johannestevans · 2 days
i know it's the same late-stage capitalism grift but i'm just so tired of everything being so anti-personalisation and anti-customisation.
everything has to be kept in good enough nick to resell to some stranger, and your touch being known on whatever it is degrades its value
i buy so many vintage clothes where i can see repairs from twenty years ago, most of the furniture i buy is 50, 100, 150 years old because it's so much better than anything newer, but also like... it's patterned. it's decorated. it's not soulless shite in landlord's colours
idk i've hung up 15 pieces of art in my apartment the past few weeks, when it's "complete" i'll probs have up a hundred or so pieces to cover the walls, i want a standing piano, i want blankets, quilting, i want comfort with my antique furnishing and art
sometimes people assume that because a piece of my furniture is a century or two old it must be So Expensive, but in reality i buy it for literally like, a sixth or a tenth of the equivalent unit, uglier, less well-constructed, new, BECAUSE it's old and LOOKS old.
it's not that no one appreciates antiques anymore, even, i don't actually believe, it's that no one's ALLOWED to - even if it was easy to move the furniture back and forth in a car they don't own to an apartment full of their shitty landlord's furniture they can't get rid of
everything has to be kept attractive enough for an invisible viewer's approval, has to be Fashionable and Saleable enough, whether that means TikTokable or appropriate for their work or a landlord or whatever other bullshit
and the older i get the more technophobic i am because i like certain specific things but everything is so fucking invasive and so hostile to everything about individuality EXCEPT for the vulnerabilities in an individual that might make them easier to advertise and sell to
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ghost-bxrd · 3 days
For your "what your longing for you claim to abhor" au do you think damian would get into squabbles about having to share Jason? What do you think the other bats feel about Damians closness with Jason? Oooh! Alfred vs Ra's !!
Absolutely! Damian would need frequent reassurances from Jason that he’s still his favorite little brother, lest he start trying to dispose of Tim for real. Dami is very possessive 😂😭
The others don’t really know what to make of Dami being so familiar with Jason. True to this fic’s fashion, they keep drawing the wrong conclusions instead of just asking about it. They’re very concerned this is another of Talia/Ra’s schemes, and that Damian is somehow Jason’s son with either of them. (When Jason finds out about that particular theory he laughs so hard he spills tea all over himself)
Alfred vs Ra’s would be the most sophisticated battle of wits ever. Ra’s knows he’s not allowed to disrespect the “help”, Jason was very firm on this rule, but what is he supposed to do when the help disrespects him?!
Meanwhile Alfred, absolutely convinced along with all the others that Ra’s did unspeakable things to Jason, handing the guy an obviously poisoned cup of tea.
“Jason informed me that you take yours with one cube of brown sugar. Naturally, I made sure to prepare it exactly the right way for someone like you” 😌
Ra’s, repeating a “must not kill or daughter AND grandson will make my life hell” in his head like a mantra: “I am very tempted to drink this.”
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words-at-night · 21 hours
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werewolfbarista · 3 days
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im so glad u guys care it . here's it and its tail (guilty) (DOES bites)
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I always think of Severus when I listen to anything written by Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath. It’s almost like the music was made especially for him.
What music do you listen to that makes you think of him or muse on him when you hear it?
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themosthatedbeingg · 3 days
“i don’t know what's scarier: the fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart, or that sometimes, i just wanna let ’em.”
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always-coffee · 3 days
Come as you are.
Stay as you as like.
This is the essence of how I invite people into my life. I love knowing someone beyond just the surface, and I want them to feel welcome and at ease.
So much of the world tends to be harsh. (If I am, feed me. I probably forgot to eat.) But in truth, I aim to be a soft place to land. I think steadiness is so important in a chaotic world. I think love is sometimes the only answer to things, damn the question.
I put my heart into everything. Everything I do. Every relationship I care about. This is not the safe thing. It's not the easy thing. But it is the honest thing. It's the most me thing.
I'm not invincible by any means. I have been hurt more than I'd care to talk about. But I'd rather take a risk than wonder. I'd rather ask the question than let the silence eat my heart.
These days, I gravitate toward those who make me feel calm and at ease. Just this weird clicking into place that I don't understand, but I don't really need to. It's a strange and remarkable feeling.
At the end of the day, this: come as you are, stay as you like.
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teabree-shark · 3 days
Corporate pride really gets me down
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metis-metis · 2 days
If ever anyone did a lie detector test on me and asked me why I chose to become an archaeologist, I would be fucked.
Did I do it because I really want to travel and work out in hot countries? Fuck no, I pass out in anything above 20°.
Did I do it because I want to contribute to our understanding of the ancient world? Not really, no.
Did I do it because I’m low-key nosey and deeply autistic about it? Maybe?
Did I do it because if time travel is ever invented, six year old me is gonna be super fucking impressed and think I’m the coolest person ever? Absolutely yes, I did do that.
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johannestevans · 2 days
Bounty hunter who spends a lot of his time hunting down runaway mages, specialising in capturing and subduing magic users - once he has them, slides a thick cock-shaped gag down their throat to keep them from casting, then plugs their other holes with similarly thick, long toys.
The things vibrate in response to magic - in any mage of particular power they immediately become active, making it hard for them to concentrate on anything but that
As soon as they start to gather magic in an attempt to cast they vibrate far harder, breaking their concentration
Often arrives back to the palace or to the university with half a dozen subdued mages wailing in the back of his cart, piled up, each of them bound and naked, soaked with sweat and exhausted from every orgasm they've had since being taken captive
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ghost-bxrd · 3 days
While we're on the topic of non human / supernatural AUs...
Any takes on demon Batfam?
I'm doing a series with everyone except Bruce being a demon of some sort...
Death herald Dick (in some lore the Robin birds are psychopomps...), incubus Jason, Exorcist Bruce etc.
Of course, morality wise I'm going off the Indian than western lore of demons - basically just another species, as likely to be good or bad as humans...
Not any particular thoughts other than the big brainstorming session a while ago about demons I had with @cyrwrites ✨
But in general I love depicting incubi/succubi as cuddle bugs who need a lot of physical affection and contact with their clan members to thrive.
And a death herald, in case they work a little like how a Banshee works… well, I guess Dick would know of Jason’s death shortly before it would occur. Wonder if he could manage to save him…
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septemberkisses · 5 months
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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werewolfbarista · 3 days
The Markiplierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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katy-l-wood · 3 months
Don't get me wrong, I don't give two shits about the English Royal Family, but this PR crisis they're in right now is just wild. Every time you think they're done digging themselves deeper, they haul another bucket of shit up from the bottom of the well they're in.
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389 · 4 months
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Musings from Anna Fusco
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humunanunga · 8 months
You can believe in magic, but watch out.
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