Fanfiction: All’s Fair in Love & Cats: Chapter 1
I’m going to have a specific tag for this fic where only officially posted stuff from me will go. Please don’t post fan made stuff under this tag. I will end up making another tag for fan made stuff but that’s when I get enough followers lol.
Warnings: Cursing & BL/Slash 
Disclaimers: I don’t own My Hero Academia or its character
Summary: Izuku gets his cat, Katsuki and Izuku get attacked, and Dad! What the hell!?!
Izuku was sitting at his desk next to the window listening to the teacher drone on about Japan’s history. The bell soon rang and he got up and walked over to Katsuki’s desk. Katsuki was packing up his notes and text book. When he was finished, they started to head to their next class.
“Hey, you ready for our next class?” Izuku asked. Katsuki continued to look straight ahead as he answered.
“Fuck yeah. I can’t believe all of the shitty extras in our class want to become fucking heroes with their lame ass quirks.” Izuku shrugged and looked out a window they were passing. Soon they reached their destination and went to go sit down. In this class, both Izuku and Katsuki’s seats were right next to the windows. 
Katsuki had pointed out earlier in the year that they were sitting in the so-called “protagonist seats” like they were in some “shitty manga.” Izuku was rather fond of manga and anime but the ones he read or watched were mainly on All Might.
Soon the teacher walked in and the bell rang signaling all the students to go sit down. The teacher pulled out a stack of papers from his desk and walked to the front of the classroom. He held the stack of papers out in front of him.
"I would hand these out, but I know that all of you want to be heroes," the teacher said. He threw the pile of papers up in the air and the class went wild displaying their quirks. As soon as the chaos started someone spoke up.
“Don’t group me in with these extras sensei,” Katsuki sneered. The whole class went quiet and turned to stare at him. “I aced all the mock tests and I’m going to the best hero school in this country, UA." Izuku had his arms crossed on his desk, creating a cradle for his head. He was observing the chaos in the classroom and rolled his eyes when Katsuki spoke up. The class once again erupted into noise. The teacher just huffed and turned to Izuku.
"Midoriya, don’t you also want to go to UA?" the teacher questioned. Everyone turned in unison to stare at Izuku. It went from super loud to super quiet so fast Izuku had ringing in his ears. One kid who had an extremely long nose and hair covering his eyes broke the silence.
"How will he even be accepted into UA if they don't accept people without cats ?" The whole class started to mumble in agreement. Izuku had a spike of fear shoot through him but he clamped down on it fast and put up a placid facade. 
"You guys know I have a cat, right?" Izuku lied. "Also, they got rid of that rule." Many students raised their eyebrows at him or snickered.
"Sure," another kid said sarcastically. Izuku watched Katsuki get up from his desk and walk over to the poor student who said that. He slammed his hand onto the kid's desk and activated his quirk, burning the top of the desk.  The kid fell backwards out of his chair. The whole class and the teacher watched all of this happen with no interference.
"Whether Izuku has a cat or not doesn't matter,” Katsuki yelled at the student. “What matters is whether he is hero material unlike you shitty extras. UA will accept him whether they like it or not, so you can shut the fuck up about Izuku not having a cat!" Katsuki looked a little out of breath from going off on the student. Izuku got up and stepped in before Katsuki murdered the student.
"Katsuki, stop destroying the school's property before you get punished,” Izuku said. “You know you didn't have to defend me, right? I could beat them easily if I wanted to." The rest of the class sweatdropped and Katsuki backed off. The teacher looked slightly shaken at Katsuki’s outburst and was trying to compose himself before speaking.
"All right class, settle down," the teacher said with a slightly shaky voice. "Bakugo, Midoryia, please take your seats." Katsuki glared at the kid but took his seat reluctantly. Izuku noticed as they sat down there was a slight blush on Katsuki’s face.
Izuku was packing up, when Katsuki walked over and picked up Izuku's Hero Analysis for the Future book. 
"How much have you written since I last checked?" Katsuki asked while starting to page through it.
"Maybe about eight pages, if you count the stuff I added," Izuku replied while still packing. Katsuki looked back up from Izuku’s analysis book.
"How the fuck do you have so much time to do this with all our schoolwork?" Katsuki questioned. 
"I don't know," Izuku replied.
Katsuki walked over to the window to continue to look at Izuku's handy work. As soon as he looked back at the book, a bi-colored fur cat snatched it out of his hands and jumped onto his head. 
"Hey! Get back here you fucking cat!" Katsuki yelled as he swatted at the cat on top of his head. Izuku started to laugh. 
"Shut the fuck up, Deku!" Katsuki yelled at Izuku.
The cat jumped off Katsuki's head, freezing his hair in the process. The cat landed on Izuku's desk and dropped the notebook into his backpack. 
"You damn cat!" Katsuki screamed. He rushed at the cat on Izuku's desk. The cat just simply reached out it's left paw and froze Katsuki in a chunk of ice. 
"Wow, that was amazing, but please unfreeze Katsuki," Izuku said. The cat gave him a questioning look before turning to do so. 
As it was unfreezing Katsuki, Izuku asked the cat the question.
"Are you my cat?" Izuku sincerely hoped the answer was yes. The cat mewled in response. 
“I’m going to take that as a yes then. Well in that case, I'm going to name you Duality," Izuku said. A few seconds later Izuku heard the familiar screams of his friend.
"I'm going to kill that damn cat!" Katsuki screamed with a furious expression on his face.
"You can't, he's mine," Izuku said while trying to hold back a laugh.
"Ugrrr," Katsuki growled as he started to stalk out of the classroom with his weird little walk of his.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Izuku called after him. Katsuki looked back over his shoulder.
"Tch, then hurry up you shitty nerd," Katsuki called back. 
Izuku’s cat jumped on his shoulder just as he started to run after Katsuki. They walked out of the building and started towards their neighborhood. 
As they passed under a bridge, green sludge started to leak out of the sewage pipe behind them. It grabbed Izuku and started to choke him. Izuku was running out of air fast. He activated his quirk, Analysis. Analysis allowed Izuku to analyze whatever he is looking at or whatever situation he is in. Izuku’s brain idly thought that his quirk worked sort of like how a character on a pre-quirk era BBC show, called “Sherlock,” analyzed things.
He heard the familiar explosions and screaming of his friend. All of the sudden, Izuku felt the slide release its hold on him and just barely registered “idol” before he passed out. 
Izuku woke to All Might rapidly slapping him in the face and asking if he was ok. Izuku fanboy-ed as if he was meeting any other hero. This was the deal he made with his parents. He would pretend he didn't know them while they were in their hero personas, so Izuku wasn’t targeted by villains. Katuski stood to the side while Izuku was fanboying and when Izuku was done, Katsuki grumbled out if he could have All Might’s autograph. All Might happily obliged.
Before All Might could leave, Izuku asked him a question.
“Can someone without a quirk become a hero?” All Might looked at Izuku questioningly and spoke his answer.
“NO. It is too dangerous for them but they can find other helpful jobs such as a policeman or a firefighter.”
Well I guess I know where he stands on that opinion now, Izuku though sadly.
After All Might left, Izuku and Katsuki continued their walk home but Izuku stopped. He felt like he was forgetting something. He turned back around and saw his cat sitting on the sidewalk a few feet in front of him. It had a look of annoyance on its face as if saying, come on I want to go home. 
"Oh, come on Duality don't look at me like that," Izuku complained. "You know I couldn't do anything about it. I was practically trapped, and I was being suffocated. How would you react in a situation like that?" The cat just shook its head and Izuku heard Katsuki snicker. Izuku turned to look at him.
“Well what would you have done?” Izuku questioned. Katsuki continued to snicker.
“I would have blown the fucker to bits, is what I would have done, Deku,” Katsuki responded. Izuku rolled his eyes and they continued walking. 
Izuku and Katsuki were walking through an alley off a main road as it was a shortcut to their neighborhood. Izuku heard explosions behind him and he turned around only to realize that Katsuki wasn’t next to him. He looked up into the street and was shocked to see the same villain that attacked him earlier had Katsuki in its grasp. 
Izuku slowly walked to the end of the alleyway and started to observe the situation without his quirk. It seems that the only vulnerable spot on the villain was its eyes and mouth, he thought. He also noted that none of the heroes were doing anything. They shouted something about their quirks not being compatible with the villain's and that they had to wait for someone with a compatible quirk. Izuku scoffed.
He was going to do something as the heroes weren’t doing much of anything. Izuku contemplated if he should shove his backpack down the villain’s throat but decided against it as it was a waste of school materials and would be messy if the villain deactivated his quirk. He ran out of the alley and threw his backpack at the villain’s eye. This gave enough time for Katsuki to free his face from the sludge. 
“Deku what the fuck are you doing here!” Katsuki screamed. “I don’t need your fucking help!” Katsuki was still trying to get free from the sludge and was setting off explosions everywhere. This didn’t help Izuku too much as he was trying to pull Katsuki out of the sludge.
“Sure looked like you needed to breathe though,” Izuku half yelled over Katsuki’s explosions. Katsuki just scowled and continued to struggle to get himself out of the sludge.
Eventually All Might showed up and blew the sludge villain to pieces with a big punch. While the sludge pieces were being collected by the police, Izuku was getting scolded by the heroes on the scene minus All Might as he left very quickly. Izuku wasn’t really paying attention to what the heroes were saying. He looked over to where the media were praising Katsuki for his quirk and being so brave. He had a scowl on his face and looked like he wanted to blow them all up but chose to stay quite instead. 
“Hey kid, are you even listening?!” Death Arms scolded him. “That was a very dangerous thing you did.” Izuku snapped out of his thoughts and rolled his eyes at them.
“It’s not like you were going to do anything anyway,” Izuku retorted. 
“What do you mean?” Death Arms asked, confused.
“You were just standing there, waiting for a hero with a more compatible quirk to come.” Izuku started to rant. “What if a hero with a compatible quirk didn’t show up, huh? A civilian would have died and you would have just stood there and let it happen because your quirk wasn't compatible with the villains. You should have at least tried to rescue the civilian instead of focusing on stopping the villain. Unbelievable!” Izuku threw his hands up and huffed in frustration as he finished his rant. He turned his head to Katsuki. 
“Come on Katsuki, let’s go,” Izuku yelled over to him. Katsuki nodded his head, gave the media one last glare before walking over to Izuku. They started to walk back towards their neighborhood again. 
“Hey kid! Get back here!” Death Arms shouted after them. Izuku snorted and continued walking. 
Izuku and Katsuki finally split ways to go home. As soon as Izuku passed the next street, All Might popped out in front of him. Since Izuku was looking down at the road, he was surprised when “idol” showed up in front of him.
“Ahhh!” Izuku yelped. He looked around to make sure there was no one around. “Dad! What the hell?! Don’t do that to me!” Izuku sighed and started to walk away.
“Izuk-I mean young man!” All Might yelled after Izuku. The latter turned around, still walking.
“Dad, come on, let's get you somewhere, where you can deflate,” Izuku yelled back. He turned back around and All Might followed after him. Izuku led All Might to the back of a building where he deactivated his quirk. Afterwards, they walked to Dagobah Beach. 
“Izuku, why did you bring me here?” Toshinori asked. They were walking through the piles of trash that filled the beach.
“Because I had a feeling you needed to tell me something very private as you showed up to me  when I was alone on an empty street,” Izuku replied. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Izuku found an empty spot in the piles of garbage and sat down in the sand.
“You just about hit the nail on the head, Izuku,” Toshinori said. “I wanted to talk about my quirk and my place as the number one hero.” He sat down in the sand across from his son. Izuku had a questioning look on his face. Toshinori continued speaking. “I want you to be my successor. This means you will inherit my quirk and you will take up my mantle of the number one hero.” Izuku looked shocked and then slowly descended into mumblings about his father’s quirk and theories online. Toshinori put his hand on Izuku’s shoulder. Izuku snapped out of his mumbling and looked up at his father.  
“Why are you offering your quirk to me?” Izuku questioned. “Aren’t there other people more qualified to inherit it than me?” Toshinori rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground. 
“Well…” Toshinori started. “I was on my way to meet another candidate when the sludge villain showed up.” Izuku looked at his father with a “seriously?” look.
“So…” Izuku started speaking slowly. “You missed your meeting with this other candidate just to offer your quick to me instead of going to see if the other candidate is a better option.” Izuku said this as a statement instead of a question so he could spell it out to his blockhead of a father. 
“Uh, Yes?” Toshinori said hesitantly. Izuku sighed for what he felt was the tenth time that day. 
“When we get home, why don’t you call whoever offered up the other candidate, reschedule the meeting for tomorrow, as I’m assuming you missed the meeting for today, and tell them you found another candidate you would like to show them,” Izuku told Toshinori. The latter looked a little sheepish from his son having better management skills and impulse control than him. 
“Uh, yeah, I’ll do that,” Toshinori chuckled. “I’m going to call him here though, instead of at home, so you can go on ahead and i’ll catch up later.” Izuku nodded and stood up. He started walking out of the piles of trash towards his home and looked over his shoulder to wave goodbye to his dad. Toshinori waved back and then turned his attention to his phone. He tapped the call button on his previous sidekick’s contact. 
“Hello All Might” Nighteye said rather coldly when he picked up. Toshinori gulped but pressed forward. 
“Hello Nighteye. I’m sorry I missed today’s meeting, but I found another possible candidate. Can I come in tomorrow with him so we can assess both of them?” Toshinori asked nervously. Nighteye was silent for a few seconds. Toshinori gulped again.
“Yes,” Nighteye said slowly. “Let’s see who your choice of a successor is.”
Profile: Izuku Yagi 
Quirk: Quirkless (Previously)
           Analysis (Currently)
Description: Heightens Izuku’s analysis ability and makes his eyes glow slightly
Personality: Laid back and hard to anger. He is generally nice to everybody and easy to make friends with 
Hobbies: Writing notes about heroes in his Hero Analysis for the Future book, training his quirk, his physical strength, and his flexibility 
Name: Duality
Appearance: Has Bi-colored fur with red colored fur on the right and white colored fur on the left. Has heterochromia in his eyes, brown on the left and blue on the right. 
Quirk: Half hot, Half cold 
Inko Yagi
Relationship: Mother
Quirk: Telekinesis 
Profession: Hero 
Hero Name: The Telekinetic Hero: Terekin. It's the shortened version of Terekineshisu (Tear-e-kin-e-si-su), which is telekinesis in Japanese
 Toshinori Yagi
Relationship: Father
Quirk: One for All (Previously Quirkless) 
Profession: Hero 
Hero Name: All Might 
A/N: Analysis is an intelligence based quirk and as you saw, Izuku can activate and deactivate it at will unlike Nezu, who can't turn his quirk off. If you can't picture what Izuku's quirk is like for him, It's like how Sherlock analyzes things in the BBC TV show "Sherlock." If you haven't watched "Sherlock" lookup Sherlock analyzing things on YouTube
Thanks for reading! I hoped you enjoyed it. Please be nice, this is my first fanfic and i'm nervous about posting this. Constructive criticism is always welcome. The next chapter won't be out for a while or maybe not, idk.
Signing off,
0 notes
Art Credits
Header by @EmicoOtero on Twitter
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Short Story: Compounds & Friendship
DO NOT USE THIS STORY OR ITS CHARACTERS UNLESS YOU CREDIT ME!  If you want to use the setting or some of my characters please ask or credit me. Thank you!
Warnings: Slight cursing and slight violence with weapons
Katsumi Akuma woke up to the sound of alarms going off. Everyone was rushing around, grabbing their important belongings, and running out the dorm part of the compound. Katsumi gathered all her belongings in a rush. Why are the alarms going off? She thought. I don’t see or hear any sign of attack. Once she had all her belongings secured, she managed to stop someone.
“What’s happening?” Katsumi asked the partly familiar person. “Why are the alarms going off?”
The semi familiar person Katsumi asked had dark brown hair and eyes. She was wearing a black shirt with grey cargo pants, which was Teikou's standard issue uniform. She also had a rare, black leather jacket tied around her waist. The girl looked at Katsumi like she was crazy. She started to push past Katsumi, but then an explosion rocked the compound. The girl paused and looked at Katsumi.
“There’s your answer,” the dark haired girl answered as she joined the mob of people. Katsumi still didn’t know exactly who was attacking, but she took the explosion as a warning to get out of the compound and join the rushing crowd.
She followed standard protocol which was to keep silent and move as fast as you can. In case of an emergency, all residents had designated Teikou compounds to go to if their compounds were ever attacked. The compound they were currently fleeing was the Kyoto compound. Katsumi’s assigned emergency compound was the Tokyo compound.
In most people’s opinion, the Tokyo compound was the most dangerous as it was the closest to the Akuyaku’s base. That’s probably because it was the most dangerous, but Katsumi didn’t mind. She liked danger and fighting. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t cleared for fighting; however, she would be soon. She was very close to completing her training as a front line fighter. Katsumi huffed as she made her way over to the group that was headed to the Tokyo compound.
The people in the compound were split between each person’s usefulness. The people most proficient at fighting were mostly sent to the more dangerous compounds in the middle of Japan. A few of these fighters were sent to each group going to the less dangerous parts of Japan. The people who weren’t proficient at fighting were split evenly between each group.
The Tokyo group would be traveling with the people bound for the Nagoya compound, as it was on their way to the Tokyo compound. The Tokyo group would spend the night there before continuing to head to Tokyo. Katsumi was excited to go outside as she hadn't been above ground since she joined Teikou.
Another explosion rocked the compound, and their superiors yelled at everyone to hurry up as they would be leaving in one minute. Katsumi watched her compound mates scramble to get into their designated groups. She turned to face her group leader who instructed everyone to start moving.
While they walked through the tunnels to the outside, Kastumi spotted a familiar person. She walked to the front of the group and poked the dark haired girl in the back. The dark haired girl turned her head towards Katsumi.
“Hey,” Katsumi said. “I never got your name from earlier.” The dark haired girl looked incredulously at Katsumi. Katsumi wondered what she did this time to offend this girl.
“Are you serious?” The girl asked. Katsumi laughed nervously
“What?” Katsumi replied.
“You seriously don’t remember me?” The girl asked.
“No?” Katsumi rubbed the back of her neck.
“Are you kidding me! I sat next to you in class and I was your sparring partner!” The girl practically yelled. She threw her hands in front of her in exclamation and let them fall back down to her sides.
“Ooohhh, that’s why you look familiar,” Katsumi laughed. The dark haired girl facepalmed and groaned.
“I still didn’t get your name though,” Katsumi said.
“It’s Yumiko Mizuki,” Yumiko replied.
As the group neared the Nagoya compound, they came across some Akuyaku goons. Some of the younger fighters, such as Katsumi, wanted to take the group out, but their superiors said it would alert the Akuyaku to where the compound was. So, the Teikou group scurried around the Akuyaku goons and made their way into the tunnels of the Nagoya compound.
Closer to the middle of the compound, they were stopped by two guards with makeshift masks on their faces. The group separated in two and went in different directions. The Tokyo group was brought to a secluded dorm area in the compound and were told not to leave unless told so by another soldier.
The dorms were set up as twin size bunk beds in rows covering the whole room. There were two bathrooms on opposite sides of the room. One for males and one for females. Both bathrooms had changing stalls, toilets, showers, and sinks. Before the guard could leave, Katsumi stopped them.
“Why do you have masks on?” Katsumi asked. The guard looked uncomfortable and glanced to the side before answering.
“We have an epidemic in the compound and we don’t have a cure for it,” the guard replied. “It’s killing a lot of people in the compound and we are grateful for the new arrivals, even if they come from a destroyed compound.” The guard finished speaking and quickly walked out of the dorms.
Katsumi made her way to an empty bunk and chose the bottom bed. Katsumi unpacked her book from her sniper rifle bag, to keep her entertained until dinner came. Dinner came and went, and Katsumi laid down on her back and continued to read. She was so engrossed in her book that she didn’t hear Yumiko come up next to her bed. She bent down next to Katsumi’s ear.
“Boo!” Yumiko yelled. Katsumi flailed her arms and legs, book still in hand, and somehow fell off the other side of the bed. She picked herself off the floor and looked at the book on the ground.
“What the fuck, Yumiko!” Katsumi exclaimed. “You made me lose where I was in my book!” Katsumi picked the book up off the ground and brushed it off. Yumiko looked at Katsumi like she had lost it.
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Yumiko smirked. Katsumi let out a sigh and looked toward the ceiling. Her eyes passed the bunk above her and made it to the ceiling. As she immediately looked back to the bunk above her, she locked eyes with someone staring at her. Katsumi yelped. The person fell back against her bed laughing.
“Hey!” Katsumi yelled. “That’s not funny! You have someone staring at you from above like a fucking creep!” The person just kept on laughing. Katsumi looked across the bed to Yumiko. She looked like she was trying to hold back a laugh,
“It’s not funny!” Katsumi yelled again. Yumiko couldn’t contain her laughter anymore and burst out laughing. Katsumi groaned and threw herself onto her bed face first. Katsumi heard the person in the bunk above her climb down the ladder and poke her leg.
“Are you going to turn over so we can have an actual chat?” the person asked. Katsumi just groaned in response.
“Come on, be nice,” Yumiko said as she prodded Katsumi’s side. Katsumi groaned out a “fine” and rolled over. The stranger who was standing next to Yumiko had shoulder length-dyed green hair with the roots showing at the top of their head. They had dark blue eyes and were wearing Teikou’s standard uniform. They also had a purple hoodie over their grey black shirt.
“Hello! My name is Kazumi Wakana,” Kazumi stated. Yumiko introduced herself and Katsumi. Just as they were done with introductions, their superior yelled at them to go to bed as they were getting up early to travel to the Tokyo compound.
“Well, goodnight you two,” Kazumi said. “We can talk more tomorrow.” Yumiko bid a goodnight and Katsumi hummed in response. She sat up for a second to put her book away, take her shoes off, and climb under the covers. She drifted off to sleep before the lights even went off.
Katsumi woke when breakfast came. She was slow to get out of bed, so there weren't too many breakfast options. Once she had eaten, she went back to her bed to pick up her sniper rifle bag. As Katsumi neared the door where everyone was waiting to go, she managed to avoid her torturers from the night before and continued to evade them for three days. On the fourth night, they were attacked by a group of about 100 bandits who had decent fighting skills. Katsumi was behind a rock setting up her sniper rifle. This is when Yumiko and Kazumi decided it was an appropriate time to try and talk to Katsumi. Kazumi and Yumiko walked up directly behind Katsumi.
“So what’s up?” Kazumi asked. Katsumi rounded on Kazumi with a handgun pointed straight at their head.
“Whoa, ok,” Kazumi said, putting their hands up next to their head. Katsumi groaned and holstered her handgun. She turned back around and continued to set up her sniper rifle.
“So you're not going to talk to us?” Yumiko questioned. “Even though we are right here and you’ve been avoiding us for days?” Katsumi replied with a “yup” popping the P, as she finished setting up her sniper gun.
“Why?” Yumiko asked again. She walked closer to Katsumi and put a hand on her shoulder. Katsumi rounded on Yumiko and slapped Yumiko’s hand off her shoulder.
“Are you guys really doing this right now?” Katsumi yelled. “I can’t believe you two! We are in the middle of a fight and you want to go over why I haven’t been talking to you! Unbelievable!” Katsumi pointed at Yumiko. “You should be up high and have a good vantage point, shooting the bandits with your bow!” Katsumi turned to look at Kazumi. “And you should be down there,” Katsumi pointed to the ground where their group made camp. “cutting up bandits with your sword! But nooooo, you came up to me to talk about your friendship problems!” Katsumi spat the last words out and turned back to her sniper rifle and shot until she ran out of bullets. She then pulled out a knife from her bag and made her way down into the fray.
Yumiko and Kazumi just stared after her and watched her fight until the battle was over. They both silently picked up Katsumi’s sniper rifle and bag the best they could and carried it back to camp.
The next day Yumiko and Kazumi found Katsumi in the front of their group walking with their group leader. “Hey, Katsumi could we talk about yesterday?” Kazumi asked. Katsumi glanced over at them with a scowl on her face and looked back ahead. Their superior nudged Katsumi and gave her a pointed stare. Katsumi looked annoyed.
“Fine, but we aren’t talking up here,” Katsumi stated. The three of them fell to the back of the group. They walked in silence, both Yumiko and Kazumi looked to the ground guilty.
“Kastumi, we’re really sorry,” Yumiko spoke, breaking the silence. “We shouldn’t have tried to talk to you in the midst of a fight. We should have been focused on the battle and because we did nothing we lost a couple of friends.” It was silent for a minute until Yumiko nuged Kazumi in the arm.
“Um, yeah,” Kazumi stammered. “I thought it would be a good idea because you were alone and you had already set up your sniper rifle so you couldn’t move. We’re also sorry for standing about like idiots after you went off on us.” It was silent for a while before someone spoke again.
“I’m sorry for going off on you like that,” Katsumi apologized. “I shouldn’t have done that and I also shouldn't have evaded you after we left the Nagoya compound. It was rude of me. Also, thank you for picking up my sniper rifle and my bag.” Katsumi looked at the ground and rubbed the back of her neck. Yumiko and Kazumi looked shocked. Katsumi looked up at Yumiko and Kazumi.
“Why do you look shocked?” Katsumi asked with confusion coloring her tone. Yumiko and Kazumi laughed.
“What?” Katsumi asked again. “Did I miss something funny?” Yumiko and Kazumi’s laughter slowly stopped as they caught their breath.
“You missed nothing,” Kazumi replied. “We were just surprised you apologized because in class you always seemed so cold and dismissive.” It was Katsumi’s turn to be shocked and then her expression morphed from shock to an apologetic smile.
“So we’re good now?” Yumiko asked. Katsumi nodded.
“Yup, you might even say we’re friends,” Katsumi replied. Kazumi had a mock expression of shock on their face.
“Oh my gosh!” Kazumi said in mock amazement. “Can you believe it Yumiko! We are considered friends of the great Katsumi Akuma!” Yumiko followed Kazumi and fake gushed over being friends with “The Great Katsumi Akuma.”
“Watch it you two, you’re pushing it,” Katsumi growled. Yumiko and Kazumi cowered in fake fear and then all three of them dissolved into laughter.
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