talesofphantombandits · 2 months
Star Crossed ~ John Murphy. (The 100)
Summary: Beau and John had been friends since childhood, as they both grew so did their relationship, that's until John gets arrested and they are torn apart before anything serious could happen between them. As luck would have it, Beau also gets arrested a week before the 100 are sent to the ground, their reunion is short lived though when Murphy gets banished from camp and Beau gets taken by the mountain men. Will these two star crossed lovers ever find their way back to one another and finally get their happy ending? Not likely.
Character Pairing: John Murphy X Beau Scott.
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Living in Mount Weather wasn’t as bad as Beau first thought it would be. Although now that Clarke had passed decontamination and was reunited with the rest of the group, she had started up her normal chaos. There was thing Beau was really missing though. John Murphy. 
Beau and Murphy had been friends since they were children, a friendship that in time grew into something that might have become more. That’s if John hadn’t of gotten himself arrested, but she wasn’t mad at him she was actually proud of him for doing what was right. She herself had gotten arrested about a week before they were dropped on earth, She was equal parts scared and excited. She didn’t know what to expect when they landed but she just hoped that Murphy would be one of the 100 that was getting dropped, and sure enough when they had all clambered out of the drop ship, there he was celebrating this new found freedom just like everyone around them. They spent most evenings together, but she couldn’t shake her mind about how much he’d changed, the sassy and sarcastic remarks where always there, but the violence and the bullying? But when they would find moments alone the old Murphy would slip out, only for her which gave her hope that in time, when they had settled in their new home he too would settle. When he would do something bad and she would have a go at him over it, he knew exactly how to charm her back into his favour, she could never be mad at him for very long. Or so she thought. 
And then she came close to loosing him, all thanks to a little girl who thought she could do whatever she wanted with little consequence, Beau wasn’t saying that she wanted Charlotte to hang, but that didn’t mean Murphy had to hang for something he was wrongly accused of, She had rushed to his squirming body, holding on for dear life to his legs which were kicking at anything they could. Once she had a firm bearhug grip on his thighs she tried lifting him up with all her might, trying to loosen the grip the rope had on his neck. Then Charlotte made her confession, Beau was so shocked that for a second she let Murphy go, not that it would have mattered because in that second Clarke had severed the rope and Beau managed to soften Murphy’s landing. She immediately removed the rope around his neck with the help of Finn, checking that Murph was breathing and there was no excessive damage to his throat, relived when she found only a single deep red line, she knew though that talking for a few days would be, if not painful then extremely uncomfortable.  
Murphy’s next actions however disgusted her, chanting for them to bring Charlotte out so that she could be hung. And while she was pissed at the obvious unbalance of the camp, no one should have been hung in the first place. When she went to Murphy to try calm him and make him see sense she got shoved back and told to stay out of it. Beau was devastated, she’d never seen this side of him, her hopes of being with him had been crushed yet again, he’s all that she’d thought about since the age of six, she knew that her and Murphy were meant to be together. But now she wondered if that was the case at all, what if all this time the love she felt for the boy in front of her had been one sided. When they all left camp on the hunt for Charlotte, Beau stayed behind. She went back to her and Murphy’s shared tent and tried to sleep, but it was useless.
A good few hours had passed when she heard them all come back into camp again, she shuffled out of bed and just poked her head out when Clarke passed by, she caught her arm and asked where Murphy was. Her heart sunk once more when Clarke informed her that Murphy had been banished on pain of death. No matter how mad she was at him, she was scared. Danger lurked everywhere out there without the protection of the walls and the people, not that the people had been any good at protecting Murphy so far. Still she didn’t know what to do, she wanted to go after him but he could of gotten anywhere by now and the darkness wouldn’t help her find him. 
She decided that once first light came she would search for him, and so she did, every single day she would finish up her chores and the take a walk in a different direction and look for Murphy. But every time she found nothing, not footprints, no discarded clothing, nothing. With everyday that passed that she found no sign of him her heart ached even more, even if this love she felt did happen to be one sided she was still a friend to him. And she would look for him till the ends of the earth if she had to. 
Her thoughts were interrupted when Harper came to sit next to her. “Thinking of Murphy again? I don’t see why you’re hung up on should a bad egg when there is plenty of charming men around her.” She said looking around but Beau knew she only had eyes for one person. 
Beau just rolled her eyes. “That bad egg is my childhood sweetheart, one I just can’t seem to let go go so easily. How’s things with Monty going?” She laughed as Harper snapped around to her quickly, nearly giving herself whiplash, her cheeks blazing hot.
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talesofphantombandits · 9 months
I mean they are twins after all 😏 I guess it’s allowed 😂
Maybe I need to stop watching Fantastic Friends, I feel like it’s turning me into a Oliver girl 😂😂
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talesofphantombandits · 9 months
Dagger to the Heart ~ Young Guns. Chapter 2
Summary: Bobbie 'Bo' Ryder had quite a simple life before she met Billy and his gang or Regulators, forced to ride with them on their mission for freedom and revenge she will become a loyal regulator herself and also find the best of friends in Doc Scurlock, but best of all? She gets her biggest wish of finding love again, until that too is cruelly ripped away from her again, forcing her to become someone she never thought she would be. A seeker of revenge.
Character Pairing: Chavez Y Chavez X Bobbie 'Bo' Ryder.
Masterlist Here! Part One here!
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Bobbie woke with a start.
Disoriented she tried the best she could to take in her unfamiliar surroundings. It was light but she could tell it was late morning, sitting up on her elbows all she could see was sand and weeds covering the ground in all directions, this wasn't home. Where the hell was she? It took her a minute or two to stop the panic that had set in, things started to come back to her, the regulators, the fire, her father laying dead in the stables. God her poor father. 
"Hey." Startled she whipped to her left. "You okay?" 
All she could do was stare at the blonde man that was stoking the fire in front of him, for the life of her she couldn’t think of his name. “What?”
It was only then she had noticed someone out the corner of her eye heading her way, when she looked up Chavez was just kneeling down to her eye line, his arm outstretched. She was honestly surprised that she’d been able to remember his name but not the other mans. She took him in for a moment, she noticed his eyes, brown almost hazel in colour but they held such intelligence. Safe to say she was mesmerised, when she had found herself back to reality she finally looked down at the battered metal cup in his hand, she'd been that distracted that she hadn't even noticed how parched she was, so she gratefully took the water. Chavez almost cracked a smile at her, admiring the way she gulped the liquid down but he made sure to hide it. 
"We only stopped for a rest, I'll get the horses ready." With that Chavez walked away, it took everything in Bobbie not to burn a hole into the back of his head, for she was sure he would be able to sense it.
"You didn't answer my question." She turned back to where blondie had been sat observing the entire encounter between her and Chavez.  Doc! that was his name! He was now fully focused on sharpening his blade.  
She just looked at him confused. "Sorry what?" 
Doc focused his gaze back to Bobbie. "I asked if you were okay, you look startled.” He gave the blade one last strike against the stone before burying the tip into the soft sand and chucking the stone aimlessly behind him. "but to be fair, can't say I at all blame you it's been a rough night."
She smiled at him, all that effort just to ask if she's okay. "I'm fine, I think. A little disoriented after every thing but I've been through worse plus, some of the company isn’t so bad.” Doc nodded in understanding. "I'll be fine, thank you though.” 
Just as he was about to say something else they both heard two people bickering, one of which sounded frantic. It was coming from just around the corner of a big rock to their right, both Doc and Bobbie stood up to see what was happening. Chavez had already beaten them there and was trying to calm the situation down but to no avail, Charley just kept walking in circles and ranting over and over again.
The only word Bobbie could make out was 'hanging', at this point she had no idea exactly what she'd gotten herself into but she sure was about to find out. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse Steve brought over Billy which made Charley freak out more. She hadn't even been around Billy for more than a day but there was just something about him that she already detested. And she was right, straight away Billy was describing hangings that he'd been witness to and of course Charley was incredibly distressed and getting worse, Billy even went as far to tell him that he most likely would be caught and hanged, just to rub salt further into the wound he also started to laugh in his face.
Bobbie had, had enough. "Hey Billy, why don't you cool it down a bit huh?" He gave her a look, one that she didn't like at all, one that instilled fear into her.
"Why don't you just keep your mouth shut huh? You're not apart of this gang little girl." He started to move towards her but to her surprise Chavez stepped in front of her.
"Billy." Chavez warned in a low tone. He backed off, but not without glaring at Bobbie who was peaking over Chavez's very wide shoulder. 
“Why is she still here anyway? All she is is a bother, if anyone is going to get us killed it’s her!” Bobbie bolted past Chavez, determined to rip Billy’s face off, but Chavez’s reflexes where faster and he caught her by the waist and held her tight against his chest. 
To Bobbie’s surprise it was Doc that spoke up this time. “She lost everything because of us, what were we going to do? Just leave her in the middle of no where without family or a place to live?” 
Billy just scoffed. “She’s not our responsibility, if she slows us down or gets us in trouble I’ll kill her myself.” He seemed to drop it after that and walked over to Charley to continue their conversation.
It was only then that Bobbie realised that Chavez was still holding her, she couldn’t help but to notice how warm and comforting it was to be so close to him. But as soon as the thought entered her brain, he’d let go and started walking away.
They'd finally decided to treat Charley to one final good day, just incase they did get hung. Bobbie felt awkward at first walking into the bar, the girls walked around, shoulders exposed and low, very low necklines. She had sat down next to Doc, Chavez passing them, sitting down at the other table across from them with his back against the wall. A brunette rushed over to him, sitting behind him and immediately draping her hands all over his shoulders and chest. Bobbie tried her hardest to not look at them, she could feel something stirring in her but she tried to push it all down, she had no right to get possessive over him, they hadn't even known each other 24 hrs yet, what right did she have? What she didn't know was that Doc had clocked her stare at Chavez and smiled to himself, he knew exactly what that look meant.
Bobbie had been so distracted by Chavez and the lady hanging on to him that she hadn’t even noticed the tension rise in the room when Billy had walked himself over to the unknown man. Only realising the peril they could be in when Doc and Steve both took out their guns and laid them on the table, almost in sync. Doc as if sensing her discomfort did his best to give her a smile that was meant to calm her nerves, it did anything but.
“I would sure like to touch the gun that’s going to kill Billy the kid.”
Billy was going to get them all killed.
“I heard this Billy the Kid has a way with the woman.” She hadn’t meant to scoff out loud, in fact she only knew she had when all heads turned in her direction. 
Luckily for Bobbie, Billy didn’t like when the attention was taken away from him for too long and continued with his doomed teasing of the bounty Hunter.
But Bobbie found herself once again distracted by the man sitting opposite her. In order to concentrate on the escalating situation behind him, he’d finally shooed the letch from the tight grip she had on his shoulder, Bobbie’s vision of Chavez was blocked only for a moment while the female walked past her, no doubt to find another willing male to latch onto. But the moment her sight was cleared again she found Chavez was already staring at her, in those matter of seconds he’d lifted his head and their eyes had met, he lifted the glass up to his lips and took a swig of his drink, never breaking the contact until he heard the fatal words come out of Billy’s mouth.
“Hey! I see him!” He pointed to himself in the mirror. “There! There’s Billy the kid!” Bobbie couldn’t help but roll her eyes and lean back, defeated in her seat, if a bounty Hunter didn’t come and kill this stupid kid soon she had half the mind to do it herself.
The man wasn’t having it though, he just thought he was being a stupid kid and was teasing him, if only he knew. When Billy started to whistle that’s when she knew this was going to go sour, and she was right. Trying to shoot Billy the man didn’t succeed for Billy had taken out all his bullets when the man had stupidly handed Billy his gun to look at, he tried several times but all that was heard were clicks. Then Billy pulled his gun, Bobbie will never forget the look on the man's face when it dawned on him that he was about to die.
He shot him, and that was it for Bobbie. After everything she’d been through she couldn’t take it so she stormed out and hoped that no one would follow her. But she would be disappointed, she could hear Doc calling after her as she marched her way to the horses. When she turned to look at him she could see that not far behind him was Chavez who was also walking towards her but he was walking a lot slower and definitely stalling to catch up to her. 
“Let me guess, it was Billy that started all this in the first place?” Doc didn’t say anything but he stopped short in his tracks which was a dead give away. “How can you stand him? He’s so insurable.” 
Doc looked confused and lost for words. "He sometimes has a point though, they killed our mentor, at first I didn’t agree. In fact I’m not sure what I think and feel right now but it’s happening and all we can do is go along with it.” 
She was pacing in front of the horses now. "And that justifies killing more people? That just makes you as bad as them!"  
"Bo." His soft voice stopped her in her tracks, she looked over to where Chavez was now stood next to Doc. "It's gone too far now, we have to see this through. Me and Doc definitely agree with you, but we've done too much and Billy isn't going to stop until he's satisfied. Murphy's men are definitely not going to stop hunting us until they see us shot or hung." He then turned to Doc, putting his hand on his closest friends shoulder squeezing it to reassure him, he gave a nod which made Doc sigh and he began the walk back to the bar. 
Chavez watched until Doc was out of earshot. "I can take you to the nearest town if it'll make you feel safer, i'm sure we can find you a decent hotel." 
She thought about it deeply, she had nowhere to go, no friends, no family and no place to call home. If she had also been a target because they were with her in her house then she too was probably being hunted. "I have nothing." She dryly laughed. "You guys are kind of the only thing I know right now, they also burned my house down and killed my father, which probably means i'm also a target right?" 
"You are more than welcome to stay with us and i'll do my best, I mean me and Doc will do our best to keep you safe but you must know we can't promise your safety."  Bobbie's heart fluttered, maybe staying with them was the best thing, even if it would just be to stay close to Chavez and Doc. 
She never got to say what she wanted as Charley screamed for his life. “IT’S JOHN KINNEY!”
Chavez rushed past her to untie his horse, she was too shocked to move. Everything was moving too fast. He jumped up onto the horse seamlessly and reached his hand down to Bobbie. 
“You can ride with me.” 
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talesofphantombandits · 10 months
Dagger to the Heart ~ Young Guns.
Summary: Bobbie 'Bo' Ryder had quite a simple life before she met Billy and his gang or Regulators, forced to ride with them on their mission for freedom and revenge she will become a loyal regulator herself and also find the best of friends in Doc Scurlock, but best of all? She gets her biggest wish of finding love again, until that too is cruelly ripped away from her again, forcing her to become someone she never thought she would be. A seeker of revenge.
Character Pairing: Chavez Y Chavez X Bobbie 'Bo' Ryder.
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“We need a horse, and a nurse.” 
Bobbie just laughed, looking up at the man on his literal high horse, showing off his power by pointing a gun directly in her face.
“You’re going to have to be nicer to me than that if you want my help.” She had turned to walk away but stopped short when she finally realised that his whole gang had made a circle around her on their horses, hands on their belts. She just scoffed and looked at them all individually as she slowly turned to look back at who she supposed was their leader, but hesitated just about half way when she had locked eyes on one face.
It was only for a second but in that moment she knew everything was about to change.
“I’ll ask again.” He leaned forward in the saddle. ”A horse and a nurse.” 
She sighed, nodding over to where the barn was where at least eight horses were enjoying their supper.
She looked down towards the soft brown dirt then back up to the man who still had the nerve to have his gun pointed at her.
“Wasn’t so hard, was it sweetheart.” He had smirked at her then rode off in the direction she’d nodded in.
“Whoever needs the medical care, follow me.” She started off in the direction of her home, through the gap in the circle where their leader had just been. 
By the time someone had eventually joined her in the kitchen, she had set up a sort of makeshift medical station. Her back was to the door as she poured some alcohol on some cotton, so she had no idea out of all the faces she’d seen who had walked in wounded. 
So when she turned and found the dark haired man she had been drawn to locked eyes with leaning on the door frame she was pleasantly surprised, it was like the air got knocked out of her lungs.
“What’s your name?” She pointed to the chair she had set up by the table for him to sit so she could get started. 
“Chavez.” He winced out in pain but managed to give her a slight smile. “Yours?” 
“Bobbie Ryder but people usually call me Bo” She walked back over to the table and in front of Chavez who had extended his bloody hand out onto the cloth she’d laid down.  She looked at it closely. Gunshot wound, most definitely. “How did you get this?” She looked up to find that he was already staring at her. “Or do I not want to know?” She smiled at him, but it slightly fell at the look he was giving her. 
“Sorry for interrupting but I just wanted to apologise for Billy.” Their heads both shot to the door way where a man now stood with hair the colour of straw, He looked so young and innocent as he fiddled with the bottom of his shirt. “We’ve had a rough past couple of weeks and well he’s not really all there anyway. My names Doc.” 
“Nice to meet you Doc, don’t worry about it. Unfortunately, living out here I’m use to it now.” She set to work cleaning Chavez wound and making sure to remove every tiny bit of shrapnel so it wouldn’t get infected. “So what brings you out here in such a large group?” 
They chatted some more and the boys told her all about their teacher who had been murdered and they were supposed to be the law and arrest all the boys that had committed the crime, but then Billy had taken matters into his own hands and executed them instead. So now they were all on the run. She knew from the moment she’s set eyes on Billy that he was a bad egg and up to no good, and she didn’t like him one bit, she couldn’t wait for him to be off her land. When Bobbie had finished dressing Chavez hand he stood, towering over her. He thanked her but she brushed it off, thanking the both of them for being so well mannered and polite. 
She invited them to dinner, but on the condition that Billy behave himself, and if he stepped one foot out of line in her house they would be out. They all agreed for most of them had already made themselves comfy while he tended to Chavez. She was stood at the stove preparing the stew when she felt a presence behind her, looking over her shoulder she was happy to see it was Chavez. 
"Would you like me to do anything? I mean, you probably just saved my hand from infection, least I could do.” She just smiled at him, surprised that one of them had asked to help her for her hospitality. 
"I'm good. But thank you, it's nearly done anyway." He gave her a faint smile but nodded and started to turn away. "But! if you wanted to keep me company, I wouldn’t say no." She suggested. 
Without a word he turned back around and leaned against the fireplace, silently watching her. "Do you live here alone?" 
Just his presence being around her was so calming, she didn’t even had to look up at him to know that he was staring at her again. "It used to be my husbands house, but now me and my father live here." 
"Use to?" She dared to look at him now. 
She just gave him a sad smile. "He died, Murphys men murdered him. Shot him dead right out there in the barn in front of me." 
He returned her sad smile. "I'm so sorry." 
She shook her head and returned her focus back to the stew. "Nothing could of stopped it, once they have a target in mind they don't stop for anyone." 
Just then the stew started to bubble, meaning that it was ready. As if her father knew, he walked through the door. She informed him of the situation and he didn't mind, all he cared about was getting a good plate of Stew. Once she plated up the dish for everyone she looked around for a spare seat, a happiness and warmth spread through her chest when she found the only one was in the middle of Doc and Chavez. 
The gang had persuaded Bobbie and her father to let them rest for the night, it took many promises from Doc and Chavez to keep Billy and the rest of the gang in check for her to agree, she’d only known the two for a few hours but she knew she could trust them. She brought blankets for them all, they all made makeshift pillows or just did without. The last person she handed a blanket to was Chavez, who had made himself comfortable in one of the bigger chairs. 
"You sure you're going to be comfortable sleeping in that thing?" She pointed to the chair. 
He thanked her for the blanket and nodded. "Believe me, I've slept in worse." She just smiled but nodded and bid him good night. 
She must have laid in her bed for the longest while, uneasy thinking about their guests lying beneath her on her kitchen floor. Her mind travelled to Chavez and how she’d caught him looking at her, she hadn’t thought this way about anyone for a long time, the last time she felt this spark was with her husband, and even that wasn’t this strong. She had finally managed to drift off after what must have been hours, her dreams filled with the man sleeping below her. 
As soon as she had seemingly drifted into a deep sleep, she was startled awake by a sound. 
A gunshot. She would know it anywhere, it haunted her dreams most nights. She willed herself to get up and investigate the source. But as soon as she'd opened her door a gust of burning orange flames greeted her, she unconsciously raised her arms to defend her face, she could feel the lick of heat traveling along her forearms, but no screams could leave her lips. When it had died down a little, enough so she could look out and inspect just how much damage it had caused, she tried to get herself to safety. But she didn't like her chances if the flames had already reached her on the second floor. Just when she thought she was lost, she caught a glimpse of a silhouette rushing up the stairs, the effects of the heat and smoke had started to get to her and it seemed liked it all happened in slow motion, the next thing she knew she was being wrapped her tightly in a blanket. She didn’t know exactly how the piece of cloth was going to protect her but it’s all she had, and she didn’t not have the energy to try something else, so she let the figure drag her to the stairs. Everything was now in full speed as they rushed down the stairs, through the kitchen and out the door, she was surprised as it was still night and the smoke had made it even more harder to see, but as soon as she felt the cool patches of grass on her exposed, probably now burnt feet she knew they had made it out, and it was like a tether back to reality. One she didn’t want to face. 
When the blanket was finally removed and thrown aside, she saw Chavez sit down next to where she was stood. She fell to her knees, then laid on her back to try get some fresher air into her lungs, hoping to replace the black ash that now resided there. She sat up and noticed just how close she'd been beside Chavez, their arms glided against each other. She then looked to the house. The house she had shared with her husband, where good and bad memories had been made, everything she owned, every last piece she had of him was now burning to the ground in front of her eyes. 
Her father! Where was her father? She got up in a daze, not exactly knowing where to start looking but her feet seemed to carry her straight to the barn. The gun shot. That's when something had caught her eye, her vision was still blurred from the smoke but there was no doubt in her mind that there, sticking out of one of the stalls where a pair of legs. As she got closer and the body came more into view, there was no doubt about it, it was her father.  A clear gunshot wound to the head. 
Before she could fall to her knees, someone had caught her.
She faintly heard Doc whisper in her ear. "We need to leave, they could be back any moment to finish us off, you can ride with me." 
The next thing she saw clearly was Doc's silver horse and Chavez standing beside it, ready to help her mount when Doc had gotten comfy. 
Once she was up, she felt and uneasy feeling come over her, one that made her not want to  let go of Chavez hand, he just squeezed her’s gently making her look him in the eye. "You're going to be okay, Doc will take good care of you until we're safe, and I’ll be right behind you the whole way.” 
She nodded the best she could and finally let him have his hand back. She followed him, her eyes fixated on his back all the way to his horse. Doc pulled the reigns and the horse started to walk forward, she wrapped her arms around him and felt the exhaustion wash over her. "It's okay, sleep. I've got you." 
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talesofphantombandits · 11 months
Tech Whiz ~ Matt Devlin - Part 2 Notes.
Here’s some things that I wrote down ages ago for the second part of ‘Tech Whiz’ that have just been sitting in my drafts. A story that I really want to continue but I just don’t think it’ll happen, not for a while anyway. So I thought these were kinda cute and wanted to share.  So enjoy 🥺 
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“He fancies you, you know.” She looked up from her paperwork to see Ronnie standing by the side of her desk.
Her eyebrows knitted together. “Who does?”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “Mattie.” She scoffed. “What? Don’t you believe me?”
“Have you seen him?”
“Yeah unfortunately I have to see him everyday.” They both smiled at each other.
Ronnie shrugged.
“He’s Matt Devlin! Charming and funny not to mention bloody Gorgeous! That man could literally have anyone he wanted. I doubt he go for someone like me.”
“Someone like you?” He shifted on the desk to face her completely.
“Alternative, think I’m a little bit too gothic for him. I could see him more with a beautiful elegant blonde on his arm.”
“Saylor.” Ronnie moved forward and grabbed her hand from the table. “Believe me when I say this, he likes you because you’re smart, funny and so different from everyone else.”
“He’s told you this?”
“Sweetheart I can’t get him to shut up about you after you’ve just said two words to each other in the office.” He just laughed at how shocked she was. “I’ll leave it with you.”
Just like that he left, she tried to go back to her paperwork but was too distracted by Ronnie’s words. Matt liked her that’s all she could think of.
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“Sooo a little birdie told me something this morning.” Her back was to the owner of the voice but she knew instantly who had spoken.
“Oh yeah, well I hope whatever this information is will help me crack this password.” She still didn’t turn but continued to type away at her computer, only the small desk lamp illuminating her little space.
“Ronnie told me that you like me.” There was amusement in the man’s voice, it made her stop typing and swing around in her chair.
She was met with the handsome face of Matt, he was smirking as he leaned on the desk just behind hers.
“That’s really funny, because earlier that same little birdie came to me too. He told me that it was YOU who had a crush on me.”
He sat on the desk, still smirking at her. “Looks like he set us both up.” They just laughed.
“So what?”
She leaned forward in her chair to get a good look at him. “It’s it true?”
He leaned forward as well, their faces inches apart. “Were you telling the truth?”
She just smiled and huffed. “I asked you first.”
“Yeah I like you.” She searched his eyes for a hint of lying but couldn’t find any, she leaned back in the chair. “Any man would be crazy not to like you.”
So Ronnie was telling the truth.
“And you?”
“Yeah.” She smiled softly at his stupid grin. “Any girl would be stupid not to.” They both started laughing as he stood and straightened his pants out.
“So can I take you out on a date?”
She had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. “Maybe, we’ll see.”
She turned back to her computer but he managed to catch the massive smile on her face before she turned completely.
“Great! I’ll pick you up at 7pm on Saturday then.” His voice got further away he must have been leaving.
“You don’t know where I live!” She shouted out to him.
“I can find out.” He shouted back before he was gone.
She turned to look at the door he’d left and couldn’t help but feel butterflies, was this really happening? Not only had Matt confessed to liking her but also asked her out. It all felt like a dream.
Little did they both know, someone else was listening in on their exchange.
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talesofphantombandits · 11 months
Working on my Young Guns OC and my Chavez story, and I got a vision for a bit in the later chapters and I’m sobbing.
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Summary: Narissa was travelling with one Horatio Hornblower, she was heading to her new life with a husband that she had been promised to since the age of six. But when the ship she was traveling on gets commandeered by the Spanish, she joins Horatio and the Duchess to be held captive on the island. There she tends to a young man who is on the brink of death, little did she know then but this man would slowly become the love of her life. Unfortunately there was no way to stop her doomed fate.
Character Pairing: Archie Kennedy/ OC (Narissa McKenna)
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Narissa sighed as she stepped out into the sweet ocean air, she felt like she’d been stuck in her cabin for far too long and so her and the duchess decided to take a little wander around the ship. The Duchess also wanted to find her feet again after being so terribly seasick, but Narissa was more than happy to oblige. But as soon as the Duchess voiced and quite loudly at that about how peckish she was, now that she was feeling so much better. Mr. Hornblower had walked over hurriedly and shushed the pair of them. It was only then that Narissa had taken in her surroundings. Fog, as thick as the black smoke that came from a out of control fire was surrounding them, but it was what Mr. Hornblower had said next that frightened Narissa. They were surrounded by some of the Spanish fleet, this was not going to be good. 
Once they had fully surrounded the ship it was quite obvious that the disguises weren’t going to work, the ship was boarded and we were taken back to land. The men placed in cells, luckily for Narissa and the Duchess a more kind hand was dealt and we got rooms each, both of which were quite comfy. 
They would see Mr. Hornblower every now and again at dinner, the Duchess even had the pleasure of evening walks with him. Narissa on the other hand had to take her morning walks with a random Spanish guard that was obviously not use to walking such lengths for she had to constantly wait for him to keep up. She got so fed up with it that she just said she would get air twice a week instead of everyday. Mr. Hornblower, who had insisted that Narissa call him Horatio from now on had been telling them all tales about an old friend, he’d long thought lost but had discovered him sleeping in the cell they had been put in. Narissa was so intrigued about the whole story and about how fate had brought bother Horatio and his friend back together again. She was however becoming distressed about how apparently increasing sicker his friend, who he mentioned was called Mr. Kennedy was getting. 
It wasn’t until one rainy day when she would actually be able to put a face to the name of Mr. Kennedy, she had been reading a romance novel in her room, no morning walk for her if the sun wouldn’t shine,  when the Duchess had rushed in and informed Narissa that Horatio had brought a half dead Mr. Kennedy inside the main house for medical attention. They both raced to the room where all the chaos was happening to see if they could be of any assistance, and that’s when she saw him. Pale as a ghost, rain still dripping from the tips of his long over grown hair, she froze for only a moment as she felt a strange feeling stir in her. She thought suddenly of love at first sight and if this is what it felt like, she’d been promised to Arthur since she was five years old and was always kept away from all the society balls, while her sister and cousins would go out and enjoy themselves while also getting to feel the joys of falling in love with their own choice of person. With in reason, of course.  She was snapped out of it when two guards rushed in with fire wood, chucking the logs into the fireplace they set fire to them and suddenly a warmth traveled over Narissa, but at the same time she could see Mr. Kennedy start to shake. 
She would watch over him for the next three days, dabbing the sweat off his forehead and making sure he didn’t get cold again, she also read Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ to him every night, it was the only book she had been giving to fill the time she spent here And every night she would accidentally fall asleep in the chair beside his bed. It wouldn’t be until Horatio would come to relive her, gently waking her and telling her to go get some sleep in a comfortable bed, always fearing for her neck and scolding her about how much pain she’d be in the morning. But she didn’t mind, she found that she couldn’t sleep when she wasn’t sitting in the chair next to his bedside, she boiled this down to worry about his condition and if it was to worsen she wouldn’t be there to tend to him. Then again Mr. Hornblower, his good friend was now beside him, so she knew deep down that he’d be just fine. Where had these deep feelings, for someone she hadn’t even said two words to come from? She didn’t know, hell the man wasn’t even conscious yet and didn’t even know she existed, but she just had this strong urge to make sure he was okay. 
Unfortunately she wouldn’t get to see Mr. Kennedy come around, on one of her morning walks her guard had got on her last nerve and she slipped him, running down to the beach. she looked back to see if she’d lost him and it looked like she had, she smiled to herself, finally some peace and quiet and she could finally walk at her own pace and not have to turn and stop every two seconds. She’d nearly got back to the house when slowpoke rounded the corner she was about to take, nearly bumping into each other by the speed he’d taken it, obvious that he’d been frantically looking for her everywhere. She started to giggle which didn’t last long as he grabbed forcefully onto her left under arm.
“God okay! I’m sorry I slipped you but you’re hurting me, let go of my arm and treat me like the lady I am.” Narissa tried to get his hand off her but with no luck, he was stronger. All she got back was some angry Spanish, and unfortunately she wasn’t fluent. 
Once they had got back she was stripped of all her privileges and confined to her room, she was however informed that there was another ship ready to take her and the Duchess the rest of their journey, she had try to negotiate so she could see her patient one last time. For she was the one doing most of the work looking after him but was denied. All night she was kicking herself, why did she have to run off? Why couldn’t she have just put up with that stupid guard for one more day. The next morning her and the Duchess were back on the sea again, Narissa looked back to land sadly, she didn’t even get to say goodbye to Horatio, she would miss him also. They had been sailing for days, what felt like weeks. Every time they thought they were getting somewhere the captain would be spooked by every flag thinking it was a British one, then one day it was and Narissa noticed that they were back where they started. The other ship was approaching fast and even Narissa, with zero sailing skills knew that this wasn’t going to turn out well for them. And she was right, as soon as they where close they had started firing on them, Narissa and the Duchess were told to shelter in their cabin, but both were far too concerned of a sinking so they stayed on deck, but in the lowest place possible, which turned out to be the best possible choice. The sail above them ripped and the next thing they knew they was an almighty crash and they both jolted forward violently, Narissa falling hard onto the wooden deck which was now splinted, she hadn’t even noticed she had been bleeding until the Duchess had come beside her, cupping Narissa’s face in her hands and wiping the trail of blood that threatened to go into her right eye with her sleeve. 
“Thank you.” Narissa said weakly, she felt dizzy and her vision was starting to become blurred, but the Duchess reassured her and kept her awake as they both headed up to the front of the now damaged boat where all the other, remaining crew had gathered. They waited there for about an hour, but it felt like years. They were all getting battered by the rough waves of the storm, Narissa was actually surprised that there were still seven of them left, the waves were so violent that two crew members had nearly gone over board at least twice but both had clung on for dear life to the edge of the ship, if you could even call it that anymore. Finally they all spotted a tiny boat heading toward them, they would have cheered if not for exhaustion  and the fact that they had to keep focus or they would become apart of the sea forever. Narissa’s vision had become darker and she felt like she could loose consciousness at anytime, but she fought her hardest. She told herself that she had one more hurdle, she just had to make it into the boat and the she would be safe to just let the darkness take her. The first man jumped and made it over to the smaller boat, it only then dawned on her what she was going to have to do, luckily the Duchess, in that moment grabbed onto her hand. 
Narissa looked down at their locked hands. “I know that you’re injured and are fighting it, so we’re going to do this together.” Narissa had no words, but she hoped that the weak smile she mustered would tell the Duchess just how thankful she was. 
They waited for instruction on when it was safe to jump, the last thing Narissa remembers was thinking just how familiar the voice of the man shouting the orders was, and then darkness, she doesn’t even remember making it to the boat. The next thing she remembered was the smell of coffee, which was strange. Was she not just in the middle of the sea, fighting for her life in a terrible storm? And yet that was definitely coffee she could smell. Then it dawned on her, was she dead? No she couldn’t be, she didn’t even like coffee so if she was in heaven why would God make her smell that first? Unless she was in hell? 
She opened her eyes and was met with a white celling, she looked around and took in her surroundings as her brain fog cleared. She knew this room, it was familiar because she had spent many days, happily reading sat in front of a log fire. She sat up slowly, her body ached but it was bearable and she was too curious. She pulled back the covers and swung her legs off the bed, taking a moment to make sure she was actually feeling physically ready to stand up. She moved over to the window and peered out, just as she thought. She was back with the Spanish and the bed she was in was the same one Mr. Kennedy had laid in. 
“So, you’re the owner of the little voice in my head that was reading Shakespeare?” Narissa span around so fast that she wobbled a little, Mr. Kennedy who was leaning against the door frame chuckled a little. 
“You heard that?” This was the first time that Narissa could see his eyes, they were the deepest blue she’d ever seen and she had a hard time looking away from them so that she could sit down to steady herself, apparently she wasn’t as stable as she first thought she was.  
Mr. Kennedy smiled and motioned to the seat beside the bed that she had spent many a night in beside him. She nodded her approval and he cam further in the room, taking the seat. “Romeo and Juliet, a good choice.” 
“That’s all they had to give me, more of a ‘Much Ado About Nothing” fan.”  
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Me: wanting to make a Labyrinth OC with a friend and the OC'S would live in the ball room and just wanting them to be the absolute bane of Jareth's existence and just not really wanting love interests for them and for it to be about friendship.
Also me: started watching Willow and falling in love with Ruby Cruz and Kit, and also seeing an amazing piece of oc artwork on pintrest.
and now all of a sudden we have another Mars Maddox situation where I love my OC's love interest more than my OC.
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You Make Me A Complete Mess ~ An Apology - Chapter 1.
Summary: Sage had grown up with the Malfoy family but felt like she was different from them, a feeling that intensified when she grew closer to Snape during her time at Hogwarts and when he helped her through the dark times of Voldemort’s return. At the end of her 5th year her world would entirely change forever when fate would bring her to Fred and George Weasley, and she would find herself unexpectedly falling for Fred. As the years wore on and the darker the world got Sage finds out who her true family are with some twists and turns she’d very much like to forget, after the battle of Hogwarts she stayed clear of the Weasley family although it pained her to do so but 10 years later when she was working as professor of the defence against the dark arts at Hogwarts she meets George once again, is this her second chance?
Character Pairing: Fred Weasley/ OC (Sage Malfoy)
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Sage stood in front of a wonky, unsteady looking home. Why was she doing this again? The Weasleys would probably take one look at her in the thresh hold of their home and slam the door right in her face. She wouldn’t have blame them either, she was after all a Malfoy.
A Malfoy that had broken their sons arm, unintentionally of course!
Before she could guilt herself any further Molly Weasley had opened the door and greeted her with the warmest smile, one that seemed to fade as realisation began to set in just who was standing in front of her. “Mrs. Weasley I’m-“
Before she could finish a man, who she assumed was Arthur Weasley had appeared from behind his wife and now stood stern with his hands on his hip in the doorway. “Why is there a Malfoy at my door?”
Taken aback Sage just stood there, mouth open and squinting at the scene in front of her. The speech she had prepared in her mind on the train home had evaporated now that she was actually standing in the presence of Fred’s family.
"I came here to apologise." Sage tried to sound as sincere as possible, not that she was lying but she had no idea how the hell all this was going to go down for her, it was uncharted territory. 
Both apologising and talking to a Weasley, let alone a whole family of them.
"Suppose you better come in then." To say Sage was shocked was an understatement, she had been fully prepared to put her head back down in shame and walk away. But as soon as Arthur Weasley spoke the words into existence and quite cheerfully her head snapped up in part amusement and part confusion. 
As soon as she stepped in to the kitchen she felt a warm comforting feeling spread out across her whole body. “FRED YOU HAVE A VISITOR!” Molly shouted up the many sets of stairs. She then turned, smiling the whole time at Sage as she made her way over to the kettle on the stove. “Would you like a drink dear?” 
“Oh- .” Just as she was about to reply they all heard a scurry of heavy foot steps, every creak in the wood seeming like the above levels would disintegrate and collapse at any given moment. But fortunately it never did, it wasn’t just Fred that appeared though. To be quite fair she wasn’t at all surprised to see George trailing right behind his twin, but what she didn’t expect was to see Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny scurry down the stairs right behind them. Everyone’s hair had gotten longer, and she couldn’t help but notice how much it suited them all, especially the twins.
That thought was broken when George had the nerve to whisper to her ‘this is going to be interesting.’ As he passed close by her to follow the rest of the gang into the kitchen to join their parents.
She just scrawled at the back of his head, refusing for a second to turn back to the person she was actually here for. But when she did he was calmly leaning again the beam at the bottom of the stairs.
When did he get so handsome? She had to stop herself before her thoughts went further, she was here with a purpose.
“Look I just wanted to say I’m sorry I can’t really explain what happened, not yet anyway but I never meant for you to get hurt.” Sage heard a snigger from behind her, turning slowly she found the whole Weasley family plus Harry and Hermione quickly busy themselves with any task in reach, but she knew that they had been hanging on her every word. One person however didn’t even try to hide how much he was enjoying the show, if looks could kill George would be dead on the spot. 
Turning back to Fred she caught the remnants of a goofy smile before he quickly hid it from her. Why was she here again? She was a Malfoy for crying out loud! She didn’t need to apologise to anyone.
“You know what, whatever! I didn’t have to come here and apologise.” She started to make her way back to the door, everyone standing there in shock at her sudden outburst. She turned one last time to see that Fred had actually followed her to the door.
She got in his face, closer this time and pointed her finger at him. “You know what, I’m glad your broke your arm! You deserve some karma for all the pranks you pull.” She had to fight the urge to prod his chest with her pointer finger. She looked over at George one last time something she instantly regretted as he was smiling bigger than a Cheshire cat. “Be careful George, you might be next.”
Fred just scoffed, making her turn her attention back to him. “Is that a threat Malfoy?” She turned back to him, chuckling as she stated. “No Fred, it’s a promise.” With one last look around the room. "Molly thank you for the offer for tea, you truly are a lovely lady so sad that your sons are a pair of Twats" She simply stormed out after saying her peace.
Fred watched with a smirk, as she walked further into the long, swamp grass before finally disappearing.
“Professor Snape, professor are you okay?” She looked up to find one of her students holding her work book out to her. 
“Fine Lottie, I’m assuming you’re up here because you’ve finished.” She took the text book off her hands and put in on top of the pile on the left of her desk where at least 5 books sat ready for her to mark tonight. How exciting.
Just as Lottie was about to reply the bell went and Sage dismissed all the students, walking to the door of the classroom to see everyone out. Once everyone had departed Sage made her way back to her desk, sighing as she remembered what she was thinking about before being interrupted. 
She had met Fred and George in her first year at Hogwarts, they were all in the same year but they had never really crossed paths until the end of their 5th year when she’d let Draco convince her to pull a prank back on them which resulted in Fred breaking his arm. She’d felt so bad that she had decided to go to the burrow and apologise which you can see didn’t turn out so well but which later she would be glad she went as this is when their friendship would start to grow and her feelings for the mischievous red head would manifest as much as she tried to fight them and that wasn't even the best part, for she would also find a best friend in George. 
She hadn’t seen them in over Ten years now though, after everything that happened in and around the battle of Hogwart’s she knew the twins and their family still hated her, which in turn crushed her because she loved them dearly and aside from Severus, Narcissa and Draco, the Weasley family had been the only other people to love her like one of their own and yet she let them down.
But everything she had done, all the bad and all the good was a way to protect them.
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Walt "Finn" Finnegan x Drue 'Rusty' Dempsey (OC)
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Music of the Night ~ Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Nyx Gray (OC). Part 1.
Summary - Nyx is the bass player in a band that plays at The Hard Deck every night, and every night she wishes she could just go over and talk to Jake without help of alcohol to get her to dance with him. Little does she know he's always had his eye on her ever since he first saw her play. Just when she thinks she had a break through and getting somewhere with Jake, he just has to go a ruin it. Maybe hearing her sing for the first time and seeing her conquer her stage fright might just nudge him in the right direction.
Character Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x OC (Nyx Gray) (Can use whatever name you'd like, just find it easier to have OC'S.)
Hey guys! haven't wrote in a while but after rewatching 'Set It Up' for the 3840th time I seemed to have formed an attachment to Zoey Deutch and Glen Powell (tbh I've always loved Zoey) but after watching 'Everybody Wants Some!!" and then 'TopGun: Maverick' at Christmas i've just spiralled for Glen. So yeah, the other night while listening to music I just suddenly had this idea, might be a three parter depending on how much my brain comes up with. Enjoy!
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What could be better than being a bass player in a rock band that plays for a vibing bar every night?  and right on the beach with amazing views and not to forget being surrounded by extremely handsome Navy pilots.  Well, actually been able to sing in public would have been a good start and maybe then Jake 'Hangman' Seresin would actually look her way once in a while.  But alas her stage fright had yet to be conquered, she couldn't even sing in font of Peggy let alone the tall, hot blonde pilot. Not that he would have given a crap anyway, he'd probably be too preoccupied by his flavour of the night, let alone flavour of the month. 
But she couldn't care less about any of that when she was on the stage playing her bass guitar, just feeling the music flowing through her veins, enjoying and getting lost in the grooviness of the instrument was enough for her at that moment. What she failed to see was that every night Jake could never take his eyes off of her, he was always mesmerised by her aesthetic. He loved how she moved and swayed while she played the bass like she was one with it. He'd never tell her this though, she was far too cool for him and he was totally convinced she had something going on with the drummer, Simon. 
But when the nights got late, and more people crowded the dance floor she’d always manage to somehow make her way into Jake's arms. Both her and Jake always being more than tipsy and probably couldn't string a full sentence together in the moment. Her arms would be around his neck, his would always be lazily around her waist while they swayed, their foreheads would be connected and he would always softly mumble the words from the songs he knew blasting from the Jukebox. When the song would get more lively he'd swing her out and back into his chest again which made her drunkenly giggle and probably blush the deepest red, but she didn’t care she lived for these rare moments with him where he wasn’t surrounded by other girls and just seemed like his genuine self, or what she hoped he was.
But that was forever the extent of their interactions and other than the drunk dances she couldn’t actually recall a single, normal conversation they’d ever had. She'd overheard quite a few of his conversations with his fellow pilots, to say he sounded a little self centred and sarcastic would be a understatement, but he was pretty and she liked a challenge. It was only liquid courage that made her dance with him, but she prayed to god that just one day she would be able to converse with him during the light of day and when they were both sober. 
»»————- ☠ ————-««
When Nyx wasn’t up on stage jamming out she manned the bar for Peggy, which is how she’d first got her band a gig at The Hard Deck. But today of all days, what she hadn’t expected was for Jake to just randomly walk in while the bar was closed he was never here in the day time. She was just mopping the floor, getting it ready for customers when the bar opened in two hours when he had strolled on in and leaned against on one of the tables closest to her.
“So how come you only ever dance with me when it’s dark out and we’ve had a few too many?” She stopped what she was doing and looked up, not expecting him to be as close as he was and in full uniform, he had his arms crossed over his chest and she had to force herself to look back up at his eyes. 
She had to give herself chance to breath before she spoke for if she did answer him straight away her voice would definitely have cracked. “Don’t know, you tell me fly boy.” She leaned on the mop now smiling at him, completely distracted from the work she was suppose to be doing knowing full well Peggy would be pissed at her because the floor wont be dry in time. But she'd be damned if she was going to let this opportunity pass her by.
A brilliant, wide smile graced his face and all she could think about was how adorable the man in front of her was. “Fly boy huh? That's cute, you must really like me if you're already giving me a nickname." He teased. "And I mean I’m not complaining, dancing with you is my favourite part of the night.” He pointed out. 
"Who ever has been telling you I like you, their lying." She bowed a little to him, tilting her head. “And you're very welcome.” They both laughed, never breaking eye contact with each other. “But I’m sure you’ve had many better dances with other girls.”
He just shook his head, his expression had turned serious for a second that it made her smile drop slightly. "Never, You're my favourite girl." “Hey Hangman! You coming or what?” Both of their heads shot to the door where Bradley stood unexpectedly, with a small wave directed to Nyx to show he acknowledged her presence in the room too.
Typical! The first time they actually got to have a real conversation and he’s dragged away before anything interesting could happen, not that anything would. He did however turn back and gave her a sympathetic and what almost looked like a disappointed look as he began to walk to the door. Just before reaching it he turned back once more. “You’re still going to save me a dance tonight right?” 
“Oh.” She smiled. “Always.” With one more sweet smile he was gone.
Before she could even process what the hell just happened Peggy walked into the bar they just stood there stared at each other, Nyx like a deer in headlights. Then realisation hit, the floor wasn’t even half mopped yet. “Was that Jake I just saw leaving? Is that the reason why only one square of my floor is mopped?” 
“I don’t know what you’re trying to hint at, but whatever it is. No, no it's not.” Nxy began to mop the floor again keeping her eyes downcast in order to avoid more questions from her ever persistent boss. 
Peggy just laughed, letting Nyx know that she was busted and had been for sometime. But not to pry Peggy got on with her own jobs in order to get the bar ready for open and let Nxy stew in her new interaction with a certain hot blonde pilot.
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Thank you so much for recommending ‘different sides’ I’m so glad you love it 🥺💚
(Characters: STRANGER THINGS - Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson | OUTER BANKS - JJ Maybank)
A/n: I've read so many good fics in here and I just wanted to put them all together so I can look back on them whenever I want. This is just my lil' library. Feel free to recommend me something too! (Especially eddie or steve fics because it's a NEED!)
And to all these amazing authors: I LOVE YOU <3
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The boy of your dreams - @thedevilwearsvibranium
8 parts + epilogue
Summary: You are number 9, and have the ability to see visions of the future. After escaping from the lab, and surviving a bit on your own, you get taken under the wing of Jim Hopper. And it’s when you return to Hawkins that you start to get strange visions, filled with strange aliens and a boy with a bat that you need to know.
Dancing with myself - @ambrossart
9/10 parts ongoing
summary: eddie crashes senior prom hoping to steal a dance with his dream girl, chrissy cunningham. instead, he spends the night stuck in the ladies’ room with her snarky, insecure best friend.
You are okay - @collecting-stories
10 parts + 2 bonus
Summary: JJ begins a relationship with the reader, a pastor’s daughter from a fundamentalist church who feels disillusioned by her family, and introduces her to his Outer Banks.
Collateral - @hellimagines
5 parts + epilogue
Summary: JJ’s stunt with Barry bites him in the ass when the angry drug dealer kidnaps you and decides you’re JJ’s collateral for the stolen money.
Solar Power - @throwawayfish
5 parts
summary: it’s never easy to always be in the honeymoon phase of a relationship, but being with the pogue king just needs a bit more effort to keep it that way
I wanna be yours - @cryonme
6 parts
Summary: You and JJ hate each other’s guts, you’re a witty, bitchy kook from Figure Eight with signature red cherry lips, and JJ’s an impulsive, bitchy pogue from The Cut with untreated anger issues. Why wouldn’t you hate each other?
I need a favor - @magpiencrow
6 parts
Sumarry: I need a favor - those were four words Y/N hated to see paired with her friend’s name. When it came to Rafe, there was never a please tacked onto the end. And it certainly was never posed as an innocent question. Rafe Cameron didn’t ask, he demanded.
Dirty little secret - @lunarliza
12 parts
Summary: You’re a new Kook in town who just so happens to be fuck buddies with JJ Maybank behind closed doors, or open ones, with absolutely no feelings involved. Or so you both vowed.
Heather - @pappydaddy
3 parts
Summary: Inspired by Heather - Conan Gray.
Different sides - @talesofphantombandits
3 parts
Summary: Kiwi’s relationship with Rafe Cameron is rocky to say the least, But she mostly stayed to please her parents who wanted a connection to the Cameron's wealth and power. One night while at a party she has a brief encounter with a charming stranger who’s hurt in one of the bedrooms. Little did she know this stranger would turn her world upside down. 
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Last updated: 08/10/22 (dd/mm/yy)
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Would anyone be interested in a little story about Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin? Where reader is in a band that plays at The Hard Deck but she has stage fright so doesn’t sing in front of people that isn’t her band so she just plays bass, her and Jake like each other but won’t do anything about it, and they have a very complicated relationship.
And one day at band practice when no one is at the bar she decides to sing a song because she misses singing but turns out all the pilots, including Jake are stood right behind her as she’s singing. Which kind of switches something in jakes feelings for her.
Or is this stupid? 😩
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𝒲𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶𝓃 𝒾𝓃𝓋𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑜𝓂 𝑅𝑜𝓎𝒶𝓁𝑒 𝒞𝒾𝓇𝒸𝓊𝓈? 🎪
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Before there was Six, there was Zero.
Hello my beautiful people! So this has been in the works for a while, I'm currently on a week holiday from my big girl job so thought I would take some creative time to finish this and hopefully finish editing the OG Zero To Six. It warms my heart so much to see people still reading ZTS daily on here and on Wattpad (where it's got 68k reads, 1k votes and 276 comments) so to bring you a new little piece of the puzzle makes me extremely excited. Love you all, and thanks again for showing Zero and Four so much love <3
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I thought I would tag the old supporters from the last chapter of ZTS so if you're tagged and you aren't bothered about this anymore I'm deeply sorry for bugging you! And please let me know if you would like to be I tagged. I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night <3
Warnings: Swearing, Violence.
tags: @i-am-sarah​​​ , @whothefuckstolemykeds​​​ , @drowsyrrog​​​ , @culturefiendtrashqueen​​​ , @rogue-barnes-16–main-account​​​–main-account , @alliwantfromyouistomakelovetome, @valerie-weasley​​​ , @sueeatstheworld​​​ , @bleona2808​​​ , @pippin248​​​ , @myfatbottomedgirls​​​ , @httpfandxms​​​ , @cooliosmosh​​​ , @speckles-s​​​ , @walking-disgrace​​​ , @itsmeaudrieee​​​ , @fight-the-freaking-fairies​​​ , @irrelevant-pumpkin​​​ , @captain-sparkles-who​​​ , @podcasts-8-my-heart​​ , @foulvintagenature​​​ , @imjustboredso​​​ , @loophoria​​​ @tealaquinn @raylan-c
The only thing she could feel was how her lungs burned as she ran and still then it wasn’t fast enough, but nothing could stop her as she could hear the angry shouts in the distance getting louder and louder and yet there was no way back. Skidding into a alley way she looked for somewhere to hide herself until she was sure the man had passed, ducking behind a dustbin just in time. Peaking around, she could see him stop in front of the alley it was almost like he could sense that she was there.
Eventually he seemed to moved on to which she let out an audible sigh now that she knew she was finally alone and out of danger.  Just to be safe she waited for another good five minutes just to make sure that he had actually moved on. Calmly she started to hoist herself up from behind the bin and started to make her way towards the entrance of the busy street. Just as she was about to turn the corner, he suddenly popped out from seemingly nowhere and stood firmly in front of her. 
“Shit.” She started to take steps backwards, hoping that she wouldn’t bump into anything as she kept her eyes firm on the man in front of her. But he only followed, mocking each step she cautiously took.
“Hey sweetie, you can’t hide from me, I will always find you. I promise that.” He tried reach for her but she dodged out of his way just in time, throwing a punch to his stomach and sending him to the floor. 
She started to run again, only to trip when he reach out a hand and grabbed onto her ankle which in turn slammed her to the floor. 
She jolted awake and found herself bolting upright in bed, chest socked with sweat as she breathed heavily.
Looking to her bedside table where the alarm clock blared at her she saw that it was only 3am, sighing she rubbed her face with the palm of her sweaty hand. Another nightmare. She had, had them a lot recently ever since her parents had passed away, but for some reason they seemed to be getting stronger as time went on this one being the worst. She was meant to be at the cafe at 7am for her shift and to meet with Tim so she honestly didn’t see any point in going back to sleep. It would probably just be filled of more nightmares.
Things had been rough recently. Scout had been in need of money and being a hacker came with specific skills that specific but sometimes scary people where in need of. But most of the time it was the people who were being hacked that she had to worry about and her past few jobs had been very suspicious, but money is money and she need it to survive. That and she trusted Tim to keep her safe.
Luckily she hadn’t run into any trouble as yet, but the dreams she kept haven’t felt like someone was trying to tell her that she was playing with fire and she was eventually going to get burnt.
Scouts life had always been complicated and strange, enough that she was used to anything people could throw at her. In two days time her and Tim would go about their biggest job, with the biggest pay off they had ever got. Of which most of the money she wanted to save but there were a few debts she needed to pay and then that would be the end of them and she would be free.
She was sceptical of the job at first when Tim had talked her through it but then he mentioned how much the guy would pay she thought to herself why not, they had probably been through worse. But how wrong she was going to be. But one bad thing can lead into something amazing that will change your life forever.
"You look tired."
"Gee Tim, thanks for pointing out the obvious!" Scout put down Tim's fourth coffee of the day, he'd been in since 7am which was when she had started and was working on notes for the job. "Says you on your fourth coffee."
He just smiled up at her. "Yeah well these notes aren't going to write themselves."
She looked over at her boss who looked like he was deep in conversation with a difficult customer one that had short dark blonde hair that was sort of slicked back and even from where she was standing she could tell his eyes were a deep ocean blue, she’d been stealing glances at him ever since he came in.
She decided to take a seat across from Tim and try without annoying him too much to get some details about their mission that he’s been keeping very secret about for months now. "How far have you got? We nearly there?"
"Nearly! but We'll talk about it tonight. Cant talk about it here, too many people you never know who might be listening." He peered over the top of the laptop giving her a scowl. "Go on bugger off and do your job I need peace and quiet if this is to go smoothly!"
"Geez okay crabby! I'm going, I should take that coffee off you." He didn't respond, nor even look up at her again so she walked away shaking her head in disbelief. She headed back to the counter where her boss now stood alone at the cash register, she was surprised and saddened that the mystery handsome man had seemingly left before she could get one last good look.
She didn’t know it then but the next following weeks would bring her much trauma and pain but this evil was necessary for her to die and be reborn again into a new family that would actually care and love for her the way she’d always wanted to be loved.
That and she’d gain the most important person she’d ever met, or had they already met? And they didn’t even know it.
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𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕺𝖋 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘.
Premise - Octavio belongs to one of the most powerful vampire families in Italy. Ironically you could say they weren’t all family by blood, each sibling had been chosen by the master for a certain reason. Some were close to death, some were chosen for their skill and some were just chosen by random circumstances. Her human name was D’Arcy and she had, had a rather normal life until it had all come crashing down one fateful evening.
The love of her life, a man by the name of Soren was brutally murdered right in front of her eyes, she was destined for the same fate, that is until the master had shown up and saved her from the brink of death. He had promised her that if she became a vampire and worked for him that she would live long enough to see Soren reborn again and they could reunite once more. It had taken one hundred and fifty years for her to finally see Soren again, by this time his face had all but been removed from her brain. The master had held a special masquerade ball every October to celebrate All Hallows Eve, as soon as she felt the human presence enter the grounds of the manor she knew he had finally come back to her. There was only one problem, he was a feeder to one of the most powerful vampires in the world, so powerful that even her master wouldn’t dare challenge her over a feeder.
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~𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔒𝔫𝔢 - ℜ𝔞𝔦𝔫 𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔰~
It was raining hard on the night they had died. Thunder rumbled through the sky as she begged for her and her lover's lives to be spared. But only a second later her lover would be splayed on the cold ground about to take his last breath. As she sobbed into her hands the blood that was trickling out of his body had slowly started to make its way to her, as it reached her bent knees it soiling her white gown with a dark velvet colour. It wouldn’t matter though as in the next second they had struck her across the chest, leaving a gaping wound where her heart use to belong, her blood seeping down the front of her dress to meet her lovers for the last time.
In the one hundred years that she had been the devil's slave she had never witnessed another storm like that night. That was until the year 1850 when the master held his annual all hallows eve ball. She had been watching the guest carriages coming and going from the darkness that loomed beyond the giant metal gate that guard the front of the mansion from her chambers like she always did, they sped down the cobbled pathway only to come to a screeching halt at the front of the house. She had, had a feeling in her gut all day that this year something was going to be different and as she watched a black carriage with menacing gargoyles on its roof enter through the threshold she got a pang in her stomach, one she hadn’t felt in so long that she had nearly forgotten what it felt like. He was here. 
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