thomas webb, phil wenneck, sebastian wilder, pacey witter, charlie young, patrick zweig
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TROPES I’M PARTIAL TO... mutual pining, fake dating, lovers to enemies to lovers, (childhood) best friends to lovers, summer love, vampire!au, domesticity, age gap, guy falls first, hurt/comfort, second chance romance, roommates to lovers, old money!au, dad’s best friend, best friend’s brother
TROPES I WON’T WRITE… non-con, rpf, pedophilia, age play/regression, pet play, anal play, water sports, scat, sister!reader (ex. eddie munson x henderson!reader)
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Young Johnny Lawrence Headcanons❤️🐍:
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Written by:me
Authors note:this is how I think he would react
Warnings: none
Where you met:at the back to school beach party
Who your jealous of and why?:Ali,cause he dated her before you and was still in love with her after she broke up with him.
Who he is jealous of and why?:Daniel,cause he ‘stole’ his other girl and is afraid Daniel will steal you away from him just like he did with Ali.
Where and when you had your first kiss:on your first date at Golf N’Stuff.
Things he likes about you:your courage
Your fav song to listen to together:
Your fav hobbies to do together:watch him practice at cobra Kai🐍,hangout,go on dates together
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miyagifangkai · 2 years
Close Call
Tagged: @westviewsstuff
Request: can you make a Daniel x Reader oneshot but the reader has a Jules Vaughn personality their just really happy, calm and bubbly person but sometimes they easily get angry, soo Reader and Daniel were biking together till the cobras tried to mess with Daniel reader had enough and stood up for him like literally pulling out a tazer while shouting at them the cobras got terrified and left, they got home and layed down on the readers bed talking about stuff while they looked at each other then they eventually kiss??
Word count: 1.1k
!!!Not completely proofread!!!
Warnings: Lots of cussing!!, violence, and kissing?? That’s about it! Also I’ve never watched Euphoria but I tried! 😊
Couple Pairing: Young!Daniel Larusso x Reader
Characters Involved: Reader, Daniel Larusso, Johnny Lawrence (he’s an ass)
A/N: hi!!! I know you requested this so long ago.. I’m so sorry this took so long. You are so allowed to be mad at me 🤣 but anyways!! Thank you for your patience and being awesome! I hope you like it!
You were always very easy going and honestly, so was your best friend, Daniel Larusso.
You and him immediately became friends on his first day of school. You saw him getting pushed around by Johnny Lawrence and his group of minions which made you feel bad for him. After they finished their petty and, shall I say, needless bullying you approached the lanky brunette.
“Hey, need a hand?”
“Nah, I’m good. Thanks,” the brown haired boy waves you off.
“C’mon, let me at least clean this up for you,” you take out your small first aid kit and start cleaning up the small cut on Daniel’s temple.
Daniel hisses when you disinfect the wound, “Shit, sorry dude!”
“It’s okay,” Daniel slightly chuckles.
You finish up and help Daniel stand back up.
“I’m Y/N,” you reach out your hand and Daniel shakes it.
“Hey, I’m Daniel. Daniel Larusso.”
You smile, “Cool! So, Daniel, first day huh?”
“Couldn’t tell?”
“Um, no. It’s kinda blatantly obvious,” you laugh, “but already getting caught up in Lawrence and his goons probably wasn’t your best decision.”
Daniel scratches the back of his neck signaling he was feeling uncomfortable with the conversation, “Yeah, I don’t think it was either.”
You two smile at each other and you say, “Need me to show you around?”
Daniel stares at you for a second debating if he should or not. He didn’t want any more trouble with anybody.
He decides to throw all the cons out the window and answers, “Yeah! Sure!”
You two started to become closer and closer with each other with each passing month. Him going over to your house and you going over to his, that is when he wasn’t training for karate. He told you about how he was gonna beat Johnny Lawrence’s ass; you supported his decision on learning karate. He had to take up for himself sooner or later.
But whenever he had the time you two would spend time together and after awhile you felt yourself starting to develop feelings for him. You were pretty sure those feelings weren’t reciprocated because you were just friends so you stuffed your feelings deep down so you wouldn’t ruin your friendship with him.
After school one day Mr.Miyagi gave Daniel the day off so he could hang out with you and give him a break. You two decided to go bike riding and pick up some burgers. After you both ate you two were riding back home when you were cut off by Johnny and his asshole friends.
“Well, well, well,” Johnny walked up to Daniel and leans over the bike rail, “Larusso has girlfriend.”
“Leave me alone,” Daniel leans back a bit on his bike.
Johnny mocks in the best girly voice he can muster, “Leave me alone.”
“Guys, really. We’re not bothering any of you. Can we just drop this stupid rivalry for one day?” You say rolling your eyes.
Daniel looks at you with concern, “Don’t, Y/N. Go home.”
You shake your head and stand your ground.
“Oh! She speaks!” Johnny laughs and looks at his friends and then looks back at you with narrow eyes, “No.”
“Get him!” One of Johnny’s friends yells and they grab Daniel and restrain him while Johnny starts punching him.
You scream, “Let him go!”
You run up to Johnny and try to grab his wrist but in the heat of the moment Johnny elbows you square in the jaw.
“Y/N!” You hear Daniel yell.
You fall down to the ground cupping your face as you start to feeling your anger rise. You look at Johnny with pure steam coming out of your ears and run to your backpack to get your taser out.
You walk up to Johnny with heavy steps, you gather all the strength you can and grab Johnny in a chokehold, and put the taser to his neck and turn it on.
“What the fuck!” Johnny exclaims out of the surpise.
Johnny’s friends drop Daniel to the ground and Daniel lies there holding his side. You let the trigger go and the taser stops.
“I suggest you motherfuckers get the Hell out of here before I taze his ass!” You scream.
Johnny fights you off getting out of your grip, “You’re a crazy bitch!”
“Crazy? Maybe. Bitch? Absolutely not!” You turn the taser on again and start screaming at them with all your might causing the boys to get on their bikes and speed away from you.
“Y/N, holy shit! That was–that–”
You give Daniel a small smile, “You’re welcome. Let’s get you home, yeah? My house is closer so we’ll go there.”
Daniel weakly nods his head and you two ride to your complex.
You throw Daniel’s arm over your shoulder and help him into your families apartment and you two go straight to your room. You lead Daniel to the bed and he lays down groaning.
You run down stairs and get a few small ice packs and wrap them with wash cloths and hand a few to Daniel. You put one on your eye and you sit down on the bed with Daniel.
“Johnny Lawrence is such an asshole! No wonder you’re doing karate.”
Daniel laughs, “Yeah, he’s a dick. I’m so sorry he hit you,” Daniel raises his hand up and puts his on yours and you immediately get chills from his touch.
You shake your head, “No. I’m okay. Don’t worry. How are you holding up?”
Daniel raises up on the bed and slowly pulls his shirt up and your eyes grow wide, “Oh man, they got you good,” you touch his ribs softly and Daniel sucks in his breath.
“Oh–sorry,” you look away.
“It’s okay. Just hurts,” you can tell Daniel is holding back tears.
You nod your head and look down at your hands starting to pick your nails. You see Daniel’s hand caress yours to make you stop picking and you look up at him.
Daniel takes the lead and kisses you, surprised you pull away quickly.
“Oh, Dan–”
“No! I’m sorry! I just thought–”
“Y/N,” Daniel looks at you and you at him.
“I like you.”
Your eyes stare deeper into his searching for an answer but you never found one. You too afraid to tell him how you felt. For some reason you thought he’d be joking with you. You were all just a big joke to him.
You sigh throwing caution to the wind, “I like you too. I have for a long time.”
Daniel gets a big smile on his face, “Really?”
You chuckle happily, “Yeah! Really!”
Daniel leans in again and you two connect lips. You could practically feel his heart pounding and yours too as he cups your cheek. You two pull away from each other trying to catch your breath. You both smile.
You couldn’t believe that you and your best friend had just kissed. But you were so damn happy that you did.
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johnnysbl0ndehair · 7 months
Explicit content
I'm thinking about Johnny and the rest of the cobra Kai gang sitting in Jimmy's basement around on a couch talking about how you are
"did you see her tits today man? Shittt" Dutch chimed in stopping your boyfriends train of thought as he rolled his eyes "what I wouldn't do" said Tommy as everyone laughed and snickered
But this wasn't a one time thing. Anytime Johnny invited you to hang out with everyone he saw the way Dutch was eye fucking you, or how Bobby kept complaining your shoes.
It made his blood boil, so whenever you were all together he made sure to be extra touchy feely. Holding your hand, calling you cute little names, practically sucking faces in front of everyone as a reminder of who you belonged to.
In Johnny's mind you were his territory, he can be so defensive and positive.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Who I Write For✦
(This will be added too over time)
⭑Bo Sinclair ⭑Vincent Sinclair ⭑Lester Sinclair ⭑Michael Myers (OG, 2007, & Gramps) ⭑Thomas Hewitt ⭑Bubba Sawyer ⭑Jason Voorhees ⭑Ghostface (Billy & Stu) ⭑Tiffany Valentine ⭑Brahms Heelshire ⭑Billy Lenz ⭑Carrie White ⭑Baby Driftwood ⭑Otis Driftwood ⭑Pyramid Head ⭑Herbert West (if a male/masc reader) -Bonus- ⭑Carly & Nick; House of Wax ⭑Sydney; Scream
Dead By Daylight
♢Evan MacMillan - The Trapper ♢Anna - The Huntress ♢Max Thompson Jr. - The Hillbilly ♢Sally Smithson - The Nurse ♢Herman Carter - The Doctor ♢Ji Woon Hak - The Trickster ♢Danny Johnson - The Ghostface ♢Philip Ojomo - The Wraith ♢Amanda Young - The Pig ♢Rin Yamaoka - The Spirit (only SFW) ♢Kazan Yamaoka - The Oni ♢Frank Morrison - The Legion ♢Susie Lavoie - The Legion (only SFW) ♢Julie Kostenko - The Legion ♢Joey - The Legion ♢Adiris - The Plague ♢Caleb Quinn - The Deathslinger ♢Carmina Mora - The Artist ♢Sadako Yamamura - The Onryo (only SFW) ♢Tarhos Kovacs - The Knight ♢Adriana Imai - The Skullmerchant ♢Nemesis - The Nemesis -Bonus- ♢Jill Valentine ♢Leon Kennedy ♢Cheryl Mason ♢Carlos Oliveria ♢Claudette Morel ♢Bill Overbeck ♢Vittorio Toscano
Our Life; Beginnings & Always
❧Cove Holden ❧Derek Suarez ❧Baxter Ward ❧Elizabeth Last (x readers for non-sibling characters) ❧Kyra Preece ❧Tamarack Baumann ❧Qui "Autumn" Lin
⚂Lawrence Beetlegeuse Shoggoth ⚂Lydia Deetz (only SFW) ⚂Adam Maitland ⚂Barbara Maitland ⚂Ms.Argentina
Call of Duty; Modern Warfare
✚Simon "Ghost" Riley ✚Johnny "Soap" MacTavish ✚John Price ✚Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ✚Alejandro Vargas ✚Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra ✚Valeria Garza ✚Alex Keller ✚Farah Karim ✚Nikolai ✚Konig ✚Horangi
❦Eddie Brock & Venom (2015) ❦Frankenstein's Monster - Mary SHelly ❦Classic Monsters; Dracula, Werewolves, etc. ❦Krampus(yes you read me) ❦Y/N from Stuck on A Childhood Crush/Friend & Killer (aka Cordelia)
Yes that's write. You can have your Y/N x Reader fics now.
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