writing406 · 3 years
Cliff Hanger Stories
 His eyes were cold and lifeless as he stared at me. “You have no idea who I am, do you?” Was I supposed to? “Forgive me” he continued, “everything must appear so different after the accident”.
“What accident?”, I was perplexed. What is one supposed to do when a mysterious person suddenly turns up at their favorite bookstore and claims they know you?
“Oh dear, my mistake. I must be going now.”, he turned to make his escape but I wasn’t finished with this conversation...no matter how terrified I actually was. I pulled out my taser (strictly for pervert assault, but I felt the situation may require it).
“Not so fast mister-”    he cut me off, “Mister? Such lovely formalities, but we did grow up together. It’s nice to Marcy taught you some manners, although I don’t think she ever taught you to tase every stranger you met.”
I lowered my weapon, “Dude, I have no clue who you are! You were following me all around the store. You were one table – ONE! You were one table away from me in the café and you would not stop staring at me! I believe you owe me some answers buddy! Starting with who the hell, you are, and who the hell Marcy is!” I shouldn’t have lowered the taser so quickly.
Mystery man acted quick and snagged it out of my hand and pinned me against the wall. “WHAT THE FUCK MAN!” I struggled but it was of no use, he was stronger and I was stuck. “Misty, Misty, Misty; when will you learn?” Then he poked me in the side. “Ack! WHAT?” he smiled. “You haven’t changed a bit”.
If I wasn’t angry before, I definitely am now, “Dude, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? YOU CAN’T JUST- LIKE YOU CAN’T- UGH! WHAT IS YOUR ACTUAL DEAL MAN, LIKE-” I was stumbling, we had done a complete 180 from what we were talking about and the poke didn’t even lighten the conversation, it just made things so weird. He was smiling now, seemingly waiting for me to finish my pointless rant. “AND ANOTHER THING! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE! YOU WERE STALKING ME AND EXPECTED ME TO KNOW A STALKER AND THEN GOT PISSED WHEN I DIDN’T and oh, now you’re being smug and laughing at me. I ought to actually tase you! Like seriously, what the fuck?”
He finally let me go and said “Come on Misty, there’s a lot for you to learn”. The way he said it sent chills down my back. For one, my name is Amethyst, and secondly; my sister Vanessa only called me Misty, and she’s dead.
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writing406 · 3 years
           What does love mean? Love is an idea. Love is gradually growing together. Love is.... complicated. Love is screaming and crying; frustratedly trying to understand you and/or your partner but continually not giving up because you know you can fix it, because you love each other. Love is lying awake at night simply thinking about the way your partner makes you feel. Love is cotton candy sweet kisses and warm cuddling hugs. Love is never giving up, constantly believing in yourself and others. Love is gifts and surprises – not for selfish reasons, no – but to see the pure joy and happiness on your partner’s face and in their eyes when they see what you’ve done out of love, because your gift is seeing them happy.
What is love but a concept? A label? People do selfish things out of love. Lying. Cheating. “I couldn’t lose you, so you’ll stay, whether you’d like it or not”. Sociopathic abuse. Domestic abuse. All in the name of love? Absolutely not love. The very idea that something so pure could be mangled and twisted into something so poisonous is astounding. An excuse to cover up the need to control, and replace it with “love”.
Love is little conversations right before bed that make the heart melt. Love is patience and understanding. Love is calm and kindness; the kind of thing that some have yet to understand. Saying “I love you” purely because they should. Love takes time, it constantly needs to be worked with to keep it healthy and unharmed. Love is difficult, it was never meant to be easy, but the mere fact that we fall in love so easily shows that we’re ready to make that jump.
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